Eons 19 - WOIN, Races - Revenants

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DEATH OR Vengeance

returning to life in order to right a terrible wrong. writing Russ Morrissey
Corpses which seek revenge upon the living, unable color art Tithi Luadthong
to fully rest until their grisly task is complete. While most
stories portray revenants as wicked monsters, in truth
their goals can also be noble - protection, or justice. This
article introduces the revenant as a new race for fantasy,
future, or modern campaigns.

EONS MAGAZINE | Revenants: The Face of Vengeance

Racial Traits
As a revenant, you look much as you did in life.
Revenants are people who have returned from
Your skin is pallid, and those who know you will
beyond the grave to finish a specific task.
often think you are ill. Any injuries sustained
Walking corpses, revenants are pale creatures,
during your death remain, although many
often confused with vampires, and are feared as
revenants go to great lengths to hide or cover fatal
agents of terror and destruction. In truth, their
goals vary greatly.
You are single-minded, and hard to injure.
Revenge. The most common purpose of a
Revenants excel at hunting prey; they make
revenant is that of revenge, either for its own
excellent trackers, bounty hunters, and assassins.
death or for the deaths of those close to it. A
revenant bent on vengeance will not stop until Size: Medium.
the focus of its bloodthirsty desires is destroyed. Attributes: CON +2, WIL +1, INT +1
Protection. Some revenants return to protect a
Skill choices: history, law, religion, disguise, hardy,
loved one. Often these revenants keep their true
tracking, scent.
nature a secret - at least as much as possible - and
focus their activities on keeping a specific person
safe from harm. Exploits
Love. Strong emotions, especially those of love, Undead. You have the undead creature type.
can result in a revenant rising from its grave. You have the Evil virtue, and detect as such,
Unrequited love, in particular, is often a driving whatever your personal moral code may be.
force; revenants are also known to be created Everliving. Whenever you are reduced to 0
when two lovers die together, returning to the HEALTH, you do not form a death dice pool.
world to spend eternity in each others' embrace. Instead, you rise the following day at half your
Separating such pairings can result in long, normal HEALTH maximum. Each time this
endless searches for one another. happens, your normal HEALTH score is
Justice. Those wrongly accused of a crime can permanently reduced by 2 points.
return to unlife with the singular goal of If you are reduced to a negative HEALTH value
exposing the true perpetrator and clearing their equal to twice your normal full HEALTH score,
own name. Often these creatures cannot be you are permanently destroyed.
satisfied until the true criminal suffers the same Defiled. You cannot heal or be healed other than
fate that the revenant did. the normal overnight healing that all creatures
Guardians. Sometimes revenants are brought benefit from. Additionally, you are Vulnerable
back against their will by necromancers or higher (1d6) to holy damage.
powers. These revenants are tasked with Ageless. You do not age. You will continue to
guarding holy or precious items for all eternity. live forever unless destroyed.
Darksight. You can see in the dark as though it
Choosing A Goal were normal daylight.
Goal. You have a specific goal, such as revenge,
When selecting a revenant's goal, the player and
protection, love, justice, or guardianship. Establish
the GM should work together to choose
your goal with your GM. Once that goal has been
something achievable within the campaign. The
accomplished, you lose all the above revenant
goal is not intended to be a shield protecting the
exploits. You are finally able to die normally if
PC from death forever, but rather a task which
reduced to negative hit points.
the PC strives to accomplish.
If the PC does not strive to accomplish this
goal, she goes insane.

Revenants: The Face of Vengeance | EONS MAGAZINE

Revenants In Fiction
The revenant is a popular fictional archetype -
the creature who returns from death to seek
revenge or complete a task. From Clint
Eastwood's High Plains Drifter to James O' Barr's
The Crow, revenants abound in popular culture -
even if they are sometimes mistaken for zombies
or vampires.
The revenant came from Irish Celtic mythology,
and was popular in Middle Ages folk tales and
superstitions. Usually regarded as evil, blood-
drinking monsters, legends claim that the only
way to kill a revenant is to decapitate it or to
remove and burn its heart. Such claims are very
similar to those associated with vampires and

Thereupon snatching up a spade of but

indifferent sharpness of edge, and hastening to
the cemetery, they began to dig; and whilst they
were thinking that they would have to dig to a
greater depth, they suddenly, before much of the
earth had been removed, laid bare the corpse,
swollen to an enormous corpulence, with its
countenance beyond measure turgid and suffused
with blood; while the napkin in which it had been
wrapped appeared nearly torn to pieces. The
young men, however, spurred on by wrath,
feared not, and inflicted a wound upon the
senseless carcass, out of which incontinently
flowed such a stream of blood, that it might have
been taken for a leech filled with the blood of
many persons. Then, dragging it beyond the
village, they speedily constructed a funeral pile;
and upon one of them saying that the pestilential
body would not burn unless its heart were torn
out, the other laid open its side by repeated blows
of the blunted spade, and, thrusting in his hand,
dragged out the accursed heart. This being torn
piecemeal, and the body now consigned to the
- William of Newburgh

Cevenants: The Face of Vengenace

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