Basic GAD Concepts

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Basic Concepts

Marita Castillo Pimentel

National GAD Resource Pool (Batch 1)
Philippine Commission on Women

National GAD Resource Program

Philippine Commission on Women
Flow of discussion
Foundational concepts
• Sex and Gender
• Socialization of power (and
Directional requirements
• Gender mainstreaming
How What • Manifestations of Gender Bias

(is GAD)
(to do GAD)

(implement GAD) Essential instrumentalities
• Compliance to requirements
• Commitment to principles
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
• Obligations to development
Foundational Concepts of

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Philippine Commission on Women
• Development PERSPECTIVE and PROCESS that is
• Participatory and empowering
• Equitable
• Sustainable
• Free from violence
• Respectful of human rights
• Actualization of human potentials
• Seeks to achieve GENDER EQUALITY as a FUNDAMENTAL value that
SHOULD be reflected in development CHOICES
• Contends that women are ACTIVE AGENTS of development
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
- biological differences
between women and men
- permanent and universal. “Gender”
- socially constructed
- social relations between
women and men
- the relationship between
women and men, girls and
- Gender roles are dynamic and
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Womenchange over time.
Gender socialization
is the process by
which individuals are
informed about
norms, traditions,
associated in our
assigned sex usually
during our childhood
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Philippine Commission on Women
Agents/Institutions of Socialization

• Manipulation • Religious • Formal • Portrayals • Laws

• Canalization teachings curriculum • Narratives • Policies
• Verbal • Declaration • Hidden • Images • Commitments
Appellation and curriculum • Actors and Principles
• Activity interpretations • Absent • Decision
Exposure of faith based curriculum makers
• Institutional
structures and
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Philippine Commission on Women
POWER and/in relationships/roles etc.

“Power over”- one’s ability to dominate others, to

make them do what you want.
POWER “Power to” - one’s ability to act on his/her own.
Intellect, resources, and knowledge are among the
sources of such power.

“Power with” - one’s ability to cooperate with others

to accomplish something.

“Power within”- is related to person’s sense of self

worth and self knowledge, it includes the ability to
National GAD Resource Program recognize individual differences. It allows people to
Philippine Commission on Women
recognize their “power to” and “power with”
Sex Roles and Gender Roles

Sex Roles
General set of expectations attached to
being a man / woman.

Gender Roles
Learned behaviors in a given
society/community, or other special
group, that condition which activities and
responsibilities are perceived as male
and female.
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
Poll Questions
1. Pumapasok ako sa opisina dahil kailangan kong kumita.
Yes (kailangan ko ang pera)
No (hindi ko kailangan ang pera)
2. Kasama sa aking mga inaalagaan bilang dependent ay (pwede ang multiple answers)
• Anak
• Magulang
• Kaanak na PWD
• At iba ba i.e._________
3. Sa iyong palagay, kapag may pangangailangan ang anak (i.e. nagkasakit, may
meeting sa school, etc.) at parehong nagtratrabaho ang magulang, sino ang MAS
DAPAT mag-leave / o lumiban sa trabaho para mag-alaga?
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Pareho dapat mag leave
Philippine Commission on Women
The world of WORK
Productive Role - Involves producing goods
and services for consumption and trade. (i.e.
paid work)

Reproductive Role - Involves care and maintenance

of the household and its members - including
bearing and caring for children, food preparation,
water, fuel collection, shopping, housekeeping,
family care.(i.e. unpaid work, invisible in the

Community Role - Involves the collective

organizations of social events and services. Involves
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women considerable volunteer. (i.e. volunteer as “who is
free to attend”)
Manifestations of Gender Bias
Gender stereotypes
Stereotyping if you say that men are better than women,
Preconceived ideas whereby you're stereotyping all men and all women. If
females and males are you say that all women like to cook, you are
arbitrarily assigned stereotyping women.
characteristics and roles
determined and limited by Sexual orientation stereotypes are also
their gender. common These stereotypes occur when you
have negative views on gays, lesbians, and
transgender individuals. People who have
these negative views are often known as
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
Manifestations of Gender Bias
Process of pushing a particular group or groups
of people to the edge of society by not allowing
them an active voice, identity, or place in it.

Act of giving someone or something
less importance of power.

National GAD Resource Program

Philippine Commission on Women
Manifestations of Gender Bias
Multiple Burden
A term used to describe the situation of
women who perform paid work outside the
domestic sphere as well as homemaking and
child-care work inside the home. .

 Male spouses with wives working outside localities failed to perform

parental responsibilities due to lack of knowledge on parenting.

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Philippine Commission on Women
Gender Based Violence

Unequal power
relationships Any harmful act
GBV involves based on that is
the abuse of socially perpetrated
power. ascribed against a
gender person’s will.

Often used interchangeably with the term

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“Violence against women”
Philippine Commission on Women
Why implement GAD?

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• GAA: GAD Budget =5%++,
• International :
• MDGs to SDGs
• National :
• PH Constitution, MCW etc (Women as equal partner in
Nation Building)
• PPGD (1995-2025) (Women’s Empowerment and Gender
• Ambisyon Natin 2040 (Pamilyang Pilipino:
• PDP 2016-2022 (Malasakit, Pagbabago, Patuloy na Pag-

• Gender equality
• Participatory governance
• Inclusive growth
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Philippine Commission on Women
• Freedom from hunger and poverty
• Just and humane society
DEVELOPMENT Development should thus
• increase the availability and widen
• Development aims at the distribution of basic life-
the fulfillment of sustaining
three basic human goods…food,shelter,clothing
needs: • raise levels of living not only in terms
• the ability to provide of increased income but also better
for basic necessities; education and greater attention to
• the ability to humanistic and cultural values that
become persons enhance self-esteem; and
with identity, dignity • expand the range of social and
and self-esteem; and economic choices of individuals by
• the exercise of freeing them from servitude and
freedom and dependence not only in relation to
responsibility. other people but also from the
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
forces of ignorance and human
misery. (PCW,2005)
Role of Government Agencies
1. Human Development and Poverty Reduction- improve quality of life of people through broad-based
approach in the delivery of services
• Protection of the marginalized and vulnerable sectors; promotion of equal gender opportunities in all
spheres of public policies and programs
2. Participatory Governance-enhance citizen’s participation in gov’tal processes
• (i.e. Empowerment and equal participation in decision making in all levels of governance)
3. Economic Development -on the promotion of rapid, inclusive, and sustained economic growth.
• Deep and wide distribution of economic opportunities, jobs that empower people
• (i.e. Economic opportunities for women, equal value of labor, participation on decision making)
4. Infrastructure- Build, Build,Build for the 10pt socio-econ agenda
• Equitable access to infra services (i.e. Gender sensitive and gender responsive infrastructures)
5. Security, Justice and Peace- preservation of national sovereignty and rule of law, promotion and
protection of human rights
• (i.e. Promotion and protection of women’s rights, women’s equal access, opportunities, participation
and decision making in peace processes)
6. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation-conservation and protection of the natural environment
• Inclusive,
National GAD people-centered, sector wide (i.e. women access to, participation and decision making)
Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
How do we do GAD in the

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Philippine Commission on Women
Gender Mainstreaming
• Gender mainstreaming as the strategy
• Major global strategy for ensuring that the government pursues
gender equality in all aspects of the development process
• Look more comprehensively at the relationships between men and
women in their access and control over resources, decision making,
and benefits and rewards
• Necessitates the transformation of institutional structures, culture
and practices

National GAD Resource Program

Philippine Commission on Women
Gender Gender
Gender Gender Gender Gender FAIR/ ACCOUN-

Failure to Ability to view Aim at Being GR is a State of equal Obligation and

recognize the society from understanding perspective that ease of access to responsibility on the
roles and the perspective and taking into requires process resources and part of state
responsibilities of gender roles account the of overcoming opportunities structures and public
of women and and understand societal and historical gender regardless of officials to
men ascribe to how this had cultural factors biases. gender, including • implement gender
• GR plans econ, political, mainstreaming
or imposed affected involved in
and cultural and
upon by social, women’s needs gender based integrate
• achieve gender
cultural, in comparison exclusion and measures to • state of
equality policy
economic and to the needs of discrimination in promote GE valuing
objectives and
political men public and private and WE different • be answerable in
behaviors, the event of
aspirations failure to meet
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women and needs objectives


National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
Foundational concepts
• Sex and Gender
• Biological vis a vis social
• Institution of socialization
• power and discrimination
• Manifestations of Gender Bias
• Stereotyping
• Multiple burden
Directional requirements • Marginalization
• Gender mainstreaming • Subordination
How What • GBV
Essential instrumentalities
• GeRL (to do GAD)
(is GAD) • Compliance to requirements
• GAA and COA
• Commitment to principles
• M/SDGs to Ambisyon to PDPs
(implement GAD)
• Obligations to development
• Empowering
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
• Inclusive
• Just and Humane
What should be done?

National GAD Resource Program

Philippine Commission on Women
Make it OUR story.

National GAD Resource Program

Philippine Commission on Women
Maraming salamat

National GAD Resource Program

Philippine Commission on Women
1145 J. P. Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila 1005 Philippines
Telephone No. +632.8735.1654 | Facsimile No. +632.8736.4449 PCWgovph CommissionOnWomenPH

National GAD Resource Program

Philippine Commission on Women

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