Local Marketing Tips For Energy Healers

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Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

1. Creating Your Business Cards

Vistaprint.com is a great way to get business cards since

they have very good pricing. Design them so they function

 a BUSINESS CARD, include all your contact info;

 an APPOINTMENT CARD so clients can remember when

to see you;

 a COUPON that offers a DISCOUNT when presented at

time of payment; and

 a REWARD CARD 'if' the client brings a friend, or has

visited 10 times (you can initial the card 10x and then
render the reward).

Adding Value to Your Business Cards

One way to add value to your business cards is by
charging/blessing a small crystal and gluing it to the card.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

This will make it less likely your card will be thrown out. Or
you can glue on a small magnet to the card so people can
put your card on the fridge.

Also include a request on the card to not throw it out, but

instead to give it to someone who could use it. This way
your cards will go further.

Where to Hand out Your Business Cards

Hand them out to EVERYONE you meet.

And make sure you attach your business card to any

products you sell such as candles, crystal kits, incense, etc.

See the end of Section 3: Flyers for more ideas on giving

out your marketing materials.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

2. Newsletters

An easy format for your newsletter is using both sides of an

8x10 sheet. Create four newsletters (spring, summer,
winter, and fall) but don't put a year on them. Instead put
"Winter Edition" or "Spring Edition", and then save leftovers
for the next season.

Print them using your branding colors or seasonal colors.

Include seasonal articles, as well as an article that describes

various aspects of your practice and why they’re needed.

Then include an ad for your business in the newsletter, as

well as a discount coupon for a first-time visit.

Also include a request to not throw out the newsletter, but

instead to give it to someone who could use it.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

3. Flyers

A cost effective idea for creating a flyer is to contact other

people who sell anything, such as makeup, jewellery,
housewares, etc. and offer to print out their business card
without charge, along with your own, on both sides of an
8x10 sheet of typing paper.

It’s possible to fit about 30 business cards on one 8x10

sheet of normal typing paper (15/side).

Instead of paying you, each person commits to taking a

sheet, printing out a minimum of 20 'two-sided' ad sheets,
and hand them out wherever they go.

By pooling your efforts, it wouldn't cost any one person very

much. This means you could have 30 people, each handing
out 20 flyers apiece, per month. This is about 600 fliers
handed out per month.

But even if you can’t find other people to commit to this type
of flyer, you could go it alone. $40 will print out a ton of

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

More Ideas for Handing out Your Marketing Materials

You can leave your business cards:

 on restaurant tables
 taped to bathroom stall doors
 on the driver-side door window of parked cars
 on the inside of your own car window

You can leave your cards, newsletters and flyers:

 inside books at bookstores and libraries
 at hair and nail salons
 health clubs
 health food stores
 and any business that will allow them

Make sure to have a bag just for newsletters, flyers and

business cards and carry it with you everywhere.

You can also offer free sessions in exchange for asking

people to hand out 10 business cards or bring a friend.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

This type of marketing is cheaper than newspaper ads. Most
people will contact you if they have met you in person, and
many even if they have not.


You can slide a 'bookmark' that has your ad on it into a book

at a book store or library.

Design an ad in bookmark format on an 8x10 sheet, cut it

into strips and slide your ads into books in the metaphysical,
health, or healing sections of the library or bookstore.

5. How to Include Social Media in Your Materials

If you make YouTube videos describing your practice and

offers, you can include your YouTube links on your business
cards, newsletters and flyers.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

Do the same with your Facebook Page. Use your Page to
feature your videos and offers and put the link on your
business cards, newsletters and flyers.

Also consider offering rewards and discounts for clients who

'LIKE' your Facebook page, leave a positive comment or
recommendation on your blog, Youtube videos or Facebook

6. Local Presentations
Create an introduction to your healing work and present it at
local churches, wellness fairs, etc. Include a demonstration
of what you do so people in attendance can consider if it
would be helpful to them.

Have your newsletter and cards available and mention your

discount and reward system.

7. Energy Healing Party

Consider creating an Energy Healing party, much like a
Tupperware or Mary Kay party.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

Ask friends and acquaintances if they’d be interested in
hosting an in-home party. The hostess commits to provide
their home, snacks and at least 8 paying guests, in return
for a free session.

Offer a minimal fee, such as $15 for 15 minutes/guest. That

way you’ll have a pre-paid two hour minimum. Include a
cancellation fee of at least $15 to encourage commitments.

Ask the hostess to provide a clean house and soft drinks, as

well as something for her guests to do while they wait for
their 15 minute 'mini-session', such as board games, a craft,
cooking together, or renting a movie or swimming. The
hostess could ask her guests to bring a pot luck meal as

While the guests wait for their turn, they’re having a fun
party. You can greet the guests and give a brief presentation
before the party starts. So they will understand what is
going on.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved


Let energy healing business expert Jan Anderson guide you

to create a short business message that will attract your soul
clients in her program Double Your Clients in 30 Days:
Discover Your Magic.

In this easy to use set of exercises, Jan leads you through

four steps. Each step will help you discover what makes your
healing practice unique and how to make new clients hungry
to hear more.

Through these four steps you will discover:

 Your unique energy healing business MAGIC – what you
do that keeps clients coming back for more.

 Develop a short business message that will attract your

soul clients. Use this message in your marketing
materials and when talking to potential clients.

 Develop a mini-session to give potential clients a taste

of what you do. This section includes scripts you can
use during the mini-session to introduce your wellness
packages to prospective clients.

Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

 Not everyone will enroll in your wellness package
during the mini-session. So this step helps you create a
follow-up system that will nurture these contacts until
they’re ready to work with you.

Double Your Clients in 30 Days: Discover Your Magic has

proven methods for getting your healing business in front of
prospective clients in a reliable, step-by-step manner.

Once completed, you’ll have a short and effective message

and method to draw new clients into your wellness packages
that doubles your clients in 30 days.

Jan offers some free 20 minute Discovery sessions each

month to help you decide if Double Your Clients in 30 Days:
Discover Your Magic is right for you.

To grab your free session, contact Jan at:


Copyright © 2020 Janet M. Anderson. All Rights Reserved

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