Peh 12 1ST Sem-1st Quarter Reviewer
Peh 12 1ST Sem-1st Quarter Reviewer
Peh 12 1ST Sem-1st Quarter Reviewer
Module in
Physical Education
and Health 12
Components How to
of Physical Description Incorporate Benefit(s)
Fitness in your Life
Being able to Walk 2 Reduce the
exercise or miles at a risk of heart
Cardio- perform brisk pace disease,
respiratory activity at a every day. hypertension
Fitness moderate to and high
high cholesterol.
intensity for
a long period
of time.
The amount Lift free
Increase in
of force a weights two strength and
muscle or or threereduction in
Muscular group of days per
risk for
Fitness muscles is week. injury of
capable of muscle pull
exerting. or strain.
The ability of Increase the Ability to
muscles to number of perform
Muscular exert force repetitions activities
Endurance without and the
fatiguing. amount of reduce
weight fatigue and
used. fewer
injuries to
Flexibility The measure Perform Reduced
of rate of stretching joint pain,
motion or exercises and
the amount every day deterioration,
of movement for twenty reduced
possible at a to thirty lower back
particular minutes problems
joint. and prior to and muscle
exercising. or tendon
The relative Perform Improved
proportion of aerobic weight
Body lean tissue exercises control, bone
Compositio (muscle every day mass and
n bone, water, for twenty increased
organs) and to thirty immunity to
fat tissue in minutes. illness.
the body.
What Is F.I.T.T.?
F.I.T.T. stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type of
These are the four elements you need to think about to
create workouts that fit your goals and fitness level.
The first thing to set up with your workout plan is
frequency—how often you will exercise. Your frequency often
depends on a variety of factors including the type of workout
you're doing, how hard you're working, your fitness level,
and your exercise goals
Intensity has to do with how hard you work during exercise.
How you can change the intensity depends on the type of
workout you're doing.
Strength Training
Monitoring the intensity of strength training involves a
different set of parameters. Your intensity is made up of the
exercises you do, the amount of weight you lift, and the
number of reps and sets you do. The intensity can change
based on your goals.
If you are a beginner looking to build muscle stability
and endurance, use a lighter weight and do fewer sets with
high repetitions: two or three sets of 12 to 20 reps. If your
goal is to grow muscle, do a higher number of sets with a
moderate amount of repetitions (for instance, four sets of 10
to 12 reps each). If you want to build strength, use heavy
weights to do a more sets with fewer reps (five sets of three
reps each, for example).
The next element of your workout plan is how long you
exercise during each session. There isn't one set rule for how
long you should exercise, and it will typically depend on your
fitness level and the type of workout you're doing.
The type of exercise you do is the last part of the F.I.T.T.
principle and an easy one to manipulate to avoid overuse
injuries or weight loss plateaus.
This shows that moderate-intensity physical activity for
a 50-year-old person will require that the heart rate remains
between 109 and 129 bpm during physical activity.
Intensity refers to the rate at which the activity is being
performed or the magnitude of the effort required to perform
an activity or exercise. It can be thought of “how hard a
person works to do the activity”.
The intensity of different forms of physical activity varies
between people. The intensity of physical activity depends on
an individual’s previous exercise experience and their
relative level of fitness. Consequently, the examples given
below are provided as a guide only and will vary between
1) Dehydration
- Refers to excessive loss of water from the body, usually
through perspiration or sweating, usination or
- Symptoms in both adults and children include: feeling
thirsty, dark yellow and strong smelling pee, feeling
dizzy or lightheaded, feeling tired, dry mouth, lips and
eys and peeing little.
2) Overexertion
- Occurs when people push themselves too hard during
physical activity.
- Signs of Overexertion include: dizziness, feeling faint,
lightheadedness, nausea, shortness of breath, thirst and
- Causes: extreme physical labor, sports, exercise, motion-
control vdeo games, woodworking hobby, handling heavy
objects, reaching, prolonged bending at waist, poor
3) Hypothermia
- Hypothermia is a condition whereby the temperature of
your body falls to a level at which your vital organs can
no longer function and begin to shut down. The
condition can develop rapidly and is caused by cold,
wet and/or windy weather which cools the body at a
rate faster than the body can produce heat.
Recognizizng Hypothermia
- When heat loss exceeds heat production, the body gives
heat to the body core (heart, lungs, brain and other
internal organs) first. So, the body decreases blood flow
to the body surface and extremitiesto decrease heat
loss and maintain the core temperature. We perceive
this, our first warning, as cold hands and feet.
4) Hyperthermia
- Hyperthermia is a result of the body being over heated.
Causes can be physical activity, moderate to high
ambient air temperature, onset of dehydration as a
result of losing too much sweat without adequate water
intaketo replenishyour system, solar or reflected
radiation, improper clothing which does not allow for
evaporation (cooling) of sweat, a low fitness level and or
additional workload of carryying excesive weight.
Before using a wall-mounted mirror, look around to
make sure you are not in someone else’s space
Recognizing Potential
Think about yourself/ Know yourself
- Determine your core values.
- Examine your responses for themes.
- Identify areas that are not consistent with your values.
- Decide what realizing your true potential looks like.
Be patient and kind to yourself.
Explore, try doing stuff you've
Excel at critical tasks
Demonstrate Character and Leadership
Make a conscious choice to pursue personal growth
Have the passion and determination
Take baby steps
Set your own bench mark
Get over your fear of failure
Reaching Potential
•Transform pain into purpose
•Don't get discouraged too easily.