Amazing Planet

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The story introduces the character of Professor Jameson and the alien race called the Zoromes. It also describes some of the popular science fiction characters and stories from the past.

The story is about Professor Jameson, who was revived by the alien race called the Zoromes after being dead for 40 million years. He travels with the Zoromes to explore other planets.

Professor Jameson and the Zoromes travel to a planet with two suns, where all the Zoromes die in an accident. Professor Jameson's ship is also damaged and gets stuck in orbit around the planet and the two suns.

A Classic Reprint from AMAZING STORIES, February 1932

Introduction by


the Plan et of the


HERE is no denying the pop- eluding Buck Rogers, Adam

Tularity of the "series" story, Link, John W. Campbell's Arcot,
particularly when they center , Wade And Morey and Edward
about a fascinating pivotal char- E. Smith's Seaton, Crane and
acter. No greater testimonials to DuQuesne. Certainly most fa-
the acceptance of the "series" vored by the readers was the re-
story can be offered than the markable Professor Jameson, a
past success of entire magazines character who debuted in the
built around such talented he- July, 1931 issue of AM · ZING
roes as Doc Savage, The Shad- STORIES in The Jameson ate!
ow, Nick Carter and Operator lite. That story is notable on
Five. two counts; it introduced the
Science fiction has no dearth Zoromes, a strange race of spocP
of characters that possess this adventurers with flesh and blood
wide appeal. Back in the heydey brains in metal bodies, and it
of the dime novel, Frank Reade, presented one of the early stor-
Jr. and Jack Wright invented ies of the earth satellite. It '1,id
aircraft, submwrines and tanks not, however, establish Profes-
on a weekly schedule. Second sor Jameson's popw,arity, doing
only in popularity to Sherlock little more than set the stage.
Holmes, among A. Conan Doyle's The second story, The Planet of
inspired characterizations was the Double Sun, was the one
Professor Challenger who really responsible for eliciting a
ranged so effectively through the strong response of approval.
epics of The Lost World and The Seemingly immortal, his hu-
Poison Belt. man brain in a metal body, Pro-
AMAZING STORIES has been the fessor Jameson, once an eMfh
birth place of a number of popu- man, would now explore the im i-
lar science fiction characters, in- verse with the Zoromes. And
Copuright 1931 b11 T eck Pttbliahing Corp.
what he f ound was sev eral c-uts essentially a m urder mystery.
above the ordinary run of ad- The resear ch for the culprit
venture. With all their advanced and the perils along the way,
~cience and their metal bodies provide s uspense t hat augments
the Zoromes were f a1· f rom im-· the various on t he strange
mortal and before they departed w or ld.
from The Planet of t he Double T he mom entu.m provided bM
S un, their existence as a f unc- The Planet of the Double Sun
tioning unit would be considera- was to a great degree responsi-
bly in question. ble f 01· carrying the Professor
I n this story the reader will Jameson series through 21 pub-
find elements of the ps ychology lished stories w hich ended ju~t
th at made Isaac A simov's mas- about 20 years after the publica-
terpiece Nightfall so effect ive, t ion of the first in 1931. This re-
thoug h there is no direct link or printing provides the opportw-
infi,uen,ce between the two tales. nity f or the modern reader to
Th e s-pecial succ ss of Ne il R. experience some element of tlu
Jones also bear s a corollary to "se ries" magic, which has in-
A s ·r:1,ov's, since in this instance, f ected countless readers of all
The Planet of the Double Sun is types for generations.

The Machine Men of Zor his corpse would withstand the

rigors of time eternal. His fu.

stood in the fore of the space
neral rocket had become a satel·
lite of the earth, a cosmic coffin.
ship and gazed philosophically pursuing its lonely way within
into space, ruminating upon the the silent, restful graveyard of
past, present and future, and space, the endless vacuum be-
upon the strange events of his tween worlds-a meteor amid
life. How weird and unbelievable cosmic dust.
it had all been. Yet, here he was, For more than forty tbousaa4
one of the machine men of Zor, centuries, the body of Profeaaor
a convert of the dying world. Jameson, true to his theories anti
Forty million years had passed predictions, had remained whol-
into the uttermost realms of ly intact, untouched by tlle
eternity since t hat far gone day hoary palm of time. The vaeuml
on which the professor, in the of space had preserved bis dead
year 1950, had ordered his dead body, and forty miIJion years
body enclosed in a rocket and later, when the expedition froll
shot into space on the belief that Zor had found him, he was in till
ame state as upon the day of With the distant stars as his
his death. only companions, he had roamed
Born of the sun's incandes- in the state of death upon his
cent mass, the earth, with its orbit around the huge ball of th
sister planets, was destined to rotating earth.
return to its death within the During this entire period the
fiery globe. Following the ven- sun slowly lost its heat as did the
ture of Professor Jameson, kept earth and the other planets of
secret from the world by his the Solar System. The arth's
nephew, Douglas Jameson, the atmosphere became rarer, and
world had continued its rapid slowly wasted away. Life did not
strides in scientific progress un- find it easy to flourish as it once
til one day, centuries later, man- had. The rotation of th earth
kind had destroyed itself in a gradually slowed up, and, at-
great war. Out of the reigning tracted by the sun's immense
chaos, the remnants of agonized gravitation, gradually circled in
humanity had degenerated into closer to the solar luminary. Tb
barbarism and savagery, finally sun's great pull would oon draw
disappearing entirely from the its planets back to the flaming
earth. folds from which they bad been
Then there had come various hurled out on their career.
other cycles of living beings who, Then came the Zoromes, wan-
in their various forms, ruled the derers of the seas of space, ho,
earth for their allotted time and in their space craft, paR ed the
then, like mankind, had faded vicinity of the dying world. The
into dust and obscurity. There machine men from Zor had dis-
had been the ant-cycle, and the covered the strange rocket, and
bird-cycle, as well as the Terseg they had brought Professor
invasion from Mars. The latter Jameson back to life, removing
represented a horde of queer ani- his brain from the body, stimu-
mals with wings, who, being lating it into activity once again,
gifted with scientific intelli- and placing it in one of the metal
gence, had, through necessity, machines.
journeyed across space to the The professor allowed bis
earth, to escape the cbilJ, dying glance to drop from the darkneee
atmosphere of the little red plan- of space, studded with it.a fiery
et. point.s, to his metal anatomy. A
But to all this history subse- great metal cube upheld b7 four
quent to his death and journey jointed, metal lep eonatituted
into space, Professor Jameson his body, while m meta) ten-
bad been completely oblivious. tacles eurled outward from the
upper struct ure of the cube. A they are," said the professor,
cone shaped head of metal sur- transferring his thoughts to his
mounted t he body, E!'Ilclosing the fell ow Zoroine. "One of them is
brain. A series of eyes encircled a blue sun; the other an orange
the head, and one eye was in the sun. Are there many of such?"
peak, possessing the power of "Yes," replied SB-52. "We
looking straight upward. have also found triple suns, each
He was now a Zorome, one of one of a contrasting color. Of
the deathless individuals of a course, even the double suns are
far-off world of the Universe. not numerous, but among the
Millions of years ago the Zor- trillions of suns in space they
omes had renounced their flesh are not hard to find."
and blood bodies and had invent- "I recollect," remarked Pro-
ed the machines which knew no fessor Jameson, "that the as-
death but only repair and re- tronomers of my day and age
placement. Theirs was a life of viewed a few of them through
eternity and continual adven- their telescopes, but they were so
ture, and being given the choice far off, and the telescopes were
of eternity or death, Professor so comparatively inadequate to
Jameson, after a bit of hesita- cope with such inconceivable dis-
tion and consideration, had tances, that little was ever
thrown his lot with the machine learned of the double stars,
men. though they were known to
Blue and Orange Suns "I have seen them before,"
stated SB-52. "If you think the
once more into the double suns beautiful, wait un-
boundless depths of the cos- til you see their planets."
mic void, the professor, who had "I can imagine," mused the
been labeled 21MM392 by the professor.
Zorc,'mes, contemplated two "You can imagine nothing
close-set discs of light which the compared to what you will see,"
space ship rapidly approached. returned the Zorome. "We are
Another machine man walked heading for the planet nearest
to the side of the professor and the two suns. There are four
aroused him from his dreamy planets to the system, and they
reveries by a telepathic observa- all have their orbits about both
tion. suns. Occasionally, in the case
"We are nearing one of the of double suns, you will find that
double suns." some of the planets revolve
"How weird and beautiful around each of the suns while
others of the same system, hav- two. He was the leader of the
ing their orbits farther from the expedition, 25X-987. "It~should
suns, revolve around both. The be a novel experience, your first
suns, as in this case, invariably meeting wit11 t he planet of a
revolve about a common center double sun."
between them, passing complete- "I have had many a wonderful
ly around one another at inter- adventure with you since you
vals." took me from my rocket," said
"That would tend to produce Professor Jameson appreciative-
eclipses," said the professor. ly. "It is with keen anticipation
"It would," agreed the ma- that I look forward to this ex-
chine man. "There would be no ploration before us. As you say,
lunar eclipses, however, seeing it will be my first sight of a
that the first planet possesses no planet having a double sun of bi-
moons." colors."
"If it did possess moons," More of the Zoromes crowded
ventured Professor Jameson, about the three. The machine
"what queer, varying effects of men were never tired of hearing
moonlight we might witness. the discourses of Professor Jam-
There would be a full moon, one eson. He was educated and had
side colored blue and the other taken quickly to their ways and
orange." philosophy. He was an interest-
"We shall observe such a phe- ing figure among them, and in
nomenon from one ,of the other their emotionless, companiona-
planets before we leave this sys- ble manner they had grown fond
tem," stated SB-52. "The second of him. His viewpoint was that
planet has two moons and the of an earth-dweller of some
third one has four moons. The forty million years before, and
fourth and last planet, however, his ideas, though sometimes ap.
like this one, has •ot a single pearing grotesque to them, were
· moon." · indeed uniq:ue.
Together they gazed in rapt And now they discussed the
wonder at the fascinating con- double sun and the 1etinue of
trast of blue and orange colors planets as the space ship raced
of the great flaming globes. on at a fantastic speed ever near-
"Then we shall land on the in- er the bi-luminary of the starry
ner of the four planets?" asked heavens.
the professor. Time meant little or nothing
"Yes, 21MM392," replied an- to the Zoromea. They never
other of the machine men who slept, their bodies required no
had just come up and joined the food or fuel of any kind, and
there was no night or day in an observer would have seen the
space. They took no trouble to blue sun in the east just above
measure time by any manner the horizon, while the ol'ange
even though back home on t he sun was just past its zenith.
planet, Zor, the machine men F r om another position upon the
kept a record of time by which planet, it would seem that the
they might measure history. The or ange sun was just sinking,
machine bodies of the Zoromes while the blue sun rapidly neared
never irked them as flesh and its zenith.
blood anatomies would have It was at this latter point that
done, and time being merely r ~la- the space ship came to r est upon
tive, as it truly is, passed swiftly the surface of the strange planet
for t hem. Monotony was an un- bathed in its unworldly glory,
known . quantity among the ma- Looking down from t he cosmic
chine men of Zor. traveler far above the atmos-
The twin globes of the two phere, the surface represented a
suns gradually grew more flam- weird blend of blue and orange
ing -and brilliant as the space hues. The view upon the planet
ship neared t he inner of t he four was even more vivid and allur-
planets . The blue sun appeared ing, the two colors blending,
slightly larger than its orange clashing and contrasting as the
contemporary, though less bril- case might be, depending upon
liant. the nature of the topography.
The Zoromes left their space
A Wondrous World flyer and walked out upon this
strange planet of kaleidoscopic

SLOWLY the space flyer of the

Zoromes descended upon t he
beauty. In temporary silence
they viewed the exotic magnifi-
planet of the two suns. cence of t he world they had
"How beautiful!" expressed come to explore--the planet of
Professor Jameson in awe. the double sun.
"What unparalleled splendor!" Never, thought Professor
"It is indeed so," agreed 25X- Jameson, had he seen aught to
987. parallel its awesome, unearthly
The su111ight from the two elegance. Truly, the mental vi-
suns, which were situated sever- sion of heaven by the early
al million miles away from one saints of Christendom could not
another, presented an alluring have excelled this world of para-
color effect upon the side of the dise for the optical senses.
planet facing them. From one A rolling, undulating land-
portion of the rotating planet, scape of hills and valleys
stretched away in every direc- intensity than its lesser com-
tion. Beautiful trees grew out of panion, now occupied the zenith,
a luxuriant riot of vari-colored being not quite directly over-
vegetation, their tall t ops bend- head, while the orange sun rest-
ing over on every side, feathery ed upon the watery horizon, pre-
festoons of misty, trailing creep- paring to sink out of sight.
ers adorning their branch ends
swaying ever so gently in the latter sun threw a rip-
breeze. Many shades of moss T'HE
pling path of strange-hu ed
carpeted the lower extremitie s rays across the violet-tinted
of the massive tree trunks, while ocean which lay calmly lapping
in the upper foliage of t he forest its flowered shores. It was such a
giants, birds of lovely feather lane down which one might have
and plumage trilled sweetly or expected the immortals to have
else echoed st range calls ent irely walked. Had the Zoromes been of
foreign to the ears of the Zor- a nasal sense, intoxicatin g fra-
omes. Lovely shrubbery, inter- grances of the verdure's sur-
spersed here and there with open rounding blossoms would have
spots of violet sward, dotted the cr ept up to them from the dense
landscape as far as the eye foli age bordering the sea.
might reach. Flowers of gor- The orange sun's burnished
geous hues bedecked the sun- disc drew gr adually toward the
kissed hillsides, their lovely vague line wh~ch marked the
heads nodding dreamily, as if blending of violet water with
welcoming these strange crea- sapphire sky. The burning orb
tures to their wondrous world. slowly sank among a few wisps
F r om where he stood with his of multi-color ed clouds dr ifting
companions upon a comparativ e- on the far distant horizon of wa-
ly lofty eminence, Professor ter like dim, ghost ships. Sink-
Jameson gazed out over a silent ing, sinking, as if rebctantly
sea whose waters spread away bidding its blue contempor ary
to meet the far distant horizon. farewell, it passed slowly into
The crystal clear atmospher e of the translucen t depths of the
the planet appeared to be of a peaceful sea which lapped a dis-
rarefied nature, or else it sup- tant shore.
ported little dust, for several And now, except for the or-
stars of the first and second ange and golden sunset, a won-
magnitude s were clearly visible derful, blue transforma tion took
within the sapphire vault of the place, and many of the blossoms
sky's illimitable depths. The blue were seen to close their petals. It
sun, being of a slightly fainter was a deep, somber blue, and the
Zoromes felt a strange influence served 72N-4 783, an eminent
overcome them, as if an intangi- philosopher of Zor. "I have the
ble presence held their minds in feeling that there is an unseen
a grip of morbid imaginings. presence about us."
Like an oppressive mantle, it al- "Perhaps it is the influence of
tered the previous cheerfulness the blue sun and the dismal wail-
of the beautiful world. ing of those water animals," sug-
Near the shores of the ocean, gested Professor Jameson.
the Zoromes had noticed thou- "No," replied 25X-987. "Such
sands of rough, craggy protuber- things do not affect us. We are
ances projecting above the water too accustomed to strange scenes
line, literally thousands of them for that. We shall journey over
extending in heterogeneous ar- the planet and see what we can
ray for some half mile from find."
shore. Now, as the blue sun "In the space ship?" asked
reigned supreme in all of its 9G-721.
azure majesty, mysterious rip- "No. We'll leave the space ship
ples broke the surface of the si- here with half our number. The
lent sea, and strange animals of rest of us will explore, using the
the water crawled out upon the mechanical wings."
miniature islands. They "ere
medium-sized creatures fully Exploration
half the size of the machine men,
and were equipped with eight
flipper-like appendfl ge . A ND so it happened that half
of the Zoromes, twenty-five
Raising their heads to the in number, were detailed to stay
blue orb in the sky, they voiced with the space ship while the re-
in unison a weird. wailing cry, mainder, including 25X-987 ·and
which rang dismally in the ears Professor Jameson, went upon
of the Zoromes. an extended journey of e>..-plora-
"This is nearly as op pres i ve tion over that part of the planet
as your dying world, 21MM392,'' in the vicinity of the interstellar
spoke 25X-987, addre sing the flyer. .
professor. "What a contrast With the mechanical wings at-
there is here between the shining tached to their metal bodies, the
of the orange and blue un and Zoromes flew low over the surface
the blue sun alone." of the planet, and were soon far
"I should say that it was much from their companions and the
more oppressh"e here at this space ship. The wings were cap-
time than on the dying world able of propelling the machine
which you called Earth," ob- men at a fast rate over the sur-
face of the world, and they trav. longer than the period of day..
eled steadily with few stops until light, unless the planet's axis is
the setting of the blue sun. tipped as was the ea1·th'e."
Then there fell an intense "I do not experience that un-
darkness, and down from the sky easy feeling since the blue sun
gleamed a multitud e of fiery went to rest," mentioned 72N-
stars. There they stretched 4783.
across the dark expanse of heav- "Nor I," exclaimed 9G-721.
ens like the flaring sparks of "It has somethin g to do with
some mighty, universa l confla- t hat blue sun," said 25X-987.
gration, which, in a liter al sense, "When the orange sun is not in
they truly were. It was equally sight," added the professor.
true that among their flaming "We shall find out the reason
sparks there were many dark, before we leave," stated 25X-987.
cooling embers which had once
been brilliant sparks themselves. The Canyon of Deoth
Of the latter rank waa the earth,
one of the cold, dead cinders, and RUE to 25X-987' s prediction
soon its cooling sun would also Tconcernin g the rising of the
become a burnt-ou t ember. Such orange stm, it was not long in
is the law of the Universe. coming. First there was a sug-
With t he setting of the blue gestive lessening of the darkne
sun, t he Zoromes descended for a in the east, followed by a bronze
conference. haze which gathered rapidly un-
"The night will not be long," til in a burst of glory the flaming
said 25X-987. "The orange sun orb of the great sun broke above
will soon rise." the horizon.
"The planet has three times as Under the dazzling brilliance
much daylight during the pres- of the solar orb, the Zoromee
ent situation of the suns as it has took to the air once more, contin-
darkness, " spoke SB-52. "The uing their tour of explorati on.
suns revolving about one another They found they were approach -
give to their planets different ing a comparatively barren sec-
phases of daylight as well as the tion of the planet. Deep canyona
varied periods of daylight and lay below them, and there grew
darkness. There is usually more but little vegetation.
daylight than darkness in the 25X-987, followed by hia twen-
case of these double suns, but~ ty-four companions, soared down
casionally the two periods of out of the 1ky and into the deep-
daylight and darkness are equal. est canyon, the ~la, roeb walls
The pe_riod of darkness is never rising far abaft tile Zoromel u
they flew lower and lower into ing the probable appearances of
the depths. Professor Jameson the dead creatures. How might
judged the bottom of the r ocky the living possessors of the bones
defile to be some two miles below have looked? What sort of ani-
the surface. Farther and farther mals were they, and why had they
they sank within the cavernous died in such wholesale numbers?
maw of one of the great scars Ah, it was a mystery, and if
which extended across the face there was anything of which the
of the planet. Zoromes were inordinately fond,
Finally the bottom was it was mystery. They searched
reached, and the machine men of for evidence of weapons used in
Zor found themselves in a semi- the slaughter, but they found
darkness which had not yet been none, enhancing the obscurity of
penetrated by the sup.'s rays. In- the situation.
deed, the suns would of a neces- The machine men spread far
sity be high in the heavens to out, examining both sides of the
send their rays down into the canyon, but there were only the
long, ragged pit in which the white heaps of bones to mock
Zoromes now found themselves. them.
"Look-" exclaimed 9G-721. "It "They were creatures who
is a pit of death! See the bones!" walked on three legs," informed
Following the wave of 9G-721's SB-52, who had been spending
tentacle, the rest of the machine his time with another of the
men saw that the floqr of the can- Zoromes examining the bones.
yon was littered with white, "They possessed three upper ap-
gleaming bones. They were pendages, but they were not ten-
strewn about profusely, and in tacles."
the semi-gloom of the deep can- "The upper appendages were
yon shone pale, mysterious and more like those of 21MM392
forbidding. when we found him in the rock-
"What could have occurred et," spoke 5F-388, the other 'ma-
here?" asked the professor. chine man who had been inspect-
"Surely, it must have been a ing the bones. "They were joint-
wholesale destruction of life." ed."
25X-987 gazed in rumination "Like my arms, you mean,"
at the moldering bones; "I won- supplemented the professor.
der," was all he said. "Yes, that's it," affirmed 5F-
Eagerly, the machine men in- 388.
spected the bones carefully, at- "Do you find the bones of any
tempting a reconstruction in other creature besides those of
their vivid imaginations concern- the Tripeds ?" asked 25X-987.
He received negative replies CHAPTER II
from the others. The T_ripeds' Bones
"It would seem then that it
was a battle which ·involved but HE Zoromes, as one man,
one species," observed 965A-10. Tmade their way quickly to
"Not necessarily," countered their companion, who had an-
25X-987, enjoying the mystery of nounced his find, some of them
the situation. "The victors of the running rapidly on their four
fray could possibly have emerged legs while others took to the air,
from the conflict unscathed, or their mechanical wings gliding
else removed their dead. We do them rapidly through the crystal
not know as yet whether there atmosphere of the .planet.
was a battle. These ereatures Quickly they swarmed about
might have died of a plague." the machine man who had sum-
"I am certain they were intelli- moned them. He stood before the
gent beings," spoke one of the canyon wail, pointing upward.
Zoromes. "We found these arti- "Hieroglyphics," exclaimed
cles on some of them." Professor Jameson excitedly.
He extended to 25X-987 several There, upon the wall, were
small, metal articles. One of them carved and painted an intricate
was a curiously formed ring set of pictures and symbols.
which had been taken from a "What does it mean?" asked
digit, or finger, of one of the Tri- 9G-721.
peds' upper appendages. The "That we must decipher this
Zoromes gathered around their and perhaps learn of the fate of
leader to examine the trinkets. the Tripeds," replied 25X-987.
They were especially interested "Look " spoke the professor,
in the ring. waving a tentacle at a scrawled
"There is some sprt of an em- figure upon the wall. "There is
blem upon it," spoke the profes- what the Tripeds looked like!
sor. See-the figure has three legs,
"Three double suns!" ex- and there are also three jointed
claimed 25X-987. "What do you arms!"
suppose that--" "And there above him are the
965A-10 did not finish his tele- two shining suns," said another
pathic speech which was sudden- of the machine men, pointing out
ly interrupted by a message from the solar orbs upon the wall or
down the canyon. Incessantly it rock.
rang in their minds. "He is running," observed
"Come ! I've found some- 72N-4783.
thin.r !" It was even as 72N-4783 had
said. The 'i'riped was sketched in The last group of pictures was
the act of running, casting a the strangest- of all. The orange
fearful glance over his shoulder. sun shone brilliantly, surrounded
Nothing pursued him, however, by a blue ring. The Tr ipeds were
and the Zoromes were at a loss shown running hit her and yon,
regarding the reason for his while above them in the air flew
flight. dim, shadowy, menacing forms.
"Here is another picture," The Tripeds wer e evidently try-
stated one of the machine men, ing to avoid them.
"and it seems to bear a connec- "What does it mean?" queried
tion with the other in some re- several of the machine men.
spects." "The two suns are in eclipse
"Only one sun is shining in for one thing," said 25X-937.
this picture," stated 25X-987. "As for those cr eatures in the
"The blue one," commented air, we have not met them here
the professor. as yet."
"And the Triped is falling "We have seen but few crea-
down dead!" exclaimed 3R-579. tures of any kind, come to con-
The engraver, who bad put the sider the matter," observed Pro-
pictures upon the canyon wall, fessor Jameson. "There were the
had executed this particular water animals who voiced their
sketch with masterful skill. Still weird cries, and we have seen
casting a fearful look of terror many birds of varying speciea,
and anguish over his shoulder, he but do you know that in all our
was in the act of pitching for- traversal of the forests we ba11
ward dead. Around him lay seen no animals?"
many other silent companions "That is true," mused 72N-
who had fallen to rise no more. 4783.
The Zoromes now contemplat- They now inspected a new row
ed the next picture group. It was of pictures above the ones at
a strange one. One of the Tripeds which they had been lookiq. In
was depicted in the act of leap- one picture the orange sun sholle
ing off the heights of a rugged alone. Below it, the Tripeds WIii
cliff. Another, with upraised engaged in various peaceful da-
bludgeon, was about to crash it ties. In the next picture, both
down upon the skull of a com- blue sun and the orange
rade, while others, apparently shone. The Tripeds were stiD
horror stricken, rushed forward gaged in the occupations of
to foil the consummation of the everyday life. In the third
terrible deed. Above this scene ture, which was the last of
the blue sun held sway. group, the blue sun shone
self in the azure sky, and below not the r ays of th orange Run
it not a Triped was in sigh t. Only have nullified the death rays of
one object was vis ible, and this the blue sun?"
appeared to be a symbol of some "Possibly," was the profes-
kind. There was a round, white sor's partial agre me11t.
object, under which r ested a six "Behold l" cried one of tho
pointed cross. Zoromes, pointing a long t n ta-
c!e above them.
Weird Symbols The attention of the machine
men was focu s ed directly up-
is the skull of a T r iped with
IT three of the upper appen dage
ward thr ough the ingle ey in
the peak of their heads. Far, far
bones laid acrmrn one a nother be- a bove them on the canyon'R west-
low it," explained 8B -52. ern lip there shone a blue haze.
"The skull and cross bones," "The rising of the blu sun I"
remarked Professor Jameson. exclaimed 25X-987.
"In my day and age upon the The machine men of Zor fo l
earth, such an emblem meant lowed the canyon's long, wind ing
death." cou rse. Sometimes it grew nar-
"And that is probably just rower and t hen again it would
what this means too," considered broaden out once mor e. Small side
25X-987. "There is something canyons now commenced to run
sinister in that blue sun, though into the larger crevice, many of
I am at a loss to know why it them being far below the lcv 1
should be so." of the main canyon floor, so t hat
"Then our morbid feelings we the Zoromes often looked into
experienced beneath the sole the dark, giddy depths of can-
reign of the blue sun were not yons within a canyon. Several
our imaginations?" queried the times they fo und piles of bones
professor. of the long dead Tr ipeds, some of
"Never," replied 25X-987. "It them crumbling to a white pow-
is not like the Zoromes. That blue der when touched. Occasionally
sun held some terrible menace they came across mysterious
over the Tripeds." writings and illustrations .
"Perhaps its rays killed them," One of the pictures appeared
ventured 43V-73. to warn all trespassers to avoid
"I doubt it," spoke Professor searching the canyon any far•
lameson. "They appeared well ther. It was an ominous warnins
and happy in the sunlight of both to go back. The symbol of tbe
the solar orbs." skull and bones lent It emphul1.
"B ut," argued 43V-73, "could But still the macldae men fol• ·


lowed -the deep canyon's cour se, "This is what .one upon my
and now it commenced to get planet in my day would have
darker, and t he cr evices and called 'giving a person the
chasms in the r ocky floor grew creeps.' " remarked the profes-
more numer ous, so that a good sor.
share of t he time saw the ma- "It is queer," agreed 25X-987.
chine men of Zor on the wing. "In all our millions of years of
"The orange sun is setting," travel we have never before ex-
said 25X-987. "The blue sun has perienced such strange sensa-
passed its zenith." tions, such indescribable and un-
"Have you noticed anything desirable feelings. I believe it is
peculiar regarding those suns?" what you explained to us as fear.
asked the professor as he 21MM392, that frame of mind
watched the ebbing glow of bur- we have never yet known."
nished bronze upon the high "It might be termed that," re-
cliffs above them. plied Professor Jameson, analyz-
"They appear nearer," replied ing the situation of the machine
25X-987. men. "Never having known fear
"But they are not." before, you are not in a position
"No. It is merely their revolu- to know whether or not your sen-
tions about one another." sations are born of fear. I have
"The distance between them known the sensation of fear
neYer varies at any time." many times in my past life upon
"The orange sun has gone be- _the earth, and can readily reco,-
low the horizon," spoke 25X-987. nize it. Our present sensation i
"How beautiful it is when they not so much of fear as it is an
are both shining, and how de- ominous warning of danger
pre sing and deathly when the which constantly disturbs oar
blue sun shines alone." minds. Were it fear, my friends,
we should experience the desire
Suicide and Tragedy to depart from the canyon at
once, spread our wings and
HE Zoromes continued on be- back to the space ship. As it ·
T tween the towering walls of we have not the slightest inclina-
rock. The blue, gloomy haze tion to do so."
which now ettled down about The professor's logic was con-
them like a dismal shroud of des- \·'incing.
pair seemed scarcely to lessen the Ahead of them there suddeJllJ
Stygian blackness, lending to it occurred a commotion. The ,....
only an eerie, sombrous feeling omes milled excitedly about
of inten e sadness. edge of a ragged pit.
"Seize him quick ; he knows "7L-4208 is dead!'' l ment d
not what he does !" came t he tele- 25X-987 in regret. ''21M.M3 2,
pathic message ahead of 25X-987 you have witne sed somethi ng
and the pr ofessor who, absorbed which is practica lly unhea ·d of
in their convers ation, had lagged -the death of a Zorome. Youl'
in the rear. coming added one to our rank
"He's gone!" now our number is the same as
"We were too late!" before. Evident ly om thing
"What's up ?" inquired t he went wrong with 7L-4208'~
leader of t he expediti on, flying brain, prompti ng him to do th
quickly over the beads of t hose rash, qnreasonable act that h
before him. did.I'
The profess or followed swiftly "Either that or else it was t h
behind him . dismal influence of the blu un,"
"7L-420 8 developed a sudden spoke Profe sor Jam on su -
disease of the mind, we believe!,, gestively.
came the reply. "He took off his ''Impo sible," stated 25X-987.
wings, laid them down upon the "We are not susceptible to such
edge of yonder crevice, and be- influences."
fore anyone could restrain him,
you rememb er my sen sa-
had jumped !"
"Head first!" added another of DOtions just before left the
the machine men who had wit- dying world, and how near I came
nessed the mad act. to doing the very same thing a
"Such occurre nces are rare andthat which 7L-4208 just did?"
do not happen for ages at a
Certain ly," replied 25X-987 .
time!" exclaim ed 25X-987. "Go "But you must rememb er that
down to the bottom of the pit, your mind is a great deal differ-
and see if he can be saved." ent than ours in structur e, even if
we do enjoy a mutual exchange
Swiftly , several of the machin e
men flew down into the darknes s of ideas. We are immune to any
and out of sight. It was a long outward attempt s to sway our
while before a reply came up to judgme nt."
them. "Indeed ," agreed the profes-
"He is a mass of wreckag e I" sor, "our minds are much differ.
"His brain! His brain I" in- ent."
quired 25X-987 anxiously. "Silenc e!"
The leader of the Zorome ex- The caution came auddeab-
pedition received an answer in from one of the madaine
three cryptic words laden with Each and every 1MOIIII halted
deep portent. "It is destroyed I'' and stood motioalelll that hll
passage over the canyon floor "Out of the air above us!"
should emit no noise. The rat- "From the walls of the can-
t ling, scuffing and clatter of met- yon!"
al limbs against rock ceased. "It emanates from all around
"Do you hear it?" asked the us!" exclaimed the leader of the
machine man strangely. Zoromes. "How unusually excit-
"Hear what?" asked 25X-987. ed my men have become, this is
"Listen-there it is again!" not their usual way! I too feel a
tensity-it is strange."
Mystic Sounds In truth, the Zoromes were not
acting like their usual selves.

ANDcamenowa tohum,the aZoromes there

low, droning
Excitement strode rampant
among them. Some of the ma-
buzz as if from far off-yet chine men betrayed a bit of ner-
very near. For a time it hung on vous panic which was radically
a long, monotonous, doleful note, unlike them. Awe had suppla~t-
which gradually arose to a faint ed their customary, stolid indif-
wail. ference.
"What an awful cry that Above, the blue sun now
was!" observed 72N-4783. poured its suffused light straight
"If I possessed bones, it would down into the canyon, its azure
have chilled them," said Profes- orb set like a flaming jewel in the
sor Jameson. depth of sky. Like a scattering of
"Did you recognize how nearly lesser gems, the fiery stars
the last half of that cry resem- gleamed in riotous profusion be-
bled the sound emitted by the yond the circle of its aura of
water animals we saw on the tiny closer light.
islets of the ocean?" asked 25X- The low buzzing and hum be-
987. came more intense, and appeared
"Yes," replied the professor, to rise and fade all about them.
"but that cry came from some- Frequently the hum would rise
thing else--not from the water and terminate in a dismal wail.
animals/' They were the most deathly cries
"There it is again!" the professor had ever heard, and
"I hear ·several-they mingle his companions, the Zoromes,
together!" seemed strangely affected.
"It is coming nearer!" "Help!"
"From where?" The cry rang in the minds of
"Around the bend ahead of the machine men.
us!" "Help!"
"No, from behind!" With a tremendous leap, one of
the Zoromes had repeated the act 987. "There is a· presence within
of 7L-4208, jumping into a deep this canyon whose menacing in- canyon, his wings folded fluence is irresistible. We must
uselessly against his metal body. see if our two comrades are with-
From the doomed man, there in our power to save, and then
came an unintelligible gibberish we shall quit this gloomy place."
mixed with wild thought pic- 22D-5 and 429C-267 were
tures. fol!IIld to be irreparable. Their
"He pushed them off!" eluci~ metal skulls had been crushed
dated 8B-i2 excitedly to his su- like egg shells.
peri9r who had leaped to the Like a horde of departing
edge of the precipice. "22D-5 birds, the machine men spread
shoved 429C-257 and· 98S-533 off their metal wings and flew far
the edge just before he himself up to where the canyon walls be-
leaped! The cry for aid came gan, evacuating the blue depths
from 429C-267 !" of the immense crevice with its
"What madness is this?" ilisidious humming and unseen,
asked 25X-987 in desperation. haunting death which played
"What possesses my men," grimly upon the minds of the
From the dark canyon's depth space wanderers.
into which the three Zoromes "I have never encountered
had pitched to their deaths there sYch a horrible plaoe as this be-
issued a whirring noise. Up out fore," deplored _25X-987 to the
of the gloom there hove a dark professor, as up through the air
object which flew aimlessly in they coursed far above the can-
and out of the darkn_ess a mo- yon. "We have met and over-
ment before it oome to rest upon come much flesh and blood oppo-
the edge of the pit. sition in our wanderings, and
"98S-538 !" exclaimed several we have successfully repulsed the
of the machine men simultane- attacks of scientifically ol'gan-
ously recognizing their compan- ized beings of other planets with-
ion. out casualty to our ranks. Here
"I spread my wings just iR is an enemy or invisible entity
time to check my swift descent!" which wreaks death by sugges-
stated 98S-533. "Someone pushed ing a self-imposed destruction."
me. off as I was standing on the "What are you going to do?"
ledge looking down t" asked Professor Jameson.
"It was 22D-5 !" informed "Return to the space ship,
8B-52. "He also pushed 429C-267 bring it up here, and with our
just before he leaped himself!" scientific apparatus discover
"This is terrible!" stated 25X- why our comrades plunged to
their deaths. We shall then re- ning of the great forests.
move the menace, whatever it is." " That soun d- th a t ternible
humming sound! " war ned 25X.
The Insidious Menace 987. " I hear it again! We are be-
ing purs ued! Put on speed!"
CALL came from the rear.
A "We are short four men !"
"It is no use," declared Pro-
fess or Jameson. "The terrible
"We must go back," stated sound comes from before us as
25X-987, "and rescue them !" well as from behind us."
"-27R-410 is beyond rescue !" "Let us gain the space ship
stated one of the machine men. where we are certain· we shall be
"When we had arisen half way safe."
up through the canyon, he un- "We'll be much safer when that
screwed his head and t hrew it blue sun-has set," opined the pro-
back into the depths! His body fess or. "You know, I believe that
flew onward aimlessly for a ways some fo rm of radio activity ema-
before it crashed into a canyon nating from that blue sun is re-
wall and smashed to pieces!" sponsible for all this."
"We must go back! " repeated "Would it create that hum-
25X-987 resolutely. ming noise as well as bring dis-
"To return is death! " im- order and death into the minds
pr essed Professor Jameson upon of my unfortunate men?"
his friend 's mind. "We shall re- "Perhaps."
turn in the space ship if we re- "We shall find out."
turn at all! It is rash suicide to "Where are the rest?" asked
turn back! You saved me from the professor, looking back.
that once, and now I am deter- "There is no one behind us."
mined to save you!" "We have flown far ahead of
"You are right, 21MM392," them," observed 25X-987, "un-
agreed the leader of the space less--"
expedition finally. "We must "Unless they have succumbed
leave this vicinity as soon as to the menace," finished Pro-
possible. Our group now num- fessor Jameson.
bers eighteen. We must hurry 25X-987 sent out a call. There
back to our comrades." came an answer from behind,
Swiftly they flew back over the and as the two machine men
bar ren country of the canyons. wheeled in the sky they per-
Beneath the smoldering glow of ceived upon the horizon three
the blue sun they saw afar off on black dots which rapidly over-
the horizon the thin line of vege- took them. They proved to be
tation which marked the begin- three of the Zoromes.
"Where are the others?" asked their minds abated, and no longer
25.X-987. "There should be thir- did they sense the sad prompt-
teen more of you." ings of the evil influence. The
''They dove to their destru~ hum.ming in the air had ceased a
tion along the way back!" ex- short while before sundown.
claimed 8B-52. "This is a verit-
able death hole!" CHAPTER Ill
"Were they attacked?'' Death's feast
"No. Either something hap-
pened to-their wings or else tlfey PRESENTL Y they neared the
left us voluntarily." space ship, and as they did so
"Some of them flew madly into the telepathic communications
one anothe.r, cleaving each oth- came thick and fast.
er's wings off and thus ending "A terrible thing has befallen
their lives,'1 .said 305N-56. "I us while you were gone!" stated
could declare that some of those a voke from the space ship. "We
acddents were no more than vi- are nearly wiped out-but two of
cious attacks. They were com- us remain!"
pletely demoralized. It occurred ''What happened?" demanded
just after you and 21MM392 25X-987, fearing the worst.
forge<l ahead of us and out of "A strange thing occurred
sight." · among us! Our comrades went
"This is the worst yet-!" ejacu- crazy mad, killing each other and
lated 25X-987. "Thirteen of them themselves!"
-I have lost twenty now!" "You mean-you mean-dur-
Struck dumb by this latest ing the reign of the blue sun?"
tragedy within their ranks, the "Yes-that was it!"
fi¥e remaining Zoronies winged "And were there humming
their way rapidly back over the noises?"
luxuTiant forests and dense ver- ''Many of them-and the wa-
dure toward the space ship and ter animals came up and wailed...
their companions they had left "There are but two of you re-
with it. And as they sped on over maining? What happened to the
forest, hill, valley and stream, rest?"
the blue .sun set in a murky haze "Some of them are at the bot-
of azure, bringing on the dark- tom of the ocean," replied 69B-
ness 496. "They flew -above the rocky
The Zoromes immedfately felt crags and disappeared under the
'a peace of mind as the blue orb surface when the water animals
disappeat"ed below the horizon! voiced their weird cries: Then,
The malignant pressure upon . too, several of taem smashed in
each other's heads in hideous "Place his head on a new
combat. 4C-9721 even spread body," ordered 25X-987.
death among us with the ray gun "It was horrible!" exclaimed
before we overpowered him. He the head of 149Z-24 suddenly. "I
later answered the lure of the saw them! I came near to going,
wailing water animals. He is and I saw them!"
somewhere out there." "Saw them? Saw what?" que-
69B-496 pointed a tentacle into ried 25X-987.
the darkness toward the silent "I didn't get a good look at
sea with its rough, jagged islets. them, but I saw the things just
"They were possessed of the the same."
devil!" exclaimed Professor "What things?" asked Profes-
Jameson. sor Jameson.
"What do you mean?" queried "I don't know," replied 149Z-
25X-987. 24. "They were dim and shadowy
"Merely an earthly expression objects which floated about in
which at present comes nearest to the air. I had only a glimpse of
solving the situation." them when 4C-9721 shot the ray
"Where are the rest of your gun among us. There seemed to
tentacles?" inquired the leader be a fascinating, enticing lure
of the Zorome expedition, glanc- they held forth to me. It was ir-
ing over 69B-496. resistible, and I came near to
-T he latter machine man stood giving in and going when the
before them with but two of his ray gun cut through me. Then
six tentacles remaining. In place of course I couldn't and after a
of the other four, there projected while the persuasion left me."
only ragged, metal stumps. "Go where?" asked 25X-987
''The ray gun wielded by 4C- excitedly, eager to get to the bot-
9721, did it," replied 69B-496. tom of the mystery. "Explain
"It cut a clean swath clear yourself! ·What were your feel-
through 149Z-24, but luckily it ings, and what made you want to
didn't hit his head, and he oon be go?"
repaired." "I really don't know," an-
"Bring me down," issued a swered 149Z-24. "I never felt
new voice, breaking in upon the that way before. There seemed to
thought transmissions. be no definite incentive, and I do
69B-496 reached upon a shelf not remember any particular
and brought down the peaked lure. It was a strong persuasion
head of a Zorome who opened for me to give up thinking-that
and shut his metal eyelids a few was all they asked of me-just to
times. give up thinking. That humming
and wailing was a voice-an au- fessor, "but I wouldn't do it
dible voice, not a thought voice. while the blue sun shines alone in
Yes, there were the thought the sky."
voices, too, but they appeared to "That is the mystery," mused
linger in the backgrou nd, as if the leader of the Zorome expedi-
waiting. The wailing and hum- tion. "What has the blue sun to
ming voices were the more in- do with it?"
sistent." "I would forego the satisfac-
"Hypnot ism!" explained Pro- tion of knowing," warned the
fessor Jameson. "Strange crea- professor . ''It wou~d mean step-
tures are hypnotiz ing our forc~s ping into a death trap."
to extinctio n! " The seven Zoromes prepared
"Yes, but what are they?" for the return trip to the canyon
asked 25X-987. of the dead. The head of 149Z-24
"And where are they?" added was mounted upon a new body,
69B-496. and new tentacles were placed on
The Mystery oe,pens The orange sun had peeped
above the eastern horizon, and
5X-987," warned the profes- now the planet of the double sun
2 sor, "we now are but seven was once more transform ed into a
'.¥here we came fifty-one. I advise vision of celestial loveliness, a
that we leave at once to avoid veritable Garden of Eden.
complete extinctio n." The space ship cruised far
"But they can't get us inside above the weird forest with their
our space ship, and I am going to bright plumed birds and queer
return to tbe canyon of the bones lack of animal life. Off toward
to see if our companions are real- the barren canyon of death they
ly beyond recall. I shall also solve headed. It was only a short time
the mystery, and wreak out re- after the rise of the orange sun
venge upon whatever creatures that the blue sun hove into view,
that have killed my comrades ." following closely upon its con-
"Your revenge will but lead temporar y.
you on to destructi on," stated "See how close together they
Professor Jameson. are," observed Professo r Jame-
"But perhaps our companions, son.
who fell back into the canyon, "Yes," said 25X-987. "Before
may not be past rescue," entreat- the sunset, there should be an
ed 25X-987. eclipse."
"We should investiga te that "The orange sun is the more
most assuredly ," stated the pro- brilliant of the two, even though
it is a bit smaller," spoke the etward they had come into con.
professor. "When the orange sun tact with the rocky terrain.
comes between the blue sun and "We are safe from the devas-
the planet, there will be a blue tating death as long as the or-
ring around the orange sun." ange sun accompanies the blue
"There is the canyon," said sun in the sky," warned Profes-
25X-987, pointing to the barren sor ·Jameson. "To remain when
lands far below where a great the blue sun shines alone is rank
ragged rent cut the surface of suicide. Every one of our com-
the strange world, disappearing panions either killed himself or
into the far flung horizon. was killed by a comrade. None of
Under skillful manipulation, them was killed forcibly by any-
the space flyer was lowered into thing on this planet, yet some
the ominous depths of the shad- compelling influence drove them
owy canyon, the walls rising to suicide. Now that we know our
menacingly as if ready at any friends to be unquestionably be-
moment to close in upon the yond our aid, I would advise
space ship of the machine men, most urgently that we leave at
crushing it beneath millions of once."
tons of rock debris. Or so it "Not until I know, and have
seemed to Profess or Jameson been at grip with, , batever
who felt i11 at ease, and was pos- killed so many of our men !" stat-
sessed of grim, gloomy forebod- ed 25X-987 firmly.
ings. "To remain i death!" coun-
Slowly they settled down upon selled Professor Jameson.
the canyon floor among the white "But we are now prepared,
clumps of scattered bones, many where before we were t aken un-
of which crunched hollowly be- awares," said the leader of the
neath the dark hull of the space expedition from Zor. "We !hall
ship. build up a ment al resistaJlce
"Search up and down the can- against the menace which sew
yon," order ed 25-X-987. "See if to derange our minds,''
you can find the remains of the
thirteen men we lost in leaving The Edipse
the place."
ARE!" warned the profes-
The search was made, and re-
mains of most of the dead Zor- BEW
sor. " I can now understand
omes were found. Their metal the reason for so many white
bodies and brain cases were dis- bones in the canyon ! The Tri-
covered sm.ashed and crushed peds died of the same malady be-
where in their mad plunges plan- neath the terrible rays of that
damnable blu un a.ffli ted
your men."
"We hall mee nnd d R r y th
menace! ' w 2 • 87' ullima·
tum. "Rem mber that ar
Zorom l''
''And that forty-fou r of u
fallen prey h un n vii
within the 1 st rolntion of t his
pl~net !" remind d the pr f sor.
"Confidence has . upplanted your
cau tion entirely, 25X- 87 !"
" The uns ! The un !" X·
clai med one of the machin men
suddenly. "They are touchin !'' r.hin
"The beginning of the
eclipse l' Z r.
" The orang un i cro ing ith
before the blue one!"
A smalJ tip of the blue sun had
alr eady disappeared before the
encroaching, orange orb, and
very gradually the great olar
spheres moved into conj unc ion
with their fir t planet.
And then upon the ear of the
machine men fell a faint hum-
ming noi e which increased in
volume and intensity.
" The death call!" exclaimed
149Z-24 excitedly. "It i the
death call!"
Now, there came several wails,
rising to a more piercing pitch
than the Zoromes had yet heard ming.
them during their brief stay "You can ee right through
upon the planet. them. " ejaculated he profeuor.
"Into the pace ship!" com~ "And they are flying throu,-b
manded 25X-987. the rock wall !" added SB-&2.
Eagerly the machine men "Here comes one of them for
obeyed the order. But even within the pace ship!" warned 149Z-,24.
Directly toward the space flyer yon walls the rock disappeared,
from Zor the ghostly creature leaving dark holes, but the rays _
flew, and with a piercing wail had no effect whatever upon the
came right through it as if the phantoms who continued their
ship had not been there. The aimless course above the space
phantom swooped straight down flyer.
toward 25X-987 and Professor
Jameson where they stood a bit Amid the Phantoms
apart from the rest of the Zor-
omes. It enveloped them and
passed, the two machine men be- VOICING their weird, depress-
ing cries, they gazed down-
ing clearly visible to their com- ward upon the space ship of the
panions all the time. The wraith Zoromes, regarding it with a sol-
continued on and out of the space emn .mien.
craft, leaving the two machine "They resist the ray!" cried
men standing together in sur- 305N-56. "It leaves no impres-
prise and consternation. sion upon them!"
"The thing passed right "Seize 149Z-24 !" cried 69B-
through us!" exclaimed 25X-987 496. "He has gone mad!"
in surprise. "It must be an opti- Several of the machine men
cal illusion!" seized their companion, who had
"That medley of sound they are staggered towards a section of
making is no illusion," said the the craft's delicate mechanism
professor. "I am not supersti- with an upraised metal bar, evi-
tious, but I believe that here is dently bent on destroying the
something entirely beyond us. apparatus.
We had best leave while we "Those creatures have · his
may." mind in their power!" exclaimed
"Turn the ray guns upon 25X-987. "Quick! We must get
them!" commanded 25X-987, out Qf here! Rise out of the can-
gazing upward through a trans- yon imtnediately"
parent section of the space ship Swiftly the sl}ace ship arose
at the horde of encircling bird from the floor of the canyon,
creatures. leaving the pathetic piles of scat-
The machine men obeyed his tered bones far below. Through
bidding, and presently several the midst .of the phantoms t hey
iridescent fingers of light were passed, not so much as perturb-
probing upward to where the ing them in the 1east. Back and
ghostly creatures wheeled and forth they flew in the space oc-
circled on the wing. Where the cupied by the interplanetary
destroying rays touched the can- craft as if it were not there.
A singular fact which Profes- From below, two of the dim
sor Jameson noticed conce rned apparitions flew up around t he
the queer conditions regarding space craft, flying back and forth
the passage of the phantoms through it several times, giving
through an opaque obj ect. voice to their sepulchral wails,
Though possessed of the ability the s olemnity of their face en-
to disappear within the solid tirely free of changing expres-
walls of t he canyon, and t he pow- sion. As they flew about the in-
er to fly t hrough the space craft terplanetary ship, through the
at will, P rofessor Jameson saw machine men, and through any
that they never flew t hrough one solid object they encountered, the
another. Often their wings would phantom creatures grew dimmer
strike together in contact, plac- and dimmer, until t hey were en-
ing eit her one or else both of the tirely invisible. Only t heir weird
creatures off balance t emporar- cries were heard, and t hese grew
ily. How queer, he mused. The faint and dwindled away.
phantom creatures who voiced "The orange sun is nearly past
their evil, menacing cries were the blue one," observed 8B-52
barely visible, it being possible after the last faint hum had
for the professor to discern the died out.
cliff wall through their semi- "The eclipse is nearly over,"
transparent bodies. spoke 69B-496.
The space ship flew above the "What manner of creatureA
ghostly crew, but their weird could those things have been'!"
calls still lingered, and .the Zor- pondered 25X-987.
omes were possessed of the for- "I believe that I have the- se-
lorn and dejected spirits which cret at last," said P rofessor
had previously been engendered Jameson with gravity. "I have
by the blue moon. At a far height solved the riddle of the blue sun
above the canyon the leader of and the deaths of our compan-
the Zoromes ordered the space ions."
craft to be halt ed. He had no "What is it?" asked 25X-987
sooner stopped the ship than eagerly. "Speak. 21MM392 !"
from below there came the hum- "With all your super intelli-
ming sound which the machine gence," stated Professor Jame-
men had now come to regard in son, "I don't believe you would
loathing and disgust. have ever -solved the problem.
"They're coming!" admon- During all of your millenaries of
ished 305N-56. exploration among the cosmic
"Wait!" ordered 25X-987. realms of space you have never
"Don't start away yet!" encountered the likes of such cir·
cumstances as we find on this it brings together the sound and
planet of the double sun. With all thought transferences of these
your super knowledge, you lack two worlds. The strange quality
the one item of experience which of the blue rays has not the pow-
my earthly life gave to me quite er to bring the two worlds into
coincidentally, and which now bodily contact, however, and that
places me in a position to under· explains the reason for the phan-
stand the amazing circumstances toms flying through the opaque
through which we have gone. objects of this world.
"When the blue sun is alone in
Professor Jameson Explains the sky, the voices and thought
transferences of the two worlds

WHERE we stand upon this

planet there are really two
mingle as one. The strange ap-
paritions from the other world of
worlds-the world we see about this planet are responsible for
us now and the world 0f the the deaths of our companions as
'f)hantoms. The world of the well as for the wiping out of the
phantoms, however, is in a differ· Tripeds.
ent dimension than this one, be- "Do you remember the draw-
ing upon a different light and ings we found on the rock walls
color vibratory scale. The crea- in the canyon of death? Every-
tures we saw are not really phan- thing was depicted as peaceful
toms in the literal sense of the beneath the reign of the orange
word. They merely appear as sun alone, as well as during the
:phantoms to us, just the same as shining of both suns, but under
we do to them. They are of con- the spell of the blue sun, we saw
crete proportions in their own a great havoc wreaked among
plane of existence, even as we are the Tripeds. Suicide and murder
real in our own life. stalked rampant among them,
"When the biue sun shines and death finally took its toll of
alone, it exerts a strange color the entire race just as it de-
and vibratory effect upon what- stroyed our companions.
ever part of this planet it strikes. "Then we saw the illustrations
It produces the strange character of an eclipse of the suns, the blue
of partially bringing together sun being eclipsed by the orange
these two worlds, each of a dif- one. Beneath it, we saw t he Tri-
ferent dimension. The presence peds pursued by this malignant
of the orange sun neutralizes this horde of shadowy appearing
effect. The depressing influence bii:ds, phantoms such as we just
of the blue sun which we noticed saw. They are visible to us only
so quickly is due to the fact that during an eclipse. A mysterious
action of the blue rays around the fessor' impressive conclu ions.
orange sun during an eclipse "That I can't sny for sure,'
brings about a partial visibility replied Professor Jameson. "It
of this hidden world, though I explains the lack of animal lif
truly believe that while the blue in the forests. As to the birdR, I
su n shines solitary the denizens might venture the suggestion
of the other world can always that they are so like th
see us. It stands to reason. creatures of the other world th·
they have sentimentally b en
Tfrom the other world are of a
spared. Perhaps the wat r ani-
mals' environment renders them
warring, destructive nature. By a impregnable to the suicide in-
hypnotic power peculiar to them, ducements of the other world en-
they seek to destroy the animals tities. Then again, they may hav
of this world by mentally reach- something in common with them.
ing across the boundaries sepa- Their cries were similar, and
rating the two planes of existence they emerged from th water
and wiping t hem oqt by overpow- only when the blue sun shone
ering, mental su ggestions of mur- alone."
der and self-destruction. This "You are a genius, 21MM392 !"
power, as you have already wit- exclaimed 25X-987 admiringly .
nessed, is great enough to even "Not necessarily," said the
count erbalance the super-intel- professor. "You see, when a
lect of a Zorome, thou gh I believe young man at college, I was very
that t hey themselves are pos- much enthused at one time in
sessed of no gr eat intelligence. hypnotism, and though unable
Their propensity for hypnot ism to exercise it myself, I read a
is not necessarily derived from great deal concerning it."
a magnitude of brain power. I "With all our traveling from
believe it to be a birthright sim- planet to planet-from sun to
ilar to that of the electric eel of sun-from system to system-
my own planet about which I we have never before come across
once discoursed to you. Hypno- what you call 'hypnotism'. I can
tism and occult power is their readily perceive that it is the key-
birthright even as the power to note to this mystery, and were it
exude electric shocks is the eel's not for you, the puzzle would for-
natural ability." ever have r emained unsolved."
"Why didn't they kill the birds "And can you now understand
we saw in the forest, and also the why it is imperative that we
water animals?" asked 25X-987, leave at once ?" asked the profes-
greatly impressed by the pro- sor, gazing appr ehensively at the
blue sun. "Even now the orange from the invisible dimension
sun has passed from before the flew, eager to lure th~m to self-
face of the blue one, and is sink- destruction.
ing beneath the horizon." "Keep control of your brains!"
''Now I realize bow 149Z-24 exclaimed 25X-987 wildly. "Con-
saw the shadowy forms when be centrate as you never have con-
came near to answering their centrated before, or it is certain
lure," said 69B-496. "The light death!"
from the ray gun combined with One of the horrible wails di-
the blue sun's rays and the fact rectly at their ears came to mock
that he was under the hypnotic the machine man's command.
spell gave him the power of vi- Swiftly the space ship sought to
sion to see· them." leave the heavy atmosphere.
"We must hurry from here," Somewhere below in the con-
announced 25X-987 gravely. trol room there came a rending
"21MM392 has spoken correctly. crash of metal. Professor Jame-
It is death to remain !" son and 25X-987, in company
with SB-52 and 69B-4,6 rushed
CHAPTER IV into the compartment to ascer-
The Juggernaut tain the cause of the furore.
"149Z-24 has broken loose!"
TonHEa space ship rose upward
slant, and as it did so,
ejaculated 372V-22.
The machine man who had
the orange sun, whose great spoken was firmly holding his
shining sphere had rested half mentally deranged companion
above and half below the hori- with a grip of entwined steel
zon, sank out of sight. The blue tentacles.
sun now occupied the sky, and it "Put him in the buckler!" or-
would not be long before it, too, dered 25X-S87. "We have no time
would follow its orange contem- to waste if we are to leave tais
porary to rest. accursed planet of the double
Almost immediately, with the sun!"
cessation of the orange sunshine, But the order was never exe-
there arose upon the air the vi- cuted. All at once there occurred
brant humming accompanied by throughout the space ship a ter-
its concert of sad wails. The vol- rific shock. With a terrible im-
ume of sound swelled up and petus of increased motion, the
around the speeding space craft, interplanetar y craft multiplied
and the a·pprehenaive Zoromes its speed and whirred mad],Y on
knew that in, out of and around through the depse atmosphere of
their ship, the ghostly creatures the globe. The Zoromes were sent
tumbling to the floor, their metal burnt up with our space ship!"
bodies and limbs rolling into cried 305N-56, his tentacles wav-
grotesque heaps at the far ends ing excitedly.
of the space craft chambers. "The friction is becoming ter-
Hurriedly they regained their rific·!" exclaimed 25X-987.
feet. "There is nothing we can do
"The ship will crash!" ex- but wait for a miracle !' 1
claimed 25X-987 wildly. "l49Z-24 "Or death!" added Professor
has broken the controls of the Jameson.
mechanism which regulates our The hissing roar had climbed
speed! We are doubling speed the scale of sound vibrations un-
every moment!" til it woo now a terrible whine.
"We'll crash or else burn up in The space ship juggernauted t>n
the atmosphere like a meteor!" through the planet's atmosphere,
cried SB-52. carrying the seven machine men
The wind of their passing to perdition in its inevitable
whistled eerily around the space crash which the passing time
craft. The shrieking arose to a brought rapidly nearer.
hissing roar as the space flyer of "It is the end!" prophesied
the Zoromes rapidiy gaineti speed 372V-22. "The accursed planet
on its mad rush through the sea will claim us all!"
of crystal ozone. 25X-987 appeared to have
"Where are we beading?" lapsed into a strange stupor, a
asked 25X-987, expecting to be dazed condition. He said noth-
smashed into atoms at any mo- ing.
ment. "We are halfway there!" came
69B-496 glanced at a dial. the-notification of 69B-496 at the
"We are pursuing a long arc, dials.
in relation to the planet," he
said. Super-Hypnotism
"Upward or downward?" asked
WAVE of suffocating heat
25X-987 in mingled hope and
dread. A swirled through the inter-
"Downward!" came the hope planetary craft. The friction of
shattering reply. "The curve of the terrific speed was beginning
the arc is slightly greater than to manifest itself. It appeared t.o
the curve of the planet's surface be a race between the atmosphere
so that in view of our present and t:he lithosphere, to see which
altitude we shall not crash l'ight would claim the space ship first.
away." 'There is nothing we ean do,"
"But in that time we shall be came the resiped observation
of Professor Jameson, "but-" "The only way!" reechoed SB-
"Leap!" came the startling 52.
thought wave from the crazed "Cea~e !" ple;aded the professor
149Z-24. "Leap!" in .a superhuman mental effort.
"Leap!" echoed 25X-987, a "Do not yield,,,.,
strange concourse Bf thoughts "I'll leap!" was the ultimatum
mingling with the suggestion of of 305N-56, as if in reply to a
149Z-24. request.
"Leap out before we crash!" He m@ved slowly toward the
cried 149Z-24 wildly. "Save your- door of the space ship. Professor
selves from sure death!" Jameson sprang forward to bar
"Leap out!" mused 69B-496, the way. 149Z-24 was before him,
turning the matter over in his however, and came to grips with
mind. the professor before he could
"Yes!" exclaimed 149Z-24 en- reach the egress and prevent
thusiastically. "It's the only 305N-56 from leaving the craft.
way!" The machine man appeared to
"The only way!" repeated execute the act by no volition of
305N-56 mechanically. "Yes, it is his own, and Professor Jameson
the only way!" knew it to be another prompting
"Come, jump out and be free!" of the hypnotic menace.
urged 149Z-24. "Leap!" continued 149Z-24.
"Stop!" cried Professor Jame- "The only way!"
son. "Enough! You are yielding 305N -56 moved to the space
to the will of the phantoms of the ship door, flinging it open. Had
other world ! They are leading it been in the fore of the craft
you on to suicide!" the onrushing atmosphere would
The machine men were oblivi- have smashed him backward like
ous to his warning. Evidently a feather to the far end of the
they had not heard him. room, but the egress was in the
"Leap!" was 25X-987's only rear. Without another thought
thought. It was rapidly nearing impression, 305N-56 leaped out
a conviction under the master- into the deep blue sunlight and
ful hypnotism of the unseen crea- was gone. Eagerly following suit,
tures from another dimension. 25X-987 and SB-52 moved to-
Already, they had made 149Z-24 ward the opening.
their tool and devoted emissary "Don't!" warned the professor
and were largely spreading their in vain, madly attempting to
insidious influence over the little struggle from the tentacled dead-
group of machine men through lock of 149Z-24. "You are crazy!"
A sickening feeling obsessed dominant in hia clear thinking
the professor as the two machine mind, slumped forward as the
men jumped. 149Z-24 now said crazed machine man struck. Two
nothing, and the professor per- quick actions occurred simultan-
ceived that his mind was in a eously. As the heavy, metal· bar
chaos of terrible resolves. The missed the ducked head of Pro-
professor knew that he was view- fessor Jameson and placed a
ing the destructive thought im- great dent upon his metal cubed
pulses of the flying phantoms. body, the latter's tentacles closed
He no longer sought to check his quickly about 149Z-24's jointed
companions' mad · intentions, legs and lifted him off the floor.
knowing full well that it was use- Staggering to the opening of
less. Helplessly he looked on as the space ship, the professor
69B-496 and 372V-22 took the hurled the metal body of 149Z-24
fatal leap. down upon the great planet
And now 149Z-24 released the which was spinning dizzily _past
professor suddenly and backed below them.
away. Was he about to leap too?
Then into the mind of the men- The Last of the Zoromes
tally deranged Zorome, P-rofessor
Jameson saw the horrible PROFESSOR Jameson made
thought, the terrible command his w~y to the fore of the craft
from the other dimension, come after having closed the door, and
slowly stealing. now he gazed out to see what lay
"Death to 21MM392 !" ahead of him. The space flyer
The professor faltered and raced along, apparently on a hor-
backed away from the machine izontal position with the planet,
man who stood dazedly before its broken, uncontrolled propul-
him. The open door clanged dis- sion mechanisms running wild,
mally while the screaming wind but the professor knew that the
still shrieked gloomily. The de- distance between the space ship
pressing sunlight of the blue sun and the planet was gradually
spread a melancholy, azure glow closing. ,
into the interplanetary craft. He was the last of the Zoromes,
With the quickness of a cat, spared but for a short interval
149Z-24 grasped a · heavy metal following the fate of his ma-
bar behind-him and rushed .down chine comrades. He would soon
upon the unprotected 21MM392 crash to his death with the space
to crush his metal skull. ship.
Professor Jameson, .the in- Contrary to the assertion of
stincts of self-preservation still 305N-56 that the space flyer
would double and redouble its recklessly approached. Huge
speed until the friction of the air fragments of rock many times
burned it up, the interplanetary the size· of the space craft, along
craft from Zor did nothing of the with red spurts of fountainous
kind. Though the friction with lava, vomited skyward. It was
the atmosphere had produced an such a volcano as human imag-
unusual warmness within the in- ination could never conceive in
terior, the speed of the ship had its actual picture. The vastness
failed to rise above a certain of the awesome display and the
maximum. This was due to the boundless magnitude of the spec-
solidity of the air which did not tacle lent the impression that a
al1ow the tremendous velocities ravaging eternal fire was . about
attained in free space. to consume the ent,re world. It
Far ahead of him, Professor was a vision far beyond the con-
Jameson perceived a dull, pinkish ception of Dante, beside which
glow lighting up the distant sky his inferno would have appeared
line in tme direction the space belittled by the contrast.
ship was headed. The blue sun Into this hell of upcast molten
was sinking below the horizon, rock and seething flame the
and the inky blackness of night space ship of Zu careened in its
hovered near as the unpiloted mad flight. It contained the soli-
space flyer catapulted onward at tary machine man, 21MM392,
such a remarkable speed for ter- known previously to men of the
restrial travel. earth as Professor Jameson. As
The far-off pink glow the pro- the space ship raced into the
fessor had discerned upon the first ring of smoke and flame,
horizon in the azure d'u sk had the professor realized that here
now mounted to alarming pro- was a dramatic climax to his
portions, spreading a red, lurid equally dramatic career. He
flare far up into the sky. It was would be burned into gas, and
a long way off. Rapidly the space the residue of his body and of
craft ate up the distance, and in the space craft would be con-
the complete darkness which had verted into lava. The crash of ·
now fallen, the professor saw the the ship of space would occur in
red, angry flare to be a tremen- a swirling lake of living fire, or
dous holocaust leaping skyward else a hurtling boulder cast out
from the bowels of the planet. by the tremendous fury of the
Great, scarlet tongues of flame perpetual flame and seething ac-
licked upward angrily for many tivity would crush the space ship
miles from the terrible inferno in flight.
the uncontrolled space ship now Professor Jameson, the last


Zorome of the ill-fated expedi- ship was intensely heated, parts
tion, awaited his end with a pa- of its metal shell glowing red.
tience born of martyrdom and T·he skull of Professor Jameson
philosophy. He had been a mar- was growing h9t, and with a
tyr to science in his earthly life, sudden lurch of dizzy senses,
and among the Zoromes he had his consciousness departed and
become a confirmed philosopher. he knew no more. The profes-
Death offered no terrors to him. sor's last sensation was that of
It was life's greatest adventure, being whirled rapidly over and
if, however, a bit mysterious and over as the space flyer glanced
menacing. But what could con- from the side of a huge, smolder-
stitute adventure without mys- ing, upflung rock and gyrated
tery or menace of some descrip- dizzily down into the lake &f
tion? fire.
Why was it that Professor
Through the Inferno Jameson had eluded the sfois!er
fate of his fell ow Zoromes to
HE hel-1 of the raging con- succumb to the living fires?
Tflagration enveloped him, and Why had his mind escaped the
produced a roaring as if all the irresistible lure of the phan-
elements of the Universe un- toms from the other world? The
loosed at once. Red, raging flame sagacity, wisdom and p_ower of
licked hungrily about the speed- intellect of the Zoromes had out-
ing space ship, and swirling weighed his own in most re-
smoke spread its murky haze spects-yet they had fallen be-
around the ill destined craft. fore the hypnotic spell to which
Glowing rock debris and spatter- he had remained immune.
ing, liquid fire showered the The truth of the enigma lay
metal sides, while by a miracle in the fact that Professor Jame-
the huge boulders miseed the son's mind, as 25X-987 had once
ship in its mad flight through remarked, was a. great deal dif-
the raging hell. ferent from the gray matt~r of
A dizziness· and weakness as- the machine men of Zor. In jus-
sailed the mind of Professor tice to the Zoromes, those wan-
Jameson within its metal skull. derers of Cosmic space who had
The terrific heat, which would stored up the knowledge of mil-
have shrivelled the body of a lions of years, let it be said that
flesh and blood ·creature, killing the hypnotic influence of the
it instantly, was now beginning winged phantoms depended not
to affect the metal machine upon the power of intellect.
man's brain a bit. · The space Their weird power of mind
across the barrier of an invisible then slowed up, resolving it-
dimension exerted its influence self into three spots of vari-
th_rough the susceptibility of the colored light surrounded by finer
mind's structure. points of scattered brilliance.
Professor J a.meson s brain His blurred vision was clear once
structure was radically different more, and he seemed a bit more
from that of the Zoromes and conscious of himself. Something
the Tripeds, and as there was no long and circular lay befOi"e him.
harmonizing of his mind matter Involuntarily he moved a bit, and
with that of the winged phan- the thing moved. It was a tenta-
toms on the other plane of ex- cle-bis tentacle. Then he was
istence, the professor had been not removed from the body-not
immune to the fatal lure. dead even. But where was he?
The professor attempted to His senses and thinking power
compose his thoughts. His mind now emerged from its state of
r olled sluggishly in a riot of con- temporary incapacity to funct ion
fu sed mental pictur es. He ap- properly. He looked upon the
peared t o be drifting in an im- other side of him, lifting the eye-
mense, unending blackness of lid shutters of the eyes on that
eternal mystery. He groped-he side of his head.
sought abtmt him, and found he He saw the interior of the
had not hing to reach with noth- spaoo ship. Once more he looked
ing with which to apply t he sen- out through t he transparent side
sation of t ouch. He scarcely knew of the interplanetary craft at
whether or not be existed, and the three comparat ively large
imagined himself merely a shad- splotches of li ght he had previ-
ow among shadows, a bare hint ou sly seen so indistinctly. They
of existence. Where was he-- were grouped close together.
what had become of him? He Two of t hem were bright disc-
wondered vaguely, but t her e wa like objects which shone against
no manner in which to satiate a velvety blackness while the
his inquisitiveness. All was mys- third object appeared as a semi-
tery. di c which glowed less brilliant-
For a long time he felt the ly. Professor Jameson gave a
presence of objects near him he gasp of incredulity. He was once
could not touch, and then out of more out in space far from the
t4e depth of blackness before planet of the double sun which
him there shone a dull, gray light. was represented by the half cir-
It grew slowly to gradually fill cle of light. The two round ob-
up his vision. The light whirled j ects were the double sun, one
like a mammoth pinwheel and orb blue and the other orange.
How had be e c ped the ot-
cano's fiery depth into hi h h
uncontroll d pace ship had m d-
ly rushed in i wild, unre-
strained flight? The lMt thing
be had remembered hefor his
heat disordered b ain had given onsider d
way to unconsciousness, wa the con i81'l d.
terrific, glancing impact with the He a o , and mnd
red hot boulder from he be cont ·ol m
blazing inferno's chaotic activity. glanc d a the .1·tiall
A great indentation upon he machinery. H found the dial
side of the inter tellar traveler and consult d h m finding h
mutely testified to the colli ion the space 8hip pu · u d n our e
wi th the volcanic rock. And around the doubl Th
then, the professor remembered space ship had b me a SL! llit
that through the window of the of the blue and oran
spinning space ship he had ob- as the four planets
t ained a few fleeting glimps s of circled the suns. Prof sor ,Jame-
the white hot lake of fire rushing son fou nd that the orbit of the
up at him with incredible ve- di abled space c aft v as mid ay
locity. between the fir t and · on d
planets. The space ship h:1d long
Eternal l oneliness since ceased i own mad speed,
making the prof e sor wonder

WHAT had happened ? Had

:this final sight been t he de-
bow long he had r emained Un•
conscious. F or an earthly day?
lusion of an overheated brain? Had it been a month, a year, or
Evidentiy t he glancing blow --or an age? It made little differ·
dealt by the huge chunk of vol- ence~for there in space, time was
canic debris had drive» the inter- an unknown quan~ity, and when
planetary ship baek into space one ia devoid of senses, time
where its uncontrolled speed had ceases to exist . The profeaS-Or
rapidly taken it from the vicin- had no knowledge of how Jong he
ity of the planet. A plausible bad remained unconscious and
solution suddenly occurred to could calculate no approximate
the professor. Possibly. the lake guess.
of fire he bad seen approaching, The space ship's machinery
following the collision with the was irreparably wrecked, and
hurtling boulder, was but the re- Professor Jameson was doomed
flected mirage of the lake's fiery to a solitary, lonely life of per-
petual existence in his annual There were many of the ma-
course around the double suns, chine men expeditions scattered
enabled to watch at all times the throughout space, but his dis-
various phases of the planet on abled space craft represented the
which had occurred the death of proverbial needle of the hay-
his fell ow comrades. He was the stack, and the haystack but a
last of the Zoromes, and the only solitary haystack among bil-
escape from the monotony of the lions. It was a forlorn hope, with
existence which lay before him chances of a trillion to one. Bet-
was by suicide. The professor ter were the chances of a space
contemptuously shunned this ex- expedition from one of the four
, peaient of release. planets of the double sun finding
For over forty million years he the wrecked space traveler.
had lain preserved in death with- Perhaps in the ensuing ages
in his rocket container, to be measured only in geological his-
found ani:1 brought back to life tory, the simple forms of life
by the Zoromes. And now he was upon these planets would rise
consigned by the irony of fate to through :various progressive
a similar existence, except that, scales of evolution to an inevita-
this time, he was not bereft of life ble position of scientific promi-
and- the sensation of living. His nence, where the art of space
was to be a perpetual life of lone- flying would be conquered. Then
liness, in trivial comparison with would the professor's eons of
the life of a flesh and blood loneliness be abruptly ended,
creature of any planet. plunging him into a series of
The stars and passing comets new and start1ing adventures.
would be his only companions, Such a hope must lie far with-
silent ones of the cosmic Uni- in the interminable future, and
verse, and perhaps occasionally a the fruits of such a hope were to
passing meteor would flit its tem- be born only of an undying pa-
porary greeting before continu- tience and a wonderful philoso-
ing its aimless pilgrimage on phy. Moodily, and in deep, medi-
inte the realms of eternal mys- tative rumination, Professor
tery. Jameson, lost in the twisting
Would a space ship from Zor labyrinth of his own thoughts,
ever chance that way some time stared across the depths of vac-
in the eonistic future to release uum to where spun lazily in space
him from his cosmic prison? the planet of the double sun.



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