Engine Friction Power P:: Ig B F

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8th Semester B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering

Subject: Internal Combustion Engines

I/C Prof M Marouf Wani

Topic: Engine Design And Operating Parameters Continued

The Engine Operating Parameters Further Include:

1. Engine Friction Power Pf:
The friction power of the engine include the following:
(i) Power required to expel exhaust gas and induct fresh charge.
(ii) Power required to overcome the friction of the bearings, pistons, and other mechanical
components of the engine, and to drive the engine accessories.
This friction power gets used from the gross indicated work per cycle or power.
Therefore the relation between gross indicated power Pig, brake power Pb and friction power Pf can
be written as:
Pig = Pb + Pf
2. Mechanical Efficiency ηm:
The mechanical efficiency of the internal combustion engine is defined as the ratio of the brake
power delivered by the engine to the gross indicated power.
ηm = = 1-

Since brake power, indicated power and also the friction power varies with respect to engine
speed, load and engine design, so mechanical efficiency of the engine also varies with respect to
engine speed, load and engine design.
The operating parameters, brake power, indicated power and friction power show a non-linear
behavior with respect to engine speed, load and design.
Further the proportional rise or fall in the numerical value of brake power, indicated power and
friction power with respect to a change in engine speed, load and design is not same.
Typical values of mechanical efficiency for a modern automotive engine are as follows.
Full load and variable speed operation:
Mechanical efficiency of the engine decreases with a rise in engine speed under full load operation.
Load = 100% (wide open throttle or full throttle):
ηm = 90%
N = (1800 rpm to 2400 rpm) or 30 rev/sec to 40 rev/sec
ηm = 75%
N = Rated Speed (say 5500 rpm)
Part Load Operation:
Mechanical efficiency of the engine decreases under part load operation or (when engine is
Part load operation of an engine is possible both under constant speed (Electrical Generators or DG
Sets) as well as variable speed operation ( Automotives )
Mechanical efficiency is zero under idle operation (the minimum required engine speed, say
900±50 rpm for Maruti Suzuki Car engine )
3. Mean Effective Pressure:
Definition: As per the concept from air standard cycles for I C engines, mean effective pressure is
defined as that constant pressure which could act on the piston and produce the same work during
one cycle as that produced by the varying pressure during the same cycle.
Significance Of Mean Effective Pressure In The Engine Design:
An engine is basically designed to do some work. Torque is the capability of the engine to do work.
How faster the engine can do the work is taken care of by its designed operating speed.
As per thermodynamic and stress analysis based concepts of engine design small engines can be
designed to operate at high speeds and heavy duty engines operate at slow speeds.
For example a motorcycle engine produces a power of 12 BHP @ N = 9000 rpm to 12000 rpm.
A medium speed car engine produces a power of 39.5BHP at 5500 rpm.
A large heavy duty truck engine produces a power of 300 KW or 428bhp at 1800 rpm.

One more parameter to check the ability of an engine to do some useful work is by normalizing the
work done by the engine with its size or displacement volume.
This one basically tells how big or small an engine has to be if it designed for a big work or a small
work with corresponding high or low torque.
For example a motorcycle engine producing a power of 12 BHP has a displacement volume of say
A medium speed car engine producing a power of 39.5BHP has a displacement volume of 800cc.
A large heavy duty truck engine producing a power of 428 BHP has a displacement volume of
The term obtained by diving the work done by the engine per cycle by the displacement volume of
the engine has the units of pressure and is known as mean effective pressure.
It has been seen practically that the value of mean effective pressure remains fairly constant (within
a range) for a particular class of engine.
In order to design an engine for a particular application, it is possible to assume the value of mean
effective pressure for that class of engine and design the engine for all other design and operating
Work per cycle =
Where nR Is the number of crank revolutions for each power stroke per cylinder. (two for four-
stroke cycles; one for two-stroke cycles), then
mep =

where mep = mean effective pressure

In SI Units
mep (KPa) =
Mean effective pressure can also be expressed in terms of torque by using the following equation:
P = 2πNT
We have
. .
mep(KPa) =

Table: Mean Effective Pressure Of Internal Combustion Engines

S. Class of engines Speed - Mean Speed - Mean

No. maximum effective maximum effective
torque pressure power pressure
1 Naturally aspirated SI 2800rpm 850 to 1050 Say 5400rpm 10 to 15%
engines KPa lower
2 Turbocharged 3800 rpm 1250 to 1700 5400 rpm 900 to 1400
automotive SI engines KPa KPa
3 Naturally aspirated four 2500 rpm 700 to 900 5000 rpm 700 KPa
stroke diesel engines Approx KPa
4 Turbocharged four 1600 rpm 1000 to 1200 2100 rpm 850 to 950
stroke diesel engine KPa KPa
5 Turbocharged after 1600 rpm 1400 KPa 2100rpm 850 to 950
cooled diesel engines KPa
6 Two stroke cycle SI 3500 rpm 654 KPa 4500 rpm 590 KPa
7 Two stroke cycle diesel 1500 rpm 1065 KPa 2500 rpm 952 KPa
8 Two stroke cycle large Slow speed 1600 kPa 1.9 MW per
diesel engine engines cylinder
@ 78 rpm
4-12 cylinders

Dated: 26-04-2020

In charge Course:

Prof M Marouf Wani

Mechanical Engineering Department
National Institute of Technology
Srinagar, J&K
India – 190006

Text Book:
Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals
By John B Heywood
Published By: McGraw-Hill Book Company

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