University of Sargodha: Complex Engineering Problem
University of Sargodha: Complex Engineering Problem
University of Sargodha: Complex Engineering Problem
Your job is to prototype a twin rotor system and design a control system for stabilizing it in only
one Degree of Freedom (DoF). The desired system must look like as follows.
Good (7-10) Average (3-6) Poor (0-2)
CLO 1 Report is well composed. The content of the report is The report missing the
System is modelled incomplete/ irrelevant and basic content and model
accurately system is erroneously doesn’t represent the
modelled given system.
CLO 2 The system is analysed Analysis is done but needs No analysis steps are
systematically in each and improvement. given/ explained
every aspect.
CLO 3 The controller design is Controller has been The controller has been
systematically presented designed but not presented designed but it does not
properly meet the desired
CLO 4 The open and closed loop Simulations are presented The simulations are
simulations as well as the but are not well explained / incomplete
experimentation with presented
MATLAB / Simulink is
well designed, explained
and presented