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SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2022

Why are India’s foreign exchange reserves falling?

In what way is the rupee’s
depreciation vis­a­vis the dollar
impacting the economic situation?
Prashanth Perumal

The story so far: The Indian rupee hit an all­time low

against the U.S. dollar this week weakening past the 77
rupees to a dollar mark and selling at 77.63 against the
dollar on Thursday. Many analysts expect the rupee to
weaken further in the coming months to hit the 80
rupees to a dollar mark. In fact, the International
Monetary Fund expects the rupee to weaken past the 94
Reviving trade: There is a dire need for connectivity rupees to a dollar mark by FY29. 
between India’s ‘mainland’ and the Northeast via
Bangladesh through a multi­modal approach.  FILE PHOTO *
What is happening? 

Call of port ■ The Indian rupee has been witnessing a steady decline

this year, losing almost 4% against the U.S. dollar since
the beginning of 2022. India’s forex reserves have also
dropped below $600 billion, plunging by about $45
Will the Northeast States benefit billion since September 3, 2021, when forex reserves *

stood at an all­time high of $642 billion. According to demand for rupees in the forex market, on the other the current financial year as predicted by Morgan Stanly.

from Bangladesh’s offer of services at Reserve Bank of India data released on Friday, India’s hand, depends on foreign demand for Indian exports and This means that India’s import demand amid rising
the Chittagong Port?   forex reserves dropped by $1.774 billion for the week other domestic assets. So, for instance, when there is global oil prices is likely to negatively affect the rupee
ended May 6 to $595.954 billion. The drop in India’s forex great enthusiasm among foreign investors to invest in unless foreign investors pour sufficient capital into the
Rahul Karmakar reserves is believed to be largely due to steps taken by the India, it can lead to an increase in the supply of dollars in country to fund the deficit. But foreign investors are
Reserve Bank of India to support the rupee. RBI officials, the forex market which in turn causes the rupee’s value unlikely to plough capital into India when investment
The story so far: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh however, have noted that the drop in forex reserves is to rise against the dollar. yields are rising in the U.S. Yields on U.S. 10­year
Hasina offered India the use of the Chittagong Port when due to a fall in the dollar value of assets held as reserves Treasuries, for instance, have risen from around 0.5% in
External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar called on her in by the RBI. For instance, if a portion of the reserves are in
Analysts believe that, What’s causing the rupee mid­2020 to over 3% earlier this month.
Dhaka last month for an invite to New Delhi. Ms. Hasina euros and the euro depreciates against the dollar, this over the long­run, the to lose value against the The rupee, it should also be noted, has consistently
said the port would be of benefit to India’s northeastern would cause a drop in the value of forex reserves.  rupee is likely to dollar?  lost value against the U.S. dollar for several decades now.
States, particularly Assam and Tripura. The two other It should be noted that, as a matter of policy, the continue to depreciate A major reason for this has been the consistently higher
northeastern States bordering Bangladesh — Meghalaya Indian central bank has usually tried to slow down or against the dollar given ■ Since March this year, domestic price inflation in India. Higher inflation in India
and Mizoram — could also benefit from access to the smoothen, rather than reverse or prevent, the fall in the U.S. Federal Reserve suggests that the RBI has been creating rupees at a faster
the significant
port. exchange value of the rupee against the U.S. dollar. The has been raising its rate than the U.S. Federal Reserve has been creating
aim of the RBI’s policy is to allow the rupee to find its differences in long­run benchmark interest rate dollars. So, while capital and trade flows gain a lot of
How did Partition affect business in the Northeast?  natural value in the market but without undue volatility inflation between India causing investors seeking attention in discussions on the rupee’s value, the
or causing unnecessary panic among investors. State­run and U.S. higher returns to pull difference in the rates at which the U.S. Federal Reserve
■ India’s Northeast had easy access to the seaports, banks are usually instructed by the RBI to sell dollars in capital away from and the RBI regulate the supply of their currencies may
specifically Chittagong, in present­day Bangladesh via order to offer some support to the rupee. By thus selling emerging markets such play a much larger role in determining the value of the
the Brahmaputra and Barak river systems before dollars in the open market in exchange for rupees, the as India and back into the rupee over the long run. 
independence. The Partition in 1947 did not immediately RBI can improve demand for the rupee and cushion its U.S. This, in turn, has put pressure on emerging market
affect the transportation of tea, timber, coal and oil fall.  currencies which have depreciated significantly against What lies ahead? 
through these rivers and local­level border trade, helping the U.S. dollar so far this year. Even developed market
maintain undivided Assam’s status as the State with the What determines the rupee’s value?  currencies such as the euro and the yen have depreciated ■ Analysts believe that, over the long run, the rupee is
highest per capita income till the early 1950s. But the against the dollar and the dollar index is up more than likely to continue to depreciate against the dollar given
volume of trade began dipping with the souring of ties ■ The value of any currency is determined by demand 8% so far this year. In fact, some analysts believe that the the significant differences in long­run inflation between
between India and Pakistan — Bangladesh was East for the currency as well as its supply. When the supply of RBI’s surprise decision to raise rates earlier this month India and the U.S. At the moment, as the U.S. Federal
Pakistan then — before the 1965 war cut the Northeast a currency increases, its value drops. On the other hand, may have simply been to defend the rupee by preventing Reserve raises rates to tackle historically high inflation in
off. The movement of goods through the ‘chicken’s when the demand for a currency increases, its value any rapid outflow of capital from India. In 2013, the the country, other countries and emerging markets in
neck’, a narrow strip in West Bengal, became a costlier rises. In the wider economy, central banks determine the rupee fell 15% against the dollar in about three months particular will be forced to raise their own interest rates
alternative for the region after access to the river and supply of currencies, while the demand for currencies after investors were spooked by the U.S. Federal to avoid disruptive capital outflows and to protect their
land routes through East Pakistan was denied.  depends on the amount of goods and services produced Reserve’s decision to trim down its bond purchase currencies. It should be noted that inflation in the U.S. hit
in the economy.  programme that had helped keep long­term interest rates a 40­year high of 8.5% in March. The RBI too has been
Did things change after Bangladesh was created?  In the forex market, the supply of rupees is low. trying to rein in domestic consumer price inflation,
determined by the demand for imports and various Moreover, India’s current account deficit, which which hit a 95­month high of 7.8% in April, by raising
■ The creation of Bangladesh with India’s help in 1971 foreign assets. So, if there is high demand to import oil, it measures among other things the gap between the value rates and tightening liquidity. As interest rates rise across
did not translate into the revival of the traditional river can lead to an increase in the supply of rupees in the of imports and exports of goods and services, is expected the globe, the threat of a global recession also rises as
and land trade and communication routes for the forex market and cause the rupee’s value to drop. The to hit a 10­year high of 3.3% of gross domestic product in economies readjust to tighter monetary conditions. 
Northeast. A degree of mistrust between the two
countries, primarily
The need for because of the

Pardon and remission: who grants them?

connectivity between ‘Bangladeshi’ issue and
camps established by
India’s ‘mainland’ and
myriad Northeast
the Northeast via extremist groups in
Bangladesh through Bangladesh, did not help
riverways and roads matters. Besides, the two How do pardon powers of the President and Governor differ from government’s jurisdiction to release convicts?
has been felt for a countries did not look at
long time. Things have trade and commerce
K. Venkataramanan
opportunities more
been changing on the closely. The scenario The story so far: The Supreme Court has reserved
ground in the last five began to change when orders on the question whether a Governor can refer the
years   Sheikh Hasina’s Awami State government’s advice for granting remission to life
League government took convicts to the President for a decision. The court is
charge in 2009 and the examining a petition from A.G. Perarivalan, one of the life
mistrust lessened after the convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case,
dispute­ending land boundary agreement was signed in questioning the delay in his release even after the Tamil
2015. The two countries undertook efforts to improve Nadu government, in 2018, recommended the release of
capacity across waterways, roadways and railroads. all seven convicts in the case under Article 161 of the
From a bus service between Agartala and Kolkata via Constitution. The Governor, instead of acting on the
Dhaka to the movement of cargo on barges, trial runs recommendation, referred it to the President. In the
and trans­shipments have been successfully conducted.  course of the arguments, the Additional Solicitor­General
of India K.M. Nataraj contended that only the President,
What does the Bangladesh PM’s offer mean?  under Article 72 of the Constitution, could consider a
claim for pardon or remission, and not the State
■ The Northeast has been the key to the increase in Governor, if the offence involved was based on a
bilateral engagements between India and Bangladesh in parliamentary law. 
the last five years. India’s ‘Act East’ policy that focuses on
the region and a new sense of cooperation between the What is the scope of the pardon power? 
two countries can help the Northeast, specifically four constitutional power enjoyed by the President and the 2014, the Supreme Court commuted the sentences of
States, explore the potential of economic activities ■ Both the President and the Governor have been vested Governor. Under the CrPC, the government acts by itself. Sriharan, Perarivalan and Santhan to life terms.
optimally. These States — Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and with sovereign power of pardon by the Constitution, Under Article 72 and Article 161, the respective Immediately, the then
Mizoram — share a 1,879 km border with Bangladesh. commonly referred to as mercy or clemency power. governments advise the President/Governor to suspend, Chief Minister
With a special focus on railways and waterways, many of Under Article 72, the President can grant pardons, remit or commute sentences. Despite the fact that it is The power of remission Jayalalithaa decided to
the pre­Partition trade routes are being revived. Most of reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment or ultimately the decision of the government in either case, under the CrPC is remit their sentences.
these roads lead to Chittagong port, which has suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person the Supreme Court has made it clear that the two are different from the The State government
historically been the largest and the most convenient for convicted of any offence in all cases where the different sources of power.  constitutional powers of wrote to the Centre,
trade and commerce for the region. The importance of punishment or sentence is by a court­martial, in all cases In Maru Ram etc. vs Union of India (1980), the seeking its opinion within
the President and the
this port made the British administrators build the where the punishment or sentence is for an offence Supreme Court said: “Section 432 and Section 433 of the three days. It had to do so
Assam­Bengal Railway route to ship goods from the under any law relating to the Union government’s Code are not a manifestation of Articles 72 and 161 of the Governor. Under the as under Section 435 of
Chittagong port to the remotest parts of the region such executive power, and in all cases of death sentences. It is Constitution but a separate, though similar, power.” In CrPC, the government the CrPC, the State had to
as the now­defunct Lekhapani station near the also made clear that the President’s power will not in any this case, a Constitution Bench upheld the validity of acts by itself. Under consult the Centre, as it
Arunachal Pradesh­Assam border. way affect a Governor’s power to commute a death Section 433A of CrPC, which was introduced in 1978, to Articles 72 and 161, the was a case probed by the
sentence.  prevent the premature release of some life convicts respective governments CBI. 
Is there any action on the ground?  Under Article 161, a Governor can grant pardons, before they spend 14 years in jail. It said that in cases in However, the Centre
reprieves, respites or remissions of punishment, or which the death punishment was available in law, but a advise the challenged the State
■ The need for connectivity between India’s ‘mainland’ suspend, remit or commute the sentence of anyone person was only given a life term, and in cases in which President/Governor government’s decision in
and the Northeast via Bangladesh through a multi­modal convicted under any law on a matter which comes under death sentences were commuted to life, such a prisoner the Supreme Court and
approach has been felt for a long time. It began the State’s executive power.  cannot be released unless he had completed 14 years.  obtained a stay.
translating into action on the ground in the last five years The court also reiterated that life sentence meant Questions arising from the controversy were settled by a
following the assessment that reopening the What is the difference between statutory power and imprisonment for life until the last breath, unless Constitution Bench, which said the State government
pre­Partition trade routes would reduce the cost and constitutional power? remitted by the government. This was also a landmark could not release them without the Centre’s concurrence
time of transportation for the Northeast and generate decision in that it declared that the President and as the Union government’s opinion had primacy in the
revenue for Bangladesh. India has been working on ■ The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for Governor do not independently exercise their power matter. Also, it made it clear that its opinion was limited
infrastructure on either side of the border. In March remission of prison sentences, which means the whole or when disposing of mercy petitions or pleas for remission to statutory remission proceedings under the CrPC, and
2021, the Prime Ministers of the two countries a part of the sentence may be cancelled. Under Section or commutation, but only on the advice of the that “the constitutional power under Articles 72 and 161
inaugurated the Maitri Setu, a bridge built over the Feni 432, the ‘appropriate government’ may suspend or remit appropriate governments. This principle was reiterated in will remain untouched.” The Union Home Ministry
river, which has reduced the distance between Sabroom a sentence, in whole or in part, with or without Kehar Singh (1988).  formally rejected the plea for remission in June 2018. 
in southern Tripura and the Chittagong port to just 111 conditions. This power is available to State governments In September 2018, the State government decided to
km. The government is working on a multi­modal transit so that they may order the release of prisoners before What is the issue in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case?  invoke Article 161 of the Constitution. 
hub at Sabroom inclusive of road and rail connectivity they complete their prison terms. Under Section 433, any It advised the Governor that the remainder of the life
that can help goods reach the Chittagong port in a few sentence may be commuted to a less one by the ■ Seven persons were convicted by the Supreme Court term of the seven convicts be remitted so that they could
hours. Road connectivity in Meghalaya’s Dawki, southern appropriate government. However, Section 435 says that in its May 1999 final verdict in the Rajiv Gandhi be released. However, in the absence of a time­frame for
Assam’s Sutarkandi and Tripura’s Akhaura linking if the prisoner had been sentenced in a case investigated assassination case. Of these, four — Sriharan alias the Governor to act, nothing was known about it for a
eastern and south­eastern Bangladesh is also being by the CBI, or any agency that probed the offence under a Murugan, Nalini, Perarivalan and Santhan — were given long time. Nearly three years later, it became known that
improved. Mizoram is keen on bridges across the Central Act, the State government can order such release the death penalty. The other three — Robert Payas, the Governor has referred the question to the President.
Khawthlangtuipui river (Karnaphuli in Bangladesh) for only in consultation with the Central government.  Jayakumar and Ravichandran — were sentenced to life The immediate constitutional question is whether the
faster access to the Chittagong port. Apart from the In the case of death sentences, the Central government terms.  Governor can make such a reference to the President.
India­Bangladesh Protocol Route involving the may also concurrently exercise the same power as the In 2000, the Governor commuted the death sentence The other issue that arises is whether the primacy
Brahmaputra, cargo ships from Bangladesh have reached State governments to remit or suspend the sentence.  of Nalini to one of life, based on a recommendation by the accorded to the Centre’s opinion under the CrPC in this
Tripura through the Gomati river and Assam’s Karimganj Even though they appear similar, the power of Cabinet. The remaining three remained on death row and particular case can be extended even to remission that
via the Kushiara river. remission under the CrPC is different from the their mercy petitions were pending with the President. In may be granted by the Governor under Article 161.

SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2022




Back to the future

for the Philippines
Thirty-six years after Ferdinand
Marcos’s dictatorship was overthrown,
his son, in an alliance with the Duterte
family, has been elected President

Ananth Krishnan grounds  of  the  palace  and

saw  for  themselves  the  ex­

isitors to the inner traordinary  luxury  that  the
quarters  of  the Marcoses lived in, fuelled by
Malacanan  Pa­ their unprecedented corrup­
lace,  the  grand tion. And now, 36 years later,
complex  on  the another Marcos is back at the
banks  of  the  Pasig  river  in Malacanan. ics.  President  Rodrigo  Du­ of how Filipinos vote”. checks and balances... and to er significance. It has under­ an inordinate amount of clan
Manila that serves as the offi­ terte’s  term  was  defined  by They  were  also  powered create  their  own  realities,” lined both the power of nos­ dominance  in  politics,  eco­
cial  residence  of  the  Presi­ A family affair his sweeping anti­drug crack­ by a huge social media cam­ Ms.  Ressa  told  Agence­ talgia for an electorate — the nomic  circumstances  that
In Focus dent  of  the  Philippines,  are On May 11, Ferdinand “Bong­ down  that  claimed  thou­ paign,  one  that  was  not France  Presse  this  week. campaign rested on harking tempt unwise quick­fix solu­
usually  taken  to  see  two bong” Marcos Jr, the 64­year­ sands  of  lives  and  alarmed averse  to  dirty  tricks.  For  a “That’s not a good thing.” back to an imagined time of tions, such as subsidies and
B Marcos Jr.,

six years ago,

sights, without exception. old son of the former dicta­ human  rights  groups,  but young  population,  the  cam­ Mr. Marcos Jr has appoint­ prosperity — as well as how a price controls, and consider­
lost the Vice- The first is an ornate hall tor, swept to power, capping proved popular among many paign  completely  rewrote ed Ms. Sara Duterte as head strong  narrative  can  trump able business entanglements
Presidential in the inner chambers that is a return  for  the  once  dis­ others.  The  Marcos­Duterte the history of Ferdinand Mar­ of education, leading to con­ detail. The real test, howev­ with  China,”  the  Manila
election to widely believed to be haunt­ graced family. The return has campaign also sought to whi­ cos. The independent media cerns that there will now be er,  begins  now  for  the  Mar­ Times  said.  “None  of  these
Leni Robredo, ed.  This  is  a  belief  so  in­ long been in the works. The tewash  the  legacy  of  Ferdi­ outlet  Rappler,  founded  by an  official  sanction  to  the cos­Duterte  combine,  start­ things  necessarily  have  to
a lawyer and
activist who
grained that it was reported­ family,  in  a  sense,  has  been nand  Marcos,  downplaying journalist and Nobel laureate rewriting of history that the ing  with  reviving  the lead to the same kind of trou­
was his ly  one  reason  why  several working on it since almost as the  atrocities  committed  by Maria  Ressa,  analysed  Face­ Marcos­Duterte  campaign economy  and  ensuring  that ble,  but  without  diligent  ef­
opponent leaders,  including  current soon as they lost it, and after his  regime  while  portraying CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC carried  out.  Mr.  Marcos  Jr investors, who were thought fort on the leadership's part,
during this President  Rodrigo  Duterte, they were allowed to return his  two­decade  rule  as  an and Ms. Sara Duterte will not to widely favour Ms. Leni Ro­ they very well could.”
election decided to not live in the pa­ to  the  country  shortly  after imagined golden era of eco­ The Marcos-Duterte be  the  only  representatives bredo, do not leave the coun­ Meanwhile, those who still
B This time, lace,  opting  instead  for the death of Marcos in 1989. nomic prosperity, no matter campaign sought to of  their  political  families  in try.  remember the Marcos years
having formed another villa nearby.  Mr.  Marcos  Jr,  six  years that  the  Marcos  years  were whitewash the legacy positions  of  power.  Ferdi­ are hoping history won’t re­
an alliance The second is a small and ago,  lost  the  Vice­Presiden­ marked by growing poverty. nand  Martin  Romualdez,  a Two dynasties  peat itself, and that the insti­
with Sara
nondescript  balcony  that tial election to Leni Robredo, Leni Robredo’s “pink revolu­ of Ferdinand Marcos, cousin of Mr. Marcos Jr, has With two political dynasties tutions  that  are  a  legacy  of
Duterte, he
swept to overlooks the entrance of the a lawyer, economist and acti­ tion”,  on  the  other  hand, downplaying the been  appointed  as  House at the helm — and signs that the movement that deposed
power with a Palace.  The  balcony  itself  is vist  who  was  his  opponent cautioned against a return to atrocities committed Speaker. Mr. Marcos Jr.’s son Mr. Marcos Jr intends to con­ him 36 years ago, will stand
strong hardly  noteworthy  in  the during  this  election.  This authoritarianism  and  was by his regime while Sandro  was  elected  as  a  re­ tinue President Duterte’s ap­ firm as his son comes to pow­
mandate, midst  of  the  Malacanan’s time,  having  formed  an  al­ deeply  critical  of  President presentative to the House af­ proach of spending big on in­ er. 
winning 31 grandeur. But for most Filipi­ liance  with  President  Du­ Duterte’s  war  on  drugs  and portraying his rule as ter  winning  a  seat  in  their frastructure  as  a  means  to “I was with the millions at
million votes, an era of prosperity
more than nos,  it  is  instantly terte’s  daughter  Sara,  he rights violations.  northern bastion, while Pre­ grow  the  economy  and People Power and do not rel­
double his recognisable. swept to power with a strong The strong political bases CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC sident  Duterte’s  son,  Sebas­ courting  investments  from ish a Marcos Jr. presidency,”
rival’s For  two  decades  until mandate, winning 31 million of  the  Marcoses  and  Du­ tian,  will  succeed  his  sister China,  regardless  of  unre­ observed historian Filomeno
B Marcos Jr.’s
1986,  the  longest  ever  resi­ votes, more than double his tertes,  however,  formed  an book posts over the past five Sara as Mayor of Davao city, a solved  tensions  over  the V. Aguilar Jr. in a column for
son Sandro dents  of  Malacanan  Palace, rival’s. unassailable coalition. Politi­ months  and  found  that  the post their father once held. South  China  Sea  dispute  — Rappler.  “Even  Ferdinand
was elected Ferdinand  Marcos  and  his For the people of the Phi­ cal  analysts  told  local  chan­ Marcos  base  and  network The biggest question mark some newspapers pointed to Marcos Jr. is a beneficiary of
to the House, wife Imelda, would occasion­ lippines,  there  could  not nel ABS­CBN that a combina­ routinely spread false claims is how Mr. Marcos Jr plans to the current crisis in Sri Lan­ the  People  Power  Constitu­
while ally  appear  on  the  balcony, have  been  two  more  con­ tion of “Duterte’s popularity about the elections. “This is govern. He has been short on ka as a warning sign. tion,  which  allowed  him  to
Duterte’s son,
from where the former dicta­ trasting  choices  on  offer  at and  Filipinos’  regionalism”, the problem with social me­ details  during  his  campaign “The  new  administration run  and  win.  Marcos’s  elec­
Sebastian, will tor would address rallies. Un­ the polls.  with the Marcos base in the dia: It has allowed propagan­ and largely avoided engaging in  the  Philippines  should tion win does not obliterate
succeed his til,  of  course,  he  was  over­ The  Marcos­Duterte  axis north  and  Duterte's  in  the da  to  flourish  and  literally with the media. Having won, take  care  not  to  make  the People Power but is a recog­
sister as thrown by the People Power between  two  entrenched south,  brought  them  the has  allowed  public  figures he  has  pledged  to  govern same mistakes as Sri Lanka's nition  of  it,  even  if  burying
Mayor of revolution,  during  which political  families  openly votes, showing that “region­ like  Marcos,  like  Bolsonaro with “unity”. leaders, given that there are the ghosts of 1986 might have
Davao city
protesters  stormed  the championed  hardline  polit­ alism still forms a large part [in Brazil] to ignore [media] The victory holds a broad­ similar  circumstances  here: been his intention.”


From lone MP to PM The Milky Way’s dark centre

The UNP leader, whose party was crushed in the 2020 polls, is back in the game With an Earth-sized eye, researchers imaged the compact object in the galaxy
Meera Srinivasan protesters  are  outraged  by Shubashree Desikan Alfonso  Serrano,  Submilli­
the  move.  They  call  him  a metre Array, UArizona Sub­

ust  as  it  became  appa­ “deal maker” and accuse of n 2020, Andrea Ghez and millimetre  Telescope  and
rent on Wednesday that him “protecting” the tainted Reinhard Genzel were gi­ South Pole Telescope. Since
Sri  Lanka’s  President Rajapaksas. A small section ven  the  Nobel  prize  for 2017,  when  observations
Gotabaya  Rajapaksa  was of the Colombo elite, howev­ showing that there existed, were  started  on  this,  the
about to appoint Ranil Wick­ er, feels some respite in his at  the  centre  of  the  Milky group has added the Green­
remesinghe as PM, in place appointment. They approve Way, an extremely heavy, in­ land  Telescope,  Northern
of  Mahinda  Rajapaksa  who of his known pro­West, pro­ visible  object  that  pulls Millimetre  Extended  Array
resigned days earlier, an old market  policies,  and  hope masses towards it and caus­ and UArizona 12­metre Tele­
video clip got widely shared his  international  outreach es  them  to  speed  up  enor­ scope on Kitt Peak to the set.
on social media.  can  bail  the  country  out  of mously. They estimated that While  there  is  over­
Clad in a back suit, a prim the economic calamity. For mass  of  around  4  million whelming  evidence  that
looking  Mr.  Wickremes­ a while,  Mr.  Wickremes­ times  the  sun  was  concen­ SgrA* contains a highly com­
inghe  tells  a  journalist  in  a inghe  has  been  pushing trated  in  this  region.  Now, pact  invisible  object  at  its
slow,  considered  manner: greater  regional  coopera­ the  Event  Horizon  Tele­ core, is the only possibility a
“Politics is more than chess, tion, especially with greater scope, a collaboration of ov­ black  hole?  This  question
it  is  teamwork  like  cricket, trade  interaction  between er 300 researchers from 80 has a non­trivial answer. Ac­
you  must  have  the  stamina singhe’s  United  National political  manoeuvre  is  one south India and Sri Lanka.  countries, has published an called  Very  Long  Baseline view, which is as big a span cording  to  Pankaj  Joshi,
for a marathon, you must al­ Party  (UNP),  the  country’s of many developments after A lawyer by training, Mr. image of this region. Known Interferometry. of  our  view  as  a  doughnut founding  director  of  the
so  remember  it’s  a  hard oldest  political  party,  was a grave  economic  crisis  hit Wickremesinghe  comes as  Sagittarius  A*  (SgrA*  for Using this technique, the on the moon! Cosmology Centre and Dis­
game  like  rugger,  and  a wiped out. Contesting from Sri Lanka that has emptied from a politically influential short),  this  region  is  be­ Event  Horizon  Telescope tinguished  Professor  of
blood  sport  like  boxing.”  It his Colombo stronghold, he its  coffers  and  left  people family. In his long career, he lieved  to  host  a  supermas­ collaboration  had,  in  2019, Challenges in imaging Physics  at  Ahmedabad  Un­
was just before the 2010 pre­ suffered a crushing defeat. It amid acute shortages. was rarely known to be a pe­ sive  black  hole  of  about  4 imaged  a  region  called Despite the fact that M87* is iversity, who is an expert in
sidential election, in which was his first defeat since he Meanwhile,  the  call  for ople’s  man.  During  the  is­ million times the solar mass. M87*, the black hole at the much  further  away  than this field and not part of the
he lost to Mr. Mahinda.  entered Parliament 45 years Mr.  Gotabaya’s  resignation land’s tumultuous 1970s and There have been other pos­ centre of the galaxy Messier SgrA*, the group was able to collaboration, “In their pap­
Five  years  later,  he  was ago. But for Sri Lanka’s pro­ remains  loud  and  clear  in 1980s  that  saw  two  armed sibilities  put  forth  by  re­ 87. Despite the fact that the image  the  former  earlier. ers, the researchers consid­
back in power, cohabiting in portional  representation street  protests  across  the insurrections  by  Sinhalese searchers  in  this  context, two galaxies are so different This is because SgrA* is only er various alternatives such
a ‘national  unity’  govern­ system, through which par­ country, and in front of his youth  led  by  the  leftist  Ja­ but  that  of  a  supermassive and  that  the  masses  of  the one­thousandth  the  size  of as  naked  Singularities  and
ment with President Maith­ ties get a few seats based on sea­facing  office  in  Colom­ natha  Vimukthi  Peramuna, black hole is the most likely black  holes  were  different, M87*;  the  line  of  sight  to wormholes. Their report in
ripala Sirisena, who contro­ the total votes they poll, Mr. bo.  Mr.  Wickremesinghe’s the  UNP  was  accused  of one.  the  images  are  strongly SgrA* is obscured by a lot of one  of  the  papers  —  paper
versially ousted him in 2018 Wickremesinghe would not appointment  is  hardly  the grave  rights  abuses  against The  Event  Horizon  Tele­ similar. intervening  matter;  and, five  of  the  series  published
and  reinstated  him,  after  a have  made  to  the  legisla­ solution that demonstrators dissidents.  Mr.  Wickremes­ scope is not just a single te­ lastly,  as  SgrA*  is  much in The Astrophysical Journal
Supreme  Court  ruling.  The ture. It seemed like his polit­ want or are likely to accept.  inghe  too  was  linked  to lescope. It consists of a con­ Black hole’s shadow  smaller  than  M87*,  the  gas Letters — claims that the JMN
internal  rift  in  their  coali­ ical career was over.  some of the allegations. But sortium  of  eight  powerful Although we cannot see the swirling around it takes only ( Joshi­Malafarina­Narayan)
tion,  compounded  by  its But in less than a year af­ ‘Deal maker’ in  later  years,  he  won  the telescope arrays around the black  hole  itself,  the  gas minutes to complete an or­ naked singularity with pho­
many failures, of not prose­ ter returning to Parliament, As  recently  as  March,  Mr. trust of many in Sri Lanka’s world, which together made moving  around  the  black bit around SgrA* as opposed ton sphere could be the best
cuting  the  Rajapaksas  and Mr.  Wickremesinghe,  73,  is Wickremesinghe  said  there civil  society  and  fashioned up a giant eye, the size of the hole emits light, which takes to taking weeks to go around black  hole  mimicker.  The
their  allies  in  alleged  mur­ Sri  Lanka’s  Prime  Minister was  “no  question”  of  him himself as the liberal demo­ Earth  and  3  million  times a curved  path  around  the M87*. The last gives a varia­ point is that the central ob­
der  and  corruption  cases, for the sixth time, although joining  a  national  unity  go­ cratic alternative to the con­ sharper  than  the  human black hole and this leaves a bility that makes it difficult ject and its nature remains a
and  failing  to  prevent  the he  has  never  completed  a vernment.  Two  months  la­ servative,  Sinhala  Buddhist eye. With this giant eye, the central  dark  portion,  re­ to image. A clear imaging re­ question  of  great  mystery.
Easter  terror  bombings  of full term in office. From be­ ter, he is struggling to put to­ nationalist Rajapaksa brand.  researchers  gazed  at  this ferred to as the “shadow” of quires  long  exposure  of This  is  because  just  as  a
2019  despite  warnings, ing  the  UNP’s  lone  MP,  he gether  a  Cabinet  and Today, ironically, the Ra­ point which is about 27,000 the  black  hole.  This  effect about  8­10  hours,  during black  hole  event  horizon
paved the way for the rise of has risen to Premiership in government.  While  ruling japaksas  need  him  more light  years  away  from  the happens  because  of  the which,  ideally,  the  object would  create  a  shadow,  si­
Mr.  Gotabaya,  who  hand­ rather  circumstances.  Be­ party MPs have promised to than he needs the Rajapak­ Earth. They observed SgrA* enormous  gravity  of  the should not change much. milarly the naked singulari­
somely won the 2019 presi­ leaguered  President  Gota­ support him, all main oppo­ sas.  And  Mr.  Wickremes­ on multiple nights collecting central  region.  Thus,  this The  telescopes  making ty also creates a similar sha­
dential polls. In the general baya Rajapaksa, whose par­ sition  parties  have  refused inghe is back in the game. As data  for  hours  at  a  stretch, image  is  an  attestation  of up  the  array  are  Atacama dow  and  therefore  it  is
elections the following year, ty  secured  a  two­thirds to  work  with  him  or  nomi­ Sri  Lanka  descends  into just like a camera would use Einstein’s General Relativity Large  Millimetre/sub­milli­ impossible  to  distinguish
the Rajapaksas’ ruling party, majority  in  2020,  is  now nate  members  to  the  Cabi­ further  economic  chaos,  it long  exposure  times.  The theory. The ring­shaped im­ metre Array, Atacama Path­ between the two.”
along with its allies, secured counting on Mr. Wickremes­ net. They term his appoint­ will  soon  be  known  if  the technique was, however, ve­ age of SgrA*, which looked a finder  Experiment,  IRAM The  New  Generation
over  150  seats  in  the  225­ inghe to put the island’s bat­ ment illegitimate, citing his political  class  will  choose ry different as it uses a net­ lot  similar  to  the  one  of 30­metre  telescope,  James Event  Horizon  Telescope
member House. In the same tered economy on a path of poll  defeat.  Critics  of  Mr. team play, a hard game, or work  of  telescopes  rather M87*,  occupied  52  micro Clerk  Maxwell  telescope, collaboration is looking into
election,  Mr.  Wickreme­ recovery.  The  President’s Wickremesinghe  and  some blood sport. than  a  single  one.  This  is arcseconds  in  the  field  of Large  Millimetre  Telescope these deeper mysteries.

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06 BHUBANESWAR, 15 MAY 2022 Vol. CXXXXXVI 20 (S)

Contemporary Paradoxes A MEMBER

With which is incorporated
The Englishman ~ Founded 1821
Probably, we have a colonial heritage of subordination; we are good servants but bad ASIAN VOICES
Uncertain prologue masters. As servants, we meticulously carry out orders given to us in writing (which
When a head of
should be sealed and signed) while as masters we avoid giving directions; if issuing orders
T state becomes
o summon a variant of a Shakespearean
tragedy, two tales are told as a prologue to the becomes inevitable, we seek justification in some manual or circular. If precedents are
“swelling act” of the Sri Lankan theme. The
first was the appointment of Ranil Wickremesinghe
not available, decision makers would lapse into masterly inactivity a nation’s
as the impoverished nation’s Prime Minister for the
fifth term. The second has been the ban imposed on nightmare
his predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa, and 15 oth-

ers from overseas travel in view of investigations t is not unknown in history that a
against them for the mortal attacks on peaceful single ruler was the cause of a
nation's downfall, the obvious case
anti-government protestors in Colombo this week.
in modern times being Adolf Hitler
Contextualised with the economic blight, Mr Wick- ~ an elected leader ~ one of the best
remesinghe has indubitably succeeded to a deplet- known among a collection of reviled
ed inheritance. The current crisis is his greatest names scattered throughout history as
challenge yet. As he sets about to helm a coalition examples of the evil that power can
government, it will be imperative to address the degenerate into. In each case they mer-
financial chaos and heal the political ruptures. “We cifully failed to prevail in the end. In Sri
are facing a crisis and we have to get out it,” was his Lanka, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa
terse message to the media after the swearing-in has become that nightmare for its peo-
ceremony. He has forged relationships with India ple, just two years after he was elected
as head of state, a feat not easily
and China, the key investors and lenders who vie
for influence over the island nation that lies along Before he resigned, Prime Minister
busy shipping routes linking Asia to Europe. Mahinda Rajapaksa, miffed at his
Sri Lanka survives on a direly stuttering econo- brother's attempts to scapegoat him for
my, indeed the fallout of economic mismanage- the country's increasing instability,
ment, the Covid-19 pandemic, and ballooning ener- brought in thousands of his supporters
gy costs following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The from the provinces to the city on May 9,
country is somehow surviving on inadequate fuel proclaiming their demand for his con-
and essential medicines, not to forget the daily tinuance in office. They rioted violently
in the streets, clashing with the origi-

power blackouts. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, ocrates’ debate with the a rape survivor was again raped had to resign when he was found most functionary who would be nal, peaceful protestors, smashing the
whose elder brother, Mahinda, was replaced by sophist Thrasymachus, in a police station by the SHO, a breaking Covid-19 rules by kiss- charged with presenting facts temporary structures that those young
Wickremesinghe, has called nationwide curfews narrated in the Republic, woman was killed by policemen ing and embracing an aide (not wrongly. The political executive, people had erected in protest sites in
and given sweeping powers to security forces to wherein Thrasymachus in a police station and another his wife) in his office. the Ministers, act through Depar- front of the PM's residence and at the
shoot anyone involved in looting or putting peo- claims “Justice is nothing but the woman was tortured to within an These are dangerous por- tmental Secretaries, placing them Galle Face Green. They succeeded in
ple’s lives at risk. His strategy perhaps appears to be advantage of the stronger”. inch of her life, again by police- tents: a democracy could degen- outside the scope of legal respon- putting some of them in hospital. The
decidedly drastic considering the general priva- Though strongly refuted by Soc- men inside a police station. No erate into an oligarchy of the elite sibility. Probably, we have a colo- police intervened with tear gas and
tion. Nor for that matter can the President evade rates, this rings true even today. worthwhile action appears to if citizens were unable to curb the nial heritage of subordination; we water cannon to stop the marauding
responsibility for the economic collapse, a creation Glaucon, Plato’s elder brother, have been taken against the irresponsible behaviour of the are good servants but bad mas- hordes of MR supporters from their
goes on to explain the Thrasy- delinquent policemen and their high and mighty, which is easier ters. As servants, we meticulously scorched-earth intentions at Galle Face
of his family. Mahinda Rajapaksa, who resigned on
machean position in Republic II supervisory officers. On the other said than done. More so, because carry out orders given to us in
Monday, has gone into hiding on a naval base. saying that one who pursues a life hand, we have hyperactive police evasion of responsibility for un- writing (which should be sealed
The people, by and large, have grown increas- of injustice must at the same time personnel who go careening pleasant occurrences and claim- and signed) while as masters we
ingly frustrated over disruptions to normal life. That be courageous and crafty, strong thousands of miles, across States, ing credit for successful ones is a avoid giving directions; if issuing Green and beat them back for now. The
Sri Lanka has hit the bottom economically is the and shrewd, power-driven and to catch someone uniquely Indian orders becomes inevitable, we peaceful protest at GotaGoGama was
general refrain. It is imperative for the new coali- persuasive. But most importantly, who posts an objec- trait. For example; seek justification in some manual finally invaded, not by law enforcement
tion to devise a prescription that will heal the torpid the unjust individual must be tionable tweet. everyone under or circular. If precedents are not but by provincial politicians of the MR
economy. The value of the Sri Lankan rupee, most dastardly and deceptive, yet Similar is the ex- the sun, the Indian available, decision makers would camp with their supporters. Escalation
particularly in relation to the dollar, must of neces- seemingly just. Unfortunately, perience of a comm- Government, the lapse into masterly inactivity. of the situation is now inevitable. The
sity be restored. The people will have to access life’s this definition would perfectly fit on man in a court of Punjab Govern- Following in this tradition, Prime president owes it to the people to pre-
most Indian politicians. law; in most instances ment, the Pakistan Minister Narsimha Rao while vent this emerging situation from dete-
essentials ~ food, medicines and cooking gas ~ and
The anomaly gets even more his case would come Government, the making the right noises, allowed riorating into further blood-letting in a
at affordable rates. The economy, in a word, cries interesting when we note that up for hearing when Pakistan Army, all the Babri Masjid to be demol- land that has already seen far too much
out for a drastic overhaul, with the new administra- most of our lawmakers are law- the remedy sought by rushed to claim ished, leading to communalisa- of it. He, and only he, can end this
tion riveted to the welfare of the populace and not breakers too; 233 Lok Sabha MPs him had lost its mea- credit for the op- tion of the Indian polity. nightmare, instead of continuing to
to the preservation of the elite. Monday witnessed a (43 per cent) face criminal char- ning. About 75 per ening of the Kar- Far from frowning upon embody it. Meanwhile, the parties of
phase of peaceful demonstrations that erupted into ges, with nearly 29 per cent being cent of prison inmat- DEVENDRA tarpur Corridor for attempts by the Executive to es- the parliamentary opposition need a
violence after supporters of Mahinda Rajapaksa charged with serious crimes like es are undertrials, SAKSENA Sikh pilgrims. cape responsibility, the Courts, deep-going reckoning to understand
attacked an anti-government protest camp in rape, murder, attempt to murder who may be innoc- The writer is a retired
However, just a too, appear to be victims of the why some of them were rejected vio-
Colombo. Days of violent reprisals against govern- or crime against women. ent, but are undergo- Principal Chief few months prior same syndrome, often using lently at the protest sites, and some
ment personalities aligned to the powerful Rajapak- One BJP MP faces terror ing the rigours of jail Commissioner of
Income-Tax to the opening of delay as a weapon for killing des- welcomed, as they attempted to soli-
charges and a Congress MP faces because of a faulty the Corridor, when erving but inconvenient cases. darize with those young people under
sa clan followed. Sri Lanka needs welfare ~ not pop 240 criminal cases. Disturbingly, legal system. The fault Navjot Singh Sidhu Sometimes, Courts discuss and attack from MR supporters. As the aspi-
~ economics for survival. the number of MPs charged with for such miscarriage of justice had broached this subject with deliver verdicts on tangential is- rant government, they need to self-

Finland in Nato serious crimes has risen by 109

per cent since 2009. The position
does not lie with over-worked the Pakistanis, he was branded as
District Courts alone but with a putative traitor by almost every-
sues, omitting more important
disputed questions, like the Ma-
examine and re-position fast, just as the
protesters must not descend into anar-
in State legislatures is even worse. higher courts also. The Supreme one, including his own Chief dras High Court judgement that chy by rejecting even those on their side

uite the most critical diplomatic fallout of The malaise of criminality Court observed: “… the total Minister. Interestingly, the same made singing of Vande Mataram in parliament.
the Russia-Ukraine war has been Thursday’s has now gone up by a degree; two number of criminal appeals in dramatis personae had appeared compulsory in schools when the The predictable trajectory into an
signal of intent from Helsinki, specifically cabinet ministers of Maharashtra such High Courts which have in different roles, at the time of question before it was awarding economic abyss at Gotabaya Rajapak-
that Finland must apply to join the North Atlantic Government are in custody. A PIL been pending for 30 years or the Amritsar train tragedy. To of one mark in a question relating sa's hands, starting with a whimsical
Treaty Organisation “without delay”. It thus comes has been filed, seeking to arraign more is 14,484. Criminal appeals recapitulate: Sidhu’s wife, a Min- to Vande Mataram in the Tamil overnight ban on chemical fertiliser,
about that Finnish leaders have announced a sig- a Union MoS in a murder con- which have been pending for ister at that time, had inaugurat- Nadu’s Teachers Eligibility Test. In following a massive centralisation of
spiracy. over twenty years and up to thirty ed Dussehra celebrations near the celebrated National Anthem power in the presidency, to other
nificant policy shift triggered by Russia’s war that Remarkably, one of the Mah- years are 33,045; criminal appeals the railway tracks, for which a case, a PIL was filed to restrain eccentric policies, leading to multiple
is seemingly without end in Ukraine. The announ- arashtra ministers has refused to which have been pending for large crowd had congregated. The the use of the National Anthem dysfunctions in every sector, saw the
cement by Finnish President Sauli Niinisto, and resign and so has the MoS. Then, over ten years, up to 20 years are crowd did not notice an appro- for commercial purposes; howev- hapless citizenry plunged into sudden
Prime Minister Sanna Marin was made three days there was Jayalalitha who was 2,35,914.” On the other hand, aching passenger train which ran er, the Supreme Court issued in- poverty, dying in gas and fuel queues,
before neighbouring Sweden was expected to follow sentenced to five years in jail, most courts grant immediate through them, killing sixty peo- terim directions that made the as everything, from milk powder to
suit. Finland, which shares a 1,300-km border and a while holding office of the Chief hearing to politically well-con- ple. Everyone, the organisers, the playing of the National Anthem printing paper, became scarce com-
difficult past with Russia, has gradually stepped up Minister of Tamil Nadu. The list nected people. police, the Railways, the munici- mandatory before all film shows. modities very quickly due to a dearth
its cooperation with Nato as a partner since Russia goes on. As a small mercy, the ob- As Goswami Tulsidas said in pality and the Sidhus, all success- Public representatives, prob- of dollars in the treasury.
annexed Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in 2014. But durate Karnataka minister who the Ramcharitamanas: “Like the fully shirked responsibility claim- ably realising their own weak Despite all his attempts to divert
had refused to resign in the face Sun, the Wind and the Ganga, the ing that the crowd should not moral position vis-à-vis ordinary attention to other factors, including
until Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in Feb-
of the FIR against him for abet- powerful are never at fault,” have trespassed on the railway citizens, have recently passed a through pressure for his brother the
ruary, the Nordic country had refrained from join- ment of suicide, has finally seen which is the Indian equivalent of tracks, which shows that (a) esc- slew of legislation criminalising prime minister and the cabinet to
ing in order to maintain friendly relations with its reason and resigned. the Roman law maxim: “The King aping responsibility is not very individual preferences in the resign, the people he rules over saw,
eastern neighbour. “Finland must apply for Nato To recapitulate, a contractor can do no wrong.” No wonder, difficult, and (b) one’s reaction matter of drink, diet, religion and clear as day, that the president himself
membership without delay,” Niinisto and Marin had publicly allegedly that he was being successors to kings of yore, depends on the side one is on. marriage, designed to make crim- was the primary cause that plunged a
said in a joint statement. Nato’s Secretary-General, being harassed by the minister lawmakers the world-over believe Bureaucrats instinctively inals of ordinary citizens. As Ayn once middle-income country into such
Jens Stoltenberg, said any accession process would for a 40 per cent commission. that they are above the law. This shun responsibility, framing rules Rand had written: “There’s no privation and despair that children in
be “smooth and swift” and that Finland “would be Totally frustrated, the contractor belief is not restricted to Indian in a manner that no action can way to rule innocent men. The neighbouring India began breaking
warmly welcomed”. Russia warned on Thursday it committed suicide, because no politicians alone; a police enquiry ever be attributed to a defined only power any government has their tills to send a few thousand rupees
official was prepared to listen to into the Partygate scandal in Eng- person. Any decision on any file is the power to crack down on to alleviate this country's needless mis-
would have to take “military-technical” steps in res-
his story, much less help him. land revealed that the British PM in any Ministry bears the signa- criminals. Well, when there aren't ery. The continuing nightmare for the
ponse to Finland joining Nato. “The expansion of Despite recent reforms, a and his ministers were regularly tures of half a dozen officials so enough criminals, one makes people, however, is that despite the des-
Nato and the approach of the alliance to our bord- police station is not a place one holding parties at the PM’s offi- that no one can deduce who was them. One declares so many thi- perate protests in every province, with
ers does not make the world and our continent visits except in a dire emergency. cial residence at the time when the moving force behind the deci- ngs to be a crime that it becomes one clear message contained in a single
more stable and secure,” said Kremlin spokesman The reason is not far to seek; Covid restrictions were in force in sion. Mostly, the file would show impossible for men to live with- ubiquitous slogan of "Gota Go Home",
Dmitry Peskov. When asked whether Finland’s police stations that are supposed the entire country, and about that a decision was unanimous, out breaking laws.” the president appears to have no inten-
membership would be a threat, Peskov answered, to be bulwarks against criminals 150,000 persons had been fined absolving everyone of responsi- Probably, citizens would, one tion of doing the one thing that could
“definitely”. “Everything will depend on how this are themselves, sometimes, dens for flouting Covid protocols. Last bility. If at all responsibility was day, attain enlightenment and fix instantly commence the country's
process takes place, how far the military infrastruc- of criminality. In the last few days, year, the British Health Minister fixed, it would be on the junior- responsibility where it belongs. rapid recovery.
ture will move towards our borders,” he said. Rus-
sia’s foreign ministry said Moscow would be “forced LETTERS TO THE EDITOR editor@thestatesman.com
to take reciprocal steps, military-technical and oth-
er, to address the resulting threats to its national tive endeavors. I thank The States-
security”. It accused Nato of seeking to create
“another flank for the military threat to our coun-
try”. “Helsinki should be aware of its responsibility
Breath of fresh air man for publishing such an article
Yours, etc., Dr Souparna Roy,
Kolkata, 13 May.
SIR, Kudos to the Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court which
and the consequences of such a move,” the foreign SIR, The article “Junking Jargon” by around. Intellectual imbecility outrightly rejected a petition that sought to prove the Taj Mahal
Moin Qazi published on 12 May reigns supreme as the noise of HEATWAVES was built after demolishing a Hindu temple. The Honourable court
ministry said.
The view among Finns on Nato is said to have 2022 is a breath of fresh air and has words silences the blooming of SIR, India is gripped by a punishing cautioned the petitioner not to “make a mockery” of the public
certainly hit the nail on the head. authentic action. I couldn’t agree heatwave. What is most alarming interest litigation system.
changed rapidly after Russia initiated what it calls a
The use of language in this with the author more when he about this heatwave is that the The petitioner Rajneesh Singh’s claim was that there were 22
“special operation” in Ukraine. Finnish public sup- article to throw light on the use of effects of global warming have locked underground rooms in the Taj Mahal that purportedly con-
port for joining Nato has risen to record numbers language in everyday society is pushed India and its neighbouring tained idols of Hindu gods and goddesses. In reply, the court direct-
over recent months. The latest poll by public broad- unique and brilliant. countries to levels where the cli- ed the petitioner to do his research work properly.
caster YLE showed 76 per cent of Finns in favour It is true that we have become mate is a core threat to human hea- The court has got sufficient hint from petitions pending in var-
and just 12 per cent against it, while support for a society of modernized medioc- lth. Heatwaves around the world ious courts that attempts are being made to prove that Islamic
membership used to linger at only about 25 per rity, where external camouflage is have become more common and structures were built after pulling down Hindu temples.
cent for years prior to the war in Ukraine. While repeatedly used to hide internal hotter because of climate change, The present propensity among a section of people to foment
military non-alignment has long satisfied many poverty and where genuine, origi- according to Friederike Otto, a cli- troubles between the two communities has to be thwarted.
Finns as a way of staying out of conflicts, Russia’s in- nal ideas are only accepted when matologist at the University of Yours, etc., Arun Gupta, Kolkata, 13 May.
placed from positions of money Oxford. And Ms Otto adds that the
vasion of sovereign Ukraine has led an increasing and celebrity power. heatwaves will continue to get
number of Finns to view friendly relations with Rus- Even Rabindranath Tagore elo- hotter until humans stop burning cur once every four years. The will involve a substantial reduction
sia as a shaky premise. Ukraine’s fate has been par- quently expressed that “the clear writes “The world is facing a dearth fossil fuels. heatweaves have led to cascading in fossil fuel use, improved energy
ticularly disturbing for Finland to watch as it fought stream of reason” should not lose of revolutionary ideas”. Experts say that before climate impacts not just on human health, efficiency, and use of alternative
two wars with Russia between 1939 and 1944, re- its way into “the dreary dessert Such articles hammer home change such intensity of heat but also on ecosystems like agricul- fuels such as hydrogen.
pelling an attempted invasion but losing approxi- sand of dead habit”. the need for the search towards would have only been seen about ture, water and energy supplies. Yours, etc. Ranganathan
mately 10 per cent of its territory in the subsequent A social mindset attracted to original, unbiased thoughts which once in every 50 years in India. Experts say that climate change Sivakumar,
peace agreement. anything tinsel is prevalent all may lead to constructive produc- However, it is now expected to oc- can definitely be controlled, which Chennai, 13 May.



Gotabaya the nightmare

The deity of
Fraser Town
that Sri Lanka lives with
SANJA DE SILVA JAYATILLEKA palpable, as minor skirmishes break

ne of my earliest memories of Fras-
er Town (Mootocherry earlier) in Ben-
galuru was the Mootomariamman
shrine on Standage Road. We believe
out intermittently. A 100 gas cylin- the deity derived her name from the locality

t is not unknown in history that a ders were forcibly acquired recently - the shrine came up on encroached land. A
single ruler was the cause of a by people who waited for days for a Thigala (traditional growers of flowers and veg-
nation’s downfall, the obvious sighting of the trucks carrying them etables) ran the unauthorised shrine. Devo-
case in modern times being Adolf and pounced on it to grab one any tees came here to seek blessings and pay their
Hitler - an elected leader - one of the which way. People have also turned gratitude in return for favours received from
best known among a collection of on each other as they stand in line the town goddess. During my childhood days
reviled names scattered throughout his- for essentials. It is clear that serious in the 1960s, I recall accompanying my par-
tory as examples of the evil that power rioting is only a hair’s-breadth away. ents for the special Friday pooja, and the deity
can degenerate into. In each case they What does the President see decked in finery made for an impressive
mercifully failed to prevail in the end. when he surveys the land? His pet sight!
On the island of Sri Lanka, Presi- initiative, the organic fertiliser deci- The poojari would chant mantras and
dent Gotabaya Rajapaksa has sion has collapsed, and taken a land gently stroke our heads with holy neem
become that nightmare for its peo- once self-sufficient in rice with plen- leaves - they always placed these beside the
ple, just two years after he was elect- tiful vegetables, a thriving, world- goddess - to ward off the evil eye or drive
ed as head of state, a feat not easily renowned tea industry and a pros- away sickness. We had easy access to the
achieved. perous rural community into kovil through a small gate on the street, par-
Prime Minister Mahinda irreparable failure in the short to allel to our lane - Maiganda Deva Mudaliar
Rajapaksa, miffed at his brother’s medium term. Similarly, the eco- Road. Old-timers living in the area recall that
attempts to scapegoat him for the nomic mismanagement has resulted the temple existed before the 1940s.
country’s increasing instability, in the desperate shortage of dollars The property belonged to a Mudaliar
brought in thousands of his support- in the Treasury, impacting every family - the community held large parcels
ers from the provinces to the city on 9 aspect of life. The permanent of land in Bengaluru. But for decades,
May, proclaiming their demand for protests have now passed a month nobody dared to question the erection of the
his continuance in office. They rioted and continue to grow. unauthorised structure. Instead, an elderly
violently in the streets, clashing with The trust in this regime’s integri- Thigala man performed sacred rituals. Fol-
the original, peaceful protestors, ty is dwindling as the Easter bombing lowing his demise, his significant other,
smashing the temporary structures people under attack from MR sup- send a few thousand rupees to allevi- of those women got her hands on of April 2019 which instantly lifted Dhanakotiammal, doubled as a poojari - a
that those young people had erected porters. As the aspirant government, ate this country’s needless misery. him. Exacerbating the already crum- the chance of this President’s elec- rare sight in days of yore.
in protest sites in front of the PM’s they need to self-examine and re- The continuing nightmare for bling situation are those Members of tion to office as the candidate of law Over time, the shrine gained popularity,
residence and at the Galle Face position fast, just as the protesters the people, however, is that despite Parliament and officials loyal to the and order, is now increasingly been and devotees flocked to it. A visit here always
Green. They have succeeded in must not descend into anarchy by the desperate protests in every President who excuse his every blun- seen as having been used to propel gave me an adrenaline rush because of a
putting some of them in hospital. rejecting even those on their side in province, with one clear message der with inane explanations. Deliv- the candidacy on the fears of the snake burrow. I longed to see it but never
The police intervened with tear gas Parliament. contained in a single ubiquitous slo- ered with sycophantic fervour, they people. The Cardinal himself has got to. As the years rolled on, the shrine
and water cannon to stop the The predictable trajectory into gan of ‘Gota Go Home’, the President only serve to incense the people even expressed his misgivings of a possible became a part of our lives, but suddenly one
marauding hordes of MR supporters an economic abyss at his hands, appears to have no intention of doing more. grave conspiracy, endangering the day, a drama unfurled!
from their scorched earth intentions starting with a whimsical overnight the one thing that could instantly The President’s rapidly decreas- Catholic community and other wor- It all began when the owner sold the
at Galle Face Green and beat them ban on chemical fertiliser, following a commence the country’s rapid recov- ing supporters’ solution is to demand shippers engaged in prayers on that property to a member of the minority com-
back for now. massive centralisation of power in ery. It is not as if every mode of that the Prime Minister leaves and fateful Easter Sunday. The Cardinal’s munity. The new owner showed a great heart
The peaceful protest at Gota- the Presidency, to other eccentric protest, every possible platform, tra- the Cabinet with him. They claim entreaties to the Pope himself have in requesting the temple authorities to move
GoGama was finally invaded, not by policies, leading to multiple dysfunc- ditional and digital, has not been that there would be no point in the evoked concern in Rome about the the shrine to a corner in the compound, but
law enforcement but by provincial tions in every sector, saw the hapless used to ensure that the message President resigning because his massacre. The many bereaved and the latter refused. Instead, they sought pos-
politicians of the MR camp with their citizenry plunged into sudden pover- reached him. replacement will have to be appoint- injured who suffer to this day have session of the entire property, claiming it
supporters. Escalation of the situa- ty, dying in gas and fuel queues, as A recent social media post of ed from the now despised 225 MPs yet not had justice delivered, despite was temple land, sacred space and the
tion is now inevitable. everything, from milk powder to some women, from Chilaw, ranting in Parliament who failed to prevent the powerful presidency and a secu- works. The owner braved many pressures
The President owes it to the peo- printing paper, became scarce com- against the President in absolute the country’s decent into bankruptcy. rity apparatus with a huge portion of and threats as miscreants close to the temple
ple to prevent this emerging situa- modities very quickly due to a dearth rage, showed them employ swear They refuse to see that such a the nation’s budget. management hurled false charges that
tion from deteriorating into further of dollars in the treasury. words that probably had not been replacement, any replacement, The President has been unable included a case of grabbing temple land. The
blood-letting in a land that has Despite all his attempts to divert strung together in quite that manner would be welcomed with cheers and to appear in public since the protests case dragged on in the courts for a marathon
already seen far too much of it. He attention to other factors, including against any ruler anywhere. Most of it firecrackers by the people. Those pro- started. fourteen years before the landlord reclaimed
and only he, can end this nightmare, through pressure for his brother the was disturbingly bloodcurdling, testers at the many GotaGoGama The existentially besieged Peo- his property.
instead of continuing to embody it. Prime Minister and the Cabinet to being the more pitiful due to her sites made that amply clear by ple ask only that the President makes The unexpected turn of events made
Meanwhile, the parties of the resign, the people he rules over saw claim that as a cancer patient, she no promising that as long as the Presi- the all-important decision to resign, the landlord seek vengeance, and he evicted
Parliamentary Opposition need a as clear as day that the President longer had the medicines to treat her dent stays, so will they. together with his regime, if he has the idol and dumped it on the roadside. The
deep going reckoning to understand himself was the primary cause that condition. In her invective, the rage Every day now, people gather on any regard for them or the country. deity found temporary refuge on 7 Standage
why some of them were rejected vio- plunged a once middle-income extended to the President’s many rel- the city streets with their empty gas They are convinced that the solutions Road before moving to a makeshift shrine
lently at the protest sites today, and country into such privation and atives in Parliament but left little canisters, blocking the roads in to all else will flow from that. near the Tannery Road-Bore Bank Road
some welcomed, as they attempted despair that children in neighbour- doubt as to who would be strung up protests. Feelings are running high junction close to the Sweepers Colony. She
to express solidarity with those young ing India began breaking their tills to in public by a nether body part if one and the tension among the crowd is The Island/ANN. hung on there for a few years before the tem-
ple authorities scrambled to find a new spot
The goddess who had developed the

Challenges before new Lankan PM

reputation for ‘going places’ finally found
refuge in a building on Kenchappa Road
Cross. She is adorned in gold and garlands,
placed upon a wooden chariot, and hauled

ri Lankan leader Ranil Wickra- LTTE militancy and then with the through the town on festive nights for the
masinghe became the prime civil war. The Tamil reconciliation devotees to offer worship. The roadside
minister for the sixth time on process has been going on since the shrine still attracts the pious who flock to
Thursday. He is not new to Sri wiping out of the LTTE. New Delhi the deity to pay obeisance. The ghosts of the
Lanka, the region, or even the world. has been insisting on a speedy reso- past exorcised, the revered Mootomari-
Sri Lanka has been on the boil for some lution. amman now sits prettily in her fortress!
time, facing a political and economic Fifth is corruption. Even in 2015,
crisis. With the pandemic, rising oil corruption was a huge issue when 100 YEARS AGO
prices, tax cuts, and foreign exchange Ranil took over. The public is angry at
crises, the 22 million people of the island the massive corruption in the gov-
country are looking to lead a normal ernment and blames the Rajapaksa DEVONIAN SOCIETY OF CALCUTTA
life after the present turbulence. clan for this. When the system is To The Editor Of The Statesman
Blaming the Rajapaksa clan, deep-rooted in corruption, it is not SIR, - In the year 1901 the Devonian
there is public pressure for the easy to find a solution. Society in Calcutta was formed with the
removal of President Gotabaya Last but not least is balancing object of promoting a common County
Rajapaksa. Mahinda, Prime Minister between the two giants – India and bond of friendship amongst Devonians in
and elder brother of the president China. Ranil has good equations with India and of rendering aid to distressed
was forced to resign along with his both. The Rajapaksa regime had been Devonians. The Society had a successful
cabinet on Monday. The people have leaning more towards Beijing. But career for many years but, in the early stages
taken to the streets amidst curfew Ranil must walk a tightrope as he of the war, the whole of the accumulated
and shoot out orders. The "Go Gota needs both the powers to bring back funds were utilised in the assistance of
Go" slogan is catching on fast. was dismissed - in 2004 by President tweeted that India is looking forward abilities earlier by negotiating for a normalcy. There is every possibility Devonians on leave or invalided from the
Opposition leader Sajit Pre- Chandrika Kumaratunga and in 2018 to working with the new regime. The $1.5 billion IMF bailout. Sri Lanka is of enhanced support from India as it war and when these funds had been
madasa is for the abolition of the by Gotabaya. His running feud US envoy to Sri Lanka, Julie Chang, again trying to negotiate an IMF loan has welcomed the democratic exhausted, it was decided to leave the Soci-
presidency. He heads the 52-member against Chandrika was well known, has welcomed the new PM. Sri Lanka to come out of the present crisis. process in the island country. ety in a state of suspended animation. Rep-
UNP faction that formed a new party, and his relationship with Rajapaksa will get support from other countries. Once the IMF gives a loan, Sri Lanka New Delhi needs to utilize this resentations have now been received from
Samagi Jana Balawehaya. An alliance was not cordial. But his challenge will be domestic will be forced to take up economic opportunity and mend fences with many quarters indicating that the time has
led by the Rajapaksas has 100 seats Ranil has to face many chal- politics, with the opposition parties reforms. All these require bold deci- Sri Lanka. Helping the island country arrived when there is every prospect of reviv-
in the 225-member Parliament. Pre- lenges. The first is to take along all pulling in different directions. sions. Thirdly, President Gotabaya in every possible way to stabilise is ing the Society with success. Provided a rea-
madasa declined the Prime Minister- the political parties. He has no man- Secondly, the economic chaos has acquired vast powers, and he has indeed an opportunity and in line sonable assurance that the necessary sup-
ship, after which Ranil was the next date and no other member from his had been coming for some time, hinted he might shed some of them. with Modi's" Neighbourhood first" port will be forthcoming is received a gener-
choice. party in Parliament, and he needs mainly due to the policies of the But that is a long process. What Ranil policy. Unfortunately, the South al meeting of all those interested will be con-
It is a bizarre situation as the 73- help from other parties. Rajapaksas. There is an acute power needs is complete backing to negoti- Asian region is facing unrest by and vened at an early date with a view to deter-
year-old Ranil is the only lawmaker Ranil has good equations with shortage and also a scarcity of essen- ate political and economic reforms. large. There is political and economic mining the steps to be taken to resuscitate
from his United National Party and both Beijing and New Delhi. He has tial commodities. There is a foreign Fourth, is the minority question. instability in Pakistan, Nepal, Myan- the Society.
has no backing in Parliament. Each already met envoys from China and exchange crisis. India and China have How will Ranil deal with the Tamils? mar, Maldives, and Afghanistan. Sri GERALD HAPLEON.
of the new prime minister's earlier India. The Indian High Commission- come to Colombo's rescue, but that The Tamil question has been dogging Lanka is strategically important for Calcutta.
terms had been truncated. Twice he er to Sri Lanka, Gopal Baglay, has is not enough. Ranil had shown his the country for decades, first with the India and needs all the support.
CROSSWORD To The Editor Of The Statesman
NO 29269 SIR, - The travelling public will general-
ly admit the risk attending the consumption
of purchased foodstuffs on railway journeys;
SOLUTION FOR and many ailments, as also epidemics, can
08 MAY be attributed to the sale of stale sweetmeats,
ACROSS (6) possibly with bit of gaol gets stretch (8) 14 Give a cheeky display etc., at stations on Indian Railways. Though
14 Virginal blokes will erotica (4) 4 Books one brought to around republican a highly qualified staff of Sanitary Inspec-
5 Men must vacate
rank Portaloo (7)
get help inside (6) 25 Granny in the thrall southern soul singer? diplomat and flapper tors is maintained by the N.W. Railway, yet
16 City abroad almost of Botswanan (4) (7) for unexplained reasons the vendors are
7 See you start to rub
unable to see touring naturist (5) 5 Adore getting to the 15 Old Italian person
on behind (5)
queen (6) 26 Say no to bit of coke bottom of cold Bud sure can’t put out (8) under the Traffic Department; and since the
9 Tory leader mostly officials, are unqualified on the one hand,
18 Opportunity to get after last month! (7) (5) 17 A poet inhaling bit of
tit, judge admitted
around court for
6 Book of records opium on a train? (6) and too busy on the other, is it not time that
drug supplier (6) omits large and small 20 Dope stashed in a the Agent of that Railway saw fit to remedy
10 Creating union and
19 Chap who measured 1 Some might say tools (6) hollow cavity in
groaning is disgusting
wind of a brute Hoskins is immortal 8 Tired and sad chasing bureau (6) this deplorable state of affairs? I am
(10) informed that Sibi station on the Quetta sec-
letting rip (8) on drugs (10) game woman 21 Regret drinking shot
11 Live sex could result
in this hit (8)
22 One near cocaine 2 U2 member hugs old ultimately (3-4) served up for villain tion has an excellent system, and the sani-
bundles: future boy and promiscuous 13 Needing (5) tary official of the place has been given full
12 One on bed that
queen, perhaps (10) primate! (6) rehabilitation, if Carol 23 A church covering up
might secure a tug?
24 Anger The Daily Mail, 3 Teen messing with in a state (10) new outbreaks? (4) control. The sooner the Traffic Department
makes over charge of so important a matter
as the sanitary supervision over the manu-
facture and sale of foodstuffs the better will it
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London)
be for all concerned.

>Ug4U\XY=Qi!%" ""




fficers of the Indian

O Administrative Service ( IAS) who

demonstrate the capability to make
money from the system ,and make
it fast , inevitably endear them-
selves to people in power. So , whatever the out-
come of the ongoing investigation against
Jharkhand Mines and Industry secretary Pooja
Singhal, IAS , it will not interfere with the
chances of her appointment as Chief Secretary
of Jharkhand , when her time comes. In its brief
history of twenty years as a separate state,
Jharkhand has honoured three such IAS offi-
cers by appointing them as Chief Secretaries .
Among officers so appointed was a gentleman
who was facing trial in two cases related to
financial irregularities in purchase of fertil-
izer. Another one had spent many months
in jail on charges of forcing entrepreneurs to
donate money to his NGOs and finally won a
reprieve from the Supreme Court . A third offi-
cer who was convicted in an animal husbandry
case, and perhaps died in jail, had two stints
as chief secretary of Jharkhand. Jharkhand’s case
may be an exception, but in popular imagi-
nation IAS officers can make money not only
with impunity but with honour .
There are two standard explanations for
the steady diminution of the stature and pres-
tige of the IAS . The first consists of playing
down the well-founded criticisms of servility
and capitulation, corruption and chicanery.
Even though sometimes the merit of the crit-
icism is granted , its significant contribution
to the polity and society is dwelt upon at great
length; distortions and aberrations that may
have crept in are laid at the door of the many
extenuating circumstances.
If the IAS has failed it is because the coun-
try has failed ( or is failing at an accelerated rate)
. is only the extreme formulation of such an
approach. The other strategy is to deflect- and
devalue - the criticism by outwitting and
silencing the critic with a more vehement self-
critical diatribe, an anguished self-loathing of a chief secretary recording his dissent in days long reminiscent of the medusa and the snail, han-
their own, as if the act of advertising could, in gone by, myths that made them intelligible to dle the core sectors of the governments as also
itself, absolve the service of all the sins that were themselves, provided them with their reassur- the entire range of political purpose. The oth-
being advertised. ance during times of self-doubt. Governments ers are kept in a state of idle splendour. But
The IAS, according to one view, requires were there to stay; they were here today, they were like an Englishman the IAS is “never at a loss
a particular kind of society to function to its going to be here tomorrow. How long could they for an effective moral attitude … you will never
full potential , something like the idylls of wait out in the cold? find … them in the wrong.” It is responsible
Nehruvian era. The post-Independence lead- Though supposed to be unaligned, per- for the marginalisation of its own service and
ers and influencers like Nehru, Patel, Rajendra sonally free and subject to the executive author- yet persists with the complaint of political
Prasad, Ambedkar, Madan Mohan Malviya, T ity only within a defined area, they choose to interference.
T Krishnamachari, Acharya Kriplani, Jyoti be incorporated in the apparatus of political There is a wide recognition that the cre-
Basu, Atal Behari Vajpayee, Jaiprakash Narayan power . Commitment to rule based gover- ation of the IAS was one of the cardinal follies
( to mention just a handful); industrialists like
JRD Tata, Jamnalal Bajaj, Dinshaw Petit and GD C7480B70B=>C>=;H nance , are pragmatically abandoned by such
officers . They are for the government , the gov-
of the wise. It is irrelevant to the people at large
but it has made itself hugely useful to the
Birla; editors like Desmond Doig, Arun Shourie, 144=@D82:C>;8<14A ernment is for them. political class . In an unusual consensus, cut-
Sunanda K Dattaray, Kushwant Singh, Frank
Moraes and Russi Karanjia have been mostly
9WPaZWP]S<X]TbP]S8]SdbcahBTRaTcPah?^^YPBX]VWP[fPb D?C>C74270=643 An interesting example from marine biol-
ogy will serve as an apt metaphor. In the Bay
ting across their ideological divide , they have
found them to be even more valuable after
replaced by pygmies and carpet baggers. These [Pd]STaX]VRPbT ?>;8C820;A40;8C84B8C of Naples, a common sea slug medusa , and a retirement than they are in service. As heads
people may win elections, make billion of dol-
lars in one year or run up huge TRP ratings, but cial undertaking, you need gold in order to do
70BB2A8?C430=4E4= snail, start off as independent organisms but on
close encounter become conjoined in such a
of all the accountability institutions , all those
roadblocks to arbitrary exercise of executive
they are incapable of promoting public values battle, and you need to do battle in order to get <>A48=38B?4=B01;4 manner that both the jellyfish and the snail power, they render them defunct . In many
or morals, or establishing ethical corporate stan-
dards, or writing an editorial ( let alone inves-
gold.” Some governments are( were ) headed
by leaders from newly emergent political class-
A>;45>A8CB4;58=C74 shed off a lot of themselves. A small portion
of the snail gets permanently affixed to the ven-
states you can find officers recruited in the 60s
, 70s, 80s making themselves useful to their
tigating a story). es for whom English was not the language of 4A0>5°?H6<84B0=3 tral surface near the mouth of the jellyfish to political masters in a myriad ways. To stand
But that is hardly the case .The IAS has not
only been quick to limber up to the changed
choice, who did not feel constrained by rules,
regulations etc and were quite upfront about
20A?4C10664AB± become one single organism. They get along
nicely in a symbiotic arrangement, exploiting
an old saying on its head , “the dead lion is
even more valuable than the living donkey .”
political realities, it has scripted an even more their intentions to abuse their office for per- each other’s biological capabilities and yet The alliance of these two major institutions
indispensable role for itself in the era of “pyg- sonal gains. retain their specific otherness. has significantly altered the balance of power
mies and carpetbaggers.” The longevity of governments challenged the A clutch of trusted officers-the drastical- much to the detriment of democracy.
Politics, to appropriate Balzac’s remark , myths that the IAS had forged out of isolated ly edited version of service , the cadre may Manoje Nath is a retired
has become like ,“Soldiering, … chiefly a finan- life stories of a young collector telling off a CM, have hundreds of officers , in an arrangement Government servant .

¯ E;0;;8=40A4
>Ug4U\XY=Qi!%" ""



hat started as a pastime activity in 2010—participat-
4eTahhTPa^]<Ph &F^a[S7h_TacT]bX^]3Ph W ing in the 5K category at the Airtel marathon-— has
now become a passionate hobby for this 48-year-old medico.
Xb^QbTaeTSX]^aSTac^TSdRPcTcWT_dQ[XRP]S Dr. Hariprasad G, Additional Professor at Department
of Biophysics, AIIMS, Delhi, has since then even successful-
RaTPcTPfPaT]Tbb^]WXVWQ[^^S_aTbbdaT1? ly completed the Olympic Triathlon (1.5 Km swim; 40 km
cycling; 10 km run) a few times in under three-and-a-half
^aWh_TacT]bX^]fWXRWWPb]^bh\_c^\b^a hours.
His thirst for a bigger challenge unquenched, he is now
fPa]X]VbXV]bCWT740;C7?8>=44AaT_^acb preparing for the Half-Iron Man Triathlon (1.9 km swim, 90
km cycling and a 21 km run) championship to be held this
year-end at the Talkatora-SPM Swimming complex. In
n alarming one in four between this journey, Dr Hariprasad has graduated from a

A Indian adults has high

blood pressure. Known
medically as hypertension,
many people don't even know they
have it, because high blood pressure
5 km run to a 10 km and then half marathon and finally a
42 km Full marathon, which he comfortably does in four-
and-a-half hours.
He has participated in several marathons including
Mumbai, Standard Chartered Singapore, New Delhi and
has no symptoms or warning signs. C74B8;4=C Omaha to name a few. The most recent one was the
“But only about 10 per cent of Hyderabad Marathon, which Dr Hariprasad recalls, was quite
them have their blood pressure :8;;4A8B20DB43 a challenge considering the number of steep flyovers in the
under control,” according to a 1HBCA4BB0=3 city all along the route.
report by the India Hypertension Hundreds of colorful medals from all these events and
Control Initiative. Releasing the B434=C0AH cent women and 6 per cent men When elevated blood pressure pressure control guideline, sug- the many glittering gold medals decorate the walls of the liv-
report, Indian Council of Medical
Research Director-General, Dr
;854BCH;48C20= who have been diagnosed with
high blood pressure are on medica-
is accompanied by abnormal cho-
lesterol and blood sugar levels, the
gesting that a systolic pressure of
130 should be the threshold to start
ing room of this clinician-scientist who along with his team
are currently investigating the A-Z of Omicron virus.
Balram Bhargava, emphasised on ;403C>0A0=64>5 tion. damage to your arteries, kidneys, medication in people with a histo- The father of two sons who balances out work-family-
making hypertension a national
38B>A34ABBD270B The survey also found that 33
per cent of women and 46 per cent
and heart accelerates exponential-
ly. According to a study presented
ry of heart complications or other
risk factors whereas for others such
friends-endurance training shares, “I mix-up of a lot of phys-
ical activities like walking, jogging, sprinting, swimming,
Prashant Mathur, director of BCA>:40=3 men have never got their blood at the American Stroke Association’s a threshold would be 140/90. cycling, stair climbing, yoga, core exercises, skipping to get
ICMR’s Na Mathur, director of pressures measured. Based on the International Stroke Conference Fortunately, high blood pressure the best out of my heart, mind and body.”
ICMR’s National Centre for Disease 34<4=C8014B834B blood pressure measurement, the recently, hypertensive young people is easy to detect and treat. Blood Every event is a learning curve and the challenge only
Informatics and Research, 740AC0=3:83=4H NFHS-5 found 21 per cent of between the ages of 20 to 40 could Pressure can be kept under control gets bigger and more significant with each passing year, says
Bengaluru, and corresponding women and 24 per cent of men are experience brain problems in their in a healthy range simply by mak- the doctor who has done his MBBS from a Karnatak Medical
author of the study chips in that 38B40B4BC74 having hypertension marked by midlife. ing lifestyle changes, such as losing College, Hubli and later did his post-graduation MD and sub-
“recognising the low awareness and D=8>=740;C7 the blood pressure measurement of Last year, the World Health weight, increasing activity, and eat- sequently a PhD from AIIMS, Delhi. His inspirations are
high rates of drop-outs between the 140/90 or above. Organisation modified its blood ing more healthfully, say doctors. sports legends such as Phelps, Dressel, Ledecky, Djokovik,
diagnosis of hypertension, its treat- <8=8BCAH8B Federer, Nadal, and Kipchoge!
ment and control calls for better ?DB78=6C>;>F4A Of course, behind all these achievements is his rigorous
planning of providing continuum of
care for high blood pressure.” C74?A4E0;4=24>5 H>60A4<43H efforts, a strong-will and most importantly the support of his
family, particularly his better half Roopa, a doctor herself who
For both women and men, the A08B431;>>3 is into cervical cancer prevention at National Institute for
prevalence increases sharply with Cancer Prevention and Research, Noida. She doubles up as
age. The increase is for all categories ?A4BBDA41H!$?4A shwar V. Basavaraddi, Director of asanas that can help in beating high his nutritionist and a personal chef, and ensures he gets the
of hypertension, including pre-
hypertension, for both sexes. About
one-fourth of women and men
24=C1H!!$ I Morarji Desai National Institute of
Yoga (MDNIY) tells you , “We
have a range of yoga asanas, pranaya-
blood pressure are: Tadasana without
heel raise/ Katicakrasana/
Us h t r a s a n a / G o m u k h a s a n a /
right blend of food in the weeks leading up to the endurance
event, during the race and post-event. As a general rule he
usually consumes wholesome unprocessed food cooked at
aged 40-49 have hypertension, says ma and meditation that help to open Uttanmandukasana/ Bhujangasana/ home and avoids fast-packaged foods. Even delicacies be it
the study. up the chest cavity, improves lung Ardha halasana/ Shavasana / Yoga Pani puri, dosas, tacos, pasta, pan cakes, waffles and desserts
The recent National Family capacity and increases cardiopul- Nidra/Abdominal Breathing (30 are given a yummy but healthy twist at Dr Roopa’s kitchen,
Health Survey 5 (NFHS-5) too pre- monary function, which lead to times)/ Nadi shodhan pranayama/ and it is this that helps him in ‘the long run,’ he chuckles.
sents an alarming picture of the maintain physical activity for longer.” Sitali pranayama/ Bhramari pranaya- “We always have a choice and end up with the easier one.
chronic disease. It shows that when According to him, some of the Yoga ma and Dhyana. I decided to change that,” the doctor quips, adding that “Don’t
it comes to treatment, only 7 per give up on your dreams, because you have no idea what all
you are capable of.”

(Medicos may write to us at healthp100 @gmail.com)

Healthy adults who eat a diverse diet, with at least 8-10 grams
and vegetables daily, have fewer antibiotic-resistant microbes in their
*RYHUQPHQWV7KHPHFKDQLVPHQFRPSDVVHV3ULPDU\+HDOWKFDUH&HQWUHV 3+&V &RPPXQLW\+HDOWKFDUH&HQWUHV &+&V guts, according to a study by Agricultural Research Service scien-
tists and their colleagues in mBio.

he objective of this mecha- India Institute of Medical Sciences facilities of CT Scan, MRI, in-house Insurance Companies and the The Union Ministry of Ayush and Food Safety and Standards

T nism is to ensure that larger

number of ailments shall be
diagnosed at the initial stage in
It is quessential for every resident
to understand the nuances and struc-
pathology and Consultants related to
every speciality are available fall
under the category of Tertiary Care
Governments. There exist Diagnostic
Related Groups where annual med-
ical tests are carried out so that con-
Authority of India (FSSAI) , India’s apex body for food regulation
has formulated regulations of safety and quality standards for food
products under ‘Ayurveda Aahara’ category. This comprehensive
rural pockets or small towns and ture of this mechanism. Talking of Hospitals. tagious ailments can be contained in initiative will ensure manufacturing of quality Ayurveda food prod-
effective medications may begin to private sector, a person visits a The hospitals where Robotics time and the burden of paying for ucts and help in expanding the international market for Make-In-
uproot it. General Physician also known as Surgery, Proton Therapy, Heart cure and recovery may get lessened India products.
The importance of PHCs is Family Physician, usually an MBBS Transplants, Lung Transplants and from the shoulders of the Insurance
considerable as the locals receive degree holder. In case of common other advanced solutions are possi- Company or Government. =4FC74A0?H5>A1A40BC20=24A
medical aid the moment symptoms diseases, a person gets cured there ble are known to be Fourth-level Many Insurance Companies offer The world's first subcutaneous therapy for breast cancer that
appear. Also, such Centres are itself. There are Polyclinics where Healthcare Hospitals which are at the annual health check-ups to those who is effective and reduces treatment time by 90 per cent has been
responsible for spreading awareness Specialists dealing with various body zenith in terms of providing medical hold their mediclaim policies. The launched in India, Roche Pharma said recently. The treatment by
about and bringing various govern- parts and related ailments are avail- solutions. private hospitals also play their active Roche called PHESGO is the first ever fixed dose formulation in
ment healthcare measures to the able and a patient may get synergized It may be true that these mech- part and offer significant rebates on oncology that combines two monoclonal antibodies: Perjeta (per-
locals through Aanganvadi workers expert opinion of these Consultants anisms and levels come into play once various investigation packages. tuzumab) and Herceptin (trastuzumab) with hyaluronidase. It is
and Asha workers. in case of two-three ailments. someone falls ill but it is important The government-run and private administered via an under the skin injection in combination with
If one does not get cured at the Then there are Nursing Homes for all of us to be aware of these struc- hospitals organize free camps contin- intravenous (IV) chemotherapy for the treatment of early and
PHCs, s/he is referred to the CHCs where the patients can be admitted. tures so that the illness can be diag- ually and the people in remote loca- metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer.
which has adequately equipped It falls under primary healthcare. The nosed at the initial level through tions are investigated through mobile
Diagnostic Laboratory as well. The bigger Nursing Homes equipped CWTfaXcTaXbP]Tg_Tac investigations and doctor's interven- vans and people must take benefit of ³>=4BC4??>AC0;5>A740;C78=5>0C8=380=4<10BB84B
consultations and investigations with Operation Theatre (OT) and X]WTP[cWRPaT\P]PVT\T]c tions and prescriptions and can be it without second thoughts as many Soon facilitation centres at Indian embassies across the world
may help him to get fully cured. But Intensive Care Unit (ICU), they are contained before it may cause serious serious ailments get diagnosed in will be set up for people wanting to travel to India for treatment,
if there is no respite, s/he may be considered as second-level or than hundred beds, fully-equipped damages. time. More such drives are needed said Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya while address-
sent to District Hospital and to Secondary care Centres. with latest machines, contemporary In abroad, the cost of keeping which is possible by effective Public ing a roundtable conference with senior IFS officers on 'Building
higher referral hospitals like All The big hospitals with more Modular Operation Theatres, ICU, every citizen healthy lies with the Private People Model. Brand India' in Delhi.

>Ug4U\XY=Qi!% " ""

he Sinn Fein’s historic win the election. The party said that union they advocate between
T in the Assembly election is
signaling a much-awaited
the Brexit move unleashed by
the Boris Johnson Government
Northern Ireland and the UK.
Paul Givan of the DUP in fact
change in the power corridors in Britain accelerated the resigned over this matter as the
in Northern Ireland. It is the debate on reunification with First Minister of Northern
beginning of a new era. The old the EU member Ireland Ireland in February. Just before
guards (Democratic Unionist because most of the Northern the Assembly election, in a
Party) were forced to give way Irish people voted to remain public debate Sir Jeffrey 8cXbeTahR[TPacWPc
to a new political dispensation with the Union. The Good Donaldson, the leader of the
(Sinn Fein) in last week’s elec- Friday Agreement of 1998 DUP, made it clear that his BX]]5TX]´beXRc^ah
tion. Once again what has recognises the right of the party may not take part in the fX[[]^c_dbWU^acWT
come to the forefront is that for people on the island of Ireland new government unless the
long the Sinn Fein has been to reunify if border polls in outstanding issues around the d]X^]^U=^acWTa]
linked to the Irish Republican Ireland and Northern Ireland protocol are solved amicably. 8aT[P]SfXcWcWT
Army (IRA), a paramilitary support it. Whereas the exist- Today, leaders like
group that used violent tactics ing British law says that the Donaldson have voiced con- AT_dQ[XR^U8aT[P]S
to free Northern Ireland from
British control. Once it used to
Secretary of State for Northern
Ireland should order a vote if
cerns about a decisive action on
the protocol at the earliest.
be the Catholics vs the it appears likely that a majori- Indeed, this protocol is very bcPacTScWT_a^RTbb
Protestants that led to a series ty of voters want a united necessary as the border is too
of violence for decades in Ireland but is unclear on how sensitive an issue which can’t be 1aXcPX]´bUdcdaT
Northern Ireland. The IRA is that should be decided. ignored. \TPbdaTbc^fPaSb
a Catholic and nationalist However, the Irish One must flash back on the
organisation that conducted Government must also agree to fragile history of Northern cWXb_Pac^UXcb
an armed insurgency against
the state for a united indepen-
the same.
Michelle O’Neill, the First
Ireland and how the past peace
efforts came after decades of
dent Ireland whereas the DUP Minister of the Northern armed fighting by the IRA \^aTRPdcX^dbX]cWT
mainly evolved from Protestant Ireland Government, is the against the UK. And clearly, the
Unionist Party that itself came first nationalist politician to agreements to bring back peace SPhbc^R^\T
out of the Ulster Protestant occupy that position since its
Bc^a\^]c1T[UPbc^]<Ph( 0?
to this part of the UK also ?^[XcXRP[[hb_TPZX]V
Action Movement. creation. During the election, included the removal of visible
This election has spear- the DUP and the Sinn Fein signs of border. Now, if any cWTBX]]5TX]WPbc^
headed a new debate, a new were battling hard for the top refers to “We Ourselves” or ultranationalist sentiment Democratic Socialist Irish has to take the required role of physical border is erected V^P[^]VfPhc^
narrative and a new future in post because it offers an enti- “Ourselves”. The party was which is also known as Republic. For many years, this the Deputy in the power shar- between Northern Ireland and
this part of the UK. The total tlement to nominate the next formed by Arthur Griffith in “Republicanism”. The fury of part of Ireland had the ing agreement. If this power Britain, this could rightly \dbcTaPR[TPa
number of seats in the
Assembly is 90, but con-
First Minister. But it must be
noted here that the office of the
1905 when the very ideology of
Sinn Fein was brought into
the nationalists could well be
gauged from the historic
“Troubles” or better known as
“Northern Ireland Conflict”
sharing does not take place, it
could trigger a constitutional
threaten the historic peace deal
known as the Good Friday
stituencies are only 18. The First Minister and the Deputy practice. Originally Griffith proclamation of the Republic that ravaged the land from crisis in Northern Ireland. Agreement or the 1998 ^UcWT3D?PaTbcX[[
Sinn Fein won 27, DUP 25, First Minister is an equal office was the leader of the published in 1916. The procla- 1968 to 1998. It was clearly a After the withdrawal of Northern Ireland Peace Deal.
Alliance Party 17, Ulster with joint powers in Northern Cumannnan Gaedheal i.e. mation known as the “The bloody flight between the Britain from the 28-member It is very clear that Sinn eTahb^[XSX]\P]h
Unionist Party 9, Social Ireland. But what has been “Party of the Irish”. But the cur- Provisional Government of the Catholic and the Protestant European Union (EU) in 2020, Fein’s victory will not push for PaTPbPRa^bbcWT
Democratic and Labour Party termed as symbolically impor- rent form of Sinn Fein emerged Irish Republic to the People of community of Northern the relationship between the the union of Northern Ireland
8, and the rest of the smaller tant is the allocation of the only in the 1970s. The policy of Ireland” clearly says: “Irishman Ireland about their relationship UK and Northern Ireland and with the Republic of Ireland, Xb[P]S
parties and independents one titles. Sinn Fein enunciated by and Irishwomen, in the name with Britain. between the EU and Northern but it has simply started the
each. Why was it so important Griffith highlighted passive of God, and of the dead gen- Against this background, Ireland has come into question. process. Britain’s future mea-
In the 2017 election, the for the DUP to win the resistance to the British, non- erations, from which she the historic win of the Sinn And to set it right, what has sures towards this part of its
DUP won 28 seats and Sinn Assembly election in 2022? It payment of taxes, the forma- receives her old tradition of Fein is to be taken seriously by emerged is known as the territory may be more cautious
Fein 27. The margin of victo- was indeed crucial for the tion of an Irish ruling council nationhood, Ireland, through the people of Ireland, the famous Northern Ireland in the days to come. Politically
ry between the two main rival DUP to win the election as it and independent law courts. us summons her children to Republic of Ireland and of Protocol or post-Brexit speaking, the Sinn Fein has to
parties was very narrow. In has been the most dominant Untill the rise of the Easter her flag and strikes for her free- course by Britain. Now the Customs Arrangement Deal. go a long way to muster a clear
2017, the Social Democratic and largest political party since Rebellion or Easter Rising in dom… We declare the right of political situation in Northern Under the protocol, checks are majority as the roots of the
and Labour Party won 12 seats, the formation of Northern the month of April (24-29) the people of Ireland to the Ireland has become fragile. It needed on goods coming into DUP are still very solid in
the Ulster Unionist Party 10, Ireland in 1921 as a Protestant 1916 in Dublin by the Irish ownership of Ireland and to the seems the unionist DUP will Northern Ireland from the many areas across the island.
the Alliance Party 8, the Green majority province. Earlier the republicans, the Sinn Fein was unfettered control of Irish des- not join the new government UK. Since it came into force
Party 2, while the People Before Assembly was known as the not in the limelight around the tinies to be sovereign and inde- until the post-Brexit custom from the beginning of the 2021 (Dr Makhan Saikia has
Profit and Traditional Unionist Stormont Parliament in the world. This rising was all but to feasible…” This clearly hints arrangements. when Britain formally left the taught political science and
Voice had one seat each. name of the Stormont Estate in challenge the colonial rule of that the Irish people wanted to The Sinn Fein, the single EU, the protocol became a international relations for over
What does this victory of East Belfast where the building Britain over Ireland and to come out of the colonial yoke largest party, now has the right bone of contention between the a decade in institutions of <0:70=BB08:80
Sinn Fein mean for Northern is located. Generally, the establish an independent Irish of British imperialism when the to occupy the post of the First UK and the EU. national and international
Ireland? It means a lot for the Stormont is the commonly Republic. latter was fighting the First Minister. But a functioning Many wonder why the repute after specialisation in
party as it has won a majority used name to refer to the It was an armed insurrec- World War in Europe. Executive cannot be estab- Unionists are against the deal. globalisation and governance
for the first time in the Northern Ireland Assembly. tion launched for the first time Sinn Fein’s basic objective lished without the DUP taking The Unionist parties are from Tata Institute of Social
Assembly election. And for What is Sinn Fein all during the Irish revolutionary is to unite all the 26 counties of the role of the Deputy Minister opposed to the protocol as to Sciences, Mumbai. He is the
the DUP, it is a loss of face. The about? Why is its win so sig- period. After this rebellion, the Republic of Ireland and 6 in the new government. As per them placing physical border chief editor of the Journal of
Sinn Fein has received the nificant for Northern Ireland? the Sinn Fein became the ral- counties of Northern Ireland the constitutional mandate of across the Irish Sea absolutely Global Studies, an internation-
most first preference votes in The Irish phrase “Sinn Fein” lying point for a new brand of under the umbrella of a Northern Ireland, the DUP undermines the longstanding al research journal)


ny discussion on the com- The gaze of orientalism has Quran and Shariah would Sunnah. (allowed) omission of which Understanding official ology and organisational char-
A patibility between Islam
as a faith and the idea of the
been a central episteme in cre-
ating a sustained knowledge
decide the do’s and don’ts for
humans, which is insignifi-
In that scenario, can a
Muslim majority state neces-
doesn’t make a man sinner.
Mandub (recommended)
Islam and its multivariate
It might be assumed there-
nation-state as a political, social power discourse over western cant in the nation-states sys- sarily become an Islamic state, has merit in it, and the deletion Despite the structural dif- fore the future stability of Saudi
<P]hbRW^[PabR[PX\ and economic reality has been
exhausted in the hegemonic
understanding of Islam and
thus the idea of the Muslim
tem. In this regard, the case of
Saudi Arabia is significant.
or it can only become gen-
uinely Islamic only by applying
doesn’t lead to sin. Makruh:
Undesirable but committed
ferences, the genealogy of
Muslim societies and the his-
Arabia may well depend on
how the government balances
cWPccWTaTXb]^ Islam and western modernity world and idea of Islam has The Saudi Arabian case is the Quran and Sunnah and acts can’t be a sin. Mutlaq: torical processes overwhelm- demands for political partici-
debate. The text and practice been categorised as a singular essential for two critical rea- Shariah laws in the realm of the Neither meritorious nor sinful. ingly have placed Islam as an pation and the traditional con-
X]WTaT]cXbbdT distinction has been a histori- category. There is a vast gen- sons: It’s where Islam finds its socio-political feature of the This significance of the diver- ideology. centration of power within the
fWTcWTacTgcdP[^a cal reality in Muslim societies, eralisation over the accordance origin, and for Muslims world- nation as a basic constitution of sity of ruling Shariah directs This whole idea of putting Saudi elite. On the ideological
and it remained equally sig- given to Islam and nation- wide, it’s the heart of Islam. the country? the Muslims to accept the Islam as an ideology is the root factor, a tendency in oriental-
_aPRcXRTfXcWX] nificant with the rise of the state compatibility. And secondly, the Saudi The two critical elements divine law (Shariah) and an of the concept of Dar-ul Islam ist tradition is that Islam is anti-
8b[P\cWPc\PZTbXc nation-state system. The ques- With failing democracies State’s behaviour since the of the Islamic state are com- open road (Minhaj) where ijti- (House of Islam) and Dar- thetical to modernisation.
tion of the separation between and the rising number of fail- state’s formation in 1932 under mand (amr) and prohibition had comes as a free enquiry ulHarb (House of war) and the If the 1950s and the 1960s
X]R^\_PcXQ[TfXcW religion and politics has been ing states in the current world the command of the King has (nahy). However, the juridical despite the place for Shariah as violent form of jehad as a lan- were dominated by Arab
cWT]PcX^]bcPcT a different historical reality in
the pre-scientific world.
system, and the authoritarian
structure in the majority of
been an institutionalised form
that foretells the contemporary
sphere of the state follows the
command and prohibition
divine law is the basis of the
Islamic state system for fulfill-
guage of the Islamic empires
more than a Quranic com-
nationalism, the 1970s and
1980s witnessed the rise of
bhbcT\^aTeT] The religious experiences Muslim states, there is a dis- image of Islam in Saudi Arabia. based on jurisprudential (fiqh) ing all spheres of life. mand for Muslims against non- “Islamic fundamentalism,”
among all faiths and societies cussion whether Islam and This is to understand the mak- traditions based on the inter- The practice, however, Muslims. challenging secular ideologies
ST\^RaPRhCWTRPbT have a different trajectory. nation-state are compatible. ing of an institutionalised form pretations of the divine com- through fiqh rulings, is based This has been a galvanising and Muslim governments by
^U[XQTaP[ST\^RaPRh However, there has been a of Islam or official Islam as mand of the Quran and sayings on Qiyas. The room for the force for Muslims on the ques- appealing to religious dogma,
homogenised notion of such Religion and politics: An many categories in Saudi of the prophet. state to create its dominance tion of brotherhood and social symbols, and rhetoric.
XbPbT_PaPcT division in Islam. The core Islamic context Arabia under the aegis of the Islamic philosophical/the- comes from fiqh traditions in justice. Second, the idea is Democracies are failing
RPcTV^ahPb\P]h vision of Islam doesn’t make
any distinction between sacred
The boundaries of reli-
gion have always crossed the
nation-state system.
This makes the case further
ological and legal enquiry cre-
ates a fundamental difference
the absence of no strict divine
Islam needs to be politicised.
This has been a core factor of
across the world under the
reign of authoritarianism, but
PaVdTcWPc8b[P\Xb and secular, and political and boundaries of politics and vice- critical to know how the state in the contested aspect of fiqh The source of the state Islamic revivalism. The Islamic no other religious group
temporal. The argument is that versa, both in practice and in has dominated this space traditions that have been divid- sovereignty in an Islamic State movement in the name of pan- receives so much attention on
X]WTaT]c[h^__^bTS politics can’t be separated from the language of Muslim despite being considered the ed among four schools in Sunni as a political framework for Islamism started during the the question of compatibility as
c^bdRWXSTPb Islam as its core value. empires. James Piscatori argues most conservative that follows Islam (Hanafi, Shafii, Maliki Muslim unity and cooperation end of the Ottoman empire and Islam.
Propagators of such ideas that Islam and the nation- a strict religious command in and Hanbali) and means for equity and jus- the rise of the western inter- Hence, the final point that
were not just orientalists but states debate has been broadly controlling the Saudi society, its On the issue of Shariah, the tice is based on three guiding vention of colonial enterprise many scholars offer is that
have been equally among discussed under two schools of religiosity and the everydayness vital principle for an Islamic principles: Injunctions of the in the heart of the Muslim there is no inherent issue
Muslim scholars. The division thought: Conformists and non- of life. State has four primary dimen- Quran and obey God, obey world. whether textual or practice,
between din (religion) and the conformists. In short, Saudi Arabia sions: First, enforcing ordi- the Apostle and those in This notion reached its within Islam that makes it
dawla (state) has been a usual The non-conformists’ refu- defies the core nature of the nances of Shariah. authority. more politicised form after the incompatible with the
practice in Muslim societies tation is based on the thrust conformists’ view, and there- Second, for an adminis- The injunctions, “He who height of the Muslim nation-state system or even
since its origin, notably after that comes directly from the fore, the question of legitima- trative position, any stipulation follows me, obeys God; and he Brotherhood and found a rev- democracy.
Islam emerged as an organised Quran, shaping the whole cy needs serious analysis. of Shariah is unacceptable. who disobeys me disobeys olutionary expression in the The case of liberal democ-
form of life and the emergence human sphere of life; spiritual, The idea that despite being Third, a properly constituted God. And he who heeds the 1979 Iranian revolution. The racy is a separate category as
of Islamic empires. But the physical, individual, social, the most conservative country Islamic government is a Amir (head of the state) argument here is that politics many argue that Islam is inher-
<8B7A0 question remains “why is it a economic and political through in the world that follows the Muslim’s religious duty. observes me, and he violates in Islamic colleges lag in insti- ently opposed to such ideas.
contested concept, and are the divine law called Shariah. Wahhabi brand of Islam, Saudi People’s consent is a part of the Amir and disregards me.” tutional development because Still, even Turkey, Pakistan,
they compatible”? The non-conformists’ holy has managed to create a dom- forming an ISIS; fourth, the Therefore, a Muslim, Islam lacks an organised priest- Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, and
The nation-state system is will is supreme, and God’s inant space for the idea of the government comes into exis- nature wise and superior inel- hood. Algeria have classic compati-
a few centuries old idea born in sovereignty doesn’t allow the nation-state. tence based on the people’s free igibility is a qualification under This has had two conse- bility cases between Islam
modern Europe. The nation- human will to trespass God’s Therefore, the core choice of the Quranic expres- Shariah for the head of the quences. One is that there was nation-state and their multiple
state system came to Muslim divine decree. assumption of an Islamic state sion, “from among you. state. In this sphere of a philo- no effort of reformation in forms of expression, including
societies only in the 20th cen- After all, the human will is is that authority, regardless of “As Muhammad Asad sophical-technological and Islam in the absence of insti- constitutional democracy.
tury, under two separate cir- the core idea of the nation-state the status of exercising power helps in understanding these legal aspect, the Saudi state tutional efficiency and the sec-
cumstances: the collapse of system, which defines the over the subjects, is legitimate significant distinctions in the commands its legitimacy and ond consequence is that the (The writer is PhD from
the Ottoman Empire and the whole sphere of life. according to the Islamic juridi- rulings of Shariah based on creates a space for an official ulama or clergies were never Centre for West Asian Studies,
rubric of European colonial- Therefore, God’s decree cal theory if it follows divine Fard (obligatory-omission of and institutionalised form of established sufficiently to wield JNU, New Delhi, and is a former
ism. under the command of the sources like the Quran and which is a sin) and Mubah Islam. real power and lacked the ide- journalist)
8 millenniumpost

The present turn of events may dampen the credibility of the BPSC Protesters burn an effigy against the 67th BPSC preliminary exam paper leak in Patna Security personnel check vehicles near BPSC office in Patna

AUTHOR government announced the

cancellation of the exam, it
strong and convincing rea- from a single point.
son for the mess at the centre The team, which visited
raised questions about Bihar and have given contradictory Ara’s VKSC, also came across
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s statements. The alleged ben- complaints from aspirants that
zero tolerance for corruption, eficiaries need to be identi- a select group of students were
by putting the whole system fied. Some insiders may also placed in a separate room and
under the scanner. For the first be involved. Such tampering given the question papers 15

time in the over 15-year-long cannot happen at the level of minutes before the examina-
regime of Nitish Kumar, the a few, as the repercussions are tion started at 12 noon.
question paper of state’s pre- known to all should the plan The college is linked to
mier examination – BPSC — go awry,” the officials said. a noted contractor Suren-
DHIRENDRA KUMAR got leaked, forcing the state “Nobody is answering why dra Singh who comes from a
government to cancel the only Set-C was supplied in a political family and was ear-

exam without any mention of room and at whose instruc- lier involved in the fake stamp
t was May 6 and it was the next date to conduct the tions. Besides, why was the paper case. Surendra Singh,
Friday. Over six lakh exam. FIR not immediately lodged who is the husband of a for-
aspirants of the 67th If you are surprised by in the case once the discrep- mer JD (U) MLA from Bar-
Bihar Public Service this type of ‘heinous’ corrup- ancy was detected? It hap- hara constituency, said that
Commission (BPSC) were in a tion, which could not be pos- pened only after one and a half the VKSC was established in
mad race to reach their exam- sible without the involvement days,” the EoU official said, 1978 after his family members
ination centre at least a night of top-ranked officials, then adding that the arrest of four donated five acres of land in
before the examination day – you have to take a pause as it persons, including the BDO the name of the state gover-
Sunday (May 8). seems nowadays it has become who was the static magistrate, nor in 1987 to construct the
Aspirants were struggling a new normal in Bihar. It’s also was just the beginning. college. However, he refused
to get a seat in already over- a fact that you may get tired Bihar Public Service Commission paper leak at VKSC centre Commenting on the pro- the allegation that the ques-
crowded buses and trains to of counting the weird cases of ceedings, ADG (EoU) Nayyar tion paper leaked or went viral
make it to their examination corruption, but you wouldn’t in Bhojpur district represents a routine occurrence and raises Hasnain Khan said that 40 from the VKSC premises.
centres which were allotted find any decline in the inci- persons have been involved The former secretary of
across 38 districts of the state, dents of dishonesty despite the serious questions over the role of the government, involvement of with the probe. “We are con- VKSC, however, admitted
as they were heading towards state having a huge number fident to crack it very soon and that more than 900 aspirants
scripting a new success story of upright and dedicated IAS administrative officials and credibility of the BPSC at large nab the kingpin. I am moni- appeared for the BPSC PT and
for themselves, their villagers officials at every position. toring the case on a daily basis. created a ruckus over the delay
and, of course, for their role “Question paper leak is not Technical and forensic experts in distribution of OMR sheets
models cum parents by crack- new in Bihar. It has become a are also examining some num- and question papers.
ing the first step of the three- regular phenomenon in the bers to unravel the modus Meanwhile, experts have
step-based state’s prestigious regime of Chief Minister Nit- operandi,” Khan said. raised doubts over the change
exam. ish Kumar. You take the name It was also a matter of in the pattern to appoint BPSC
It’s a general self-generated of any exam, you will find the investigation as to why the chairman by the state govern-
‘travel protocol’, which is fol- question of that exam leaked complaints of irregulari- ment as a key factor in the
lowed by most of the aspirants and the government doesn’t ties emerged from Ara cen- paper leak. Earlier, academi-
appearing for any competitive even bother to inquire about tre only, though there were cians were given the task to
exam, to reach the examina- it,” said Dilip Kumar, who around 1,083 centres across lead BPSC as its chairman but
tion centre on the intervening heads Rashtriya Chhatra Ekta the state. “It needs to be ascer- Nitish Kumar’s government
night of the examination day Manch – an organisation of tained if the question was changed that system and cre-
by using common means of aspirants of competitive exam- available anywhere before Ara ated re-employment opportu-
transportation such as train inations, including BPSC. and that requires establishing nities for retired bureaucrats
and bus. Kumar, who is also a BPSC backward linkages to find out by appointing them as BPSC
The same travel proto- aspirant and was registered the first time the chairman. The
col was followed by almost to appear for the PT exam, question paper paper leak inci-
all BPSC aspirants who were brought the paper leak mat- was uploaded. It Even though dent is the first
all prepared to appear for the ter into the notice of Bhojpur also needs to the affiliation in the tenure
prelim’s exam of the BPSC District Magistrate Roshan be found out of the incum-
scheduled on May 8. They Kushwaha – a 2014 batch IAS if there was of VKSC with bent chair-
crisscrossed different districts officer – soon after the ques- any con- VKSU expired in man RK
of the state to ‘locate’ their tion paper of the PT started spiracy Mahajan.
examination centres situ- circulating on the social hatched
2017, the college Besides,
ated in urban and semi-urban media. exclusively managed to get there is
areas. Putting the role of incum- for Ara cen- a BPSC exam another major
Everything was as normal bent BPSC chairman RK tre to benefit a interesting
as it was ‘supposed’ to be by Mahajan under the lens, the selected few,” he centre development that
the ‘setters’, who had full faith students’ leader said, “The cre- added. has taken place
in their ‘fool-proof plan’ to dentials of Mahajan is not so As of now, the in Nitish Kumar’s
‘leak’ the paper and distrib- good as when he was in the EoU has arrested four per- regime. The government has
ute it among ‘caretakers’ of Education Department, the sons — BDO Jai Vardhan suddenly found that private
‘fixed beneficiaries’. It seems paper of teachers’ eligibility Gupta who was deputed as a schools and affiliated colleges
God was not kind to setters test was leaked.” static magistrate to oversee would have better facilities for
and their beneficiaries as the However, Dilip Kumar fur- the examination in the dis- aspirants than government-
leaked question paper of BPSC ther said that it’s a huge exam trict’s Veer Kunwar Singh Col- owned schools.
PT reached the mail inbox of racket running in connivance lege (VKSC); Yogendra Singh, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar
the District Magistrate of Bho- with ‘big shot’ political lead- principal-cum-centre superin- has also given a strong mes-
jpur, who was informed that ers and officials sitting at dif- tendent; Sushil Kumar Singh, sage to perpetrators. “We took
the paper got leaked from Veer ferent influential positions in lecturer-cum-controller and immediate action in the mat-
Kunwar Singh College, Ara the state government. Agam Kumar Sahay, lecturer- ter. We are checking where
centre. Expressing his sympathy cum-assistant centre superin- and how the paper was leaked.
As the leaked question while getting nostalgic, Yud- tendent of VKSC. An enquiry has begun. Police
paper started circulating on hyavir Singh — Assistant Pro- Even though the affiliation are investigating. I have asked
different social media plat- fessor at AIIMS-Delhi — said, of VKSC with Veer Kunwar them to speed it up. Anyone
forms, the exam was cancelled “It’s a catastrophic incident for Singh University was valid till found involved would be pun-
on the same day, just after it several aspirants belonging to 2017, the college management ished,” Kumar had said after
was conducted on Sunday at economically backward sec- managed to get the BPSC the paper leak was reported.
1,083 centres. tions of society. It’s like dreams examination centre at VKSC. Calling the paper leak
The moment the Bihar of students getting shattered as The investigating agencies are “unfortunate, sad and con-
it has put the whole probing the matter from all the demnable”, Leader of Oppo-
system under the aspects to find out the master- sition in the Bihar Assembly
scanner. It also The paper leak is a ‘catastrophic incident’ for students who made all out efforts to prepare for the exam and reported to the exam centres mind behind the paper leak Tejashwi Yadav said, “Such
raises questions scam. incidents have happened mul-
over the sanc- conducted in future. Under tigious examination and it is “As I’m an elder son in the fam- Officials have claimed that During the investiga- tiple times in various exams,
tity of the the given circumstances, the conducted to select the best ily, it looks awkward for me to the exam centre, which is a tion, SIT found that the including school papers. But
exam to be credibility of the BPSC would officials for exhibiting their take money from my parents. college of a powerful politi- BPSC examination control- no one learns. We have taken
always be under the lens.” administrative acumen in I’m managing the expenses of cian, had nothing in order and ler received one set of the this up several times but to no
“BPSC is Bihar’s pres- strengthening the good gov- my studies, coaching classes, brazenly ignored BPSC guide- leaked paper at 11.43 am on avail. Students’ lives are being
ernance agenda of the state as food and accommodation on lines. “The college was never Sunday, 17 minutes before the played with.”
well as central government. my own,” he said. meant for an exam of this mag- paper was to begin at about Noting that the BPSC’s
Students belonging to weaker Praveen is not the only nitude and it took things very 1,083 centres in the state’s 38 question papers often leak in
sections of society get into the such case. The list is very long. lightly, making its own rules districts. Bihar, Tejashwi quipped that
preparation for BPSC by going Take the example of another — be it deliberately to suit a More than six lakh can- the state government should
through several hardships. The aspirant Sanjay Rajak, who selected few or out of sheer didates enrolled for Sunday’s rename it the Bihar Public
cancellation of the BPSC exam is in a great shock as he had ignorance. The CCTV was examination conducted for Leak Commission (BPLC). In
is like faith and dream break- wished to clear the exam for also not functional. Besides, recruitment to 802 posts in Bihar, the BPSC never holds
ing into pieces,” said Singh, his parents to provide them some 25 selected candidates Bihar’s civil services. The pre- exams on time, he added.
who had also witnessed paper a respectful life. His mother were seated in one room and liminary exam was earlier “BPSC is a prestigious
leak incidents during his prep- washes utensils to meet the all handed over Set-C ques- postponed on two occasions. examination in Bihar. It has
arations for medical entrances. expenses of his studies while tions 25 minutes ahead of The SIT also spoke to the a specific institution to con-
Agreeing with Singh, BPSC his father works as a farm the start of the examination, individual who forwarded the duct the examination. Still,
aspirant Praveen Kumar, who labourer. which was next to impossible,” 22-page question paper to the question papers are frequently
hails from a remote village As the matter has been the officials said, adding that exam controller. This person, leaked here. You could imag-
in Gaya district, said, “I was handed over to the Economic other students kept waiting for an official said, had received ine what would happen to
hopeful of clearing the PT offence Unit (EOU) to investi- the OMR sheet and question the question paper at 11.33 other examinations. As ques-
exam as I had scored well. I gate the whole scam, officials papers till 20 minutes after the am. It is not clear who sent tion papers are frequently
belong to a poor family and have found very surprising scheduled start. him the leaked paper, but an leaking in Bihar that means
Condemning the routine my father is a farmer. The can- facts associated with the BPSC The Special Investigation official underlined that What- somebody is sitting in the
paper leak incidents, Tejashwi cellation of the exam has left paper leak case. Team (SIT) has seized the sApp tagged the document on system and repeatedly doing
Yadav quipped that BPSC me in a lurch as I’m not able EoU officials are surprised OMR sheets of candidates his phone as one which had such acts. State government
should be renamed as Bihar to find a way forward to move to know how and why Veer and sought the details of the been “forwarded many times”. should compensate every stu-
Public Leak Commission on.” Kunwar Singh College (VKSC) candidates from the BPSC for The initial probe indi- dent with Rs 5,000, especially
(BPLC) Praveen, who is a postgrad- in the outskirts of Ara Town their interrogation. “There cates that all the versions of those who came to the exam-
uate and is currently pursuing was identified as an exam cen- may be involvement of peo- the leaked examination paper ination centres from remote
a degree in Law, takes tuition tre by the Bihar Public Service ple at various levels. Those circulating on social media areas,” Yadav said.
classes to meet his expenses. Commission (BPSC). arrested are not attributing a appeared to have originated Views expressed are personal
NEW DELHI | SUNDAY, 15 MAY, 2022 Inland mp 9
Thriving through partnership
AUTHOR Owing to its high import dependency, the household- and transportation-driven consumption
of natural gas has been on a decline but, riding on the success of Indo-American Strategic
Partnership, a market is being created for LNG and CNG by replacing LPG
Gas usage pattern market by gas producers, through LNG Project, USA, for a period of 20
India’s domestic consumption of a transparent and competitive pro- years. Cameron LNG Project started
DIPANKAR DEY natural gas is dominated by the fer- cess; permit affiliates to participate commercial operations in Aug 2019.
tiliser (34 per cent), electric power in the bidding process for the sale of Till May 2020, IOCL has received

(23 per cent), refining (11 per cent), gas; and allow marketing freedom three LNG cargoes from the project.
n November 2016, the Modi local distribution (11 per cent), and to certain Field Development Plans An MoU has been signed between
government proposed to cre- petrochemical (8 per cent) indus- (FDPs) where production sharing the Ministry of Petroleum and Nat-
ate an Indian natural gas hub, tries. In recent years, the GoI has contracts already provide pricing ural Gas, Government of India, and
similar to the US Henry Hub, undertaken initiatives to make freedom. the US Department of Energy for
which is a physical distribution imported LNG more attractive, The GoI has increased the enhanced cooperation in the Strate-
hub, or the UK’s National Balanc- especially to the power and fertil- domestic natural gas price by 62 gic Petroleum Reserves Programme
ing Point, which is a virtual pricing iser industries. For electricity gen- per cent from USD 1.79 per mBtu on July 17, 2020.
point. This was intended to make eration, the Ministry of Power, along to USD 2.9 per mBtu under the
the allocation of natural gas more with the Ministry of Petroleum and domestic gas price regime, which
efficient, make the market more Natural Gas, directed natural gas was introduced in 2014. The new
CNG and piped gas to
dependable, and decrease politi- pipeline companies to reduce their price, effective from October 1, 2021 replace LPG
cal influence over trade. Economic tariffs to support greater natural gas resulted in an increase in electric- In November 2020, Adani
Times reported in November last use in electric power generation. In ity tariffs from gas-fuelled power Gas Ltd (AGL), signed a Defini-
year that after remaining stagnant at 2015, the GoI instituted a gas pool- projects and pushed up the cost of tive Agreement for the acquisi-
70 mmscmd for the past five years, ing policy to provide natural gas at a fertiliser production. Subsequently, tion of three Geographical Areas
domestic gas availability for com- uniform price for all fertiliser plants. the Union government has more (GA) namely Ludhiana, Jalandhar,
mercial consumption has risen to 80 Gas consumption is presently than doubled the price of domesti- and Kutch (East). With the addi-
mmscmd in the last quarter of 2021. around 174 mmscmd. Of this, 49 cally produced natural gas for the six tion of these three GAs, AGL shall
per cent is met by domestic produc- months beginning April 1, 2022 due now have a presence in 22 GAs as
tion and the rest through imports to a surge in global prices. Due to a standalone entity and additional
Growing importance in the form of liquefied natural gas
India leans heavily on growth in household and transportation segments in terms of gas consumption
this, the price of gas from regulated 19 GAs as JV partner with IOCL
Natural gas is considered a less (LNG). Demand for city gas is likely of India. An Expert Group was set iser sectors, is an example of the grouping of various prices on the fields of state-owned ONGC and Oil — aggregating its tally to 41 GAs
polluting energy source, compared to rise to 140 mmscmd in eight years up by the Ministry of Petroleum ‘assessed’ price, while the price that international market. This new India Ltd will also rise to a record (74 districts), ensuring AGL’s con-
to other petroleum products. Since from 35 mmscmd now while gas & Natural Gas on August 31, 2009 Indian companies pay for imported arrangement has kept the price in USD 6.10 per mBtu s from the cur- tinued leadership in CGD Business
the 1990s, when the global warm- use in refineries is expected at 58 to suggest “a viable and sustain- gas is an example of the market- a range acceptable to domestic gas- rent USD 2.90, reported Mint. in India.
ing issue got linked to the produc- mmscmd from about 14 mmscmd able system of pricing of petroleum linked price. Unfortunately, neither consuming sectors, but many gas- The unrealistic gas pricing pol- French oil and gas company,
tion and consumption of fossil fuels, now. As per a report by Business products” for India. The Expert model accurately reflects the physi- producing companies have argued icy with a very high weightage on Total SA, has partnered with Adani
many major economies have stra- Standard, LNG, as a transport fuel Group, under the Chairmanship cal market – the actual demand and that this scheme does not offer suf- international gas prices is hinder- Group to supply and market natu-
tegically shifted their focus from in India, is predicted to touch 14 of Kirit Parikh, submitted its report supply – for natural gas in India. ficient financial incentives to expand ing the acceptance of natural gas as a ral gas in India. Adani Total Gas
carbon-intensive crude oil to less million tonnes by 2035. The fertil- on February 2, 2010. One of the The RIL KG-D6 gas pricing is investments in exploration and pro- greener alternative fuel or feedstock. Limited (ATGL), a joint venture
polluting alternative energy sources iser industry had the highest share major recommendations, among an interesting case study of how duction, particularly in the offshore. between Adani Group and Total
including natural gas. But in India, of natural gas consumption across others, of the Expert Group was pricing has oscillated between the The price of natural gas in India Energies, is the largest private Com-
the use of natural gas has not India during the fiscal year 2021. to phase out administered pricing two models. The price of USD 2.34/ is determined twice each year by
Indo- US strategic pressed Gas Distributor (CGD)
improved much. The share of nat- Along with the fertiliser indus- mechanism (APM) and allow prices mBtu proposed by Reliance Indus- the government through a weighted partnership Company in India. ATGL has half
ural gas in the country’s primary try, petrochemicals, sponge iron, of most of the oil products to be tries in 2006 to sell gas to Reliance average of the Henry Hub (the India first began importing LNG a million consumers and business
energy mix has declined from 8.2 and LPG shrinkage constituted the market-determined. United States), National Balancing in 2004, and by 2015, it had become partners who together form the
per cent in 2009 to 6.7 per cent in non-energy consumption of nat- On the recommendation of the Point (the UK), Russian gas, and the world’s fifth-largest importer of ATGL community.
2020 whereas the global average has ural gas that amounted to 35 per Expert Group, the Government of Canadian Alberta gas prices. The LNG behind Japan, South Korea, Down to Earth reported that
increased to 25 per cent from 22 per cent of the total consumption. The India decided, on June 25, 2010, distribution of domestically pro- China, and Taiwan. In February according to an ICICI Securities
cent during the same period. IEA forecasts that India will reg- to allow the pricing of a few major The share duced gas is set by the govern- 2016, India received its first LNG analysis of the gas market, prices
It may also be mentioned that as ister the third-highest growth in petroleum products on the basis of of natural gas ment through its “Gas Utilisation shipment from the United States. in the gas market are expected to
of 2017, India held 43 trillion cubic natural gas vehicles through 2040, a free-market mechanism. After Policy” which rations domes- GAIL has signed an agreement rise by USD 4.1/mBtu to USD 7.35/
feet of proven gas reserves — rank- after the United States and China. deregulation, on that very day, in the country’s tically produced gas and dis- with the Cove Point LNG facility in mBtu in FY23. This will imply that
ing 22nd in the world; and to date, Indian companies are currently the price of petrol was increased primary energy mix tributes it to certain priority Maryland, which is under construc- the main players supplying com-
around 95 per cent of the gas reserve experimenting with ways to inte- by Rs 3.5 per litre, kerosene by sectors before it is released for tion, for 50 per cent of its capacity. pressed natural gas (CNG) and
is left. India consumed 1,957,546 grate natural gas into the transport Rs 3 per litre, diesel by Rs 2 per has declined from 8.2 sale to the general public. This In order to strengthen its energy piped natural gas (PNG) will need to
million cubic feet (mcf) of natu- industry. For example, Petronet and litre and LPG per cylinder by Rs per cent in 2009 to is intended to benefit the so- relations with the USA, India raise CNG prices by 50-56 per cent
ral gas per year as of 2017 and the IOC are running a trial programme 35. Since then, prices are moving called “Tier-1” industries (city launched Strategic Energy Part- between April and October 2022 to
country imported around 37 per of long-haul buses that run on LNG. to the north. 6.7 per cent in gas for households and transport, nership with the country in April maintain their high margins.
cent of its consumption that year. An ORF study (December 2021) 2020 fertiliser plants and grid-connected 2018. In a short span of three and a The recent hike in gas price has
Import dependence is increasing shows that between 2013-14 and power plants). half years, India’s hydrocarbon trade provided these private players the
even though the current govern- 2019-20, consumption of natural
Gas pricing policy The government notified the with the US has exceeded USD nine much-needed comfort space to
ment plans to reduce oil and gas gas in power generation fell mar- Till the mid-1980s India could Natural Resources Limited (RNRL) Hydrocarbon Exploration and billion and Washington has emerged compete with LPG. To make CNG
import requirements. Owing to ginally by over two per cent and not formulate any gas pricing pol- was not accepted by the government Licensing Policy (HELP) on March among the top ten sources of crude prices competitive for the private
a series of major policy missteps, consumption in the fertiliser seg- icy. A substantial amount of gas even though it was the same price as 30, 2016, and formally put it in oil for India, holding 5th position in and joint venture piped gas distribu-
import dependence increased — ment increased only slightly by just was flared. Even at the end of 1989, RIL. The government claimed that operation w.e.f. July 1, 2017, with the current Financial Year. tors, LPG price has to be increased.
from 83 per cent in financial year over one per cent. These two seg- 30 per cent of the produced gas the price was not an ‘arm’s length’ notification of the Open Acreage Indo-US ties got further The Government of India is killing
(FY) 2012-13 to 86 per cent in FY ments that accounted for over 42 could not be utilised, hence flared. price for RNRL. Licensing Programme (OALP) and strengthened when the Indian LPG marketed by PSUs. To make
18 for oil, and from 30 per cent to per cent of consumption in 2019-20 It was reported that flaring of gas To make it fair, the pricing was operationalisation of the National Prime Minister visited Houston it effective, LPG prices have been
45 per cent for gas during the same are showing flat or negative growth in Northeast was as high as 50 per then linked to the international Data Repository (NDR). HELP is — the capital of the US oil and gas systematically increased so that
period. The dependence is expected which explains the slow growth of cent in 1987-88 due to low offtake price of crude oil. This resulted in a paradigm shift from the Produc- industry — in September 2019. consumers find piped gas more
to grow further to around 95 per gas consumption. However, other by consumers and absence of any the revised price of USD 4.2 per tion Sharing Contract (PSC) regime During his visit, Petronet LNG — attractive than LPG. In May 2014,
cent for oil and around 60 per cent segments have shown phenome- proper planning by the government. mBtu for RIL and was eventually to the Revenue Sharing Contract an Indian state-private partnership the price of a domestic cylinder was
for gas by 2040, according to the nal growth during the same period. It was difficult to develop a accepted by New Delhi in 2007. (RSC) regime which completely — signed an MoU with Tellurian, Rs 414 which has been raised to over
most recent BP Energy Outlook for CNG (compressed natural gas) con- fair pricing architecture for a Since then, India has moved to an overhauled the regulatory regime a Houston-based oil company, to Rs 1,000 in May 2022. The market
2019. sumption (including transporta- vital energy resource like gas. At international market-linked pric- for the future Exploration and Pro- invest USD 2.5 billion in Tellurian’s for PNG and CNG is thus created
India’s natural gas consumption tion) grew by over 1,700 per cent, the heart of the issue was a long- ing model for gas which is linked to duction (E&P) activities by reduc- proposed Driftwood LNG export to replace LPG.
is projected to rise to as much as 550 industries by over 160 per cent, known dilemma for policymak- average gas prices in the markets of ing the regulatory burden based on terminal, in exchange for the rights
million standard cubic meters per refining by over 96 per cent, petro- ers — whether to link gas prices the US, the UK, among others, for the principle of ‘Ease of Doing Busi- to five million metric tons of LNG
day by the end of the decade from chemicals by over 40 per cent and to an ‘assessed’ price, determined our private and public sector play- ness’. It provides for a single License per year over 40 years, reported Hin-
about 174 mmscmd presently, as the sponge iron by over 310 per cent. by the government or pri- ers. This was done based on the rec- for exploration and production of dustan Times. India has failed to develop a
user base expands with the inclusion Unlike other countries where gas vate Indian participants, ommendations of a 2012 committee conventional as well as non-con- In 2020, Indian companies have comprehensive gas policy of its own.
of newer industries such as steel. The consumption is driven by power or link it to an interna- headed by C Rangarajan. The aim ventional hydrocarbon resources, together contracted 6.6 MMTPA The Indo-American Strategic Part-
government is targeting to increase generation, India leans heavily on tional market-based was to incentivise domestic pricing, and marketing freedom, of LNG from the US. Indian PSU, nership is a major game-changer
the share of natural gas in the pri- growth in household and transpor- price. The Adminis- exploration. reduced rate of royalty for offshore Gas Authority of India (GAIL), has not only in the field of petroleum
mary energy basket to 15 per cent by tation segments served by CNG. tered Pricing Mecha- In October 2014, the blocks, etc. signed two long-term (20 years) and natural gas but also influences
2030 from the current 6.2 per cent, To understand this contradic- nism (APM) price set Modi government introduced In another significant step to LNG sourcing contracts with India’s foreign policy. India’s deci-
reported Business Standard Novem- tion, we have to discuss the natural by the government a new natural gas pricing for- move towards a gas-based economy, Dominion Energy Cove Point LNG sion to withdraw from the China-led
ber last year. gas pricing policy of for gas and used by mula, which was linked to ‘Natural Gas Marketing Reforms’ LP and Sabine Pass Liquefaction Regional Comprehensive Economic
the Government the power and fertil- were announced on October 15, LLC for 5.8 MMT. Indian Oil Cor- Partnership (RCEP) immediately
2020. The objective of the policy poration Limited (IOCL) has signed after Modi’s return from the USA,
is to prescribe the standard an LNG Sale and Purchase Agree- in September 2019 and recent objec-
procedure for determin- ment with Diamond Gas Interna- tions by the USA on India’s import
ing the market price of tional Pt. Ltd for the supply of 0.7 of Russian oil are cases in point.
gas to be sold in the MMTPA of LNG from Cameron Views expressed are personal

India’s natural gas consumption is projected to rise to as much as 550 million standard cubic
meters per day by the end of the decade from about 174 mmscmd presently
10 Books millenniumpost

Rooting through the history FRESH OFF THE

As a comprehensive answer to the book’s
title — Who is a Parsi? — Prochy N
Mehta discusses in fine detail the origins
of the community, their assimilation
among Hindus in India and then their THE STRUGGLE FOR POLICE
religious rediscovery through a reformist Giving a historical
movement which was essentially background to
the origin of
orthodoxy in practice. Excerpts: Indian Police, the
book traces its
evolution during
Parsis’ arrival in India, no list of names, British rule and
no count of how many men, women, subsequently since
or children or how many ship or ships Independence.
came, and exactly when or where they Author: Prakash Singh
landed. Travelling by sea would have Publisher: Rupa
been sacrilegious for the Parsis, so it is `79
9 Publications
possible that they came by land.
Historian Shapurji Hodiwala in History. This was later printed in the in his time.’ He adds, ‘various mea- date is 716 AD and not 775 or 785
his 1920 book Parsis of Ancient India Journal of the Iranian Association in gre and unsatisfactory traditions exist AD, beside this there is no landing at December In Dacca
mentions the writer, Baman Kaeko- January 1914. In this paper, he writes, concerning the tide of emigration, the Div. The reason for this difference is
bad Hamjiar Sanjana. He writes that ‘I have said that very few of the state- manner in which it was effected, and the accounts maybe, as suggested by December in
very little is known of him except that ments are properly authenticated and the total number of those who left the Wilford, that the history of at least 2 Dacca retells the
Baman put the finishing touch on his some of them are absolutely name- shores of Gulf.’ bands of refugees has been mixed up.
verses on the day of ‘Khordad’ in the less. They exhibit the most bewildering In the foreword of Parsis of Such discrepancies, coupled with other story of the 1971
month of ‘Farwandin’ in the year 969 Ancient India, Hodiwala explains: circumstances, have led some schol- war while setting
AY (about AD 1600), and that he was the history of the Parsis of ancient ars to challenge every detail of the the context and
‘considerably advanced in age’ at that India from the hoary past down to the Kisseh-a-Sanjan. offering some
Price: ` 795 time. It is a pity 16th Century after Christ is almost Hodiwala also says: thoughts on why
Publisher: Niyogi Books An English translation of Kisseh-a- a blank. Open the first volume of the Nothing indeed, can be a greater
Sanjan was made in 1844 at the sug-
that there is no Parsi Prakash, that monumental work error than to suppose that Bahman these stories are
gestion of Dr John Wilson by E.B. historical record of of the Late Khan Bahadur Bomanji B. was a great poet, a serious historian not better known.
Which is the one virtue that is best Eastwick and published in the first the Parsis’ arrival in Patel, and you will find that only 3 or or a man of multifarious and accurate Author: KS Nair
for mankind? Truthful speech is best, volume of the journal of the Bombay 4 pages have been devoted to events scholarship. At the same time, he was
because in truthful speech there is good branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. India, no list of names connected with the Parsis during the not an ordinary man. He belonged to `69
Publisher: HarperCol-
9 lins India
repute in the world and good life and Kisseh-a-Sanjan talks about five and no count of above-mentioned period. a family possessing remarkable liter-
salvation in Paradise. conditions set by the King before allow- He continues: ary aptitudes and it would be folly
—Pahlavi Rivāyat Accompany- ing the Parsis to enter his land. The landed persons According to the account of the to suppose that all his statements are After Steve
ing the Dādestan-ī-Dēnīg conditions have often been misquoted. Kisseh-a-Sanjan about 115 years unworthy of credit. But it must be also
After Steve is a

Hodiwala enumerates them as follows: after the overthrow of the Sassanian recognized that he is occasionally out
isseh-a-Sanjan, a poem writ- 1) That they should give him some diversity amongst themselves, and, if dynasty, a number of Zoroastrians of his depth. result of the author’s
ten in 1599, is the only record information about their religion we are to believe them, the same event came to India and landed at Div off Did they come by sea? Hodiwala conversation with
of the history of the Parsis from 2) That they must give up the lan- (the arrival of the Parsis at Sanjan) the coast of Kathiawar. Having stayed believes: ‘It is very likely that in accor- more than 200
the time they reportedly migrated to guage of Iran and speak the local lan- occurred in 772, 895, and 961 Vikram there for 16 years, they went to Sanjan. dance with their tradition, they came current and former
India to escape persecution. Written guage of India Samvat ie. 716, 839 and 905 AD.’ If we take the battle of Naharend (AD (by land) hugging the coast – thus Apple executives, as
by Baman Kaekobad in 1599, the poem 3) That their women should put on Dosabhai Framji Karaka in his book 641) to have decided the fate of the avoiding the dangers of the sea and
well as figures key to
in its title refers to Sanjan in Gujarat, a clothes like Hindu women The Parsees – Their History, Manners, Persian Empire, it would appear that the risk of breaking the rule about not
place of immense historical and reli- 4) That they must lay aside their Customs and Religion (1858) makes the Zoroastrians landed at Sanjan in defiling the sea with human impurities. this period of Apple’s
gious importance for the Parsis. It was weapons and swords the same point about Kisseh-a-Sanjan. AD 775. Some scholars, taking AD 651 The purification ritual to be history.
here that the first Atash Behram was 5) That good works such as mar- ‘Whatever information (about our (when the King Yezdagard was killed) observed after travelling by boat (over
consecrated. riages should be performed in the history) is now in our possession, and as the starting, arrive at the starting water) as recorded in the Rivayats were Author: Tripp Mickle
However, the fact remains that evening. is to any extant reliable, is gleaned date AD 785. filed in court in the Saklat vs Bella
Kisseh-a-Sanjan is a literary work, and On 25 October 1913, Hodiwala from a work entitled Kisseh-a-Sanjan, Ervad Maneckji R Unwala has lawsuit. `59 Publisher: HarperCollins
it makes no claims of historicity. At read a paper before the Society for the which was compiled in the year 1599, got a manuscript about 150 years old, (Excerpted with permission from
best, it is historical fiction. It is a pity promotion of Zoroastrian Research, by one Bahman a Zoroastrian resident which gives a slightly different account Prochy N Mehta’s Who is a Parsi?; Leaders Politicians Citizens
that there is no historical record of the titled The Traditional Dates of Parsi of Nowsaree, from the traditions extant from that of the Kisseh-a-Sanjan. The published by Niyogi Books)
Bringing into focus
the human facet
of governments,
the book presents
a history of Indian
democracy and
provides insights
into the evolution
of its political
Author: Rasheed Kidwai
Publisher: Hachette
9 India

Turning full circle
“What the mind has forgotten. v Your loved one may have
The body remembers long after.” been sick, hospitalised or suc-
 – Lilias Folan cumbed to COVID-19

v You may have been sick
onali (name changed) came yourself
in to discuss how she had v You may have faced a panic
been feeling down lately situation in order to fend for your
for no apparent reason. She
cited that last year’s same time had In anniversary reaction, emotional outpourings related to major life inci- own health or a loved one’s health
v Had trouble arranging
dents — not necessarily traumatic — repeat themselves periodically on an
been traumatic and stressful for resources for COVID-19 health
her. Losing her mother to COVID- issues.

annual basis; if processed adequately, these could lead to mental healing

19 at that time and her own pro- All of these can trigger an anni-
fessional life going for a toss in the versary response.
same month led to a brief spell of
grief and anxiety but she managed The good aspect of the anniver-
to cope up with therapy and a brief date; birthday of a deceased loved ries triggered by subtle reminders sary reaction
course of medications. one; the start of the pandemic. or just out of the blue while An anniversary reaction could
This year, everything seemed doing some work. It can also pres- be a roadway to your emotional
to be going great. Her family life Why do people experience it? ent as: healing. Listen to your body and
was happy, she had secured a An anniversary reaction can v Grief and sadness your emotions. Process them
senior management position at occur because the date of the origi- v Memories and vivid dreams adequately.

work, and she had even accepted nal trauma (or some other trigger) v Anxiety and irritability
the loss of her loved one. She activates a traumatic memory. v Frustration, anger and guilt What to do?
questioned, then why are the mem- v Avoidance v Acknowledge: Understand
ories of last year haunting her v Remembrance that this is a reaction that can affect
By Dr Era Dutta suddenly? An anniversary anyone
Does anniversary reaction always v Be prepared ahead of
What is an anniversary reaction? reaction could be have to be related to trauma? time: Try to explore ways to stay
Dr Dutta is a
An anniversary reaction is the a roadway to your Not always. It can be a remem- meaningfully engaged and be
renewed feeling of grief or anx- brance of someone you had a great surrounded by people who can
iety on or around the date of a emotional healing. relationship with, even just the support you. If you wish to cele-
Consultant traumatic event. This can occur Listen to your body birthday of a beloved. brate a deceased, go ahead and do
not only at one-year mark of the it in your own unique way
NeuroPsychiatrist & incidence but each year as well.
and your emotions What is Covid-19 anniversary v Allow: Allow yourself to
This reaction is considered a nor- reaction? experience all emotions. Instead
Life Wellness coach mal and common response. What does it look like? The start or the peak of the pan- of suppressing, express them.
It is that time of the year when Each person processes loss, demic led to dread for everyone. So v Speak to a specialist: Learn
(MD Psychiatry, the memories of an event may stress and trauma events differ- many people were confined to their techniques like EMDR, and CBT
come flooding to you, leaving you ently. Presentation of an anni- homes, many struggled mentally, to overcome the trauma response
DNB, MBBS) disturbed, irritable and maybe just versary reaction may differ from lost their jobs and even their loved v Be gentle with yourself
feeling strange for no apparent rea- person to person, ranging from ones. The time around the peak v Validate: Validate how far
and expertises in son. Then, on closer introspection What are some situations where natural disaster like an earthquake, being mildly upset for a day or death toll worldwide was another you have come from the original
of the calendar, you realise that this one can experience it? a major occurrence like a terror- two to more extreme psychiatric time when the world mourned at stressor and appreciate yourself
depression, anxiety, is the same time of the year when The death of a loved one; a car ist attack; receiving a diagnosis of or medical symptoms. the same time and everyone fended for it.
you had experienced a traumatic accident; a break-up; a traumatic cancer or another serious health Some people may experience for their safety. Send your questions to
OCD and stress loss or a major stressor. birth; a miscarriage; a betrayal; a diagnosis; sexual trauma; a divorce flashes of major events, memo- Last year this time help@dreradutta.com
c m y b

chandigarh | 15 MAY 2022

Former diplomat Talmiz Ahmad’s book is a Though pandemic has been cited as the reason Odisha, host of next year’s hockey World Cup, is
significant contribution to our understanding behind holding back Army recruitment since creating top-class infrastructure in Bhubaneswar
of West Asia, with which India has had 2020, the issues of rightsizing and ‘tour of duty’ and Rourkela. It is focusing on enhancing
contact through history BOOKS page 14 need to be resolved first INDEPTH page 15 facilities at the district level too SPORT page 17

It’s a packed house in the Valley after many years, and not without reason. Pan-India
tourism promotion, marketing and effective Covid management have all played a part
Rohit Bhan & Samaan Lateef manent peace,” he adds. During his week-long stay, he recalls
meeting a local family who offered him lunch. “They invited us

Nearly 2.8 lakh ONG queues of tourists at the Srinagar airport, over- home and we had an amazing wazwan there. Can you see this
people visited crowded eateries, families waiting for their turn at the happening anywhere else in India?” Nair asks. A lot has
Kashmir last shikara boarding points of Dal Lake, couples posing changed, he says, “but infrastructure needs to be improved”.
month, the in traditional attire at Nishat Bagh, bustling markets, Nitin Ahuja, 50, a healthcare worker from Connecticut in
highest for fully occupied hotels — Kashmir is back in the USA, had come to visit his mother in New Delhi last month, but
April in three tourism big league, with a bang. Last month, the Valley wel- the heatwave forced him to plan a solo trek to Pahalgam in
decades. comed nearly 2.8 lakh tourists, the highest for April in three south Kashmir. “I had heard about violence, bomb attacks, but
(L-R) Tourists decades, say officials, who are anticipating the rush to contin- things have changed a lot on the ground.”
throng Dal ue through the year. The first week of May alone saw an inflow
Lake, Gulmarg of 33,000 tourists. NEW DESTINATIONS
and Nishat Even last year, when the entire country was in the grip of tight Taking into account the tourist rush and interest, 75 new des-
Bagh in Covid restrictions, Kashmir continued to receive tourists, main- tinations have been opened to diversify the choice for tourists.
Srinagar. ly youth, who either had got the vaccine jabs or were open to the The claim is backed by figures as thousands of tourists are
PHOTOS: PTI, mandatory quarantine before moving to their destinations — rushing to Bungus, Lolab and Gurez in north Kashmir and
REUTERS for trekking and other adventure tourism trips. “The fillip in Dodipathri in central Kashmir’s Budgam district.
adventure tourism sent a positive word across India and we fol- Even young girls in groups can be seen camping in Bungus and
lowed it up with an aggressive promotional campaign,” says Gurez, reflecting the improving security situation in the region.
Deputy Director of Tourism Ahsanul Haq. Smita Pujari, 42, from Mumbai has come to Kashmir for
Official data reveals that 6.6 lakh tourists visited Kashmir the first time after her friends visited in winter. “They
last year, bringing the hotel industry back to life after it
est igloo restaurant in Gulmarg. gave excellent feedback and we booked our tickets
remained shut in the wake of abrogation of Article 370 Tourists at the world’s high online.” Her group has been to Gurez and Bungus.

in August 2019, followed by the pandemic. The tourist “We fell in love with the places. Gurez and Bungus
footfall for 2020 was a mere 41,000. have breathtaking beauty and a serene environ-
All top hotels in Kashmir are booked till June ment. It’s an out-of-the-world feeling,” she says.
and Gondola, Asia’s largest and highest cable car The uptick in economic activity has been a god-
in ski-resort Gulmarg, up to May 18. send for many, but the local tour operators are
upset as there are no hotel rooms available till
THE HARDSELL June, resulting in a price hike of around 200
Officials attribute the tourism boom to effec- per cent. “The online travel sites have
tive Covid management, aggressive cam- blocked all the rooms in top hotels. Our

paigning across India, and support from the agents in different cities are seeking rooms
country’s tour and travel agencies. and we are not able to help,” says tour oper-
In pre-Covid days, Kerala led Kashmir by ator Sajad Ahmad.
a mile as the premier tourist destination in “We are all suffering due to the unethical
India. The pandemic devastated tourism in overpricing at hotels, non-availability of
the coastal state, and it didn’t recover until rooms, and the nexus between local hote-
late December 2021, providing a window to liers and online travel companies. The gov-
the J&K administration to attract tourists to ernment has to regulate the tariffs or this
the Valley. will seriously damage us in future,” says a
In September last year, when several states spokesperson of the United Tourism Forum,
started lifting the Covid restrictions, the Jam- Farooq Kathu. Non-local travel agencies and
mu and Kashmir tourism officials carried out online companies have grabbed 90 per cent of
aggressive promotion in all small and big cities. the inventories, he claims, leading to the block-
Several groups visited Kolkata, Mumbai and ing of hotel rooms till June 20.
other top cities for promotional events, roping in
tour and travel associations, senior officials and the AMARNATH YATRA NEXT
media. With Kashmir shrugging the tag of an insecure tourist
Assurance was given of Covid protection, packages destination, the next challenge is the safe conduct of
were incentivised, and the most attractive of all offers was Amarnath yatra. More than eight lakh pilgrims are expect-
opening up of restricted or closed tourist destinations. ed for the annual pilgrimage to the holy shrine in south Kash-
Leading Bollywood production houses and filmmakers were mir Himalayas, starting from June 30.
tapped to revive their connection with Jammu and Kashmir. In A top Army official says the authorities have their fingers crossed
September, the authorities also launched a film policy to pro- as a single incident can derail all the hard work that has gone into
vide a single-window mechanism for shooting movies, listing making Kashmir a safe tourist destination.
various incentives for producers. A generous provision was a As former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, reacting to the
special grant of half the cost of production for any film based killing of a Kashmiri Pandit employee in Budgam, said,
on J&K or ~5 crore, whichever is less. “Tourism is not normalcy, it’s a barometer of economic activity.
Similarly, an exhaustive provision of subsidies for TV shows, Normalcy is the absence of fear.”
web series, original shows on the On August 15 last year, the authorities hoisted a 100-foot-tall Tri-
OTT platform, and documentary The 100-foot-tall Tricolour atop the Hari Parbat fort, overlooking Srinagar. colour atop Hari Parbat’s 19th-century fort built during the Dur-
films to be shot in J&K was rani Empire, with CRPF personnel securing it. As it draws the
FAVOURITE DESTINATION spelled out in the policy. Films attention of thousands of tourists, the fort reflects Kashmir’s cen-
Year Number of tourists based on patriotic, child and turies-old tradition of religious tolerance as it is surrounded by a
2019 5.65 lakh women development themes, too, temple, a mosque and a gurdwara.
2020 41,267 came within the ambit of subsi- “I like the National Flag flying high the most. It’s a sign of inte-
2021 6.5 lakh dies of up to ~50 lakh. gration, a testimony that peace and normalcy have returned to
2022 More than 6 lakh so far “It was a well thought out plan to Kashmir,” says Mahesh Chauhan, 49, a tourist from Mumbai.
reach out to tourism players across Mesmerised by the beauty of the Valley, he wants to make it a
India before the country opens up point to send his relatives to the region. Inshallah!
post-Covid. We went to almost all
the major cities to seek the support of stakeholders,” says Haq.
Some tourists say they barely heard bad news about Covid
management in Kashmir and for others, the abrogation of Arti- WHY HIMACHAL PRADESH LOSES OUT
cle 370 induced confidence. Himachal Pradesh, which gained during times of trouble in
The authorities also used social media to a great extent to Kashmir, has been bearing the brunt of the tourism boom
lure tourists. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home in the Valley. According to hoteliers, Kashmir is better
Minister Amit Shah shared social media posts about Kash- placed in terms of infrastructure and connectivity. Bigger
mir’s tourist destinations, which added strength to the promo- planes can land at the Srinagar airport, the airfares are
tional campaign. also moderate.
Visiting Kashmir after 40 years, MV Nair, a retired bureaucrat Many travel agents have stopped bringing tourists to
from Kerala, says earlier he had the impression that it was a Himachal as the entry and other taxes are high. Recently,
risky place and hostile. “That fear has gone. I found Kashmir The Tulip Garden in bloom last month in Srinagar. PHOTOS: AMIN WAR tour operators of Gujarat had decided to boycott Shimla
to be a safe tourist destination and I pray it moves towards per- due to high state taxes.
14 Books CHANDIGARH | 15 MAY 2022

Navigating the West Asian quagmire

Vivek Katju of the Iranian revolution of 1979 and oth-
er events of that fateful year, America’s
including when the European powers
physically gave shape to it after World
itics of hydrocarbons which, beginning
in the 1930s, became one of the determi-
This is particularly because Islam, in one
form or another, comprehensively deter-

CHOLAR and former diplomat Afghan and Iraq wars and the Arab War I to suit their own interests. nants of events. mines the national lives of all Arab states.
Talmiz Ahmad is one of India’s Spring. He shows a masterly grasp of the Ahmad examines at length the impact With the Iranian revolution, Islamic sec- Ahmad may see optimism in the continu-
leading authorities on West Asia, flow of events and their intellectual, on the Palestinian people and the adjoin- tarianism came to the fore with renewed ing Palestinian resistance, but does their
especially the Arab world. His social, economic and political underpin- ing Arab states of the Zionist project, vigour, manifesting, inter alia, in Saudi- cause now really resonate in the Arab and
monumental work, ‘West Asia at nings concerning the Arab world and which culminated in the establishment Iranian rivalry. This continues to affect wider Islamic world?
War’, is a significant and timely contribu- even Iran, but falters somewhat in respect of an independent and sovereign Israel. every aspect of West Asian politics and Ahmad’s chapter on India-West Asia
tion to our understanding of the develop- of Afghanistan, which has always moved Ahmad’s seeming optimism that it may ties is a fine survey of the changing con-
ments over the past two centuries in a to a different rhythm. abate is misplaced. Where Ahmad excels tours of the relationship. It also factors in
region with which India has had contact European expansion from the end of the WEST ASIA AT WAR: is in his exposition on the different Indian-Israeli and Indo-Iranian ties.
through history; it is also crucial to this 18th century, built on the strength of its REPRESSION, strands of political Islam and its manifes- However, what would have made the
country’s contemporary interests. scientific and technological advances, RESISTANCE AND tations. This should be compulsory read- analysis more valuable is examining the
Ahmad’s lucid writing makes the book dwelt a shattering blow to the self-esteem GREAT POWER GAMES ing for our policy-makers at different lev- shadow of Pakistan and its place in the
very important, both for academics and of the larger Islamic world. It brought by Talmiz Ahmad. els, for there is a great need to gain a Arab and Islamic calculations on India-
policy-makers as well as the general read- forth a wide range of intellectual and the- HarperCollins. differentiated understanding of a phe- West Asia ties. And, this reviewer, for one,
er. It will give them insights into the ological responses as Islamic intellectu- Pages 544. ~799 nomenon which is of vital concern to cannot go along with Ahmad’s view that
impulses that continue to shape West als, including the Arabs, sought answers Indian interests. India with “like-minded countries”
Asia, particularly the Arab countries. to meet fundamental challenges. No Arab The US invasions of Afghanistan and should “lead the process” for regional
Beginning with Napoleon’s attack on abandoned the faith but sought answers He brilliantly focuses on the decades Iraq have played havoc with the Afghans peace. India should avoid the West Asian
Egypt in 1798, Ahmad traces the impact within it, stretching from a return to its when the current of Arab nationalism and the Arabs and Ahmad repeatedly and quagmire and develop bilateral ties, espe-
of a resurgent and increasingly powerful most rigid doctrines to an accommoda- sought to cover the myriad contradic- justifiably returns to the theme. At the cially where it has major interests. In this
Europe on West Asia. He seeks to place tion found within its precepts for com- tions within the nationalist fold, but ulti- same time, it would have been desirable context, its moves on Quad 2, as Ahmad
this “narrative within the framework of prehensive socio-economic reform and mately failed to do so. He also studies the to examine the failure of Islam to find suf- notes, are perhaps ill-advised.
resistance” and explores it through five good governance. Ahmad does well to conservative reaction led by the Saudis ficient resilience for unified, sustained, And finally, this reviewer may be
phases covering the colonial period, the probe this intellectual ferment, for its to combat these forces. And this drama independent and non-violent agencies to allowed, as an old diplomatic colleague, to
consequences of the establishment of impact is felt in the Arab world even then was being played within the overar- throw off the interference of foreign say: “Thank you, Talmiz, for a wonderful
Israel as an independent state, the effect today as it did through the colonial age, ching Cold War competition and the pol- actors, howsoever powerful they may be. book which will stand the test of time.”

Pandemic footprints Unmuting Indian Growing

Akshaya Kumar

voice from WW I migrants in hostile topographies,

Mohanty relies more on his graphic

up Jesuit
HE sheer scale and strange- skills than allegorical correlates,
ness of the Covid-19 pandemic which lend a rare sense of intimacy
triggered off a poetry pandem- and immediacy to the poetic expres- Maj Gen Raj Mehta (retd) become a “British Tommy”; managing
ic. For poets, bunkered as they sion. In lines like these — “after a million struggles” to become Prakash Louis

were in their apartments, writing BULLIENT and peppy, the Eng- No. 3213 Private Nariman Karkaria,

turned out to be an act of both cathar- She cried; her children cowered. lish translation of Indian soldier ‘D’ Company, 24th Middlesex Regi- HE boy’s a joker; he can’t be seri-
sis and outreach. Most of them, how- Onlookers stared on without Nariman Karkaria’s Gujarati ment (Duke of Cambridge's Own). He ous; he is just clowning.’ ‘A Clown
ever, relapsed into apocalyptic biblical trying to stop, war memoir ‘Rangbhoomi pe was the only Indian in the all-Euro- for God, A Clown for Others: Recol-
narratives, or just dug out metaphors Their hunger and weals on feet Rakhad’ is unputdownable. Translat- pean unit, recruited for being pale- lections of an Indian Jesuit’, an
of the Holocaust or Partition to meas- Rolled into a charade of ed by eminent historian/translator skinned with matching European autobiography by Rudolf Heredia, begins
ure the magnitude of the medical discipline. Murali Ranganathan, ‘The First World manners and tastes, and buoyed by with these words and ends with these,
nightmare; some just turned inward War: Adventures of Nariman Karkaria’ the fact that a Parsi had much earlier “Clowns help us see that all the world’s a
to sing sweet sad songs of quaran- She got up and gathered her comes in a colourful jacket design. The preceded him in recruitment. He can- stage, we all have our entrances and exits;
tined existence. children, book brings readers face-to-face with a not help wonder after using spanking- and in between we play many parts, which
Satya Mohanty treads along a differ- Wiping tears with the diaphanous rare genre of military writing — the clean British train toilets when his add up to the complex story of our lives.
ent and difficult axis. He chooses to fringe. unravelling of an Indian soldier’s “dear proud Hindustan” would catch Clowns bring with them much-needed heal-
Broken, she started walking back up. Nariman nattily describes his initi- ing laughter and rel-
Through the cartography ation into the khaki uniform and army ativising humour to
MIGRANTS CHRONICLE of cruelty. THE FIRST WORLD routine before his unit is sent to the the ups and downs A CLOWN FOR GOD, A
AND PANDEMIC WAR: ADVENTURES OF western front after truncated training. of the journey.” CLOWN FOR OTHERS:
MUSINGS — different registers of reportage, NARIMAN KARKARIA His initiation into cold-mud enshrined Rudi Heredia, in RECOLLECTIONS OF AN
by Satya Mohanty. history-writing, portrait-painting, and by Nariman Karkaria. trench warfare opposite the Germans his indomitable INDIAN JESUIT
Dhauli Books. Translated by Murali by Rudolf C Heredia.
poetry merge in one artistic continu- in “the killing fields of France” is grip- style, has presented
Pages 54. Ranganathan. Speaking Tiger.
um that transports the reader to the ping and real as much as it is a brutal to the reader the life
~495 HarperCollins. Pages 192.
ground zero of the pandemic with per- expose on the truly appalling condi- and growth, joys
suasive pull. The “incomplete voy- Pages 260. tions that exist there. The highlights, and sorrows, ups ~450
age”, the “shredded promises”, the ~599 past choking, fatal chlorine/phosgene and downs, being
“torn map”, “sprawling shadows”, and irritating chilli tear gas attacks, and becoming a
chronicle the pandemic as an event of “quivering lips”, and a host of such poor food when made available and clown, a clown for God and for others in his
immediate lived history that can nei- saturnine images cumulatively aug- mind and voice from the Great War. general neglect of the soldiery in autobiography. His personal narrative high-
ther be dovetailed into archetypal ment the sense of dread that the pan- Amitav Ghosh describes in inimitable morale and injury management, are lights the life and vicissitudes of a Catholic
parables of disaster, nor be reduced demic instilled among us. While each style the unusual circumstances which duly noted by him. boy who was born and brought up in Bom-
into an occasion of rehearsing the poem runs its own tense narrative led him to access this delightful read. The poorly thought-through and bay and how he goes on to become a Jesuit
idiom of existential angst. course, at times the poet hits upon It is a stunning potpourri of a Parsi executed Somme battle, a frontal and all that is intrinsic to this.
Divided into two sections, punch-lines such as these — “Our rookie soldier’s experiences in the attack by British-French forces In this book, he reflects on joining the Jesuit
‘Migrants Chronicle’ and ‘Pandemic delusions are not deluxe at all”, “The Great War, his riveting travelogue and between July-October 1916, becomes a religious order and his various engagements
Musings’, the collection of poems Constitution was on vacation”, “Our incisive social satire, all packaged in a metaphor for futile, indiscriminate as a priest and a social scientist. It brings the
takes us to the very specificities of flight remains in arc, we don’t look for gung-ho, insightful translation. Ami- slaughter. Surprisingly, our narrator best and the worst of his own self and also the
sight and site of the pandemic with a stars”. These lines keep reverberating tav confesses being overtaken by the doesn’t make his remarks personal. ups and downs of life as it unfolds for every
sustained focus on the travails of the as grim epigrams of a long diseased little he’s read of the book. He retains detachment even when he human being. The basic points that Rudi
migrants, which the poet empatheti- present, its plaintive pathos. A phenomenal storyteller, the frac- suffers a gruesome splinter injury, wants to highlight are how life unfolds itself
cally addresses as “guests conflated But what really accentuates the tious, unruly, stormy petrel priest’s ironically on the day of relief by 4th both in what is expected and unexpected,
into loveless bondage”. Right in the mood, and lends necessary semiotic son decamps from mofussil Navsari in Suffolk Regiment. He dismisses the what is certain and uncertain, what is planned
opening poem, without any aesthetic thickness to the collection, is the Gujarat one rainy night in August injury as “adding injury to insult”, and unplanned and, above all, what is joyful
gloss, Mohanty demands from his inclusion of a series of pencil draw- 1910, running away from priesthood happy that he’ll be “back to Blighty”; and painful. Many of these, he looks at in
readers a heartfelt response to his ings of Jatin Das. The art in free to seek his fortune, like Dick Whit- quaffing a desperately welcome “cup- hindsight and makes sense out of them.
poetic subjects. The “fleeing hordes” hand and the calibrated verbal tington. The delightfully, rascally, pa” and enjoying tender ministrations The book also comes out with many exam-
of the “untamed” migrants collective- idiom impart textuality to the mus- wanderlust-afflicted scallywag boards of nurses. ples of the commitment to the marginalised
ly stand for the resilience of urban ings, and thus salvage the collection a China-bound ship with the little Posted to another battalion post- in terms of ‘Option for the Poor’, as the
India’s “castaways”, who wear from being a requiem in monotone. money he can rustle up. He finally recovery, Nariman experiences battles Jesuits termed it. It also highlights the root-
“betrayal like a sash of honour”. Right from the cover sketch of a frail ends up, five years later and at age 20, in the Egyptian deserts, then the holy edness of a Jesuit in the Indian soil, ethos
Migrants embody tales within tales — woman marching unflinchingly, in wartime London — via China, city of Jerusalem, rendering insightful and religion. Having been educated in some
from side-stepping the police batons barefoot with a load of baggage on Japan, Siberia and some Nordic coun- battle and travelogue descriptions. of the best institutions of Mumbai and the
as a matter of routine to their long her head, to a masked woman star- tries — including a brief home-sick- The Balkan front follows with a bril- rigorous Jesuit training have given to Rudi
march with “soles sloughing off/ like ing with blank eyes — the bare out- ness driven interregnum at the toddy- liant tour of the ancient Constantino- the ability to play with words and language
snake skin” towards their “halluci- lines in blank ink provide a com- infested Navsari after two relentless ple/Istanbul post truce. and communicate his views succinctly and
nating” homes during lockdown. The pelling cultural horizon to the years of ‘wander-itis’. Overall, the book enthrals, fasci- in a catchy way. Take, for example, this:
collection is a poetic archive of these experience of the pandemic. The He returns to China, still driven by nates and is marvellously presented. ‘ Tragedy and pause puncture our hurried,
tales, told with care, sensitivity and jugalbandi of the poet and the childhood memories of Zoroastrian It makes a deep study of this seldom- harried and hustled living!’
essential human touch. painter ensures a resounding post- Burjornama/Shahna- visited genre of Indian military writ- The book is recommended for light reading,
While tracing journeys of the pandemic life to the collection. ma heroic tales, to ing a necessity. for, being a Jesuit, Rudi has the freedom to
critique the Jesuits as well as highlight some
of the great qualities that they live by. One
BACKFLAP such aspect is that Jesuit institutions try to
combine the intellectually excellent and

B ORN into a poor agricultural family in a Gujarat

village, Govind Dholakia went on to set up
India’s leading diamond crafting company.
How could a school dropout receive an honorary
doctorate? How did a diamond polisher, who earned
T EN minutes, 1,650 rounds. The massacre of
innocent Indians at Jallianwala Bagh was a
watershed moment in India’s freedom strug-
gle, marking the beginning of the end of the British
empire and laying the democratic and secular foun-
W RAPPED in the garb of a novel, MJ
Akbar’s ‘Doolally Sahib and the Black
Zamindar’ lays bare the history of racial
relations between Indians and their foreign
invaders. Based on the memoirs and journals of
socially relevant. The book also talks of the
commitment and detachment that is expect-
ed of all Jesuits. At times, it appears that Rudi
projects others as being on the wrong side
and he being right. Leaving that out, Rudi, in
~103 when he started out, become a billionaire dation on which our freedom was achieved. In this traders, travellers, bureaucrats and military offi- this moving, engaging and insightful mem-
employing 5,000 people? With endorsements from book, published by Pragatisheel Lekhak Sangh, cers — the bibliography itself running into 22 oir, invites the readers to look into one’s own
big names, including Prime Minister Narendra scholars look at the various facets of the incident — pages — the book unveils the prejudice arising life and make sense of it.
Modi, the book tells Dholakia’s story of struggles, its genesis, understanding British reaction to the from a deeply engrained conviction of white supe- At a time when religions are being used to
the role of family system in his growth, his many political unrest in India, its place in literature, the riority. Akbar’s sharp prose is peppered with vers- divide the citizens of the country, the
philosophies, his insights into how the world works, lessons to learn and martial law, among others. It es by Indian greats, making it an intense read. author’s recognition of all religions as con-
his successes and the public service initiatives he brings together a host of scholars from universities Author of several books, including ‘India: The tributive of human wellbeing is praisewor-
took along the course of his life, transparency being spread far and wide, including KL Tuteja, Nonica Siege Within’ and ‘Nehru: The Making of India’, thy. He goes on to invite the reader to ponder
the hallmark of his dealings. Datta and Chaman Lal. Akbar has also written ‘Blood Brothers’, a novel. over this fact that whenever something is
given up for collective wellbeing, it is praise-
GOVIND DHOLAKIA Edited by Sukhdev Singh Sirsa & IN THE BRITISH RAJ renounced for the greater good, the com-
by Arun Tiwari & Kamlesh Yagnik. Sarabjit Singh. by M J Akbar. mon good, it is never lost but comes back a
Penguin Random House. Saptrishi Publication. Bloomsbury. hundredfold.” Be it the Sufis, the sant-
Pages 338. Pages 415. Pages 400. kavis or Mother Teresa, all not only spoke of
~699 ~695 ~899 this, but lived this out.
CHANDIGARH | 15 MAY 2022 Indepth 15

What’s holding back Army recruitment

Though pandemic has been cited as reason, key issues of rightsizing and ‘tour of duty’ need to be resolved first
AjayBanerjee CANDIDATES ENROLLED FOR RECRUITMENT fixed model,” argues Lt Gen Sharma.
REGION’S PRESENCE IN ARMY (Data as of March 2021)

Year Army Navy Air Force Fait accompli
N March this year, the Ministry of The northern states form 21.5 per cent of the Army.
Defence, while replying to a question 2018-19 53,431 5,885 6,862 Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at the
■ Punjab has 89,088 soldiers, that is 7.7 per cent of the Army.
in Parliament, said there has been no 2019-20 80,572 6,068 7,222 Combined Commanders’ conference in


■ Haryana has 65,987 soldiers, that is 5.7 per cent of the Army.
fresh recruitment of jawans in the 2020-21 Recruitment suspended 2,722 8,423 December 2015, had asked for rightsizing,
■ Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh have 47,457 soldiers, that is 4.1 per
Indian Army since March 2020. “The cent of Army. 2021-22 Recruitment suspended 5,547 4,609 saying, “At a time when major powers are
recruitment process is suspended due to Total 1,34,003 20,272 27,116 reducing their forces and relying more on
■ Himachal Pradesh has 46,960 soldiers, that is 4 per cent of the Army.
the Covid-19 pandemic,” Defence Minis- technology, we are still constantly seeking
ter Rajnath Singh said in a written to expand the size of our forces. Moderni-
answer in the Rajya Sabha. formed two-star officer. and from within specific geographical ber of existing serving soldiers would be sation and expansion of forces at the same
Data shows the recruitment of sailors locations. In the older regiments, the sys- about 11.2 lakh. time is a difficult and unnecessary goal.”
and airmen in the Navy and Indian Air ‘Tour of duty’ system tem has been working for more than 150 Earlier this week, Army Chief General On two separate occasions, Modi said
Force (IAF), respectively, is taking place, ‘ Tour of duty’ will apply to only recruit- years and, in some cases, even 200 years. Manoj Pande referred to the teeth-to-tail more or less the same thing.
but the post-March 2020 numbers are yet ment of jawans, sailors and airmen in the Most serving and retired officers ratio of his force, saying, “We are already On ground, little has happened by way
to match the pre-Covid days. Army, Navy and IAF. Only 50 per cent of believe the ‘All India, all class’ intake in implementing the Shekatkar Committee of re-structuring the forces or even joint-
So, what is holding back Army recruit- recruits will be retained in the force on a regiments needs to be done in a very recommendations on rightsizing.” ness, or even the way recruitment was
ment when schools, colleges, offices, permanent basis and the rest will be de- gradual manner. Lt Gen DB Shekatkar (retd) led a com- done. The ‘tour of duty’ is now a fait
trains and flights are back to normal func- mobilised in phases before they turn 25 Lt Gen Rakesh Sharma (retd), former mittee of experts that in 2016 recom- accompli as the pension bill rises.
tioning post the pandemic? years of age. The tenures would be three Adjutant General of the Army, says, “The mended measures to enhance combat Think tank PRS Legislative Research, in
The Army faces two issues before years and five years of service. Meaning, ‘tour of duty’ needs a viable tenure, this capability and rebalance defence expen- its analysis on the budget for this fiscal,
recruitment can commence. First, the no pension. At present, a jawan has to three-year one is too short. Also, have bet- diture. ‘Teeth-to-tail ratio’ is military says, “Expenditure on defence pension
force is ‘rightsizing’ to be more in tune serve for 17 years to qualify for pension. ter second career options for those who phraseology to differentiate between has grown at an annual average rate of 10.7
with modern technology and be less man- The age-old recruiting system based on are to be de-mobilised. For instance, at fighting units and supporting units. per cent between 2012-13 and 2022-23. This
power-intensive. After the closure of mili- regiments may also go away. For now, a Metro rail systems, or else the trained A senior serving officer says rightsizing is higher than the average annual growth
tary farms and merger of base repair Sikh regiment or Jat regiment would manpower would be wasted.” will have to be done as technology means of the defence budget at 8.6 per cent.”
workshops, the authorised force levels draw troops from these communities, more people are needed to watch sensor, The share of pension in the defence
needed re-calibration, and the assessment respectively. In future, regiments could Rightsizing plan radar and UAV live feed at the Line of budget increased from 19 per cent in 2012-
is still being done on the final numbers. comprise inductees from all over India Militarily, ‘rightsizing’ looks to have Control (LoC) or the Line of Actual Con- 13 to 26 per cent in 2019-20. It has dropped
Second is the much-debated ‘tour of and from all classes. The finer points of small, agile forces capable of waging war trol LAC), and fewer numbers are needed to 23 per cent for the fiscal ending March
duty’ that will be the new method of this system are also a work in progress by in the tech-aided era and the Army’s for watch and ward duties. 31, 2022. The allocation for pension in the
recruitment. This has led to a furious the DMA. This is facing a major mindset present restructuring proposal is based “Rightsizing of the Army is needed but present year is ~1,19,696 crore.
debate within the forces. The contours of block as Army regiments and their battle on an in-house study. The sanctioned should be based on operational parame- Till the government strikes a balance
the scheme are being finalised at the training are structured on ‘Paltan ki strength was about 12.5 lakh jawans ters, on revising warfighting doctrines between the right numbers and new
Department of Military Affairs (DMA) by izzat’ (pride of the battalion), with boys before rightsizing, which has been whit- and by intakes of technology. We also need recruitment rules, fresh inductions are
an in-house committee steered by a uni- being recruited from the same gene pool tled down to around 11.8 lakh; the num- structural reforms instead of templating a likely to be held back.

There has been no fresh recruitment of jawans in the

Indian Army since March 2020. TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO


As Lawrence School turns 175...

Col HP Singh Dushyant Chautala and Rao Inderjit Singh

have played a significant role in state and

END him to Sanawar and make a man of national politics. Navin Chawla served as the
him.” This line from Rudyard Kipling’s Chief Election Commissioner and RS Gujral
book ‘Kim’ was enough to motivate my as the Finance Secretary. The school theatre
father to admit me to The Lawrence has produced Bollywood stars like Parikshit
School, Sanawar. Ensconced in Kasauli hills, Sahni, Sanjay Dutt, Pooja Bedi, Rahul Roy,
Sanawar would become home for those impres- Bikramjit Kanwarpal, Varun Sharma and
sionable six years of my life. My alma mater cel- Apoorva Lakhia (film director).
ebrates its dodransbicentennial (175th) The corporate world has an impressive num-
anniversary this year, with an inspiring journey The Lawrence School, Sanawar, was set up for British orphans. ber of old Sanawarians: the Wadias (Ness and
in its long march in time. Jeh) of Bombay Dyeing and GoAir, the Munjals
Founded by Sir Henry Lawrence in 1847 as The tally of gallantry awards won includes a of Hero, Punit Goenka (Zee Entertainment),
Lawrence Military Asylum, a charitable institu- Param Vir Chakra, two Maha Vir Chakras, three Bharat Puri (Pidilite industries) and Jyotsna
tion for the orphaned wards of British soldiers, Vir Chakras and a sizeable number of Sena Suri of Lalit Hotel chain, to name a few.
it is one of the oldest co-educational schools in medals and mention-in-dispatches. The courage Reverend Parker set the foundation as the first
the world. In 1920, it metamorphosed into displayed in 1971 by 2/Lt Arun Khetarpal in the Headmaster, while EG Carter, the last British
Lawrence Royal Military School and thence to Battle of Basantar is legendary, for which he was Headmaster, oversaw the smooth transforma-
its current status of public school post-Indepen- posthumously awarded the nation’s highest gal- tion of a military school into independent
dence. Till 1947, the school was open only to lantry award. While Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat India’s premier residential school. Major R Som
English children. When the British left, there headed the Indian Navy, the school has pro- Dutt, the first Indian Headmaster, built upon
was a talk of turning the campus either into a duced dozens of three-star rank officers. what he had inherited, giving it the direction in
cantonment or to house Panjab University, relo- The adventurous spirit fostered by the school is its second phase of existence. Entries are invited to suggest a accompanied by a clipping of the
cated from Lahore. Fortunately, it was decided reflected by the likes of Brig TPS Chowdhury, Shomie Das headed the school before hand- caption for the above photograph. caption contest and its number.
to retain the hilltop as it was and the school was who led India’s first round-the-world sailing ing it over to Harish Dhillon, the first alumnus The caption should only be in Photocopies or scans of the
smoothly ‘Indianised’. expedition, and Ajeet Bajaj, the first Indian to ski to take over the reins. The baton would later English, witty and not exceeding caption photo won’t be accepted.
The school has a rich legacy of inheritance. It’s to North Pole and South Pole. Seven boys, while pass on to two other Sanawarians: Praveen 10 words, and reach Spectrum, Online subscribers
The Tribune, Chandigarh, 160030, may attach an epaper clipping at
the first outside England to receive royal patron- in school, scaled Mt Everest in 2013, which was Vasisht and Himmat Dhillon, the incumbent by Thursday. The best five captionpics@tribunemail.com
age and has been presented with King’s colours the world’s youngest team to climb the moun- Headmaster. captions will be published and or a scanned copy of the e-paper
twice, in 1853 and 1922. The school motto ‘Nev- tain. The girls, not to be left behind, scaled Mt Kil- I fondly remember my teachers for moulding awarded ~300, ~250, ~200, ~150 clipping. Please mention the
er Give In’, believed to be the last words uttered imanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, soon thereafter. us and providing the impetus necessary for all- and ~100, respectively. pin code and phone number in
by its founder before he succumbed to his The school has produced some outstanding round development. Each caption must be your address.
injuries sustained during the 1857 uprising, has sportspersons. Marathoner Ranjit Bhatia, a The adrenalin rush fighting the occasional
You have a camera or a phone camera? Click and send us
become synonymous with the school spirit. recipient of Order of the British Empire, par- summer forest fires, skiing down the tuck-shop
a picture for the caption contest. The selected picture will
The school song is based on this motto with its ticipated in the 1960 Rome Olympics while slope in winter snow, the annual hikes and be used for Caption Contest. Mail the high resolution
characteristic tune. The ‘Red over White’ school Shiva Keshavan became the first Indian to camps, the walking-out passes to Kasauli for picture (.jpg format) at captionpics@tribunemail.com
flag, signifying death before surrender, is hoist- compete in Winter Olympics. Trap shooter ‘Bun-Sums’ (samosa stuffed in a bun) — I
ed daily by the ‘Prefect on Duty’. The memorial Manavjit Sandhu was awarded the Khel Ratna passed out over three decades ago, but the
honouring those killed in various wars is salut- for winning four silver medals in Asian school never left me.
Selected entries for Caption Contest 1356
ed by students as they ‘March in unison’ for the Games. The best performance, however, has Former Prime Minister IK Gujral’s words, May 8 issue (see photo)
morning assembly. Bugle calls regulate various been in equestrian events. There were times “Sanawar is not just a school, it is an institution”, ❚ In bull control — Deeksha,
events of the daily curriculum. when the entire polo team of NDA and IMA inscribed at the school gate are perhaps an apt Jalandhar
With an emphasis on multi-dimensional per- was represented by old Sanawarians. Imtiaz recognition The Lawrence School deserves. ❚ Back to pavillion —
sonality development, Sanawar has produced Anees won a bronze while Rupi Brar won a “She will also go to Sanawar” was the first Mohinder Singh Nanda,
renowned figures in various walks of life. gold in Asian Games. The latter was awarded reaction on seeing my newborn daughter. Lat- Patiala
❚ Tail-end drive — Narinder
It has the distinction of sending contingents the Arjuna Award, along with other polo leg- er, my son, too, followed her. Why are you so
Sharma, Panchkula
straight from its campus to the battlefield in both ends: ‘Billy’ Sodhi, ‘Pickles’ Sodhi, Kuldeep obsessed with your school, I have been asked
❚ Field marshal — Aditya Kalia,
the world wars; 78 never returned home. The tra- Singh Garcha and VP Singh, all schoolmates. many times. I have a standard reply: “If you are Saharanpur
dition continued after Independence even Public figures like Omar Abdullah (Headboy a Sanawarian, you will understand, and if you ❚ Animal Planet — KL Noatay,
though the school was no longer a military one. of my batch), Sukhbir Badal, Maneka Gandhi, are not, I cannot explain.” Nurpur

Kalu Ram and his cycle Out of control the Philippines, the infamous

Marcos family is being joyous-
HE partition of the bastis, including Danishmand, Bawa ors to Basti Adda, from where the father’s annual leave, Kalu Ram ly greeted by the very people
country saw much Khel, Sheikhan, Mithu and Guzan, horse-drawn tongas would take would come to meet us at Basti who threw them out, lock,
bloodshed and many largely inhabited by the Muslim pop- on. Kalu Ram would leave early Adda. He would serve us lemon stock and barrel, just a few
harrowing tales have ulation. During Partition, the Mus- and return late. This went on for a soda at his shop and load us on to a years ago. As for China, under
been narrated by those lim population migrated westward, few months. It was quite taxing tonga. If there was any heavy lug- Putin’s twin, no one knows or
who had to leave their lands and leaving their homes vacant. These but the effort was showing its gage, he would hold it back and even dares to speculate what it
settle elsewhere. There were, how- were later occupied by many results and his enterprise started have it delivered the next day. He TOUCHSTONES may decide to do next.
ever, some heartwarming stories of refugees from the other side of the doing well. With some financial would visit us the following Sun- IRA PANDE Our own country is a case
BRIG IS GAKHAL (RETD) compassion. This is one such tale. border. Bapuji visited many refugee help from Maaji and Bapuji, Kalu day, spending the entire day regal- study in itself. From Kashmir

The sun was setting one October camps in different bastis in search of Ram started living in a rented ing us in Jhangi accent. ORGET climate change. to Kanyakumari, it seems as if
1947 had innumerable evening. After getting off a tonga at Kalu Ram’s family, room near Basti Adda. For us, Kalu Ram was family. What we should be really the lunatic fringe is now in full
Basti Danishmand in Jalandhar, but had no Every alternate week, however, When my father, Col Gurmohan concerned about is the rampage mode. And what is
harrowing tales. This my grandfather, Sardar Jawa- luck. The he would cycle back to the village. Singh, retired in 1972, we set up a wave of madness that the state of our ruling party
is a heartwarming har Singh, started walking
briskly towards his house in
boy was
He would spend a day with my
family and return to the Adda that
farm closer to Basti Danishmand.
Every Sunday morning, Kalu Ram
seems to have engulfed the
world. The senseless war forced
and the Opposition? In these
circumstances, who can we
one about a boy who Gakhal village. As Sardar adopted evening carrying a bagful of farm came cycling in his spotless white upon Ukraine by a despot, who wish to take control? The rule
Sahib (whom we by the produce on his cycle, which had kurta salwar and a matching white- is bent upon becoming the next of law, of civil decency and
got separated from addressed as Bapuji) was family. been loaded with much affection starched kulla turban with a long Peter the Great of Russia, has accord, of respect and restraint
his migrating family, walking along the sandy
path, he heard soft foot-
Fed on
by Maaji. This would sustain him
till the next visit. His hard work
trail, his rosy cheeks flushed by the
cycling effort. He would draw a pee-
shaken the very foundations of
Europe. No one is able to pre-
in political and social behav-
iour, is now a distant memory.
but found a new one steps behind him. He looked rich farm and entrepreneurial skills helped di (stool) by my mother’s side and vail upon Putin to roll back his One can only pray that we do

— ours. Uncle Kalu back and found a boy, barely

PA N milk and a Kalu Ram establish his business give her his family’s update. After troops and stop flattening city not descend the slippery slope
seven to eight years old, clad in
RTITIO nutritious very well. A few years later, as he lunch, he would take a round of the after historic city in a once- to a long spell of fragmentation
Ram prospered, a dirty kurta salwar following him.
The child froze. No words were
diet, Kalu soon
blossomed into a
sat beside my mother, he said,
“Chhaijee, main hun iss kabil ho
farm and collect fresh produce.
Though my mother never asked
beautiful country. Terrified
refugees, holed up in dark,
along linguistic and religious
lines. Our own politicians,
but never forgot his exchanged. Bapuji resumed his strapping young man. He ran gaya ki apna pariwar shuru kar him for anything, on his own he dank bomb shelters, await their armed with the weapons of
walk. The boy followed him. When errands for Maaji and helped Bapuji sakaan (I am now capable enough would make a piece of furniture fate as many neighbouring social media and fake news,
humble beginnings, Bapuji reached home, the child was with odd jobs. Bapuji gave him a to start my family).” My mother that would help my mother in her countries (many of them mere- with a compliant and domesti-
and those who helped right behind him. By then, the
lamps in the house had been lit.
‘ phatti’ (wooden notebook), ink pot
and ‘kalam’ (wood-sharpened pen)
said he should get married. “Eh
kamm taan tusan he karouna
kitchen management. That piece of
furniture came strapped on the car-
ly the size of a large Indian city)
throw up their hands declaring
cated press, have no interest in
the real problems of this coun-
him along the way Taking pity on the boy, my granny, and tried to teach him Urdu and (This task is in your hands),” rier of his cycle. they can’t accommodate more try. All they want is to win elec-
the lady of the house, whom we arithmetic, but Kalu was not inter- retorted Kalu Ram. We sought the Some years later, his wife passed people. In any case, the long- tions and since one party has
addressed as Maaji, ushered the ested in studying. help of a Hindu village pandit to away. My parents went to attend the term consequences of this perfected this art, every other
boy in. He was given a meal, which He must have been around 12 find a match for him. Kalu Ram last rites and console Kalu Ram. As immigration will forever shat- wannabe leader follows that
he devoured quickly, and a mat to years old when he requested got married and became father of he aged, Uncle Kalu Ram’s visits ter the complacent prosperity path. Stepping among the peo-
sleep on in the deori (common hall Bapuji to help him set up a cycle three sons. While one son joined became fewer. Though his family had and social bonhomie Europe ple, speaking to them about
of the house). No words were repair workshop under the village the Military Engineering Ser- a car, he would always visit us on his has thus far preened about. their hopes and fears, listening
exchanged till next morning. The banyan tree. Once his enterprise vices, with some assistance from cycle. We would say to him, “Uncle, England is nervously wait- patiently and in humility —
boy apparently had separated from was set up, Kalu Ram’s hard work my father, another one became a car tey aaya karo (Uncle, you should ing for their PM to step down lessons Mahatma Gandhi
his group while his caravan was and keen business acumen started teacher and the third son took up come in a car).” To this, his humble in the face of serious charges taught us a century ago, have
migrating from Pakistan. He knew getting him many customers. He his father’s trade, which had reply was that this family gave him of political misdemeanour. been forgotten and put aside.
little else. The boy had a lean frame shifted his enterprise to Basti started flourishing. the beginning which was a cycle, how Their Queen, an eternal sym- Power flows from money and
and a vacant gaze. He spoke after Adda in Jalandhar city when he From cycle repair to cycle sales to could he come riding in a car. About bol of continuity and British information, so who cares for
much coaxing. His Jhangi dialect felt he would get more clients if a welding plant and manufacturing a decade back, Kalu Ram passed rectitude, is becoming frailer, anything or anyone else?
indicated that he belonged to his set-up was closer to a transport school furniture, things started away. The unique bond that Kalu and, for the first time in more Mark my words, we are in
Sindh. He didn’t remember his hub. The place was well connected looking up for Kalu Ram’s family, Ram and the Gakhal family devel- than 60 years, she excused her- for a long, punishing summer.
name. Despite being fair and rosy, on all sides and rickshaws would but even as he prospered, he never oped was all thanks to the Partition. self from the pomp and Punjab is teetering on the
he came to be called Kalu Ram. bring passengers from the narrow forgot his humble beginnings. On — The writer is based pageantry of the opening of verge of a serious economic
Jalandhar had nine hamlets or lanes of the Jalandhar city interi- our visits to the village during my in Panchkula the parliament this year. crisis and added to that is now
Prince Charles, her elderly the emergence of a ghost state
heir, looked acutely embar- that one thought had been
rassed and ill at ease when he finally put to rest. The state

The ‘Fauji Bhaiyon Ke Liye’ lifeline sat upon the designated royal
chair to read out her message
to the people. Heaven knows
what the future of the House of
Windsor will be like, with one
threw out the known parties
convinced they had reached
the end of their political lines,
and placed their trust in a new
party that promised them all

HIS will definitely come as a it. And only those programmes dusk meant it was time to sleep, spread in the Army. Most senior prince accused of sexual profli- they wanted to hear. A few
surprise to most millennials, which appealed to him were the transistor was a great stress- officers liked to listen to the 6.30 gacy and another who has cho- months down, they seem
who cannot visualise any- played, at the time and volume of buster. One knew all the pro- am news. In 1986, as a young Cap- sen to migrate to America with unsure that they can fulfil
thing beyond their mobiles his choice, irrespective of whether grammes and stations by heart and tain, I was detailed as a Liaison his new wife and family. even one of the many promis-
or tablets, but the most prized pos- others in the barrack liked it or not! what played at what hour. My love Officer to a GOC on a three-day vis- America? The less said about es they had made, even as
session that we faujis could have in New friendships were formed, for Lata, Rafi and Kishore songs it. I was made to believe by the HQ them the better. Biden is fresh problems arise every
the 1980s was a humble transistor. A some old ones turned into rivalries can be traced back to those days. that the success of the visit largely increasingly coming across as a month. It breaks my heart to
small, amazing instrument that based on liking of radio pro- The transistor did not only have depended on my ability to ensure doddering old man, unable to see a proud and prosperous
MILITARY MATTERS operated even in the remotest areas grammes. Among the Sikh boys, an entertainment role, it also helped that everything went smoothly. On handle the fast-paced events state reduced to such a pass.
BRIG SANDEEP THAPAR (RETD) and brought news, entertainment mainly it was Gurbani recital early a youngster like me control an agi- Day One, as I wished the GOC good that he has to deal with: the The new actors should be giv-
and much more, daily. It kept the morning, followed by Punjabi tated company. It was 1984, and we night, he said, “I have to go for a Middle East, Ukraine, the rise en a chance for sure but I find
The role of the soldier, deployed at the most isolated songs the entire day. Some old- were deployed in Manipur at a post walk early morning. Can you of the redneck Americans of it difficult to believe that they
of places, connected to home and timers liked to listen to news occa- along the road. Operation Bluestar please record the 0630 BBC news the Bible belt, inflation and ris- have it in them to bring the
humble transistor civilisation, helping maintain sanity. sionally. But a programme that had created tremendous turbulence for me, I will listen to it on my ing oil prices, the prospect of an state out of the mess it has
cannot be overstated. Whether an officer or a jawan, caught everyone’s attention was among my Sikh boys. The appre- return at 7.” I immediately election that may be more become. Mind you, their
you had only arrived when you ‘Fauji Bhaiyon Ke Liye’ on All hension that someone may get arranged a tape recorder, a transis- keenly fought by the Republi- intentions may be good, it is
For the troops at bought a transistor. By today’s India Radio, where troops wrote highly worked up and attempt to go tor and practised some recordings. cans now that they sense a vul- just the lack of experience
the most isolated standards, it wasn’t costly at ~200
or so, but as a ratio of one’s take-
letters asking for songs and mes-
sages to be read out to friends and
back home unannounced was
prime on my mind. I ensured the
In the morning, I was ready with
my equipment but was delayed by
nerable President. In any case,
Biden will always be compared
and a new way of governance
that give me the feeling that
of places, it was not home salary then, it was almost family. The programme was heard troops were kept together and spent a minute or two and missed the to Obama, the last Democrat Punjab Police and the bureau-
only a source of half. The most common brand then
was Murphy, later others came in.
in pindrop silence. Every request
being read seemed like one’s own
maximum time with them. Regular
news updates on AIR were played
opening. I frantically searched for
the station and the moment I heard
President, and guess who wins
each time on the polls?
cracy cannot be controlled
and made to work. Years of
entertainment, but One walked with pride carrying the — ‘coming on leave’ was heard out to calm edgy nerves. But, for news in English, I pressed the Come closer home: Sri Lanka easy living and no accounta-
newly acquired possession promi- with a smile, ‘Baisakhi/Diwali some, AIR news was not considered record button. The recording went and Pakistan, our immediate bility have extracted a very
ensured a connect nently. Immediately, some cloth greetings’ with a nod and ‘bless- accurate; they wanted to hear BBC on for some seven minutes before neighbours, are in a place that heavy price. Like the deplet-
with home and camouflage pattern was bought ings to sister on her wedding’ with Hindi only. Somehow, the BBC nar- the newsreader said, “This is Voice even we did not wish them to ing water table, the machin-
and a cover was stitched. One’s perhaps a tear rolling down the rative was not along the same lines of America.” The next BBC bul- be. Who knows what the conse- ery of the government
civilisation Army number was unobtrusively cheek! ‘Forces Request’ on Fridays as the AIR version. It took leader- letin was at 7.30 am, I was doomed. quences of another civil war in appears unable to sustain the
but permanently etched to obviate was another such programme ship and diplomatic skills for a 24- As the GOC arrived, I walked in Sri Lanka, or even Pakistan, needs of the land.
loss or exchange. Needless to say, which mostly officers subscribed year-old to manage censorship and and before he could question me, I may mean for us? Myanmar I hope I am proved wrong and
most owners were extremely pos- to. At posts where letters came in tide over that fortnight without any sheepishly blurted out my mistake. with a junta that has incarcer- sincerely wish the state well.
sessive about their transistors; the weekly link, where there was untoward incident. Fortunately for me, he took it sport- ated Aung San Suu Kyi is in a After all, it was sadda Punjab,
nobody but the owner could handle no electricity or newspapers, where The penchant for BBC was wide- ingly, saving my nascent career! similar place. Further afield, in too, once upon a time!

Milestone reached, show must go on for Tagore Theatre

Don’t expect the theatre to satisfy the cance.” A portrait is all there is to allude these two with help from the other staff. Yet, there are tremendous possibilities
habits of its audience but to change them. to the origins. Tagore Theatre was designed by Aditya that can enliven Tagore Theatre and the
— Bertolt Brecht Tagore Theatre was inaugurated by Prakash, principal of the Chandigarh spaces within the campus. The rehearsal
actor and filmmaker Prithviraj Kapoor, College of Architecture and a close asso- rooms and the small studio theatre behind

CITY is known not for its tall who became the first chairman of the ciate of Le Corbusier. His prowess in the- the main auditorium were conceived by a
buildings or commercial towers, Tagore Theatre Society. I remember one atre architecture was profound, his love committee comprising theatre experts, of
but by its cultural institutions, art of my earliest performances there as a for the arts leading him to become an which I have been an active part.
galleries and museums. A city is teenager studying in Government College actor famous for his play ‘Zindagi Retire From an illustrious beginning, however,
RANI BALBIR KAUR known by the narratives that buzz at its for Girls. It was a high-profile function to Nahin Hoti’. Aditya Prakash was heart- Tagore Theatre today is a building that
art cafeterias, in the hubs where artistes, celebrate World Peace Day. With PN Hak- broken over the demolition of his pride rents out the auditorium for various pro-
The Chandigarh-based writers, intellectuals and journalists often sar among the dignitaries present, I creation and sat on a dharna. MS Sathyu grammes, including private functions,
meet. Tagore Theatre, which celebrates its appeared on stage dressed as Mother and I, along with others from the fraterni- star nights and political meets, etc. Finan-
theatre has a dynamic golden jubilee on May 30, is a sacred space India and sang, “Zarra, zarra keh raha hai Tagore Theatre celebrates its golden ty, joined him. Sathyu wrote to the Gov- cial viability of the place seems to have
legacy of world-class for performing arts and artistes from not
just Chandigarh, but beyond as well.
shanti... atma insaan ki ab jung nahin
maangti”, to a rousing applause.
jubilee on May 30. TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO ernor and the Adviser, but the adminis-
tration paid no heed.
taken over the promotion of arts.
Its sanctity must be upheld and it should
performances from It has a dynamic legacy of world-class Among my own productions and solo I remember how Sadhu Ram, the cur- My friend Namita Singh is a brilliant be restricted for the deliberation and
performances from India and abroad. So, performances staged at Tagore is my trib- tain puller, would always keep toffees for architect, but I suppose she had to expand advancement of arts, crafts and literature.
India and abroad. If its it is time to celebrate the brilliant delin- ute to Pt Jawaharlal Nehru: “Ae vatan young artistes who received thunderous it out of proportion as per the instructions It should be put under the care of a com-
golden jubilee is a time eations, but also to introspect.
Tagore Theatre was conceived in 1961
waalon tumhare pyar ko, main kabhi dil
se bhula sakta nahin, yeh mohabbat is
applause from the audience, as his token
of appreciation. I must have received sev-
of the UT Administration. The green
rooms are too large and lack a certain iso-
mittee of stalwarts from the field of per-
forming arts, with a youthful director from
to celebrate the brilliant (and registered as a society in 1972) on qadar anmol hai, jis ki keemat main chu- eral toffees, for me no less than an award lation from the main stage; they don’t the field. Under the stewardship of
the occasion of Rabindranath Tagore’s ka sakta nahin.” The occasion was the or honour. Sadhu Ramji is no more and give privacy to the artistes. There are no Chakresh Kumar, the present director, I
delineations, it is also a birth centenary, when the Ministry of inauguration of the Nehru Foundation his son has stepped into his shoes. single rooms for the lead players. am sure the theatre would be rejuvenated.
moment to introspect Cultural Affairs had decided to build
auditoriums in his name all over India.
and in attendance were Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi, son Rajiv and his wife
I must also mention Jaspal Singh, the
light designer/operator, and Ranjit Singh,
My own efforts to establish a Tagore
Theatre drama repertory were spread over
I am reminded of how during World War
II, while Moscow was being bombarded by
Yet, it stands as a soulless structure of Sonia. I still remember some of my pro- the set creator/executor — two pillars who two years. My proposal to set up a cafete- Hitler’s forces, Moscow Art Theatre, the
concrete and bricks today. I would say it ductions and performances: ‘Three Penny executed the simplest and the most com- ria as at Triveni Kala Sangam in Delhi and world renowned institution, was perform-
is merely an auditorium named after Opera’ (1975), ‘Shubh Karman Te Kabhoon plex of productions. Varied productions, Jehangir Art Gallery and Prithvi Theatre ing, with the motto that the show must go
Tagore. It does not resonate with his Na Taraun’ (2000), ‘Pagla Ghora’ (1980), from every nook and corner of India and in Mumbai, along with a bookshop, a on, holding the torch of hope and sanity.
great philosophy: “Arts are the overflow of ‘Waqt Ne Kiya Kya Hasin Sitam’ (2005) the world over that came to perform were script bank and a costume shop, too elicit- — The writer is a Chandigarh-based
our deeper nature and spiritual signifi- and ‘Agni Aur Barkha’ (2019). well taken care of, round the clock, by ed no response. veteran theatreperson

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Ranchi, Sunday
May 15, 2022
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DR. GYAN PATHAK it reached to 403 million, �����������������������������������
only to recover a part of the ���������������������������������������

orkforce in fall. ����������������������������������
India is being Thus the number of ��������������������������������
crushed unemployed persons rose to ��������������������������������������
between infla- 34.2 million, which includes ����������������������������������
tion and job- the 1.8 million increase ��������������������������������������
lessness chiefly on account of (increase in labour force ������������������������������������
wrong policy stance of the minus expansion in employ- ���������������������������
Narendra Modi government ment) in the count of the ��������������������������������
and the pandemic may be unemployed in April 2022. �������������������������������
just an additional excuse. April 2022 also saw a 2.3 �������������������������������
Retail inflation (CPI) in April million increase in the count ����������������������������������
soared to a 8-year high, ie of those who stated that they ������������������������������������
the entire period of Modi Raj, were unemployed and were ����������������������������
and touched 7.79 per cent as willing to work if work was �����������������������������������
against 8.3 per cent in May made available to them but ����������������������������������
2014, which he had strongly were not actively looking for ����������������������������������
criticized during his election employment. The count of �������������������������������������
campaign. In place of the these rose to 19.5 million in �����������������������������
promise of providing one April 2022. �������������������������������
crore job every year, his gov- The agriculture sector ����������������������������������������
ernment actually delivered shed 5.2 million jobs in April. ������������������������������������
unprecedented level of job- Part of this decline in labour �����������������������������������
lessness in decades, further force was due to winding of ������������������������������������
exacerbated by the pandem- rabi harvesting season, �������
ic. shrivelling of the wheat crop, K RAVEENDRAN spare capacity of only 300,000 certain exemptions made for directly swapped, with poten-
bpd.Of course, there is a seri- the land-locked countries of tial shipping and insurance
High taxes on petrol and and the consequent decline

diesel, high administered in wheat production. Wheat he seismic shift ous challenge as more cargoes Hungary, Slovakia and Czech sanctions as part of the EU
in the global would be moved by the sea, Republic. The deal on the table embargo plan further affecting
prices, and high GST rates production is expected to
have all along fuelling the have fallen by between 10 crude oil mar- which means higher insurance apparently involves a six- movement, Russian upstream
ket has begun costs, risk of sanctions and in month phase-out period for operations will take a severe
rise of inflation, apart from and 20 per cent this year
the rising food prices, the because of intense heat to take effect. some cases seizures. crude imports, and eight hit, possibly close to the scale
This is expected The agency believes that months for petroleum prod- of the April 2020 Covid-19
downturn in labour market wave. It is a very serious
started with the policy exper- concern, and the Centre has to manifest in repercussions of the Russian ucts, including the crucial sup- induced shut-ins.
iment of demonetization in already banned exports of tightened crude oil embargo currently being ply of around 1 million bpd of Russia has said its
November 2016, could never wheat to avoid food insecuri- markets as well as unprece- mulled over by the EU would Russian diesel/gasoil to the EU breakeven price for selling ����������������������������������������
been stopped. Job situation ty of the country. Since the dented shifts in trade flows, lead to wide-ranging conse- market. Urals is around $45 per barrel, �������������������������������������
has never been worse. Both recent rise in CPI inflation most notably of Russian oil quences, pushing oil prices If enacted into law, Rystad so the government will likely �����������������������������������������
unemployment and labour was chiefly due to rise in from Europe to Asia. Russia is higher in the short to medium believes that most EU members opt for steep discounts to ������������������������������������
force participation suffered prices of food articles, the expected to redirect as much term. As the sanctions are would likely abide by the ban, ensure a flow of budget rev- ����������������������������������������
historical decline during wheat production fall indi- volume as possible to alterna- negotiated, crude prices will but reduce their crude pur- enues before enacting costly ���������������������������������
Modi Raj. The pandemic and cates that its prices will tive markets an d India, along stay elevated as war-related chases at slightly differing well shut ins. ����������������������������������
other domestic and external increase in near future with China, would be key play- uncertainty persists and sum- speeds, while the near 300,000 The seasonally high con- ����������������������������������
factors did have it impact which may push up the ers in this shift. mer demand kicks in over the bpd of Druzhba crude imports sumption months of June, July, �����������������������������������
and the government seemed prices of rice also due to shift Rystad Energy has revealed and August will increase ������������������������������������
that India has increased the ����������������������������������������� demand materially as the trav- �����������������������������������
to be stupefied. Rethinking in demand. The further rise
on its old wrong priorities in inflation can thus not be import of Russian oil by 8 lakh ���������������������������������������� el season pushes up demand ���������������������������������������
was required but the centre ruled out. barrels per day between ����������������������������������������� for road and jet fuel, and as the ������������������������������
continued with them, and in Increase in employment February and April this year, ���������������������������������������� amount of oil burned in the ����������������������������������
several cases vigorously fol- in April was chiefly in indus- prompted by the growing Urals �������������������������������������� Middle East over the summer ��������������������������������������
lowed them. try and services. Industry discount offered by Moscow. ������������������������������������������ period for cooling purposes ���������������������������������
The agency estimates that in the increases. Projections of global ������������������������������������
The worsening market added 5.5 million jobs while
event of further discounts ������������������������������������������ refinery runs see an increase
condition with price rise and services added another 6.7 ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������
inflation and labour market million. Within industry, 3 offered by Russia, the volume by at least 4 million bpd ��������������������������������������
could go up perhaps to a total of ����������������������������� between now and the peak July
deterioration with large million jobs were added in ����������������������������������
number of job loss, declining manufacturing and nearly 4 1 million bpd to 2 million bpd. intake. ��������������������������������
opportunity of jobs, and ris- million in construction. Over the past two months The expected seasonal ��������������������������������������
ing unemployment hast However, mining and utilities buyers from all geographies coming weeks. The EU is get- into the three land-locked increase, as well as the ������������������������������������
become the characteristic reported sharp decline in have demonstrated that politi- ting very close to enacting its countries would continue as it strength in momentum for an ����������������������������������
features of the entire Modi employment which coincided cal correctness can be offset by proposed ban on Russian oil is at least for the initial six to EU embargo, has led analysts �������������������������������������
rule. No money in hand and with the coal shortage and steep and heavily discounted imports, including sanctions on eight months of the phase-out to maintain an expectation that ���������������������������������
little opportunity of getting the consequent power sector oil from Russia, leading to shipping and insurance. Since period. oil prices will remain support- ���������������������������������
jobs have made the life of crisis, which again impacting assumptions that some coun- unanimity is required within According to analysts, the ed towards the third quarter of �������������������������������������
our workforce miserable. overall performance of the tries and refineries will cheat the EU and given the current EU potentially displacing this year. The market had not ���������������������������������������
The month of April 2022 business, industry and agri- and continue to source Urals, stance of Hungary in particu- between 2 million bpd and 3.4 fully priced in the EU oil ���������������������������������������
though witnessed substan- culture. Within manufactur- especially if the discount lar, a compromise version of a million bpd should be a bullish embargo news, which adds to �����������������������������������������
tially increased activities in ing, it was heavy industries widens further as the barrels proposal by the President of signal for short-term pricing the tightness in the crude mar- ����������������������������������
the labour market, the addi- such as metals, chemicals are officially deemed untouch- the European Commission for the replacement barrel ket for non-Russian grades �������������������������������������
tional jobs that became and cement that added jobs. able by EU law. made on 4 May is currently market, such as Brent and such as Brent and WTI. But ����������������������������������
available were inadequate Within services sector, the There are, however, signifi- being re-negotiated in WTI. They also expect dis- much will depend on the extent ������������������������������
compared to the demand. A increases were in the retail cant infrastructure limitations Brussels. But what seems to counts on Urals to further of the unprecedented shift in ��������������������������������
large number of the frustrat- trade, hotels and restaurants for this shift, with only two emerge from all these delibera- widen to attract more buying global crude trade flows this ���������
ed people who have left the industries. pipelines, including a transit tions is that the EU will act and from India and China. Given may cause in the months
labour market and had A matter of more serious link via Kazakhstan, offering a impose an oil embargo, with that not all barrels can be ahead.
stopped even searching for concern is that the increase
jobs resumed their search,
though the search has
in employment in industry
and services was of low qual- ����������������������������������������������������������������������������
become costly, the unemploy- ity jobs. The CMIE says that it
ment rate has increased indicated the fact that the
compared to 7.88 per cent in increase in employment was
April compared to 7.57 per largely among daily wage
cent in March, according to labours and small traders. HARIHAR SWARUP Rifles that time. There was one to know things, while also talking
the latest CMIE assessment. This type of occupation saw thing though that put General about his sincerity and humility and

The labour force an increase of 7.9 million round eight years ago, Pande, 60, apart from rest. He is the soft spoken, mild nature. In that,
increased by 8.8 million from jobs. Entrepreneurs increase when he was Brigadier, country's first Army Chief to have many say, he is closer to his imme-
428.4 million in March to by 4 million and farmers fell Manoj Pande was posted risen to the top from Corps of diate predecessor Naravane, than
437.2 million in April. It was by 5.1 million. There was in the headquarters of Engineers. say the late Rawat who was flam-
a substantial increase in the almost no change in salaried Eastern Command as the Those aware of their military boyant and often found himself in a
recent months, especially jobs which were close to 79 Brigadier General Staff history tell you how the legendary rough patch over his remarks.
after a fall of 12 million in million during March and (Operations), one of the most impor- US Army Chief of early 1930 and General Pande's batchmate from
the preceding three months. April 2020, much below 87 tant positions there. His immediate Second World War, Douglas the National Defense Academy, Maj
This increase was far below million before the pandemic boss was the late General Bipin MaArthur, once finished top of his Gen (retd) Ajay Seth says: "He is a
the loss which should be in 2019-20. Big increase of Rawat who was Major General Staff. class at Corps of Engineers. General quiet person, doesn't talk much. But
taken into consideration. 12 million was reported in Rawat's boss at that time was Pande similarly stood first in the he talks sense when he speaks. He is
Employment expanded by non-farm jobs, two-thirds of General Dalbir Singh Suhag, as the Young Officers' Course of Corps of not a showman."
only 7 million in April, which which were daily wage Eastern Army Commander. Engineers, and now has broken a As Brigadier General Staff, one easily, and comes to a very logical Seth says they really got to know
was less by 1.8 million labours and small traders. All three would go on to become glass ceiling in the Indian Army to of Pande's most important tasks conclusion". each other well a few years after the
increase in the labour force. In this scenario, Modi Army Chief. While Suhag took over rise to top. The Army so far has was to brief the command's leader- There was another thing about NDA, and recalls the time the two of
The increase in employment government needs to urgent- as the 26th Army Chief in July 2014, Chiefs only from infantry, Armoured ship about all operational aspects Gen. Pande that struck Kulkarni. them prepared for their first pro-
had also come after three ly redress the twin evil of Rawat became the 27th Army Chief Corps or the Artillery. every morning. Kulkarni recalls: "He wasn't a chap who would lie to motion exams in the late 1980s.
consecutive months of inflation and joblessness by in December 2016 and the country's Lt Gen (retd) Sanjay Kulkarni, "His retentive memory was good. He cover up an incident. He would be "Our centre was Yol in Himachal
decline in employment, reviewing its entire set of first Chief of Defense Staff in who served as boss to both Gen. wouldn't just point a finger on the honest that this is what has hap- Pradesh…My commanding officer
according to CMIE data, policies that have been January 2020. General Pande took Rawat and Pande as Chief of Staff of map without knowing where it pened, this is where we are, and had not granted me leave, but I had
which also reveals that fuelling both. Alibi is a bad over this month as the 29th Army Eastern Army Command, says he was…. Most of us would be groping… that is how it is. It was up to us sen- managed some time and made
employment had fallen by 10 defence, and bad politics. Chief. saw Pande at "close circles quar- He is extremely conscientious, very iors to go about it." notes. I asked him about his prepa-
million from 406 million in Good governance with better The 28th Chief of the Army, ters" as a Brigadier, and remembers hard working, and puts things From seniors to juniors to batch- rations. He said "I have not pre-
December 2021 to 396 mil- policies may help reverse the General M M Naravane, was also him as one of the brightest officers across in a very rational way. No mates, others too vouch for Pande's pared at all, Ajay. You have to help
lion in March 2022. In April, trend. posted in Eastern Command Assam at the command. emotional outbursts. Takes it very attention to detail and his keenness me."

THE AVENUE MAIL, Jamshedpur COMMENT Sunday, May 15, 2022 4

Will Hardik Patel's Congress stint end soon? Decoding General Pande's stated 'whole-of-nation approach'
he Hardik Patel-Congress marriage seems to be heading for a divorce after just bloody border standoffs? forget that any dubious
three years. Patel, who joined the Congress in March 2019 and is currently the During 77 days long activities of important
state Working President, has, since the last one month, started sending signals Doklam standoff between political functionaries
that he is reviewing his position, stand, and association with the party. armed Indian Forces and create confusion in thought
Congress sources said even before he made his dissent public through interviews, People's Liberation Army process of military
Patel had started acting against the party interests, and claimed that he had blocked the near India-China-Bhutan strategists and
state organisation's plan to have four to five Working Presidents. strategic tri-junction border generals/commanders
The party's state President Jagdish Thakor and his team wanted to give importance to area in 2017 over having direct negative
four to five castes that have good dominance in the state and can help the party in construction of road repercussions on national
creating a new social engineering. Towards this end, it wanted to have Working building, which was ended security apparatus.
Presidents from the Patidar, Koli, Rajput, Brahmin/Baniya, and the Muslim community. with announcement of both Doubts have been
However, sources said Patel opposed the plan demanding that there should be only one on August 28 that they had generated and negative
Working President - that should be him and no one else, otherwise it has no meaning. withdrawn all their troops propaganda have been
Posed this question by IANS through a text message, Patel preferred not to comment. By Bimal Prasad from the face-off site, on made over Indian Armed
According to sources, Patel had met Union Home Minister Amit Shah in April during Mohapatra July 11, 2017 Hindustan Forces' most daring 2016
the latter's visit to Ahmedabad, when his entry into the BJP was worked out. Times reported, "After Surgical Strike and 2019

Sources however said that his entry into the state's ruling party is not going to be a he basic issue morning of denials, Balakot Air Strike by
cake walk as one stalwart BJP leader is opposed to him since the leader's political career remains the Congress accepts Rahul political outfits with
was jeopardised by the Patel-led Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti agitation. resolution of the Gandhi met Chinese electoral objectives despite
Recently, Patel had been constantly alleging that few state Congress leaders are border. What we see is that envoy." the clarifications given by
sidelining him in the party, he is not given work to do, otherwise he is ready to give 100 China's intent has been to Questioning the Military Commanders who
per cent to the party. He had appealed to the central leadership to intervene, but, at the keep the border issue alive. Congress Party's initial commanded the operations.
same time, he also praised the BJP, removes the Congress symbol from his Twitter and What we need as a country denial, senior CPI leader D. Even media and civil
other social media accounts. He has also started calling himself "hardcore is a 'whole-of-nation Raja said that the Congress society are not far behind in
Hindutvavadi". approach' and in the should make its stand clear these demoralizing
However, Thakor maintained that Patel was never sidelined and always given due military domain, this is to on the matter. "Why did activities which might have
importance in the party, adding that whenever the Patidar leader publicly dissented, he prevent and counter any they deny the reports first prompted General Pande to
or Gujarat in-charge Raghu Sharma has tried to reach him out and discuss the issues and attempt to alter the status only to confirm later," Raja use the 'whole-of-nation
tried to resolve them. quo at the LAC, Army when they prepare strategy Though exactly what
to protect nation's General means this author asked, adding that this approach' while discussing
Congress leaders attended the condolence meeting on his father's first death Chief General Manoj happens in our political the ongoing standoff PLA
anniversary condolence meeting, though some of us were not invited, Thakor said. He Pande, who took over the sovereign territory? does not know, yet while he
Yes, General Pande has tries to decode General's life. "Parties keep meeting has with Indian Armed
did accept that the party's second phase reorganisation is delayed, but did not agree that charge on April 30, 2022, envoys…… There is Forces in Western sectors.
it is because of Patel. said to a group of selected not specified the reason of statement Indira Gandhi's Here too, the strategies of
making the 'whole-of- 1971 statements in both nothing to hide or be
Asked what if Patel quits the party, Thakor, avoiding directly answering the question, journalists on May 9, 2022. secretive about." The armed forces questioned by
said that the Congress is not dependent on one or few leaders or few MLAs, and even if On the day of the above nation approach' as part of houses of Parliament and none other than the former
his statement (or no body the then opposition parties' Chinese Embassy's office
few MLAs or leaders quit the party, it will have little impact on the party prospect in the interview got wide official site, which first military commanders,
coming elections. The party is prepared for all consequences, he added.. coverage in Indian Media, among the journalists concurrence to her diplomats and strategic
asked), maybe it is his due statements instantly comes reported that Rahul met
Political analyst Dilip Gohil said that Patel has been planning to quit Congress for the this author searched for any Zhaohui to "exchange writers working in Think
long-term benefit, as he does not see his future in the party. "He wants to become a headline of news report and regard to service rule, and to his mind along with the Tanks and writing columns
Indian armed forces are the manner and style of dealing views on the current
victim so that he gets sympathy from the community and voters, that is why he is making opinion piece with bilateral relations", and in media, and even their
allegations against state leaders, so they suspend him from the party, which is not likely verbatim the 'whole-of- most disciplined forces of opposition parties, political authority has been
which never found engaged media, civil society, etc. then, hours later, deleted
to happen," he added. nation approach' using the post. Both sides never mocked by former minister
Gohil said his reading of Patel's activities and statements over the last one month is Google search engine, but in public debate over the have been now over who was part of Cabinet
issues that matter to them as ongoing border standoff made it clear why they
that he is acting as per scripted plan given to him, but said his quitting Congress will in vain. Instead what he seemed to be denying that Committee for Security
have little impact, as shown by the 2017 Assembly elections results. found is identical headlines a matter of principle. with China. (CCS). They should not
However, the indication is Let us further decode the meeting took place.
"No doubt, the Congress vote share and seats both increased, but at the same time, the "China wants to keep Here, it is to be noted forget that India faces
BJP vote share increased by one and half per cent, which means the OBCs voted for it." boundary issue alive: Gen loud and clears which General's statement quoted literally two fronts war like
callous kumbhakarnas in the first paragraph here. that Congress Party and
Gohil is of view that for Congress gains in 2017 elections, the entire credit can't be Pande" on top of all Rahul Gandhi are not non- situation. While one
given to Patel, whose influence is fading, as results of the recent by-polls, civic and newspapers reports in the among us (in media, civil He said, "China's intent has adversary has one party
society, politics, opposition, been to keep the border entities in Indian politics.
panchayat polls showed. inside pages. And the Congress Party is the rules and is world's second
He also said that it seemed that Patel had great hopes of Rahul Gandhi's intervention, 'whole-of-nation approach' strategic analysts, etc.) issue alive." Latter, he went most powerful nation in so
refuse to acknowledge for ahead saying, "What we longest ruling party in
but by the way, he gave the cold shoulder to Patel during his visit to Dahod, it was clear General Pande lamented is India ruling over 55 years far as her armed forces and
indication that the Congress is ready for his exit. there buried in their third or vested interest at the cost of need as a country is a economy are concerned;
national interest. 'whole-of-nation approach' out of 75 years of self-rule
fourth para in the most of and in GE2014 and the other one is, though a
the news reports. As this Here, I bring to my and in the military domain, democracy, its military is
GE2019 got over 19+%

The world will run only

author feels, the 'whole-of- readers' notice what former this is to prevent and not accountable to political
PM Indira Gandhi had said counter any attempt to alter votes, the second largest
nation approach' is the most party next to present ruling executive. So, they
important part of the when she was asked by the status quo at the LAC." virtually have no problem
opposition about India's Do the above two BJP. And Rahul Gandhi is
interview along with over 'whole-of-nation

with artificial intelligence preparedness just before statements mean that the scion of Congress Party
Chinese intent that General first family, which has approach' when they
emphasized in so far as on- 1971 Indo-Pak war in General is convinced that venture against India for
Parliament. She told to the China has been taking given three PMs and one de
going border standoff is facto PM (2004-14), and he anything.
concerned, and has been Lok Sabha, "In a serious advantage of lack of the Here, we should not
By Narvijay Yadav moment like this, the less 'whole-of-nation approach' was the party President and
neglected by media for the main party election forget that 1971 war India
we as a government say, I over the ongoing border

reasons best known to campaign icon. Therefore, won against formidable
t is estimated that by 2023, 50 percent of all business them, he ventured to think the better it is", and in standoff in India? Means adversary Pakistan, which
workloads are expected to run in the 'cloud', and Covid the Rajya Sabha, she told, China has strong it is needless to mention
discuss the issue here in due that his activities have been had direct supports of
pandemic accelerated the cloud adoption. As of now, details. "A wrong step, a wrong conviction that Indian world super power the US
over 60 percent of all corporate data is stored in the cloud. word, can have an effect polity and strategic closely monitored not only
While reading the news by his political rivals and and latter's powerful allies
McKinsey estimates that AI techniques have the potential to reports in various entirely different from the thinkers are divided over such as UK and China, due
create between $3.5T and $5.8T in value annually across one which all intend." And country's actual border non-political executives
newspapers and digital and Armed Forces in India, to the 'whole-of-nation
nine business functions in 19 industries. AI is making its way media over the issue, a the entire opposition so also with China? approach' burying political
into every field, so how could a smartphone remain media, civil society, etc. Now, let us discuss what but also by nation's and ideological differences.
question comes to mind: external adversaries. Being
untouched by it? Smartphones have become so important in Why has General made the had kept quiet leaving the have been happening in (Author is Sr. Research
our lives that most of the time we all spend scrolling this or matter to be dealt with by India that possibly a practicing democracy, Fellow - DRaS & Faculty
'whole-of-nation approach' India's ruling leadership
that on the screen. And a smartphone is such a thing about part of his statement while the duly elected contributes to convince of Management Studies
which it is said that "it knows everything about you". Not government and the armed China to take strategic keeps on changing election in TGI. The views
discussing border dispute after election, at time based
with China? What does the forces under later's advantage by 'keeping expressed are personal
command. Is it what border issue alive' and on ideologies. But, the opinion of the author. He
verbatim mean over the main motto of Armed
issue? Is it a grievance of General Pande means as Indian general feels can be reached at
something related to the aggrieve while dealing Forces remains same. In bimal.mohapatra2012
India's Armed Forces and view of this, one should not
they strongly felt 'wanting' 'whole-of-nation approach'? with enemies in at time @gmail.com)

Big initiative to save the pond and stepwell

By Satyavan water-saving challenges. There have also not
Saurabh been many attempts to dissuade farmers from
growing water-intensive crops such as paddy,

n summer there is a sugarcane, and banana when it is widely known
massive water crisis that agriculture consumes 80% of freshwater. In
across India; Given the desert areas of Rajasthan, the importance of
this problem, under the water is like that of God. The villagers here make
Amrit Mahotsav of every effort to save every drop of this precious
Independence, the resource.
Haryana Government has Ponds are the easiest way to conserve water in
started work vigorously to rural areas of the Nagaur district of Rajasthan.
develop the Johad ponds of the state as Amrit The remarkable fact about these ponds is that
Sarovar to save the ponds and johars which are many of these ponds are centuries old and have
losing their existence in their villages. This Amrit been preserved only through the efforts of the
Sarovar will prove to be a boon for water villagers. No river flows through the Nagaur
conservation as well as for the farmers. Provision Today the condition of the village ponds is very district and groundwater is also not potable. In
will also be made for irrigation with the water of pathetic and the water of the ponds is such circumstances, villagers have found
these Amrit Sarovar. Under this scheme, 1650 overflowing and flowing on the roads and the effective ways to conserve and use rainwater. To
only that, your phone knows you more than you. The same applies to computers as well. ponds of Haryana state will be developed as ponds are not able to conserve even the save rainwater, tanks for personal use and ponds
Both the devices are based on the Internet and AI has arrived to manage the Internet. Amrit Sarovar by August 15, 2023. In the initial rainwater. Keeping all these aspects in mind, the for community use have been created in the
Google is at the forefront in using AI. As per the accounting firm PwC, the AI industry will phase of this program, Chief Minister Manohar Amrit Sarovar Yojana has been started. Irrigation houses. Even today these ponds are the primary
be worth over Rs 117 lakh crore by the year 2030. AI has already entered people's lives Lal launched the scheme of 111 Amrit Sarovar in work will also be done through this scheme and source of water for the villagers of Nagaur.
through digital assistants and face recognition technology etc. the state through the online system. rainwater will also be conserved. Every decision regarding ponds is taken
AI has been used in industries to automate industrial procedures, avoid human errors, Their best efforts in the form of ponds and Water scarcity in India has come not from collectively by the villagers. Every village has
and discover unexplored places. All the industries, especially healthcare, banking, step-wells for the conservation of water and the insufficient supply but from the way we manage implemented certain rules for the conservation of
manufacturing, agriculture, and pharma, will depend heavily on AI, security and data gift of ancestors have been engulfed in the the water we have. Agriculture uses 78 percent of ponds. Those who litter the pond are not
analytics. In the coming times AI will handle the routine tasks of work and everyday life, memories of the past. The biggest reason behind India's water, and uses it very inefficiently. About tolerated, emphasis is laid on keeping the
while humans will engage their brain in creative tasks. That is, machines and gadgets will this has been the apathy of the government. Due two-thirds of the water used for irrigation comes catchment area free from encroachment. It is
do routine work and humans will do creative work. World renowned Artificial intelligence to this these dry ponds and step-wells are not from groundwater. Heavy power subsidies for strictly forbidden to enter the pond wearing
expert Stuart Russell says that if machines become super intelligent then the very existence used by the people for water. Rather, they are farmers to pump groundwater and the fact that shoes. Apart from this, bathing, washing clothes,
of humans will be in danger. Intelligence is power. Power means control, and that will be doing it in the form of playing cards by sitting groundwater is largely unregulated have led to a and bathing cattle are also prohibited in the pond.
the end of the story of humans on Earth. Through artificial intelligence technology, you under the shady trees on their banks of them. The steady explosion in the use of groundwater There is no restriction on taking water from the
can track people, recognize their faces. Its abuse has already started, for example, your indifference of the villagers towards the ponds through tubewells for irrigation over the past pond for home, but water from the pond cannot
computer knows all about you, and your mobile phone listens to all your conversations. It that have been deserted for decades has also gone several decades. Extensive digging of borewells be taken for sale.
is the responsibility of man now to stop these machines from making terrible mistakes, or home. The decreasing days of rain have also to meet the demand deficit leads to increased but Barring a few villages across the country, most
else everything will perish. It's a warning. proved to be a curse for the ponds and step-wells. unaccounted use of groundwater. are where ponds are not maintained properly and
In general terms, artificial intelligence refers to computation tools that resemble human This is the reason that today the ponds and johads Urban India's inefficiency in water use stems they dry up quickly, forcing residents to look for
intelligence to perform certain tasks in exactly the same manner. This technology is in villages across the country are dry due to lack from a general condition of inadequate, outdated, other sources. Now the Amrit Sarovar Yojana of
currently progressing at a very fast pace. Indeed computer databases have evolved into the of water. Due to this, neither the footsteps of and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient the Haryana Government has given new hope to
core infrastructure that drives software. It is anticipated that most of the new features that animals are heard till these johads and ponds nor operations, inadequate metering, incomplete the entire country in preserving the empty and
will be included in the software in the coming years will be powered by AI. Then there is man is seen following their path. billing and collection, and poor governance. drying ponds and the villagers of Hariyan are
Big Data by which YouTube receives over 400 hours of video content every single minute. Given all this, the Central Government Another source of inefficiency comes from not proud of it. Their active participation in
Computers have been trained in such a way that it can identify a person's personality better launched the AMRUT scheme on April 24, 2022, treating wastewater and using recycled water for protecting their water sources is a great example
than his friends. To do this, it is seen what type of posts a person likes on social media. on Panchayati Raj Day. This scheme will be run special uses such as gardening and flushing for other water-scarce regions.
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data have a special relationship. Machine learning has till 15th August 2023. Under this scheme, 1650 toilets. Low pricing of urban water also (Author is a research scholar, poet,
contributed a lot to the development of AI. This technique trains AI using large data sets. ponds in the state will be developed as Amrit contributes to wasteful use. If something costs independent journalist and columnist. The
AI chatbots can be trained on data sets that include understanding human interactions. Sarovar and 75-75 ponds in each district will be less, users will use more of it. views expressed are personal opinion of the
(Author is a senior journalist & columnist. The views expressed are personal made Amrit Sarovar. This scheme will beautify A political settlement between the Center and author. He can be reached at
opinion of the author. He can be reached at Twitter @NarvijayYadav) the villages and will help in conserving water. the states are needed to jointly address India's goonjtichaupal@gmail.com)
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SUNDAY | MAY 15 | 2022 | BHUBANESWAR power post P6


Never grumble. All sorts of forces
enter you when you grumble and

they pull you down.

oward the end of April 2022, We should not underestimate

Outdated Laws barely two months after

Russia invaded Ukraine,
the world became aware of a deep
change in what the war means
the effectiveness of this propa-
ganda. In Serbia, the latest opin-
ion polls show that, for the first
time, a majority of voters now op-

he Supreme Court has put a stay on the sedition law, and the Union for the future. Gone is the dream pose accession to the European
government has also said the prime minister wants colonial era leg- of a quick resolution. The war Union. If Europe wants to win
islation to be phased out. This is a good moment. The law said: has already been strangely “nor- the new ideological war, it will
“Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible rep- malised,” accepted as a process have to alter its model of liberal-
resentation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, that will continue indefinitely. capitalist globalisation.
or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government Fear of a sudden, dramatic esca- The world is dealing with mul-
estab¬lished by law in India, shall be punished with im¬prisonment for life.” lation will haunt our daily lives. tiple, simultaneous crises that
The website Article-14.com has done great work in compiling the misuse Authorities in Sweden and else- evoke the four horsemen of the
of the law by the government and is responsible for the issue being in the where are apparently advising the apocalypse: plague, war, hunger,
public domain. Experts have cautioned that firstly, sedition cases can still public to stock up on provisions to and death. These riders cannot
be filed by the government and second that there are many other laws that endure wartime conditions. The war has already been strangely simply be dismissed as figures of
are problematic and can be misused. Both of these are true. However, we must This shift in outlook is reflected evil. As Trevor Hancock, the first
rejoice and take heart in the general direction. Once it dawns on the judi- on both sides of the conflict. In ‘normalised,’ accepted as a process that will leader of the Green Party of
ciary that some laws are out of place in a 21st century democracy, then Russia, talk of a global conflict is continue indefinitely. Fear of a sudden, dramatic Canada, has noted, they are “re-
problematic laws will fall. Nations reform themselves internally when they growing louder. As the head of markably close to what we might
realise such truths. RT, Margarita Simonyan, put it:
escalation will haunt our daily lives call the four horsemen of ecology,
India has many laws that need to be examined in light of individual lib- Slavoj Žižek “Either we lose in Ukraine, or a which regulate population size in
erties guaranteed to us in the Constitution. And sedition is not the only type third world war begins. Personally, Kremlin would pursue a “minor in- delivers to Europe. What Europe nature.” In ecological terms, the
of colonial law that we face. The Rowlatt Act that Gandhi opposed and led I think the scenario of a third cursion” or a full occupation. The refuses to consider is that it could “four riders” play a positive role
to the massacre of Jallianwala Bagh did away world war is more realistic.” implication, of course, was that a exert an extraordinarily power- by preventing overpopulation. But
with fundamental principles of the rule of law. EUROPE’S Such paranoia is supported by “minor"” act of aggression would ful form of non-military pressure when it comes to humans, this
It could detain people without charge or trial crazed conspiracy theories about be tolerable. The recent shift in on Russia while also doing much regulatory function hasn’t worked:
and it did away with jury trials, in favour of in-
PACIFIST LEFT a united liberal-totalitarian Nazi- outlook reveals a deep, dark truth for the planet. Moreover, to re- “The human population has more
camera trials by judges. This is called admin- WARNS AGAINST Jewish plot to destroy Russia. Upon about the Western position. While nounce Russian gas would allow than tripled in the past 70 years,
istrative detention, meaning the jailing of some- being asked how Russia can claim we previously expressed fears that for a different kind of globalisation from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7.8 billion
one without a crime having been committed, ANY to be “denazifying” Ukraine when Ukraine would be quickly crushed, – a sorely needed alternative to today. So what happened ... Why are
merely on the suspicion that they will commit RE-EMBRACE Ukrainian President Volodymyr our real fear was exactly the op- both the Western liberal-capital- we not controlled? Is there a fifth
a crime in future. Zelensky is himself Jewish, Russian posite: that the invasion would lead ist variety and the Russian-Chinese horseman that will cause our pop-
But we have several such laws in India today. OF THE Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to a war with no end in sight. It authoritarian brand. ulations to crash at some point, as
In 2015, over 3,200 people were held in ‘admin- HEROIC-MILITARY replied: “I could be wrong, but would have been much more con- Russia does not only want to lemmings do?”
istrative detention’ in India. Gujarat has the Hitler also had Jewish blood. [That venient if Ukraine had fallen im- dismantle Europe. It is also pre- Until recently, Hancock observes,
Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Act of 1984. SPIRIT THAT Zelensky is Jewish] means ab- mediately, allowing us to express out- senting itself as an ally of the de- humanity was able to hold the
It allows for detention without charge or trial Aakar Patel solutely nothing. Wise Jewish peo- rage, mourn the loss, and then veloping world against Western four riders in check with medi-
for a year. Uttar Pradesh has the National CONSUMED ple say that the most ardent anti- return to business as usual. What neocolonialism. Russian propa- cine, science, and technology. But
Security Act allowing detention without charge
India has many laws EARLIER Semites are usually Jews.” should have been good news – a ganda ably exploits many devel- now the “massive and rapid global
or trial for a year to “prevent a person from On the other side, especially in smaller country unexpectedly and oping and middle-income coun- ecological changes we have trig-
acting in any manner prejudicial to the defence that need to be GENERATIONS Germany, a new version of paci- heroically resisting a large power’s tries’ bitter memories of Western gered” are moving beyond our
of India, the relations of India with foreign pow- examined in light of fism is taking shape. If we look past brutal aggression – has become a abuses. Was the bombing of Iraq control. “So, although of course an
ers, or the security of India” or “from acting all the lofty rhetoric and focus on source of shame, a problem we not worse than the bombing of asteroid strike or super-volcano
in any manner prejudicial to the security of individual liberties what Germany is actually doing, don’t quite know what to do with. Kyiv? Was Mosul not flattened as eruption could wipe us out, the
the State, or from acting in any manner prej- guaranteed to us in the message is clear: “Given our Europe’s pacifist left warns ruthlessly as Mariupol? Of course, greatest threat to the human pop-
udicial to the maintenance of public order, or economic interests and the danger against any re-embrace of the while the Kremlin presents Russia ulation, the ‘fifth horseman’ if you
from acting in any manner prejudicial to the the Constitution of being pulled into a military heroic-military spirit that con- as an agent of decolonisation, it lav- like, is us.” Whether we will be
maintenance of supplies and services essen- conflict, we must not support sumed earlier generations. The ishes military support on local destroyed or saved is up to us. Yet
tial to the community.” Ukraine too much, even if that German philosopher Jürgen dictators in Syria, the Central while global awareness of these
This law has been used to jail Muslims accused of cattle smuggling and means allowing it to be swallowed Habermas even suggests that African Republic, and elsewhere. threats is growing, it has not trans-
slaughter in Madhya Pradesh. Tamil Nadu has the Prevention of Dangerous by Russia.” Germany fears cross- Ukraine is guilty of moral black- The activities of the Kremlin’s lated into meaningful action, so the
Activities of Bootleggers, Drug-offenders, Forest offenders, Goondas, Immoral ing a line beyond which Russia mail vis-à-vis Europe. There is mercenary organisation, the four riders are galloping faster
Traffic Offenders, Sand-offenders, Sexual Offenders, Slum-grabbers and will become truly angry. But only something deeply melancholic in Wagner Group, which is deployed and faster. After the plague of
Video Pirates Act, 1982. It allows the state to jail without trial or charge “any Vladimir Putin decides where that his position. As Habermas well on behalf of authoritarian regimes COVID and the return of large-
bootlegger or drug offender or forest offender or goonda or immoral traffic line lies on any given day. Playing knows, post-war Europe was able around the world, offer a glimpse scale war, hunger crises are now
offender or sand offender or slum-grabber or video pirate... to prevent him on Western pacifists’ fear is a to renounce militarism only be- of what Russian-style globalisation looming.
from acting in any manner prejudicial to the maintenance of public order.” major part of his strategy. cause it was safely beneath the would look like. As Yevgeny We should, of course, resist the
Karnataka has the Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Acid Attackers, Obviously, everyone wants to US nuclear umbrella. But the re- Prigozhin, the Putin crony behind temptation to glorify war as an
Bootleggers, Depredator of Environment, Digital Offenders, Drug Offenders, prevent the outbreak of a new turn of war to the continent sug- the group, recently said to a authentic experience to lift us out
Gamblers, Goondas, Immoral Traffic Offenders, Land Grabbers, Money world war. But there are times gests that this period may be over Western journalist: “You are a of our complacent consumerist
Launderers, Sexual Predators and Video or Audio pirates Act, 1985. when appearing too cautious will and that unconditional pacifism dying Western civilization that hedonism. The alternative is not
It allows for detention without charge or trial of up to 12 months of “any only encourage an aggressor. would require deeper and deeper considers Russians, Malians, simply to muddle through. Rather,
acid attacker or bootlegger or depredator of environment or digital offender Bullies by nature always count moral compromises. Unfortunately, Central Africans, Cubans, it is to mobilise in ways that will
or drug offender or gambler or goonda or immoral traffic offender or land- on their victims not to fight back. “heroic” acts will be needed again, Nicaraguans, and many other peo- benefit us long after the war is
grabber or money launderer or sexual predator or video or audio pirate... To prevent a wider war – to es- and not only to resist and deter ag- ples and countries to be Third over. Given the dangers we face, mil-
to prevent him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the maintenance tablish any kind of deterrence – gression, but also to cope with World scum. You are a pathetic itary passion is a cowardly escape
of public order.” we, too, must draw clear lines. problems such as ecological ca- endangered bunch of perverts, from reality. But so, too, is com-
Assam has the Preventive Detention Act, 1980. It can jail individual for So far, the West has done the op- tastrophes and hunger. and there are many of us, billions fortable, non-heroic complacency.
two years, without charge or trial. posite. When Putin was still only The Western media are full of of us. And victory will be ours!”
Bihar has the Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of preparing to launch his “special op- reporting on the billions of dollars When Ukraine proudly declares The writer is Professor of
Smuggling Act, 1984. It allows for “detention without charge or trial for up eration” in Ukraine, US President that have been sent to Ukraine; that it defends Europe, Russia re- Philosophy at the European
to two years to prevent a person from i) smuggling goods, or (ii) abetting the Joe Biden said his administration yet Russia is still receiving tens of sponds that it will defend all of Graduate School.
smuggling of goods, or (iii) engaging in transporting or concealing or keep- would have to wait and see if the billions of dollars for the gas it Europe’s past and present victims. ©PROJECT SYNDICATE
ing smuggled goods, or (iv) dealing in, smuggled goods otherwise than by
engaging in transporting or concealing or keeping smuggled goods, or (v)
harbouring persons engaged in smuggling goods or in abetting the smug-
gling of goods.”
Jammu & Kashmir has three laws, one allowing detention without charge
or trial for six months, another for a year and third for two years. West Bengal

A closer look at the ‘monkey business’

has the Prevention of Violent Activities Act of 1970. Journalists in Chhattisgarh
are regularly jailed under the NSA and kept in prison for a year for their re-
As we can see from the dates, none of these are so-called colonial laws. These
are laws we have gifted ourselves. Every state uses them liberally and there

is no resistance from the judiciary. These days we have classified sections ost pandemic, India Inc. is Waal. Capuchin monkeys are the played her anger by thumping her in our genes and like our primal an-
of the Indian people as the enemy through the use of the phrase anti-national. witnessing the “Great most intelligent New World mon- chest and tried to pull down the iron cestors we consider them as non-
We do not have Jallianwala Bagh-type gatherings today and if we did, against Resignation Drama” unfold- keys and their exhibited social be- grills of the cage. Not only she negotiable. Fairness, appreciation,
such laws, we would be called anti-national. But that does not change the fact ing. The attrition rate projected in haviours are quite close to humans stopped completely but threw back inclusiveness and recognition
that these laws are as out of time and place today as the Rowlatt Act was a 2022 is 19 per cent which is a 57 in several aspects. They can be the cucumber on the attendant! (FAIR) still remain the founda-
century ago. Once that realisation dawns on us as a nation, and especially per cent increase over last year (as trained to perform several tasks In fact, she rejected the unequal pay tional pillars in building trust in
in the higher judiciary, we can expect that there will be reform of the sort per data for 100 plus firms across like handling tools, cracking nuts for the same efforts in an animated workplace, which in turn works
that we have just seen with sedition. And that is something to be hopeful about 18 sectors). In some of the IT firms and opening drink bottles! manner. Then, the researchers in favour of the organisation.
for our future. it is over 30 per cent. The study re- These monkeys were kept in put curtains in between the cages Without these, the other motivators
Shivaji Mohinta veals that India ranks the highest separate enclosures in the lab and and continued to give grapes to might only address the symptoms
(amongst Asia Pacific markets) in were given some tokens, resem- one, cucumber to another. Now but not the root causes. When the
terms of professionals intending to
move out from their current jobs,
bling coins. They were taught to
handover a token in lieu of a slice
both the monkeys performed their
tasks with the same speed, in iso-
fundamental principles of reci-
procity are violated it not only
APPRECIATION, in the next six months. All these of cucumber. The attendant would lation, although the neighbour hurts the simians but humans too.
Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from
movements are not merely for the give a piece of cucumber and the was getting a better reward (One In most of the times our primal
wanting to control it. KAHLIL GIBRAN
INCLUSIVENESS sake of money. The key non-mon- monkey would hand over a token. undistinguished lesson - if you brain decides the behaviour which
etary reasons are unhappiness This went on perfectly fine till are not fair don’t try to be trans- triggers action.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of AND RECOGNITION with indifferent treatment, mis- one was given a grape while the parent!). So, is there anything to learn
avoiding reality. AYN RAND
STILL REMAIN THE trust, inequity, unfairness and non- other a cucumber. The other mon- These behaviours and reactions from this monkey business? Surely,
No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself. inclusion. key who saw that she was given a are perfectly similar to humans please take a closer look.
FOUNDATIONAL Way back in 2003 there was an ex- cucumber instead of a grape slowed when faced with inequity, injus-
PILLARS IN periment done with Capuchin mon- down but still did the given task. tice and status demotion. Even in The writer is a corporate
keys by two behavioural scientists When this was repeated a few today’s fast paced digital world professional, business advisor
BUILDING TRUST -- Sarah Brosnan and Frans de times, the aggrieved monkey dis- some core values are deep rooted and a startup mentor.
Supernaculum Habit of losing Shining shuttlers
n 1592, the London writer Thomas Nashe published Pierce Penilesse
Sir, Successive electoral humiliations have pushed the Grand Old Party of India to a corner. Shockingly, Sir, The Indian men’s badminton
His Supplication to the Divell, a brash and witty survey of London
types, written as though from a penniless scribbler who tries in though the party leaders scurried for cover after early losses, losing seems to have become a habit for the team deserves accolades for
desperation to seek patronage from Lucifer. In passing he mentions a Congress -- a dangerous reality. The biggest bane of the party is undoubtedly its leaders -- big and small. scripting history and reaching
drinking game that had newly “come out of France.” When a man had Introspection was thrown out, and top leaders appeared to be just going through the motions. Recent flop their maiden Thomas Cup Final.
finished a drink, he had to turn his cup upside down and put its lip on show in Punjab revealed how listless the party leaders had become. The top two -- Sonia Gandhi and Rahul The Indian team, which had
his thumb nail. If there was more liquid left in the cup than would form TO THE EDITOR Gandhi -- have miserably failed to revive the party and enthuse workers at the grassroots. In the Chintan never gone beyond the semi-fi-
a pearl on the nail, he would have to drink again as a penance. This Readers of Orissa POST Shivir at Udaipur, Sonia has spoken for change in working style. She has used words like “extraordinary” nals after 1979, came back from
seems to have gone down a treat in the taverns of Southwark. Nashe are most welcome to contribute letters and “unprecedented” to get out of a rut. Though she pretended to be aggressive, her address was lack- behind to down 2016 champions,
called the game, drinking super nagulum, which pretty soon turned (200 words), articles and lustre. There was nothing new in it. Past “Shivirs” of the Congress have yielded precious little. Leaders Denmark. With the tie locked 2-
columns (between 750-1250
into supernaculum. It’s a bilingual pun of a type that delighted the wits words). Contributors are and cadres are all ears when their boss speaks; everything is forgotten once they are out. Another loss, 2, HS Prannoy produced a re-
in that circle of pamphleteers and playwrights that included Nashe and requested to send their and the cycle repeats. Change in working style, asking questions, new “committees” are all hogwash until markable rally in the decisive
Shakespeare. The first bit is the Latin prefix super-, above. The contact numbers and full the biggest demand of a section of the party is met: new leadership. Family rule has disillusioned a lot match to take India home. The
postal address/email ID. They may also
remainder comes from German Nagel, a nail. The word and the game
send in their valuable comments, opinion
of party workers and the party supporters as well. If democratic voices in the party have to be heard, then Indian outfit had earlier humbled
mirror a German one that was usually referred to in the phrase auf den and suggestions, preferably by email, an “outsider” has to be made the Congress president. Rahul has displayed a chronic aversion to ambition five-time champions Malaysia
Nagel trinken, to drink on the nail, to finish off liquor to the last drop. to: edit@orissapost.com and responsibility. Without these two traits, a leader cannot go half the way in politics. What the Congress in the semis. A victory in the fi-
Drinkers became rather casual about the custom and just inverted direly needs is a 24-hour-leader at the top. Staying united is a good thing but unity without electoral vic- nals would be the perfect icing
their cups or mugs to prove that they’d drunk to the last drop. tories means nothing. Time is running out for the Congress as more and more regional parties are mak- on the cake.
Supernaculum could mean this, or the last remaining drop of a drink, or B-15, Rasulgarh Industrial Estate,
ing their presence felt in national politics. NJ Ravi Chander,
a cry to indicate that one had done it. Bhubaneswar-751010 Ganapathi Bhat, AKOLA BANGALORE


Faith-based development is fine, but guard against conversion of one’s faith
W CHANDRAKANTH Thus, we have a Christian or-
ganisation, World Vision Interna-
lowed all faiths to nestle in India
and flourish throughout. The The challenges that
an religion be the key to tional, for instance, with the aberrations are from elsewhere.
development in the world?
Can development be
planned through religion? Do de-
largest budget among humanitar-
ian and development aid non-gov-
ernmental organisations (NGOs)
Development was possible in
India in the past because a temple
was not just a matter of faith or
business travel faces
velopment studies encompass re- with total expenditures on inter- 'Astha.' It was a centre for local
ligion to evolve ways and means national programmes, interna- administration in whose matters Business travel’s big buzzword now is ‘bleisure.’ It’s
of modernising a society? The de- tional relief and rehabilitation pro- faith had a limited or nil role. A exactly what it sounds like – a blend of business
bate in the West still continues on grammes, community education temple was an expression of faith
the efficacy of religion as a key and advocacy, administration and but not the whole faith itself. This and leisure. A typical bleisure trip might be a three-
contributor in the development of fundraising reaching $2.72 billion is the essence of Hindu life. Rather day work trip with a few days of play tacked on to
a region. in 2011 itself. Similarly, the Lon- it was! the front or back end. Or a one-week vacation
Gilles Carbonnier is the vice- don-based NGO Islamic Relief has One should not forget that reli-
president of the International Com- grown tremendously "influencing" Secular governments and faith-based organisations gious adherence is on the rise, as might be extended to two weeks, with the traveler
mittee of the Red Cross and Pro- a large part of the world with its can't be compatible with religious extremism taking is clearly seen in recent research bringing along the technology needed to work from
fessor of Development Economics aid activity. It has millions of over the emotions of people. Developmental studies on religious demographics. It plays
at Geneva’s Graduate Institute of In- pounds at its disposal for the both negative and positive roles in the road on the second week
ternational and Development Stud- "work." need to incorporate these two into their gamut more relation to inclusive growth some
ies. Carbonnier is an academic, de- The Indian government is, how- and more for a better worldview and safety, too. might argue. On the one hand, re- VINCENT FERNANDES subside, companies will want
velopment economist and ever, trying to keep a tab on the A serious investigation is needed world over into the ligion-related hostilities, preju- to continue to bank some of
passionate humanitarian. He has
traced the early theories of devel-
opment (in the West) to enlighten-
activities of such organisations
now after coming across reports
of "misuse" of funds. Several com-
faith-based funding of developmental activity.
If India resorts to it or at least keeps a check on it,
dices and biases can lock people
out and inhibit inclusive growth.
Beyond poverty alleviation, re-
I nternational travel will
continue to improve,
bringing better connectivity
the financial savings and
environmentally friendly
practices realized from two
ment and modernisation traditions. plaints have been received that the there should be no complaint against the same. search also shows that when free- with many of the United years of very limited travel.
But, development studies have organisations have been funding dom of religion or belief (includ- States’ key trading partners. Corporate travel’s return has
widely neglected religion, he feels. the needy, no doubt, but with an Many governments have started it already ing interfaith and intercultural By the end of 2022, US begun, but the conferencing
In one of his works on religion ulterior motive of converting the understanding) accompanies the corporate travel may near its technology that replaced
and development, he says "given locals here into their faith. There Spirituality in Development, began torian amongst anthropologists, rise of faith, the peaceful condi- new normal, the level it will nearly all of it beginning in
that the origins of development as- could be criticism against the In- to support research into the reli- states that South Indian temples tions necessary for inclusive sustain for the next several early 2020 will likely
sistance trace back to missionary dian government for getting sus- gion-development nexus. managed regional development growth are often strengthened. years. Assuming significantly continue to replace some of
ventures and religiously inspired picious of the activities of the Secular governments and faith- functions, such as irrigation proj- This has been acknowledged by reduced quarantine on it for the foreseeable future.
initiatives during the colonial era, NGOs, but not only these NGOs based organisations can't be com- ects, land reclamation, post-disas- the World Economic Forum, too. arrival for Europe, the In 2023, Deloitte projects
this is something of a surprise. To- are receiving overseas funds but patible with religious extremism ter relief and recovery too. The faith factor in inclusive Middle East, and the continued but decelerating
day, faith-based organisations re- they are not being transparent in taking over the emotions of peo- The place of temples in Indian growth (or development) is a com- Americas, and several improvement in corporate
main highly prominent actors in showing the records. World over, ple. Developmental studies need society is indeed pre-eminent. It plex topic which is only just be- months of a stable health travel spends. Apart from the
the aid industry. (…) The lack of anyway, there is no doubt as to to incorporate these two into their played an important role in unit- ginning to be analysed. An econ- situation, US corporate many unknowns
attention to religion and faith in how the money is being spent and gamut more and more for a better ing people through the various rit- omy that excludes kills! There travel could reach 80% surrounding international
development research and policy to what end. Faith-related funding worldview and safety, too. A seri- ual activities. All the social activi- should be no doubt about this car- of 2019 levels. travel, by 2023 companies
thus stands in stark contrast to the is seeking to increase the "size of ous investigation is needed world ties of villages in medieval south dinal principle. Business travel’s big should begin to settle into
paramount role played by religion the faith" everywhere through its over into the faith-based funding India centered around temples. A society that neglects develop- buzzword now is “bleisure.” their post pandemic travel
in the daily lives of individuals and "good work.” of developmental activity. Temples were the repositories of ment or the one which focuses It’s exactly what it sounds norms. Leaders know in-
communities, particularly in the Giles also refers to the World If India resorts to it or at least our tradition, centres of education, only on faith loses out. People at like – a blend of business and person interaction can be a
most active field of international Bank which engaged with religion keeps a check on it, there should charitable institutions, hospitals, the margins know how to fish, but leisure. A typical bleisure trip key component of innovation
development cooperation, the de- and faith-based organisations un- be no complaint against the same. centres of preservation of the fine they don’t have access to the pond. might be a three-day work and growth and will be glad
veloping world.” der President James Wolfensohn Many governments have started it arts and historical records, gov- They aren’t able to engage and par- trip with a few days of play to see more employees get
For those who believe in the in the 1990s. However, all these already. erning body of local self-govern- ticipate in the economic systems, tacked on to the front or face time with clients and
role of religion in development, it arguments, in the West, took a All this may sound interesting to ment, place of entertainment, markets, relationships, networks back end. Or a one-week one another. But the
was wrong to separate the func- blow following 9/11. Governments the Western thinkers and philoso- meeting place and place of Justice. of support and collaboration and vacation might be extended pandemic has demonstrated
tions of the State and the Church. started studying religious funda- phers. But India is not new to this Schools and hospitals were of- cooperation, tools, and models to two weeks, with the the effectiveness of
However, even if the West agreed mentalism and their own practice thinking. A proper and unbiased ten located in the temple precincts, many of us take for granted. traveler bringing along technology to replace a
to separate the Church from the of funding through religion. study of Indian history tells us that and it also served often as the Hence, focus must be more on an the technology needed to significant amount of travel,
governance, it always used religion A few bilateral development Indians are not strangers to the re- town hall, where people assembled inclusive system. India could be- work from the road on the saving companies money and
to "develop" the backward or un- agencies, such as the UK Religions ligion-development theory. e In- to consider local affairs or to hear come an economy of $5 trillion or second week. mitigating the harm business
civilised world everywhere. The and Research Programme Consor- dian past tells us that Hindu tem- the expression of sacred literature. even $50 trillion if it includes its Global business travel is trips do to the environment.
name given to this mode of devel- tium, the Dutch Religion and De- ples served as nuclei of important Only there was no attempt to con- population at the margins too. Is clawing its way back to The top driver for a return
opment which always had strings velopment Knowledge Centre, and social, economic, artistic and intel- vert anyone into the local's faith it prepared to do so? Or is it only normal after being to international travel aligns
attached to it was aiding faith- the Swiss reflection on the Role lectual functions in ancient and in India in the past. The society interested in my faith vs your faith decimated by the Covid-19 with the biggest driver of
based organisations (?). and Significance of Religion and medieval India. Burton Stein, a his- had always been tolerant and al- challenge? pandemic and the rapid shift domestic trips – 43 per cent
to videoconferencing and of respondents rank sales
virtual events, according to visits among their top two

A boon therapy for fungal infections

Gufic Biosciences data from the Global reasons for sending travellers
Business Travel Association overseas in 2022. Leadership
has developed (GBTA). Hit hard by the meetings (32 per cent) and
Isavuconazonium Sulfate pandemic, global business client project work (31per
API and finished travel activity plummeted cent) follow in importance.
100 companies in India, it is also one reported in this scenario. ere was 53.8per cent in 2020, Conferences, which should
formulation of the largest manufacturers of an urgent need of an effective anti- generating just $661 billion see resurgence domestically
Isavuconazole and Lyophilized injections therapy areas fungal drug to fight this life-threat- in revenue — down from in 2022, face another tough
manufactures such as antibiotic, antifungal, car- ening condition. Isavuconazole, a $1.43 trillion in 2019. That year attracting international
diac, infertility, antiviral and proton- first-line of therapy came as a saviour figure rose to $754 billion delegates. Only 15per cent
Isavuconazole for the pump inhibitor (PPI). for these patients,” said Dr Adarsh last year, is expected to top ranked industry events in
treatment of patients Gufic has added another feather Shetty, GM - Medical Affairs. $1 trillion in 2022, and their top two reasons for
who are 18 years of age to its cap as it has received permis- e overall invasive fungal infec- return to pre-pandemic international travel.
sion from Central Licensing Approv- tions incidence rate varies from 3% levels in 2024. As travel climbs back up
and older for the ing Authority, Central Drugs Stan- to 20%. e ongoing covid-19 pan- Over the remainder of from its pandemic lows, it will
treatment of Invasive dard Control Organisation demic has also brought the focus 2022, corporate travel should soon begin to push against
Aspergillosis and Invasive (CDSCO), Ministry of Health and back on super infections caused by grow significantly from its companies’ sustainability
Family Welfare for manufacture, sale secondary invasive fungal infec- now-small base. Team priorities and cost imperatives.
Mucormycosisis. and distribution of Isavuconazo- tions. Invasive aspergillosis and mu- meetings that have been Leaders will look to lock in
It is now augmenting nium Sulfate API and finished for- cormycosis are also associated with postponed multiple times gains in these areas as much as
its global focus across mulation Isavuconazole for Injection lengthy hospital stays, and impose will finally take place. More possible, even as they loosen
200 mg/vial. Isavuconazole for In- individuals and a large proportion Aspergillus, Mucorales and other substantial healthcare costs, driven conferences will shift back the reins in the name of
major markets jection 200 mg/vial is indicated for of critically ill patients. Also, during rare mould infections, enabling by prolonged treatment and man- from online to in-person, growth and innovation. Rising
the treatment of patients who are 18 the second wave of Covid-19, there physicians to treat the patients with- agement of treatment-related ad- and those that already have travel prices is one of the few
CHITRA SAIKUMAR years of age and older for the treat- has been a significant increase in out a confirmed diagnosis. verse events. “is increases mor- will likely see attendance travel-deterring factors that
ment of Invasive Aspergillosis and number of cases of Mucormycosis e second wave of Covid-19 in tality rates and contributes to the improve. Even international saw an increase in significance

G ufic is engaged in the research

and development and manufac-
turing of innovative herbal products
Invasive Mucormycosis.
Its COO Nagesh Y said, “e in-
cidence of invasive fungal infections
in covid-19 patients across India
during treatment in hospitals and af-
ter discharge. is is where Isavu-
early 2021 has caused devastating
chaos in India. Mucormycosis or
Black Fungus an invasive fungal in-
economic burden of invasive as-
pergillosis and mucormycosis. ere
are only a limited number of ap-
trips should grow
significantly, although some
regions will recover faster
from 2021 to 2022. To keep
costs under control, nearly
three in four companies say
along with a wide range of Active has been increasing over the past few conazole has come as a boon for fection in Covid-19 patients posed proved therapies for the treatment than others. they will limit the number
Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). decades and represents a significant these patients.” a big challenge towards the medical of invasive aspergillosis and mu- As health concerns of trips taken.
Rated as one of the fastest-growing problem in immune compromised Isavuconazole has activity against fraternity and a high death rate was cormycosis,” concluded Adarsh.

Markets racing to meet millennials’ food habits

SYDELLE FERNANDES snacks, only 3 per cent of them mentioned doorstep in 30 minutes or less. So, it’s safe end of a highly-convenient buying journey.
fruits, vegetables or nuts. to state that this generation expects con- Creating a unique dining experience for

M illennials are changing their eating

habits, and the market is rapidly
evolving to keep up with all 75 million of
Well-being in definition is far more com-
prehensive than health or wellness, as it
considers a broader universe of personal
venience at every stage of the buying
process. Restaurants therefore should give
due focus towards evolving with these
consumers either on-premise or digitally
from the time they start navigating through
your menu to finishing their plates, will
them. Whether it be what foods they prefer factors and speaks to the goals of a well- current trends in order to sustain them- heighten positive emotions and build lasting
or how they shop, the marketplace is dras- rounded life. selves in the market and to stand out relationships. Ultimately increasing restau-
tically changing to meet new demands. Fueled by the informed ideology and among their competitors. rant sales and building the online reputation
In fact, 55 per cent of millennials say that mass influence of younger generations like Millennials are digital natives; Millen- of your restaurant.
convenience is one of the most important Gen Z, who are hyper-aware of social and nials and Gen Z have spent nearly their Today, people are more inclined to trying
factors when deciding what foods to buy. environmental issues, the expansive future whole lives surrounded by the world of out food items that are enriched with a
To accommodate this demand, grocery de- of consumer health and wellness is proac- social media and digital devices. eir cu- backstory they can resonate with. So con-
livery has been growing in popularity, tive, highly personal, mindful, and moti- riosity is immense and they are increas- sidering adding intriguing menu descrip-
which in turn reduces the amount of im- vated towards well-being. ingly interested in trying out emerging tions, that highlights a nostalgic backstory
pulse buying that happens in stores. Millennials tend to dine out and order This generation is amongst the largest living adult age group today and trends. Over 53 per cent of millennials de- of your restaurant, this is likely to help in-
Millennial’s lean toward healthier food food at the convenience of their homes are economic leaders with the purchasing power over $1.4 trillion in 2020. sire to seek out details and look for unusual crease conversion rates by 55 per cent.
options that omit large amounts of fat, cho- more frequently than any other genera- They grew up in the era of convenience – self-driving cars, limitless things online rather than talk to store staff India is the world’s fastest growing
lesterol, sugar, and carbs. Instead they target tion. It is said that 86 per cent of diners when they are about to make an order. health foods market and forecasted to be-
organic, fresh, and frozen foods found in order delivery at least once a month and
entertainment, food at their doorstep in 30 minutes or less. Everyday there are millions of people con- come a $30 billion sector by 2026, a new
the outer ring of the grocery store, which is 87 per cent of Millennials are most satis- So, it’s safe to state that this generation expects convenience at every stantly searching for food online and con- report by investment banking services
bad news for an industry that is already fied with getting food delivered to their stage of the buying process. Restaurants therefore should pay due focus suming knowledge on new trends. In fact, firm Avendus Capital said.
plagued by low margins. homes. Therefore, if you’re looking to in- to evolving with these current trends 86 per cent of millennials who come across e number of health-conscious con-
Rather than sitting down for lunch or crease off-premise revenue – here’s your food-related content online will visit that sumers in India would increase from 108
dinner, Gen Z prefers to eat short meals or ideal target market. become the major focus for restaurants living adult age group today and are eco- restaurant in the near future. million in calendar year 2020 to 176 mil-
snacks during the day. eir focus is on e millennial audience is three times with 87 million people, aged between 18- nomic leaders with the purchasing power Millennial’s values authenticity; so pro- lion in 2026, the report noted, adding that
healthy food with 54 per cent of them say- the size of Generation X and surpasses the 34, or those who are born between the over $1.4 trillion in 2020. They grew up mote an up-to-date and honest digital menu as a percentage of total packaged foods
ing they prefer to eat healthy snacks. How- generation of Baby Boomers. A study early 80s and the year 2002. in the era of convenience – self-driving online so customers can phone in their or- and beverages stood at 11 per cent in India
ever, when asked to choose their favourite states that the millennial generation has This generation is amongst the largest cars, limitless entertainment, food at their ders and leave you a glowing review at the compared to 31 per cent in the US.
pg 6


15 MAY 2022

Shailaja Khanna
Off the beaten track

What makes this festival in

Kashi a treat for the soul
indu belief has linked the classical music tradition with gods and
goddesses — the rudraveena is said to have been created by Lord
Shiva himself, another veena was named after Devi Saraswati, the
bansuri is associated with Lord Krishna, and the legendary Lord
Hanuman apparently was an accomplished rudraveena and pakhawaj player.
The Sankat Mochan Hanuman temple in Kashi, said to have been estab-
lished by Goswami Tulsidas himself in the sixteenth century, maintains the
tradition of pleasing Lord Hanuman through music. An annual musical cele-
bration has been held in the temple precincts for decades, commemorating
Lord Hanuman’s lunar birthday, with musicians from all over the world

India is not Sri Lanka, LETTERS

invited to present their music free of cost to the deity in all-night music ses-
sions. Dance performances have also been permitted; the style of music is
eclectic and the offering includes classical and devotional music. Performers
as varied as US jazz artiste George Brooks, percussionist Sivamani, ghazal TOWERING INFERNO
king Ghulam Ali from Pakistan, bhajan maestro Anup Jalota, playback
singer Kavita Krishnamurty, the US-based Ustad Aashish Khan and

but must draw lessons

“Nightingale of the South” Bombay Jayashri have all performed their The fire tragedy
“haazri” at the temple. occurred in a commer-
Performing at the temple is not easy — the recitals are interrupted by tem- cial building near the
ple rituals at midnight and the break of dawn. The heat is immense; the tem-
ple has no soundproof green rooms and other such amenities that top-class
Mundka metro station
musicians take for granted — one recalls an unnamed, somewhat anxious Linguistic chauvinism he considered his vote bank in outer Delhi, which
Ustad a few years ago picking his way between the cows tethered nearly to
also contributed to
— are up in arms and out on reportedly consumed
reach his vehicle! (The cows are now at a discreet distance!!) the streets against him and 30 innocent lives, is
Keeping to the performance time slots is a challenge. The enthusiastic audi-
ence sometimes refuses to let its favourite artistes vacate the stage for the next
Pavan K. Varma internal unrest. From
its very beginning as
his repressive regime.
Thus, there are, indeed, yet another stark
artiste! One recalls a fulminating Padma an independent some important lessons to reminder of how fire
Vibhushan Dr Sonal Mansingh per- nation, the ultra-right be learnt from Sri Lanka. safety norms are flout-
Chanakya’s View

forming alone without her co-artistes, The first is that countries

among the Sinhala that are not at peace with ed by building owners
as they had to leave to catch the train
home for forthcoming concerts. Her community wanted themselves internally can with impunity.
performance timing had been messed Sinhalese to be never enduringly achieve Buildings must be

up as Padma Vibhushan Pt Shiv ndia is not Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka has done a imposed as the sole economic prosperity. Social
planned, designed and
Kumar Sharma decided to play anoth- and, Sri Lanka is not very bad job on this score. national language. harmony is the bedrock on
er short piece, which required the India. Our island Successive governments which the edifice of econom- constructed to ensure
retuning of his 100 stringed santoor. neighbour is going have, for short term politi- ic development can be built. that fire safety mea-
The proximity of the audience, too, can through an economic cal dividends, encouraged representation, remained Deliberately majoritarian sures are in place in
be unnerving. The artistes are literally meltdown. Its foreign cur- Sinhala entitlement, rooted unimplemented. The policies, in plural societies,
only a few feet away, and with typical rency reserves have dried in mytho-history, discrimi- Muslims were targeted too. appear politically expedi- strict accordance with
Banarasi insouciance are quite capable up; inflation is skyrocket- natory policies, politics, Since 2012, Buddhist monks ent, but ultimately unleash National Building
of audibly uttering “bhai, jama nahin” ing; food prices are going hyper-nationalism and com- and their supporters had endemic social instability Code of India’s guide-
to the chagrin of the performer! On the through the roof; fuel short- munalism. As a result, the begun to attack Muslim that vitiates stable econom-
other hand, the loud, rousing apprecia- ages have led to miles long country witnessed a deadly neighbourhoods, mosques ic progress. lines which regulate
tive cries of “Har Har Mahadev” with queues; power cuts have civil war with Tamil insur- and businesses with The second is that hyper- the building construc-
upraised hands far outweighs any clap- The somewhat chaotic become endemic; and the gency in which over 100,000 impunity. He did not think nationalism appears a good tion activities across
ping or standing. As the late Pt Rajan health system has ground to people were killed. The it fit to stop this. His regime way to garner votes in the
Mishra once observed, “In India, we clap
arrangements of a halt due to lack of economy was set back by became increasingly auto- short term but, ultimately,
the country. Even
to chase away crows; it is not a tradi- yesteryears make for medicines. decades. The war against cratic. Civil society was leads to authoritarianism in though NBC makes
tional gesture of appreciation.” treasured memories. One India is facing major prob- the Tamils was pursued threatened, as were human the name of “national secu- these measures
This year, at the five-night festival, recalls a leading sitar lems of unemployment and ruthlessly and ended in 2009 rights lawyers. Generals in rity”, stifling dissent and mandatory, majority of
first-time performer Deepika player perched on a inflation. Foreign currency with the defeat of the LTTE. the army, close to him, discourse so essential to a
multi-storey buildings
Varadarajan from Chennai said: “The friend’s scooter, sitar reserves have dipped. The person who claimed began to run civilian democracy, and destroying
energy of the audience was wonderful. Growth rates are sluggish, credit for this “victory” is departments. He did not due processes of law. This continue to ignore and
balanced precariously on take kindly to dissent or creates serious fault lines in
In the South, we are used to performing
his lap, racing from
the informal sector is hurt- the current President of Sri violate the safety
in temples, and there is no doubt a dif- ing, consumption has not Lanka, Gotabaya criticism. The pandemic society, and devalues the
ferent type of energy. But here, in Kashi, Diamond Hotel at 2 am to picked up, and the rupee is Rajapaksa. was his alibi, but he deliber- belief system in established norms, and often play
unlike in the temple concerts in the reach the temple... sliding. Yet, India is not in Not surprisingly, ately chose to ignore that institutions of the Republic. with human lives.
South, the audience is stationary, immo- the throes of an economic Gotabaya Rajapaksa reaped tourists to Sri Lanka dwin- Thirdly, Sri Lanka teach- Many buildings lack
bile and not transitory. They sit only to crisis. Sri Lanka is an island short-term political rewards dled also because of the es us that once the genie is even basic fire safety
listen. It’s a wonderful experience.” economy. It is over depen- for aggressively represent- deadly bomb attacks on let outside the bottle, it is
For many artistes, it’s a time to just chill and relax in each other’s company. dent on one source for rev- ing the Sinhala cause. He churches, and the 2019 difficult to bottle it back. systems like fire extin-
Music festivals nowadays are very structured; and staying beyond one’s per- enue — tourism — which won the 2019 presidential Easter Sunday bombings The divisiveness and big- guishers. There is no
formance time is not encouraged by organisers. No such considerations apply has taken a huge hit due to election with a huge majori- that killed 267 innocent otry so unleashed acquires statutory provision for
in “Baba’s Darbar” — Pt Jasraj used to stay the duration of the entire six-day the pandemic. India is a ty. His inauguration cere- people. a momentum of its own. It’s
festival in the temple guesthouse with his entourage of disciples. Artistes pop continental economy. Its mony was triumphantly Linguistic chauvinism a fire that spreads, beyond regular verification of
into the temple to hear each other; staying up all night sometimes. At times, productivity spectrum is far conducted at a Buddhist also contributed to internal the control of those who adherence to fire safe-
they even fly out of the city to play other concerts, and then return to Varanasi more diversified. And, temple. Next year, his party, unrest. From its very begin- encouraged it in the first ty norms in multi-story
for a concert two days later! In this edition of the festival, young tabla expo- decades of investment in the Sri Lankan People’s ning as an independent place.
nent Ishaan Ghosh of Mumbai played as an accompanist, then returned two institutions for the manage- Party, swept the parliamen- nation, the ultra-right And lastly, Sri Lanka is a
days later to play a solo with his father Pt Nayan Ghosh! ment of the economy, have tary elections. This led him among the Sinhala commu- living example of a country R. SIVAKUMAR,
Music “addas” are held at Diamond Hotel all through the day and night; one made it far more resilient in to believe he was invincible. nity wanted Sinhalese to be where the political hubris Chennai
can also hear sounds of a rigorous sitar “jhala” being played at 3 am behind a weathering transient global Riding on the support of the imposed as the sole national generated by ethnocentrism
closed hotel door, as the artiste didn’t have any other time free for “riyaaz”. crises. majority Sinhala communi- language. For them, Sri and divisive politics often
“One can’t take the Sankat Mochan audience for granted; many understand
music really well,” shared sarodist Biswajit Roy Chowdhury who has been a
This being said, there are
striking parallels in the
ty, he took decisions on the
spur of the moment which
Lanka was not a plural soci-
ety but a Buddhist
leads to the real problems of
the people being ignored. MINISTER’S METAPHOR
regular since 1978. “Being accompanied by the finest tabla or pakhawaj expo- social and political develop- were disastrous. He ordered monolith, Sinhadipa, whose We have only to see what Minister for Higher Education K.
nents is another unique feature of this festival. I cherish having played with ments in both countries. wide-spread tax cuts when primary purpose was to dominates the media in our Ponmudy’s resentment against
so many legends at Sankat Mochan,” he added. In fact, the tabla performances Like India, Sri Lanka is a the economy was starved of make the country a country today — azaan, imposition of Hindi in Tamil Nadu
are so intrinsic to the festival that UK-based tabla maestro Sanju Sahai makes multi-religious, multilin- revenue. In a move reminis- Dhammadipa. The analogy Hanuman Chalisa, burqa, is understandable. But, his argu-
his annual pilgrimage home coincide with the Sankat Mochan Sangeet gual and plural country. cent of the disastrous with attempts by certain halaal, temple, masjid, ment that learning Hindi has not
Samaroh. Like India, Sri Lanka too demonetization step in quarters to impose Hindi in Vishnu Stambh, etc., etc. — helped people get jobs, citing the
Earlier, there were loudspeakers outside the temple precincts too, so the has a majority community, India, he suddenly banned India as the national lan- to understand that nobody example of pani poori settlers
entire area nearly up to Assi Ghat used to resound with music through the the Sinhalas. The Sinhalas the import of fertilisers, guage, is stark. The concept seems to be concerned being Hindi speakers, is far from
night. For many locals, it was a week of a total change of routine — sleeping are Buddhist. They consti- declaring that all farmers of Dhammadipa is also wor- about the burning problem cogent. The other day, I came
from around 8 am to 3 pm; then getting ready for the next night’s music. tute some 70 per cent of the should rely only on organic ryingly similar to the of lack of jobs and skyrock- across a taxi driver who was
The somewhat chaotic arrangements of earlier years are treasured memo- population. Tamils, mostly fertilisers. The farm crop myopic demand for Hindu eting prices. speaking good English.
ries. One recalls a leading sitar player perched on a friend’s scooter, precari- Hindus, account for 18 per was badly hit, as were Rashtra. India is not Sri Lanka. Stretching Ponmudy’s logic, can
ously balancing his sitar on his lap, and racing from Diamond Hotel at 2 am cent. And Muslims total export sectors like tea and Alas, while Gotabaya But, perhaps, there is much we conclude that learning English
to reach the temple stage on time, as the vehicle sent to pick him up had been around nine per cent. Like rubber production. Rajpaksa won the last elec- we can learn from Sri will only make you land up as a
hijacked (perhaps to procure the famous Banarasi “paan” for an outstation India, therefore, Sri Lanka On the socio-political side, tions with a resounding Lanka. taxi driver? I wish the minister
maestro). has been grappling with he continued to encourage majority playing precisely had used his educational back-
The combination of music, camaraderie, devotion and a shared perspective how to live in a society Sinhala dominance. on such divisive politics, his The writer, an author and ground effectively while putting
produces a magic unmatched anywhere else making the Sankat Mochan fes- where there is harmony and Promises made to the country is up in flames a former diplomat, is in forth a metaphor!
tival an unmissable treat for the soul. goodwill between the vari- Tamils after the civil war today. People of all commu- politics and is the national P.G. Menon,
ous communities that con- for economic relief, rehabil- nities, Tamil, Muslim, and vice-president of the Chennai
Shailaja Khanna is based in Delhi and writes on music stitute the nation. itation, and better political Sinhala — the constituency Trinamul Congress

enior Congress leader Kapil Udaipur and are awaiting the out- lem. Moreover, the few times Mr utilise his services in its ongoing visit his mother in Uttarakhand. In
Sibal has been unusually come of the discussions before they Joshi did visit Nagaland, he made a effort to dethrone the Maha Vikas fact, she also travelled to Lucknow to

Anita Katyal silent after he set the prover-

bial cat among the pigeons two
make their next move. Since none of
them can afford to leave the
beeline for the local Bharatiya Janata
Party chief’s place to savour Marwari
Aghadi government. Consequently,
Raj Thackeray has hit the streets and
thank Yogi for his help.

months ago by publicly suggesting Congress, their best bet is to act as a vegetarian food served there. It is to grabbed headlines once again but the ith Prime Minister Narendra
Political that the Gandhis should step aside
and give somebody else a chance to
pressure group in the party. be seen now if Ajoy Kumar and the
Nagaland Congress can convert this
tables have turned this time. Besides
Shiv Sena, the MNS chief is also tak-
Modi personally leading his
party’s campaign to woo the
lead the party. A leading and vocal fter veteran leader Oscar “musical fest” into an electoral ing on the NCP-Congress, the same Sikh community, it is being speculat-
member of the pro-changers or G-23 Fernandes, Nagaland victory. parties which had once depended on ed that former Punjab chief minister
Congress leaders who have been Congress leaders have finally him to vanquish their political Amarinder Singh may be rewarded

demanding an organisational over- found a kindred spirit in Ajoy t is often said that there are no per- enemy. for ditching the Congress and joining
haul and a more visible leadership, Kumar, who is the party’s state in- manent friends or foes in politics, hands with the Bharatiya Janata

Mr Sibal has apparently been charge. While Mr Fernandes estab- only permanent interests. Now hat Uttar Pradesh chief minis- Party in the recent Assembly polls.
silenced not by the Gandhi syco- lished a rapport with the music-lov- take the case of Maharashtra ter Yogi Adityanath is the polit- According to the Delhi political

Why Sibal absent phants (which, of course, would be

expected) but by other members of
the G-23, which includes senior lead-
ing leaders from the Northeastern
state by playing the mouth organ in
the midst of serious discussions, Ajoy
Navnirman Sena chief
Thackeray, also Maharashtra chief
minister Uddhav

ical boss of the Hindi heartland
state can hardly be disputed. But his
influence also extends to his home
grapevine, Mr Singh may be nomi-
nated to the Rajya Sabha as several
members in the distinguished per-

from Udaipur; in ers like Ghulam Nabi Azad,

Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Anand
Sharma and Prithviraj Chavan.
Kumar joins in their sing-song by
playing the guitar. This has thrilled
Nagaland Congress leaders who
estranged cousin. In 2019 when the
Bharatiya Janata Party and the Shiv
Sena contested the Lok Sabha elec-
state of Uttarakhand. For instance, it
is common knowledge in the hill state
that Yogi played a role in the electoral
sons’ category are set to retire soon.
In fact, there is talk that the former
Congress leader could even be

Nagaland, Cong Though these leaders privately agree

that it is time for a non-Gandhi to
head the Congress, they were not
maintain Ajoy Kumar is a welcome
change from his predecessor C.P.
Joshi. They said not only does Mr
tions together, Raj Thackeray led a
bitter campaign against the two par-
ties. The Congress and Nationalist
victory of Ritu Khanduri, daughter of
former chief minister B.C. Khanduri,
in the recent Assembly poll from

Sikh face in
as a

minister to showcase a prominent

is again on song happy that Mr Sibal had spoken to

the media about it. They conveyed as
much to Mr Sibal and asked him to
Kumar play the guitar but also sings
English songs and, most importantly,
is not a vegetarian. According to
Congress Party were thrilled that Raj
was doing their work of demolishing
their political opponents. However,
Kotdwar though even her BJP col-
leagues didn’t think she would make
it. It is said that Ritu Khanduri was
government. But this is all in the
future. For the present, Amarinder
Singh has rented a place in South
keep a low profile for some time. It is them, it was difficult to converse with Raj failed in his mission and the BJP- named Speaker of the Uttarakhand Delhi as he plans to spend a lot more
possibly for the same reason that Mr Mr Joshi who was not just a taciturn Shiv Sena cruised to a thumping vic- Assembly after Yogi put in a word for time in Delhi.
Sibal decided not to attend the person by nature but was also not too tory in the state. He was not seen or her. Little wonder then that the new
Congress chintan shivir at Udaipur. fluent in English. Communication heard for the last three years till the Speaker made it a point to call on Anita Katyal is a Delhi-based
In fact, most other G-23 leaders are in between them, therefore, was a prob- BJP’s Maharashtra unit decided to Yogi Adityanath when he came to journalist

Editor: Kaushik Mitter, Printer & Publisher: K. Sudhakar, Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad - 500 003, Ph: 040-27803930-4; Fax : 040-27805256 Vijayawada: No.C-3 & 4 Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.), Ph: 0866-2555284/2555287; Telefax: 0866-2555234 Visakhapatnam: Survey
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6 covert t h e su nday gua r dia n
15 – 2 1 m ay 2 0 2 2
new de l h i



India will continue to need labour intensive growth due to the imperative for employment for its labour.
and does not have a theo- Forward” and “Cultural sistencies in policy making
retical explanation. It does Revolution” in the past, appear to support TFP.
not account for some quali- recovering as China liber- The trends are positive
tative changes. The rich- alized. A noticeable down- and encouraging for India.
est person on earth did ward trend is seen from It is important to empha-
not have the intangible the global financial crisis in sise that in terms of absolute
benefits of immediate con- 2009 (grey line). The rea- productivity of labour and
nectivity in 1925, but the sons could be a) Rapid and capital, India lags far behind
poor worldwide now have excessive investments in in- the other countries dis-
instant connections with frastructure not yet yielding cussed here. It is important
friends and family. Some Chart 2 results. b) Sharp increase in that the trend in increase
experts have reasoned that debt levels in the economy. in TFP be maintained over
VIVEK JOSHI the stagnation of Technol- c) Shift towards a services long periods. The impera-
ogy from the mid-1990s led economy, with services tive to provide employment
to the mid-2010s has con- overtaking industrials in to a vast workforce runs
Chart 1

otal Factor Produc- tributed to a reduction in 2008. d) Effects of an ageing counter to the need for
tivity (TFP) is the the growth of TFP. For the population. e) Higher start- higher productivity unless
increase in total pro- mathematically inclined, solute values or comparison ANALYSIS OF TRENDS ing base as compared to that high and rapid growth of
duction in an economy, in TFP can be represented by of values across countries for India. f) LFPR for China the economy is sustained.
excess of the increase that the Cobb-Douglas func- should not be interpreted TFP FOR INDIA: A no- has also decreased. Another Managing these will be a
would result from increase tion: Q = (TFP) x (Labour)a from this chart. The data ticeable increase in 5-year common trend for China challenge for a long time.
in factor inputs. This ad- x (Capital)b, where Q is the does not cover the period of CAGR of TFP from 2013 is Chart 3 and India is a sharp fall in Reference 1: University of
ditional increase can result total output, exponent a is the Covid pandemic, with seen for India (blue line). female LFPR for both coun- Groningen and University
from intangible factors, like the output elasticity of la- its significant long-term and Some of the underlying will continue to need labour of growth (Ref 2) has been tries in the past 30 years. of California, Davis, Total
Technology, Health, Educa- bour and exponent b is the short-term disruptions. The drivers of this increase intensive growth due to decreasing for a long time. BENCHMARK WITH Factor Productivity at Con-
tion, R&D, and other factors elasticity of capital. arrows in the chart point could be: a) Thrust on Digi- the imperative for employ- This can reflect in higher USA: While the trends stant National Prices for
not directly attributable to The first chart shows towards major inflection tization in several aspects of ment for its labour. Shift of contributions by the other for India and China, both United States [RTFPNAU-
labour, job skills or capital. It the trends of 5-year com- points in the TFP trends the economy with resultant labour from low produc- factors in the Cobb-Douglas emerging market econo- SA632NRUG], retrieved
is one of the indicators of the pounded average annual and major macroeconomic efficiencies. b) Baumol’s Ef- tivity agriculture was seen equation shown above. e) mies, show steep ups and from FRED, Federal Re-
efficiency in an economy, in growth rate (CAGR) in TFP event for a country. A simi- fect, resulting from increas- before the Covid pandemic, Higher portion of outlays on downs, the trend for the serve Bank of St. Louis; Feb-
converting inputs into pro- at constant national prices lar analysis can be attempt- ing emphasis on manu- but has reversed during the MNREGA utilized for actu- United States is “steadier ruary 20, 2022
ductive output. TFP is best for five countries. Recent ed for the TFP at Current facturing, and therefore a pandemic, probably tempo- al productive work. f) Low and flatter”. It has a highly Reference 2: “Employ-
estimated over long periods trends for China and India Personal Purchasing Parity proportionate reduction rarily. c) Higher enrolment base of productivity to start innovative economy among ment Trend in India: A Re-
of time and as percentage are highlighted. The data is (PPP). in role of lower productiv- ratios in colleges and senior with. g) Healthier and more the five countries, and is view”, Vivek Joshi.
change.  accessed from the St Louis Th e t wo sub s e qu e nt ity labour based services levels in schools. This is skilled labour (upskilling better positioned. An open Vivek Joshi is an Advisor with
The factors driving the Fed Economic Data FRED charts show the change in (and agriculture). However, also one of the reasons for programs).   economy, innovation, im- A-Joshi Strategy Consultants
TFP are not fully under- (Ref 1). Note that the data is TFP year-wise for India and it may be too early for the the decrease in Labor Force TREND FOR CHINA: migration, political stability, Pvt Ltd, and has more than 25
stood yet or quantifiable. indexed at 2017=1 for each China, and not the 5-year emphasis on manufactur- Participation rates (LFPR). TFP plummeted during strong commercial law en- years of international manage-
It is estimated statistically, country, and therefore ab- CAGR. ing to show results. India d) Employment elasticity the disastrous “Great Leap forcement and broad con- ment experience.


France and India: New shift in an old relationship

The developing trajectory of Indo-French ties emanates from considerable alignments at a policy level.
need to remedy India’s exclu- (ISA), primary objective of tween India and France was has long been perceived as
sion from the global nuclear the alliance is to work for the held in 1983, and eventually a threat in the Indian Ocean
order. This resonated very efficient consumption of solar it was christened as “Varuna” backyard. China’s hegemonic
strongly with the Indian ad- energy to reduce dependence in 2001. The 19th edition of activities have been widely
ministration. The integrity of on fossil fuels. the “Varuna” bilateral exer- seen as the most important
such a stand came to the fore cises was held in April 2019 element in reshaping the
when post the “Pokhran-II” THE INDO-PACIFIC in the Arabian Sea. It was region’s security dynamic.
nuclear tests, the Atal Behari France’s and India’s interest an exercise of considerable Littoral states have been
Vajpayee-led NDA govern- in securing the now booming proportions represented by sceptical including India as
ment at the Centre had to Indo-Pacific region finds the frontline warships, subma- well as Australia, which like
face international criticisms, sharpest expression in the rines, aircraft carrier and France and the United States,
condemnation and sanctions. Western Indian Ocean. This other combat platforms of has to cope with security is-
MANISH BARMA & SHREYA SINHA But France not only refrained is seen evidently with the es- both the navies. sues both in the Pacific and
NEW DELHI from criticizing the action but tablishment of France’s mili- the Indian Ocean.
instead increased its strategic tary presence in Abu Dhabi CHINA’S AGGRESSION
As the first batch of the HISTORICAL engagement with India. At a and Djibouti, which gives the In recent years in particular, CONCLUSION
Rafale fighter jets perched BACKGROUND AND time when India had become Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets French President security actor critical access France has not only been With the steady increase of
Emmanuel Macron, at Elysee Palace, in Paris on 5 May. ANI/PIB
down on the tarmac at the MILITARY TIES a nuclear pariah, such a stand to two major chokepoints, the apprehensive of the Chinese the strategic consequence
Ambala Air Force base, it The road to strategic ties was by France resounded solidly Indo-French ties emanates much more intimidating than Strait of Hormuz (connecting provocation of European of the Indian Ocean and it’s
evoked a sense of national taken during the days of the across and among the estab- from considerable align- the traditional ones as they the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of countries pushing them to- extended maritime zones,
euphoria not seen in recent Cold War. Notwithstanding lishment in India and in an ments at a policy level and is require not only outward Oman and Arabian Sea) and wards adopting a “One-Chi- nations across the globe are
memory as far as any kind the fact that the Soviet Union emotional plane, lingers on not merely the result of some response in order to manage the Bab-el-Mandeb (connect- na” policy with no exception, devising fresh policies to re-
of military acquisition by was India’s prime security till this day. officialese surrounding de- their external dimension ing the Gulf of Aden with the but also of China’s assault on calibrate and strengthen their
India is concerned. The eu- and diplomatic partner, liberations around Europe’s and cultivate international Red Sea and the Suez Canal), Hong Kong’s independence scope in the region. Though
phoria, mostly generated by France added a different dy- 21ST CENTURY “strategic autonomy” or In- cooperation, but also inter- which comes as a corollary as well as China’s assertion preceded by a long history
a persistent and heightened namic by striving to balance AND STRATEGIC dia’s commitment to diversify nal response with an open to Chinese assertion and of a wolf warrior diplomacy of partnerships, recent ven-
media coverage was not just India’s excessive dependence PARTNERSHIP its supplies of military equip- outlook to execute socioeco- wolf-warrior diplomacy in across its foreign policy. Ac- tures by many countries in
because of what the Rafale on Soviet Union. Apart from The signing of the strategic ment. To appraise with an nomic and political reforms the region (Rajamohan and cording to the European the region are to a large ex-
brings to the table in terms the attractiveness of India as partnership agreement in instance, the visit to India by (Srikanth 2014: 64). India Baruah 2018). In addition, Commissions’ report on “EU- tent in response to China’s
of augmenting India’s air a market for export, France 1998 catapulted Indo-France French President Emmanuel and France face a number French military personnel China: A Strategic Outlook” increasing clout and aggres-
power, which it does, but also appreciated and identi- relations to new heights and a Macron in 2018 concurrently of non-traditional security have been stationed in the (March 2019), the member siveness. Across this global
essentially because the in- fied with the strategic dispo- new plane. It set the ball roll- also saw the announcement threats and have engaged Réunion Island continually states of the EU has come to security landscape, France
duction happened in the sition of India in the larger ing for the culmination and of the “Joint Strategic Vision collectively to counter and contributing to training, ca- perceive China as a “systemic and India have increas-
backdrop of an increas- South Asian region. For in- progression of this relation- of India-France Cooperation strategize against them. In- pacity building, and patrol- rival promoting alternative ingly engaged on the secu-
ingly volatile geo-strategic stance, France had leaned to- ship in the 21st century with in the Indian Ocean Region”. dia and France have consis- ling for surveillance in the models of governance” (Euro- rity environment, includ-
environment. To specify, wards India’s side during the its set of challenges and reali- Such a long-standing align- tently condemned terrorism Southwest Indian Ocean. pean Commission 2019). This ing current developments
the clashes at Galwan valley India-Pakistan War of 1971. ties. The strategic partnership ment of outlook has had a and have resolved to work The Indo-Pacific in such an perception is broadly shaped and long-term challenges in
in June 2020 where 20 In- This happened despite the facilitated high-level meetings positive bearing, leading to together for adoption of the environment offers the long- by not only China’s alarming the Indo-Pacific region, the
dian soldiers lost their lives, fact that the United States was between the National Security the successful execution of Comprehensive Convention missing regional anchor to nationalist narrative and its situation in Southeast Asia,
marked a turning point in actively in Pakistan’s support Advisor to the Indian Prime significant defence deals, on International Terrorism the strategic partnership be- growing support towards the West Asia, Afghanistan and
the relationship between during the war. Not limited Minister and the diplomatic like the Inter-Governmental (CCIT) in the UN. tween India and France. populist parties of Europe, Africa while also focusing
India and China. This was to the dynamics of that par- advisor to France’s President. agreement for the purchase of In terms of climate change but also Europe’s frustration on the non-traditional as-
echoed in the words of the ticular conflict, France visibly Talking about the renewed 36 Rafale fighter jets in 2016, and energy security, the MARITIME owing to its inability to access pect of security partnership.
late General Bipin Rawat, traded on a relatively inde- impetus France is putting onto between the two countries. two actors have decided to COOPERATION, JOINT Chinese markets. With the given initiatives, it
India’s first Chief of De- pendent course on several Asia, as is being stated in the The strengthening of the stra- establish the period of 2021- EXERCISES India has welcomed EU’s remains imperative for the
fence Staff, who had stated matters like nuclear tech- French Defence White Paper tegic relationship has seen a 2022 as the Indo-French Cooperation in the mari- Indo Pacific strategy and two sides to continue pursu-
the fact publicly that it was nology, space and defence of 2008-09, Gireesh (2020) positive spillover effect onto Year of the Environment time domain is increasingly is looking forward to the ing these objectives through
China and not Pakistan that cooperation with India. comments that France’s ap- other areas as well. This gets based on five main themes: becoming a vital part of the French presidency of the Eu- enhanced cooperation at the
is India’s biggest enemy to- A definitive turning point preciation of the future sce- apparent by the fact where environmental protection, strategic equation between ropean Union in the first half bilateral as well as multilat-
day. Such a scenario that en- in the ties was witnessed nario of Asia is an extremely fresh after his re-election in climate change, biodiversity both countries. The political of 2022 as an opportunity to eral level, deepening engage-
tails reworking of strategic in the late 1990s. With the important step, and it is quite April 2022, President Ma- conservation, sustainable leadership in both nations give further shape to EU’s en- ment in regional institutions
thinking as well as action-to USSR becoming history, apparent in its diplomatic ven- cron meets the first head of urban development and the have expressed specific inter- gagement in the Indo Pacific and forums along with jointly
deal with new challenges, French President Jacques tures in the region, especially state in Prime Minister Nar- development of renewable est in enhancing the security region, including in security, working with and assisting
has brought the indispens- Chirac was determined on in its outreach to India. endra Modi. energies and energy effi- and safety of the IOR. Both connectivity, sustainability other countries in the Indo
ability of time tested and old behalf of France to fill the ciency. Their commitment countries also have a history and economic development. Pacific region.
partners back to the fore. vacuum and stated a “stra- POLICY CONVERGENCE, COOPERATION ON towards climate change has of productive cooperation Subsequently, China’s pow- Manish Barma & Shreya Sinha
And one such partner is the tegic partnership” between DEFENCE DEALS, NON-TRADITIONAL been evident through their and interactions between erful presence in the Indo- are doctoral candidates at Centre
Mediterranean country of the two countries. France INDO-PACIFIC SECURITY THREATS pioneer partnership in the their respective navies. The Pacific region has been in- for European Studies, School of
France. strongly advocated on the The developing trajectory of Non-traditional threats are International Solar Alliance maiden naval bilateral be- creasing since 2008, which International Studies, JNU.
the s unday guardian
15 – 21 may 2022
new delhi covert 7

A rare insight into China’s negotiations with India

Retired Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale’s book, The Long Game; How the Chinese Negotiate with India, identifies the
strengths and vulnerabilities in a manner that’s useful for anybody negotiating with the Chinese.
nese. “The Chinese want People’s Republic of China “Sikkim-Half a Linguistic China’s role in continuously and investing in the political firmly in the classified do-
to be seen as the beautiful (PRC)’s cause across inter- Pirouette” discusses the po- blocking India’s bid to rec- parties of foreign countries main.
swan gliding on the placid national fora without receiv- sition of Sikkim with regard ognise Pakistan based Jaish- amongst other techniques However, after reading
surface of a lake in sylvan ing any quid pro quo from to the Indo-China nego- e-Mohhamed’s (JEM’s) chief adopted by Beijing have the book, it is possible that
surroundings. Below the them. As a result, a foreign tiations as a result of which Maulana Masood Azhar as been well flagged. China would have changed
surface, their feet are churn- policy decision of enormous China formally recognised a terrorist in the UNSC 1267 Chinese negotiators have the frame of references with
ing away and roiling the wa- magnitude and its timing “Sikkim State of India” on 11 Sanctions List. The author followed a pattern set by the passage of time and to-
ters for the other creatures… which had relevance for In- April 2005. The discussions reveals how China used the Zhou Enlai for many years, day with the comprehensive
but this remains unseen.” dia’s core security and stra- at the highest level over de- Russians to stall the listing though aggression is now power gap between the two
The author has given a rare tegic interests was arrived at cades and the Chinese want- of Azhar. The Chinese side seeping into their diplomat- countries having consider-
insight into how our nego- without adequate delibera- ing to leverage various trade also claimed that Pakistan ic intercourse. Only the lead ably widened China is not
MAJ GEN JAGATBIR SINGH tiations and relations with tion within the government. concessions have been well had reliably assured them negotiator speaks; the oth- talking about this any lon-
China have evolved over Gokhale states: “how to documented. There is no that the “JeM was defunct” ers simply take notes. They ger. As the author states; “It
the last seven decades. That recognise the new regime doubt that “compulsions of and that “Masood Azhar insert a Chinese proverb may become progressively

ijay Gokhale, who India was keen to recognise in China appears to have democracy have led to India had ‘retired’”. Finally, Azhar or two—“how to untie the more difficult to extract con-
retired as India’s communist China in the late been confined to the tight compromising on the deal was designated global ter- Tiger’s knot” was the one cessions from China.” This
Foreign Secretary 1950s and went overboard circle of advisors around the outcome”. rorist at the UNSC on 1 May thrown at the India when is a statement of fact given
and had also served as In- to please China while China Prime Minister and lacked The fifth chapter titled “123 2019. it sought to normalise ties the very entrenched and rig-
dia’s Ambassador to China, insisted they were not in- wider political consulta- Deal, The Big Turnabout” In 2014, Prime Minister after the Pokhran nuclear id attitude of our neighbour.
has had a rare insight into
China’s negotiations with
terested in getting recogni-
tion unless India met their
tions.” He concludes by stat-
ing, “India’s approach to the
review covers the insights on the
India-China negotiations
Narendra Modi prepared a
grand welcome for China’s
tests. They select a venue
that makes it difficult for the
China’s relationship with
India has wide-ranging
India on various issues. His demands, is something that whole idea of recognition on the 123 Nuclear Deal in President Xi Jinping in his opposite side to frequently security and economic im-
path-breaking book, “The is not openly written about. (of the PRC) was a mixture 2008. When India conduct- home state, Gujarat. How- consult decision-makers plications for the country.
Long Game; How the Chinese As the author points out, of emotionalism and con- Embassy was forbidden ed its nuclear tests, China ever, even as the two leaders back home. The choice of Understanding how the
Negotiate with India” throws China was never fully colo- jecture. There was no strat- from raising the frontier is- thought it had succeeded in sat together on a traditional words is important, as a dif- Chinese conduct diplomacy
light on how India has dealt nised and the Chinese state egy.” Ironically, we were in sue”, whereas in December enticing the US into building swing at Ahmedabad’s ferent phrase on the same can help India better pre-
with and continues to deal had an unbroken record of a hurry to recognise China, 1953, Zhou said “only those an international coalition Sabarmati Riverfront, fol- issue shows a shift in the pare for future negotiations.
with its greatest strategic dealing with foreign powers. whereas they were in no issues would be taken up for to isolate India. But India lowed by a more than 200 Chinese position. The author is a China ex-
challenge. It is a study of Specifically, Mao Zedong hurry to be recognised. discussion, ‘which are ripe succeeded in getting sanc- People’s Liberation Army It is evident that there is pert, has worked in China,
vital negotiations between and Zhou Enlai had expe- The second chapter titled for settlement’”. tions lifted, and ultimately troops intruded into Chu- a pattern of a fundamental Hong Kong and Taipei for a
the two countries, soon af- rience negotiating with the “Tibet the Price of Friend- The chapter titled, signed a nuclear agreement mar in Eastern Ladakh. asymmetry in India-China long time as an Indian For-
ter Independence until the Japanese, the Soviets and the ship” is about Tibet and “Pokhran: How to Untie a with America as well as got The book helps make relations. We do not raise is- eign Services officer, and
current times, by examining Americans since the 1930s. extensively covers the ne- Knot from the Tiger’s Neck” a “clean” waiver from the sense of these mixed and sues such as Tibet, Taiwan, was also present during
six historical and significant India’s leaders, by contrast, gotiations which eventu- talks about India’s nuclear Nuclear Suppliers Group. contradictory signals as it Uyghurs and human rights the Tiananmen Square in-
events in the India-China had dealt only with the Brit- ally led to the agreement tests in 1998 and their af- China used its “close con- delves into the Chinese style violations in Hong Kong, cident. He is amongst a few
relationship. The lessons ish, who were quite differ- on “Trade and Intercourse” termath. The event high- nections” with Left parties of diplomacy—a style that whereas China has openly in India who know China
drawn are extremely valu- ent from the Chinese Com- between the Tibetan region lighted how China played in India to “build domestic has been consistent since helped Pakistan against us. extremely well.
able with long term rel- munists. Sardar Patel had of China and India on 29 an important role in exer- opposition” to the Indo-US Zhou Enlai’s time. From a military point of This is truly an insight-
evance and also has interna- nevertheless warned Prime April 1954. The agreement cising its influence so as to nuclear deal between 2007 The last chapter is a must view he has not dwelt on ful book and a piece of very
tional ramifications. Minister Nehru, “even translated to what came counter India with regard to and 2008. “Knowing the and for those who want the negotiations regarding fine writing which puts
The specific situations though we regard ourselves to be known as the “Five nuclear testing. It also gives influence that the Left par- a deeper understanding the 1962 conflict to include into context the current re-
where India dealt with Chi- as friends of China, the Chi- Principles of Peaceful Coex- brief insights on the Nuclear ties wielded in the United of India’s relations with the release of our prison- lationship between India
na range from recognition nese do not regard us as istence (Panchsheel)”. Un- Non-Proliferation Treaty Progressive Alliance gov- China. China prepares me- ers of war as well as has not and China and is a must-
of the PRC and negotiations their friends”. fortunately, both India and (NPT) and Comprehensive ernment of Dr Manmo- ticulously for every meet- talked about the so called read for anyone interested
over Tibet and Sikkim. The India was among the first China did not discuss and Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), on han Singh, China perhaps ing and uses every trick to East-West swap when it was in India’s China policy. It’s
aftermath of India’s nucle- countries to derecognise the settle the shared frontier how China plays the role to played on their fears about bring pressure on India. proposed by Chou En Lai a rare blend of scholarship
ar tests and the US-India Kuomintang and officially while discussing the ques- sideline India. The nuclear India’s tilt to the Americans. India should be wary and to agree to Chinese claims and personal experience as
nuclear deal, and getting recognise the People’s Re- tion of India’s rights and tests no doubt had caught This may have been the first prepared for such situations in Aksai Chin in return for a practitioner at the highest
Masood Azhar designated public of China. In 1950, privileges we had inherited the Chinese completely by example of China’s foray as well as its persistent atti- recognition of Arunachal level. Unfortunately, there
as a terrorist by the UN. He Mao Zedong was invited to from the British. We seem to surprise, they now concen- into domestic politics, but tude. The use of information Pradesh, which was appar- seems to be on end in sight
has identified the strengths be the chief guest at India’s have taken Chinese silence trated on isolating India and they were careful to remain and narrative shaping to ad- ently also raised by Deng to “the long game”.
and vulnerabilities in a man- first ever Republic Day cel- on border issues as consent, played up US and Western behind the scenes”. vance the Chinese interest, Xiaoping in 1980. But may-
ner that’s useful for anybody ebration in January 1951. which was a grave error. In concerns on a possible nu- “Masood Azhar, The Prin- the subtle deployment of the be the details of these nego- Maj Gen Jagatbir Singh (Retd)
negotiating with the Chi- We continued to back the fact, in “July 1952, the Indian clear conflict over Kashmir. ciple of Consensus” covers PLA during negotiations tiations continue to remain is an Indian Army veteran.


China benefits as the US loses its way under President Biden

Joe Biden sends $55 billion to the most corrupt country in Europe, Ukraine, while Americans can’t feed their families.
Lindsey Graham’s reckless and African nations. The what has Biden delivered? Joe Biden stated the MAGA
and irresponsible rhetoric world is no longer unipolar. America’s greatest division organisation is the “most
this week accomplished two Despite Biden’s tone-deaf and tribalism in our lifetime. extreme political organisa-
things: 1. He increased Rus- elites’ denial, the world has Eye-watering inflation. An tion that’s existed in recent
sophobia; and 2. he greatly “transitioned” into multi-po- economy on the brink of col- American history”
increased the probabil- larity. What sanctions have lapse. Broken supply chains When people are hungry,
ity of nuclear World War III done: signalled the death of that caused widespread everything changes very
where Europe and the UK the petro-dollar and end of food and energy scarcity. quickly. Biden’s record in-
are destroyed first. Like the US dollar as the world’s Millions of illegal aliens and flation is preventing Ameri-
Graham, Washington DC reserve currency within five drug smugglers are invad- cans from providing for
swamp rats, owned by the years. ing the USA’s open south- their families. No Ameri-
military-industrial complex The US could have pre- ern borders with impunity. cans want a nuclear WWIII
(“MIC”), are the problem. vented the Ukraine/Russia Violent crime and drug re- or endless war expenses
NEW YORK He should resign or be vot- war by forcing Ukraine to lated deaths are surging, and similar to the $2.5 trillion
ed out. Who wins? China. In de-escalate immediately America’s two-tiered judi- wasted on the Afghanistan
During the past decade, 1961, President Eisenhower and settle with Russia. Sim- cial system is dysfunctional. disaster.
plutocrats, pay-to-play po- warned about the military- ply denying Ukraine NATO Biden has not provided any Biden is sending $55 bil-
litical elites, and their dis- industrial-complex. membership and provisional solutions. lion to the most corrupt
honest media partners have The US has wasted over $6 weapons guarantees would A 12 March photo of President Joe Biden holding a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Biden’s Press Secretary Jen country in Europe while giv-
deployed fear-based pro- trillion in taxpayer dollars on have saved lives and prevent- Volodymyr Zelenskyy. ANI Psaki endorsed the unlawful ing the middle finger to mid-
paganda and psychological military adventurism that no ed this war. sonic missiles. they were guilty of. mation and false claims violation of US Federal Law dle America. Biden has done
operations campaigns to sow one voted for. These actions The dishonest political Who benefits from an un- In 2009, a cultural revo- regarding Hunter Biden’s by doxing and intimida- nothing to resolve America’s
seeds of discord that facili- have made the world less soundbite “we are saving winnable WWIII or conflict lution began in the USA. laptop being “Russian dis- tion of US Supreme Court problems. Instead, Biden’s
tate control and obedience safe. democracy” is false on its with Russia? The MIC and Obama/Biden breathlessly information” and Trump’s Justices by stating, “We cer- open border policy has al-
over the population. The US has failed at any face; Ukraine was never China. Who suffers? The hyped this as “the trans- involvement with Russia. tainly continue to encourage lowed 2,000,000 illegal
The campaign’s objective: successful military deter- a democracy. Instead, the people of Ukraine, with their formation of America.” Jankowicz now runs Biden’s protests outside the homes aliens and drug dealers to
to deflect attention away rence since 1945. The West likely objective is to forcibly lives, and the USA, UK, and Unfortunately for America, personal Stasi, a Ministry of of SCOTUS justices.” invade America with im-
from the most significant cannot win a war in Ukraine. transition democracy into a EU taxpayers. Obama’s transformation Truth that would make Jo- Biden’s inability to win punity, accelerating violent
economic plunder and Therefore, a corrupt Ukraine hybrid socialism, fascism, How did we get here? directly began an attack on seph Gobbles and George majority mandates with crime and 300 drug over-
wealth transfer in history. is of no strategic significance and Marxism. Forty years of failed neo- democratic institutions, due Orwell blush. “free and fair elections at dose deaths per day.
The crisis campaigns in- to the US, UK, or EU. General Mark Milley and liberal policies and endless process, the rule of law, cul- With the unlawful ap- the ballot box to transform While Biden, Schumer,
cluded: the dot com crisis, Why are we risking a nu- heavily conflicted Defense wars cost lives and trillions ture, religion, free speech, pointment of Jankowicz, America” has unmasked and Pelosi shriek about
housing crisis, great finan- clear WWIII with Russia, Secretary Lloyd Austin are of taxpayer dollars: reckless liberty, and the nuclear Biden has created a “China- uncomfortable truths: 1. The Ukraine’s borders being
cial crisis, a global pandemic, with over 6,000 nuclear running a proxy war be- central bank money print- family. style social credit system” extremist left turns to mob- sacrosanct, they have done
unlawful lockdowns, vac- warheads and hypersonic tween Russia, its partners ing and the worldwide fiscal In 2016, Hillary Clinton, to “protect the public from rule violence, Antifa, BLM, nothing to protect America’s
cine mandates, and medical missiles that the West can- and the West. Austin and profligacy of our pay-to-play the democratic party, FBI, misinformation and misin- or by any means necessary borders; and voters will re-
tyranny. not defend against? All vot- Milley were defeated in the politicians have allowed the CIA, and DOJ perpetuated formation.” Jankowicz will including violence, to en- member this in November.
The campaign results: ers are against a nuclear war. $2.5 trillion Afghanistan war MIC to prosper. For these the false Russiagate nar- now weaponize the Depart- sure they get their way, and While China and Russia
The highest inflation in his- Have s a n c t i o n s eve r by farmers in pickup trucks. reasons, the most significant rative that they dragged ment of Homeland Security 2. the democratic process is are laughing at America’s
tory. Policies that acceler- worked? No. Russia’s cur- NATO and the West need to global financial crisis in his- out for four years. Their and Silicon Valley to con- broken. woke age of rage addiction,
ated food and energy prices rency is higher and its cur- heed Putin’s warnings and tory is now unavoidable. oligarchs’ partners in Sili- duct a great purge while Who funded the 2020 many fear America has lost
and amplified supply chain rent account has surged to take his red lines seriously. Democratic party leaders, con Valley unlawfully in- imposing mass censorship murders, arson, looting, its way. The extreme left has
disruptions making short- record highs. Unfortunately, Biden and Victoria Nu- Hillary and Bill Clinton’s fluenced the results of the of all political opposition. and violent riots, causing abandoned due process and
ages commonplace across Nuland/Milley/Austin’s dan- land’s MIC have based their decades of deceptive prac- 2020 election by censoring Biden’s authoritarian power $10 billion in damage across the rule of law in favour of
America. The evisceration gerous assumptions have military strategy on “media tices were influenced by factual reporting on the grab is the most significant America? Why were these mob-rule, socialism, and
of middle-class America to grossly underestimated the propaganda and wishful extremist Saul Alinsky. The Biden family crime syndi- existential threat to liberty, crimes not prosecuted? Marxism. This will not end
ensure their dependency on resolve of the bloc that has thinking,” neither of which Clintons excelled at creating cate, Hunter Biden’s laptop freedom, and democracy in Since 2021, Biden’s divi- well. Who benefits? China.
big government. joined Russia: China, Iran, are viable combat plans ca- diversions. The Clintons’ and Ukraine. America’s history. sive rhetoric has divided
“Let’s take out Putin; there Brazil, UAE, Saudi, and pable of defeating a nuclear- gold medal: Loudly accuse In 2020, Nina Jankowicz Joe Biden promised Amer- and polarized over fifty per Mitchell Feierstein is CEO, Gla-
is no off-ramp”—US Senator several additional Asian armed Russia with hyper- others of precisely what promoted the misinfor- ica “unity.” As of May 2022, cent of America. This week, cier Environmental Fund.

Comment&analysis t h e su nday gua r dia n

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care of what you think.
| 15 – 2 1 may 2022 | new delhi WWW.SUNDAYGUARDIANLIVE.COM

OF THE Swami Vivekananda

THe WeeK
Code red
Lend Lease for
A helicopter drops water
Several years ago, this writer had suggested that the
as it assists firefighters US extend its Lend Lease system to India. In par-
battle a hillside fire ticular, safeguarding the Indian Ocean from hostile
activity called for much stronger naval forces than
that burned through were available in India. Given budgetary constraints,
a neighbourhood it would not be possible to acquire the vessels need-
and destroyed homes ed for the Indian Navy to fulfill the enormous task of
in Laguna Niguel, joining friendly navies in keeping the Indian Ocean
safe. The Kitty Hawk, a huge aircraft carrier of the US
California, US, on Navy, was being decommissioned, and the sugges-
Thursday. REUTERS/MIKE tion was made that it should instead be transferred to
BLAKE India under a Lend Lease arrangement. Given the ju-
gaad skills of India, the formidable vessel would serve
the Indian Navy for at least ten more years. Given the
strategic imperative of India and the US needing to
work together to secure the Indian Ocean, a transfer
of naval equipment from the US to India would serve
the interests of both countries. The idea did not fly for
long. In India, the lobby pushing for the purchase of
the Admiral Gorshkov from Russia looked askance at
it, as did the muscular pro-Pakistan lobby in the Pen-
tagon. A later suggestion was for the US to station an
information gathering system in India, preferably in
the Andaman Islands, on the lines of those function-
ing in Australia and Japan. Another was to situate a
THAAD unit in India, in place of the planned pur-
chase of S-400 systems from Russia, which by then
had by default become uncomfortably close to China
where military matters were concerned. Only in 2017,
due to the momentum imparted by Prime Ministers
Narendra Modi and Shinzo Abe, was the Quadrilater-
al Security Dialogue (Quad) retrieved from the freezer
THe TrIGGer and brought back into focus, this time with Austra-
lia as an eager rather than as a reluctant participant.
Much is made of President Donald Trump taking a

Ukraine war may create

combative stance towards the PRC after a period of
flirtation with Xi Jinping. The problem with the 45th
US President was that he mistook dollar signs for love,
and insisted on not just top dollar but over the top dol-
lar for any defence acquisition or even collaboration
with the US. Even longtime allies such as South Korea

Sri Lankas in Europe

and Japan were asked to pay large sums in excess of
the commitments they had made, or face the prospect
of a US military withdrawal from their shores. India
entered the market for US weaponry in a major way,
but got no discount on any purchase, despite these be-
ing used in the common defence of the democracies
in the Indo-Pacific. As for THAAD, if Trump had his
The overconfidence within the higher echelons of NATO in the destruction of way, it would be an even more financially expensive
system than the S-400. The logic of offering to set up

Russian capabilities may get tested for accuracy in a relatively short time. such a system in India, as also an intelligence gather-
ing mechanism that could jointly keep track of hostile
activities in the Indo-Pacific, never entered into the
the reasons why such a move that were under attack by consequences of his strategy imminent Russian doom. cash register that was the mind of Donald J. Trump.
by the Sri Lankan President President Nicolas Maduro. towards Russia as Chancel- They are reminiscent of the After Joe Biden had won the 2020 Presidential elec-
is off the table. As for outside The Venezuelan leader was lor Scholz. Doing away with Minister of Information in tion, he had said that the African-American com-
actors being involved, that is hardly the only target of US- the supply of resources from Saddam Hussein’s govern- munity had his back (having ensured through their
roots of power unlikely to be China, for there
are several in the Rajapaksa
led efforts at regime change
within oil producers, a
Russia will hobble Europe
economically to a degree that
ment. Al Sahhaf, who dur-
ing the 2003 war spoke every
votes his election) and that he would have theirs. That
promise has been forgotten in President Biden’s pro-
clan who are exceptionally list that include Iran, Iraq, would reduce its geopoliti- day about the coming defeat pensity for spending vast amounts of taxpayer dollars
M.D. NALAPAT close to Beijing, which has Libya, Venezuela and now cal footprint even more than of US forces until he was in “defending freedom and democracy worldwide” in
cultivated sections of the Russia. The list of oil and gas what has already taken place captured by the “defeated” Ukraine. It is clear that the additional spending pro-
Colombo elite from the 1960s producers affected by geo- owing to the rise of parts of enemy. President Putin may gram on social services and on economic betterment
onwards. And although political tensions caused by Asia. The leaders of NATO not wish to reveal in the Vic- of the underprivileged is no longer a priority for the
Prime Ministership to a loy- Leader of the Opposition Sa- US efforts at regime change are already being blamed tory Day parade some of the White House. Making such spending a campaign issue
alist outside the family, such jith Premadasa is no friend of is growing. The consequence by their public for the steep more advanced systems that so as to shame the DINOs (Democrats in Name Only)
as G.L. Pieris, he would have India, he cannot compete in of each such spat is a rise in rise in energy prices and fall he intends to use not against in the US Senate into voting for funding designed to
served both as a lightning the “Close to China” sweep- oil prices and a fall in supply. in economic growth. This is Ukraine but against NATO. rectify societal imbalances is not the priority, writing
rod as well as a scapegoat for stakes with Basil Rajapaksa, Good news for countries that despite the incessant mes- Overconfidence led to disas- bigger and bigger cheques to Ukraine is. The economic
the policy errors made that whose linkages with the PRC are surplus in oil and gas, but saging of imminent success ter in situations in the past impact of the manner in which the Russia-Ukraine
caused the present unrest. have long been on display. Al- bad for everyone else. for NATO and its Ukrainian where European countries conflict is being handled by Biden is becoming clear-
The 2019 takeover once again ternatively, had there been a After the Covid-19 shock partner. Every day the mes- were concerned, and the er with every passing month, and is devastating the
by the Rajapaksa clan of the US hand in the protests that has come the Ukraine con- sage is the same: that Putin visible overconfidence within Democratic Party voter base. Meanwhile, encouraged
Sri Lankan government made have turned so deadly for the flict, and this may cause a is about to breathe his last, the higher echelons of NATO by Lone Ranger Biden and his faithful Tonto Boris
them the sole owners of the elected government, there severe recession in several that Russia is beaten, and that in the destruction of Russian Johnson, even otherwise rational countries such as
present crisis, and the mood would have been a hero and economies. This could be Ukraine will win back all the capabilities may get tested for Germany have joined the movement to cut themselves

very event has a trig- of the protestors is such that a villain in the narrative. In the case for many countries territory it has lost. The Vic- accuracy in a relatively short off from Russian resources. The impact of such a
ger. In Sri Lanka, apart even after Mahinda Rajapak- common with Bollywood in Europe, especially Germa- tory Day parade in Moscow time. The cliff edge of direct breakaway from a country awash in resources would
from the fall in rev- sa quit as Prime Minister, movies, US-inspired efforts ny. Chancellor Scholz, who is was derided for its perceived war between NATO and Rus- be disastrous, as is already becoming evident to many
enue from tourism because chants of “Go Gota” against at regime change usually in- from the SPD, seems intent downscaling. Retired and sia looks to be close at hand, in the European countries. With each acceleration of
of the Covid-19 pandemic, his younger brother have not volve a “good guy versus bad on slowing down the German serving military officers in and the momentum towards the conflict, Ukraine is losing more land and people,
President Gotabaya’s abrupt reduced in frequency. What guy” contest. In the current economy through his efforts NATO have been unanimous it that has been set by the tac- and yet the dance of destruction goes on. It may be
decision to ban chemical fer- practical good that would do test of guns and blood play- at delinking supply of gas and since the first days of the war tics of the Biden-Johnson duo too much to expect that the White House may finally
tilisers affected crop yields, is unclear, as the crisis fac- ing out in Ukraine, Volody- oil into Germany from Rus- that the Russian army has ex- seems unstoppable. Should understand that the problem is not Russia but China.
most significantly in Sri ing Sri Lankans will not be myr Zelenskyy is clearly the sia. In the US, while a few sec- hausted its capabilities. That such a catastrophe occur, And that, from the perspective of the overall security
Lanka’s other large source of mitigated in the slightest by hero where the White House tors such as armaments and Russian Defence Minister several countries in Europe interests of the US, it is India much more than any
foreign exchange, tea. While the resignation of President is concerned, and Vladimir petroproducts may gain from Sergey Shoigu may be saving may go the way now being other country that ought to be offered a Lend Lease
not the only cause, the effects Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Indeed, Putin is in the familiar role the way the Ukraine war is up more advanced weaponry traversed by Sri Lanka. They agreement. History is littered with the debris of lost
of the fertiliser ban dented the such a resignation could put of villain. Earlier, in Venezu- being handled by NATO, the and stocks for what both he would not be the only ones. opportunities, and this is what is becoming obvious in
popularity of the Rajapaksas at considerable physical risk ela, the role of the idealistic overall economy could as a as well as President Putin There will be other countries the very countries that need to understand that they
among the Sinhala farming the entire family, unless they hero was played by Juan consequence of the disloca- believe will be an inevitable in Asia and Africa that would are fixating on the wrong country in their zeal at pro-
community, till then a reliable all leave the country, thereby Guaido, who (the narrative tions slip into recession and showdown with NATO be collateral damage in this tecting the world from the threat of authoritarianism.
base of support. Had the Raj- forfeiting any future come- went) was battling to protect worse. President Biden seems seems not to have entered rush in Europe towards di- MDN
apaksas entrusted either the back, which must be among human rights and liberty as oblivious to the economic such western prophets of saster.
t h e su nday gua r dia n
15 – 2 1 m ay 2 0 2 2
new de l h i comment & analysis 9

RSS, nearly hundred

On Vijayadashami 2022, the organisation will complete 97 years of its existence.
Delhi University’s
all-round progress of the RSS by providing accurate indigenous breeds, conser- The founder of the Sangh,
nation.'' It is irrational to information. vation and promotion and Dr Hedgewar in his address
assume that the volunteers Additionally, during the breed improvement of these during a 1940 RSS training
alone can bring about all- third phase, alarmed by cows along with education camp said, “Sangh work and
opinion round progress. Many in-
fluential and well-intended
certain burning social prob-
lems, key social reform proj-
programs to train farmers
in cow dung based natural
values should not be con-
fined to the shakha but must
between us
people want to contribute ects were instituted. It was farming are some of the pro- be extended and established
MANMOHAN VAIDYA toward society’s betterment. through the intervention of grams undertaken. in the entire society.” Earn- PANKAJ VOHRA
In 1994, the Sampark Vibhag “Dharmajagaran Vibhag” While Western thought ing the necessary income
(societal outreach initiative) efforts to stop organised sees the individual as the for our families, nurturing
was set up for connecting mass Hindu conversion op- smallest unit of the society, our families and attending
mental expansion of Sangh and gathering informa- erations and the project of Indian culture believes that shakha regularly would not If the Delhi University is
operations has seen four tion about the activities and helping those proselytised it is the family. According suffice. To invest one’s time amongst the premier edu-
major phases. The period contributions of such social and desirous of connecting to the Bharatiya spiritual in actively working towards cational institutions in this
spanning the foundation of achievers, making them back with their roots were worldview, family is the first social change and social country, it is primarily be-
RSS up to the nation’s inde- aware of the Sangh’s vision initiated. step of the journey from “Me awakening is the definition cause of the contribution of
pendence should be consid- and cooperating in areas of Along similar lines, it was to We.” In the present sce- of a Sangh worker. some of the teachers who not
ered the first phase, wherein mutual interest. felt that village folk could be nario, urbanization and the Sangh expects that its only helped shape the destiny
the focus was on “organisa- Take for example the mat- mobilized to enable village fast pace of life have shrunk swayamsevaks, 1. will devel- of students but also laid the
tion” since it was necessary ter of conversion that has development, independent families and created a lack op themselves to effectively foundation of excellence.
to make people believe that been debated since the free- of state intervention. With of opportunities to come execute Sangh’s mission in The list of such luminaries
is long, and in an attempt to identify some of them, many may

he Rashtriya Sway- Hindu society can be united dom movement. In 1967, a motto to usher in exten- together and celebrate our the society. 2. Will uphold
get left out, not because of an oversight but on account of the
amsevak Sangh was and speak about Bharat and under Congress govern- sive rural development by heritage, traditions, relation- the holistic Akhil Bharatiya
huge numbers. Teachers both in the university as well as in
founded in Nagpur Hindutva as a unified cho- ments, Madhya Pradesh and empowering villagers in a ships, and festivals. There- (All-India) perspective, that
colleges have left their mark and therefore any omissions are
in 1925 and on the Vijaya- rus. While swayamsevaks Odisha passed a bill to stop way that they can accrue ad- fore, “Kutumb Prabodhan” this entire nation from (Ram)
totally inadvertent and not meant to deprive anyone of their
dashami of 2022, the or- participated in the ongoing Christian conversion. Since equate benefit of the govern- (familial awakening through Setu to the Himalayas is one
rightful place.
ganisation will complete 97 freedom movement and oth- then this issue has single- ment schemes, “gram vikas” dialogue) was started where- and is my own. 3. Will realise Prof Frank Thakurdas, of the famous Thakurdas family
years of its existence. As it er social reform movements, handedly been taken up by work was started. in family members gather the feeling that all members of Lahore and fondly referred to as “Uncle” by his students
approaches its centenary, the Sangh as an organisation the Bharatiya Janata Party Since antiquity our Hindu weekly to analyze our civili- of the society are equal. 4. and junior colleagues was one of the most admired teachers
Sangh’s reach and influence completely absorbed itself only and most of the bills to society has had members zational heritage, traditions, Will regularly attend shakha who taught western philosophy and drama. Associated with
is growing manifold, despite in organising the collective. stop conversion were passed that identified with varied culture and the prevailing so that the practice of putting the Kirori Mal College and the Political Science department,
opposition and obstacles. The second phase of during the BJP reign in vari- caste nomenclatures but social scenario from the na- the nation above oneself and “Uncle” was a major influence in the lives of so many. Cine
Consistent hard work, pen- Sangh’s expansion is from ous states with an exception leading the movement while star Amitabh Bachchan, actors, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, T.P.
ance, sacrificial spirit of the Bharat’s independence to the of Himachal Pradesh. remaining in the backdrop Jain, V.M. Badola and Shyam Arora were all his disciples.
Sangh workers, accrescent year 1990. A thousand-year- In 2006, the Congress gov- could be perfected. 5. Will His residence on the K.M. Campus was an open house for
support of the society and long struggle followed by the ernment led by Shri Virb- actively channel the charac- anyone to walk in and have a drink with him in the evening. He
blessings of the Almighty inspiration of the freedom hadra Singh passed a bill ter traits built through the would regale everybody present with innumerable anecdotes
have made this possible. movement called for a need against conversion there. shakha in one of the many from his illustrious career.
This achievement fascinates to envision a social and na- Just a few years ago, some areas of social transforma- Prof] Randhir Singh of the Political Science department was
many, the world over. Lately, tional blueprint based on our officials of the Sangh Sam- tion. considered to be an authority on Marx and was amongst the
people are also curious to real identity or self (“Swa”). park Vibhag had met with Simultaneously, swayam- founders of the Left movement in the Delhi University though
learn how RSS would cel- Rooted in the traditions of Shri Virbhadra Singh-ji, sevaks should be more active later on he fell out with many of his associates. However, there
ebrate its centenary. Bharat, initiatives were pro- who narrated the first-hand in society, meet new people is no denying that his classes in the arts faculty were attended
RSS founder, Dr Hedgewar pelled by swayamsevaks in accounts of the passing of so that newer sections of so- by maximum students, many of whom would come prepared
was very clear in his vision, several segments like educa- the bill and told them that ciety can come into contact to prove him wrong, something they could not do.
in that he saw Sangh not as tion, student development, if he could be instrumen- with the Sangh, understand Prof Bhisham Sahni, younger brother of thespian Balraj
the Sangh and know the Sahni and former president of the Punjab University Teach-
an organisation operating politics, labour, tribals and tal in stopping conversion
RSS volunteers participate in a march on the occasion of Hindu ers Association was one of the most respected teachers of the
within the society, but as the farmers. While the organisa- anywhere in India outside national ideals of the RSS.
New Year, in Ghaziabad on 3 April. ANI university and Delhi College where he taught English. An
organisation of the entire tion carried on with its core Himachal Pradesh, then he Being an integral part of so-
author who also wrote in Hindi, he was revered by even the
society. One of Sangh’s lumi- activities, many people’s ini- would readily contribute. those elements that have tionalistic point of view and ciety, they can also connect
most notorious students who would never ever do anything
naries, Shri Dattopant Then- tiatives addressing the needs Similarly, in 2008-09, vested interests in dividing also discuss their duties in and contribute to protect
objectionable in his presence.
gadi remarked, “conceptual- of the entire spectrum of hu- when Gau-Gram Rath Yatra the society have consistently the light of the same. Hindu Dharma, the Hindu Arun Bose was a member of the politburo of the undivided
ly RSS and Hindu society are man lifespan also shaped up was organised, “Sarvodaya” tried to instigate caste-ori- In the last 500 years, culture and the Hindu soci- Communist Party and one of the most illustrious DUTA presi-
co-terminus and psychologi- alongside. Today, Sangh’s workers participated in this ented animosity. To create a growth based on a western ety and remain devoted to dents. His articulation and knowledge would leave all those
cally they are one.” shakhas are conducted in yatra at many locations. In consortium for all concerned paradigm of development the cause of all-round prog- who came in contact with him spellbound. Both as a teacher
Therefore, the centenary over 90% of the develop- this way, issue-based co- to discuss common challeng- has wrecked the ecologi- ress of the nation. activist and as a scholar, he excelled.
of RSS cannot be confined ment blocks and more than operation with those who es and contemplate collective cal balance of our precious Along with this, the fun- Prof Sydney Rebeiro, till recently the dean of the alumnus
to the organisational level. 35 community-driven initia- might not entirely share the action, a series of meetings earth. With the ambition damental work of societal affairs of Delhi University has had a long association with his
Since Sangh is synonymous tives are addressing different Sangh’s worldview has been have been organised, known to restore this equilibrium, organisation and character alma mater. A committed teacher, he helped the authorities
with society, and Dr Hedge- needs of the society. enabled by the Sampark Vib- as “Samajik Sadbhav” (social “environmental protection” building will go on. Social to put together the history of this great institution and also
war opined that our mission The third phase com- hag. harmony) meetings. Simi- work was started. It strives awakening is also a perenni- record the contribution of its students and teachers towards
to unify the entire society menced following Dr Hedge- RSS has been and still con- larly, to eradicate untouch- to bring in awareness and al task. With a view to bring society and the country. If the DU authorities in the centenary
under Sangh’s vision should war's birth centenary in the tinues to be at the receiving ability and malpractices propel activism around the about systemic changes, year wish to confer honoris causa degrees on distinguished
be fulfilled even before the year 1990. The mission to end of spiteful, organised associated with it, by com- issue of “environment,” by swayamsevaks are actively alumni, he should be up in the front.
celebration of the silver ju- weave the society as one efforts to malign its image memorating our common encouraging public partici- contributing in different ar- The university had legendary Vice Chancellors from Sir
bilee, accomplishing the with affection and affinity through misinformation. heritage, efforts have been pation. eas through various organ- Maurice Gwyer to Dr C.D. Deshmukh, V.K.R.V. Rao, K.N.
Sangh’s mission before the resulted in the outreach to To tackle this the Prachar made through “Samajik Sa- Now we are in the fourth isations. It is time that each Raj, Sarup Singh (he was the first DU student to be selected
centenary would be the ideal the deprived, weak and the Vibhag (media relations ini- marasata” (Social Equality phase of our evolution swayamsevak goes out with for the post), Moonis Raza and V.R. Mehta. There were many
centenary celebration. backward within our society. tiative) of RSS was formed and Brotherhood). wherein we expect every a renewed vigour for social famous principals as well, such as M.N. Beg, Sayed Ahmed Ali,
A Sangh song goes like Sewa Vibhag (social service in 1994. Its aim is to dis- The work of “Gauseva— “earning young swayam- change and through all these B.M. Bhatia, W.S. Rajpal, G.S. Randhawa, Rajendra Prasad
initiative) was established to seminate what Sangh re- Gausamvardhan” has flour- sevak” to actively partici- initiatives towards the fulfil- and G.P. Chopra.
ished with thousands of pate in and cooperate for Amongst the administrators, Delhi University should always
Karyamagnata Je- work towards their uplift. ally stands for and does ment of Sangh work would
be grateful to K.N. Thusu, the former Registrar and Madan Mo-
evan ho aur Karyapurti hi In the same spirit every for society. It emphasises new gaushalas coming up social awakening and social be the best way to celebrate
han, the Controller of Examination and later Registrar as well.
Vishranti) “to live is to be ab- volunteer takes an oath, "I RSS’ national outlook us- all over Bharat. Creating change by choosing any one the centenary.
They and many others, helped in ensuring that the sanctity
sorbed in work and only its have become a constitu- ing different media and also mass awareness about the area for social transforma- : Kimanyaihi
of the DU ordinances and statutes was never infringed while
completion is to rest.” ent (volunteer) of Rashtriya counters the malicious, false medicinal value of prod- tion according to his interest Shramaihi Shunyaihi| (All they held office. Such dedication is not easily found these days.
The journey of the monu- Swayamsevak Sangh for the propaganda built around ucts obtained from cows of and ability. other efforts are pointless). Two deans, Mohinder Singh and A.S. Kukla, left an indelible
impression on the affairs of the university. Kukla, as Dean
iN memOriAm Students Welfare shaped the careers of many student leaders
including Arun Jaitley and Sudhanshu Mittal. His friendly

Tribute to a Bengali bhadralok businessman, S.K. Roy

approach helped the university to resolve many contentious
Mohinder Singh, on the other hand, was a nuts and bolts
man, who knew the university working like the back of his
hand. Without him, vice chancellors felt inadequate. As Dean
KAUSTAV BHATTACHARYYA lar ritual where the groom and heard S.K. Roy at events most business tycoons have 3,000 people employed. of Colleges, he regularly briefed the media on the happenings
There are individuals who is fed some sweet curd and and forums organised by decided to leave for greener Apart from his role as an on the campus and helped defuse many crisis-type situations.
appear serendipitously in rice during the early hours business bodies and Cham- pastures. entrepreneur S.K. Roy was The DUTA has always been a pillar of strength. Besides Arun
our lives and then disappear of dawn. A bespectacled dis- bers of Commerce. Through S.K. Roy or Sunil Kanti Roy a philanthropist and offered Bose, it has been headed by Kumaresh Chakravarty, O.P. Kohli,
and yet they leave an indel- tinguished gentleman dressed my business affairs in Bengal I was born in the year 1944 to patronage to several social ini- Zahoor Siddiqui, Murali Manohar Prasad Singh. S.S. Rathi,
ible mark in our memory of in the quintessential Bengali developed acquaintances with a Bengali business family tiatives like that of the Peer- N.K. Kakkar and Shashwati Majumdar amongst others. The
a charming experience. S.K. starched dhoti and punjabi senior managers and direc- where his father Radhyas- less Skill Academy through DUTA movement also produced Prof V.P. Dutt, Kiran Walia,
Roy was one such remark- was overhearing and then ap- tors engaged with the Peer- hyam Roy had started an the B.K. Roy Foundation. Yogesh Gondal, U.S. Mathur, Inder Kapahi, Rajendra Pawar,
able individual. Chairman proached us to enquire about less group and was impressed insurance enterprise, Peer- S.K. Roy held important R.M. Kohli, S.S. Goyal and many other illustrious activists.
of the Peerless group based all the confusion. On being ex- with the leadership and pro- less Insurance, which later positions in industry bodies The DU evolved with the assistance from the departments
in Kolkata, he passed away plained about the complexity S.K. Roy
fessional management. metamorphosed into the contributing to the industrial which had many iconic teachers. Prof Seshadri in the Chem-
istry department, Prof Maheshwari and Prof Mohan Ram in
on 8 May 2022 after a spell of of the taS.K. he assured that Over the next couple of days in I truly salute his success in Peerless General Finance policy making of Bengal like
the Botany department, Prof Nagendra in the Hindi depart-
prolonged illness. On hear- the hotel would organise the between the wedding rituals managing the affairs of his and Investment Company that of being the President of
ment, Prof Ganguly in the Psychology department and Prof
ing this very tragic news a curd and rice for that ritual. we enjoyed his attention and business group in Bengal Limited. S.K. Roy joined the Bengal National Chamber of
Wahiyuddin and Prof Ansari in the Philosophy department
pall of sadness descended, He turned towards me and care including that of a tra- as a “Bengali entrepreneur” company in 1969, was induct- Commerce and board mem-
wielded a lot of academic influence.
leading to reflections on said, “You are the jamai of ditional Bengali meal being when that “species” itself ed into the Board of Directors ber of WBIDC. It should be mentioned that St Stephens College was Delhi
what a splendid bhadralok Peerless”, or in other words, served in earthenware pots. is an endangered one. One in 1984 and then assumed the S.K. Roy was awarded the University’s most famous college and there was a time when
or gentleman S.K. Roy was. I “son-in-law of Peerless”, In our interactions we realized only reads about the glories mantle of Managing Director Padma Shri in 2009. A life- the Indian Civil Service had many of those who had graduated
met Sunil Kanti Roy only once which reassured my wedding that we had a few shared ac- of Bengali entrepreneurship in 1996 which he held until long devotee of Ramakrishna from the portals of this esteemed institution. When the college
and it was during my wed- crew. This statement which quaintances from the Kolkata in the pages of history. The his demise this year. In his Mission, he was a disciple of celebrated its centenary many years ago, the then Vice Chan-
ding and was a guest at one was spoken with sincerity corporate world. Peerless group is one of the remarkable career S.K. Roy Swami Bireswarananda Ma- cellor had commented that Stephens was an example where
of his Peerless hotels located touched my heart deeply at his In the subsequent years, I legacy enterprises of Bengal led the diversification of the haraj. part of the whole is perhaps larger than the whole meaning
in the steel city of Durgapur. affection and generous hospi- interacted with some of the which still continues to flour- financial institution into ho- Here is my humble trib- it had more clout than the university itself.
The night before the wedding tality. This distinguished gen- Peerless group companies like ish in contemporary times. It’s tels, hospitals and real-estate. ute to S.K. Roy who was the The role of teachers, administrators, karamcharis and stu-
one of the members of the or- tleman was none other than Bengal Peerless, a successful all the more impressive when These diversification strate- very embodiment of Bengali dents have made the Delhi University what it is and without
ganising “crew” of family and the Chairman of the Peerless joint-venture between Peer- one considers that S.K. Roy gies paid off and today Peer- bhadralok entrepreneur as a the combination of all these factors, nothing could have been
friends were struggling and group, S.K. Roy who was vis- less group and the West Ben- expanded and diversified less group boasts of a turnover ‘jamai’ of Peerless group. Om achieved. Delhi University has a long way to go in its journey.
stressing about a particu- iting the Durgapur property. gal government. I watched in the state of Bengal where of Rs 2,500 crores with nearly Shanti. Between us.
10 comment & analysis the s unday guardian
15 – 21 may 2022
new delhi


CAA is first step to managing Tejo Mahal? When

a post-Hasina Bangladesh
Recent incidents of violence against Hindus in Bangladesh have
fiction pretends
shown that India needs to prepare for political transition in
Bangladesh—a turbulent phase where CAA will provide succour to
millions of people belonging to minority religions in the nation.
to be history
The Taj Mahal did take a very long time to build. But it
tering India at different points gladesh became landless be-
of time, most during military
rule in the country. The flight
cause of two laws—Enemy
Property Act and Vested
was never a temple.
of millions of Hindus has re- Property Act—that aimed at rytale. A BJP Member of Par- observed or the victory of
opinion sulted in a drop in Hindu per-
centage in Bangladesh from
grabbing Hindu-owned land
in Bangladesh. His research
liament, Diya Kumari from
Jaipur supported Rajneesh
Emperor Akbar.
Maharana Pratap is among
28%in 1947 to a mere 8.5% further found that by 2046 Singh. She claims that the the great heroes India has
Coming to more recent
there will not be any Hindu
left in Bangladesh. More than
as i please land on which the Taj Mahal
was built belonged to her
produced. He never bent or
bowed before Emperor Ak-
times, Ain o Salish Kendra 11 million Hindus have fled forefathers. Apparently, the bar. But he did not win the
(ASK), a human rights or- Bangladesh between 1964 K. NATWAR SINGH relevant documents are in battle of Haldighati. Akbar
soon have to hand over the ganisation in Bangladesh, and 2013 due to atrocities the “Pothikhana” in one of did. One of the commanders
reins of power to her succes- has documented more than unleashed on them by suc- the Jaipur palaces. Diya Ku- in Akbar’s army was none
sor that will most certainly 3,600 instances of attacks on cessive regimes, especially mari should ask for these to other than Raja Man Singh
bring about another phase Hindus alone in Bangladesh military ones in the country. dressing down and asked him be made public. This is not a of Jaipur.
of miseries for Hindus in the since 2013. The organisation To put things in perspective, not to make a “mockery” of private matter. Rana Pratap died in 1597.
country. Second, in its pres- also chronicled another 1,670 the research found that 632 the PIL system. He was told The Taj Mahal is among the His son Amar Singh finally
ent form, CAA has 2014 as a attacks on Hindu places of Hindus fled Bangladesh daily to do research on the topic. seven wonders of the world. surrendered to Jahangir in
cut-off date, which may soon worship and desecration of since 1964. However, the big- Justices D.K. Upadhayay It is visited by people from 1615, who treated him “with
need a rethink given the way Hindu idols since 2013. At- gest challenge a landed Hindu and Subhas Vidyarthi, said to all parts of the globe. Every great courtesy… And never
the situation is spinning out tacks on Hindu minorities family planning to leave Ban- Rajneeshji, “Tomorrow you detail about its construction is made to attend the Mughal
of control at alarmingly fre- also regularly involve rape of gladesh faces is to find some- will come to ask us to go to documented—where did the Court or offer a daughter in
quent intervals in Bangla- Hindu women in rural Ban- one to buy his land because the chambers of honourable marble come from, and the marriage” I have quoted this
The Citizenship Amendment desh. Against this backdrop, gladesh, where the police look once whispers spread that a judges… Go and research. Do craftsmen. Yes, it did take a from Ira Mukhoty’s superb
Act (CAA), which was passed Prime Minister Narendra askance. Hindu family is leaving the an M.A. Do PhD. Then choose very long time to build. It was book on Akbar.
by India’s Parliament in 2019, Modi’s perspicacious decision While hatred against Hin- country, no one is willing to such a topic and if any insti- never a temple.

is primarily aimed at provid- to usher in CAA is one that dus among Islamists in Ban- buy his property in the hope t all began 30 years ago. tute disallows you to research Earlier in this month one *****
ing Indian citizenship to mi- foresees beyond the boundar- gladesh is a rallying cry to that soon the Hindu-owned In 1989, a self-appointed on such a topic, then come to wise man announced that The Congress Chintan Shivar
norities from Afghanistan, ies of time. However, it may bring jihadis of different hues property will be theirs with- “historian”, wrote a book, us. Please enrol yourself in the Qutub Minar was not held in Udaipur displayed
Pakistan and Bangladesh out having to pay a penny. “Taj Mahal: The True Story”. M.A and if any university built by Qutubuddin but by no signs of austerity. Gas-
facing religious persecution. While CAA has given a According to P.N. Oak, the au- denies you research on such a Hindu king. He even took tronomically it must have
However, recent incidents glimmer of hope to millions thor, the Taj Mahal was actu- a topic then come to us.” a group of people chanting been a treat. Nine chefs were
of violence against Hindus of oppressed minorities in ally a temple of Shivji and a The petitioner’s lawyer Hanuman Chalisa on his way brought from various parts
in Bangladesh have shown Bangladesh, the Modi govern- palace named Tejo Mahal. No asked the court to allow him to the monument. If I am not of India. Plenty of food. Little
that India needs to prepare ment needs to go a few steps concrete historical evidence to withdraw the petition and mistaken, they were stopped food for thought.
for political transition in further. The cut-off date for was produced. Nothing sticks file a new one. This the judg- by the police. All this was re-
Bangladesh—a turbulent CAA has to be current and like a falsehood. It took a little es did not accept. The court ported in the newspapers. *****
phase where CAA will pro- not 2014. India needs to bring time to dismiss the Oak fic- “pulled up” Rajneesh Singh Some years ago, the 400th Finland and Sweden have
vide succour to millions of to bear political pressure on tion, but not before Oak ap- for filling the PIL in a “casual” anniversary of the battle of more or less decided to join
people belonging to minor- the Bangladesh government proached the Supreme Court manner…It further said the Haldighati was observed with NATO. Mr Putin was far from
ity religions in the nation. A file photo of Prime Minister Narendra Modi handing over a to buy land at market value to declare that the Taj Mahal petitioner should point out much fanfare. It was not clear amused. He said in that case
For the uninitiated, Hindus representational item to Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina as a from Hindus wanting to leave was built by a Hindu King. which legal or constitutional to me and all genuine histo- he would invade Finland.
comprise 8.5% of the popula- symbol of India’s gift of 1.2 million Covid vaccine doses, in Dhaka Bangladesh. India also needs The Supreme Court rejected rule had been infringed. rians whether the defeat of The Turkish President
on 27 March 2021. ANI
tion in Bangladesh, totalling to provide protection to Hin- his petition. There is more to this fai- Maharana Pratap was being Recep Tayyip Erdogan has
around 1.6 crore; a vast ma- still be a first step to prepar- under one umbrella, there is dus living in rural Bangladesh A few days back, Rajneesh threatened to exercise his
jority being Dalits. Buddhists ing for a political transition in also an economic compo- using all the means at their Singh of the Bhartiya Janata veto if Finland and Sweden
and Christians are the other Bangladesh. nent to the mayhem. Before disposal. Most importantly, Party filed a plea in the Luc- are to be made members of
minorities in the country. The utility of CAA for mi- 1947 and in the years since, India’s security mandarins know branch of the Alla- NATO. Turkey is a member
Two issues that will soon norities in Bangladesh can Hindus in Bangladesh have need to draw up a plan of ac- habad High Court, asking it of NATO. This is unlikely
bring to India’s borders a be viewed using a historical been owners of vast tracts of tion to prepare for changes to direct the Archaeological to happen. The US will take
torrent of Hindu refugees prism going back to 1947. land that has resulted in envy that will come about with Survey to probe the 22 closed care of the President of Tur-
from Bangladesh need to be Political upheaval in what among the fundamentalists in political succession in Ban- rooms in the Taj Mahal to as- key, who is constantly over
underscored. First, conven- was East Pakistan and then the country. gladesh in the near future. certain the existence of idols reaching himself.
tional wisdom dictates that Bangladesh has resulted in Prof Barakat’s research Abhijit Mazumdar is an assistant of Hindu deities there.
at age 74, Bangladesh Prime religious atrocities causing a at Dhaka University found professor of journalism at Park The court rejected Rajneesh *****
Minister Sheikh Hasina will deluge of Hindu refugees en- that 60% of Hindus in Ban- University in the US. Singh’s plea, giving him a A file photo of the Taj Mahal. ANI Tomorrow I will be 93.

Editorial dirEctor

People Of The Sacred Books Prof. M.D. Nalapat

Managing Editor
Pankaj Vohra

Ahimsa in Dates on a One must fight the Whom are you Printed and Published by
Rakesh Sharma for and on
behalf of Good Morning India
Hinduism calendar demons one faces seeking? Media Pvt. Ltd.
By Prarthna Saran By (Late) Maulana Wahiduddin Khan By Davinder P.S. Sandhu By Rev. Dr. Richard Howell Printed at:
Good Morning India
‘Ahimsa Paramodharma’. Yes, sure it is. But, what ex- Someone has rightly said, “A day you have lived ful- Sometimes, we are advised to “leave” this materialistic Jesus asked the disciples of John, who started follow- Media Pvt. Ltd,
actly does it imply? A sad misunderstanding of our ly was your day. All other days are simply dates on life, and retreat to the jungles, caves, and mountains. ing him when John pointed to Jesus as the Messiah Khasra No. 39, Village Basai
scriptures has led to a defeatist and cowardly mental- your calendar.” There are two ways of leading your It is said that this will help in “finding” the truth, be- whom they awaited, “What are you seeking?” To seek Brahuddin Nagar, Gautam
ity which has for long enslaved the minds and hearts life. One is to pass your time, and the other is to avail cause daily life is full of sham and drudgery. But the is to desire, and we desire what we love. When Jesus Buddha Nagar, Noida,
of confused generations of Hindus. Our scriptures of your time. If you live just to pass time, you are Guru Granth Sahib says He can be found right here: rose from the dead and saw the weeping Mary, who Uttar Pradesh, (U.P.-
list 24 different kinds of himsas ( violence). There is wasting your life. But if you spend your days mean- Deep within my heart, the Guru has shown me the home of thought Jesus’ body had been stolen. He asked her, 201301).
violence of speech , violence of intention, violence at ingfully, you are living. You are making proper use my being; “Whom are you seeking?” Mary was resilient in her Published at :
the emotional and intellectual levels, violence against of this blessing that is life. Every new day that dawns My mind is imbued with peace and poise, O my fellow trav- pursuit to see Jesus. B-116, Okhla Industrial
women and children, violence against the weak and brings with it many opportunities. These opportu- elers. What gave Mary real joy was the reality that Jesus Estate
the aged, violence against those incapable of defend- nities do not loudly announce themselves. Rather, A town has two parallel streets. One day, a man comes was alive and that He had defeated death. The prom- Phase-I, New Delhi - 110020
ing themselves, and violence of snatching money or they speak very silently. It is for us to recognize them from one street, and passes by the other street. His ises He made about giving eternal life were true. The Editorial offices:
property etc. Such violence is categorised as aggression and to use them in a properly-planned manner. You eyes are flowing with tears, and the residents of the What has captured your imagination? The adver- 275 Captain Gaur Marg
,and is forbidden to a true Hindu . So non- violence need to be able to skilfully discern the opportunities second street presume that a death has occurred in the tisement industry makes billions of rupees by ad- Sriniwaspuri Okhla
is the greatest dharma, but nowhere is it stated that that come your way every new day. You need to able first, thus the tears. However, they do not ask for the vertising products. They advertise to create a desire New Delhi - 110065
violence should be meekly tolerated! Ahimsa does not to recognize which opportunities are truly for you real reason. Word soon spreads of the assumed death, for the new, for our desires apart of God can never Mumbai Office: Juhu Hotel,
mean non- defence against aggression. That would be and which are not. You should be able to appreciate and now the conversation turns to what could be the be satiated. To seek fulfilment outside the will and Juhu Tara Road, Santa
a dangerous interpretation of our noble philosophy. how the opportunities that are indeed for you can be reason. Rumours spread of the cause of death, and ways of God, as clearly stated in the scripture, will Cruz-West,
The Geeta teachings are a religious call on every availed of in a peaceful way. You need to be able to many people say it could be the plague. People stop never satisfy; in fact, it will leave you thirsting all the Mumbai-400049.
Hindu to discard his mind benumbing defeatist cow- know the best and most realistic way of employing going between the two streets now, and the residents more. Addictions often start with small doses taken Chandigarh Office:
ardice, paraded as Ahimsa, and fight bravely against these opportunities, and also the limits within which decide to leave the “stricken” city. The residents of each for fun, which slowly ensnare us as the body begins SCO-7, Sector 17-E,
aggression and evil -doers. Krishna jolts and awakens you must remain while doing so. of the two streets leave in separate directions. to demand more. Chandigarh- 160017
Arjuna to the call of duty at the battlefield by insulting Furthermore, you should be aware that in using The town soon becomes a ruin. Now, there are two Satan, the father of lies who comes to steal, kill and
him with the humiliating term “impotent”, as Arjuna them you do not transgress into someone else’s ter- towns on either sides of the ruin, and they talk of their destroy, came to Jesus in the wilderness when He rni rEgistration no.
was refusing to pick up arms, covering his shame with ritory. There is another very important thing you “great escape” from the plague. If only they had inter- fasted for forty days and was physically weak. Satan DELENG/2010/31355
the mantle of Ahimsa! Krishna goads him to fight the need to remember while setting about using the acted with each other, they would have learned that told Jesus to turn stones into bread as He was God’s Postal rEgn no.
righteous war and defend his right to kingdom, dignity many opportunities that come your way every day. the man had been crying from having peeled a large Son and could easily satisfy the hunger He experi- DL(S) -17/3366/2013-15
and even life! All Hindu gods and goddesses carry And that is that you are not alone in this world. Just number of onions! Guru Granth Sahib tells us not to enced. Jesus refused to listen to Satan’s truth and fulfil For Subscriptions and
weapons. Why?? Ram ,Krishna, Durga, Kali, Ganesh as you want to go ahead with making your life, there run away. It encourages us to explore ourselves, and desires outside the will of God. Circulation Complaints
and Shiva, all are armed! Why? They have self- con- are vast numbers of other people who are impelled guides us to face our demons — anger, lust, and jeal- Like Mary, let’s be resilient and learn to practice Contact:
fessed that they have manifested to protect the noble with the very same purpose. If you want to succeed ousy. As we understand them, and the weaknesses the presence of God. Spend time reading God’s DELHI
and righteous and destroy the evil-doers. Don’t we in your life, it is very important for you not to come that they cause, we will find the tool of His Word to Word, for it purges our ignorance as the Holy Spirit Mahesh Chandra Saxena
destroy all those that come to harm or kill us, even into conflict with others. You need to be able to defeat and master them. There is no need to retreat enlightens our hearts and mind. Develop a habit of Mobile:+ 91 9911825289
mosquitos, bacteria and viruses? navigate your life without clashing with them. Just to caves, forests, and mountains, it is all right here: reading God’s Word both in silence and aloud. As isn 0976 - 0008
The Mahabharata states,” It is as sinful not to kill as you have some interests, others, too, have their The villains have been mastered, and goodness prevails, the Word teaches, “The mind of sinful man is death,
the evil-doer as it is to kill the innocent.” interests. A successful person avoids clashing with I am now Your Own Mansion and Temple, O Lord. but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and
This first appeared on 21 June, 2020. The writer could not write this week other people’s interests and sails ahead to attain the This first appeared on 15 March, 2015. The writer is not writing due to peace” (Rom. 8:6). Whom are you seeking, Jesus or
due to unavoidable circumstances. purpose of life. unavoidable circumstances. sinful desires?
t h e s u nday gua r dia n
15 – 2 1 m ay 2 0 2 2
new de l h i comment & analysis 11

Quad cannot ignore fallout of

Russia-Ukraine conflict
It is only India’s foreign policy establishment that is so convinced that it has the absolute brilliance to make
the world understand India’s position with precision. Those with less brilliance simply see India as more
aligned to one side. And that has a terrible record of impacting on FDI as it did ever since Independence.
actually “risk-free”. Unilat- plete victory, there is really INDO-PACIFIC
eral US sanctions have bit- nothing that a negotiator ECONOMIC
ten around the world. For or negotiating team can ac- FRAMEWORK
instance, an oligarch’s $100 complish, no matter what The Quad will be at the cen-
opinion million yacht, registered in
the Cook Islands was im-
well-wishers might want. tre of the developing Indo-
Pacific Economic Frame-
pounded at Mallorca island JAPAN AND INDIA, work, that is the way of
SUNIL CHACKO in the Mediterranean by WITHIN AND WITHOUT creating more unity within
Spanish law enforcement THE QUAD the countries keen for a free
authorities at the request of The inability of Japan and and open Indo-Pacific be-
the US with the backing of India to agree to a special yond military means. Trade
Grove who escaped from a US magistrate judge’s or- arrangement for India to and investment are at the
communist Hungary as a der. The Cook Islands is a allow the Japan Air Self- core of the Framework, and
20-year-old, completed his self-governing island coun- Defense Force (JASDF) to most countries need to rap-
education in the US and be- try comprised of 15 small fly its planes to land in In- idly upgrade their economies
came the third employee of islands in the South Pacific dia, pick up humanitarian following the catastrophic
Intel Corporation and later Ocean in free association goods from UN High Com- mismanagement of Covid
its CEO, and he is credited with New Zealand wherein missioner for Refugees (UN- that was very different from
with transforming it into New Zealand is responsible HCR) warehouses in India mainstream and other media
the largest semiconductor for the Cook Islands’ defence (likely filled with humani- portrayals. Severely impact-
company in the world. Fur- and foreign affairs, and it tarian goods procured in In- ing the elderly and those
ther, India was comfortable is a little-known tax haven dia itself) and then transport with significant lung and
immediately condemning and the yacht was not even those goods to Ukraine is other pre-existing morbidi-
UK and France when they registered in the oligarch’s Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attends the virtual Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with another evidence that India ties, Covid did not have any

f the Quad members, attacked Egypt in the Suez name but allegedly does in- Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US President Joe Biden and Australian Prime Minister Scott is wary of misunderstand- great mortality impact on the
US, Japan, India and crisis that occurred simulta- deed belong to the oligarch. Morrison, in Tokyo on 4 March 2022. ANI ing by Russia that it is get- younger and healthier part of
Australia, it is only neously in late October and Such has been the effec- ting too cozy with the pro- populations. Yet the one size
India that is not officially early November 1956, thus tiveness of the US Treasury India immediately sides with the party with large melanin Ukraine camp via the Quad. fits all approach championed
aligned with Ukraine. In- providing a fitting contrast. and US Department of Jus- Correspondingly, India has by one country and one mul-
dia’s “principled neutral, Some have seen these ac- tice as they seek to drain concentration in the skin (that gives the darker skin coloration) not succeeded in becoming tilateral brought economic
independent, impartial, tions meeting the so-called President Putin of his sup- and against the melanin-deficient (Caucasians). When it the prime destination for destruction to much of the
non-aligned or its modern “melanin test” wherein In- port milieu. But has this Japanese industry moving world through unprece-
reincarnation—strategic dia immediately sides with all been a pyrrhic victory is two sets of melanin-deficient parties going at each other, abroad (and transferring dented lockdowns that had
autonomy” or any number the party with large mela- as those oligarchs in fact production from Japan and never hitherto been imple-
of euphemisms cannot eas- nin concentration in the appear to have little actual
India demonstrates action-paralysis and confusion—as it other countries) despite con- mented nationwide for any
ily explain India’s position skin (that gives the darker influence over Putin, and did in the Hungary crisis in 1956 and as alleged by the Indian siderable rhetorical support other epidemic or pandemic.
in the conflict that can po- skin coloration) and against the conversion of hitherto for India-Japan. Soon after To successfully come out of
tentially spiral into World the melanin-deficient (Cau- “risk-free” assets like US government’s detractors today in the Russia-Ukraine war. the Great Japan Earthquake that prolonged stagflation
War III. India insists that casians). When it is two sets Treasuries into politically and Tsunami in 2011, when that is now wrecking entire
the Quad nations should of melanin-deficient parties risky ones, will mean that Quad expertise since invest- Minister, and later Presi- compounding the mess in India even sent its NDRF to societies will pose a tremen-
restrict to Indo-Pacific mat- going at each other, India the wealthiest irrespective ment capital, digital or oth- dent, was acknowledged agriculture and efforts on help in Onagawa, industry dous challenge. The experi-
ters, and not venture into demonstrates action-paral- of nationality and even oth- erwise, is the urgent need. as the greatest champion food self-sufficiency. Thus, has been moving produc- ence of Sri Lanka in recent
Russia-Ukraine, but the rest ysis and confusion—as it did ers too will seek to diversify of Pan-Africanism and de- when he set out on his quix- tion abroad to such a great weeks might portend a sim-
of the Quad disagrees and is in the Hungary crisis in 1956 their wealth holdings into A CAUTIONARY TALE colonization. Ghana was the otic mission to broker peace extent as to hollow out cer- ilar situation in more Asian
spending time, attention and and as alleged by the Indian multiple categories of assets India and Prime Minister first Black African nation between the US (and its al- tain parts of the Japanese countries. The collective
funding for Ukraine and ref- government’s detractors to- and currencies. Millionaires Narendra Modi are being to achieve independence in lies) and North Vietnam industrial bases, one rea- wisdom and actions of lead-
ugees from the conflict, pre- day in the Russia-Ukraine with nothing to do with any pressed by multiple lead- 1957 and that was followed that was backed by China son for the approximately ing economies will be essen-
sumably as a signal that they war. conflict have been opining ers of European countries by 31 other African nations and Russia, it was seen as 30% sharp decline in the tial to rectify the man-made
and much of the world stand In the beginning of the that “what if some future ad- to intervene and resolve the in rapid succession within a an affront to US President yen relative to the US dollar. catastrophes. Hence, the new
united against potential ag- conflict, India was very fo- ministration gets upset with Russia-Ukraine imbroglio, decade and Nkrumah was Lyndon Johnson, who was Environmental regulations Framework will concentrate
gression in the Indo-Pacific cused on getting out about them” and so they must di- especially those in Western the foremost proponent of then in no mood to negotiate and protectionist measures on 1) fair and resilient trade,
and elsewhere. 20,000 Indian students, versify. This appears to have and Northern Europe that that effort, with his stirring, peace. Indeed, servile flat- in some countries have also 2) supply chain resilience in-
An expected military vic- who were left stranded in become the first genuine have existential reasons to passionate rhetoric and ar- terers like Defense Secretary compelled Japanese compa- cluding medicines and vac-
tory of the more powerful Ukraine by the sudden Rus- risk to the US dollar since press India. Sweden (9.7 guments joined at the hip Robert McNamara and his nies to manufacture locally cines, 3) infrastructure, clean
armed force in the conflict sian invasion. Indeed, given the heydays of the US in the million) Norway (5.1 mil- with the mass movement band of “best and brightest” in those countries. How- energy, decarbonization, and
may not end the war, but all the chaos, the students early 20th century, espe- lion) Denmark (5.6 million) of Dr Martin Luther King, hacks continued to convince ever, India has not benefited 4) digital.
rather convert it into a fes- themselves made their way cially after its decisive role Finland (5.3 million) are less Jr, and ideological assimi- President Johnson that the to the extent it could have in The Quad as democracies
tering wound in the heart to the multiple borders in a in World Wars I and II, and populated than most major lation of black nationalist “kill ratios” and other fake terms of Japanese foreign adhering to four key prin-
of Europe that does not heal bid to escape the horrors of the Marshall Plan to rede- Indian cities and would ex- Marcus Garvey and other statistics were indicating direct investment (FDI)— ciples—rather than a gather-
anytime soon, unless there is the fighting. Once they were velop a devastated Europe pect to be overrun by a ram- leading lights of US African- the certainty of victory over revealing the weakness of ing of four countries—looks
an unconditional surrender across the Ukraine border, and a similar one for Japan. paging Russia (144 million) Americans. Nkrumah also the peasant population. a government-government to become the lasting legacy
or the decapitation of leader- in Romania, Hungary, Slo- It comes as technologies like should the conflict spill over joined with Prime Minis- From declassified docu- approach that does not in- especially as countries like
ship of one of the sides that vakia, and Poland, the In- cryptocurrencies and alter- beyond its current dimen- ter Nehru and Presidents ments, it even appears that volve more innovative think South Korea, Indonesia, the
could change the current dian government provided native currencies and many sions. While India remains Nasser and Tito to build the Nkrumah might have been tanks and the private sector Philippines, Taiwan, and
inability-to-compromise Air Force and commercial commodities like gold are smug in its belief that its Non-Aligned Movement. lured into that politically adequately. other democracies in the
scenario. Further, with flights to the students to re- becoming viable options for “nuanced, principled and Thus, he was a towering suicidal mission to facilitate Similar problems were Indo-Pacific seek to join a
some 6,000 nuclear bombs turn to India, but to what is safeguarding wealth away balanced” approach is well figure, politically, in the a coup in Ghana, while he apparent at the end of Cold Quad Plus grouping. The
available with the Russian now a very uncertain future from diverse political risks. understood, a harsh real- “Third World”, while com- was away, by senior mili- War 1.0 when leading lights rising concerns about the
Federation (including 2,000 given that many university Decades ago, Dr Saburo ity exists as in Cold War 1.0 manding at best a nascent tary officers backed by US of foreign investment from fallout of the Russia-Ukraine
smaller and more precise buildings in Ukraine have Okita, a prominent econo- that perceives India as being economy seeking to indus- intelligence officials. On 24 actual investor nations conflict cannot be ignored by
tactical nuclear weapons— been destroyed, and faculty mist and Foreign Minister of on the side of Russia while trialize that was heavily de- February 1966, while Nk- openly stated that India was the Quad—even though it is
one of which is being threat- and management have fled Japan, who was also a great mouthing generalities in pendent on cocoa, then as rumah was in the PRC, en with the Soviets when the a security dialogue focused
ened to be dropped some- as refugees. friend, tried hard to make support of Ukraine. Mean- the world’s No. 1 producer. route to North Vietnam, he USSR existed and could not not on Europe but rather
where in Europe), this is no purchases of oil in Japanese while, sycophants have His critics also saw him as was overthrown in a coup simply turn around and ex- the Indo-Pacific and is not
ordinary conflict like those DE-DOLLARIZATION yen to enable the yen to be- been attempting to portray authoritarian and increas- that ended his government pect FDI stating that it was a military alliance. Never-
abandoned after so-called RISK come a world currency. He that there are several Nobel ingly under the grip of party and the young democracy in now genuinely non-aligned. theless, if the Quad cannot
struggles to impose democ- In business schools where was unsuccessful then be- Peace Prizes available for apparatchiks and his Soviet Ghana. Nkrumah spent the It is only India’s foreign pol- maintain the security of the
racy via the barrel of the gun the most insightful profes- cause of larger geopolitical the team that successfully advisors. While he himself remaining 6 years of his life icy establishment that is so Indo-Pacific through stra-
in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, sors teach finance as if it factors beyond his control. negotiates an end to the proclaimed to be non- in the West African nation convinced that it has the ab- tegic and economic means
Yemen, Syria, Ethiopia, were mathematical poetry, Today, however, Saudi Ara- conflict and ensures lasting aligned, the world saw him of Guinea as an exile writing solute brilliance to make the and its transformation to
Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Cam- the term “risk-free” as- bia is selling oil to the PRC peace. (like it saw Nehru) as being books and railing against world understand India’s permanently “free and
bodia etc., that have sapped set is emphasised in every in yuan/renminbi, breaking A cautionary tale in his- aligned to the communist “neo-colonialism”. While position with precision. open”, it all will have little
so much of the West’s moral class. It was believed, for the historical jinx. Further, tory is worth recounting for network of USSR, China no military coup can pos- Those with less brilliance meaning, and will signal the
supremacy encapsulated in instance, that US treasur- that would never have hap- India and PM Modi on play- and North Vietnam. Ironi- sibly happen in democratic simply see India as more end of the post-World War
UN rhetoric. ies or bonds designated in pened if the de-dollarization ing negotiator. Before the cally, even tractors donated India, the cautionary part aligned to one side. And II era and its associated in-
US dollars issued by the US move was not underway. name of Nelson Mandela by the Soviet Union (that that resembles this facet of that has a terrible record of stitutions and frameworks.
THE ‘MELANIN TEST’ Treasury or Finance Min- India has great expertise became known worldwide, were apparently older than history is that if two bellig- impacting on FDI as it did Therefore, much is at stake
While many ascribe di- istry and held by investors in digital payment systems, the reputation of Dr Kwame second-hand) broke down erents (Russia and Ukraine) ever since Independence. in the run-up to the Quad
verse motives and attempt around the world, ranging with 74 billion digital finan- Nkrumah, Ghana’s Prime in Ghanaian fields, further are each convinced of com- Nothing much has changed, Leaders’ Summit meeting in
to understand the reasons from oligarchs to sovereign cial rupee transactions be- except that today, the teem- Tokyo on May 24, 2022 and
for India’s repeated absten- wealth and pension funds, ing recorded during the past The inability of Japan and India to agree to a special arrangement ing millions of youngsters its follow-up.
tions at the UN, the Indian are “risk-free”. The recent fiscal year. But India has no in India, with more than
statements and actions look round of sanctions against digital currency and crypto- for India to allow the Japan Air Self-Defense Force to fly its 50% of its 1.4 billion popula- Dr Sunil Chacko holds degrees
eerily like India’s response oligarchs and people al- currencies are currently not tion below the age of 25 and in medicine (Kerala), public
to the USSR’s crushing of legedly “close to Putin” no traded in India and an am-
planes to land in India, pick up humanitarian goods from UN more than 65% below the health (Harvard) and an MBA
the Hungarian revolution matter which passport they biguous version of illegality High Commissioner for Refugees warehouses in India (likely age of 35, many belonging (Columbia). He was Assistant
in 1956—although of course carried or whether in fact is ascribed to cryptocurren- to an “aspirational class”, Director of Harvard Universi-
that conflict was less bloody they had any leverage over cies, making India behind filled with humanitarian goods procured in India itself) and are desperately in need of ty’s Intl. Commission on Health
and destructive, with ap- President Putin, has left the the times in ascertaining investment capital, more Research, served in the Execu-
proximately 2,500 Hun- finance community shell- value through mining and
then transport those goods to Ukraine is another evidence than ever before. Failure tive Office of the World Bank
garians dead and 20,000 shocked. Because, for the utilising cryptocurrencies. that India is wary of misunderstanding by Russia that it is to see that reality will have Group, and has been a faculty
wounded. Many fled as first time they understood This is another area that enormous consequences for member in the US, Canada, Ja-
refugees, including Andy that no asset in the world is ought to be developed with getting too cozy with the pro-Ukraine camp via the Quad. India’s elite. pan and India.
12 legally speaking the s unday guardian
15 – 21 may 2022
new delhi

In Court In Court

This is luxury litigation: SC on Gyanvapi mosque

Kerala challenging clerk’s rank survey issue listed
orders, none of these as-
pects wee considered to
rective action was taken
and the applicant’s senior-
is here challenging it the
bench further remarked
before bench of
Annexure-A3 final senior-
ity list also by any of the
aggrieved persons except
ity was reassigned based
on his eligibility on the part
of the controlling officer
by saying that why don’t
you do something better?
Build schools, roads or in-
Justice Chandrachud
a bogus complaint submit- it is only by a mistake that frastructure as one upper PRANSHI AGARWAL
ted as Annexure A5, that he was granted promotion division clerk has got se-
PRANSHI AGARWAL too almost 3 years after the and was assigned the rank niority.
finalization of the seniority in the seniority list, the Respondent’s seniority The Supreme Court in the
list and there was no objec- counsel said to further per- was revised to the date on case Committee of Manage-
tion and further there was suade the bench. which he rejoined duty ment Anju man Intezamia
no objections to the rank The Bench of Justice after the leave and the Masajid Varanasi Versus

he Supreme Court order ratifying Annexure- and seniority assigned to Chandrachud remarked respondent was on leave Rakhi Singh & O observed
in the case The A10 decision of the Direc- the applicant in the pro- that if the counsel feels without allowance at the before a bench presided
State of Kerala and tor of Public Instruction on visional seniority list. the there is an error you must time of his promotion as over by Justice DY Chand-
Or’s. V. Subeer N.S. And Annexure-A5 complaint said seniority is finalized rectify the error correctly U.D Clerk, the counsel ap- rachud of listing of the pe-
Anr observed assailing the was undertaken by the after publishing a provi- and there was no fraud on pearing for the State con- tition filed against the sur-
Kerala High Court’s order Director of Public Instruc- sional seniority list and in- his part and all this must tended before the Court. vey ordered by a Varanasi
of affirming the seniority of tion, who has no authority viting objections if any to be due on a reasonable dis- The Bench comprising of court in Gyanvapi Mosque.
an upper division clerk for to take a decision invoking the same as early as on 8th patch. Justice DY Chandrachud The Court ordered the
filling a Special Leave Peti- Rule 27B of Part II KS & March 2009., the bench ob- The bench comprising of and the justice Surya Kant Commission to submit a
tion pulled up the State of SSR based on the review served While affirming the Justice DY Chandrachud orally remarked while dis- report by 05.17.2022 before
Kerala. of the Seniority the Direc- view by KAT. further observed and not- missing the SLP against the the court to accompany premises shall continue, quo of the local court’s or-
The Government lost tor of Public Instruction the said mistake was ed when the matter was order dated 01.17.2022., We Court commissioner Ajay After 3 days of arguments. der before the Chief Justice
sight of these aspects while and the Government while brought to the notice of the called upon hearing before are not a court of law but a Mishra for the survey and Till the survey is not com- of India, while Mentioning
issuing Annexure-A13 issuing the impugned authorities, necessary cor- the bench that the State court of justice as well. further the Court has ap- pleted, it shall continue fur- the matter.
pointed 2 more lawyers as ther the Court directed and the Court has ordered
commissioners. the court has also ordered Commissioner to conduct
The petitions have been for surveying the entire a survey as This is covered
moved by five Hindu wom- mosque complex. by Places of Worship Act
en asking for year-long The Committee of Man- Survey has been directed
access to pray at a Hindu agement, Anjuman Inteza- in relation to Varanasi
shrine behind the west- mia Masajid, has fille the property, submitted by the
ern wall of the Gyanvapi present special leave peti- Senior Advocate, Ahmadi.
Mosque complex in Vara- tion against order of the The direction has been
nasi and once a year the Varanasi Court ordering issued by a bench headed
site is currently opened for a survey on a plea by few by Chief Justice of India
prayers, an order passed by Hindu devotees. NV Ramana in a special
the Varanasi Court in an a bench led by CJI Rama- leave petition challenging
inspection of the premises. na, the direction has been a Varanasi Court’s order di-
the videography inside issued after the issue was recting the survey work to
the mosque was being op- mentioned and urgent list- continue in the Gyanvapi
posed by the Mosque Com- ing of the case was sought: mosque-Kashivishvanath
mittee so the survey could The bench has further temple premises.
not take place. Thereafter observed and directed that The Bench headed by
a report was to be submit- the Court deem it appro- Chief Justice of India,
ted by 05.10.2022, earlier priate to direct the Regis- NV Ramana obser ved
the local court directed the try to list the matter before and issued the direction
authority. the Bench presided over petition challenging a
on behalf of the Anju- by Hon’ble Dr.Justice D.Y. Varanasi Court’s order
man Intezamia Masajid Chandrachud, upon being directing the survey work
Committee demanding mentioned by, learned Se- to continue in the Gyanvapi
the removal of Advocate nior counsel Mr. Huzefa mosque-Kashivishvanath
Commissioner Ajay Kumar Ahmadi, appearing on be- t e mp l e p r e m i s e s i n a
Mishra, a petition was be- half of the petitioner. special Leave petition and
ing filled and the Court or- Senior Advocate Huzefa was heard by the court on
dered that the survey of the Ahmadi had sought status urgent listing.

ElECtrICIty ACt sECtIon 376dB IpC

An AssoCIAtIon of CorporAtE BodIEs CAn SC to examine validity of

EstABlIsh A CAptIvE powEr plAnt prImArIly minimum punishment of life
for thEIr own usE: suprEmE Court imprisonment till death for

The Supreme Court in the

gang rape of minor girl
case Chhattisgarh State
Power Distribution Com- PRANSHI AGARWAL
pany Ltd. vs Chhattisgarh
State Electricity Regula- The Supreme Court in the
tory Commission observed case Nikhil Shivaji Golait
that a captive power plant v Union of India & Anr
primarily for their own observed the minimum
use can be established by mandatory sentence of life
an association of corporate imprisonment till natural
bodies. life section 376DB of In-
The requirement would dian Penal Code, 1860. The
be that the consumption of Court further issued the
SBIPL and SBMPL togeth- notice in a writ petition
er should not be less than challenging the constitu-
51% of the power generated. tionality of the same.
Admittedly, the joint con- Even of 40 years or 50
sumption by SBIPL and use and under Section 9 of The BPIL, the respondent treating as own consump- years of imprisonment or
SBMPL is more than 51% the said Act, could be an contended and supported tion and within the ambit more than that and thus
and under the provisions individual or a body corpo- the impugned judgment of Section 9 read with Sec- the said sentence is totally
of the said Act, the use of rate or association or body that no permission is re- tion 2(8) of the Electricity disproportionate to the na-
electricity by it would be of individuals, whether in- quired from the Commis- Act, 2003 and Rule 3 of the ture of offence which was
for captive use only even corporated or not, it is clear sion for supply of electricity Electricity Rules, 2005 SB- alleged against the con-
an association of corpo- that the person will get for its own use. Thereafter PIL submitted a petition vict as the life sentence for
rate bodies can establish a benefit even an association the appellant Company for providing open access natural life could be a very murder of minor girl, of that if a person is convict- challenges the imposition
power plant. Since SBMPL of corporate bodies can contended that unless SB- and wheeling of power long sentence, stated by sentencing jurisprudence ed of gang rape of a minor for imprisonment of the
holds 27.6% of the owner- establish a captive power PIL consumes 51% of the through the transmission Advocate Gaurav Agrawal, of this country reforming girl, then the court has no remainder of the natural
ship, the requirement of plant it has been seen. The aggregate electricity gener- system of the Chhattisgarh who filed the petition. is one of the important as- option, but to impose the life on the constitutional
not less than 26% of shares definition of “person” is ated by it, it will not be enti- State Power Distribution The petition further stat- pects. aforesaid sentence or the challenge on the sentence
is fulfilled by SBMPL as wide enough to include any tled to get the benefit under Company Ltd (Company) ed that there is chance of Under Section 376DB of higher sentence of death which has been imposed,
SBMPL holds 27.6% equity company or body corpo- Section 9 of the said Act, in for captive use by SBMPL reformation of the convict the IPC, 1860 the prescrip- sentence of a girl who is the bench ordered of is-
shares in SBPIL. rate or association or body an appeal filled before the to the Chhattisgarh State and commuted the death tion of such life sentence less than 12 years of age. suing a notice. The Court
The fourth proviso to sub- of individuals, whether Apex Court. Electricity Regulatory sentence to life imprison- for the offence is unconsti- The Bench comprising of further stated that there is
section (2) of Section 42 of incorporated or not, or ar- An appeal was dismissed Commission, the commis- ment and in most cases, it tutional as the reason for Justice DY Chandrachud no merit in the challenge to
the said Act would also re- tificial juridical person it by the Appellate Tribu- sion. A Captive Genera- provided minimum term being it is unconstitutional and the Justice Surya Kant the conviction as the peti-
veal that surcharge would should be primarily for the nal for Electricity filed by tion Plant is established by of imprisonment of 20 is that it completely takes by observed and noted that tioner has been convicted
not be leviable in case open use of the members of such the Company further The SBPIL, and is a sister con- years/ 25 years/ 30 years away the chance of refor- On the sentence which the of offense and has been
access is provided to a per- cooperative society or asso- Commission held that SB- cern of SBPIL Shri Bajrang and even the Hon’ ble mation of the individual, leg has been prescribed, sentenced to suffer the re-
son who has established a ciation is the requirement, PIL was entitled to sup- Power and I spat Ltd and Court has accepted the fact, stated by the petitioner in Mr. Gaurav Agrawal has mainder of his natural life
captive generating plant for the Bench observed while ply electricity to its sister Shri Bajrang Metallics and the large number of judg- the plea. placed on record Writ Peti- which is punishable u/s
carrying the electricity to referring to the provisions concern SBMPL and the Power Ltd, SBMPL. ments have shown that Section 376DB amended tion under Article 32 of the 376 DB, IPC with regards
the destination of his own of the Electricity Act. same would qualify to be even in cases of rape and in the year 2018 prescribes constitution of India which to the findings.

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