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THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the

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THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for

February 4, 2018

Where to start?!
We get it. It can be SUPER overwhelming to know what kinds of foods to eat, what to combine, and how to make Coconut Curry Cream of Sq
sure you're getting enough of what you need. Look: they don't make getting a degree in nutrition a 5-year program One-bowl Oatmeal Blueberry Mu!ns Spiced Lentil Croutons
for no reason. There's a science to this. But who has time to figure out what nutrition specialists mean when they
talk about foods being measured in portion sizes and grams? Don't worry. We've got you covered!
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First, some background Hungry for More?
Many countries have unique food plans created by governments or nutrition authorities to help their citizens
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ensure they are obtaining adequate nutrition for themselves and for their families. Each country's food plans is
slightly different, but the overall guidelines are generally the same, with an emphasis on adequate fluids, fruits,
vegetables, grains (preferably whole grains when possible), as well as protein, fat and calcium sources. ! Email Address

The following is an example of the recommended number of food servings per day, as can be found in the
Canada's Food Guide, depending on the individuals age and gender. Sign me up!

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Now this food guide is a wonderful tool to provide a detailed overview of the needs of of the average individual,
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but many people find it overwhelming. Some ask,
"Do I need to keep track of how many servings of each food group I eat everyday?" Desserts

And the answer put simply is: no. It might help to do it for a day or two to see what areas can be improved, but
generally speaking most people are not counting the total servings of grains or vegetables they consume each day.
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So what's an easier way of trying to ensure your meals are nutritionally complete? Here's how... Página 1 de 8
THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the Soul 16/02/18, 20)46

The Plate Method

The Plate Method is a wonderful and effective tool that allows for simple visualization of how to organize food
groups. The Plate Method below simplifies the portion sizes and outlines general food groups to include in a
nutritionally balanced meal:

Vegan Chorizo

Mousse au Chocolat

Soba Noodle Bowl with Shiitake Mushrooms &

Download the Printable PDF Here » BBQ Tempeh

Other Plates
This isn't the first time a plate method has been used to compose a nutritionally balanced meal. Because it's such a
visually appealing tool, many organizations have adopted the method. Here are some great examples that we've
adapted for PUL's plate:

+ Canada's 'Eat Well Plate'

+ USA Government's 'ChooseMyPlate' HEALTHY HABITS CHECKLIST» + printable guide
+ The Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine's 'Power Plate'
+ Becoming Vegan's 'Vegan Plate'

Let's Break It Down: The Plate

THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced

meal for vegans

Lentil & Quinoa Salad
Benefits: I could go on about the benefits forever. Vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants, reducing the risk of
developing chronic illnesses and so on. The benefits are quite well known, so get 'em in any way you can.
Sources: any and all fruits and vegetables that are ideally local and in season, and most importantly that
you enjoy! We recommend including some green veggies (bok choy, leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts) Página 2 de 8
THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the Soul 16/02/18, 20)46

and orange veggies (carrots, butternut squash, pumpkin) in there each day. And don't forget about the frozen
fruit/veg: they are great, quick options to getting those servings on your plate in a jiffy.
Pro tip: aim for slightly more servings of vegetables than fruit, if possible. General guidelines are about 3-4
servings of fruit and 4-6 servings of vegetables daily.

GRAINS: 1/4 the plate

Benefits: provides a fantastic source of sustained energy (complex carbohydrates) and fibre.
Sources: oatmeal, rice, whole grain bread, wheat tortilla, whole grain pasta, quinoa, barley, millet, teff,
amaranth, buckwheat.
Pro tip: aim for at least half of your daily grain servings to be whole grains for the added benefit of increased


Benefits: plant-based protein sources, fibre (both soluble and insoluble), and increases your satiation
(keeping you full longer).
Sources: soy products such as tofu, tempeh and edamame, seitan, green peas, all beans, chickpeas, all
lentils, split peas, and most veggie meat replacements. Other sources that are both protein and fat sources
are anything in the nut and seed categories, such as hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts,
almonds, peanuts, and all forms of nut and seed butters.
Pro tip: don't be afraid to use canned beans and lentils to speed up meal prep time and ensure you get an
adequate amount of this essential food group. Lentils cook much more quickly than beans if you're cooking
from scratch, although soaking is always recommended to increase nutrient absorption (read more about
that here). Add nuts and seeds as toppings to nourish bowls or salads to up that and healthy fat content even

Let's Break It Down: The Pillars Página 3 de 8
THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the Soul 16/02/18, 20)46

We developed these "three pillars" to ensure that in addition to the plate, you're getting an adequate variety of
necessary nutrients for optimal health. If you don't get a chance to include it with your meal, not a problem! You
can include on the side or as a snack too!

Why: whether it's a vegan or omnivorous diet, calcium rich foods can often be overlooked. Calcium is critical
to the growth and maintenance of bone health throughout the lifespan, and food sources are always
recommended before supplements. Read more about calcium here.
Recommendations: at least 2 servings of calcium-fortified plant-based milks and/or yogurts. Keep in
mind that soy milk provides 7-8g of protein per cup (similar to that of cow's milk), whereas other plant-based
milks do not offer this much protein. Try this in chai lattes, or in smoothies or oatmeals in place of water.
Vegan sources: fortified plant-based milks and yogurts such as soy, almond, cashew, coconut, etc.
There are other sources beyond fortified plant-based dairy products that provide calcium such as leafy
greens, tahini, and beans. These sources are not very rich-sources, but it's still wonderful to include as much
of these foods as possible! Learn about more sources in the calcium article found here!

Why: fats are an essential part of a healthy diet and are integral to many functions in the human body.
Essential omega-3 fatty acids are usually found in these types of foods, ad we want to make sure we're getting
enough! Read more about omega-3 here.
Recommendations: consume healthy fats from whole food sources where possible, which offer fibre,
vitamins and minerals as well. Oils can also be used, but in moderation. Página 4 de 8
THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the Soul 16/02/18, 20)46

Vegan sources: avocados, nuts (such as walnuts, almonds, cashews), seeds (such as sunflower, pumpkin,
chia, hemp seeds, flax seeds), nut butters, olives, and coconuts (coconut flakes, coconut milk, coconut meat).

Vitamin B12: rarely found in non-animal based food products, vegans may need to obtain vitamin B12
from fortified foods and/or supplement. Read more about vitamin B12 here.
Vitamin D: depending on where you live, you may be able to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. If not, it is
recommended to consume fortified foods and/or supplement with 600-800 IU/day. This applies to both
vegans and non-vegans. Read more about vitamin D here.

Let's venture into some PUL recipes that generally follow The Plate Method's recommendations. You'll notice that
not all of them look exactly like our PUL Plate above, but they still contain the essential categories mentioned. You'll
also notice the portions are not exact, but it's not about being perfect. It's a guideline! Use it to the best of your
ability. These show you that you can mix up your recipes and still follow this guide. Let's take a look:

1. Granola & Mixed Berry Parfait

✓1/2 plate fruit: banana and mixed berries

✓1/4 plate grains: oats in the granola
✓1/4 plate plant-based protein: nuts and seeds in the granola
✓Calcium: soy yogurt
✓Fat: flaxseeds on top, nuts and seeds in the granola, oil in granola

Whether you're serving in a cup, bowl or plate... it doesn't matter! The guidelines apply much the same ☺

2. Roasted Cauliflower Potato Wraps Página 5 de 8
THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the Soul 16/02/18, 20)46

✓1/2 plate vegetables: spinach, tomato, cucumber, potato, cauliflower

✓1/4 plate grains: whole grain wraps
✓1/4 plate plant-based protein: hummus (made from chickpeas and tahini)
✓Fat: olives, avocado, tahini and oil (in hummus), oil to roast veggies

3. Practically all of our Nourish Bowls

✓1/2 plate vegetables or fruit: eg. Brussel's sprouts, mangoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and greens, etc.
✓1/4 plate grains: eg. brown rice, quinoa
✓1/4 plate plant-based protein: eg. hummus, lentils, edamame, soy-based 'mock meats', beans, etc.
✓Fat: eg. olives, avocado, tahini and oil

4. Bean & Oat Burger Página 6 de 8
THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the Soul 16/02/18, 20)46

14 Comments Pick Up Limes !

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✓1/2 plate the discussion…
mushrooms, cabbage, carrot, arugula, bell peppers, onions, lime
✓1/4 plate grains:
whole grain buns, rolled oats
✓1/4 plate plant-based protein: pinto beans, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews
✓Fat: cashews, flax seeds, sunflower Name
seeds, oil

4. Vegan Pho: Vietnamese Noodle Soup

Aislin Danielle Aguilar • 10 days ago
Hello Sadia!thanks for your videos!I like it very much!
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Sadia Badiei Mod > Aislin Danielle Aguilar • 10 days ago

Thanks for being a part of the community!
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Lana Mack • 10 days ago

Thanks Sadia, this breakdown is so helpful! :)
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Sadia Badiei Mod > Lana Mack • 10 days ago

Hope it's helpful for you, Lana!
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Sunitha • 10 days ago

Hi Sadia,very informative and a very good article..very well explained in basic layman
△ ▽ • Reply • Share ›
✓1/2 plate vegetables: mushrooms, broccoli, carrot, bean spouts, radish
Sadia Badiei Mod > Sunitha • 10 days ago
✓1/4 plate grains: rice noodles
So glad you enjoyed it, Sunitha!
✓1/4 plate plant-based protein: tofu
✓Fat: oil △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Kristina Salvador • 11 days ago

The Bottom LineYou have such a knack for making nutritious and wholesome eating feel so
Hi, Sadia!
By developing this plate
effortless. Thank and you
breaking it down,the
for taking we're not to
time trying
recommend you meticulously
article together - I've organize
found ityour plate
so helpful.
in this exact order
I have one and become obsessed
question regarding oversoy
is it really In fact, if you
healthy look
(I've through
read PUL recipes,
controversy you'll of
notice that estrogen content)
all of them andfollow
necessarily if so,this
methodsoy milkofdo
100% theyou And that's ok. For
time.recommend a 26 year old
example, thin,
it may
be that moderately
your breakfastactive female?
is half fruit and halfIs grains
2 cupsandper week
some too much?
plant-based milk, like in this Breakfast Porridge.
△ ▽ • Reply • Share ›
The bottom line is that it's a visualization of a "template" for a well balanced meal. Using it as a guide will help you
Sadia Badiei Mod > Kristina Salvador • 10 days ago
adapt it to the types of foods that are accessible and enjoyable for you. This way, it's practical, varied and more
Hi Kristina, good question. Look out for another article on soy coming in the next
few weeks! For now the short answer is that 2 cups of soy milk per week is fine! You
could have 1 cup a day if you wanted to.
Show Us Your Plate!• Comment below, or tag us with #pickuplimes on Facebook or Instagram with a photo of
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your plate. We'd love to see your plates from all over the world!
Silvi • 11 days ago
This article is so well-made and helpful. Having a visual representation is the key here, it is
easy to panic over all the different diets and nutritional trends. Página 7 de 8
THE PLATE METHOD: a nutritionally balanced meal for vegans | Pick Up Limes | Nourish the Cells & the Soul 16/02/18, 20)46

easy to panic over all the different diets and nutritional trends.
Additional References:
I wanted to ask you about corn, I eat in various forms: polenta (I'm italian:), cous cous,
(1) Davis, Brenda,
homemade andtortillas
Vesanto Melina. "Becoming
with masa harinaVegan:
etc. the Complete Reference on Plant-Based Nutrition."
Becoming Vegan: the Complete Reference on Plant-Based
I do choose whole corn but reading the article Nutrition, Book Publishing
I noticed you do notCompany, 2014,it.pp.
mention 431-437.
I was
wondering if you consider it a 'valid carbohydrate source' and in what measure?
Psst: »Love
Find this
thebook in ourofshop!
quality yourChoose between the comprehensive edition or the express edition.
Share on Facebook 44 13 7
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Want to Learn More?
Sadia Badiei Mod > Silvi • 10 days ago
Read our previous nutrition article called ZINC » a vegan's guide, simplified
Hi Silvi! Thank you for the kind words. Corn would be categorized in the grain
category (though it does contain some protein as well).
❤ Written by: Mitra (PUL Executive Assistant and Dietetic Student) & Sadia
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McKayla • 11 days ago

If I were to be honest, Sadia, I have been following you for a while but it has only been of
recent that I started my health journey into vegetarism and veganism. And this article is
extremely helpful for someone like me. In the past couple of weeks, your recipes have
become some of my favorites and because of that, I thank you for showing me the benefits
of a more plant-based diet. Since I made the change, I feel like my health and sleeping
habits have improved. And I also wanted to you say, you're part of the reason why I chose
to study to nutrition and one day become a certified dietitian and nutritious.
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Sadia Badiei Mod > McKayla • 10 days ago

D'aw that is such a lovely comment to receive. Thank you for the love, Kayla!
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Annette Ricci • 12 days ago

This is such a helpful and easy to understand article, it's in my bookmarks and I'll definitely
be coming back to it thanks Sadia :))
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Sadia Badiei Mod > Annette Ricci • 12 days ago

Glad to hear it, Annette :) I hope it's helpful for you.

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BSc, Dietetics

© 2017-2018 Pick Up Limes | Sadia Badiei

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