Unit-I - Alloys and Phase Diagrams Part-A (2 Marks) : Question Bank
Unit-I - Alloys and Phase Diagrams Part-A (2 Marks) : Question Bank
Unit-I - Alloys and Phase Diagrams Part-A (2 Marks) : Question Bank
1. What is an alloy?
2. Define solid solution.
3. Differentiate between substitutional and interstitial solid solution
4. State Hume Rothery‟s rules for formation of substitutional solid solutions. (Or) State the conditions
under which two metallic elements will exhibit solid solubility
5. What are intermediate phases?
6. Define „phase‟. What different kinds of phases are possible?
7. What are the advantages of the equilibrium diagrams?
8. State Gibb‟s phase rule.
9. What is a liquidus line, a solidus line and a solvus line?
10. What is the information that can be obtained from each point in a phase diagram?
11. What is tie-line?
12. Explain the lever-law calculation and what information does it provide?
13. What is meant by invariant reaction?
14. Define the Eutectoid reaction. Give examples.
15. What is eutectic reaction?
16. Distinguish between peritectic and peritectoid reactions.
17. Define: ferrite and austenite.
18. Define: Cementite and Pearlite
19. Define: martensite, and bainite.
20. What is meant by eutectoid, hypoeutectoid, hypereutectoid steels?
21. How do cast irons differ from steels in terms of carbon content?
22. Distinguish between hypoeutectic and hypereutectic cast irons.
23. Define polymorphism and Allotropy.
24. Name the various micro structures of Fe-Fe3C phase diagram.
25. Draw a typical cooing curve of pure metal and a soild solution?
26. What is an equilibrium phase diagram?
1. What are cooling curves? Explain the time-temperature cooling curve of a pure metal, binary solid
solution and binary eutectic system?
2. Plot and explain with examples (a) a binary phase diagram for two metals which are completely
soluble in liquid and solid states.
(b) a phase diagram for binary eutectic alloy system ?
3. What are the micro-constituents of iron-carbon alloys? Explain the general characteristics of each.
4. Draw iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram and mark all salient temperatures and composition fields
and phase reactions involved in it
5. Describe the phase changes that occur when a molten 0.35% C steel solidifies and cools slowly from
1700° C to room temperature. Also draw the probable microstructure of steel at about 800°C and b25 °C.
6. Name the phase reactions occurring in Fe –Fe3C system. What are the temperatures and compositions
at which they occur?
7. Explain the primary crystallization of eutectoid steels, hypoeutectoid steels and hypereutectoid steels
8. Explain the primary crystallization of eutectoid cast irons, hypoeutectoid cast irons and hypereutectoid
cast irons
9. Two metals A and B have melting points at 900 °C and 800°C .The alloy pair forms an eutectic at
600°C of composition 60% B and and 40%A. A and B have unlimited mutual solubilities. Their solid
solubilities are as follows: 10%B in A at 600°C and 5%B in A at 0°C. 12% A in B at 600°C and 4% A
in B at 0°C. Assume liquidous, solidous and solvus lines to be straight, no solid state reactions other than
solubility changes occur in the series.(i) Draw the phase diagram for series and label all the
temperatures,compositions and fields (ii) Find the number, type, extent and composition of the phases
present in an alloy of composition 60%A and 40%B at 200 °C ?
10. Two metals A and B have 100% mutual solubilities in the liquid and solid states. The melting point of
pure metals A and B are 800°C and 600 °C respectively. Details of start and end of solidifications of
various alloys in the series as follows:
Alloy Compositions Temperature at the Temperature at the end
start of solidification of solidification
90% A +10% B 798°C 750°C
70% A +30% B 785°C 705°C
50% A +50% B 757°C 675°C
30% A +700% B 715°C 645°C
10% A +90% B 650°C 615°C
(i) Draw the phase diagram of the series if there are no solid state reactions and label all the
regions. (ii) Determine the number, relative amount and concentration of phases present in an alloy of
40%A and 60% B at 700°C and 400°C?
11. What are called solid solutions? Name the types of solid solutions and briefly explain them.
1. What are three primary groups of plain carbon steels?
2. What are the primary effects of chromium, and copper as alloying elements in steel?
Effects of alloying copper: Increases strength, and increases corrosion resistance.
3. What is the effect of alloying Silicon and Cobalt in steels?
4. Which alloy elements are basically a) carbide(stabilizers) formers, and b) graphite stabilizers)
5. What makes a stainless steel “stainless”?
6. What are the required properties of a tool steel?
7. What is meant by 18-4-1 high speed steel?
8. What are HSLA steels? Where are they used?
9. What are Maraging steels? Give its composition.
10. What are the features that make cast iron an important material?
11.What is the difference between malleable cast iron and ductile cast iron?
12. What are the primary effects of adding Ni, and Mo in cast irons? [
13. List the outstanding properties of copper and some typical applications.
14. What is the main difference between a brass and a bronze.Also List at least four types of brasses used?
15 List some bronze alloys.
16. How do you classify Cast irons?
17. What are gun metals? Give its composition?
18. State the composition, properties and applications of cupronickel and Monel metal.
19. What is Duralumin and mention its applications?
20. What is meant by precipitation hardening?
21. Differentiate between natural ageing and artificial ageing.
22. What are the required characteristics of a bearing material?
23. What are super alloys?
24. What is meant by Babbit metal ? Give its composition and applications.
25. Which type of steel is used for surgical instruments?
26. Name any two copper alloy and its composition.
27. What are the effects of adding Tungsten on steels?
1. Describe the properties and typical applications of Low, Medium and high carbon steels?
2. (a)Summaries the effect of the following elements as alloying additions to steels: Mn, Si, Cr, Mo, V,
Ti, Al, Si, Cu, W?
(b) Breif on the influence of alloying elements in steel under classification of carbide former and non
carbide former?
3. Describe the different types of stainless steels, making reference to approximate compositions,
structures, heat treatments and applications ?
4. Write an engineering brief about (a) Tool steels (b) HSLA steels (c)Maraging steels (d)High speed steels?
5. Describe the structures of main types of Cast iron and explain the factors which affect the structure of
Cast iron?
6. Discuss the composition, properties and typical applications of Copper alloys?
7. (a)Explain the composition, properties and typical applications of Aluminium alloys?
(b) What are the types of titanium alloy, their composition, properties and applications?
(c) Explain the composition, properties and typical applications of Nickel alloys.
8. Explain the process of Precipitation strengthening treatment for the Al-4%Cu system?
9. a.What are the necessary metallurgical characteristics required in a good bearing metal?
b.Compare and contrast lead- base, tin-base, copper-base and aluminium-base bearing alloys.
10. What is an alloy steel? How are alloy steels classified. Explain them?
1. What are polymers?
2. What is meant by the term „unsaturated molecule‟? State its significance in plastics.
3. What is polymerisation?
4. Define the term „degree of polymerisation‟?
5. What is the difference between addition polymerisation and condensation polymerisation?
6. Why are additives added to polymers?
7. Name any four commodity plastics and engineering plastics?
8. Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
9. Name any four thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
10. What are the following „acronyms‟ refer to: PE, PP, PS, PVC, PTFE, PMMA?
11. List the properties and typical applications of PVC.
12. What are acrylic materials? Name any two.
13. Write short notes on nylons. & PMMA and its applications?
14. What are bakelites? Also state their applications.
15. List the characteristics of urea-formaldehyde.
16. List some of the distinct characteristics of engineering ceramics.
17. Name any four engineering ceramics. List the applications of Engineering Ceramics?
18. What is meant by PSZ?
19. What are sialons? State their applications. and Al2 O3 ?
20. What is the role of matrix material in a composite?
21. List the various matrix materials used.
22. What are cermets? What are two common uses of cermets?
23. What is ABS and state any two of its applications.
24. What is meant by metal matrix composites? Give one example each to matrix material
25. What is Fibre reinforced Plastics? Mention its advantages?
26. Define superconductivity.
27. Differentiate between commodity and engineering polymers.
28. What are the advantages of PTFE polymers?
29. Write short notes on PET.
30. Differentiate between composite and an alloy.
1. Explain the different types of mechanical properties and mechanism of plastic deformation by slip and
2. What is brittle fracture? Explain the Griffth‟s theory on brittle fracture and deduce an expression for the
critical stress required to propagate a crack simultaneously in a brittle material?
3. What is meant by ductile fracture? Explain the mechanism of it?
4. Explain the mechanism of fatigue fracture. How can we prevent?
5. (i) Describe a tensile test to determine various tensile properties (ii)Explain the procedure of
(i)a compression test (ii) a shear test?
6. List the various types of hardness testing. Write a short note on Rockwell, brinell and Vickers hardness
and their significance.
7. Explain and distinguish Izod test and Charpy test to determine the impact strength of a material. Also
mention the application of Impact test?
8. Write an engineering brief about the creep test with a typical curve.
9. Sketch and describe the fatigue test .Draw the S-N curve for mild steel and aluminium and explain its
features. Explain the procedure used to obtain S-N diagram.
10. Derive an expression for critical resolved shear stress in a material subjected to uniaxial tensile