Amazing Planet
Amazing Planet
Amazing Planet
Introduction by
stood in the fore of the space
neral rocket had become a satel·
lite of the earth, a cosmic coffin.
ship and gazed philosophically pursuing its lonely way within
into space, ruminating upon the the silent, restful graveyard of
past, present and future, and space, the endless vacuum be-
upon the strange events of his tween worlds-a meteor amid
life. How weird and unbelievable cosmic dust.
it had all been. Yet, here he was, For more than forty tbousaa4
one of the machine men of Zor, centuries, the body of Profeaaor
a convert of the dying world. Jameson, true to his theories anti
Forty million years had passed predictions, had remained whol-
into the uttermost realms of ly intact, untouched by tlle
eternity since t hat far gone day hoary palm of time. The vaeuml
on which the professor, in the of space had preserved bis dead
year 1950, had ordered his dead body, and forty miIJion years
body enclosed in a rocket and later, when the expedition froll
shot into space on the belief that Zor had found him, he was in till
ame state as upon the day of With the distant stars as his
his death. only companions, he had roamed
Born of the sun's incandes- in the state of death upon his
cent mass, the earth, with its orbit around the huge ball of th
sister planets, was destined to rotating earth.
return to its death within the During this entire period the
fiery globe. Following the ven- sun slowly lost its heat as did the
ture of Professor Jameson, kept earth and the other planets of
secret from the world by his the Solar System. The arth's
nephew, Douglas Jameson, the atmosphere became rarer, and
world had continued its rapid slowly wasted away. Life did not
strides in scientific progress un- find it easy to flourish as it once
til one day, centuries later, man- had. The rotation of th earth
kind had destroyed itself in a gradually slowed up, and, at-
great war. Out of the reigning tracted by the sun's immense
chaos, the remnants of agonized gravitation, gradually circled in
humanity had degenerated into closer to the solar luminary. Tb
barbarism and savagery, finally sun's great pull would oon draw
disappearing entirely from the its planets back to the flaming
earth. folds from which they bad been
Then there had come various hurled out on their career.
other cycles of living beings who, Then came the Zoromes, wan-
in their various forms, ruled the derers of the seas of space, ho,
earth for their allotted time and in their space craft, paR ed the
then, like mankind, had faded vicinity of the dying world. The
into dust and obscurity. There machine men from Zor had dis-
had been the ant-cycle, and the covered the strange rocket, and
bird-cycle, as well as the Terseg they had brought Professor
invasion from Mars. The latter Jameson back to life, removing
represented a horde of queer ani- his brain from the body, stimu-
mals with wings, who, being lating it into activity once again,
gifted with scientific intelli- and placing it in one of the metal
gence, had, through necessity, machines.
journeyed across space to the The professor allowed bis
earth, to escape the cbilJ, dying glance to drop from the darkneee
atmosphere of the little red plan- of space, studded with it.a fiery
et. point.s, to his metal anatomy. A
But to all this history subse- great metal cube upheld b7 four
quent to his death and journey jointed, metal lep eonatituted
into space, Professor Jameson his body, while m meta) ten-
bad been completely oblivious. tacles eurled outward from the
upper struct ure of the cube. A they are," said the professor,
cone shaped head of metal sur- transferring his thoughts to his
mounted t he body, E!'Ilclosing the fell ow Zoroine. "One of them is
brain. A series of eyes encircled a blue sun; the other an orange
the head, and one eye was in the sun. Are there many of such?"
peak, possessing the power of "Yes," replied SB-52. "We
looking straight upward. have also found triple suns, each
He was now a Zorome, one of one of a contrasting color. Of
the deathless individuals of a course, even the double suns are
far-off world of the Universe. not numerous, but among the
Millions of years ago the Zor- trillions of suns in space they
omes had renounced their flesh are not hard to find."
and blood bodies and had invent- "I recollect," remarked Pro-
ed the machines which knew no fessor Jameson, "that the as-
death but only repair and re- tronomers of my day and age
placement. Theirs was a life of viewed a few of them through
eternity and continual adven- their telescopes, but they were so
ture, and being given the choice far off, and the telescopes were
of eternity or death, Professor so comparatively inadequate to
Jameson, after a bit of hesita- cope with such inconceivable dis-
tion and consideration, had tances, that little was ever
thrown his lot with the machine learned of the double stars,
men. though they were known to
Blue and Orange Suns "I have seen them before,"
stated SB-52. "If you think the
once more into the double suns beautiful, wait un-
boundless depths of the cos- til you see their planets."
mic void, the professor, who had "I can imagine," mused the
been labeled 21MM392 by the professor.
Zorc,'mes, contemplated two "You can imagine nothing
close-set discs of light which the compared to what you will see,"
space ship rapidly approached. returned the Zorome. "We are
Another machine man walked heading for the planet nearest
to the side of the professor and the two suns. There are four
aroused him from his dreamy planets to the system, and they
reveries by a telepathic observa- all have their orbits about both
tion. suns. Occasionally, in the case
"We are nearing one of the of double suns, you will find that
double suns." some of the planets revolve
"How weird and beautiful around each of the suns while
others of the same system, hav- two. He was the leader of the
ing their orbits farther from the expedition, 25X-987. "It~should
suns, revolve around both. The be a novel experience, your first
suns, as in this case, invariably meeting wit11 t he planet of a
revolve about a common center double sun."
between them, passing complete- "I have had many a wonderful
ly around one another at inter- adventure with you since you
vals." took me from my rocket," said
"That would tend to produce Professor Jameson appreciative-
eclipses," said the professor. ly. "It is with keen anticipation
"It would," agreed the ma- that I look forward to this ex-
chine man. "There would be no ploration before us. As you say,
lunar eclipses, however, seeing it will be my first sight of a
that the first planet possesses no planet having a double sun of bi-
moons." colors."
"If it did possess moons," More of the Zoromes crowded
ventured Professor Jameson, about the three. The machine
"what queer, varying effects of men were never tired of hearing
moonlight we might witness. the discourses of Professor Jam-
There would be a full moon, one eson. He was educated and had
side colored blue and the other taken quickly to their ways and
orange." philosophy. He was an interest-
"We shall observe such a phe- ing figure among them, and in
nomenon from one ,of the other their emotionless, companiona-
planets before we leave this sys- ble manner they had grown fond
tem," stated SB-52. "The second of him. His viewpoint was that
planet has two moons and the of an earth-dweller of some
third one has four moons. The forty million years before, and
fourth and last planet, however, his ideas, though sometimes ap.
like this one, has •ot a single pearing grotesque to them, were
· moon." · indeed uniq:ue.
Together they gazed in rapt And now they discussed the
wonder at the fascinating con- double sun and the 1etinue of
trast of blue and orange colors planets as the space ship raced
of the great flaming globes. on at a fantastic speed ever near-
"Then we shall land on the in- er the bi-luminary of the starry
ner of the four planets?" asked heavens.
the professor. Time meant little or nothing
"Yes, 21MM392," replied an- to the Zoromea. They never
other of the machine men who slept, their bodies required no
had just come up and joined the food or fuel of any kind, and
there was no night or day in an observer would have seen the
space. They took no trouble to blue sun in the east just above
measure time by any manner the horizon, while the ol'ange
even though back home on t he sun was just past its zenith.
planet, Zor, the machine men F r om another position upon the
kept a record of time by which planet, it would seem that the
they might measure history. The or ange sun was just sinking,
machine bodies of the Zoromes while the blue sun rapidly neared
never irked them as flesh and its zenith.
blood anatomies would have It was at this latter point that
done, and time being merely r ~la- the space ship came to r est upon
tive, as it truly is, passed swiftly the surface of the strange planet
for t hem. Monotony was an un- bathed in its unworldly glory,
known . quantity among the ma- Looking down from t he cosmic
chine men of Zor. traveler far above the atmos-
The twin globes of the two phere, the surface represented a
suns gradually grew more flam- weird blend of blue and orange
ing -and brilliant as the space hues. The view upon the planet
ship neared t he inner of t he four was even more vivid and allur-
planets . The blue sun appeared ing, the two colors blending,
slightly larger than its orange clashing and contrasting as the
contemporary, though less bril- case might be, depending upon
liant. the nature of the topography.
The Zoromes left their space
A Wondrous World flyer and walked out upon this
strange planet of kaleidoscopic