Design and Modeling of A Hybrid Stepper Motor: January 2017
Design and Modeling of A Hybrid Stepper Motor: January 2017
Design and Modeling of A Hybrid Stepper Motor: January 2017
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Abstract- This paper presents three-dimensional numerical of the change in the discrete distribution of magnetic field.
modeling results for a hybrid stepper motor obtained using the 2) The motor has full torque when the rotor is stalled (with
finite element method, in the design stage. The design of the
hybrid stepper motor for achieving a specific performance the windings energized).
requires adequate geometrical sizing. The study provides for 3) Excellent response to starting/ stopping/reversing).
optimal economic and technical solutions obtained through 4) Precise positioning and repeatability of movement
successive improvements made in the design phase, obtained because quality SMs provide 3 – 5% accuracy per step
through numerical modeling, and concurring to the (≤ 4 arcmin), and this error is noncumulative from one step to
requirements of the product specification.
the next. The accuracy of the SM is mainly a function of the
Keywords: hybrid stepper motor, mathematical modeling, mechanical precision the homogeneity of the magnetic
numerical simulation, finite element method. circuit. Step Position Error (SPE) is either the maximum
positive or negative position error caused when the motor
rotates by one step from the previous holding position [6].
Stepper motors were first used in servomechanisms in the 5) The ability to be accurately controlled in an open-loop
early 1930's [1]. Nowadays, the demand towards motion system. Open-loop control means that no feedback
control application increased and stepper motors (SM) play information about position is needed. This type of control
key role in a wide range of applications demanding for eliminates the need for expensive sensing and feedback
accuracy and repeatability. devices such as optical encoders. The position is known just
SMs are increasingly used as digital actuators because they by keeping track of the input pulses.
do not require digital‒to‒analog (D/A) conversion. For There are three SM types, based on the type of
instance, SM is utilized as actuator in a spacecraft construction:
instrumentation system [2], or to control drum actuators for 1) Variable-reluctance (VR).
the SNAP-8 program [3]. Consistently, theoretical and This type of SM consists of a soft iron multi-toothed rotor
experimental work was devoted to study and compare the and a wound stator. In a VR-SM, the rotor turns to a specific
SMs with conventional closed-loop positioning systems [4], angle that minimizes the reluctance between opposite
and deploy the SMs to a variety of applications. windings in the stator [7].
A SM is basically an electromechanical device, which The primary advantage of VR-SMs is their excellent
converts electrical pulses into discrete mechanical movements angular resolution. The primary disadvantage is the low
[5]. Its shaft rotates with discrete steps when electric torque [7].
command pulses are applied in a proper sequence. The rotor 2) Permanent-magnet (PM).
motion is related to the applied pulses. The sequence of the The PM-SM is a low cost and low-resolution motor [5]. It is
applied pulses is directly related to the direction of the shaft an incremental device driven with discrete commands. It
rotation. The rotational speed of the shaft is directly related to responds to these commands by rotating an output shaft in
the outlining frequency of the input pulses, and the rotation equal angular steps, one step for each input command [8].
angle is related to the number of pulses [5]. The detent torque The PM-SMs have PMs added to the motor structure instead
(the torque with the windings not energized) is another of teeth. The rotor is magnetized with alternating north and
important parameter in the applications where the SM is used. south poles aligned along a straight line parallel to the rotor
Furthermore, position holding must occur without energy shaft. These magnetized rotor poles provide for increased
consumption. Therefore, this paper is focused on models and magnetic flux density hence the PM-SM exhibits improved
numerical modeling for the calculation of this parameter. torque characteristics when compared with the VR-SM [5].
The SM has certain advantages, of which we count [5, 6]: 3) Hybrid (H).
1) The angle of rotation of the shaft is proportional to the The H-SM is designed to provide for better efficiency by
input pulse. Motor phases are powered, successively, with combining the best features available on both PM-SM and
step-type voltage. The SM converts these pulses into steps, VR-SM. With the advantage of excellent performances
which are discrete, precisely defined angular displacements. regarding the step resolution, torque and speed, the price is
The transition from one position to another, which is the “step accordingly sizable.
angle” of the motor (i.e., 1°), is performed directly, as the result The rotor is multi-toothed, and it contains an axially
magnetized concentric magnet around its shaft. The teeth on calculation, which makes the object of this study.
the rotor provide for an even better path, which guides the
magnetic flux to preferred locations in the airgap. This further
increases the detent and holding torque characteristics of the 1
motor when compared with both the VR and PM types [9].
These type of motors (hybrid) are axially magnetized.
In this paper we are concerned with the introduction of
higher accuracy numerical modeling in the design phase of
H-SM, such that all parts of the motor are adequately sized
and the right materials are selected for the H-SM volume to
be optimal [10-12].
The quasi-steady magnetic field in the H-SM (without
electric currents in the rotor) is described by the following
particular forms of Maxwell equations [10,13]
magnetic circuit law
Fig. 1. The hybrid stepper. Dimensions are in millimeters.
∇×H = 0, (1)
The stator is made of lamination stack of FeSi, and has 8
magnetic flux law poles with 10 teeth each (Fig. 2).
∇⋅ B = 0 , (2)
constitutive law
B = μ 0 (H + M t (H ))+ B r , (3)