Libro Ingles Life 5to Second Edition (1) (3) (Recuperado)

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• Contents
Unit Grammar Vocabulary Real life (functions) Pronunciation

present tenses: simple, describing character meeting people auxiliary verbs have
continuous, and perfect friendships: phrasal verbs and has
simple past and present wordbuildinq: forming word boundaries
pertect adjectives
word focus: sense
pages 9-20
VIDEO: Lady Liberty and Ellis Island page 18 11> REVIEW page 20

narrative past tenses describing stories reacting to stories he/, 11.J, and /o/
the passive communication weak forms in
wordbuilding: verb + noun passive verbs
collocation linking and elision
word focus: keep
pages 21-32
VIDEO: How not to climb a mountain page 30 11> REVIEW page 32

future forms materia Is dealing with problems Ir! and /ti in
future continuous and wordbuilding: compound American Engl1sh
future perfect nouns (noun + noun) stress in two-syllable
describing technology words
word focus: out of
Science and
pages 33-44
VIDEO: 3D-printed prosthetic limbs page 42 11> REVIEW page 44

determiners art describing likes and weak form of
expressions of quantity wordbuilding: word families dislikes disappearing sounds
word focus: spend

pages 45-56
VIDEO: Making plants into art page 54 11> REVIEW page 56

verb + infinitive or -ing urban features debating issues rhyming words
verbs with both -ing and wordbuilding: adverb + sentence stress
the infinitive adjective
word focus: fa//

pages 57-68
VIDEO: Scandinavian mega-bridge page 66 11> REVIEW page 68

negative forms vacation activities getting around intonation in
question forms travel question forms
word focus: mind intonation in
sentences with two
el a uses
Alterna ti ve
pages 69-80
VIDEO: The unexpected beauty of traveling solo page 78 11> REVIEW page 80

Listening Reading Critica!thinking Speaking Writing
three people talking about an article about evaluating conclusions friendships text type: an informal
important relationshipsin their millennials differencesbetween email
lives an article about generations writing skill: greetings
an excerpt from a radio immigrant families in family influences and endings
program about animal New York

an interview with a film critic an incredible story of a the main message a key moment text type: a story
an interview with a professional Formula 1 racing driver the stories pictures tell writing skill: using
photographer an article about the storytelling descriptive words
Brothers Grimm

three people making predictions a lecture about supporting examples predictions text type: short email
about the future overpopulation the future requests
an interview from a radio an article about technological solutions writing skill: being
program about 3D printing appropriate technology polite

a conversation about two an article about unusual identifying opinions art and music text type: an online
people who are creative in street art participation in the arts review
their free time an article about how music playlists writjng skill
an excerpt from a radio music helps us personalizing ·your
program about what's writing
happening in Melbourne

someone talking about the an article about urban ways of arguing changes in your town text type: an opinion
development of the Belo development in Dubai or city essay
Monte dam in Brazil an article about the a happy community writing skill: linking
an interview with a journalist teenage mind stages of life words
about social development in
southern India

someone describing their stay at a blog post about analyzing tone planning a staycation text type: a letter/
a mountainside guesthouse vacations at home a volunteer vacation ernail of complaint
an interview about volunteer an excerpt from a travel ideas for an unusual writing skill: formal
vacations magazine about hotel language
unusual hotels

- Unit

Customs and
zero and first conditionals
time linkers
usual/y, used to, would, be
used to, and get used to
raising children: verbs
word focus: same and
wordbuilding: word pairs
Real life (functions)
describing traditions
/ju:/ and /u:/
the letter s

pages 81-92
VIDEO: Eating insects page 90 lll> REVIEW page 92

second, third, and mixed word focus: make and do discussing preferences contracted or weak
conditionals wordbuilding: noun suffixes forms
wish and if only strong feelings lf/ and /tJ/
word focus: better do you, wou/d you

Hopes and
pages 93-104
VIDEO: What would you do if money didn't matter? page 102 lll> REVIEW page 104

verb patterns with reporting verbs reporting what you have the schwa
reporting verbs positive ad jectives heard
passive reporting verbs wordbuilding: forming
adjectives from verbs
word focus: word
pages 105-116
VIDEO: News: the weird and the wonderful page 114 lll> REVIEW·page 11.6

articles: alan, the, or zero careers describing skills, talents, linking vowels
article? wordbuilding: verb and experience difficult words
relative clauses (+ preposition) +
noun collocations
the senses
Talented word focus: self
personal qualities
pages 117-128
VIDEO: Queen of Egypt page 126 lll> REVIEW page 128

cou/d, was able to, education getting clarification contrastive sentence
managed to, and wordbuilding: homonyms stress
succeeded in word focus: /eam linking in question
future in the past forms

and leaming
pages 129-140
VIDEO: Paraguay shaman page 138 lll> REVIEW page 140

focus adverbs: only, just, money negotiating focus adverbs
e ven services /.f/, ltfl, /3/, and /<}:,/
causative have and get wordbuilding: the + adjective long vowel sounds
business words

pages 141-152.
VIDEO: The Farmery paqe 150 lll> REVIEW page 152


someone describing the
customs on the Tokyo subway
an excerpt from a radio
program about the diet of the
indigenous people of northern
an article about the
"tiger mother"
approach to parenting
a blog about personal
space and turn-taking
Critica! thinking

questions and answers

traditional rules of
food and eating habits
turn-taking in
text type: a
writing skill: adding
someone talking about an an article about the first emotive language ambitions text type: an online
unusual mural human computers wishes comment
eight explorers describing an article about strong feelings writing skill: giving
superpowers they wish they Madagascar's unique vivid examples
had environment

a radio news report about the an article about an iconic different perspectives something true that text type: a news
parents of Chinese university image happened to you article
students an article about the good-news stories writing skill: using
th ree good-news stories power of the press the media quotations
reported on the television

'. .:.-_
a description of a mahout's job an article about an examining the evidence a career path text type: a personal
someonetalking about an extraordinary career superhuman abilities profile
extraordinary career an article about a woman job descriptions writing skill: using
a description of a man with an who was king with
un usual talent

a parent talking about a an article about an explaining ideas learning experiences text type: an
children's museum innovative school making excuses email about a
a talk by a psychologist on an article about how types of learner misunderstanding
memory animals think writing skill: linking
contrasting ideas

two people talking about the an article about Norway's opinion words the economy in your text type: a short
standard of living riches country report
an interview with a professor an article about a new getting things done writing skill: key
about the growing service business trend new businessideas phrases in report
economy writing

• Life around the -world-in 12 videos

Unit 12 The Farmery

Learn about how one farm is trying
to do things differently to benefit the
local community.


Two good-news stories: one about the

"kindness" of the humpback whale,
and one about a man with an amazing
Unit 1 Relationships

FE ATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. Circle the
phrase you think best describes the photo.
10 Unlikely friends
a faithful companion blood relatives a strong bond
Two animals that enjoy each a passing acquaintance mutual respect an odd couple
others company
2 CID Listen to three people talking about important
12 The selfie generation relationships in their lives. Write the number of the speaker
Changing attitudes among (1, 2, and 3) next to the person they are talking about.
today's millennials
brother-in-law __ colleague __ roommate __
14 Bloodlines grandparent __ husband __ old friend __
Two accounts of how family
has shaped people's lives 3 Work in pairs. Look at these sayings about relationships (a-d)
and discuss the questions (1-3).
18 Lady Liberty and Ellis a "Blood is thicker than water."
lsland b "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
A video about immigration e "Like father, like son."
to the USA d "No man is an island."
1 What does each saying mean? Can you think of any
examples from your or someone else's experience that
show these sayings are true?
2 Do you have any similar sayings in your language?
3 What other sayings are there about relationships in your
language? Can you translate them?

Vocabularydescribing character Grammar present tenses:
1 Work in pairs. Look at the adjectives in the box simple, continuous,and perfect
below and discuss:
1 which adjectives are positive, which are Simple present
negative, and which could be either. Suryia lives with his keepers.
2 which make pairs of opposites. Most dogs avoid apes.
3 which adjectives you think describe you. Each day, the dog comes into the compound.
Present continuous
considerate dependa ble energetic playful lt's clear they are having the time of their Jives.
laid-back outgoing selfish His understanding of the dog is growing day by day
serious shy unreliable This week, we're /ooking at animal friendships.
Present perfect (simple and continuous)
The story of Suryia has attracted a lot of interest.
Listening They have recognized a basic social need in each other.

2 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and say: Recently, he has been spending time with a local dog.
They've been doing this every day since they first met.
1 where these animals are normallv found (in a .
zoo as pets in the wild) ~R_~u:lfrYl _, l.Nla tOo For more information and practice, see page 156.
I I ·~ -7 Q.) p.Q.ts
2 what the characteristics of each animal ar~> .. ~ .. n
oro n~utQn 1s ~V1Q1gQ:t1c.wild o.nlmo.\ 0.09-)~~l..-\AY 5 Look at the grammar box. Match the tenses with
3 im Work in pairs. Lt(.Jfa\~9 an excerpt from~} .:rtbie... º
the uses below. Write SP for simple present, PC for
radio program. What Uñríl<l:!ly things do Suryia and present continuous, and PP for present perfect.
Roscoe do together? p\.O...y , ~~ cio3 <jOl'.lt.W 0Jj 1

~ s\1UrQ, i~'QH t:001 .l1Ji11.i¿ ~1.o_y u\'lcl hu9 foqQfüer 1 for something happening at or around the time
4 Clt) Listen again. Work in pairs and answer the of speaking, including changing situations ? ti
questions. 2 for something seen as permanent or unchanging,
1 What is uncommon between different species?CDQ¡:;{:fQi~.)i} including facts or habits and routines SP
2 How do dogs usually feel about apes? 003 r;or! :rn r er-1 3 for something that started in the past and
3 How is Suryia's character described? "'Ph·' 1 A'J continues into the present; or for a past event
:J.· rv. .1 L1te e..i.} S1J ,'(' (1. ....;
4 What shared need is met'iri their relationship? that has an impact on the present ~
t-1 VirrmoJ ~ rn~ed f'J
V1 DJ\q lrv1te.rn-ei1on
6 Work in pairs. Match each sentence in the
grammar box with the specific uses described in
Exercise 5.
Suryia lives with his keepers. = a fact
7 Look at the examples of the present perfect in the
6 Colin and 1 ~ Wí'i't11Y':SJ
together cf't t:JJ.~mome~.
(write) a:book

7 1 get 'iif&n/~rf-&~n w1tfi Marco, even though

we 1rt<QVQJ se.,~
(never / see) each other -
grammar box. Which form (simple or continuous) Vocabulary friendships:
generally expresses or emphasizes prolonged or
repeated activity? _ ph rasa 1 verbs
\°20Vvu0\l}""" vv.h.s
8 Circle the correct options to complete the text 1 O Find these phrasal verbs in Exercise 9:
about animal friendships. • one with the verb get ~-0- o.h)VJ_9 .
• one with the verb stand ston.c\ IQ~}to su.r1oort
Lately, there 1 arel~ numberof • one with the verb hang \A,Q~ C>\..\.t-
videos on YouTube showing unlikely animal • two with the particle up l\Q.!(.p"1.¡'.) , )/V\<:<_Q..t u_p
friends. Lots of people 2 discuss /
<l5jive b,een discussiijg)J particular video that Work in pairs. Discuss what each phrasal
shows a dog making friends with an elephant. verb means.
Elephants often 3cffj~I are showing concern
fo[ other elephants in their social group, but 11 Complete these sentences with the correct
phrasal verbs from Exercises 9 and 10.
tHis video shows an extraordinary scenewhere
the elephant becomes u .et..w~n the dog 1 We come from different backgrounds, but we
-·~ gets injured. The dog 4 as recovere /rQ.~.ulti <j~ o.\()'f\g really well.
has been recovering now, an t e two anima Is 2 We don't have to do anything special. lt would
are always together. The question scientists just be nice to \rto·.'ri !) J together for a
now ask / ~e now ask~s: Is this behavior while.
normal, or d~t it to be? No 3 They K.~<\ · }~ their friendship through
one 6• ~ I has been providing a frequent phone calls.
defini e answer, but it seems sorne animals 4 Why don't we' ...,,,, '"'P for dinner tonight?
are just naturally sociable. Others, like giant 5 Sorne friends are great to have fun with, but
pandas, .7 tf/;;) are living _more independent real friends are the ones who ,,\ fl'· 1 1. 1• 1 you
and solitary lives. when things aren't going so well.

9 Complete the sentences (1-7). Use the correct

present tense of the verbs in parentheses. Use
Speaking QYMt1
contractions where possible. 12 Think about one of your friends and make notes
1 l'VY\ ~Á\1\119 (live) with my friend on these points. fúl{l ~ Y P~)
Ezra at the moment, but each of us also • how you met and how long you've been friends
·WJ,~ (have) our own group of • where and how often you see them
friends that we hang out with. • their current work or studies
2 We're not close friends-we ~;" t \:QQ'fl ·\0\..:\1119 • their personality and why you like them
(just / take) French class together for the past • what things you usually do together or have
ye ar. done recently
3 Lara and 1 went on a trip to Peru ten years ago,
and we \NU,\IQ Yl~'Q..'f' (be) friends ever since.
13 Work in pairs. Describe your friend to your
partner. Ask and answer questions to get more
We keep up with each other through social media.
information, Discuss how your friendships are
4 Oh, do you kVLOW (know) Tom, too?
similar or different.
He and I \ii()\J-Q. \<.V\OWV'\ (know) each other
since elementary school. We should all meet up [ana is one of my oldest friends. We met at a party, and
sometime. we've known each oiher for ten years ...
5 Kat7 is a really dependable friend.
She s OJ VJOyS stúocl (always / stand) by me
when I've needed help. ~ 1 H

Unit 1 Relationships 11
• 1 b The selfie genera tion
Reading Wordbuildingforming adjectives
1 Work in paírs. Look at the photo. Discuss .... WORDBUILDING forming adjectives
these questions.
There are .various·suffixes in Énglish that are commonly
1 What <loes the photo show? usedto form adjectives: -ful, -ish, -ent, -ious, -ive.
2 Is this situation familiar to you? act - active, study - studious
For more practice, see Workbook page 11. //
2 Work in pairs. Discuss what you know about
national parks. Then read the article. Did you
leam anything new? 5 Look at the wordbuilding box. FinAectives in
the article that come from these ~ot words.
3 Read the article again. Find examples of the way
millennials and baby boomers are different in each beauty qlory anxiety mass rnind
of these areas. b~u\ glonou.s onYJcus mosSi\Je- mtl'1QJJ.1,I
• -,· relatíonship with the outdoors 6 Form adjectives from these words (1-6) by
• '. relationship with technology using the correct suffix and making any other
necessary changes.
4 Work in pairs. Why do you think the different 1 ambition Offi\J\~10\.\'~
generations (Casey's and his father's) differ in their
2 child dlllcllsr
attitudes toward the areas discussed in Exercise 3? 3 respect 1~.spec - .i: 'I'

Author Timothy Egan (left) and his son, ours to enjoy. My wife and 1 raised our two kids
Casey, in Joshua Tree National Park 10 to love the parks as well. But in Casey, 1 sensed
a lack of interest. And in that, he is not alone-1
have noticed a similar apathy among other
people his age.
"Young people," Jonathan Jarvis, director of
15 the National Park Service, told me, "are more
separated from the natural world than perhaps
any generation before thern" Jarvis has been
saying this for a couple of years. A large majority
of millennials-71 percent-said they would be
20 "very uncomfortable" on a one-week vacation
without connectivity. For boomers, the figure
was 33 percent.
On our first day on the river, Casey and 1 were
anxious. But soon, we couldn't wait for the
25 ñeXt'ía'Pids. We took breaks a long the shore,
exploring sorne wildflowers here, a massive
natural amphitheater there. In the e~we
spread out sleeping bags and watched the day
We're standing at Lees Ferry, Arizona-the launch point for a four-day raft trip slip away. lt was sublime.
through the Grand Canyon, one of the world's most beautiful places. 30 But still, Casey and 1 experienced a bit of internet
"Darn! No servíce" withdrawal. We should try to be mindful, 1
That's a good thing, 1 tell my son, Casey. Yes? Well, no. He's a millennial, mid- suggested. Stare at the stars. Drift. "I get it:• said
5 20s. l'm a baby boomer. My generation loves the national parks. His generation Casey, "this thing about being disconnected. But
will have to save them. ... everyone 1 know likes to share-publicly-
35 what we're doing .... lf you can't share it now, is
Growing up in the West, 1 loved the outdoors. My folks never had a lot of
money, but we were rich, my mother said: All of this glorious public land was
it really happening? Justa thought:'

P: Well, 16 ~IJQJ\'i- Q..Cl:.\Q.Y\ (not / eat) Mexican
Grammar simple past and food recently, but I'rn good at searching the
present perfect intemet. 1'11 give you a hand.
C: Thanks, but I 4,Q\r~ WIUVL~lready /
..... SIMPLEPAST and PRESENT PERFECT arrange) to meet Sam and work on it with him.
Simple past
When she was little, she agreed .with al/ my opinions. 11 Look at the conversation in Exercise 10 again.
Present perfect (simple and continuous) Underline the time expressions that helped you
Bella has been studying English for five years. choose the right tense. Then complete the chart
In spoken English, she has overtaken her perents. below with the expressions you underlined.
She has elreedy; in her short tite, learned much more
about the outside world than they have. Simple past last week, in the past, in 2016,
1 \.l.~1~1d.Ou . ~u..1 d.ous o~c
For more information and practice, see page 156.
Present perfect ever, so far, just, over the past
simple three months, this year, sínce 1
7 Look at the grammar box. Circle the correct was a child, 3 ~Qt ,
options to complete these sentences. 4 IP(ri. i11..1 s o~ \ood.11
1 The simple past / preséñtper.fuj)expresses a Present perfect just, over the past three months,
connection betw~t and the present. continuous this year, 6 Q\)1 JVV\A9'vvi,w:3
2 The RTrjíPle§}) / pre~e~t ~erfe~t refers to
somEmung ata specific time in the past.
3 We generally use adverbials of finished time 12 Work in pairs. Act out two similar conversations
(e.g., sorne time a o, when I was a child, in 2015) between a parent and a child. Use these opening
with the mple pas / present perfect. lines.
4 We generally use adverbials of unfinished time 1 P: Have you cleaned your room yet?
(e.g., until now, so .f!ir ar, since 2015) with 2 P: Have you eaten any vegetables or fruit today?
the simple past / resent perfec .
13 Circle the correct options to complete these
8 Work in pairs. Look at the example below: Then sentences. Then work in pairs to discuss which
underline two other sentences with the simple statements you agree with.
past and two sentences with the present perfect in
the article. Say which tense is used and why. 1 "Children grew up /~b~en grO'wzri?0up faster
over the last twenty years. ' :l>~i 1.,J1¡,.,
Growing up in the West. I loved the outdoors. [=simple 2 "Ali the new technology that kids use nowaSays ~~
. past to describe something ata specific time in the past] left ~the older generation behind."
3 "My grandparents' generation~ wo1'k!:fl, /
9 Pronunciation auxiliary verbs have and has have probably worked harder than we do, but
they@n't ha~/haven't hadas rnuch fun."
IZI Listen to how the auxiliary verbs have and has 4 "Sorne of my parents' eneration
are pronounced in the present perfect sentences already retired / ~ady retire · with good
you underlined in the article. Then listen again pensions."
and repeat. 5 "When I was young, I1~ / have been rebelling
10 Complete the conversation below between a against my parents because they ~/ have been
parent (P) anda child (C). Use the simple pastor very strict."
the present perfect (simple and continuous) form
oftheverbsinparentheses. Speaking ijfit1 l\..;\~
P: \=\O.\JQ"IQIJ c\fJH{) (you Ido) your 14 Make a list of the differences between your
math homework yet-the homework you parents' lives and your own. Think about the areas
d('\V'l'i do (not /do) yesterday? below or your own ideas. Then work in pairs and
C: Yes, it 3 l>J~( Q_{)C,\J (be) easy. discuss which generation you think has hada
P: Oh, OK. What about your project on Mexican better life.
food? The one you 4 O.SK~d (ask) OJ1'1linb
.1~. d h f ,'D1 .
• up nngmg an se QP11 • ree time V,L
me about a few days ago? 'vº n - _,, • work opportunities é71.. • standard ot living
C: I'm working on it now. I 5 s: ~ ~V\ .)\)j'IJK..t ~
(look) for up-to-date information on the My parents hada much freer childhood than I did. The
internet all morning. · outside world has become a more dangerous place ...

Unit 1 Relationships 13
• 1 e Bloodlines
Reading 6 Work in pairs. Where in the text did you find
evidence to draw the conclusions in Exercise 5?
1 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. Which do you think is the author's main
• Why do you think people emigrate to conclusion? Why?
other countties?
• What difficulties do immigrants face when Word focus sense
they settle in a new country?
7 Look at the expression in bold from the article.
2 Read the article about immigrants in New York. Then circle the best options to complete the
Then cover the text and try to remember these sentences (1-5).
details from Richard and Tanja's stories.
. .. al! oi us have a strong sense of belonging to ...
1 where their ancestors originally carne fromRfü\()j']Gj \·."30.m~ , ,~ · . .
i, .: 1,.in.1· r1rot<Jr 1 It doesn t have /<..J:!JJ!jS,e any sense to errugrate if
2 w h a t Rie h ar d an d rrian1a . , . b
s JO s are now 'JJJ.AW'V' wv~
· f · · t f mili' h . e, you are happy where you are.
3 h ow commg rom 1mm1gran a es as ~2 M . b , -=·~1v
.: · influenced them ~ ~i 1 L-c) cl~\r~ -\~ ~ ost peop 1e want a secure JO . 1t s c~mmon .
.. · Q ~'<.>. \SJl\\'\~(I\:. 1~.. usual sense. '-· -
. • • ~ l¡U)..\11.1). tí) t-'~'v\~ . O:v~ , . ;r-=.
3 Read the article agam. Accordmg to the wnter, are 3 · She s gota great sense of0::!!!1y)/ comedy.
these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 My parents did a lot for me, so 1 feel a sense of
necessity / .~ to take care of them now.
1 Many immigrants in Queens 5 1 always ~~t in big cities. I have a terrible
feel attached to their new country. sense of~ / location.
2 Tomas had a good relationship T
with his stepmother.
3 Tomas met his brother in New York T Speaking ijijtj
one day by accident.
4 Tanja's mother was able to balance
8 Work in pairs. Look at the questíonnaire below.
Take tums asking and answering the questions with
her job with being involved with
your partner. Does family have a strong influence in
Tanja's education. ·
5 Tanja has chosen a similar
career to her parents.
® F
your lives?

4 Find these phrases in the article. Work with a partner HOW DOES FAMILY SHAPE YOU?
to discuss what you think they mean. - -- -
1 Do you think you have a clase family?
1 a melting pot (paragraph 1) ~\QC.Q di(\.Q{Q\Ü i~~s ot f eaple . . . .
2 their ancestral roots (paragraph 2) W\A.trt t~ (J}f<V'-' \~~ow much time do yo~ spend with family:
3 seek his fortune (paragraph 3) DQ.t()'f'l'\Q '(·le.V\ out of a sense of duty.
4 a strong work ethic (paragraph 4) ~H<J/V\.~ WQJ& • because you want to?
3 Is farnily a consideration for you in choosing where
Critical thinking evaluating to live?

conclusions 4 How aware are you of your family's history?

5 What conclusions do you think the author wanted S Is there a1'head" of the family? How important is it
to have this person's approval?
you to draw after reading the article? Check Iv")
your answers. 6 Who in your family do you particularly admire?
O Immigration has benefited America. Why?
O Immigrants have a stronger connection to their 7 Has your family influenced your academic choices
original country than their new home. or your chosen career path?
O It is important for descendants of immigrants
to be aware of their family history. 8 When seeking advice, do you usually ask your
O Irnmigrant families have a strong motivation to friends or your family?
work hard and make a good life for themselves.
O Many immigrants struggle to adapt to their
new home because of cultural differences.

Richard, 38

BLOOD My great-grandfatherTomas was a builder byJ_rélQe-like me. He carne

to America from Poland when he was fifteen. His mother had become

LINES 25 ill and died, and his father decided to remarry. Tomas didn't like his new
stepmother, so he ran away to Belgium, where he boarded a ship to
America. Arriving in America with nothing, he gota job on the railroads
~ in California. Then one day, by chance, he saw an announcement ina
1 The USA, as a whole, is well-known for newspaper. lt was from his brother in New York who had also
being a 3.1-!lt!t:&J;gt of different ethnic 30 America to-~ seek his fortune and was now lookingforTomas.
Tomas got in
groups and cultures. This diversity is touch, and the two hadan emotional reunion in New York. Tomas settled in
particularly evident in Queens, New the city, and the two brothers worked in construction. This is the story that
my grandmother has passed down to us, to my parents, and all my aunts
s York. Here, second-generation Puerto
and uncles. She is an amazing woman-the one who holds us all together.
Ricans live alongside third-generation
35 This has meant that all of us have a strong sense of belonging to a group
Greeks and first-generation Koreans,
that has struggled and fought together to succeed.
all united by a feeling of pride in their
American identity. Tanja, 29
l'm a first-generation American. Both my parents carne here from Jamaica. D
1 1 o However, they are also proud of My dad was a nurse in Jamaica, but he hadan ambition to be a doctor in the
something that fascina tes us all: fü~:iJ:. 40 US. When he first carne here, he studied durinq the day and worked at night.
These days, tracing Both my parents have a ~c. My mom has always worked
back your family tree as far as you as a nurse, but at the same time has a w ys been very involved in my life,
can is a popular hobby, but what helping with my studies and following rny career with interest. l've followed
15 really interests these families is their my parents into the medical profession, and now l'm workinq as a doctor at
recent history: how their grandparents 45 the Mount Sinai Hospital in Queens. l don't know if that kind of dedication is
and great-grandparents arrived in genetic or just something that you learn from your parents, but that desire
America, why they emigrated, and to get ahead ... l've certainly inherited it. The great thing about America is
how they-their descendants-can that it gives you the opportunity to live out your dreams, too.
20 best honor their memory. Here are two
Queens residents' stories.

Unit 1 Relationships 15
- 1d What's up?
Real life meeting people
1 Work in pairs. Which phrases would you use to:
a greet someone f or th e f írst trme.
--Ealu()O..ll · ?
b -greet someone you know in a formal context?
c greet a close friend?

How are things? G How do you do?(\

How are you? 'o _, How's it going?c,
Nice to meet you. Q

2 ID Listen to a conversation between two friends,

Tom and Greta. Work in pairs and answer the
1 What have Tom and Greta been doing since
h 1 ? iAP·ii\-éO.. \,, \./19 '::.t\.A_(,~\Q{j
t ey ast met. ~I elAo) \o((((\/\ V-)i)fKJ 1''15) ¡ M \.N1.W..o
2 What future arrangement do they make?
ll/\ lwo VV\0,1il'">c¡ 11Aftr.1'1..V\ ""-~ {l,Q\I'(\« l~cK
3 ID Listen to the conversation again. Circle the
expressions for meeting people that the speakers

. ./ f n<-M.iS""~
How are thinqs? ))"' ·
How's everything going?
What have you been up to?¿ WLtC11 '::i "'1ew
l'rn doing fine, thanks. v
Not bad.
Busy as ever. r/
1 just gota new job.
l've been studying. for my law exams . e/
5 Pronunciation word boundaries
You're looking good. v a mi Common expressions are often said quickly,
lt obviously suits you . ./ so the word boundaries become more difficult
How's she doing? v to hear. Listen to eight expressions and write
She was asking about you the other day. / expressions 5-8.
Please give her my best wishes . ./ 1 How are things?
Say helio to her for me. 2 How's everything going?
Well, 1 should probably go and ... 3 Wfiat's up?
Sorry, l'rn in kind of a hurry. 4 1 haven't seen you for a really long time.
1 don't mean to be rude, but 1 need to ... 5 ~),u.!.\.l /)S q_>JQJ
lt was really nice to see you. v 6 \(E})',~1 r ~ o@\\¡Hlfiif!;)
lt was great to see you. V 7°7\h()JO ~ ('"\W. •:Yl
Good luck with ... V' ,..
8 -,)\'ID ' 'l '• . . 1
1'0'! 'V'J~ .. f\· 1),'!::,.11.Q)

b Work in pairs. Practica sayíng the eight

4 Work in pairs. Which of the expressions that you expressions in Exercise Sa in the sarne way that
circled in Exercise 3 match these functions (1-4)? you heard them.
1 how Greta asks Tom for his news
2 what Tom says about Greta's appearance 6 Imagine you are in a large shopping mall. Walk
3 how Greta describes her life around and "bump into" other people you know.
4 what Greta says about Amanda, their Find out what each person has been doing, and
mutual friend make a future arrangement with them. Then move
on until you bump into sorneone else.

1 e News from home
Writing an informal email Dear Fergus,
1 hope all's well with you .. l've been meaning to write
1 Work in pairs. When you send news or
communicate with friends in other cities or with my news for ages, but my work takes up a lot
countries, how do you usually communicate of my time. l've been thinking about you all, and l'm
(letter, email, social media, etc.)? Why? getting very homesick. But 1 have to remind myself
of why l'm here-to get experience as a freelance
2 Work in pairs. Read the email from Mateo to his journalist and photographer.
friend Fergus. Where is Mateo, and what is he l'm now in Sri Lanka visiting sorne tea plantations and
doing there? talking to people about how their lives have changed
in the last twenty years or so. The countryside here is
3 How are these things (1-4) expressed in the email?
amazing. At the moment, l'm in the hills just outside
Discuss with a partner.
Kandy. lt's so lush and green here, you wouldn't
1 . sending good wishes 3 giving news believe it. l'm trying to get an interview with one of
2 asking for news 4 suggesting a meeting the plantation owners so 1 can write an article for a
magazine. Fingers crossed !
4 Look at the differences between formal and
My plan is to stay here until the end of September, and
informal written English. Then work in pairs and
find examples of informal language in the email. then get a plane back to Buenos Aires so that 1 can go
and talk to sorne publishers about my work. lt would
Informal Formal be great to get together with you then. How's the
Contractions Uncontracted forros family? Has Sarah found a job yet? Send everyone my
(e.g., isn't) (e.g., is not) love. 1'11 write again soon.
All the best,
Informal linking words Formal linking words
(e.g., so, but) (e.g., therefore, however) Mateo

Conversational words More formal vocabulary

(e.g., get, nice) (e.g., receive, pleasant) 6 Imagine you have been away from home studying
or working in another country. Write an email to a
Idiomatic expressions Conventional language friend or family member back home. Include these
(e.g., it'e no big deal) (e.g., it is not important) elements.
• Agreeting
5 Writingskill greetings and endings
• Giving your news
Look at the greetings and endings below. Circle • Asking for their news
the phrases that are appropriate for an informal • Suggesting meeting when you return
email to a friend or relative. • Good wishes and an ending

All my love Best wishes Dear Mr. Lee 7 Exchange emails with a partner. Use these
Respectfu l ly Hi John All the best questions to check your partner's email.
Love Dear Sir/Madam Yours sincerely • Did their email include all the elements listed
in Exercise 6?
• Is the use of tenses correct?
• Is the style appropriate (informal)?
• Did the email use an appropriate greeting
- 1f Lady Liberty and Ellis Island
Before you watch
1 Work in pairs. Read the description of the video
below and answer these questions.
1 Why was the island closed to visitors?
2 Who are we going to hear speaking on the video?
5 1 tlfj Watch Part 2 of the video again. Match
each quote (1-4) with the correct speaker.
1 "I don't know that our
generation would be as
gutsy as they were, to come."
2 "I got emotional when



I saw [the Statue of Liberty]
December 26, 2013: Ellis lsland has recently for the first time."
reopened to visitors, following significant damage
3 "Right here-at Ellis o o Rae a
from Hurricane Sandy. Stewards1 and visitors
Island-this is where my
describe the importance of the island to them. family became American."
4 "Our ancestors carne over o o Pablo
2 Key vocabulary in 1914 from Lithuania."

a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-5). The words 6 1 tl#I Watch Part 3 of the video again. Circle the
in bold are used in the video. Guess the rneaning correct options to complete the sentences.
of the words. 1 At its busiest point, Ellis Island processed over
1 There are a lot of new houses in the town, but 12,000 immigrants a day /a month.
there is no infrastructure to support them. 2 Now, in the summer months, Ellis Island
2 The building is basically in good condition, but receives over / up to 22,000 visitors per day.
it needs sorne renovation. 3 Hurricane Sandy destroyed the infrastructure /
3 lt takes four weeks to process a new renovated buildings.
passport application. 4 The stewards saw the storm as an opportunity
4 Seeing the farnilies greet each other after so to irnprove the park / statue.
long apart was a very moving sight.
5 I have faith in people to do the ríght thing. After you watch
b Write the words in bold in Exercise 2a next to their 7 Vocabulary in context
definitions (a-e).
a deal with using an official procedure
a 1 tili Watch the clips frorn the video. Choose
the correct meaning of the words and phrases.
b the process of repairing and irnproving a b Complete these sentences in your own words.
structure _ Then share your sentences with a partner.
e a strong belief in sorneone or sornething
1 My ... means the world to me.
d communication systerns and facilities that 2 I showed up late for .
support an area _ 3 It was very gutsy of to ...
e producing strong ernotion _
8 Think of two monuments or places of national
interest in your country. Then work in pairs and
While you watch ask and answer these questions.

3 •• 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Watch Parts 1-3 of the video. 1 What is the name of the monument or place?
Work in pairs and answer the questions. 2 How would you describe it? Do you like it, and
have you visited it?
1 Who carne to Ellis Island in the past?
2 Who visits it today? Why? 9 Prepare a brief guide for immigrants to your
country. Write clown at least six key points.
4 1 tlll Watch Part 1 of the video again. Then Include things like local eating habits, cultural
answer the questions with a partner. habits, and advice on transportation.
1 How <loes David Luchsinger describe hirnself?
1 O Work in groups. Compare your ideas from Exercise 9.
Complete the phrase "the last .
Do you think it would be difficult for sorneone new
2 Apart from being a steward, what is David's
to adapt to life in your country? Why or why not?
personal connection to Ellis Island?
3 What were immigrants asked to do with
'steward (n) /'stju:~rd/ a person employed to look after
their bags after arriving at EllisIsland?
a particular place
4 What record is David proud of?

Unit 1 Relationships 19
Grammar · Vocabulary
~\ OME\l\lOQ\(
(!} Circle the corred verb forms to 4 Complete the words and phrases in bold to make definitions
complete the text about changing of different relationships. Someone who:
trends in family structures, 1 you go on a trip with is a travel com14-~,,,0<J!V.:!.:.\J..O""-Y1~------
2 you and another friend both know is a (Y111.A,lé ual friend.
When we talk about family, we 1 ~d / 3 you share an apartment with is a roorrf'!Dw.T""Q. _
are needing to make a distinction between 4 you know b}lt who is not a close friend is
extended family and nuclear family. The an Q(qux,n tance.
nuclear family is the parents and children. 5 you are related to by birth is a b 1 Oüd relative.
The extended family 2 m<(51s I is meaning
all the people who are related to us 5 mefil:I Work in pairs. Using the words and phrases in bold in
by blood or by marriage: aunts, uncles, Exercise 4, describe someone:
grandparents, in-laws, etc. In the West, the 1 who you hang out with regularly.
importance of the extended family 2 who you haven't kept up with.
has decreased / has be(Ín dircreasing 3 whose house you visit regularly.
for sorne time. In the pa~e ~d /
hav~lied on extended family tcirí'elp 6 f)j1+1i:i Work in pairs. Look at the list of adjectives below.
with childcare orto loo~er us in old
age. 5 We've shared / W(!!J)red living considerate shy energetic playful laid-back
space and household chores, and so our outgoing selfish dependa ble unreliable serious
living costs 6 have<bden / we~wer. But
now, ~re and more people chose I 1 Which adjectives describe the animals on page 10? Why?
are ~sing to live in nuclear families, 2 Choose three adjectives to describe three of your relatives. Tell
and so the economics 8 hav(ijianged / your partner and give an example to illustrate each adjective.
changed. The older generation says that
we 9 are lói)ng / lose our traditional family ICAN
values. But there's an economic issue, too: describe friends and relatives -----------~--
We 10 havlJPst / /o~aluable support
network that was free of charge.
Real life
7 Complete the phrases using a preposition or particle.
2 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
_.1_ L: Hello, [irn. How are you?
1 What is the difference between a __ L: Yeah, that' d be nice. I'm 1 i (Y) kind of a hurry now,
nuclear family and an extended but I'll call you.
family? __ L: I've been working .in New York 2 ,()OX' the
2 What benefits of an extended
family does the writer mention?
__ L: Oh, well, please give her my best wishes.
3 UiM:I Work in pairs. Answer these __ L: Thanks. You, too. How's Sarah doing?
questions. __ J: Yes, do. And good luck 3 \JJ 1 t~
your work in
1 Can you explain your choice of NewYork.
tense for items 2-8 in Exercise 1? ~ J: She's fine. Still studying hard.
2 What other time phrases would __ J: That's exciting. You're looking good.
fit grammatically instead of to
__ J: 1 will. Maybe we can all get 4 ~~orne time soon.
for sorne time (item 3) and in the past __ J: Great, thanks, Laura. It's been ages. What have
(item 4)? you been 5 uup
ICAN 8 Number the sentences from Exercise 7 in the corred order
use present tenses (1-10) tb forma conversation between Laura (L) and Jim (J).
use simple past and present perfect
have conversations with someone 1 meet

Un it 2 Storytelling

FEATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. What kind of
movie do you think this is a location for? Give reasons. ·
22 A key moment 2 Look at the pairs of adjectives (1-4). Match each pair with the
The incredible story of type of movie it best describes.
Niki Lauda
Adjectives f Type of movie
24 Visual storytelling 1 funny, touchmg o /(() thriller / adventure
How stories are told with 2 romantic comedy
ª~;~r~~~arycti1•~1•fur:i11.10.1~Z G
images 3 tast-movmg, gnppmg 0 '0 horror
4 original, imaginative o-- o science fiction/fantasy
26 Once u pon a time ...
The Brothers Grimm: master
3 ID Work in pairs. Listen to a conversation about a movie Hobbif
adaptation of a book. How did the director manage to make a
successful movie from the book? re~ Vl 1Mt11 r;P 1'n1 Of -f"~Lf i»O/(_
fn.te ro lw
30 How not to climb a 4 ID Listen to the conversation again. Complete these phrases
mountain with the adjectives you hear.
A video about how one climb 1 a very on'@i01gg imaginary world
wentwrong 2 the dark, .seo. r~ mountains
3 the story is very (JO.s±-1YY!Witnjlnd 0 r/ rppi(f).9
5 Work in pairs. Tell your partner what type(s) of movie you
generally like and why. Give examples.

• 2a A key moment
Vocabularydescribing stories Reading
1 Match the words in list A with the words in list B 4 Work in pairs. Read the account below of the
that have a similar meaning. key moment in the movie Rush and answer the
/1 main characters ~ time and place 1 Why did Lauda want the race at the
l plot central ideas Nürburgring to be stopped?
3 setting key players 2 What was the cause of Lauda's accident?
4.. themes + · important event 3 What were the consequences of the accident for
l'iJ'UOOrtov1t ~IJ1ll11 t Lauda and for the race?
5 key moment s ory

2 Work in pairs. Think of a movie or 1V drama that you

have seen recently and answer the questions.
1 What was the setting, and who were the
.. 9
main characters? lt was July 1976, and Niki Lauda was leading the
2 What was the basic plot? Was there a particular world Formula 1 championship. The next race was
key moment in the story? the German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring-an old,
3 Complete the description of the movie Rush. long track that ran through the Eifel Mountains. The
Use words from list A in Exercise l. s track was narrow, bumpy, and in poor condition,
and many people-including Lauda-considered
it unsafe. A few days befare the race, Lauda had
tried to get the race stopped at a meeting of the
drivers, but James Hunt had argued for it to go
10 ahead and had won by one vote.
So, on August 1 st at 1 :00 p.m., the cars set off-
Hunt from first position and Lauda from second. lt
had been raining during the morning, and parts of
the track were still wet. But as the race progressed,
15 the track began to dry, and the drivers carne into
the pits to change their wet-weather tires.
Lauda had lost time by driving more slowly in
the difficult conditions, but now, on his new dry-
weather tires, he began to push harder. Halfway
20 around the track, he carne out of a left-hand
corner too fast and lost control of his car. lt hit a
The 1 9\pt of Rush, which is based on bank on the far side of the road, bounced back,
real events, focuses on the rivalry between two and immediately burst into flames. There were
2 IJ'll01vi rlllf!!O('+()~c.,: Formula 1 racing drivers
few safety marshals at this part of the track, but
James Hunt of Great Britain and Niki Lauda 25 fortunately, other drivers were following Lauda's
of Austria. The movie's 3 -\ ltio\\W\ are car. Three of thern stopped and ran to help. They
danger, drama, and the mutual respect of managed to pull Lauda free, but by then he had
competitors. The 4"'-«A1 \/\1\011111.~V\\ in the movie been sitting trapped in the intense heat for over
comes with Lauda's accident in 1976 and his a minute. Eventually, a helicopter arrived and
amazing fight to recover from it. 30 transported Lauda tothe hospital. He had suffered
extreme burns and was fighting for his life.
Meanwhile, the organizers restarted the race,
which Hunt went on to win. Amazingly, just six
weeks later, after serious plastic surgery, Lauda got
35 back into his racing car at the ltalian Grand Prix
and finished fourth. As for the old Nürburgring, that
was the last Formula 1 race held there.

f\·~vD.!7l.llSlJJ__l@ U.Ci>-'Q QC\JJ. (.l.!L

Grammar narrative past tenses 8. Pronunciation /re/, !A.!, and /o/

11J1> NARRATIVE PAST TENSES a CIIiJListen to the vowel sounds in these simple
past verbs and past participles. Then listen again
Simple past
and repeat.
He came out of a left-hand comer too fast and lost
control of his car. /re/ crashed, ran, sat
... an old, long track that ran through the Eifel /Al run, stuck, suffered
Mountains. /o/ got, lost, stopped
Past continuous
ft was Ju/y 1976, and Niki Lauda was leading the b CID Work in pairs. What are the simple past
world Formula 1 championship. and past participle forms of these verbs? Listen
Past perfect . and check
A few days befare, Lauda had tried to get the race
stopped. become begin drink forget
Past perfect continuous shine sing go win
lt had been raining during the morning, and parts
of the track were still wet. 9 IJID Complete this story using the correct past
tense of the verbs in parentheses. Then listen and
For more information and practice, see page 158.
check your answers.
5 Look at the grammar box. Match the tenses with Mr. Charles Everson and his wife Linda
the uses below. Write SP for simple past, PC for 1 WQl@. Clflv \/Y\g (drive) home one
past continuous, PP for past perfect, and PPC for Sunday when a cow 2 __ .\l!,_QJ-'-\t,'-'-=-------
past perfect continuous. (fall) from the sky and 3 W.Yldeq
(land)1~n the hood of their van. The cow-
a to describe an action that started and finished
whichV4IXle.5Wp<?d (escape) from
at a specific time in the past; or to describe a
a local farm-5 ~'\.O(\ bi.01\ Q r:Q,-:z..lrv0'.graze)
general state in the past L all morning near the edge of a cliff, when it
b to describe something that happened befare the
main event(s) or story in the past iQ_
slipped and 6 o iJJJ'v19e
el (plunge)
seventy meters to the road below. The Eversons
c to describe an activity in progress in the past, weren't hurt, but the cow wasn't so lucky-it
which is a background to the main story or to 7 ho.d (have) to be put to sleep.
an event within it ~
d to describe an activity in progress up to the
main event(s) in the past; emphasizes the Speaking LijHQ
duration of the past activity PPC. 1 O Work in pairs. Read this story about a key moment
6 Work in pairs. Cover the account of the key in two people' s lives. Discuss how yo u think the
moment on page 22. Can you retell the story of story continues and ends. Write at least five more
what happened to Niki Lauda? sentences using the correct past tenses.

1 Circle the correct options to complete the story of In 2010, TV viewers around the world
Niki Lauda and James Hunt. watched as, one by one, 33 Chilean copper
miners emerged into the sunlight. For 69
Niki Lauda and James Hunt had very
days, the miners had been trapped in a hole
different approa~~s-\o life. They both 450 meters below the surface after part
were driving / ~ard, but Hunt liked
of the mine had collapsed. Melanie Mayer
to play hard, too. Often, while Lauda
2 &Va5 p¡ej)aiíiJg / had prepared carefully
was one of the people who was watching
the news at her home in Germany. As the
themgF¡rbefore a race, Hunt was out
sixteenth miner, Daniel Herrera, carne out, it
at a nightclub. Both men 3(~ /
was love at first sight for Melanie ....
had known that danger wa's-aí}artof the
attraction of motor racing far fans, but
Lauda 4 was refusing /~to take 11 CID Work with another pair. Take tums telling
unnecessary risks. That's why your version of the story. Then listen and compare
people were so amazed when he your stories to the version you hear.
was returning I re.1úfli.edtoJl:t~ack
six weeks after he~/ ~enlying in 12 Work in pairs. Describe a key moment in your life.
the hospital, fighting far his life. Talk about the events before and after it.

Unit 2 Storytelling 23
• 2b Visual storytelling
.... WORDBUILDING collocations
In English, sorne words go naturally
together, e.g., we say make a mistake (NOT
de a fflist:ake). This is called "collocation."
Often, more than one verb can collocate
with a particular noun.
tell a story, share a story
For more practice, see Workbook page 19.

2 Work in pairs. Look at the two photos

on the left and answer these questions.
1 What do you think each photo
aims to do? Use a collocation
from Exercise 1 to describe this.
2 Which photo had a greater
impact on you? Why?

3 IJID Listen to an interview with
a professional photographer, Olaf
Paulsen. Work in pairs and answer
the questions.
1 According to Olaf Paulsen, what
. " visua
is . . 1 s tory te11·mg "?1\1,S(~\(l'~
. 11) co lN)11t~colt
2 Why does he thin.k it has '')hl1J i-eo.t¡( •0~"()
become such a popular form of
storytelling? o .. i:o ¡¡ ~~,~~
3 What does h~ is the message
or story behind th~ two photos
on the left? ~d

4 IZO Are the sentences true (T) or

false (F)? Listen again and check
your answers.
1 Paulsen thinks that a
good photographer is
Vocabulary communicat
ion a storyteller. ,r-
2 According to Paulsen, a (S· F
1 Work in pairs. Match the verbs in the box with the nouns (a-g) to good photo is one that can
make collocations. There is sometimes more than one answer. engage you emotionally.

bring engage
3 Anyone can take a
photo, but only a
T ®
reach ~ professional photographer
a 5\rt<),(e t-eJJ a story
can tell a visual story.
4 The lifejackets on the
~· F
b p'(~S«:>,Ylt S\-\CAíQ 9.. YQ'\\'.SS anidea
beach is an example of a
c ~ l°"\'.'n''0t shQ í'6 information
photo that tells a big story.
e\\ (¡¡_f.\ O\ü C\:Q \--Q Ji
d f'E'-Q
b r\ il!I e\ e,\o-...JQi re your audience
a photo
f b ricv\<b astory to life
g e:.::OHSS an emotion

Gra=.,mmar the passive


People presenta Jot of factual information visual/y now.

Recently, people have ca/led you a "visual storyteller."
8 Circle the best option (a or b) to complete the text.
Sometimes both options are possible.
Photo sharing and visual storytelling has
increased greatly in the last twenty years. One
reason for this is the rise of blogging and of social
networking sites like Facebook. 1 b _
/n the past, publishers used photos in magazines. in 2004. 2 a in the 1990s, but blogging
/ acted like a magazinehad paid me to do a job.
didn't really take off until the mid-2000s. But
Anyone can share stories from anywhere in the world.
perhaps the most irnportant factor in the rise
Passive of visual storytelling was the invention of the
A lot of factual informationis presentedvisual/y now.
smartphone. Before the smartphone, most
Recently, you've been ca/leda "visual storyte/ler."
In the pest, photos were used in magazines. photos were taken with a separate camera,
before 3 a onto a computer. With a
/ acted /ike I had been paid by a magazine to do a job.
Stories can be sharedby anyone from anywhere in smartphone, 4· a in a message, a blog,
the world. or on their Facebook page.
For more information and practice, see page 158. 1 a They launched Facebook
b Facebook was launched
2 a A few people were already writing blogs
5 Look at the granunar box. Circle the correct options
b Blogs were already being written by a few
to complete the sentences (1-4).
1 ~ubject / ~of the active verb is the 3 a were uploaded
bjec / objec~fái.e passive verb. b being uploaded
2 e Foro:~ passive with the verb be + 4 a the user can easily inserta photo
present /~articiple. b a photo can easily be inserted
3 In passive sentences, the person or thing doing
the action (the agent) is introduced witH!R:/ untn.
4 :· In passive sentences, you always / ~
: have to mention the agent. Complete these questions about photos, using active
or passive verbs.
6 Pronunciation weak forms in passive verbs
1 Where (this photo / take)?
a CID Listen to the passive sentences in the 2 What (show) in the photo?
gramrnar box. In each bold phrase, notice the 3 What story (the photo /tell)?
unstressed auxiliary verb and the stressed main verb. 4 What emotions or ideas _
(express) in the photo?
b Clml Work in pairs. Read these sentences aloud
with the same stress pattems in the passive verbs. 1 O Look at the two photos below and work in pairs.
Then listen and compare. Student A: Look at the notes on page 153 about
1 The story was first published in 2012. photó A,
2 She has been given permission to tell her story.
Student B: Look at the notes on page 154 about
3 More photos are being shared online. photo B.
4 It will be seen by people ali over the world.
5 The ͺY. of the moment is captured wonderfully. Take tums asking and answering the questions in
Exetcise 9 about each photo.
7 Rewrite the paragraph below about infographics.
Use the passive form of the verbs in bold. Make any
other changes and include the agent if necessary.
In infographics, people combine data and images to
communicate information. We can present the data ·
using numbers or words. William Playfair probably
created the first infographics in his 1786 book,
A Commercial and Political Atlas of England. However,
people have called Edward Tufte-a teacher at
Princeton University-the true father of the modem
infographic. He published his fust book,
Visual Display, in 1982.

Unit 2 Storytelling 25
• 2c Once upon a time • • •
Reading 6 Look at these other phrases with keep. Work in
pairs. Discuss what each phrase means.
1 Work in pairs. What were your favorite stories or 1 Please keep an eye on the time. We can't leave
picture books as a child? Discuss what they were
any later than ten-thirty. oJ,Q.J{
about and why you still remember them.
2 I wouldn't tell him your news just yet, if I w~re1 \\
·rv •\\ e i
2 Read the article about the Brothers Grimm and you. He's not very good at keeping secrets#i':)'G "{'l'i.<(J
their book of fairy tales. Then cover the article 3 Technology is moving so fast these days. It' s
and tell your partner what you remember about difficult to keep track of ali the changes.
the following: 4 I think it's a good idea to keep a diary when
you are traveling, to look back on later.
1 where and when the brothers lived
2 where the stories carne from
3 what the brothers' interest in writing the Critical thinking the main
stories was message
4 why people still like the stories
7 Look at sentences a-e. Which do you think is the
3 Work in pairs. Read the article again and answer main message of the article? Circle your answer.
the questions.
a The Brothers Grimm chose classic stories
1 How did the Brothers Grimm first become that they knew would be popular with
interested in fairy tales? future generations, especially children.
2 What did the early editions of their book lack? b In carefully recording traditional stories, the
3 What did the early editions contain that is Brothers Grimm produced a wonderful book
unusual for a book of fairy tales? that is popular with children and adults today.
4 How were the stories useful to parents? e The Brothers Grimm produced an acadernic
5 : What element of the stories do sorne parents book about the history of German folktales,
· not like so much? and the lives of storytellers.
6 What does the phrase a r.ags to riches story
(line 50) mean? 8 Work in pairs. Where in the article can you find
evidence for these ideas?
4 The writer uses various words and expressions . .
associa · t a 1 es. un d er lin e wo rds and
· t ed writh fairy 1 The. author
,,. , of the article
. thinks
. that the ·
· · th t t th t ~,rrms story collection is great.
expressions in e ex a mean: . 2 ~~ story collection was not very popular
1 a long time ago (paragraph 1) U\'\Q. 1. ÓllCQ U\:?1 ~Vl'<?._ tlme mitially, but it is now.
2 t~e opposite o~ heroes (paragraph 1) lA\l\~3 \h\\o..1n~ ... /In the beginnin?, the broth.ers' interest was
3 distant countnes (paragraph 1) \jY\Q q ~íQW(),\f. \o.~ only in preservmg the stones.
4 the lesson to be learned (paragraph 5)\11'\Q '.?i4 l ,p •. ;\'.JTQ\
5 ª woman (often bad) who does magic
(paragraph 6) 11\f\Q l\3 WrklA
Writing and speaking ¡ijHf1
6 for the rest of time (paragraph 7) \¡~ (; ¡· Q.\JQJ Cl\1e..r g Think of a traditional story or fairy tale. Make
notes about the basic plot, setting, and main
Word focus keep characters of the story. Include a moral if you like.
Then think about how you could put the story into
5 Work in pairs. Complete these phrases from the a modern setting.
article with the word keep. Discuss what each
phrase means. 1 O Work in pairs. Tell each other your modern version
of the traditional story. Did your partner's story
1 keep each other Q)l1i<2~+oi'flQ::) (paragraph 4)
have a moral? If so, what was it?
2 keeping recmds-_ (paragraph 5)
3 keep your Qí (paragraph 5)
dv:i 111Jlrvo\t 'jOVI $\Y,,,~ ~c:;v. \¡J;q °'º

nce t.
upona 1me • • •
O Once upan a time in Germany, there lived two brothers 45 the stories' villains (in the original Snow White, the evil
who loved a good story-one with magic, danger, royalty, stepmother is farced to dance in red-hot iron shoes until
and villains. At school, they met a wise man who led she drops dead) are still too much far sorne parents.
them to a treasure-a library of old books with tales more So why are the stories still so popular? Sorne suggest fJ
5 enchanting than any they had ever heard. Inspired, the that it is because they are about our struggle far
brothers began collecting their own stories, listening to 50 happiness: Cinderella is a classic "rags to riches" story,
the folktales people told them. Soon, they produced their where a poor young girl finds her wealthy prince;
own treasure-a book of fairy tales that would fascínate Beauty and the Beast is about a girl with such a loving
millions in faraway landsfor generations to come. nature that she sees past the monstrous looks and bad
f) 10 The Brothers Grimm-Jacob and Wilhelm-named temper of the Beast to find the good in him. Grimms'
their story collection Children's and Household Tales and 55 tales were part of a storytelling tradition-not just in
published it in Germany in 1812. The collection has Germany but worldwide-which often gave people an
since been translated into more than 160 languages, escape from the hard realities of daily life, and hope far
from Inupiat in the Arctic to Swahili in Africa. In Iapan. a better future. But as for the brothers themselves, they
15 there are two theme parks devoted to the tales. In the just wished to retell these exciting stories accurately. In
United States, the Grimms' collection has helped to 60 doing so, they ensured that Grimms' fairy tales wou]d
turn Disney into a media giant. live happily ever after.
D The humble Grimms would have been embarrassed by
such fame. During their lifetime, the story collection 'scholarly (adj) /'skol;irli/ connected with academic study
2footnote (n) /'fut,a;iut/ a note at the bottom of a page that
20 sold only a few copies in Cerrnany and the early
editions were not even aimed at children. They had no gives more information
3folklore (n) /'fouk,b:r/ traditional stories and beliefs from
illustrations, and scholarly1 faotnotes2 took up almost
as much space as the tales themselves. Jacob and a particular community
Wilhelm Grimm viewed themselves as students of local
25 falklore3 who were trying to preserve the stories of oral
9 As in many other countries, storytelling had been
popular in Germany long befare the Grimms' time.
During long winter níghts, people would keep each
30 other entertained with tales of adventure, romance, and
magic. To write their stories, the Grimms interviewed
about farty such storytellers.
~ Although the brothers claimed that they were just
keeping records of tales, Wilhelm continued to improve
35 and reshape the stories up to the final edition of 1857.
In an effort to make the stories more acceptable to
children's parents, he stressed the moral of each tale.
The collection, he said, should be used as "a manual of
manners": keep your promises, don't talk to strangers,
40 work hard, abey your parents.
ra However, the unpleasant details of the stories were often
left untouched. The cruel treatment of children (Hansel
and.Gretel are put in a cage by a witch and then fattened
far eating) and the violent punishments handed out to
• 2d What a nightmare!
Real life reacting to stories 4 Pronunciation linking and elision

1 Work in pairs. What kinds of everyday things can a CillD Listen to these responses. Notice how
often go wrong? (e.g., losing a phone, missing a the underlined sounds are either linked as in
bus, burning dinner, spilling coffee) been a or elided as in what did, where the t of what
disappears. Repeat each phrase.
2 CllEI Look at the excerpts below from six
1 That must have beeny relief. (linked)
personal accounts of things that went wrong.
Work in pairs. Discuss what you think happened 2 So whatdid you do? (elided)
next. Then listen and compare. b Clf1;J Work in pairs. Underline the sounds in these
1 The bus broke down on the highway, so we 'tl\l\ot\JIQJ sentences that you think are linked or elided. Then
were all left waiting until help could arrive. ~ í.O.l'(\Q listen and check. Practice saying the sentences.
2 My pants got caught on the door handle, and
as 1 walked away, they ripped. CIJ'llf \ \f\\> n<X\\ Linked
3 1 bent my house key trying to force it into the 1 What a nightmare!
door lock, and when 1 tried to str~l}ten~e 2 Poor you!
key, it snapped. lw~.-\ V\~l<:jl..rllr:OOl'<v f'J:J' 3 How embarrassing!
4 The elevator got stuck between the eighteenth 4 Really? That's odd.
'and nineteenth floors, and two peo,i:le
completely panicked.1.\0111 { ¡,._~ .w,voh'.)·1 Elided
5 The tires on my bike were all worn out, 5 That was good thínkíng.
and when I hit a bump in the road, one of 6 A similar thing happened to me once.
them popped. C.AA"I ""'") 1/\~~
6 My computer froze while 1 was working. 5 Choose oneof the following topícs and prepare to
to< "'\ \A,ov-~ s tell a short story about something that happened
3 CllEI Look at the expressions below for reacting to you. Then work in pairs. Take turns telling your
to stories. Can you remember which expressions stories and reacting.
were used in the conversations in Exercise 2?
• a time you were lost or stranded
Discuss with a partner and circle your answers.
• something embarrassing that happened .to you
Then listen to the conversations again and check.
• a minor accident you had
• a computer problem
~ REACTING TO STORIES • a situation where something broke or got stuck
Sympathiiing when something bad has happened
Oh, no! v'
Hów embarrassing! V
Oh, that's really awkward:
Poor youlv"
Wha;t a nightmare! i/
Really? That's odd.
Comníehting on a good outcome to a bad situation
That must have.been a relief.
T.hat was smart.
That was good thinking.
That was lucky;
Talking about similar éxperiences
1 can sympathiz't'wi:th that.
Yeah, 1 think l .wol!lld have done the same thing.
Yeah; a similar thing happened to me once.
Yeah, 1 once had.the same experience.

2e A real-life drama
Writi ng a story 3 Writing skill using descriptive words
a Work in pairs. Look at the highlighted words and
1 Read the paragraph below from a story about two
men walking in the Amazon rain forest in Peru. phrases in the story. Which describe movement,
Work in pairs. Answer these questions. and which describe a way of speaking?

1 What happened to Rowan? b Work in pairs. Look at the words and phrases in
2 Why did Chris feel anxious? bold in the sentences below (1-8). Try to figure out
their meaning from the context. Then check in a
2 Work in pairs. Number these events in the order in dictionary.
which they actually happened (1-6). Why do you
think the writer starts the story when Rowan críes Speaking
out? 1 "Help!" she screamed. "That man running
away has just stolen my wallet!"
Rowan cried out. 2 They continued on their way, but [ake could
Rowan's foot got caught in something. tell that Iess was unhappy because she kept
Rowan was moaning.about his sore feet. muttering under her breath.
Chris and Rowan were walking through 3 He mumbled something about it being unfair,
the jungle. but 1 couldn't catch his exact words.
Chris went back to help Rowan. 4 "OK. Let's try your way then," she said with a
Chris saw that it was an animal trap. sigh. She had lost the energy to argue.
"I can't move," cried Rowan. "My foot's 5 We moved cautiously along the narrow path,
stuck in something-it's really painful!" Chris conscious of the steep drop to our left,
knew that Rowan was struggling. He had 6 When he heard the car arrive, he leapt to his
been l oaning all day about his sore feet, feet and ran to the <loor.
and they had only covered a kilometer in the 7 She tripped on a rock and almost fell, but then
last half an hour. Chris was also tired frorn regained her balance.
hiking through the thick jungle, but he was 8 She tumed anxiously toward the <loor,
anxious to return to camp before it got dark. wondering whether she should enter.
They weren't carrying many supplies with
them, and neither had eaten anything for at 4 Look at the main events of a story on page 153.
least three hours. "lt's probably justa thorn Then write the story in full, using this checklist.
bush or something," he said encouragingly, • Start the story at its most drama tic point.
as he walked back slowl to see what the • Use the correct past tenses when you describe
problem was. "Reach down and try to free events.
your foot." But as Chris got closer, he could • Use sorne descriptive verbs and adverbs, but
· see that it wasn't a bush that had caught don't overuse them!
Rowan, but a metal animal trap that had ,
clamped itself firmly to his right ankle. 5 Exchange stories with a partner. Did your partner
use the checklist in Exercise 4? Whose version of
the story do you like better? Why?
- 2f

eefore you watch
1 Key vocabulary
Work in pairs, Look at the diagram below.
Explain in your own words these features
5 1 Cfll What did Cedar Wright say about their
experience? Watch the video again and complete these
sentences with the words he uses.
1 Wright and Honnold thought the peak they were
looking at was Middle Palisade because it was "the
_____ mountain here."
of a mountain.
2 The climb up the peak was "kind of _
4 vertical face
3 On their way to the top, they "were all the
summit registers."
4 The ridge they had to go along looked like "death on a

5 The rock was peeling off "like sheets of _

6 At the end of the climb, they were "completely

7 Although the climb was horrible, Wright's conclusion

was " times! You should totally do it!"

After you watch

6 Vocabulary in context
2 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the video
and the list of possible mistakes (a-e). Then a 1 [f»J Watch the clips from the video. Choose the correct
think of two more possible mistakes. meaning of the words and phrases.
a The climbers chose a mountain that
was too difficult for them.
b Complete these sentences in your own words. Then share
your sentences with a partner.
b The climbers attempted to do the
climb in bad weather. 1 The house was in abad condition. The paint was
e The climbers took the wrong peeling off ... and the ...
equipment. 2 I was very ill-prepared for ...
3 For our summer vacation, we are heading to ...
While you watch 7 Work in pairs. Retell the story from the video, using these
prompts (1-8) to help you. Take tums describing the events,
3 1 tfllWork in pairs. Watch the video of
Cedar Wright and Alex Honnold climbing 1 climb-Middle Palisade 5 realize-mistake
Middle Palisade Mountain in the Sierra 2 description-phones 6 walk-ridge
Nevada in the USA. What mistake did 3 tough-wrong route 7 rock-peel off
they make? 4 top-summit register 8 arrive-twelve hours
4 1 Cfll Watch the video again. Circle the 8 Look at these situations (1-4). Imagine what could go
correct options to complete the sentences. wrong. Write two possibilities for each situation. Then
compare your ideas with a partner. Which do you think
1 Middle Palisade is a
would be the worst mistake? Why?
10,000-foot / 14,000{oot peak.
2 Wright and Honnold had / hadn't read 1 You are starting evening classes in English ata local
a description of how to climb the college.
mountain. You go to the wrong room, and you realizefive minutes into
3 While climbing, they thought they the lesson it is a Frenen class.
might be on the wrong mountain / route. 2 You are going to the wedding of an old friend. You take
4 They discovered their mistake when a card anda present with you.
they saw the summit register / 3 You are driving to a job interview. You leave the house
real summit in the distance. in good time.
5 To reach the real summit, they had to 4 You are giving a presentation at work. You use
avoid / walk along a dangerous ridge. audiovisual equipment in your presentation.
6 The climb took them eighi / twelve
hours in total.

Unit 2 Storytelling 31
Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the story using the correct past tense form 4 Circle the correct options to complete the
of the verbs in parentheses. Use both active and description of a movie.
passive forros. , Bridge of Spies is a 1 gripped / ¿¡;,;{¡Jz iliriJ!er
directed by Steven Spielberg.'tii(2vsé{t,.cii)/ stage
Most people have heard of Richard Branson- is Berlín in the 1960s, and the 3 theme !\P.!§P_ is
head of the Virgin-Group. But not many people based on true events. The story is 4 said !@
know about his love of April fools~jokes.* In from the point of view of the ain character.
2011, an article 1 \¡\IQ.,S \~'o\15\-\Qq (be/ Spielberg is amazing at 5 IÍri;;gj g / fetching a
1)'U6nsh) on the Virgin website announcing story to life and 6 sharing e gagm:g his audience.
that Branson 2 \lo.e\. jU..St± /

(just I buy) the planet Pluto. In 2013, A 5 ml'Jj:i Look at the photo and work in pairs.
he 3 Q\O..\(VY\<Q_Q (claim) that his
company 4 \i-.Qc), QQ..Q-11\ we!Kirn') (work) for A
sorne time on a qlass-bottoméd plane, so
passengerscould look down at the scenery
while they 5-.tlUi<nÓ (fly). The A
- story 6 WO...'":> piO<'.eú u_ (be I pick up) f'
by severa! media agencies. Branson even
7 lf)lO.~Q..d (play) an April Fools'*'
joke on the British police. In 1989, police ~
officers 8 W~f<l. C..Cklle.c\ (be I call) to a
field near London, where severa! people
g 'fQ.29fi Q..ó.00,d re@f~(report) seeing a UFcf. What do you remember about this story? Use
When the officers 10 Ml\\Jeq 1\ appropriate adjectives to describe it.

(arrive), they were shocked to see a silver
flying saucer in the field. (In fact, it was a
hot air balloon that 11 WO,S %~ v describe stories
(be I make) to look like a UFO.) They
were even more surprised when a figure
in a silver suit, who looked like an alien, Real life
12 s-*rrp~d (step) out of it! p._
6 m¡+ii:i Work in pairs. Take turns being Student A
and Student B.
* AprilFools' Day is celebrated every year on
April 1st by playing practica! jokes. Student A: Make statements about these things to
elicit the responses in the box below.
• my phone • my new boss
2 t>iM:I Work in pairs, Identify the four passive • my vacation • my jacket
verbs in the story in Exercise l. Discuss why Student B: Respond to Student A's story using as
passive forros are used rather than active forros. many expressions from the box as possible.
3 f>iM:I Write two sentences about something that
How embarrassing ! Oh, no!
happened to you last week. Read the sentences to Really? That's odd. That must have been a relief.
your partner and ask each other questions.
That was good thinking.
A: I was late to class on Wednesday. Yeah, 1 think 1 would have done the same thing.
B: Why were you late?
A: I lost my phone at work. B: Oh, no!
ICAN A: So I put up a "lost" notice. B: That was good
use narrative past tenses thinking.
use active and passive forms
react to stories

nit 3 Science and technology

FE ATURES 1 Work in pairs. How much do you depend on technology ínyour

day-to-day life? How affected will you be if you lose your phone,
34 Is technology the or if your computer crashes?
answer? 2 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. Which of these
Solving the problem of areas of technology is represented in the photo? In which a rea
overpopulation do you think the main breakthrough of the next fifty years will
36 Just press "print"
artificial intelligence communications energy use
The future of 3D printing
medicine space exploration transportation
38 Appropriate
3 ClllllWork in pairs. Read these statements from three people
making predictions about the future. What reasons do you think
Technology to fit each they will give for their predictions? Listen and check.
1 1 expect that most of my generation will live to be around
42 30-printed prosthetic 100 years old. QclvQJY1ce-~ ÚV) (YY\Q.°'--\ci(Y)<Q.,
2 1 think in the future, people will be interactingwith intelligent
limbs machines even more than they do now. ~Vw:.\ bo\
A video about how 3D 3 1 think science will be able to find a solution to global
printing is revolutionizing warming. h\,l./\¡\'\..MJ\) c:\,\~vef \J\JO~S \º'f 'SQw ~.:¡w¡ +o
prosthetics o \fa'b'~ ~·
4 Which of the ~redictions in Exercise 3 do you think will come
true? Discuss with your partner.

So, 1think1'11 begin ... Today, we're going to look 1970s and 1980s, scientists developed better seeds and
at overpopulation: why irs a growing problem, and pesticides to increase food production. That is why other
what solution we might find for it in the future. experts in the scientific cornmunity say that people will
Overpopulation, simply put, is a situation where there always find a technological solution to overpopulation.
5 are more people than there are resources-food, water, 25 They say that we are about to enter an even more
land, energy-to support them. When an area becomes productive era of safer and cheaper food with the help
overpopulated, one or more of the following things of biotechnology and nanotechnology.
will happen: Sorne people will go hungry; pollution will The real question is: Have we now reached a point
increase; unemployment will rise; and people might where we cannot simply rely on science to provide
10 even begin to fight over the limited resources. 30 the answers? Do we, instead, have to start reducing
But overpopulation is an issue that divides opinion. our consurnption? l'm visiting various cities in Europe
Sorne say that population has to be controlled. The next month to speak to groups who are researching
American biologist Paul Ehrlich wrote in his 1968 this approach. The problem, as the eighteenth-century
book. The Population Bomb, that medical science had English economist Thomas Malthus pointed out, is that
15 advanced too far and we were keeping too many 35 people are basically lazy. They won't act unless they have
people alive. He predicted that, as a result, millions to. Malthus claimed that the population will continue to
of people would starve to death. The population has grow until war, disease, or famine arrive to stop it. (1'11
doubled since then to seven billion and-at the current give you the references to his and Ehrlich's work at the
rate-is going to reach nine billion by 2050. Mass end of my lecture.) ...
20 starvation hasn't happened, though, because in the

a Paul Ehrlich ()._ \

b Thomas Malthus 'l.._ ~
1 Work in groups. Look at the photo above. Wlúch e Other experts in the scientific community ~
of these problems does it illustrate?
3 According to the excerpt above, are these sentences
congestion epidemics overpopulation true (T) or false (F)?
pollution poverty starvation \nct'O\-~
t00VV\I ("\{!¡
1 One possible consequence of (!) F
overpopulation is conflict between
2 Read the excerpt above from a lecture about people.
overpopulation. Match the opinions (1-3) with 2 Paul Ehrlich had an optirnistic view of T ' - F)
the correct person or group (a-e). the future.
1 People will only act to deal with a problem 3 The global population will rise to nine T F
billion by 2050. ,,..
when there is no other option.
2 Many people are goiTig to die because there is 4 Thomas Malthus believed that human T F
not enough food for the growing population. society could never be perfected
because humans are, by nature, lazy.
3 Science and technology will find .answers to
the problem of overpopulation.

w'tt~ o, ~ ~o~hlUh0
4 Pronunciation /r/ and /t/ in American English 5 l'm afraid 1 rnight be home late tonight, ~QtD\Cíl\)N
6 We're meeting at 6:00 p.m. outside the theat~r.\N~~-
a 121) Listen to these words from the lecture. How 7 Oh, that's my phone. I'll take the call in the ~~
does the speaker pronounce the letters r and t?
other room. ffJJS\\)\\\ MOOt ll\Tl\t ~l\G~AW
0 Circle the correct futúre forms to complete the text.

l'm ju~ait / waiting a few moments for

b Cfll Listen and complete these phrases said by everyone to arrive ~~ , l'm aware of the time, so
another American speaker with the words you hear.
t'm beginningfflbegi now. Hello everyone and
h , or cdmH= oday. l'm 3 about to I
1 billion ·ng to spe~~ºlf-~ minutes, and then
2 an site ~op e 4 ~/~time for questions
3 a ______ birthday at the end. And my-$Reag.~Liesel Babel, is
5 about to give (i;ving a t tk.-tomorrow in
4 great
the green seminar roa bout appropriate
5 another
technology. 1 think 6 , u'/ you're ab find
her s.ession very usef . K, l'm 7 go ng to s'ho I
Grammar future forms \1fo?~i)ou a sht°rt film now, so cou eone
atthetíack please turn the lights down?
Predictions 8 CfD Work in pairs. Act out these conversations,
1 Sorne peop/e wi/l go hungry; po/lution wi/l increase. putting the verbs in parentheses in an appropriate
2 Peop/e might begin to fight over the limited resources. future form. Then listen and compare your answers.
3 A t the current rate, the population is probably going to
reach nine billion by 2050. 1
4 We are about to enteran era of safer and cheaper food. A: What (you /do) this weekend?
Plans and arrangements B: I'm not sure, but we (go) to the beach if the
5 Today, we're going to look at overpopu/ation. weather stays nice.
6 l'm visiting various cities next month to speak to ... A: Sounds good. 1 (just / stay) at home and relax.
Decisions made at the time of speaking
7 So, I think /'// begin ... 2
8 1'11 give you the referencesto his work at the end of my A: 1 (buy) a wedding dress on Saturday. [en and 1
/ecture. (travel) up to Seattle to choose one.
B: How exciting! (you / show) it to anyone else
For more information and practice, see page 160.
before the wedding? ·
A: 1 (let) you see it, if you want.
5 Work in pairs. Look at the grammar box. Answer
these questions. 3
A: (you / help) me move this table? lt (not / take)
1 Which of the predictions 1-3 seems to be the long.
most definite? And the least definite? B: Sure. 1 (just / finish) writing this email first.
2 Which future form do we often use to predict
something happening very soon? 4
3 Which prediction is based on sorne present A: Have you started your new job yet?
evidence? B: No, but I (start). Next Monday is my first day.
4 Which sentence describes an intention or plan? A: Good luck. l'm sure you (be) fine.
And which describes an arrangement made
with other people?
5 Which sentence is an offer? Which is a decision
made at the moment of speaking?
Speaking liMt1
9 Work in pairs. Have conversations like the ones in
6 Work in pairs. Discuss which future form is used in Exercise 8, using future forms, Talk about:
each sentence (1-7) and why. • your plans for the weekend.
1 I'm.goingto go to Lima tomorrowRA\l/l~Tnl\\C)N • something you intend to buy.
2 I don' fthink they'll win the election. ~Qlt\CJ\0~" , . • a favor you want to ask.
. "ome\vll0nq
3 The weather is about to get much worse.1itQ ¡j?é'~ lÍ'(l((SüO f) • a change in your life coming very soon.
4 Don't worry. 1'11 pick you up from the aírport. ~

Unit 3 Science and technology 35

• 3b Just press "print"
Vocabularymaterials 3 ClfII Listen to an interview from
a radio program. Work in pairs and
1 Look at the words in the box. Choose one or two materials answer the questions.
from the box that you would expect each of the items (a-f) to
l. What is a 3D printer?
be made of. Then compare your ideas with a partner. 2 How is it similar toan ink-jet printer?
3 How do the layers of printed objects
brick b cardboard t) concrete'O cottorC
stick together in 3D printing?
glassb ..\- leather metal O, nylon(,
4 What are its advantages over
plasti<:Q_ rubber woodo.o
traditional construction?
e a pair of shoes 5 What's the most amazing thing a 3D
a a chair e a shirt
d abox f a screen printer can print?
b a wall
6 What are íts dísadvantages?
7 Where will 3D printing be fifteen
Listening years from now?
2 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 4 C1fI1 What 30-printed objects are
1 Do you know what 3D printing is and what it is used for? mentioned in the interview? Listen again
2 Have you ever seen or used a 3D printer? If so, give details. / and make a list. .
.. /, (l,n_c,~ r Wf¡ ~ ..P~olO~ f.:~OJ-P1SJJJ118l.O.SSeUvxs1·c,v.1ood ..?A'11Jcotoq_~ 11Qw/di,'l'bS

Wordbuilding compound nouns
~ WORDBUILDING compound nouns (noun + noun)
We can-combine two nouns together to forma
compound noun with .new meaning.
light switch, phone charger
9 Complete these predictions about 3D printing,
Use the future continuous or the future perfect
form of the verbs in parentheses.
For more practice, see Workbook page 27.

5 Work in pairs. Combine a noun from box A with

a noun from box B to make compound nouns to
describe useful objects
cup Before long, every child 1 ----------
(learn) how to use a 3D printer by the
time they leave school. Many students
6 What other compoun nouns can you make using ---------- (wear) clothes they
a noun from box B (e.g., bottle opener)? Discuss have designed and printed themselves. People
with your partner. also expect there to be huge growth in 3D food
printing, allowing us to create new, healthier foods.
Grammar future continuous In the future, we 3 (eat)
things like insects without realizing it, because
and future perfect food manufacturers 4 _

(find) ways to make them look like something else.

Sorne people think 3D printing will improve our
Future continuous standard of living. They say that because the cost
A Dutch architect is currently printing a bouse in of a 3D printer 5 (come)
Amsterdam. He thinks that in the future, his firm will be down so much, people 6 _
building a lot of houses this way.
(make) ali kinds of things for themselves that they
Future perfect couldn't afford to buy before. But other people
30 printers are expensive. But in ten years' time, the cost are worried. They think 3D printing will need
will have come down a lot. to be regulated. Otherwise, very soon, people
For more information and practice, see page 160. __________ (try) to print things like
guns using instructions from the internet.

7 Look at the grammar box. Circle the correct

options to complete these statements. 1 O Check your answers to Exercise 9 with a partner.
Do both of you agree with the predictions?
1 The future continuous is used to describe
a completed action / @Dictzon in progresi)t or
around a certain time in the future. Speaking IYMM
2 The future perfect is used to describe an action
completed ~/ after a certain time in the 11 Work in pairs. Using the prompts below, ask your
partner questions about their future. Use the
future continuous or the future perfect. Take turns
8 Complete these sentences from the interview using asking and answering the questions.
the future continuous or the future perfect form of 1 How many more years do you think you /
the verbs in parentheses. study / English?
1 Sorne printed body parts-like new 3D-printed How many more years do you think you'll be
ears-already exist, butI expect twenty years studying English?
fromnowscientists Wl\\ \:iQ ffiQ,K\m~ 2 What things do you hope you / achieve /
(make) all kinds of body parts. \ by the end of this year?
2 A lot of people \}J'Ht '' a.\rQ.C\Q':) \"n fü :JQWJ-\hi· 3 What do you think you / do / in five years'
(already / buy) their o~:i 3D printers h__then. time?
3 In time, we wrn WA V\.Q\JIQ {-Oft¿Dti:sv) 4 Ten years from now, which of your friends or
(all / forget) what life was like before 3D colleagues do you think / enjoy / the most
printers existed. success in their careers?

Unit 3 Science and technology 37

• 3c Appropriatetechnology
Reading Vocabulary describing
1 Work in pairs. What's your favorite device or piece technology
of teclmology? How is it useful to you?
1 Complete the sentences (1-6) with these adjectives
2 Work in pairs. Look at these devices from the article. to show the meaning of the expressions in bold.
Then read the article and answer the questions.
e-asy- ~~-ei;m·
a solar-powered lamp a central heating system<::i~ old ~füi>
a water purifier a machine for shelling cornG,wrf'e1rno.,l°'-
l It's a time-consuming process. We need to find
1 In what country or situation is each device used? a solution that's more re.t~\C\1?.iY\i .
2 What do the devices have in common? 2 We don't just want a quick fix; we want a(n)
@w~\¡H\!V) solution.
3 Read the article again. What characteristics make 3 It's a Iiandy gadget, much more \J,\Q~
teclmology "appropriate"? Check(,/) the correct than an~e~ Rfrnknife.,_,
ideas. 4 It's not cut~mg-~'cfg~'t~hnology, but often the
G2I It provides a long-term solution. tfd, ways are the best.
[21 It is easy for the user to understand. 5 It's essentially a labor-saving device; it makes
D It is only used in developing countries. cutting up wood very e.o.~ .
D It is a new form of teclmology. 6 It's an environmentally friendly product
G:a It does not upset people's way of life. because it's made from 'í~?1l)C.\Q.d materials.

4 Deléte TWO words in each of these sentences to

make them true.
Speaking UijUf\j
1 Gandhi wanted teclmology that would 8 Work in groups. Look at the products below (1-4).
improve the lives of ~"4'!i'poor people.
2 The Swedish company [ernhuset found a
way to cut~ heating costs by using
people's body heat.
3 The engineers in Guatemala were successful
in trying to make the village women' s work
{I)~~foWIJ)nrd\ easier.

Critical thinking supporting

examples -'r5) 1
5 Match the types of teclmology (1-3) with the • Read the description of the product assigned to
supporting examples (a-e) from the article. your group. Products 1and2 are on page 154,
1 cheap and eco-friendly-for developing product 3 is on page 155, and product 4 is on
countries page 153.
2 cheap and eco-friendly-for developed countries • In your group, prepare a brief presentation of
3 time-saving, but not suitable with the local the product: what it is, how it works, what it is
social practices appropriate for, and why it is special. Do sorne
research if necessary.
a a machine for shelling corn __
• As a group, give your presentation. Think
b . a solar-powered lamp __
about the questions you may be asked.
c a central heating system __
• Take turns giving and listening to the
6 Which example of appropriate teclmology in the presentations, asking and answering questions
article appealed to you most? Why? Discuss with a asyou go.
partner. • Take a class vote on which invention you think
is the best "appropriate teclmology" product.

f\_ppropriate technology
Even if the term "appropriate technology" needs to fit in with people's customs and social
is relatively new, the concept certainly isn't. practices. This cannot always be guaranteed,
In the 1930s, Mahatma Gandhi claimed that 55 as in the case of a device for shelling corn
the advanced technology used by Western developed to help women in a Guatemalan
5 industrialized nations did not represent the village. Sorneengineers who were visiting the
right route to progre~i for his homeland, village observed how labor-intensive and slow
India. He wanted affor~le technology it was for women to shell corn by hand. So
that would lead to greater social equality: 60 they designed a simple mechanical device to do
technology that could empower the poor the job more quickly. The new device certainly
10 villagers of India and help them become saved time, but after a few weeks, the women
self-reliant.1 His favorite machines were the returned to the old manual method. Why?
sewing machine-a device invented "out of Because they enjoyed the time they spent hand
love," he said-and the bicycle, a means of 65 shelling: lt gave them an opportunity to chat
transportation that he used all his life. and exchange news with each other. lt is exactly
this kind of sensitivity to what is appropriate
15 The term "appropriate technology" was first
that Gandhi and Schumacher, in their different
used by E.F. Schumacher in his 1970s book
ways, were trying to highlight.
Small is Beautiful, which promoted his own
philosophy of technological progress. Do not 'self-reliant (adj) /self rr'larant/ able to manage without
start with technology and see what it can the help of other people
20 do for people, he argued. lnstead, "find out
what people are doing, and then help them
to do it better." According to Schumacher,
it did not matter whether the technological
solutions were simple or sophisticated. What
25 was important was that they were long-term,
practica 1, and in the hands of the people who
used them.
So, "appropriate technology" suits.the.needs-
and abilities o~, and also-takes-intc
30 account environmental and cost considerations.
For this reason, it is often fgu.n.d.J.n-ru_n¡I -
communitie.s-i-A-devef~~-R~s. Examples
include solar-powered lamps that bring light
to areas with no electricity, and water purifiers
35 that work by simply sucking through a straw.
But the principie of appropriate technology
does not only apply to developing countries.
lt also has its place in the_s!eveloped wgrtd.
F.or example, a Swedish state-owned company,
40 Jernhuset, has found a way to use the energy
produced each day by the 250,000 bodies ·
rushing through Stockholm's central trairi
station. Their body heat is absorbed by the
building's ventilation system, and then used
45 to warm up water that is pumped through
pipes to heat a new office building nearby.
lt's old technology-a system of pipes, watér,
and pumps-but used in a new way. And it is
expected to bring down central heatinq costs
50 in the office building by up to twenty percent.
Finally, appropriate technology needs to
be culturally appropriate. In other words, it
• 3d 1 can't get the TV to work
Real life dealing with problems 5 Pronunciation stress in two-syllable words

1 Work in pairs. What things can cause difficulties or a Cllf!i.l Listen to these two-syllable verbs and nouns.
problems for people when staying in a hotel room? Underline the stressed syllable in each word.

2 Match the two halves of each sentence to make Verbs

seven common problems in hotel rooms.
adjust believe connect
1 1 can' t connect to the air conditioning. open repair suggest
2 There's no hot fortheTV
doesn't work. Nouns
3 is flickering on
~¡;t~~t ~- 6\0 ~,_ and off. basin bathroom control
4 1 can t seem to a~st the intemet mirror signal window
5 The remate control to open with b Dla Work in pairs. Look at these other verbs and
this key. nouns. Where do you think the stress falls in each
6 The main light is clogged. word? Listen and check. Underline the stressed
7 1 can' t get the door water in my room. syllable in these two-syllable words.
3 CllfimListen to three conversations in a hotel carpet curta in entrance intend
between guests and a receptionist. Complete prefer provide re place undo
the chart. pleasure wallet wardrobe manage
Conversation Problem Resolved?

Yes I No I Partly 6 Work in pairs. Choose one of the problems in

iiJ\'( VJ\ (Y\_().,Ovl.l 1 ~ to.<J1nit Exercise 2. Act out a conversation between a guest
1 d..~4 close , el~ ~ fQ7J at a hotel and a hotel receptionist.
2 ~~sgvi-1:~ ·~ ~Ml}J Receptionist: Hello. Is everything OK with your room?
UJIM\ 'e(.;\-('_Q Guesi: Actually, no, it isn'i ....
3 t~-ti~~r ~~()
O'Y1c.\ - .
4 CllfimWork in pairs. Look at the expressions
for dealing with problems. Then listen to the
conversations again and circle the expressions you
hear. Who said each expression: guest 1, guest 2,
guest 3, or the receptionist?


Asking .for- help
E>o you have any'ldea how 1 can turn off the ... ?
Can you tell me how to ... ?
Explaining problems
1 can't seem to open/ turn on / connect (to) the ...
1 can't get the ... to work? open/ turn on.
Tihe' l{VOn'·t close /open/ work.
The is'broken / blocked I stuck I faulty.
Ther.e's no ... in the room I bathroom.
There's ·a lót of noise / a'bad smell comirig from ... a-problern
Have you tried turning:/ puttinq ... ?
1~11 sene someone to look at it.
l'mafraid there'snot much 1 can-do about it.

3e Technical help
Writing short email requests b Complete these other expressions with out of using
the words in the box.
1 Match the emails below (1-4) with the replies
(A-0). Write the correct name in each reply. date order practice time

2 Writing skill being polite 1 I' d love to play tennis with you sorne time, but
I'm really out of _
a Underline the four phrases used to make requests 2 I'm afraid that printer is out of _
in emails 1-4, and underline the five phrases used You'll have to use the one in the next office.
to apologize in emails A-0. 3 This information is out-of- . It's
got last year's figures on it, not this year's.
b Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 4 I'm sorry. We are out of . Let's
1 What is the relationship between each pair continue the discussion tomorrow.
of correspondents?
2 Which are big requests, and which are
4 Look at the following situation and write a short
email requesting help.
small requests?
3 Which phrases for requests and apologies are You bought two ink cartridges for your printer
only used formally? And informally? online, but when they arrive, you notice that the
expiration date on them has already passed. Write
3 Word focus out of and ask for replacements to be sent.

a Work in pairs. Look at the expressions with out of 5 Exchange emails with a partner. Use these
in,bold in emails l, 3, and 4. Oiscuss what you think questions to check your partner's email. Then
they mean, write a reply to their email.

D H~llo, • Is the situation and the action demanded clear?

• Is the email in the correct register (formal or
1 wonder if you can help me. 1 have an X3000 digital
informal) and polite in its request?
camera that 1 bought from a shop in Chicago that has
since gone out of business. The camera is great, but 2
1 have lost the user manual. Could you please tell me Sorry, r l'd normally help, but l'm going

where 1 can find one? l've looked on the internet, but on vacation tomorrow for three weeks. Why not calla
without success. Thank you. Kate Winslow technician from Jacob's Air Conditioning? They're very
good and not too expensive.

1:1 Dear Sir/Madam,

1 bought a KJ450 printer from your online store Dear 4 _
three months ago, but it is very slow. 1 would like to 1 am sorry, but we only give refunds in case of
return it and get a refund. Please can you advise me mechanical failure. 1 am, however, attaching sorne tips
how to go about this? Yours sincerely, Kevin Lyons
for you on how to make your printer run faster. 1 hope
this helps. My apologies again. Davina Miles
El Hi Jim,
Thanks a lot for the advice about the car. 1 changed the Hi again, 3 _
air filter, and it's running much better now. Just out of
interest, do you know what kind of oil is best to use l'm afraid l've no idea. Try looking at the discussion
with an old car? lf so, can you drop me a line and let boards for your particular car model on the internet.
me know? Cheers, Nathan l'm sure someone'll know. Good luck.

- Chris, Dear 1 _
Would you mind stopping over to take a look at the air 1 regret to say that we only supply user manuals with
conditioning in my apartment? lt's making a strange the equipment at the time of purchase. However, you
noise. l'd be really grateful. Please don't go out of can download one by following the link below. Kind
your way, though. Anytime in the next week or so is
regards, Justine Bagnall
fine. All the best, Sophie

Unit 3 Scienceand technology 41

Before you watch
1 Work in pairs. What kinds of things did you most
enjoy doing when you were five years old?

2 Look at the photo on page 42 and the caption.

What is a prosthetic hand? What do you think this
b Complete these sentences in your own wü"rds.
Then share your sentences with a partner.
1 I' d say that my ... skills are on a par with ...
2 I recommend buying a ... They don't cost the
earth, and they ...
3 lt would be great if someone could custom-
hand can do? Discuss with a partner. build a ... for me. Then I could ...

7 Work in pairs. Summarize the video about

While you watch Charlotte and the new 3D-printed prosthetic limbs
in your own words. Begin like this:
3 1 CSIMf.l Watch Parts 1-2 of the video. Work in
pairs and answer the questions. Charlotte is a young girl who hadan íllness ihai affected
her limbs tohen she was younger. In spite of this, she ...
1 What adjectives would you use to describe the
little girl, Charlotte? 8 Work in pairs. Look at the photo below and the
2 What are the advantages of the 30-printed description of virtual voice assistants. Then discuss
prosthetic limbs for Charlotte and her family? these questions.

4 1 t#ll Watch Part 1 of the video again. Then 1 What are the benefits of this kind of program,
answer the questions with a partner. and who could it be most useful for?
2 What other things do you think this program
1 According to Charlotte's mother, what could do to help people in their homes?
surprises people about Charlotte? 3 Are there any disadvantages to using this
2 What <loes Charlotte say about needing help? program? If so, what?
3 How <loes the presenter describe the prosthetic
limbs Charlotte has used up to now?
4 How <loes Charlotte opera te the hook on her
: prosthetic arm?
5 · How often <loes Charlotte need a new
prosthetic arm? Why?

S 1 t#fJ Watch Part 2 of the video again. Circle the

correct optíons to complete these sentences about a
3D-printed prosthetic hand.
1 A t a target price of l200 / ll ,200, it' s within

range of normal / wealthy families."

2 "If 1 flex my hands / muscles, the hand in
response will open and close all of the fingers."
3 "First, a 3D sean is made using a scanner/
tablet computer. Then a 3D printer constructs it,
bit by bit/ minute by minute." Virtual voice assistants are programs that can both
4 At the moment, children are a bit under-
understand what you say, and speak to you. They
served by the robotics / prosthetics industry." are usually installed in your tablet or smartphone,
5 "lt's still at the prototype stage, but ... for and they answer commands and questions like "Tell
Charlotte, a moving / working hand is not far off me the news headlines" or "Calla taxi to come in
in the future." ten minutes." They can also be linked to devices in
the home-like the oven, the front door lock, or
After you watch the central heating system-so that you can control
these devices with a simple voice command.
6 Vocabulary in context
a 1 Clll Watch the clips from the video. Choose
the correct meaning of the words and phrases.
9 Work with a new partner. Do you use any similar
voice assistant technology on your phone or
tablet? When do you find it most useful?

Unit 3 Science and technology · 43

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Circle the most appropriate verb forms to 4 Complete the sentences. The first letter of each missing
complete the text. word is provided.
1 It's not e -edge technology; it' s a bit
out-of-d , really.
2 I see that this car r on electricity, not
gas. But just out of i , where do you
recharge it?
3 It's a portable phone charger. It's a really
h gadget, and it's very e _
to carry around with you.
4 This water container can h almost
60 liters.

5 l>JM:ICorrect the errors in 1-7. Write the material

each object is commonly made of. Then compare your
answers with a partner.
1 a glass sheet cotton
One of the biggest problems we wi// face / are facing in
1 2 a plastic wallet
the next fifty years is global warming. Scientists predict 3 a rubber floor
that by the end of this century, temperatures 4 a brick window
2 wi// be rising/ will have risen by 4 degrees Celsius. The 5 a cardboard wall
invention of a super battery 3 willbe solving/ might so/vethis 6 a leather bottle
problérn, We currently have ways to produce electricity- 7 a concrete box
like wind and solar power-that don't emit carbon
dioxide, but we have no control over when they
are available. But if there was a super battery that could talk about objects and materials
store the energy for later use, it would be different. Elon
Musk, CEO ofTesla, is confident that his company 4 might /
is going to produce such a battery in the near future. In
Real life
fact, he believes the energy storage market 6 Wef¡l:I Put these words in the correct arder to make
aboutto poorn / will bebooming. In 2014, Tesla started sentences. Then write P next to the sentences that are
building a huge battery factory outside Reno, Nevada. said by the person with a problem.
The facility is scheduled for completion in 2020.
1 get / can't / the shower /to/ 1 / work /. _
2 you / have / turning / the thermostat / tried /
2 Work in pairs. What problem does the author up/?_
think a super battery can salve, and how can it 3 to / connect / I / to / seem / the intemet /
do this? can't / ·--
4 idea / I / the / any / how / have / heating / can /
3 W¡tJ!:I Work in pairs. Answer the questions you / turn off / do / ? _
about the future forms in the text above. 5 send / '11 / at / someone / 1 / to / look / it / . _
6 much /do/ afraid / about / I'm / not /can/ 1 /
1Can you find a future form that describes
it / there's / . __
a completed action at a certain point in the
future? 7 a/ coming / bad I the bathroom / from / there's /
smell /. __
2 Can you find a future form that predicts
something happening very soon? 7 WM:I Work in pairs. Using the problems in Exercise 6,
act out conversations asking far and giving help.
use different future forms ICAN
use the future continuous and future perfect ask for and give help with problems

Unit 4 Art and creativity


FEiATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. What is unusual
about this artwork? Can you describe any other performance art you
46 Reverse graffiti have seen?
Art that carries a message ~~ Work in pairs. Look at these words about artists and performances.
Put them into three categories: who, what, and where. Then form
48 All about Melbourne four sentences describing who does what, and where.
Art and culture in Australia's
second city an actor an artist a band
a street performer a circus performer a classical concert
50 Why do we need a comedian a concert hall a dancer
an exhibition a gallery a live music venue
mu sic?
a musical a (night)club an orchestra
How music helps us a performance a play a show
the street a theater a singer
54 Making plants into art
A video about the work of Who What Where
the topiary artist Pearl Fryar
a dancer a performance a theater
You can see dancers give a performance in a theaier.
3 llllJIListen to a conversation about two people who are creative
in their free time. Work in pairs and answer the questions.
1 What does each person do as their normal job?
2 What creative thing does each person do, and where do they
do it? ·

4 Do you (or does anyone in your family) do anything creative?

What is it? When and where do you/they do it? Tell your partner.

• 4a Reverse graffiti
3 The aim of reverse graffiti artists is to highlight
Reading the problem of in cities.
1 Work in pairs. What do you think about graffiti in 4 In removing soot from the car tunnel,
cities? Do you think it improves or damages the Alexandre Orion wasn't actually guilty
appearance of a place? ofa _
5 The only solution the Sao Paulo authorities
2 Look at the photo and title of the article. What do could think of was to clean every _
you think reverse graffiti is? Read the article and in the city.
check your ideas.
4 Work in pairs. Cover the article.
3 Use the information in the article to complete these
sentences (1-5). Use one word in each blank. Student A: Retell the story from Alexandre
Orion's point of view.
1 Most city authorities say that graffiti is wrong
because it is done without _ Student B: Retell the story from the city
2 Reverse graffiti works by cleaning away the authority's point of view.
_____ on walls.

R R s G R A F F T

Graffiti involves finding a blank wall and spray-painting "Every motorist sits in the comfort of their car, but they
an image on it that expresses a particular idea. Sorne don't give any consideration to the cost that has for the
graffiti artists use pictures, sorne use words, sorne both. environment, and ultimately for thern too," says Orion.
But because the irnages are usually painted on walls that 20 The city authorities in Sao Paulo were annoyed.
s the artist has no permission to paint on, the policy of rnost Since Orion hadn 't cornrnitted any crime, they had
city authorities is to rernove graffiti where they find it. only two choices: to remove the graffiti orto leave it.
The principie of "reverse graffiti"-a growing movernent Both options seerned unsatisfactory, but in the end,
in the last fifteen years-is different. Reverse graffiti they decided that any graffiti was wrong and that they
artists take a dirty wall and make irnages by rernoving zs should rernove Orion's work. In other words, they
1 o the dirt. Each artist has their own style, but they ali share ehose to clean ali parts of the tunnel that Orion had
a cornmon aim: to draw attention to the pollution in our already "cleaned." Encouraged by this, Orion continued
cities. Brazilian artist Alexandre Orion tumed one of making reverse graffiti on both sides of the tunnel. The
Sao Paulo's many car tunnels into a rather scary mural city officials then decided to take drastic action. They
by scraping away the dirt caused by pollution frorn cars. 30 not only cleaned the whole tunnel, but also every other
1 s Made up of white skulls, the artwork reminds drivers car tunnel in Sao Paulo.
of the effect that their pollution is having on the planet.
D~W"Mi V\.tfS
l....") \M\'ro~ o.. Y\l'.)UY\
Vocabulary art 8 Circle the correct determiners to complete this
text about another "reverse graffiti" artist.
~ WORDBUILDINGword families
When you learn a new word, try to learn other words from The UK's Paul Curtis (known as "Moose"),
the samefamily at the same time, e.g., artistic, artwork. who works in Leeds and London, has had
sorne trouble with the authorities. He had
For more practice, see Workbook page 35. been paid by 1 any / ~ companies to
rnake reverse graffiti advertisernents for their

phrases related to art. '°

5 Complete the sentences (1-4) using these words and products in 2 either / 6Q!b)cities. Ho ever the
Leeds City Council said, "We view a eac
advertising of this kind as environmenta
exhibition gallery artists artistic damag~~JI take strong action against
artwork fine arts street art performing arts 4
some l(!!JY compan~rying out such
carnpaigns." In fact,t:!.9' any action was
1 We went to see an art over the taken against the companies, but Moose
weekend in the new in town. lt hirnself was ordered to clean up the graffiti.
was by a group of local _ But how w he supposed to do this? By
2 If you walk around the city, you will see lots of rnaking a// t I the whole buildinqg he had
examples of . For example, the cleaned w1 his reverse graffiti dirty again?
station wáll is covered with by 19t
/ Every people agree that this would
local graffiti artists. be a ridiculous solution.
3 " " is the term for painting,
drawing, and sculpture, whereas the expression
" " describes creative fields like 9 . CID Work in pairs. Read the sentences
acting, music, and dance. (1-5) about art and predict which of these
4 1 enjoy going to see art, but I don't really have any determiners will go in each blank. Then listen
_______ talent myself. toan interview with an artist and complete the
statements with the determiners you hear.

Grammar determiners ali certain sorne

® _A_~---
~ DETERMINERS ~ 1 art should contain something
tM.krV : ""1 ;. 2:" Q
"" singular noun: each, every, the whole, either, neither ~g for the viewer.
Each artist has their own style, but they al/ share a common aim. 2 Art should involve ~&"fY'Q hard work
They cleaned the whole tunnel. on the part of the artist.
jMlo9-$ ~
• + plural noun: al/, both, mosrr · ~ 3 To be an artist, you need to possess
The policy of most city authorities is to remov,e graffiti where c~rtQ\Y) technical skills.
theyfind it. 4 Art shouldmake a social ora political point;
Both options seemed unsatisfactory. {t) without e ttheY , it' s not true art.
· + singular noun, plural noun, or uncountable noun: a~y. no YIOUWI 5 There is V\O such thing as bad art.
The artist has no permission to paint on tht= wal/s. 4
, + plural noun or uncountable noun: al/, certain, sorne 1O Work in groups. Discuss which of the
Some graffiti artists use pictures, some use words. statements in Exercise 9 you agree with,

For more information and practice, see page 162.

6 Look at the grammar box. Then underline examples of Complete these sentences about art or music in
determiners in the article. What type of noun is used your own words. Then share and discuss your
with each determiner? Discuss with a partner. sentences with a partner.
7 Rewrite these sentences using the determiners in 1 I like certain ...
parentheses. 2 Sorne ... is/are really difficult to
1 E~~ motorist sits in the comfort of their car. (each) 3 Both are musicians.
2 Ori-9.i¡i.ha~onunitted~crime. (no) 4 All should have free admission,
3 ffoffi'~ptio~ seemed asatisfactory. (neither)
4 They decided that 4graffiti was wrong. (all)
5 Sorne people say that all ... is/ are the same,
but 1 think that each ...
5 They chose to clean ~~tunnel.
(the whole) -tite. whotL

Unit 4 Art and creativity 47

• 4b All about Melbourne
1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions.
1 What cultural or arts events are there in your
2 Is there an exhibition or performance that
you've enjoyed recently?
3 What type of cultural activities do you think
Australia offers tourists?

2 IJID Listen to a feature about Melbourne on a

weekly radi rogr m. Work ifl paírs. Answer the
· . ~YYlQ.YH'Y\UQfl \ºsi O.~ 1
questíons. ~V\f..Y~ ~ CMe\'oolrn.oJ 1
1 What is th'e main difference between eV\O~ ~t.
1' d s d -~~ *11.dim
11V\1~ '\o 11v~l: M~ ~,1;{1~~n y n~y. 'frod.itiOt\ctl l¡\\!U~S
· · 2'- Wña d.ües'Melbourne 6"l:1er visitors?{l/f~\il\¡OV\
rid1~~ Whatt::vents do local people particularly enjoy?
5• Work in pairs. Look at the grammar box.
3 IJID Listen to the radio program again. According to the
speaker, are these sentences about Melbourne true (T) or Which words or expressions of quantity
false (F)? indicate:
1 Melbourne always has sunny weather ~ a a large number / amount?
and has many places of natural beauty. b a small number/amount?
2 .It is known as the cultural (!) F c neither a large nor a small
capital o.L:\..11filr.M& number/ amount?

3 It has a ~'¡fr(s scene. G} F w~@'L

4 Festivals in Melbourne only take T (5) 6 Look at track 34 of the audioscript on

place in the summer, page 183. Find and underline as many
5 Melbourne' s Formula 1 Grand Prix and expressions of quantity as you can that
tennis tournament are world famous. mean:
6 Not many visitors know about (Í) 1 ma.ny or much
the local sports in Melbourne. 2 not many or not much
3 sorne
· 4 Would you like to visit Melbourne after hearing this radio
program? What would you like to do there? Discuss with 7 Work in pairs. Choose an expression of
a partner. vi~~ quantity to replace the bold words and

ex.pression~-~f .quantitv \
phrases in the senten¡es ~e~<;>{V·
She has lnany friends.
b Ther~&~ )Aotof poUution.
~ EXPRESSIONS OF QUANTITY e I dofrtil'la~ much time.
+ plural countable noun: (noti ~~~(af,~w,a (small!large)
llt1t1~) .,, , •. ~'-"
d There arel'ft :mllllf good stores.
number of, severa/ .,.~ >,.- e I hav/~n1e ideas.
Severa/ festivals take place during the winter montied& f Do you want sorne help?
+ uncountable noun: (n'l() mlfch, (a) litt/e, a~
a (large/huge/s_mall) a"lfroE1/ftof
Cricket enjeys a huge emount.oi support.
+plural 'countable·noun or i.mcountable noun: a /ot of, lcfts Óf,
pi~~~ 1<>,,ff!íJ.. of, (a/no) t5~'b~(arm"~st) 'Pfb~~notlhHdfY15a~y,
sorne, eñ'O~§ñrrthe majority of
A lack of natural attractions has meant that Melbourne ...

For more inforrnation and practice, see page 162.

8 Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 A visit to the opera can cost much / a lot of money.
Speaking 14Mtl -
2 A reasonable number / amount of winter festivals 1 O Work in pairs. Look at the infographic below showing
are free. Australians' participation in the arts. Then complete these
3 There is almost no/ any rain in Melbourne at sentences with expressions of quantity. Use one word in
Christmas time. eachblank.
4 There arefew /a few tickets for the tennis 1 Overall, quite a lot of Australians take an
tournament available on the day-if you get there interest in the arts, and a small of them
early. also participate creatively.
5 We saw se:veral /sorne interesting street art at the 2 Lots of Australians read literature, and a
Sweet Streets festival. _____ of them also write creatively.
6 Almost / Hardly anyone attended the aftemoon 3 There is certainly no of interest in the
performance. visual arts, with almost a quarter of the population
7 Most visitors show a little / little interest in being involved in sorne way.
Australian rules football-and why should they? 4 The main reason for not participating in music is
8 There aren't as many / much d.ifferences between having too time. But the _
Melbourne and Sydney as people say. of money it costs to be ínvolved is also an important
9 Pronunciation weak form of
11 Work in groups. Research how much.your dassmates
a mil Listen to these phrases. Notice how of is participate in the arts, and then report your findings.
unstressed. Follow these steps:
1 a bit of relaxation time • Each group should choose ONE of the following:
2 a lot of information visual arts and crafts; theater and dance; literature;
3 a huge amount of support music.
4 lots of people • Make questions about students' participation (both
5 a huge number of galleries creative and receptive).
6 : a lack of natural attractions • Circulate around the class asking and answering
questions (and get reasons for non-participation).
b Work in pairs. Practice saying these phrases using • Work in your group again. Put your results together
the weak form of of. and make conclusions, using expressions of quantity.
• as a matter of fact • in spite of that • Present your findings to the class.
• just the two of us • of course
A lot of studenis read novels, bui very few do any
• first of all • instead of me
creative writing.
• most of the time • tha t' s kind of you

in the arts
Participation by art form
Creativa participation • Receptiva participation • Both receptiva Participation in music:
only (making and only (watching,reading, and creativa
doing) o/o etc.) o/o participation Reasons for non-participation

... lt's difficult to find the time.


Visual arts & crafts • l'm not really interested.

Theater & dance 1


lt costs too much.
There aren't enough
opportunities close
to where l live.


Unit4 Art and creativity 49

• 4c Why do we need rnusic?
Reading 6 Work in pairs. Which of the opinions in
Exercise 5 do you think:
1 Write down the names of two of your favorite songs
a are supported by clear evidence in
or pieces of music. Then work in pairs and answer
the article?
these questions.
b need more evidence to be convincing?
1 What kind of music is each one: pop, traditional/folk, c are convincing because they reflect
classical, rock, R&B/soul, hip-hop, etc.? your own experience?
2 Where and when do you usually listen to this piece d summarize the main argument of
of music? the article?
3 Why do you particularly like this piece of music?

2 Look at the title of the article. Why do you think we need Word focus spend
music? Discuss with your partner. Then read the article
and compare your ideas.
1 We use spend with expressions of
money or time, as in "We spend a fifth
3 Cover the article. How many of these details can you of our waking lives listening to music."
remember in three minutes? Compare your answers with Complete these sentences with the correct
a partner and see who remembered more details correctly. word (money or time).

1 how much time we spend listening to music 1 It was great to spend _

2 what "motherese" is together and catch up on all your
3 why we listen to sad songs when we feel sad news.
4 what rap music around the world is about 2 He spends like there' s
5 how music is like language no tomorrow.
3 How do you like to spend your free
4 The words in bold below are from the article. Circle the _____ ?
correct rneaning (a, b, or e) of each word. Look at the article 4 We all need to spend _
again to help you. alone sometimes.
1 music has the power to excite or soothe us (line 12) 8 Complete these sentences in your
a calrn b inspire c please own words. Then share your sentences
2 can give you goosebumps (line 15) with a partner.
a a feeling of worry b a feeling of excitement
e a feeling of sadness 1 1 spent hours trying to .
3 sad rnusic seems to help us regulate negative feelings 2 I've spent a fortune on .
(line 25) 3 Once, 1 spent a night in .
a prevent b get rid of c control 4 1 don' t spend a lot on ...
4 we've made a kind of intellectual conquest (line 54)
a victory b progress c solution Speaking l§Ht1
Critical thinking identifying opinions 9 Imagineyou are making a playlist for the
following situations. Think of one song
5 Read the article again and look at these opinions (1-5). or piece of music for each situation. Then
Whose are they? Write A for the author, S for Valorie compare your playlist with two other
Salimpoor, or U for unknown source. students. Say why you think each piece of
music fits the situation.
1 Music stimulates us emotionally and intellectually. __
2 We listen to sad songs because it helps us feel like • exercising at the gym
someone is sharing our sadness. __ • driving
3 Music can make a verbal message more powerful. __ • for a friend who is feeling sad
4 Music stimulates us intellectually because we use our • eating at a restaurant
brains to predict the direction of a piece of music. __ • doing housework
5 Music satisfies key human needs. __

Humans, on average, spend a ñfth of their waking Music's emotional power also comes from the fact D
Jives listening to music. Music is deeply rooted that it can make a verbal message stronger. Rap and
in all cultures across the world and yet, unlike hip-hop began in America as songs with a social message-
food or shelter, it is not something we actually they described life for people who lacked the same
5 need in order to survive. Why is it so important 35 opportunities as the rich. These days, sorne commercial
to us? Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at hip-hop artists in America rap about the things that fame
Montreal's McGill University, has researched the and money have brought them, but in other parts of the
effects of music on the brain. She believes that the world, rap music is a powerful tool for expressing the
answer lies in music's ability to stimulate us both injustice that people in poor communities feel.
10 emotionally and intellectually. 40 On an intellectual leve!, Salimpoor says that music '1
~ On an emotional level, music has the power to excite challenges our brains to understand and recognize certain
or soothe us, and it can do this more effectively than systems and patterns. Justas with languages, music has
any other way humans have come up with so far. Think patterns that are culturally specific. Western pop music,
how a rousing national anthem at the Olympic Games for instance, follows very different patterns to traditional
15 can give you goosebumps; or how a calming lullaby can 45 Chinese music. But when we figure out how a new system
stop tears or help babies to sleep. The musical way of works-in other words, when we "understand" the music
speaking to bables, known as "motherese," is a feature and are able to predict the direction it will take-we
of every culture around the world. find this intellectually rewarding. We experience exactly
1 Music produces emotions that we immediately feel the same satisfaction when we begin to understand
20 and understand, but that we find difficult to explain. 50 a new language and its patterns. lnterestingly, says
Why, for example, do we like listening to sad songs Salimpoor, we enjoy new music most when it moves in
when we have experienced loss orare feeling down? an unpredictable, but still understandable, direction.
You would imagine they would make us feel even In that situation, she says, "We've made a kind of
more unhappy. But actually, sad music seems to help intellectual conquest."
25 us regulate negative feelings and even lift us out of 55 Humans have various needs-physical, emotional, and [;!
them. Sorne people say the reason for this is a sense psychological-and while music may not fulfill the first,
that someone else is sharing our loss; others say we are it clearly plays an important role in satisfying the others.
comforted by knowing that someone is suffering You probably didn't think of this when you first heard
more than we are. But no one really knows the your favorite song, but perhaps it explains why you have
30 answer. 60 listened to it so often since.
Real life describing likes and dislikes 4 Pronunciationdisappearing sounds

1 Do you like musicals? Why or why not? Which ones a CllEI Listen to these words from the
have you seen? Did you see them live or in movies? Tell conversation. Cross out the disappearing
a partner. sound-the part or letter of the word that is
not pronounced.
2 CID Listen to a conversation in which Tom and his
friend Jake talk about the musical The Lion King. generally everyone different
Complete the chart below with information about Tom's
likes and dislikes. b ClliJ Work in pairs. Cross out the
disappearing sound in each of these words
Like (.t) Dislike (.t) and practice saying them. Then listen and
musicals in general check if you were right.
visual effects of The Lion King
beautifully chocolate basically
Disney comic characters
interesting vegetable broccoli
this production of The Lion King
the music of The Lion King 5 Read the sentences. Cross out the option that
Elton John does NOT fit in each sentence.
cost of tickets far most musicals 1 I'm not kind of / especially /so into
romantic comedies.
3 CID Look at the expressions for describing likes and 2 I'm kind of / really into / very tired of reality
dislikes. Listen again and circle the expressions Tom and TVshows.
[ake use to express each like and dislike. 3 I'm not really / very / especially a fan
of musicals.
4 Jazz music doesn't so/ really / particularly
do anything for me.
Do you like ... ?
Positive Negative 6 What musicals, plays, movies, concerts,
Yes, a lot. /Yes, very much. Not really. I Not particularly. / TV shows, or exhibitions have you enjoyed
Yes, is great/amazin~. Not especially. recently? Choose one. Then work in groups.
1 love . No, it's not my kind of thing. Describe your choice to the group, and
1 really like ... l'm noi (really) a fan of ... discuss your likes and dislikes.
l'm a big far\ of . l'm not so into ...
l'm really into . ... doesn't really do anything
1 have a1 lot of'respect for ... for me.
1 could watch / listen to ... 1 can't stand ...
ali day. . .. get(s) on my nerves.
1 get kind of ti red of ...

4e You have to see this
Writing an online •••
1 Work in pairs. Read the online
review of an exhibition by a visitor to
New York. Would you follow their
recom.mendation? Why or why not?

2 Work in pairs and answer the

1 How are the following themes
organized in the review?
Number them in the order they
appear (1-5).
__ the author's
__ an introduction
__ the content of the
__ the occasion of the visit
_'_ the details of where and
when the exhibition is on 1 find that it's always worth checking out the parks when you visit a
2 iWhat information about the , foreign city. Besides providing a welcome break, they can hold sorne
.' exhibition does the author very interesting surprises. Last week, absolutely exhausted from
i include? visiting two museums and too tired to even think about shopping
3 Is the tone of the review anymore, my boyfriend and 1 took a walk in Central Park. l'm so
personal or impersonal? glad we did, because otherwise we'd have missed The Gates, an
installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude.
3 Writingskill personalizing The artists put up 7 ,503 "gates" made from saffron-colored fabric
your writing panels along the walkways of the park. The giant art project of
rectangular flags reflects the grid pattern of the surrounding city
Work in pairs. Look at the features
blocks. The gates can be seen from far away through the leafless
of personal and impersonal
branches of the trees, dressing the park in orange. What 1 liked
writing. Find examples of personal
best about them was the way they brightened up the bleak winter
language in the online review.
landscape. lt was so funny to see children running through the lines
Personal tone of gates with their arms stretched out.
• use active verbs The secret of this exhibition's success is that it makes you appreciate
• use contractions what is already a wonderful park even more. lt will be on until
• use phrasal verbs February 27th. lf you are in New.York, l'd definitely recommend taking
• add personal details the time to go and see it for yourself. And by the way, it's free!
• use conversational linking
phrases (e.g., besides)
• share your feelings 4 Write a personalized online review of a visual or performance art
event you have seen and enjoyed. Write 150-180 words.
Impersonal tone
• use passive verbs 5 Exchange reviews with a partner. Compare what you have
• avoid contractions written. Use these questions to check your partner's review.
• use formal verbs
• Does the review include all the themes listed in Exercise 2?
• avoid personal information
• Does it feel like a friendly and personal recommendation?
• use formal linking phrases
• What features has the writer used to give this impression?
• After reading the review, would you want to go and see
• be objective in your judgments
this event?

Unit 4 Art and creativity 53

f Making plants i
Before you watch
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption.
Then read the definition of topiary below. Explain
to your partner in your own words what Pearl
Fryar does.
While you watch
3 1 [111 Watch the video about Pearl Fryar with
the sound OFF. Answer these questions on your
own. Then compare answers with a partner.
1 What adjectives would you use to describe the
Topiary is the practice of clipping shrubs or trees
plants you see in Pearl's garden? Make a list.
2 What message is spelled out using plants in
into ornamental or decorative shapes. lt is said
to have originated in ancient Rome about two
the garden? Complete this phrase: "Love,
thousand years ago. Asan art form, it is a type of -----,, and _
living sculpture.
4 1 Dtll Watch the video with the sound ON.
Work in pairs and answer these questions.
2 Key vocabulary 1 Where is Pearl Fryars topiary garden located?
2 Where do many of the plants in his garden
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-7). The words comefrom?
and phrases in bold are used in the video. Guess 3 According to [ean Grosser, what is astounding
the meaning of the words and phrases. about the way Pearl works?
1 We get our flowers from a local nursery. 4 How long <loes it take Pearl to complete a
2 The gardener trimmed the hedges to remove piece?
the dead wood. 5 How has Pearl' s lack of formal training helped
3 She had to invest a lot of time in remodeling him?
the house. 6 How has Pearl' s garden affected tourism in the
4 By working together, they accomplished their region?
goal. 7 According to Pearl, what is the theme of his
5 .After living in New York City for a while, he garden? Complete this sentence: "My garden is
'became accustomed to using the subway. about _
6 i They landscaped their property with flowering 8 How many visitors come to Pearl's garden
, plants and shrubs. every year?
7 I enjoyed the exhibition of abstract art, but it
was a bit difficult to understand what sorne
artists were trying to communicate.
After you watch
5 Vocabulary in context
b Write the words and phrases in bold in Exercise 2a
next to their definitions (a-g). a 1 tlfj Watch the clips from the video.
a achieved or completed successfully Choose the correct meaning of the words.

b Complete these sentences in your own words.

b (of art) expressing ideas and emotions, rather
Then share your sentences with a partner.
than showing people or things _
e made an area of land more attractive by 1 1 think is astounding.
planting trees, flowers, and other plants 2 When I , I instantly ...
3 It's important to maintain ...
d made something neat by clipping, smoothing,
6 Work in small.groups. Your town or city would
or pruning _
like to commission an artwork that would
e put money, time, or effort into something to a) improve the appearance of an area in the town
make a profit or get an advantage _ or city; b) be fun; and e) attract visitors.
f used to or familiar with something
• Discuss what kind of artwork you would like
g a place where plants are grown and sold to have.
• Decide who you would like to make the

7 As a group, present your ideas to the class. Then

vote on the best idea.

Unit 4 Art and creativity SS

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the text about the Edinburgh Festival 3 Match each person or group (1-3) with the correct
Fringe using the words and phrases in the box. place.

lack 1 an artist ~ a comi!dclub

2 an orchestra a galle
3 a comedian ~co ert hall
4 mM:i Work in pairs. Descrih the type of art or
artist that you see in each ph to below. Add any
details that you can remember (what, where,
who, etc.).

5 mM:i Write down as many words or two-word

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the world's largest arts phrases as you can from the root word art. Then
festival. It takes place 1 Q\let~ year in August. For compare your list with a partner. Whose list is
the 2 \)J\\o\~ month, the city is taken over by actors, longer?
street perormers, comedians'. artists, musicians, etc~~re is
certainly no 3 ~ \;Qc\(.. of varíety The festival at acts a
talk about art and artists
huge 4 \lf\U{f¡\::i.e\' of visitors from all over the wp ld, and
two million tickets are sold for over 2,000 differenf shows.
The tickets don't_c?~t¿__'N\l.>ci\ -no or cis typically- Real life
but if you go to 6 ~ \.b~s of shows, then the costs can
addup. ~ 6 Complete these exchanges. Use one word in each

°'' r0.N
~!) artists just come to perform for the fun of it,
but 8 are young performers hoping that this A: Do you like watching live comedy?
B: No, 1~ really. vv:lr
will be their chance to be noticed by critics and producers.
The festival has launched the careers of several famous C: I'm not so 2 g ~to this sic. Can I
actors and comedians, but there is 9 f\Q guarantee change the station?
of success. 10 ~ the famous and the unknown D: Sure. It's not really my 3 · ~iA of thing,
can succeed or fail. 6o~ either.
E: I'm a big 4 \fiY\ of Kurosawa's movies.
2 Read the text above again. Are these 7tements F: Me, too. I have a lot of 5\;()M~ for~)'ft
Kurosawa. I think he' s an amazing director.
true (T) or false (F)?
G: Don't you 6~ ºo.r¿t-
tired of watching
1 lt's cheap to visit the festival e~e V) © musicals? r{)
if you see a lot of performances H: No, 1 could watch them 7 ~ 01:'.X_day.
2 The Edinburgh Festival Fring has ® F
a mixture of amateur and 7 meflj:I Work in pairs. Use the first four words of
professional artists. each exchange in Exercise 6 to begin a conversation
about TV shows that you like and dislike.
use determiners ICAN

use expressions of quantity describe likes and dislikes

Unit 5 Development

FEATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. How do
you think this dam will benefit people? How will it affect the
58 From realityto fantasy landscape and the lives of people living in the area?

The building of Dubai 2 IZI!JListen to someone~alking about the _Belo M~nte ~~~().\¿)\ Q.Mex:~
Compare what he says with your answers in Exercise l. ~S~\'c\ ~OV)O~
60 The Kerala model
3 Look at these verbs (1-5). Match the verbs with their me~~fA~~\((
Social development in
on the right.
southern India
1 benefit ~ add to and improve Q/V\nO.VlC~
62 The teenage mind 2 enhance do well 1\tl 'f\ \l\)
Childhood development 3 expand be good for YJ~N\.~8+
4 boost get bigger Q,}..\D~
66 Scandinavian 5 thrive help to increase \oocs\-
mega-bridge 4 Work in pairs. Think about your own personal development and
A video about the the development of the place you livein, Describe something
construction of the that:
0resund Bridge
• has boosted your confidence at work or in your studies
~W<tts ~rmaJJ LoJf or hobbies.
• has benefited the local economy.
• has enhanced the quality of life in your country.

- Sa From reality to fantasy
(,¡) l i{).(Q,))
Vocabulary urban features 2 Which urban feafures in Exercise 1 does your
town or city have? In your opiníon, which
1 Work in pairs. Match words in box A with words in does it have too many of? And not enough of?
box B to make as many urban features as you can. Discuss with a partner.
Then check your answers on page 153.

m apartment bus business parking city Reading

green high-rise sports luxury office
3 Work in pairs. Look at the photo of Dubai.
\}j()\l< pedestrian railway residential shopping
iM H"R.':.tréef UV1e01W~ Discuss these questions.

EJ area apartments building center hall

1 Where was the photo taken from?
2 What can you see in the photo?
mall space station lot zone
3 What do you know about Dubai? ·

r.!?eemed to be too ambitious for him. He built the
15~0rld's talles).__high-rise building (the 828-meter Burj
Khalifa), the Wo~~·s biggest shopping mall, and

the world's large~ highway intersection. He helped
little Dubai become the shopping capital of the
Middle East.
A 20 Dubai attracts more than three million tourists a year,
cm sorne of whom have second homes there. lts most
famous landmark-the Palm Jumeirah, an artificial
There once was a sheikh with big dreams. ~land was island built in the shape of a palm tree-provides
a sleepy village occupied by pearl divers, fishermen, vacation villas !91: the rich and famous. The financia!
and traders. A small river ran throuqh the village to the 25 crisis of 2008 ~de people feel nervous about investing
sea, and it was here that Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed al because they risked losing money. So, for a few years,
s Maktoum imaginad building a gateway to the world. Dubai failed to sell many of its new luxury apartments.
But he could not afford to make his dream a reality. But more recently, property in Dubai has been
So in 1959, he asked a neighbor to lend him a few increasing in value again, and it has been easier to get
million dollars. He made the river wider and built roads, 30 people to invest.
schools, and homes. He built it, and the people carne. The rest of the world watches with a mixture of wonder
10 Then it was his son's tum~<icarry on developing this and suspicion. Is this a model that people want to
vision. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum copy? Or do they feel that Dubai has chosen to reject
transformed Dubai into an air-conditioned fantasy its heritage and instead become the Las Vegas of the
world of nearly three million people. No project 35 Middle East?
4 Work in pairs. Read the article on page 58 and
answer these questions.
1 What was Dubai like about sixty years ago, and
how has it changed?
2 What world records.does Dubai hold?
cy!.\'j\(;'f\{;i:)\ ~~
3 How did the 2008 financia! crisis affect Dubai?
7 Circle the correct options to complete these
1 1 don't mind to work ~ate during the week,
but 1 hate ha~to~eekends.
2 She offered ~
could manage.
/ helping me, but 1 told her that 1
4 Would you like to visit Dubai? Why or why 3 1 failed to get / get · the job 1 wanted, but I'm going
not? to keep to look lookin .

8 Complete these sentences in your own words, using

Grammar verb + infinitiveor -ing appropriate verb patterns. Then compare your
sentences with a partner.
verb + infinitive 1 1 like ... beca use it helps me ...
He could not afford to make bis dream a reality. 2 I've decided ... because 1 don't wa.nt to risk ...
verb + object + infinitive 3 Were you allowed ... when you were young? My
He asked a neighbor to lend him a few mil/ion dollars. parents didn't let me ...
verb + object + base form of the verb 9 Complete the description of a redevelopment of a
The financia/ crisis of 2008 made people feel nervous
city center using the verbs in the box.
about investing.
verb + -ing avoided -t'()\11_) .deEiGed -t 11\\_
Sheikh Rashid imagined building a gateway to the world. Fte"etfed -\- \V\~ seemed .;,, (\'\-t
For more information and practice, see page 164.
There used to be a beautiful residential area in the
city c~nter, but in the 1960s, the local authority
5 Look at the grammar box. Read the article again 1
c\'-Q.c.1 d ~d to redevelop it as a shopping district.
and underline more examples of the patterns from
This 2 \l'Y\l.lO\\J~d knocking clown ali the houses and
the grammar box. Find: ~.
r building huge parking lots to create space far shoppers
1 ! four more verbs + infinitive. from out of town. The residents 3 S"<Z.\YJ e. d to
2 one more verb + object + infinitive. accept that the area 4 1/\ Q.ed.e._~ to be modernized,
3 one more verb + object + base form of the verb. so no one opposed the idea. The result was that people
4 two more verbs + -ing. shopped there during the day, but at night, everyone
5 9'\I O\ 0-t& goíng to that area beca use of drug
6 Complete these facts about Dubai. Use the correct dealing and crime. Now, fifty years later, the local
form of the verbs in parentheses. authority is building houses there again, but rents are
1 The population of Dubai grew from half a so high that ordinary people can't 6 (J.j-fon\ to live
million in 1990 to 1.5 million in 2u0ts, and has there.
kept on Có\O\Al\V\9 (grow) to this day.
2 Sheikh al Maktoum decided t\J XV\Q\<. e..
(make) Dubai the region's most important
Speaking UijMt!I
financia! center. 1 O Write a description (similar to the one in Exercise 9)
3 Attracting fareign banks and companies of an area in your town or city that has changed in
involved ~ \Qfil.Lc.4-V\~ (reduce) taxes far your lifetime. Use at least four of these verbs.
companies and individuals.
4 The expansion of Dubai Intemational Airport afford allow avo id consider decide
has allowed i t.\i{).Q.lo\'Yl-e.. (it / become) fail involve make manage pro pose
the third busiest international airport in the seem suggest want
5 By planting 10,000 trees ayear, the city planners 11 Work in pairs. Tell your partner how this area has
have managed -\o crQ.<1-\Q.. (create) changed, and if you think the change has been
many green spaces. . positive or negative.
6 The Dubai authorities let ih. 2\:\l\c~ ~ OX11JQ.
A few years ago, the city council decided to redevelop
(its police / drive) cars like Lamborghinis and
ihe area around the canal. Thai involved building new
Ferraris so that they can stop other supercars
paths and bridges and ...
that are speeding.

Unit 5 Development 59
Sb The Kerala model

Listening 4 Work in pairs. What surprised you most about

Keralan society? Give reasons for your answer.
1 Wo;rk in pairs. Look at the two photos above
taken in the lndian state of Kerala. Which of these
adjectíves could you use to describe the places
Wordbuilding adverb +
shown in each photo? What other adjectives could adjective
you use?
~ WORDBUILDING adverb + adjective
exotic tranquil hectic Adverbs and adjectives can be combined to describe
lush remarkable wealthy people and things.
highly literate, well-organized
2 CID Listen to an interview with a journalist For more practice, see Workbook page 43.
who has recently been to Kerala. Check (./) the
different aspects of Kerala' s developmenf that the
~urnalist mentions. rF-i\work in.pairs. Find the adve~b + ~djective phrases
~'\: cp_\()..\\J) .. V in bold m track 42 of the audioscript on page 184.
'<!tfJ [K] incom~ wVl~f\ ó"IY\\)"'~) ci:i~ C8] politics Then match the phrases with these meanings.
12] education O transportation 1 with a good level of education
GJ housing [SJ rnix of people toell-educaied
2 willing to accept differences in other people
3 CID Listen to the interview again. Are these 3 very involved in politics
sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 able to read and write very well
1 The journalist went to Kerala T ® 5 with a satisfactory standard of living
6 very knowledgeable about current affairs
to write an article.
2 The state of Kerala has a lot of G) F
6 Complete the phrases (1-4) with these adverbs.
people in a small area.
3 Many people in Kerala have a (!) Fe badly extrei;nely reasonably well
high level of education.
4 Kerala has a high rate of infant T~ ('.!) 1 a(n) \)(lo~~ damaged car
mortality. 2 a(n) l~(jj()~b priced meal
5 One reason for Kerala' s success (J) F 3 a(n) ~ -written book
is the attitude of Keralites to people 4 a(n) tY~~I'->i talented singer
who are different. J

7 Pronunciation rhyming words
a IZO Work in pairs. Match the words frorn the
interview (1-8) with the words that rhyrne in
the right colurnn. Then listen and check. Practice
saying the rhyrning pairs.
9 Complete the text with the correct forrn of the verbs
in parentheses. Sometimes more than one answer is

1 remember 1 í~QcitíY\~ (read) an article

about Kerala fifteen years ago, and l've been
1 state o o faced meaning 2 io v\S°lt . (visit) ever since.
2 low o o plane The government has tried 3 to \(\/V¡~ ro Vr¿
3 head o o opt (improve) people's quality of life through
4 course o o though various measures, such as land reform. In the
5 rnain o o weight 1960s, it stopped 4 Q\\()\Nlí''\_Q¡ (allow)
6 stopped o o force landlords to charge rent to farmers. This meant
7 non e o o fun '.j \Y'!V\8) (give) the land back to the
8 waste o o said people who worked on it. At the same time, ..J.:
the government started 6 to \M\JQSt I ('1Y1V@J1ím.S
b Work in pairs. Look at the words in the box. Can
(invest) in education. So poor people in Kerala
you think of a word that rhyrnes with each one but
have benefited financially and are now better
has a different spelling pattem?
educated. But no system is perfect, 1 regret
break foot height signed walk word
~\m3 (say). The problem in Kerala
is that the economy is still based on agriculture.
Most students who graduate with a degree won't ·
Grammar verbs with both -ing want to work in the fields. So although they may
prefer 8 U v'1m.<J (live) in Kerala, a lot
and the infinitive of young people are trying 9, t\) [VV\ IQV{
(move) to more developed parts of India to find
decent jobs.
Verbs with two meanings
go on, mean, regret, remember, stop, try
I remember sending you a copy last week. 1 O Complete these sentences in your own words.
Remember to send me a copy when it's published. Then share your sentences with a partner.
Verbs with no change in meaning 1 Education: 1 regret (not) when 1 was at school.
continue, hate, -like, /ove, prefer, start 2 Plans: I've been meaning for sorne time.
I was so interested that J started to write an article about it. 3 Free time: Recently, I've started ...
J was so interested that J started writing an article about it.
4 Eating: 1 prefer ...
For more information and practice, see page 164.
Speaking &lJHtj
8 Look at the grarnrnar box. Work in pairs. Discuss
the different rneanings of the verbs in bold in the 11 Look at the questionnaire below. Take tums asking
pairs of sentences below. and answering the questions with a partner. Then
compare your answers with another pair.
1 a 1 remember going to Kerala in the 1990s.
b Please remember to send me a copy. Are people in your community
2 a Have you tried taking aspirin?
generally happy?
b I'm trying to leam to write Chinese script.
3 a After spending a few days in París, we went How satisfied do people seem with the amount of
on to visit rny aunt in Bordeaux. money they have?
b The students went on protesting for four Not very satisfied. People are always trying to earn
days. . more money so they can buy more and more material
4 a It was meant to be a vacation. things.
b Usually, a low income would mean people 2 Do people have a good work/life balance?
having a poor quality of life. 3 How happy are people with the education they get?
5 a I don't regret changing my plans. 4 What kind of food do people eat? Is it healthy?
b No land is wasted, which I regret to say 5 Are people active in politics and cultural activities?
isn't alwaysthe case in sorne developing 6 Are people tolerant of the different groups in society?
6 a I stopped to visit an lndian journalist.
b Keralites never stop debating.

Unit 5 Development 61
• Se The teenage mind
Reading Critical thinking ways of
1 Look at these stages of human development. Work arguing
in pairs andanswer the questions.
6 Look at these ways to argue a point in a less
infancy -. childhood -. adolescence -+ adulthood absolute or less direct way. Then underl.ine the
8- ..:~ (0-t\ . \';J---14' '\{\- 0 o"' words and phrases in sentences 1-3 that have the
1 What ages do these stages represent? ~ same effect.
2 What a ges would you say t~':_~~yeople are: q__\J A9 She is, perhaps, the greatest uiriter of our generation.
a teenager, a baby, a midd~-ag~a man, a young This, far me at any rate, is no longer true.
woman, a toddler?
1 But rather than being critica! of specific behavior
2 Work in pairs. Think of three typical characteristics l.ike this, it is probably more useful to think
of teenage behavior. Then read the first paragraph about what l.ies behind it.
of the article and compare your ideas with the 2 Such behavior might seem dangerous, but
characteristics mentioned there. sensation seeking can also be a positive thing, ...
3 But actually, we should celebrate them,
Read the rest of the article. Work in pairs and answer because-in scientific terms, at least-they
these questions. make teenagers quite possibly the most
1 What types of behavior do all teenagers share? adaptable human beings around.
2 Does the writer think these are positive or 7 Work in pairs. Do you think being less direct helps
negative qualities? Why? to persuade the reader?
4 Read the article again. Circle the correct options to
complete these sentences. Word focus fa//
1 After age fifteen, our search for exciting or 8 Work in pairs. Look at the phrases in bold with the
u:n.u.:.?ua~experiences becomes more difficult / wordfall. Discuss what each phrase means.
( decreasei: · 1 Teenagers usually react badly when they fall
2 l:>6iñg things at the moment we think of them is out with a friend.
a characteristic of xoung childre / teenagers. 2 I was sick for four days, and I've fallen behind
3 According to the art@e eenagers with my work.
don't understand / afe f~ of the risks 3 I've worn these shoes every day for a year, and
they take. .-\\1 "l.lh v' · ··· now they're falling apart.
4 The author hinks teenagers ooerreaa / 4 Our plan to go camping this weekend fell
eaci appropriate . when they h~ve problems through because I couldn't fínd my old tent!
wi ñffienaS1Fíeir own age.
5 Wherever ~~ the world, teenagers show 9 Work in pairs. Use the phrases with fall in Exercise 8
the same ~!:,? / respect far adults. to describe four similar situations from your own
5 Find the words and expressions in bold below in
the article. What do they mean? Circle the correct
definition (a or b).
~<\ on the spur of the moment (line 15) 1:0 Look at these stages of life. Work in groups and
Ó· \J )INI (1fil with no planning b all the time answer the questions.
2 thrills (line 19)
childhood adolescence young adulthood
® exciting experiences b physical actions middle age old age
3 ultimately (l.ine 25)
a especially @ in the end 1 What are the positive and negative aspects of
4 novelty (line 37)
each stage of life?
a something friendly ~ something new
2 Do you think people's attitudes change at
5 vital (line 43)
different stages of l.ife (e.g., toward friendships,
(!) essential b useful money, health)?
3 Which do you think is the best stage of life?

We tend to think of adolescence as a difficult something they want more highly. Researchers
stage in human development. Mention the word 30 believe this willingness to take risks is linked to
"teenager" and certain stereotypical behavior comes the need to adapt to new surroundings when you
to mind: not wanting to communicate with adults, are young. As you start to grow up, you have to
5 doing silly or dangerous things like skateboarding move out of your home and into a new, less secure
clown a stair raíl, or constantly chatting to friends on environment. And that is risky.
social media. But rather than being critica! of specific 35 Another characteristic of adolescents is that they prefer D
behavior like this, it is probably more useful to think the company of people their own age. This is partly
about what líes behind it. because they feel that their peers offer more novelty
1 10 We all like new and exciting things, and never more than their own family. But there is another, more
so than when we are adolescents. At around age powerful reason: Teenagers need to invest in the future.
fifteen, we peak in what scientists call "sensation 40 We enter a world made by our parents. But we will live
seeking"-the hunt for unusual or unexpected most of our lives in a world managed and remade by
experiences. Sensation seeking doesn't mean being our peers, so understanding and building relationships
15 impulsive-acting on the spur of the moment to with them is vital. The importance of peer infl.uence
satisfy your wishes. That is more a characteristic of can be seen clearly in how strongly teenagers react
toddlers and young children, and from the age of 45 when they fall out with a friend or are excluded from a
about ten, it begins to decrease. Teens, like adults, social peer group. They react as if their future depended
actually plan their thrills (a bungee jurnp, driving a upon these friendships! And, in many ways, it does.
20 fast car) quite deliberately. Excitement, novelty, risk, the company of peers. .g
Such behavior might seem dangerous, but sensation We think of these elements as characteristics of
seeking can also be a positive thing, because trying out 50 the modern Western adolescent-but they define
new things can expand your world. The desire to meet adolescence in almost ali human cultures, modern
new people, for example, can lead to a wider circle of and ancient. As adults, we often complain about these
25 friends and, ultirnately, a happier life. The difference characteristics. But actually, we should celebrate them,
with adult behavior is not that teens ignore risks; in because--in scientific terms, at least-they make
fact, they recognize them justas adults do. Teens take 55 teenagers quite possibly the most adaptable human
more risks because they value the reward of getting beings around.
. I

Unit 5 Development 63 ·
• Sd A controversia! issue
Real life debating issues
1 Cllml Work in pairs. Listen to the opening words
at a public meeting. Why is the skate park the
subject of the meeting? ~\-\Q., rn_()i.SQ.,

2 Work in pairs. Imagine this skate park was near

your home. What would be the benefits? What
could be the disadvantages? Make a list.

3 Cllill Listen to people at the meeting debating

what should happen to the skate park. Write the
views of each of the local people who speak.

Person His/Her View

First woman
\r\C\se. ~roY'íl-\ '<\~
\'\\~\--0 troo
'"' 'l lrn~ W/\TI\ LO
óI lACJ.C:. crvY\ 0\1()U-5¡
cx1 fl
~ t~--\ ·is o e1'-0~~~0f)
First man
~ 1-IN.. ro.n:: 1 s YIO Sok
Second man

Second woman el.o\~ s.\'Y\1~e; 0,.cn\.H¿ 5 Pronunciation sentence stress

i ts \t\e.MfVt.4 /
a Work in pairs. Look at these sentences. Underline
4 Cllill Work in pairs. Look at the expressions for the word you think is most stressed in each
debating issues. Discuss what the missing words sentence.
could be. Then listen to the debate again and 1 Quite honestly, that's a good thing.
complete the expressions with the words you hear. 2 Forme, that's not the point.
\-\M()' ,, ...a,t Q!QWMIONM
3 Sorry, but 1 think that's an exaggeration .
.... DEBATING ISSUES 4 lt just doesn't make any sense to me.
Making points
First, ... and secondly, ...
b Cl!J Listen to the sentences in Exercise Sa and
More importantly, ... check your answers. Then practice saying the
The 1 /point/fact is that ... sentences with the correct stress.
1 think ... / I don't think ...
1 think we're forgetting that ...
6 Look at the development proposal. Imagine you
are a resident of this town. Make notes on how
_____ me, ... is factor.
you feel about this proposed development. What
Respondinq to a point
are its advantages and disadvantages?
Well, that depends.
1 understand/appreciate that ..., but ...
Actually, l'm not too 3 by/about ...
Development proposal
Conversion of a public library and public
l'm more 4 that/about ...
Sorry, but 1 (don't) think that's ... swimming pool into a new shopping mall and
private gym. The main argument for closure of
That's a very 5 point. the library and swimming pool is that they do
Yes, you're right. not get used very often.
1 agree 6 _

7 Work in groups. One group should support the

1 don't think most of you have really 7 _
development proposal, and the other group
about / considered ...
should oppose it. Have a debate, using expressions
... doesn't make any ª-----tome.
for debating issues where appropriate.

Se Big cities, big problerns
Writing an opinion essay 4 The introduction in an opinion essay can take
different forms. Which of these (a, b, or e) does the
1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. writer in Exercise 2 use?
1 Why do you think people want to live in big a giving a dramatic example of the problem
cities? Give reasons. b telling a story about the problem from the
2 What problems do big cities create? writer's own experience
c giving sorne statistics that illustrate the
2 Look at the title of the opinion essay below and read seriousness of the problem
the response. What is the opinion of the writer?
5 Writing skill linking words
Our cities have become too big. The problems
they create outweigh the benefits. Discuss. a Look at the linking phrases in the chart below.
Then write the highlighted phrases from the
In 1800, only two percent of the world's opinion essay in the correct places in this chart.
population lived in cities. But since then, more
and more people have moved to cities Iooking Adding an lntroducing a Explaining the
for work and a better life. As a result, more than argument contrasting fact consequences
half the world's population now live in cities,
and that number is expected to grow. Cities are Furthermore, Then again, Consequently,
evidence of the amazing organizational abilities of As well as
human beings. However, in sorne cases, they also
bring many social, econornic, and environmental
problems. The question is: Do the problems they
create outweigh their benefits?
Cities exist because they are more convenient b Complete these sentences with an appropriate
places to live. Jobs, schools, and hospitals are all linking phrase from Exercise Sa. There is
close to people's homes. There is a wide range sometimes more than one possible answer.
of people to socialize with, and there are good
opportunities for entertainment and leisure. 1 Certain cities in the world have become
especially large. , we have
On the other hand, there also seems to be more
crime, more poverty, and more pollution, and seen the emergence of what are called megacities:
often these problems are all found in a particular cities with over ten million inhabitants.
area of a city. But this is not so surprising, if you 2 A lot of people have found a better standard
think about it. The same problems exist in the of living in big cities. , big
countryside and in smaller towns, but they are not cities also contain sorne of the poorest people.
so concentrated. Because of this, they are 3 being convenient for
noticed less. the residents, cities also make life easier
As long as the population of cities does not grow for businesses.
more quickly than the services available for it,
cities can solve a lot of our problems. ~n addition, 6 Read the statement below. Write an opinion essay.
they can provide jobs and a more interesting life. Use the correct structure and linking phrases.
The problem with cities is not how big they are,
but how well-managed they are. In our busy urban lifestyles, we have lost
our sense of community. We need to return
to a way of life that involves more caring
3 Work in pairs. Does the opinion essay in Exercise 2 and interaction between people. Discuss.
follow this structure?
7 Exchange essays with a partner. Use these
lntroduction -+ Arguments for -+ questions to check your partners essay.
Arguments against -+ Conclusion
• Is it organized in clear sections/paragraphs?
• Does it follow the structure suggested in
Exercise 3?
• Does it use one of the introduction techniques
suggested in Exercise 4?
• Do you find the arguments convincing?

Unit 5 Development 65

Sf Scandinavian mega-bridge
Before you watch
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo of the 0resund
Bridge. Answer the questions.
1 What's the bridge like?
2 What other ways can people use to get across
4 1 C&'fj Watch Part 2 of the video. Work in pairs
and answer the questions.
1 What did the computer simulation show?
2 Why did the engineers not build a lower
3 What <loes the project director say about the
a stretch of water that separates two pieces tunnel solution?
of land? 4 What solution did the engineers eventually
come up with?
2 Key vocabulary 5 Why did they need to build an island for their
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-5). The words
in bold are used in the video. Guess the meaning 5· Complete the summary. Use one word in each
of the words. blank. The first letter of each missing word is
1 Tokyo is a lively metropolis where millions
work and live. The 0resund Bridge was built to connect Denmark
2 The Strait of Dover between France and England and Sweden over the 0resund 1 s _
is the busiest shipping channel in the world.
in the Baltic Sea. The idea was to connect
3 The Burj Khalifa, currently the tallest building Malmó and Copenhagen to create one large
in the world, soars over Dubai. 2
m with economic benefits for all.
4 The new apartment building completely
The two countries signed an agreement in 1991,
obstructs our view of the park. anda 3 e of companies was formed
5 The nuclear power plant will be built by an to do the work. But the project faced a lot of
international consortium. technical difficulties because of 4 a _
b Write the words in bold in Exercise 2a next to their and sea traffic. A tunnel would have been the
definitions (a-e). ideal solution, but it was too 5 e _
1 So in the end, the engineers decided to build
a ; a group of companies that join together to work part 6t and part 7 b _
· on a project consortium _ The result is one of the 81 bridges in
b rises or flies very high _ Europe.
c a narrow strip of water between two pieces
of land _
d a large, busy city
e gets in the way of; blocks
After you watch
6 Vocabulary in context
While you watch a i [1"11 Watch the clips from the video. Choose
3 1 [1"11Look at the chart below. Then watch the correct meaning of the words and phrases.
Part 1 of the video and complete the facts.
b Complete these sentences in your own words.
1 The width of the 0resund Strait: ' Then share your sentences with a partner.
1 The weather in ... is always lousy.
2 What Copenhagen needs: 2 The most frustrating thing about my
job / studies is ...
3 What Malmo needs: 3 The project suffered a big setback when ...

1 Work in groups. Think of a town you know well.

4 What type of transportation the bridge is for: Make a new transportation plan for the town that ·
would do the following things. Then present your
5 Height above the sea: plan to another group.
• make access to the town easier
6 Height of each support tower:
• reduce the number of cars on the streets
• be environmentally friendly
• be inexpensive
• make the town more attractive for visitors

Unit 5 Development 67
Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the conversation between an 4 Circle the corred options to COfl'!; lete this paragraph.
interviewer (1) andan official (O). Use the
Life in the city was so 1 exotic ~'hec~ that we decided to
corred form of the verbs in parentheses: -ing,
move. In any case~11eeded a igger house for our
the infinitive, or the base form of the verb.
two 2 adolescents / ~s, who were just beginning to
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
walk. We fo~ mee house in a small village, but the
move fell 3 t~p / down at the last moment because
the owner decid to stay. Luckily, we found another
4 extremely / r 7sontzb priced house in the same area.

5 f>IM:I Complete these urban features using a word

that rhymes with the word in parentheses.
1 sports C:Q)(ltQ 'l (enter)
2 pedestrian 7.-0'r\-Q (own)
3 shopping ~(crawl)
1: The Nam Theun 2 hydroelectric power plant in 4 green S l;>P: cQ. ( chase)
Laos became operational in 2010. Did Laos start
6 mlM:I Work in pairs. Describe the features of a city you
\<::i SQ..Q. ( S'<.-~ (see) benefits immediately? know, and what you like or dislike about it.
O: Yes1 very quickly. The plant has helped Laos
to~~/ 'Qe, (be) energy independent. We Our capital city is very nice to walk around in. 'frafjic is not
also seii electricity to Thailand. We agreed with the permiiied in the city center, and there are lots of green spaces.
World Bank 3 +o l (V\ V e$t (invest) this money
in health and social programs for our people.
1: And what about the envíronmental impact? 1 know talk about the different features of a city
the project involved 4 @()\ÍIDS'.J (move)
people from their homes, and also the destruction
of natural forests. _
Real life
O: You can't avoid 5 t\.\\~C..\\~g (affect) sorne 1 Use the words in the box to complete the responses
people's lives with somethinq this size. But we (1-4) to the question below. ·
havetried6 -\10 'M\V\\N\\"'.l.P1 (minimize)the
impact. lt's true that the dam made sorne fishermen understand coasídered con cerned
C\\v~ ~give up) their old way of life,
but actually, 85% of resettled people say their lives What do you think of the idea to build a new sports
are now better. As for the forest, the government complex downtown?
has suggested s V.... S\ ('(l\p (use) profits
1 Well, that will ~ on what it looks like.
from the plant to fund conservation in other parts
2 I \'NY\dC:?,{1sfo)((d that we need sorne new facilities.
of Laos.
But I just don't think we have the money.
3 I'm more WAt ~J \\()0) about the lack of green
2 What have been the two main benefits and space, doi:vntown, actually. U\J ~
problems of the Nam Theun 2 project?
4 1 don t think the planners have really ·· V\.J 1 l
where people are going to park their cars.
3 mM!:I Work in pairs. Which of these pairs
8 f)jefil:I Work in small groups. Respond to this question
of phrases mean the same thing? If they mean
using phrases from Exercise 7.
something different, explain the difference.
What do you think of the idea of closing the downtown
1 stop to talk / stop talking
area to all traffic?
2 begin to rain / begin raining
3 don't like to wait / don't like waiting ICAN
4 remember to mail / remember mailing
debate issuesand respond to points other people
use verbs which are followed by the gerund or
the infinitive

Unit 6 Alternative travel

FEATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. What do you
think there is to do in and around this hotel? Would you like to
70 Staycations stay here? Why or why not?
People who vacation at home 2 CIEJ Listen to someone describing her stay in this place.
What did she like about her stay? What didn't she like? Tell
72 Voluntourism your partner.
Working vacations around
the world (volunteer 3 Work in pairs. Circle the corred options to complete these
tourism) questions. Then take tums asking and answering the questions.
1 When you book a hotel, .do you usually ask for a room with
74 Unusual places to stay a sight / €i!!J?
s'IQ¡l-1\: \i\S \J W.W ~
Hotels with a difference 2 Do you generally take a lot of suitcase ;fi;i~ge)whenyou
travel, or do you prefer to trav~ht?
78 The unexpected 3 What is your favorite kind of ~ 1 countryside: the coast,
beauty of traveling forests, mountain?~~ deserts?
4 Which airplane /a~ do you prefer to fly with?
solo 5 When you last went on vacation, how long did it take / last
A video about one man's to get to your destination?
journey alone

• 6a Staycations
Vocabulary vacation activities Reading
1 Work in pairs. Are you familiar with all of these 3 Work in pairs. How well do you know your country's
vacation activities? Discuss which you have capital city? Ask and answer these questions.
done and where you did them, Then think
1 Can you name five important tourist attractions in
of three more vacation activities and discuss
your country's capital city?
where people do them.
2 How many of these have you visited?
buying souvenirs camping 3 Have you ever been on a bus tour or walking tour of
going on safari hiking your country's capital city?
photographing wildl.ife rafting~..,{ 4 Do you know the name of a good, reasonably priced
sightseeingl\\\S~ w~~"*-
\)\.Oc\R. snorkeling hotel in your country's capital city?
sunbathing taking guided tours 4 .Read the blog post about staycations. Are these sentences
visiting museums visiting a theme park true (T) or false (F)?

2 Work in pairs. Which are your favorite vacation 1 Staycationers go out and do different ·ñ
activities? Where have you done these? activities during their staycations.

One of my Javoríte thíngs to do on. vacation. is to

2 Staycations have all the stresses
of normal travel.
T ®
climb to a high point, whether it'e in a cíty or in the
countrysíde, to get a view of the area ...
3 Staycations often imitate traditional
(i!) F


You probably don't like the terrn "staycation," Me neither. But don't be put
off. As a concept, its quite attractive. Staycations are vacations at home. But
they don't just mean staying in and doing things around the house. They
involve things that you míght do on vacations-like sightseeing, eating out,
s going swimming, etc.-but instead, you do them in your local area. You
could even camp in your yard or at a local campsite. Anything goes really-
you just can't go to work!
Staycations became popular around 2007-2010, when people were looking
for a cheaper kind of vacation during the global financia! crisis. Wouldn't it
10 be nice, people thought, to take a vacation without ali the costs? But let's not
ignore the other benefits here: You get none of the problems associated with
travel-no packing, long drives, or delays at the airport; and also, you bring
money to the local economy.
Sorne staycationers like to follow a set of rules: They fue a definite start
1s and end date; they plan activities in advance; and they avoid their normal
routine. You don't have to do these things, but they help to create the feel of
a traditional vacation. Others, aware that a barbecue and a visit to the local
zoo probably won't match the thrill of foreign travel, take it a step further.
Karen Ash, whose story I read in the WallStreet fournal, was one.
20 Karen, who lives in New York, decided not to go to [apan as originally
planned, but instead took a week-long Japanese vacation in her own city.
She bought postcards and souvenirs at a Japanese market, admired bonsai
plants, ate ramen-she even spoke Japanese when ordering-all without
leaving New York. Her itinerary also included participating in a traditional
25 Japanese tea ceremony, attending a taiko drumming concert, and watching
Japanese soap operas. I don't think everyone would take that much trouble
over their staycation, but it gives you an idea of the possibilities!

5 Work in pairs. Use the information in the blog post
to complete these sentences.
1 People first started having staycations because ...
2 Staycations are good for the local economy
because ...
3 Sorne people think that visiting local attractions
You can still be adventurous while saving money.
Take a tent and set out on a walk with 5 no / ~
of your usual luxuries (smartphone, GPS, etc:j--a:nd
@ / none fixed idea of where you are going (but
don't forget a good map!). After all, the fun of any
vacation is discovering new places. Why should a
staycation be any different?
isn't as exciting as ...
(!) Rewrite these sentences using the negative form
Grammar negative forms of the underlined ideas, so that they have the
opposite meaning.
111- NEGATIVE FORMS 1 Let' s spend a lót of money on
Negative statements with think, believe, suppose, imagine a foreign vacation.
1 I don't think everyone would take that much trouble. l0°'s 11\o\ §Q~V\.Ó G hY\- O-\ '{V\OV\.~~ Oli)
Negative form of have to and can
2 You don't have to do these things. 2 All of the hotels had rooms available. .
3 He can't afford to fly first-c/ass. - \\J ()V\9 O-\- 1 IAP Y\.O~((.\~ \i\Qó. \ O~\Y\~ Q\Jü.l \O b\e
Negative short answers with hope, expect, be/ieve, guess,
suppose, be afraid 3
4 I hope not.
Negative infinitive
5 Karen Ash decided not to go to Japan.
Negative suggestions 4
6 Let's not ignore the other benefits.
Negative words: neither, none, no
7 You get none of the problems associated with travel.
8 There was no de/a'f at the airport. 5
9 You probably don't like the term "steycstion." Me
Negative imperative
10 Don't be put off. 9 Work in pairs. Complete these sentences giving
ad vice about traveling abroad in your own words.
For more information and practice, see page 166.
1 You don't have to ... to have a good vacation.
ti (:yffit_~lGR\<.

@) Write the affirmativeversion of sentences 2-9 from
In remote places, there is often no ... , so , ..
Don't be put off by ...
the grammar box using one (or two) word(s) in
4 1 don't think using a travel guidebook ...
each blank below. /
to do gs.
afford t By first-class.
Speaking iijfiti
4 I hope '3? . , 1 O Work in small groups. Plan a five-day staycation
5 Karen Ash decided 1o O{? to [apan. in the area you live in. Try to give the staycation a
6 L~t'S ignore the other benefits. theme as in the blog post (e.g., a sports theme or
7 You get of the problems a foreign theme). Prepare a short itinerary with at
associated with travel. least five activities.
8 There was delay at the airport.
9 You probably \1 \<:e the term "staycation." A: What about a food theme, like eating out in a
Me1. tOC) . different restaurant every day?
B: I don't think thai would work-ít wouldn't be a
{!) Circle the correct options to complete the text. very cheap staycation.
A: No, I suppose not. ·
Let's 1 do~'t forget /~et that the main reason
for choosmg a stay;~s to save money. Would 11 As a group, share your itinerary with the class. Listen
you be staying at home if you-c~uld afford to go to the other groups as they share their itineraries.
away? 1 2 don't guess so / ~t. So try
not to ~t spend the same amount as you 12 Have a class vote on which staycation sounds the
would do on a foreign vacation. Far example, most fun and easiest to carry out.
+(f{üify / doesn't eat out all the time in restaurants.
Ilyü'u go on a day trip, take a picnic with you.

Unit 6 Alternative travel 71

• 6b Voluntourism
Vocabulary travel 4 CII!J Listen to the interview again and complete
these sentences with the words you hear. Then .
1 The to-do list below contains things to do befare work in pairs and discuss what each e~ession in
going on a foreign trip. Complete the list using bold means. ~ - °{)
these words. -trióscli~ eess ~VQC.CiV\Qt(o'fl -?\i1i:- \Y~d.i:::·r.e
-b!J.9 $p<t\l._J -o 1)1?.'IQ.'J'j- 1 Don't most people just want to
to the beach and relax?
~ J1
boarding information guidebook insuf11i~~ml ¡:rob
spray money vaccinations valid 2 This should be a rewarding travel experience,
not just a work h-( !p .
- tffi.\JQ.\ '1V\.SufOl/J.C€7
3 In return, the locals take the volunteers for
To-do list 'Q.JJ.S h walks.
Buy 1 about local area 4 They have to pay for their own airfares and
Print 2 passes l[vifV\_3 expenses.
Buy sunscreen and bug 3 _ 5 The CRTP restores cultural \1~1~ siles
Check passport is 4 (mínimum around the world.
six months) 5 Work in groups and discuss these questions. Then
Book doctor's appointment to get tell your ideas to the class.

Change6 _ 1 What do you think of this type of vacation?

2 Is it right that people have to pay to volunteer?
Check travel 7 plan is
3 What other ways can you think of to get close
up-to-date to the local way of life on a vacation?
Write list of addresses and contact
8 to leave with friends
Grammar question forms
€).Vo\ ct .... QUESTION FORMS
LiStening ww.kiMS
Direct questions
1 Haveyou ever thought about doing some building
2 CII!J Work in pairs. Look at the photo below. work?
What kind of volunteering do you think people do
here? Listen to the interview and check your ideas. Direct negative questions
2 Don't most peopfe just want to head off to the beach?
3 Which of the statements (a-e) best summarizes lndirect questions
Katie Samuel's definition of what a good volunteer 3 Is it possible that peopfe could come back with a
vacation should offer? newskifl? ~
4 Do you know 111/here iisteners~an,_find upcoming
a a working vacation where you learn practical volunteer vacation possibifitietT
and useful skills (e.g., building, teaching) 5 Surely they don't wentpeople without experiencejust
b a cultural experience where both the visitor and turning up?
the host benefit Tag questions
c an enjoyable way to help other people less 6 tt's not reaffy a vacation as we know it, is it?
fortunate than yourself 7 Sut the volunteerspay tor the trlp, don't they?
For more information and practice,see page 166.
6 Cl6I Work in pairs. Look at the grammar box on
page 72 and listen to the different question forms
(1-7). Then answer questions 1-5 below.

Inwhich three questions is the questioner saying
something they expect the listener to agree wi th?
In which four questions is the questioner
9 Read this telephone conversation between'Mike
(M), a volunteer, and Jeff (J), an employer.
Complete the questions in bold with appropriate
tag forms.
M: Hi, I'm interested in helping to repair trails on
the Continental Divide Trail this summer. 1 I can
asking a more open-ended question? work for justa few days, ?
3 How do you make the indirect questions (3 and 4) J: Absolutely. You can work anywhere from two
into direct questions? days to two months.
4 How do we form tag questions? M: That' s great. 1 have about a week in June.
5 In which tag question <loes the intonation rise at 2
Volunteers usually pay something to take
the end? In which <loes it fall? part, ?
J: No, actually. lt's free.
7 Rewrite these ideas (1-5) using question forms. You M: Sorry-free? 3 Surely I have to pay for my
may need to make other changes to the sentences. accommodation, ?
1 1 can't believe he intends to give up his well-paid J: No, it's completely free. You just have to register
job in order to travel. . by filling out a form and sending it to us.
Surely Yw doesVí± tV\t~V\d to C\ \VQ up h1s \~l~ll-~aid M: I couldn't find a form online. 4 lt's not on your
·J(i'D \ C'V\ ard,\llf \-u \JQ_ \ ? website, ?
2 Which travel company did you use? J: You have to collect the form from our office, or 1
Can you tell me \}.l\\\t ~ tfo..\l-Q.\ c()mp\1Y\~ can email it to you.
~\lM \AS~d ? M: Great. And where on the trail can 1 work?
CJ,\XlStOJ3 1 Qgtit rained a lot when xou were in England. J: New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, ...
5 You don't have something in Colorado,
Didn'ttl \O.\lf1 Q. ~()t WYWV) 'jOU M:
W-QJ ~ \ fY\ F V\L\~QV\.d\ 7 _______ ?
4 I'm pretty sure that you've been to A.merica. J: Yes, we do. We have spaces in Winfield, Colorado,
You've b~~.Y\ W A VY\.~í\'cQ and a few in Mount Elbert.
~\l~\f(t B oy . ? M: And can you tell me how long the traíníng is?
5 · Does this bus go downtown? J: There's no training beforehand. We train you
Do you know 11 1\A..1~ ~.U.S goes as you work. But we are looking far a chef
dDWV\W\.JJv') 7 at the moment. 6 You don't have any cooking
experience, ?
8 Pronunciation intonation in question forms M: No, I'm afraid not. 1 really just want to work for a
few days helping to build trails.
a el!) Work in pairs. Practice saying the rewritten
question forms in Exercise 7 with the most 1O CID Listen to the conversation in Exercise 9
appropriate intonation. Then listen and check. and check your answers. Notice the intonation in
question forros. Then work in pairs and act out the
b CID Work in pairs. Do the tag questions in these conversation.
sentences rise or fall? Listen and check.
1 It's a nice day, isn't it? Speaking ijijUlj.
2 You haven't seen my phone anywhere, have you?
3 He doesn't look well, <loes he? 11 Work in pairs. Take turns inquiring about a
4 It wasn't my fault, was it? volunteer vacation you' d like to go on.
1 helping to repair a school building in Mali
(Saharan Africa)
2 recording types of plants in a tropical rain forest
in Borneo (Indonesia)
Student A: Turn to page 153 to prepare a list of
questions about program l.
Student B: Look at the information on page 155
about program l.
In pairs, ask for and give information about
program l. Then change roles and repeat for
program 2 (Student B should look at the information
on page 154 about program 2).

Unit 6 Alternative travel 73

• 6c Unusual places to stay
Reading Critical thinking analyzing tone
1 Work in pairs. Make a list of ali the different types 6 The tone of a piece of writing affects how the
of accommodations that people stay in on vacation reader interprets the information in it. Which of
(e.g., hotel, tent), Give one advantage and one these (a-e) best describes the tone of this travel
disadvantage of each. Then compare your ideas guide?
with another pair.
a serious and factual
2 Read the excerpt from a travel magazine' s guide b light and conversational
to unusual places. Work in pairs and answer these e critica! and negative
1 Work in pairs. Find examples of this tone in the
1 Which seem like comfortable places to stay? guide. Does the tone make you more or less likely
2 Which place seems to have the most to want to stay in these places?

3 Read the travel guide again. Circle the correct Word focus mind
option (a or b) to complete each sentence.
8 Work in pairs. Look at the two highlighted
1 Karosta' s description of its hotel is __ . expressions with the word mind in the guide.
~ not pleasant Discuss what each one means. Then guess what
b not truthful these other expressions with mind mean.
2 The writer thinks the cost of a night in the
1 1 am of two minds about whether to stay ata
Karosta naval jail is __ . hotel or drive back home tonight.
~ toohigh 2 If you change your mind about coming with
~ about right me, let me know before Friday.
3 For a long time after the gold rush, Virginia City 3 Sorry I haven' t gotten back to you about the
was __ . weekend. l've had a lot on my mind lately.
t1a) uninhabited 4 Sorry, 1 know I've heard his name before, but
b arich town my mind's gone blank.
4 The cabins at the Nevada City Hotel and Cabins __ . 9 Work in pairs. Act out short conversations using
a old and uncomfortable the phrases with mind (1-4) from Exercise 8. Take
('§) comfortable inside tums beginning each conversation with a sentence
5 The caves of Sassi di Matera __ . from Exercise 8.
a are unchanged since the Bronze Age A: I am of two minds about whether to stay at a hotel
@ were changed a little during the Renaissance ar drive back home tonight.
6 The owners of Le Grotte Della Civita want B: I would stay ihe night if I were you. You don'i want
their guests to __ . to drive tohen you are tired.
~ have a good TV viewing experience
(J:;i/ enjoy the original atmosphere of the caves
Speaking and w.riting
4 Work in pairs. Which of these words or phrases are
parts of a building? Which are pieces of furniture? 1 O Work in small groups. Create your own idea for an
Explain the meaning of each term to your partner. unusual place to stay. Discuss:
Draw a picture if it helps. • where the hotel is and what it's called.
• how your hotel is different.
bed bench hallway chest of drawers • whether your hotel should be luxurious or
fridge porch shutters vaulted ceiling basic.
• what facilities you can offer that fit with
5 Which of the places in the travel guide would you the theme.
prefer to stay in? What are your reasons? Tell your
partner. 11 As a group, write a short review of your hotel for
a travel website. Use an appropriate tone. Then
present your idea and read the review to the class.
Vote for which hotel sounds the most interesting.

Built in 1905, the Karosta naval jail in Latvia originally
housed badly behaved Russian sailors. Now a hotel, it
offers guests "~n opportunity t,,o stay overnight on real
. ,'<:QV\ '\j \,\)i(.11\'v 11\ r \ .
prisoners' oenc es and mattresses." The hotel's website
proudly describes Karosta as "unfriendly, unheated, and
uncomfortable." They are not lying. This is more a reality
jail experience than a hotel. "Reception" is a dark hallway
where a former prison guard explains the rules to you (no
10 luggage excepta toothbrush, no attempts to escape), and
then fires his gun in the air to show you he is serious. After
a meal of bread and sweet Russian tea, "guests" are given
five minutes to wash up before making their own bed from
a wooden bench and thin mattress. Sound unpleasant? lt is.
15 But for $12 per night, what do you expect?

Would you be interested in stepping back in time to
America's Wild West? Virginia City in Montana, a former
gold-rush town of the 1860s, was a ghost town until it began
20 to be restored for tourists in the 1950s. Owned largely by the
state government, the town now operates as a large open-air
museum. Nearby is the Nevada City Hotel and Cabins, where
you can sit on the porch and enjoy life as a cowboy. The
rooms feature period furniture, and downstairs there's a real
25 Wild West saloon. The cabins look extremely basic from the
outside, but l~~9 t~eihave large double beds and prívate
bathrooms. Keep i~ niind that if you stay there on weekdays,
you might be disappointed. The city only really comes to life
on weekends, when actors walk around dressed as sheriffs,
30 cowboys, and gold prospectors.

lf you have even more primitive accommodation in mind,
why not try a cave hotel? Cold, damp, dark? lt doesn't
have to be. The caves of Sassi di Matera in ltaly are Bronze
35 Age ~ornes tha:t w~.!&~~)~ ~Qn~keover during the
Rena1ssance, with vaulteéJ ce1lmgs, doors, and shutters.
More recently, until the 1950s, they were the homes of
local peasants who lived there with their animals. But
now, the caves have been renovated to provide hospitality
40 in a historical setting. Although visitors to Le Grotte Della
Civita must do without television or fridges, the rooms are
comfortably furnished with antique furniture-the suite
has a beautiful oak chest of drawers. The hotel owners
wanted the caves to still feel authentic, so they kept as
45 many original features as possible, like the iron rings
where peasants used to tie up their animals. Prices start at
a less peasant-friendly $300 per night.

Unit 6 Alternative travel 75

• 6d Couch surfing
Real life getting around 4 Pronunciation intonationin sentenceswith
two clauses
1 Work in pairs. Read the description of couch
surfing below. Is it something you would do? a ClfJ Listen to these two sentences with the word
Why or why not? but. Notice how the speaker's intonation rises at
the end of the first clause, indicating that they
2 You are going to listen to a conversation between a have not finished speaking.
couch surfer and a host. Look at the expressions to
talk about getting around. Who do you think says 1 I wanted to pick you up, but my car will be at
each one: the couch surfer or the host? Discuss the garage that day.
with a partner. 2 You could just get a taxi, but it's about eleven
kilometers from the center of town .
b Work in pairs. Practice saying these sentences
l'm coming in by 1 sometime using the same intonation as in Exercise 4a.
in the afternoon.
That's kind of you, but 1 can 2 _
1 1'11 try to get home by six, but I can't promise
How do 1 get to 3 from the 1 will.
center of town? 2 Normally it's a ten-minute drive, but the road
You can hop on 4 to Stoney construction has made it longer.
Cr'eek. 3 I can't make it today, but 1'11 stop by tomorrow.
lt's only a twenty-minute 5 _ 4 It's kind of you to offer, but we can make our
The 6 thing is to give me a call, ownway.
and 1'11 come out and rneet you.
5 Work in pairs. Take tums playíng the roles of
couch surfer and host. Callyour host and ask
3 ~Listen to the conversation. Check your about the best way to get to their home from
answers from Exercise 2 and complete the another city.
expressions for getting around with the words
you hear.

Couch surfing originated with

a New Hampshire student who
was looking for somewhere
cheap to stay in lceland. He
emailed 1,500 students at the
University of lceland asking if he
could sleep the night on their
couches. Couch surfing is now an
established worldwide practice.
This is how it works:
When you have made your travel
plans, you contact people on the
couch surfing network to find out
if they can offer you a bed for the
night in the placesyou are going
to visit. There'sno fee. The only
obligation on your part is to be
able to offer a placeto stay at
your home when someoneasks
in the future. Apart from being
free, the benefit is that you meet
people with local knowledge. lf
you're lucky, sornemight even
become long-term friends.

6e A disappointed guest
Writing a letter/email of complaint 4 Writing skill formal language
a Work in pairs. Underline the formal words or
1 Work in pairs. Have you ever had a bad experience on
vacation that you complained about? What happened phrases in the letter that mean the following:
and what was the outcome? 1 saylwas 5 chose to eat
unhappy 6 what I'm most
2 Read the letter of complaint from a guest about a stay 2 they told us interested in
at a hotel. Work in pairs and answer the questions.
3 a cheap deal 7 look into
1 Why is the guest unhappy? 4 after we talked to 8 make sure
2 What does she want the hotel to do about it?
3 Does her complaint seem justified? b Rewrite the sentences below replacing the
expressions in bold with more formal language.
1 We want to tell you how unhappy we were
44 CherryTree Lane with the standard of the food on the cruise
Boston, MA 02108 ship Royal Daum.
USA We wish to express our dissatisfaction with
Sweet Hotel Group the standard of the food on the cruise ship
54 Erwín Street
Royal Dawn.
Los Angeles, CA 90018
2 1 told the receptionist that 1 had booked the
room for two nights, not one.
Dear Sír/Madam, 3 After I' d talked to the manager, she said
1 am writíng to express my díssatísfactionwith my stay at she was sorry and promised to look into
the Star Hotel on April 12th. 1 made a reservationthrough the problem with the shower. But no action
anotherwebsite that was offering one night for two people- was taken.
wíth an eveningmeal and breakfast-for $200. However, 4 1 would have expected that the safety of
when we arrived at 5:30 p.m., we were ínformed that there the guests was what the staff was most
was no table available ín the restaerant, and that we could interested in.
eítherdine at 6:00 p.m. or find another restaurantin town. 5 Given the trouble this caused us, we
We had the strong ímpressionthat, because of the expected to get sorne money back.
discounted offer, we did not receivethe same level of
hospítalíty as regular, full-paying guests. The sítuationwas 5 Read this situation. Then write a letter or email
embarrassing and inconvenient. After sorne discussionwíth of complaint to the hotel.
the staff, we opted to dine in the restaurant, but much later
than we wíshed-at 9:30 p.m. No one apologízedfar thís. You recently stayed ata small hotel ín the
Compensatíonis not actually my principal concern. 1 would Hamptons ín New York. During the night, you
just like you to investigatethe matter and ensure that this were woken up by sorne noísy people trying
situatíondoes not arise in the futurewith other guests. to climb a wall into the hotel courtyard -. You
Yours faithfully, went down to reception to tell a member of
the hotel staff, but no one was there. You are
-7(_5 angry and upset that no staff members were
on duty that night.
Anne Smíth

6_ Work in pairs. Exchange letters with your

partner and compare what you have written.
3 Work in pairs. Formal letters follow certain Use these questions to check your letters.
conventions. Answer these questions.
• Does the letter begin with the reason
1 What is the correct position for each address? for writing?
2 Where is the reason for writing mentioned? • Does the letter end with what action
3 Where is the request to the recipient of the letter is expected?
for action?
4 How would the format be different if this was
an einail?

Unit 6 Alternative travel 77

• 6f The unexpected beauty
of traveling solo
Bef ore you watch 6 1 ti;ji Watch the video again and see how many
more types of transportation or activities you -
1 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the video. Make notice. Do you think the video makes a good case
a list of the benefits of traveling alone and the for traveling alone? Why or why not? Discuss with
benefits of traveling with someone else. a partner.

Traveling alone Traveling with

someone else
After you watch
7 Vocabulary in context
a i tlifj Watch the clips from the video. Choose
the correct meaning of the words and phrases.

b Complete these sentences in your own words.

Then share your sentences with a partner.
1 I find it really weird when ...
2 It' s very tough to ...
2 Compare your list with another pair. Which way 3 I can't figure out why ...
of traveling do you think is better for you?
8 You are going to leave phone rnessages for a friend
while you are on a trip. Follow these steps:
While you watch
1 Plan a solo trip. Think of three or four places
3 1 tldll Watch the video. Work in pairs and answer you will visit and what activities you will do
the questions: there.
1 What kind of places does the man visit? 2 Work with a partner. Turn your chaírs back-to-
2 Why do you think he is traveling alone? back so you cannot see your partners face.
3 Take turns "calling" each other. Lea ve
4 1 tldll Read these statements. Then watch the voicemail messages about where you are, what
video again, listening carefully to the voicemail you are doíng, and how you are feeling.
messages. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 When you are finished, change partners and
1 The woman really wanted to go T F tell each other about the messages you received
with the man on the trip. frorn your first partner (i.e., Where did they go?
2 The man really wanted to make T F Did they have a good experience? etc.).
the trip alone. A: Your call cannot be taken at the momeni, so please
3 The woman blames the man T F leave your message after ihetone. [Beep]
for what happened. B: Hey, it's me, Daniela. I tried to caich you before I
4 The woman doesn't know if T F got on ihe plane, bui I missed you. l'm in Scotland
the man is angry or just too now ...
busy to call back.
5 The man is an a vid T F
6 The man finally calls her back. T F

5 Complete the chart with the things you saw in the

video. Write as many things as you can in four
minutes. Then compare your list with a partner.

Types of Activities
plane picking flowers

Unit 6 Alternative travel 79

Grammar Vocabulary
1 f)iM!:j Work in pairs. Look at the photo below. 4 f>IM:j Work in pairs. Discuss what you
Form questions about it by completing the remember about the places in the photos below.
sentences (1-3). Where are they, and why are they unusual? What
kinds of things can you do or not do in each one?

5 Complete these questions with one word in each

blank. Then work in pairs and take turns asking
and answering the questions.
1 Where do you in mind for
1 Do you know where ... ? your next vacation?
2 It looks ... , ... ? 2 What is the longest time it's _
3 Have you ever ... ? you to travel somewhere?
3 Have you ever forgotten to check that your
2 Circle the correct options to complete the passport is before traveling?
conversation between Marianna (M) and Paulina (P).
4 Have you ever had to get _
M: You're planning to go to Mexico for your against diseases before travelíng?
vacation, 1 are you / aren't-you? 5 What should a person vacationing in your
P: Well, that was the plan, but l've decided country in mind?
not to go / not going now, 1 always travel to
exotic places, so 1 thought, why 3 I don'i find /
don't I find out more about my own city for a talk about vacations and travel
change? use expressions with mind
M: That's called a staycation, 4 is it / isn't it? It'll
certainly be a lot cheaper, 5 do you think /
don't you think? Real life
P: Well, yes, but that's not the point. 1
lei's not / don'i want to stay at home. I'm going 6 Match the sentence beginnings (1-6) with their
endings on the right.
to stay in the new hotel downtown-the one
that's been getting great reviews. I'm planning 1 I'll pick you up o o myownway.
to visit a few museums and check out sorne local 2 Are you coming in o o ride.
restaurants that I've always wanted to go to. I just 3 Look out for o o to your house?
hope it 7 doesn'i rain/ no rain all the time. the post office
M: Well, I think it's a great idea. You 8 not to/ 4 I can easily make o o by train?
don't have to worry about getting visas or 5 It's only a o o on your right.
changing money. There'll be 9 none / not of that ten-minute
stress. 6 Howdolget o o from the station.
3 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. · 7 Choose a well-known place or meeting point in
your town or city. Then work in pairs and take
1How is Paulina going to spend her vacation?
turns telling your partner how to get there using
What reason <loes she give?
public transportation. Use at least one of the
2 What are the benefits of her plan?
phrases from Exercise 6.

use negative forms correctly with a range of verbs
form indirect, negative, and tag questions
"""""':== ask for and give directions ans vacation advice

Unit 7 Customs and behavior

FEATU RES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. What rules or
customs do people follow in this situation? Make a list of polite/
82 Cruelto be kind thoughtful behavior anda list of rude/inconsiderate behavior. ·
The "tíger mother" approach 2 Cllm!JListen to someone describing customs on the Tokyo
to parenting subway. Work in pairs and answer the questions.

84 A matter of taste 1 Oid the speaker mention any of your ideas from Exercise 1?
2 Which customs or behaviors are unique to the Tokyo subway?
The diet of the indigenous
people of northem Alaska 3 Look at the rules ofbehavior (1-4) for students attending
college C mplete the sentences with these words.
86 Cultural conventions í 08V'Q,Q l ~'3' vJ \ '1
ene1711 • a.
internrpt .
. ratse- ~t..-
Understanding personal
space and turn-taking 1 Don't IM~~n~ipt the lecturer. \-l.,io..\i~ your hand
first if you have a question.
90 Eating insects
2 Be attentiYJ~'--ª~ ali means take notes, but don't just sit and
A video about Americans ~ at your laptop screen.
with an unusual taste for 3 ~~r\(lJd gumduringalectureor
insects seminar. ~--- - -
4 Be políte, respectful, and (t~G W _ consideration'to
. -. _other students, cd?..eou:il.iJJ"V)
4 Work-in pairs. Do you agree with the rules of behavior in
Exercise 3? Are there any more rules you would add?
.__ \_\_M_coo..;.íM-'-:......;..;--'-.....;;;..---fi\JO
fJf(l?1l.tiho 1 .3\i\H~ ·llt--'? \JX)I( r·w o, \~\J' tr11te
¡ -.f
·¡ "~,/'J
,.:- __•....,. ....

\;,.e, \_f. : •

• 7 a Cruel to be kind
Reading 1 What is a "tiger rnother"?íh~·~ ~.N'{J.;1;,r,c•t,.~ \ ·1J• i -, -"'- Iv> • _
2 What are a tiger mother's attitudes to the first four things
1 Work in pairs. Which of these things in Exercise 1?
(1-6) do you think should be: 3 What are the results of Arny Chua's "tiger mother"
• controlled strongly by parents; parenting?
• controlled a little by parents; or
• left to the child to decide? Give
Vocabulary raising children: verbs
1 watching TV ~ 3 Work in paírs. Look at the pairs of verbs in bold. The first
2 practicing a musical instrument verb in each pair is from the article. Discuss the differences in
3 going out to play with friends meaning between the verbs in each pair. Use a dictionary if
4 doing homework J-01.()l\)pfj\(l\{l-
5 choosing which subjects to study in 1 bri~g up and~ducate children
school 2 ~~is~vttahd "k<.vard
git,'od behavior
6 choosing activities outside school 3 give in to and spoil your children
(e.g., sports, hobbies) 4 encourage and force vour children to do somethíng
f'flt\<"¡ r~¡ ·~oó~~\)C'l1f¡,
5 punish and sname solneone
2 Read the article. Work in pairs and 6 rebel against and disobey your parents
answer the questions (1-3).

e R u E L T o B E K I N D
to ('\1).\6e~féli~fffi/ ~\;¡¡;
1 1,10IA 1()(:!) ~\lé."' h \o ref;Jt O:.~~.i. f-
lm) 1'tl aY\C.O~cf0.91c7 WVV\.O!Nu'le '~~~ u;vtftN1c~ ~r"v\ Ufl "'l·uldve.~('f cl)r
tQ s h.oNv) ~ ~ OJ,Q,f~.<>\ -c.,DJ'>, 'I
1 º~..., 11) n ., )~ ~ \ rv e jO J
Is there a right way to bring up children? Sorne :::i ~ J But Chua sals that this is a more honest and direct approach. lf her
parents read books to find an answer, sorne child has been lazy, she says, she will punish them-that is the tiger
follow their instincts. Whatever they do, a doubt 30 mo~ay. In the same situation, other parents usually tell their
always remains: "When my children have grown children not to worry: lf they keep trying, they will do better next time.
5 up. will 1 have any regrets about my parenting?"
A strict routine of work before play, no TV or video games, plus
But "doubt" is not in the vocabulary of Amy constant nagging-it doesn't seem much fun for the children. But
Chua, a successful lawyer, professor, and author perhaps it works. Chua's daughters have..not.rebelled-against her.
of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, a guide to 35 --:rhey attend lw Leag.uJU_oll~ges now, and are proficient at violin
bringing up children. According to Chua, most Ga~iano. Chua is convinced that as long as she continues to push
10 mothers are too soft on their children. They them, they will have successful careers.
praise them for every effort, even if the result
is coming last in a race or playing a piano piece
badly. Often, when their children ask to go out
and play rather than do their homework, the
15 parents just give in to them.
The tiger mother's approach-described by
Chua as "the Chinese way"-is very different.
Tiger mothers accept nothing less than "A"
grades in every subject; if the child fails
20 to achieve this. it simply shows they have
not worked hard enough. Tiger mothers
encourage their children not wtth prais~t~
with punishment. "Unless you learntnis piano
pi~d her daughter, "I will donate
25 your doll house to charity." She even rejected
her daughter's homemade birthday card
because it had been drawn in a hurry.

Grammar zero and first~1 6 Look at the granunar box about time linkers. Circle -
the correct option to complete the rule below.
conditionals 1PfUJO~/ In a sentence about the future where two clauses are
l]ilii> ZERO and FIRST CONDITIONALS connected by a time linking word, we use a present /
Zero conditional
future verb form after the time linking word.
lf the child fails to achieve this, it simply shows they have 7 Look at the prompts. Write complete sentences about
not worked hard enough.
the future using appropriate verb forms.
When their children ask to go out and play rather than
do their homework, the parentsjust give in to them. 1 1 / go and get / sorne milk / before /
First conditional the store / close.
lf they keep trying, they will do better next time. 2 She / stay / in her current job / until / she /
lf her child has been /azy, she will punish them. find / a better one.
unless or as long as 3 She / meet / us / after / she / finish / work.
Unlessyou learn this piano piece, I will donate your do// 4 As soon as / everyone / board / the plane, /
house to charity. we / be / able to leave.
As long as she continues to push them, they will have 5 1 / have / to take the bus to work next week /
successful careers. while / the car / be / repaired.
For more information and practice, see page 168. 6 Dinner / be / ready for you / when / you /
get /home.
4 Look at the granunar box above. Work in pairs and 8 Circle the best options to complete the sentences.
answer these questions.
1 1'11 continue to live at home as long as/ until 1 find
1 Which tenses or verb forms are used in zero and a reasonably priced apartment to rent.
first conditional sentences? 2 My dad says he'll teach me how to drive
2 Which type of conditional do we use to talk while /as long as 1 pass all my exams.
about: 3 Unless / If you do as you're told, we won't be
, a a factor something that is generally true? going to the festival on Saturday.
b a particular possible future situation? 4 I'm sure you'll be able to watch the game
31 In which sentences can you use either if or when while / until you're waiting at the airport.
with a similar meaning? 5 1 think he'll change his mind about to college
4 How are the words as long as and unless different until / after he has had time to think about it.
in meaning from if? 6 Los Angeles is a great place to live be/ore/ if you
have a car and plenty of money.
5 Circle the correct options to complete these zero and
first conditional sentences. 9 Below are expressions commonly said by adults
1 If Charlie continues / will continue drinking soda either to or about children. Complete them in your
all the time, it will ruin/ ruins his teeth. own words. Then compare your sentences with a
2 Sorne children become / will become very confused partner.
if they ioon't / don't have an established routine. 1 "If you don' t finish your dinner, ... "
3 If a child will be/ is misbehaving, it will be/ is 2 "Children only appreciate how difficult it is to be
important to understand why. a parentwhen ... "
4 When parents will be/ are too strict, it is / will be 3 "If you do well in your exams, .. Y ..
natural for sorne children to rebel against them. 4 "It's fine for children to live at home until ... "
5 When I will have / have children, I will try / try to
be the kind of parent that praises, not punishes.

Grammar time linkers 1 O Work in small groups. Think of four traditional

rules of behavior that parents have given to
children. Then discuss which are still good rules,
and which you think are old-fashioned orno
Time linking words (when, as soon as, befare, after, longer appropriate.
while, until) can be used in sentences about the
future. "Don'i speak until you are spoken to." I think this rule is
Wheh my children have grown up, will I have any old-fashioned and wrong because if you tell your children
regrets about my parenting? noi to speak, they won't develop good communication
For more information and practice, see paqe 168. skills.

Unit 7 Customs and behavior 83

• 7b A matterof taste
1 Work in pairs. What is the strangest thing
you have ever eaten? Why did you eat it?
What did it taste like?

2 ~ Listen to an excerpt from a radio

program about the diet of the indigenous
people of northem Alaska. Work in pairs

and answe~ questions. A&. <.PQÁ.
\Q;,S 'IVl~cP OV\o_ \(V\0-('t. iff7". ¡f""¡;~
1 What kind of food forms their ~f 1. "'
traditional diet? whcl~~IA.buU
2 ·~~~ about their diet?
3 cid'Listen to the excerpt again. Circle
the correct option (a, b, or c) to complete
each sentence.
1 In less countries, people
don't eat so much meat.
. /a) well-off
15 cold
e populous Grammar usual/y, used to, would,
2 In northern Alaska, there aren't many
· available to eat.
be used to, a nd get used to
a dairy products ..... USUALLY, USED TO, WOULD, BE USED TO, and G.ET USED TO
~ small animals
usual/y + simple present
(!:) plants ~
3 The speaker has been told that whale
1 We usual/y eat fruit to get more vitsmin C. ~ 'l
skin is very _ used to + base form of the .verb
2 Heart conditions among Alaska Natives used to be about half
, a nutritious
the number in the wider population of North America'.°__
b delicious
'@ tough
3 They didn't use to have a so-cal/ed balanced diet. .s..
wou/d + base form of the verb
4 Harold Draper says that what 4 They wou/d cook the meat in sea/ oíl. J'L_
is important is eating the right
be used to + noun or -ing
G) nutrients
5 On the whole, we are used to eating a range of foods. L·
get used to + noun or -ing
-b foods
6 We have gotten used to eating certain foods in order to get each
c vitamins nutrient. ~
5 Since Alaska Natives have started
eating more processed foods, they have For more 'information and practice. see paqe 1"68.
had more problems.
~ health 5 Look at the sentences in the grammar box. Match the
b financial phrases in bold (1-6) with the descriptions below (a-e).
e social
a a repeated past action, habit, or situation that
4 Work in pairs. Are you surprised by the no longer happens (two phrases)
Alaska Native diet? Why or why not? Do · b "a repeated action or ha bit (not a state or situation) in
you think we should eat less processed the past
food? What would you miss most if this , c a habit or action that happens regularly or is generally
were the case? true
d something that seems or seemed normal (not strange or
"e a new thing that people adapt to or that becomes normal

6 Circle the correct options to complete the paragraphs
about eating habits.

fl1 Fifty years ago, people in the US 1~

got used to sitting down for meals'witntheir
families each evening. F ilies nowadays
2get used to eating / sually eat toget e no
b Work in pairs. Practice saying these words with
the /ju:/ sound (underlined).

C Clfl In these words, there is no /ji sound befare
more than three times a e , ecause busy lives, the /u:/ sound. Practice saying the words. Then
work, and lV get in the way. But it is believed listen and check. Which sounds come befare /u:/?
that if more families could 3be used to dining /
< g;t;;s@_ to tdin~g}a.Nether again, it would fruit ju ice June junior rule true
strengthen ami y relationships.

I] When 1 was young, 1 4was used to eating /

used t~ eat a lot of candy. Every Saturday,
my sister and 1 5would go / got used to going
to the store and spend our allowance on 1O Cll\il Work in pairs. Look at these food items. Put
chocolate, gum, and all kinds of things that each food item in the correct category in the chart.
were bad for our teeth. Then listen and check your answers. Think of two
more food items far each category.
7 Complete these sentences with usually, used to,
uiould, get used to, orbe used to. Where there is a mustard CUCYFReer Beef- lettttce
verb in parentheses, put it in the correct forrn, ~ ketchup lemb" mt;iesl+
raspbecties ~ ~e- 0tttter
1 We used to eat (eat) out a lot, but r
restaurants are so expensive these days that we
~~\e.. t ()..)\)'o~J r 1 e5
tQ..-\-NC.t 0m.Lvnbe..f
don't anymore. 1 Fruit and vegetables
2 I go to that café a lot. I U5uol\~ tJ'(d.~

' (arder) the salman when I go there.

2 Dairy products
3 I w.e.ct to ~~ (take) sugar in my b\.Ü1"ei/
coffee, but now I drink it without sugar. lt took V\IW..~S \i
a little while to ~itused to the taste, 3 Breakfast cereals
but now it feels normal.
4 When I was little, if I didn't sorne food on 4 Sauces ~(filos) VY\ l.ÁS tril d
my plate, I U\ec\ to Wck /wQUk\..~ide) it in my
napkin when no one was looking and put it in '\\}.Vl(l ~~f.
5 Meat and seafood \Q.Mb
my pocket.
5 When I was stayíng with my grandparents, we ~rn~-\-7truc.~
woll\ d_ \i\n.\JQ./W.W -to (have) dinner at (Qct\C'N 11 Fínd out about your classmates' eating habits. Ask
six o' dock every evening. It was strange,
three classrnates auestions about these areas and
because r~ed hi ea.fím,si (eat) dinner Wfiuid 1111 aJ1¿¡
ta ke no tes.~.o MI{ c.t.1" e.o{
muchlater. ( 1• .dJJ't .- l
• Meals: times, who they eat with, what they eat
8 Are any of the sentences in Exercise 7 true far you? • Fast food: how often and what
How is your experience different? Discuss with a • Fruit and vegetables: which and how much
partner. • Candy: which, when, and how often
' • Eating habits in general: have they changed?
9 Pronunciation/ju:/ and /u:/
12 Work in pairs. Compare your notes from
a Cl!D Look at the words in bold below. The Exercise 11 and make conclusions using usually,
letter u (underlined) is pronounced /ju:/. Listen to used to, and get used to.
the sentences and repeat.
Most people don't usually eat a big breakfast.
1 1 usually+eat a big breakfast. Mary used to eat dinner with her famíly every níght,
2 Did y~ yse to eat a big breakfast? but now she usually buys fast Jood.
3 I'm not ysed to eating a lot of meat. Scott is trying to get used to cooking far himself
t\ow D\I~ clO~l!l.U,_ ~oJ ~jt \'ººd.~º •,\01.1 \1.()1,,~ t-)'Üv.1 1\IVle ~w_ol) q

~ ht•\AA,. ~ v:J ~

Unit 7 Customs and behavior 85

• 7c Culturalconventions
Reading 7 Work in pairs. Look at these other questions that
the blog raises. Is there an answer to them in the
1 Work in pairs. Imagine you are ata job interview. blog? What are the answers?
Discuss what you would do.
1 Why do anthropologists seem to exaggerate
1 Clothes: dress professionally or casually? cultural differences?
2 Posture: sit forward or lean back? 2 Why do we need to be careful about making
3 Distance: be close to the interviewer or not? cultural comparisons?
4 Voice: speak loudly, softly, or confidently?
5 Eye contad: keep strong eye contact or not?
6 Body language: fold arms or keep hands
Word focus same and different
clown? 8 The expression with differf!n~e below is from the
blog. Complete the sentences (1-6) with the words
2 Read the-first paragraph of the blog. What do the
terms "personal space" and "turn-taking" mean?
same, different,or difference. Then compare answers
with a partner. Which two bold phrases mean the
3 Read the rest of the blog. Which of these statements same thing? Which two are complete opposites?
(a-e) best summarizes the author's findings about
In other words, the difference is minimal.
personal space and tum-taking?
G) There are cultural differences in these areas, but 1 We didn't fight! We just hada cll(;-1¡~'\Q'[\C{'. of
they are not significant.
2 1 don't mind where we eat tonight. It's all the
b More scientific evidence is needed to support
SOJY\..~ to me.
claims of cultural differences.
3 Being able to speak a language is one
c The differences in these areas are small, but
t in ; being_able to teach it is a completely
need to be resolved to improve communication
\ ·· matter.
between different cultures.
4 You say money' s not important, but if you were
Work in pairs. Answer these questions. poor, you'd be singing a d_~.{-~'íl:.fil tune.
5 Really, it makes nodt1.~1E'Y\('f'. to me where
1 What do you think is meant by "contact" and we stay. A youth hostel is fine.
"non-contact" cultures?
6 A jail and a prison are one and the
2 What <loes Edward Hall think we risk if we fail SO.JYY\e.. thing.
to understand differences in personal space?
3 According to the author, what is missing from
the research done so far into personal space? Speaking 14Ht1
4 What do the two stories about turn-taking in
Nordic countries tell us?
9 Work in pairs. Discuss the customs in your own
culture regarding personal space and tum-taking.
5 What is the average time that people anywhere
in the world take to respond in conversation? 1 O Look at this list of the most common first words
in tum-taking in English conversation. Which of
5 :iork: pairs. U~d~ri~e '."'ords or phrases in the these words do you most use in conversation? Tell
og t at mean t e o owmg: it:)\.ed
your partner. ·
1 made bigger than it really is (paragraph lY(Jü<j~Q_'{ ·
2 proof based on personal stories/ accounts Yeah Umm And Oh So
(paragraph 3)0..W~c~~ ~\J&;\i\.Lr(?, No Yes Well But You Right
3 a line on which we measure things
(paragraph 4) $\.().~t 11 Work in pairs. Have short conversations using
4 the usual way (paragraph 6)14 V\CJíf'\\ these opening questions and statements (a-e). Use
words in Exercise 10 to give you time to respond.
Critical thinking questionsand a Do all cultures smile to show they're happy?
answers b Do you use gestures a lot when you speak?
c You can tell a lot about people from their body
6 Work in pairs. What question does the author ask language.
at the start of the blog? What is his answer?

D Whenever 1 read about cultural differences in Anthropologistsalso give examples of big cultural
differencesin turn-taking. Nordic cultures (Denmark,
communícatlon, 1 always find myself asking if
these are real differences or something imagined Sweden, Norway, Finland) are reportedto have
or ,..8~9~~ed"' So recently, 1 decided 1 would 35 long delays between one turn and the next. One
5 investigate. 1 chose two areas-personal space and anthropologist describes offering coffee to a Swedish
turn-taking-to try to find out the truth. rpersonaL guest in his house. After a minute's silence, the offer
space means !Jow close we stand or sit next to was accepted. Another gives an account of two men
othfil peo~T~rn-takingref!;)rs to the rules of in Harne, Finland, walking to work one morning. The
c~sation-how long you SReak for and how long 40 first man says, "l lost my knife here yesterday." As ·
10 the other person waits before responding. ¡ they return home from work that evening, the other
El The idea that different cultures perceive space differently man asks, "What kind of knife was it?" Cultures at
the other end of the scale include Japanese, Korean,
was first investigated by an American anthropologist,
Edward Hall. He put the range for "personal distance" and Dutch. In Antig~xample,studies have
(family or close friends) at 45 cm to 1.2 m, and for 45 observed that speakers usually talk over one another,
15 "social distance" (colleagues, neighbors, etc.) at 1 .2 m with no delay at ali between turns.
to 3.5 m. Hall claimed that in "non-contact'' cultures However, scientific data shows that there is little
(the USA, northern Europe, parts of Asia), the distance cultural difference in the actual time delays in
is greater; in "contact" cultures (Latín America, the turn-taking. The typical pause across cultures
Middle East, southern Europe), it is smaller. He warned 50 is about 0.2 seconds. The maximum gap is
20 that not respecting the correct distance between 0.47 seconds (Danish), and the mínimum only
people could lead to misunderstanding or, worse, 0.07 seconds (Japanese). In other words, the
offense. He gave an example of an American at an difference is mínima!.
airport who finds a seat in an empty seating area. The
man feels uncomfortablewhen a Mediterranean-looking
How, then, do stories of exaggerated differences m
55 come about? One reason could be that when
man comes and sits right next to him. it comes to personal space and waiting for a
There is a lot of ~~tosupport claims of response, we are sensitive to any variation from
cultural differences, but little scientific evidence. While the the norm. But 1 suspect the main reason is that we
ranges for the amount of space we need seem sccurate, find con tasts entertaining. There is nothing wrong
the actual amount depends on many more factors than 60 with that, but we must be cautious when we make
30 just cultural background: the age of the people, gender, comparisons and keep in mind that our similarities
where they live, social position, and personaíty are, in fact, much greater than our differences.

Unit 7 Customs and behavior 87

• 7d Wedding customs
Vocabulary weddings
lt takes place a few .nights before the wedding .
..... WORDBUILDING word pairs
lt marks the Íast evening that a bride spends .
Sorne words make a matching pair. lt symbolizes the end of life as a single person .
bride and groom, host and guest lt's traditionalicustomary for this to be done by ...
Typically, /As a rule,/ Usually, the womenfrorn ...
For more practice, see Workbook page 59.
Describing the sequence of events
The ceremony begins with the .
1 Look at these words and phrases related to Then, ... / After that, ... / Next, I Finally, ...
weddings. Match them with their definitions After/Once the bride's head has been ...
(1-6). While this is happening, the guests ...
On the morning of the wedding, ...
bride groom bachelorette party
reception veil bachelor party
4 ClliJ Work in pairs. Retell the stages of the ceremony
(from Exercise 3) using the expressions for describing
1 a p;re-~~dding party for the man traditions. Then listen to the complete description
10eitvlQ.,\ox- Wij again and compare your version.

5 Pronunciation the letter s

a CliEJWork in pairs. Listen to these words. How is the

4 a woman on her wedding day underlined s pronounced in each word: Is/, lz/, or /3/?
5 a man on his wedding day custorn dre~ friends rnusic occasion
. ~ \()() \{\/\
pleasure suppose spends weddinqs
6 a piece of thin cloth that covers the
woman's face _\J_Q.).-'-.--'\'--------- b CllD Work in pairs. How do you think the i:mderlined
'-./ ~\ \
s is pronounced in these words? Listen and check.
Real life describing traditions
declsíon eastern lose plans
2 Cl(g Work in pairs. Listen to the first part ring~ ~ingle surprige usual
of a description of a traditional pre-wedding
"henna night" in eastem Turkey. Who attends 6 What special events or customs take place before,
the event, and how is it celebrated? during, or after a wedding in your country? Choose
one tradition and prepare a description. Think about:
3 Cll'mListen to the second part of the
• the timing of the event and its significance.
description. Number the stages of the
• the sequence of the events.
ceremony in the correct order (1-5).
7 Work in small groups. Describe the event or custom
A child presents the hennaed coin to the
you chose to your group members.
The bride's head is covered with a red
The bride's hands and feet are decorated
A gold coin is put into the remaining
henna, and the guests sing separation
The herma is prepared by the daughter
of another couple.

7e Fireworks festival
Writing a description 3 Writing skill adding detail
a When you write a description, it is important to
1 Work in pairs. Read the description below of a
festival. What does the description say about each of add interesting details. Work in pairs and answer
these things? these questions.

a the name and date of the festival 1 What details does the writer add about
b the reason for the festival these things?
e the main attraction at the festival
the beginning of spring the ninot statues
d other activities that take place
the people from real life the celebrations
e the high point of the festival
2 How are the details added: with adjectives, with
2 Read the description again. Underline all the an explanation, with a list, or with examples?
adjectives used to describe the festival. What overall
impression do you think the writer wants to give? b Work in pairs. Add details to the description of
Discuss with a partner. a music festival, using the guide in parentheses.
1 In the middle of the park, there is a ... stage.
Las Fallas-or the "Festival of fire"-in Valencia, (adjectives to describe the stage)
Spain, is one of the most unusual and exciting 2 People then make their way to the main
festivals in the world: a joyful mixture of parades, square, ... (list of activities while making their
music, food, and fireworks. lt takes place every way, e.g., singíng)
year between March 15th and 19th, and marks the 3 There are all kinds of foods to eat, such as ...
beginning of spring-a time when everything bad is (examples)
burned to welcome in the new season. 4 The festival takes place in mid-July, a time
The focus of the festival is extraordinary statues when ... (explanation)
called ninots-many as tall as houses-made of
cardboard, wood, and plaster. The ninots often poke
4 Write a description of a festival you know
fun at people from real life, like politicians and well. Start with the basic facts (use the ideas in
celebrities, and are placed at different points all Exercise 1) and then add more interesting details.
around the city. Each ninot is judged for its creative
5 Exchange descriptions with a partner. Use these
deslgn, and prizes are gíven to the winners.
questions to check your partners description.
During the festival, people celebrate in the streets,
drinking, eating paella (the traditional local dish), • Does the description include the date of the
and watching fireworks. Late in the evening on March festival, its significance, its high point, and the
18th, young men cut holes in the ninots and stuff activities people do?
them with fireworks. Then at exactly midnight comes • Does the description give you a strong overall
the clímax of the festival, when all the ninots across impression of the festival?
the city are set on tire in one spectacular burning • Does it include interesting details?
ceremony. lt is a unique, and very noisy, display. • After reading the description, would you like
to go to the festival?

Unit 7 Customsand behavior 89

Befare you watch
1 Match the names of the insects with the photos
(A-F). What do you know about each insect?

caterpillar A cockroach ~ cricket~

3 You are going to watch a video about eating
insects. Work in pairs. Discuss the answers to
these questions before you watch.
Which regions or continents include insects in
their diets?
2 Is eating insects a new trend?
mealworm _Q_ rnosqulto X.. fly __b_
3 Why is producing insects better for the
environment than producing meat?
4 Are insects nutritious?

While you watch

4 1 CWJI Watch the video and check your answers
from Exercise 3.

S Work in pairs. Try to remember the insects that

you saw in these foods.
1 apples covered with Mleo.Q.~tf 1.1\..S
2 a lollipop with a C§\ck'.._<l in it
3 a cocktail made with ci\c\.(f ..\s , not
4 a banana and cream dessert with a
ITT.K.'fOQ.c \/\ on top
1 Cl'll Look at these questions. Then watch the
video again and take notes. Check your answers
with a partner.

1 How long has Larry been trying to get

Americans to eat insects?
2 According to Larry, why do most Americans
not like eating insects?
3 How many species of insects are eaten around
the world?
4 What does one of Larry's dinner guests want to
know about the cockroach on his plate?

2 Key vocabulary
After you watch
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-4). The words
in bold are used in the video. Guess the meaning 7 Vocabulary in context
of the words.
a 1 Cl'J'I Watch the clips from the video. Choose
1 The chef [amie Oliver is an advocate for the correct meaning of the words and phrases.
healthy eating for kids.
2 She served the fish with a simple garnísh of herbs. b Complete these sentences in your own words. Then
3 There is a niche market for sugar-free share your sentences with a partner.
chocolate. 1 . . . is anything but new.
4 Avocado ice cream? That sounds revolting. 2 1 can't stomach ...
3 My friend disagreed with me about ... , but I
b Write the words in bold in Exercise 2a next to their
was able to win him/her over by saying ...
definitions (a-d).
a serving a small group \t\,\UA.~ 8 Would you eat the meals shown in the video? Why
b som~o~ who speaks in favor of something or why not? Discuss with your partner.
Q º'"'\JuLo:J;r
c disgusting í~\.JO t i1M:J
d a small amount of food used for· decoration
C-\ CJ1 V\i__s V\

Unit 7 Customsand behavior 91

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Circle the correct options to complete the 5 Complete these rules of good behavior. Reorder the
description. letters of the words in parentheses.
1 Don't tli\t~ffll!P \' others. (rupterint)
lf ~edto eat I 2 Try not to ~1-o.f\Q, atpeople, (estra)
ar JCo;,,e_aJ{iJi;J,lunch in 3 Don't speak when you are Ct\G:YJ1"V'fl
the middle of the day and
food. (whingec)

dinner around ~:30 .m., 4 ·show\CD/15\'ho'fl to others. (isticonaroned)

then you 2gett ·1 I ge a 5 Be aware of other people's 1JX?J'~
shock if you o t rgentina. space. (nosapler)
Lunch 3 ually take I
is used to ta ing place at 6 ml+¡j:i Work in pairs. Cross out the word or phrase
around 2 p.m., and dinner that doesn't belong in each group and explain why.
after 9 p.m. 1~ bring up look after raise
But it's not just eating times 2 encourage s a praise reward
that are different. l'\0 . 3 beef e ees goa t lamb
in England, 1 4 sed to eat 4~ raspberries apple banana
didn't use to eat a big 5 °'-bride uest groom -@
breakfast, very li~le ch,
and then 1 5 wif/
. - wour ave
a reasonablybig supper talk about parenting and behavior
when 1 got home from talk about food and ea_t_in..:g""h_a_b_it_s
work. Here, breakfast is just
coffee anda piece of toast, and lunch is ~Q;::Q.eal.
\ IOf'M ~o.~slf\~1N\.jc\i\l\C\ A0 ~t ·~Mili~
And the meat! 1 don't think 1'11 ever 6 ~fg)¡ Real life
get used to eating so much meat. ~~uknow, when 7 Match the sentence beginnings (1-6) with the
you eat a big lunch, you generally7f{f;;:;JI feels pretty endings (a-f) to make sentences about a
sleepy afterward. The answerto that rs to take a short corning-of-age tradition.
nap or "siesta" in the afternoon. Actually, in Buenos
Aires,_t e traditional siesta is notas common as it 1 It marks __
~ u .e to bein. used t? be, but you still find 2 It takes place _
~pte-rrrth rovmcestakinq them. 3 lt's customary for __
4 The ceremony begins __
5 Typically, _
2 What are four things that the writer finds strange 6 Once the child _
about eating habits in Argentina? Tell a partner.
a people to give presents to the child.
3 Complete this sentence with the verb in b the moment when a chíld becomes an adult.
parentheses. Use one of the grammatical forms c the child stands up and gives a short speech.
from the description in Exercise l. d with the parent and chíld entering the hall.
. --t>O.ttiEM. e has given their speech, other people can also
My parents never wasted food. Often, we
say a few words.
woutd eati~ (eat) leftovers from the day before.
f on the child's sixteenth birthday.
4 mef¡l:i·Write two similar sentences with blanks
about your own pastor present eating habits. Then
8 f>iM:i Work in pairs. Take turns describing
a special celebration in your country. Use the
work in pairs. Ask your partner to complete the
sentence beginnings (1-6) from Exercise 7.
describe a (traditional) celebration
use usual/y, used to, wou/d, be used to, and
get used to
use the zero and 'first conditionals and time linking

Unit 8 Hopes and ambitions

FEATURES 1 Look at the photo and the caption. Find two wishes you like ..

94 Rise of the rocket girls 2 CfZi Listen to someone speakíng about this wall. Work in ¡::\l'\QV\c..iOJ
pairs. What are sorne examples of things that people write? \ (IQ\'..'í:t\i\.c.lQ.l'l(
The team that guided
NASA's spacecraft 3 Complete the sentences (1-3) with these synonyms of the
words in bold.
96 1 wish 1 could ...
ambition goal hope
Superpowers that people
wish they had
1 Our aim r-~oo.\ / target is to raise $10,000 for charity,
2 Her OvVV\O \ti V'\ / dream is to be a professional dancer.
98 Saving Madagascar 3 My parents' wish / ~ / expectation was that
Hopes and fears for I would study medicine in college.
Madagascar' s environment
4 CfZi What verbs did the speaker use in these phrases? Listen
102 What would you do if again and complete the phrases with the verbs you hear.
money didn't matter? 1 the dreams they' d like to COW\.Q true
A video about people's true 2 goals that are easy to .chrniP Qe,WQ.UQ_=:_ ~{2,t , \
ambitions 3 people wanting to \.\~ up to other people's ; ~>{..\O'Qf\eq
expectations of them .
4 sorne people will u.\~\\\ their ambitions and sorne
V\Qter ~ c!.Qcl)
5 Work in pairs. What are your hopes, goals, and ambitions?
How easy do you think they will be to achieve?

• 8a Rise of the rocket gir ls
Reading mD
1 Look at the title of the artícle and the photo.
Rise of the rocket girls
Discuss these questions with a partner. Then read Everyone knows Buzz Aldrin, the famous astronaut.
the article and check your answers. But how many of us have heard of Eleanor Francis
Helin, an engineer behind numerous successful NASA
1 Who do you think the rocket girls were, and
space missions? Helin was part of a group of female
what did they do?
5 mathematicians working at NASA's Jet Propulsion
2 What do you think their ambition was?
Lab (JPL) in the 1960s. Nathalia Holt, the author
2 Read the article again. Work in pairs. Correct the of a book about these women-known as "rocket
underlined words below using words from the girls"-says, "lf they hadn't worked on the lunar
article to make these sentences true. project, 'man' would not have reached the moon."

1 The men who flew to the moon were more 10 The rocket girls started out at JPL in the 1950s,
ta-1/\f\.o v..) experienced than the women engineers and having answered a job advertisement saying
mathematicians who helped them get there. "Computers needed." They were called computers
111,,A_. A~~ In the 1950s, computers" were machines who
11 because, before today's digital devices, you needed
• vvv vvV1¿1·~ did mathematical calculations. humans to do mathematical calculations. And
3 As time went on, the rocket girls started 15 the calculations had to be extremely accurate.
~t'ºJ5rogramming actual scientists. lf someone had made the smallest mistake, a
~t,Qx.~b\.R. 4 The rocket girls worked fixed hours at the lab. spacecraft bound for the moon would still be
, 5 The author Nathalia Holt hopes that we will traveling somewhere in outer space today, having
~'i'.)\NW;Q.~ see more women astronauts in the future. missed its target entirely.
i 20 The rocket girls went from being "computers" to
Word focus make and do becoming the lab's first computer programmers
and engineers. One of the group's early leaders,
3 Look at the article again. Underline three expressioris Macie Roberts, made the decision to hire only
with the word make and two expressions with the women, and this policy continued for the next thirty
word do. Then circle the correct options to complete 25 years. They brought in many women who wanted
the sentences below. to be engineers but didn't have the necessary
qualifications. lf anyone tried to employ only r'nen
1 We usually use make ;'@)to describe
performing a repetitive task or an obligation. or only women today, they wouldn't be allowed to.
But Roberts made the work environment at the lab
2 We usu~lly us~/ do to describe producing
30 special. The women formed close relationships and

3 We use , -a . =:
or creat~som~g.
an object pronoun
worked flexible hours to help each other balance
home and professional lives. At the same time, they
(e.g., so mg, ii, that).
felt they were doing something really valuable. As
4 Circle the correct verbs to complete these sentences. a result, many women stayed on working at JPL for
35 thirty or forty years .
... k~an Ido/ ~ka suggestion? Why don't we
~'' take turns t!{!_m / making the housework? Holt says that if there were more women engineers
2 I want to~ ,make something to help them: today, she probably wouldn't have written the
sorriething that will really do / {{JifI) a difference. book. She hopes that the rocket girls will now get
3 I've done/~ a note of all the things we need the recognition they deserve, and inspire a new
to set up and all the shopping we need to 40 generation of fema le engineers.
@!make before the party.
4 Their business is struggling. They're
8 /making e~e· thing
r they can, but they're
still not doing / aki g a profit.
5 I'm taking a ver · teresting evening class
at the college.jmd I've done/ Ssome
good friends there,

Grammar second, third, and;,q_,'J()) 4 If 1 were better at mathematics, 1 would have

mixed conditionals tV' studied physics in college.

at mathematics, so I
physics in college.
Second conditional 7 Work in pairs. Form conditional sentences using
1 _ lf anyone tried to emp/oy on/y men or only women the information in these sentences (1-6). Notice the
today, they wouldn't be allowed to. time of each action or situation and result.
Third conditional 1 We live a long way from the city, so we don't
2 lf these women hadn't worked on the lunar project, see our friends very often.
"man" would not have reached the moon.
2 1 really didn't understand the movie, so I
Mixed second + third conditional walked out before the end.
3 lf there were more women engineers toda y, she 3 I'm not used to the cold weather, so 1 had to
probably wouldn't have written the book.
put on an extra sweater.
Mixed third + second conditional 4 Taking a vacation is expensive because we have
4 lf someone had made a mistake, the spacecraft would
three children.
still be somewhere in outer space today.
5 She did well on her law exams. Now she's
For more information and practice, see page 170. working for a top legal firm.
6 1 didn't call you back becauseI was waiting for
5 Look at the grammar box. Circle the correct another call.
options to complete these explanations.
8 Pronunciation contracted or weak forms
1 Sentence 1 describes a situation in the
~~re / past. It refers to a(n) a Clll Complete these conditional sentences.
real possíbility / íftJ!!.gined s~n. Then listen and check your answers. Notice how
2 In sentence 2, the if-clause describes an the missing words are pronounced: as contracted
imaginary situation in the preseni /@Ji. forms or as weak forms.
The result it describes is in the present !(f!.!J 1 If the rent VJQ_,11~ cheaper, 1 _"'_&_,___ _
3 In.sentence 3, the if-clause describes an
take the apartment.
imaginary situation in the ti§n't-/ past.
2 Wha t would yo u ho-1\/'Q. done if
The result it describes is in thé present !®t.
you 'Q ~V'\ me?
4 In sentence 4, the if-clause describes an ·
3 So sorry: If 1 'd known you were here,
imaginary situation in the present@. 1 ;d \rvCMJe asked Jo to get you a coffee.
The result it describes is in th~t /past. 4 If she l!\I0-0 stayed in college,
6 Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-4). What type she 'ci: now be a fully qualified
of conditional sentences are they? Complete the journalist.
descriptions of the actual situations and the results.
b Work in pairs. Practice saying the sentences from
1 If 1 were on a spaceship traveling to Mars, 1 Exercise 8a.
would be worried that 1 might never come
back. 9 Complete these sentences in your own words.
This is a second conditional sentence. Then compare your sentences with a partner.
1 am not on a spaceship traveling to Mars, so I'm 1 If 1 hadn't hada good English teacher, perhaps 1 ...
not worried that I might never come back. 2 If 1 were moreambitious, perhaps 1 .
2 If sorne, of the engineers had been men, there 3 If 1 had studied instead of ,1 .
wouldn't have been such a special working 4 If I hadn't rnet , 1 wouldn't .
None of the engineers _
so a special working
environment. 1O Work in pairs. Think of one friend' or family
3 If 1 had read Nathalia Holt's book, 1 would mernber who has achieved their ambition and one
know all the facts about the rocket girls. who has changed their arnbition. Describe what
I Nathalia Hólt's book, has happened to them using at least two
so 1 all the facts about the if-sentences.
rocket girls.
If my moiher hadn't taken evening classes when we
were young, she wouldn't be a nurse now.

Unit 8 Hopes and ambitions 95

• Sb 1 wish 1 could • • •
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photos and captions
of the National Geographic Explorers on the left.
What do you think each job involves? Do any of
the jobs interest you? Why or why not?

.... WORDBUILDING noun suffixes

We use certain suffixes when we talk about people who
do particular jobs: -er, -or, -isn, -ist, -ent, e.g., filmmaker,
actor, politicían, scíentist, accountant.
Nowadays, we tend not to distinguish so much between
male and fema le workers. For example, we say police
officer rather than policeman or policewoman; or we use
the male term for female roles, e.g., actor (not actress).

For more practice, see Workbook page 67.

2 Look at the wordbuilding box. What are the job

names from these verbs and nouns?
1 electricity Q. c.Ú:lll)
2 econornics QC.ÜV\0 M\st
3 to bake \no \<'Clí
4 to fight fires f-13\t\.i-elf .f-\([f
5 law \0..WN'2..'(
6 to translate °Tl(l~)f6tQt-e'(
7 history ~\s-tú'íl0.:0 .
8 reception fQC'<-if&101r\\S-\-
9 library \\DlfC\lf\1{JI/\
10 to consult about business \2)$.)'\S,\u.._®fu

3 lmJ The eight explorers in Exercise 1 were asked

this question: "If you could have a superpower,
whatwould it be?" Listen and take notes on which
superpower each explorer wanted.

4 lmJ Listen to the explorers again and complete

these sentences (1-8).
If I had this power, ...
1 I could see the world in the CTO-l·~1 way.
2 I could see the bigger 'P 1 e!, ·vlí \;
3 I could make 2eople magically
v. v\ ós:_lf stca..Y\~ me.
4 people couldn't se_e_ me.
5 it would have saved me a lot of oJ
í .l\J\J\\~
6 I' d go and listen to what people were saying in
the \A'l hA K ~
- 7 1 would like to be able to turn [my power]
' ij/\ (\_\(\ d IOH- .
8 that would be an QuJ~Sl()VY¡ e_ superpower.

5 Work in pairs. What superpower would you like to

have? What would you do if you had this power?

Grammar wish and if only
wísh / íf only + past tense ~ ~\f\.,f
1 I wish I had the abili"ty to make people magica/ly
understand me.
4 Jerry wishes he ·IA.óx:ivd- ~.()tr\.,Q (not,' go)
out last night. He's too tire to work today.
5 I wish the builders next door
womd stop (stop) making so much
noise. I can't concentrate.
6 She has ~ amazing voice. If only I
wish / if only + could + baseform of the verb
tou..Lcl S ! Y1j (can/ sing) like that!
2 lf on/y / could turn anything into any kind of food I ead the notes in the box below. Then complete
he sentences (1-4) using the words in parentheses
wishl if only + past perfect tense 1po.s\ as a guide.
3 / wísh /'d had that power ear/ier in my career.
wish / if only + someone(or something) + would + Note that in affirmative sentences, we often use a
baseform of the verb comparative form.
4 Sometimes you wish other people would get what / wish (something) were more ...
you're trying to say. In negative sentences, we often use not so + adjective.
5 I wish they'd stop looking at me in that confused way! / wish (something)weren't so ... ·
For more information and practice, see page 170.
1 Marta is very homesick. She wishes her mom
~f~'í\·+ S() ,\-O'fú.UJW, (not /be/ faraway),
6 Work in pairs. Look at the grammar box. Are these
statements true (T) or false (F)? If the statement is 2 1 wish the weather . \JJO'(fv,\.J~( ·
false, correct it. (be/ warm).
3 1 love Tokyo. 1 just wish it
1 The speakers in sentences 1 and 2 T €) were. .clt\t=Q~'Q' 1 ,· (be/ cheap).
are talking about a past situation. 4 I wish the builders next door
2 If only in sentence 2 has a weaker Te!) \}Je_'[Q.lfft S() Y\O'IS,!j (not / be / noisy).
meaning than wish.
3 The speaker in sentence 3 is T@ 10 Pronunciation lf/ and /tf/
italking about a present situation.
4 'The speaker in sentences 4 and 5 ~F a CllllfllListen to six words. Circle the word you
is talking about a present situation. hear.
5 The speaker in sentences 4 and 5 F
wants someone else to act to
4@ chin
5 wash
change the situation. ~
6 shoes
~ircle the correct verb forros to complete this
b Work in pairs. Take turns saying one word from
ldr~rson's wishes. each word pair in Exercise lüa. Your partner
"I wish 1 1 ~ / uiould haue a superhuman memory. should decide which word they hear.
ou could say that would be abad thing because
ou' d remember ali the things you wish you
didn't do/~ or ali e missed opportunities
Speaking QijHtj
/;ou wish 3 you took/ u d tak . Your life would
11 Work in pairs. Choose one of these situations or
~ be full of regrets. But 1 don't mean that 1 wish I your own idea.
'\ 4 remember / ememb ed everything; 1 just wish 1
5 aula remember would remember the things 1 didn' t • a new job you have just started
want to forget, like names, dates, and interesting • a new hobby or class you have just started
facts." 1 Make a list of all the potential problems
(e.g., the boss shouts at everyone all the time,
~Complete the sentences (1-6) with the correct form the work is boring).

f the verbs in parentheses. . 2 Make at least five wishes about the situation.
I wish I l.Aad l. OO'f Yl eg (learn) to play a Use each of the forms in the grammar box at
musical instrument when I was younger. least once.
1 Marta is very homesick. She wishes her mom I wish my boss would stop shouting at everyone.
-\ \J\J.Q.,'\Q./woJ, (bfü here with her. · If only the work were more interesting.
, 3 I wish the weather ' ex'¬vy f , (not / be)
so cold. Then we could eat outside. ) 12 Work with a new partner. Compare your wishes
t lAO ( í .Í (X f2-¬ --stJ0
' from Exercise 11. Were any of your ideas the same?

Unit 8 Hopes and ambitions 97

• Se Saving Madagascar
Reading Critical thinking emotive
1 Work in pairs. What do you know about the language
island of Madagascar: its people, its landscape,
its wildlife, its industry?
4 When writers feel very strongly about an issue,
they often use strong or emotive language. Work
2 Work in pairs. Read the article and answer the in pairs. Find the emotive words or phrases that
questions. describe the following things.
1 Which of Madagascar's natural resources is the 1 how special a place Madagascar is
author most worried about? (paragraph 1)
2 How is this resource collected, and where <loes 2 what abad state the island is in
it go from there? (paragraphs 2 and 6)
3 How is Olivier Behra saving Madagascar's 3 how strongly ecologists feel about the situation
natural resources and making money at the (paragraph 3)
same time? Give a few examples. 4 how impressive the hardwood trees are
(paragraph 4)
3 Circle the correct option (a, b, or c) to complete 5 how tough the work of cutting trees is
each sentence. (paragraph 5)
1 Most people in Madagascar are __ . 6 how badly rosewood trees are being treated
(fa\ very poor (paragraph 5) ·
'o' very sad about their situation 5 Do you think the writer's argument is strengthened
e becoming more politically active by using this kind of language? Or would it be
2 To grow crops, Madagascans had to __ . better to give a more objective argument? How
: a clear the forest carefully
® set fire to the forest
would you rewrite the first paragraph to make it
more objective? Discuss with a partner.
e get government permission
3 As president, Marc Ravalomanana was
particularly concerned about __ . Vocabula.ry and speaking
@ protecting the environment
b promoting tourism strong feelings iij!(1
e improving international relations
6 Replace the words and phrases in bold below with
4 A change in the law allowed people to __ .
these emotive words from the article.
a cut clown hardwood trees
b camp near hardwood trees alarrrréd back-breaking bleak
re:; sell wood from fallen hardwood trees majéstfc untque deltght
5 'Por many Madagascans, cutting clown
rosewood trees is __ . 1 A lot of effort is being made to preserve this
a easy and quick work individual place. ( \,l\l\ \cyue_J
b necessary to make furniture 2 You could see her pleasure when she was told
1E) against their beliefs she had gottenthe job{de.\,i9l:it)
6 Other lighter trees are cut clown to __ .
a build big ships
3 1 was worríed by the news that he was il!. (QtQVVY]-Q c0
4 You get a beautiful view of the tall and elegant
· b make medicines mountains. ~ VY\O\Q-~t\c) -,
© transport the rosewood 5 Clearing the garden was really physical and .
7 The forest offers locals other ways to make tiring work. \ \)Q~-~\€.@.K\VLj)
money, such as __ . 6 With no prospect of a job, the future for many
a developing new medicines young people looks hopeless. ( \cl,e.ok)
@) taking tourists on guided walks
c exporting flowers 7 Think of a place that is very special and that you
hope will be protected (e.g., a local green space or
a traditional community). Write a short description
of it (100-150 words) using emotive language.
Then read your description to a partner.

At over 500,000 square kilometers, Madagascar is The locals are caught in a trap. Poverty and the high
1 value of rosewood-$3,000 per cubic meter-have driven
the world's faurth largest island. Although all islands
have their own unique ecosystems, nature has given them to cut down trees they traditionally believed to be
Madagascar incredible riches. Roughly ninety percent of sacred.3 lt is dangerous and back-breaking work. In a few
5 its animal and plant life 40 hours, they can bring down a that has stood tall
is faund nowhere else far many centuries. Then they cut the trees into two-
on the planet. lts carrot- meter logs and drag them severa! kilometers to the
shaped baobab trees and nearest rlver, Rosewood trees are not the only victims.

M ad a g a Sea r
strange-looking lemurs
1o make even the most well- ~~:r:ee;v~0r::en~~:

traveled visitar wide-eyed logs down the nver,

with amazement and rafts4 must be built
delight. from other wood. To make each raft, tour or five líghter
trees are cut down. All this disturbs the natural habitat of
But the island's beauty hides its desQerate situatiQD. The
50 the islands' animals and puts their survival at risk.
15 average Madagascanlives on only a dallar a day, although
you would not guess this from their cheerful optimism. What can bring hope to this bleak landscape?One man's
Moreover, since the first humans arrived in Madagascar work may offer a possible route out ofthe darkness. Olívíer
around 2,300 years ago, nearly ninety percent of the Behra, who first came to Madagascar from France in 1987,
island's original farest has been lost-either cut down believes that the only solution is to give local people
20 far use as timber, or burned to create room far crops or 55 economic alternatives. He has persuaded the locaIs to stop
cattle. cutting down trees in the Vohimana farest, and instead,
to collect medicinal plants to sell to fareign companies.
Alarmed ecologists identified Madagascar as a region in
Meanwhile, he has trained the village lemur hunter
danger and d'e~ded that the cuttíng and burning stop.
to act as a guide far tourists who wísh to photograph
In 2002, a new environmentally friendly president, Marc
60 lemurs. The same tourists also .pay to visit the wild orchid
25 Ravalomanana, was elected. But seven years later, he was
conservatory that Behra has set up. Can small-scale
actions líke this compete with Madagascar's rosewood
The new government made it legal to sell wood from industry? Or wíll the government's promise to stop the
hardwood1 trees that had already been cut down or illegal trade in rosewood come to anything? Only time
had fallen during storms. But it struggled to control the 65 will tell.
30 loggers2 who contínue to rob the farests of wood from
living trees. The main targets ofthis environmental crime 'hardwood (n) /'ho:rd,wud/ a type of strong, hard wood
are the rosewood tree and the ebony tree. The wood from from certain slow-growing trees, e.g., rosewood, ebony,
these majestic trees is in high demand: to make expensive and mahogany
2logger (n) /'logar/ a person who cuts down trees (as a job)
furniture, or as a valued material in the manufacture of
3sacred (adj) /'se1knd/ having important religious significance
35 musical instruments.
•raft (n) /ro:ft/ a platform, often with no sides, used as a boat
• 8d Choices
Real life discussing preferences
1 Work in pairs. Which of these things are you
generally choosy or picky about (careful about
choosing)? Which are you easygoing about?
• the food you eat • the clothes you wear
• the movies you • the people you
watch spend time with

2 Clflil Listen to four short conversations. Complete

the choices given by the first speaker in each
conversation. Write which is the second speakers
preference (1 or 2) and why.

Choice Preference Rea son

1 1 drive s. feels tired

2 be driven

2 1 pasta _1_ ¡lmJtfSXM1~l1

2 jQl'.9"Qu:f~gdJ\U.\I\ {-<lu'' fº~g
3 1 walk in old town _A_ hl,\ VW\~
. 2~() ~ \!'v\M';,~j\Jf/Y\ IJ.!)~WJ 5 Complete these questions with the correct forro of
the verbs in parentheses.
4 1 Matt Damon mo~ --9... more fun
2 ~¡e ~~~::N 1 Would you prefer W ~~ (have)
noisy neighbors or nosy neighbbrs?
2 Would you rather people ·--'·~~_._e _
3 Clflil Work in pairs. Try to complete the (gíve) yo~ é\tl honest opinion about your work
expressions for discussing preferences. Then listen or 8D..\<2>\ (say) something nice
to the conversations again and check your answers. about it? ,
3 Dó you prefer . .C\.~J' \('1\5 (give)
1111- DISCUSSING PREFERENCES presents or (QCQ,\\QN\({) (receive) them?
In general
4 Would you rather .te, (be)
1 prefer driving 1 1D being a passenger. talented and V\iS\ ~ (not /be)
famous, or --¡0-fO:~~.,.__~--(have) fame
1 like simple food 2
l:N\(){ Q_ ~ \i\0.11 spicy food.
without being talented?
On a specific occasion
l'd .rather 3 . V\ill °'\)
'..1 \.)
to a museum.
5 Wouldyou rather your parents
3~'-'Q (give) you a lot of money,
l'd rather you • (A 'f\l\f<Q. , if you don't mind.
or would you prefer j;\J <?Of~ (earn)
lf it s \)\) etQ.. up to me, I' 6 W 01.A.ld say
let's g'o to the festival. .\
it i}'~mrselft:' ~(;' \ , .
lf~f'-~ r 70 S"?. ~r:1'. \J\...GIO·'llh..
1 think that 7 \NOvJu, probably be more fun. t 6 Work in pair{T~e turns asking and answerlng the
OK. l'd prefer 8
±-n do that, too. ' questions in Exercise 5. Give reasons for your answers.

7 Think of choices or possibilities for the following

4 Pronunciation do you, wou/d you situations. Then work in pairs and have short
conversations like the ones in Exercise 2. Take turns
CfD Listen to these sentences. Notice how the being the first speaker.
pronunciation of the words in bold becomes merged.
Practice saying the sentences in the same way. • something to do on the weekend
• something to eat tonight
1 Do you prefer coffee or tea? • somewhere to go on vacation
2 Would you rather eat out tonight?
3 Would you rather he stayed at home?

Se A wish for change
Writing an online comment 3 Work in paírs. How is the online comment
organized? In which paragraph(s) (1-3) can you
1 Work in paírs. Do you read the comments after find the following?
online articles or blogs? Why or why not? Have
a examples that illustrate the problem __
you ever written a comment on another person's
b a recommendation or request for action __
article or blog?
e a reference to the article it is commenting on __
2 Work in paírs. Read the online comment below. d a summary of the problem __
Answer the questions.
4 Word focus better
1 Who wrote the comment, and what were they
responding to? Work in pairs. Underline the phrases in the online
2 Why did they write the comment? comment that use the word better. Match the
3 Do you find the comment persuasive? Why or phrases with theír definitions (a-e).
a ( of a person) have enough sense not to do
something _
•• < >
b be in an improved situation (often
Comments • Community Profile financially) _
c be more useful or desirable
1 comment
Laura Torres (Energy services advisor) 5 Writing skill giving vivid examples
D Thanks for a great blog post and for drawing a Work in pairs. What <loes the writer say about
attention to ali the waste in hotels: overheated lights and towels in the fírst paragraph to illustrate
rooms, lights that are left on ali night, towels her argument?
that are used once and then sent to the laundry.
b Find five more examples of energy waste in the
But why stop with hotels? ltwould be better to
second paragraph.
mention all the other examples of unnecessary
waste in modern lite. 6 Work in pairs. Look at this list of things that annoy
sorne people about modern life. Complete the
fJ Every morning, 1 walk down the street past stores phrases to say what is annoying about each thing.
with doors wide open, blowing hot air into the
• magazines that ...
street. At night, 1 walk home past fully-lit o~e
magazines thai are [ull of news about celebrities
· buildings, after the workers have already left; and • trains tha t ...
past enormous flashing screens where advertisers • cell phones that .
try to outdo their competitors. At the supermarket, • TV shows about .
1 take my frozen vegetables from a freezer that • supermarket food that ...
is completely open. My children leave their • apps that ...
computers on when they go out and their phone
chargers plugged in with no phone on the other
end (though of course they should know better).
7 Imagine you have read an article about one of
items in Exercise 6. Write a short online
oomment (120-150 words) on it.
IJ What can we do about it? Just wishing that 8 Work in paírs. Exchange comments and compare
people would act more responsiblyis not enough. what you have written. Use these questions to
We would be better off if we were torced to act. check your comments. Does yout partner agree
lncreasing the price of energy would be one idea. with the way you feel?
Another would be to make laws-just as we • Is the online comment well-organized?
have traffic laws to make us drive safely- against • Does it give vivid examples?
wasting energy. • Is it persuasive?

Unit 8 Hopesand ambitions 101

A woman meditating
near a waterfall
Before you watch S 1 tl:fj Watch Part 2 of the video again. What -
did the narrator say about these things (1--4)? Take
1 Look at the title of the video. Write down your notes as you watch the video. Then compare notes
answer to the question on a piece of paper. Don't with a partner.
show it to anyone else yet.
1 a short life and a long life
2 Key vocabulary 2 what happens when you keep doing something
you enjoy
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-5). The words 3 whether other people will share your interests
and phrases in bold are used in the video. Guess 4 what we are teaching our children
the meaning of the words and phrases.
1 1 didn't really know what 1 wanted to do when After you watch
1 left school, so 1 used the vocational guidance
service. 6 Vocabulary in context
2 How do directors of companies justify having
salaries of a million dollars or more?
a 1 tl:li Watch the clips from the video. Choose
the corred meaning of the words and phrases.
3 There is no better surfer in the world-she' s a
master of her sport. b Complete these sentences in your own words,
4 Anyone can achieve their ambition-they just Then share your sentences with a partner.
have to focus on it and desire it enough.
5 He hates his job. He feels completely miserable 1 1 haven't the faintest idea how to ...
going to the office every day. 2 If you keep trying out different jobs,
eventually ...
b Write the words and phrases in bold in Exercise 2a 3 1 don't know how long 1 will go on ...
next to their definitions (a--e).
7 Work in groups. Look at these comments about the
a someone who does something very video. Discuss what you think of each comment.
well _
Then write your own comment.
b : service to help someone to find the right
· career _
c very unhappy _ Carla P
d show or prove to be right or reasonable lt's an inspirational speech. lt's saying that money
doesn't bring happiness. But more important than
e want something a lot _ that, it's saying you can be whatever you want to be.

While you watch

3 1 ti:ll:fj Watch Parts 1-2 of the video. Work in Shinji
pairs and answer the questions.
This is a nice idea, but it's not very practica!. lf
1 What is the key question the narrator mentions everyone is painting and writing poetry and riding
at the beginning and end of the video that we horses, who will drive the trains and work in the
must all ask ourselves? banks and offices?
2 If we don't ask this question, how does the
narrator say we will spend our lives?

4 1 tl:li Read the sununary below. Then watch Stefan

Part 1 of the video again. Circle the corred options l like this, but 1 think there is a contradiction. He
to complete the summary. Sometimes there is more says money doesn't matter, but then he says if you
than one answer. become a master of something, you will earn money
from it.
The narrator often gives career advice to
1 his own children / interns / college students. They
say that if money wasn't important, they would 8 Work in pairs. Read aloud your answer from
be 2 painters / writers / comedians . .The narrator Exercise 1 and ask each other for more details
keeps questioning them until he has found about this. Has your idea about what you would
something they 3 are really good at / really want to do / do changed in any way since watching the video?
find really [un, and then he says do that. He says
that just going after money is 4 a waste of time/
seljish / stupid.

Unit 8 Hopes and ambitions 103

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Read this post on a travel website. What 4 Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.
two things <loes the writer suggest taking on Then discuss with a partner which of the sentences about
the trip? the "rocket girls" are true.
1 They did / made tasks that computers now perform.
2 They did / made mathematical calculations.
3 If they did / made a small mistake in their calculations,
it didn't usually matter.
4 They didn't do / make great friendships because they
were focused on their work.
5 The head of NASA did / made the decision to hire
6 They did / made a big difference to the NASA space

It has always been my dream to visit Antarctica,

5 mM:I Complete the phrases (1-4) using these emotive
and I was not disappointed when I did. I spent ten words. Then make a sentence with each phrase to say to
amazing days sailing on a ship from South America your partner.
to Antarctica. I want to share sorne tips about what to
take and what to leave at home. 1 I regret not looking alarmed back-breaking delight majestic
at this website before 1 left. I would recommend
packing light. 2 1 took too many clothes. 1 didn't know 1 work
they had a good laundry service on board. But do 2 the on her face
make sure to bring lots of waterproof and windproof 3 hewas bythe news
clothing. I brought a thick, waterproof jacket with me, 4 a(n) animal
and I was glad I did. I wore it every day. 3 It stopped
me from getting cold and wet. It can get quite rough ICAN
at sea, so take seasickness tablets, too. The trip is well use make and do correctly
organized, and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time
if you go. My only complaint is that 4 there should
be more hiking at the parks, so check with your tour
identify and use emotive language
--'"--...-::-~~~~~-~~-.... ...
guide if that's possible.
Real life
2 Work in pairs. Form conditional or wish 6 Complete these exchanges with one word in each blank.
sentences to express the same idea as the
sentences in bold in the text above. A: Would you 1 eat out tonight or stay in?
1 1 wish l'd ... B: 1 think I' d 2 to stay in, if you don' t
2 Ifl'd ... ,I...
3 1 would have ... if ...
4 It would be better if ... e: 1 don' t know if it 4 be better
_____ quit my job now or wait until I've
3 f>JM:I Work in pairs. Explain why the found another one.
different grammatical forms are used in D: 1 think you' d be better 6 finding a new
each pair of sentences below. job first.
1 a 1 wish you lived closer. 7 f>iM:I Work in pairs. Talk about your own preferences.
b 1 wish you would move back to the US. Make sentences with I prefer+ verb/noun +to ... Use the
2 a If I' d missed the plane, 1 would have -ing form of the verb.
been very upset.
b If I' d missed the plane, I' d still be in Fiji. I prefer driving to being driven.

I prefer Japanesefood to Italian food.
make second, third, and mixed conditionals ICAN
express wishes about the past and present ask and talk about preferences

Unit 9 The news

FE ATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. Why do you
thínk these parents are sleepíng here?
106 Alife revealed
2 Cl6i) Listen to a radio news report. Work in paírs and answer
The power of the image the questions.

108 And finally ... 1 Why <lid these parents stay ovemight at the university?
2 Why <lid they sleep on the gym floor?
Good-news stories 3 What do you thínk of the dedication of these parents?
11 O From hero to zero 3 Look at the pie chart below showing how US university
The story of pilot Peter students get their news. Discuss the questions with a partner.
Burkill 1 How do most students get their news? Are you surprised?
2 Which category in the chart would you put yourself in?
114 News: the weird and 3 What kind of news do you follow mostly?
the wonderful
A video about two
• radio • Facebook/Twitter
good-news stories
• magazines • other websites
• television 1 don't care about the news
• online or print newspapers

• 9a A life revealed
Vocabulary reporting verbs Reading
1 Work in pairs. Look at the sentences. Cross out ONE 2 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss
word that doesn't fit in each sentence. Then discuss the these questions. Then read the article and
difference in meaning between the other two words. check your answers.
1 "It was a mistake," they denied / admitied /,agreed. 1 Have you seen either of the photos that
2 "Be careful," he offered / advisjd / uiarned. the photographer is standing between?
3 "Cquld you please help me?" he'asked / persuaded / 2 Where are these two women from, and
begiiflz. how old do you think they are?
4 "It's the best restaurant in town," they claimed / 3 What do you think is the relationship
complained / explained. between these two women?
5 "lt's a great opportunity. Take it," he recommended / 3 Work in pairs. How do you think Sharbat
ur,ge'CI. / convinced. '- /
6 "I¡fr'help you whatever happens," she ihreaiened / Gula felt when she learned how famous her
promised / stoore. photo is?

A L 1 F E R E V E A L E D
She remembers the moment the photographer took her After three days, the man returned with Sharbat Gula,
picture. The man was a stranger, but he had asked if he who was now around 29 years old. McCurry knew
could, and she g¡!#e,~to let him,; She had never been 20 at once that this (below, right) was her. Time and
photographed before, :rld until they met a second time- hardship had erased her youth, but her eyes still had
s seventeen years later-she would not be photographed the same intensity. Her brother explained the story of
again. The photographer, Steve McCurry, remembers the their lives. He blamed the war for forci!J.P them and
moment too. It was 1984, and he. was reporting on the lives many other Afghans out of their Fiomeland. Sharbat
of Afghan refugees in a camp in Pakistan. She was living zs had escaped to the mountains when she was a child,
in the camp, and he admits ~g at the time that his where she hid in caves and begged 'L?Ji.O~f to gi~ her
1 o picture was nothing special. Yet the "Afghan girl" (below, s
food and blankets. She married when e was sixteen,
left) became one of the most famous images of our time. and now her time was occupied with bringing up her
The girl's intense expression ~rned~not to ignore,,the three children: cooking, cleaning, and caring for them.
victims of war. In 2002, National Geographic persuads..Q 30 Yet she did not,complain about having,.had a hard

McCurry to ret:u.w, to Pakistan to look for the girl. After
1 s showing her photo around the refugee camp, he found a
life. More amazingly, she was not aware of the impact
that her photo and her sea-green eyes had had on
man who knew where to find her. The man offered to.ietch
her from her home in the Tora Bora mountains.
e:-s = el the world.
4 Work in pairs. Complete these sentences by
finding the contrasting facts in the article.
1 In 1984, Sharbat Gula let McCurry take her
picture, even though .. $<111- .\--
2 The picture became world famous, even
though ...
8 Complete this text with the corred form of the
verbs in parentheses. Add a preposition where

People often accuse photographers

1{)-f ~\CV\56 (be) unethical when they take
pictures without people's permission. A photographer
3 McCurry recognized 29-year-old Sharbat Gula
who photographs someone in their living room with
immediately, even though ...
4 Sharbat Gula did not complain about her life,
a telephoto lens cannot deny 2 QL-t\ l'LS (act)
unethically-they have invaded the person's privacy.
even though . . . ~ t !) \klt:J ,~
We often criticize journalists 3-UJ~ Qo\fY\C\ (do) this
kind of thing. But is this the same as taking a picture
Grammar verb patterns with of a stranger without them knowing? The person
hasn't invited you 4 10 t<}_l¡J(e, (take) their picture.
reporting verbs Perhaps they would feel uncomfortable if you asked
5 Find these verbs in the article. Underline them and them 5 ~ () \?~S~ (pose) for a shot; they might
the infinitive or -ing forms that follow them. How even refuse 6 -\ () \.0 (let) you do it. A lot of
many different forms are there? Discuss with a photographers insist 7.ClV\ bum3 (be) "invisible"
partner. s~ that t~ photos are more natural. They object '\l
s \-O OS NfY\{.\ (ask) their subjects for perrnission
agreed admits warned persuaded first because this would spoil the moment. However,
off e red blamed begged complain 1 always advise photographers 9 h) to,_\ K (talk)
to their subjects first. In fact, 1 strongly recommend
~Q.~1\{'Y\8 (get) to know the subjects' own
~ VERB PATTERNS WITH REPORTING VERBS stories, because then the photographs will have more
1 verb + infinitive meaning.
e.g., promise, refuse, swear, threaten
He refused to help me. 9 Work in pairs. Report these statements using the
2 verb + someone + infinitive reporting verbs in parentheses. You may need to
-e.q., advise, esk, convince, encourage, invite, change other words (e.g., pronouns). Begin each
recommend, sentence with She.
They to stay.
3 verb + -ing 1 "I think you've been very brave." (praise)
e.g., cf.eny, recommend, suggest She praised me far beíng very braue. ·
/ suggest waiting.
4 verb + preposition + -ing
e.g., apologize ior, coniess to, insist on, object to

"You should considera career in journalism."
(encourage) ~\~ \)JV\c~u.1roC\~vvt~
"He always puts his own,inlere~~~5 .
-W ~\w\(1l
S~r~~ ,
,.:,d~ {~~-~

He apolbgized for missing the meeting. (accuse) µe_ o« ll~eci '<\\~ ü{-~U.t lV'i ~V\\ S 1J1,1JI\ f-( 1 s-\-
5 verb + someone/something + preposition + -ing 4 "I'll look at your article when it's finished."
(promise) \\t \)'fü'M\SQ__ct h) \OCJK VV\~ OJ~\tle, ~Qf\

e.g., accuse... ot, criticize ... for, congratulate ... on,
praise ... for, forgive ... for, thank ... for 5 "I'm sorry 1 didn't introduce you to my boss." .· l\'\15
She thanked me for supporting her. (apologize) ~\Q_ o~\0~ \ c<Q f {)'C ~{Y\- \ N\ Trociu..CJV\9 Me
6 "I can lend you my camera, if you like." (offer)
For more information and practice, see page 172.
. ~\)~P-~ct fu lkMd vy¡-e
6 Work in pairs. Look at the grammar box. In which Wnt1ng and speakiriq ·
category (1-5) would you place each verb from
1 O Choose one of these reporting verbs to write about
Exercise 5?
something true that happened to you. Then read
7 Work in pairs. Discuss what the person actually your brief story to a partner,
said (or thought) at the time far each verb you
underlined in Exercise 5. Then compare your a ceuse admit apologize complain
answers with another pair. criticize deny encourage warn
offer thank congratulate
She agreed to let him take her picture.
"Yes, you can take my picture. " I remember once at school, I was accused of breaking
a window. I knew who had really done it, but I had
promised not to say, so I was in a difficult sítuation!

Unit 9 The news 107
- 9b And finally
Vocabularypositive adjectives
• • •
3 CIE!!J Work in pairs. Look at the photo. What good-
~ WORDBUILDING forming adjectives from verbs
news story do you think is illustrated here? Then listen
We can add·-ing to.rnany verbs to form adjectives that
describe sornethinq that causes a particular feeling. to the three news stories and make notes on each.
enterteiri-- entertaining, move - moving
4 CIE!!J Listen again and answer these questions.
For more practice, see Workbook page 75.
Story 1 How was the Syrian man rewarded fon1~c 'Sil
his honesty? rt~WC.t · - () ,\
p['/\,GN\l))Q)c' f'WJ\(),\,t'-1
1 Look at the wordbuilding box. News programs
Story 2 What record did the pizza makers set? ,)íl~~t¡. -
often like to end with a good-news story. Complete
the sentences (1-4) with the correct adjective form Who did they give the pizza to?~:>~~ '
\JV\ 11\u•()
of the verbs below. · Story 3 Who has Dr. Zhavoronkov been testing his
0.A his <:e\.f drugs on, and with what results? ~ ~~\
~U$e. astonish charm
engage 5 Work in groups and retell the three news stories.
Which did you find the most inspiring/ charming/
1 A(n) QJY\\k.$\\r\j story makes you smile astonishing?
or laugh.
2 A(n) \IY\Sp\rtl'\3 story shows you how Grammar passive reportingverbs
much pec¡ple c,an achieve. ·
3 A(n) QS\U ~ ¡s\it 1 V\S¡ story makes you feel ~ PASSIVEREPORTINGVERBS
amazed or verx surprised. 1
lt + passive reporting verb + that + ~,ubject
4 A(n) tll\BC!3t;? or ckurvvu ~ 1 /t is thought that the first Margherita pizza was baked
, story interests an pleases you. in Naples in 1889.
subject + passive reporting verb + infinitive
2 Think of an example of a good-news story you 2 The 25,year-old Syrian is believed to have been in
have heard recently. Then work in pairs and tell
Germany for less than ayear.
your partner about it. Use one of the adjectives in 3 Local police are now seki-to be /ooking for the money's
Exercise l. true owner.
1 saw a really inspiring local news story on TV 4 A Latvian scientist based in the UK is reported to be
e/ose to finding ...
about a five-year-old boy who raised monei; far his
sick sister by ...
6 Work in pairs. Look at the grammar box on page 108.
Do we know who is doing the thinking, believing, etc.,
in each sentence?

1 Look at sentences 2-4 in the grammar box. Which

sentence contains:
11 Complete the good-news story below using
these passive reporting verbs and infinitives.

-it w;u demonstrated
to _.b_e_g,etting,l'.lGw-tl:leti~t
to have stopped
a a simple infinitive? J__
b a continuous infinitive? ...3_ And finally ... Despite ali the warnings about
e a perfect infinitive? -2... a growing hole in the world's ozone.layer,
1 \\ \_s ~V\tVtOU.,\\;that the hole may be
8 Work in pairs. Rephrase sentences 2-4 in the grammar .
· It · t. b th t bi t shrinking. The ozone layer in the atmosphere
b ox usmg + passrve repor mg ver + a +su JeC. 2 \S
. v.._"',,.,,,
' V \ to protect US
2 Itis believed that the 25-year-old Syrian has bQQ,Y\ \rn G,etwo,~ from the sun's radiation, sin ce it absorbs
3 1t is s~id that the ).J;X_~\-?C)licQO.~ t\)('.)~\rrg \-1'.í:H ~ '~~~·s OIJJuf~violetrays, However, in the 1970s,
4 1t is:iA'd. t\,,,füo \ü\vm"1 SC.iQ"' ~-\- ~ 3 \ \ WQr do vYI cinstm{ <(Q that this layer
9 Rewrite these sentences using passive reporting verbs. was becoming thinner and thinner, and that
there was even a hole over the Antarctic. CFC
1 People think that the man is from the Homs area of
gases in refrigerators and aerosol were said
Syria. 1 1, L
Themanis 1V\QUf)VlT l'\.) ·¿;.¿ ~tOIN) thQ. nO\Jl\,)
u 4
t-o the main reason
,QWQ l(}t- S'j \\\) for this. Consequently, many people urged
2 People say that the man is taking language lessons governments to ban the use of these gases.
and planning further studies. Their efforts were successful, and the use of
The man is $<1\\ d iO DI?. to rn9
K.\ ~.Q\J\S)\10<jf> LQ.< V)) CFCs is believed sto
IJ\D>JQ f? P Qd
'OJ\I\ Q ¡p.lQJt\V\1 f'/\ r;, ( ü \f -4 \\ Q 'f S+w\:1o\ . by the mid-1990s. Now, new research has
./ '
3 The police confirmed that the man will receive a shown that the ozone hole has shrunk
financia! reward. by four million square kilometers. What's
It was e,QY\ Gl {1/V'&d tno~11-h_Q 'MM \JJ \ ~) ~ Ci W
(\,_ µ N\\W\_CA,Q.Q \J'QVQ lfci!U
more, the ozone layer itself is thought
6 'ro ~ ~/-hlVL) thicker again. This
4 Sorne people claim that the Margherita pizza is good news for the planet, and for all of us
originated in Naples, Ital,.y ,
who enjoy spending time in the sun.
ltis c\()j0ffi'2rA ~ w:tJ -r ~ ~Vh)A~l[I \O 1083.
~l gJ CV'O flf t 1 lo]\ V\){) (¡) CQ . .
5 People don't generally believe that drugs can
prev~~aging. , . . .
Speaking 14Mtl
Itis ?tfk1N A oJ 16 ltW wol~ tyolt clvu95 12 Work in groups of three to prepare a good-
GOvi---+ 1JNPtJSV,11 i Oj1 ~
news story. Choose one of the headlines below
1O Rewrite these sentences. Change the passive reporting or your own idea. Write a good-news story,
verbs from one structure to the other. using at least one passive reporting verb. Then
each person should share their story with a
new group.
• Woman rescued from fire by pet
• Valuable painting found under bed
2 Frank was known to have been a gifted musician • Ten-year-old child compared to
at school. .¡_ 1 t e · · 1
lt • tS k\'LQWIJI 1vw\._; d-O_l()K '.®_j·9\1:r<'.'.c;)
A ·~'
• New clothing fabric invented
rvvu,\S\C:H)M <Qt St-hoüQ . • Couple celebra te 80th wedding anniversary ·
3 It is known that laughing regularly increases life • Dentist that people actually enjoy visiting
expectancy. • , And ftnally, a woman was rescuedfrom her
Laughing regularly 1$ Vw::uJf\ \fl\C\\Q_O Sej l\ R burning house yesterday by her cat. It is believed
QY.~rÍpv>_Q) that the fire started shortly after midnighi, on the
4 It was thought that he had given up hope of ever ftrst floor of the house. ... ·
seeing his family again.
He wru\-INJIA~ +o J

Unit 9 The news 109

9c From hero to zero
Reading Critical thinking different
1 The headlines below are about a British Airways perspectives
(BA) pilot. Look at these headlines in the order
5 Work in pairs. Make notes to complete the chart
they appeared in the newspapers over several
about the event described on page 111. Which of
months. Then work in pairs and discuss what you
these people would you have believed? Why?
think happened.
People Their initial view Motivation for
involved on the accident taking this view
and Burkill's role

"IAM NOTA . HERO", in it

SAYSBA CRASH PILOT CAPTAIN PETER BURKILL Peter Burkill took a risk but it did what any
worked-the rest captain would haue
REAL HERO OF BA FLIGHT 38 was luck done
BA staff
2 Work in pairs. Read the story on page 111 quickly. the press
Then discuss the sequence of key events with your
partner. Does the story differ from your answer in
Exercise 1? If so, how?

3 Read the article again. Are these statements

true (T) or false (F)? Word focus word
1 Sorne passengers were badly hurt T 6 Find these phrases in the article. What do you
during landing. think they mean? Discuss with a partner.
2 Burkill was unmarried at the T (E) 1 Word went around (paragraph 3) cVvtSVv{)
time of the accident. 2 his word against that of the press (paragraph 3)
3 Burkill's crew read BA's internal T ~ 3 No word of it (paragraph 4) N\l \C'l\{-0í\'Y\Qt10f\

report. 4 had the last word (paragraph 7) rQ/11\NAK
4 Burkill was praised in the AAIB
report. 7 Work in pairs. What do these other expressions
5 Other airlines refused to hire with word mean?
Burkill after he left BA.
1 "When my husband handed me the keys to
4 Complete these sentences with appropriate words a new car for my birthday, I was at a loss for
or phrases from the article. words."-<s-1\!\ ~~l-0-$
. . . .\ ~ .tTh~ hotel doesn't advertise at all. It just relies
1 Burkill .went from b~mg a hero to bemg a ~ l¿l on word of mouth to get new customers." ~
\)\ \ \'\J..I i{) posíte of hero)._(paragraph 1), --.¡<("' 3 "I can't believe the mayor is closing the libr~.
2 Perhaps Burkill s colleagues beheved he wasn t He gave his word that he woulcb;l't.'~Q.;C}j
COW\~10,\/rt (good at his job). (paragraph 3) . ·~
3 The press claimed Burkill had ~t cWWV\ S k"\
(failed) the people he was supposed to be pea l:ng Yn!ICJ
responsible for. (paragraph 3) 8 Work in groups. Discuss these questions about the
4 After the official report was published, Burkill
~ media in your country.
was O\lJQ'(Ó.'Q.g (given as a prize) a medal for
his actions. (paragraph 6) 1 _ How respectful are journalists toward politicians?
2 How balanced is the reporting of public scandals?

In January 2008, hours after saving his plane from crashing rumors started going around that crew members were
at Heathrow Airport, flight captain Peter Burkill was praised afraid to fly with him. He wrote to BA's chief executive
as a hero. Only days later, when reports appeared in the press so asking for help, but got no reply.
accusing him of freezing at the controls, he became a villain.
s How did this extraordinary transformation come about?
When the official AAIB report was finally published in February m
2009, it concluded that ice in the fuel system had been the
Peter Burkill was the pilot on British Airways (BA) Flight 38 cause of the problem, and that the actions of the crew had
from Beijing, carrying 152 people on board. But 35 seconds saved the lives of all on board. In particular, it praised Captain
before landing at Heathrow, two of the plane's engines 55 Burkill's decision to change the wing flap settings.
failed. With the plane losing height fast, Burkill asked his
J co-pilot, John Coward, to take the controls while he himself
The pilots and the air crew were awarded the British Airways m
Safety Medal, and the story of Peter Burkill, the hero, once
adjusted the wing flaps to help the plane reach the runway.
again made the headlines. But the damage had been done.
lt was a risky decision, but it worked. The plane narrowly
In August 2009, Peter Burkill left the company that he had
missed sorne houses and landed heavily on the grass just
60 served for 25 years. He began applying for jobs with other
short of the runway. After a few hundred meters, the plane
airlines, but he was not invited to a single interview.
; miraculously carne to a stop without turning over. The
passengers escaped without serious injury. As far as Burkill So did his critics win? No. Burkill himself had the last word. fJ
was concerned, he had done what any captain would have BA said that he was always welcome in the company, and
done-the rest was luck. in September 2009 they asked him to come back and fly for
65 them. Burkill accepted.
However, this was not the version of events that BA's staff
1 heard in the following days. Word went aroundthaírather
than taking control of the plane, Burkill had panicked. The
suggestion was that he was not competent to fly a plane.
Sorne newspapers, seeing the chance to sell more copies,
picked up the story, claiming that John Coward was the
real hero. They published details of Burkill's past, painting
a picture of a well-paid pilot who lived the life of a playboy.
But-when it had mattered most, it was suggested-he
had let down his crew and passengers. Worse still for Burkill,
it wasn't even his word against that of the press. Afraid of
bad publicity, BA banned him from speaking about the
events until an independent investigation by the
Air Accidents lnvestigation Branch (AAIB)
was complete.
Overnight, Burkill's life changed. Before
the accident, he had had everything: a
great job, a beautiful home, a loving wife,
and the respect of his colleagues. Now he
felt betrayed and desperate. The stress put
enormous pressure on his family, and Burkill
became depressed. He begged the company
to issue a statement to clear his name, but
they refused, preferring to wait for the
results of the official investigation. Even
though BA's own interna! report cleared
him of any wrongdoing, it was only
read by senior management. No word
of it reached Burkill's colleagues, and
• 9d Spreading the news
Real life reportingwhat you 5 Pronunciation the schwa
have heard a CIED Unstressed syllables often produce the schwa
sound fa/. Listen to these examples and repeat. The
1 Work in pairs. Below are three common topics stressed syllable (not a schwa) is underlined.
that people like to gossip about. Can you think of
a recent piece of gossip that you have heard from /g/ /g/ /g/ /g/
any of these categories? Tell your partner. ªPl2.ª!ently supposedly

• money and status b CID Underline the stressed syllable in each of

• celebrities' lives these words. Then listen and check. Notice how the
• people's character and reputation schwa sound appears in the unstressed syllables.

2 CllE!IWork in pairs. Listen to two conversations. according generally
information proportion surprisingly
Which category of gossip <loes each conversation
fall into?
C Work in pairs. Practice saying the words in
3 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Exercise Sb.
Conversation 1 6 You are going to spread news around the class.
1 What has happened to Liam, the man they are Follow these steps:
talking about?
2 Why are the speakers surprised about this news? • Work in pairs. Tell your partner two facts (one
true, one false) about yourself or something
Conversation 2 you did, or two facts (one true, one false) about
3 What do they say has happened to Dr. Harris someone famous.
and why? • Mingle with other students in the class and tell
4 Do we know if the gossip about him is true? them the facts you heard from your partner.
(Speak to at least three people.)
4 CllE!ILook at the expressions for reporting what
• Return to your partner and report the facts you
you have heard. Use the expressions to complete
heard from the other students.
these sentences from the conversations. Then listen
• Discuss which ones you think are true. Use the
again and check your answers.
expressions for reporting what you have heard.
Conversation 1 • Tell the class what you thought and see if you
1 A: By the way, Liam? were right.
________ , he's been promoted ....
________ Sarah, he's been given .... REPORTING WHAT YOU HAVE HEARD
the job of area manager. · Did you hear about ... ?
B: Area manager? 1 ! He's 1 heard/read the other day that ...
not even that good at his current job. Someone told me that ...
2 A: Sarah also reckons that he' s going to get a According to (somebody), ...
huge pay raise. lt seems that ...
B: Well, I' d take that _ Apparently/Supposedly, ...
1 don't think the company has that kind of Expressing belief and disbelief
money to throw around at the moment. That doesn't surprise me.
1 can believe it.
Conversation 2 l'd (1 wouldn't) take his/her word for it.
3 C: Well, that he was They generally get their facts right.
fired from his job yesterday. 1 don't believe it.
_________ that he's not even a He/She tends to exaggerate things.
real doctor. l'd take that with a grain of salt.
D: What? Who told you that? 1 wouldn't take too much notice of what he/she says.
C: Tara.
D: Hmm, 1 wouldn't take _
of what Tara says. She _

9e News story
Writing a news article
1 Read the newspaper article. Work in pairs and
answer these questions.
1 What problem does the article describe?
2 What solution is being proposed?
3 Who might not be happy about this solution?

2 Read the newspaper article again. How is it

structured? Complete the notes (1-5) using
functions a-e below.
Headline: 1__
First short paragraph: 2__
Second paragraph: 3__
Third paragraph (optional):
4__ or gives other relevant facts
Final paragraph:

states how the story ends, 5 __ , or gives he military govemment in Thailand has
an altemative side to the story issued new rules to stop street racing and to
a gives the details of the story rein in teenage motorcycle racers.
b what is likely to happen next Young motorcycle street racers--called dek wan-
c catches the readers attention have drawn complaints over the years for their
d ~ntroduces the key information (e.g., location, reckless riding in large groups. They often don't
ithe people involved) wear helmets, and many of them have been killed
e . includes a comment or quotation about or involved in road accidents. Under the strict
the events new laws, any person found guilty of possessing,
selling, or modifying a motorcycle for street racing
will face a six-month jail sentence and/or a US$600
3 Writing skill using quotations fine. Their business licenses could also be revoked.
a Look at the sentences (1-3). Then circle the correct "Parents of teenage racers could face punishment
options to complete the rules (a-d). as well," said the head of police. If their children
viola te the ban on street racing twice, the parents
1 The head of the investigation said, "We haven't face three months in jail and/or a US$1,000 fine.
even started to write our report."
Authorities hope that these new laws will help
2 "Don't wait forme," she said with a smile.
control illegal street racing and lead to improved
3 And what," he asked, "is the solution?"

road safety in Thailand.

a If the quotation is a complete sentence, always
begin it with a small /capital letter. 4 Write a short news article (150-170 words) for one of
b Always put the final punctuation of the the following headlines. Use at least one quotation.
quotation insíde / autside the quotation marks.
• Child's stroller given parking ticket
c If the quotation is followed by a phrase like
• Man takes wrong plane home
"he said" or "she asked," puta comma befare/
• Meeting to discuss shorter meetings runs out
afier the final quotation mark.
of time
d If a phrase like "he said" or "she asked" comes
• Burglar takes selfie with stolen phone
before the quotation, puta comma befare/ after
the opening quotation mark. 5 Exchange articles with a partner. Use these
questions to check your partner's article.
b Work in pairs. How would you rewrite these
sentences with the correct punctuation? • Does the article include a short first paragraph
that gives the main idea or key information?
1 Shall we eat Grandma he asked
• Does the rest of the article use the structure
2 I know exactly what he said she said described in Exercise 2?
3 That' s very kind she said but I can manage • Do the quotations use the correct punctuation?

Unit 9 The news 113

Befare you watch 5 1 PI Watch the second news story ágain.
Circle the correct options to complete the -
1 Work in pairs. You're going to watch two good-news statements.
stories. Look at the photo and the caption. What do
1 Khan discovered his ability to handle hot
you think the good-news story on humpback whales is
oil when a squirrel / monkey dropped a
banana /mango into his wok from a tree
above, and the oil splashed all over his
2 Key vocabulary body.
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-6). The words 2 The tourist describes Khan' s ability as
and phrases in bold are used in the video. Guess the inspíring / unbelievable.
meaning of the words and phrases. 3 The tourist thinks he knows /has no idea
how Khan can do this.
1 He has been ruthless in his career, pushing other 4 Khan' s accident has actually helped his
people aside in his ambition to get to the top. sales/ confidence.
2 She swiped at the wasp with her hand.
3 Lions are not afraid to attack prey-like buffalo-that
are larger than them. After you watch
4 1 had chicken pox when 1 was a child, so I'm
6 Vocabula.ryin context
immune to it now.
5 I'm sorry. ldropped a spoon in my coffee and made a 1 ti#i Watch the clips from the video. Choose
it splash over the tablecloth. the correct meaning of the words and phrases.
6 1 like to dip cookies in my tea and then eat them.
b Complete these sentences in your own words.
b Write the words and phrases in bold in Exercise 2a Then share your sentences with a partner.
next to their definitions (a-f).
1 It has recently come to light that ...
a cause a liquid to fall or hit something in a noisy or 2 1 am really put off when I see ...
messy way _ 3 ... is in a vulnerable situation because ...
b !made a swinging movement with the arm or
'hand _ 7 Work in groups. Discuss which news story
e put something in liquid for a short time interested you more and why. What else would
you like to know about each news story?
d not affected by something (e.g., an illness)
8 1 Clli Work in pairs. Watch the first news
e animals that are hunted and killed by other animals story again and provide the narration for it.
for food _ Follow these steps:
f not caring who you hurt as long as you get what • Watch the video with the sound OFF.
youwant _ Discuss what you think the narrator was
saying at each point.
While you watch • Decide how you will divide the narration
between the two of you.
3 1 tl!Jlll!fl Work in pairs. You are going to see two • Watch the video with the sound OFF again
very different good-news stories. Watch and then: and provide the narration.
1 say which story you think is "weird" and which is 9 Work in groups of four and act out the second
"wonderful." news story. Follow these steps:
2 write a headline for each story.
• Decide on your roles: a) the narrator, b) Khan,
4 . Clli Work in pairs. Read the questions below. Then c) the tourist visiting the stall, d) the director.
watch the fírst news story again. Discuss the answers • Discuss what you are going to say and whar
to the questions with your partner. the cues are for each speaker to speak.
• Try acting out the news story, with the
1 What adjectives are used to describe humpback
director giving ad vice as necessary.
• Perform your version to another group.
2 What other species do they protect?
3 What adjectives are used to describe orcas?
4 How do the humpbacks fíght off the orcas?
5 What benefit do humpbacks receive from protecting
other species?

Unit 9 The news 115

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete this good-news story with the correct 4 Circle the correct options to complete these
verb pattern (passive, infinitive, preposition + -ing, sentences.
etc.) of the verbs in parentheses.
1 Don't just have / take my word for it. 1 persuade/
suggest trying it out for yourself.
2 She accused him af /far taking her car without
permission, but he denies / refuses it. No one
else was there, so it's her word against / aver
3 It's such a terrible decision that I'm almost ata
loss far / withaut words. I'm going to threaten /
urge him to reconsider. 1 hope 1 can warn /
canvince him to change his mind.
5 WM:I Work in pairs. Answer the questions about
these people from the news stories in Unit 9.

A seven-year-old boy has been found alive and well in a

forest in northern Japan, five kilometers from where he
is said 1 (go) missing a week ago.
Yamato Tanooka had been missing since Saturday. lt
(believe) that he got out of
the family car on a mountain road after arguing with 1 What did Sharbat Gula agree to let Steve
his parents. Soon after getting lost, Yamato found a McCurry do?
military shelter in the forest where he stayed until he 2 What was the pilot Peter Burkill accused of?
was found. Police said that he was lucky because there
3 (know)4 _ ICAN

(be) bears in the forest. lt is not clear if Yamato had food, use a range of reporting verbs
but the shelter had beds and safe drinking water. "He use expressions with word
did the right thing," said a poi ice spokesperson. Soldiers
who found the boy praised him 5 ---------
(keep) calm and 6 (not / panic). Real life
6 Decide if the speaker is expressing belief or
2 Which of these things do we know to be true (T)? disbelief. Write B for belief or D for disbelief.
Which are false (F)? Which are possibly true (PT)? 1 I' d take that figure with a grain of salt. __
1 Yamato was missing for two days. __ 2 1 think newspapers often tend to exaggerate
2 Yamato carne across a bear in the forest. __ these things. __
3 Yamato was able to get food at the shelter. __ 3 Well, they generally get their facts right. __
4 Yamato had access to safe drinking water at the 4 1 think we can take the organizers word for it. __
shelter. __ 5 1 wouldn't take much notice of what the
promoters say. They just want publicity. __ ·
3 f>IM:I Work in pairs. Use a reporting verb or
a passive reporting verb to make two sentences 7 Wl'i!:IWrite down a recent claim someone has
about what you think Yamato did after he was made in the news (e.g., Apparently, ... ). Then work
found. in small groups. Take turns reading aloud each
daim and responding using expressions of belief or
ICAN disbelief.
use the correct verb patterns with reporting verbs
use passive reporting verbs
comment on stories and rumers, express belief
and disbelief

Unit 10 Talented people

FEATURES 1 Match these words with their definitions (a-f).

background experience qualifications
118 An ordinaryman
qualities skills talents
The extraordinary career of
an astronaut a strong natural abilities _
b abilities developed by practice _
120 The real-life Batman? c (generally positive) characteristics _
A man with an unusual d certificates that show you have leamed something _
talent e what you've done in your life _
f your past in general (where you come from, where you studied,
122 The king herself etc.) _
The story of the pharaoh
Hatshepsut 2 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. What qualities,
skills, qualifications, and experience do you think mahouts need to
126 Queen of Egypt do their job well?
A video about the life of 3 CllEB Listen to a description
of a mahout's job. Compare the
Cleopatra description with your answers in Exercise 2.

4 Make short notes about your own background, experience, talents,

etc. Then work in pairs. Take tums asking and answering questions
with your partner.
What qualifications do you have?

• 1 Oa An ordinary man
Listening and reading Vocabularycareers
1 lllmlWork in pairs. Look at the photo. Can you IJlli- WORDBUILDING verb (+ preposition) + noun
answer these questions? Then listen and check. collocations

1 What <loes this photo show? When you learn a new noun, try to note also the verbts)
2 Who do you think the person in the photo is? that collocate with it and any prepositions that follow
3 What quotation is associated with this event? the verb.
pursue a career
2 Work in pairs. Read the article. What were Neil graduate from high school / college
Armstrong's qualities? Give reasons for your
For more practice, see Workbook page 83.

3 Read the article again. Work in pairs and answer 4 Work in pairs. Find verbs ( + prepositions) in the
the questions. article that collocate with each of these nouns, and
complete phrases J-5.
1 Why do you think Neil Armstrong was called
"the ultimate professional"? 1 to ~
\1 ,
a career
~wt o c..Q~ ttlf
2 How did he gain hís experience of flying? 2 to from a school or college
3 What motivated Armstrong? 3 to -\."' ·K~ a course
4 What is meant by "the rest ... is history"? 4 to b9(.,0VY\~ an astronaut f\QQ ,\J. C0r~
5 What did Armstrong do to avoid publicity after
the Apollo 11 mission?
5 to do , ?j<l: ,

N eil Armstrong, the most famous of the astronauts en

the spacecraft Apello 11, has been called the ultimate
professional. He was hired to do a job. He did the job, and
then he went home and kept quiet about it. In forty years, he
s only gave two interviews. But how could the man who first set
feot on the moon remain such a mystery?
Armstrong pursued a career that carne from a passion fer
flying that he developed as a child in the 1930s. He learned
to fly before he had graduated from high school, and then
took a course in aerospace engineering in the US. After that,
he served fer three years as a pilot in t~ Navy, flying 78
missions in the war in Korea. He left the navy in 1952 and
got a job with the Lewis Flight Progulsion Laboratory, where
he flew experimental aircraft. He reached sp~sof-6,600
kilometers an hour, and altitudes of over 60 kilometers.
lt is not clear when Armstrong decided to become an
astronaut, but it was never his ambition to be famous. His aim
was simply to push the limits of flight. In 1962, news carne
that NASA was looking fer astronauts fer its Apollo program.
20 lncredibly excited, he applied for the job and was accepted.
The rest, as they say, is history.
When he and the other astronauts returned from the Apello 11
meen landing in July 1969, Armstrong was a worldwide
celebrity. He could have done anything he wanted. lnstead, he
zs became a teacher and also worked for an avionics1 firm. On the
weekends, he went flying to get away from all the attention.
Armstrong retired in 2002, ten years befere his death. He had
fulfilled his dream, but he did not feel any more special than
the others who worked en the Apollo space program. He was
30 just the pilot.
Grammar articles
lndefinite article: a/an (+ singular countable noun)
lt is not c/ear when he decided to become an astronaut.
Definlte article: the (+ singular/plural countable noun or
8, Complete the sentences. Use the or lea ve blank
, \¡ where no article is needed .
1 Where I live in __ New Zealand,
weather is pretty nice.
2 He' s thinking about joining ~
after he graduates from ~

police force
uncountable noun) 3 On __ weekend, I often play __ tennis
He and the other astronautsreturned from the Apollo 11 or go for a run first thing in -\'~Q.; morning.
moon landing. Then I come back and have __ breakfast.
Zero article (+ plural countable noun or uncountable noun) 4 A survey showed that in~ US, ~
He learned to fly before he had graduated from most people go to J::k§L_ bed at around 11:00
hígh schoo/. in~ evening and get up at 7:30 in
For more information and practice, see page 174. 1\1\\C, morning.
5 1 need to go to _±10L store and get sorne food
before I go home tonight.
5 Look at the grammar box. Complete these
statements (1-3) with the correct type of article O
Complete the sentences. Use a, an, or the, or leave
(a/an, the, or write "zero article"). P blank where no article is needed.
1 We use Q_ or Q'f) \ V\di r~t-Q,
tS)fll:_ lC 1 Armstrong could fly _lL plane before he could
• to talk about one person or thing in general. drive __.Q.. car.
• to saya pe~son or t1:ing is one ?f many. 2 As _j\¿_ boy, Armstrong played -\-h~baritone
• when we first mention somethmg. , . .
2 We use c.~,'(\) osh\)z horn, but he wasn t __Q,_ ve~y good musieran. I

• t o ta ab ou t peop 1 e or thin gs in
lk · a 3 In -- Korea, one of fu wmgs. on Armstrong s
plane broke off and he had to eject.
genera l way.
• before certain generally familiar places
lh .
4 --~first meal that __ they ate on i moon
3-h ~
(school, \;'\\Ork, hospital, college). was -- bacon and -- peaches.
3 : We use tV\L 5 Armstrong was __Q,_ member of \\~Q. team
• to talk about a specific person/people or that investigated ~,Challenger space shuttle
thing(s). disaster.
• when we refer back to a person/people or
thing(s) already mentioned. 10 Pronunciation linking vowels
• before a superlative adjective.
mm) A /w / or /j/ sound often links a word that
6 Work in paírs. Read the first paragraph of the ends with a vowel sound to the next word that
article again. Look at the articles and nouns (1-8) in begins with a vowel sound. Work in pairs. Listen
bold. Which of the uses in Exercise 5 does each one and say which sound links the two words in 1-5
match? , ..JJ below. Then practice saying the phrases.
Neil Armstrong,, the most famous of .5\2R L~\. ~urr~N12l theultímate professional
~ to doa job
astronauts on the spacecraft Apollo 11, has
:')' <:l" 3 sheunderstood me perfectly
een called the ultimate professional. He was
-0 hired to do 3 a job. He did 4 the job, and then he heonly gave two interviews
,~ 54 a heroof our time
went 5 home and kept quiet about it. In forty years,
he only gave two interviews. But how coulp r 'c. {lvlA~· . ,
the man who first set foot on 7 the mbc;ñ't~C$tnt Jpeaking swdil'J
such 8 a myst~ry1 \¡\Q ~ VV\~
~ 11 pairs. Describe the path of your own
career or the career of someone you know. Use
\- 7 Find and underline an example in the article of these stages and try to use articles correctly.
each of the following:
interests as a child r- school subjects -• early jobs
1 zero article with: --+ college ar classes taken --+ other experiences->
a a subject of study b a country important events+- future ambitions
e amonth
2 the with: As a child, I was ven; interested in drawing and painting.
a a period of time t'ile f\3Q;b a country-\-'v\~ \)5 At school, I loved ari and I had afantasticari teacher.
e a research lab
Th~ \,Q,w\5 F\\3\tt fu\'>tt\s\QV) J1:tl)m0:._~t~
Unit 1.(i)1 Talented people 119
• 10b The real-life Batman?
Listening Vocabularythe senses
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the 5 Complete the descriptions (1-4) with these five senses.
caption. Discuss these questions. Then compare your answers with a partner.
1 What do you know about bats? Sight h~ touch ~H ttme--
2 What is the man in the photo doing? Is it
anything unusual? 1 Eagles have an amazing sense of ~g}i-tl'
and can spot small animals from high up.
2 CiEmListen to a description of Daniel Kish. How
Rhinoceroses, on the other hand, are incredibly
díd he get his nickname? Discuss with a partner.
nearsighted.e 'fv'\\ O\)\'..
3 ClmJCircle the correct options to complete 2 Cats hav~ve nqses, but, strangely, a poor
the summary. Then listen again and check sense ot~±ü) l(They can't recognize if
your answers. something is sweet.~\n:ll) 1\ 11
3 Dogs have a very kEfen sense of 5'.ii'V\R ~ .
Daniel Kish has been blind from 1 birth / They can detect scents that would be impossible
a young age. He taught himself to recognize for humans to trace. They he~i¡:;~r than humans
how near objects are by clicking his 2 tangue/ t~~some dogs go deaf or become hard of
fingers and then listening for an echo. Using this when they are older.
technique, he can ride a bicycle, go hiking in the 4 People used to think crabs were basically numb-
countryside, and play 3 ball games /board games. that they had no sense of "tO l-\vV\ . But a
He can "see" a house from a distance of about recent experiment showed that crabs reacted
ten/fifty meters. Using echolocation actively is a negatively to small electric shocks.
skill you can leam in just 5 a couple of days /
a rnonth. Kish 6 likes /is offendedby his nickname. 6 Find words in Exercise 5 that mean the following:
a unable to see far _
4 Work in pairs. The speaker mentions an
b unable to hear anything _
example of when echolocation could
be useful for fully sighted people. What is it? c unable to feel anything in the body _

1 Work in pairs. What other animals can you think of that

have one very strong or weak sense?
Grammar relative clauses 3 Modem smartphones, whose / thai's / who's
screens are made of glass, are easier to break
IJll. RELATIVE CLAUSES than older cell phones tohai / thai / who were
made of plastic.
Defining relative clause
1 Kish clicks his tongue and then listensfor the echo
4 1 don't understand that / what / which he
that comes back. means.
2 He can do many things that blind peop/e cannot 5 The house where / whose / that we stayed in
ordinarily do. belonged to a local teacher.
3 "The real-life Batman" is a description he welcomes. 6 She shares an apartment for what / which /
4 He is amused by the nickname for which he is now that she paid a lot of money with her cousin.
Non-defining relative clause 12 Rewrite the two sentences in each item below
5 Daniel Kish, who has been blind since he was ayear as one sentence using a relative clause. There is
old, taught himself to "see." sometimes more than one possible answer,
6 A wooden fence, whose surface is softer than brkk,
1 That's the man. Maya was talking about
gives a "wsrmer" echo.
him the other day.
what ... That's the man _
7 He just /oves what he is doing.
For more information and practice, see page 174. 2 They wanted to achieve that. I think
they did. .
1 think they achieved _
8 Look at the grammar box. Work in pairs and answer
these questions.
3 The study looked at how well people can
1 Which type of relative clause (defining or non- use maps. lt had very interesting results,
defining) contains essential information? Extra Thestudy _
2 If you puta relative pronoun in sentence 3, what and 4 lt's a small country. The country has hada
where would it be? big influence on the history of the region.
3 Can you leave out the relative pronoun in sentences 1 It's a small country ---------
and 2? Why or why not? '
4 Which relative pronoun means "the thing(s) that"? 5 His brother is also a basketball player. His
5 In sentence 4, we can also say ... the nickname he is brother is six years younger than hirn.
now famous far. Which version sounds more formal? His brother ------------
6 Which relative pronoun is used for possession?

9 Work inpairs. Look at the relative pronouns in bold in 13 Work in two pairs in a group of four.
track 89 of the audioscript on page 188. What does each
bold word refer to? Pair A: Look at the "Down" words in the
crossword on page 153.
1 who = Daniel Kish
Pair B: Look at the "Across" words in the
1 O Write definitions of these people and things (1-6) using crossword on page 155.
defining relative clauses. Then compare your sentences
with a partner. Write clues for these words using relative
1 Batman is a character ... clauses. Then take turns reading your clues to
Baiman is a characier who first appeared in a 'comic. the other pair to complete the crossword.
2 Daniel Kish is a man ... 1 Down: an adjective that means "near" (can also
3 A blind person is someone . be a verb)
4 Echolocation is a technique . 2 Across: an adjective whose opposite is "quiei"
5 A click is a sound .
6 Bats are animals .
Speaking CijijQ
11 Circle the correct relative pronoun to complete these
sentences (1-6).
14 Work in pairs. If you could choose to have one
sense (sight, hearing, etc.) with superhurnan
1 Ancient history is not a subject that / whose / abílity, which one would it be and why?
aboui which I know much about.
2 The Queen, which / who / ihai will celebra te her
ninetieth birthday this year, is a much-loved figure.

Unit 10 Talented peopls 121

• 1 Oc The king herself
Reading Critical thinking examining the
1 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the evidence
article. What is strange about it?
4 Find evidence in the article to support each sentence (1-5).
2 Read the article. Number these events If there is clear evidence, write 100%. If there is no evidence,
about Hatshepsut's (Hat-shep-sut) life in write 0%. If the evidence is not clear, write NC.
the correct chronological order (1-7). 1 Hatshepsut was ambitious. __
_.G_ Her mummy was discovered " 2 If Hatshepsut had had a male heir herself, she would have
in a less important tomb. allowed him to be king. __
The monuments she built were · 3 Thutmose III thought his stepmother was wrong to act as
destroyed. king. __
She became queen regent. 4 Hatshepsut knew that what she had done was wrong. __
She ruled Egypt as king for 5 Hatshepsut's wish to be remembered has come true. __
21 years.
Her mummy was identified @ 5 Work in pairs. Compare your answers and the evidence you
and put in the Royal Mummy found. Do you think overall this story has a happy or sad ending?
She married Thutmose Il. Word focus self
She was born the eldest ·
daughter of Thutmose 1 and 6 Work in pairs. Look at the expression below from the article.
Queen Ahmose. Then discuss what the other expressions with sel] (1-5) mean.
i '
3 Círcle the correct option (a or b) to ... standing in a self-confident manner ... ·
complete each sentence. 1 If you want to know how to think more positively, you should
1 Hatshepsut's mummy was not read more self-help books.
identified at first because it __ . 2 My father is a self-made man. He started working in a shop
a was badly damaged at 16, and had a $2 million business by the time he was 30.
® was not in a royal tomb 3 1 saw my favorite actor in the street recently, but 1 looked a
mess and 1 felt too self-conscious to go up to her.
2 Hatshepsut was concerned that
people would __ . 4 Sticking to a diet is difficult. You need a lot of self-control.
a not know she was royalty 5 Giving so much time to the college isn't just kindness; it's
® not remember her achievements also self-interest-he hopes to become its president one day.
3 Thutmose IIl did not want people 1 Choose two of the bold expressions from Exercise 6 and write
to know that Hatshepsut had been your own sentences with them. Then read the sentences to a
partner without the bold expression and see if they can guess
\a) king which one it is.
lJ' related to him
4 Thutmose II's children consisted of
Speaking 1Utt1
cfcl) one son and one daughter 8 Work in pairs. Look at these job descriptions. Which options do
b twosons you think describe the job of a leader or manager?
5 According to tradition, the queen
regent was supposed to __ . • working regular hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.), or longer?
a donothing • working with people, or things?
@ help the king until he was old • making decisions, or following instructions?
enough to rule • traveling, or staying in one place?
6 In later statues and images, • working indoors, or outdoors?
Hatshepsut appears male because • working full-time, or part-time?
of_. • working independently, oras part of a team?
a the items she is holding 9 Ask your partner questions about their work preferences using
(!) her face and attitude the list in Exercise 8. Then discuss what their dream job
might be.

THE KING hersel
D Today her body líes in the Royal Murnmy' Rooms When Thutmose II died from heart disease,
at the Egyptian Musewn in Cairo, alongside other Thutmose III was still a young hoy. As was the
pharaohs. Next to her is a sign that says "Hatshepsut, 40 custom, Hatshepsut took control as the young
the king herself (1473-1458 BC):' But in 1903, when pharaoh's queen regent.6 At first, Hatshepsut respected
5 the archeologist Howard Carter found Hatshepsut's convention and just handled political affairs while
coffin2 in the Valley of the Kings, the young king was growing
it was empty. Had her mummy up. But before long, she began
been stolen or destroyed? The 45 performing kingly duties. And
truth only carne out a century after a few years she no longer
1 o later, when Egyptian scientists acted as queen regent, but fully
identified a mumrny from a assumed the role of king of
less important tomb3 as that of Egypt, the supreme power in
Hatshepsut. Non e of the treasures 50 the land.
normally found with pharaohs' No one really knows why
15 mummies were with it. It was not
Hatshepsut broke the
even in a coffin. conventional rules. Was ita key
fJ Hatshepsut was one of the greatest builders of ancient moment in Egypt's history when a strong leader was
Egypt. She built numerous monuments and temples. At 55 needed? Did she believe she had the same right to rule
Karnak, we can still see an inscription4 describing her as a man? Did she feel a right as a direct descendant of
20 hopes as to how she would be remembered: "Now my the pharaoh, Thutmose I? Whatever the reason, her
heart turns this way and that, as 1 think what the people stepson was relegated to second-in-command, and "the
will say. Those who see my monuments in years to king herself" went on to rule for an amazing 21 years.
come, and who shall speak of what 1 have done:' 60 At first, Hatshepsut made no secret of her sex-in
D But following her death, her successor and stepson images her body is unmistakably a woman's-but later,
25 Thutmose 111 set about erasíng her memory, ordering she is depicted as a male king, with headdress and
all images of her as the king to be removed from beard, standing in a self-confident manner with legs
monuments and temples. Her statues were smashed apart. Many inscriptions still exist that have references
and thrown into a pit. Yet, the images ofher asqueen 65 to "my people" These suggest that she knew she had
were left undamaged. Why? broken the rules and wanted her subjects' approval.
O 30 Hatshepsut was the eldest daughter of Thutmose 1 Her stepson, Thutmose 111, grew increasingly
and Queen Ahmose. But Thutmose 1 also had a son frustrated. After Hatshepsut's death, he took his
by another queen, and this son, Thutmose 11, became revenge, doing his best to erase her memory as
pharaoh when his father died. As was common among 70 pharaoh from history. But, ironically, in the long term,
Egyptian royalty, Thutmose 11 married his sister, it is Hatshepsut, the King Herself, who has achieved
35 Hatshepsut. They produced one daughter. Another greater farne.
wífe, Isis, gave Thutmose 11 the male heir5 that
Hatshepsut was unable to provide.

1mummy (n) /'mAmi/ a dead body wrapped in layers of cloth

2coffin (n) /'kofm/ a box in which a dead body is placed

(n) /tu:m/ a structure in which a dead person is placed
(n) /in'skripjan/ words cut into a hard surface
5heir (n) /ear/ someone who will receive a title when another

person dies
6regent (n) /'ri:d3ant/ a person who governs a state because
the real king or queen is too young or is absent
• 1 Od The right job
Real life describingskills, talents, and experience

is a charity
that sends
boxes of
essential items needed in
an emergency (e.g., a tent,
tools, cooking utensils, a
water purification kit) to
places where disasters-
such as earthquakes and
floods-have struck. Boxes
are prepared in the US and
delivered immediately by
Shelterbox employees to
anywhere in the world where
they will help to save lives.

1 Read the description of Shelterbox. What kind of 5 Pronunciation difficult words

organízation is it, and what service do they offer?
1 a Cll!IThe spelling of a word in English does not
2 CID Listen to someone being interviewed for always indicate how you should say the word.
a job at Shelterbox. Work in pairs and answer the How confident are you that you can pronounce
questions. these words from the interview? For very confident,
put a Iv"): for quite confident, puta(?); and for not
1 What aspect of their work is the candidate very confident, puta (.X). Then listen and repeat.
interested in?
2 What does the interviewer think might be a D business D comfortable D environment
Dthough O world O months
3 CID Look at the expressions for describing skills,
O specialized O suited O knowledgeable
talents, and experience. Complete the sentences
(1-10) with the correct prepositions. Then listen to
the interview again and check your answers.
b CID Listen to eight more words and try to
spell them. Then compare your answers with a
partner .
1 l'm familiar your work 6 Work in pairs.
2 1 have a friend who volunteered you ...
3 l'm very.interested the idea of ...
Student A: Choose one of the jobs below and
4 1 speciali'zed economics think about why you should get the job. Convince
5 l'm qoed at coping difficult environments Student B that this would be a good job for you.
6 1 think l'd be suited the work
7 l'm pretty qood computers Student B: You are the interviewer. Think of sorne
8 l'm comfor.table ali the usual programs appropriate questions. Interview Student A. Then
9 l'm•seri~us wanting to help people swap roles and conduct a new interview.
10 1 rreed to become more knowledgeable _
• a salesperson in a children' s bookstore
• a tester of new video games
• a fund-raiser for your old school or college
4 Work in pairs. Do you think the candidate did a • a volunteer firefighter (part-time)
good job of selling himself to the interviewer? • a trainee chocolate maker

1 Oe First impressions
Writing a personal profile 4 Vocabulary personal qualities
a Find adjectives in the profiles that mean
1 Work in pairs. Which of these contexts (a-e) have
you written a personal profile for before? What the following:
kind of information did you give about yourself? 1 intelligent _
a a job application 2 wanting to know more _
b a social networking site 3 .very enthusiastic _
e a college application 4 imaginative _
d a vacation rental website (like Airbnb) 5 with a lot of practice _
e a voluntary organization 6 independent~-------
7 relaxed _
2 Look at these three short personal profiles. Which
of the contexts in Exercise 1 was each one written 8 canchange to fit the situation _
for? Match the profiles (1-3) with a context (a-e)
from Exercise l.
b Which of the adjectives above would you use to
describe yourself? Tell a partner.

º- B
l'm Rachel, 28 years old, from France. My husband
Jack and 1 just moved to Montreal and are looking
5 Writing skill using with
a Work in pairs. How would you rephrase this
to make new friends in the area. We're both very sentence using a relative clause?
easygoing, and are passionate about traveling and A retail manager with a background in men's and
discovering new places. 1 love cooking for people. ladies' fashion
Send me a message if you want to join us for a
horne-cooked French meal ! b Rewrite these phrases using with. Where you have
to change an adjective or verb to a noun, you will
EJ_ A need to add an appropriate preposition.
Bright and experienced retail manager with a 1 an IT expert who has experience in
background in men's and ladies' fashion both in software design
large department stores and small boutiques. A 2 a young couple who loves travel
creative and adaptable professional who has a 3 a creative individual who is interested in·
great eye for design and detail. Willing to relocate fashion
and open to international opportunities. 4 a bríght manager who is ambitious to succeed
5 an easygoing musician who is talented
g_ C atcooking

1 am a self-reliant and curious learner whose 6 Write your own short profile similar to one of the
ambition is to pursue a career in political profiles in Exercise 2. Choose one of the contexts
journalism. My experience as the editor of my from Exercise 1.
high school newspaper has inspired me to learn
1 Exchange profiles with a partner. Check your
more about world aff airs, and 1 hope very much
partner's profile using these questions.
to deepen my knowledge by studying politics at
your institution. • What was the main impression the profile
3 Work in pairs. Look at the three profiles above and • Is the profile written in an appropriate style?
answer these questions. • Does it include adjectives to describe personal
1 Which profile(s) are written in the first person?
• Does it include at least one with + noun
And in the third person?
2 Which profile is written in a less formal style?
· • Overall, was the profile effective?
How can you tell?
3 Which profile do you think is the most

Unit 10 Talented people 125

Before you watch 4 1 tllill Look at these events in Cleopatra's life.
Then watch the video again and complete the -
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. sentences.
Make notes about what you know about Cleopatra.
1 Cleopatra was born in BC into the
• who shewas Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt.
• when and where she ruled 2 She became Queen at the age of _
• important events in her life and ruled Egypt with her brother, but he soon
forced her from power.
2 Key vocabulary 3 When Julius Caesar arrived in Egypt, Cleopatra
managed to get to see him by hiding in a
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-4). The words
and phrases in bold are used in the video. Guess 4 Julius Caesar was charmed by Cleopatra. He
the meaning of the words and phrases. defeated her and helped her take
1 As the eldest son of the Queen of England, back the throne.
Prince Charles is her successor. 5 Soon after that, Cleopatra hada baby that she
2 The company is well-equipped to compete with claimed was son.
its international rivals. 6 After Caesar was murdered, Cleopatra looked
3 The American Civil War was between the for someone else in Rome to help her. She met
Northern and Southern states of the US. _____ , who was also hungry for power.
4 His comment that he doesn't believe in global 7 Together, Cleopatra and Mark Antony ruled
warming has caused a lot of controversy and Alexandria, and eventually they _
has infuriated many people. 8 Mark Antony said that was the
true successor to Caesar. This infuriated Mark
b Write the words and phrases in bold in Exercise 2a Antony' s rival, Octavian.
next to their definitions (a-e). 9 Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra in
a a fight for control of a country between battle in BC.
, different groups within that country 10 Legend says that Cleopatra spread rumors that
she was , and when Mark Antony
heard this, he killed himself.
b , a person who takes over a job or position from
someone else _ 11 Cleopatra tried to make peace with Octavian,
but when she couldn't, she too killed herself
e made someone very angry _
with a bite.
d strong disagreement about something among a
large group of people _
e people or businesses you compete against for After you watch
the same goal or for superiority in the same
area _ 5 Vocabulary in context
a I tllifJ Watch the clips from the video. Choose
While you watch the correct meaning of the words and phrases.

3 1 Cll1li Watch the video. Match the people in the b Complete these sentences in your own words.
story (1-6) with their descriptions. Then share your sentences with a partner.
People Descriptions 1 I was overjoyed when 1 heard that ...
1 Cleopatra o o Cleopatra's younger 2 1 think that .... is in decline.
brother and co-ruler 3 Although he is dead, Michael Jackson's ...
2 Ptolemy 13th o o a rival to Mark Antony lives on.
6 What three adjectives would you use to describe
3 Julius Caesar o o Cleopatra and Julius Cleopatra? Discuss with a partner.
Caesars son
4 Caesarion o o winner in Rome' s 7 Work in groups and discuss these questions.
civil war
1 Who are the most famous people in the history
5 Mark Antony o o Queén of Egypt
of your country?
6 Octavian o o a potential successor 2 What qualities are these people known for? Are
to Caesar and, later, they ali good qualities?
Cleopatra's husband

Unit 10 Talented people 127

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the first part of the article (1-10) with a, 4 Complete these sentences about jobs and careers.
an, the, orno article (-). Then complete the second The first letter of each missing word is provided.
part (11-15) using relative pronouns. 1 Is in the army for four years, so 1
understand the importance of discipline.
Constance Adams has had 1 interesting career. 2 I'm very a ande .I
She studied 2 architecture at 3 Yale can work in whatever environment you need
University before working as 4 architect in meto.
Berlin and 5 Japan. She then joined the Johnson 3 Ia for the job because I'rn good at
Space Center in 6 US, where she helped design selling and I want to p a career in
TransHab, a module for 7 lnternational Space sales.
Station. 8 module was designed to provide 4 Both my parents are doctors, so it was a natural
9 living accommodations for astronauts during choice for me to b a doctor, too.
their stay in 10 space.
5 f>iLM:I Work in pairs. Discuss which of these
areas is being described in each sentence in
Exercise 4. Then make sentences describing
yourself in each of these areas.

background experience qualifications

qualities skills talents

describe my experience, skills, and qualifications

Real life
In order to accommodate a crew of astronauts
6 Complete these sentences with the correct
11 mission was to reach Mars, the designers of prepositions.
the TransHab module had to achieve two things. They 1 I'm familiar all the usual
had to design a module 12 would be only computer programs.
4.3 meters in diameter when it was launched. But 2 1 specialized mechanical
once it was in space, it needed to become three times engineering in college.
that size to be big enough for the six astronauts 3 1 think I' d be well-suited working
would live there. So they made a structure abroad.
could inflate and unfold in space to 4 I'm good coping _
become a three-level "house" 15 astronauts difficult people.
could eat, sleep, and work. 5 I'm serious pursuing a career
_____ the fashion industry.
6 I'm very interested the idea of
2 Work in pairs. What two important design features creating new designs.
of the TransHab module <loes the text describe?
7 f)JM:I Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 6 so that
3 Work in pairs. Make sentences defining two of they are true for you. Make two of the sentences
these things. Use articles and relative pronouns in false. Then read all your sentences to a partner and
your definitions. ask your partner to guess which two are false.
blind echo flood heir ICAN
use expressions to present myself ata job interview
use atan, the, and zero article accurately
use relative pronouns in different relative clause.s

Unit 11 Knowledge and learning

FEATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. Answer these
130 lnnovation in learning 1 What kinds of things might you find in this museum?
An innovative school 2 What's your favorite museum? Why?
in Brazil
2 Look at the verbs (1-5) to do with learning. Match them with the
132 Memory verbs on the right with a similar meaning.

What is it like to have an 1 acquire (e.g., a new skill) o o motivate

amazing memory? 2 be unaware of (e.g., a fact) o o not know about
3 get (e.g., the meaning of something) o o pickup or learn
134 Who's a clever bird? 4 inspire (e.g., a person to learn) o o understand
5 take in (e.g., a lot of information) o o understand and
What goes on in the mind
of an animal?
3 CID Work in pairs. Listen to someone talking about taking her
138 Paraguay shaman children to the Children's Museum andanswer the questions.
A video about the uses of 1 What did the speaker's kids engage with?
medicinal plants 2 Which section at the museum really inspired the speaker?

4 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1 Which classes inspired you most at school? Why?
2 What knowledge or skill that you acquired at school or in
college has been most useful (to you)?

- 11 a Innovationin learning
Vocabularyeducation 2 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions about
education in your country.
1 Circle the correct options to complete these
1 Does education in your country focus more on
sentences about education.
practica! skills or on academic knowledge? Is
1 Learning ~rt / from experience is the best there a lot of learning by heart?
way to lea~ur multiplication tables. 2 How much emphasis is put on grades and
2 Studying / C~ for your exams is not exams? Do you think this is a good or bad thing?
a good idea~ to remember lots of 3 Is there a big problem of absenteeism at school?
information at the last moment doesn't help What about people dropping out completely?
you remember thing~he long term.
3 He turned up far/ dr~ut of high school
when he was sixteen ané:l started working
full-time instead. ~ 3 Read the article about the Lumiar School in Brazil.
4 At school, I acquired a lot of acad ic kn ledge / What are the main ways in which it is different
practica! experience, but not ~y · e skills. from a traditional school? Discuss with a partner.
,5 I always got good notes/ English
because I read a lot of English books.

lt is a question.that has troubled educatorsfor centuries. How
do they ensure that studentsdon't just turn up to schoolto pass
exams, but that they are truly engaged in their learning?
The Lumiar lnternational School in Sao Paulo, Brazil, may have
5 found the answer. The founder of the school is Ricardo Semler, a
businessman who developed a management style in which employees
were trusted to do their jobs and make their own decisions. They
were even able to set their own working hours and salaries. Semler
managed to make this approach work in his own company, increasing
10 sales from $4 million to $212 million in twenty years.
Lumiar is a school unlike any other. Pupils occupy "spaces" rather than
rooms, and learning takes place everywhere: in play areas, the hall,
the dining room. lf pupils do not feel engaged in a lesson, they can go
to another one orto the library to read. Most learning is done through
15 projects that pupils design with their fellow students and teachers.
Teachers are more like subject experts than traditional teachers.
On the day 1 visited, 1 attended a weekly meeting where all pupils could
discuss issues affecting school life. The meeting was an opportunity
for students to raise concerns, but also an occasion when they were
20 able to practice important life skills like debating and collaboration.
The problem they succeeded in solving that day concerned sorne
plates that two of the pupils had broken while running in the kitchen.
Punishment was not the issue. The question was how to prevent this
from happening again. Someone suggested a "No running in school"
25 rule. Then another boy spoke up: What if the school pays, but the
boys themselves have to go and find the same china in the shops? 1
was amazed. This boy was only six years old, but he had managed to
come up with an excellent solution to a difficult problem.

4 Complete these sentences using words from the
article. The first letter of each missing word is
1 Ricardo Semler based the Lumiar School's
approach to education on that of his own
c _
7 Circle the correct options to complete
these sentences.

/-¡;>I'i\Cn J\'"
such a stn~ng accent that 1 C~~vu~ ·1 o\!)
,.¡ '_) ·:, •

ouldn't / didn'i manage understand him. Q1_Ú1 Lt {'.j

ed his e~s
succeeded in/
the first time, but he
to take them again.
. 2 Pupils learn by participating in p _ 3 She cpiif{N managed to read and write from the
with other students. age ohfuee. ~~ o-6 \ L\ ~
3 The weekly meetings provide an opportunity for 4 Did she succeed ;<m~n~gk to pas~ ~er driving test
the pupils to practice important l. _ last week? @t~t (c. O et-, u1 lj
s _ 5 When we got to the top of the mountain, we
4 The six-year-old boy's suggestion was accepted
W / succeeded see for miles.
as a very reasonable form of p _ 6 Arte'r try~ffe ey for several minutes, they
managed succee .din getting the door open.
Grammar cou/d, was able to, 8
'.Ol-"-,\..C) (ÁQ_c\ .
Complete this text with the correct form of
managed to, and succeeded in the verbs in parentheses. Add a preposition if
SUCCEEDED IN Ricardo Semler's philosophy is the same in
education and in business: to be democratic
c.ou/d+ base form of the verb and to let people manage their own work.
1 (1 attended a week/y meeting where ali pupils cou/d
For example, if a salesperson managed
discuss issuesaffecting school life. 1 ~\{) \QO.c 'n (reach) their weekly
2 He was six years old, and he cou/d speak confidently in
front of a iarge group of people. sales target by Wednesday, they could take the
rest of the week off. At Semler's weekly board
waslwere é!ble +.1pase.form of the verb
~ fhey were'eY_!n ab/e to set their own working hours. meetings, two seats were open for anyone in the
company-including the cleaners and lower-level
managed + to + base form of the verb
4 Sémler managed to make this approach work in his
staff-who could 2 ge± (get)
own.comoeny. there on time. The important thing for Semler
was to have people around him who were able
succeededin +.-ing
5 Tñeproblem they succeeded in solving that day
3 tú i \iú. MK (think) for themselves.
concerned sorne pi etes ... That's why he set up a school: to teach people
to be independent. With the Lumiar School, he
For more information and practice, see page 176. succeeded 4 tll\ QC..\/\.1.€U l C\lt.C¡ (achieve) this.

5 Look at the grammar box, Complete these rules

(1-3) with could, was/were able to, managed to, or
succeeded in.
Work in pairs. Describe your learning experience
1 We use and of TWO of the following. Use the correct forms of
was/were able to to describe a general ability could, was/wereable to, managed to, or succeeded in in
to do something in the past. your answers.
2 Weuse and
________ to say we had a possibility • ridíng a bike
or opportunity to do something in the past. • driving
3 Weuse , • speaking English
________ , and was/were able to to • cooking
describe success in a specific (difficult) task in • playing a sport or musical instrument
the past. • mastering a job or a work skill
I remember my dad teaching me to ride a bike uihen I
6 Work in pairs. Look at these two sentences
from the article. Which of the other forms in the
was six. At jirst, I couldn't keep my balance. Every
time he let go, I managed to ride far aboui ten meiers
grammar box could you use in each sentence?
befare... ·
1 The meeting was ... an occasion when they
were able to practice important life skills.
2 ... he had managed to come up with an
excellent solution to a difficult problem ..

Unit 11 Knowledge and learning 131

- 11bMemory--~--. ...

Listening Wordbuilding homonyms

1 Work in pairs. What kinds of things do you often ..... WORDBUILDING homonyms
forget? Do you find this annoying?
Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced in
2 Clm1 Listen to the first part of a talk on memory the same way but have a different meaning.
cross (adj) = angry; cross (v) =to go across, e.g., a bridge or
by a psychologist. He mentions sorne common
road; cross (n) =a symbol made of two intersecting lines
failures of memory. Were any of them the same as
the ones you talked about in Exercise 1? For more practice, see Workbook page 91.

3 ~ Work in groups. Listen to the rest of theo.~

and answer the questions. Look at the wordbuilding box. Then read the ·
sentences below (1-4) and look at the words in
1 What <loes the woman (AJ) remember? bold from the talk. Circle the correct meaning of
2 How <loes AJ feel , about her good memory? th ese h omonyms ( a or b) .
3 Why are people s memories now perhaps not .
as good as they used to be? 1 AJ's memory is stimulated in the most intense
way by dates.
4 ClmJ Circle the correct options to complete the a fruit that grows on a palm tree
psychologist's statements. Then listen to the whole (]) days of the year specified by a number
talk again and check your answers. 2 When you found a pen and paper, the idea
1 AJ's memory is stimulated by events /~s was gone.
in the same way that our memories can Ye @) established
stimulated by certain images / p.¡:rel-~. b located
2 Our memories are selective: ~ember 3 I'm sure everyone recognizes these comJ,fon
mostly urgent / iAnt things an~ / failures of memory. él!~
bad things. ~ ~ a shared
3 We should be grateful J}r / conscious of all the ,(&¡ usual, normal
things that our"memó'ries hide. 4 "tt1s a bit like it is for the rest of us when certain
4 Psychologists call the technology we use to smells bring back strong memories.
store information our "extra /~l memory." !fi'J remainder
5 Now medical science is trying-twáddress the b period of relaxing
problem of~/ selective memory.

Grammar future in the pas_t. 't'(\f'h 1~
~e _am
Rewrite these original plans (1-5) using
in the past forms. Then listen and check
..... FUTURE IN THE PAST ) your answers.
~11\)fiü¡as/weregoing to and was!were about to(+ base verb)
1 You were goíng to wrtt« down a great idea you had,
Y 1 going to invite Sarah.
I was going to invite Sarah, but I asked
but when .v.ou fou'Í\da-~ and paper, . . . Kate instead.
2 You were Jbo~t"torl1'5ake "! COJ!]'!'entin a meeting, and 2 Her calendar says she should be in Cairo
~·· ~~®~~ ~~-
would (~Cl~se verb) and would have (+ past participle) She in Cairo
3 ·You recognizedsomeone in the street and wou/d have this _w_e_e_k_,
couldn't go.
spoken to them, but you didn't because ... 3 I'll send you the original, if I can find it. 11
was/were supposed to(+ base verb) 0"-D\ i6\0. \-\O V) He me the original,
4 ,You were supposed to se(ld a friend a birtffday card, but he couldn't find it, so he sent me a copy.
but then · · · 4 We are supposed to arrive there by ten o' dock.
For more information and practice, see page 176. We thereby
ten o'clock, but the train didn't get in
6 CllE!IWork in pairs. Look at the granunar box. Try until eleven.
to remember what the speaker said in Exercises 2 5 He' s about to announce his retirement.
and 4 to complete each sentence in the granunar box He his retirement,
(1-4). Then listen again and check but now he thinks he'll stay until next year.

7 Work in pairs. Look again at sentences 1-4 in the 1 O Pronunciation contrastive sentence stress
granunar box. Do the verbs in bold describe actions
that were completed? a IJlmJWork in pairs. Underline the words in
the rewritten sentences in Exercise 9 that give
8 Circle the correct verb forros to complete this the contrasting facts. Listen again. Then practice
description of another memory patient. sayíng each sentence using contrastive stress.

There was another interesting patient who couldn't b Complete these sentences with a contrasting idea.
form new memories. He could onl remember Underline the words in the sentence that make the
events before 1960. 1 1 vya~o ask / contrast. Then say your sentences to your partner.
Your partner should say which words you stressed
would ask his doctor hÓ'w-someone with no
and why.
memory managed to cope with daily life, but
she suggested 1 speak to the patient directly. So 1 1 He was going to take the day off, but ...
went to interview him. Our appointment they n.eeded him at work after all.
2 ~secrw be/ would be at 2 p.m., 2
We were supposed to be going to Chile, but ...
I would have driven, but ...
but the time made no difference !P-hLm since
4 They were about to buy a new TV, but ...
he~iv d...only in the present. 1 3 would ~// /
5 1 was going to order the fish, but ...
w ti ha to/d him my name a'ñ-ci-why 1
was t f.but 1 realized there w~oint:
it was supposéd to mean / it w~:ve meant
nothing to him. So 1 began by asking him Work in pairs. Look at these three situations.
about his past, and he talked about his Think of a good excuse to explain why each one
childhood during the Second World War. happened. Then tell your excuses to the class. At
But then the telephone rang. When he carne the end, vote on which excuses were best.
back, 1 5 w~toask I would ask him to
• You were thirty minutes late for an important
continue, burit-was'clear he had completely
business meeting and didn't call to inform them.
forgotten our earlier conversation. 1 thought he • You borrowed someone's car and were
was about to be/ rv~e frustrated by this, supposed to return it the next day, but they had
but not at ali. lf anythrn{. he seemed glad not to to call you to find out where it was.
be burdened by memory. • It was a close friend's birthday two days ago.
You didn't senda card or get them a present.
"Sorrv l'm late. My train was delayed. I was going to
call you, but ... "

Unit 11 Knowledge and learning 133

• 11 e Who's a clever bird?
Reading Word focus learn
1 Work in pairs. What kinds of things can animals Work in pairs. Find these two expressions with
learn to do? Which animals seem the most the word learn in the article. Discuss what each
intelligent? expression means. _/)) YJOI:\ i"
( -


~t ~ •
2 Work in pairs. Read the article and say how Alex 1 learn (something) by heart (lines 23-24)\'YWJYY\.ól'\)'O')
the parrot demonstrated his intelligence. 2 learn (something) the hard way (line 69)
r 3-'')Read the article again. Do these statements agree 7 Work in pairs. Look at the expressions in bold
__/ with the information given in the article? Circle in the sentences below. Can you figure out what
true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) if there is these expressions mean? Which expression means
no information. the same thing as "learn the hard way"?
1 Pepperberg' s idea was to let Alex 6)F NG 1 Tom' s a professional photographer-ask him
communicate to her how he for advice if y9We inter~s~ed in learning sorne
saw the world. tricks of the ~~~.\-\ CJ.()
2 Pepperberg didn't want people C!)F NG 2 Jessica wants to design the new brochure, but
she's only been here a month. 1 told her that
to think she had chosen Alex for
his intelligence. you have to leam to walk before you can run.
3 Alex showed that he could NG 3 lt's never too late to leam. My grandfather

distinguish between colors and took up the piano when he was 73 years old.
shapes, but not numbers. 4 I've learned my lesson. l'm never going to
4 Pepperberg concluded that íi)
F NG try to put together a piece of furniture again
cognitive skills are necessary without reading the instructions first.
for survival in the wild. 5 There's no point complaining about the

5 Alex felt very proud of his T F changes in the organization. We're just going to
ability to communicate in English. ~ have to learn to live with it.
6 Alex was c.fi9m?ot expressíng T @)NG 6 You' d think that the company would learn
his thoughts and emotions. from its mistakes, but it never <loes.

8 Choose two of the bold expressions from Exercise 7

Critical thinking explainingideas and write your own sentences with them. Then
read your sentences to a partner, omitting the bold
4 When writers express an idea, they often expressions with learn. Can your partner figure out
explain it to make sure the reader understands.
the rnissing expressions?
Read the article again and underline the sentences
or phrases used to explain each idea below.
1 that a good way to find out what an animal is
thinking is to teach it to speak Take the quiz on page 154 to find out what type
2 that researchers had no confidence in her idea of learner you are. The answers are on page 155.
3 that Alex made up words for new things Then work in pairs and discuss if you agree with
4 that birds need to be able to adapt to their this. ·
5 that Alex showed an understanding of feelings 1 O Work in small groups. Discuss how your learning
style affects your language learning. What things
5 Work in pairs. Which of these ways (a-e) <loes the can you do to leam more effectively? Look at the
writer use to explain each idea (1-5) in Exercise 4? ideas below and add any others you can think of.
a by rephrasing or saying the same thing in other • watching English language movies with the
words subtitles on
b by giving examples -• reading stories (in English newspapers, books,
e by quoting someone who made the same point magazines) and retelling them
• keeping a vocabulary book and drawing
illustrations of each new word


H ow do you find out what an animal

is thinking? How do you know if it is
thinking at ali? One good way, thought Harvard
"They need to categorize things-what's
edible, what isn't-and to knowthe shapes
of predators. And it helps to have a concept
graduate Irene Pepperberg, might be to ask it. of numbers if you need to keep track of your
5 In 1977, she decided she would teach a one- flock.3 For a long-lived bird, you can't do all of
year-old African grey parrot named Alex to this with instinct; thinking must be involved."
speak English. "I thought if he learned to 55 Alex also expressed feelings and awareness
communicate, I could ask him questions about of other people's feelings. If Pepperberg grew
how he sees the world." frustrated, Alex could notice this and offer an
10 Pepperberg bought Alex in a Chicago pet store. "I'm sorry" to her. "Wanna go back" he would
She let the store assistant choose him because say when he had had enough of the tests and
she didn't want other scientists to say that she 60 wanted to go back to his cage. "Talk clearly!"
had deliberately chosen a clever bird. Given he commanded, when one of the other birds
that Alex's brain was the size of a walnut, most that Pepperberg was teaching mispronounced
19 researchers thought Pepperberg was certain to the word green. "He's moody," said
fail. "Sorne people actually called me crazy for Pepperberg, "so he interrupts the others, or he
trying this," she said. 65 gives the wrong answer just to be difficult."
Through her experiments, Pepperberg
But with Pepperberg's patient teaching, Alex certainly leamed more about the mind of a
learned how to imitate almost one hundred parrot, but like the parent of a teenager, she
20 English words, including the names of food. learned the hard way.
He could count to six and had learned the
sounds for seven and eight. But the point :r
perch (n) /parrt]? a wooden bar that a bird stands on
was not just to see if Alex could learn words

2cognitive (adj) /'kogn:it1v/ related to thinking and

by heart and then repeat them. Pepperberg thought processes
25 wanted to get inside his mind and learn more 3flock (n) /flok/ a large group of birds

about a bird's understanding of the world.

In one demonstration, Pepperberg placed Alex
on a wooden perch1 in the middle of the room.
She then held up a green key and a small green
30 cup for him to look at. "What's the same?" she
asked. Without hesitation, Alex's beak opened:
"Co-Ior," "What's different?" Pepperberg asked.
"Shape," Alex said. She demonstrated that Alex
could tell what a key was, whatever its size
35 or color. He also made up words for new
things: he called an apple a "banerry"
(a combination of banana and cherry, his
favorite fruits). Many of Alex's cognitive2
skills, such as his ability to understand
40 the concepts of same and different, are
rare in the animal world. But parrots,
like humans, live a long time in
complex societies. And like humans,
these birds must adapt to changing
45 relationships and environments.
"They need to be able to distinguish
colors to know when a fruit is ripe or
unripe," Pepperberg explained.

Who's Clever
• 11 d Keep learning
Real! life getting clarification 3 Work in pairs. Look at the expressions for getting
clarification that Ahmad used. Which expressions
1 Work in pairs. Look at the list of short courses offered <loes he use to ask for repetition, and which <loes
by a local college. Which of these courses interest he use to ask for explanation?
youand why?

What do you mean by 1 ?
Can you speak upa little?
ADULT EDUCATION c o r i rc t
Can you explain what 2 ?
Sorry, 1 don't understand .
COURSE TITLE FREQUENCY Are you saying that 3
the history of art?
Basic Car Repair 1 x 2 hrs. X
Could you give mean example of
Apr. 5, 1 O wks.
in the class?
lntroduction to 1 x 2 hrs. .! What was 5 called again?
Psychology Sorry, 1 didn't catch 6

Jan. 22, 18 wks. Did you say 7 ?

Vlogging• 1 x 1.5 hrs. X
Apr. 71, 8 wks.
4 1aull Listen to the conversation again. Complete
First Aid 2 x 1.5 hrs. .! the expressions for getting clarification in Exercise 3
Apr. 12, 4 wks. with the words you hear .
Fitness lnstruction 1 x 2 hrs. .!
Mar. 1, 12 wks. 5 Pronunciation linking in question forms
Flower Arranging 1 x 2 hrs. X
a 1at0•1 In certain commonly used combinations
Jan. 22, 18 wks.
(did you, could you, what do you, etc.), the words are
Art Appreciation 1 x 2 hrs. X strongly linked together. Listen to these examples.
Apr. 5, 10 wks. Notice how the speaker links the words together.
Screenwriting 1 x 2 hrs. X
1 Are you saying the class is full?
Jan. 21, 78 wks.
2 Did you say Tuesday?
WebDesign 1x1.5 hrs. X 3 What do you mean?
Apr. 12, 6 wks. 4 Could you give mean example?
Starting Your Own 1x1.5 hrs. X
Business b Work in pairs, Practice saying these questions.
Apr. 11, 8 wks. • What are you trying to say?
• Could you repeat that?
• Did you mean September?
* A vlog (or video blog) is a blog that features mostly • What do you think?
videos rather than text or images. Vlogging is the
act of keeping a video blog. 6 Work in pairs ..

Student A: You are a potential student. Choose

2 1a1e51 Listen to a telephone conversation with one of the courses from the list in Exercise 1 or
someone inquiring about a class. Work in pairs and
another class you are interested in. Tell Student
answer the questions.
B your choice. Prepare questions about the class
1 What kind of class does Ahmad initially ask (e.g., how long it is, what is covered exactly).
2 What class does Liz suggest for him instead? Student B: You are a college administrator.
Why? Prepare what you are going to say about
3 What <loes Ahmad decide to do? Student A's chosen class (e.g., what it covers,
if it offers a degree ora certificate).
Act out a conversation inquiring about the class.
Then change roles and have a new conversation.

11 e The wrong course
Writing an email about a 3 Writing skill linkingcontrasting ideas
misunderstanding a Work in pairs. Look at the contrasting ideas in each item
below. Find the sentences in the email that express these
1 Read the email from a student to an adult ideas. Then underline the words or phrases that are used
education college. Answer the questions to link them.
1 The course should be for beginners. No one else
is a beginner.
Dear Sir/Madam,
2 Each lesson starts with a simple idea. It progresses
1 enrolled in your course Car Repair 1 in August quickly to difficult ideas.
and have attended three classes. When 1 3 The teacher is not at fault. He helps me as much as
originally inquired about the course, 1 was told he can.
that it was suitable for people with no previous 4 The other students know a lot. 1 know nothing.
knowledge of car repair. But, in fact, everyone 5 No one is to blame for this. I still feel it is unfair.
else in the class seems to know a lot already. So
des pite the f act that the lessons generally start b Look again at the sentences in the email with despite
with a basic concept, they move very quickly on and whereas. How would you rewrite them using
to more complicated ideas. although and on the other hand? Tell your partner.
1 don't blame the teacher. On the contrary, e Complete these sentences (1-4) with appropriate
he does his best to explain concepts to me. linking words and phrases from the box.
But 1 feel that 1 am just holding everyone
else back. They know how an engine works on the other hand but
already, whereas 1 have no background at all in despite the fact that on the contrary
mechanics. 1 the brochure says the start
1 was going to wait a couple of weeks before date is September 12th, the first real class is a week
saying anything, but the last class was so later, on the 19th.
difficult that 1 have decided to write now and 2 The course is advertised as "practical,"
ask for a refund. While 1 appreciate it's not ________ you leam a lot of theory as well.
really anyone's fault that this has happened, 1 3 The art history course is a two-year program. The
hope you will understand how unsatisfactory art appreciation course, ~ is
the situation is forme. only ten weeks long.
4 Training as a fitness instructor is not easy.
1 look forward to hearing from you. ________ ,"it's one of the toughest
Sincerely yours, classes I've ever taken.
Silvia Redman 4 Imagine you enrolled in one of the other courses
listed on page 136. Think of a misunderstanding that
1 What is the misunderstanding about the occurred with the course. Write an email to the college
explaining the misunderstanding and asking for
a refund. ·
a the level
b the timing 5 Exchange emails with a partner. Compare what you
2 How would you describe the student's have written. Use these questions to check your emails.
feelings about the situation?
a offended • Does the email make clear what the
b frustrated misunderstanding was?
3 How would you describe the tone of • Is the tone of the email reasonable?
the email? • Has the writer used linking words and phrases
a aggressive correctly?
b reasonable • Do you think the email will get the response or
action the writer wants?
2 Work in pairs. What do you think the college
should do in response to the email?"Give
reasons for your answer.

Unit 11 Knowledge and learning 137

Before you watch 4 At the village, Gervasio is using chants / '
dancing, perhaps to make a spiritual connection -
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. with the forest.
What do you know about shamans? How do you 5 Together, they look for a specific type of plant that
think they treat sick people? the scientists want to use in Jever/ cancer research.
6 Gervasio' s wife then makes a local dish /tea
2 Key vocabulary with the plant.
7 The scientists have published a book /
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-5). The words online articles about Paraguay' s medicinal plants.
in bold are used in the video. Guess the meaning
of the words.
After you watch
1 We have a nature reserve near our house. A lot
of people go there to watch birds. 5 Vocabulary in context
2 At the moment, there is no cure for cancer.
However, scientists say they are getting close to a 1 Clifj Watch the clips from the video. Choose
finding one. the correct meaning of the words and phrases.
3 They live in an isolated part of Scotland two b Complete these sentences in your own words.
hours from the nearest town, Then share your sentences with a partner.
4 After I broke my arm, it took three months for
it to heal properly. 1 I have extensive knowledge of ...
5 The yoga class always begins with the teacher 2 ... is a good source of ...
leading a chant. 3 A potential disadvantage of drinking too much
coffee is ...
b Write the words in bold in Exercise 2a next to their
definitions (a-e). 6 Work in small groups. Make a list of herbs, spices,
vitamins, or other remedies commonly used in your
a remate and on its own _
country to help treat these medical problems. Add
b .a word or phrase that is repeated in a another problem and cure. Then tell each other if
'rhythmic way, usually by a group of people you have tried any of these cures and with what
e ,· become healthy again _
d an area of land where plants or animals are
officially protected _ Problem Cure
e a medicine or treatment that makes an illness
or disease go away _ 1 Cold vitamin e (orange juice)
2 Sore throat
While you watch
3 1 Clill Watch the video about medicinal plants. 3 Toothache
Work in pairs and answer the questions.
4 Stomachache
1 Where do the medicinal plants come from?
2 Why are these plants now at risk?
3 What are the scientists visiting Paraguay 5
hoping to find?

4 1 Clill Read these statements (1-7). Then 7 Work in pairs. Read the statements below. Which
watch the video again and circle the correct do you think are true? Do you have any similar
options to complete the statements. beliefs in your country?
1 The plants in the forest could contain cures for 1 Eating fish is good for your brain.
diabetes, malaria, and heart disease / 2 Spicy food causes stomach ulcers.
common fevers and colds. 3 Chicken soup helps cure a cold.
2 As the plants disappear, the shamans / 4 If you go outside with wet hair, you'll catch
potential cures disappear with them. a cold.
3 Paraguay has one of the highest deforestation/ 5 Eating cheese befare bed can give you bad
infant mortality rates in the world. dreams.
6 Drinking lemon tea with honey soothes a
sore throat.

Unit 11 Knowledge and learning 139

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Circle the correct options to complete this story 4 Complete each expression about learning with a
about a linguist. verb, a preposition, oran adjective.
1 Learning your mistakes is
When police in Brazil interviewed an immigrant learning the way, but it works!
who spoke an unrecognizable language, they 2 Don't worry if you don't understand the
called Ziad Fazah, hoping that he 1 wi/11 would be system at first; you'll soon pick it _
able to help them. Fazah, originally from Lebanon, 3 There' s just too much information to
claimed that he 2 could I managed to speak 54 _____ in all at once. Do they expect us to
different languages. He quickly realized that the learn it all heart?
man was speaking a dialect used in Afghanistan.
With Fazah'shelp, the man 3 could / was able to
explain that he had escapedfrom Afghanistan and
was seeking asylum in Brazil.
Fazah's talents were first noticed by the Lebanese
government when he was seventeen.They 4 would I
were going to use him asan interpreter, but soon
afterward he moved to Brazil with his parents.
There, he married a Brazilian and began giving
1 How are chíldren encouraged to learn in these
prívate language lessons. Fazah 5 would remain I
would have remained unknown, but in 2006
2 How is thís similar to or different from the way
his language abilities were tested on a Spanish
you learned at school?
television show, and he received international
attention. Sorne people questioned his abilities. ICAN
6 Was he real/y able / Did he real/y manage to speak use expressions related to learning
fluently in over 50 languages? The evidence was talk about knowledge and education
not completely convincing, but even if it is half that
number, it is still impressive.
Real life
2 Work in pairs. Answer these questions about the
6 Match sentences 1-4 with sentences a-d that have
story in Exercise l.
the same meaning.
1 Why were the pollee interviewing the man
1 What do you mean by that?
from Afghanistan?
2 Could you give me an example?
2 What does the writer conclude about Ziad
3 Can you speak upa little?
Fazah's language-speaking abilities?
4 I don't really get what you're saying.
3 f>iífil:I Work in pairs. Tell your partner something: a I don't really understand. __
1 you could do when you were younger, but b Por instance? __
can' t do now. e Can you explain that? __
2 you were going to do yesterday, but forgot. d I can't hear you very clearly. __
3 you couldn't do at first, but managed to do in
7 Think of two thíngs you leamed in Unit 11 about
the end.
learning and memory. Then work in pairs and tell
ICAN your partner about them. Por each statement, your
partner should respond with a different expression
talk about past ability
from Exercise 6.
express the future in the past
ask for and get clarification

Unit 12 Money

FEATURES 1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the caption. Would you .
buy this car if money were no issue? What luxuries would or .
142 Saving for a rainy day wouldn't you spend money on?
Norway, the richest country 2 iauH Look at the statement below. Do you agree with it?
in the world Listen to two people's responses to it. Work in pairs. Which
speaker do you agree with more?
144 Get someone else
"lt doesn't matter if the gap between rich and poor is getting wider as
to do it long as everyone's standard of living is rising anyway."
The growing service
economy 3 1a1ig Listen to the speakers again. Complete these phrases
about the economy that the speakers use. Then tell your
146 Start-up partner what you think each expression means.
How one take-out food 1 the standard of living
van launched an 2 the haves and the have _
$800 rnillion industry 3 the gap
4 people's buying _
150 The Farmery 5 thecostof _
6 qualityof _
A video about one man's
mission to sell food locally 4 Work in pairs. Are these statements true or false for your
country? What evidence is there of this?
1 The cost of living is higher now than a few years ago.
2 People have a better quality of life now than in the past.

- 12a Saving for a rainy day
Vocabulary money
1 Complete the sentences (1-6) with the correct form
of these verbs. One verb is extra.

borrow earn invest lend

owe save spend
Come on, Norway; t~is doesn't eveoieel likea
1 According to a recent study, the best-paying competition anymore! Consistently listed among the
jobs in the US are in the medical field. Most top ~triesin the world, Norway offers
surgeons, for example, six-figure a quality of life that o~uotrLe..S...Caruml~dreamo.f.
salaries. 5 lt is one of the wealthlestcountries in the worl~~
2 The best thing you can in is a Luxembourg anda couple of others are richer. As well
good education. asearruñg a good salary, Norwegians also get a good
3 It's OK to ask people to you education, usually find a job they want-unemployment
money if you know you can pay it back. isJust 2.5 percent-and enjoy good health:l>eoplesay-
4 Why do sorne people money ali 10 eventilePrisons are quite comfortable!
their lives and never use it? Norway hasn't always been a rich country.j_y_stlasU:entur.y,
5 We're told to manage our money carefully, but NQ.rwegians were emigrating to the USA in the thousands
our government always more in searcnof a better life. The rise in oil prices in the 1970s
money than it has. changed all that (Norway has a lot of oil). But it isn't only
6 It is very stressful to always _ 15 Norway's huge oil reserves that account for its success-
money-to the bank, the credit card company, etc. otherJesSSa-~aomies.haveeven.greater
1 re~. lt is also dueto the Norwegians' strong work
2 Complete these sentences with nouns that express ethic. Norwegians are always near the top in global surveys
thé same ideas as in Exercise 1. The first letter is of worker productivity rates.
provided. 20 In Oslo, don't expect to see Dubai-style skyscrapers and
rows of Ferraris and Porsches. Norway may be rich, but
1 Most surgeons have a very hígh i _
it is modest. In fact, the people of Norway are trying
2 The best i you can make is ... to redefine wealth to mean "having a balanced life:'
3 Asking for a 1 is OK if ... The government has passed laws that emphasize the
4 What's the point of havíng s if you 25 importance of family and time off, offering subsidized
don't use them? childcare, long vacations, and generous maternity and
5 Why <loes government s always paternity leave.1 l!JJ:as_ell.eA-saia-thatfuthers must-by
exceed its income? law-take time off to be with their children. lt is one of
6 It is very stressful to always have d. _ the only countries to do so.
30 At the same time, the country is saving for the future.
Reading Every dollar earned from oil is put straight into what
is now the world's biggest pension fund-worth
3 Work in pairs. What do you know about Norway: over $200 billion. None of this money is spent on
its landscape, its people, its industry? infrastructure projects-not even new schools and
35 hospitals. At atlrne whenlñOsroth·erwrrñtñesJUSt
4 Read the article. Work in pairs. In what ways is
~orrow m~ to finance the pensions offüe1fgf0w[ñg
Norway a rich country?
retíi'ecrj)Opula~s sitting pretty.2
5 Work in pairs. Read the article again. Complete 'leave (n) /li:v/ time off from work
these summaries of the four paragraphs. 2sitting pretty (v) /,s1t11J 'prrti/ in a good situation

1 Por a long time, Norway has had a better ...

than other countries.
2 The two reasons for Norway's success are ...
and ...
3 For Norwegians, being rich means ...
4 Norway is saving money for ...

6 Work in pairs. Do you think that the Norwegians

are right to save their money? Why or why not?

Grammar focus adverbs: only,
just, even
1 .onty iuxembourq anda couple of other countries
1 O Put the focus adverbs in parentheses in the correct
place in these sentences.
1 No, thanks. I'mÁlooking. (just)
2 The most difficult problems have a solution.
3 I'm going to brush my teeth, then we can leave.
are ricñer. (just)
just 4 Don't worry. It's money. (only)
2 Just /ast century, Norwegians were emigrating to 5 Hes always losing things. He lost his own
the USA. wedding ring once. (even)
3 Most other countries just borrow money to finance the 6 It's a suggestion-you don't have to follow it.
~pensions of their growing retired popu/ation. (only)
e ven 7 It's the second time we've met. (only)
.•~ People say even the prisons are quite comfortable!
5 This doesn't even fee/ like a competition anymore! 11 Pronunciation focus adverbs
For more information and practice, see page 178. a 1arn•t Listen and check your answers to
Exercise 10. Are the focus adverbs stressed?
7 Look at the grammar box. Which of these
statements (a, b, or c) is true of each of the three b Work in pairs. Practice saying the sentences in
focus adverbs: only, just, and even? Exercise 10 in the same way.

a The focus adverb comes directly after the word

or phrase it is emphasizing.
b The focus adverb comes directly before the 12 Work in pairs. Place a focus adverb (only, just, even)
word or phrase it is emphasizing. in the correct place in each sentence below. There
e . When emphasizing a verb, the focus adverb is sometimes more than one possible answer.
·comes directly after the main verb. Discuss whether these facts are true of your
8 Work in pairs. Find and underline other examples country.
of only, just, and even in the article. What word or 1 Many people work long hours during the
phrase does each adverb focus on? week, so they see their children on weekends.
2 People with college degrees are finding it
9 Work in pairs. Discuss the meaning of each difficult to get jobs these days.
sentence (1-6). Then match each one with the
3 Por many people, a job is a way to make .
sentence that follows it (a-f).
money, not something they particularly enjoy.
1 Only visitors think Norway is expensive. __ 4 The rich are a very small part of the population.
2 Visitors think only Norway is expensive. __ 5 The state's welfare program gives financial aid
3 Among Scandinavian countries, 1 have visited to the poor, but it meets their basic needs.
Norway just once. __
4 Among Scandinavian countries, 1 have visited 13 Work in pairs. Write two sentences about your
just Norway. __ country using focus adverbs. Choose from these
5 Even fathers are given time off to be with their topics:
children. __ • the cost of living
6 Fathers are given time off to be with their • work-life balance
children, even when the children are older. __ • retirement and pensions
a Of course, mothers are given a lot of time off, • transportation
too. • employment
b 1 have visited the other countries severa} times. The cost of living is high in our capital city. Even basic
e However, all Scandinavian countries are things like bread and milk are expensive.
d 1 haven't visited the other countries at all. 14 Work with another pair. Read your sentences from
e The locals themselves find it reasonable. Exercise 13 to each other. Were your descriptions
f This is in addition to the time they are given similar? ·
off when the children are babies.

Unit 12 Money 143

• 12b Get someone else to do it.
Vocabularyservices Wordbuilding the + adjective
1 Work in pairs. Match the words in box A with the ~ WORDBUILDING the + adjective
words in box B to make as many services as you can. We can use the + adjective to refer to a group of people.
m car
ll alterations
cleaning cutting
the rich, the poot; the powerless
For more practice, see Workbook page 99.
computer dog · installation care
furniture hair painting planning
S Look at the wordbuilding box. Match the groups
house party repair restoration
of people (a-e) with the.expressions on the right.
shoe window walking washing
a people who are over 70 o o the homeless
2 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions about the b people with no jobs o o the elderly
services in Exercise 1. c people without housing o o the unemployed
1 Which of these things do people generally do
themselves? Grammar causative have and get
2 Which of these services might people pay
someone else to do? ~ CAUSATIVEHAVE and GET
3 Which services do you think involve the havelget + something + past participle
greatest skill? 1 Nowadays, you can have your car washed inside and
out by professional car washers for as little as $8.
2 /'ve even heard of peop/e who get their Christmas tree
Listening putup.
3 iatmlWork in pairs. Listen toan interview with have + someone + base form of the verb
an economics professor. Discuss the questions. 3 You don't have to be rich to have a house cleaner clean
your home once a week.
1 Which services from Exercise 1 do the speakers get + someone + infinitive
mention? 4 The idea of getting someone to wash your car was
2 Does the professor think people paying for unthinkable. ·
these services is a good thing or a bad thing?
Why? For more information and practice, see page 178.

4 1atmlWork in pairs. Listen to the interview 6 Look at the grammar box. In which sentence(s)
again. Discuss the following things. (1-4) is:
1 why more people are paying for these services a someone doing a job for you? _
2 the reaction of the interviewer to the story of b the person doing the job not mentioned?
the person who hired sorne help at Christmas
3 what the professor says about the people who e the person who does the job always
provide these services mentioned? _
1 Look at track 106 of the audioscript on page
190. Underline other exarnples of each type of
causative verb.

Complete the surnrnary of a survey about paying

for services. Use the correct forrn of the verbs in
· parentheses.
11 Pronunciation /f/, /tf/, /3/, and lci31
a i#ltfl Listen carefully to h~w the underlined
letters are pronounced in the following words.
Then practice saying them with a partner.
!JI /tf / /3/ Id;,!
carwash chores decisíon change
We all have tasks that need to get 1 -\-o cbJ
shelves richer garage collegg
(do) that we would rather not do ourselves.
These days, an increasing number of Americans shopper watch pleasure frídge
are outsourcing their chores. Nearly half of
those surveyed have other people 2 __ d;_o _ b i#M:i Work in pairs. Listen to these words,
Discuss which of the four sounds !JI, /tf/, /3/, or Id;,/
(do) their gardening, and a third get someone
+o e
VJQ\ (help) with house cleaning.
is in each word. Then practice saying them.
People are happy to pay for having the house
agent arrange cheese choice
e,\~ Q.;V\~V\ (clean) regularly, getting the fashion general January machi ne
lawn 5 +o \IV\..C)W (mow), and having a
sugar television ssual
handyman 6 _¡_\X (fix) things that
are broken. With online sites, almost any odd
job can be outsourced for the right price. lt
costs around $25 per hour to have a personal
assistant 7 Ot<jQ. l/ü-ff (organize) your affairs, The letters DIY stand for "do it yourself." Work in
and up to $50 per hour to have children or pairs. Match the verbs in box A with the nouns in
pets 8 ~ClOV-¬ ..Q (look) after. lt seems that box B to rnake as rnany jobs as you can. How many
more households have decided that it is worth of these are DIY jobs?
spending sorne money to save time.
m assemble clean IJthe roof sorne shelves
(! Look at these things (1-3) that an affluent couple
a carpet
a picture
the kitchen
a bed frame
gets other people to do for them. Complete the
put up tile a faucet
sentences with causative forms. Use the correct
form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 When they had a party last month, someone 13 Work in pairs. Look at the apartment in the photo
organized everything for thern. . below. Make a list of ali the things that you would
They e¿& Q pof+'.;'1 Oígo_n lted need to get done before you could live in it. Then
everything for them. (get) decide which things you would do yourself and
2 A personal trainer takes their children to the which things you would get professional help to
park to play soccer. do. Explain your plans to another pair.
They V\Q\J~
their children to the park to play soccer. (have)
3 A driver picks their children up from school
every day.
.from school every day. (have)

1 O Look at the services in Exercise 1 Ígain. Using the

causative verbs have or get, write down:
• one thing that you usually get sorneone else
to do.
• one thing that you would never get sorneone
else to do.
Compare your sentences with a partner.
• 12c Start-up
Reading Critical thinking opinion words
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo S Writers often use adjectives, adverbs, and adverbial phrases to
on page 147 and answer these give their opinion. Find these words or phrases in the article and
questions. discuss in pairs what the writer is saying about each situation.
1 What kind of food do you think 1 Even more significantly (line 6)
is sold from this truck? The wríter thinks this is very importani.
2 Do you think businesses like this 2 Strangely (line 12)
make a lot of money? Why or 3 even (line 25)
why not? 4 impressive (line 43)
3 Do you go to these kinds of 5 definitely (line 57)
take-out food trucks? Why or 6 And after all, (lines 59-60)
6 Work in pairs. Overall, how would you'sum up the author's
2 Read the article and make brief opinion of this business idea? Do you agree with him? Why or
notes on the following. Then whynot?
compare your notes with a partner.
1 the basic business idea
2 the gap or opportunity in
Speaking 44111
the market 7 Work in small groups. Imagine that you have bought the old
3 advertising railway carriage in the photo below. Discussing each of these
4 why the business is popular points, come up with a business idea for it.
• the service you will offer (e.g., restaurant, vacation
3 Look at the subheadings (A-F) below.
accommodations, take-out food and drink, something else?)
Match each subheading with one of
• the location (e.g., in a town, the countryside, a beach, a sports
the parapraphs (1-6) in the article.
A Spreading the word _· • the customers (a particular group or the general public?)
B Hard times can be good • the promotion of the idea (how will you attract customers?)
times __
e Big business -- 8 As a group, present your ideas to the class. At the end, vote on
D Making yourself attractive __ which you think is the best business plan.
E Small beginnings _·_
F A social event __

Vocabulary business
4 Work in pairs. Find these words
---or phrases (a-g) related to /
business in the article. What do
you think they mean? Check
your answers on page 155.
a trend (paragraph 1) ~
b recession (paragraph 2) QÜ
e set up (paragraph 2)
d upscale (paragraph 3)
e passing fad (paragraph 3)
f buzz (paragraph 4)
g catchy (paragraph 5)

f Q LO~'n i'te
íl t started as a simple business idea. Two friends in Los nightclubs on Sunset Boulevard. Then they started
Angeles thought it might be fun to mix Korean barbecue 35 exploiting the growing power of social media. Kogi used
recipes with Mexican tacos and sell the take-out food Twitter to constantly update customers on its changíng
from a van. That was in 2008, and the resulting tacos-what location. Little by little, a loyal group of plugged-in'
5 founder Roy Choi calls "Los Angeles on a plate" -became an young followers appeared, tracking Kogi, and they
ínstant success. Even more significantly, their Kogí BBQ food started to create a buzz around the brand. Within a
truck started a whole new trend in mobile cuisine.1 40 few months, Kogi was attracting hundreds of
1( m~\" ei0> customers-and serving up to 200 kilos of meat-at
Food trucks and vans have been around for a long time. several stops every day. Newsweek calied it "America's
There are hot dog and hamburger vans selling cheap eats first viral eatery." Kogi BBQ now has an irnpressive
10 along roadsides and next to construction sites ali over 152,000 Twitter followers, four trucks, and a full catering
California. What Kogi BBQ food did was to bring higher 45 operation.
quality food to consumers at a reasonable price. Strangely,
the economic recession of 2008 was an excellent opportunity Branding and a catchy name are very important: Banh
for this kind of business. Choi could ~t UILª business at a in the USA (Vietnamese sandwiches), Ragin' Cajun
15 fraction2 of the cost of openíng a new restaurant. He could (Creole food), and Waff'n' Roll (waffles) are sorne good
also easily find staff from among the increased number of examples. The trucks themselves are brightly paínted
unemployed workers that had become available. At the same 50 and covered with colorful stickers.
. l 11.WIJP'tO !Rld} .
time, consumers-now ess Willlrtg to spén t reir money m
tradttíonal restaurants-were happy to find that they could At 10 p.m. on a cold Saturday night, I join the line
20 still go out and find good food at an affordable price. outside the Kogi BBQ truck. It's a long line, mostly of
young people. Customers take photos of their tacos
e1 C·V J
Today, thousands of upscale food trucks are parked on cíty as they buy them and send the photos to their friends.
streets from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., selling 55 One couple has driven two hours to be here, and they
1 O<' <:il.D-V
everything from luxurious loosrer rolls to han~tf!e P0Gµ~ joke and chat with a local couple who are regulars.
ice cream. What seemed at the time to be a passing fad is There is definitely an irnportant social aspect to this.
25 now a growing, $800-million annual indushy. There has even It may be take-out food, but it's a shared experience,
been a Hollywood movie, Chef, about the phenomenon. and-from what I can see-a very happy one. And after
60 ali, isn't that what eating should be about?
Choi is modest about his part in this revolution. "I picked
up on the feeling that food was irnportant," he writes, "not 1cuisine (n) /kwr'zim/ a style of cooking
2fraction(n) /'fnekf(;i)n/ a small amount (of something)
just a meal to fuel yourself to do something else." But it
3fuse (v) /fju:z/ combine (often to make something new)
30 wasn't sirnply the idea to fuse3 Korean and Mexican cuisine 4plugged -in (adj) /'plAgd rn/ technologically connected
that brought in the customers. What realiy put Kogi on
the map was its early use of social media. Initialiy, Kogi's
smali team didn't have much luck selling their food outside
Unit 12 Money 147
- 12d The bottom line ·
Rea 1 1 ife negotiati ng 5 Work in pairs. Look at the expressions for
negotiating again. Which expressions are used
1 Work in pairs. Which of these things have you for the following?
negotiated for? Are there any other things that you
• to say what the important thing is
have negotiated for recently? Did you get the deal
• to be direct and clear
you hoped for?
• to talk about an obstacle to the agreement
• your salary • to ask the other person to see your side
• a car or other expensive item
• who does the chores at home 6 Could each person have done better in the
• more time to finish a piece of work negotiation? If so, how? Discuss with your partner.

2 Read this advice about negotiating. Do you 7 Pronunciation long vowel sounds
agree with it? How does it relate to your own
experience? Discuss with a partner. a l»HI Listen to the long vowel sounds and
repeat the words,
"Neoer get emotionally involved in the thing you are
negotiating far. If the other person sees how much you /e1/ del~ tgke /-;¡u/ lcw negotíate
want something, you will be at a disadvantage." /i:/ medíum detailed /u:/ include shoes
/ai/ final Ijne
3 l»lltl Listen to a woman who is tryíng to
negotiate with a real estate agent for a lease ( or b l»lfJ Work in pairs. Listen to these phrases and
contract) on a building. Work in pairs. Answer the underline the long vowel sound in each phrase.
questions. Then practice saying the phrases.
1 · What point do they have trouble agreeing on? 1 A key thing for us is ...
2 1 What does the woman suggest to get around 2 1 was hoping we could ...
this problem? 3 Let's face it, ...
3 How does the negotiation end? 4 At the end of the day, ...
4 How important is it to each person to agree on 5 What did you have in mind?
this lease? 6 To tell you the truth, ...

4 1»11•1 Look at the expressions for negotiating. 8 Work in pairs.

Listen again and complete these expressions with
Student A: You are living in a foreign country for
the words you hear,
eíght months and want to buy a car to use while
---... you are there. You see a secondhand car advertised
~ NEGOTIATING in the newspaper. It seems to be exactly what you
A key thing for us is 1 the lease. are looking for. Look at the information on page
1 was hoping we could 2 down. 153.
lf you look at it from our point of view, we're a
and ... Student B: You have a secondhand car that you
Let's tace it, five years is a 4 _ want to sell. Look at the information on page 155.
Do you think your client would be willing to
a bit on that? Have a conversation to negotiate the sale of
l'm sure you'll appreciate that my client's the car.
is ...
To tell you the truth, that's why the rent is A: The car is great. Ii'e exactly what l'm lookingfor.
7 B: That's good. You'd like to buy ít ihen?
lsn't there sorne way around that? A: Well, ideally, yes, I would. But . .
Not that 1 can think of.
What did you have in mind?
l.f 1 were in your shoes, 1 think l'd just

At the end of the day, it has to 9 _

for you.

12e Get to the point
Writing a short report 2 Read the report again and rnake brief notes about the
following. Then compare your notes with a partner.
1 Read this brief report about a training course 1 type of course
that someone attended. Work in pairs and answer
2 location
the questions.
3 general impression
1 What was the aim of the course? Was it successful? 4 details of the course
2 What was unusual about the course? 5 positive points
6 what the course lacked
As requested, here is my feedback on the one- 7 recornrnendation
day public speaking course at the LeGard
School in Paris. 3 Writing skill key phrases in report writing

Overall, it was a great experience, although a Underline words or phrases in the report with
not at all what 1 had expected. The teachers these rneanings. (They are"-listed in the order that
all have a background in theater and acting. they appear in the report.)
So rather than learning about how to 1 Because I was asked to do this
structure a talk or use PowerPoint slides, we 2 When you look at the whole thing
concentrated on various drama techniques: 'Ir
3 To give precise details
specifically, voice control, breathing, posture, 4 At the beginning
and movement. Initially, 1 was very skeptical 5 As a result of this
about this. However, as the day progressed, 6 My conclusion is that
the value became clearer. We were asked to use
the techniques in short role plays-a family b Complete these sentences. Use four of the words
argument, or a friend's dinner party. Normally, or phrases you underlined in the report.
1 would feel very embarrassed about acting
1 , I am sending you a price list
or performing in front of other people, but 1
for our courses, the courses in
didn't; the techniques improved my confidence
report and letter writing.
enormously. Consequently, 1 now feel much
2 The course is very expensive. _
more ready to take on the challenge of public
1 would not recomrnend it.
3 , 1 thought it would be too ·
To sum up, 1 would strongly recommend this difficult, but the teacher explained everything
innovative course asan introduction to public very carefully during the lesson.
speaking, although a follow-up course on how
to write a speech might be necessary.
4 Write a short report (150-180 words) giving
feedback on a course you have taken. Include
these points:
• the name and length of the course
• the number of participants
• the rnethods used
• the effectiveness of the course
• your recornmendation

5 Exchange reports with a partner. Use these

questions to check your partner's report.
• Does the report include ali the points listed in
Exercise 4?
• Does it use sorne of the key phrases for report
• What is your overall impression of the course?

Unit 12 Money 149

· Before you watch
1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and the title of
the video. What new business idea do you think is
shown here?
4 1 tlfll Watch Part 1 of the video again. Complete
the surnmary with the correct form of these verbs.

lose -
2 Key vocabulary Most food grown on farms has to be harvested,
packed, and then 1 to the shops.
a Work in pairs. Read the sentences (1-5). The words At every stage, you 2 sorne of the
and phrases in bold are used in the video. Guess harvest. So Ben Greene's idea was to 3 _

the meaning of the words and phrases. this whole process into one site. At The Farmery,
a structure made from shipping containers and
1 We have a small greenhouse in the backyard
greenhouse parts, Greene 4 the food
where we grow toma toes.
within the building and then 5 it in an
2 Supermarkets generally experience between
area at the bottom of the building. The plants grow
five and ten percent inventory loss in fruit and
on living walls that 6 off the outside of
shipping containers. lt's a very different method-
3 The company is planning to consolidate its
Greene 7 ~stems where the plants
business activities at a new site in Arizona.
grow in water. The Farmery focuses on mushrooms,
4 The grape harvest takes place every September
herbs, and salad greens.
and needs a lot of extra workers to complete.
5 We walked along the beach, collecting seashells 5 1 Clf>I Read the questions below. Watch Part 2
and interesting colored pebbles. of the video again and make notes. Then discuss
the questions with a partner.
b Write the words and phrases in bold in Exercise 2a
next to their definitions (a-e). 1 What <loes Ben Greene say he is giving
customers with this new way of buying food?
a the cutting and collecting of crops when they
2 How would he like to expand his business?
are fully grown or ripe _
3 What are the two markets he has identified for
b losing items of stock because they are
food grown in this way?
damaged, wasted, or stolen _
4 How does Ben Greene hope people will look at
e small round stones _ food after experiencing The Farmery?
d a glass building in which plants or vegetables 5 Above all, how <loes he want people to feel
are grown _ when they have visited The Farmery?
e combine things in order to make them more
effective or easier to deal with ------
Af~er you watch
WhHe you watch 6, Vocabul1ary in1 context
3 ... 12.1, 12.2 Watch Parts 1-2 of the video and a, 1 Clf#I Watch the clips from the video. Choose
check (.1') the things you see. Then work in paírs the correct meaning of the words and phrases.
and compare your answers. Tell your partner what
you think Ben Greene' s business idea is and what b Complete these sentences in your own words.
makes it original. Then share your sentences with a partner.

O fields O a greenhouse 1 I want to pursue a career in ... beca use ...

2 ... is a very complex subject.
O farm animals O shipping containers 3 I'm on a mission to ...

O crops O mushrooms 1 Work in paírs. What do you think of The Fannery?

Do you think it would be a good idea in your area?
O farm buildings O vegetable greens Why or why not?

O a restaurant O frogs 8 Work in small groups. Below is a list of products

that could be made and sold at the same site.
Choose one and decide how to make buying it an
interesting experience for customers. Present your
ideas to the class. Which was the best idea?
• clothes or shoes • bread or cakes
• chocolate • furniture

U'nit 112 Money 151

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Put the words in parentheses in the 4 Match each verb (1-3) with a suitable noun to make phrases.
correct order to complete the text. Which of these jobs could you do yourself? Which would
you have someone do for you? Tell a partner.
1 assemble o o a leaky faucet
2 put up o o a bed frame
3 fix o o sorne shelves

5 Complete the definitions (1-4) with four of these words.

earnings invest lend life
living loan owe salary

1 If you have an obligation to pa.y someone, you

_____ themmoney
2 Your is the money that you receive from
your work or investrnents.
3 Your quality of refers to your level of
The internet has changed the economy in more health, well-being, and happiness.
ways 1 (how/ 4 A(n) is money you borrow to buy something.
just I than) we shop. lt has also encouraged us to
6 wM:I Work in pairs. Write definitions for these words
share more, such as by giving free online advice
and phrases: debt, the income gap, standard of living.
on how to do things. Whereasbefore we might
have gone straight to a garage ICAN
____________ (to/
talk about money and the economy
repaired / our car/ have), now we look online
first to see if someone can tell us how to fix it.
_____________ (setup/ Real life
sorne communities / have / even) internet groups
where neighbors lend each other things. lf you 7 Complete the conversation by matching each of the travel
have a hole in your roof, in the past you would agent's statements (1-4) with the customer's responses (a-d).
----------- (paid I to/ 1 TA: So, how does our proposal look? We've suggested
fix / someone / have) it. But now, you might ask four different hotels in different cities. __
a neighbor if you could borrow a ladder, or you 2 TA: Well, you asked for top hotels, and I'm sure you'll
------------ (even / ask / appreciate that they aren't cheap. __
might / for) their help. We are all winners in this
3 TA: Exactly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip. __
sharing economy because
___________ (help/to/ 4 TA: I'm not sure about that, but 1 can check if you like. __
other people / getting) us saves money and a C: 1 understand that. Nice hotels are a key thing for us,
builds social connections. because it is our honeymoon, at the end of the day.
b C: If you could, that would be great. I'm sure there
2 Read the text above again. According to must be a way around this.
the author, what are the benefits of the e C: It looks amazing, but to tell you the truth, it's more
sharing economy brought about by the money than we were hoping to spend.
intemet? d C: Would it be cheaper if we stayed in just one hotel
for the whole two weeks?
3 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about a) two
jobs you would only get someone else to do, 8 f>i1+ii:I Work in pairs. Act out the conversation in
and b) something you have just had done. Exercise 7. Add one more exchange between the travel
agent and the customer to finish the negotiation.
use focus adverbs to add emphasis
use causative have and get

UNIT 2b Exercise 10, page 25
Student A
Photo A
Kenya, Maasai Mara National Reserve
A Kenyan chef waits to serve breakfast
UNIT 10b Exercise 13, page 121
Pair A
to tourists on safari in the Maasai Mara
National Reserve.
Story: Tourists in Kenya pay over $300 per day
for a hot air balloon safari. lncluded in
the safari is a champagne breakfast.
Emotions/ The luxury that sorne tourists enjoy.

UNIT 2e Exercise4, page 29

• Photographer Steve Winter and writer Douglas
Chadwick were writing a story on rhinos in
Kaziranga National Park in India.
• They drove into the park to start filming.
• A few kilometers into the park, they saw three
young rhinos on the road.
• The driver of the jeep stopped the car, and Steve
UNIT 12d Exercise8, page 148
and Douglas got out to film the rhinos.
• The mother of the three rhinos carne out of the Student A
trees to their left, hit the jeep with her horn, and
You want to buy this car. lt is a
tried to push it off the road.
seven-year-old VW Golf, and
• Steve and Douglas got back into the jeep.
• The driver put his foot down, and the jeep the advertised price is $3,000.
lt is in good condition but has
moved off.
done a lot of miles (100,000). You
• The mother chased after them for 200 meters.
would like to get it for less, if you can. The problem
UNIT 5a Exercise 1, page 58 is you have been looking for a long time and want
to get a car quickly so that you can drive to work
Urban features
every day.
apartment building bus station shopping mall
residential area pedestrian area city hall
green space high-rise building sports center
UNIT 3c Exercise8, page 38
luxury apartments office building city center
Product 4-Solar Wi-Fi Streetlight
pedestrian zone railway station parking lot
shopping center business center The StarSight system consists of
a series of pylons that use solar
panels to power streetlamps,
UNIT Gb Exercise 11, page 73 a Wi-Fi box for wireless
Student A internet access, and, if needed,
closed-circuit TVs for security
Prepare a ~:st-of-questions to find out more about the
surveillance. The result is an
volunte~rvacation. Ask about:
integrated system of electricity
• the length of the vacation. and communication, plus better
• the kind of work involved. street lighting, which has been
• the skills and experience required (if any). shown to help reduce crime.
• the type of accommodation provided.
• the cost. Developed by: Kolam Partnership Ltd.
• anything else you should know. Launch countries: Nigeria, South Africa, Turkey

Communication Activities 153

UNIT 2b Exercise 1 O, page 25 UNIT 11 e Exercise9, page 134
Student B
Photo B
Location: Ontario, Canada
Circle A, B, or C to complete each sentence below so that
Subject: Twin girls, Lily and Gillian, born in China, it is true for you. Then look at the key on page 155 to
meet each other after a long separation. find out what type of learner you are. Work in pairs and
Story: Lily and Gillian were adopted when discuss if you agree with this.
they were less than one year old by two 1 WHEN I STUDY GRAMMAR. 1 LEARN BEST BY .
different families in Canada. The families A reading clear rules B writing down examples
meet regularly so the girls can spend time e putting it into practice in conversation
together. 2 IN LESSONS. 1 PREFER ...
Emotions/ Happiness at being reunited; the strong A discussing B looking at pictures, maps, diagrams, or videos
Ideas: bond there is between twins. e doing something practica!
UNIT 3c Exercise 8, page 38 ACCOMPANIED BY ...
A a clear detinition B an image C a demonstration
Product 1-Portable Clay Cooler 4 TF I AM DISTRACTED IN CLASS. I USUALLY ...
A hum or sing to myself B make little drawings in my book
C play with a pen or pencil
A so meone to expla in it to me B someone to demonstrate it
e just to get on with it myself
A say the word aloud to myself B try to visualize it in my mind
C write down differentversions
A dialog B descriptive passages C action or adventure
A listening to other people speak English
This pot-ín-pot system uses evaporation from a
B watching an English movie or documentary
layer of wet sand between two pots to help extend
C trying to use English myself
the life of farmers' goods. Tomatoes can last weeks
instead of just days. This means more fresh produce
at the market and more income far farmers. UNIT 3c Exercise 8, page 38
Developed by: Mohammed Bah Abba Product 2-Sugarcane Charco~!
Launch country: Nigeria

UNIT 6b Exercise 11, page 73

Student B
Borneo Flora initiative-volunteers welcome
Do important work cataloging plants in the tropical
rain fo~es s~omeo. This is outdoor work in very
hot and id conditions. Two-month program
Burning wood and dung-the main fuel sources far
includir g one week's initial training. Training
many in the developing world-has contributed
will be conducted by expert scientists. You will
be living in tents with other volunteers. Practica! to defarestation and breathing problems among
experience of camping is an advantage. inhabitants. These briquettes (small brícks) made
Cost: $2,300 (including flights) from crushed sugarcane stalks not only make use
of a local resource, they also bum more cleanly and
allow residents to start a charcoal business far less
Developed by: MIT D-Lab
Launch country: Haiti

154 Communication Activities

UNIT 6b Exercise 11, page 73
Student B

Program 1
Volunteersneeded to help to rebuild foseph's Elementary
School in Mali
UNIT 3c Exercise8, page 38
Product 3-Water Container
• mínimum three weeks; maximum twelve weeks
• physical work-you need to be fit and
• no experience needed-volunteers will be
trained on the job
• conditions: living in small rural village; climate In poor rural areas, clean water is often miles
is very hot and dry; two days off per week away from the people who need it, leaving them
• accommodation provided: basic; sharing with vulnerable to diseases found in unclean water. The
other volunteers Q Drum holds 13 gallons (59 liters) in a rolling
Cost: from $1,400 upwards (including flights) container that makes it easy to transport safe
Note: Volunteers can choose to live with a local family drinking water-a task that is usually done by
instead (additional cost) women and children. '·
Developed by: P. J. and J. P. S. Hendrikse
UNIT 11c Exercise 9, page 134 Launch country: South Africa
Answers to quiz
Mostly A's-This means you have an auditory
learning style. In other words, you remember best UNIT 10b Exercise 13, page 121
when you hear things. PairB
Mostly B's-This means you have a visual learning
style. In other words, you remember best when you
see things.
Mostly C's-This means you have a kinesthetic
learning style. In other words, you remember best
when you do things or when things are acted out.

UNIT 12c Exercise4, page 146

Vocabulary-business words
a trend (n) = a fashion or direction
b recession (n) =a period of economic decline
e set up (v) = establish
d upscale (adj) = high quality and more expensive
e passing (adj) fad (n) = something that is popular
for only a short time
f buzz (n) = excitement and activity
g catchy (adj) = easy to remember

UNIT 12d Exercise 8, page 148

Student B

You want to sell this car. lt is

a seven-year-old VW Golf, and
the advertised price is $3,000.
lt is in good condition but has
done a lot of miles (100,000).
You would like to get as clase to
the asking price as possible. However, it has been
advertised far two months, and you would like to
sell it soon.

Communication Activities 155

Present tenses: simple, continuous, • repeated events that started in the past and
continue in the present.
and perfect
!'ve been coming to this caféfor years.
We use the simple present to express something we
see as permanent or unchanging. This can be: We often have a choice whether to use the present
perfect simple or present perfect continuous. We
• a fact, e.g., Water boils at lOOºC. choose the present perfect continuous when we want
• a ha bit, e.g., He eats a lot of junk food. to emphasize duration or repetition.
!'ve lived here far over ten years. (no particular
• a routine, e.g., Joanna calls her sister every day. emphasis)
We use the present continuous to express: I've been living here far over ten years.
(emphasis on how long it has been)
• something happening at the time of speaking.
I'm waitingfor ihe train to come-it's late again. In sorne cases, there is a bigger difference in meaning.
!'ve written a lot of emails this morning. (= I've
• a temporary situation.
finished writing emails.j, .
Juan's workingfor a bank at the moment, but he wants !'ve been writing emails ali morning. ( = 1 may still
to change careers.
have more to write.)
• something happening around the time of speaking.
11> Exercise 3
She's trying to find a new job.
• a currently changing situation. Simple past and present perfect
The future of sorne animals is becoming less certain. We use both simple past and present perfect to talk
Remember that we don't use stative verbs (verbs that about the past.
describe states) with a continuous tense. We use the simple past to refer to something ata
l don't know him very well. (not I'm net knewing) specific time in the past.
We use the present perfect (simple and continuous) I lived with my parents until I was 25.
to express a connection between the present and the We use the present perfect to express a connection
past. This can be: between the past and the present.
• when a past event has an impact on, or relevance Aaron's lost his phone. (past event that is relevant now)
in, the present. l've lived with my parents all my lije. (event which
Poor Sam-he's broken his Ieg. started in the past and continues)

• when something started in the past and continues Time expressions

into the present. We normally use adverbs of finished time periods
!'ve been best friends with Ian since we were in college. with the simple past. With the present perfect simple
11> Exerdses 1 and 2 or continuous, we normally use adverbs of unfinished
time periods. Common time expressions include:
Present perfect simple and continuous Simple past: last week, in the past, in 2016, yesterday, a
We use the present perfect simple and continuous to few days ago, when I was a child
talk about the same time periods. We use the present I started work there a year ago.
perfect continuous when we want to emphasize the
Present perfect simple: ever, so far,just, over the past
duration of the event. We use it to talk about:
three months, this year, since I was a child, yet, befare,
• past events that have an impact on the present. already, recently
She's tired-she's been working all day. I have never worked abroad be/ore.
• repeated past events that have an impact on the Present perfect continuotis: just, over the past three
present. months, this year, since I was a child, all morning
A: You look fit and healthy! I've beenworking here since last year.
B: Thanks-I've been exercising a lot recentlu.
Sorne time adverbials can be used with both simple
• prolonged (long) events that started in the past past and present perfect.
and continue in the present. 1 waited ali morning.
We've been waitingfor the bus for over an hour! I've been waiting all morning.
11> Exercises 4 and 5

1 a Circle the correct tenses to complete the sentences.
/y More and more peopl~/ become
vegetarians. proc.Q.S:s 0~ 0ltlr11"°'e
3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
simple or continuous of the verbs in parentheses.
1 I'm really fed up! 1
for the train for over an hour!
2 A: Is that a new car?
Z A: Who's that?
B: Mateo. H s bought /He buys a new car.
. "'""'~ B:No.I _
(have) it for three years now.
-3 They know !. ave now each other for a long 3 A: Why are you so red?
time. B: 1 (work) outside in the
% I~/ I'm meeting my friends on Saturday sun all morning.
everungs. 4 How long (they /be)
zf <§he's stayiljg / She stays with her parents until married for?
she finds an apartment. 5 My eyes hurt. I · (look) at the
,6' Martha is alwa s being ~very reliable. computer screen for too long.
7 It rains t s rainin again-we can't go to the 6 A: Do you want to watch The Martian?
park. · B: No. I (see) it already.
% I learn / <!Jñ learn~ French at the moment.
4 Circle the correct time phrases to complete the
1b Match the sentences (1-8) from Exercise la with sentences.

the uses below (a-h).
1 I lived there since 2015 / from 2012 to 2014.
a fact_f_ / 2 She's eaten out twice this week / last week.
3 We met in 1998 / since 1998.
b routine l
e something ha¡pening at the tim f 4 I've been feeling sick afew days ago /far a few days.
speaking _j_ 1- 5 I've had this watch since / when I was a teenager.
d something happeníng aro the time of 6 They've been living in the same house since /
speaking _3:_ ~ far twenty years.
e a changing situation _1_
f a temporary situation .5._ 5 Complete the emails with the most appropriate
g past event with relevance in the present ()_, form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple
h past event that continues in the present .]___ past, present perfect simple, or present perfect
2 Complete the conversation with the simple Dear Jeanne,
present, present continuous, or present perfect
My daughter and 11 (argüe) a
simple of the verbs in parentheses.
lot recently, and it's making me really sad. We mainly
A: You 1 OJQ.. (be) late! argue because she never helps around the house. 1
B: I know, sorry! I was talking to Peter. come home late from work, and the house is a mess.
A: Oh, how is he? 12 (try) speaking to her lots of
B: H.e's looking A~/\fit.But I'm not surprised-he times, but she won't listen. She 3 _
\S ~01\"\3 ~ (goj to thegym every day (not speak) to me since our last argument, and that
after work. was three days ago! When 1 was young, 1 always
A: I 3 lriO..IJ~\'\t SQQJ\ (not iee) him for a _______ (help) my parents at home, but
long time. Does he still~w;6rk in his father's she just doesn't care. What can 1 do? Clara
B: Yes, but he 4 \'.) \.~o~ (look) for Dear Clara,
another job. He wants to go and live abroad. l'm sorry to hear about your problem. Why does your
A: Really? I know a lot of people daughter think she doesn't need to help? Perhaps
who 5 h()\IQ. W\()\I~Q (move) abroad because you 5 (not teach) her to
recently. respect you when she was little. Now she's almost an
B: Me, too-it' s strange. adult, and it may be too late. 1 can only advise you to
A: Anyway, I 6 0,m (be) really keep talking and explaining. Tell her: "When
hungry. Should we order something to eat? 16 (work) all day, you need to
B: Yes, of course. Oh _sorry, my help me clean up in the evening." Give her reasons,
phone 7 15 r 1 rt~\~ (ring). It might be not rules-it might help. Jeanne
my boss. I have to answer it ... Sorry!

Grammar Summary 157

Narrative past tenses The passive
We use several different tenses when we narrate a
story in the past. Form
We use the simple past: We form the passive with the correct form of the verb
be and the past participle of the main verb. To change
• to describe the main events in sequence, i.e., one
the tense, we change the form of be.
event after another. _
He got in the car, started the engine, and drove away. is held every year.
• to describe a general state in the past. The photography has been held here since 2010.
lt urasone of the coldest winters in memory. exhibition was held in [une.
We use the past perfect: had been held just days befare.
• when we need to make it clear that one past event There are also infinitive (with and without to) and -ing
happened before another one. forros of thepassíve.
When the police arrived, the thieves had already left. I didn't expect to be criticized so much.
• to describe something that happened (ora state My article might be published in the magazine..
that was true) before the main event(s) or story. I enjoy being photographed.
I couldn'i believe it tohen I saw the plane tickets in his We don't normally use the passive with the present
hand. !' d always wanted to visit Australia! perfect continuous or past perfect continuous.
We use the past continuous to describe an activity in Use
progress in the past. lt can be:
When we use the active form, the focus of the
• the background toan event within the story. sentence is on the agent (the person or thing that <loes
I was sleeping when the phone rang. (event the action).
interrupts background activity) Ansel Adams took this photo.
It was raining uihen we arrived. (background
activity continues after event) When we use the passive.jhe object of the active
sentence becomes the subject.
• the background to the main story. Ansel Adams took this photo.
It was 2015, and I was living in París. OBJECT

We use the past perfect continuous to describe a This photo was taken by Ansel Adams.
longer activity in progress in the past:
• before a main event. In passive sentences, we.often don't mention the
It had been snowing all night, and my flight was agent at all. We do this:
canceled. • when the agent is unknown or unimportant, e.g.,
• up to a main event. in news reports.
We'd been enjoying a morning on the beach tohen The story was published in over thirty languages.
something strange happened. The car was stolen in the middle of the nigh).
We form the past perfect continuous with had + been • when we prefer not to directly mention someone
+ -ing. by name, e.g., because they did something wrong.
He had been studying far weeks far the test. ( +) I see ihe kiichen hasn't been cleaned again.
She hadn't been waitingfor long.(-) If we want to mention the agent, we introduce it with
Had you been expecting the news? (?) the preposition by.
We use both past continuous and past perfect The photo was shared by over ten million people.
continuous to talk about an activity in progress in the We often use the passive to add sorne follow-up
past. With the past perfect continuous, there is more information.
emphasis on the duration of the activity. The photo of Albert Einstein sticking his tangue out
l'd been walking all morning, so I had really sorefeet. is one of the most famous in histofy.,_ It was taken in
I was crossing the road when I saw him. 1951 by photographer Arthur Sasse .
.,.. Exercises 1, 2, and 3 .,.. Exercises 4 and 5

1a Number the sentences in the correct order (1-9) to
make a story.
e; When she arrived at the restaurant, she
realized that she' d left her purse at home.
3 Complete the text with the correct forrn of the
verbs in parentheses.
One day in 2001, Adele Geraghty
h,tJ~ ~o..d~Mg
she 2 ~
(read) a newspaper when
&l'W (see) an ad for a poetry
competition. She 3 dW!l'2d (decide)
Anu had completely forgotten about her to email sorne of her work. Soon after, she
friend's birthday dinner, and now she was late! (ll~\Jid (receive) a reply from a
In the end, she had a great evening, and university professor named Phil. He said that he
5\\o.d ~QX\ rtWVi1V19 (receive) similar messages
everyone really enjoyed themselves.
After paying the taxi driver, she joined her from other people all week, but he didn't know
friends, who were all hungry. why. Adele found out that the newspaper
Anu was sitting at home when she received ~ trtr\k9 (print) Phil's email address
a message on her phone. by mistake, instead of the email for the poetry

' So, she ran inside the restaurant and asked

her friends far sorne money.
competition, so she 7 wrott. (write)
to Phil to tell him. Adele and Phil felt an instant
She decided to get a taxi to the restaurant. connection and 8 {Wle..lowaecJ ( develop)
They' d been waiting far a long time for her a strong friendship, even though Adele lived in
to arrive! the USA, and Phil was 3,000 miles away in the
It was from her friend, and it was about the UK. They 9 ~t (meet) for the
dinner party that evening. first time in 2002-exactly one year after they i.,
10 \u)Q S~ (send) their first messages_j..,, fftsf ~
1 b ,Write the underlined verbs from Exercise la next and five years after that, they got married. be¡ort t/"1.~IWfli
to their uses below (a-e).
a a main event in the story _ 4 Work in pairs. How would you rewrite the sentences
(or parts of sentences) in itaiics using the passive?
b something that happened befare the main
events in the story -------- 1 The first book printed in English was a
e an activity in progress in the past (background collection of stories about the Trojan Wars,
to the main story) _ printed in 1473. You can see it in the British
d an activity in progress up to a main event in the Library in London. lt can loe. se.en ·1iYI ~~e ei{d·15\¡i \. .i\otoJ•L
past _ 2 One of the most popular songs in 2014 was"..11 wu.~ \1.1\Ü\tt:I{) 1l<i'I
e one event in the story that happened befare "Happy." Pharrell Williams wrote and sang it. · '(\.Cj 'o~ ~\'10(i1::) \AJ.
another event in the story _ 3 The Olympic Games takes place every four 111\ ?..Q? t. 1 1 •

years. In 2024, they will hold it in Paris~t VJ1\\ te hQ.\d) l Y1 Pcms 1

.2 Complete the sentences with the past perfect 4 In 2006, Edvard Munch's famous painting 1"\ uJü~ si IJ\é'.'
continuous of the verbs in parentheses. The Scream was found. Two years earl_i,er,a.ihie] ~mm O go.Ua r9
1 The roads were really wet because it stole it from a gallery in Oslo. · 1 r11 fJ.s 1 O
(rain) all night. 5 In 1962, three prisoners escaped from the l~ey \JIQ\ e nQJJe_
2 André couldn't concentrate because he Alcatraz prison island in California. The police ~ OU.Vld Í¡) lj r
(not sleep) well. neoer [ound them, and they are still on the US -\_ ~\Q. ~Cl l\C{'
3 We (not wait) far government's list of wanted fugitives. \¡-
long befare the train arrived. /
4 I (study) hard all
5 Complete the sentences with the correct passíve
form of the verbs in parentheses. '/
morning, so I decided to take a break.
5 (you / look) far a 1 Bernhard Schlink wrote The Reader j/i995.
new job for a long time befare you found one? It 1))()5 rnodQ. (make) into án award-
6 He was very happy with his result, because wii:ming film in 2008. _ r(ec1
he ( try) to pass the 2 Snapchat VlO..S bOP\ )\ \()H llA\· (download) over
exam for years. 500 million times since it was created.
7 1 had a sore throat because 3 I tried to get the book from the library, bu] it L...i
1 (sing) all morning. UJO.S Vuld already ta\<e.YI OU\~ie~ t'-\I<~ G\.d
(take out).
4 Larger cities can \:le.. se.ex¡ (see) easily
from the International Space Station.
5 She hopes-lo DQ O UJO \f CleC/ (award) a prize
for her latest documentary series.

Grammar Summary 159

Future forms lnstant decisions and offers
We use will:
Making predictions
• for a decision we make at the time of speaking.
We use will, might, be going to, and be about to to make A: Do you want a ride to the movies?
predictions. B: No, ihanks. I'll get the bus.
We use will (or wori't) when we are confident about a • to make offers and promises.
prediction. We can add probably if we are slightly less I'll send you a message later to confirm.
A: I'm sure you'll do really well in the exam. ~ Exercises2 and 3
B: Well, I'll probably pass. But there's still a lot of
work to do. Future continuousand future perfect
We use might (or might not) when we are less Future continuous : form
confident about a prediction.
We form the future continuous with will + be + -ing.
Takean umbrella-it might rain later.
We'll be sitting on a beach this time tomorrow! ( +)
We use (not) be going to when we have sorne evidence We won't be leaving until 5 p.m.(-)
for a prediction. Will you be urorking when I get home tonight? (?)
Look at the line-we're going to be here forever!
Future continuous:use
We use be about to + base verb to make a prediction
We use the future continuous to describe an action in
that something will happen very soon.
progress at or around a certain time in the future.
Oh, no! I think the car's about to break down.
I'll be watching TV at 8:30 tonight.
~ Exercise1
We also use the future continuous to predict events we
expect to be in progress ata certain time in the future.
Plans and arrangements
In ten years, we'll be using computers in very different
We use be going to and the present continuous to talk ways.
about plans and arrangements. There is often little
difference between them. · We often use time phrases (e.g., this time next week,
tomorrow at 8 p.m., until) with the future continuous.
We use be going to + base verb to talk about a plan This time next week, I'll be taking my final college
oran intention. We normally use be going to when exam.
we have decided to do something, but it is still an
intention rather than a fixed arrangement. Future perfect:form
Are you going to watch the tennis match later? We form the future perfect with will + have +
I'm going to visit my cousin in Australia this past participle.
summer. (= I have decided to go, but I haven't We'll have arrived by 1 p.m. (+)
booked my ticket yet.) We won't have finished the report befareMonday. (-)
We use the present continuous to talk about a fixed Will people have stopped using social networks in
arrangement to do something ata specified time in fifty years' time? (?)
the future. Often the arrangement involves someone
Future perfect: use
else, or we have already taken sorne kind of action
such as buying a ticket, signing a contract, etc. We use the future. perfect to describe an action
I'm starting my new job next week. completed befare a certain time in the future.
She's flying to New York on Tuesday. I'll have finished my college project by the end of the
We also use the present continuous to find out if
people are free. We often use the future perfect with time expressions
Are you doing anything tonight? ( = Do you want to like in five years, in ten years' time, by, by the time, befare,
do something together?) and already.
I'll have gone to bed by the time you get home.
W~ can also use be about to to talk about something
we plan to do very soon, and might when we feel less ~ Exercises4, 5, and 6
confident about a plan.
I'm about to leave work, so I'll be home soon.
I might come tonight, but l'm not sure yet.

1 Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.

I'm sure that he might not /~e
He's always on time.

He's ~to/ about to be really happy when he

4 Circle the correct options to complete the text,
Experts say thatby 2!)3_0, the world's population
will be increasing / ~
These extra people 2 ~(§fil be usiñg)a
to 8.5 billion.

lot more energy, so we'll need to find new energy

sources. Solar power is one possible solution, and
sees ~I've made for dinner. He loves pizza! countries in Africa may have a big role to play in
3 They will / 6fiJbe able to come and see us on this. For example, Morocco has recently built a
the weekend, but they aren't sure yet. huge solar ower plant, which 3 will be startivg /
4 G~~ train-ít will / i(j)ut to lea ve! ave starte o produce a third of the country's
5 It i'~g to/ míght not rain today-look, energy wit · five years. The overnment hopes
there are no clouds in the sky. that one day, Morocco 4 l have become /
wíll be becomin energy-indepen ent, and that
2a Complete the sentences with the correct form of they will be sellin / will have sold energy to other
the verbs in parentheses. Use the most logical countries around the world. If everything goes as
future form-will, be goingto, or present planned, sorne day in the future, a erson living
continuous. .' A . in Europe 6 will have used /¡ wíll be using lectricity
f l''Q0 po0.-
1 I've bought my ticket! I (llfY\_ f:l~ \~ (fly) produced in Africa.
to Canada next monihl
2 A: Would you like sorne tea or coffee?
5 Complete the pairs of sentences with the future
continuous or future perfect of the verbs in
B: I w\\\ ~JJ~ , • (have) sorne coffee, please.
3 We GI\> ,g!)I~ iD Vl.Stt (visit) Tom's parenis next parentheses.
monih, but we haven't deoided when exactly. 1 This time next week, I Wi~-\- ~ \:.\i-t·i~
4 A: I'm,really hungry! (not sit) in this office. I w\\ \ \1\Q\.J~ S-toffeq
B: I \!JI\\ W\Cllfe (make) you a sandwich. (start) my new job by then.
5 They QSt @.Cl-\:lfY\.8 (eat) out toníght. 2 From 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.,
They've already booked a table at their favorite she W\\\ ~ iea.c-.hiV\~ (teach). The lesson
restaurant. \)J)I'\'{ Y\Q.HUl/Y\1,s\roct'.not finish) lly.2 p.m.
3 In the future, most people \N OV'i1t- \Q.Q c\J\V\m ~
2b Match the sentences (1-5) from Exercise 2a with (not dr:ive) gas cars. But I don't think
the uses below (a-d). we \JJ\ \\ ~0.\J Q ~}~peq(stop) using gas
a a plan or intention __ compl~t~ly. . ,
b a fixed arrangement __ , __ 4 A: I w1\ j)(J @2S.·tfl\§ (pass) near your house
c an inst,ant decision __ tomorrow at about 4 p.m. Do you want to
d anoffer __ meetup?
B: Sorry, but I W.()l'\'t YtQ.,l.l)Sflt+~not get) back
(!) Complete the conversation using the correct future from work by then.
form of these verbs.
6 Read the information in Paula's diary. Complete
~ de- _ge- -meet- ~ the sentences below with either the future
continuous or the future perfect of the verbs in
A: Mike, 1 \i\J ¡\( OJe. you · parentheses. Use negative forms when necessary.
Ol:o dfüng anything tonight?
9 a.m. start work 3-4 phone call
B:N"ótreally. Why?
10-11 meeting with client
A: A few of us 2 Q.(g, ~,o l IVl 3 to an exhibition
12-1 lunch 6-7 go to gym
about future technologíes.
7:30 dinner with Greg
I3 O m \jY\~~yf 1 119 the others at 6:30 p.m.
outside the museum. Do you want to come? 1 Paula (start) work at 9:30
B: That sounds good. How abo2t oíng for dinner a.m.
afterward? 2 Her meeting (finish) by
A: That's a good idea. I 4 w\U t the 10:45 a.m.
others if they' d like to j#
us. llt#ie '1111-0vttt111~ 3 She (have) lunch between
B: Great. Would you be ~e to give me a ride? 12and1 p.m.
A: Yeah, sure. 15 )>J( 1 l ~i lL . you up from 4 At 6:30 p.m., Paula _
your office after work. ffO(ll\A.óe.S (work out) in the gym.
5 She (go) to the gym by the
time she has dinner.

Grammar Summary 161

Determiners Expressions of quantity
We use deterrniners before a noun to show which We use expressions of quantity to say how much or
particular person or thing we are talking about. how many. Like deterrniners, the choice of expression
depends on the meaning we want to express and
We use each, every, the whole, either, and neither with
whether the noun is countable or uncountable.
singular, countable nouns. We use each and every
to talk about ali the members in a group. We prefer A large number/amount: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, loads
each when we are thinking about each member of the of, many, much, a large number of, a /arge/huge arnouni
group separately. of, the majority of
I've been to every museum in this city.
Neither a large nor a small number: seoeral, sorne, enough
Each gallery has a café and restaurant.
A small number/amount: not many, not much, a little, a
When there are only two things or people, we use
few,few,little, a small number of, a small amount of, a lack
each, not every.
of, almost no, hardly any
There were draunngs on each side of the paper.
Zero amount: no, not any
We use the tohole to talk about all of something.
I was sick, so I missed the whole festival. We use (not) many, (a)jew,a (small/large) number of,
and seoeral with plural countable nouns.
We use eiiher to say "one or the other." The negative
There are seoeral hotels around here.
form is "neither." lt means "not one or the other."
l'm happy to go to either café.They both sound good. We use (not) much, (a) litile, a bit of, anda large/huge/
I applied to two schools, but neither application was small amount of with uncountable nouns.
successful. I hada bit of free time, so I went for a walk.
We use all, both, and most with plural nouns. We use We use a lot of, lots of, plenty of, loads of, a Lack of,
both to talk about two things. We use most to say "the (almost) no, (not/hardly) any, sorne, enough, and the
majority." majority of with both plural and uncountable nouns.
Ali ihe siores uiere closed tohen we arriued. There are lots of inieresting things to see here.
Both galleries haoefree enirf. Don't rush-we've got plenty of time.
Most people tohere I work bring lunch from home. There are hardly any music venues in this town.
There's a lack of jobs far young people in my country.
We use any and no with singular, plural, and
uncountable nouns. We can use any in a negative In informal, spoken English, we don't normally use
sentence orno in a positive sentence with the same many or muen on their own in a positive sentence.
meaning. We use a lot of, lots of, etc., instead. Many and much are
There isn't any snow in the mountains. normal in negative sentences and questions.
There's no snow in the mountains. However, we do use too rnany/much and so rnany/much
We also use any to mean "it doesn't matter which." in positive sentences.
Choose any seat you want.
~ Exercises 4 and 5
We use ali, ceriain, and sorne with plural and
uncountable nouns. We use certain to refer to a little and a little; few and a few
particular place, thing, or person without naming it. There is a difference in meaning between Little and a
Visitors shouid leave ali foodat reception. little, and between few and a few. We use a little and a
Some museums in the city are free to visit. few to mean "sorne, but not a lot."
The gallery is only open on certain days of the week. Would you like a little milk with your coffee?
With many determiners, we add ofbefore a pronoun We use little and few to express a more negative
or befare the noun phrase beginning with a meaning. They mean "not much" and "not many."
possessive adjective (my, her, etc.), an article, or words There is little money to improve public transportation.
like this, these, etc.
Sorne of Sally's [riends are coming tonight. We don't normally use few and little in informal,
Were any of the paintings good? spoken-Englísh. We use not much/many instead.
A: Which of these two dresses do you prefer? I don't haoe much time to study. ·
B: Neither of them. ~ Exercise 6
~ Exercises 1, 2, and 3

1 Circle the correct determiners to complete the
1 Every /Ali the people that carne to the party
said they' d had a great time.
4 Circle the correct quantifiers to complete the

There are lots of / a large amount of excellent
museums in Madrid.
1 went to Mexico City on business, so 1 didn't
have muen / many free time there to go
2 Only certain / each trains have space for bicycles. sightseeing.
3 The whole / Most artists don't eam a lot of money. 3 The city council can't build new parks because
4 Sorne / Each singers like to meet their fans after there is any / almost no money available.
their concerts. 4 She doesn't have no / a huge amouni of money,
5 She remembered that she hadn't drunk no/ any so she can't afford to live on her own.
coffee that morning. 5 There are only a small number of / a little music
6 There were any /no cars in the parking lot. venues in the city.
7 Either / Neither film that we watched over the
weekend was very interesting.
5 Complete the conversation with these quantifiers.

2 Circle the correct options to complete the a little hardly any

several too much
lots of
A: So, what do you think of our new house?
B: It's really nice! 1 love how 1 each / both room is A: So, do you think we should book a trip to
painted in a different color. Barcelona?
A: Yes, we wanted 2 every / ali of the rooms to B: Well, I'rn not sure. I think I'd rather try
have their own identity. somewhere quieter-you know, a place where
B: That's a pretty painting on the wall. Where did 1 tourists go. A:nd where there's
you get it? not 2 pollution.
A: We bought it in 3 an / sorne art gallery near our A: I know what you mean. But there are
house. lt' s by a local artist. 3 things to do in Barcelona.
B: How nice! I don't have 4 any / no paintings in Museums, shopping, concerts-it says on this
my house. 1 should get sorne! website that there are even 4 beaches
A: We puta painting in 5 most / every room in the nearby.
house-even the bathrooml A:nd 6 most of / most B: Really? That sounds fun. Maybe we can do
them were painted by local artists. 5 sightseeing in the morning-just
an hour or two-and then spend the rest of the
3 Complete the text with these determiners.
day at the beach!
both certain A: OK, let's do it then. I'll book the plane tickets
either most the whole now.

6 Look at sentences 1-4. Circle the best continuation

The Musée d'Orsay in Paris is one of the most (a or b) for each sentence.
famous art galleries in the world. 1 fli\Qs\
of the artworks on display are French, from the 1 There are a few good movies on tonight.
períod 1848to1914. 2 \.~ \>J'n.~\e. museum is a We can choose which one we' d like to watch.
worth visiting, but 3 ~tul\'I sections are more b So we should think of something else to do.
popular than others. The most famous works on 2 There was little traffic on the roads.
display are the "impressionist" paintings. a So she got home a bit later than expected.
The building itself is also a work of art. Originally b So she got home a bit earlier than expected.
a railway station, it became a gallery in 1986. It 3 There are few hotels in this part of the city.
has two famous clocks from its days as a station. a I'm sure you'll find somewhere good to stay.
4 Botv) clocks still show the correct time. b So you might need to stay somewhere else.
~~~e museum is free on the first Sunday 4 We have a little time befare our train leaves.
of 5 ~
~'t"' month. To get there, take the a Let' s go and get sorne food for the journey.
metro to Solférino or the Assemblée Nationale. b We need to go straight to the station.
6 \.\th~J stop will leave you a five-minute
walk from the museum.

Grammar Summary 163

Verb + infinitiveor -ing Verbs with both -ing and the infinitive
When we use two verbs together in a sentence, the After continue and stari, we can use both the -ing form
form of the second verb depends on the first verb. and the infinitive, with no change in meaning.
It continued to rain all day. = It continued raining
Verb + infinitive all day.
We use the infinitive after the following verbs: l'ue started to learn Spanish. = I've started learning
(can/ can't¡ afford, agree, allow, arrange, ask, begin, choose, Spanish.
continue, decide, expect, fail, help", hope, iniend, learn,
With hate, like, lave, and prefer, the basic meaning
manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem,
remains the same. However, we normally use the -ing
start, threaten, want, would like, would lave, would prefer
form when talking in general about our preferences.
She refused to change the date of the meeting.
I love visiting new places.
The government failed to reduce unemployment.
Max and Sara hate going to the movies.
There seems to be a problem with my internet
connection. Verbs with two meanings
Verb + object + infinitive The form of the verb following go on, mean, regret,
remember, stop, and try changes its meaning.
We use an object + infinitive after ask, get, help", need,
and tell. go on + -ing = continue an action
We need the city council to build more parks. My knee was huriing, but I went on running.
How can we get people to move to the area? go on + infinitive = do something different
Note that we can use ask, help, and need with and After she graduated from college, she went on to
without an object. become an important politician.
She asked to leave the room. mean + -ing = involve
The policeman asked me to show sorne ID.
My train is at 6:30 a.m., which means getting up very
Verb + object + base form of the verb early.
We use an object +base form of the verb after help", mean + infinitive = intend
let, and make. Sorry-I meant to call you, but 1 forgot.
My boss didn'i let mego home until 7 p.m.
regret + -ing = feel sorry about something you did or
The movie really made us laugh.
*We can use the infinitive form or the base verb after help. He regrets quitting his Job.
He helped me to clean the apartment. = He helped
regret + infinitive = feel sorry that you have to tell
me clean the apartment.
someone about a situation (formal)
Remember that we also use the base verb after modal We regret to inform you thai your application was
verbs. unsuccessful.
Verb + ~ing remember + -ing = have memories of an earlier event
I remember coming here when I was a child.
We use the -ing form after the following verbs:
adore, avoid, begin, can'i help, can'i stand, consider, remember + infinitive = not forget to do something
continue, describe, enjoy,finish, imagine, involve, keep, Did you remember to lock the door?
mentían, (don't) mind, miss, practice, recommend, risk,
stop + -ing = finish doing an action
spend (time/money), start, suggest
She stopped driving when her phone rang.
Can you imagine living on the 100th fioor of an
apartment building? · stop + infinitive = finish an action in order to do
another action
We also use the -ing form after phrasal verbs, e.g.,
We stopped to get sorne gas.
give up, keep on, look into, think about.
The meeting was over, but he kept on talking. try + -ing =do something to see what happens
I tried not drinking coffee in the morning, but 1 hated it.
"'Exercises 1, 2, and 3
try + infinitive = make an effort, normally unsuccessfully
1 tried to call you, but 1 couldn'i get through.
"' Exercises 4, 5, and 6

(1-.{¡ircle the cor~ect options to complete the
1 We can't afford1going¡~to

n vacatíon this year.

2 I asked the sales cler to el ')~ng me.
2 Remember to meet me at the theater. '
a We met there in the past.
b We've arranged to meet there in the future.
3 The speaker went on to suggest sorne solutions.
a The speaker started to talk about solutions.
b The speaker had been talking about
3 Why do the neighbors eep ~/to make so solutions for a long time.
muchnoise? 4 I regret buying that car.
4 cal council is thinking ! a I'm sorry to tell you that I bought that car.
a new shopping center. b It wasn't a good idea to buy that car.
5 anager made me to work 1(§ late
yesterday. . 5 Circle the correct options to complete the dialogs.
6 They' d like coming (9 to see our new house.
1 A: Thi~ ~I've lost my passport!
(72\Complete the groups of sentences with the correct B: Try o calm do calming down. When did
\____}torm of the verbs in bold. you last see it?
2 A: I'm calling to find out if I passed t~
drive B: Unfortunately, I regret inform~~g !~
1 He agreed _'\-o~""'--'--r-'----- you that you did not passr:"
2 She doesn't enjoY.-='-"-'-'=-l--'--'-"'1-- 3 A: Do you want coffee?
3 Mark let me éh r \!§.. his new sforts car. B: No, thanks=-iust- ater. I've stopped l\f\.(J \Yvw~
exercise ~ . , to drink / dr · king e ffee in the afternoon. ~\'?.

4 My doctor told me ·~lf~~~'htore often. 4 A: You should fin a ª. mept:~

5 I make my children f'~:V US e, with me. B: You're right. I can bigger
t go on 1
to lioe here.
6 He has just finished :ecK t({qb?{©' lt's just too small!
5 A: Why didn't you tell me you were leaving
yourjob? ~ ·
7 . Do you mind WOí Kll\'\~ on weekends? B: Sorry. I meant to tel telling ~ou, but I forgot.
8 ' She got him h \.N ~ (\( , for her for free. 6 A: This is the café e been)tellin you about.
9, I might \l\rl0'f\K:' C' from home on Friday. B: Oh, I remember to conie e' , ere with
• .J
sorne friends a few yeárs a " .
3 Complete the conversatíon with the correct form
of these verbs. 6 Complete the announcement with the correct form
of these verbs.
take expand write hire
eat go leave make
A: Have you heard they are planning organize sightsee talk
_____ the airport?
B: It's about time! It gets so busy there, and the The Faculty of Engineering has decided
lines are always really long. 1 a two-day study trip to Bogotá,
A: But I think we need people 2 fewer Colombia. On the first day, we will be joined by a
flights, not more. Think about all the pollution local professor, who will give us a brief tour of the
it would create. city and will then go on 2 about the
B: Well, do you have another suggestion? TransMilenio bus system, which revolutionized
A: Maybe they should spend the money on public transportation in the city in the 2000s.
3 more staff instead. The next day, we will visit Soacha to see a recent
B: That's actually a good idea. You should development project there. This will mean
4 to the govemment and tell them! 3 Bogotá early in the morning, but the
project sounds fascinating and we feel sure that
4 Look at sentences 1-4. Circle the best explanation
you will not regret 4 the trip there. We
(a or b) for each sentence.
will stop in Soacha 5 lunch, and then
1 Lukas stopped to have something to eat. we will return to Bogotá, where you will be able to
a He was full. spend sorne time 6 . Please email the
b He was hungry. faculty administration by next Friday if you intend
_____ on the trip.

Grammar Summary 165

Negative forms Question forms
To make negative statements with think, believe, We form direct questions by inverting the subject
suppose, imagine, and uiant, it's more common to make and auxiliary verb. In simple present and simple past,
the first verb in the sentence negative, not the second. where there is no auxiliary verb, we need to add a
I don't think it's a good idea. form of the auxiliary verb do.
Did you enjoy your vacation?
Negative fonns of have to and can: Don't have to and
can't have completely different meanings. We often ask direct negative questions (questions
You can't cross the street here. (= It is forbidden and with a negative verb form) when we expect or want
dangerous. There will be consequences.) the other person to agree.
You don't have to cross the street here. (= You can Wasn't ii cold ihis morning? (= You must agree!)
cross a little farther up the street.)
We also use negative questions to show surprise.
To make negative short answers with hope, expect, Didn't you like the hotel? I thought it was great.
believe, guess, suppose, and be a/raid, we add not.
Believe not is mainly used in more formal contexts. ..,. Exercise 4
A: Do you ihink Marc is going to be late again? When we want to be polite, we can add a phrase to the
B: I hope not. beginning of the question to make an indirect question.
The affirmative equivalent is so, e.g., l'm afraidso. Do you know what time the tour starts?
Negative imperatives: To make an imperative The word arder after the added phrase is the same as an
negative, we use don't. The form is the same if you are affirmative statement (with no inversion or auxiliary).
talking to one person or more than one person. Could you tell me where the trail starts?
Don't forget to print your train tickets.
We also use phrases like I' d like to know and l was
Negative infinitive: To make an infinitive negative, wondering to introduce an indirect question. These are
we add not befare to. followed by a period, not a question mark.
We agreed not to go on another beach vacation this year. I' d like to know how much this car costs.
Negative suggestions: To make a negative We can also make indirect questions by adding surely
suggestion, we use iet's not. · to the start of the sentence. We do this when we expect
Let's not go out tonight-we can just watch a DVD. the other person to agree, or to express surprise.
..,. Exercises 1 and 2 Surely the museum uion't be open this late in the day?

Negative words: neither, none, no ..,. Exercise 5

We use no directly befare a plural or uncountable We form tag questions with an auxiliary verb +
noun in a sentence with a positive verb. pronoun. We put them at the end of a statement. If the
There are no trains to the airpori at this time of nigtu. statement is positive, we add a negative tag question.
We can't use no if there is an article or possessive If the statement is negative, we add a positive tag
adjective befare the noun. Use none of instead. question.
None of my friends remembered my birthday. li's cold today, isn't it?
They didn't like the concert, did they?
None is a pronoun. We use it in place of a noun to say
"not one" or "not any." We use the auxiliary from the statement to form the
There were three stores in the village when I lived here. question tag. If there is no auxiliary in the statement,
There are none now. we use a form of do.
It wasn't as hot as last year, was it?
We use neither + auxiliary verb + pronoun to agree
You live in Madrid, don't you?
with a negative statement. lt means "also not."
A: I don't like cold weather. We use tag questions:
B: Neither do l. • to check information, often when we're surprised.
The affirmative equivalent is so (So do 1). When we do this, we use rising intonation in the
We can also use pronoun + neither with the same tag question.
meaning. You don'i speak Spanish, do you?
A: I don'i like this movie. • to ask someone to agree. When we do this, we use
B: Me neither. falling intonation in the tag question.
The affirmative equivalent is too (Me too). We're working tomorrow, aren't we?
..,. Exercise 3 ..,. Exercise 6
1 Circle the most appropriate negative forms to
complete the sentences.
1 A: Do you think it's going to rain later?
B: I hope not /no.
Let' s walk, then.
It' s too hot to walk!
A taxi, then?
OK. I need to go to the bank first, though. 1
have 4 no/ none of money left at alll
A: Me 5 eiiher / neither.
2 Let's don'i / Let's not wait any longer. 4 Complete the negative questions (1-5) using the
3 He doesn't think ii'« / thinks it isn'i a good idea. verbs in parentheses. Use the same tense as that
4 1 expect you not to be/ to be not late tonight. used in the responses.
5 No/ Don't speak during the exam. 1 A: Ü\c),~Y--\- ~\J.,\\\(~ the restaurant?
6 The museum is free today, so you don'i have to/
B: No, 1 didn't. It was terrible. like)
can't pay to enter. 2 A: WQS\'Y~ y yesterday?
2 Complete the second sentence in each ítem (1-6) B: Yes, it was. I hada great · e. (be)
so it has the same meaning as the first sentence. 3 A: ~ ·d ll'&?. (,\)':'tl 1 V"\::;Cl to t lesson?

Use the word or phrase in bold. B: No, he isn't, He's sick: (come)
4 A: t\\i\11¿'\\Qt\ ·~c¡\Q_\ \ yet?
1 I don't think we should get take-out tonight. B: No, I haven't. I'm starving! (eat)
____________ get take-out
5 A: C\\<.wlch '+ you call to tell them you're
tonight. B: Yes, you're right-I should, (should)
2 My opinion is that his story isn't true.
5 Rewrite the direct questions (1-5) as indirect
------------ his story is
true. 1 Where is the station?
Could you tell me \>\J ~ere t~ s ?
3 It's not necessary to book a table befare going
2 When are you leaving?
to the restaurant.
Can I ask w\" v. ?
You book a 3 Where were you yesterday?
I was wondering W V\ ~OL\ \)Je, f. \j e.{/er d~ ~
table befare going to the restaurant.
4 Are they going on vacation again? I can't
4 You must not forget to lock the door befare you believe itl ,~
leave. Surely ¡lrwj o,r~i\ ~ \ 05
ov¡ vacod10 n 0t9on1
don't 5 Who's that man over there?
____________ tolockthe Doyouknow ·\,\.ll\() thorl tl\ntQ11 OIJ-0~ ·\\,,Jli·e,t~
<loor befare you leave.
6 Write tag questions for these statements.
5 A: Did 1 pass my exam?
B: I'm sorry, but you didn't. 1 You're going on a safari this summer,
: ' '' 1 O'(QI'\'\ ~~ ?
B: ! ~ 2 He isn't married,
15 he ?
6 She doesn't intend to spend too much money 3 You woke up very ear~ thi~ morning,
on her vacation. \(\'Y' ~ \-\ \)\v\ ?
to 4 We're not late for the party,
She's planning _ Q~ Q. W't, ?
too much money on her vacation. 5 She didn' t pass her exam,
3 Circle the correct options to complete the
díd 5~\J? ?
6 You haven't been to my new apartment,
conversa tion.
. h~0'¬ 1 ~úll ?
A: What would you like to do today? 1 None of / 7 He has already seen the r,ovie, i
None the stores are open yet, so maybe we ·\09 nD
e ?
should just grab a coffee.
B: But we've just had breakfast. I don't want more
A: Actually, 2 either / neither do l. How about going
to the new modern art gallery?
B: Good idea! But there are 3 no/ none buses that
go there directly.
Zero and first conditionals ..,. Exercise3

Zero conditional usual/y, used to, wou/d, be used to,

We use the zero conditional to talk about facts or and get used to
things that are generally true. The form is:
If + simple present + simple present usual/y+ simple present
If you punish a child, you need to tell them why. We use usually +simple present to talk about a habit
or action that happens regularly or is generally true.
We can also use when instead of if. The meaning is the
I usually eat a sandwichfor lunch.
When children misbehaoe, it's oftenbecause they want used to and would + base form of the verb
attention. (= If children misbehaoe, ... ) We use used to + base verb to talk about a repeated
First conditional past action, habit, or situation. It is sometimes used in
contrast with a present situation.
We use the first conditional to talk about a particular
I used to eat unhealthily, bui l'm more careful now.
possible future event or situation. The form is:
(= repeated past action/habit)
If + simple present + will/won't + base verb
My parenis used to own a restaurant. ( = past
If he does well in high school, he'll get into a good
The negative is didn't use to. We ask questions with
We can put the clause with if first, or we can put the
Oíd you use to ... ?
main clause first. When the if-clause comes first, we
I didn't use to like vegetables tohen l was a child.
add a comma befare the main clause. When the if-
Did you use to walk to school or catch the bus?
clause comes second, we don't need a comma.
They'll cancel the concert if it rains. We use would +base verb to talk about a repeated
action or habit in the past. We normally say when the
Unless, as long as action/habit happened.
We can use unless oras long as in place of if in I remember when I was little, my dad would make
conditional sentences. We use unless to say if not. pizza every Saturday night.
You won't pass your exam unless you work hard.
We don't use would to talk about a state or situation in
( = If you don' t work hard, you won' t pass your
the past. We use used to or simple past.
..,. Exercise4
We use as long as to say "if and only if."
You can play in the park as long as you don't get your
be/get used to + noun or -ing
clothes dirty.
We never use a future form after if, unless, oras long as. We use be used to + noun or -ing to say that something
If the weeither wiU he nice tlús weekend, we'll ge te isn't strange or difficult.
the heach. I start work at 7 a.m. every morning, so I'm used to
If the weather is nice this weekend, iae'll go to getting up early.
the beach. I've lived in Minnesotafor a long time, so I'm used to
the cold winters .
..,. Exercises1 and 2
We can also use this form in the past or the negative.
Time linkers It was hard to go on a diet because I wasn't used to
eating healthily. (= It was difficult/strange forme.)
Like if, unless, andas long as, we don't use a future
forro after the time linkers uihen, as soon as, be/ore, We use get used to + noun or -ing when we are
after, while, or until. We use a present tense, even learning to adapt to something difficult or unfamiliar,
when we're referring to the future. and it is becoming normal.
I'll cal! you when I'm getting ready to leave. I'rn getting used to cookingfor myself now that I live
l'tl pick you up as soon as I finish work. on myown.
We can eat be/ore we go out. Drioing a car was scary at jirst, but I soon got used
School starts a day after we get back from vacation. to it.
You can make dinner while l'm taking a shower. Note that we always use the -ing form ora noun after
You can't go out until you finish your·homework.
be/ get used to, not the base verb .
..,. Exercises5 and 6
Exercises 2 We lived downtown until two years ago. (used to)

1 Correct the mistake in each conditional sentence.

3 When they were little, their grandma took them
1 If you won't buy a ticket befare you go, you to the movies once a month. (would)
won't get a seat at the concert.
2 If I was late to my lesson, the teacher gets angry. 4 Did you have a best friend at school? (used to)
3 It's dangerous to drive when it will snow hard.
4 You'll do better in your exarns, if you study 5 For years, 1 visited my aunt in Vancouver every
hard. summer. (would)
5 The soccer match will being canceled if the
weather is bad.
5 Rewrite the sentences (1--4) with the correct form
2 Rewrite the sentences with unless or as long as. of be/get used to + -ing.
1 You won't get the job if you don't practice for
1 lt's normal for me to make speeches in front of
your interview. (unless)
a lot of people.
1 in front of a lot of
2 You can borrow my car, but only if you promise
2 lt's starting to feel normal forme to commute
to be careful. (as long as)
to work every day.
I to work every day.
3 It wasn't normal for him to eat out so often.
3 You can borrow my umbrella only if you
He out so often.
remember to return it. (as long as)
4 lt was hard, but 1 learned to live on my own.
lt was hard, but I on my
4 If you don't practice every day, you won't get
better at playíng the piano. (unless) 6 Complete the text with these verbs. Use the correct
form of used to +base verb orbe/ get used to + -ing.
Note they can be affirmative or negative.
3 Match the sentence beginnings (1-5) with the do dream live see take
endings (a-e). Then complete the sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. When 1 was a kid, 1 always 1 of
1 Please call me living abroad. So I was really happy when 1 moved
2 1'11 wait with you at the station to Hong Kong three years ago for work. When 1
3 While you're cleaning the house, first arrived, it was a bit of a culture shock forme.
4 You'll never be able to run the marathon I'm from a small town, so 1 2 so
5 I always get a headache many tall buildings and skyscrapers. 1 also had to
3 in a very small apartment
a until your train (arrive). __ and paying a lot of rent. In my own country, 1
b when 1 (not drink) enough lived a five-minute walk from my office. But 1
water. __ 4
the train to work here-the
e l (take) the dog out for a trains are very punctual and frequent. Living
walk. __ abroad can be difficult, but 1 think everyone can
d unless you (start) training. __ do it-you soon 5 things in a
e as soon as you __ get (get) this different way.
message. _1_

4 Rewrite the sentences (1-5) with used to or would.

1 When I was living with my parents, 1 cooked
with my moma lot. (would)

Grammar Summary 169

Second, third, and mixed conditionals wish and if only
Second and third conditionals Form and use
We use the second conditional to describe a situation We use unsh and if only to talk about unreal or
in the present or future. It suggests that the situation imagined situations that we would like to be true or
and resultare unreal or imagined. The form is: if + to come true. The basic meaning of wish and if only is
simple past, would + base verb. the same, but if only is stronger.
If I hada lot of money, I' d travel around the world. ( +) We use wish / if only + past tense to talk about a
If the traffic weren 't so bad, I wouldn 't mind situation in the present.
driving. (-) I wish it was summer. l'm tired aj this cold uieather!
Would you be able to come to the wedding if we
changed the date? (?) We use wish / if only + could +base verb to talk about
an ability or possibility we would like to have in the
We use the third conditional to describe an unreal or present.
imagined situation and result in the past. The form is: If only I could play a musical instrumeni. It would be
if + past perfect, would have + past participle. a lot ajjun.
If I' d worked harder at school, I would have become I wish we could stay far lunch. But uie'tie got oiher
a doctor. (+) plans.
If I hadn't had such an inspiring teacher, I wouldn't
have gone to college. (-) As with conditionals, we can also use uiere instead of
If you had been able to travel more, where would you was. lt sounds more formal.
have visited? (?) I wish Martín weren't always so busy.
As with first conditionals, we can put the clause with ~ Exercise 4
if first, or we can put the main clause first. When the
We use wish / if only + past perfect to talk about a
if-clause comes first, we add a comma before the main
situation in the past that we want to be different.
clause. When the if-clause comes second, we don't
If only our plane had arrived on time. Now ioe're
need a comma.
I would have applied far the.job if the pay had been stuck here in the airport!
better. We use wish / if only + someone + would + base verb
to talk about a situation in the present that we want
~ Exercise 1
somebody else to act to change. We often use this
structure when we are dissatisfied with the situ~tion
Mixed conditionals
or when we are complaining.
We can also use a combination of second and third I wish you wouldn't complain so much.
conditionals. We use a mixed second and third I wish Sarah would listen to other people more.
conditional to describe an unreal situation in the
present with an imagined result in the past. We sometimes use wish / if + would + base verb
If I had more money, I' d have booked a better hotel. with things, as well as people.
I wish it would stop raining.
We use a mixed third and second conditional to I wish my phone uiouldn't always stop working just
describe an unreal situation in the past with an uihen I need it !
imagined result in the present.
If you 'd gone to bed earlier, you uiouldn't be so tired We don't normaUy use wish to talk about the future.
now. We use hope instead.
We hope that toe'll see you again soon.
We can use were instead of was after if to talk about an (not We wislt thrxt we'll see yeu agaín seen.)
unreal/imagined present or future situation. When
we do this, it sounds more formal. ~ Exercises 5 and 6
If I were wealthy, I would have bought the house.
The phrase "if 1 were you" is fixed. We don't normally
say "if 1 was you," even in informal situations.
~ Exercises 2 and 3

· Exercises

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in

parentheses to make second or third conditionals.
Use the context to help you decide which form to
4 My life
now if 1
husband ali those years ago.
5 If she
the moment, she
move last weekend.
(be) very different
(not meet) my

(not be) so busy at

(help) us
1 I'm so busy at the moment. If 1 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
(have) more time, the verbs in parentheses.
1 (take) upa new hobby.
2 She felt cold when she left the house that 1 It's cold today. 1 wish it (be)
morning. She (wear) a warmer!
warmer coat if she (know) 2 I wish I (not have to) work on the
how cold it was. weekend.
3 He can't afford to go on vacation this summer. 3 If only he (live) closer to me.
He (go) to Thailand if he 4 1wish1 (can) play the guitar.
_______ (have) enough money. 5 The bus is so crowded. If only there
4 You look very pale these days. If you _____ (not be) so many people!
(spend) more time outside, 5 Circle the correct options to complete the
you (not be) so pale. conversa tion.
5 He failed his driving test. He _
(do) better if he (practice) A: How did your exams go?
more. B: OK, I hope. I just wish 1 I' d had / I had more time
to study befare the exams! But it's difficult to
2 Match the sentence beginnings (1-6) with the study and work at the same time.
endings (a-f) to make mixed conditionals. Then A: Yes, that must be tiring! What do you do?
decide whether each sentence describes: B: I work in a restaurant. I enjoy it, but 1 just wish
i an unreal situation in the past with an I 2 toouldn'i have to/ didn'i have to work on the
imagined result in the present. weekends. 1 sometimes wish that 1 3 had taken /
u an unreal situation in the present with an took a year off befare coming to college to work
imagined result in the past. and save sorne money.
A: But do you like your major? You're studying
1 If public transportation was more efficient, biology, aren't you?
2 If you hadn't decided to become a doctor, B: Yes, that's right. It's good, but there are very
3 They would have bought a bigger house few women in my year. I often wish there
4 He wouldn't feel so hungry now 4
were / had been more of us.
5 We' d be able to get into our car A: Yes, I'm sure. So, where are you going now?
6 If she liked playing soccer, B: I'm going home. I need to clean the house. 1
a what job would you do instead? __ love my roommates, but I wish they 5 hadn't
b if they had more money. __ made / uiouldn't make so much mess all the time!
e if you hadn't lost the keys! __
6 Complete each sentence (1-4) with the correct
d 1 would have come here by bus. __
form of one of these verbs. Note they can be
e she would have joined our team. __
affirmative or negative.
f if he' d eaten more in the morning. __
learn . leave stop shout
3 Complete the sentences (1-5) to make mixed
conditionals, using the verbs in parentheses.
1If only that dog barking at night.
1If I (not leave) so late, He keeps waking me up!
1 (not be) in such a rush now. 2 I wish I how to drive a car when I
2 He (come) to the theater was younger.
with us tomorrow if he already 3 He wishes his boss at him so
_____ (not / see) the play. often.
3 If they (live) closer to me, 4 Someone stole my bag from my car last night.
1 (go) to their party. If only 1 it there overnight.

Grammar Summary 171

Verb patterns with reporting verbs Passive reporting verbs
Form and use Form and use
We can use different verbs to report speech and We sometimes use passive verbs to report feelings,
thoughts. The patterns we use change, depending on beliefs, opinions, and rumors, especially in journalism
the verb. or other formal contexts. We often do this when
we don't know or don't want to say who made the
Verb + infinit ive statement.
We use the infinitive after agree, offer, promise, refuse,
There are two patterns:
swear, and threaten.
fack offered to take a photograph of me. • it + passive verb + that + subject
I refused to leave the building. It is thought that the prime minister will make an
He swore to tell the truth. important announcement later today.

Verb + object + infinitive • subject + passive verb + infinitive

A man aged 95 is reported to be a lottery winnerfar
We use object + infinitive after advise, ask, beg,
the third time.
conuince, encourage, invite, persuade, recommend, urge,
and warn. To report a past action in the present perfect or simple
Julia asked me to drive her to the airport. past with the second pattern, we use a
I don'i like concerts, but Max convinced me to come. perfect infinitive (an infinitive form with have +
past participle).
Verb + -ing Three people are said to haue been rescued from a
We use -ing after admit, deny, recommend, and suggest. house jire.
They denied taking the money. To report an action in the future or in progress
Luke suggested going to the park. now with the second pattern, we use a continuous
Verb + preposition + -ing infinitive (an infinitive form with be+ -ing).
The company is said to be lookingfor a new manager.
We use -ing after verb + preposition combinations,
e.g., apologizefar, complain about, confessto, insist on, We commonly use the following verbs with both
and object to. patterns: believe, confirm, expect, know, report, say, think,
You should apologize for being so rude. and undersiand.
Sara insisted on eating at home. A 22-year-old man is known to have stopped the
global spread of the computer virus.
Verb + object + preposition + -ing It is known that a 22-year-old man stopped the
With sorne other verb + preposition combinations, we global spread of the computer virus.
place an object between the verb and preposition, e.g.,
..,. Exercises4, 5, and 6
accuse ... of blame ... far, criticize ... far, congratulate ...
on, praise ... far, thank ... far.
Anna always accuses me of being lazy.
Lars praised his son for winning the competition.
Note that when we use reporting verbs, we often
have to make changes to pronouns, time expressions,
"You 've broken my phone!" __, She blamed me for
breaking her phone.
'T lI be back tomorrow." __, She promised to be back
the next day.
Sorne reporting verbs can also be followed by that +
clause. When we use a reporting verb + that, we often
make a change to the tense.
"We'll be late."__, I warned you that we would be late .
..,. Exercises1, 2, and 3

1 Match the sentence begínníngs (1-5) with the

endings (a-e).
He askedme
She admitted
4 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 lt is believe that two prisoners have escaped.
2 The director is expected resign.

3 The photos are thought to been taken in 1990.

3 They complained about 4 She is said to write a book at the moment.
4 Do you promise
5 1 congratulated her on S Circle the correct options to complete the
sen ten ces.
a having to work on the weekend. __
b to help him, but I'm too busy. ~ 1 The team is expected to arrive / to have arrioed
c passing her driving test. __ later today.
d not to be late to the meeting? __ 2 The man is said to be finding / to have found a
e taking the money from my wallet. __ priceless painting in his attic.
3 More people than ever are believed
2 Complete the second sentence in each item (1--4) to haoe lived / to be living with their parents
so it has the same meaning as the first sentence. because they cannot afford to buy a home.
Use the verb in bold. 4 Eating more vegetables and fruit is known
to be / to being good for your health.
1 She said it was a good idea to visit the
5 The accident is thought to have been caused /
to be causing by bad weather.
She the museum. 6 Rewrite the underlined phrases with passive
2 ''I'm going to leave without you if you don't reporting structures. Use the prompts and verbs
hurry up." below (1--4).
threaten A: Have you seen that Main Street is closed?
He without me if 1 1 wonder what's happening.
didn't hurry up. B: It's for the carnival. lt's going to be a big event
3 She said sorry because she was late. this year. Apparently, 1 the local council has
apologize spent a lot of money on it.
She late. A: Oh, of course. Did you go last year?
B: No, 1 didn't. But 1 heard that 2it was really
4 I told her that she should see a doctor. crowded and badly organized. But someone
ad vise told me that this year, 3the organizers have
1 a doctor. made sorne improvements. And there are going
to be more police on the streets.
3 Complete the text with the correct form of these
A: That's good.
B: Should we go and take a look? I'm sure 1 heard
do recycle introduce somewhere that 4 sorne stalls are offering free
start stop watch food on the first day.
A: Free food? Let's go!
The town of Modbury in Devon, England, was 1 The local council _
the first town in Europe to stop using plastic bags. _____________ (believe).
The story started in 2007 after Rebecca Hosking, 2 Last year's carnival
a wildlife camerawoman, invited local shop (say).
owners 1 a documentary about the 3 lt
damage plastic bags cause to the environment. (think).
The owners were so shocked that they promised 4 Sorne stalls
giving plastic bags to customers. (expect).
They agreed 3 ali their bags and
encouraged their customers 4 the same.
Soon, Modbury became plastic bag-free, and
not long after, the UK govemment decided
a charge for ali plastic bags in
supermarkets. The residents have praised Rebecca
Hosking for 6 this revolution, which
has generated interest around the world.

Grammar Summary 173

Articles:atan, the, or zero article? Relative clauses
We use the indefinite article (a/an) with a singular We use defining relative clauses to give essential
countable noun. We use it: information in order to identify someone or something.
The choice of relative pronoun depends on the type
• to talk about a non-specific person or thing.
of noun.
I need to buy a new car.
• For things, we use that.
• to say a person or thing is one of many.
Is this the book that you told me about?
I think Tereshkova is a very interesting astronaut.
• For people. we use who.
• when we first mention something.
I know ihree people who study at this college.
One eoening, a man and a woman rang my doorbell.
• For possession, we use whose.
• in the structure as + a(n) + noun.
I know someone whose mother was a Jamous actor.
As a child, she loved basketball.
Note that whose can also be used for things.
We also use the indefinite article: to say what
somebody does (e.g., He's a student); orto talk about We can use what before a subject and verb to say "the
frequency (e.g., twice a month). thing(s) that."
Thai's exactly what I toanied.
We use the definite artide (the) with a singular or
plural countable noun or an uncountable noun. We can lea ve out that and who when they are the
We use it: object of the verb in the relative clause, but not when
they are the subject.
• to talk about a specific person/people or thingts).
I enjoyed the movie (that) you recommended.
The prime minister gave a speech in París today. That's the scientist who won the Nobel Prize.
• when we refer back to a person/people or thing(s)
When we form relative clauses with a preposition, we
already mentioned.
normally put the preposition at the end of the clause,
One eoening, a man anda woman rang my doorbell.
except in very formal usage. Note that who becomes
The man introduced himself.
whom after a preposition.
• before a superlative adjective. l'm the person (who) you wrote to.
That's the best mouie I've seen this year. I am the person to whom you wrote. (formal)
We also use the definite article: when there is We also make relative clauses with the relative
only one of something (e.g., the moon); with sorne adverbs where and when. Where means the same as
countries (e.g., the US); with an organization (e.g., the (the more formal) in which.
navy); with sorne time periods (e.g., the 1930s); with This is the restaurant where I had my birthday dinner.
inventions (e.g., the saxophone); to talk about parts of a
~ Exercises 4 and 5
country / area ( e.g., the north of Germany); with places
in a town/city (e.g., the stores); with the names of Non-defining relative clauses contain extra, non-
oceans and rivers (e.g., the Nile). essential information. We can understand which
thing, person, place, etc., is being mentioned without
We use the zero article (no article) with a plural the relative clause.
countable noun or an uncountable noun. We use it: My brother, who lives in New York, is coming to visit
• with uncountable or plural nouns to talk about next month. (It's clear as 1 only have one brother.)
people or things in a general way. We use who far people and which for things. We never
I think nurses should be paid more. use thai in non-defining clauses. Note that we can use
• before certain generally familiar places (school, whose in both defining and non-defining clauses.
work, hospital, college). In non-defining relative clauses, we use a comma
My older brother is studying medicine at college. before the relative clause. If the clause is in the middle
We also use the zero article: with the names of most of the sentence, we also puta comma at the end of it.
countries; with subjects of study (e.g., math); with Sorne non-defining clauses refer to the whole of the
days and months; with meals (e.g., breakfast); in main clause. We often use clauses like this to give
phrases like this monih, last week, next year; with the opinions or to make a comment.
names of sports; with the names of lakes; in many They've canceled the concert, which is disappointing.
phrases with "home" (e.g., go home).
~ Exercise 6
~ Exercises 1, 2, and 3

;fl'"C::orrect the mistake in each sentence.
·'L ~l \
2 I'd like to live in~
She hasn't found tfie job yet.
4a Complete the sentences with appropriate relative
pronouns or adverbs.

This is the laptop
Isn't this the restaurant
really bad meal a few years ago?
I bought last

we hada
3 As ~doctor, she really understands how 3 They thanked the police officers _
important your diet is. caught the criminal.

1\4 That's probably~ worst movie I've ever seen.


The students weren't told
be on the exam.
We stayed in a hotel

has a huge
2 1
Read the conversation. Add seven missing artic 1 es
_.) in the correct places. swimming pool.
6 Is that your friend --,--- party we went
A: Thanks for inviting me to your party. Your to last month?
friends are all so nice!
B: Thanks for coming! Did you manage to speak 4b Work in pairs. In which of the sentences in
to everyone? Exercise 4a can the relative pronoun be omitted?
A: Yes, 1 think so. Iihad a long conversation about
gardening with an ... I can't remember his 5 Rewrite the sentences so they are more informal.
Leave out the relative pronoun when possible.
name ... Oh, it's an over there.
B: That's Thomas-he's my neighbor. And he 1 That's the woman with whom 1 played tennis
does havg¡f'-mazing R_arden. lastweek.
A: Yes, he showed me\i5].chlf~»f it on his phone.
B:)(~d did he tell you abou'fJEverest?
A~verest? No, what about it? 2 Are you the person to whom 1 spoke when 1
B: Well, Thomas is actually famous mountaineer! called earlier?
He's climbed mountains all over the world,
including Everestl
A: Wow! That's amazing! Does he still go 3 This is the kind of music to which 1 always
climbing? listen when I'rn drivíng.
B: Yes, he does. And he takes tour groups up
mountains three or four times%iear. He also
gives talks about it all around world.
6 Combine the sentences in each item (1-4) to make
Complete the text with ihe, a, or zero article (-). non-defining relative clauses,
It seemed like another normal flight for Captain 1 We live in Salto. It's in the northwest of
Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles, flying -, Uruguay.
from New York City to North Carolina in
1 USA, on 2 January
15, 2009. But three minutes after take-off, 2 My friend Louis has just started a new job. He
_____ plane hit a flock of geese. The geese lives in Vermont.
damaged both engines, which stopped working.
pilots had to make a quick decision
about where to make the emergency landing. 3 The museum was closed when we went there.
Sullenberger realized they didn't have time to That was disappointing.
go back to the airport, so he decided to land the
plane on 5 Hudson River. Incredibly,
Captain Sullenberger landed the aircraft safely. 4 DDT Bank has serious financia! problems. It
Within minutes, boats carne to help, and all the employs over 20,000 people.
passengers and crew were rescued. Sullenberger
became 6 hero, famous all over the
world. He was la ter hired as 7 Q safety
expert, and thanks to him, 8 new
measures for airline safety have been introduced.
In 2016, 9 movie about his life was
made, starring Tom Hanks.

Grammar Summary 175

could, was able to, managed to, and Future in the past
succeeded in
was/were going to and was/were about to(+
We use could, was able to, managed to, and succeeded in base verb)
to talk about ability and possibility in the past.
We use toas / were going to and was / were about to
General ability ( + base verb) to say that we intended to do something
We use could and couldn't +base verb to describe a but didn't.
general ability to do something in the past. 1 was going to watch the baseball game, but 1 had too
Jacky could run reallyJast when she was a teenager. much work to do.
l couldn't speak French until l went to study in París. Tania was about to sit down when she heard her
baby cry.
We also use was/were able to for the same meaning. It
is more formal than could/ couldn'i. We also use was/were going to and was/were about to
Jacky was able to run really Jast when she was a after verbs like say, know, promise, and think. When
teenager. used like this, it is not clear whether the described
l uiasn't able to speak French until l went to study action happened or not.
in París. We thought they were going to finish the work by the
end of the monih. (It could mean they finished the
Success/failure in a specific task work or that they're still doing it.)
We cannot use could to talk about success in a specific He said he was going to arrive at 7 p.m. (It could
task in the past. We use was/were able +to+ base verb, mean he did arrive at 7 p.m. as expected or that he
managed +to+ base verb, or succeeded in+ -ing instead. actually arrived at 9 p.m.)
l was able to get / managed to get / succeeded in
getting tickets Jor the concert! 1 bought the last three
W.itlJid (+base verb) and would have (+ past
tickets available.
We use would + base verb to talk about the future
We normally use managed to + base verb and succeeded in the past when we report thoughts, ideas,
in + -ing when the task was difficult. We tend to use expectations, etc., after verbs like say, know, promise,
succeeded in (and was/were able to) in more formal and think. We use this structure to describe both
contexts. events that happened and those that didn't.
In informal contexts, we often use the simple past He promised he would help me, but ihen he
to talk about success in a specific task in the past, disappeared!
especially if we don't want to suggest it was difficult. l knew we would be late.(= and we were)
I got tickets for the concert. There were plenty left. We use uiculd have + past participle to talk about
Note that we DO use couldn'i to describe failure in a something that didn't happen in the past.
specific task in the past. I would have called you, but l thought you were busy.
We couldn't find a karate class, so we decided to take
waslwere supposed to(+ base verb)
judo instead.
We use was / were supposed to + base verb to describe
Possibility/opportunityin the past something that we expected to happen but didn't.
We also use could and was/were able to to say we hada Where haue you been? You were supposed to be here
possibility or opportunity to do something in the past. at noon!
1 really loved the class because we could / were able ~ Exercises4, 5, and 6
to practice all the theory we had studied.
~ Exercises1, 2, and 3

Exercises B: 1 actually downloaded an app on my phone
last week that said it 4 would have improved / -
1 Work in pairs. In which of these sentences can would improve my memory within five days.
the underlined phrase be replaced with could or A: And what happened?
couldn't? B: Well, I used it on the first day, and it seemed quite
good. Then 1 5 was / were supposed to use it
1 She was able to pass her exam last week, even
every day for ten minutes. But then ...
though she didn't study for it. A: Let me guess-you forgot?
2 Sorry, but I didn't manage to go to the B: Of course!
3 He was able to sing beautifully when he was a 5 Complete the sentences (1-4) with these phrases.
4 We weren't able to visit the museum because it were going to was supposed to
was closed. would have wouldn't
5 I managed to book a flight to Los Angeles for
just $48. 1 We make an offer on the
house, but then we saw another house that we
2 Read the sentences. Cross out the incorrect liked even more.
option(s). 2 You promised you líe to me
1 She was able to / managed to / succeeded in get ever again!
the job that she really wanted. 3 The package arrive an hour
2 I couldn't / didn't manage / wasn't able find the ago, but it's still not here.
way to the castle. 4 A: I'm soaking! It's pouring rain out there.
3 We succeeded in / managed to / were able to B: Why didn't you call me? I
finishing the project on time. _______ picked you up!
4 Arma managed to / could / was able to get a
6 Complete the second sentence in each item (1-4)
discount on her new car.
so it has the same meaning as the first sentence.
5 They didn't succeed in / couldn'i / uieren'i able to
Use the word in bold.
come to the meeting.
6 1 managed to / was able to / could eat chocolate 1 Just moments before Jaime went to bed, his
whenever I wanted when I was little. doorbell rang.
3 Match the sentence beginnings (1-4) with the Jaime to bed when his
endings (a-d). Then complete the sentences with doorbell rang.
the corred form of the verbs in parentheses.
2 He expected it to be a nice day today, but itwas
1 My leg was hurting, but 1 still managed cloudy.
2 Our hotel was great because we could supposed
3 The company succeeded in It a nice day today, but
4 Our house is big, but we managed it was cloudy.
a (eat) at the restaurant for free. __ 3 You said these words to me: ''I'll never borrow
b (paint) it in just two days. _ your car again without asking."
e (increase) its profits would
considerably. __ You promised you my
d (run) ten kilometers. __ car again without asking.
4 Circle the corred options to complete the 4 I didn't buy you a present because I didn't
conversation. know it was your birthday.
A: Here you are, finally! I 1 was about to go /
I you a present, but I
would go home.
didn't know it was your birthday.
B: Sorry I'm late. I 2 would have called / would call
you, but ... well, to be honest, 1 just forgot!
A: 1 thought so. You're so forgetfull And yesterday
you promised you 3 toouldn't have been /
toouldn'i be late this time!
B: I know, I know. I'm so sorry!
A: Maybe you should do something to improve
your memory.

Grammar Summary 177

Focus adverbs: on/y, just, even Form

Use Position of focus adverbs

We use the focus adverbs only, just, and even to focus We can put only, even, and [ust in different places in a
on or draw attention to particular information in a sentence. If the focus of the adverb is on the subject,
clause. The focus adverb comes directly befare the we put it at the beginning of the sentence.
word or phrase it is emphasizing. Even summer is quite cool in this part of the toorld.
We use only: If the focus of the adverb is on another part of the
sentence, we normally put it in the middle of the
• to emphasize that a number, size, age, etc., is small
sentence, befare the main verb or after auxiliary verbs
or smaller than we expected.
(have, do, be) and modal verbs.
Our flights cost only $90. My phone can't make long-disiance calls. It can only
• to emphasize that something is true only for make local calls.
a single person/thing ora lirnited number of I'm just gettíng ready. I toon'i be long.
.,.. Exercises1, 2, and 3
Only cusiomers can park here.
• to say that something is unimportant. Causative have and get
Don't be offended-Iwas only joking.
Form and use r
• with not to say that more than one thing is true.
I'm not only interested in money; I also want to find a We use have and get in different ways to say that we
cause something to happen or cause somebody to do
job that is inieresting.
We usejust:
have/get + something + past participle
• to emphasize that a number, size, age, etc., is small
We use haue / get + something + past participle when
or smaller than we expected.
we pay somebody to do something for us. We don't
She left the job after just six weeks.
say who does the job. Get something done is more
• to emphasize that something happened recently or informal than haoe something done.
will be finished soon. She got her hair cut yesterday.
They've just arrioed home. l'm having my computer fixed ihis morning.
• to mean "simply."
There's a good bus service in my town, but I normallv We also use haoe] get + something + past participle to
just walk wherever I want to go. say that we experienced something bad.
Maria had/ got her phone stolen last night. (She
• with not to say that more than one thing is true. didn't want this to happen.)
Theu're not just friends-they're married!
have + someone + base form of the verb
Note that we can sometirnes use both only and just
without any change of meaning. We use haue + someone + base verb when we ask or
tell somebody to do something for us. We normally
We use even: use this structure when we have sorne kind of power
• to introduce something surprising. over the other person, because he or she is our
Even I enjoyed the concert, and I don' t like rock musicl employee, child, etc. lt is quite formal.
fosé had his lawyer write a new contract.
• with noi to emphasize that something isn't true or
doesn't happen. We always say who did the action with this structure:
The city was so busy that we couldn't even find a room get + someone+ infinitive
in the worst hoiels.
We also use get + someone + infinitive whenwe ask
• in a comparison, to say that although something is or tell somebody to do something for us. We use this
good, bad, big, etc., another thing is better, worse, structure in any context (not just with people we have
bigger, etc. power over). It is informal.
Her latest mouie is even better titan her last one. We got our teacher to explain the grammar again.
We always say who did the action with this structure .
.,.. Exercises4 and 5

1 Read the sentences. Circle the best options to
complete the explanations below.
1 He stayed at the party for only twenty minutes.
Ithink / don't think this is a long time.
5 The pizza I had last week was good. This pizza
is better than that last one.
This pizza is
had last week.
better than the one I

6 I find it strange you're wearing your

sunglasses. It isn't sunny.
Why are you wearing sunglasses? lt isn't
2 Even Martino carne to the exhibition. _____ sunny.
I'm surprised / not surprised he carne.
3 The drive to the airport took just half an hour. 4 Circle the correct options t omplete the sentences.
This is more / less than I expected.
1 We had our hous re'painted to repaint / repaint
4 Miki' s not only a musician.
last week.
Miki does other things, too / just this.
2 The teacher had the students stayed / to stay /
5 You look even more tired than yesterday.
You looked / didn't look tired yesterday.
átdVi after class because~ir bad behavior.
3 'rrrget them brought / t~/ bring. us the ~k.
2 Circle the correct options to complete the 4 They had a mechanic checked / to check / ~
conversation. their car because it was making strange noises.
5 I had a dress ~/ to make / make in Milan for
A: What are you reading? the wedding.
B: An article about a man who retired when he 6 We got a company installed / td@ll ! install
was 1 only / even 35 years old. our new carpet.
A: Wow! He must be really rich. Did he work for a
big bank or something? 5 Complete the text with the correct forms of these
B: That's the interesting thing. He hada regular phrases.
job, and he didn't earn a lot. He was 2 even /
just very careful about spending money, and so clean your house deliver the ingredients
he saved 75% of his salary every year. Once he do the cooking send an information pack
had saved enough money, he retired. find the perfect gift
A: How did he save that much money?
B: Well, he made lots of small changes. Por Life Solutions is here to make your life easier by
example, he sold his car and bought a bike. If doing the little jobs that you don't have time for. No
you ride your bike everywhere. you don't 3even time to clean? We'll find a cleaning company and
/ just get around more cheaply, you also get free have 1 for you. Need to buy a
exercise! present for a friend or relative? Just give us the details,
A: That's true. Anything else? and we'll get one of our highly trained advisors
B: Another thing was that he never ate out. He 2 . Friends coming for dinner?

had dinner parties at home instead. Often, he We'll plan the menu and get 3 _

told his friends to bring a dish each, so that to you. You can even have one of our chefs
made it 4only / even cheaper. 4
for you-before your friends
A: That's smart. So what's he doing now? arrive, of course! Por further details, just call or
B: Well, he 5 just / only moved to Brazil last month. email and we'll have 5 to you
3 Complete the sentences with even, just, or only.
Sometimes more than one focus adverb is possible.
1 Tickets for the concert are available for a very
low price-$5.
Tickets for the concert are available for
_____ $5.
2 lt' s going to rain tomorrow and for several
days after that.
lt' s not going to rain tomorrow,
but also in the following days.
3 I'm going to leave in thirty seconds.
I'm about to leave.
4 I passed all my exams. I'm surprised I passed
my math exam.
I passed my math exam.

Grammar Summary ®
Unit 1 lives. Suryia is really playful, but what's G: That'd be great. How long will you be
more striking is how considera te he is. His away for?
• IJlll understanding of the dog's character is T: Well, 1 have to do another two months
Speaker 1 growing day by day. For example, he has over there. Then 1'11 be back home for a
It's kind of odd because we work in the noticed that the dog is often hungry, and while, 1 hope.
same building, but for different companies. so he regularly shares his monkey biscuits G: OK Well, give me a call when you get
His office is on the 4th floor and mine is with hi.m. Orangutans are very generous back. You have my number, right?
on the Sth, and occasionally, we bump into creatures. If you give one a piece of candy, T: Yeah, if it's still the same one.
each other in the elevator. It's strange seeing often they will break it in half and hand one G: Yeah, it is. 1'11 look forward to that.
someone you're so close to in a different piece back to you." Anyway, 1 need to get back to school
context. We've been married for seven years, now-but it was really nice to see you.
and our wedding anniversary is next week. So how <loes Dr. Antle explain the fact Hope you have a good trip back.
Speaker2 that their relationship has a lot of the T: Thanks. Well, it was great to see you
We were really good friends at school, characteristics of what we cal! "friendship"? too, Greta. Take care ... and good luck
and then in our early twenties we traveled He says that the two anirnals have with your exams.
together, but we rarely see each other now. recognized a basic social need in each other
[ohn lives in the suburbs with his wife- that we don't normally associate with
animals. "Animals need fun and interaction, 5 Busy as ever.
she's a friend of my sister's-and 1 still live
just like us, and these two are not getting 6 I'm in kind of a hurry.
in the city. The funny thing is, it doesn't
7 That'd be great.
matter how little we see each other-we're this from other anirnals in their group."
8 Give her my best wishes.
still great friends.
Speaker3 Unit 2
1 1 have noticed a similar apathy among
We've always gotten along very well at other people his age.
work, but we never see each other outside 2 [arvís has been saying this for a couple
the office. He's ene of those people that can P = Presenter, M = Mark Mowlam
of years.
always make you laugh, which is really P: Take a bestselling book with a great
important in a stressful work envirorunent. storyline and add a great cast, an
He's very good at his job, too, and I'm G = Greta, T = Tom experienced director, anda large
always asking for his help with stuff. G: Hi, Tom! This is a surprise. How are budget. And what do you get? A box
you? office success, you would think. Think
T: Oh, hi, Greta. I'rn doing fine, thanks. again. Successful books don't always
This week, we're looking at the subject of make good movies. Sorne movie
G: Oh, that's good to hear. 1 haven't seen
animal friendships. We know that anirnals adaptations have worked, others
you for a really long time. What have
often cooperate in their own social groups, haven't, So what's the secret? That was
you been up to?
helping each other to hunt or raise their the question I put earlier to film critic
T: Actually, I've been working abroad for
young. Sorne highly intelligent animals- Mark Mowlam, who recently wrote
the last eight months.
like elephants-go even further than this, about the making of The Hobbil.
G: Really? Anywhere exciting?
and sometimes help other anirnals of the M: Well, the key is to makea movie that
T: Yeah, in India. I have a contract to do
same species who are not in their ow~ sorne teacher training there. remains true to the spirit of the book and
family group. But cooperation between that captures the heart of the story, even
G: Well, it obviously suits you. You're
animals of different species is unusual, if it doesn't indude every detail. Peter
Jooking very tanned and relaxed.
so that's why the story of Suryia, the [ackson's The Hobbit is a fantastic example
T: Thanks-it's been a lot of fun, And
orangutan, has attracted a lot of interest. of this. The writer of the book, J.R.R.
you? You're looking good, too. How are
things? Tolkien, created a very original imaginary
Suryia lives with his keepers at The world. [ackson had to somehow
G: Oh, you know, busy as ever. I've been
Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare reproduce this in a way that satisfied the
studying for my law exams.
Species in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, millions of people who had read the book
T: Oh yes, of course-I remember. Is the
which is a kind of sanctuary for rare and loved it. 1 think hedida fantastic job.
course going OK?
anirnals. Recently, this orangutan has For a start, it's a beautifully filmed movie.
G: Well, you know, it's a lot of work. But
been spending time with a local dog-an [ackson used the varied scenery of his
it's going well, generally.
unlikely friend. Most dogs avoid apes native New Zealand for the movie's
T: Good. And what about Amanda? 1
because they are scared of them, but these locations: the green countryside where
haven't seen her in a long time either.
two have formed a strong bond. Each Bilbo, the Hobbit, lives; and the dark,
How's she doing?
day, the dog-named Roscoe-comes scary mountains that Bilbo has to travel
G: Yeah, she's doing well. We still meet up
into the compound and looks for Suryia. to. The result is a movie that is visually
from time to time. She was asking about
When he finds hi.m, they carry on like stunning. lt also feels like the book,
you the other day, actually.
long-lost friends, hugging and playing Sometimes the story is very fast-moving
T: Oh, well, I'm only back for a few days,
together. They've been doing this every and gripping; at other times, it goes more
but please give her my best wishes
day since they first met, and over four slowly and gently.
when you see her next.
million viewers have watched them since
G: 1 will.
their video was posted on YouTube. The
. T: And the next time I'm back, maybe we
founder of the institute, Dr. Antle, explains: become-became-become
can all get together for a drink.
"It's clear they are having the time of their begin-began-begun

180 Audioscript
drink-drank-drunk As you say, a lot of factual information home. So I just had to wait until my
forget-forgot-forgotten is presented visually now. Obviously, roornmate carne home.
shine--shone--shone in the past, photos were used in B: Yeah, a similar thing happened to me
sing-sang-sung magazines, in newspapers, or on TV to once.
go-went-gone bríng stories to life. The difference now Conversation 4
win-won-won is that it is not just the media companies A: The elevator got stuck between the
that are in control of this. Stories can eighteenth and nineteenth floors, and
be shared by anyone from anywhere in two people completely panicked.
Mr. Charles Everson and his wife Linda
the world, simply by uploading a photo B: What a nightrnare!
were driving home one Sunday when a
or sharing a link to an infographic or a A: It was. Then the lights in the elevator
cow fell from the sky and landed on the
striking image. So it's an amazing time went off, and one of them started
hood of their van. The cow-which had
for anyone who takes photographs- screaming.
escaped from a local farm-had been
because it doesn't matter if the photo is B: Yeah, I think 1 would have done the
grazing ali morning near the edge of a
taken with a professional camera or just sarne thing.
cliff, when it slipped and plunged seventy
an ordinary mobile phone; you have a Conversation 5
meters to the road below. The Eversons
way of reachíng thousands of people A: The tires on my bike were all wom out,
weren't hurt, but the cow wasn't so lucky-
with it very quickly. and when Ihit a bump in the road, one
it had to be put to sleep.
1: And do you have any exarnples of of them popped.
visual storytelling that you particularly B: Pooryou!
As the sixteenth miner, Daniel Herrera, like? A: I fell off and cut my hand. Thank
carne out, it was love at first sight for O: Umm, there was ali the good work goodness there were no cars behínd me.
Melanie, He had a beautiful smile, and she that [ohn Stanmeyer did in helping to B: That was lucky.
knew he had a good heart. So she contacted bríng the migrant crisis to the world's Conversation 6
him on Facebook, and they started writing attention: for example, his photos of A: My computer froze while I was
to each other. Daniel wasn't married and lifejackets left on the beach by refugees working.
was living with his mother. After sorne who risked crossing the sea to get B: Really? Do you know why?
months, they began speaking on the phone, to Greece. But it doesn't have to be A: No. I thought I'd lost about four hours'
and Melanie helped Daniel to overcome the about big stories Iike that. There was work. But when I rebooted, I searched
trauma he had experienced. In 2012, she a wonderful photo I saw the other for sorne of the key words in my
flew to Chile to meet Daniel. He fell in love day-1 don't remember the name of the document, and l found a temporary file
with her, too, and in 2014 they got married. photographer-but it's of sorne boys that had most of the document in. it.

am laughing ata joke they've just heard.

The joy of the moment, their youthful
B: That was good thinking.

Unit 3
1 = Interviewer, O = Olaf Paulsen delight, is captured wonderfully in
1: Olaf, for a long time you didn't c~ll the picture. It sums up an emotion in a
yourself a photographer, because it was way that words cannot do.
still justa hobby rather than a full-time
I expect that most of my generatio.n
paid job.
Conversation 1 wiU Live to be around a hundred years
O: Yes, that's true--although whenever
A: The bus broke down on the highway, old. There are already more than 72,000
I traveled with my camera, I kind of
so we were ali left waiting until help people in the US who are overa hundred,
treated it like a job. 1 acted like I had
could arrive. It's predicted that by the year 2050, that
been paid by a magazine or newspaper
B: What did you do? number will have risen to about 400,000,
to get sorne great photos to go with a
A: Luckily, another bus carne within about thanks to advances in medicine.
fifteen minutes, and we all transferred 2
1: Well, that's what 1 wanted to ask you
to that one. I think in the future, people will be
about, because more recently you've
B: That must have been a relief. interacting with intelligent machines
been called a "visual storyteller" rather
Conversation 2 even more than they do now. I read an
than a photographer. Can you explain
A: My pants got caught on the door arride about things called chatbots-these
what people mean by that?
O: Forme, a good photographer is a handle, and as I walked away, they are programs that can hold intelligent
storyteller. Visual storytelling means ripped. conversatíons with people on the intemet.
using an image--or a series of B: Oh, no! These programs already exist, and sorne
images-to communicate what is real/y A: I had to walk right across the experts predict that the future will bring
happening in a place or to a person. A restaurant back to our table with my even more chatbot innovation.
hands over the hole. 3
good photo immediately engages the
viewer emotionally. lt pulls you into B: How embarrassing! 1 thi.nk science will to find a
the story behind the image. Conversation 3 solution to global warming. By the middle
1: And we see images used everywhere A: I bent my house key trying to force it of this century, I think humans will have
now to tell stories and to express into the door lock, and when 1 tried to discovered ways to control the weather. If
ideas-not just photos, but icons, video straighten the key, it snapped. you think about it, the benefits, commercial
anírnations, infographics, and so on. B: How did you get in? and otherwise, are so great-for
O: Absolutely. Visual storytelling is . A: I went to the neighbors' house to ask agriculture, for stopping natural disasters,
definitely a phenomenon of our time. for their help, but they weren't at and so on-that it's only a matter of time
before someone works out a way.

Audioscript 181
• cm 1: How do the layers of printed objects stick R: Yes, if you look on the right-hand side
together7 near the bottom, there's a handle that
1 eight billion
E: A 3D printer uses a range of materia Is, opens and shuts the window.
2 an internet site
like plastic or metal or wood. Each Gl: Oh, sorry, I didn't see that. I'll give
3 a twenty-first birthday
layer comes out as a liquid or paste, that a try then. Thanks.
4 great poverty
oras powder. Sorne materials just R: Not at ali, ma'am, My pleasure.
5 another reality
naturally set; others are bonded 2
IJm togethe.r using heat or light. R: Yes, can I help you?
1 1: And what are its advantages over G2: Umm, yes. I'm in room 768 on
A: What are you doing this weekend? traclitional construction? the seventh floor. I have the Wi-Fi
B: I'm not sure, but we might go to the E: It means you can make individual password, but I can't seem to connect
beach if the weather stays nice. things cheaply. You can already to the internet.
A: Sounds good. I'm just going to stay at make standard products in a factory R: Are you using the guest Wi-Fi?
home and relax. cheaply, but customized products are G2: Yes.
2 very expensive. In the future, anyone R: I'm sorry. Sometimes the connection
A: I'm going to buy a wedding dress on with a 3D printer will be able to make ísn't so good up there. I'm afraid
Saturday. [en and l are traveling up to what they want. There's a Dutch there's not much I can do about it, but
Seattle to choose one. architect who's printing a house next you're welcome to come down here
B: How excitingt Are you going to show it to a canal in Amsterdam. He thinks to the lobby where there's a stronger
to anyone else before the wedding? that in the future, his firm will be signal.
A: I'll let you see it, if you want. building a lot of houses this way, 3
3 using customized designs that they G3: Excuse me, 1 need sorne help.
A: Will you help me move table? lt create with the client. R: Of course. How can I help?
won't take long. 1: What's the most amazing thing a 3D G3: I've locked my wallet and passport in
B: Sure. I'll just finish writing email first. printer can print? the safe in my room, but now I can't
4 E: Perhaps the most interesting area is the remember the code I used. Can you
A: Have you started your new job yet? printing of human body parts made of tell me how to open the safe?
B: No, but I'rn about to start. Next real cells and electroni.c components. R: I believe we have an override code,
Monday is my first day. Sorne printed bod.y parts-like new but I'll need to get the manager for
A: Good luck. I'm sure you'll be fine. 3D-printed ears-alread.y exist, but 1 that.
expect twenty years .from now scientists G3: Could you possibly do that now? I'm
CEll will be making ali kinds of body parts. going out far the evening.
1 = lnterviewer, E = Expert 1: And what are its disadvantages? R: OK. One moment, please ... I'rn afraid
1: Welcome to today's edition of three- E: 3D printers are still expensive, and they she's not answering, but I'll keep
minute science. This morníng, we're don't mass-produce th.ings, so the cost trying. When I speak to her, I'll ask her
going to take a closer look at 3D of each ítem you print is hígh. But iJ1 to cal! your room .i.m.mediately.
printing. It's a technology that most ten years' time, the cost will have come
people have heard of, but not everyone Unit 4
downa lot.
understands. So, here we go. Firstly,
what is a 30 printer?
1: And, lastly, where will 3D printing be
fifteen years from now?
E: Well, "3D printing" means three-
A: People are full of surprises, aren't they?
E: A lot of people will already have bought
There's a teacher that I work with
dimensional printing. So a 3D printer their own 3D printers by then, and
who's a really shy person. She never
is a machine that can make different we will be making parts far things at
really stands out in a group. I worked
kinds of three-dimensional objects- home that have broken or can't easily
with her far about two years, and then
coffee cups, sunglasses, replacement car be replaced: a light switch, your favorite
1 faund out that on most weekends, she
parts-not just printing on paper. And bottle opener, oran old phone charger.
becomes a street perfarmer.
it uses different materials, like plastic, And, as with any technology, in time we
B: What kind of street perforrner?
metal, g.lass, concrete, even chocolate. will ali have fargotten what life was like
A: Well, it turns out she's some kind
1: And why is it called a printer? befare 3D printers existed.
of acrobat. She was brought up in a
E: Beca use it makes things in thin slices,
building them up ]ayer by !ayer. mm circus. On weekends, she still meets
up with friends and puts on shows
Imagine an ordinary ink-jet printer that R = Receptionist, G = Guest
prínts letters en a page. If you let it go 1 of circus skills in public places, like a
R: Hello, ma'am. Is everything OK with busy shopping street. She doesn't do
over each letter again and again, soon
your room? it far money-at least, I don't think
you'd build a letter that comes up from
Gl: Actually, no, it isn't. The window so-just far fun. It's not at all what you
the page in 3D.
won't close, and there's a lot of noise imagine when you meet her, because
1: Is that the only similarity toan ink-jet
coming from the street. I keep shutting she doesn't seem that outgoing.
B: That's interesting. lt rerninds me a bit
E: No. You also connect a 3D printer to it, but it just opens again.
a computer-just like an ordínary R: Have you tried turning the handle at of my neighbor. He's an accountant and
the side of the window to close it? is really into baseball and other sports.
printer. You create fue design far an
Gl: Handle? No, I didn't know there was But he also writes poetry. He <loes it
object on the computer, and then you
one. on the train when he's commuting
just press "print."
to work-because it takes about an

182 Audioscript
hour each way to and from work. 1 Melbourne, nature nothing." This sums up T: Well, the visual effects are absolutely
don't think many people have read his the essential difference between Australia' s stunning, the opening scene
poems because he's kind of prívate, two largest cities. Melbourne is Australía's particularly. All the animals-giraffes,
but he showed me one the other day. second city, but it has plenty of first-class wildebeests, zebras, antelopes-come
He' d written it when his little boy was qualities, from a buzzing arts scene to its onto the stage together to set the scene
sick. lt was very touching, actually, and enormous range of restaurants. 1t may have at the beginning. and the costumes
beautifully written. a few grey days, anda muddy river instead are incredible. They're difficult to
of a beautiful harbar, but don't let that worry describe-you can see the people in the
you. A lack of nahua! attractions has meant costumes, but they seem to move like
1 = lnterviewer, W = Will that Melbourne has had to create its own real animals. Everyone in the audience
1: OK, Will, I know as an artist yourself, man-made pleasures ... and in doing so, it was spellbound.
you have strong feelings about what art has become Australia's cultural capital. There J: Wow. And is the story the same as
is and isn't. So, I'm going to give you are hardly any forms of artistic expression in the Disney movie? Because in
some statements about what various that you can't find here. Theater, music, street that movie, there were sorne rather
people say art should be, and I want to sculpture, fashion all thrive-alongside a annoyíng characters, like that bird who
know which you agree with. OK? cosmopolitan mix of cafés, restaurants, and was supposed to be there for cornic
W: OK. pubs, effect-what was its name?
1: So, here' s the first one: "Ali art should T: Zazu. Yeah, I know what you mean.
contain something pleasing for the What's great about Melbourne for visitors That kind of Disney character gets on
víewer." is how accessible ali these arts are. As my nerves, too. But I didn't notice that
W: No, not necessarily-the artist's intention well as traditional museums and galleries with this production. It's more adult
might be to make you feel uncomfortable, like the National Gallery of Victoria, and than the movie, so it's a bit different.
not to give you a warm feeling. concert halls like Harner Hall, there are an As I say, it was excellent.
1: OK. What about this? "Art should enormous number of smaller art spaces J: And what about the music? Did you
involve sorne hard work on the part of and venues that cater to every kind of like it?
the artist." taste. Art is something that the majority of T: I loved it! lt has a really cool African
W: That's more interesting, but the answer locals enjoy. In fact, for most inhabitants vibe to it, The songs were written by
is still "not necessarily"-Monet did of Melbourne, a visit to the theater or an Elton john. interestingly, and I have a
sorne paintings in five minutes. art exhibition is a routine event. Severa! lot of respect for him.
1: Well, then that links to the next festivals take place during the winter J: Oh, OK Well, I might check it out then.
statement: "To be an artist, you need to months, íncludíng the International Film Are the tickets reasonable?
possess certain technical skills." Festival in [uly, and the Fri.nge Festival in T: They're not cheap. I can't stand the
W: Well, you often hear people say things September-which has a lot of interesting high prices they charge for most
like "My three-year-old daughter could cornedy, dance, and theater acts. musicals these days-it just seerns done that," meaning there'sno wrong. But actually, I didn't mind for
technical skill involved. But an artwork And if the locals appreciate their art, this one. 1 thought it was money well
doesn't have to be technically difficult; they absolutely love their sports. Lots spent.
it could just be a clever idea. of people around the world know about
1: OK "Art should make a social or a
U'ni-t 5'
the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix
political point; without either, it's not
true art."
and the Australian Open Tennis, which
attracts over half a million spectators to
When it's complete, the Belo Monte dam
W: No, certainly not. Is the Mona Lisa Melbourne in a carnival atmosphere. But in northern Brazil will be the fourth largest
political? I don't think so. few people will be familiar with the sports hydroelectric power project in the world.
J: What about thís one? "The viewer Melburnians themselves follow. Cricket It will generate huge amounts of electricity
shouldn't have to make any effort to and Australian rules football enjoy a huge that will benefit people ali over the country.
understand a work of art." amount of support here. If you have a lt will also enhance Brazil's reputati.on as
W: No, 1 disagree with that. The artist has little time to spare, a visit to see either is a major producer of renewable energy.
made an effort to produce something. well worth it, just for the atmosphere. lf Renewable energy already accounts for
so the viewer should make an effort to you're looking to participa te rather than nearly half of the energy Brazil consumes.
understand it. just watch, why not try a bit of surfing As with any such development, there are
1: OK. And lastly, "There is no such thing or swimming? Riding a bike, jogging, or arguments for and against the dam. In its
as bad art." visiting one of Melbourne's many gyms favor is the fact that the cowltry needs
W: Yes, I agree. My role is to presentan are other possibilities. Ali this information electricity as its population expands,
idea in visual form. Your role is to give is on our website at, so do and tlris is the cheapest way to get it.
yourself time to look at it. Then you can take a look. lts construction has also created 19,000
say either "Yes, I really like that," or
new jobs, which has boosted the local
"No, that doesn't do anything forme."
economy. However, about 400 square
But you can't say "That's not art" or J = J ake, T = Tom
kilometers of rain forest have been cleared
"It' s bad art." J: Hey, Tom. How was The Lion King?
to make way for the dam and its reservoir.
T: lt was really good-and I'm nota fan
Environmentalists are worried that the
of musicals generally. Do you like
A visitar to Australia once noted that huge diversity of plants and anin1als that
"Nature has done everything for Sydney, tlu:ives here will be lost. Also, eighteen
J: Not really, no. So what was so good
man nothing; man has done everything for different tribal in the a.rea will
about The Lion King?
lose their land and many of their traditional 1: We.U, that doesn't sound great. M: Sorry, but I think that's a bit of an
jobs, like huntíng and fishing. Supporters J: No, but it is. It's a sign of a successful exaggerati.on. We can ali hear each
of the project say that even though these society. The thing is that the whole other fine now, and we're right next to
people have had to move, in the long term, system seerns to work. That's because, the skate park.
the dam will improve their lives. first, Keralites are naturally tolerant M2: For me, the noise is just one factor. And
people. You find Hindus, Muslims, and actually, I'm not too bothered by the
Christians aJl living peacefully alongside sound of people having fun. I'm more
1 = lnterviewer, J = Joumalist each other, and you could also include concemed that the park has become
1: I know you like exotic places. Have foreigners in that mix-they're treated a spot for young people to gather in
you been to the Indian subcontinent? no differently than anyone else. And the evenings. I worry that it's not safe
J: Yes, I was in India just recently. secondly, the goverrunent has invested for them.
1: Wereyou? a lot in health and education, and W: No, that's a very good point. I think
J: Yes, in Kerala in the southwest. Actually, continues to invest a lot. The land is also it's justa matter of time before we are
I had in tended to go on to visit other incredibly fertile and well-organized. here again talking about a more serious
parts of India, but Kerala was so Small farmers cultivate every inch of the problem-like drugs or crirne.
fascinatíng that I stayed there. land and none is wasted, which I regret W2: I think we're forgetting that this is healthy
1: Were you on vacation? to say isn't always the case in sorne exercise these kids are having. They're
J: Well, it was meant to be a vacation, but developing countries. not at home watching TV or playíng
actually it turned into kind of a work trip. 1: Well, it sounds it'll be an interesting video games. They're outside doing
1: Ohdear. article. Remember to send me a copy something active. And quite honestly, if
J: Oh, no. l don't regret changing my when it'spublished. that involves making a little noíse, then
plans. I became so interested in the J: Of course I will. that's something I can live with.
place that 1 started to write an article M: Thanks for that-I agree completely.
about it for the newspaper 1 work for. IZO I don't think most of you have really
1: Really? Is ita travel article? 1 state-weight 5 main-plane thought about the irnpact if you close
J: Not really. lt's more socíological. I guess. 2 low-though 6 stopped-opt this park down. A lot of kids will be
I'm trying to show what a remarkable 3 head-said 7 none-frm left with nothing to do, or they'll have
place Kerala is in the developing world. 4 course-force 8 waste-faced to find public spaces where they can
You see, it's a small state with a big skateboard that aren't safe. The whole
population. The average income is only thing just doesn't make any sense to me.
about $300 a year, and usually that
C Councilor
C: Helio, everybody. Thanks for coming Unit 6
would mean people having a fairly poor
today. We do appreciate it because we
q uality of life. But in fact, Kerala is a kind
need to hear from as many residents as
of model of social development. The
possible before we come to a decision I only get three weeks' vacation a year, sol
population is highly literate and well-
on the future of the skate park. As you always choose the places 1 go to carefully.
educated, and they seem reasonably
know, there have been a number of I try to go to places with dramatic scenery,
well off--compared to other parts of
cornplaints about noise coming from orto unusual places. It can take time to
India, anyway. People in Kerala are
the park, and noise disturbance is get to these places, but. personally, I think
healthy, and they live almost as long as
something that we at the council take it's worth it.1 saw this hotel on the cover
Amerícans or Europeans. Infant mortality
very seriously. So we'd like to hear your of a travel magazine and thought, "Yes, I
is also very low. And women, who've
views, and any suggestions you might have to go there!" It's called the Aescher
always traditionally been the head of the
have for a way forward. Guesthouse, and it's in the most beautiful
household, continue to be very active-
setting, overlooking a Swiss Alpine valley.
and equal-members of society.
To get there from Zurich, you have to take
1: That's interesting. 1 remember going to C = Councilor, M = First man, two different trains, a cable car, and then
Kerala with my wife in the 1990s. My M2 = Second man, W = First woman, it's a walk down through sorne caves to the
memories of it are justas a very tranquil W2 = Second woman hotel. But when you get there, you won't
and beautiful place, with lovely beaches C: So we'd like to hear your views, and regret it. The views are amazíng, and the
and lagoons. any suggestions you might have for a food is also fantastic. The only downsides
J: Well, of course, those are the parts that way forward. Yes-the woman in the are that it's not cheap, and also-because
tourists Jike to spend time visiting. blue top. Would you like to introduce it's so out of the way-sometimes there's
But "tranquil" is not necessarily the yourself and start us off? no water, so you can't always take a shower
adjective 1 would use. Trivandrum, the W: Well, yes. I live about fifty meters from when you want one. I spent two days
main city, is absolutely hectic. I stopped the skate park-our yard backs up to there hiking in the mountains. Sorne of
there to visitan Indian joumalist T know. it. I'm sure that no one, me included, the other guests went paragliding off the
According to her, people in Trivandrum wants to spoil other people's fun. But mou.ntainside, which looked incredible .. But
are politically active and very well- the thing is that the constant noise that's not my kind of tl1ing-I'm not great
informed about the country. They coming from these sk.ateboard ramps with heights!
never stop debating, and there are often
stri.kes or parades of demonstrators.
Sorne medica! students started
ali day-from ten in the morning to
sometimes as late as ten at night-it's mm
spoiling our enjoyment of our own P = Presenter, K = Katie Samuel
protesting when I was there. They went yard. Sometimes we can't even hear P: Have you ever thought about doing
on protesting for four days. each. other speak! sorne building work during your

184 Audioscript
vacations? Or helping to take care of in Zambia-is unlikely to be of direct P: Oh, hi, Malcolm. Thanks for getting
anirnals on a wildlife reserve? It seems use to you back in your New York back to me. Is that still OK?
these days, a lot more working adults office. But we ali benefit more widely M: That's ali fine. I just thought I'd give
are opting for volunteer vacations. .from new experiences, don't we? you a call to explain how to get to my
With us today is Katie Samuel, author P: Of course. So do you know where place, because it's a bit complicated.
of Good Trauel, a guide to volunteering listeners can find upcoming volunteer How are you getting here, first of ali?
vacations. Katie, I can see this might vacation possibilities? Sorne websites, P: I'm corning in by train sometirne in the
be attractive to sorne, but don't most perhaps? afternoon.
people just want to head off to the M: OK. I wanted to pick you up, but my
beach and relax while on vacation? car will be at the garage that day.
K: Well, I think that depends on how your 1 Surely he doesn't intend to give up his
P: Oh, that's kind of you, but I can make
volunteer vacation is organized. The well-paid job in order to travel?
myown way.
good companies are certainly aware 2 Can you tell me wh.ich travel company
M: OK. Well, I'm usually at work till about
that this should be a rewarding travel you used?
five thirty, so feel free to come over any
experience, not justa work trip. 3 Didn't it rain a lot when you were in
time after six.
P: But it's not really a vacation as we England?
P: That sounds perfect. And how do I get
know it, is it? 4 You've been to America, haven't you?
to your place from the center of town?
K: Again, that depends on your definition, 5 Do you know if this bus goes
M: Well, you could just get a taxi, but
For me, a good vacation is a cultural downtown?
it's about eleven kilometers from the
experience where each side--traveler center of town, so it won't be cheap.
and host-gives something and takes Alternatively, you can hop on a bus to
M = Mike, J = Jeff
something. A good example is a Stoney Creek. Look out for the sports
M: Hi, I'm interested in helping to repair
program near the Tsavo National Park arena on your right and get off there.
trails on the Continental Divide Trail
in Kenya, where volunteers help local It's only a twenty-minute ride. From summer. I can work for just a few
people to find ways of making a living there, Cherry Heights is another fifteen
days, can't I?
that don't involve poaching or killing minutes on foot, straight up King St.
J: Absolutely. You can work anywhere
local wildlife. So they help them to Once you reach the crossroads at Gray
from two days to two months.
plant crops or develop ideas for tourist Road, the easiest thing is to give me a
M: That's great. 1 have about a week
businesses. In return, the locals take the call, and I'll come out and meet you.
inJune. Volunteers usually pay
volunteers for bush walks-like mini- P: So, bus to Stoney Creek, walk up King
something to take part, don't they?
safaris-and teach them about local St to Cherry Heights, and cal! you from
J: No, actually lt's free.
wildlife. there?
M: Sorry-free? Surely I have to pay for
P: But the volunteers pay for the trip, M: Yup. Call me when you get to the
my accommodation, don't l?
don't they? crossroads at Gray Road.
J: No, it's completely free. You just have
K: Yes, of course. They have to pay for P: OK, got it. That sounds great. If I get
to register by filling out a forrn and
their own airfares and living expenses, held up in any way, 1'11 let you know.
sending it to us.
plus something to cover the cost of But otherwise, expect a call around six
M: I couldn't find a form online. It's not on
organizing the trip. thirty.
your website, is it?
P: OK. And can you tell us what M: Great. See you next Thursday then.
J: You have to collect the form from our
qualifi ca tions or skills these Bye.
office, or I can email it to you.
organizations are looking for, usually? P: Bye.
M: Great. And where on the trail can I
I mean, surely they don't want people
work? Unit 7
without experience just turning up to
J: New México, Montana, Wyoming, ...
teach or build or whatever?
M: You dont have something in Colorado,
K: Actually, for the most part, volunteers
do you? I'm from New York, so I'm used to the
can be trained to do the work. There
J: Yes, we do. We have spaces in Winfield, subway, but there are sorne things about
are a few projects for professional
Colorado, and a few in Mount Elbert. the Tokyo subway that were definitely
nurses or teachers, but mostly, training
M: And can you tell me how long the new to me. First, don't use your phone. If
is given. At the Cultural Restoration
training is? someone calls, it's OK to answer quickly-
Tourisrn Project (CRTP), which restores
J: There's no training beforehand. We you know, say "I'm sorry, I'm on the train,"
cultural heritage sites around the
train you as you work. But we are and then hang up. But in general, people
world, volunteers are placed with local
looking for a chef at the moment. You are really quiet and prívate, so don't ever
architects and artists. At the moment,
don't have any cooking experience, do talk loudly. Sorne rules of behavior are the
they're restoring a 300-year-old
you? same as in New York, like giving up your
monastery in Nepal, and the volunteers
M: No, I'm afraid not. I really just want to seat toan old person and not eating hot
are being trained in wall painting by a
work for a few days helping to build food. And if you have a large backpack,
world-famous painter,
trails. you should put it on a shelf so it's not in
P: Wow! So is it possible that people could
come back with a skill they didn't have people's way. But sorne other customs
before they went on vacation? seem pretty odd. The one that got me
M = Malcolm, P = Paul the first time was when someone next to
K: Absolutely-though it might not be a
M: Hi, Paul. is Malcolm. You emailed me fell asleep and put their head on my
skill you'll ever use again. Helping to
me about staying at my place next shoulder. It seems there's nothing wrong
bottle-feed a lion cub-that's a project
Thursday for a couple of níghts. with that-I've seen it happen to a few

Audioscript 185

people now. You'll also often see people "used to" because nowadays, a lot of the M: Was it kind of like a bachelorétte party?
wearing face masks when they have a indigenous population live close to towns E: Well, in the sense that it marks the last
cold. That's because coughíng. sneezíng, or and eat more processed food-pizza, fries, evening that a bride spends as a single
using a tissue in public is considered rude. and soda-and unfortunately with this has woman-with her female family and
What else? Oh yeah, when you get on a come a rise in obesity, diabetes, and heart friends-1 suppose it is kind of like
train during rush hour, you'll find there are conditions. that, What happens is, typically, the
people-they're called Oshiya-whoare women from both families get together
employed to push you, like, physically, into with the bride, to celebra te with music,
the crowded car. 1 Fruir and vegetables: apple, song, and dance. But it's not justa

On the whole, most of us eat a pretty
raspberries, cucumber, lettuce
Dairy products: cheese, butter
Breakfast cereals: muesli
party. It's an occasio.n for sadness too,
beca use it symbolizes the e.nd of life as
a single person and the start of another
balanced diet-a mixture of fruits, 4 Sauces: mustard, ketchup stage.
vegetables, graíns, meat, fish, eggs, and 5 Meat and seafood: beef, lamb, tuna M: So what happens exactly?
dairy, Diet fashions come and go-the E: Well, the ceremony begins with
protein diet, the grapefruit diet, the the preparation of the herma. It's
starving-two-days-a-week diet, and so M = Marie, E = Esther
traditio.nal for this to be done by the
on-but, for the most part, we are used M: I know of he.nna painting as a custo.m
daughter of a couple who have had a
to eating a range of foods. It's true that in at lndian weddings, but you carne
successful marriage themselves. Then,
poorer regions of the world, people eat across it in Turkey, didn't you?
after the bride's head has been covered
less meat and more grai.ns and vegetables, E: Yes, in eastern Turkey when I was
with a red veil, her hands and feet
and in richer parts more meat and sugary traveling there. It takes place a few
are decorated with henna. After that,
foods ... and more fatty food. But everyone nights before the wedding.
a gold coin is put into the remai.ning
at least aims to have sorne kind of balance. M: Was it kind of like a bachelorette party?
herma. While this is happeníng, the
And that's why 1 was so i.ntrigued toread E: Well, in the sense that it marks the last
guests start to síng, umm, separation
recently about the traditional diet of the evening that a bride spends as a single
so.ngs-these are kind of sad, as you
indigenous people of northern Alaska, who woman-with her fema le fa.mily and
can imagine. The parry continues well
are collectively known as Alaska Natives. friends-1 suppose it is kind of like that.
into the night. Then, on the morning
What happens is, typically, the women
of the wedding, a child presents the
Historically, Alaska Na ti ves didn't use from both families get together with
hennaed coin to the groom as a symbol
to have a so-called balanced diet at ali. the bride, to celebra te rnusic, song,
of future prosperity and good fortune.
Because of sub-zero temperatures and a and dance. But it's not justa party. It's
lack of plant life, they had to survive on an occasion for sadness too, beca use it Unit 8
symbolizes the end of life as a single
what they could hunt and fish close to
home. They would hunt seaJ and walrus person a.nd the start of another stage. mm
and reindeer, and then they'd cook the
meat in seal oil. Sometimes they'd eat
am This mural's been on the wall of a local
store in my neighborhood for'years.
M = Marie, E = 'Esther Anyone can write on it. You just have to
frozen fish, and when times were really
M: So what happens exactly? pick up a piece of chalk and complete the
hard in wi.nter, they used to eat whale
E: Well, the ceremony begins with sentence "Before I die, I want to ... " This
skin and blubber, which, I'm told, is like
the preparation of the henna. lt's "bucket list" wall isn't the only one of its
chewing car tires.
traditional for this to be done by the kind: There are quite a few other walls like
daughter of a couple who have hada it in other cities around the world. The idea
But how could a diet of just meat and
successful marriage themselves. Then, was started by a woman in New Orlea.ns,
fat possibly be healthy? Well, accordíng
after the bride's head has been covered and then it spread.
to Harold Draper, an expert in nutrition,
with a red veil, her hands a.nd feet
there's no such thing as essential foods-
are decorated with henna. After that, Sometimes I sit and watch people as
only essential nutrients. And there's not
a gold coin is put into the remaining they're thinking about what to write on the
only one way to get those nutrients. In
he.nna. While this is happening, the wall, thinking about the dreams they'd like
the West, we have gotten used to eating
guests start to síng., separation to come true. Sorne are goals that are easy
certain foods in order to get each nutrient.
songs-these are kind of sad, as you to achieve, like "I want to planta tree":
For example, we usually eat fruit to get
can imagine. The party continues well sorne just make me laugh, like "I want
more vitamin C, and dairy products for
into the night, Then, on the morning to fix my kitchen faucet." But others are
calcium and vitamin D. But the
of the wedding, a child presents the more personal-people wanting to live up
long winters, the Alaska Natives found
hennaed coin to the groom as a symbol to other people's expectatio.ns of them. "I
the nutrients and vitamins they needed
of future prosperity and good fortune. want to be a good parent" was one I found
from their diet of fish and wild animal
meat. As for the large amount of fat they touching. The same things keep coming
consumed, it was a healthier kind of fat, up, too. A lot of people have an ambition
M = Marie, E = Esther
not the saturated fats that cause people in to travel and to lear.n another la.nguage.
M: I of henna pai.nting as a custorn
the West so many health problems these But, overall, there is an variety of
at lndian weddings, but you carne
days. In fact, heart conditions among wishes on the wall. l guess sorne people
across it in Turkey, didn't you?
people on a traditional Alaska Native diet will fulfill their ambitions and sorne won't,
· E: Yes, in eastem Turkey when I was
used to be about half the nurnber in the but this wall shows that most of usare
traveling there. It takes place a few
wider population of North America. I say tryíng to make sense of our direction in life.
níghts before the wedding.

186 Audioscript
Dm am
is not an option for them. So the
1 If the rent were cheaper, I'd take the 1 university offers free accommodation to
apartment. A: Would you like to drive or should I? parents-up to five hundred ata time-
2 What would you have done if you'd B: I'd rather you drove, if you don't mind. in the form of mats in the university
been me? I'rn feeling kind of tired. gym. As an expression of parental
3 So sorry! If I' d known you were here, A: No, that's fine. Actually, 1 prefer driving concern, it's certainly impressive.

I'd have asked Jo to get you a coffee.
If she had stayed in college, she'd now 2
to being a passenger. mm
be a fully qualified joumalist. A: What would you like for dinner? l could And finally ... A refugee iI1 Germany
cm cook sorne pasta, or we could get sorne
take-out Indian food.
has been called a hero after he handed in
€150,000 in cash to the police. He found the
The National Geographic Explorers' B: Well, if you don't mind cookíng, pasta money hidden in a wardrobe. In spite of
words are spoken by actors. sounds great. I like simple food more
1 Albert Lin, Scientist and explorer having little money himself, the 25-year-old
than spicy food. Syrian-who is believed to have been in
It' s got to be invisibility, right? Like, 3 Germany for less than a year-decided the
beca use if you could be invisible, A: So what would you like to do right thing to do was to give the money back.
you could see the entire world in the tomorrow? We could just take a walk The wardrobe was a gift from a charity to
craziest way. around the old town. Or, if you prefer,
2 Laly Lichtenfeld, Big cat help the man Iurnish his apartment. Local
we could go to a museum. police are now said to be looking for the
conservationist B: To be honest, I' d rather not go to a money's true owner, but they praised the
I' d like to be able to fly. It' d help me see museum. I think the weather's going to man for his honesty As well as gaining the
the bigger picture. be sunny tomorrow, and it seems a pity respect of the nation, the man will receive a
3 Andrés Ruzo, Geologist to be indoors on a nice day. financia! reward, since, under German law,
I wish I had the ability to make people A: OK. Great. We'll take a walk then. he is entitled to three percent of the money
magically understand me. You know 4 found-in this case, around €4,500.
how frustrating it is, when you wish A: What do you feel like doing this 2
other people would get what you're weekend? We're thinkíng either we And finally ... In Naples, Italy, 250 chefs have
trying to say and they just don't. You could go and see the new Matt Damon collaborated to set a Guinness WorldRecord
think, "Goodness, I wish they'd stop movie, or there's a music festival in the for the world's longest pizza. Measuring 1.8
looking at me in that confused way!" park, but I'm not sure who's playing.
4 Alizé Carrete, Geographer kilometers long, it took the chefs eleven hours
What do you think? to make. According to Guinness, the pizza
If I had a superpowe1~ it would be to be B: Well, if it were up to me, I'd say let's
invisible, so people couldn't see me. makers used 2,000kilograms of flour, 1,600
go to the festival in the park. It doesn't kilograms of tomatoes, 2,000kilograms of
5 Andrew Thompson, Biologist matter if the music isn't very good. I mozzarella cheese, and 200liters of olive oil.
Teleporting would be pretty cool. 1 could think that would probably be more fun.
travel any place I wanted to. I wish I'd Afterwards, everyone in the crowd gota slice
A: OK. I'd prefer to do that, too. to eat, and the :rest was given to peop.le in need.
had that power earlier in my career. It
Unit 9 The city of Naples has long been synonymous
would have saved me a lot of aír miles.
with pizza. lt is thought that the first Margherita
I could also use it to transport thíngs I'd
forgotten to take with me on my travels. mm pizza was baked fil Naples in 1889.
6 Catherine Workrnan, Conservation N= Newsreader, M = Martha Cash
biologist N: And in China, hundreds of parents of And finally ... A Latvian scientist based iI1
I would definitely be invisible. I'd go first-year students at the University the UK is reported to be close to finding
to the White House and listen in on all of Wuhan have been sleeping on the drugs that will help people live to ages
their conversations. floor of the university's gym, so that of a hundred and beyond. What is more,
7 Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist they can be near their children in their he is confident that he himself will live to
I wish I could read other people's minds. first anxious days at college. As Martha at least 150. Dr. Zhavoronkov is working
But I would like to be able to turn that Cash, our China correspondent, reports, with US pharmaceutical company The Life
M: For Chína's many middle-class parents, Extension Foundation, which hopes to soon
power on and off-sometimes you just
don't want to know what other people getting their children-and often it's an be selling a range of products that will slow
are! Also, I'd want toread only child-into college is an extremely clown the aging process. To reduce the hígh
not just people's minds, but the minds important step in building a better cost of new drug trials, Dr. Zhavoronkov
of animals too, like dogs. I've always future for their families. Many parents has been testing the drugs on himself. Now
wondered what dogs are thinking. put ali their savings into achieving this aged 37, he claims to feel much younger
8 Ricky Qi, Filmrnaker goal. But being accepted to college is than he did a few years ago.
Sometimes I think, "If only I could not the end of the story. The parents
want to help their child settle into
turn anything into any kind of food Conversation 1
I wanted." That wou.ld be the most their new college life, and to follow the
J = Jess, P = Phil
awesome superpower. chílds progress through university.
J: Hi, Phi!. How are things?
am The University of Wul1an recognizes
thís, and it also recognizes that many
P: Not bad. But work has been really
stressful lately.
1 wish 4 shin Chinese families are not particularly
2 shop 5 watch J: Yeah, I know what you mean. By
well off. Staying in a local hotel during
3 catch 6 choose the way, did you hear about Liam?
their children' s first days at college

Audioscript 187

Apparently, he's been promo_ted. time and experience. It's a very physical nicknarne for which he is now farrious, but,
P: Liarn? But hc's only been here ayear! job and extremely hard work. The mostly, he just loves what he is doing and
J: I know. But according to Sarah, he's elephant must be fed and bathed every sees great potential for it.
been given the job of area manager.
P: Area manager? I don't believe it! He's
day, and watched carefully in case it tries
to runaway.
S = Sarah, P = Phi!
not even that good at his current job.
J: Well, Sarah also reckons that he's going
This is a photo of the as trona ut Buzz Aldrin,
S: So, you're 24 years old, you graduated
ayear ago, and you're looking for work
to gét a huge pay raise-something like
taken by the first man on the moon, Neil with a charity. What attracted you to
double his current salary.
Armstrong, in 1969. You can see Shelterbox?
P: Yeah, well, I'd take that with a grain of
taking the photo in the reflection on P: Well, I'm familiar with yoúr work
salt. I don't think the company has that
Aldrin's helmet. It was Armstrong who because I have a friend who
kind of money to throw around at the
famously said "That's one small step for volunteered for you last year-packing
man, one giant leap for mankind" whe.n he boxes-and I think ít's a fantastic
Conversation 2
first stepped onto the moon. Actually, what concept. But mainly, I'm very interested
F = Freddie, C = Caitlin
he really said was "That's small step in the idea of working in different
F: Hi, Caitlin. Hey, you know Dr. Harris
for a man, giant leap for mankind," countries.
at the local clinic?
but no one heard the "a" because of S: I see. And what makes you think you'd
C: Yes.
radio interference. be suited to that? I see you studied
F: Well, someone told me that he was
economics at Harvard, Don't you thínk
fired from his job yesterday. lt seems mD that's a rather different world?
that he's not even a real doctor. Daniel Kish, who has been blind since he
P: Yes, it's true that I specialized in
C: what? Who told you that? was ayear old, taught himself to "see"
econornics. But actually, I'm good at
F: Tara. using the technique of echolocation. coping with difficult environments. I
C: Hmm, I wouldn't take too much As he moves around, Kish clicks his tongue
spent three months helping to build a
notice of what Tara says. She tends to and then listens for the echo that comes
school in Chennai in India last summer.
exaggerate things. back. If the echo is loud, then he knows
And the year before that, 1 trekked
F: No, I'm pretty sure it's true. that an object is near; if the echo is not
across the Mojave Desert. So I thin.k I'd
Apparently, Dr. Harris-if that's even so loud, he knows the object is farther
be suited to the work.
his real name-has gone from one away. He has become so skilled at using
S: OK. But you'd also be spending a good
hospital to another across the country this technique that he can do many things
part of the time .here in the office doing
using a fake résumé. that blind people cannot ordinarily do. By
C: Oh my goodness, that's terrible. clicking his tongue two or three times a
P: Yeah, that's also fine. 1 was expecting
F: I know. But actually, that doesn't second, he can ride a bicycle, go hiking in
that. What kind of paperwork is
surprise me. You do hear of things. like the countryside, and play ball games.
that happening.
S: Well, each trip involves a lot of
C: Maybe, but I would be very surprised. Echolocation is a skill that is also used in
preparation and a certain amount of
Dr. Harris seemed like a genuine guy the animal world, where it is often key to
follow-up, too. Keeping spreadsheets,
tome. survival. The best-known example is bats.
writing reports. Are you OK doing that
This has Jed to Kish being called "the real-
Unit 10 kind of thing?
life Batrnan"-a description he welcomes.
P: Yeah, I'm pretty good with computers.
am [ust like bats, Kish can tell from the quality
of an echo not only how far away an object
I'm comfortable with ali the usual
Both the mahout and the elephant start programs-Excel, Word, sorne financia!
their training at a young age. A mahout is, but also its size and its density. A wooden
generally begins to learn his trade when fence, for example, whose surface is softer
S: OK. There's just one thing that's
he's about ten years old. At this age, he than brick or metal, gives a "warrner" echo
worrying me, though. You're clearly
is given a baby elephant to look after- than a brick wall. So what can Kish actually
a bright person, and you have a good
they will remain bonded to each other "see"? Up close, at about five meters, he can degree. How do we know that you
throughout their lives. The job of a mahout recognize cars and bushes. Houses come
won't just do this job for a few months
is traditionally a farnily trade, with into focus at about fifty meters.
a.nd then go and get a better-paying job
knowledge of how to care for an elephant with a bank or consultancy business?
passed down from one generation to the Kish now spends a lot of his time training
P: That's a good question. It's actually
next. There are no formal qualifications other blind people in his technique, which
what a lot of my friends from college
for the [ob, but you need to be extremely he calls FlashSonar. He says that many
have done, but I'll tell you why
patient. An elephant will learn as many blind people airead y use echolocation in a
thar's not forme. Firstly, I'rn serious
as 65 commands in its life, depending passive way, but what they don't know is
about wanting to help people in
on what work it's expected to do-sorne how to use it actively. The average person
need. Secondly, I think I need to
elephants carry logs and other heavy can develop good echolocation skills in
become more knowledgeable about
objects, others are trained to carry people. about a month if they trainfor a couple
the world, before I use my economics
The mahout has to teach his elephant ali of hours a day. Kish is also looking at the
degree to do something else. If
these commands. He must also develop a.n possibility of training fully-sighted people,
you put your faith in me, I will be
understanding of his elephant, so that he .like firefighters, to use this skill in situations
absolutely comrnitted to doing the
knows when ít's sick or tired or unhappy. in which their vision is limited, like in a
best job that I can!
This is something that only comes with smoke-filled building. He is amused by the

188 Audioscript

She remembers that at 12:34 p.m. on Sunday, College. Liz speaking.
1 clothes 5 foil<
August 3rd, 1986, a young man she was A: Hi there. My name's Ahmad, and I'm
attracted to called her on the telephone. She interested in taking a class at your
2 lengths 6 surface
remembers that on March 28th, 1992, she college--umm, the history of art
3 February 7 island
had lunch with her father at the Beverly course.
4 receipt 8 thorough
Hills Hotel. It' s a bit like it is for the rest of L: Is that the two-year A-level course?
Unit 11 us when certain smells bring back strong A: Sorry, what do you mean by "A-leve!"?

cm memories, AJ's memory is stimulated in the

most intense way by dates.
L: The A-leve! art history course is a
two-year pre-university course with
I love this museum. We went to examinations at the end of each year.
Indianapolis specially to visit it, because You'd think that being able to recall facts A: Oh, no, no, no, 1 don't want to take any
we'd heard such great things about it. and knowledge in this way would make exarns. It's just for interest.
My kids, who are seven and nine, loved us more confident and wiser. But. in fact, L: OK. In that case, we have a ten-week
the interactive display of dínosaurs-> for AJ, having an incredible memory can art appreciation course.
they could really engage with it. My be distressing. lt is as much a burden as it A: Sorry. Can you speak upa little? I can't
husband and 1 learned a lot, too. There is a benefit. That's beca use most people's hear you very well.
was a whole section on Asia-part of memories are selective: We remember L: Yes, we have a ten-week art
-'\ the "Take me there" section on foreign mostly important things, and mostly good appreciation course.
cultures. lt had so many things I was things. AJ remembers every detail, good A: Can you explain what the course
completely unaware of, like Chinese orbad, important or not. So when we involves?
herbal medicine. The other thing 1 blame our poor memories for forgetting to L: lt's a two-hour class once a week and,
really liked was the "Children making send a birthday card, actually we should basically, it teaches you how to look at
a difference" section. lt included stories be grateful also for ali the things that our art, so that you can appreciate it better.
of children who had difficult childhoods memories hide because they don't need to A: Sorry, I don't understand. Are you
but have succeeded-like kids who faced be remembered or thought about. saying that it doesn't really deal with
prejudice or discrimination. Their stories the history of art?
really inspired me. I'rn definitely going Technology also helps us. We don't need to L: Urnm, there's sorne history of art
to take my kids back to this museum remember the precise content of an email or involved, but ít's.maínly Jearning about
when they're old enough to really get the exact time of a meeting anymore, because the techniques that artists use and what
these stories. r think the mixture of it' s stored in our computers or our mobile their paintings mean.
visual dísplays, hands-on stuff, and phones. Interestingly, the growth of this A: Could you give mean example of the
real-life stories is a great way to acquire technology-which psychologists call our kind of thing students do in the class?
knowledge. I guess if I have any criticism externa! memory-is having an effect on L: Typically, students look at works of art
of the museum, it's that it's too big- what and how much we remember, Even and comment on them, Then they're
there's too much to take in. our memories of happy events, like parties told more about the artist, what he or
cm or holidays, get stored in photo albums on
our computers. So our interna! memories
she was trying to achieve, and then they
look at the work again, to see if they see
You were about to make a comment in a
are probably worse than those of peopl.e a it differently.
meeting, and then your mind went blank.
hundred years ago. Medica! science is trying A: OK. lt sounds quite interesting. What
You were supposed to senda friend a
to address the problem of poor memory, was the class called again?
birthday card, but then you forgot. You
and this is what I want to talk about next. L: Art appreciation.
recognized someone in the street and
would have spoken to them, but you didn't
because you couldn't remember their
mm A:
And when is it?
Every Tuesday--<luring the term, that
(This track is repeated from t.racks 96 and 97.) is--from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., starting on ...
name. You promised to mail a letter for
someone, and two days later you found mm
1 1 was going to invite Sarah, but I asked
one minute ... yeah, starting on April
Sth. The cost is $198, unless you're a
it in your pocket. You were going to write
Kate instead. registered student.
down a great idea you had, but when you
2 She was supposed to be in Cairo this A: Sorry, I didn't catch the start date. Did
found a pen and paper, the idea had gone.
week, but she's sick, so she couldn't go. you say May Sth?
I could go on, but 1 won't because I'm sure
3 He would have sent me the original, L: No, April Sth.
everyone recognizes these common failures
but he couldn't find it, so he sent me a A: OK. Well, thanks. I'll think about it, but
of memory. Do these situations sound
copy. it sounds interesting.
familiar to you? Have any of these things
4 We were supposed to arrive there by L: No worries. Bye!
happened to you?

cm ten o'clock, but the t.rain didn't get in

until eleven.
Unit 12
Everyone thinks they would like to 5 He was about to announce his i#ltil
remember more, but, actually, would it retirement, but now he thinks he'll stay Speakerl
make us any happier? until next year. No, it <loes matter, absolutely. Because you
end up with a divided society instead of a

'*= "''
I want to tell you the story of a 41-year-old united one--the haves and the have nots,
woman from California known in medica! as sorne people call it. [apan has a much
literature as "AJ," who remembers almost L Liz, A= Ahmad
smaller income gap between rich and poor
every day of her life since the age of eleven. L: Hello, Rousham Adult Education
than the US, for example. That's partly

Audioscript 189
because most bosses in [apan don't take D: Well, first of all, helio and thank you IWIUI
huge salaries. They understand that that for inviting me onto your program. So,
LA = Leasing agent, C = Customer
would be socially irresponsible. It would the short answer to your question is
LA: So, you took a look at the offices. What
create feelings of envy and resentment "economic development." As society
do you think?
among people who are worse off. The gets richer, people have more money
C: Yeah, I think they're absolutely perfect
result is that [apan actually has a much available to buy services, and to get
for our needs.
more united society than sorne Western other people to do things that they
LA: That's great. You'd like to take them
countries, where there are big differences in themselves don't particularly want to
pay between top and bottom. do or feel they're not good at doing-
C: Well, ideally, yes, I would. But ...
Speaker 2 like installing a carpet or painting their
LA: But?
Well, I think it's OK if the rich are getting house.
C: Well, a key thing far us is the length of
richer-as long as everyone else's standard 1: And l suppose it has to do with time,
the lease.
of living is rising, too. In other words, if too. We all lead such busy lives.
LA: It's a five-year lease. I think that was
people who aren't earning so much can D: Yes, that's true. It saves time and, of
in the inforrnation I sent you.
nevertheless see that their buying power course, the big positive is that it creates
C: Yes, that's right. But actually, I was
is increasing. Of course, that depends on a lot of employment. You don't have
hoping we could negotiate that
their wages going up faster than the cost of to be especially rich to have a house
clown because, if you look at it from
living. But actually, I think it's how people cleaner clean your home once a week,
our point of view, we're a young
see things that's important. If they think or to get your windows cleaned every
business and we don't really know
their quality of life is good, then they won't couple of months. But I think you
how things are going to go over the
mínd if the rich have a better standard of made a valid point at the beginning
next few years. Let's face it, five
living. On the other hand, if they think about people getting lazier. There are
years is a long time. Do you think
they're getting abad deal and that the rich sorne rich people who take things to
your client would be willing to rnove
aren't contributing, then they'll complain. the extreme. I'm thinking of people
a bit on that?
who, for example, employ personal
iWlift shoppers or who have someone walk
LA: I doubt it. I'm sure you'll appreciate
1 No, thanks. I'm just looking. that my client's main concern is for
their dog every day. When they have a
2 Even the rnost difficult problems have someone to rent the property for as
party, they probably get a professional
a solution. long as possible. It gives them security.
party planner to organíze the party.
3 I'm just going to brush my teeth, then To tell you the truth, that's why the
I've even heard of people who get their
we can leave. rent is so 'low. I can ask my client,
Christmas tree put up, and then have
4 Doi:'t worry. It's only money. but I'm not sure we'll get a positive
someone else decorate it for them.
5 He's always losing th.ings. He even lost response.
I: That's a bit extreme. Decorating the
his own wedding ring once. C: Hrnm ... Isn't there sorne way around
Christmas tree is supposed to be a fun
6 It's only a suggestion-you don't have that, maybe?
activity for the fam ily.
to follow it. LA: Not that I can think of. What did you
D: Well, I tend to agree with you. but 1
7 It's only the second time we've met. have in mind?
don't think the people who provide the
C: Well, perhaps we could signa five-
services are necessaríly complaining.
year lease but with a get-out clause
That's how the economyworks.
1 = Interviewer, D = David Stiles after, say, three years.
People-particularly the wealthy-pay
1: Are we al] getting lazier or has LA: l'm afraid that won't work. We do
to have things done for them, and
economic devel.opment just meant that actually have other people interested
the people who provide the services
there's now someone available to do in the premises. so I'm pretty sure
benefit from that.
any job you want? Forty years ago, the someone will take it on a five-year
idea of getting someone to hand wash lease. If I were in your shoes and I
your car was unthinkable--except found the terms of the lease difficult,
to the very rich. Either you washed 1 think I'd just walk away. At the end
it yourself at home on a Sunday of the day, it has to feel right for you.
morning, or you took it down to C: But it does feel right forme. Hang on
the automatic carwash at your local a minute. I'm just going to cal! my
garage. Nowadays, you can have it business partner and see what he
washed inside and out by professional thinks.
car washers far as little as $8. David LA: OK, no problem.
Stiles, Professor of Economics at
Cranfard Institute, is here with us to
try to explain this phenomenon. What's
changed, Professor?

190 Audioscript

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The Life publishing team would like to thank .the following teachers and students who provided invaluable and detailed feedback on the first edition:
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Pamela Alvarez, Colegio Eccleston, Lanús; Manuel Antonio, CEL - Unicamp, Sao Paulo; Bob Ashcroft, Shonan Koka University; Linda Azzopardi, Clubclass; Éricka
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UNINT, Rome; lottie Harrison, lnternational House Recoleta; Marjo Heij, CSG Prins Maurits, Middelharnis; María del Pilar Hernández, Universidad Madero, Puebla; Luz
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Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Coslada, Madrid; ltzel Carolina Pérez, Universidad Madero, Puebla; Sutthima Peung, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin;
Marina Pezzuoli, Liceo Scientifico Amedeo Avogadro, Rome; Andrew Pharis, Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya; Hugh Podmore, St Giles lnternational; Carolina Porras,
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Gloria Stella Quintero Riveros, Universidad Catolica; Cecilia Rosas, Euroidiomas; Eleonora Salas, l ICANA Centro, Córdoba; Victoria Sama niego, La Escuela Oficial
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Smith, UNINT, Rome & University of Rome Tor Vergata; Suzannah Spencer-George, British Study Centres, Bournemouth; Students of Cultura Inglesa, Sao Paulo;
Makiko Takeda, Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya; Jilly Taylor, British Study Centres, London; juliana Trisno, Kaplan, Singapore; Ruey Miin Tsao, National Cheng Kung
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Vasquez, Colombo Americano, Cali; Andreas Vikran, NET School of English, Milan; Mimi Watts, Uníversita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan; Helen Ward, Oxford;
Yvonne Wee, Ka plan Higher Education Academy, Singapore; Christ9pher Wood, Meijo University; Yanina Zagarrio, ARICANA.

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