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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal

Lesson Exemplar in: ENGLISH 2

SDO RIZAL Grade level 2

Name of CATHERINE Learning English
LESSON Student Teacher Q.MANAYAM Area
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date March 15,2023 Quarter Third
and Time 12:30 pm to 1:20

I. OBJECTIVES The learner listens critically to one-two

A. Content Standard paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in
varied situations; reads texts for pleasure and
information critically in meaningful thought
units; responds properly to environmental prints
likes signs, posters, commands and requests;
and writes legibly simple sentences and
messages in cursive form.
B. Performance Standard The learner listens critically to one-two
paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in
varied situations; reads texts for pleasure and
information critically in meaningful thought
units; responds properly to environmental prints
likes signs, posters, commands and requests;
and writes legibly simple sentences and
messages in cursive form.
C. Competency/Objectives MELC Code Identify important details in expository text
listened EN2LC-IIIh-3.1

II. Content (Subject Matter) Important Details in Expository Texts

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages MELC K-12 EN2LC-IIIh-3.1

2. Learner’s Material Pages Pivot 4A Learner’s Material ENGLISH 2 pp. 20-28

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from Learning

Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resource pictures, power point, pencil and notebook

Integration Filipino
A. Preparation 1.Review
What is word cline?

happy huge big


warm burning hot


Direction: Read the selection below.


Caterpillars eat leaves.

They have a soft body.
They have pine on their body.
They breathe through tiny holes on the sides of
their body.

B. Teaching/Modelling Expository texts are informative texts that

explain something to the readers. They give facts
and information about a specific topic. The
author’s purpose is to inform, describe, or
explain his or her topic.

Example of expository texts are found in

1. textbooks
2. newspapers
3. magazines
4. journals
5. Biographies
6. Encyclopedias
7. atlases and other informative materials.

Caterpillars eat leaves.
They have a soft body.
They have pine on their body.
They breathe through tiny holes on the sides of
their body.

The paragraph above tells us the causes and

effect. This kind of paragraph that explains the
cause and effect is known as an expository text.

Expository texts are fact-based texts. They
are non-fiction texts that are provided
information or details about a particular topic or
subject matter.

There are five (5) ways in presenting an

expository text. These are:


Presents characteristics, features, and

examples to describe a subject or topic.

Presents items or events in numerical or
chronological order.

Comparison and Contrast

Explains how two or more things are
alike or different.

Cause and Effect

Explains the causes and the results.

Problem and Solutions

States a problem and lists solution/s for it.

C. Guided Practice Group Activity

Group 1
Christmas Sequencing

Then, he filled our stocking.

First, we set out milk and cookies.
Next, Santa came down the chimney.
Finally, he put presents under the three.

Group 2
Snowy Sequencing
First, snowflakes fell.
Finally, we drank hot chocolate.
Then, we made an igloo.
Next, we built a snowman.

Group 3
Thankful Sequencing
First, we cook the turkey.
Finally, we eat thanksgiving dinner.
Then, I set the table.
Next, we make a pie.

Group 4
Easter Sequencing
Next, we looked for eggs.
First, the bunny hid the eggs.
Finally, we played with the Easter Bunny.
Then, we found the eggs.

D. Individual Practice Direction: Write A if the statements are alike or

have the same ideas, D if they are different.

_____1. Xiam: Let’s go to the mall and buy some

new clothes.
Faw: I was thinking of the same thing.
Let’s go!
____2. The difference between Jessan and
Shantal is that Jessan does not like to eat
vegetables, but Shantal loves them.
____3. Both Kim and Kazumi want to go to the
E. Generalization Expository texts are fact-based texts.

There are five (5) ways in presenting an

expository text. These are:

Presents characteristics, features, and
examples to describe a subject or topic.

Presents items or events in numerical or
chronological order.
Comparison and Contrast
Explains how two or more things are
alike or different.

Cause and Effect

Explains the causes and the results.

Problem and Solutions

States a problem and lists solution/s for it.

IV.EVALUATION Direction: Identify what element of expository

text is used in each item. Select your answer
from the choices below.
Description Sequence Problem and Solution
Cause and Effect Comparison and Contrast

1. In planting, you have to place first some soil in a

pot. Then, put the flower seeds in it.
2. Desiree is smaller than Emma.
3. COVID-19 hit the country. All schools were closed.
4. Many Filipinos were affected by the COVID-19
5. The government provided support funds to them.
The Philippines isa country in Southeast Asia. It is
divided into three major island groups --- Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao.

V.ASSIGNMENT Direction: On your write all the possible

solution/s in the COVID-19 VIRUS.

Problem: The outbreak of covid-19 virus.


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