Affiliate Management
Affiliate Management
Affiliate Management
In the pages that follow you’ll learn several affiliate management concepts that can
take your online business to the next level - or even save your business if it’s in
trouble. Before we start, what do the people in charge of billion dollar affiliate
programs have to say to you about your affiliate program?
“You need to manage your program to turn it into an unstoppable sales machine.
The days of auto-pilot affiliate programs are long gone.”
“It’s easier to get more out of your existing affiliates, than to constantly recruit new
“Affiliates are people, not human ATM machines. You need to motivate and
incentivize them ALL, not just top performers.”
“Super affiliates are valuable but risky. Recruiting and retaining super affiliates
means competing with thousands of other affiliate programs in EVERY niche (not
just your own).”
“The biggest threat to affiliate marketing isn’t changes at search engines or click
fraud. It’s spyware, and if it hasn’t hit your program yet, it will.”
“There’s a right and a wrong way to motivate, train, and communicate with
affiliates. Most managers do them all wrong.”
“Big one-time increases in sales may be the work of a few people. But long-term
increases come from building a remote affiliate sales force - a worldwide team.”
The Affiliate Manager, 1st Edition, our comprehensive course on using your
affiliate program to energize your business, teaches you how to imitate the billion
dollar managers. It’s not based on theory, but practical advice from people who
have mastered the art of developing affiliate programs that deliver big results.
This report is just a tiny sample of the ground-breaking methods in The Affiliate
Manager, 1st Edition. These concepts are overflowing with marketing possibilities
for those who want to get ahead of the trends - and be the first to cash in on them.
Here’s proof that competitions can activate and motivate affiliates, give your
business a shot of additional sales, and take your business to a whole new level.
When we held our first affiliate competition in November 2005, Affiliate Classroom
was less than one year old. But we were also an affiliate-driven company paying out
more than $30,000 in commissions monthly. The success of the competition far
exceeded our business goals. Here are the results:
How did we achieve this? By combining several tactics into a competition that
generated lots of buzz… and more than doubled our sales in just a few days Here
are some key factors that can contribute to the success of your competition, too:
Set business goals. These must fit you, your products, and your niche.
Do a pre-competition self assessment to make sure you’re really ready.
Planning, from prizes to legal issues. Plan well, and the contest runs itself.
Use “surprises” strategically, or you’ll lose sales momentum.
Develop a competition “formula” that includes a theme plus lots of motivators.
Make sure that even one-sale affiliates can win a valuable and attractive prize.
Find tricks to acquire minimal cost prizes that affiliates will really work hard for.
Convince JV partners to offer prizes in exchange for high profile publicity.
Have three promotional phases, each designed to create its own kind of “buzz.”
Finally, you may suddenly see the value in your inactive affiliates if you think about
this tactic we learned from a multi-million dollar affiliate manager:
If you want to get those inactive affiliates to get active, make it a requirement
that they can’t enter unless they’ve already made one sale. This works best for
really big competitions with plenty of prizes, all kinds of ways to win, and some
special prizes for “most improved” or “most sales by a newbie” awards.
The vast majority of affiliates want to be trained and managed based on their
preferred marketing method - not their sales numbers. If you stop thinking in terms
of super, active, and inactive, you’ve just multiplied your options.
Let’s look at how understanding the six types of affiliates allows you to expand your
Of course, you may also need to be creative in training, activating, and supporting
many of these affiliates, at least at first, since they’ll need it. Obviously you can’t
train and support dozens, even hundreds of inexperienced affiliates in the tiny details
of marketing online. (In The Affiliate Manager, 1st Edition, we advise you on how
to train your affiliates without “micro-training.”)
As you know, nothing stops your competitors from signing up for your program,
learning everything about your marketing, then stealing those methods. They could
also dominate your program by becoming your top affiliates! That’s a classic case of
the tail wagging the dog: your competitors have enough sales clout to tell you how
to run your business.
Finally, some top marketers feel that even “black hat” scraper affiliates have their
redeeming features. These affiliates are called “scrapers” because their sites are
stuffed with “scrapes” - copies of search engine results for their chosen keywords.
Their spammy sites can, however, be a free source of thousands, even millions, of
backlinks you can’t be penalized for under current search engine rules. True, the
individual links may not be worth much. But we have seen sites get an unexpected
search engine boost that can be traced back to millions of links on scraper pages.
Even if they never make a sale, affiliates can spread awareness of your
products and your expertise, by reprinting your articles in their newsletters.
They may create viral materials that mention your products. This can give
you exposure through mass giveaways and reprint rights sites for years.
They may place links to your products on all their sites, some of which
probably do well in the search engines for obscure terms. Once again, these
are free backlinks that can ultimately help with your search engine presence.
Their PPC ads may actually help push your competitor’s ads into lower
positions - assuming you allow them to bid on popular or branded keywords.
Finally, remember that any affiliate who makes even a halfhearted attempt at
promoting your program benefits you. Why? Because affiliates take on the cost – in
both time and money – of marketing your products. You only pay affiliates for
results, making them a far less risky investment than other types of advertising.
If you compare the cost of a well-run affiliate program with mass purchases of
banner exposures, pay-per-click, and ezine ads, let alone offline advertising, an
affiliate program can return much more for your dollar. In fact, for many big online
retailers, affiliate marketing is their highest ROI (Return On Investment) marketing
In business (as well as life), you have to change the way you think to change
results. If you want to get more sales out of your affiliates, stop thinking about your
affiliates the way old-fashioned marketers do.
Next… The three most important ways to communicate with your affiliates.
Don’t forget to create an “open door” policy by giving affiliates all your contact
information, including instant messaging. Set aside specified hours for phone or
chat. Most affiliates are busy enough to respect your time - and this goes a long
way to showing you’re available if they need you.
The information in this report is just a tiny sampling of what you’ll learn in The
Affiliate Manager, 1st Edition, which includes:
4-Hour Affiliate Manager Boot Camp on 2 DVDs. Taught by Anik Singal, CEO,
Affiliate Classroom, Inc., at the January 2006 Affiliate Summit in Las Vegas, NV.
8 Checklists and Cheat Sheets to keep you focused on key marketing issues.
Bonus Template Pack and References that include samples of newsletters, super
affiliate recruitment letters, recognition letters and certificates, and our “Where To
Find It In Affiliate Marketing” Guide.