Day 1 Hawaii Lesson Plan
Day 1 Hawaii Lesson Plan
Day 1 Hawaii Lesson Plan
Learning ● I can identify equal parts (such as halves, fourths, and eighths) and
Target/Goal split fruits into equal parts to create Hawaiian Juices
● I can name equal parts including halves, fourths, and eighths
Objective Students will be able to split objects into equal parts and identify and name the
parts, including halves, fourths, and eighths by the end of the day.
Anticipatory Set ● Start by pulling up the Hawaii Lesson Plan Slides. Introduce the theme
of the lessons by playing the video on slide 2 - a flight into Hawaii!
Lesson Hook (Engage ● “Welcome to Hawaii!”
students and Grab their ● Display and discuss the learning goals and objectives on slide 4.
● Then, introduce the lesson topic (fractions) using the video linked on
Communicate what they’re the next slide. (Slide 5)
going to learn to
Make connections to
previous lessons/learning
Check for ● Students will complete a fraction exit ticket to check for understanding.
Understanding/ ● Write their name on it and turn it in.
(Independent Practice)
Describe, briefly, what
students will do to show
you that they have
mastered (or made
progress toward) the
Lesson Conclusion ● Mastering how to name and identify halves, fourths, and eighths is
important because the students will need this information later down
Wrap it up with mastery in the road when they learn about adding, subtracting, multiplying and
mind dividing fractions. This lesson will set the basis for future learning and
Summary of material and growth.
significance of what was