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Procedure To Apply For Research Studies: Mode of Application and Selection

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Procedure to apply for Research Studies

TRI & Media Division, Ministry of Tribal Affairs gives grant to the reputed
Institutions, Universities, State Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs), Institutes
affiliated with UGC / AICTE and State/UT recommended NGOs for award
of research and evaluation studies, organizing and seminars/workshops and
for publication of books.
Mode of Application and Selection:

The reputed organizations who have experience of research or activities for

welfare of the tribals can apply under the scheme by following the proce-
dure mentioned below.

1. Organizations should go through guidelines for research studies

(https://tritribal.gov.in/Guidelines/ Guidelines_RP.aspx) to see their eligi-
bility under the scheme..
2. Organizations are required to share project proposal Performa along with
copy of presentation as per template given in Annexure 1.
3. Submission of Online Application Form, Project proposal, Copy of
Presentation may be sent to tri-tribal@nic.in or TRI Division. There is no
need to send hard copy.
4. Screening and due Diligence Check by TRI Division : The TRI Divi-
sion will evaluate proposed project based on the technical merit, the ca-
pability of the organization (including research background), potential of
the proposed project. The division would have preliminary discussion
with the applicant Organization on objective, methodology, approach, lo-
cation of project, target beneficiaries, past experience of organization,
tentative budget, expected outcomes, etc. and would require all necessary
help to organization in draft of final proposal and Presentation to be made
to Project approval Committee headed by Secretary.
5. If required, TRI & Media Division may consult State Tribal Welfare De-
partment /Tribal Research Institute to discuss the socio-economic impact
of projects on local tribal communities and to check there is no duplicity
of projects.
6. The shortlisted organizations will be called for PAC Meeting under the
Chairmanship of Secretary, Tribal Welfare Department. The organiza-
tions which are not shortlisted will be communicated the reasons for not
7. Date of PAC meeting will be communicated to the shortlisted organiza-
tions by mail and placed on notice board of the TRI Portal.
8. The Project approved by the PAC is subject to concurrence by IFD Divi-
sion of the Ministry.
9. After the concurrence of IFD, the Organization will be required to link
their Bank account with EAT (Expenditure Advance Transfer) Module of
10.The financial assistance will be released in three instalments in propor-
tion of 40:40:20. 40% of the sanctioned grant will be released as 1st in-
stalment on the allotment of project. The organization would be required
to register on National Tribal Research Portal
(https://tritribal.gov.in/RsP_Reg.aspx) and upload the sanctioned project
detail with timelines etc on TRI portal and would update the quarterly
progress of the project online.
11.The balance 40% will be released after the midterm review and receipt of
the progress of project and 20 % will be released after the receipt of the
final project report.
12.The organization would be required to submit the final report in the form
of documentation, Video, Report etc as specified in the sanctioned letter,
which will be approved by TRI Division. Organization would be re-
quired to upload the report on http://repository.tribal.gov.in for release of
final Instalment.
13. Project Applications can be filed any time during the year.

Annexure -1

Project Proposal Performa for Research Studies

1. Title (Short & Focused not exceeding 15 words) :

2. Sectors of Research :
(Pl. tick one or more boxes, as applicable)
Health & Nutrition


Forest Rights


Indigenous Practises
Tribal Healers

Other (Please specify)

3. Name of organisation with complete address including contact number e-mail id:

a. Type of organization:

Nature of Organization
Academic institution

Research organization

Voluntary Organization

Other (please specify)

b. Collaboration, if any, give details of the institution(s)…..

Role & responsi-

a. Implementing Org.

b. Collaborator(s)

5. Name of Project Investigator, Project Co-Investigator, and Affiliation:

i. Project Investigator


City (with pin code)

Highest qualification & subject


Phone number
ii. Project Co-Investigator



City (with pin code)

Highest qualification & subject


Phone number

6. Executive Summary (500 Words):

7. Background /Introduction ( 1000 Words ) :

8. Objectives (Only 4-5 focused objective that can be observed, measured or clearly as-


9. Methodology (1000 words):

(Describe how the project will leverage livelihood/economic opportunities and solve societal chal-
lenges in a sustainable way. Also, explain how, and in what way, the project will contribute to the
advancement of knowledge in the subject/topic. Support with defined steps/relevant process details,
e.g., flow chart, model, survey procedures, - as applicable to achieve the stated objectives)

10. Work Plan (1000 words - Please also provide activities schedule – Gantt chart):

i. Phase wise work plan of action with timeline and deliverables in tabular form
(Describe how the proposal includes a plan for pilot application or trial in a realistic tribal envi-

ii. Source of IT-based Platform:

S Name of agency/institution/individual
o expert
Generated in-house by staff

Generated in-house by employing outside experts

Borrowed from an outside institution/expert

Modification of technology/know-how being used

by the beneficiaries
Any other (please specify):

11. Project Location /Area:

Project Area:  Rural  Urban  Both

Geographical Focus Area:

Village(s)/urban locality: Block/Taluka:
District: ; State:

Project Area Profile (Give following details along with a neatly drawn location map):

I. The geographical area covered, climate, land use pattern, crops & cropping patterns,
availability of natural resources & raw materials, availability of special skills/trades, etc.

a.Socio-economic status (such as conditions and occupations of the target beneficiaries,
availability of basic amenities and facilities such as water & sanitation, health centers,
communication, roads, marketing facilities.
b. Baseline datasheet which may be assessed annually with respect to results and delivera-
bles during the implementation of the project activities (if it is to improve livelihood op-
portunities through improved agriculture practices, what are the present status in terms of
soil conditions, crop productivity and disease management, etc.)


12. Project Duration: months

13. Total Budget (Rs. in Lakhs):

i. Recurring Cost (Rs):
ii. Non-Recurring Cost (Rs):

S. I Budget
No. t (Rs. in Lakhs)

A Recurring
1. Human resources
2. Consumables
3. Travel
4. Field testing, Demo/ Training expenses (if applicable)
5. Contingencies/Other costs
6. Institutional Overheads*
7. Any other item
B Non-Recurring
Grand Total (A+B)
14. Target Beneficiaries (For ST beneficiaries, please annex a list of beneficiaries with vil-
lage and address details):

Type of Target Beneficiaries: No. of Beneficiaries

 Economically weaker section

 Farmers
 Labourers
 Artisans
 Women
 Youth
 Children
 Disabled/senior citizens
 Industrial workers
 Any other:
Total Size of Target Group(s) indicating
% of women/SC/ST of the total popula-
tion in the project area:

The present average income level at the household


15. Expected Outcomes ( 1000 words):

Note: Please also comments on the possible benefit of project outcomes for different stake-

16. Self-sustainability of the project after the Ministry of Tribal Affairs project support is
over (500 words):

17. Possibility of replication of the project in similar areas (after the proposed technological solution
is proven, how will it be distributed? Involving state govt. for large scale technology dissemination
or via market or any other means - any entrepreneur or business person involved in the work in any
manner?)- 500 Words

18. Suggest measurable indicators (10-12 tangible as well as non-tangible along with means
of verification) for monitoring the effectiveness of project interventions with respect to the
stated objectives and deliverables. The indices you choose must permit objective measure-
ment and determination vis-à-vis timeline during the project cycle comparing with baseline
data/control-list in the table is only indicative:
S. No. I


1 Increase in crop production
2 Increase in land productivity
3 Change in land use pattern
4 Increase in irrigated area and/or drinking water coverage
5 Increase in family income
6 Increased availability of resources (natural and/or physical) and assets
7 No. of beneficiaries using facilities created under the project
8 Increase in livelihood/ employment opportunities
9 Diversification of livelihood activities with a description
10 Improved linkages with banking/ financing institutions
11 Improved linkages with Distt. authorities/State Govt/ PRIs
12 No. of SHGs/technology user groups/cooperatives and/or enterprises formed
13 Improved linkages with market/ enterprises
14 Improved health of beneficiaries/ sanitation/ Less drudgery in work
15 Improved access to energy sources
16 No. of skilled/non-skilled workers trained
17 No. of new technologies/products/processes/ services developed/adapted
18 Adoption of newly developed product indicated by the number of adopters
19 No. of organizations motivated and mobilized for replication of project achieve-
20 No. of publications produced (Title, Journal, issue, yr.)

19. Affirmative Action: Whether your organization has been sanctioned Research/Socio-
Economic projects /CSR Projects related to tribal community or by other central/state govt.
deptt. Or from foreign funding agencies in the past (up to 10 years)? If yes, provide details
of completed and ongoing projects (Copy of Project Report & Sanction letter to be at-

S Title of th Project Sector Sub Sec- Date of A Whether

Location tor com- m final
N pletion/ ou UC/SE
status nt date)

a) Whether, your organization is receiving funding for research Project from the Min-
istry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India? *Yes/No*
b) If yes, indicate whether activities of the present proposal are covered under the ap-
proved activities of core support provided to your organization by the Ministry of
Tribal Affairs? Please also give a list of approved activities under the sanctioned
project by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India.


(Note: Organizations must ensure to avoid duplication of activities. However, proposed in-
/objectives as a new proposal for identified core activity towards innovative interventions may be
Before applying, please ensure that the proposal is complete in all respects as per the following list
(Mark √
in the box if included in the proposal):
Duly filled application form (complete with all Annexures)

Annual reports & audited accounts of the organization for the previous three
years- one set only
Copy of valid registration certificate, Article & MOU with Bye-Laws/Trust
Deed-one set only
Techno commercial Proposal

Presentation (At max 20 slides )

* Proposal does not complete in all respects and without supporting documents will not be entertained.

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