Steel Design: Report 2 Course

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‫الجامعة التكنولوجية‬

‫قسم الهندسة المدنية‬

‫فرع الهندسة األنشائية‬
‫الدراسة (الصباحية)‬

‫‪Report (steel design) 2nd Course‬‬

‫إعداد الطالب‪ :‬سجاد حيدر جمعة‬

‫المرحلة الرابعة ‪ /‬شعبة (االنشائية)‬

‫العام الدراسي ‪2020-2019‬‬


A noncompact section is one that can, prior to local buckling of the

flange or web, develop a nominal flexural strength Mn given by

The criteria for determining noncompactness in the flange of rolled

beams is defined in AISC 360 Table B4.1b as

where rf is limiting slenderness parameter for a noncompact flange.

The criteria for determining compactness in the web of rolled beams
is defined in AISC 360 Table B4.1b as

where is bf/2tf beam flange slenderness parameter.

Tabulated values of bMp and Mp/b, in AISC Manual Table 3-2
allow for any reduction
because of noncompactness.
where is bf/2tf beam flange slenderness parameter.
Tabulated values of bMp and Mp/b, in AISC Manual Table 3-2
allow for any reduction
because of noncompactness

AISC classifies cross-sectional shapes as compact, noncompact, or

slender, depending

on the values of the width-to-thickness ratios. For I shapes, the ratio

for the projecting

flange (an unstiffened element) is bf 2tf, and the ratio for the web (a


element) is h tw. The classification of shapes is found in Section B4 of

the Specification,

“Member Properties,” in Table B4.1b (Table B4.1a is for compression


It can be summarized as follows. Let

l = width-to-thickness ratio

lp = upper limit for compact category

lr = upper limit for noncompact category

if l ≤ lp and the flange is continuously connected to the web, the

shape is compact;

if lp < l ≤ lr, the shape is noncompact; and

if l > lr , the shape is slender.

The web criterion is met by all standard I and C shapes listed in the

Manual for Fy ≤ 65 ksi; therefore, in most cases only the flange ratio

needs to be checked (note that built-up welded I shapes can have

noncompact or slender webs). Most shapes will also satisfy the flange

requirement and will therefore be classified as compact. The

noncompact shapes are identified in the dimensions and properties

table with a footnote

(footnote f).

previously noted, most standard W, M, S, and C shapes are compact.

A few are noncompact because of the flange width-to-thickness ratio,

but none are slender. In general, a noncompact beam may fail by

lateral-torsional buckling, flange local buckling, or web local

buckling. Any of these types of failure can be in either

the elastic range or the inelastic range. The strength corresponding to

each of these three limit states must be computed, and the smallest

.value will control

From AISC F3, for flange local buckling, if lp < l ≤ lr, the flange is


buckling will be inelastic, and

(AISC Equation F3-1)

Noncompact shapes are identified in the Zx table by an
“f” footnote (this sameidentification is used in the
dimensions and properties tables). Noncompact shapes
are also treated differently in the Zx table in the
following way. The tabulated value of Lp is the value of
unbraced length at which the nominal strength based on
inelastic lateral-torsional buckling equals the nominal
strength based on flange local buckling,
that is, the maximum unbraced length for which the
nominal strength can be taken as the strength based on
flange local buckling. (Recall that Lp for compact
shapes is the maximum unbraced length for which the
nominal strength can be taken as the plastic moment.)
For the shape in Example 5.6, equate the nominal
strength based on FLB to the strength based on inelastic
LTB (AISC Equation F2-2), with Cb = 1.0:
could still be used for noncompact shapes. If doing so resulted in the
equation forinelastic LTB being used when Lb was not really large
.enough, the strength based on FLB would control anyway

In addition to the different meaning of Lp for noncompact shapes in

the Zx table, the available strength values, fbMpx and Mp Ωb, are
.based on flange local buckling rather than the plastic moment


The procedure for computation of nominal moment strength for I and
C-shaped sections bent about the x axis will now be summarized. All
terms in the following equations have
been previously defined, and AISC equation numbers will not be
shown. This summary is for compact and noncompact shapes
(noncompact flanges) only (no slender shapes

.1Determine whether the shape is compact.

.2If the shape is compact, check for lateral-torsional buckling as
If Lb ≤ Lp, there is no LTB, and Mn = Mp
If Lp < Lb ≤ Lr, there is inelastic LTB, and
‫م‬could still be used for noncompact shapes. If doing so resulted in the
equation forinelastic LTB being used when Lb was not really large
enough, the strength based on FLB would control anyway.

In addition to the different meaning of Lp for noncompact shapes in

the Zx table, the available strength values, fbMpx and Mp Ωb, are
based on flange local buckling rather than the plastic moment
3. If the shape is noncompact because of the flange, the nominal
strength will be the smaller of the strengths corresponding to flange
local buckling and lateraltorsional

a. Flange local buckling:

If l ≤ lp, there is no FLB
If lp < l ≤ lr, the flange is noncompact, and

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