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B.Tech. (Agril. Engineering)

TITLE : Computer Programming and Data Structure
Semester : I (New) Year : 2020-21
Course No. : BS-COMP-111 Credits : 1+1
Title : Computer Programming & Total Marks : 40
Data Structures.

Date: : 22nd June, 2021 Time : 2 Hours

(10.00 AM to 12.00)
Note: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Take suitable data for examples.

1. The Student should write down the answer paper on the ruled paper sheet in his/her handwriting.
2. The Student should put his name, Id No., date, signature, email-id and total number of pages used for answer
book on his answer book.
3. The Student should keep on his/her video camera ON, while writing the paper.
4. Student should put his signature on each page of answer book at the bottom.
5. After completion of the examination time, student should send the scaned copy in pdf format to Course
Teacher Email Id (use your institutional Email ID

1. Write a program to check the given number is ODD or EVEN. (10)

2. Write a program to find the largest of three given numbers A, B, C. (15)

3. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using function. (15)

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