PHILOSOPHY The National Teachers College believes in democratic CORE VALUES Nationalism, Trustworthiness, Commitment to Excellence,
education for individual responsibility and social competence. Respect for the Individuals, Dedication to Service
VISION The National Teachers College envisions itself as a leading MISSION The National Teachers College provides leaders and innovators
academic institution for the development of all levels of in the academe and industries who are equipped, responsible,
education anchored on the ideals of excellence, relevance, and competent individuals to contribute to national and
access, and effectiveness geared towards national international endeavors.
productivity and world-class competitiveness.
INSTITUTIONAL 1. To produce educators and personnel in the industries who INSTITUTIONAL 1. Educated professionals who believe in and practice
OBJECTIVES are socially efficient and responsive to the needs of the OUTCOMES democracy as a living faith and as a way of life
Republic of the Philippines within the framework of 2. Responsive citizens who address the needs of the country
within the framework of international understanding
international standards
3. Responsible citizens who interpret, transmit, enrich, and
2. To provide students with a working understanding of the
value the Filipino cultural heritage
nature and meaning of democracy, the changing social 4. Servant leaders who uphold integrity of character, cultivate
milieu in which they are expected to work and live, the
DESCRIPTION This course focuses on child and adolescent development with PREREQUISITES Prerequisites:
emphasis on current research and theory on biological, linguistic, AND none
cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of development. EQUIVALENT
Furthermore, it includes factors that affect the progress of COURSES
Equivalent Courses:
development of the learners and shall include appropriate
pedagogical principles applicable for each developmental level.
TERMINAL The learners will synthesize their understanding of the different theories CREDIT AND 3.0 units; 54 hours in total: 45 hours for online classroom interaction,
ASSESSMENT and principles on human development. CONTACT independent learning, and collaboration and 9 hours for assessments
PERIOD and consultation.
COURSE The course will yield students who can confidently and competently... PROGRAM The program yields candidates to different professions who have the
OUTCOMES ● Demonstrate adequate understanding of each human OUTCOMES competencies of…
developmental stage; ALIGNMENT* L: Critical Thinking and Synthesis
● Draw principles of teaching and learning from developmental L: Problem-solving
theories; L: Presentation
● Apply the 14 Learner-Centered Psychological Principle (LCP) P: Teamwork and Collaboration
in the teaching and learning processes; and P: Information Literacy
● Synthesize one’s understanding of the use of different O: Time Management
principles and theories on human development in the
teaching and learning processes.
● Demonstrate adequate ● Human Development: Its Meaning, 1. Students will study the reading material/s provided in
the module. They are also encouraged to use other
understanding of each Concepts and Approaches.
learning resources to have a wider understanding of
human developmental
human development.
stage. References
2. Students relate their personal definition of human
● Demonstrate understanding ● The Stages of Human Growth and 1.Students will study the reading material/s provided. They are
also encouraged to use other learning resources to have a
of each human Development
wider understanding of stages of human growth and
developmental stage. A. Prenatal Period
B. Infancy (from birth to 2 years)
Task 1 C. Early Childhood (3 to 5 years)
2. Students will gather pictures (from the internet or any
D. Middle and Late Childhood
printed materials) showing the human development stages
● Students will create a (6-12 years)
from prenatal to late adulthood. Pictures gathered will be
picture gallery that will show E. Adolescence (13-18 years)
used to create a picture gallery of the stages of human
their understanding of F. Early Adulthood (19-29 years)
human development and G. Middle Adulthood (30-60
its corresponding years)
3. Students will perform Task 1 and turn-in to the Google
developmental tasks. H. Late Adulthood (61 years and
Rubric of Evaluation
● Draw principles of teaching Developmental Theories 1. Students will study the reading materials provided..
They are also encouraged to use other learning
and learning from
a. Freud’s Psychoanalytic resources to have a wider understanding of different
developmental theories. Theory developmental theories.
b. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
Task 2 Development Synchronous
c. Erickson’s Psycho-Social
● Create an eight-panel Theory of Development 1. The teacher will conduct a Picture Analysis activity
comic strip to illustrate one d. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral where students will be asked to identify the
developmental theory and Development developmental theory shown.
its application in teaching e. Vygotsky’s Social-Cultural
and learning processes. Theory 2. Students are divided into groups (number to be
f. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological defined by the teacher). Each group will be assigned
Theory one developmental theory. Members of each group
are expected to actively participate in the
References brainstorming on the theory assigned and relate it to
Rubric of Evaluation the teaching and learning processes.
● Textbook
● Critical Thinking and 3. Each group is expected to present their ideas of the
problem Solving assigned theory in a comic strip and may present it
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D The
Lawrence Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral
Development, Sanders, Cheryl E.
1. Students continue reviewing the reading materials for
week 5.
Retrieved from
Apply the 14 Learner-Centered Learner-Centered Psychological Principles 1. Students will study the reading materials provided. They are
Psychological Principle (LCP) in the (LCP) also encouraged to use other learning resources to have a
teaching and learning processes. wider understanding of the Learner-Centered Psychological
References Principles.
Learner-Centered Psychological
Principles. Retrieved from
Synthesize one’s understanding of Presentation of Final Output (Task 3) 1. The students will prepare their presentation of output.
the use of the different principles The presentation should not be more than 5 minutes.
and theories on human
development in the teaching and Synchronous
Teamwork and Collaboration 10 points 2.00 = 76 - 80 points 4.00 = 55 points and below
Knowledge Acquisition
1 2 3 4
Teacher produces simple phrases and Teacher produces comprehensible Teacher produces clear and detailed
Teacher produces well-structured and precise
sentences with an acceptable level of paragraphs with an acceptable level texts with an acceptable level of
discourse with an acceptable level of
grammatical accuracy. Teacher's of grammatical accuracy. Teacher's grammatical accuracy. Teacher's
grammatical accuracy. Teacher's grammatical
Grammar grammatical knowledge and usage grammatical knowledge and usage grammatical knowledge and usage
knowledge and usage provides clarity,
provides clarity, conciseness, and provides clarity, conciseness, and provides clarity, conciseness, and
conciseness, and completeness of thoughts
completeness of thoughts and completeness of thoughts and completeness of thoughts and
and instructions.
instructions. instructions. instructions.
Teacher's vocabulary is
Teacher uses developmentally- Teacher uses contextualized language Teacher's usage of contextualized language
contextualized for learners.
appropriate vocabulary and/or for learners' proficiency level. encourages learners to be effective
Difficulties caused by sociolinguistic
structure to the learners. Learners Sociolinguistic cues are acted upon communicators. Sociolinguistic cues are
factors are addressed, allowing
Sociocultural demonstrate acceptable and considered in facilitating class utilized as learning opportunities.Informed
learners to have a meaningful
linguistic understanding of the discussion or discussion. The uses and importance cultural sensitivity issues and linguistics
overall experience. Cultural
Cues task because of appropriate language of cultural linguistics cues are already relativity to the students in details that the
linguistics cues are already
usage. Importance of cultural chanelled to the learners. The practice students perfectly understand and give
practiced. Its importance and
linguistics knowledge is already of cultural sensitivity in importance to when engaging in
benefits are already acknowledged
realized and valued in communicating. communication is already encouraged. communication.
and put into practice.
Jocelyn M.A. Ruzol,MAIE Ms. Charise Soriano Dr. Ferdinand Pitagan Edizon A. Fermin, PhD
Instructor Program Head Dean Vice President for Academic Affairs