General Standard: IPS-G-ME-100
General Standard: IPS-G-ME-100
General Standard: IPS-G-ME-100
This Standard is the property of Iranian Ministry of Petroleum. All rights are reserved to the owner.
Neither whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party, reproduced, stored in
any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the
Iranian Ministry of Petroleum.
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
The Iranian Petroleum Standards (IPS) reflect the views of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum and are
intended for use in the oil and gas production facilities, oil refineries, chemical and petrochemical
plants, gas handling and processing installations and other such facilities.
IPS is based on internationally acceptable standards and includes selections from the items
stipulated in the referenced standards. They are also supplemented by additional requirements
and/or modifications based on the experience acquired by the Iranian Petroleum Industry and the
local market availability. The options which are not specified in the text of the standards are itemized
in data sheet/s, so that, the user can select his appropriate preferences therein
The IPS standards are therefore expected to be sufficiently flexible so that the users can adapt these
standards to their requirements. However, they may not cover every requirement of each project. For
such cases, an addendum to IPS Standard shall be prepared by the user which elaborates the
particular requirements of the user. This addendum together with the relevant IPS shall form the job
specification for the specific project or work.
The IPS is reviewed and up-dated approximately every five years. Each standards are subject to
amendment or withdrawal, if required, thus the latest edition of IPS shall be applicable
The users of IPS are therefore requested to send their views and comments, including any
addendum prepared for particular cases to the following address. These comments and
recommendations will be reviewed by the relevant technical committee and in case of approval will
be incorporated in the next revision of the standard.
Throughout this Standard the following definitions shall apply.
Refers to one of the related and/or affiliated companies of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum such as
National Iranian Oil Company, National Iranian Gas Company, National Petrochemical Company and
National Iranian Oil Refinery And Distribution Company.
Means the “Company” where this standard is a part of direct purchaser order by the “Company”, and
the “Contractor” where this Standard is a part of contract documents.
Refers to the persons, firm or company whose tender has been accepted by the company.
Executor is the party which carries out all or part of construction and/or commissioning for the
The Inspector referred to in this Standard is a person/persons or a body appointed in writing by the
company for the inspection of fabrication and installation work.
Is used where a provision is mandatory.
Is used where a provision is advisory only.
Is normally used in connection with the action by the “Company” rather than by a contractor, supplier
or vendor.
Is used where a provision is completely discretionary.
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
0. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
SECTION 1. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Units .............................................................................................................................. 2
SECTION 2. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Conflicting Requirements ....................................................................................................... 2
SECTION 4. MATERIALS................................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Plates ......................................................................................................................................... 3
4.2.7 General requirement for delivery ............................................................................... 3
4.2.10 Toughness requirements ......................................................................................... 3
4.10 Connections ........................................................................................................................... 3
4.11 Packaging ............................................................................................................................... 4
4.12 Shipment ................................................................................................................................. 4
4.13 Guarantee ............................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 5. DESIGN .......................................................................................................................... 4
5.1.5 Typical joints................................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Design Considerations ............................................................................................................ 5
5.2.3 External loads .............................................................................................................. 5
5.3.2 Corrosion allowance ................................................................................................... 5
5.4 Bottom Plates ........................................................................................................................... 5
5.5 Annular Bottom Plates ............................................................................................................ 6
5.6 Shell Design .............................................................................................................................. 6
5.6.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 6
5.7 Shell Openings ......................................................................................................................... 6
5.7.4 Thermal stress relief ................................................................................................... 6
5.7.6 Shell nozzles and flanges ........................................................................................... 6
5.8 Shell Attachments and Tank Appurtenances ....................................................................... 7
5.8.4 Roof manholes............................................................................................................. 7
5.8.5 Roof venting................................................................................................................. 7
5.8.7 Water draw off sumps ................................................................................................. 7
5.8.10 Platforms, walkways, and stairways ....................................................................... 8
5.8.12 Heating coils .............................................................................................................. 8
5.8.13 Suction heater ........................................................................................................... 8
5.8.14 Earthing connections................................................................................................ 8
5.8.15 Dip hatches ................................................................................................................ 9
5.8.16 Ladders....................................................................................................................... 9
5.8.17 Fire fighting system ................................................................................................ 10
5.10 Roofs ..................................................................................................................................... 10
5.10.2 General ..................................................................................................................... 10
5.10.4 Supported cone roofs ............................................................................................. 10
5.12 Tank Anchorage ................................................................................................................... 10
5.13 Insulation .............................................................................................................................. 11
SECTION 6. FABRICATION ............................................................................................................. 12
6.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1.2 Finish of plate edges ................................................................................................. 12
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
This Standard specification gives the amendments and supplements to API standard 650, Eleventh
Edition , June 2007 with Addendum 1: November 2008, Addendum 2: November 2009 and
Addendum 3: August 2011 “Welded Tanks for Oil Storage”.
It is intended that API standard together with this Standard shall be used for “welded steel tanks for
oil storage” for use in oil refineries, chemical plants, gas plants and where applicable, in exploration
and production and new ventures.
For ease of reference, the clause or section numbering of API standard 650 has been used
throughout this Standard.
All Clauses in API standard 650 that are not mentioned here in this Standard remain unaltered and
shall be considered as part of this Standard.
Note 1:
This Standard is a revised version and combination of three previous standards IPS-M-ME-
100(0) dated May 1993, IPS-C-ME-100(0) dated May 1993 and IPS-E-ME-100(0) dated May 1993
The original (0) edition of three standards is now withdrawn.
Note 2:
This standard specification is reviewed and updated by the relevant technical committee on
Aug. 2013. The approved modifications by T.C. were sent to IPS users as amendment No. 1 by
circular No. 389 on Aug. 2013. These modifications are included in the present issue of IPS.
Sub. (Substitution): The API standard clause is deleted and replaced by a new clause.
Del. (Deletion): The API standard clause is deleted without any replacement.
Mod. (Modification): Part of the API standard clause is modified and/or a new description and/or
condition is added to that clause.
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
1.1 General
1.1.1 Atmospheric storage tanks are those designed to operate at ambient temperature and above
and from 0.6 kPa (6 mBar) vacuum up to 5.6 kPa (56 mBar=22 in H2O). (Mod)
1.1.2 This standard covers atmospheric storage tanks with fixed (cone and dome) and floating
(pontoon and double deck) roofs. Storage tanks with internal floating roof are not covered here.
1.1.3 Units
International system of unit (SI) in accordance with IPS-E-GN-100 and appendices X & Y of this
standard shall be used wherever reference is made to API/ASME or shall be substituted by any other
standard equivalent SI unit system for dimensions, fasteners and flanges. (Sub)
Throughout this Standard the following standards, in addition to the referenced codes and standards
mentioned in API standard 650, are referred to. The editions of these standards and codes that are
in effect at the time of publication of this Standard shall, to the extent specified herein, form a part of
this Standard. The applicability of changes in standards and codes that occur after the date of this
Standard shall be mutually agreed upon by the Company and the Vendor. (Mod)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
All conflicting requirements shall be referred to the purchaser in writing. The purchaser will issue
conforming documentation if needed for clarification. (Add)
4.2 Plates For sea weather conditions, the material used for shell, roof and bottom plates shall
preferably be copper-bearing steel as minimum as specified below. Of course the service
requirements will also affect the material selection. When materials A-283 Gr C, A-285 Gr C and A
36 are specified, the copper content by heat analysis shall be between 0.20 to 0.35% and by product
analysis between 0.18 to 0.37%. (Mod) Bessemer and rimming steels shall not be permitted to be used. (Add)
Formula C+ Mn/6 ≤ 0.42% may be used if the material standard specified “ C” and “Mn”
only (Add) Mill chemical analysis and mechanical test certificate are required for bottom, shell and roof
plates, wind girders, pipes and flanges. (Add) All plates shall be properly laid on saddle and fittings, flanges and etc. shall be packed in
wooden box, clear of the soil. Special care shall be taken to protect joint faces or to beveled end of
plates and fittings against damage. (Add) The design metal temperature shall be the lower of the lowest one day mean ambient
temperature plus 8 C and the minimum temperature of the contents. The mean temperature is
defined as one half of the sum of maximum temperature and minimum temperature. (Mod)
4.10 Connections
Where connections are made to external piping the material and all other requirements for nozzles,
bolting, gasketing and pipes shall be met as specified in that piping class. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
4.11 Packaging
General requirements for packaging are covered in Appendix Z of this standard. (Add.)
4.12 Shipment
Refer to Appendix ZV of this standard for general requirements of shipment. (Add.)
4.13 Guarantee
For guarantee requirement see Appendix ZW of this standard. (Add.)
SECTION 5. DESIGN c) General
In single-V or single bevel shell butt joints the V or bevel shall be made on the outside of the tank,
unless otherwise specified. (Add.)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
5.4.2 When anchor bolts are required, at least a 50 mm width will project beyond the outside edge of
the weld attaching the bottom to shell plates. For storage tanks up to and including 12.5m in
diameter, the ends of the joints in sketch plates under the bottom course of shell plates shall be
hammered down, welded and ground flat. (Mod)
5.4.6 Pad plates shall be used where accessories are fixed to the tank bottom or where they may
touch the tank bottom. Pad plates should preferably be of circular shape, if square or rectangular
plates are used, they shall have rounded corners. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
5.5.1 The material of annular bottom plates shall be of the same specification and quality as the
lowest shell course. (Mod)
5.5.6 When the storage tank is to be placed on a concrete foundation ring no backing strips shall be
used for butt welding radial seams connecting the ends of the annular segmental plates. The welding
shall be done from top and underside to get a full penetration butt weld without any obstruction for
the concrete ring under the annular plate. (Add)
5.6.1 General Unless otherwise specified calculation of shell thickness shall be in accordance with 1-foot
method. For tanks larger than 60m in diameter, method of calculation should be approved by
purchaser. (Mod) Thermal stress relieving documents and certifications shall receive purchaser’s approval.
5.7.6 Shell nozzles and flanges The size of shell inlet and outlet nozzles will be specified on the requisition. Bottom outlets
are permitted only in hard foundations, e.g. rock. Where soil settlements can be neglected. (Add) To assist in drawing off product above the level of any water contamination and in blending
operations, tanks may be fitted with swing pipes operated by a hand winch at ground level. Swing
pipes shall be fitted to the outlet or service connection, never to the inlet or receipt connection. A
special note will be made on the requisition when a swing pipe is required. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1) Ground reading automatic gages shall be provided for storage tanks. Cone roof tanks shall
have gages complete with enclosed tape and hydraulic seal, float and guide wires. All Tapes shall be
graduated in standard metric system. Float wells shall be provided for automatic tank gages in
floating roof tanks. (Add) Storage tanks in hydrocarbon service shall be provided with a minimum of one water draw off
sump for tanks over 6m in diameter and a minimum of two draw off sumps for tanks over 30m in
diameter. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1) End of draw off pipe shall be 100 mm above bottom of sump. (Add) Draw off sump shall be fitted so as to clear the lap joints in the bottom plates and shall not be
placed in the annular plate. (Add) When flush type suction nozzles are used. The maximum size water draw off connection
shall be DN 150. (Add) Water draw off line shall be fitted with non freezing stainless steel trim drain valve. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
Fig. 1
Note: All dimensions are in millimeters, unless otherwise stated. For fillet weld dimensions refer to leg
5.8.16 Ladders
Tanks not equipped with spiral stairways shall be provided with an external vertical ladder. Ladders
and safety cages shall be as per ANSI A14.3 except as modified below:
a) Where ladders are the only means of access, they shall provide for side step access to
platforms unless through ladder type is approved by the purchaser.
b) Where ladders serve as a secondary access to platforms, they may be the side step or
through ladder type installation.
c) Chains with safety hooks shall be provided with a cross ladder opening at each platform
d) Ladder safety device shall not be used in lieu of cage protection.
e) Ladders shall be designed for a moving concentrated load of 227kg. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
5.10 Roofs
5.10.2 General Unless specifically agreed by the purchaser, the weight of any insulation shall be added to
the minimum superimposed load. (Mod) Plates of fixed roof shall be lapped with the lower edge of the upper plate underneath the
upper edge of the lower plates, in order to avoid the risk of condensed moisture becoming trapped in
the lap joint on the underside of the roof. The lap shall be at least 25 mm. (Mod) For tanks exceeding 12.5m in diameter, roof plates shall not be attached to the roof
supporting structure. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
5.13 Insulation
Design and application of insulation to atmospheric storage tanks shall be in accordance with
relevant Iranian Petroleum Standard and Annex Q of BS EN 14015 “Specification for the design and
manufacture of site built, vertical, cylindrical, flat-bottomed, above ground, welded, steel tanks for the
storage of liquids at ambient temperature and above”. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
6.1 General
Manufacturer shall submit the following drawings for approval by Purchaser and before start of the
a) All shop fabrication drawings
b) A general arrangement drawing for each tank. This drawing shall be to scale and shall show the
position of all mountings and accessories required with reference to the relevant detail drawings.
c) Static calculations for all members of the tank for which the sizes are not shown on the
reference drawings. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
6.1.4 Marking
All plates and structural members shall be marked in accordance with a marking diagram to be
supplied by the manufacturer which shall also bear such other marks as may be required to facilitate
Erection marks shall be painted clearly on plates and structural members in symbols at least 50 mm
high, where practicable, and in the case of curved plates, such marks shall be on the inside surface.
When required, erection marks may be hard stamped in symbols not less than 13 mm high which in
the case of plates shall be in the corner approximately 150 mm from either edge.
Painted or stenciled markings shall not be applied until the priming coat is thoroughly dry. (Sub) All roof structural members, stairways and hand railing manufactured from carbon steel shall
be thoroughly cleaned and freed from rust and scale by pickling or blast cleaning and painted
immediately after cleaning with a primer coat of paint before shipment. (Add) Special consideration shall be given to the need to protect welding margins, machined
surfaces, nuts and bolts etc. from corrosion during shipment and construction. (Add)
7.1 General
7.1.7 The erection manufacturer who is responsible for erecting the tank in the site shall furnish all
labor, tools, welding equipment, cables, false work scaffolding, electrodes and other equipment
necessary for the satisfactory erection of the tank. Power for welding shall be supplied by the
erection manufacturer unless other arrangement are stated in the purchase order. (Add)
7.1.8 The erection manufacturer shall inspect and keep stock of all material delivered at site and be
fully responsible for their safekeeping. All fittings, valves, plates, etc. shall be properly laid out on
wooden supports, clear of the soil. Special care shall be taken that damage does not occur to Joint
faces of valves and flanges or to beveled ends of fittings. (Add)
7.1.9 All materials shall be examined and repaired as necessary at the site before being erected, to
ensure that any damage incurred in transit is made good to the satisfaction of the owner’s
representative. Particular attention shall be paid to the removal of buckles and distortions in the shell,
roof and bottom plates. (Add)
7.1.10 Welding electrodes shall be stored in their original pockets or cartons in a dry place
adequately protected from weather effects. Hydrogen controlled electrodes shall be stored and
baked in accordance with the electrode manufacturer’s recommendations. (Add)
7.1.11 Erection holes shall not be permitted in plate work (Add)
7.2.1 General The necessity and the extent of preheat for any of the conditions shall be determined and
receive purchaser’s approval. (Add) The gap between laying surfaces of lap joints should not exceed 1.5 mm. If the separation is
greater than 1.5 mm after straightening and assembly, the leg of the fillet weld shall be increased by
the amount of separation but shall not exceed 4.5 mm gap. The use of filler material is prohibited.
(Mod) Tack welds shall be made with the same type of electrode that is used for depositing the root
pass. (Mod)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1) The sequence employed for tack welding and welding the bottom, shell and roof plates
shall be such that the distortion due to welding shrinkage is minimized. (Add) The parts to be joined by fillet welds shall be brought together as closely as practicable.
(Add) Back up rings or strips, when permitted shall be of the same chemical analysis as the base
plate. Except for low alloy base plate, the back up strip shall be low carbon steel. (Add) Peening of butt welds shall not be carried out except to the extent necessary to clean the
weld. (Add) The internal surfaces of the tank shall be aligned. (Add)
7.2.2 Bottoms Bottom plating shall be in accordance with the storage tank constructional drawing. Attention
shall be paid to erection marks made on bottom plates according to marking diagram which is
supplied by the tank plate fabricator for the use of tank erection manufacturer. (Add) Unless otherwise required, bottoms shall be laid commencing with the center plate and with
subsequent plates lapped towards the center of the tank and the layout shall be as indicated in figure
4. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
b) Typical bottom layout for tanks over 12.5m diameter. For layout of plates similar to sections
A-A and B-B see(a).
Fig. 4
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
7.2.3 Shells All vertical joints in shell plates exceeding 13 mm thick except the rootruns shall be welded by
the “upward” technique. Rootruns may be welded by either the “upward” or “downward” technique.
Further more, in the latter case, the weld metal shall be completely removed by gouging or other
suitable means to sound clean metal, before welding on the reverse side. (Add) The erection manufacturer shall employ suitable methods for the protection of the shell
against temporary loads during erection. Full details of these methods shall be made available for
purchaser’s approval. (Add) A mouse hole (20 mm radius) shall be made in the joining sections next to the tank shell to
prevent fusion between butt weld and tank shell. (Add) The inner fillet weld shall be inspected prior to welding the outside fillet weld. Leak testing
shall be performed with penetrating oil after removal of slag. Oil shall be removed before welding the
outer fillet. (Add) Examination for cracks in inner fillet weld shall be preformed, using either the liquid
penetrant or magnetic particle method. (Add) Radiographic examination of fillet welds shall not be required. (Add)
7.2.5 Roofs Before erection of the roof framing begins, the tank shell shall be carefully checked for
uneven settlement and any misalignment of the top of the shell shall be corrected before the roof
members are positioned. (Add) Temporary supports for erection of the roof framing shall not be removed until the erection of
the main and secondary framing is completed.
With dome roofs the temporary center support shall not be removed until radial rafters, purlings and
bracings are erected, completed and welded, and all roof sheets are tack-welded into position. The
positioning of the roof trusses shall be done very accurately to prevent misalignment. (Add) When assembling roof sheets on the framing, excessive unsymmetrical loads shall be
avoided and not more than three roof sheets shall be stacked at anyone point.
For dome roofs, the roof sheets shall be assembled symmetrically working from the center outwards.
(Add) The strength of erection poles used for temporary support of the roof structure shall be
checked by calculation for the maximum load to be carried. In particular the resistance to buckling
shall be checked. The erection manufacturer shall make a calculation showing strength and safety of
the erection poles to be used. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
7.3.1 General After removal of any temporary back up rings or strips the weld area shall be dressed and
examined using magnetic particle or liquid penetrant. (Add) All bottom plate welds shall be tested using a vacuum box which enables any leak in the
seams to be positively located by visual examination (in accordance with section 8.6 of API standard
650). Alternatively, if a vacuum testing box is not available, the bottom seams may be tested by
pumping air beneath the bottom plates to a pressure just sufficient to lift them off the foundation, but
to a maximum of 0.7kPa (7mBar).
The pressure shall be held by sealing off the periphery with a temporary dam of clay or other suitable
material around the tank bottom. This method shall not be used for floating roof tanks and be limited
to smaller tanks only, if used at all.
For detection of leaks, soap suds or other alternative substance shall be applied to all joints.
The test shall preferably be made as soon as possible after welding of the bottom, removal of slag
and wire brushing, but before any surface coating is applied. The bottom plates shall in any case be
tested before water is let into the tank for hydrostatic testing.
After jacking–up of tank for relevelling, the tank bottom shall again be tested for leaks. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
7.3.10 Anchorages
If tank anchorages are provided, they should be checked and readjusted, if necessary, with the tank
full of water and prior to the air pressure test. (Add)
7.3.11 On completion of all tests the entire storage tank must be free from leaks to the satisfaction of
the owner inspector. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
* The length to be radiographed shall consist of that length from the outside of the annular plate to a
point 250 mm inside the tank.
** 50% of radioghraphs with film horizontal and 50% of radiographs with film vertical.
Note: welds part to be radiographed will be selected by the owner's representative. (Mod)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1) Storage tank shell horizontal joints shall be inspected by radiography method. The extent and
location of radiography shall be as specified in table 2 of this standard. (Mod) Annular plate butt joints shall be radiographed as specified in table 2 of this standard. If for
any reason, radiography is not possible, the joints may be magnetic particle tested from the topside
after completion of the root pass and again after completion of the full weld. (Add)
8.1.5 Acceptance levels for radiographic examination shall be in accordance with table 3 of this
standard. (Mod)
* Area to be considered should be the length of the weld affected by porosity multiplied by the maximum
width of the weld locally.
Note: In this table the following symbols are used:
Ø is a defect diameter (in mm)
t is the thickness of thinner plate being joined (in mm) (Mod)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1) Manufacturer shall submit for purchaser's approval prior to material supply his weld
preparation procedure including details of beveled plates to be supplied. (Add) All welding procedures submitted shall be identified with the specific item and purchase
order numbers. (Add) The manufacturer shall show on a drawing the applicable welding procedure and
nondestructive tests required. (Add)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
C.3 Design
C.3.1 General
All floating roofs shall be designed so that the vapor spaces are minimum. (Mod)
C.3.2 Joints
The variations in the gap between the shell and the periphery of the roof on completion of erection of
roof shall not exceed ±13 mm from the nominal gap. (Mod)
C.3.3 Decks
C.3.3.7 At any elevation of the roof other than that at which it was erected, this difference in gap shall
not exceed 50 mm unless some other value has been agreed upon for a particular seal design.
C.3.3.8 Unless otherwise specified, double deck floating roof shall be provided for storage tanks over
84m diameter and for smaller tanks when required by the Purchaser. (Add)
C.3.7 Ladders
If the tank diameter is equal to or greater than the height, a rolling type roof ladder with self-leveling
treads shall be furnished having a minimum angle of 30 degree from the vertical. If the tank diameter
is less than the tank height, it shall have a vertical roof ladder. (Mod)
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Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
C.4.3.1 The roof drain of the floating roof storage tanks shall be installed prior to the hydraulic test on
the tank and during this test the drain shall be examined to ensure that it is not leaking due to
external pressure. (Add)
C.4.3.2 The roof shall be given a floatation test while the tank is being filled with water and emptied.
During this test, the upper side of the lower deck and all pontoon compartments shall be examined
for leaks. Rainwater shall be prevented from entering the pontoon compartments during this test.
C.4.3.3 The sealing mechanism shall be checked to ensure proper functioning over the full height of
the shell. (Add)
C.4.5 Roof drains together with any flexible coupling incorporated with them shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic test pressure of 3.5kPa (3.5Bar) gage. The tank shall be empty during this test. To
ensure freedom from internal obstructions. The drain piping should be flushed through before testing.
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(to be continued)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
APPENDIX L (continued)
Reference Paragraph Decision Reference Paragraph Decision Reference Paragraph Decision Reference Paragraph Decision
C.3.14.2 Y H.4.3.3 Y N.2.2 S
C.3.14.4 Y H. Y N.2.4 S
C.3.14.5 Y H.4.3.4 Y N.2.5 S
C.3.14.6 Y H.4.3.5 Y N.2.6 S
C.3.15.2 Y H.4.4 Y O.2.2 S
C.3.15.3 Y H.4.4.2 Y O.2.6 S
C.3.15.4 (a, e) Y H.4.4.4 Y O.3.1.4 S
E.1 S H.4.6.1 Y P.1 S
E.3.1 S H.4.6.2 Y P.2.1 Y
E.4.1 S H.4.6.3 Y P.2.2 Y
E.4.2 S H.4.6.5 Y P.2.8.1 Y
E.4.2.4 S H.4.6.6 Y P.2.8.2 Y
E.4.4 S H.4.6.7 Y R.2 Y
E.4.6.1 S H.4.6.8 Y S.1.2 Y
Table S-1a and S-1b
E.4.6.2 S H.4.6.9 Y (Notes 1, 2, 3, 5)
E.5.1.2 S H.5.1.1 Y S.2.1.2 Y
E.6.1.3 S H.5.1.4 Y S.2.2 Y
E.6.1.5 S H.5.2.1 Y S.3.1 Y
E.6.1.6 S H. Y S.3.2 (G, CA) Y
E. S H. Y S.4.3.2 S
E.7.2 S H.5.3.1 Y S.4.4.3 Y
E.7.5 S H.5.3.2 Y S.4.5.1 Y
Table S-2a and S-2b
F.5.1 Y H.5.3.3 Y (Notes 2, 3)
Table S-3a and S-3b
F.7.4 Y H.5.5.3 Y (Note 4)
G.1.3.2 S H.5.6 Y S.4.9.2 Y
G.1.3.3 S H.5.7 Y S.4.10.2 (a, f) S
G.1.4.1 S H.5.8 Y S.4.10.3 Y
G.1.4.2 S H.5.9 Y S.4.13 Y
G.1.4.4 S H.6.1 Y S.6 (b) Y
G.2.1 S H.6.2 Y U.3.1 Y
G.2.4 S H.6.4 (Note) Y U.3.3 Y
G.4.3 S H.6.6 Y U.3.5 Y
G.5.3 S H.6.6.1 Y U.4.3 Y
G.6.2 S I.1.2 Y Appendix V Y
G.7 S I.1.3 Y Appendix W Y
G.8.3 S I.2 (e) Y
G.9 S I.5.5 Y
G.10.1.1 S I.6.2 Y
G.10.1.2 S I.6.3 Y
G.11.3 S I.6.4 Y
H.1.1 Y I.7.1 Y
H.1.2 Y I.7.3.2 (CA) Y
H.1.3 Y I.7.6 Y
H.2.2 (f, g, h) Y J.1.2 Y
H.3 Y J.3.6.3 Y
H.4.1.6 Y J.3.7.1 Y
H.4.1.7 Y J.3.7.2 Y
H.4.1.8 Y J.3.8.2 Y
H.4.1.9 Y J.4.2.2 Y
H.4.1.10 Y Appendix L Y
H. Y M.1.2 (Note) S
H. Y M.2 Y
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
Z.1 When considering the following instructions, due regards shall be paid to handling facilities in
transit and at the destination, and also to any special packaging instruction given in the purchase
Z.2 Structural materials and plates shall be treated as follows:
Z.2.1 To prevent damage in transit all roof plates shall be bundled by welded clips as shown in
Appendix Z Fig. 6.
The maximum weight of single bundle shall not exceed approximately 1 ½ tons.
Bundling shall not take place until the paint is thoroughly dry.
Z.2.2 All shell and bottom plates shall be bundled as described under Z.2.1 above, except that
maximum weight of a single bundle shall not exceed approximately 2tons.
Z.2.3 All structural members, such as roof framing, curb angles, wind girders, hand rails and stair
threads, shall be bundled and secured by bolting or tack welding. To prevent the nuts from
loosening during transit, either the threads must be damaged or the nuts spot welded to the
bolts. The weight of a single bundle shall not exceed approximately one ton.
Z.2.4 All gusset plates, cleats, etc. shall be securely bundled by bolting, each bundle weighing
approximately ¼ton.
Z.2.5 All small parts such as bolts, nuts, erection key plates, shim plates, wedges etc. shall be
bagged and packed separately, and shall be enclosed in stout wooden cases. The minimum
thickness of timber used for the cases shall be 22 mm. The total weight of each case shall not
exceed approximately ½ton.
Z.3 Roof and shell manholes, nozzles, bottom sumps and clean outs, etc. may be shipped loose.
Manhole and clean out cover shall be bolted on with gasket in position. Flange of nozzles, etc.
shall be adequately protected to prevent damage in transit.
Roof vents, dip hatches and similar fittings shall be packed complete with gasket, etc. in stout
wooden case, and shall be securely fixed there to prevent damage in transit.
Cases shall be made of timber not less than 22 mm thick strongly battened, and banded with
tensioned steel strapping. The weight of any case shall not exceed ¼ton.
Z.4 All welding electrodes, rods, wires and fluxes shall be packed in such a manner as to keep them
in first class condition during transport and storage.
Welding electrodes shall be supplied in containers which give adequate protection against
damage and moisture in transit and in storage on site.
The type of packing to be employed shall be specified by the electrode manufacturer.
(to be continued)
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
APPENDIX Z (continued)
Note 1: Use 6 numbers of clips for each bundle except where ½ plate length exceeds 4 m in that case
use three clips on each side which is 8 clips per bundle.
Note 2: When welding is not permitted use other safe methods for bundling.
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
ZV.1 Plates and storage tank material shall be loaded in such a manner as to ensure delivery without
ZV.2 Shipping marks shall be provided as follows:
ZV.2.1 Whenever possible, the shipping marks and any other desired particulars shall be stenciled
on each bundle, case or package. Stenciled marks shall be at least 50 mm high. If stenciling
cannot be applied, the information shall be suitably stamped on a metal label, securely attached
to the package. Stamped symbols shall be at least 13 mm high.
ZV.2.2 If any confusion is likely to arise in reception, storing or distribution of the materials (e.g. in the
case of purchase orders comprising materials for more than one tank), all parts shall have
painted on them a further distinctive mark in addition to any erection or shipping marks. Such
additional marking shall consist of a colored band or other mark as agreed with purchaser.
ZV.2.3 All identification marks shall be applied on at least two sides of each package.
ZV.3 Each package, case and bundle shall be accompanied with a packing list.
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
ZW.1 Vendor shall guarantee that the materials delivered to be incorporated into storage tank(s) are
in accordance with the purchase order and will be free from any defects in design, workmanship
and material and that they will give proper service under the operating and design conditions as
specified, for a period of 18 months, reckoned from the day on which the tanks are delivered.
ZW.2 The period of 18 months specified above shall be extended by any period(s) during which the
tanks after delivery are out of action as a result of any defect covered by this guarantee.
ZW.3 In the event of defects covered by this guarantee, Purchaser shall notify vendor as soon as
possible and Vendor shall without delay remedy or repair free of charge (cost of labor and
transportation not excluded) the tank(s) having such defects, or authorize Purchaser to do so. In
the latter event Vendor shall reimburse to Purchaser the actual out of pocket costs, excluding
over heads and similar administrative costs.
ZW.4 Remedying and repairing may be affected by Purchaser without prior approval by Vendor in
cases where it would be unreasonable to demand that prior approval be obtained. In such case
Vendor and Purchaser shall agree which party shall bear the costs and expenses thereof or in
what proportion these costs and expenses shall be divided between them. This guarantee shall
remain in effect, provided the remedying and repairing do not result in any detriment to the
ZW.5 In no event will this guarantee cover defects due to normal wear and tear, disregard by
Purchaser or his consignee of operating instructions, excessive over loading by Purchaser or his
consignee or unsuitable operating conditions.
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
The purpose of this Appendix is to present an equivalent identity for the piping components nominal
size in Imperial System and SI System.
Nominal Size Nominal Size Nominal Size Nominal Size
DN (1) NPS (2) DN (1) NPS (2) DN (1) NPS (2) DN (1) NPS (2)
15 ½ 100 4 500 20 1000 40
20 ¾ 125 5 600 24 1050 42
25 1 150 6 650 26 1100 44
32 1¼ 200 8 700 28 1150 46
40 1½ 250 10 750 30 1200 48
50 2 300 12 800 32 1300 52
65 2½ 350 14 850 34 1400 56
80 3 400 16 900 36 1500 60
90 3½ 450 18 950 38 1800 72
1) Diameter Nominal (DN), mm.
2) Nominal Pipe Size (NPS), Inch.
Nov. 2004 IPS-G-ME-100(1)
The purpose of this Appendix is to present an equivalent identity for the pipe flange nominal pressure
temperature ratings in Imperial System and SI System.
PN (1) Equivalent (2)
20 150
50 300
68 400
100 600
150 900
250 1500
420 2500
1) Pressure Nominal (PN), bar gage.
2) Pounds per square inch gage, (psig).