University of Sargodha: Complex Engineering Problem

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University of Sargodha

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering

Complex Engineering Problem

Subject: Linear Control System (EE-321) Title: Semester Project
Semester: 6th
Due Date: Immediately after final exam
Teacher: Dr. Imran Khan

Your job is to prototype a twin rotor system and design a control system for stabilizing it in only
one Degree of Freedom (DoF). The desired system must look like as follows.

The control objective is to enforce θ ≈ 00

1. Model the system mathematically?
2. Simulate it using MATLAB/Simulink (both open loop and closed loop simulations are
3. Prototype it using suitable components?
4. Create an interface with the Simulink environment?
5. Control it experimentally?
All of the above steps must be documented and supported by relevant code and diagrams.
The project will be evaluated with a demo and a presentation.
University of Sargodha
College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering

Good (7-10) Average (3-6) Poor (0-2)
CLO 1 Report is well composed. The content of the report is The report missing the
System is modelled incomplete/ irrelevant and basic content and model
accurately system is erroneously doesn’t represent the
modelled given system.
CLO 2 The system is analysed Analysis is done but needs No analysis steps are
systematically in each and improvement. given/ explained
every aspect.
CLO 3 The controller design is Controller has been The controller has been
systematically presented designed but not presented designed but it does not
properly meet the desired
CLO 4 The open and closed loop Simulations are presented The simulations are
simulations as well as the but are not well explained / incomplete
experimentation with presented
MATLAB / Simulink is
well designed, explained
and presented

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