Aditya - Shinde - Internship - Report

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Eduskills-AWS Cloud


Shinde Aditya Balaji


Prof. A. G. Deshmukh





Department of Computer Engineering, PES MCOE, PUNE

Progressive Education Society’s
Modern College of Engineering,
Shivaji Nagar, Pune- 411005.
This is to certify that the project report entitled
Eduskills-AWS Cloud
Submitted by
Aditya Balaji Shinde
Exam Seat No: T190314205
Academic Year: 2021-2022

This bonafide work is carried out by the student under the supervision of Prof. A. G.
Deshmukh and the internship report is approved for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) of
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Internal Supervisor External Supervisor Head of Department

(Computer Engineering) (Computer Engineering)
Dr. (Mrs.) S. A. Itkar

Department of Computer Engineering, PES MCOE, PUNE

Eduskills - AWS CLOUD


Department of Computer Engineering, PES MCOE, PUNE

Eduskills - AWS CLOUD


This internship was a part of Eduskills & AICTE Virtual Internship Program on Cloud Computing
supported by AWS Academy.
EduSkills is a Non-profit organization which enables Industry 4.0 ready digital workforce in India.
The fundamental target of Eduskills is having a social and business impact on the Indian Education
system by working holistically on Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship.
AWS Academy is a global program that provides educational institutions and educational
nonprofits with access to an AWS-developed and authorized curriculum so they can more easily
offer cloud computing courses to their students.
AWS Academy provides higher educational institutions with a free ,ready-to-teach cloud
computing curriculum that prepares students to pursue industry-recognized certifications and
careers in the cloud.

Department of Computer Engineering, PES MCOE, PUNE

Eduskills - AWS CLOUD

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………1

2. Problem Statement ……………………………………………………………………. 3

3. Objectives …………………………………………………………………………..…… 5

4. Motivation………………………………………………………………………………...7

5. Scope and Rationale of Study …………………………………………………………. 9

6. Methodological Details ……………………………………………………………….. 13

6.1 Architectural Diagram …………………………………………………………… 14

6.2 Configuration of Cloud 9 IDE ...…………………………………………………..15
6.3 Creating a MySQL RDS Instance ………………………………………………...15
6.4 Download Projects through Cloud9 …………………………………………...….15
6.5 Create an Application Load Balancer(ALB) …………………………………….17
6.6 Connection to Bastion Host …………………………………………………….…17
6.7 Provide Automatic Scaling ………………………………………………………..17

7. Results ………………………………………………………………………………..…18

8. Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………....21

9. Inferences and Conclusion ……………………………………………………….……23

10. Suggestions …………………………………………………………………..….……...25

11. Attendance Record ……………………………………………………………….…….27

12. Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………….………29

13. List of References ………………………………………………………………………31

Department of Computer Engineering, PES MCOE, PUNE

Eduskills - AWS CLOUD


Cloud Computing has become an integral part of not only the business world but also day-to-day
activities. Majority of the digital businesses have chosen cloud computing rather than on-premises
as it is considered safer and reliable for inventory management. Cloud computing is the on-demand
availability of computing resources such as data storage and computing services, without direct
active management by the user.
Amazon is at the forefront in providing cloud-computing services globally using a service called
Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows consumers to store data on the platform. In this report,
the basics of cloud computing and different types of AWS services are elaborated with the help of
an example.

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Chapter 1

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The process of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and
process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer is called cloud computing.
Cloud computing is based on the premise that the main computing takes place on a machine, often
remote, that is not the one currently being used.

In Cloud Hosting, there are multiple physical machines that act as one system. The system is
abstracted into multiple cloud services. The main features of cloud computing are flexible,
scalable,secure,Cost-effective and High configurability.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform that provides services such as
compute power, data storage, content delivery and APIs to its customers. Amazon claims more
than 50% of the public cloud framework market and serves millions of customers in more than
190 countries. Another major factor that makes AWS the primary choice for cloud computing is
that its services are very cheap in comparison to other providers.

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Chapter 2
Problem Statement

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Cloud Computing is one of the most important emerging technologies and quite an integral part of
web application development. We have to understand various cloud services provided by AWS
and fit these services into cloud-based solutions.
In the final Capstone project of this course, we have to move a dynamic website of a Research
Organization built in PHP and MySQL on AWS Cloud. We have to ensure a secure and robust
implementation and confirm that the website returns data from the query page.

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Chapter 3

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1. Learn how to deploy applications using the cloud services providers such as AWS.
2. Understanding cloud economics and billing.
3. Learning how to automate the architecture to achieve better scalability, availability and
4. To analyze the service offerings of AWS
5. Deploying a PHP application on Amazon EC2 instance.
6. Create a database and storage for serving the queries to the PHP application.
7. Defining the security groups and auto scaling rules to ensure proper functioning of the

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Chapter 4

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This internship was part of the curriculum for the sixth semester of Computer Engineering.
Cloud Computing is the process of using shared resources in order to achieve cost-effectiveness
and better performance. Cloud computing finds applications in many industries. Many companies
are increasing their spending on cloud-based services rather than local or in-house resources.
The scope of cloud computing is promising. According to a report, the cloud computing market in
India is at $2 billion and is expected to grow with an annual growth rate of 30%. By 2023, the
cloud computing market in India is supposed to reach $4.3 billion and create more than a million
jobs in this country.
Roles specific to this domain, such as Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Cloud Architect, Cloud
Enterprise Architect, and Cloud Software Engineer, are in massive demand according to a report.
This internship prepares us for the AWS Cloud Foundations and AWS Solution
Architect(Associate) level exams. These certifications are considered to be the entry point towards
being a DevOps Engineer.

Figure 1: AWS Certification Roadmap (1)

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Chapter 5
Scope and Rationale of Study

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A Distributed System consists of multiple autonomous computers that communicate through a

computer network. The computers interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal.
In distributed computing, a problem is divided into many tasks, each of which is solved by one or
more computers.
Cloud computing is often considered as a new application for classic distributed systems. Cloud
computing is a computing paradigm, where a large pool of systems are connected in private or
public networks, to provide dynamically scalable infrastructure for application, data and file
storage. With the advent of this technology, the cost of computation, application hosting, content
storage and delivery is reduced significantly.

5.1) Cloud Computing Deployment Models

The cloud deployment model identifies the specific type of cloud environment based on
ownership, scale, and access, as well as the cloud’s nature and purpose. The location of the servers
you’re utilizing and who controls them are defined by a cloud deployment model.
Different types of cloud computing deployment models are:
a) Public Cloud
The public cloud is one in which cloud infrastructure services are provided over the internet to the
general people or major industry groups. The infrastructure in this cloud model is owned by the
entity that delivers the cloud services, not by the consumer.
b) Private Cloud
The cloud infrastructure is operated solely for an organization. It may be managed by the
organization or a third party and may exist on premise or off premise.
c) Community Cloud
It allows systems and services to be accessible by a group of organizations. It is a distributed
system that is created by integrating the services of different clouds to address the specific needs
of a community, industry, or business. The infrastructure of the community could be shared
between the organization which has shared concerns or tasks.

d) Hybrid Cloud

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The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more cloud models (private, community, or
public) that remain unique entities but are bound together by standardized or proprietary
technology that enables data and application portability.

5.2) Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (abbreviated AWS) is a collection of remote computing services (also
called web services) that together make up a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet
by The most central and well-known of these services are Amazon EC2 and
Amazon S3.
AWS is a suite of hosting products that aims to take the headache out of traditional hosting
solutions. Services like Dropbox and websites such as Reddit all use AWS. The main 6 pillars on
which AWS operates are :
1) On the Go Pricing
Amazon took a refreshing approach to pricing its hosting when launching AWS. Every service is
"a la carte", meaning we pay for what we use. This makes a lot of sense for server infrastructure,
as traffic tends to be very bursty, especially the larger the site is.
2) The Free Tier
AWS is not a traditional hosted solution, so it takes time to get familiar with different services
offered by AWS. To resolve this problem AWS launched a free tier which provides enough credit
to run an EC2 micro instance 24/7 all month. It comes with S3 storage, EC2 compute hours, Elastic
Load Balancer time, and much more.
3) Performance
There's no denying the speed of AWS. EC2 Compute Units give Xeon-class performance on an
hourly rate. The reliability is better than most private data centers in the world, and if there is a
problem, the website is usually still online , but with reduced capacity.
In traditional hosting environments, this probably would have meant downtime and 404 errors as
the websites would have just gone dark. But in a truly cloud-hosted environment like AWS, there's
enough separation between processing and storage that sites can remain online and continue
generating revenue even with reduced functionality.
4) Deployment Speed

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Traditional providers take anywhere from 48-96 hours to provision a server.

AWS shrinks this deployment time to minutes. If we utilize the Amazon Machine Images, we can
have a machine deployed and ready to accept connections in that short amount of time. This is
important when, for example, we are running a promotion that generates tons of traffic at specific
intervals, or just need the flexibility to handle the demand when a new product launches.
5) Security
Access to the AWS resources can be restricted using the IAM(Identity and Access Management),
using the roles in IAM we can define the privileges for user actions which greatly reduces any
AWS also provides VPC, which can be used to host our services on a private network which is not
accessible from the internet, but can communicate with the resources in the same network. This
restricts the access to the resources such that any ill intentioned user from the internet.
6) Flexibility
The most important feature in AWS is its flexibility. All the services work and communicate
together with the application to automatically judge demand and handle it accordingly.

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Chapter 6
Methodological Work

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In this chapter we will take a look at the steps followed in the Capstone project. This task was
mandatory in order to achieve the badge/certification. Main aim of the project was to migrate the
website of a Social Research Organization on AWS while making sure it is secure and scalable.

6.1) Architectural Diagram

This is the actual Architectural Model we will try to implement while deploying the application

Figure 2 Architectural Model for Research Organization Website(2)

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6.2) Configuration of Cloud 9 IDE

1) Select a t2. micro instance (Free tier Eligible)

2) Configure the VPC and Subnet in Network Setting.

Figure 3 : Selecting the proper subnet groups for the Cloud 9 instance

6.3) Creating a MYSQL RDS Instance

1) Select the appropriate subnet group.

2) Choose the Database Instance Class (Burstable t3. micro)

3) Configure the Password and Storage Size (20GB is sufficient)

4) Specify the connectivity through VPC and choose the port number (3306)

6.4) Download the project files through Cloud9

1) Install a MYSQL & HTTP Web Server on project EC2.

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2) Modify the Security Group to allow access to Cloud9 through port number 3306(MySQL).
3) Get project resources which are provided by AWS academy.
4) Import the data from above mentioned project resources into the RDS instance we have
configured in Step 6.2 .

Figure 4 : Downloading and Configuring the predefined resources for this project.

Figure 5 : Taking a look at the project resources

6.5) Create an Application Load Balancer (ALB)

1) Add the ALB name and specify its network mapping.

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2) Specify the security groups and IAM rules.

Figure 6 : Overview of the Application Load Balancer

6.6) Connection to Bastion Host

1) Bastion Host is used to access the private subnets through public subnets.
2) Connect to Bastion Host through LAMP Server by using SSH and IP address of EC2
3) Run the SQL dump file after successful connection to generate the database structure
and contents.

6.7) Provide Automatic Scaling

1) Create AMI for Instance Web Server

2) Create the Target Groups
3) Load the Launch template
4) Edit the System Parameters
5) Generate the Auto Scaling Groups

Finally after following all these steps we should be able to successfully query the results

through the URL present in Load Balancer.

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Chapter 7

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1) When we access the DNS URL present in Load Balancer, we are successfully
redirected to the website.

Figure 7: Accessing the URL through Elastic Load Balancer

2) Selecting the item whose country wise data needs to be displayed.

Figure 8: Running the Query

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3) After clicking submit we can see the country wise data on the next page.

Figure 9: Viewing the Result

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Chapter 8

Cloud computing has enabled ease in conducting businesses and delivering services. It has

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also promoted the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in great proportions.
AWS proves to be the best in offering cloud-computing services for individuals, organizations
and many business entities. It is very efficient and cost effective as compared to its
competitors. Provision of these services affordably makes Amazon Web Services more
popular and leads in the service globally
AWS provides various different solutions and services for deploying websites/applications on
cloud. It has good customer support and is widely supported hence; AWS is a preferable option
for all new and upcoming companies.

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Chapter 9
Inferences and Conclusions

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We have seen an overview of cloud concepts, AWS core services, security, architecture,
pricing, and support.

We have studied various architectural solutions which can differ depending on industry, type
of applications, and size of business.

Here we deployed the PHP application for Social Research Organization on AWS using secure
hosting and provided secure access for an administrative user.

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Chapter 10
Suggestion and Recommendations

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Billing could be confusing for someone with a non-technical background, better consumer
support would help in solving this issue.

Some regions do not have access to all the resources or services provided by AWS

E.g.: There is only one region (Mumbai) in India which is a massive consumer of digital media
which can cause issues with latency in other states.

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Chapter 11
Attendance Record
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6/11/2021 13/12/2021

7/11/2021 16/12/2021

811/2021 18/12/2021

11/11/2021 19/12/2021

12/11/2021 20/12/2021

13/11/2021 22/12/2021

14/11/2021 24/12/2021

15/11/2021 25/12/2021

16/11/2021 26/12/2021

19/11/2021 27/12/2021

20/11/2021 29/12/2021

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Chapter 12

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It gives me pleasure in presenting the internship report on AWS Cloud Computing.

Firstly, I would like to express my indebtedness and appreciation to my Guide Prof. A. G.

Deshmukh. His constant guidance and advice played a very important role in successful
completion of the report. He always gave me her suggestions that were crucial in making this
report as flawless as possible.

I would like to express our gratitude towards Prof. Dr. Mrs. S. A. Itkar, Head of Computer
Engineering Department, P.E.S. Modern College of Engineering for her kind cooperation and
encouragement which helped me during the completion of this report.

Also, I wish to thank our Principal, Prof. Dr. Mrs. K. R. Joshi and all faculty members for their
whole hearted cooperation for completion of this report. I also thank our laboratory assistants
for their valuable help in the laboratory.

Last but not the least, the backbone of my success and confidence lies solely on blessings of
dear parents and lovely friends.

Shinde Aditya Balaji

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Chapter 13
Department of Computer Engineering, PES MCOE, PUNE
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[1] AWS Certification Roadmap -

[2] Architectural Diagram

[3]Pinal Chauhan, ‘Cloud Computing in Distributed Systems’, International Journal of

Engineering Research & Technology, December 2012.

[4]Ashwini Sheth, Sachin Bhosale, ‘Research Paper on Cloud Computing’, Contemporary

Research In India, April 2021.

[5]Avinash Bandaru,’ Amazon Web Services’, Bournemouth University, December 2020.

Department of Computer Engineering, PES MCOE, PUNE

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