Oblicon Notes Case Principles
Oblicon Notes Case Principles
Oblicon Notes Case Principles
OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS Verily, the promissory notes as contracts should bind both contracting
parties; hence, the validity or compliance therewith should not be left
(Relevant Case Principles)
to the will of the petitioner. Otherwise, she would contravene and
violate the principles of mutuality and of the obligatory force of
An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do (Art.
contracts. A respected commentator on civil law has written in this
1156, Civil Code). The obligation is constituted upon the concurrence
of the essential elements thereof, viz: (a) The vinculum juris or juridical
The binding effect of the contract on both parties is based on
tie which is the efficient cause established by the various sources of
the principles (1) that obligations arising from contracts have the force
obligations (law, contracts, quasi-contracts, delicts and quasi-delicts);
of law between the contracting parties; and (2) that there must be
(b) the object which is the prestation or conduct, required to be
mutuality between the parties based on their essential equality, to
observed (to give, to do or not to do); and (c) the subject-persons who,
which is repugnant to have one party bound by the contract leaving the
viewed from the demandability of the obligation, are the active
other free therefrom.TERESITA I. BUENAVENTURA V.
(obligee) and the passive (obligor) subjects. ANG YU ASUNCION V. CA,
G.R. NO. 109125, DECEMBER 02, 1994
AUGUST 3, 2016
The "Hold Out" clause applies only if there is a valid and existing
The Court cannot generalize the 1997 Asian financial crisis to be
obligation arising from any of the sources of obligation enumerated in
unforeseeable and beyond the control of a business corporation. A real
Article 1157 of the Civil Code, to wit: law, contracts, quasi-contracts,
estate enterprise engaged in the pre-selling of condominium units is
delict, and quasi-delict. METROPOLITAN BANK V. ANA GRACE
concededly a master in projections on commodities and currency
ROSALES, GR NO. 183204, JAN 13, 2014
movements, as well as business risks. The fluctuating movement of the
Philippine peso in the foreign exchange market is an everyday
Article 1159 of the same Code also provides that obligations arising
occurrence, hence, not an instance of caso fortuito. MEGAWORLD
from contracts have the force of law between the contracting parties
and should be complied with in good faith. Courts cannot stipulate for
the parties nor amend their agreement where the same does not
contravene law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy, for
If there was delay on the part of respondent in its normal role as
to do so would be to alter the real intent of the parties, and would run
creditor to the cardholder, such delay would not have been in the
contrary to the function of the courts to give force and effect thereto.
acceptance of the performance of the debtor's obligation (i.e., the
Not being contrary to public policy, the non-involvement clause, which
repayment of the debt), but it would be delay in the extension of the
petitioner and respondent freely agreed upon, has the force of law
credit in the first place. Such delay would not fall under mora
between them, and thus, should be complied with in good faith. DAISY
accipiendi, which contemplates that the obligation of the debtor, such
B. TIU V. PLATINUM PLANS PHIL, GR NO. 163512, FEB 28, 2007
as the actual purchases on credit, has already been constituted. Herein,
the establishment of the debt itself (purchases on credit of the jewelry)
In order that the debtor may be in default it is necessary that the
had not yet been perfected, as it remained pending the approval or
following requisites be present: (1) that the obligation be demandable
consent of the respondent credit card company. POLO PANTALEON V.
and already liquidated; (2) that the debtor delays performance; and (3)
that the creditor requires the performance because it must appear
8, 2009;
that the tolerance or benevolence of the creditor must have ended.
Respondents' offer to partially satisfy their accounts is not enough to
140047, JUL 13, 2004
extinguish their obligation. Under Article 1248 of the Civil Code, the
creditor cannot be compelled to accept partial payments from the
Mora solvendi, or debtor's default, is defined as a delay in the
debtor, unless there is an express stipulation to that effect. More so,
fulfillment of an obligation, by reason of a cause imputable to the
respondents cannot substitute or apply as their payment the value of
debtor. There are three requisites necessary for a finding of default.
the chicks and by-products they expect to derive because it is
First, the obligation is demandable and liquidated; second, the debtor
necessary that all the debts be for the same kind, generally of a
delays performance; third, the creditor judicially or extrajudicially
monetary character. Needless to say, there was no valid application of
requires the debtor's performance. SELEGNA MANAGEMENT V.
payment in this case. ASJ CORPORATION, ET. AL., V. SPOUSES
Article 1169 of the Civil Code provides that in reciprocal obligations,
There is no doubt that the contract of sale in question gave rise to a
delay by one of the parties begins from the moment the other fulfills
reciprocal obligation of the parties. Reciprocal obligations are those
the obligation. In this case, Lexber is guilty of delay with regard to the
which arise from the same cause, and which each party is a debtor and
amount of P84,364.19, which should be paid. Also, the delay shall
a creditor of the other, such that the obligation of one is dependent
make it liable to Vil-Rey for damages, which We impose in the form of
upon the obligation of the other. They are to be performed
interest at the rate of 6% per annum from 24 December 1996 until the
simultaneously, so that the performance of one is conditioned upon
finality of this Decision. Thereafter, it shall earn interest at the rate of
the simultaneous fulfillment of the other. ANTONIO CORTES V. CA,
6% per annum until satisfaction. VIL-REY PLANNERS & BUILDERS V.
G.R.# 126083, JULY 12, 2006;
LEXBER, GR NO. 189401, JUN 15, 2016
Article 1186 enunciates the doctrine of constructive fulfillment of
In order that obligations arising from contracts may have the force of
suspensive conditions, which applies when the following three (3)
law between the parties, there must be mutuality between the parties
requisites concur, viz: (1) The condition is suspensive; (2) The obligor
based on their essential equality. A contract containing a condition
actually prevents the fulfillment of the condition; and (3) He acts
which makes its fulfillment dependent exclusively upon the
voluntarily. Suspensive condition is one the happening of which gives
uncontrolled will of one of the contracting parties, is void. UNITED
rise to the obligation. It will be irrational for any Bank to provide a
suspensive condition in the Promissory Note or the Restructuring
BELUSO, G.R.# 159912, AUGUST 17, 2007
Agreement that will allow the debtor-promissor to be freed from the
duty to pay the loan without paying it. CARLOS LIM, ET. AL., V.
DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, G.R.# 177050, JULY 1, the Statute of Frauds is misplaced primarily because the statute
2013; applies only to executory and not to completed, executed, or partially
consummated contracts. ANUNCIACION VDA. DE OUANO, ET. AL., V.
The legal remedy of rescission, however, is by no means limited to the THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, G.R. NO. 168770, FEBRUARY
situations covered by the above provisions. The Civil Code uses 9, 2011;
rescission in two different contexts, namely: (1) rescission on account
of breach of contract under Article 1191; and (2) rescission by reason of The nature of an action filed under Article 1389, as well as the
lesion or economic prejudice under Article 1381. While the term prescriptive period of four years that is provided under the provision,
"rescission" is used in Article 1191, "resolution" was the original term do not apply to all rescissible contracts but are limited to specific
used in the old Civil Code, on which the article was based. Resolution is cases. In a previous case, this Court has held that Article 1389 applies
a principal action based on a breach by a party, while rescission under to rescissible contracts, as enumerated and defined in Articles 1380
Article 1383 is a subsidiary action limited to cases of rescission for and 1381. We must stress however, that the "rescission" in Article 1381
lesion under Article 1381 of the New Civil Code. SPS. JAIME AND is not akin to the term "rescission" in Article 1191 and Article 1592. In
MATILDE POON V. PRIME SAVINGS BANK, G.R.# 183794, JUNE 13, Articles 1191 and 1592, the rescission is a principal action which seeks
2016; the resolution or cancellation of the contract while in Article 1381, the
action is a subsidiary one limited to cases of rescission for lesion as
As an alternative justification for its premature termination of the enumerated in said article. The prescriptive period applicable to
Contract, respondent lessee invokes the doctrine of unforeseen event rescission under Articles 1191 and 1592, is found in Article 1144, which
under Article 1267 of the Civil Code, which provides: Art. 1267. When provides that the action upon a written contract should be brought
the service has become so difficult as to be manifestly beyond the within ten years from the time the right of action accrues. RENATO
contemplation of the parties, the obligor may also be released PERALTA V. JOSE ROY RAVAL, G.R. NOS. 188467 & 188464,
therefrom, in whole or in part. The theory of rebus sic stantibus in MARCH 29, 2017;
public international law is often cited as the basis of the above article.
Under this theory, the parties stipulate in light of certain prevailing Clearly, the long delay in the performance of GPI's obligation from date
conditions, and the theory can be made to apply when these of demand on September 16, 2002 was unreasonable and unjustified.
conditions cease to exist.[35] The Court, however, has once cautioned It cannot therefore be denied that GPI substantially breached its
that Article 1267 is not an absolute application of the principle of rebus contract to sell with Sps. Fajardo which thereby accords the latter the
sic stantibus, otherwise, it would endanger the security of contractual right to rescind the same pursuant to Article 1191 of the Code. At this
relations. After all, parties to a contract are presumed to have assumed juncture, it is noteworthy to point out that rescission does not merely
the risks of unfavorable developments. It is only in absolutely terminate the contract and release the parties from further obligations
exceptional changes of circumstance, therefore, that equity demands to each other, but abrogates the contract from its inception and
assistance for the debtor. SPS. JAIME AND MATILDE POON V. PRIME restores the parties to their original positions as if no contract has
SAVINGS BANK, G.R.# 183794, JUNE 13, 2016; been made. Consequently, mutual restitution, which entails the return
of the benefits that each party may have received as a result of the
In the past, this Court has distinguished between a condition imposed contract, is thus required. GOTESCO PROPERTIES, INC., ET. AL. V.
on the perfection of a contract and a condition imposed merely on the SPS. EUGENIO AND ANGELINA FAJARDO, GR NO. 201167,
performance of an obligation. While failure to comply with the first FEBRUARY 27, 2013;
condition results in the failure of a contract, failure to comply with the
second merely gives the other party the option to either refuse to As a general rule, "rescission will not be permitted for a slight or casual
proceed with the sale or to waive the condition. ROLANDO T. breach of the contract, but only for such breaches as are substantial
CATUNGAL, ET. AL. V. ANGEL S. RODRIGUEZ, G.R.# 146839, MAR. and fundamental as to defeat the object of the parties in making the
23, 2011; agreement." SPOUSES DELFIN AND AURORA TUMIBAY, ET. AL., V.
For novation to take place, the following requisites must concur: (1) 2013;
There must be a previous valid obligation; (2) The parties concerned
must agree to a new contract; (3) The old contract must be Article 1191 of the Civil Code provides that the power to rescind
extinguished; (4) There must be a valid new contract. Novation may obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors
also be express or implied. It is express when the new obligation should not comply with what is incumbent upon him. The rescission
declares in unequivocal terms that the old obligation is extinguished. It referred to in this article, more appropriately referred to as resolution,
is implied when the new obligation is incompatible with the old one on is not predicated on injury to economic interests on the part of the
every point. The test of incompatibility is whether the two obligations party plaintiff, but of breach of faith by the defendant which is violative
can stand together, each one with its own independent existence. of the reciprocity between the parties. The right to rescind may be
167519, JANUARY 14, 2015; V. DEAC CONSTRUCTION, ET. AL., G.R. NO. 171312, FEBRUARY 4,
The due execution of the share purchase agreement is further
bolstered by Article 1198(4) of the Civil Code, which states that the Nonetheless, the right to rescind a contract for non-performance of its
debtor loses the right to make use of the period when a condition is stipulations is not absolute. The general rule is that rescission of a
violated, making the obligation immediately demandable. contract will not be permitted for a slight or casual breach, but only for
DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES V. STA. INES MELALE such substantial and fundamental violations as would defeat the very
FORST PRODUCTS CORPORATION, ET. AL., G.R. NOS. 193068 AND object of the parties in making the agreement. Whether a breach is
193099, FEBRUARY 1, 2017; substantial is largely determined by the attendant circumstances.
Under the rule on the Statute of Frauds, as expressed in Article 1403 of AIRLINES, INC., G.R. NO. 188288, JANUARY 16, 2012;
the Civil Code, a contract for the sale or acquisition of real property
shall be unenforceable unless the same or some note of the contract As correctly observed by the RTC, the rescissory action taken by GSIS
be in writing and subscribed by the party charged. Subject to defined is pursuant to Article 1191 of the Civil Code. In cases involving
exceptions, evidence of the agreement cannot be received without the rescission under the said provision, mutual restitution is required. The
writing, or secondary evidence of its contents. MCIAA's invocation of parties should be brought back to their original position prior to the
To avoid liability for the quasi-delict committed by its employee, it is extinctive or modificatory. Novation is extinctive when an old
incumbent upon the employer to rebut this presumption by presenting obligation is terminated by the creation of a new obligation that takes
adequate and convincing proof that it exercised the care and diligence the place of the former. Novation is merely modificatory when the old
of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision of its obligation subsists to the extent it remains compatible with the
G.R.#174161, FEBRUARY 18, 2015; V. LAWRENCE C. QUA, G.R.# 144413, JULY 30, 2004;
As defined in Article 1208, a joint obligation is one where there is a Considering that MBMSI, as the labor-only contractor, is solidarily liable
concurrence of several creditors, or of several debtors, or of several with the respondents, as the principal employer, then the NLRC and
debtors, or of several creditors and debtors, by virtue of which each of the CA correctly held that the respondents' solidary liability was
the creditors has a right to demand, and each of the debtors is bound already expunged by virtue of the releases, waivers and quitclaims
to render compliance with his proportionate part of the prestation executed by each of the petitioners in favor of MBMSI pursuant to
which constitutes the object of the obligation. Each debtor answers Article 1217 of the Civil Code which provides that "payment made by
only for a part of the whole liability and to each obligee belongs only a one of the solidary debtors extinguishes the obligation." BENIGNO M.
part of the correlative rights as it is only in solidary obligations that VIGILLA, ET. AL., V. PHILIPPINE COLLEGE OF CRIMINOLOGY, INC.,
payment made to any one of the solidary creditors extinguishes the ET. AL., G.R.# 200094, JUNE 10, 2013;
entire obligation. This means that Francisco, Ma. Consuelo and
Consuelo are each entitled to equal shares in the P3,000,000 agreed A repairman who fails to perform his obligation is liable to pay for the
upon in the Amended Compromise Agreement and that payment to cost of the execution of the obligation plus damages. Though entitled,
Consuelo and Ma. Consuelo will not have the effect of discharging the petitioner in this case is not claiming reimbursement for the repair
obligation with respect to Francisco. SPOUSES AMADO AND allegedly done by Newton Contractor,[36] but is instead asking for
ESTHER IBANEZ V. JAMES HARPER, ET. AL., G.R.# 194272, damages for the delay caused by respondent ABB. CONTINENTAL
G.R.# 171660, OCTOBER 17, 2011;
Thus, petitioner may only claim contribution from him in accordance
with Article 1217 of the Civil Code, and not by virtue of its hauling The penal clause is generally undertaken to insure performance and
contract, in the event that respondents decide to proceed against works as either, or both, punishment and reparation. It is an exception
petitioner alone for the satisfaction of judgment. Art. 1217 states: to the general rules on recovery of losses and damages. As an
Payment made by one of the solidary debtors extinguishes the exception to the general rule, a penal clause must be specifically set
obligation. If two or more solidary debtors offer to pay, the creditor forth in the obligation. In high relief, the stipulation in the Promissory
may choose which offer to accept. He who made the payment may Note is designated as payment of interest, not as a penal clause, and is
claim from his co-debtors only the share which corresponds to each, simply an indemnity for damages incurred by the Spouses Chua
with the interest for the payment already made. If the payment is made because Rivera defaulted in the payment of the amount of
before the debt is due, no interest for the intervening period may be P120,000.00. The measure of damages for the Rivera's delay is limited
demanded. PETRON CORPORATION V. SPOUSES CESAR JOVERO to the interest stipulated in the Promissory Note. In apt instances, in
AND ERMA F. CUDILLA, ET. AL., G.R.# 151038, JANUARY 18, 2012; default of stipulation, the interest is that provided by law. RODRIGO
The new obligation extinguishes the prior agreement only when the 184458, JANUARY 14, 2016;
substitution is unequivocally declared, or the old and the new
obligations are incompatible on every point. A compromise of a final In view of the foregoing disquisitions, we find that there was not only
judgment operates as a novation of the judgment obligation upon delay but non-completion of the projects undertaken by petitioner
compliance with either of these two conditions. HEIRS OF SERVANDO without justifiable ground. Undoubtedly, petitioner is guilty of breach of
FRANCO V. SPOUSES DANILO AND VERONICA GONZALES, G.R.# contract. Breach of contract is defined as the failure without legal
159709, JUNE 27, 2012; reason to comply with the terms of a contract. It is also defined as the
failure, without legal excuse, to perform any promise which forms the
Under the law and jurisprudence, respondent may sue, separately or whole or part of the contract. In the present case, petitioner did not
together, the principal debtor and the petitioner herein, in view of the complete the projects. This gives respondent the right to terminate the
solidary nature of their liability. The death of the principal debtor will contract by serving petitioner a written notice. R.S. TOMAS, INC. V.
not work to convert, decrease or nullify the substantive right of the RIZAL CEMENT COMPANY, INC., G.R.# 173155, MARCH 21, 2012;
solidary creditor. Evidently, despite the death of the principal debtor,
respondent may still sue petitioner alone, in accordance with the Our perusal of the Kasunduan also shows that it contains a penal
solidary nature of the latters liability under the performance bond. clause which provides that a party who violates any of its provisions
STRONGHOLD INSURANCE CO., INC., V. REPUBLIC-ASAHI GLASS shall be liable to pay the aggrieved party a penalty fixed at
CORPORATION, G.R.# 147561, JUNE 22, 2006; P50,000.00, together with the attorney's fees and litigation expenses
incurred by the latter should judicial resolution of the matter becomes
When the law expressly provides for solidarity of the obligation, as in necessary. An accessory undertaking to assume greater liability on the
the liability of co-principals in a contract of agency, each obligor may part of the obligor in case of breach of an obligation, the foregoing
be compelled to pay the entire obligation.[12] The agent may recover stipulation is a penal clause which serves to strengthen the coercive
the whole compensation from any one of the co-principals, as in this force of the obligation and provides for liquidated damages for such
case. CONSTANTE AMOR DE CASTRO V. CA, ET. AL., G.R. NO. breach. "The obligor would then be bound to pay the stipulated
115838, JULY 18, 2002; indemnity without the necessity of proof of the existence and the
measure of damages caused by the breach." HEIRS OF MANUEL UY
Novation extinguishes an obligation by (1) changing its object or EK LIONG V. MAURICIA MEER CASTILLO, ET. AL., G.R. NO. 176425,
principal conditions; (2) substituting the person of the debtor; and (3) JUNE 15, 2013;
subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor. Article 1292 of
the Civil Code clearly provides that in order that an obligation may be Since the stipulation on the interest rate is void, it is as if there was no
extinguished by another which substitutes the same, it should be express contract thereon. Hence, courts may reduce the interest rate
declared in unequivocal terms, or that the old and new obligations be as reason and equity demand. WILLIAM C. LOUH, JR., ET. AL. V. BANK
on every point incompatible with each other. Novation may either be OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, G.R. NO. 225562, MARCH 8, 2017;
debt shall be presumed, in the absence of any law or stipulation to the interest shall Article 1176 become relevant. NUNELEON R. MARQUEZ
contrary, to be divided into as many shares as there are creditors and V. ELISAN CREDIT CORPORATION, G.R. NO. 194642, APRIL 6,
debtors, the credits or debts being considered distinct from one 2015;
another.[61] It necessarily follows that a joint creditor cannot act in
representation of the others. Neither can a joint debtor be compelled The assignment, being intended to be a mere security rather than a
to answer for the liability of the others.[62] The pertinent rules are satisfaction of indebtedness, is not a dation in payment under Article
provided in Articles 1207 and 1208[64] of the Civil Code. GIL M. 1245 and did not extinguish the loan obligation. "Dation in payment
CEMBRANO AND DOLLFUSS R. GO V. CITY OF BUTUAN, ET. AL., extinguishes the obligation to the extent of the value of the thing
G.R. NO.163605, SEPTEMBER 20, 2006; delivered, either as agreed upon by the parties or as may be proved,
unless the parties by agreement-express or implied, or by their silence-
The RTC and the Court of Appeals correctly ruled that the petitioner's consider the thing as equivalent to the obligation, in which case the
obligation has not been extinguished. The petitioner's obligation obligation is totally extinguished." SPOUSES JOHNNY, JR., AND MAY
consists of payment of a sum of money. In order for petitioner's S. VILLALUZ V. LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET. AL., G.R. NO.
payment to be effective in extinguishing its obligation, it must be made 192602, JANUARY 18, 2017;
to the proper person. Article 1240 of the Civil Code states:
Art. 1240. Payment shall be made to the person in whose Consignation is necessarily judicial. Article 1258 of the Civil Code
favor the obligation has been constituted, or his successor in interest, specifically provides that consignation shall be made by depositing the
or any person authorized to receive it. REPUBLIC OF THE thing or things due at the disposal of judicial authority. The said
PHILIPPINES V. THI THU THUY T. DE GUZMAN, G.R. NO. 175021, provision clearly precludes consignation in venues other than the
Article 1242 of the Civil Code is an exception to the rule that a valid NO. 171298, APRIL 15, 2013;
payment of an obligation can only be made to the person to whom
such obligation is rightfully owed. It contemplates a situation where a Petitioner cannot invoke Articles 1266 and 1267 of the Civil Code.
debtor pays a "possessor of credit" i.e., someone who is not the real These provisions—which release debtors from their obligations if they
creditor but appears, under the circumstances, to be the real creditor. become legally or physical impossible or so difficult to be manifestly
In such scenario, the law considers the payment to the "possessor of beyond the contemplation of the parties—only apply to obligations to
credit" as valid even as against the real creditor taking into account the do. They do not apply to obligations to give as when a party is obliged
good faith of the debtor. NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION V. to deliver a thing which, in this case, is a certificate of title to a real
LUCMAN IBRAHIM, ET. AL., G.R. NO. 175863, FEBRUARY 18, 2015; property free from liens and encumbrances.Development. BANK OF
Dacion en pago as a mode of extinguishing an existing obligation 170060, AUGUST 17, 2016;
partakes of the nature of sale whereby property is alienated to the
creditor in satisfaction of a debt in money. It is an objective novation of For Article 1267 to apply, the following conditions should concur,
the obligation, hence, common consent of the parties is required in namely: (a) the event or change in circumstances could not have been
order to extinguish the obligation. DAO HENG BANK V. SPOUSES foreseen at the time of the execution of the contract; (b) it makes the
REYNALDO AND LILIA LAIGO, G.R. NO. 173856, NOVEMBER 20, performance of the contract extremely difficult but not impossible; (c)
2008; it must not be due to the act of any of the parties; and (d) the contract
is for a future prestation. The requisites did not concur herein because
In the event that the debtor failed to exercise the right to elect the the difficulty of performance under Article 1267 of the Civil Code
creditor may choose to which among the debts the payment is applied should be such that one party would be placed at a disadvantage by
as in the case at bar. It is noteworthy that after the sale of the the unforeseen event. Mere inconvenience, or unexepected
foreclosed properties at the public auction, Lorenze Realty failed to impediments, or increased expenses did not suffice to relieve the
manifes": its preference as to which among the obligations that were debtor from a bad bargain. TAGAYTAY REALTY CO., INC., V. ARTURO
all due the proceeds of the sale should be applied. SPOUSES JUAN G. GACUTAN, G.R. NO. 160033, JULY 1, 2015;
200299, AUGUST 17, 2016; Here, the fourth requisite of legal compensation is absent. A debt is
liquidated when its existence and amount are determined.
Article 1216 of the Civil Code provides that "[t]he creditor may proceed Compensation can only take place between certain and liquidated
against any one of the solidary debtors or some or all of them debts; it cannot extend to unliquidated, disputed claims. Since the loan
simultaneously. The demand made against one of them shall not be an obligation, including its amount and demandability, is still being
obstacle to those which may subsequently be directed against the disputed in CA-G.R. CVNo. 30340, PTC's credit cannot be considered
others, so long as the debt has not been fully collected." Article 1252 of liquidated as of yet. Consequently, no legal compensation could have
the Civil Code does not apply, as urged by the petitioners, because in taken place between PTC's loan credit and the Spouses Roxas'
the said article the situation contemplated is that of a debtor with judgment credit. PHILIPPINE TRUST CO., V. FLORO ROXAS, ET. AL.,
several debts due, whereas the reverse is true, with each solidary debt G.R. NO. 171897, OCTOBER 14, 2015;
imputable to several debtors. ESTANISLAO AND AFRICA SINAMBAN
V. CHINA BANKING CORPORATION, G.R. NO. 193890, MARCH 11, We find that petitioner's act of withholding respondent's service
2015; fees/commissions and applying them to the latter's outstanding
obligation with the former is merely an acknowledgment of the legal
The rule under Article 1253 that payments shall first be applied to the compensation that occurred by operation of law between the parties.
interest and not to the principal shall govern if two facts exist: (1) the Compensation is a mode of extinguishing to the concurrent amount
debt produces interest (e.g., the payment of interest is expressly the obligations of persons who in their own right and as principals are
stipulated) and (2) the principal remains unpaid. The exception is a reciprocally debtors and creditors of each other. Legal compensation
situation covered under Article 1176, i.e., when the creditor waives takes place by operation of law when all the requisites are present, as
payment of the interest despite the presence of (1) and (2) above. In opposed to conventional compensation which takes place when the
such case, the payments shall obviously be credited to the principal. parties agree to compensate their mutual obligations even in the
Since the doubt in the present case pertains to the application of the absence of some requisites.[18] Legal compensation requires the
daily payments, Article 1253 shall apply. Only when there is a waiver of concurrence of the following conditions:
(1) That each one of the obligors be bound principally, and that he be PHILIPPINES, INC., ET. AL., V. JAMES YU, G.R. NO. 207161,
at the same time a principal creditor of the other; SEPTEMBER 8, 2015;
(2) That both debts consist in a sum of money, or if the things due are
consumable, they be of the same kind, and also of the same quality if Subrogation of a third person in the rights of a creditor may either be
the latter has been stated; legal or conventional.[15] There is legal subrogation when: (a) a creditor
(3) That the two debts be due; pays another preferred creditor, even without the debtor's knowledge;
(4) That they be liquidated and demandable; (b) a third person who is not interested in the obligation pays with the
(5) That over neither of them there be any retention or controversy, express or tacit approval of the debtor; and (c) a person interested in
commenced by third persons and communicated in due time to the the fulfilment of the obligation pays, even without the knowledge of
debtor. MONDRAGON PERSONAL SALES, INC., V. VICTORIANO the debtor. In the present case, Figuera based her claim on the third
SOLA, G.R. NO.174882, JANUARY 21, 2013; type of subrogation. She claims that as the EIDC's new owner, she is
interested in fulfilling Ang's obligation to pay the utility bills. Since the
Compromise is a form of amicable settlement that is not only allowed, payment of the bills was long overdue prior to the assignment of
but also encouraged in civil cases. Contracting parties may establish business rights to Figuera, the failure to settle the bills would
such stipulations, clauses, terms, and conditions as they deem eventually result in "the disconnection of the electricity and telephone
convenient, provided that these are not contrary to law, morals, good services, ejectment from the office premises, and resignation by some,
customs, public order, or public policy. Rights may be waived through a if not all, of the company's employees with the possibility of
compromise agreement, notwithstanding a final judgment that has subsequent labor claims for sums of money." These utilities are
already settled the rights of the contracting parties. To be binding, the obviously necessary for the continuation of Figuera's business
compromise must be shown to have been voluntarily, freely and transactions. JENNIFER FIGUERA V. MARIA REMEDIOS ANG, G.R.
intelligently executed by the parties, who had full knowledge of the NO. 204264, JUNE 29, 2016;
AL., G.R. NO.178591, MARCH 29, 2017; "The primary consideration in determining the true nature of a
contract is the intention of the parties. If the words of a contract
Under this provision, there are two forms of novation by substituting appear to contravene the evident intention of the parties, the latter
the person of the debtor, and they are: (1) expromision and (2) shall prevail. Such intention is determined not only from the express
delegacion. In the former, the initiative for the change does not come terms of their agreement, but also from the contemporaneous and
from the debtor and may even be made without his knowledge, since it subsequent acts of the parties." However, if the terms of a contract are
consists in a third person assuming the obligation. As such, it logically clear and leave no doubt upon the intention of the contracting parties,
requires the consent of the third person and the creditor. In the latter, the literal meaning of its stipulations shall control. FLORITA LIAM V.
the debtor offers and the creditor accepts a third person who consents UNITED COCONUT PLANTERS BANK, G.R. NO. 194664, JUNE 15,
to the substitution and assumes the obligation, so that the intervention 2016;
and the consent of these three persons are necessary (8 Manresa
436-437, cited in IV Civil Code of the Philippines by Tolentino, 1962 Verily, a penal clause is an accessory undertaking attached to a
ed., p. 360). In these two modes of substitution, the consent of the principal obligation. It has for its purposes, firstly, to provide for
creditor is an indispensable requirement. BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE liquidated damages; and, secondly, to strengthen the coercive force of
ISLANDS V. AMADOR DOMINGO, G.R. NO. 169407, MARCH 25, the obligation by the threat of greater responsibility in the event of
2015; breach of obligation. Under Article 1226 of the Civil Code, a penal
clause is a substitute indemnity for damages and the payment of
An evaluation of our contract and corporation laws validates that the interests in case of noncompliance, unless there is a stipulation to the
Nell Doctrine is fully supported by Philippine statutes. The general rule contrary. TERESITA BUENAVENTURA V. METROPOLITAN BANK
expressed by the doctrine reflects the principle of relativity under AND TRUST COMPANY, GR NO. 167082, AUGUST 3, 2016;
Article 1311 of the Civil Code. Contracts, including the rights and
obligations arising therefrom, are valid and binding only between the It is basic in law that a compromise agreement, as a contract, is binding
contracting parties and their successors-in-interest. Thus, despite the only upon the parties to the compromise, and not upon non-parties.
sale of all corporate assets, the transferee corporation cannot be This is the doctrine of relativity of contracts. The rule is based on
prejudiced as it is not in privity with the contracts between the Article 1311 (1) of the Civil Code which provides that "contracts take
transferor corporation and its creditors. effect only between the parties, their assigns and heirs x x x." The
The first exception under the Nell Doctrine, where the sound reason for the exclusion of non-parties to an agreement is the
transferee corporation expressly or impliedly agrees to assume the absence of a vinculum or juridical tie which is the efficient cause for
transferor's debts, is provided under Article 2047[35] of the Civil Code. the establishment of an obligation. Consistent with this principle, a
When a person binds himself solidarity with the principal debtor, then a judgment based entirely on a compromise agreement is binding only
contract of suretyship is produced. Necessarily, the corporation which on the parties to the compromise the court approved, and not upon the
expressly or impliedly agrees to assume the transferor's debts shall be parties who did not take part in the compromise agreement and in the
liable to the same. proceedings leading to its submission and approval by the court.
The second exception under the doctrine, as to the merger Otherwise stated, a court judgment made solely on the basis of a
and consolidation of corporations, is well-established under Sections compromise agreement binds only the parties to the compromise, and
76 to 80, Title X of the Corporation Code. If the transfer of assets of cannot bind a party litigant who did not take part in the compromise
one corporation to another amounts to a merger or consolidation, then agreement. DONA ADELA EXPORT INTERNATIONAL, INC., V.
the transferee corporation must take over the liabilities of the TRADE AND INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT CORP., ET. AL., G.R.#
transferor. 201931, FEBRUARY 11, 2015;
Another exception of the doctrine, where the sale of all
corporate assets is entered into fraudulently to escape liability for The principle of relativity of contracts dictates that contractual
transferor's debts, can be found under Article 1388 of the Civil Code. It agreements can only bind the parties who entered into them, and
provides that whoever acquires in bad faith the things alienated in cannot favor or prejudice third persons, even if he is aware of such
fraud of creditors, shall indemnify the latter for damages suffered. contract and has acted with knowledge thereof.[62] The doctrine finds
Thus, if there is fraud in the transfer of all the assets of the transferor statutory basis under Art. 1311 of the New Civil Code, which provides:
corporation, its creditors can hold the transferee liable. Y-1 LEISURE Article 1311. Contracts take effect only between the parties,
their assigns and heirs, except in case where the rights and obligations
arising from the contract are not transmissible by their nature, or by Article 1318. There is no contract unless the following requisites
stipulation or by provision of law. concur:
The law is categorical in declaring that as a general rule, the heirs of (1) Consent of the contracting parties;
the contracting parties are precluded from denying the binding effect (2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract;
of the valid agreement entered into by their predecessors-in-interest. (3) Cause of the obligation which is established.
This is so because they are not deemed "third persons" to the contract There are two types of void contracts: (1) those where one of the
within the contemplation of law. Additionally, neither the provision nor essential requisites of a valid contract as provided for by Article 1318
the doctrine makes a distinction on whether the contract adverted to of the Civil Code is totally wanting; and (2) those declared to be so
is oral or written, and, even more so, whether it is embodied in a public under Article 1409 of the Civil Code. "[C]onveyances by virtue of a
or private instrument. It is then immaterial that the Extrajudicial forged signature x x x are void ab initio. The absence of the essential
Settlement executed by Flaviana was not properly notarized for the [requisites] of consent and cause or consideration in these cases
said document to be binding on her heirs, herein respondents. rendered the contract inexistent. x x x." VICENTE MANZANO, JR., V.
SANCHEZ, G.R.# 221513, DECEMBER 5, 2016;
The law expressly declares void a government contract that fails to
In absolute simulation,there is a colorable contract but it has no comply with the two requirements, namely, an appropriation law
substance as the parties have no intention to be bound by it.The main funding the contract and a certification of appropriation and fund
characteristic of an absolute simulation is that the apparent contract is availability. The clear purpose of these requirements is to insure that
not really desired or intended to produce legal effect or in any way alter government contracts are never signed unless supported by the
the juridical situation of the parties. As a result, an absolutely simulated corresponding appropriation law and fund availability. MIGUEL
or fictitious contract is void, and the parties may recover from each GUILLERMO, ET. AL., V. PHILIPPINE INFORMATION AGENCY, G.R.#
other what they may have given under the contract.However, if the 223751, MARCH 15, 2017;
parties state a false cause in the contract to conceal their real
agreement, the contract is relatively simulated and the parties are still The petitioners' mere proposal to extinguish their loan obligations by
bound by their real agreement.Hence, where the essential requisites of way of dacion en pago does not novate the mortgage contract. On the
a contract are present and the simulation refers only to the content or question of the petitioners' failed proposal to extinguish their loan
terms of the contract, the agreement is absolutely binding and obligations by way of dacion en pago, no bad faith can be imputed to
enforceable between the parties and their successors in interest. Solidbank for refusing the offered settlement as to render itself liable
HEIRS OF POLICORNIO URETA V. HEIRS OF LIBERATO URETA, for moral and exemplary damages after opting to extrajudicially
G.R.# 165748, SEPTEMBER 14, 2011; foreclose on the mortgage. In Tecnogas Philippines Manufacturing
Corporation v. Philippine National Bank, the Court held:
To determine the compensation due and to avoid unjust enrichment Dacion en pago is a special mode of payment whereby the
from resulting out of a fulfilled contract, the principle of quantum debtor offers another thing to the creditor who accepts it as
meruit may be used. Under this principle, a contractor is allowed to equivalent of payment of an outstanding obligation. The undertaking is
recover the reasonable value of the services rendered despite the lack really one of sale, that is, the creditor is really buying the thing or
of a written contract. The measure of recovery under the principle property of the debtor, payment for which is to be charged against the
should relate to the reasonable value of the services performed. The debtor's debt. As such, the essential elements of a contract of sale,
principle prevents undue enrichment based on the equitable postulate namely, consent, object certain, and cause or consideration must be
that it is unjust for a person to retain any benefit without paying for it. present. It is only when the thing offered as an equivalent is accepted
Being predicated on equity, said principle should only be applied if no by the creditor that novation takes place, thereby, totally extinguishing
express contract was entered into, and no specific statutory provision the debt. FLORANTE E. JONSAY, ET. AL., V. SOLIDBANK
2017; Generally, parties to a void agreement cannot expect the aid of the law;
the courts leave them as they are, because they are deemed in pari
There is no need to bring a separate action for the declaration of the delicto or "in equal fault." In pari delicto is "a universal doctrine which
subject deeds of conveyance as void. A void or inexistent contract is holds that no action arises, in equity or at law, from an illegal contract;
one which has no force and effect from the very beginning. Hence, it is no suit can be maintained for its specific performance, or to recover
as if it has never been entered into and cannot be validated either by the property agreed to be sold or delivered, or the money agreed to be
the passage of time or by ratification. The need to bring a separate paid, or damages for its violation; and where the parties are in pari
action for declaration of nullity applies only if the void contract is no delicto, no affirmative relief of any kind will be given to one against the
longer fully executory. Contrary to Peña's stance, the deeds of other." JACOBUS BERNHARD HULST V. PR BUILDERS, INC., G.R.#
conveyance made in favor of Atty. Robiso in 2005 cannot be 156364, SEPTEMBER 3, 2007;
considered as executory because at that time the judgment award
ceding the subject lots to Jesus and Rosita was not yet implemented. A Finding the inapplicability of the in pari delicto doctrine, We find
writ of execution was issued only on July 10, 2008. "If the void contract occasion to stress that Article 1412 of the Civil Code that breathes life
is still fully executory, no party need bring an action to declare its to the doctrine speaks of the rights and obligations of the parties to
nullity; but if any party should bring an action to enforce it, the other the contract with an illegal cause or object which does not constitute a
party can simply set up the nullity as a defense." JOSE R. PENA V. criminal offense. It applies to contracts which are void for illegality of
JESUS DELOS SANTOS, ET. AL., G.R.# 202223, MARCH 2, 2016; subject matter and not to contracts rendered void for being simulated,
[28] or those in which the parties do not really intend to be bound
At this point, however, we should clarify that the proper basis for the thereby. Specifically, in pari delicto situations involve the parties in one
nullity of the forged pacto de retro sale is not Article 1409(which contract who are both at fault, such that neither can recover nor have
enumerates examples of void contracts) in relation to Article any action against each other. OSCAR CONSTANTINO, ET. AL., V.
1505(which refers to an unenforceable contract and is applicable only HEIRS OF PEDRO CONSTANTINO, JR., G.R.# 181508, OCTOBER 2,
to goods) of the Civil Code as stated by the Court of Appeals, but 2013;
Article 1318 of the Civil Code, which enumerates the essential
requisites of a valid contract: