Service Manual: GE Signa 1.5T
Service Manual: GE Signa 1.5T
Service Manual: GE Signa 1.5T
FLOW 7000
Service Manual
Part No. 780006 (Rev. G)
USA Instruments, Inc. Flow 7000 Phased Array Peripheral Vascular Coil Service Manual
Compatibility ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 20
Appendix A
1. How the Coil Operates • The coil package is a flexible two-piece design. The coil also has a ramp
pad that is positioned underneath the lower coil piece. The purpose of the
ramp pad is to facilitate the positioning of the body vasculature in a horizontal
plane. The coil contains 12 elements which are physically arranged into six
pairs. A block diagram showing individual coil elements of the Phased
Array Peripheral Vascular Coil is shown in Figure 1. A maximum of four RF
inputs, representing either the upper (PVUPPER), middle (PVMIDDLE) or
lower (PVLOWER) four coils can be selected at a time (see Figures 2, 3 and
• The Flow 7000 Phased Array Peripheral Vascular Coil is a receive-only coil.
The coil is decoupled from the transmit coil during transmit by means of a
RF choking circuit. These RF chokes can be switched on actively or passively.
Each loop coil has six decoupling RF chokes (one active and five passive)
and each saddle has eight decoupling chokes (one active and seven passive).
Passive decoupling is achieved when small signal diodes are turned on by
the induced RF voltage, in the chokes, coupled from the transmit field.
Each small signal diode is turned on when the induced RF voltage reaches
0.5 volt. Active decoupling is achieved by PIN diodes which are turned on
by a biasing DC current source (200mA) from the MR scanner. When either
the small signal diodes or PIN diodes are turned on the RF choking circuits
become very high impedance (typically above 2 kilo-ohm) blocks, compared
to the other circuit elements (less than 25 Ohm). These high impedance
elements segregate the coil circuitry into several electrical segments.
E2 E4 E6 E8 E10 E12
E1 E3 E5 E7 E9 E11
INTRODUCTION (continued)
B3 Receiver 2 *
Preamp 2
B7 Receiver 4 *
Preamp 4
Preamp 6
Preamp 8
E2 E4 E6 E8 E10 E12 A3
E1 E3 E5 E7 E9 E11
Preamp 7
Preamp 5
Receiver 3 *
Preamp 3
B1 Receiver 1 *
Preamp 1
Active Inactive
Element Element
Preamp 2
Preamp 4
B11 Receiver 2 *
Preamp 6
B15 Receiver 4 *
Preamp 8
E2 E4 E6 E8 E10 E12 A3
E1 E3 E5 E7 E9 E11
B13 Receiver 3 *
Preamp 7
B9 Receiver 1 *
Preamp 5
Preamp 3
Preamp 1
Active Inactive
Element Element
INTRODUCTION (continued)
Receiver 2 *
Preamp 2
Preamp 4
Preamp 6
B15 Receiver 4 *
Preamp 8
E2 E4 E6 E8 E10 E12 A1
E1 E3 E5 E7 E9 E11
B13 Receiver 3 *
Preamp 7
Preamp 5
Preamp 3
Receiver 1 *
Preamp 1
Active Inactive
Element Element
2. Compatibility • The Flow 7000 Phased Array Peripheral Vascular Coil (GE Catalog #
M1087PW) is compatible with the Signa HorizonTM 1.5T system.
operate and store the coil in the scanner room
Table 1: Coil specification.
1. Shipping List
Part Name GE Part # USAI Part # Qty
Coil 2192406-12 100079 1
Ramp Pad E8 8 0 0 ZT 150040 1
Patient Comfort Pad E8 8 0 ZW 150075 1
Foam Spacer Block E8 8 0 0 ZY 150041 1
Coil Velcro Strap Set (attached to coil) E8 8 0 0 ZZ 150042 1
SNR Phantom 2192406-6 150034 3
Loading Phantom 2192406-7 150035 2
Phantom Positioner Set 2192406-9 150036 1
Phantom Velcro Strap 2285178-4 150171 1
Operator's Guide 2192406-10 770007 1
Service Manual 2192406-1 780006 1
Table 2: Peripheral Vascular Coil shipping list.
2. Installing the Preamplifier • The Phased Array Peripheral Vascular Coil requires all eight (8) phased
array preamplifiers to be installed in the system. Refer to the system manuals
for information on installing the preamplifiers (Direction 2238944: Signa 8
Channel Preamp Installation). Also, refer to instructions in the preamplifier
kit (GE Part Number M1087CY).
3. Installing the Coil • At the console, install a new coil. After this, the operator will be able to
select PVUPPER, PVMIDDLE and PVLOWER. Refer to the system manuals
for information on installing coils (use the coil configuration parameters
shown below).
• The coil is ready for clinical use after proper installation of the coil.
Refer to the Operator’s Guide for instructions on how to use the coil.
4. Quality Assurance • Tuning -- The Flow 7000 Phased Array Peripheral Vascular Coil does not
require matching or tuning on a per patient basis. The coil is initially tuned
to the system frequency by USA Instruments’ service engineers and requires
no additional tuning.
• QA Setup -- Select [New Study], [New Exam] or [New Pt] to set a new
landmark. Remove any other surface coil (if present) from the cradle. Place
the ramp pad and posterior array coil at the top of the cradle (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: Placing the ramp pad and posterior array coil onto the cradle.
Upper Section of
Phantom Positioner
Lower Section of
Phantom Positioner
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
• The QA check for the coil requires three scans. The array consists of
three stations, each employing four individual coil elements. The first
scan measures SNR of the most inferior station (coil mode PVLOWER)
and should be landmarked at the crosshair on top of the anterior array
of the PVLOWER station (the end of the array that enters the magnet
first). The second scan measures SNR of the middle station (coil mode
PVMIDDLE) and should be landmarked at the crosshair on top of the
anterior array of the PVMIDDLE station. The third scan measures SNR
of the most superior station (coil mode PVUPPER) and should be
landmarked at the crosshair on top of the anterior array of the PVUPPER
station (the end of the array that enters the magnet last). Parameters
for the QA scan protocol are:
Patient/Exam Information
ID geservice
Name PV Array
Patient Weight 111 l bs / 50 kg
Patient Position
Patient Position Supine
Patient Entry Feet First
Series Description leave b lan k
Imaging Parameters
Plane Sagittal
Mode 2D
Pulse Sequence FSE
Imaging Options Variable Bandwidth, No Phase Wrap
PSD Name leave b lan k
Protocol leave b lan k
Scan Timing
Number of Echoes 1
Echo Time (TE) 17
Rep Time (TR) 500
Echo Train Length (ETL) 8
Bandwidth 15.63
Additional Parameters
no entries required in this area
Acquisition Time
Freq 256
Phase 256
N EX 2
Phase FOV 1.00
Freq DIR A/P
Auto Center Freq Peak
Autoshim On
Phase Correct On
Contrast Off
# of Reps B4 Pause 0
Scanning Range
FOV 38
Slice Thickness 3
Spacing 1.5
R/L P/A Center I/S Center
Start 0.0 0.0 0.0
En d 0.0
# Slices 1 Table Delta: 0.00
Table 4: QA scan parameters.
• After the series is saved and prepared, right click on Research Options
and select Display CVs (on Genesis System touch [Modify CVs] button).
Type in saveinter and change the value from 0 to 1. This will enable
intermediate images to be saved to the database along with the
composite image. This will cause each scan to produce five images
even though only one slice is prescribed.
• When the scan is done, view the images to verify that a bright region is
visible in a different portion of each intermediate image and that the
composite image is reasonably uniform. Images from the anterior section
of the coil will not be as bright as those from the posterior section. The
scan will yield 5 images. Images 1 through 4 correspond to images
from receivers 0 through 3, respectively. Image 5 is the composite of
the first four.
• Copy and paste the series. Change landmark and coil selection and
repeat for each additional station in the array.
• Review Images -- The images from each station should resemble those in
Figures 8 through 10. Note particularly that each intermediate image has a
bright region in one corner, corresponding to the coil element which made it.
A normal composite image will be slightly darker in the center than in the
corners. If one or more corners of the composite image is noticeably darker
than the others, it may indicate that one or more elements or receive channels
is not working properly. Images from the PVUPPER station of the coil will
be somewhat less bright than those from the PVMIDDLE and PVLOWER
stations. This is normal due to coil geometry and the presence of loaders for
the PVUPPER station in the phantom set.
receiver 0 receiver 1
receiver 2 receiver 3
receiver 0 receiver 1
receiver 2 receiver 3
receiver 0 receiver 1
receiver 2 receiver 3
• Step 2 -- Use the measure distance feature to place four lines, each
5mm long at the approximate center of each edge of the phantom as
shown in Figure 11. Note that the lines extend from the edge of the
phantom toward the interior. LX systems: ends of lines are at the
center of the little boxes used to adjust line size. Genesis systems: ends
of lines are at the center of the crosshair cursor.
• Step 5 -- Use the measure distance feature to place a new 5mm line at
the posterior edge of the phantom as shown in Figure 13. This new line
should be slightly inferior or superior to the poster mark made earlier.
• Step 6 -- Create a 100mm line from near the posterior end of the new
5mm line toward the posterior edge of the image as shown in Figure 13.
• Step 7 -- Create a rectangular ROI that touches the ends of the 100mm
line and is about the same inferior-to-superior length as the signal ROI
as shown in Figure 14.
• Step 9 -- Divide mean signal by mean noise and enter SNR in the
3. Coil Care • Warning! Detach the coil connector from the scanner before attempting to
clean the coil. Do not touch the connectors with bare fingers. Never press
a sharp object against the surface of the connector. Do not reattach the
connector after cleaning the coil until the coil has dried completely. Electric
shock may result if the coil is attached to the system during cleaning or
when it is wet,
• Cleaning -- The following cleaning solutions are recommended for the coil
and pad surfaces: (1) a ten percent bleach solution (some discoloration
may occur), (2) one ounce commercial dish-washing liquid mixed with
one gallon water or (3) warm water. Apply cleaning solution to a soft
cotton cloth and proceed to clean. To prevent soiling of the coil, the user
should place a clean cotton sheet over the coil before positioning the
patient . If the coil is soiled, clean the coil as described above.
• Carrying the Coil -- The coil should be supported from underneath using
both hands.
• Coil Storage -- Lay the ramp pad and posterior array coil completely flat
(see Figure 15). Place a sheet on top of the posterior array coil (see
Figure 15). The sheet separates the posterior array coil and anterior array
coil to prevent them from sticking. Place the anterior array coil on top of
the sheet and loosely fasten the Velcro straps (see Figure 15). Please note
that although the straps are fastened together, the coil is not bent. Note:
The coil should be handled with care. Gently bend the coil when
necessary -- never fold/crease the coil sharply. Avoid excessive
folding of the coil.
4. Special Care Requirements • Prior to returning a coil for service, use a ten percent bleach solution (as
described above) to eliminate risk of exposure to potentially infectious
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Figure 15: Storing the coil.
• Storage of the Phantoms -- The phantoms may be stored next to the coil as
shown in Figure 15 or in the shipping box as shown in Figure 16.
• Check to make sure the coil cable is plugged into the system.
• Check to make sure the cable is plugged into both the anterior and posterior
array coils.
• Check for continuity in the output cable. Use a Digital Volt Meter (DVM).
Separate the output cable from the anterior coil by pushing the buttons
located on the sides of the cable housing and gently pulling the connector
out of the socket. Follow the same procedure for the posterior coil. Make
sure there is continuity between the appropriate pin at the 30-pin connector
which plugs into the system and the connectors that plug into the anterior
and posterior coils (see Figure 19 and Table 11 for the correct pins).
• Note that the following T/R fault troubleshooting will require removing the
middle covers from the anterior and posterior coils. Gently pry up the four
white screw covers located down the middle of the anterior cover and the
three white screw covers located down the middle of the posterior cover.
Remove all the screws found under the covers. Remove the center covers
from both the anterior and posterior coils.
• Check the red hookup wires located between each of the coil elements for
continuity using a DVM.
• Make sure the SMB jacks located on the white internal cables are securely
seated on the appropriate jack.
• Check the pin diodes located on the feed boards of the individual coil elements
with a DVM. Every coil element has one diode (see Figure 20 for the
location of the diodes). If a diode is found to be either open or shorted: (1)
take note of the diode’s cathode-anode orientation; (2) carefully de-solder
the surface mounted diodes from the feed board; (3) cut the leads of a new
diode to 1/8”; (4) place the new diode into the hole on the PCB. Align the
leads of the diode with the surface mount pads. The cathode pad is
designated with a dot near the pad (see Figure 21 for diode mounting).
Coil Fails System QA Check (SNR Test or No Signal from One or More
• Check for proper phantom placement. Refer to the Set and Calibration
procedure in this manual.
• Note that there are no field serviceable parts in the outer arms of the coil.
15 1
30-Pin Housing
15 1
Anterior Posterior
Connector 1 2 3 4 Connector 1 2 3 4
Figure 19: Pin layouts of 30-pin housing, anterior, and posterior connectors.
Anterior Coil
Posterior Coil
Figure 20: Pin diode placement for both the anterior and posterior coils (* represents pin diode location).
For elements: E5, E7, E9 and E11 For elements: E1, E2, E3, E4, E6, E8, E10 and E12
Station M ean Signal M ean Noise SN R Limit Comments
Station M ean Signal M ean Noise SN R Limit Comments
Station M ean Signal M ean Noise SN R Limit Comments
Station M ean Signal M ean Noise SN R Limit Comments
Station M ean Signal M ean Noise SN R Limit Comments
Station M ean Signal M ean Noise SN R Limit Comments