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Written by Peter Hobbs

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First published in Great Britain in 2009.

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Introduction 6 Chapter 3
Managing work in progress 54
Chapter 1
Thinking “project” 8 Making time for the project 56
Delegating effectively 58
What is a project? 10 Maintaining momentum 62
The project sequence 14 Communicating successfully 66
Defining the team 18 Reviewing progress 68
Being project manager 20 Managing project information 70
Working with your sponsor 22 Monitoring costs 72
Documenting progress 24 Managing changes to scope 74

Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Setting up a project 26 Going live 78
Initiating the project 28 Implementing the project 80
Building a project team 30 Preparing for handover 84
Analyzing stakeholders 32 Handing the project over 86
Defining the details 34 Evaluating success 88
Developing a business case 40 Reviewing the process 90
Managing risk 42
Planning the project 44
Estimating time 50 Index 94
Representing the plan 52 Acknowledgments 96

Project management is the skill of moving from
ideas to results and, as such, is applicable to every
significant initiative we are assigned or think up
ourselves. Today, individuals, organizations, and
nations need project management skills more than
ever in a world that values individual and collective
initiative above just about any other attribute.

Project Management outlines a range of practical

understandings and skills that will make your
projects both successful and satisfying. It will
provide you with common-sense solutions to the
project management issues you will face as you
plan and implement projects, and the tools, tips,
and techniques it contains are intended to help
you achieve consistent success with minimum
resources. This includes advice on the best
approaches, choosing the right software, and
managing projects with remote team members.
Although the book is written for those taking their
first steps in project management, it also offers
helpful reminders to those with more experience.

In the final analysis, your success as a project

manager is down to you. It will depend on your
ability to make your vision of “what can be” more
influential in your thoughts and actions, and those of
others, than the reality of “what currently is”. If the
following pages guide, challenge, and energize you
in this quest, they will have fulfilled their purpose.
Projects are the mechanism by which
organizations and individuals change and
adapt to take advantage of new opportunities
or to counter threats. In a world in which
business competitiveness is based on a
search for new products and ways to do
things, we can all improve our prospects
by thinking: “Where is the project
in my current situation?”

What is a project?
A project is a piece of work that is designed to bring about an agreed
beneficial change within a fixed timeframe using specified resources.
Projects usually require the coordinated activity of a number of people
to achieve that outcome, and often incorporate an element of risk. The
projects in this book focus on change in organizations, and run for a
defined length of time alongside the day-to-day work of an organization.

What makes a task a project?

Projects are the way in which human creativity
Vision, planning,
is most effectively harnessed to achieve tangible, and coordinated
lasting results. In the past they may have been
called something different, but building a pyramid,
effort – the
painting a ceiling, or founding a nation all required essential features
vision, planning, and coordinated effort – the
essential features of what we now call a project.
of a project
In practical terms, just about any initiative or
piece of work that is too large or unfamiliar to
be completed successfully without some measure
of preparation and planning can, and usually
should, be approached as a project.

of organizations believe that
project management
A project is
a “one-off”
scope of work
defined by three
is critical for good – time, cost,
performance and success and quality




Defining a project quality of the product is fixed (bringing a

At its simplest level, a project is a new drug to market, for example), costs
“one-off” scope of work defined by have a tendency to rise and deadlines to
three parameters – time, cost, and slip if work is more extensive or complex
quality. In other words, it is the means than was first envisaged. Where the
by which a particular result is delivered deadline is fixed (as for a tender deadline
using specified resources within a or a business conference), people either
set period of time. throw more resources at the project to
For most projects, one of these three make sure that it is ready on time, or they
parameters is “fixed” (i.e. should not or cull desirable but non-essential features
cannot change), but there is flexibility in in order to deliver the essential elements
at least one of the other two. Where the of quality within the timeframe available.

Achieving change project management systems and

Some projects are highly visible – large methods to implement change. These
building projects, for example – while for include CPM (Critical Path Method),
others, only those directly involved will PERT (Program Evaluation and Review
have any understanding of, or interest in, Technique), PRINCE2 (PRojects IN
what they will deliver. Whatever the size Controlled Environments), and Agile (see
and nature of a project, the main aim is pp.17). Some were devised for specific
always to bring about a change that industries but have become widespread.
is viewed as beneficial by whoever is All have their pros and cons, and suit
sponsoring it. Many organizations use certain types of project more than others.

The Eden Project has

been visited by more than
22 million people

Case study
SETTING THE STANDARD one million a year, and has brought
When Sir Tim Smit pitched the idea hundreds of millions of pounds to
of creating a science-based visitor the local economy. Eden is now a
attraction showcasing 100,000 significant contributor to the global
plants from around the world in debate on sustainable development
a disused clay pit in south-west and environmental issues, and is
England, few would have expected building on its experience to create
the Eden Project to have become the a host of sister projects around
icon it is today. Despite the many the world. Commentators offer
technological challenges of creating a variety of explanations for its
the world’s largest greenhouses, success: technology made the
two giant transparent domes, original design and spectacular
the main construction phase was scale possible, but Smit’s vision,
complete by March 2001. Since then, inspirational leadership, and refusal
it has been visited by more than to compromise on quality were
22 million people at a rate of over undoubtedly central.

January 1995: Sir Tim Smit has the idea for creating
a huge site displaying the world’s most important
plants. In October 1996, architects sketch initial
plans based on the shape of giant bubbles.

October 1998: rains disrupt the first months

of construction; the project devises a special
drainage system. In March 2000 Eden gains the
50% public match-funding promised in 1997.

March 2001: the Eden Project opens to visitors

and by July 2008, the ten millionth visitor
arrives and is greeted by Tim Smit in person.

July 2017: Eden Project International launches.

As well as sites in Australia and China, future Edens
are set to include the mussel-shell-shaped Eden
Project North in Morecambe, UK, due to open in 2024.

The project sequence

The lifecycle of any project consists of six main phases: initiation,
definition, planning, control, implementation, and review. At
whichever point you, as project manager, enter the project’s life,
be sure to acquaint yourself as fully as possible with any preceding
phases you have missed.

Defining project phases

The first phases of the project should The six phases of a project:
lead to a clear outline of the overall
parameters of time, cost, and quality.
These factors form the scope of your
project (see p.11). INITIATION
The initiation and definition phases
involve using tools and approaches to
identify the situation to be addressed,
the desired end result, and the core
team responsible for making it happen. DEFINITION
Once these are established, the planning
phase focuses on the detail of what has
to be produced and how this can be done
most effectively with minimum risk. At
this stage, schedules and budgets should PLANNING
be finalized and the elements of risks
and benefits should be added to the
scope of the project.


Fully explore the “whats” and
“whys” of the project before
you start to make practical
plans – this will help you avoid
the need for costly revisions
in later phases. REVIEW

Scope and overlap

The project’s scope describes the
The planning phase
desired end result of a project. Scope focuses on the detail
often includes reference to the context
in which the end result of the project
of what has to be
will be delivered, and who the end produced and how
user will be. There is some overlap
between project phases, especially
this can be done most
at the start, and planning continues effectively with
throughout the project. Generally,
there comes a point at which significant minimum risk
resources are committed, and the
control phase sees work begin.

Controlling and implementing declare it complete before moving into a

The schedules and budgets that you phase where resources are reallocated
established while planning will allow you and lessons learnt.
to track progress and make adjustments
as needed. As the control phase nears Maintaining flexibility
completion, focus switches to preparation While in theory the phases supply a logical
for the moment when the results will sequence, in practice they often overlap,
“go live”. While you should have been so you must adopt a process of continuous
considering the needs and expectations review during the definition, planning, and
of end users at every stage, your primary control phases. You may need to modify
focus during this implementation phase the scope (see p.11) to fit with what proves
should be taking steps to ensure that they to be possible once you have an initial plan.
react positively to the change your project Similarly, experience gained early on may
has brought about. Plan your review help you identify flawed assumptions
stage around pre-defined criteria by about the duration of tasks, leading you
which the project’s success can be to re-evaluate timescales, budgets, and
measured. These can then be used to other resources.

The six phases of a project:







of high-performing
US organizations
understand the value
of project management

In focus
WATERFALL VS AGILE book applies equally to Agile
The six-phase method outlined here projects, Agile differs in following
and throughout this book represents each phase multiple times, rather
the “waterfall” model, in which each than just once. Each Agile sprint is
phase linearly follows the next. a mini-project in its own right, in
While this method suits a vast array which one self-contained part is
of project types, other more flexible, planned, designed, implemented,
“cyclical” models, such as Agile – and tested in close collaboration
whereby projects are broken up with the client/end user. This allows
and developed portion by portion greater adaptability – useful when
in short “sprints” lasting just a few project goals are hard to define
weeks each – can work better in clearly at the outset – but also
certain cases, especially in complex makes it more complex, requiring
software development projects. a committed, experienced, and
While much of the advice in this disciplined team to run it.

Identifying the problem to be solved

or opportunity to be exploited.

Refining your understanding of what you want

to achieve, by when, and with what resources.

Deciding in detail how to achieve the objective – timescales,

resources, responsibilities, and communications.

Doing the work, monitoring progress,

and adjusting the plan according to need.

Passing what you have created over to those who will be

using it, and helping them to adjust to any changes.

Assessing the outcome and looking back to see if there

is anything you could have done differently or better.

Defining the team

Role clarity is essential if you are to deliver a successful project, as
every project is a new and often unique scope of work, and project
teams are often built from scratch. Each stakeholder – a person
who has influence over, or interest in, the process or outcome of
the project – should be clear about exactly what the role entails
and what should be delivered.

Understanding key roles

Every project is different, but there are a number
of key roles that apply to most projects (see below).
The relationship between these roles is functional
rather than hierarchical. Although by the nature
of the role the sponsor will usually be the most
senior member of the project team
– and will certainly be more senior
than the manager – little else can
be assumed about the relative
seniority of other members of
the team. Technical specialists,
in particular, often have skills
based on years of experience
and are often “senior” to the
project manager.


Has day-to-day The person who SENIOR USER)
responsibility for owns and controls Coordinates or
the project at the resources represents the
Key project roles

executive level. needed for the interests and

Manager and project’s success needs of the
sponsor must and on whose end-user group.
be in complete authority the If there are many
agreement about project rests. end-user groups,
what constitutes each with
success with differing views,
respect to time, there may be
cost, and quality. multiple clients.

Knowing your team

Tip Your project team will generally be made
up of people from within your organization
BEWARE THE BUYER and outside contractors. These people are
Buyers often wield significant key stakeholders in your project’s success,
power where a project has been so as project manager their motivation
procured. Those who also act as and focus is your priority. This may take
the client can sometimes have skill and effort: team members often have
an adversarial relationship with other work to juggle and will be influenced
the project. Handle such clients by a second ring of stakeholders over
carefully, using the sponsor whom you have no direct control (or know
where necessary. nothing about), such as line managers,
colleagues, and suppliers. If they work
remotely, it may take even more time and
effort to forge trust, communicate a clear
vision, and keep everyone aligned.


ASSURANCE SPECIALISTS Buyers procure Often, end users
In larger projects, In many projects, or commission are represented
a separate team success depends projects on behalf by the client, but
may be assigned on the input of a of end users, and there are key
to ensure that small number of they are judged points in most
all the prescribed people with expert primarily on their projects when
methodologies essential skills, ability to source it is helpful to
are carried out high levels of reliable suppliers communicate
properly. (In many crucial access, or and negotiate directly with
smaller projects, personal decision- competitive rates this group.
the sponsor making authority. on contracts.
should do this.)

Being project manager

As a project manager, you will be the central hub around which your
project team is formed. Much of your success will depend on your ability
to make the project something others want to be involved in or, at the
very least, do not want to oppose.

Owning the project

Whether you have been delegated the
Success comes from
role of project manager, or you sold building diverse individuals
an idea upwards to someone capable
of sponsoring it, you are likely to have
into a strong team and
demonstrated personal and managerial motivating them to produce
competence and commitment to the
change under consideration.
quality results within the
“Competence” and “commitment” requisite timeframes
are the sorts of solid but colourless
words often found in management
books. However, the last thing a project
manager can afford to be is colourless. Selling the idea
Indeed, the best project managers are a To be fully convincing as a project
paradoxical combination of “larger than manager, you must first be convinced
life” – self-confident, decisive, creative, of the value of the initiative under
and engaging – and self-effacing: down consideration yourself. If you do not
to earth, hands on, and keen to learn believe the results are attainable, or
from other members of their team and are lukewarm about their value, you are
promote their contributions. unlikely to make the sacrifices or identify
the creative solutions required when the
going gets tough – as it almost invariably
will at some point. Furthermore, you
must be able to communicate your
enthusiasm to others and have the
Tip confidence to stand up to opposition
PLAY DEVIL’S ADVOCATE both inside and outside the project
Anticipate opposition by thinking
team. Conversely, you must be a good
through possible criticisms of
listener – able to sift through the
your project and coming up with
opinions of others and take on their ideas
effective counter-arguments so
whenever they improve the quality of
that you are well prepared to
outcome or the likelihood of success.
tackle negative views.

Taking on responsibility treat every member of the team the

To be an effective project manager, same, irrespective of their seniority,
you must have a balance of task- and personality, and location (whether in your
people-related skills. While your office or working remotely). You also need
ultimate aim is to deliver a result, excellent time management and personal
success comes from building organization, so that you can think beyond
diverse individuals into a strong immediate distractions or crises to
team and motivating them to provide proactive leadership to other
produce quality results within members of the team. While it is
the requisite timeframes. Often, important to have at least some
you will achieve this through understanding of the technical
personal determination, creativity, aspects, your management role
and powers of persuasion. At a is to provide the decision-making,
deeper level, you also need the planning, and leadership skills
moral courage and integrity to outlined in this book.

Am I ready to manage this project? YES NO

1 Do I have a clear idea of who the end users are in my project

and what the world looks like through their eyes? .............................

2 Do I understand what is required of this project and why? ................

3 Do I care about the outcome enough to make personal

sacrifices to achieve it? .......................................................................

4 Am I confident I can deliver it given the constraints of cost

and time? ..............................................................................................

5 Am I prepared to take risks and back my own judgement

where necessary? ...............................................................................

Working with your sponsor

The relationship between the project manager and the sponsor
is the foundation upon which the whole project is built. Both must
have the same understanding of what constitutes success and
should have established a relationship of trust that enables each
to share issues and concerns with the other as soon as they crop up.

Engaging the sponsor Meeting your sponsor

Your sponsor should be the individual Your first meeting with the sponsor
(rather than the group, committee, or of your project is a key moment of
team) who owns the resources required influence. This meeting should not be
to make the project successful and just about the detail of the project, but
will act as the final arbiter of success. it should also establish how you and
This will be based partly on hierarchical the sponsor will work together to
seniority and partly on personal authority. make the project succeed.
Effective sponsorship is one of the key Give high priority to agreeing the
determinants of your success, so a wise communication channels and escalation
project manager invests time and effort, procedures – these will outline how
firstly in selecting the right person – if and when to involve the sponsor when
you have a choice; secondly in forging the things go wrong. In larger projects,
right relationship; and thirdly in providing key team members such as a senior
the sponsor with the information and user or technical specialist may also
arguments he or she needs to defend be invited to attend this initial meeting
or champion the project as necessary. with the sponsor.

In focus
CHOOSING YOUR OWN A sponsor who keeps up to date
PROJECT SPONSOR with your progress and is aware
If you are in a position to choose of potential or actual issues will be
your sponsor, your goal should well placed to make decisions or
be to achieve just the right help you overcome any opposition
balance between authority and or obstacle to the project without
accessibility. While it is generally the need for extensive briefing.
helpful to have as senior a You need to be able to consult your
sponsor as possible, you also sponsor quickly when things go
need someone for whom the wrong and feel comfortable that
project is significant enough to you are more than just one
command their active interest. commitment among many.

How to forge a good sponsor-manager relationship

Be clear on your
own role: this will Find out from them
give the sponsor what information is
confidence that required, when or how
you are the right frequently it is needed,
person for the job. and in what format.

Express clear
expectations to ensure Use examples
you set a worthwhile and scenarios
“contract” upon which to to agree how you
build your relationship. should interact
when things
go wrong.

Ask about your

Take time to sponsor’s past
establish personal projects and project
rapport with managers, to
the sponsor. establish their style
of working and likes
and dislikes.

Identifying poor sponsorship

Beware the sponsor who cancels or postpones Tip
your meetings at short notice, or who fails to
get your project on to the agenda of key decision- AVOID SURPRISES
making meetings. Quickness to apportion blame, Never try to hide things
or to get unnecessarily embroiled in detail, are that have gone wrong
other indications that your sponsor has become from your sponsor
detached from the aims and progress of your – even if this means
project. Think very carefully about what you admitting a serious
should do and who you might speak to if your mistake on your part.
sponsor’s lack of engagement starts to threaten
the success of your project.

Documenting progress
Standard documents and agreed circulation and sign-off procedures
increase the efficiency of project teams and improve communication,
particularly between sponsor and manager. If your organization does
not yet have guidelines for digital or hard-copy project documents,
you can enhance your reputation considerably by producing your own.

Designing documentation
One of the many advantages of using project
management software or online collaboration
apps (see pp.52–53) is that they help you organize Key documents
your data and present it attractively. They are also Ensure your project
customizable: make sure that any charts, reports, management app integrates
or other documents you create, especially if they data from key project
will be carried over from one project milestone documentation and allows
to the next – or even transferred from project you to manipulate it, if
to project – are clear and consistent. Never necessary. Depending on
underestimate presentation: people are quick thenature of your project,
to judge based on first impressions, and if your this may include:
output looks professional, they will treat you
as such unless you subsequently prove otherwise.

Signing off documents

Tip Document sign-off is a useful way to get
people to take a project seriously and
PROTECT DATA most project management software
Data breaches can allows you to do this digitally. If people
be expensive and are good at delivering on promises,
even lead to legal sign-off may not be needed – be guided
action, so keeping by your company culture. With external
your documents safe clients or where a firmer line is required,
is paramount. Make a sign-off policy is most easily achieved
regular backups and if you implement it from the start.
ensure your team Your software will save the signed-off
understands how version along with previous versions for
breaches happen, reference. If you are not using software
how to prevent them, and are storing documents on company
and follow agreed servers or in the cloud, number each
security measures. version manually.

Mandate: agreement of the need for the project and its aims.
Brief: a description of the issue to be resolved or the
opportunity to be exploited.

Project Initiation Document (PID): defines what the project
must deliver and why.
Business case: the financial figures behind the opportunity.
Risk log: a record of all risks and approaches to resolution.

Schedule and resource plans: the plan in detail, including
completion dates and resource requirements.
Quality plan: what processes will be monitored, and how.

Changes to scope: agreed modifications to the original brief.
Milestone reviews: progress against schedule and budget.
Quality reviews: confirmation that processes are being followed.

User Acceptance Test (UAT): reports and sign-offs from end
users at all levels.
Implementation schedule: the plan for how the project will
be handed over to end users.

Post-implementation review: assesses what the project
has delivered.
Lessons learnt review: how things could have been done better.
Setting up
a project
A successful project depends on clear thinking
in the preparatory stages. The initiation and
definition phases of the project management
process build on each other to establish precisely
what the project is expected to deliver to the
end users, while the planning phase sets out
how this is to be achieved.

Initiating the project

The aim of the initiation phase is to set out the reasons for a project
and the context in which it will run. As project manager your aim
in this phase is to secure the briefing, backing, and resources you
need from your sponsor to begin a detailed evaluation of the work
to be undertaken.

Agreeing the brief

The first step in the initiation phase is to establish that both
you and your sponsor view success in the same terms – both
the result to be achieved and the way you will work together to
achieve it. Based on these discussions the project mandate and
brief can be drawn up. These should document, respectively,
the business opportunity or issue to be addressed, and some
outline thoughts on how this might best be done. The initiation
phase should end with the sponsor signing off the brief and
allocating resources that allow you to move into the
definition and planning phases of your project.

Establish that both you and your

sponsor view success in the same
terms – both the result to be achieved
and the way you will work together
Getting the right support
The type of support you need from your sponsor
during this phase will to a degree be dependent
on where the idea for the project came from.
• Top-down initiation In most organizations,
targets for future development and plans for a
variety of initiatives become projects undertaken
by operational managers. In this kind of “top-down”
initiation, the sponsor delegates the execution of
the project to you. This is a critical point for you: do
not let nerves or excitement cloud your judgement
of what you need at this stage. You can expect strong
support from above, but also need to secure a very
clear brief of what is expected of the project.

In focus

If you identify an opportunity
requiring more resources
than you personally can muster,
your first step should be to target
a suitable sponsor and pitch
of projects have actively your idea. Your presentation
should identify the size of the
engaged executive sponsors opportunity and be supported
by hard evidence. Think about
the questions your sponsor
• Bottom-up initiation Not all the best might ask. Prepare well: there
ideas come from those at the top of are unknowns and risks in
an organization; those closest to any project, so your sponsor’s
the customer may be first to spot decision will be based as much
commercial opportunities. Successful on your credibility as the strength
projects initiated from the “bottom up”, of the idea. Even if you do not get
by people who end up managing them, sponsorship for this idea, you
indicate a very healthy corporate culture. can enhance your prospects
It shows that those at more junior levels of getting future projects
are having initiative rewarded with real sponsored if you have put
responsibility – and this represents an a well-argued case forward.
opportunity that should be seized. Your
advantage in this case is that you will be
highly motivated, with a very clear idea
of what you want to achieve and how this
could be made possible. Your priority is
Your priority is to obtain
to obtain solid support from a sponsor solid support from a
who is fully behind the project so that
you can go on to deliver results that
sponsor who is fully
justify his or her confidence in you. behind the project

Building a project team

One of the most important functions of a project manager is to build
and maintain the “team dynamic”. By giving your project a strong
and positive identity, and creating a rewarding environment in
which to work, you make it more likely that people will give you
that “extra 10 per cent” that dramatically increases the quality
of their contribution and makes them easier to manage.

Putting a team together

An effective project manager builds a team with a
strong sense of identity. This is often more challenging
in small teams than in those with a high profile and fully
dedicated members. Start by taking time to select the
right people, with input from the sponsor (see pp.18–19).
Base your decisions on availability and relevant skills/
knowledge/contacts, but also take personality “fit” and
motivation into account. Be aware that today’s tech
tools allow for much more seamless long-distance
collaboration, so don’t be afraid to cast a wide net.
Stakeholder analysis (see pp.32–33) can be a useful
tool for assessing potential candidates and finding the
best way to manage them. Make a personal approach
to each person selected and request their participation.
Don’t beg – simply explain why you have selected them
and the benefits they can expect for getting involved.

Getting started anything your team members particularly

Hold an initial meeting with all project like or dislike about project teamwork, and
team members. It is helpful to have the what their hopes and concerns are. Talk
sponsor present for a proportion of a with them about how project decisions
“kick-off” meeting, but you will enhance (particularly in relation to deadlines) will
your authority as the project manager be made; how the team will acknowledge
if you are the one to arrange and chair success; what to do if people fail to deliver;
the meeting. (If you lack the authority and how conflicts will be resolved.
to do this, you may struggle to manage Make sure any remote team members
the group in the long run.) Discuss team feel just as involved: ensure they can
roles and ground rules for your project attend the meeting virtually, get copies of
before getting into the detail of the task any documents you distribute and, above
to be undertaken. Find out if there is all, have the opportunity to be heard.

Members of your Developing identity

A strong team is built on a strong identity.
team will take greater Give your project a name, but beware of
“ownership” of your choosing anything too clever – the best
names are generally low key, with
project if they feel an positive connotations, offering a useful
important part of it shorthand reference for the project.
Create a team location, be it a building,
room, desk, or notice board, or a virtual
location on the intranet or web. Make
it somewhere that information can be
displayed and progress checked, and
give people reasons to frequent it.

Select the right people, with

input from the sponsor
Members of your team will take greater
“ownership” of your project if they feel
as if they are an important part of it.
Involve them in production of the work
schedule, risk analysis, and problem
solving. Establish the “soft” success
criteria, relating to teamwork, morale,
personal behaviour, and learning, in
addition to the hard criteria set out
in your project definition.

Creating a strong team YES NO

1 Do my team know one another? .........................................................

2 Do they respect one another? .............................................................

3 Do they know how their roles fit together? ........................................

4 Have they agreed the standards to which they

will hold one another accountable? ....................................................

5 Do they acknowledge my role as project manager? ..........................


Analyzing stakeholders
The various stakeholders in your project – from the sponsor to each
individual internal team member – all view it from very different
perspectives. Analysis of each stakeholder’s attitude towards
your project, and degree of influence within it, can be a useful
part of the process by which a team is put together and managed.

Identifying key players

All projects have multiple stakeholders. Some will INFLUENCE
be more important than others, either because of
their involvement in delivering elements of the work,
or because they are influential in the environment Significant influence;
where the work is being produced or will be deployed. cannot always be
Stakeholder analysis allows you to identify the influenced by you
most important people in your project and decide
where to invest time and resources. It should lead to
a communication plan aimed initially at canvassing
opinion and then providing the right people with Marginal influence;
timely information throughout the project’s lifecycle. cannot always be
influenced by you

Stakeholder analysis allows you to

identify important people and decide Influence equal
to you
where to invest time and resources
Performing the analysis
Consider every stakeholder in your project in Significant influence;
relation to two scales – influence and attitude. can be influenced
Rate each person or group according to their by you
influence within the project, and whether they can
be influenced by you as the project manager. Next,
rate them on their attitude towards the project. Use
Marginal influence;
the matrix on the facing page to mark the desired
can be influenced
and actual position of stakeholders. The blue figures
by you
show the current positions of stakeholders you wish
were more committed, so consider what you need
to do to improve the situation. The red figure is
neutral, but is unlikely to be influenced by you,
so does not require action.

Influencing stakeholders the project may have to be abandoned.

As a general rule, you are unlikely Your relationship with the sponsor, and
to be able to move strongly negative his or her position in your organization,
stakeholders to the positive side, but may be very helpful. You need to have
it may be possible to neutralize their the confidence to address senior or
opposition. Where there is opposition challenging stakeholders directly, but
from an especially powerful stakeholder also the wisdom to know when this may
or group of stakeholders, steps may have be counterproductive and a situation is
to be taken to reduce their influence or better addressed by involving the sponsor.

Stakeholder analysis matrix

Wholly Generally Neutral Generally Actively

committed positive opposed opposed

Defining the details

Before committing significant resources, you must have agreement on
what your project should produce, by when, and using what resources.
While the brief should have identified the rationale and broad strategy
behind a project, the next step is to define the scope of the project –
precisely what will be handed over to the end users on completion.

Asking for input

In broad terms, defining the scope
of your project is done by asking the
right people the right questions in
the right way, and recording your
findings clearly. Consider the most
important players in your project,
identified in your stakeholder analysis:
which of these have key roles in defining
what the project must deliver? Time
invested discussing the project brief
with stakeholders, particularly the
client and end users, is rarely wasted.
The views of the sponsor are a good
starting point – if your project required
an initiation phase, you will have
already obtained these from the
mandate and the brief.

Think carefully about the
questions you ask your client.
If you can get him or her to
say “That’s a great question!”
you will have helped uncover
a new perspective, and
transformed your status
from supplier to partner.

Speaking directly
Clients and end users should have
significant input into the scope of your
project, but also consider those people
with whom they interact, such as anyone
who manages the end users or who will
support them in areas relating to your
project after implementation. It may of attendees value
also be helpful to speak to anyone who
will be responsible for maintaining the
meetings in which
product, capability, or facility that your
project will deliver.
they can contribute

Defining the scope of

your project is done by
asking the right people
the right questions
in the right way

Time invested discussing

the project brief with
stakeholders is rarely wasted

Gathering information
Focused and well-structured conversations
not only deliver useful information from
stakeholders, but can also build your credibility
with the client. Generally speaking, it is best to
have these discussions face-to-face, or by
video call, as this allows you to assess each
person’s understanding of, and commitment of organizations are likely
to, the project. Although your primary purpose
is to uncover the information you need to
to deliver projects that
create a clear scope, in-depth questioning
often exposes hitherto unexplored aspects of
meet their original goal
people’s work to scrutiny. This can sometimes and business intent
be resented, so tread carefully, but be brave
enough to continue lines of questioning that
are uncovering useful information.

In-depth questioning often

exposes hitherto unexplored
aspects of people’s work to
scrutiny – be courageous
enough to continue lines
of questioning that are
uncovering useful information

Understanding your client features of the end product. In cases

Your first aim should be to establish where the client does not know what
how well your client understands the they want, avoid asking direct questions
situation surrounding your project and about the scope, as this is likely to
the benefit they expect it to deliver. confuse and could lead to frustration,
Inexperienced project managers embarrassment, and conflict. This
sometimes make the mistake of trying would not be the ideal start to a crucial
to zero in too quickly on what the client relationship that should become a
sees as the essential and desirable central axis of the project team.

Asking the right questions to define the scope

○ How will it be used?

HOW? ○ How long will it be in service for?

○ Where will it be used?

WHERE? Physically, and in what context?
○ Where is this in our list of priorities?

○ Who are the end users?

WHO? ○ Who will support it?
○ Who will manage it?

○ When will it be used?


○ Why is the result required?

WHY? ○ Why doesn’t it exist already?

○ What is the problem to be fixed?

○ What would be the impact of not fixing it?
○ What exactly is the result required?
○ What has been tried before?

Understanding the scope of your project YES NO

1 Do you have a clear idea of the objective of your project

– what it is intended to achieve? .........................................................

2 Do you know why this is important? ...................................................

3 Do you know how and when it will be achieved? ...............................

4 Have you determined who will be involved? ......................................

5 Have you identified the deliverables for your project? ......................

6 Have you obtained enough information to allow your

sponsor to make a decision on whether to proceed? ........................

Prioritizing features If the sequence of questions

In most projects, as you go through
the definition process you will identify does not lead to one of your
a number of features required of the
end result. Some will be essential,
organization’s strategic goals
while others are “nice to have”. In within five steps, the project
order to highlight where clashes
exist, take each feature in turn and
may not be worth pursuing
create designs based on that alone;
then consider the results with the client
and develop a definition that delivers the
perfect mix of features to the end user.

Set a “Fit for Purpose Baseline”
– the minimum that your
project can deliver and still
be deemed a success.

Adding creativity Recording the scope

As part of the definition phase of your The investigations you undertake during
project, it is worth considering how it the definition phase are to enable you to
could be transformed from delivering generate a detailed Project Information
a “fit for purpose” solution to being a Document (PID). This is an expansion of
project that catches the eye for creativity the brief, incorporating all the additional
and elegance. This need not take much information you have gathered from
time; the main thing is to suspend discussions with stakeholders. The PID
judgement on ideas and have some fun. is the document on which the sponsor
Then change your mindset and assess will make a decision on whether to
what additional perspectives your commit significant resources to the
creative musings have uncovered. Try project. Once signed off, it becomes a
to identify more than one option – even binding agreement between the sponsor,
when there is an obvious solution. Take the project manager, and the client, so
time to consider at least three possible its format and content are of paramount
approaches (one of these might be “do importance. The information in the PID
nothing”). Your aim should be to find one needs to be easily accessible, so don’t
way to make your project exciting and include more than is necessary for the
different for your end users or your team. size and complexity of your project.


A simple but surprisingly powerful
technique for establishing the link
between a project and your organization’s key strategic
objectives is to ask the client why they want what the
project delivers. Insist that they answer this question
beginning with the words “in order to”. Then take the
answer they give and ask them why that is important; again, insist
on “in order to”. Repeat this process for as many times as it takes to
connect your project to your organization’s main business strategy.
As a rule of thumb, if the sequence of questioning does not lead to
one of your organization’s strategic goals within five steps, then the
project may not be worth pursuing.

Developing a business case

Every project will represent an investment in time, effort, and
resources, so a key question to address during the definition phase
is: “Is this project worth it?” The business case for a project weighs
up two factors: the cost of undertaking the project and the benefits
it is likely to deliver.

Weighing up costs running from company offices, the

When assessing the potential costs additional staff costs should be included
of your project, make sure you only but the accommodation costs should
take future costs into account – past not. Your assessment should include
expenditures are irrelevant in deciding any costs relating to the involvement
whether to take the project forward. of your internal team – often known as
Only include incremental costs in your an invisible cost as no money changes
assessment: those that change as a hands – and out-of-pocket costs, which
result of the project being undertaken. are those that will be paid outside
For example, if your project requires your organization, such as the cost of
that you hire two extra staff but is materials or sub-contracted services.

of organizations do not
regularly complete
projects on budget


Dos Don’ts
○ Using the sponsor’s financial ○ Basing your business case
advisors to put together your on your own gut feelings
business case and untested assumptions
○ Setting a notional hourly rate ○ Considering internal team
for work done by internal costs a “free” resource when
team members, especially additional or unplanned work
technical specialists has to be done
○ Including contingency funds in ○ Deciding to ignore potential risks
your cost assessment, to allow and take the chance that nothing
for unexpected outlays will go wrong

Work with experts to put your
business case together, but
make sure you understand the
basis on which they have done
this well enough to form a view
on what they have produced.

Assessing benefits
While it is often easy to identify the Projected benefits can rarely be
“change” your project will deliver, it guaranteed and so any complete
may be more difficult to quantify the cost/benefit analysis should contain
nature, scale, and timing of the benefit. an assessment of what could go wrong
As a rule, the benefits from a project and the effect of this on the overall
should be aligned with at least one of outcome. While your aim should be to
the organization’s strategic goals (such put a percentage figure on the likelihood
as increasing revenue or reducing costs, for the project delivering the intended
for example) if it is to proceed. Consider benefit, this is always a judgement based
also the point at which the benefits can on incomplete information. In the end
be expected. In some cases, a smaller it is your sponsor’s job to make the
return earlier is preferable to a larger decision, but it must be based on
one that will take longer to come in. accurate information provided by you.

Managing risk
Projects, by their nature, are risky, so it could therefore be argued that
your key role as a project manager is to identify, plan for, and manage
risk. Risk analysis is undertaken in the definition phase, but should be
followed by a continuous cycle of management and analysis throughout
the control and implementation phases of your project.

Planning for risk

Initial identification of risk often takes
the form of a Risk Workshop – a group of Dealing with risk
people getting together with the express These are the five ways
intention of identifying and evaluating all of dealing with risk,
the risks in a particular project or phase. as outlined in the
From that point on every review meeting international project
should contain an agenda item on “open” management standard
or “live” risks. As a project manager, the PRINCE2 (see p.12).
risks you should be most concerned with
are those that will have an impact on one
of the three project parameters (time,
cost, or quality).
Risks need to be evaluated with
respect to two criteria: probability (how
likely they are to happen) and impact
(how serious it would be if they do).
Most tasks will contain some element of Recording risk
risk, so you will need to set a threshold For tasks that carry a risk that is above
at which you are going to begin to plan. your threshold for probability and impact,
identify a response in advance, and
monitor progress towards project

completion more carefully than usual.
In all but the smallest projects, risks
should be recorded in a risk log. This
document describes each risk, its impact
and probability, and countermeasures
to deal with it. It can also include the
proximity of the risk (when it will need
of project managers active management) and any early
indicators that the probability of the risk
usually undertake has changed. The contents of the risk log
should be reviewed throughout the
risk management lifecycle of the project.

Have a Plan B that will
achieve the same result
by a different route and
leave future plans intact.

Terminate the risk by doing
things differently. This is not
always a realistic possibility.

Take action to reduce
either the likelihood
or impact of the risk.

See if you can spread the
risk so that the consequences
become less serious (this
is the principle on which
insurance works).

There are some risks that
are considered acceptable
because the cost of dealing
with them is greater than
the increased benefit one
would get from having to
Risks need to be develop countermeasures.

evaluated with
respect to two
criteria: probability
and impact

Planning the project

The production of an accurate and detailed plan is one of the project
manager’s most important responsibilities. However, do not make the
mistake of thinking you should do it on your own. By involving the team
in the planning process you increase their understanding of what has to
be done and generally gain an extra level of commitment to deadlines.

Developing a project plan

The following ten-step Team Planning
technique uses a virtual whiteboard app
(or an analogue flip chart and sticky notes)
to produce a project plan. By following
the process outlined, you will produce
a robust and accurate project plan and
maximize buy-in from those who will be Restate the
instrumental in delivering it. Do the first objective
four steps on your own, getting the team Start by reducing
involved once you have some raw material the objective of your
for them to work on. This reduces the cost project – defined in the
of planning and makes briefing easier as initiation and definition
you have something to show them. process – into a single
statement of intent that
fits on one large
sticky note.

PLANNING REMOTELY everyone to add “sticky notes” and
Virtual whiteboard tools are ideal for agree with comments. Examples
planning meetings, especially for include Miro, Bluescape, InVision,
teams with remote workers, allowing JamBoard, and Lucidspark.

Brainstorm the Brainstorm the Place the tasks

products tasks in order
The products of a plan Tasks are activities or Place the tasks in
are the building blocks actions undertaken by roughly chronological
that, when added individuals or groups that order across the page,
together, deliver that normally require their keeping them in line
project’s end result. presence or participation with the product to
Brainstorm between five for the whole duration. which they are
and 15 products for your Brainstorm the tasks that connected. Where
project on separate need to be done by you and tasks can be done
sticky notes, placing other people to deliver simultaneously, place
them in roughly each of the products, them below one
chronological order writing one task on to one another, and where
down the side of your sticky note – it’s a good they depend on
whiteboard. idea to choose a different one another or on
colour of note from the using the same
ones you wrote the resources, place
products on. Draw them sequentially.
two fields on the bottom Involve the rest of the
half of the sticky note, so delivery team in adding
that you can add extra to and refining this
information later. skeleton plan.

32% of the reasons for project failure

rest in poor estimation in the
planning phase

Confirm the tasks Draw in Allocate times

Step back and look at dependencies to tasks
the logic flow of your between tasks Use the experience of
plan. Involve the A dependency is the your project team to
implementation team in relationship between identify what resources
this step – it can be a two tasks. The most and how much effort will
useful “reality check” common type of be required to complete
on your logic. When dependency is end–start each task. Note: this is
people identify (one task ending before not how long people
modifications to your the next can start). need to complete the
plan, listen carefully Dependency can be task (“Calendar time”),
and incorporate their based either on logic or but how much effort
suggestions, changing on resource. Once you will need to be put in
or adding sticky notes have confirmed all tasks (“Timesheet time”).
as necessary. are represented and that Write the time needed
they are in the right for each task into the
places, draw in arrows bottom right-hand field
to represent the on each sticky note.
dependencies between Where possible, use
the tasks required to the same unit of
complete your project. time throughout.

Once you have confirmed all tasks are represented and

that they are in the right places, draw arrows to represent
the dependencies between the tasks

Assess and Allocate tasks Agree milestones

resolve risks Get your team together and review points
Get input from every and allocate who will do Place one sticky note
member of the project what. People who have (the same colour as
team on what they been allowed to contribute those used for your
consider to be risks. to the plan in the ways project’s products) at
Instruct each member described in steps five to the end of each line of
of the team to place eight will generally have tasks. Now facilitate a
a comment or tag on the already identified the discussion about when
two or three tasks they tasks they would like to people will be able to
consider riskiest. work on, or at least complete their tasks and
Once everyone has placed recognized that they are write specific dates (and
their comments, facilitate the best person to do possibly even times)
a discussion around their certain tasks even if they for when you will
choices, agreeing what don’t want to do them. review progress.
countermeasures to Simply introduce this step If your project is
adopt and who will be by saying to your team: time-critical, begin
responsible for them. “Right, who’s going to do with the deadline and
what?” and then wait for a work back towards the
response. You may be present; if quality or
greeted with silence at cost are critical, begin
first, but gradually people at the present and work
will begin to volunteer for forward. Make sure that
tasks. Record names or people cross-check
initials in the bottom their deadlines
left-hand corner of with other work or
each sticky note. life commitments.

Example of a project plan

In this example, the project is to create PROJECT OBJECTIVE
a report containing the necessary Total time: 32 hours
information for a marketing director to
Deliver: market analysis plus
allocate her budget for the coming year.
It contains three main stages, and a
number of smaller steps that need To: marketing director
to take place within this framework. In order to: allow her to decide
As is often the case in projects, how to spend next year’s budget
various processes need to take place
concurrently as well as consecutively.

Meet with Carry out desk

marketing director research
INTERNAL to confirm strategic
REVIEW priorities
Alan 4 hours Alan, 8 hours

Select market
research agency
Priya 5 hours

Write background
section of report

Alan 4 hours
of organizations
mostly or always
complete projects
on time

Conduct market

Agency 2 weeks

Analyze market- Write final draft Present to

research findings report and prepare marketing director
and decide on key presentation

Alan, 6 hours Alan 4 hours Alan, 1 hour

Ali, Ali

Estimating time
Being able to estimate the amount of time required for the tasks and
activities of a project is a key skill for any project manager. Indeed,
in smaller projects that do not have an explicit budget, keeping to
time is likely to be one of the measures of your effectiveness as
project manager.

Getting schedules right Involving the team

In most cases, estimating task times In most small projects, and certainly
with any degree of accuracy requires where many projects run side by side,
a combination of experience and the challenge is not to estimate how
common sense. However, this much effort tasks will take, but how much
presupposes that you have correctly time someone needs to complete a task
identified the task. When projects are alongside their other work. Involve team
late, it is often because activities have members who will be performing critical
not been thought through or recorded tasks in your decision-making process.
properly, so what seemed like a very Ask each person for their estimation of
straightforward task (such as getting a the amount of time they will need to be
decision from the finance department, able to complete a certain task, given
for example) gets estimated as a their other commitments. Be prepared to
single event rather than a number of challenge these estimates if you disagree,
small but significant and connected but beware of putting undue pressure
steps, each taking time and effort. on people to reduce them.

How to estimate the time required

Break down Ask people Seek advice Use a time

tasks until how long it from those estimation
you know will take to who have formula.
precisely who carry out done similar
is doing what. their tasks. tasks before.

Using time estimation Use the following formula to

formulae estimate the most probable
Different organizations, industries, duration for that activity (Te):
and sectors employ different models
or formulae to estimate time. At first To + 4Tm + Tp
sight they always seem mathematical, Te =
but in most cases their effectiveness 6
is psychological – either overcoming
aversion to estimating, or encouraging The formula can be weighted
more careful thought in those who towards pessimism – if the
tend to rush in. consequences of a late completion
Perhaps the most widely known of a particular task are severe,
is the PERT formula (Project for example – by reducing
Evaluation and Review Technique). the Tm multiplier and adding
To use PERT you need three estimates a Tp multiplier:
of the time it could take to complete
a task or activity: To + 3Tm + 2Tp
Te =
• The most likely time required (Tm) 6
• The most optimistic time
assessment (To)
• The most pessimistic time
assessment (Tp)

Representing the plan

Once created, your project plan should become your main point of
reference for managing progress during the control phase of the
project. It is a living document, and expect it to go through several
iterations to keep up with changing circumstances and to take
account of incorrect estimates of time or cost.

Finding the right system If your project requires you to compare

Once you have developed your project multiple plans, calculate the impact of
plan, you will have a better idea of the changes, or test variances, invest in
kind of project-management software you specialist project management software
need. There are many types available, each that will do this automatically.
with its own strengths and weaknesses. Also consider compatibility with
Choosing the right tool or tools depends the documents your team already uses
on the size and complexity of your project, day-to-day and where these are stored –
and how your team will be collaborating. whether in the cloud or on the company
Some online software is weighted towards network. Finally, think about the user
constant communication, with chat experience: go for something intuitive to
channels and video calling – useful when use if stakeholders only need occasional
close collaboration is key; other types access, and make sure the system you
provide sophisticated tools for document select isn’t so complex that it gets in
management or workflow automation. the way of managing the project itself.

What are my requirements? YES NO

1 What aspects of the plan will I need to analyze and when? ...............

2 In what circumstances will I need to present or discuss

the plan? ..............................................................................................

3 How often will it need updating? ........................................................

4 Who else needs to have access to the plan? .......................................

5 Have you identified the deliverables for your project? ......................

6 What representation will be most easily accessible

and understood by the team? .............................................................

Choosing software



Specialist project ○ Robust feature set for ○ “Occasional” project

management software heavyweight project managers may find
Ideal for a niche project management interfaces
environment where ○ Shows dependencies complicated
people are familiar with between tasks ○ Over-sophisticated for
its use and can intuitively ○ Integrates schedule, small projects
read all formats and budget, and ○ Does not readily
representations. resource plans integrate project and
Examples: LiquidPlanner, ○ Calculates critical day-to-day work
Wrike, Monday.com path and resources ○ Can be expensive

Online collaboration tools ○ Many features to ○ May not be powerful

Useful for simpler, support remote enough for highly
smaller projects where team working complex projects
communication, ○ Clean, convenient ○ Project management
integration with day-to- interfaces features may require
day work, and budget ○ Flexible and relatively app integration
are key considerations. easy to customize ○ If you outgrow
Examples: Asana, Trello, ○ Some are tablet or the free basic tier,
Microsoft Teams, Slack smartphone-friendly premium plans can
be expensive
○ Some lack time-
tracking and reporting

Regular office software ○ Widely available and ○ Requires specialist

Your day-to-day suite of familiar to project knowledge to
office tools or a simple stakeholders represent more
cloud-based app may ○ Flexible for smaller complex information
meet your needs. projects (such as showing the
Examples: Microsoft ○ Spreadsheets allow relationships between
Office 365, Google calculation of tasks graphically)
Workspace durations and costs ○ Not good at showing
○ Ideal for small critical path, resource
projects with no plans, or budgets
cash budget ○ Few, if any, social
functions for
remote working
Managing work
in progress
Management during the control phase, once a
project is under way, requires a sophisticated
skill-set that includes team leadership,
delegation and communication, budget
and schedule management, and high
performance under pressure.

Making time for the project

Project management is rarely a full-time role, except in large or
specialist organizations. Finding time for longer-term work is often
one of the biggest challenges faced by managers of smaller projects,
especially when the planning stage ends and hands-on work begins.

Recognizing your priorities

Most modern approaches to time Tip
management address our tendency to
prioritize urgency over importance when TRACK YOUR TIME
deciding what to do on a day-to-day basis. Online calendars and to-do list
While the ability to react to unforeseen apps are useful digital tools
events and problems is essential, being for organizing your team’s and
purely “reactive” damages productivity, your own time. But for added
reduces the quality of results, and not insight, consider a dedicated
least is stressful for you. time-management app such
As a project manager your focus as RescueTime or Toggl Track,
has to be further ahead than the which track your computer
immediate; hence the emphasis on activity and analyze productivity.
definition and planning, on proactive
communication with all stakeholders,
and on risk analysis.

Managing your time YES NO

1 Do you allocate “interruption-free” time in your diary, when you

get away from your desk and turn off your email and phone, for
tasks that require uninterrupted thought? .........................................

2 Do you factor reactive time – spent responding to emails

and phonecalls and attending ad-hoc meetings – into your
day-to-day planning? ..........................................................................

3 Do you discourage reactive requests? ...............................................

4 Do you delegate work early and effectively? .....................................

5 Do you ensure, where possible, that meetings begin on time

and stick to the agenda? .....................................................................

Finding your focus

Finding time to focus on the big picture is • Integrate project tasks with your
the key to integrating your long-term role day-to-day tasks and diary. Do this
and responsibilities with the short-term by recording them on the same list
demands of your project. and ensuring they are broken down
• Start with a plan: begin every to around the same size. If the
day by spending five to ten minutes average task size on your “to do”
getting a handle on your agenda for list is 15–30 minutes, for example,
that day. Identify time already allocated don’t have project tasks of four hours
to meetings and other fixed tasks. in length – they won’t get done.
Allocate time to the tasks you plan • Motivate yourself to do longer-term
to do off your “to do” list. Plan in tasks every day. Set yourself a goal
enough flexibility to deal with the of doing one longer-term task per day
unexpected, and at least one review on each of your projects, or one task
point at which you can check your preparing for the next deliverable (i.e.
direction and make adjustments. not the current one) on every project.

Begin every day

by spending five
to ten minutes
getting a handle
on your agenda
for that day

Delegating effectively
Set time aside on a regular basis to plan which tasks and activities can
be delegated to others. This may not be restricted to project tasks: in
order to have the time for project management, you may find that you
have to delegate other parts of your job, too.

Getting delegation right Overcoming barriers

Successful delegation is not always easy,
especially if you are managing a small project
to delegation
within a multi-project environment. As the
manager of a small project you can expect
to find yourself delegating longer-term
tasks to busy people who may only have
partial understanding of what you are trying
to achieve, and for whom your project is a
relatively low priority. When deciding which
tasks and activities to delegate, take time to
consider the benefits you could expect from
delegating a particular task, and the blocks
that you would need to overcome. Once you
have identified potential opportunities for
delegation, clarify the specifics of how you
could achieve them by asking yourself:
• What is the required outcome or deliverable
from delegating this task?
• Why is this important?
• How will it be used and when is it
required by?
• What constraints are there on how the
result can be achieved?
• What could go wrong?
• Who should I delegate this task to?
• Why should they do it?
• What objections might I need to overcome?
• What help will they need?
• What level of authority can they handle?

Take time to consider
The best way to learn
the benefits you
how to delegate is to could expect from
have someone who
delegates effectively delegating a
to you. Note the attitudes particular task,
and behaviours that
overcome or bypass and the blocks that
resistance, and use them
when you delegate.
you would need
to overcome
Try to make quick decisions FIGHT GUILT
as to who to approach and what Nice people don’t like
precisely has to be done, and don’t delegating unpleasant
procrastinate about approaching tasks. However, most
the sponsor if their involvement effective leadership
is required. requires a hard head
as well as a soft heart.

Think ahead, so you
don’t discover tasks
that have to be done
when it is too late to
ask anyone else
to do them.

of employees
Fight any feelings that delegated tasks burnout on
will not be done properly or on time, that
your delegation request will be rejected,
the job at least
or that you will be shown up by someone sometimes
doing a job better than you.

Preparing to delegate possible: it is preferable to have three

Where possible, delegate straight from weeks’ warning of a deadline, rather
the plan: as soon as you have identified than three days. Warn people of
a task that needs to be done, select impending delegation, even before
someone to do it. If they are present you are clear on what you want done.
when the task is identified, use that Brevity is of the essence and it’s not
moment to pass responsibility to them. a bad idea to use a standard format
Give delegatees as much warning as for this “heads-up message” (see left).

Setting the details

How to compose a Arrange a formal meeting to describe
heads-up message the details and parameters of the task
to the delegatee. It is vital to the success
of the task that your colleague has fully
DEFINE THE SCOPE OF THE TASK understood and is committed to what
Give a general description of the task they have been asked to do. Ask open
to be delegated, e.g. “I’ve got some questions, such as “How do you plan
figures I need you to analyze.” to do this?” This will give you a good
idea about their level of understanding,
but it can be quite challenging for
SET A TIMEFRAME the delegatee to answer without
Describe when work is likely to start time to reflect.
and when it will be needed, e.g. “I will
brief you on Monday for a deadline
on Friday. The task should take
about four hours.” Part one Describe what
is required, by when, at
what cost; why it is required;
ASK THE DELEGATEE TO PREPARE the context of what is required,
Let the person know what they can including any restrictions on
be doing to prepare themselves for methods. By giving people
the work, e.g. “Can you set aside that whole jobs or the context of
amount of time next week?” the job you will increase
their motivation and
leading to a
good result.
Give a time and a place for a
delegation meeting, e.g. “Let’s
set up a video call for Monday at
10am. Please check your diary.”

In focus
GIVING FEEDBACK in inexact answers, such as:
Longer-term delegation benefits “Oh, fine!”, and almost invariably
greatly from formal (diarized) lead to problems at completion
review and follow-up sessions. with missed deadlines or partial
Follow the adage: “People don’t do delivery. When reviewing work,
what you expect – they do what accept what is good enough,
you inspect!” Ad-hoc checking is don’t criticize irrelevant details.
generally sloppy and inefficient – Accept that a task may have been
in fact, imprecise questions such done differently to how you would
as: “How are things going?” result have done it.

Holding a split meeting

Organize your delegation meeting in two
parts with a “gap” to give the delegatee time
to reflect before explaining how they will
approach their task:

Gap Give your colleague time for Part two Ask your colleague
reflection alone. Create the gap to brief you on any modifications
with a statement such as: “Let me that should be made to the goal
get us a cup of coffee while you stay (where appropriate); the way they
here and have a think about the plan to approach the task; what help
task. When I come back you can they will need from you; and when they
tell me how you’re going to go would like to review progress. Once
about doing it and what help the task is complete, give your
you’ll need from me.” colleague feedback and pass a
summary to the relevant manager
where appropriate.

Maintaining momentum
Project work often requires effort over a prolonged period with
little to show for it, so maintaining motivation can be a challenge.
Procrastination is an ever-present danger, particularly on tasks
that require high levels of concentration or challenging conversations
with colleagues or clients.

Motivating yourself
Before you can start to motivate your team,
you first have to motivate yourself; if you are not
Decide what one
enthusiastic there is little chance that others will thing you will do
be. Do this by a combination of revisiting the end
result – reminding yourself of its value and what it immediately to
will be like to achieve it – and monitoring progress. progress the task
Be sensitive to the first signs of procrastination
and act quickly to ensure internal resistance – and then do it
is never given the chance to build up.

Begin by tackling as many quick
REWARD YOURSELF tasks as possible, even if they
are not the most important –
Write a to-do list and focus this will give you a sense of
on one task at a time. When achievement and keep
you have completed a task, you motivated.
reward yourself.

Beating mental blocks an immediate rise in energy which,

Sometimes you can reach a point of near coupled with an increased understanding
paralysis on a task. If this happens, try of the task, enables them to get over
using this technique for re-energizing what had built into an insurmountable
yourself: take a blank piece of paper and hurdle in their mind.
write the task on it. Then write for three
minutes continuously about the task.
Keep the pen moving, and jot down
anything that comes to mind: why the Tip
task needs to be done; why you haven’t
done it; who else is involved; other ways DON’T PROCRASTINATE
of doing it; and steps for dealing with it. Avoid putting off challenging
Now go through what you have written tasks – every time you do so, you
and highlight any insights or action put a brake on your motivation
points. Decide what one thing you for the project as a whole.
will do immediately to progress the
task – and then do it. Most people report

Challenging decisions and
LARGER PROJECTS actions are often avoided, but
consider what will happen if you
Break down projects that seem
do nothing. Overcome your fear
large and daunting into a series
and begin the task – it will help
of small tasks. Set yourself
build your confidence.
goals and timescales for
each task, and you will soon
complete the project.

Motivating others
Motivating your project team members can be difficult for a number of reasons:
• Long-term deadlines are always in danger of being pushed into the
background by the distractions and crises of the day-to-day workload.
• Non-routine tasks are prone to procrastination.
• Team members may not see a connection between their effort on
tasks, the project achieving its objective, and any benefit to them.
• People with a hierarchical mindset may resent doing work for a project
manager who is less senior than them. Approach such people positively,
but be prepared to escalate a problem as soon as you recognize that dealing
with it will be beyond your capability.
• Team members working remotely can easily become isolated and feel
disconnected from the project.
Take positive steps to motivate your team (see right), but also use your risk
assessment to identify points where momentum may be lost, recording
potential counter-measures in the risk log.

How to motivate your team


of US remote employees
say staying motivated
is a challenge

Break the project down into meaningful products

that can be completed regularly enough to maintain a
sense of progress. Find an engaging way to represent
progress, rather than just marking ticks on a list.

Be open about the possibility of procrastination

and discuss ways to overcome it.

Always delegate in the context of the

overall project.

Schedule regular catch-ups, give people a chance

to air their views, and offer support.

of highly engaged
organizations recognize
staff for a job well done

As the project manager, you are the hub of all communication within
the project team and between the project team and the outside world.
At different stages of the project you will find yourself dealing with
different stakeholders, but the three constant axes of communication
you need to maintain are with the sponsor, the client, and the team.

Engaging your sponsor Communication with the client will

and client tend to be more formal than with the
Communication with the sponsor sponsor. The challenge is often to be
should be characterized by a high level assertive, particularly when requesting
of openness and trust from the start of decisions, access, or information.
the project. Spend time establishing how As with the sponsor, it is important to
your communication will work. Discuss give the client notice of any decisions.
scheduled communication (such as The client relationship can occasionally
diarized review meetings) and agree contain an element of politics,
on when and how you expect ad-hoc particularly if the client is under
communication to take place. Give pressure from members of his or her
warning of any decisions that need to be organization. As a general rule, aim
made and present facts to the sponsor in to do everything you can to make your
a written form for consideration. Record client look good. If it becomes apparent
notes of all meetings, in particular any that this is not possible, use the sponsor
action points. to bypass the obstacle.

Am I a good listener? YES NO

1 Do I quieten my self-talk, so that I can focus on the speaker

and understand his or her perspective? ............................................

2 Do I clarify vague statements, to find out whether what the

person is saying is factually and logically correct? ..........................

3 Do I try to assess how people are feeling, and ask probing

questions to understand what lies behind those emotions? .............

Selecting a medium for your message

Message: simple but Message: complex, with a

emotionally charged, high risk of misunderstanding
possibly requiring action or hurt feelings; need for the
from the recipient recipient to buy in to an idea

and perhaps take action

○ Ad-hoc meeting Medium:
○ Telephone conversation ○ Formal meeting
○ Private instant message chat ○ Video conference
○ Video call

Message: simple, with a low Message: intellectually

risk of misunderstanding or complex but emotionally
hurt feelings; no need for high non-contentious facts
levels of emotional buy in and figures
○ Instant message ○ Email
○ Email ○ Letter
○ Note on the desk
○ Voicemail message


Talking to your team Choosing the method

Maintain an open and honest relationship Care is needed when selecting the
with your team. Keep in regular contact medium by which you will communicate
and listen carefully to concerns. Consider a particular message. Sending a
setting up a dedicated instant messaging sensitive message by email, for
channel for team members to stay in example, means that you run the
touch. In large teams, there is always a risk of causing a potentially damaging
danger of people being left out of the loop misunderstanding with the recipient.
when decisions are made. Ensure email Before pressing “send”, take time to think
distribution lists are up to date and make about your purpose in communicating,
key documents available in one place, what you want the outcome to be, and
either on your network or on an online how “complex” the message is in
file-sharing platform such as Google Drive. emotional and intellectual terms.

Reviewing progress
Getting the team together is much easier and less costly in terms
of time and resources now that everyone is used to video calls.
Well-run review meetings are an essential ingredient in any project,
offering you the opportunity to check past progress and confirm future
direction. They also renew people’s identification with your project team.

Keeping track of progress preparatory reading. At the meeting,

An effective review meeting should start by discussing progress since
be one part of a continuous cycle of your last review, then make decisions
activity. Prior to every meeting, all about what tasks need to be completed
team members should work towards before the next time you meet. Delegate
completing their tasks, and if they specific actions to members of the
fail to do this within the set timeframe, team. Record these actions in “Action
non-completion should be reported minutes”, which should be circulated
to you. Use this information to as soon after the meeting as possible.
formulate and circulate an agenda This will give each individual the best
for the review meeting, with minutes chance of completing their tasks prior
of the last meeting attached as to the next meeting.

Preparing to chair a review meeting YES NO

1 Are you up to date with all aspects of your own project work?
(If your project work is behind schedule, you won’t have the
authority to chase others for theirs.) ................................................

2 Do you know who will be there and how they are doing with
the tasks they have been set? .............................................................

3 If the meeting is taking place virtually, have you checked you can
work the technology and that your backdrop is suitable? .................

4 Are you feeling calm? (If you are stressed, this is likely
to rub off on other people.) .................................................................

5 Are you prepared to challenge people who have not done

what they are committed to, or who are behaving in a
disruptive manner? .............................................................................


Dos Dont’s
○ Sending the agenda for the meeting ○ Holding ad-hoc review meetings
in advance with no preparation
○ Ensuring that agenda items run to ○ Allowing the discussion to wander
time, without having to be rushed and side issues to dominate
○ Allocating action points to ○ Assuming that everyone will know
attendees with agreed deadlines what they have to do
○ Finishing with a discussion about ○ Accepting excuses without
what has been learnt for next time discussing how things can change

Scheduling review meetings

Review meetings can be scheduled as a regular
event – at the same time of every day, for example,
or on the same day of every week or month.
Alternatively, the meetings can be fixed to the
expected delivery date of certain products or to
stages of the project. Both of these approaches
have their strengths and weaknesses: regular
meetings at the same time are more prone to
“game playing” and a lack of concentration among
attendees, but meetings set by the delivery dates
of your project are more difficult to schedule to
ensure that everyone can attend.

During busy periods, hold short “stand-up”
review meetings early in the day, or at a
point when most people would expect to be
taking a break. Insist on a prompt start,
brief contributions, and no deviation from
the main purpose of reviewing progress
and coordinating activity through the
next period.

Managing project
Whether project information exists on paper or as digital files – or
a hybrid of the two – you’ll want to have a good system in place so
the team can readily find information and retrieve the latest version.
Staying on top of this will save you time and stress in the long run.

Planning your system Staying on track

Set up a system to manage your project
documentation as part of the initiation
phase of the project. Whether you use
digital folders on a server or hard copies
of paperwork, there are general steps
to follow. When working online, create
a clear file- and folder-naming protocol
at the start and use it when adding any
new documents to the system. If you’re
working on paper, compile a document
schedule listing the records in your
hard-copy folder in order, and place it at Organizing the contents
the front to save searching through. When Even small projects can generate
you and your sponsor discuss the various large amounts of documentation, so
records required at different points in the plan how you organize folder contents
project, a shared screengrab of your online carefully. Most project- and document-
folder hierarchy or document schedule will management software save past
help to structure the conversation. versions of documents and sync
new versions in real time, allowing
Tip team members to collaborate on files.
If your software doesn’t, put your own
TAG YOUR DOCUMENTS version control in place. Give documents
Whether you’re working with a version number manually and archive
digital or paper files, assign old versions away from information that
different colour tags to different is current and in regular use.
document types (records, Organize in date order documents
contracts, reports, etc) so you that require a specific future action,
and your team can distinguish and use the reminder system in your
between them at a glance. electronic task list or calendar to flag
important dates.
Place a document explaining your online folder hierarchy in a prominent
position and instigate a clear file-naming protocol to help with retrieval
and filing. If you’re working with hard copies, keep a document schedule
at the front of folders, like the index in a book.


Create a diagram – sometimes known as an organogram – setting out
who is doing what in your team and the relationships between different
people and jobs. Include contact information. This allows anyone to see
who they should approach on a particular matter.

Keep a suite of documents that set out the definition of your project.
This may include the mandate, brief, business case, PID, and any
legal contracts or client agreements.


Keep digital or hard copies of these records close to the definition
documents so that the material they contain is always accessed
alongside the original scope to which they refer.


Always ensure that you and your team are working from the most
up-to-date versions of the baseline plan and budget. Archive
intermediate versions elsewhere to avoid confusion.

You will refer to this document almost as often as you do to your
plan and budget, so make sure you keep the risk log up to date,
with constant review.


After adding live action points to online task management to-do lists,
it’s still worth keeping meeting minutes that include significant points
of reference in case questions arise over the decision-making timeline.

Monitoring costs
While it is important for you to monitor the schedule of the project and
maintain focus on the outcome, it is equally vital that you keep track of
the costs your project is incurring. Failure to do so can result in a project
that, while seemingly successful is, in fact, uneconomic.

Managing project accounts How to monitor

Effective cost monitoring throughout
the lifecycle of a project is important invisible costs
for a number of reasons. It enables
you to give the sponsor a true picture Use a timesheet system to
of progress whenever you are asked keep track of time spent by
for it. It reduces risk by ensuring your internal team.
decisions to modify or cancel the
project are taken early. It identifies
Allocate a financial value to the
areas of inefficiency, and it provides
time recorded on the timesheets.
valuable information for planning
future projects. Keeping track of
your costs is also important because
it could highlight theft or fraud. Like Base calculations on the worker’s
any other pot of money, project budgets salary broken down into an
occasionally attract criminal attention. hourly rate.
If you are the person responsible for
controlling expenditure, you may be
Add in the overhead cost of
liable unless you can demonstrate that
employing that person (heating,
you have used suitable procedures for
lighting, office space, etc.)
monitoring costs.

Keeping track of costs come under pressure because of

If you are managing a small project, you inaccurate estimates at the definition
may not have a budget for out-of-pocket stage, additional features added to the
costs – paid to external organizations scope without parallel increases in
for materials or services – but you would the budget, or poor risk management.
do well to keep track of the invisible cost If you are responsible for the budget,
of the work undertaken by your internal ensure you are clear on the reasons
team. Particularly in a multi-project for any unforeseen expenditure before
environment, timesheets provide a authorizing payment. Check the impact
mechanism for charging costs back on other aspects of the budget: are
to the right client or cost centre. Out- you using money for desirable but
of-pocket costs generally attract heavy non-essential features, leaving later
scrutiny. Nevertheless this budget can essential features under-funded?

Cost overruns
Tip Not every cost overrun is serious –
sometimes costs run ahead
DON’T IGNORE of plan simply because work is
HIDDEN COSTS progressing more quickly than
Beware the anticipated. On other occasions,
seductive but you may have underestimated
potentially false the cost of a “one-off” item of
logic: “We don’t expenditure, but feel this is likely
have the budget to be offset by an overestimate
for that, we’ll do elsewhere. The point at which
it ourselves.” even a minor overspend should
be taken seriously is when it
is early warning that you have
underestimated a whole class
of activity upon which the project
depends. Tell the sponsor as soon
as you perceive that unforeseen
costs may require an increase in
the overall project budget. If the
budget is fixed (critical), identify
any non-essential features you
can remove from the scope to
bring costs back in line.

Case study
ADJUSTING TO CHANGE time per file for the first thousand
The property department in a files up to 2 hours 15 minutes. This
law firm won a contract to review would have caused the contract to
6,000 files for a local government overshoot by 12.5 per cent, costing
agency. They priced the job at US$1.5 the firm US$185k in lost revenue.
million based on two hours per file The head of the department
after a start-up period. This proved negotiated secondments from
accurate – experienced team other departments to spread the
members took just under two hours workload, and offered incentives
per file. However, the volume of to raise morale. Thanks to the
work and tight schedule meant that early intervention, productivity
morale dipped and staff turnover returned to less than two hours
increased. The constant need to per file, and the project hit its
induct new staff pushed the average projected profit margin.

Managing changes
to scope
It is sometimes necessary to change or re-scope a project in order
to adapt to circumstances that were not known when you drew up
the definition. You must manage these changes carefully to avoid
any misunderstanding among you, your sponsor, and the client.

In focus Changes happen in

Scope creep such small steps that
The term “scope creep” is a term used
to describe uncontrolled changes to the
they go unnoticed until
scope of a project. It is described as their true impact
“creep” because the changes happen in
such small steps that they go unnoticed
becomes apparent
until their true impact becomes apparent
in the run-up to implementation. Sloppy
project managers sometimes blame
“scope creep” when they fail to deliver
features that they should have spotted in
the initial brief. However, it can also be
caused by clients changing their minds
or trying to get more than they have paid
for in a commercial project.

Common reasons
for changes to a
project’s scope

of projects experience
scope creep
The resources available to the
project change (the budget is cut
or increased, for example, or people
with vital skills are moved out of
or into the project team).


The technology doesn’t work,
for example, or a legal hurdle
cannot be overcome.
It becomes apparent that the
original scope is impossible
to deliver within the set time
NEW PERSONNEL or cost constraints.
The client changes
(a new person comes
in with new ideas).

The client changes
their mind about what New facts or
they want. technological
advances would
enable the project
to deliver valuable
additional benefits
USAGE CHANGE if the scope
The circumstances in which were modified.
the end product will be used
have changed.

of organizations
believe they will
need to be more
agile in the future
to be successful

Defining the change

The golden rule when re-scoping a
project is to agree all changes of scope
in writing with the project sponsor. By
creating a written record of all changes
you create an audit trail that ensures
that you and the sponsor have the same
understanding of what the change is and
why you are making it. Never agree to
a change in scope before carrying out a
full impact assessment, to identify how
other features of the product will be
affected, and developing a costed plan
for how to deliver the change.

million is lost for
every US$1 billion
invested due to poor
project performance

Never agree to a change in

scope before carrying out
a full impact assessment
and developing a costed plan
for how to deliver the change

Communicating change
Communicate changes to all those they can be compared easily and any
involved in the project’s delivery as specific modifications highlighted.
well as those who will receive the end The document should be signed off
product. If your organization does not by the client – to ensure that he or she
have a standard “Changes to Scope” wants the change; by you, to confirm
document format and you decide to that you can deliver it; and by the sponsor
create one, ensure it has a similar format who ultimately has the authority to
to the original scoping document so that sanction the change.
At the end of every project, there comes
a point at which whatever it has produced
needs to be handed over to the end users.
As the culmination of all your efforts, this
should be an exciting time for the project
manager, but there will also be challenges
to face, and careful management is
required to deliver a smooth handover
and a successful outcome.

Implementing the project

Ensuring that the client, the team, and your organization have a positive
experience as your project “goes live” is one of a project manager’s most
important responsibilities. The decisions you make during every phase
of your project’s lifecycle should be with implementation in mind.

Overcoming challenges
Implementation is primarily a client-focused
phase of a project. However, you should also
consider its significance for the end user, the
project team, and your organization. As the project
goes live, end users have to assimilate changes
and come out of their comfort zone, while project
team members have to let go of a project and move of projects in US
on to something new. Your organization simply
wants swift and trouble-free implementation in
order to realize the benefits of their investment. organizations are
Your role as project manager is to help all three
groups deal with these challenges. completed

As the project goes

live, end users have to
assimilate changes
and come out of their
comfort zone

Key actions for successful implementation


Describe the issue to be addressed or opportunity
to be exploited.

Design an end product that satisfies the need identified
in initiation.

Design a communications plan that delivers the information
that different stakeholders need; and ensure the resources
are available for successful implementation.

Ensure all stakeholders are kept informed on progress
and manage people’s expectations.

Present the product in the most positive way possible,
demonstrating an understanding of all stakeholders’ needs.

Plan in time and budget for implementation

activities such as rehearsals, marketing,
training, and change management


○ Conduct research among end users to establish how widespread the issue or
opportunity is.
○ Document findings and, where confidentiality allows, circulate them to those
who contributed.

○ Wherever possible, design the product in consultation with the client/end

user – attribute good ideas to those who offered them.
○ Give an indicative date for implementation.
○ Use prototypes and mock-ups to bring the idea alive both for the client
and the project team.

○ Find out what aspects of progress the stakeholders are interested in and how
frequently they want reports, then create a communications plan to deliver this.
○ Plan in time and budget for implementation activities such as rehearsals,
marketing, training, and change management.
○ Book facilities, equipment, and personnel required for implementation as soon
as you have a launch timetable.

○ Deliver the communications plan, and take advantage of any unexpected

opportunities to promote your project.
○ Find opportunities for listening to stakeholders’ hopes and concerns.
○ Tell all stakeholders about any changes to the product or launch date,
explaining why these have occurred.
○ Create the materials (documentation, guides, manuals, etc.) required
to support implementation.
○ Train those who will support the product once it has gone live.
○ Recruit end users who will test the product as soon as it is ready
for implementation.
○ Plan and rehearse implementation events.

○ Get end users to test what you have produced (User Acceptance Testing).
○ Hold implementation events to roll out the end product.
○ Train or brief end users and distribute supporting documentation as necessary.
○ Get the sponsor to inspect the finished product and sign it off as complete.
○ Hold a celebratory event with the project team.
○ Reassign project personnel, providing feedback to them and their managers
as appropriate.

Preparing for handover

Although the majority of work has been done, projects can sometimes
stall at the implementation stage. You may run out of budget, or lose
members of your team to other projects, or there may be last-minute
changes from the client as they realize that implementation is imminent.
Careful management at this stage ensures that your handover to the end
users goes as smoothly as possible.

Managing the final stages Tip

As a project nears completion, team
members can often feel jaded; the HOLD ON TO YOUR TEAM
novelty that drew them to the project Tell team members that they
in the first place has become a distant are finished on your project
memory. To reinvigorate your team, only when you are absolutely
hold a pre-implementation meeting clear that this is the case.
with all those involved, including clients
and end users wherever possible.
The core purpose of this meeting is to
produce a detailed route map through
to completion, but a well-run meeting
can do wonders for your team’s they are doing but resist the temptation
motivation and focus – especially to step in unless they really cannot do
if they see the client’s enthusiasm what has been asked of them without
for what you are about to deliver. your help. Increase the frequency of
review as you get close to your final date,
Steering the end game but do not allow these meetings to get
Your role in the lead up to implementation in the way of the work they should be
is primarily one of problem solving and doing. A 10-minute “stand-up” meeting
coordination of the activity required for may work best, either in person, or using
the project to “go live”. Check in with a video-conferencing app if you have
all stakeholders, particularly team team members working remotely.
members. Show an interest in what Conference calls also work well.

minutes may be
sufficient time for
review meetings in
the final project stages

Running final tests

For some projects, User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Hold a pre-
is one of the last steps before implementation. implementation
Most frequently found in software development – as
the final technical test of a product – UAT may also be
meeting with all
applied in a variety of situations. The testing is carried those involved,
out by a representative panel of end users, who work
through as many different scenarios as necessary to
including clients
be sure that the product will perform as expected and end users
when it goes live. UAT must not be used to confirm that
the product is what the end users want – that should
have been defined in the project scope and any
subsequent “changes to scope” documents.

How to hold a pre-implementation meeting

Review the original Make a detailed Create a project

scope of your implementation closure checklist,
project, and talk plan, using the with detailed timings
through the plan team planning and responsibilities,
you have used to technique that you in a form that
achieve it. used to generate the can be used to
overall plan. chart progress.

This serves as a Encourage creativity, Make sure everyone

reminder of why and make it your leaves the meeting
the project is business to secure knowing precisely
important and the resources what they have to
highlights how much needed to deliver a do and by when.
has been achieved. successful handover.

Handing the project over

The way in which a project “goes live” varies according to the nature
of its product. With time-critical projects, there is rarely any doubt
about the “go live” point, but where quality is the critical factor,
the opposite is often the case, and it takes a conscious effort to
mark the point at which a project is complete.

Signalling the end point For most projects, implementation

Projects are different to business as should coincide with the transference
usual because they have an end point of responsibility from the project team to
at which they can be declared complete an ongoing support function. The better
and then have their success evaluated. you and your team have managed the
Even if you are the only person working client while the project was underway,
on a project, it is still helpful to mark the more difficult you will find it to get
the “go live” point. This will send a clear them to transfer their allegiance to a new
signal that the project is finished and that group. By marking the “go live” point, you
you and the rest of the project team will make a definitive statement to your client
be moving on. that the time has come for this to happen.

By marking the “go live” point, you make

a definitive statement to your client

Marking “go live” YES NO

1 Have I made a clear declaration to all stakeholders

that the project is complete? ..............................................................

2 Have I clearly signalled to the client and end users that

they are now responsible for the product? ........................................

3 Have I marked the point at which project personnel are

available for other assignments? .......................................................

4 Have I taken the opportunity to say thank you to those who

have contributed to the project? .........................................................

Case study
OILING THE WHEELS they would make introductory
A project manager charged with offers to the newcomers on
moving 40 people from an office production of their company ID
in the heart of the West End of cards. On the day of the move,
London to more spacious but he placed the finished pack of
cheaper premises in a less affluent discounted goods and services
part of the city faced a challenge on each desk in the new offices.
to ensure smooth implementation: The offers it contained actively
the move was for financial reasons encouraged people to explore the
and no one wanted to go. He area rather than simply sitting at
decided to put together a welcome their desks and complaining about
pack for each member of staff, their new surroundings. And when
and asked every shop, bar, café, they did take up the offers, they
restaurant, and gym in the area found that they were welcomed
around the new offices whether as valuable additional custom.

Holding an event Providing support

Hold a “go live” event (perhaps couched In a quality-critical project, the quality
as a final review meeting) to review the of post-implementation support given
whole project. Evaluate the changes and to the end user is essential to its
benefits it has achieved. Consider how to long-term success. Never declare
organize the event so that there are things a project complete until the end user
to see, do, and talk about. Make sure it is has been trained to use the product
appropriate, though: if you over-play “go and first-line support is available
live”, you may be accused of showing off. from outside the project team.
Involve the project sponsor in the event
and thank all those who have contributed.
Another pretext for an event might be
to introduce the client or end users to the
people who are about to begin supporting
them. Reiterate the post-implementation Tip
support that will be available and how
snagging will take place. Snagging is TAKE ADVICE
the process of identifying and resolving Speak to your sponsor about
minor defects that takes place during your plans for marking “go
the implementation phase, prior to the live”. Ultimately it is up to
project being declared complete. Make him or her to decide when
sure that everyone understands the the project is complete.
part you need them to play in bedding
the project in.

Evaluating success
Once the end product has been delivered, the project manager’s
final act should be to review the outcome of the project and
evaluate its overall success. It can often be illuminating to
make this post-implementation review against both the
original scope and any subsequent modifications.

Analyzing the outcome

You should review the success of your
project in a number of ways. Firstly, look
at your immediate impression: did the Send an appropriate gift
project deliver what was expected? This to members of the team
level of review is best done at the same at their homes with a
time as implementation – indeed it personalized note: a bunch
should be part of the sign-off procedure of flowers, vouchers for a
involving sponsor, client, and project spa, or tickets for an event
manager. The review process should can all deliver a far bigger
also look at whether the project has message than the money
delivered a long-term benefit. In that they cost.
time-critical projects, this may
already be at least partly evident at
implementation or shortly afterwards,
but in quality-critical projects the
benefits may take longer to become clear.
Finally, your evaluation should look at
the benefits gained in business terms.
Was the project worth it financially? GIVE BONUSES
Team members will always
appreciate a cash bonus, if
Tip funds are available.


Try to get the sponsor involved
in the review process –
experience suggests that
Did the project deliver what
without their involvement, was expected? Was the
the review rarely gets done
as people are busy and move project worth it financially?
on to the next job.


Give a tailor-made project present THANKS
to thank people for taking part. This
gift does not have to be expensive but Hand-write a personal
should be tasteful, fun, and/or useful. letter to each team
member expressing
thanks for his or her
personal contribution,
making the effort to
write something
different in each one.

Write an article for your
in-house e-newsletter or
Ideas for your organization’s website.
celebrating Remember to thank all the
success team and show how their work
helped to achieve aims and
benefit the whole organization.

Put a small “celebration fund” into
the project budget, which increases
or decreases depending on whether
the project is in front or behind time
and budget. At the end of the project,
of well-formulated
strategies fail
hold a social event, involving everyone
who contributed, at which you and the because of
sponsor (and client if appropriate)
can express your thanks.
poor execution

Reviewing the process

A “lessons learnt” review allows you to learn from the process you
have been through and helps you find ways to improve your project
management. Because the project process should be repeatable, the
main purpose of review is to establish what went well, what could
have gone better, and what you can do to improve future projects.

Looking back at your project If something

The review process is your chance to learn from
experience. It is not just about spotting errors or worked particularly
identifying parts of the process that did not run as
smoothly as they could have – evaluation of what well (such as
was successful is equally informative. If something a technique or a
worked particularly well (such as a technique or
a supplier), it should be noted for future reference. supplier), it should
However, inevitably there will be some things
that go wrong in your projects, and these also
be noted for
provide valuable lessons for the future. Although future reference
they may have been unforeseeable the first time they
occurred, by taking the time to understand what
has happened and why, you should be able to gain
insights that would otherwise be missed, and take
action to prevent their recurrence in future projects.

Learning from the details
When reviewing the project, consider all
aspects of the process in detail. Do not
rely on opinions about what went well
or make assumptions about what went
wrong: talk to those involved and try
to discover the facts. When these are
of projects meet their original in dispute, ask for evidence. Be curious
about why things happened, and explore
goals and business intent how this could inform future project
decisions. When searching for the


Dos Don’ts
○ Establishing quality assurance ○ Allowing an experienced project
procedures from the outset team to perform their roles
out of habit
○ Giving personal learning
○ Being cynical about the
objectives for the project
organization’s ability to
to all team members
do things differently
○ Including “lessons learnt” as a ○ Considering change a threat
regular agenda item for meetings to what has been successful
in the past
○ Having a team culture
○ Allowing a blame culture, in which
characterized by high
it is dangerous to admit mistakes
levels of feedback
○ Holding the project plan centrally
○ Establishing mechanisms for and discouraging discussion of
disseminating new ideas its details

truth, be sensitive to the feelings of

those involved: reviews should never
become witch-hunts.
Once you have a good understanding
of how everything worked, make sure
that you act on your findings. Project
learning is done for a purpose – to
improve performance on future projects.
Don’t keep useful information and ideas
to yourself – pass them on to where they
can make a difference.

Holding a project review

A “lessons learnt” review meeting is your Tip
opportunity to get the team together and
discuss how the project went. Hold the PLAN AHEAD
meeting as soon as implementation is Set a date for the review
complete – you can always call a second meeting when you are planning
one, if necessary, once the project has the implementation of the
bedded in. Far from duplicating effort, project – this should make it easier
you will find that you actually save time to get the time in people’s diaries.
using this approach, because memories
are clearer and conclusions are
reached more quickly.
Involve as many stakeholders as
is practical in this meeting. A process Documenting your review
review should take account of the views Brevity is often the key to a successful
of everyone involved, but within the project review document, so record the
constraints of cost, time, and availability. recommendations that you generate
If possible, include the views of the client following the “lessons learnt” review
and end user, although in commercial meeting succinctly. Aim for three key
projects, you may need to think carefully learning points clearly described so that
about how you are going to get these. anyone encountering a similar problem
Be clear on what you want to achieve in the future can implement your
and have an agenda for the meeting. A recommendations. If you have to write
review meeting can become unfocused more because the project was large
and descend into generalizations unless and complex, structure the document
there are specific items to discuss. If you in a way that enables people to gain an
have held interim learning reviews, use overview quickly and then select only
the notes from these as a structure. If the detail that is relevant to them. It can
not, then the PID, plan, and risk log can be useful to generate a main document
be a good basis for discussion. that you distribute to all stakeholders
– containing a limited number of key
recommendations for the conduct
of future projects – and a number of
annexes. These can either cover each
recommendation in detail or provide
Aim for three key learning more detailed feedback to specific
individuals or departments.
points clearly described so Discuss your recommendations with
that anyone encountering a the sponsor. Even if the sponsor does
not want to be fully involved in the
similar problem in the future review process, at the very least you
can implement your should discuss the findings with him
or her before disseminating them to
recommendations a wider audience.

What can we learn from this project? YES NO

1 Was our original scope good? ............................................................

2 Were the time and cost estimates accurate? .....................................

3 Did we have the right mix of people on our team? .............................

4 Did the stakeholders work together effectively? ..............................

5 Might we have anticipated risks better? ............................................

6 Did the technology we used perform effectively? .............................

7 Did our project methodology work well? ...........................................

8 Were our project documents useful? Were any missing? ..................

Giving personal feedback

The review phase of your project should Tip
also look at the performance of individual
members of your team. Although you THINK SMALL
should have been giving regular feedback Don’t underestimate the value
throughout the project, people appreciate of small, easily implemented
a final review once it is completed, improvements to your
especially when they’ve put a lot of effort approach. A “lessons learnt”
into making a project successful. You will review should identify several
find that the best workers use feedback of these, and their combined
from project reviews as a way to build effect can be significant.
their CV or gather testimonials. Equally,
people will be more likely to make a
second effort if they know that failure
will be investigated and recorded.
94 / INDEX

A delegation 58–61, 68 initiation phase 24, 28–29, 70
Agile model 12, 17 diaries 56, 92 instant messaging 67
audit trail 76 documentation 24–25 intranet sites 31
“Changes to Scope” format invisible costs 40, 72
B 77, 85
benefits 14, 41, 75, 88 definition 71 K
bonuses, for team members 88 information management key project roles 18–19, 30–31,
bottom-up initiation 29 24–25, 31, 36, 39, 66, 44–45, 50–51, 88–89
brainstorming 45 70–71
brief 28, 34, 39, 74 minutes of review meetings L
budgets see costs 71 leadership skills 21, 59
business case 40–41 Project Information “lessons learnt” review 90–93
buyers 19 Document (PID) 39 listening skills 20, 66
project plan 52–53
C project review 42, 92 M
celebration fund 89 risk log 42, 71 mandate 25, 28
change, achieving 12–13 sign-off procedure 24, 88 meetings
client timesheets 72 delegation 58–60, 61, 68
communication 34–39, 66 pre-implementation 84
“go live” event 86–87 E progress review 61, 69
project implementation Eden Project 13 project reviews 71, 92–93
80–83 emails 67 split 61
project reviews 92 end point 86 with sponsor 22
relationship with project end users team building 30–31
18, 19 handover 84–87 mental blocks 63
scope changes 74–75 identifying 15, 18 milestones 24, 47
understanding 37 input from 34 momentum, maintaining 62–65
communication 66–67 project implementation motivation 19, 30, 62–64
documenting progress 80–83
24–25 project review 92 O
feedback 61, 93 User Acceptance Test (UAT) objectives, planning phase 39,
plan 32, 82–83 25, 85 44
and risk management 67 energizing techniques 63 opposition, from stakeholder
scope changes 76–77, 85 events, “go live” 86–87 20, 33
with sponsor and client expenditure see costs out-of-pocket costs 40, 72
34–39, 66
with stakeholders 36, 39, F P
66–67 feedback 61, 93 paperwork see documentation
contingency plan 43 filing system 70 PERT (Program Evaluation and
costs “Fit for Purpose Baseline” Review Technique) 12, 51
business case 40–41 38 planning
monitoring 72–73 “five whys” 39 cost monitoring 72–73
out-of-pocket 40, 72 flexibility 17, 57 definition phase 11–15,
overruns 73 fraud 72 18–19, 34–41
CPM (Critical Path Method) 12 digital record 52–53
creativity 10, 39 GH learning from 91
criticism, anticipating 20 “go live” events 86–87 planning phase and scope
handover 84–87 14, 16, 44–49, 56
D heads-up message 60 resources 11, 28–29, 32, 39,
data security 24 46, 52–53, 85
deadlines 11, 30, 44, 47, 64 I risk management 14, 42–43,
definition documents 71 implementation phase 80–83 46–47
definition phase 11–15, 18–19, information management post-implementation review 87,
34–41 24–25, 31, 36, 39, 66, 70–71 88–89
INDEX / 95

PRINCE 2 (PRojects IN Controlled “lessons learnt” 90–93 project review 92

Environments) 12 meetings 71, 92–93 success evaluation 88–89, 91
prioritizing features 38 points 47, 57
procrastination 62, 64 post-implementation 87, T
progress review 42, 57, 61, 88–89 task allocation 10, 46–47, 50–51
68–69 progress 42, 57, 61, 68–69 delegation 58–60, 61, 69
Project Information Document quality 25, 30, 87 teams
(PID) 39 rewards, team members 88–89 delegation 58–60, 61, 68
project managers risk management final stage management
delegation 58–60, 61, 68 and communication 67 84–85
inexperienced 37, 74 cost monitoring 72 motivation of 64–65
key roles 18–19, 30–31, project planning 14, 42–43, organization chart 70–71
44–45, 50–51, 88–89 46–47 progress review 68–69
project management risk log 42, 64, 71 project handover 84–87
systems 12 project implementation
risk management 14, 42–43, S 80–83
47 schedules 50, 69, 70, 71 project plan access 52–53
skills 20–21, 56–57, 64–67, scope project review 92–93
80 change management 74–77 risk management 46–47
task allocation 10, 46–47, “Changes to Scope” format roles 18–19, 30–31
50–51 77, 85 success evaluation 88–89,
time management 21, defining 34–35, 38, 40–41 91
50–51, 56–57, 63 planning phase 14, 16, team building 30–31
working with sponsor 44–49, 56 Team Planning technique
22–23, 28–30 “scope creep” 74 44–47
projects sign-off procedure 24, 88 time management
definition phase 11–15, snagging 87 involvement 50–51
18–19, 34–41 software 24, 52–53, 70, 85 technical specialists 18, 22, 53
handover 84–87 specialists 18, 22, 53 theft 72
implementation phase 80–83 sponsors time management 50–51
sequence 14–17 analysis of 32–33 implementation phase
success evaluation 88–89 communication with 34–39, 80–83
see also costs; 66 project handover 84–87
documentation; planning; cost monitoring 72, 73 project manager 21, 50–51,
reviews; teams “go live” events 86–87 56–57, 63
Project Information project review 92
Q Document (PID), signing tools 56
quality assurance 19 off 39 task allocation see task
quality reviews 25, 30, 87 review process involvement allocation
questioning, defining details 92 thinking time in meetings 61
34–37, 39, 60 scope changes, notifying timesheets 72
76 top-down initiation 28
R success evaluation 88–89
re-energizing technique 63 working with 18–19, 22–23, UVW
remote working 19, 21, 30, 45, 28–30 User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
53, 64, 84 spreadsheets 53 85
resource plans 11, 28–29, 32, stakeholders video calls 36, 52, 60, 67, 68, 84
39, 46, 52–53, 85 analysis 24, 32–33, 34 virtual whiteboards 44–45
reviews communication with 36, 39, waterfall model 17
delegation 60 66–67
documentation 42, 92 software 53
evaluating success 88–89 handover 84–87
feedback 61, 93 key 18–19
final stages of project 84 opposition 20, 33

Stats Second edition:
p.10 PWC Insights and Trends: Current Portfolio, Senior Art Editor Gillian Andrews
Programme, and Project Management Practices Project Editor Hugo Wilkinson
survey 2012 Designer XAB Design
p.16 PMI’s Pulse of the Profession 2014: The High Cost Editor Louise Tucker
of Low Performance UK Editor Sam Kennedy
p.29 PMI’s Pulse of the Profession 2017: Success Rates US Editors Margaret Parrish, Jill Hamilton
Rise: Transforming the High Cost of Low Performance Managing Editor Stephanie Farrow
p.35 e-meetings.verizonbusiness.com/global/en/ Senior Managing Art Editor Lee Griffiths
meetingsinamerica/uswhitepaper.php Production Editor Nikoleta Parasaki
p.36 KPMG, AIPM and IPMA’s The Future of Project Production Controller Mandy Inness
Management: Global Outlook 2019 Jacket Designer Mark Cavanagh
p.40 Wellingtone The State of Project Management Design Development Manager Sophia M.T.T.
survey 2021
p.42 Wellingtone The State of Project Management Delhi Team:
survey 2021 Senior Art Editor Govind Mittal
p.46 PWC Insights and Trends: Current Portfolio, Art Editor Vikas Chauhan
Programme, and Project Management Practices DTP Designer Vishal Bhatia
survey 2012
p.49 Wellingtone The State of Project Management First edition:
survey 2021 Senior Editor Peter Jones
p.59 Gallup Employee Burnout: Causes and Cures report Senior Art Editor Helen Spencer
p.65 Live Career: Is Remote Work Here to Stay? Executive Managing Editor Adèle Hayward
study 2021 Managing Art Editor Kat Mead
p.65 blog.bonus.ly/the-state-of-employee- Art Director Peter Luff
engagement-2019 Publisher Stephanie Jackson
p.75 PMI’s Pulse of the Profession 2018: Success Production Editor Ben Marcus
in Disruptive Times: Expanding the Value Production Controller Hema Gohil
Delivery Landscape to Address the High US Editor Margaret Parrish
Cost of Low Performance
p.76 IESE Business School & Oliver Wyman First edition produced for
“Organizational Agility” study 2018 Dorling Kindersley Limited by
p.76 PMI’s Pulse of the Profession 2018: Success Cobalt ID
in Disruptive Times: Expanding the Value Delivery The Stables, Wood Farm,
Landscape to Address the High Cost of Deopham Road,
Low Performance Attleborough, Norfolk NR17 1AJ
p.80 PMI’s Pulse of the Profession 2014: The High Cost www.cobaltid.co.uk
of Low Performance
p.89 Bridges Strategy Implementation 2016 Editors
Survey Results Louise Abbott, Kati Dye,
p.90 PMI’s Pulse of the Profession 2017: Success Rates Maddy King, Marek Walisiewicz
Rise: Transforming the High Cost of Low Performance

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