What Are The Principles of Meal Planning?: Mainmenu
What Are The Principles of Meal Planning?: Mainmenu
What Are The Principles of Meal Planning?: Mainmenu
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The planned food needs to be tasty and palatable with its nutritive value. Every
housewife desires that the food prepared by her should not only provide satiety
but also give mental satisfaction. For this the following principles are to be
followed during meal planning:
Principle of nutrition
Principle of nutrition is an important principle of meal planning. A family may
have members of all age groups like infant, adolescent, adult, pregnant lady, old
person, etc. Nutritional requirement of each member may differ. Hence it is
necessary to consider the daily nutritional requirement of each member.
During meal planning, it is also important to include some foods from each food
group. Foods selected from only one food group are neither nutritionally
balanced nor likeable, e.g., a meal having egg, curd, and kheer will be rich in
protein but deficient in minerals and vitamins due the absence of vegetables and
salad. In addition to this, a housewife should also ensure that the amount of food
planned is also adequate.
is a must so that all the members enjoy it can be done by selecting different foods
various food groups, by blending color flavour, taste, and texture into it, and by u
different methods of cooking.
A group of foodstuffs ha ‘ same nutrients are called a Food Group. F selected from
a single food group are neat acceptable nor balanced, e.g., a person ha ‘ milk,
cheese, sandwich, and milk pudding breakfast may not relish his breakfast, but
the other hand if foods from different groups are selected, e.g., vegetable
sandwich fruits and milk are served, it will definite bring variety and also
enhance the taste nutritive value of the meal.
Texture in food refers to its state of being soft, solid, crisp or liquid. A meal won’t
be enjoyable if all the foods are of the same texture. So a meal should have some
solid foods which can be consumed raw like salads, fruits, etc., some crispy foods
like chips, papa, etc., and some soft like custard, pudding, dal, etc.
Blending of different flavors is also essential for a good meal planning. Good
combination of foods generally enhances the flavour of each other, e.g., bread
with butter, pakoras with mint chutney, with coconut chutney, etc.
• Once meals are planned for a day o week then first prepare a list of items and
they should be procured time. This saves unnecessary trips; the market and thus
saves time, en and money.
• Foods can be purchased at reason prices. For this, rates can be comp- at
different shops or can be proc: from wholesale dealers. Items purchased at the
last moment in a hurry cost more.
• Foods in a bigger pack cost less but should be purchased only when the proper
provision for its storage.
• Shopping should be done at times the markets are not very crowded.
• Kitchen items should be arranged thematically near the work place so as avoid
fatigue while working in the kite
• Time and labour saving kitchen Devi like mixer, fridge, cooker, solar cook etc.,
should be used.
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