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Lobas et al .(2020) stated that visual learning style is a method of learning in which data

is linked to visuals. A large percentage of students find it easier to remember information that

they see, indicating that they are visual learners. Blackboard presentations, diagrams, graphs, and

charts are all useful tools for the visual learner. Global visual learners would typically process

iconic (pictorial) information before reading printed text. Visual learner retains 75% of what they

read or see.

Fahrurrozi et al.(2019) findings show that visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning

styles estimate students’ learning styles. Students who prefer to remember what they see rather

than what they hear, students who are interested in symbols, pictures, and students who enjoy

reading all predict student visual learning style. Findings also revealed that auditory learning

style is influenced by kids learning by listening, reading aloud, and judging others by the sound

of their voices.

Cimermanova (2018) Researchers have shown that there has been a surge in interest in

learner styles as one of the most important elements impacting learning in general. During the

last decade we have noticed rapid advances in the field of technology enhanced learning and

growing trend towards its application in formal education. The findings show that learning styles

and teaching methods have no bearing on academic attainment.

Ghazala and Elshall (2021) Stated that the impact of leadership competencies program

for nurses on their innovation through Schoology platform. It used two types of learning styles

visual and verbal learning style and compare them. The study result revealed that the mean of
Leadership competencies knowledge and innovation was improved at post program for both

groups. Furthermore, visual learning is more effective than verbal learning.

Setyoningsih (2019) conducted this study by applying a correlation design with Multiple

Regression to describe the correlation of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles on

students' English achievement of Junior High School 2 Pesanggaran students. Among the three

predictor variables, auditory learning style had the contribution to English learning achievement.

The significant coefficient for auditory learning style was 0.000, while the significant coefficient

for kinesthetic learning style was 0.000 or less than 0.05. It meant they have significant

correlation to the students' English learning achievement. The significant coefficient for visual

learning style was 0.076 or greater than 0.05. So, it meant that visual learning style didn’t have

positive correlation to the students’ English learning achievement.

Syofyan & Siwi (2018) According to the statistics, the majority of Economics Education

students prefer visual learning. These learning styles can be incorporated into curriculum

activities by teachers to help students succeed in their classes. Their research aims to raise

faculty awareness and comprehension of how learning styles affect the teaching process.

Chetty et al.(2019)said that the aim of their study is to identify the learning styles of the

students enrolled in Universiti Malaysia Pahang who were registered in Programming Technique

course. The majority of students favored visual learning, according to the research. The result

also their study shows that the lecturers’ teaching styles give an impact towards the students’

academic performance.

Vital (2018) stated that Visual and auditory learning techniques were favoured by the

majority of pupils over the kinesthetic learning type, with visual learning being the most popular.
There is a strong connection between learning styles and 21st-century fluencies. To effectively

adapt to diverse students with varied learning styles, teachers must provide more opportunities

for students to enhance their abilities. Students should be exposed to both blended and face-to-

face learning situations.

Putri and Saputro (2019) finding show that REACT learning strategies produce

mathematics learning achievements that are better than direct learning in material relations and

functions. Students with visual learning styles outperform students with kinesthetic learning

styles in mathematics learning achievement, while students with auditory learning styles have the

same achievement. In the categories of visual, auditory, and kinesthetically learning styles,

students who were treated with REACT strategies outperformed students who had been treated

with direct learning.

Rozi et al. (2020) according to their study the findings revealed that students at Madrasah

Aliyah Lubbul Labib have a variety of learning styles, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

It found out that student learning types Madrasah Aliyah Lubbul Labib class X is dominated by

visual learning styles with a 60% percentage, class XI is dominated by auditory learning styles

with a 70% rate, and class XII is dominated by kinesthetic learning styles with an 80%

percentage. The purpose of their research is to identify students’ language learning styles at

Madrasah Aliyah Lubbul Labib Maron Probolinggo. The study employs a qualitative approach,

as well as field studies. The study’s population included all students from Madrasah Aliyah

Lubbul Labib’s classes X, XI, and XII. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling,

and the instruments used were questionnaires.

Jaya (2019) said that their purpose of this study was to determine the general description

of learning styles, types of learning styles, and English competency of English Language

students. Education Program, Sriwijaya University’s Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

(FKIP), and to see if there was a link between their learning styles and their English proficiency

in general. The results show that verbal learning style dominated the students’ learning styles,

accounting for 46.3 percent of the total, followed by social, logical, auditory, solitary, visual, and

physical learning styles, accounting for 18 percent, 9.8 percent, 9.4 percent, 9 percent, 5.7

percent, and 1.6 percent, respectively. In general, the pupils’ English skills were remained at the

elementary level (59%), low intermediate level (30.7%), intermediate level (7%), and advanced

level (7%). (3.3 percent). There was no link between students’ learning methods and their

English competence that was both good and significant.


Magulod (2019) stated that the need to implement instructional strategies and activities

naturally align with their predispositions will make them better learners. Students participating

in applied science courses at Cagayan State University in Lasam, Philippines, were asked about

their learning styles, study habits, and academic accomplishment. Results of the study revealed

that the students of applied sciences preferred visual, group and kinesthetic as major learning

styles while they manifest a moderate level of study habits.

Rasonabe and Timonera (2018) said that to determine learning styles of the pupils of

Iligan City Central School. To determine the learning styles like Auditory, Visual, kinesthetic

and Tactile. A total of thirty-nine pupils were taken as respondents. The majority of students are
auditory learners, but when their teachers offer instructions verbally, they grasp them better.

When the lecturers give lectures and explain the lesson, some students say they learn a lot. More

students fall into the Approaching Proficiency and Developing levels. Some people are visual

learners, which means they learn best through observation. Visual learners usually choose to

“watch” the lecture from the front of the room. When complicated information is taught with the

use of a chart or a visual, these pupils will often find that it makes more sense. The study

discovered that there is no substantial relationship between a student’s gender and their academic

performance in terms of learning.

Dumagan (2019) asserted that when it came to learning English or the Filipino language,

the researcher focused on analyzing the students' motivation as well as their favorite learning

style. The study's findings revealed that students' motivation levels and preferred learning

techniques differ significantly. The survey also discovered that during class discussions, the

majority of male students choose auditory activities, whilst female students prefer visual

resources. In terms of motivation, it was discovered that males exhibit higher instrumental

motivation than integrative motivation. The female responses, on the other hand, show

integrative motivation. Implement classroom activities that cater to not just one, but all learning

styles, particularly the three basic learning styles of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. In terms of

student motivation, the researchers advise both students and teachers to employ language in class

Taroma (2019) emphasized that every classroom is a space for children to grow and

develop as individuals. The academic performance of students is one of the things that schools

strive to improve. Their study looks into students’ learning styles preferences as one issue to

consider as the subject of this study’s academic performance has declined over the last two

school years. Following completion of the VAK learning style assessment tool, 21 of the 28

student respondents preferred Visual learning style, while 5 preferred Kinesthetic learning style.

The remaining students have preferences for Auditory, Visual-Auditory, and Visual Kinesthetic.

In contrast, the three teacher-respondents perceived the students to be mostly Auditory; thus,

despite the use of various teaching strategies, the teachers used those that addressed the Auditory

learning styles preferences more frequently. Some activities that could have addressed Visual

learning style preferences were not frequently done in class, resulting in a mismatch between

students’ and teachers’ preferences. The findings encourage teachers to adjust classroom

instruction to students’ preferred learning styles. Teaching styles can be matched with learning

styles in this way, which can help students do better in school. The initial step could be to assess

the pupils’ learning styles preferences using the proper instruments. Because students’ preferred

learning styles change over time, an inventory of their preferred learning styles can be utilized to

maintain track of their present preferences.

Lopez (2019) stated that in the application of the K to 12 Curriculum, learning styles are

extremely important. It refers to a student’s natural ability to perceive and digest information in

any learning circumstance that comes their way. As a result, the researcher chose to conduct a

study to investigate the learning styles commonly utilized by Grade Six Apitong Pupils of

Aplaya Elementary School in the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum. The study focused
on the Filipino Achievement Level Result. Their study was expected to benefit instructors,

parents, students, and school officials. For teachers, using the finest learning styles that would fit

his students is simple. It will serve as a bird’s eye view for parents to understand their children’s

needs. The findings of the survey revealed that 76 percent of the 42 students in Grade Six-

Apitong openly chose visual as a learning style. After that came kinesthetic, group, and tactile.

The Pre-test MPS was 41.03 percent, and the Post-test MPS was 82.93 percent. The findings

revealed that, despite the many learning styles, visual comes out on top, which is highly

important to the K–12 Curriculum, which includes seeing as one of the basic abilities to be

acquired in Filipino: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing. To put it another way,

the Project Sine Mo To was a success, as evidenced by the Post-test results. This project can be

used in other areas of learning as well, but we must remember to take into account our students’

individual peculiarities as well as other learning styles that may contribute to their learning and


Malacapay (2019) stated that it should be differentiated since learners absorb knowledge

in their own unique way. As a result, the research was carried out in order to shape teachers’

teaching instruction depending on their students’ learning styles. The researcher used a self-made

survey questionnaire to determine the demographic profile, academic achievement, and learning

styles of the students, as well as look for notable correlations between them. Findings show that

auditory learners with satisfactory academic achievement dominated the population in a study

conducted at Pitgong Elementary School with 30 grade five pupils (n=30) who are partly

Indigenous Peoples, mostly male, whose favorite hobby is drawing, and for whom radio is the

primary source of information. There are no significant correlations between demographic

profile and learning styles, nor between learning styles and academic achievement, according to
the study. Findings also demonstrated that audio-visual presentations helped both visual and

aural learners learn better, whereas actual/real things helped kinesthetic learners learn better.

Sotto (2019) Differentiated Instruction aids in the development of a student’s thinking

ability while taking into account various learning modes. A study determined the learning styles

of Grade 11 students using Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) and use it in various

activities integrating it to Guided Inquiry-Based teaching strategy. The study found that the

majority of student-respondents were visual learners but activities were still assigned based on

the student’s learning style.

Suarez-Embalsado (2018) Teaching in the twenty-first century can be more engaging and

challenging. This research focuses on the learning style profile of grade six students at Tanauan

South Central School (TSCS) in Batangas, Philippines. The findings of this study demonstrated

that academic accomplishment is linked to visual learners’ abilities. During the course of this

research, more particular findings were discovered.

Herrero (2019) The researcher employed Neil D. Fleming’s VAK inventory to determine

the learning style of each student-respondent. The learning style-based program was to be

validated by experts. During formative evaluations and the post-test, students in the experimental

group outperformed those in the control group. As a result, the designed module for visual

learners successfully transferred learning.

Moneva et al. (2020) Students’ learning styles are the foundation for how they learn.

Different learning styles exist. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic are three of the most common

ways for students to absorb information. On the one hand, student motivation refers to a

student’s personal drive to complete a work on their own initiative. To begin, respondents stated
that they absorb information best through hearing, referring to themselves as auditory learners.

Second, they are visual learners that acquire knowledge by imagining. Lastly, the respondents

state that they are kinesthetic learners who learn through activities. While learning, the majority

of students preferred to listen. It was discovered that this is the most effective technique for

students to acquire knowledge.

Violante (2019) Different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, have

been identified in several research. Teachers must address the diversity of learners by offering

individualized instruction that caters to their needs, according to the Philippine Professional

Standards for Teachers (PPST) Domain 6. The researcher’s goal in this study is to find a solution

to the problem of low performance among Grade 8 students at Lian National High School by

matching activities to their learning styles. The results demonstrated the usefulness of the

technique in enhancing student performance, as seen by the significant rise in performance levels

of students in the experimental group before and after the intervention.

Cabual (2021) Learning is an ongoing process, and a process is an occurrence that leads

to a definite result. Understanding will not be achieved if obstacles cause the learning process to

be slowed or stopped. A successful learning plan will address these issues, resulting in learning

that is tailored to the needs of the learner. Recognizing the learner’s learning style and preferred

learning modalities can lead to successful teaching and student learning. Each student has a

unique learning style and set of preferences. Despite the fact that the New Normal comes with

financial limits, teachers and students must adapt to its demands. Some people have a preferred

learning style, while others use a range of styles depending on the situation. Face-to-face

communication is prohibited while the virus continues to spread over the world. School
administrators must provide the necessary equipment so that teachers can deliver quality


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