Modern Steel Construction's Monthly Steel Quiz Allows You To Test Your Steel Buildings. Where Appropriate, Other

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Modern Steel Construction’s monthly ASD references pertain to the

Steel Quiz allows you to test your 1989 ASD Specification for Structural
knowledge of steel design and con- Steel Buildings. Where appropriate, other
struction. All references to LRFD industry standards are also referenced. One E. Wacker Dr., Suite 700
specifications pertain to the 2005 Anyone is welcome to submit ques- Chicago, IL 60601
Specification for Structural Steel Build- tions for Steel Quiz—one question or tel: 866.ASK.AISC
ings, available as a free download from 10! If you or your firm are interested fax: 312.670.9032
AISC’s web site: in submitting a Steel Quiz question or column, contact

This month’s questions all relate to

Chapter F - Design of members for
Flexure, and Table B4.1 – Limiting
Width-Thickness Ratios for Com-
pression Elements of the 2005 AISC
Specification for Structural Steel Build-
ings (a free download at www.aisc.

1. What does the term Lb represent in

relation to a beam?

2. What does the term L p represent

and how does it relate to the flex-
ural strength of a beam?

3. What does the term L r represent

and how does it relate to the flex-
ural strength of a beam?

4. What is the symbol that designates

the width-thickness ratios of the
various elements of the cross-section?

5. What is the significance of the

width-thickness ratio in the design
of beams?

6. What does the symbol λp represent?

7. What is the relationship of λp to the

flexural strength of a beam?

8. What does the symbol λr represent?

9. What is the relationship of λr to the

flexural strength of a beam?

10. What does the symbol Mn rep-

resent in relation to the flexural
strength of a member?

The answers to these questions

should give the necessary informa-
tion to understand the basic design
parameters involved in creating a
Flexural Strength Chart for a partic-
ular rolled shape based on various
spacing of bracing. Can you start to
develop this chart? Next month we
will touch on how the flexural design
equations of the 2005 Specification
relate to this developed chart.

August 2005 • Modern Steel Construction

All references refer to the 2005 AISC
Specification. 6. λ p represents the limiting slen-
derness parameter for a compact
element as defined in Section B4. An
1. Lb represents the actual unbraced
length of a beam. This is the dis-
tance between points that are either
element is compact if λ ≤ λp. Subscripts
are used in Chapter F to differentiate
between flange and web elements. If λf ≤
braced against lateral displacement of
λpf the flange is compact. If λw ≤ λpw, the
the compression flange or braced against
web is compact.
twist of the cross section as defined in
Section F2.
7. Certain beams are able to take
advantage of an ability to develop
2. Lp represents the unbraced length
up to which yielding will control
over lateral-torsional buckling. For a
a plastic hinge. To do so, the section
must be compact, which means that
none of the elements will buckle prior to
hinge to form in a compact section, a
yielding of the cross-section. This can be
beam must be braced (see question 1) to
achieved when λ ≤ λp for all of the ele-
prevent lateral-torsional buckling. The
ments of the cross section and the beam
limiting bracing distance to assure hinge
is braced (see questions 1 and 2). Com-
capability is defined as Lp. When Lb <
pact sections make the most efficient use
Lp for a compact section, the member is
of their cross-section, since the entire
adequately braced to permit yielding of
cross-section is effective.
the section and the limit state of lateral-
torsional buckling does not apply. Lp for
doubly symmetric compact I-Shaped
Members and channels bent about their
8. λr represents the limiting slender-
ness parameter for a non-compact
element as defined in Section B4. An
major axis is defined by Equation (F2-5). element is non-compact when λ p ≤ λ
≤ λr. λr is the demising limit between
3. Lr represents the unbraced length
at which lateral-torsional buckling
transitions from the inelastic range to
that of a non-compact element and a
slender-element—that is, the transition
from inelastic local buckling to elastic
the elastic range. When the unbraced
local buckling. When λ > λr, the section
length Lb exceeds Lp but does not exceed
is referred to as a slender-element sec-
L r, inelastic lateral-torsional buckling
tion. Subscripts are used in Chapter F
can occur. When Lb > Lr, elastic lateral-
to differentiate between flange and web
torsional buckling can occur—that is, the
elements. If λpf ≤ λf ≤ λrf. the flange is
lateral-torsional buckling limit state is
non-compact. If λpw ≤ λw ≤ λrw. the web is
reached before the yield stress is reached
in any element of the cross section. Lr for
doubly symmetric I-Shaped members
and channels bent about their weak axis
is defined by Equation (F2-6).
9. In the design of a flexural member,
λr is used to define parameters of
element local buckling; specifically com-
pression flange or web local buckling.
4. The Greek character lamda (λ) des-
ignates a slenderness parameter as
defined in Section F3. This slenderness
When λ exceeds λp but not λr, the equa-
tion used models inelastic local buck-
ling. When λ exceeds λr, the equation
parameter is calculated as the ratio of
used models elastic local buckling.
the width to the thickness of the element
in question (web, flange, etc). Some ele-
ments are stiffened by other elements,
such as the web of an I-shaped section.
10. M n represents the Nominal
Flexural Strength of a structural
member as defined in Section F1 and
Other elements which have a free edge determined in accordance with Sections
are considered unstiffened, such as the F2 through F12. For LRFD designs, the
projecting flange of an I-shape or the available strength is determined as φMn.
stem of a tee section. For ASD designs, the available strength
is determined as Mn/Ω. 
5. Compression buckling strength is
a function of the width-thickness
ratio of the element or elements subject
to compression. Flexural members will
have portions of the cross-section sub-
ject to compression and thus a tendency
to buckle if the components are too thin.

Modern Steel Construction • August 2005

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