Material Metallurgy - MCQ
Material Metallurgy - MCQ
Material Metallurgy - MCQ
1. In terms of which of the following properties, metals are better than ceramics?
a) Hardness
b) Ductility
c) Toughness
d) Yield Strength
2. Steels mainly contain iron and carbon. Under which of the following categories do they
a) Metallic Solid
b) Polymer
c) Composites
d) Ceramics
7. The tendency of a deformed solid to regain its actual proportions instantly upon
unloading known as ______________
a) Perfectly elastic
b) Delayed elasticity
c) Inelastic effect
d) Plasticity
10. Which of the following factors affect the mechanical properties of a material under
applied loads?
a) Content of alloys
b) Grain size
c) Imperfection and defects
d) Shape of material
12. Deformation that occurs due to stress over a period of time is known as ____________
a) Wear resistance
b) Fatigue
14. The temperature at which plastics begin to become softer and defer under a load is
known as _________
a) Softening point
b) Melting point
c) Eutectic point
d) Heat distortion point
15. The ability of a metal which helps it to form a smooth cast is known as ______
a) Machinability
b) Formability
c) Solderability
d) Castability
23. Which of the following have a greater impact on longitudinal strength of reinforced
a) Fiber orientation
b) Fiber strength
c) Fiber length
d) Fiber diameter
25. he ratio of the number of vacancies to a total number of lattice points for a metal near
melting temperature is of the order of 10-4. For lower temperatures, the ratio:
a) increases
27. Burger vectors are relevant to which of the following crystalline defects?
a) Point defects
b) Line defects
c) Interfacial defects
d) Bulk defects
28. Ferromagnetic material shows strong para-magnetic behaviour due to the formation of
domains. These domains belong to:
a) Point defects
b) Linear defects
c) Interfacial defects
d) Bulk defects
33. Which of the following compound shows both Schottky and frenkel defect?
a) Silver(I) iodide
b) Silver(I) bromide
c) Magnesium sulphide
d) Titanium oxide
34. The presence of interstitial carbon atom increases the hardness of which of the
a) Martensite
b) Austenite
c) Cementite
d) Pearlite
35. How are point defects classified based on the source of the atom?
a) Statistical and structural
b) Random and ordered
c) Intrinsic and extrinsic
d) Interior and exterior
36. Which of the following technique is not used to measure the concentration of vacancy to
determine the activation energy for its formation?
a) Positron annihilation technique
b) Thermal expansion measurements
c) Measuring resistivity after quenching
d) Thermal imaging
38. In case of point defect in polymers probability of which part of the polymer is likely to
be defected more compared to other?
a) Center of polymer chain
b) Chain ends
c) Main chain units
d) Starting part of chain
39. In which type of dislocation an extra plane is inserted inside the crystal?
a) Edge dislocation
b) Screw dislocation
c) Jog dislocation
d) Mixed dislocation
40. What is the difference between the angle of Burgers vector and dislocation line in
edge dislocation and screw dislocation?
a) -90 degrees
b) 0 degrees
c) 45 degrees
d) 90 degrees
41. n which type of dislocation planes are displaced relative to each other through shear?
a) Edge dislocation
b) Screw dislocation
c) Jog dislocation
d) Mixed dislocation
42. Which of the following is fields are present for screw dislocation?
a) Tensile
b) Compressive
c) Shear stress
d) Strain
43. Which of the following dislocation can glide but not climb?
a) Screw dislocation
b) Edge dislocation
c) Jog dislocation
d) Mixed dislocation
46. . For which of the following dislocation the strain is pure shear?
a) Screw dislocation
b) Jog dislocation
c) Mixed dislocation
d) Edge dislocation
48. Two edge dislocation on same slip plane and the same sign will ________
a) Exert attractive force
b) Exert no force
c) Exert repulsive force
d) Exert shearing force
49. If the material recovers the original dimensions, when an external load is removed, this
deformation is known as ______ deformation.
a) plastic
b) permanent
c) elastic
d) irreversible
59. Value of CRSS for HCP crystal _____ with increasing temperature.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) First decreases then remain unaffected
60. Value of CRSS ____ with increasing impurity contents in a metal crystal.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) May increase or decrease
66. How many slip systems are there in hexagonal closed packed crystal?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 9
d) 18
67. Which of the following process does not produce the vacancy in the lattice?
a) Movement jog by dislocation intersection
b) Quenching near melting point temperature
c) Irradiation of metal with high energy particles
d) Grain growth
68. In which crystal the strain hardening will be least?
a) BCC
b) FCC
c) BCT
d) HCP
73. The Smaller the degree of deformation, the ____________ the required temperature
to cause recrystallization.
a) higher
b) lower
c) unaffected
d) cannot comment
8. The following diagram shows the structure of material after fracture into two parts.
Which of the following represent completely ductile material?
11. The brittle fracture of single crystal is related with __________________ on the
cleavage plane.
a) critical resolved shear stress
b) critical resolved normal stress
c) uniaxial tensile stress
d) uniaxial shear stress
a) P/A
b) P*cosθ
c) (P/A)*cosλ*cosθ
d) (P/A)*cosθ2
14. In which way, the notch decreases the tendency of brittle failure?
a) By producing high local stresses
b) By introducing triaxial tensile state of stress
c) By providing low local strain hardening and cracking
d) By creating a local magnification to the strain rate
15. The fracture of material occurs when the flow curve _______________
a) is under the fracture curve
b) intersects the fracture curve
c) is parallel to fracture curve
d) is perpendicular to fracture curve
b) 105 – 106
c) 107 – 108
d) 1011 – 1012
32. Which theory defines fatigue failure using microscopic slip bands?
a) Orowan’s theory
b) Wood’s theory
c) Cottrell’s theory
d) Dislocation theory
33. . What term is used for initial crack formation during fatigue?
a) Cracking
b) Stage I fatigue
c) Stage II fatigue
d) Micro cracking
34. Material with a high surface to volume ratio have _________ fatigue life.
a) Very low fatigue life
b) Very high fatigue life
c) Lower fatigue life
d) Improved fatigue life
35. Which of the following material fails by both hysteric heating and crack
a) Nylon
b) Polyethylene
c) Propylene
36. Fatigue strength of iron and steel _________ with an increase in temperature.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
a) 30 MPa
b) 50 MPa
c) 60 MPa
d) 10 MPa
a) 30 MPa
b) 50 MPa
c) 40 MPa
d) 10 MPa
43. The most common creep rate corresponds to which the creep strength is specified
is _________
a) 1% in 100 hrs
b) 1% in 1000 hrs
c) 1% in 10,000 hrs
d) 1% in 100,000 hrs
46. ___________ dominates at all temperatures but above the normalized stress of
a) Coble creep
b) Nabarro-Herring creep
49. In ferrite the self-diffusion coefficient _________ with increasing carbon content.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) First increases, then decrease
3. . What is a phase?
a) The substance which is physically distinct
b) The substance which is homogenous chemically
c) The substance which is both physically distinct and chemically homogenous
d) The substance which is both physically distinct and chemically heterogeneous
4. What is the line that defines the solubility limit of A in B and B in A from the figure?
a) Solidus line
b) Liquidus line
c) Solvus line
d) Solidus line and Liquidus line
a) Peritectic point
b) Eutectic point
c) Eutectoid point
d) Peritectoid reaction
6. The micro structure of hypoeutectic alloys at room temperature consists of ________
a) Proeutectic β and α
b) Eutectic mixture (α+β)
c) Proeutectic β and eutectic mixture (α+β)
d) Proeutectic α and eutectic mixture (α+β)
7. Why Pb-Sn eutectic alloys are used for soldering purpose?
a) The melting point at eutectic point is maximum
b) The melting point at the eutectic point is minimum
c) The melting point at the eutectic point is constant
d) The boiling point at the eutectic point is maximum
a) Latent heat
b) Low temperature
c) High temperature
d) Specific heat
9. At the eutectic point (e) the eutectic reaction proceeds at a constant temperature as
a) F = 1
b) F = 0
c) F = 2
d) F = 3
10. On heating, one solid phase results in another solid phase and a liquid phase
during __________ reaction.
a) Eutectoid
b) Peritectic
c) Eutectic
d) Peritectoid
12. A first solid phase results in a second solid plus another third solid phase upon
heating during __________ reaction.
a) Eutectoid
b) Peritectic
c) Eutectic
d) Peritectoid
13. Which phase will crystallize first just below the liquidus line?
a) α phase
b) β phase
c) (L+α) phase
d) (L+β) phase
a) Eutectic temperature
b) Peritectic temperature
c) Eutectoid temperature
d) Peritectoid temperature
16. The phase above eutectoid temperature for carbon steels is known as _______
a) Cementite
b) Ferrite
c) Pearlite
d) Austentite
18. An alloy 30 wt% Ni- 70wt % Cu at 1315 °C (2400 °F) will lie in which state?
a) Solid state
b) Liquid state
23. . The eutectic mixture of austenite (γ) and cementite (Fe3C) is called __________
a) Ledeburite
b) Pearlite
c) Hyper and hypo eutectoid steel
d) Cast iron
24. The eutectoid mixture of ferrite (α) and cementite (Fe3C) is called __________
a) Ledeburite
b) Pearlite
c) Hyper and hypo eutectoid steel
d) Cast iron
a) FCC → BCT
b) FCC → BCC
c) BCC → BCT
d) BCT → BCC
28. Which of the following is not a name for time temperature transformation
a) S curve
b) C curve isothermal diagram
c) D curve isothermal diagram
d) Bain’s curve
30. Which of the following phase will be resulted when the transformation
temperature of steel is in the range of 500 °C to 750 °C?
a) Austenite
b) Pearlite
c) Bainite
d) Martensite
31. Which of the following phase will be resulted when the transformation
temperature of steel is in the range of 300 °C to 550 °C?
a) Austenite
b) Pearlite
c) Bainite
d) Martensite
32. Which of the following phase will be resulted when the transformation
temperature of steel is in the range of 100 °C to 300 °C?
a) Austenite
b) Pearlite
c) Bainite
d) Martensite
34. In an isothermal curve, which of the following is true when the temperature is
a) The curve shifts rightward
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SEM - III Material Metallurgy
b) The curve shifts leftward
c) The curve goes down
d) The curve goes up
35. What is maximum solubility % of carbon and temperature range that α-ferrite
36. What is maximum solubility % of carbon and temperature range that Austenite
(Ɣ) exist?
1. Which of the following factors does not influence the variety and quality of metal?
a) Rate of heating and cooling
b) Quenching medium
c) Furnace
d) Grain size
2. How does the rate of cooling affect the hardness of the metal?
a) Slow cooling, hard material
b) Slow cooking, soft material
c) Rapid cooling, soft material
d) No effective change
5. For full annealing of hypoeutectoid steels, they are heated in a range above
a) 153-250oC
b) 273-350oC
c) 551-770oC
d) 723-910oC
8. How does heating for hypereutectoid steels differ from hypoeutectoid steels?
a) Heated 30-60oC above A1 line
b) Heated 30-60oC below A1 line
c) Heated 30-60oC below A2 line
d) Heated 30-60oC below A3 line
11. For process annealing, the steel is heated at a temperature range of _________
a) 550-650oC
b) 723-910oC
c) 723-1138oC
d) 750-800oC
12. Which among the following is not applicable to process annealing of steels?
a) Low scaling
b) Rapid
c) Expensive
d) Single phase morphology
b) 500oC
c) 800oC
d) 1000oC
17. How is the tensile strength of the material affected due to tempering?
a) Increases with an increase in temperature
b) Decreases with an increase in temperature
c) Increases constantly
d) Does not change
21. Which tempering process is used to increase the endurance and elastic limit of
the material?
a) Low-temperature tempering
b) Medium temperature tempering
c) High-temperature tempering
d) Endurance limit cannot be increased
23. The cooling rate must be _________ the critical cooling rate for hardening of
steel by quenching.
a) Higher than
b) Lower than
c) Equal to
d) Half of
27. For normalising, the steel is heated ___________ its upper critical temperature.
a) 30-40oC above
b) 30-40oC C below
c) 50-60oC C above
d) 50-60oC C below
34. Nitriding involves the addition of ___________ for the hardening of surface.
a) Nitrogen
b) Nichrome
c) Neon
d) Niobium
38. Why is atmospheric nitrogen inappropriate for use in the nitriding process?
a) Cannot be heated
b) Insufficient density
c) Inability to be absorbed
d) Expensive process
4. Steels containing more than 5% of one or more alloying elements are known as
a) HSLA steels
b) High alloy steels
c) Tool and die steels
d) Stainless steels
6. Alloy steels containing 0.05% to 0.15% of alloying elements are called _______
a) Weathering steel
b) Stainless steel
c) Tool and die steel
d) Microalloyed steel
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7. Which is the primary element used for making stainless steel alloy?
a) Chromium
b) Zirconium
c) Vanadium
d) Indium
9. Stainless steels with little carbon and no nickel are called ________
a) Ferritic stainless steel
b) Austenitic stainless steel
c) Martensitic stainless steel
d) Duplex stainless steel
10. Stainless steels with high strength, but low corrosion resistance are known as
a) Austenitic stainless steel
b) Ferritic stainless steel
c) Martensitic stainless steel
d) Duplex stainless steel
11. The low-carbon, high-alloyed steels which possess high strength and toughness
are known as _______
a) Carbon steels
b) Alloy steels
c) Maraging steels
d) Stainless steels
3. In sandwich composites, which of the following material can be used for filling purpose?
a) Wood
b) Cement
c) Polymer
d) All of the mentioned
5. Which of the following may alter the mechanical properties of reinforced composites?
a) Constituent properties
b) Fiber length
c) Fiber orientation
d) All of the mentioned
8. Nano sized polymers built from branched units are called __________
a) Dendrimers
b) Composites
c) Carbon-based materials
d) Metal-based materials
11. Which property of Nanomaterials make them suitable to be used for elimination
of pollutants?
a) High purity
b) Better thermal conductivity
c) Enhanced chemical activity
d) Small size
12. ano crystalline materials synthesised by sol-gel technique results in a foam like
structures called ___________
a) Gel
b) Aerosol
c) Foam
d) Aerogel
14. A Carbon monoxide sensor made of zirconia uses which characteristic to detect
any change?
a) Capacitance
b) Resistivity
c) Activity
d) Permeability