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NATIONAL TEACHERS COLLEGE The Child and Adolescent Learners and

School of Teacher Education
Learning Principles
629 J. Nepomuceno St., Quiapo, Manila
Academic Year 2021 - 2022
Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol


PHILOSOPHY The National Teachers College believes in democratic CORE VALUES Nationalism, Trustworthiness, Commitment to Excellence,
education for individual responsibility and social competence. Respect for the Individuals, Dedication to Service

VISION The National Teachers College envisions itself as a leading MISSION The National Teachers College provides leaders and innovators
academic institution for the development of all levels of in the academe and industries who are equipped, responsible,
education anchored on the ideals of excellence, relevance, and competent individuals to contribute to national and
access, and effectiveness geared towards national international endeavors.
productivity and world-class competitiveness.

INSTITUTIONAL 1. To produce educators and personnel in the industries who INSTITUTIONAL 1. Educated professionals who believe in and practice
OBJECTIVES are socially efficient and responsive to the needs of the OUTCOMES democracy as a living faith and as a way of life
Republic of the Philippines within the framework of 2. Responsive citizens who address the needs of the country
within the framework of international understanding
international standards
3. Responsible citizens who interpret, transmit, enrich, and
2. To provide students with a working understanding of the
value the Filipino cultural heritage
nature and meaning of democracy, the changing social 4. Servant leaders who uphold integrity of character, cultivate
milieu in which they are expected to work and live, the

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 1

nature of the Filipino and his culture and his responsibilities to intellectual power, maintain physical vigor, and nurture
the people of the region to which he belongs and the world spiritual strength
at large 5. Employable individuals who can effectively and intelligently
solve everyday problems to bring about desirable changes


DESCRIPTION This course focuses on child and adolescent development with PREREQUISITES Prerequisites:
emphasis on current research and theory on biological, linguistic, AND none
cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of development. EQUIVALENT
Furthermore, it includes factors that affect the progress of COURSES
Equivalent Courses:
development of the learners and shall include appropriate
pedagogical principles applicable for each developmental level.

TERMINAL The learners will synthesize their understanding of the different theories CREDIT AND 3.0 units; 54 hours in total: 45 hours for online classroom interaction,
ASSESSMENT and principles on human development. CONTACT independent learning, and collaboration and 9 hours for assessments
PERIOD and consultation.

COURSE The course will yield students who can confidently and competently... PROGRAM The program yields candidates to different professions who have the
OUTCOMES ● Demonstrate adequate understanding of each human OUTCOMES competencies of…
developmental stage; ALIGNMENT* L: Critical Thinking and Synthesis
● Draw principles of teaching and learning from developmental L: Problem-solving
theories; L: Presentation
● Apply the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological Principle (LCP) P: Teamwork and Collaboration
in the teaching and learning processes; and P: Information Literacy
● Synthesize one’s understanding of the use of different O: Time Management
principles and theories on human development in the
teaching and learning processes.

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 2

*L- Facilitates learning of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated); P- Allows the student to practice competencies (no input but competency is evaluated); O- Opportunity for
development (no input or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice the competencies)


Week Learning Outcome Topics and References Learning Activities

Number Tasks and Assessment

0 1. Students secure their credentials for Google Classroom.

2. Students familiarize themselves with the format of Google
Classroom, and review the learner orientation guide and

1 Learning Outcome Topics Asynchronous

● Demonstrate adequate ● Human Development: Its Meaning, 1. Students will study the reading material/s provided in
the module. They are also encouraged to use other
understanding of each Concepts and Approaches.
learning resources to have a wider understanding of
human developmental
human development.
stage. References
2. Students relate their personal definition of human

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 3

development in the Google Class Stream (or any
Milestone (Mini Task) ● Textbook available application tool). They will initiate an on-line
discussion based on the entries.
● Reflect on your personal 3. Students will make a reflection on what has helped
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D The
development. What has them to become the person they are.
Child and Adolescent Learners and
helped you become the
Learning Principles. !st edition, 2018
person you are now? Synchronous
1. Since it is the first day of a synchronous meeting,
● Electronics students will be asked to introduce themselves and
identify one object that represents their personal
Principles of Human Growth and development. The chosen object needs to be
Development by judicious (27) in described and relate it to their personal development.
#science • 3 years ago Retrieved 2. The teacher will call some students to share to the class
from the ideas they posted about what human development is.
@judicious/principles-of-human- 3. Students will be asked to relate to the class what has
growth-and-deveopment helped them to become the person they are now.
4. The teacher will conduct an interactive discussion on
Stages of Human Growth and what human development is.
Development. Retrieve from 5. The teacher will give instructions and discusses the expectations in performing Task 1 (Picture Gallery)
v=9d4ODP5n8Ps 6. Students will be grouped according to the discretion of
the teacher. Each group will conduct an open
Stages of Human Growth and Development discussion about the topic (one particular
at developmental stage) assigned to them.


FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 4

1.Students will watch the video on Stages of Human Growth
and Development at
The video will serve as additional learning resources to
understand human development.

2. After the open discussion, the group is expected to arrive at

a conclusion about the milestones of the stage of human
development assigned to them. The group may create a
powerpoint or a video clip to present their ideas on the next
synchronous session.

2 Learning Outcome Topics Asynchronous

● Demonstrate understanding ● The Stages of Human Growth and 1.Students will study the reading material/s provided. They are
also encouraged to use other learning resources to have a
of each human Development
wider understanding of stages of human growth and
developmental stage. A. Prenatal Period
B. Infancy (from birth to 2 years)
Task 1 C. Early Childhood (3 to 5 years)
2. Students will gather pictures (from the internet or any
D. Middle and Late Childhood
printed materials) showing the human development stages
● Students will create a (6-12 years)
from prenatal to late adulthood. Pictures gathered will be
picture gallery that will show E. Adolescence (13-18 years)
used to create a picture gallery of the stages of human
their understanding of F. Early Adulthood (19-29 years)
human development and G. Middle Adulthood (30-60
its corresponding years)
3. Students will perform Task 1 and turn-in to the Google
developmental tasks. H. Late Adulthood (61 years and
Rubric of Evaluation

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 5

● Knowledge Fundamental References
1. The teacher will conduct a quiz through Quizizz (or any
● Asking and Handling available application tools). The quiz intends to identify
● Textbook
Questions the knowledge acquired by the students from the
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D The
● Developing Student’s video and the reading material provided about
Child and Adolescent Learners and
Communicative human growth and development.
Learning Principles. !st edition, 2018
2. Each group will present their output about the human
● Electronic development stage assigned to them. The
Principles of Human Growth and presentation will be subject to critiquing both of the
Development by judicious (27) in teacher and the rest of the class. The group is
#science • 3 years ago Retrieved expected to accommodate questions or clarifications
from and answer them accordingly. .
@judicious/principles-of-human- 3. The teacher will conduct an interactive discussion
growth-and-deveopment about the Stages of Human Growth and
Development and its Developmental Tasks.
Human Development. Retrieved
from 4. The teacher gives feedback about Task 1 (Prelim Outputs).
pter/human-development/ Asynchronous

1. Students will be asked to think about their own

development and reflect on the following:
a. Which period or stage of development are you
in right now?
b. Are you dealing with similar development and
experiencing comparable physical, cognitive
and psychosocial development?

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 6

c. Are important aspects of development missing
and if so, are they common for most of your
cohort or unique to you?
Be able to share your reflection during the next
synchronous session.

3&4 Learning Outcome Topics Asynchronous

● Draw principles of teaching Developmental Theories 1. Students will study the reading materials provided..
They are also encouraged to use other learning
and learning from
a. Freud’s Psychoanalytic resources to have a wider understanding of different
developmental theories. Theory developmental theories.
b. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
Task 2 Development Synchronous
c. Erickson’s Psycho-Social
● Create an eight-panel Theory of Development 1. The teacher will conduct a Picture Analysis activity
comic strip to illustrate one d. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral where students will be asked to identify the
developmental theory and Development developmental theory shown.
its application in teaching e. Vygotsky’s Social-Cultural
and learning processes. Theory 2. Students are divided into groups (number to be
f. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological defined by the teacher). Each group will be assigned
Theory one developmental theory. Members of each group
are expected to actively participate in the
References brainstorming on the theory assigned and relate it to
Rubric of Evaluation the teaching and learning processes.
● Textbook
● Critical Thinking and 3. Each group is expected to present their ideas of the
problem Solving assigned theory in a comic strip and may present it
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D The

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 7

Child and Adolescent Learners and through power point presentation or any available
Learning Principles. !st edition, 2018 application tools.

● Electronic 4. The group will present their ideas and accommodate

questions or clarifications from the teacher and the rest
of the class.
Principles of Human Growth and
Development by judicious (27) in
5. The teacher will conduct an interactive discussion
#science • 3 years ago Retrieved
where students will reflect on the importance of
getting to know the different developmental theories
in preparing themselves as future facilitators of
teaching and learning processes.

Lawrence Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral
Development, Sanders, Cheryl E.
1. Students continue reviewing the reading materials for
week 5.

Retrieved from

● The Zone Of Proximal Development

As Defined By Vygotsky, Kendra
Cherry (Updated on April 28, 2020)
Retrieved from

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 8

● Ecological Systems Theory
Sarah Mae Sincero (Mar 14, 2012).
Ecological Systems Theory. Retrieved

5 Learning Outcome Topics Asynchronous

Apply the 14 Learner-Centered Learner-Centered Psychological Principles 1. Students will study the reading materials provided. They are
Psychological Principle (LCP) in the (LCP) also encouraged to use other learning resources to have a
teaching and learning processes. wider understanding of the Learner-Centered Psychological
References Principles.

Milestone (Mini Task)

● Textbook 2. Students will perform the Mini Task. Their output will be
posted in the Google Classroom Stream and be shared during
Students will examine the title “
the synchronous session.
Learner-Centered Principles” and Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D The
jot down 5 words that they can Child and Adolescent Learners and
associate with the said title. Learning Principles. !st edition, 2018

1. Students will be asked to choose 1 word out of 5 words listed

● Electronics from the Mini Task and state a phrase or sentence about why
they think the word can be associated with Learner Centered
Learner-Centered Psychological Principles.
Principles: A Framework for School
Reform and Redesign, American 2. Students then will be grouped according to the teacher’s

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 9

Psychological Association discretion. Each group will be assigned one learner-centered
(November 1997). Retrieved from principle and apply it in teaching and learning processes. Members of each group will share their ideas . The group
e/bea/learner-centered.pdf summarizes their responses through a graphic organizer and
be shared to the entire class.
Assessing the Role of Educational
Technology in the Teaching and 3.The teacher will conduct an open discussion about what a
Learning Process: A Learner- teacher should do to facilitate student’s acquisition of
Centered Perspective, Barbara L. developmental tasks in relation to the different
McCombs, University of Denver developmental theories.
Research Institute (Sept 30,2003).
Retrieved from 4. The teacher will introduce Task 3.
ech/techconf00/ 5. Students will perform Task 3 and turn-in to the Google
ml Classroom.

Learner-Centered Psychological
Principles. Retrieved from

6 Learning Outcome Topic: Asynchronous

Synthesize one’s understanding of Presentation of Final Output (Task 3) 1. The students will prepare their presentation of output.
the use of the different principles The presentation should not be more than 5 minutes.
and theories on human
development in the teaching and Synchronous

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 10

learning processes.
1. The teacher will ask the students to participate in
Task 3 creating a word cloud on human development using
Write a synthesis of your own
understanding of the different 2. Students will be asked to present their output to the
theories and principles on human entire class. Presentation will be subject to critiquing of
development. The synthesis should the teacher and the rest of the class. After each
be in 600-800 words. presentation, the teacher will give feedback and rate
the output presented.
Rubric of Evaluation

Creation of new knowledge


1. All provisions of the University Students’ Handbook shall apply.

2. Mutual respect and scholarly inquiry are two crucial pillars of learner’s engagement in the course.
3. A seating plan will be issued for ease in documenting attendance and recitation.
4. Learners need to participate in class recitation every meeting.
5. Learners will automatically be issued an incomplete grade the moment any of the course requirements are not fulfilled.
6. All major course requirements shall be submitted in digital format following the guidelines that will be discussed in class.
7. Each major course requirement shall use three sources of assessment – self, peer, and teacher.

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 11

8. Learners will be responsible for informing the instructor of other specific needs from your end.
9. Consultation hours should be arranged with the instructor three days before the intended meeting.
10. Make-up for specific requirements may be negotiated depending on the merit of reason for the inability to comply.


Reflection (Prelim) 10 points 1.00 = 96 - 100 points 2.25 = 71 - 75 points

Policy Draft (Midterms) 20 points 1.25 = 91 - 95 points 2.50 = 66 - 70 points

Ethical Policy (Finals) 30 points 1.50 = 86 - 90 points 2.75 = 61 - 65 points

Online Discussion Participation 15 points 1.75 = 81 - 85 points 3.00 = 56 - 60 points

Teamwork and Collaboration 10 points 2.00 = 76 - 80 points 4.00 = 55 points and below

Teacher’s Discretion 15 points

TOTAL 100 points

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 12


Knowledge Acquisition

There is evidence of a comprehensive

The learners are expected to understand There is evidence of basic knowledge on the different steps in planning
specific skill or task in the various knowledge in planning a lesson. There is evidence of sound a lesson. The lesson plan is designed well.
methodology and technique in teaching. The methodology and technique knowledge in preparing a The strategies and techniques emplyed are
They should have the explicit and implicit used requires more planning to lesson. But, there should be applicable to the lesson. There is
Procedural understanding of the different principles in make the activities congruent with appropriate activity/s for the appropriate activity for the chosen
Knowledge teaching. the content/subject chosen content/subject. content/subject
The learners have the ability to express Shows a good understanding Reflects very satisfactorily understanding of
Fundamental understanding of various learner-centered Limited understanding of learner- of learner-centered teaching the various learner-centered teaching
Comprehension teaching strategies centered teaching strategies strategies strategies.
The learners do not have only the Shows basic skills in executing
understanding of the different methodology the different parts of the The different steps reflected in the lesson
and techniques but also the know-how in lesson. Lacks confidence in plan was executed satisfactorily. The
Practical teaching. They should demonstrate the Minimal skill in executing the demonstrating the activities of activities in the lesson was demonstrated
Knowledge step by step skill in a lesson. different parts of the lesson. the lesson well
Possess adequate knowledge
The learners are knowlegeable of of technology assessment Shows satisfacorily knowledge of the
technology assessment tools that are tools. Need some guided technology assessment tools. Needs more
Knowledge utilized in assessing one's progress in their Limited knowledge in using practice to fully understand the independent practice to fully understand the
Assessment study. technology assessment tools. , technology assessment tools. different technology assessment tools.
The learner has the ability to constuct new
insights (innovate) from the existing
elements. Furthermore, the creation of new Shows adequate ability to Shows a satisfactorily ability to develop
knowledge is dependent on the existing Limited ability to innovate innovate instructional instructional technology needed in
capabilities of the learner, as new instructional technology needed in technology needed in facilitating a learner-centered teaching.
Creation of New knowledge is the result of recombination of facilitating a learner-centered facilitating a learner-centered Need some guidance in the creation of new
Knowledge current expertise. teaching. teaching. instructional materials.

Asking and Handling Questions

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 13
1 2 3 4
Question is purposeful, meaningful, and
Questions are usually recall or elicit lower All questions are planned, plotted, and
While variation in purpose of helpful for the learners to fully understand
order thinking skills responses. Questions asked in the most important parts of the
questions is observable, the the lesson. Question is relevant in
warrant short answers and discourage lesson/class. Questions come from both
complexity causes disinterest in deepening the learners' understanding of
student input. Some questions do not learners and the teacher, and responses are
the class. Questions are either the question raised. Raised questions are
Purpose seem to help the learners be guided shared between teacher and students.
too easy or too difficult for the used to make sense of the lesson. Teacher
throughout the discussion. Teacher Questions are purposeful, meaningful, and
learners. Teacher's responses redirects questions that may not be as
shows defensive responses in handling aimed at deepening of understanding.
often miss out the key question relevant into something sensible. Teacher
questions, or shows lack of interest to Student questions are brilliant and show
of the learners. handles questions eloquently and balances
engage further. fluency in questioning.
teacher-student input.
Teacher has a consistent wait- Teacher has a wait-time that allows Teacher has variations in his/her wait-
Teacher does not give ample amount for
time for all types of questions. learners to think about the question and time.Teacher uses varied techniques, such
learners to think through their answers.
Learners are discouraged to construct their answers. Teacher as verbal and non-verbal cues to help
Either the teacher supplies the answer
answer the critical questions encourages thinking through artful learners arrive at a reasonable and
Probing himself/herself or shows impatience for
due to time constraints set by questioning and directed response. Teacher meaningful response. Teacher encourages
delays in answers. Teacher needs
the teacher in the discussion. uses various techniques in probing, inquiry-based classroom, where learners
improvement in phrasing his/her
This compromises incidental reassigning, and assisting responses and themselves raise critical questions to be
learning and deepening. questions. explored further by the class.
Questions are generally
acceptable, but need
Question is vague, too long, or layered Question is clear, purposeful, and helpful as
consistency in the overall Teacher models sharp, relevant, and
which causes learners to be confused, a source of instruction. Crucial questions
clarity, conciseness, and meaningful questions. Critical points of the
Construction discouraged, or overwhelmed. Responses are planned, concise, and serve as
content. Responses of the class are guided by concise and relevant
of the teacher are also verbose, lack instructional tool for deepening. Responses
teacher are sometimes questions.
direction, or fail in reaching resolutions. are concise, direct, and accurate.
confusing due to sentence

Fostering Creativity and Innovation

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 14

1 2 3 4

Teacher provides very little

opportunities for idea generation. In Teacher sometimes provides avenue for Teacher allows students to generate Teacher motivates, guides and
fostering idea generation, limited idea generation. There is evidence of multiple ideas in addressing identified encourages students to generate
views and perspectives are presented more opportunities for idea creation problems. Various idea creation multiple ideas using various idea
to learners. Students seem with more ideas and views presented to techniques are utilized by the learners. creation techniques. Students show
disinterested and/or confused of what the learners. There is an increased Precedents are studied carefully to competence in idea generation and can
to achieve. There is a restrictive sense of engagement with students to evaluate the viability and sustainability anticipate possible problems in various
approach in encouraging thinking and explore these viewpoints some more. of an idea. contexts.
Students show articulate understanding Idea design addressess various angles
Students' idea design shows very Students' idea design shows some of ideas. Clarity in idea design reflects of the issue in focus. Students'
limited evidence of the problem that evidence of knowledge of what to guided processing of learners. Effective eloquence in designing and openness to
Idea Design needs to be addressed. There is very address. There is some evidence of the revisions are applied in creating a final refinement are reflected by the design
and little evidence of the goals of the relation of project goals and finalizing a plan or project which are aligned to the itself. Teacher's feedback and
Refinement project in relation to the design idea. plan and design idea. The teacher is original idea. Teacher's feedback is suggested revisions improve the quality
There is very little evidence of teacher somewhat active in the idea design strategically integrated to revisions to of the design, and learners display
guidance in the idea design process. process. meet learner needs and suit learning fluency by choosing which feedback is
goal. helpful to the overall design.
Students exhibit very little effort at
investigating relevant cases, Students exhibit improved reception to Students start to evaluate ideas that
Students create plausible ideas that
problems, or projects. Ideas show unconvential but potential ideas. There may be seen unconventional but are
challenge current solutions. Students'
limited avenues for students to are few evidence that show students' useful to address presented issue.
concepts are original and/or responsive
Openness to explore the problems' depth and intelligent risk-taking and innovative Teacher shows supportive disposition.
to the case, problem, or project
Explore breadth. Teacher demonstrates very thought process. Teacher demonstrates He/she encourages students' openness
chosen.Teacher creates multiple
little opportunities that allow more opportunities, exhibits more to criticism and challenges them to
avenues for productive discourse and
openness to challenge current strategies and consistency in evaluate their own assumptions when
evaluative discussions.
solutions or think beyond the status encouraging creativity and innovation. necessary.
Collaboration Learning setup limits collaborative Learning setup provides more avenues Learning setup shows avenues for Learning setup clearly shows
work. There is very little evidence to for collaborative work. Collaboration is collaborative work. Teacher promotes collaborative work. Students synthesize
show enhancement or encouragement somewhat observable. The lesson shows creative and productive collaboration in big ideas and direct themselves to

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 15

potential opportunities for collaboration
experiences that are meaningful and
but these opportunities are not utilized the classroom. Students show
of creative collaboration. Students creative. Students know how to
or maximized appropriately. Creative willingness to work together, critique
exhibit very little evidence of creative maximize individual potential and skills
collaboration is present, but appropriate each other's work, and create a
and collaborative work. with little to no prompts from the
planning could further improve the meaningful outcome.
overall experience.
Class shows very little in terms of Class shows some evidence of Class is geared towards production of
completion of the production and completion of the production and refined ideas. Plans and designs have Class naturally goes through generation
Production and implementation phase. There is very implementation phase. There is more target dates of implementation, are to production with little to no prompts
Implementatio little evidence of budgeting of time evidence of budgeting of time and doable, relevant, and student-initiated. from the teacher. Self-paced production
n and resources thus making it difficult resources and learners are showing Guidance of the teacher is evidenced by does not impede bigger projects or
for the learners to optimize learning evidence of optimizing learning the students' ability to complete compromise other work.
experiences. experiences. production and/or implementation.
Self-reflection and assessment Students demonstrate reflective
Reflective thinking is observable in all
opportunities are usually placed at the Students are given opportunities for thinking throughout the process of
steps involved. Students naturally show
end of the entire process instead of reflective thinking, but there is little project-making. There are prompts
self-awareness that allow them to
strategic phases. Students' self- evidence of appropriate processing. provided that guide learners to
Self-Reflection complete, improve, and present
reflection is still always prompted by Students are sometimes dependent on complete, improve, and present
innovation. Instruction conditions a
the teacher. Instruction usually prompts and do not seem to naturally innovation. Instruction conditions a
healthy environment for self-
restricts self-assessment and self- go through the process of self-reflection. healthy environment for self-
assessment and improvement.
reflection. assessment and improvement.

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 16


1 2 3 4

Teacher produces simple phrases and Teacher produces comprehensible Teacher produces clear and detailed
Teacher produces well-structured and precise
sentences with an acceptable level of paragraphs with an acceptable level texts with an acceptable level of
discourse with an acceptable level of
grammatical accuracy. Teacher's of grammatical accuracy. Teacher's grammatical accuracy. Teacher's
grammatical accuracy. Teacher's grammatical
Grammar grammatical knowledge and usage grammatical knowledge and usage grammatical knowledge and usage
knowledge and usage provides clarity,
provides clarity, conciseness, and provides clarity, conciseness, and provides clarity, conciseness, and
conciseness, and completeness of thoughts
completeness of thoughts and completeness of thoughts and completeness of thoughts and
and instructions.
instructions. instructions. instructions.

Teacher's vocabulary is
Teacher uses developmentally- Teacher uses contextualized language Teacher's usage of contextualized language
contextualized for learners.
appropriate vocabulary and/or for learners' proficiency level. encourages learners to be effective
Difficulties caused by sociolinguistic
structure to the learners. Learners Sociolinguistic cues are acted upon communicators. Sociolinguistic cues are
factors are addressed, allowing
Sociocultural demonstrate acceptable and considered in facilitating class utilized as learning opportunities.Informed
learners to have a meaningful
linguistic understanding of the discussion or discussion. The uses and importance cultural sensitivity issues and linguistics
overall experience. Cultural
Cues task because of appropriate language of cultural linguistics cues are already relativity to the students in details that the
linguistics cues are already
usage. Importance of cultural chanelled to the learners. The practice students perfectly understand and give
practiced. Its importance and
linguistics knowledge is already of cultural sensitivity in importance to when engaging in
benefits are already acknowledged
realized and valued in communicating. communication is already encouraged. communication.
and put into practice.

Teacher's structure is clear with

appropriate variety. Teacher Teacher facilitates active discourse Teacher's clarity, organization, and cohesion
Teacher's discourse structure shows
facilitates class with manageable between and among learners. are exceptional. Teacher models and
acceptable development of ideas.
progression. Cohesion of ideas is Cohesion and coherence of thoughts encourages learners to be bettter
Discourse Teacher facilitates class with
consistent, and sentence coherence are well-presented. Ideas are related communicators. Teacher uses diversified
manageable flow of ideas and
is present. Ideas are sometimes and directed towards the achievement sentence structure that enhances meaning-
logically sequenced and clearly of the task. making and overall tone of the instruction.

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 17

Teacher identifies potential breakdowns and
Teacher shows competence in
Teacher recognizes cues for both smoothly implements interventions. Failure of
Teacher recognizes basic learner cues addressing communication
learners' language acquisition and learners to comprehend is addressed by the
related to language. Teacher identifies breakdowns between and among
Strategic intervention. Teacher identifies teacher in the most appropriate means and
communication breakdowns among learners. Teacher identifies the source
breakdowns among learners and timing. Learners easily follow the discussion
learners and addresses them. of communication breakdowns and
provides resolution. and perform tasks because of clarity and
acts upon it efficiently.
appropriateness of language and instruction.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

1 2 3 4

Teacher possesses critical reasoning Teacher eloquently models critical

Teacher fails to display critical reasoning as reflected by his/her answer, reasoning in both planned and
Teacher sometimes displays critical
due to the limited opportunities for question, and prompts that lead to incidental learning experiences.
thinking in some avenues of the
discourse with the students. Teacher fails the deepening of the lesson. Teacher provides opportunities for
lesson. Some opportunities allow
to explore a varietry of thought Teacher credibility is achieved by student-led learning. Teacher
students to explore thought
processes. Teacher credibility is not his/her input that encourage learner credibility is based on the students'
processes. Teacher credibility is
anchored on teacher's critical reasoning. engagement and reasoning. Teacher achievement. Teacher justifies
sometimes observed.
Modeling Critical Reasoning justifies decision, approach, and decision, approach, and judgment
Students have a few opportunities to judgment on issues and questions on issues and questions raised.
Students have occasional
raise questions to enhance raised.
opportunities to raise questions and
understanding or provide deepening to Students naturally employ critical
engage in discourse. Learning
the lesson. Learning environment is Students display critical reasoning reasoning with little to no prompts
environment sometimes allows
poorly constructed to enhance criticial fostered by the learning from the teacher. Students naturally
opportunities for critical reasoning.
reasoning. environment by taking opportunities go through critiquing,
that showcase the skill. Students are reinforcement, and/or
FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 18
open to critiquing, assessing, and
enhancement. Learning
shifting ideas when necessary and
environment enhances and
appropriate. Learning environment
encourages critical thinking and
successfully engages learners to
problem solving beyond the
practice, enhance, and encourage
classroom demands.
critical thinking and problem solving.
Teacher has organized and scientific
approach in arriving at a decision.
Instruction reflects extensive
Teacher comes up with standards that
Teacher's standards are clear but Teacher shows scientific and studying of what to study, evaluate,
seem to be less anchored on observable
needs elaboration, clarity, and/or objective approach in arriving at a and create by preempting possible
criteria. Basis is too generic and not
alignment to fully maximize its decision. Instruction shows full issues and coming up with multiple
contextualized to the current learning
function. Basis is sufficient but may understanding of what to study, solutions.
Constructing Standards for Judgment need further contextualization or evaluate, and create.
clarity. Students are aware of critical
Learners are either not fully informed of
Students are informed of the critical standards to be met. Standards
how assessment progresses or show lack
Learners show basic understanding standards that inform responses to guide the learners achievement and
of understanding of how learning is
of what to study and/or explore. cases, problems, and projects. shape experiences which are
relevant and meaningful. Students
provide input in enhancing class
Teacher is able to identify some Teacher is fluent in identfiying Teacher shows expertise at handling
Teacher shows low competence is critical questions but still miss some driving questions to a case, problem, instruction by shaping the entire
identifying driving questions to a case, avenues for potential learning or project. Teacher uses varied experience with the key questions
problem, or project. Teacher uses limited experiences. Some of the issues' sources that allow various angles to that a case, problem, or project
sources of data to come up with relevant angles are explored, but be explored and studied. Issues' aims to address. Issues' depth is
Identifying Key Questions/Issues angle for study. opportunities are still available for depth is maximized and identified at maximized and identified at an
exploration. a feasible level. appropriately difficult and feasible
Students rarely raise questions and level.
deepen the discussion either due to too Students sometimes raise questions Students raise follow-up questions
broad or too limited view of the issue. that lead to the lesson's deepening, that broaden or limit, whatever Students initiate discussions that
but opportunities to do so are enhances learning, their perspective enhance learning experiences.
FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 19
of the issue. Students' questions are
limited. Student participation for
relevant, helpful, and critical in Students' questions shape and
learners' self-direction is sometimes
developing a solution for the case, enhance discussions.
problem, or project.
Teacher integrates relevant and
Teacher uses very limited information as Teacher integrates relevant
sufficient information based on the
evidenced by a restricted plan and lesson Teacher sometimes utilize useful information to arrive at a decision.
successful gathering of information.
flow. Teacher rarely displays critical information. Teacher occasionally Generating solutions is easy for the
Teacher shows critical thinking and
thinking as opportuinities to do so are displays critical thinking through teacher because of various bases in
problem solving skils by distilling
limited too. questions, processing, and/or gathering infromation.
Generating Solution information and suggestion that
help students achieve.
Students show difficulties that hamper Students show complete and
the full development of their Students show analysis of the extensive knowledge of the
Students showcase understanding of
understanding of the case, problem, or problem. problem. Solutions generated are
the problem by generating plausible
project. innovatuve, critical, and meaningful.
and well-informed solution.
Teacher enocurages honest
Teacher shows objective assessment of solutions. Learning
Teacher limits opportunities for self- understanding of the issue by environment and time allotment
assessment and reflection. reflecting and evaluating solutions allows sufficient evaluation of
Teacher allows self-reflection.
taken to address issues. solutions.
Evaluating Solution Students have few avenues for discussion
Students sometime shave
and evaluation. Students are not engaged Students have avenues for Students have a number of avenues
opportunities for reflection.
in evaluating solution. There are few discussion and evaluation of the to discuss and evaluate the
feedback that are useful and helpful. aligment of their solution with the alignment of solutions provided.
case, problem, or project identified. Students have the initiative to self-

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 20

Prepared by: Validated by: Noted by: Approved by:

Jocelyn M.A. Ruzol,MAIE Ms. Charise Soriano Dr. Ferdinand Pitagan Edizon A. Fermin, PhD
Instructor Program Head Dean Vice President for Academic Affairs

FCT 1 Course Syllabus Page 21

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