Clil Unit Weather
Clil Unit Weather
Clil Unit Weather
Content is a starting Components of weather temperature, atmospheric What elements do we focus when What are the components of
point for the planning. pressure, wind, humidity, we talking about weather? weather?
Measuring the weather precipitation, cloudiness,
Where does weather forecast What are the instruments of
Weather forecast hygrometer, anemometer, information come from? weather?
Forecast the weather thermometer, barometer, wind
vane, rain gauge What weather symbols are usually What elements should be included
Natural phenomena appearing in the weather in the weather forecast?
maps of weather, sunny, sunny forecast?
spells, cloudy, thunder and How do you report like a weather
How does a weather forecast forecaster?
lightning, light rain, heavy rain,
sleet, hail, light snow, heavy snow, reporter work?
Can you introduce the 5 kinds of
mist, overcast, fog, wind direction What natural phenomena do we natural phenomena to others?
in the north, in the south, in the usually have in the world?
east, in the west
Tasks to encourage design their own poster with description design What can we do to …?
higher order thinking.
How do you think?
recall previous knowledge and understand new recall
Where did you find out?
evaluate the tasks and provide justification What’s the difference …?
why assess
Why do you like…?
Communication Language functions: Language structures: Key vocabulary: Language skills:
Focus on language and Communication: What is …? temperature, atmospheric listening - students practice their
communication. pressure, wind, humidity, listening skills by hearing the
describing justifying informing It is… precipitation, cloudiness, teacher, their peers as well as
asking others from videos
in the north… hygrometer, anemometer,
Grammar: basic structure, mostly thermometer, barometer, wind speaking - students are provided
in the south…
in present simple vane, rain gauge with opportunities to practice
in the east… speaking
Vocabulary: related to maps of weather, sunny, sunny
components of weather, in the west… spells, cloudy, thunder and writing - students usually write in
instruments of weather, symbols the worksheets, notebooks
lightning, light rain, heavy rain,
of weather, natural phenomena
sleet, hail, light snow, heavy snow,
reading - students through
mist, overcast, fog, wind direction
worksheets, article and PPTs
practice their reading skills
in the north, in the south, in the
east, in the west
Familiar and unfamiliar We are living on the earth, and we are influenced by weather every day. How does human being studies weather and make weather forecast to
cultural concepts that make our life better?
could be addressed.
Subject/Course: Science
Teacher: Ping Dai
Grade: 4
maps of weather
Lesson title Components of weather
cognition 1. Students can relate their own experience with the new knowledge.
2. Students are able to connect the components of weather with
weather news.
culture Students will learn heatwave happens not only in Poland but also in UK.
Engagement Using scaffolding ask some questions based on content: students can recall what they
students’ experiences. The teacher asks, “What’s learn before or their personal experiences.
the weather like today?” Showing students, the
language: students are able to tell what
weather report in Warsaw. Then talk about the
they have already learnt by using full
today’s weather.
Teacher asks them” What is weather?” For elicit the
cognition: students are able to connect
previous knowledge.
their previous knowledge with new
Explanation Show students the PPT slides, explain the weather content: students are able to name the six
of components to students, including temperature, components of weather.
atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, precipitation,
cognition: students are able to relate the
personal experience to the components.
During the introducing process, there are
language: students are able to use these
opportunities for output, students can talk about
new words to formulate new sentences.
what they already know. For example, temperature,
wind, humidity.
Use this video to introduce how atmospheric
pressure connect to wind.
Extension Divide students into 3-4 person a group. Each content: students are able to name the six
person will be given on an article. Let students read components of weather.
the article to find the components in this article and
cognition: students are able to relate the
discuss in groups. There will be some peer teaching,
personal experience to the components.
and opportunities for output.
language: students are able to use these
Present by each group, talking about which
Lesson title Measuring the weather
1. Make students are able to identify weather instruments and what they
Lesson aims
2. Offer students the opportunities to explain which groups of people would find
the weather forecast useful.
2. Students are able to explain which groups of people would find the
weather forecast useful.
language Content-obligatory language objectives
Learners will be able to: CLIL Lesson Plan Template for TEYL
name the instruments of weather, hygrometer, anemometer,
thermometer, barometer, wind vane, rain gauge Date: 02.06.2021
culture students are able to understand how the weather being measured and
related to people’s daily life.
Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the activities and Justification for the activity
time instructional strategies) (content, language, cognition,
Warm-up Ask students to unscramble the weather anagrams (these content: students can recall what
are the components of weather that they learnt in they learn in last lesson
previous lesson).
language: students are able to tell
Students should answer the components easily. what they have already learnt by
using full sentences.
Scaffolding: teacher can give a hint that the anagrams are
related to last lesson. cognition: students are able to
connect their previous knowledge
Opportunities for output: students can talk about what
with new content.
they think the anagram is.
Presentation Explain that there are special weather instruments which content: students are able to know
are used to measure the weather. Weather instruments the weather what weather
are found on land in weather stations. Refer to the photo instruments is and name the six
of the Kew gardens weather station and ask students if weather instruments. (Hygrometer,
they have seen one of these before. They might have seen anemometer, thermometer,
one at an airport for example. Some schools have their barometer, wind vane, rain gauge)
own weather stations. Explain that weather instruments
are also found on weather buoys, planes, weather cognition: students are able to relate
balloons and satellites. the personal experience to the
weather instruments.
Use PPT to show students how each weather instrument
works. Students are invited to answer some questions language: students are able to use
about each instrument in order to consolidate their these new words to formulate new
understanding. Students could add further information to sentences.
their activity sheet.
Lesson aims 1. Make students understand what weather forecast is and how it works.
2. Make students be familiar with the weather forecast symbols.
Lesson objectives content 1. Students will be able to understand what weather forecast is and
how it works.
2. Students will be familiar with the weather forecast symbols.
Subject: Science
cognition Students are able to relate the components of weather and weather
instruments with weather forecast, understand how weather forecast
is produced.
culture Students will know about how the weather and weather forecast
influence people’s life.
1. Background building - students build the knowledge based on they have
Stages Lesson procedure (describe the activities and Justification for the activity (content,
and instructional strategies) language, cognition, culture)
While- Watch the video then discuss: content: students can think about the key
teaching concept of weather forecast
What components of weather are included in weather
forecast? language: students are able to tell what
they have known by using full sentences.
What is map of weather?
cognition: students are able to connect
their previous knowledge with new
What weather symbols can we identify?
Post - Show the PPT to students and ask them to name those
teaching weather symbols.
Lesson aims Make students prepare a weather report and present in front of the whole class. Date: 10.06.2021
cognition Students will be able to understand more about how weather forecast
works and related to the previous knowledge.
culture Students will be able to understand more about how weather forecast
is produced and related to society.
1. Background building - students build the knowledge based on they have
Stages and Lesson procedure (describe the activities and Justification for the activity (content,
time instructional strategies) language, cognition, culture)
Then present.
Lesson title Natural phenomena
Lesson objectives content Students will be able to know about 5 types of natural phenomena.
Make students know how it affect people’s life.
Students are able to make intro posters about these natural weather
language Content-obligatory language objectives
Learners will be able to: name the natural phenomena, including storm,
rainbow, blizzard, hurricanes, tornados
cognition Students will be able to name and introduce these natural phenomena
What is it?
Why is it dangerous?
In general, the teaching process is fine. Students were learning well. But there always some little mistakes in the teaching process. I will keep improve myself.