Detailed Lesson Plan in Health Vi: (H6PH-lab-18)

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At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and
concerns and the importance of health appraisal procedures and
community resources in preventing or managing them.

 Practices self management skills to prevent and control personal
health issues and concerns

 Describes personal health issues and concerns. (H6PH-lab-18)

Personal health issues and concern
a. Topic: Personal Health
b. References: Curriculum Guide Page: 66,,
c. Learning materials: Visual Aid, Picture and task card
d. Value: Stay healthy


Teacher’s Activity
Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
 Good Morning Ma’am!
 Good Morning Class!
 (praying)
 Please stand for the prayer
 “there is no absent ma’am”
 Checking the attendance
 “It was great ma’am!”
 So how’s your day class?
 Yes ma’am
 That’s good to know. So are you ready to
learn for our new topic for today?
 Okay, that good!


 I have here a picture, what can you see

 “The picture shows a child development.”
in the picture?

 Very good! This picture shows a child

development, its start from infancy, early
childhood, childhood and puberty.
 Class can you identify which stage you
belong?  “We belong in puberty stage”
 Correct, you are in puberty stage.
 Can you describe the changes you
experience while you grow up?
 “Growth of pubic, underarm, and facial
hair and acne. Change in physical figure
and voice change.
 That good! That are the changes that you
experience while growing up.
B. Developmental Activities

 Class, what will you do to have a good

 What activities/practices you are doing  “I will exercise and eat healthy food.”
every day to obtain good health or
maintain good health?
 “Eat healthy food, drink plenty of water,
and take a bath, washing hands,
 Very Good!
brushing teeth three times a day”.
 Today we will going to have an activity,
the name of the activity is “Like it or Not”

 I will show you a picture, your task is to

raise your thumbs up if the picture

shows good health habits and if it
shows bad health habits.

 Are you ready class?

 “Yes ma’am”
 So class based on the activity, what will
happen to us if we follow the practices
that are belongs to thumbs up?  “If we follow the

 What will happen to us if we follow the practices that belong to thumbs up we

practices that are belongs to thumbs up? can avoid from getting disease and help
us to live healthy life.”
 “If we follow the practices that belong to
thumbs down we became unhealthy and
 Today class we will going to discuss
prone to any diseases.”
about personal health issues and
 PERSONAL HEALTH is the ability to
take good care of our own health.
 If we do not take good care of ourselves,
we will experience several health issues.
 HEALTH ISSUE is a problem that affects
someone’s health.
 Here are some personal health issues
and concerns that you need to know.
 Are you ready to learned class?


Height and weight
 Yes ma’am!
Stunted Growth it refers to
having lower height than what
is expected for the current
age of the child.

Underweight is a term
describing a person whose
body weight is considered too
low to be healthy.

Obesity or Overweight is
defined as “abnormal or
excessive fat accumulation
that presents a risk to health”.
Eyes and Ears
Blurred Vision/ Astigmatism
is a common vision condition
that causes blurred vision.
This condition can be
corrected by eye glasses.

Myopia near sighted person

can see objects that are
close, but are having trouble
seeing object that are far.

Hyperopia far sighted person

can see object that are far, but are having
trouble focusing on objects that is near.
 “Class, again what did you called to near
sighted person?
 How about far sighted person?
 Very Good!
 The person that is near sighted is called
Impacted Cerumen is when
the Earwax (Cerumen) builds Myopia.
up in the ear and blocks the  The person that is far sighted is called
ear canal; it can cause
temporary Hearing loss and hyperopia
Hearing pain.
Swimming’s Ears it is the
inflammation of the canal in the
outer ear that is characterized
by itching, redness, swelling,
pain and discharge.
Skin, Hair and Nail
Blisters it is a small pocket of body
fluid (serum, plasma, pus or blood)
within the upper layers of the skin,
typically caused by forceful rubbing
(friction) burning, freezing, chemical
exposure and infection.
Sun burn it is caused when
the skin is exposed to the sun
for a period of time.

Dandruff it is marked by
flaking or drying of the skin on
the scalp. It is itchy sometimes
that makes a person feels
Corns and Calluses these are
thick hardened layer of the skin
on the hands and fingers and
especially on the toes and feet.
These are caused by rubbing.
Ingrown Toe Nail it is caused by
improper trimming of nails and
improper wearing of footwear. It
can also caused by fungal

Posture and Spine

Lordosis it is a condition when the spine
in the lower back has curved excessively.

Kyposis it is a spinal disorder in which

an excessive outward curve of the spine

Scoliosis it is medical condition in which

a person’s spine has a sideways curve.
Oral and Dental
Gingivitis it is the inflammation of the
gum tissue. The bacterial growth causes
destruction of tissues around the teeth.
Malocclusion it is the
misalignment of the teeth.
Halitosis bad breath which may
be caused by certain foods and
poor oral and dental hygiene.


 Again class, what are the differen health

issues and concerns?  The different issues and concerns are:

Issues and concern on weight and height

 Obesity or Overweight
 Underweight
 Stunted Growth
Issues and concern on eyes and ears

 Blurred Vision/ Astigmatism

 Myopia
 Hyperopia
 Impacted Cerumen
 Swimming’s Ears
Issues and concern on Skin, Hair and Nail

 Blisters
 Sun burn
 Dandruff
 Corns and Calluses
 Ingrown Toe Nail
Issues and concern on Posture and Spine

 Lordosis
 Kyposis
 Scoliosis
Issues and concern on Oral and Dental

 Gingivitis
 Malocclusion
 Very Good Class!  Halitosis

 I will group you in four groups, each

group will assign a leader and the leader
is the one who get the task card in front.
But before we proceed to the activity  work with the group
what are the norms that need to consider
in doing the activity?  observe silence
 cooperate and share ideas
 Very Good! I will give you 10 minutes to
finish the task.

 Are you ready class?  Yes ma’am!

Issues and concern on Oral and
Describe each health issues and
tell how to prevent it.
Explain how you can take care on
your body.

Issues and concern on Eyes and
Describe each health issues and
tell how to prevent it.
Explain how you can take care on
your body.

Issues and concern on Posture
and Spine
Describe each health issues and
tell how to prevent it.
Explain how you can take care on
your body.

Issues and concern on Skin,
Hair and Nail
Describe each health issues and
tell how to prevent it.
Explain how you can take care on
your body.

 Are you done class? You may now

present your work.
 Very good!
 Yes ma’am.
 (presenting)


 Okay class, get your paper and answer

the following questions.
Choose your answer from the box that
describes the personal health issues. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Obesity Gingivitis
Ingrown Toe Nail Halitosis
Blurred Vision/ Astigmatism

________1. It is the inflammation of the gum

tissue. The bacterial growth causes destruction
of tissues around the teeth.  Gingivitis

________2. It is medical condition in which a

person’s spine has a sideways curve.
 Scoliosis
________3. It is caused by improper trimming of
nails and improper wearing of footwear. It can
 Ingrown Toe Nail
also caused by fungal infection.
________4. It is a common vision condition that  Blurred Vision/ Astigmatism
causes blurred vision. This condition can be
corrected by eye glasses.
________5. It is defined as “abnormal or
excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk
to health”.  Obesity

 Class, get your notebook and copy your
List down at least 3 personal health
issues common in your community/family. Cite
ways on how to prevent and control those
personal health issues.

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