Modbus Communication Protocol: Ascon Tecnologic S.R.L

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1.2 RS 485 LINE

X34 2.1


The X34 series is equipped with a serial communication interface
RS485 insulated available on 3 terminals on the back of the
By means of this terminals it is possible to connect the regulator
with a net to which other instruments (regulators of PLC) are
connected, all depending typically on a personal computer used as
plant supervisor.
When resting the instruments are in reception mode and pass to
transmission after receiving and decoding a correct message
addressed to them.

Vr. 02 (ENG) - 11/12 - cod.: ISTR-PX34-ENG02 1.2 - RS 485 LINE

The instrument is equipped with two terminals called D+ and D-
which have to be connected with all the namesake terminals of the
ASCON TECNOLOGIC S.r.l. net. For the wiring operation it is advisable to adopt a screened
VIA INDIPENDENZA 56 cable wired as in the drawing.
TEL.: +39 0381 69871 D+

FAX: +39 0381 698730 Rt

http:\\ 120 ohm

14 15 16 14 15 16 14 15 16
This document aims to describe the
communication capacities of the ASCON X34 n.1 X34 n.2 X34 n.N
TECNOLOGIC X34 series that use the MODBUS
protocol and is mainly intended for technicians, The interface circuit allows the connection of up to 32 instruments
system integrators and software engineers. on the same line.
This document is the exclusive property of ASCON The total length of the line can reach a maximum of 1000 metres.
To maintain the line in rest conditions a 120 Ohm resistance (Rt)
TECNOLOGIC which forbids any reproduction and divulgation
must be connected to the end of the line.
, even in part, of the document, unless expressly authorized.
Once you have created the network must be programmed in par.
ASCONT ECNOLOGIC reserves the right to make any formal or
"t.AS" (in “]tS” group ) of each instrument station address.
functional changes at any moment and without any notice. You can set a different number for each station, from 1 to 255.
Whenever a failure or a malfunction of the device may cause Set a different number for each station, from 1 to 255.
dangerous situations for persons, thing or animals, please Note: The baud-rate communication are fixed at 9600 baud.
remember that the plant has to be equipped with additional
devices which will guarantee safety. 2 - MODBUS COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL
ASCON TECNOLOGIC and its legal representatives do not
assume any responsibility for any damage to people, things or The protocol adopted by the X34 series is a sub-group of the
animals deriving from violation, wrong or improper use or in widely used protocol MODBUS RTU .
any case not in compliance with the instrument’s features . This choice guarantees easiness of connections to many PLCs and
to all the commercial supervisory programmes.

For those who intend to develop their own application software all reply contains a code that indicates the cause of lack of a regular
the necessary suggestions and information are available. reply.
The functions of the MODBUS RTU protocol used in the X34 series The reply structure is as follows :
are: num. slave function exception CRC
- function 3 - reading of n words code with code LSB MSB
- function 6 - writing of a word MSB a 1
These functions allow the supervisory programme to read and byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4
change any data from the instrument. The X34 series s adopt a sub-group of exception codes of the
Communication is based on messages sent by the master station MODBUS RTU :
to a slave station (X34) and vice versa. unknown function code 1
The slave station that recognises its own address in the message invalid memory address 2
analyses the content and, if it finds it to be semantically and
invalid value in data field 3
formally correct, it then creates a reply message for the master.
The communication process involves five types of message: controller not ready 6
from the master to the slave from the slave to the master
function 3: request for reading function 3: reply containing n 2.4 - CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC)
of n words words read
function 6: request for writing function 6: confirmation of writing
of a word of one word
Exceptional reply (in reply to both
functions, in the event of an
Each message contains four fields:
- slave’s address: the values included between 1 and 255 are
valid ; the address 0 (zero) is reserved by MODBUS RTU for the
broadcasting messages but is not used for the TLY series due to
the implicit reliability of this type of communication;
- function code : this contains 3 or 6 depending on the specified
- information field : this contains the addresses or the value of the
words, as requested by the function in use;
- control word : this contains a cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
calculated according to the rules foreseen for the CRC16.
The characteristics of the asynchronous communication are : 8 bit,
no correspondence one stop bit.


The number of words to be read must be less or equal to four.
The request has the following structure :
num. 3 address first numbers of CRC
slave word words LSB MSB
byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7

The normal reply (unlike an exceptional reply) has the following

num. 3 NB value of the Later CRC
slave num. first word words LSB MSB
bytes The CRC is a control word that allows the integrity of a message to
lread be checked.
byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte byte Each message, sent or received, contains the CRC word in the last
NB+2 NB+3 two characters.
After receiving a request, the controller checks the validity of the
2.2 - FUNCTION 6 - WRITING A WORD message received, comparing the CRC contained in the message
The request has the following structure: with the one calculated during reception .
num. 6 address first value to be CRC In transmission, the controller calculates the CRC and places the
slave word written LSB MSB two characters at the end of the message.
MSB LSB MSB LSB The calculation of the CRC is carried out on each character of the
byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 message except for the last two.
As the X34 instruments are compatible with the MODBUS RTU
The normal reply (unlike the exceptional reply) is purely an echo of (JBUS) protocol, these use the same algorithm for the calculation
the request message: of the CRC.
num. 6 address first value to be CRC
slave word written LSB MSB 2.5 - EXCANGE OF DATA
MSB LSB MSB LSB All the data exchanged are made up of 16 bit words.
byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7 There are two types of data: numerical and symbolic (or non
The numerical data represent the value of a size (e.g. the
2.3 - THE EXCEPTIONAL REPLY measured variable etc)
The X34 series supply an exceptional reply after having received a The symbolic data represent a particular value within a range of
formally correct request but which cannot be met. The exceptional choices (e.g. unit of measurement can “be "°C" or "°F").

Both types are encoded with whole numbers: whole numbers with a b10: 1 = Low temp.
sign are adopted for numerical data and whole numbers without a alarm L1
sign for symbolic data. b11: 1 = High
Numerical data must be associated with the appropriate number of temp. alarm H2
b12: 1 = Low temp.
decimal figures, so that it represents a size with the same alarm L2
engineering units adopted in the X34 instrument. b13: not used
The numerical data are represented in fixed decimal according to b14: 1 = AL alarm
the number of decimal places shown in the tables in the section b15: 1 = PrA alarm
"MEMORY AREA". DT0 208 First reference N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0
dynamic defrost
2.6 - PERFORMANCE DTn 209 Last reference N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0
After receiving a valid request, the instrument prepares the reply dynamic defrost
and then sends it to the master station, according to the modes 20A Phase temperatures N
specified below: detection Dynamic
- a time equal to three characters is guaranteed before the reply to
20B Number Reductions N 0 0 .... 256
allow switching of the line;
performed dynamic
- the answer is ready to be transmitted within a time that is less defrost
than 20 ms, with the exception made for function 3; 20C Time to start defrost N 0 0 .... 5989 min.
A silence on line time of 20 ms is necessary to recover any cycle
irregular conditions or error messages: this means that the time 20D Digital input 1 S 0 = OFF
that runs between two consecutive characters in the same 1 = ON
message must be less than 20 ms. 20E minutes-seconds N 2 0.00 ÷ 59.59
It’s possible to write one word per time only. clock (min.sec )
20F day of week - hour N 2 0.00 ÷ 7.23
3 - MEMORY ADDRESS AREA clock (day.hrs)
ot 210 Temperature control S 0 = OFF
output 1 = ON
For the functions adopted, all the data that can be read and written dF 211 Defrost output (1) S 0 = OFF
appear as 16 bit words allocated in the instrument’s memory. 1 = ON
The map of the memory has the following areas: d2 212 Defrost output (2) S 0 = OFF
- Variables 1 = ON
- Commands Fn 213 Fan output S 0 = OFF
- Operating and configuration parameters 1 = ON
- Events that can be programmed to occur at defined times by Au 214 Auxiliary output S 0 = OFF
clock 1 = ON
- Calendar Clock At 215 Silenceable alarm S 0 = OFF
- HACCP Record Alarms output 1 = ON
- Identification code of the instrument AL 216 Not silenceable alarm S 0 = OFF
output 1 = ON
HE 217 HE heating output S 0 = OFF
The variables include measures of the instrument and the states of 218 Temperature control S 0 = OFF
the instrument (control, outputs, etc..). output request 1 = ON
The data are read-only (without delays)
Var. Add. Description Data n. Range 219 Fan output request S 0 = OFF
type dec. (without delays) 1 = ON
HEX 21A “Turbo” Cycle request S 0 = OFF
Pr1 200 Pr1 temperature N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0 1 = ON
Pr2 201 Pr2 temperature N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0 21B Defrost cycle request S 0 = OFF
dP 202 Decimal Point S 1 1 = ON
21C End defrost cycle S 0 = OFF
Pr3 203 Pr3 temperature N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0 request 1 = ON
Lt 204 lowest Pr1 peak N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0 21D Auxiliary output S 0 = OFF
temperature. request 1 = ON
Ht 205 highest Pr1 peak N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0 21E Fan switch off when S 0 = OFF
temperature door is open 1 = ON
206 Control mode N 0=off 21F Temperature control S 0 = OFF
1=temp. contr. output (ot) switch off 1 = ON
2=defrost when door is open
3= post-defrost 220 Door open S 0 = OFF
207 Alarms state (part N b0: not used 1 = ON
one) b1: 1 = Pr1 221 Defrost display lock S 0 = OFF
overrange (E1) (for TVRY) 1 = ON
b2: 1 = Pr1 222 Outputs switch off by S 0 = OFF
underrange (-E1) digital input alarm 1 = ON
b3: 1 = Pr2 223 Temperature control S 0 = OFF
overrange (E2) output (ot) switch off 1 = ON
b4: 1 = Pr2 by digital input alarm
underrange (-E2) 224 Temperature control S 0 = OFF
b5: 1 = Pr3 outputs (ot and HE) 1 = ON
overrange (E3) switch off by alarm
b6: 1 = Pr3
Pr1 225 Pr1 temperature N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0
underrange (-E3)
Pr2 226 Pr2 temperature N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0
b7: 1 = Pr4
overrange (E4) Pr3 227 Pr3 temperature N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0
b8: 1 = Pr4 Pr4 228 Pr4 temperature N 1 -99.9 ÷ 999.0
underrange (-E4) di1 229 Digital input 1 S 0 = OFF
b9: 1 = High temp. 1 = ON
alarm H1

di2 22A Digital input 2 S 0 = OFF 288 Alarm silencing S 1 = Alarm 0
1 = ON silencing
di3 22B Digital input 3 S 0 = OFF 289
1 = ON 28A
di4 22C Digital input 4 S 0 = OFF 28B Switch to “Eco” S 1 = Switch to 0 = Normal mode
1 = ON mode “Eco” mode 1 = “Eco” mode in
Out1 22D Output 1 S 0 = OFF 0 = Switch to progress
1 = ON normal mode
Out2 22E Output 2 S 0 = OFF 28C Enable/Disable S 1 = Enable 0 = HACCP Alarm
1 = ON HACCP Alarm HACCP Alarm Recording
Out3 22F Output 3 S 0 = OFF Recording Recording Disabled
1 = ON 0 = Disable 1 = HACCP Alarm
Out4 230 Output 4 S 0 = OFF HACCP Alarm Recording
1 = ON Recording Enabled
231 Alarms state (part N b0: 1 = HP alarm 28D Reset recorded S 1 = Reset 0
two) b1: 1 = LP alarm HACCP alarms recorded HACCP
b2: 1 = delay at alarms
power on (od)
door alarm (oP)
The operating and configuration parameters can be read and
b4: 1 = allarme
HACCP alarm in
written through serial communication.
progress If one tries to read or write a parameter not available for a certain
b5..b15: not used instrument configuration, a message of error is displayed : data not
232 HACCP Alarm S 0 = OFF available. (6).
Recording Disabled 1 = ON After have written into the parameters zone, it's necessary to start
233 “Eco” mode in S 0 = OFF the CHECKSUM calculation, writing any value at the address HEX
progress 1 = ON 0500.
234 “Turbo” mode in S 0 = OFF
progress 1 = ON
Par. Add. Description Data n. Range Notes
HEX Type dec
Irregular conditions of the process variables are shown as special S.LS 2800 Minimum Set N 1 -99.9 ÷ S.HS
values of the measurement : Point
irregular condition Returned value to Display Error S.HS 2801 Maximum Set N 1 S.LS ÷ 999
relative address Point
SP 2802 Set Point N 1 S.LS ÷ S.HS
The probe may be in -10000 -E
SPE 2803 Eco Set Point N 1 SP ÷ S.HS
short circuit
SPH 2804 “Turbo” Set Point S S.LS ÷ SP
The probe may be 10000 E (or ind. Heating
interrupted Set Point mod.
overflow (A/D conv.) 10001 HC )
Variable not available 10003 --- i.SE 2805 Probes Type S nt / Pt / P1 nt = 0
Pt = PTC Pt = 1
3.2 - COMMANDS AREA nt = NTC P1 = 2
P1 = Pt1000
The controls of the instrument include the commands that can be
i.uP 2806 Unit of N 1 C0 / F0 / C1 C0 = 0
made from the keyboard of the instrument in order to perform measurement and / F1 F0 = 1
special actions or functions. resolution C1 = 2
The data are for writing and reading. (decimal point) F1 = 3
Add. Description Data Range Range C0 = °C with 1°
Type (writing) (reading) res.
F0 = °F with 1°
280 “Turbo” mode S 1 = Start “turbo” 0 = “turbo” cycle res.
cycle not in progress C1 =°C with 0,1°
0 = Stop “turbo” 1 = “turbo cycle in res.
cycle progress F1 = °F with 0,1°
281 Start Defrost Cycle S 1 = Start defrost 0 = defrost cycle res.
0 = Stop defrost not in progress i.Ft 2807 Measurement filter N 1 oF ÷ 20.0 oF = 0
1 = defrost cycle sec
in progress i.C1 2808 Pr1 Probe N 1 -30.0 ÷ 30.0
282 Stop Defrost Cycle S 1 = Stop defrost 0 = defrost cycle Calibration °C/°F
0 = Start defrost in progress i.C2 2809 Pr2 Probe N 1 -30.0 ÷ 30.0
1 = defrost cycle Calibration °C/°F
not in progress i.C3 280A Pr3 Probe N 1 -30.0 ÷ 30.0
283 Aux output S 1 = Switch on Aux 0 = Aux output off Calibration °C/°F
output 1 = Aux output on i.C4 280B Pr4 Probe N 1 -30.0 ÷ 30.0
0 = Switch off Aux Calibration °C/°F
output i.CU 280C Measure offset on N 1 -30.0 ÷ 30.0
284 Stand-by S 1 = Stand-by 0 = Instr. on cond. the display °C/°F
0 = Switch on the 1 = Stand-by i.P2 280D Pr2 input function: S oF / EP / Au oF = 0
instrument cond. oF = No function / cd / 2E EP = 1
285 Switch on S 1 = Switch on the 0 = Stand-by EP = Evaporator Au = 2
instrument cond. (1) cd = 3
0 = Stand-by 1 = Instr. on cond. Au = Aux 2E = 4
cd = condenser
2E = Evaporator 2
286 Reset Low peak S 1 = Reset Lt 0
i.P3 280E Pr3 input function: S oF / EP / Au oF = 0
memory (Lt)
oF = No function / cd / 2E / EP = 1
287 Reset High peak S 1 = Reset Ht 0
EP = Evaporator dG Au = 2
memory (Ht)
(1) cd = 3

Au = Aux 2E = 4 P2 = meas. probe oF = 7
cd = condenser dG = 5 Pr2
2E = Evaporator 2 P3 = meas. probe
dG = digital input Pr3
i.P4 280F Pr3 input function: S oF / EP / Au P4 = meas. probe
see i.P3 / cd / 2E / Pr4
dG Ec = Pr1 in normal
i.1F 2810 Function and N 0 -17 / -16/ -15 mode, Eco in Eco
function logic of / -14 / -13 / mode
digital input di1: -12 / -11 / SP= Active Set
0 = No function -10 / -9 / -8 / Point
1= Door open -7 / -6 / -5 / rE = No function
2= Door open with -4 / -3 / -2 / oF = Display off
fan stop -1 / 0 / 1 / 2 / d.dt 2819 Defrosting Type: S EL / in / no / EL = 0
3= Door open with 3/4/5/6/ EL= Electrical Et in = 1
fan and 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 heating/stop. no = 2
compressor stop / 11 / 12 / 13 compr. Et = 3
4= External “AL” / 14 / 15 /16 in= hot
alarm /17 gas/reverse cycle
5= External “AL” no= without
alarm with compr. output
deactivation of condictioning
control outputs Et= Electrical hea-
6=Selection of ting with evapora-
active Set Point tor temperature
(SP-SPE) control
7= Switch on/ off d.dC 281A Defrosting starting S rt / ct / cS / rt = 1
(Stand - by) mode: cL ct = 2
8= “Turbo" cycle rt = real time cS = 3
activation intervals cL = 0
9= Remote ct = “ot” output on
command of AUX time intervals
output cS = defrost every
10= Disable “ot” switching off
recording of (+ rt intervals)
HACCP alarms cL = by real time
11= Reset of clock
HACCP alarms d.di 281B Defrosting interval N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
12= External "PrA" 99.59
alarm (hrs.min. )
13= External “HP” d.Sd 281C Delay first defrost N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
alarm after power-on 99.59
14= External “LP” (oF = Defrost at (hrs.min. )
alarm power-on)
15= Forcing d.dd 281D Dynamic Defrost N 0 0 ÷ 100 %
events Switch on/ Percentage
off (Stand - by) reduction
16= Start Defrost d.dE 281E Lenght (max.) of N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
17= Stop Defrost defrost cycle 99.59
i.1t 2811 Delay in acquiring N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 (evap. 1) (min.sec.)
digital input di1 99.59 99.59 d.dL 281F Defrost display S oF - on - Lb oF = 0
(min.sec.) Lock on = 1
i.2F 2812 Function and N 0 -17 ... 0 ... oF= display free Lb = 2
function logic of 17 on= Lock on
digital input di2: temperature Pr1
see i.1F before defrost
i.2t 2813 Delay in acquiring N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 Lb= Lock on label
digital input di2 99.59 99.59 “dEF” (during
(min.sec.) defrosting) and
i.3F 2814 Function and N 0 -17 ... 0 ... “PdF” (during
function logic of 17 post-defrosting)
digital input Pr3 : d.tE 2820 Defrost stop N 1 - 99.9 ÷
see i.1F temperature 999.0°C/°F
i.4F 2815 Function and N 0 -17 ... 0 ... (evap. 1)
function logic of 17 d.Ei 2821 Defrosting interval N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
digital input Pr4 : for evaporator 99.59 99.59
see i.1F probe error (hrs.min. )
i.Et 2816 Delay to Eco N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 d.EE 2822 Lengh of defrost N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
mode with door 99.59 99.59 cycle for 99.59 99.59
closed (hrs.min. ) evaporator probe (min.sec.)
oF = No function error 2817 Time-out ECO N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 d.tS 2823 Defrost enable N 1 - 99.9 ÷
mode. 99.59 99.59 temperature 999.0°C/°F
oF = No function (hrs.min. ) d.tF 2824 Defrost start N 1 - 99.9 ÷
i.dS 2818 Variable S P1 / P2 / P3 P1 = 0 temperature 999.0°C/°F
visualized / P4 / Ec / P2 = 1 d.St 2825 Ritardo avvio N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷
normally on SP / rE / oF P3 = 2 sbrinamento per 99.59 99.59
display: P4 = 3 temperatura (min.sec.)
P1 = meas. probe Ec = 4 evaporatore
Pr1 SP = 5 2826 Delay start Defrost N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
rE = 6 by continuous

compressor 99.59 99.59 4 =“Au” Relative
running time (hrs.min. ) with label (H - L) 2827 Compressor delay N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ 5 = “cd” absolute
after defrost 99.59 99.59 with label (H - L)
(drainage time) (min.sec.) 6 = Pr1 absolute
d.d2 2828 Lenght (max.) of N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ without label
defrost cycle 99.59 99.59 7 = Pr1 relative
evaporator2 (min.sec.) without label
d.t2 2829 Defrost stop N 1 - 99.9 ÷ 8 = “Au” absolute
temperature 999.0°C/°F without label
evaporator2 9 = “Au” relative
r.d 282A Differential N 1 0.0 ÷ 30.0 without label
(Hysteresis) °C/°F 10 = “cd” absolute
r.Ed 282B Differential N 1 0.0 ÷ 30.0 without label
(Hysteresis) in °C/°F A.H1 283D High temperature N 1 oF / -99.9 ÷ oF =
Eco mode Alarm 1 threshold 999.0 °C/°F -100.0
r.Hd 282C Differential N 1 0.0 ÷ 30.0 A.L1 283E Low temperature N 1 oF / -99.9 ÷ oF =
(Hysteresis) in °C/°F Alarm 1 threshold 999.0 °C/°F -100.0
Eco mode in A.d1 283F Alarms A.H1 and N 1 0.0 ÷ 30.0
“turbo” mode or A.L1 Hysteresis) °C/°F
Heating HC mode. A.t1 2840 Alarms A.H1 and N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
r.t1 282D Output activation N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 A.L1 delay 99.59
time for probe 99.59 99.59 (min.sec.)
error (min.sec.) A.P1 2841 Temperature N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
r.t2 282E Output deactiva- N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 Alarms 1 delay at 99.59 99.59
tion time for probe 99.59 99.59 power on (hrs.min. )
error (min.sec.) A.A1 2842 Alarms H1 e L1 N 0/1/2/3
r.HC 282F Output operating S H / C / nr / H=0 actions
mode: HC / C3 C=1 0 = no actions
H= Heating nr = 2 1 = activate alarm
C= Cooling HC = 3 outputs
nr = Neutral Zone C3 = 4 2 = disable control
HC =Neutral Zone outputs (ot e HE)
with ind. Set point but not activate
C3 = Cooling with alarm outputs
3 aut. switch 3 = disable control
modes outputs (ot e HE)
r.tC 2830 Lengh of “turbo” N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 and activate alarm
cycle 99.59 99.59 outputs
(hrs.min. ) A.y2 2843 Temperature N 0 1/2/3/4/ 2831 Fan time N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 alarms 2 Type: 5/6/7/8/
activation with ot 99.59 see “A.y1” 9 / 10
output (min.sec.) A.H2 2844 High temperature N 1 oF / -99.9 ÷ oF =
(compressor) off Alarm 2 threshold 999.0 °C/°F -100.0
A.L2 2845 Low temperature N 1 oF / -99.9 ÷ oF =
F.tF 2832 Fan time N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 Alarm 2 threshold 999.0 °C/°F -100.0
deactivation with 99.59 A.d2 2846 Alarms A.H2 and N 1 0.0 ÷ 30.0
ot output (min.sec.) A.L2 Hysteresis) °C/°F
(compressor) off A.t2 2847 Alarms A.H2 and N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
F.FL 2833 High temperature N 1 - 99.9 ÷ A.L2 delay 99.59
fan deactivation 999.0°C/°F (min.sec.)
F.LF 2834 Low temperature N 1 - 99.9 ÷ A.P2 2848 Temperature N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
fan deactivation 999.0°C/°F Alarms 2 delay at 99.59 99.59
F.dF 2835 Differential fan N 1 0.0 ÷ 30.0 power on (hrs.min. )
control °C/°F A.A2 2849 Alarms H2 e L2 N 0/1/2/3
F.FE 2836 Fan status during S oF / on oF = 0 actions
defrost on = 1 0 = no actions
1 = activate alarm
F.Fd 2837 Fan delay after N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 outputs
defrost 99.59 2 = disable control
(min.sec.) outputs (ot e HE)
P.P1 2838 Output “ot” delay N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 but not activate
at switch on 99.59 alarm outputs
(min.sec.) 3 = disable control
P.P2 2839 Output “ot” delay N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 outputs (ot e HE)
after switch off 99.59 and activate alarm
(min.sec.) outputs
P.P3 283A Output “ot” delay N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 A.dA 284A Temperature N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
between 99.59 Alarms 1 delay 99.59
switching-on (min.sec.) after defrost, and (hrs.min. )
unlock display
P.od 283B Delay outputs at N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
power on 99.59 delay after defrost
(min.sec.) A.oA 284B Alarm delay with N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
Temperature N 0 1/2/3/4/ door open 99.59
A.y1 283C
alarms 1 Type: 5/6/7/8/
1 =Pr1 absolute 9 / 10 A.r1 284C A.H1 and A.L1 N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
with label (H - L) delay to be 99.59
2 =Pr1 Relative recorded as an (min.sec.)
with label (H - L) HACCP alarm
3 = “Au” absolute (se =oF gli allarmi
with label (H - L) non sono mai

registrati come 2= manual activa-
HACCP) tion by key or digi-
A.r2 284D A.H2 and A.L2 N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 tal input.
delay to be 99.59 o.tu 2856 Time relative to N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
recorded as an (min.sec.) auxiliary output 99.59
HACCP alarm (min.sec.)
( =oF HACCP rec. t.UF 2857 Function mode N 0 oF / 1 / 2 / 3 oF = 0
disable) key U: /4/5/6/7 284E Black out alarm N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 oF= No function
delay to be 99.59 1= Auxiliary output
recorded as an (min.sec.) command
HACCP alarm 2= Norm. / Eco
( =oF HACCP rec. mode Selection
disable) 3= Switch on/off
A.di 284F Digital input alarm N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0 (Stand-by)
AL delay to be 99.59 4= “Turbo” cycle
recorded as an (min.sec.) command
HACCP alarm 5 = Manual Switch
( =oF HACCP rec. on/off (Stand-by)
disable) when set by clock
o.o1 2850 OUT1 function: S oF/ot/dF/ oF = 0 6= HACCP
oF= No function Fn/Au/At/ ot = 1 Alarms Reset
ot= Temperature AL/An/ -t/ -L/ dF =2 7= HACCP
control Fn = 3 Alarms rec.
(compressor) -n/on/HE/2d/ Au = 4 disable/enable
dF=Defrosting(1) L1/L2 At = 5 t.Fb 2858 Function mode N 0 oF / 1 / 2 / 3 oF = 0
Fn= fan AL = 6 key Down/Aux: /4/5/6/7
Au= Auxiliary An = 7 see “t.UF”
At/-t= Silenceable -t = 8 t.Lo 2859 Keyboard lock N 2 oF/ 0.01 ÷ oF = 0
alarm -L = 9 function delay 30.00
AL/-L= Not -n = 10 (min.sec.)
silenceable Alarm on = 11 t.Ed 285A Set Visibility with N 0 oF / 1 / 2 / 3 oF = 0
An/-n= Memorised HE = 12 fast procedure by /4/5/6
alarm 2d = 13 key P:
on = on when L1 = 14 oF = None
instrument switch L2 = 15 1 = SP
on 2 = SPE
HE= Heating 3 = SP e SPE
(Neutral zone 4 = Active SP
control) 5 = SP and SPH
2d = Defrosting 2 6 = SP, SPE and
L1 = light with SPH
economy mode t.PP 285B Access Password N 0 oF ÷ 999 oF = 0
(on with “SP” and to parameter
off with “SPE”) functions
L2 = internal light t.HA 285C HACCP Alarms N 0 1/2
(off with door Parameters level
closed and on with 1 = protected
door opened) parameters
o.o2 2851 OUT2 function: S oF/ot/dF/ see “o1” 2 = unprotected
see “o.o1” Fn/Au/At/ parameters
AL/An/ -t/ -L/ t.AS 285D MODBUS Station N 0 0 ÷ 255
address (for serial
-n/on/HE/2d/ communication)
L1/L2 285E not used
o.o3 2852 OUT3 function: S oF/ot/dF/ see “o1” 285F not used
see “o.o1” Fn/Au/At/ 2860 not used
AL/An/ -t/ -L/ 2861 not used
c.CL 2862 Current time and h. = 0 ÷ 23 b0..b4 =
current day of the n. = 0 ÷ 59 ore.
week: d. = oF/ 1 ÷ b5..b10
o.o4 2853 OUT4 function: S oF/ot/dF/ see “o1”
h = hour 7 = min.
see “o.o1” Fn/Au/At/ n = min. b11...14
AL/An/ -t/ -L/
d = day of the = daysi
week (0=oF)
(d.1 = Monday ... b15 =
L1/L2 not
d.7 = Sunday)
o.bu 2854 Buzzer function S 0 oF / 1 / 2 / 3 oF = 0 d.oF = clock used.
mode disable
oF = disable
c.dt 2863 Current date: y. = 10 ÷ 99 b0..b6 =
1 = active alarms
y = year M. = 0 ÷ 12 year
M = month d. = 1 ÷ 31 b7..b10
2 = key pressed
d = date = month
3 = active alarms
= date
and key pressed
c.01 2864 Hour Event 1 h. = 0 ÷ 23 b0..b4 =
o.Fo 2855 Function mode N 0 oF / 1 / 2 oF = 0
h = hour n. = 0 ÷ 59 hour
auxiliary output:
n = min. d. = oF/ 1 ÷ b5.b10 =
oF= No Function
d = day of the 11 min.
1= control output
“ot” delayed

(d.1 = Monday ... b11...14 c.11 2887 Event 11 type N 1÷7
d.7 = Sunday = day c.12 2888 Event 12 type N 1÷7
d. 8 = every day (0=oF) c.13 2889 Event 13 type N 1÷7
d. 9 = from Mon- b15 = c.14 288A Event 14 type N 1÷7
day to Friday not used
d.10 = from Mon-
d.11 = Sat. and DEFINED TIMES AREA
Sun. In this area are sorted in single word the programmable event data
d.oF = no day in the X34 instruments.
(event disabled) The events of the instrument can be read and written.
c.02 2865 Hour Event 2 see hour see hour Par. Add. Description Data n. Range Notes
“c.01” “c.01” Type dec
c.03 2866 Hour Event 3 see hour see hour HEX
“c.01” “c.01” c.01 2C00 hour prog. event 1 N 0 0 ÷ 23
c.04 2867 Hour Event 4 see hour see hour c.01 2C01 min. prog. event 1 N 0 0 ÷ 59
“c.01” “c.01” c.01 2C02 day prog. event 1 N 0 0 ÷ 11
c.05 2868 Hour Event 5 see hour see hour c.01 2C03 type prog. event 1 N 0 1÷7
“c.01” “c.01” c.02 2C04 hour prog. event 2 N 0 0 ÷ 23
c.06 2869 Hour Event 6 see hour see hour c.02 2C05 min. prog. event 2 N 0 0 ÷ 59
“c.01” “c.01” c.02 2C06 day prog. event 2 N 0 0 ÷ 11
c.07 286A Hour Event 7 see hour see hour c.02 2C07 type prog. event 2 N 0 1÷7
“c.01” “c.01” hour prog. event 3 N 0 0 ÷ 23
c.03 2C08
c.08 286B Hour Event 8 see hour see hour
c.03 2C09 min. prog. event 3 N 0 0 ÷ 59
“c.01” “c.01”
c.03 2C0A day prog. event 3 N 0 0 ÷ 11
c.09 286C Hour Event 9 see hour see hour
“c.01” “c.01” c.03 2C0B type prog. event 3 N 0 1÷7
c.10 286D Hour Event 10 see hour see hour c.04 2C0C hour prog. event 4 N 0 0 ÷ 23
“c.01” “c.01” c.04 2C0D min. prog. event 4 N 0 0 ÷ 59
c.11 286E Hour Event 11 see hour see hour c.04 2C0E day prog. event 4 N 0 0 ÷ 11
“c.01” “c.01” c.04 2C0F type prog. event 4 N 0 1÷7
c.12 286F Hour Event 12 see hour see hour c.05 2C10 hour prog. event 5 N 0 0 ÷ 23
“c.01” “c.01” c.05 2C11 min. prog. event 5 N 0 0 ÷ 59
c.13 2870 Hour Event 13 see hour see hour c.05 2C12 day prog. event 5 N 0 0 ÷ 11
“c.01” “c.01” c.05 2C13 type prog. event 5 N 0 1÷7
c.14 2871 Hour Event 14 see hour see hour c.06 2C14 hour prog. event 6 N 0 0 ÷ 23
“c.01” “c.01” c.06 2C15 min. prog. event 6 N 0 0 ÷ 59
H.01 2872 Stored Alarm n. 1 (In reading = c.06 2C16 day prog. event 6 N 0 0 ÷ 11
0, In writing c.06 2C17 type prog. event 6 N 0 1÷7
c.07 2C18 hour prog. event 7 N 0 0 ÷ 23
OK but c.07 2C19 min. prog. event 7 N 0 0 ÷ 59
takes no c.07 2C1A day prog. event 7 N 0 0 ÷ 11
action) c.07 2C1B type prog. event 7 N 0 1÷7
H.02 2873 Stored Alarm n. 2 see “H.01” c.08 2C1C hour prog. event 8 N 0 0 ÷ 23
H.03 2874 Stored Alarm n. 3 see “H.01” c.08 2C1D min. prog. event 8 N 0 0 ÷ 59
H.04 2875 Stored Alarm n. 4 see “H.01” c.08 2C1E day prog. event 8 N 0 0 ÷ 11
H.05 2876 Stored Alarm n. 5 see “H.01” c.08 2C1F type prog. event 8 N 0 1÷7
H.06 2877 Stored Alarm n. 6 see “H.01” c.09 2C20 hour prog. event 9 N 0 0 ÷ 23
H.07 2878 Stored Alarm n. 7 see “H.01” c.09 2C21 min. prog. event 9 N 0 0 ÷ 59
H.08 2879 Stored Alarm n. 8 see “H.01” c.09 2C22 day prog. event 9 N 0 0 ÷ 11
H.09 287A Stored Alarm n. 9 see “H.01” c.09 2C23 type prog. event 9 N 0 1÷7
H.10 287B Stored Alarm n. see “H.01” c.10 2C24 hour prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 23
10 10
H.dL 287C Number of see “H.01” c.10 2C25 min. prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 59
HACCP alarms 10
deleted because c.10 2C26 day prog. event 10 N 0 0 ÷ 11
exceeded c.10 2C27 type prog. event N 0 1÷7
c.01 287D Event 1 type N 1÷7 10
t.1 = Switch on c.11 2C28 hour prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 23
t.2 = Stand-by 11
t.3 = Switch on c.11 2C29 min. prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 59
Aux output 11
t.4 = Switch off c.11 2C2A day prog. event 11 N 0 0 ÷ 11
Aux output c.11 2C2B type prog. event N 0 1÷7
t.5 = Start defrost 11
t.6 = Switch to c.12 2C2C hour prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 23
Eco mode (SPE) 12
t.7 = Switch to c.12 2C2D min. prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 59
normal mode (SP) 12
c.02 287E Event 2 type N 1÷7 c.12 2C2E day prog. event 12 N 0 0 ÷ 11
c.03 287F Event 3 type N 1÷7 c.12 2C2F type prog. event N 0 1÷7
c.04 2880 Event 4 type N 1÷7 12
c.05 2881 Event 5 type N 1÷7 c.13 2C30 hour prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 23
c.06 2882 Event 6 type N 1÷7 13
c.07 2883 Event 7 type N 1÷7 c.13 2C31 min. prog. event N 0 0 ÷ 59
c.08 2884 Event 8 type N 1÷7 13
c.09 2885 Event 9 type N 1÷7 c.13 2C32 day prog. event 13 N 0 0 ÷ 11
c.10 2886 Event 10 type N 1÷7 c.13 2C33 type prog. event N 0 1÷7


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