A Comparative Study of Operating Systems: Case of Windows, UNIX, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS

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A Comparative Study of Operating Systems: Case of Windows, UNIX, Linux,

Mac, Android and iOS

Article  in  International Journal of Computer Applications · July 2020

DOI: 10.5120/ijca2020920494


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4 authors, including:

Adedoyin Odumabo Olukayode Aiyeniko

Lagos State University Lagos State University


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 39, July 2020

A Comparative Study of Operating Systems: Case of

Windows, UNIX, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS

Akinlolu Adekotujo Adedoyin Odumabo Ademola Adedokun Olukayode Aiyeniko

PhD Student PhD Student PhD Student Lecture II
Computer Science Dept., Computer Science Dept., Computer Science Dept., Computer Science Dept.,
Lagos State University, Lagos State University, Lagos State University, Lagos State University,
Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria

ABSTRACT held and even video game consoles use some type of
Varieties of operating systems (OS) have emerged over the operating system. There are numerous types of operating
years having different features and functionalities. systems in today’s ICT world. Mac Operating System
Understanding the functionalities of each OS guides users’ designed and owned by Apple Inc., Windows by Microsoft
decisions about the OS to install on their computers. In view Inc., Linux by Community, likewise Android by Google Inc.
of this, the comparative analysis of different OS is needed to and others.
provide details on the similarities and difference in recent Varieties of Operating Systems have emerged over the years
types of OS vis-à-vis their strengths and weaknesses. This having different features and functionalities. Understanding
paper focus on the comparative analysis of Windows, Unix, the functionalities of each OS guides users’ decisions about
Linux, Mac, Android and iOS operating systems based on the the OS to install on their computers. In view of this the
OS features and their strengths and weaknesses. A qualitative comparative analysis of different OS becomes inevitable.
analysis of six different operating systems and result showed Thus the need arises for a comparative analysis that will give
that Windows 10 had 0.04 malware file present while an overview of the similarities and difference in different
Windows 7 machine was 0.08. Higher percentage of mobile types of OS with the view to presenting and mapping the
malware target Androids than iOS. Windows 10, Linux, features of the OS with various user services.
UNIX and Mac OS are more secured and reliable. Windows
and Android are more popular, user-friendly, easy to use and This paper presents a comparative study of six (i.e. Windows,
allow more application program than Mac OS. Linux and Linux, Mac, UNIX, Android and iOS) operating systems
Android are free while Windows is moderately costly and based on the OS features and their strengths and weaknesses.
Mac OS is very costly. Except for Mac and iOS others allow The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the
compatibility. Windows 10 and Mac OS integrated firewall. review of related works while Section 3 presents the
Windows and Android tend to be the most widely used comparative analysis of Windows, UNIX, Linux, Mac,
especially the newest versions. It is because they are Android, and iOS. Section 4 presents merits and demerits of
affordable, secure, reliable, compatible and user friendly. This Windows, UNIX, Linux, Mac, Android, and iOS. Deductions
study helps to provide some guides to both end-users and are presented in Section 5 and Conclusion is presented in
developers guiding them in taking decisions about operating Section 6.
systems that are most suitable for them.
General Terms Several research works had been carried out on operating
Operating System systems used on desktop computer systems and mobile
devices. Summary of the existing works is presented in this
Keywords section.
Operating System, Windows, Linux, Mac, UNIX, Android,
iOS, Comparative Analysis Lin and Ye in [2] investigated the smartphone OSs market in
a uniform ecosystem framework. They compared major
1. INTRODUCTION companies like Nokia, RIM, Apple and Microsoft. The result
Operating System (OS) is software that manages and controls showed that the companies used smartphone OS as a business
the main computer hardware, the hardware peripherals and unit and as opportunity for new business. Similarly in [3], the
software resources, so also the users. It also offers the authors compared various operating systems (OSes) for
platform and support for application programs and acts as an developing WSN applications such as TinyOS, Contiki, and
interface between the computer user, programmers inclusive, LiteOS. Several issues were considered amongst which are:
and the computer hardware [1]. Applications software like memory requirement, process management and scheduling,
word processors, spreadsheets, databases, and other dedicated kernel model, reliability etc. Moreover, features such as
applications that businesses need, run on a given OS platform. Networking Support, Real-Time Guarantee, Language
Operating systems provide standard services for processes Support, Multi-Threading Support, File System, Platform
implementation such as storage, deadlock, scheduling and Support, and Simulator for comparison of these OSes were
other processes. It also provides a programming environment discussed. Strengths and weaknesses of the operating systems
that enables a user to write and execute programs in a much were equally identified. The significance of this work is that,
convenient and efficient way. Every computer system the OS developers will know what had been done on existing
including desktops, laptops, tablets, supercomputers, hand- OSes, and the OS users will know the various features of

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 39, July 2020

existing sensor network OSes, so as to enable them select the operating systems in forensic investigation of user activities.
most suitable for their application. Digital forensic technique was adopted. Windows 7 operating
system keeps track of information in the registry, which helps
Mudiraj in [4], did comparative study of booting paradigm of to discover the kind of activity performed by the user and kind
Windows, Linux and Mac operating system. This of infection and intruder when analyzed. Ubuntu uses text
experimental study gave an idea about the Booting Process files in system configuration which help in investigation of
similarities and difference in these three operating systems. action and malicious activity tracking.
The result of experiment showed that every operating system
considered have same common POST step processed during The work presented in [11] identified the key factors affecting
the booting process. Mac has its own mechanism such as the choice of OS (Android and iOS) customers, and the
BootROM, which has its own operating system boot loader demographic effect on their choice. The analysis showed that
called BootX or Boot.efi. It is the only operating system that age group and applications available in the app store are
does not support any BIOS mechanism while booting it. significant in influencing the choice of OS. This study
revealed that among smartphone users, Android and iOS are
In [5], a review of various mobile technologies such as 1G, highly preferred. Android is preferred by customers because
2G and 3G with different mobile OS was carried out. The of its high customized features, user interface and free
authors compared Symbian OS, Android OS, BlackBerry OS, availability apps while iOS is a special mobile operating
iOS and Windows Phone based on Vendor, Programming system that works only on Apple devices and well known for
Language and Application Store. The result showed that iOS its high security features. It is recommended that Android
has more features and require less code. They established that should enhance its security features and battery life span; and
android and apple are growing faster in the market. Similarly iOS should increase its free available apps and develop widget
comparison of two android and iOS was carried out in [6] support. Also in [12], the authors compared the operating
with emphasis on security. The security features used for systems of mobile devices such as Android, iPhone OS,
comparisons are encryption approach, memory BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian with the following
randomization, data storage format, application sandboxing, features concurrency, memory use network and security. The
and built-in antivirus. Results showed that iOS is more result showed that each operating system have strengths and
secured than android OS. Also, other security issues about weaknesses, therefore it is certainly impossible to say which
users’ data are identified. Furthermore, Okediran et. al., did a operating system is the best. Apple placed unnatural
comparative analysis of different technological platforms in restrictions on their iOS devices while the others have no
[7]. The Smartphone OSs reviewed were Android-Google, difficulty in running various applications at the same time.
iOS-Apple, Blackberry OS, Windows Phone-Microsoft, web Android is the only free open source operating system. In
OS and Symbian OS-Nokia. The result showed android as the terms of restricted memory capacity, all operating systems
most flexible and dynamic mobile operating system. have different technologies to deal with it more but
In 2014, a user model for OS design based on UX to aid BlackBerry and Android OS deals less with restrictions. All
product designers to find the connection between user operating systems have restrictions in regard of automatically
perception and UX was presented in [8]. The empirical study connecting to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network but Windows
was done to compare the dominant OSs in tablets: Windows Mobile and Android 2.0 did not have any restrictions. In term
8, iOS 6, and Android 4.2 with the major aspects to establish of security, BlackBerry and Android OS both run applications
satisfactory or unsatisfactory UX. The paper used users’ data, in sandboxed virtual machine but other operating systems had
such as demographic factors, usage frequency, personal complications for signing applications. Android and iPhone
character, personal aesthetic, and voluntariness of use to OS are nowadays leading the business market.
predict the UX .The results showed that the iOS 6 holds a In 2019, Enterprise Operating System (EOS) was presented in
satisfactory in terms of architectural support and favorable [13]. The goal was to develop a universal EOS (UEOS)
brand image, Android 4.2 holds a satisfactory in terms of model. The review of the Viable Systems Model (VSM), Le
architectural support and functional performance and Moigne general system theory, the nine level model (NLM),
Windows 8 holds a satisfactory in terms of functional and enterprise engineering (EE) concepts was done and from
performance but the OS is unclear, hard to use, and learn, which the first elementary functional model of UEOS was
inadequate GUI support which make it unsatisfactory. Also developed. Three perspectives of active object such as
[9] discussed the android architecture, its operating system functional, ontological, evolutionary were identified from Le
and main features. The work compared Android with different Moigne´s theory, memory facilitating the operational and the
OS like iOS (Apple), Blackberry OS (RIM), and Symbian management/decision enterprises subsystems were identified
(Nokia). From their analysis, they concluded that Android is from the NLM and relevant contributions from GOD theory,
better than all other operating systems. Conversely, Android the Organizational Self Awareness (OSA) concept, and
is an open source OS, had some limitations such as malware
attacks like virus, spyware, worms etc. rigorous tools as DEMO were identified from EE. Also,
contributions were gotten from complex theories, principally
Computer system had been used to achieve several computer the concept of “bounded instability” and the strategies to
crimes which include hacking/cracking, computer viruses, maintain a system in “edge of chaos”. The research was in its
network intrusion etc. Recently, digital forensic has been used initial phase, therefore there is need for valuable feedback
to identify any malicious activity in operating system. The from research communities to help evolving the first
research reported in [10] explained the fundamentals of functional elementary UEOS model, into a complete and
Windows7 registry and its structure and Ubuntu12 file comprehensible one.
system; a comparative analysis of the Windows7 registry and
Ubuntu12 file systems of various activities based on auto run In recent years, there were increased in the development of
program, recently accessed documents, application settings, Internet of Things (IoT) applications to control remote
malware activity, login & shutdown activity, network systems especially in industrial engineering by interlinking a
accessed, and its relations to the digital forensic. The aim of large number of devices. The core idea of the IoT is to make
this work was to compare Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12 available a network of physical objects having embedded

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 39, July 2020

technology accessible through the Internet. This technology Also, it improved the quality of monitoring capability in the
permits these objects to collect and transmit data between diverse wireless network settings for remote control
diverse nodes. The authors in [14] proposed a new automation systems.
autonomous IoT model predictive controller that uses low-
cost hardware and free software for a class of linear multi- 3. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF
agent system even when network is imperfect. It goal is to WINDOWS, UNIX, LINUX, MAC,
improve the network service quality in the industrial field.
This method is applied to a mobile robot over embedded
leader–followers wireless networked architecture using In this paper, emphasis is to carry out a comparative study of
Internet of Things Operating System running on STM32 and the following operating systems: Windows, UNIX, Linux,
radio frequency communication shields over the User Mac, Android and iOS. Issues of concern are: Computer
Datagram Protocol. To implement the enactment of the Architecture Supported, Target System Type, File System
predictive control algorithm, the User Datagram Protocol was Supported, User Friendly for Lay Users, Integrated Firewall,
used because of the high number of packet losses in the Security Threats, Shell Terminal, Kernel Type, Reliability,
communication network. Therefore, analysis of Internet of and Compatibility. Also, the advantages and limitations of
Things technology among agents was carried out joined with each of the operating systems were listed. The comparison of
a network predictive control scheme against packet loss, the operating systems based on features and functionalities is
limited bandwidth and attack links. The Experimental results presented in Table 1.
showed the effectiveness of this method in perturbation
attenuation, reference tracking, and security link even in the
case of imperfect network. The proposed experiment solved
the problem of data losses in the communication network.
Table 1. Quality Comparison of Windows, UNIX, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS based on Features and Functionalities

Windows Linux Mac UNIX Android iOS

Manufacturer Microsoft Inc. Linux is developed as Apple Inc. Three biggest Open source
open source OS under for their distributions are Solaris OS designed
Apple Inc.
the GNU project by Macintosh running (Oracle), &developed
closed, with
the Originator, Linus line of AIXon (IBM) & HP- by Android
Torvalds and many computer UX Hewlett Packard. Inc. Google is
that are
others. systems. And Apple Makes now the
source openly
OSX, an Unix based current owner
Development Developed and Linux is Open Mac OS was Unix system has OHA (Open Apple Inc.
and distributed by Sourced and designed various flavors, most of Handset developed
Distribution Microsoft. distributed by various only to be which are developed by Alliance) and
vendors. deployed by AT&T with other distributed
Apple commercial vendors iOS
Computers. and non-profit orgs.
Computer x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64, 68k, Available on PA-RISC Android-x86 ARM
Architecture PowerPC, SPARC, PowerPC and Itanium machines. powered by
Supported Alpha, Others Solaris also available AMD and
for x86/x64 based Intelx86
systems. OSX is processors.
Target Workstation, Desktop/Server Workstation, 8086 UNIX system, Consumer, Smartphone,
System Type Personal Computer, Depends on Personal PDP-11/70 system Enterprise, music system
Media Centre, Distribution Computer, education player, Tablet
Tablet PC, embedded system/
Embedded. computer
File System NTFS, FAT & ext2, ext3, HFS+, HFS, jfs, gpfs, hfs, hfs+, ufs, Ext4 HFS+, FTP
Supported exFAT with ISO ex4,ReiserFS,FAT, MFS (Mac xfs, zfs format
9660; UDF, 3rd ISO 9660,UDF, NFS, OS 8.0 and
Party driver that and others. before) AFP,
supports file system with ISO
ext2, and ext3, 9660, FAT,
ReiserFS, and HFS UDF
User Friendly Very User Friendly Depends on Very User Unix is user-friendly. Very User Very User
for Lay Users Distribution. More Friendly It's just choosy about Friendly Friendly
friendlier to users

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 39, July 2020

than Unix who its friends are

Integrated Windows Firewall Chroot capability- Application IPFilter iptables Firewall-IP

Firewall based security, [s 5] Firewall for iOS
seccomp, SELinux

Security Huge Negligible Negligible Mild Negligible Negligible

Shell CMD Bash shell powerful BASH Originally the Bourne Mosh Blink Shell
Terminal shell with many Shell. Now it's
features compatible with many
others including BASH,
Korn & C.
Kernel Type Hybrid Monolithic with Monolithic Monolithic with Linux kernel XNU kernel
modules with modules of Darwin
Reliability Great Great Greatest Greater Could be More than
unstable Android
Compatibility Can coexist on local Linux has few Only few Unix does not have as Better than Compatibility
networks with programs and games programs many programs and iOS is fair
Windows, BSD, like Windows. But is will run on games as Windows
Macs, and other more compatible and Mac
Unix-like systems. scalable than Unix
More compatible.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 39, July 2020

4. MERITS AND DEMERITS OF THE be one of the common operating system that is run by servers
and other computers that form the large bulk of the Internet.
UNIX, LINUX, MAC, ANDROID, One might never use UNIX on local PC, but indirect use is
obvious in one form or another, every time one log on to the
AND IOS internet. Very few users runs UNIX on their personal systems,
4.1 Windows Operating System and a lot of different versions of UNIX operating system are
Windows Operating System was introduced into the market in available for UNIX PC, and one of such is “UNIXy” which so
the year 1985, and as a robust and comprehensive kind of many users have installed on desktop machines. There are so
software, has almost 90% market share over and above other any different types and features basic UNIX interface; Linux,
operating system [15]. With its great and dominance presence with its different version turn out to be the most common and
in commercial buildings, industrial facilities, as well as its popular for personal computer platform.
obvious presence as home computers. Although this assertion
Setting up a UNIX OS can be difficult and it requires some
is believed not to be so again as a result of overwhelming
knowledge to operate, but it is stable and robust, and efficient
peoples interest in open source operating systems.
with system resources. UNIX OS uses the "UNIX file
The Microsoft Operating System as a family of Microsoft system". However, most file systems used by UNIX OS are
windows was created as a graphical layer over that of old MS impartially similar, but different uniquely from of other
dos with its root from MS DOS Command line and this it operating systems file systems, such as DOS or Windows.
retains till date with DOS Box command prompt that is The trademark UNIX® is been owned by the Open Group,
cmd.exe. [16]. Original Windows NT core happens to be the Only PCs fully compliant with and certified to the Single
first to take shape in OS/2 operating system upon which UNIX Specification qualify as "UNIXR", others are referred
modern versions are dependent. 32 and 64-bit AMD and Intel to or known as "Unix system-like" or "Unix-like".
systems accommodate Windows OS, DEC Alpha, PowerPC
Between later and early part of 1970 and 1980 respectively,
architectures Windows OS, and MIPS is also comfortable
UNIXs way in academic circles led to large scale acceptance
with recent versions, likewise low and mid-range servers.
of UNIX by commercial businesses, the most prominent of
Database and web servers also allows Windows operating
which is Sun Microsystems. Additional to certified UNIX
system to use them. In recent years, Microsoft has proofed
computer systems, today Operating system like that of UNIX
significant with marketing and with its finance to establish
such example likes BSD products and Linux are regularly
that Windows interoperability is not in doubt and that it has
come across. UNIX with is pros and cons and besides being a
all that it takes as a platform to run any enterprise application.
free system, are found as to run on most machine [17].
4.1.1 Merits of Windows OS 4.2.1 Merits of UNIX
i. Technical/Maintenance support: Support is made
UNIX provides more control by the user. Some OS like
available either online or offline because of its
Windows and Mac are based on icon and mouse making them
general acceptability by so many users.
more user friendly, user can also activate what the operating
ii. Compatibility: Windows accommodates almost system allows. On UNIX, user has no limitation as anything
every applications, game works and different types can be done in as much as the operating system offers it.
of drivers.
What it means is that user can work freely without the fear of
iii. Enormous quantity of functions: Getting use to thinking that the system can be messed up even when the user
Windows, one would realize that there are many does not know what he/she is doing. UNIX also can offer both
functions one can do almost anything quite easily freedom and danger because the operating system can be
with when call up. changed and make more compatible with what one want to
do. If one knows what it takes to work perfectly well with
4.1.2 Demerits of Windows OS UNIX, the operating system can be so powerful that it can be
i. Viruses: Need to purchase an antivirus programs customized, and because it has been in used for a long time,
that needs to be activated frequently, and this can be most bugs have been cleared and this fact makes it very
done on Auto or Manual mode, although free reliable.
antivirus exist but with limitations.
4.2.2 Demerits of UNIX
ii. Slow: Windows operating system, particularly Vista Successfully usage of UNIX requires that an expert will be
and Windows 7 needs a lot of system resources like needed on site. Simple installation of new products and
registers, cache, main memory, processor, disk updates may be difficult if one is not a UNIX expert.
space, and this makes the system runs slower. Interacting with UNIX system using its command process is
iii. Price: The cost of purchasing Windows operating difficult, more difficult for a novice, this is why UNIX is most
system is high and very few users can afford it and used by sophisticated users. UNIX operating system is a
this necessitate cracking and makes pirated software customizable OS, different dialects and languages of UNIX
version available. are available in versions.
For example, there was a time Berkley UNIX group were not
4.2 UNIX Operating System comfortable with how UNIX classifies users, they had to
UNIX happens to be one of the very few oldest of all change the operating system code. Therefore, an expert UNIX
operating system in recent time of ICT world that is still user at a domain might face a serious learning curve challenge
generally and widely used and available till date, as none at another domain or location.
conspicuous operating system but its somehow secret in its
operation and interface design, it is primarily designed for the 4.3 Linux Operating System
use by very large enterprise computing systems. It happens to The GNU’s answer to MAC and also Windows is Linux. Yes,
what this means is that Linux is a FREE OS, one can perform

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 39, July 2020

downloads, modification and also redistribution without any from supporting only a single application at one time to the
cost. Linux is relatively new in the operating system realm. It ability to cooperatively multitask multiple applications
was written in the year 1991, and also enhanced for current (MultiFinder); the second was the transition from 68000 to
usage. PowerPC processors, the third was the coming together of
Mac OS design ideas with a Unix-derived infrastructure in
Linux and Windows can be compared to an entity that its Mac OS X.
floor and roof are either replaceable or not. However, with
Linux, as an entity, both floor and roof can be moved in any Mac OS has very high unifying idea significantly different
manner as one want, but Windows floor and roof are very from that of Unix’s, this is the Mac Interface Guidelines.
rigid that it remains immovable. One cannot go beyond what These explain a great detail of what an Apps Graphical User
Microsoft has designed [16, 18]. Interface is supposed to depict with its expected behavior.
One major idea the Mac Interface Guidelines is that
Linux, designed by Linus Torvalds in the year 1991, heads a everything should stay where they are kept.
group of fresh school open source Unix’s that came to be in
the year 1990, it also include FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Mac operating system apps is termed not huge monoliths. The
and Darvin. All these is a representation of a design direction system's graphic user interface (GUI) support program
that the whole group agreed upon. Linux code is totally instructions or codes, which is partly implemented in a ROM
different compared to the original UNIX source tree code, conveyed with the hardware and partly implemented in shared
however, it uses UNIX standards to behave like a UNIX. libraries, communicates easily with Mac OS software
programs through a quite stable event interface. Hence, the
Developers in Linux open source community have desires to operating system design encourages a distinct and clean
acquire a substantial share of end-user desktops making separation between GUI interface and application engine.
Linux's intended users to increase in number than the users of Leading-edge Unix’s like Linux OS are beginning to borrow
the old-school Unix’s, who have fear share desire in the server ideas like file attributes from Mac OS.
and workstation market. The aspiration to reach end users
made Linux developers much more concerned with ease of 4.4.1 Merits of Mac OS
installation and in resolving software distribution issues as it i. Viruses: Apple Macs get almost no viruses. This is
was more difficult with UNIX as proprietary systems, because Windows has a very large and superior
applications in Linux are forced to display high degree of market share over other OS.
ruggedness than their colleagues with proprietary UNIX
status. ii. Reliability: Apple computers offers itself for Macs
to run only on it, and hence less prone to crashing of
hardware and software.
4.3.1 Merits of Linux OS
i. Price: Linux is F-R-E-E. It can be downloaded, iii. Looks: often time, Mac seems to look better than its
installed, used, modified without incurring any cost. counterpart, windows OS.

ii. Variety: Linux is nowhere a complete OS but a 4.4.2 Demerits of Mac OS

kernel. The fact that it is a kernel, it requires i. Expensive: The cost of purchase of Mac is more
additional ad-ins in form of software. Many of these than that of Windows.
kinds of distributions or distros exist.
ii. Only available on Apple computers: Already having
iii. Virus: The fact that it is open sourced, it is less a computer system that is not an Apple, one will not
vulnerable compared with Mac, it does not mean be able to install MAC in such system. Otherwise,
that it’s free from virus attack. one will need to purchase a new computer system.
iii. Compatibility: Very few programs can only run on
4.3.2 Demerits of Linux OS MAC OS, likewise computer games.
i. Complicated: A good deal of Computer skills are
required to use Linux distros even when some of 4.5 Android Operating System
them are quite easy to use. The original creator of the platform is Android Inc., Google
later bought it over and released the OS as AOSP (Android
i. Compatibility: Although Linux has a few percent of Open Source Project) in 2007. This new development was
the market share like Mac, however, it does not complemented by the founding of the OHA (Open Handset
have many programs and games like that of Alliance), a consortium saddled with the responsibility to
Windows. develop and distribute Android. The software, which is now
ii. Vendors: Linux has very few vendors selling Linux been released under the Apache license is tagged among
computers, if one needs Linux computer, then it others, a free open source license. Android releases a new
might be that one will need to purchase Windows version every few months as a result of the available huge
computer, reformat the hard drive, and then install developer communities who regularly updates and create
Linux on it. applications using custom-built version of Java.
The OHA group is a consortium of several software, hardware
4.4 Macintosh Operating System (MAC and telecom companies, T-Mobile, Intel, Qualcomm,
OS) NVIDIA, HTC, Motorola and Google Inc., for which Android
Mac OS is much older than Windows OS. It was released one provides their software platform. Their main objective of
year earlier its Microsoft counterpart, and it happens to be the OHA is to develop available technologies that will
first among other OS, ever successful graphical-inclined OS. considerably lower the cost and time of developing and
Mac OS has undergone basically, two important design distributing mobile devices and services.
transitions, and is on its third stage. The first transition was

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 39, July 2020

4.5.1 Merits of Android OS 4.6.1 Merits of iOS

i. Open Source Platform supported by a wide-range of i. Stable and safe Operating System for mobile phones
mobile device manufacturer and communities
ii. Probably the most loved interface for any mobile
ii. Easy access to many free and premium app from OS in the market. Good looking designed desktop
communities of Apps developers that support and app icons which go hand to hand with the
Android OS stunning looks of Apple devices.
iii. Multitasking: Android Operating system has the iii. Minimal viruses and safe OS with the consideration
capability of running many applications and of very high standard when applications were
processes within the same available time developed and when updates were also made.
iv. Fast and easy notification of SMS, email or RSS iv. High adherence to current web standard and
reader alert procedures.
v. Widget zed home screen allows easy access to v. High consideration for cloud storage technology.
settings of phones without wasting time and with
ease vi. Easy access to free and premium apps from Apple
vi. The continuous upgrades in appearance and features
might shortly leave other iOS far behind soon. 4.6.2 Demerits of iOS
i. iOS only support Apple Hardware, and less
vii. Good for programmers who likes to jumble with operability
Linux Kernel for making alterations in OS.
ii. Very costly
4.5.2 Demerits of Android OS
i. Unstable and disposed to crashes compared to other 5. DEDUCTIONS
OS. a. Windows 10 had 0.04 malware file present while
Windows 7 machine was 0.08.
ii. Being open source, so many apps are created. Very
few of these applications might have bugs which b. Higher % of mobile malware target Androids than
can be abused by hackers or viral infections. iOS.

iii. To sign in as administrator for advanced settings, c. Windows 10, Linux, UNIX and Mac OS are more
one need to get acquainted with Linux commands. secured and reliable.

iv. Frequent updates on the OS could make one d. Windows and Android are more popular, user-
upgrade to the latest, and this is called rooting. friendly, easy to use and allow more application
Rooting should be done carefully, otherwise, one program than Mac OS.
could end up in trouble. e. Linux and Android are free while Windows is
moderately costly and Mac OS highly costly.
v. Majority of Applications require internet
connections for operation which sometimes is a f. Except for Mac and iOS others allow compatibility.
disadvantage. Windows 10 and Mac OS integrated firewall.
vi. Poor battery backup management. g. The comparative analysis and market share analysis
between August 2018 and June 2020 showed that
Android and Windows OS are very high compare to
4.6 iPhone Operating System (iOS) other OS. Android and Windows has 38.3% and
iOS, which is a mobile OS, is designed and owned by Apple 36.55% respectively (See Table 2)
Inc. It was designed and developed for iPhone, but later
extended support for iPad and Apple TV. iOS root comes Table 2. Operating System Market Share Worldwide
from Mac OS X, hence it is UNIX based OS. Like other OS, (gs.statcounter)[20]
iOS is frequently updated starting from iOS version 4.0 and
the latest is iOS version 5.1.The Core OS layer resides in the Operating Systems August 2018 June 2020
bottom of iPhone OS architecture[19]. (%) (%)

Core services layer of iOS architecture encompasses an Android 41.8 38.3

additional abstraction layer, cocoa touch layer and media. The Windows 35.8 36.55
Core OS layer contain the scheduler inclusively, Mach kernel,
file system, hardware drivers and control the memory system, iOS 13.49 14.3
network and inter process communication and security
OS X (UNIX) 5.45 8.35
framework to secure the system and program data. As
confirmed that the core services layer of the OS has an Linux 0.77 0.88
abstraction setup. It also contain nonstop accessibility to the
network availability, basic framework for objective-C Other 1.74 1.83
programming, state of mobile device, access to location
information and address book. As of March 2012, 550,000
iOS apps are available in Apple store (Anup, Raman et al
2015). iOS has many benefits and non-benefits as stated

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