Treasure Stories of Eastern IDAHO
Treasure Stories of Eastern IDAHO
Treasure Stories of Eastern IDAHO
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Louis J. Clements
June, 1991
Introduction 1 - 5
Placer Gold 6 - 12
Black Sand 12 - 13
Finding The Motherlode 13 - 16
Detriments To Placer Gold 17 - 18
Northern Idaho 19 - 20
Salmon River e 20 - 21
Boise Basin 21
Owyhee County 22 - 23
Caribou City 23
Kelly's Canyon 24 - 34
Mud Lake Treasure 34 - 36
North Fork of the Teton River 37 - 38
Lone Pine Mine 39 - 41
Lidy's Hot Springs Buried Gold 41 - 43
Lava Gold 43 - 47
Menan Buttes 47 - 49
Holdup Rock - Beaver Canyon 49 - 50
Buffalo River 50 - 51
Buffalo River 1 51 - 55
Buffalo River II 55 - 59
Buffalo River III 59 - 64
Lost Gold Mine - Island Park 64 - 74
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Rumors and Sketchy Stories Cont.
Kilgore Gold 86 - 87
Sentinel Rocks 87
Snake River - American Falls 88
Portneuf Canyon Coins 88
Fort Hall 88 - 90
Teton River 9^ ^2
Falls River ^2 - 93
Robison Creek ^3
North Fork Snake River 94
South Fork Snake River 95
Falls River 96
Every spring as the snow begins to melt and the water starts
to run a spirit of adventure goes throughout the land. Spring is
the time that stirs the hearts of the amateur prospector. Spring
means new run off of water that may have stripped new flakes from
the exposed veins of quartz that contain gold. The snow also
carries soil from the hillsides into the streams moving gold that
may have weathered during the winter. This gold is then deposited
in the collecting spots behind rocks and on sand bars. It happens
every spring with the promise to prospectors each year of shedding
the confines of the home (cabin fever) and being able to once again
get out into nature.
The best way to get the gold out of Montana was to send it
down the trail/road to the railroad in Utah. Supplies for the
mining areas had to be freighted out of Utah up the road to
Montana. This made for a lucrative opportunity for those who
preferred to obtain their gold through less laborious means than
panning or working in a mine. The wide Snake River Valley offered
a means of escape for any would be outlaw who had designs upon a
gold laden coach.
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One of the by-products of this collection of stories is that
it may trigger in your memories the knowledge of rumors or factual
stories that you know of. I would hope that you would write them
down and send them to the Upper Snake River Valley Historical
Society, P. O. Box 244, Rexburg, Idaho 83440. If enough of them
come in we could put out a second volume of stories for those who
like to look for these treasures. If there are not enough of them
we would include them in one of the up coming issues of the Snak^
River Echoes the magazine of historical stories of Eastern Idaho.
Good Luck,
Louis J. Clements
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Most gold is found away from the primary source of the ore.
The vein of gold is worked at by rain, snow, and wind with flakes
being weathered away. The flakes or dust follow the natural
erosion patterns down from the source. The beginning prospector
can follow some simple rules to find out first of all if gold does
exist and then how to trace it to its vein.
Placer Gold
Check which rocks you discard to make sure they are not
A shovel is a very useful tool in prospecting. It will
help you get to the bottom of a sand bar much easier.
I was panning on Burns Creek above Heise Hot Springs on a
spring day following the above procedures. I took out a rock about
the size of a fifty cent piece, looked at it, and then threw it
back into the stream. As I continued panning I kept thinking of
the discarded rock and the strange formation it contained. I
decided to find it again. It took a half hour of intensive search
before I found it. It turned out to be a fossilized part of a
horses jaw. Geologists have suggested that it is from one to fifty
million years old.
As you continue the motion of the pan and the replacing of the
water the sand in your pan will reduce. Then you need to look
carefully at the remaining sand as you keep the water in motion.
Gold flakes will form at the bottom of the residue in your pan.
This was when I was in high school. We placed it on various
streams throughout Eastern Idaho during the years. It was not long
enough to produce anything though the natural flow of water. We
never got to the manual labor of throwing dirt or gravel into the
box. We also never found any gold. We left the box in a stream
over the winter and the spring run-off destroyed it.
Black Sand
The black sand for the most part is not as heavy as the gold.
A method used by many of today's prospectors is to let the sand dry
on a piece of cardboard, a pan, or something flat. As soon as it
is thoroughly dry gently blow across it. A lot of the lighter
black sand will fly away. Tapping the board lightly and blowing
again will remove more of it.
The most tried and true method of separating the gold from
black sand is to use mercury. Mercury will absorb gold from its
surroundings. Then the mercury can be boiled and all that will be
left when it boils away will be the gold. There are always
drawbacks. In this case there are two. Mercury is expensive so
you will need to have a system of trapping the vapors of the boiled
mercury so that it can be condensed back into mercury. This would
also be wise in the second drawback. Mercury fumes are deadly and
cannot be breathed without extensive damage to your system. The
trapping program must be foolproof to ensure your continued good
mines that have been dug into the mountainside. I have panned the
stream beiow the mines and found a lot of color. I tried the above
method to trace the gold to its source. I followed a small stream
right up the mountainside almost to its source. I found gold all
along the way. I then went to the sides of the stream and found
gold all along the slope of the mountain. It seemed that there
were at least three flakes of gold in every pan wherever T panned.
The whole hillside contained geld. This would suggest to me that
there were many sources of gold wearing away.
I heard a new idea a few years ago that seemed to make sense.
The prospector was suggesting that if you were in an area that was
known to produce gold you should climb to the highest point around
and then study the surrounding area. You would be looking for
exposed rock that contained veins of quartz. If you used
binoculars from the high spot you could see for some distance.
Gold occurs in quartz veins and especially in broken areas of
quartz. Identifying these areas could shorten the effort of
walking all across the country.
Another new innovation in gold panning and prospecting is the
use of a metal detector in your search. If you use a plastic,
rubber, or non-metallic pan you can make sure that you do not throw
away a nugget. You work your pan of sand or gravel to the point
you are ready to remove the rocks by hand. Before throwing these
rocks away you could pass a metal detector over the pan. It would
tell you if there was any gold in any of the rocks that you were
contemplating disposing of. I would hate to think that I may have
discarded a gold nugget in the past. I will have a metal detector
in a short time to augment my search and recreation.
Here are only a few of the dozens of metal detector
that are available on the market today. You need to
be quite specific as to what you are searching for
and where to know which will best fit your needs.
A second use for the metal detector is the search for coins
and artifacts of a metallic base. There are many association
clubs that have been organized for amatuer and professional users
of metal detectors. There are also contests in different
areas of
the country where those of the prospecting persuasion gather to
who can use a detector to the best skill to uncover a buried
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The material in their, can be quite useful in getting you started and
helping you to avoid some of the pitfalls of those trying to get
their treasure iror: sc?.}:ina a potential treasure hunting customer.
Detriments to Placer Gold
The biggest detriment to placer gold finding its way down the
rivers now are the dams and chGd.s t'.<.t have been placed across the
rivers in an attempt to make more water available for irrigation.
This stops the free flow of '->^^ ^-••,
gold dust or sand to stop. ...
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When the dam failed and the water rushed out of the reservoir
it caused tremendous damage to the canyon upstream as well as
downstream. Water had seeped into the canyon walls upstream. As
the water left the reservoir quickly the water in the crevices,
cracks, and caves could not drain as quickly. The weight of the
water caused the canyon walls to burst to the canyon floor. This
changed the free flowing stream to a series of ponds with a cascade
of water joining them. It would be hard to imagine any gold grains
or dust making their way past these ponds. Even in periods of high
water run off in the spring would any gold be able to make its way
past the rock checks that now proliferate the canyon.
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Northern Idaho
stream bed. Immediately they set up a camp and began to vigorously
test the stream for more gold. The results were very encouraging
as gold was found in almost every pan.
The group spent the entire summer working the sand bars and
gravel beds, building up a sizable poke. As winter approached
plans were made to send some men back to get supplies while the
rest remained to work through the season.
Heavy storms kept the supply group in Walla Walla all winter.
The only amusement there was drinking. They were supposed to keep
the source of their income a secret. Several evenings of merriment
soon had the secret of the gold discovery quite public. In the
spring as the supply group returned to their diggings they were
accompanied by several hundred enthusiastic followers.
The general area of this gold discovery was named "Oro Fino"
meaning fine gold in Spanish.
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Salmon River
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Perhaps the most interesting part of this mining area was the
establishment of Leesburg in western Lemhi County. It was named by
men who wanted to honor the South 's famous General Lee of the Civil
War. Only a mile away were men who were sympathetic to the north.
They built their own town and called it Grantsville after the
North's most famous general. In Idaho the South prevailed with
Leesburg absorbing Grantsville although they both lost out in the
end. There are only a few cabins and other remnants of the two
towns still standing. There was a lot of gold taken out of this
area and a persistent prospector today can find sign of gold in the
streams with his trusty pan.
The other major gold discovery in the Salmon River country was
on Loon Creek on the Middle Fork of the Salmon. There over a half
a million dollars in placer gold was taken out. There is
considerable interest still being shown in this area today. The
latest discovery I heard of was the deposits of mercury found in
the stream. Mercury was used abundantly to separate the gold from
any other sand and soil in this stream.
Boise Basin
In 1862 Moses Splawn, George Grimes, and a few others set out
to explore and prospect. Splawn had been one of the questioners of
the above Indian. At one of there camps in southern Idaho they
found that a pan of dirt would yield fifteen cents in gold. That
would be over a dollar in today's (1991) prices. This was the
first gold discovery in what came to be called the Boise Basin
diggings. From their camp on Grimes Creek the group spread out and
found several rich lodes.
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Owyhee County
The lost gold was called the Blue Bucket Mine. The rumor
began immediately that there was a potential gold mining area in
southern Idaho. With so much gold being found around the whole
country it was easy to believe. Many made their plans to check out
this discovery as all gold rumors were checked out. Getting into
this part of Idaho was not easy. Having the knowledge that the
discovery was made on the Oregon Trail did help in pinning down the
The usual rush followed. Two thousand men quickly went from
the Boise area south. They found all of the obvious land claimed
and decided to return to their former claims. This gold rush
became known in Idaho history as the forty-eight hour rush. Most
gold rushes lasted much longer as prospectors were known to look
around more. Perhaps the environment and weather conditions of
southwestern Idaho did not lend itself to encouragement of a
prolonged stay.
They should not have left so soon. Rich silver ores were
discovered in the same vicinity. Silver City came into being and
millions of dollars were invested in mining equipment and supplies.
Soon the mines were producing high amounts of silver. This silver
boom continued until the silver crash of the 70 's. This area never
rivaled the silver mines of Comstock Lode of Nevada but it was
impressive for Idaho standards.
Caribou City
Two towns grew out of the discovery: Caribou City and Keenan
City. The claims played out and the towns died leaving only an
occasional prospector looking for the main vein. It has not been
found yet. There is a lot of color in the streams coming off
Caribou Mountain and the original miners never felt that the main
vein of gold which supplied the placer operations on its slopes was
found. This is one of the prime sources of amateur panning in
Eastern Idaho. There is gold in most of the streams around this
mountain just south of the east end of Palisades Lake.
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Kelly's Canyon
One of the more popular areas for the robberies was in the
Portneuf Canyon south of Pocatello. Here, near McCammon, occurred
one of the more unique robbery episodes which resulted in this, the
most noted of the lost treasure stories in Eastern Idaho.
Bill James and his partner, Jim Hall, were hidden behind a
large boulder in the Portneuf Canyon. Several times they had heard
the wheels and plodding horses of a freighter coming down the road
but they were waiting for the more measured trotting of the
stagecoach horses. They knew that the stages often carried gold as
well as wealthy mine owners and they had determined to relieve the
passengers and the stage of any gold or currency.
They demanded the strongbox to be thrown down. They also made
the passengers leave the stage so they could be searched for
personal iteir^s of value. The horses were cut from the stage and
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•^cad to prevent a quid: reporting of the robbery.
The tw . .^.^^1^^ "^hen loaded the gola onto two mules and went north
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Early the next morning the posse set out for Eagle Rock (Idaho
Falls) to see if their quarry had been seen there. Their inquiries
found that two men with mules fitting the outlaws description were
about two hours ahead of them and headed in an easterly direction
towards where the South Fork of the Snake River enters the plain.
James and Hall were soon spotted as the posse had nothing to
slow them down. They were on the north side of the Snake River
near the present Heise bridge. The outlaws saw the posse at the
same time and whipped the mules to their top speed. The mules were
to be the undoing of this pair. They could not out distance the
horses even if they were not loaded with gold.
The trail and the road on the north side of the Snake
River end as the river runs against the steep side
of the mountains just beyond the hill in the middle
of the picture.
James had the line that was leading the mules and Hall decided
to make it every man for himself. He left James on the flat just
east of Heise and struck out on his own. Near the mouth of Kelly's
Canyon the two disappeared from their pursuers as a heavy
(cloudburst) rain shower obscured them from view. The posse rode
through the shower and spotted a rider disappearing around the bend
of the river. They gave hot pursuit.
The Snake River Canyon past this bend begins to narrow and
eventually the north side ends in a solid rock wall. At this point
Hall decided to take a stand. It was an unwise decision and in the
ensuing shootout, Hall was killed.
The posse was puzzled for a time as they knew there were two
outlaws and some mules involved. They retraced their steps looking
for a hiding place that James might have turned into. They decided
they would have noticed anyone turning into any opening past the
turn of the river. They moved quickly back to the flat east of
Heise and discovered Kelly's Canyon branching to the north.
They moved cautiously up the canyon for a few miles where they
discovered the two mules and a saddle horse feeding quietly. Since
it had just rained they felt they would be able to find the outlaws
tracks easily. They studied the ground and could find no sign.
They then decided that the rain had obliterated any tracks. They
searched the rest of the day and then made camp for the night.
They resumed their search the next day and then decided that he had
escaped. There just was no trace found of James or the gold. The
posse returned to Blackfoot with only the horse and the mules to
show for their efforts.
James had turned into the canyon in the middle of the storm.
He had not gone far before he decided to try to hide the loot. He
knew the posse might be delayed for a short time by the rain but he
also knew that with the amount of gold involved they would shortly
be with him.
This is the cave as seen through the trees. There is
a path leading to the cave.
This is the view of Kelley's Canyon from the bottom
of the path leading to the cave. This is where the
outlaw said he could see where he buried the gold.
that way would take him into the higher mountains. He looked down
the canyon and wondered if the posse had left a couple of men
around a corner to see if he would emerge. He looked up Little
Kelly's and knew that it went towards the west tapering to the
From Virginia City we know that he made his way to the state
of Washington. He wanted to place as much distance between himself
and his pursuers as possible and yet still be not too far from his
nervous exhaustion and to recuperate from the steadily worsening
cold he was developing.
His cold progressed over the days into severe lung problems.
His landlady fussed over him constantly and finally called a
doctor. The doctor could not arrest the illness and felt that
James was steadily deteriorating. The landlady spent several hours
a day taking care of him and tried to supply for his every need.
It is felt that the rain and exposure in Kelly's Canyon and the
subsequent escape had done him in.
Finally James called her in and told her that he felt sure
that he was going to die. She had taken such good care of him that
he wanted to share his wealth with her. She sent for the doctor
and then sat by his bed to listen in fascination as he related his
story in a sort of death-bed confession. He told her of several
landmarks that would pinpoint the location of the treasure. As he
was about to tell here how to line up the landmarks to lead right
to the treasure, the doctor arrived.
He took one look at the ailing outlaw and asked the landlady
to depart. Shortly afterward the doctor came out and announced
that James had passed away.
Several years later her fortunes took a turn for the worse.
She needed some cash to make repairs on her boarding home and for
other purposes. The story of the lost treasure kept coming back
into her mind. Finally she made the decision to investigate. She
put together a small stake and accompanied by a few friends, set
out for Idaho.
The Idaho she came to now had several settlements. There was
a small resort as the site of the hot springs being operated by
Richard Heise, who had homesteaded the area in 1894. This resort
made a great cover for the treasure hunt. They could appear to be
riding or hiking from the resort while they hunted for the gold.
Since there were occasional people around they had to be quite
cautious in what they said and did. Several thought the daily
trips into the canyons around Heise by the group from Washington
suggested they were on a big game hunt.
The area described by James as the burial place for the gold
was easily identifiable. His former landlady went right to Kelly's
Canyon. She led the group up the canyon and turned into Little
Kelly's Canyon, They spread out and quickly found the landmarks
that told them they were in the right spot. She went to the left
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several weeKs in the area and found nothing to indicate that they
were even close. The only encouraging thing was that the landmarks
were in existence right where James had described them. They went
back to Washington guite disappointed but determined to return the
next summer for another look.
Close up of Cave
4. Beyond that a small canyon branches with cottonwood
tree in the center.
5. At the (Left blank. Possibly meant base.) of
the cottonwood tree in the slope of the smaller
canyon is a hole in a small (Left blank.
Possibly meant cave.) just small enough to crawl in.
6. I could see the junction of the two canyons, the two
cottonwoods, the old trail where it crosses the
creek, and up the entire slope of the draw looking
7. The treasure will be found at the two imaginary
lines drawn from the four landmarks.
If you can get yourself into the Heise Hot Springs area east
of Ririe, Idaho, getting to the treasure site is easy. You drive
past Heise until you come to a split in the road. Take the left
hand, paved fork and continue up the road.
The north slope of Little Kelley's, under the shale
is where I think the gold is probably buried.
Looking from the cave entrance enables you to see the many
landmarks mentioned and supposedly the spot where the gold was
covered up. You can see where the trail probably went. You can
see where the creek probably crossed the trail although it may have
wandered from spot to spot over the years. There are several
Cottonwood trees around the area. The small canyon is obvious. It
is easy to see the description given on the number six of the list
of landmarks. All one has to do is decide how to draw the lines
right that will mark the site of the treasure.
Put yourself in James' position and you can almost imagine his
efforts in trying to hide the gold. I have often wondered if he
had the foresight to bring a shovel along. I think not. I feel
the gold may be located under rocks on the right side of the
vicinity of a buried treasure. One of their parents had a metal
detector and found a spot where it registered metal. The kids
immediately began tearing at the ground with their bare hands.
They came up with a few buried cans. They did this same thing
several times until they realized that this was a popular picnic
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and was put in jail. While in jail he told of his lost treasure
and drew a map of where it was buried. Apparently he felt he was
to be in jail for a long time or he hoped that the soon to be
released friend would find the gold and help him to get out.
In 1910 a man appeared in the Mud Lake area and told of his
plans to build a better dike on the lake so that he could improve
the irrigation of the surrounding farms. He hired a crew of
workers and was then joined by a woman who was known to be a
'crystal gazer. She would look into the crystal and then tell the
men where to work. One day the man quit all work on the project,
He paid his workers and told them not to come back. It was felt
that he had found the treasure as a few days later the man and
woman disappeared.
The locals, who knew of the treasure, did not want to believe
that the gold had been found. Many of the local residents have
looked for the gold.
To the left of the hill in the center of the picture
is where Camas Creek enters the Mud Lake. The lost
treasure is supposed to be near the mouth of the
North Fork of the Teton River
This procedure went on for many years until a sizable hole had
been picked out of the rock and it was beginning to resemble a real
mine. Those who were curious about where the gold was coming from
were told stories of the Teton Mountain Range and other areas.
Attempts to follow him failed as he always seemed to be able to
detect them and would turn back. No doubt the would be claim
jumpers had the miner very nervous and he began to suspect
everyone. His health began to suffer.
He took his eight year old son to the edge of the canyon and
showed him where the mine was located. In the next few years the
father died. The family moved to Utah and the mine was forgotten.
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The son was in his twenties when he returned to the North Fork
of the Teton River. The ravages of winter and erosion had changed
the canyon. His youthful memories did not prove too strong as he
was unable to locate for sure the place on the canyon rim where he
had stood so many years before let alone the site of the mine. He
hunted along the canyon wall for several weeks but could not even
find a clue.
Rod Gatlor and Ike Mackensie were best of friends who had come
west to enjoy the scenery and participate in the making of history.
They traveled extensively throughout the states and ended up in
Salmon, Idaho, in the spring of 1899.
Finally they set out determined to let the fates take care of
them. They were mostly out for the adventure of the trip and the
camping with the thrill of discovery to accompany them. They went
upstream on the Salmon River for several miles. Noticing a stream
coming from the west they crossed the river and began panning. Ike
found color in his second pan. They worked their way up the canyon
and became more excited with each effort.
They went through the sand bars and gravel for several weeks
spending four or five hours a day looking for gold and the rest of
the time looking for big game and at the scenery. The adventure
they wanted was the camping and the thrill of being in the West.
They examined the rock in the firelight and could see the
telltale lines of gold running through it. Excitedly they rushed
up to the point but it was too dark to observe anything. Trying to
remain calm they went back to the camp and retired for the evening.
The morning of the third day they arose shivering to find all
of their water turned to ice. They had camped on the edge of the
Salmon River the night before. It had seemed wise not to attempt
a crossing of the river in the dark. Now, as they gazed at the
river, there were little chunks of ice floating down. Both sides
of the river were covered with ice. To their tenderfoot minds this
scared, but did not give warning of possible danger.
They saddled their horses with numb fingers, loaded the gold
on the mules, and started into the river. Ike led, followed by
loaded mules, and then Rod brought up the rear with his mules.
Everything went fine until Rod entered the swiftest part of the
stream. Ike and his mules were climbing out of the water when he
heard a yell. He turned and saw Rod's horse rearing and Rod
falling into the swift water. Rod splashed a couple of times and
then went under.
Funeral arrangements were made for Rod and then Ike cashed the
gold in at the Well Fargo office. It proved to extremely high
grade ore and he was left with a small fortune. Placing most of
the money in the bank, Ike went to drown his sorrows in the nearest
Ike did not come back. Many of the people of Salmon tried to
find the trail used by Ike and Rod but it was lost in the rocky
area of Opal Lake near Taylor Mountain. The two had covered the
mine sufficiently to make it not easily recognized and it was not
to be found.
the gang. Apparently he burjod^ -^ -)3'' ca'^he offifty thousand
dollars (1991 value would be njr tv- thousand dollars)
A stranger appeared m
1910 in tne town of Dubois, Idaho. He
was looking for work and soon found a job. He spent his spare time
looking around the Lidy's Hot Springs area. After he made some
friends in the area he confided to them, that he had been a guard in
the Idaho State Penitentiary where he had done many favors for one
of the inmates. The inmate, whose name was George, responded by
telling the guard of a treasure he knew of that had been buried
near the springs. The outlaw apparently felt that his stay in the
pen was going to be of some length. George would have been getting
right along in years by the year 1910.
The stranger spent a lot of time roaming about the area but
was unable to find what he was looking for. At least he did not
tell any of his friends that he had found anything and he did not
leave abruptly which would suggest that he was in a hurry to
dispose of a found treasure.
This area is almost as desolate today as it was then.
However, at the springs site there is a new mine being worked. I
could not find anyone who could tell me what they were mining but
there is a large, three story building that appears to house a lift
wheel that probably goes down into a mine. A few years ago there
was an environmental draft study done to see of the feasibility of
growing nursery crops at this site using geo-thermal energy. It
concluded that it would be quite expensive. I mention the above
because if a mine is being worked here you would need permission to
wander about the area looking for a lost treasure.
Lava Gold
This lost treasure comes from a robbery but not one on the
Virginia City to Utah route., There were several producing mines
in Custer County in the 1880 's. The road from Challis followed the
present Highway 93 to Arco. From Arco the old road cut across the
lava to Blackfoot. There it joined the main north/south road to
Utah. When the railroad arrived at Blackfoot the gold from the
north and west was loaded there to discourage robberies. It was
much harder to stop a train than it was to stop a wagon or a coach.
Tony Bell had fallen on hard times. He had been chased out of
Wyoming when he was caught adding to his cattle herd from his
neighbor's. Now he was working in the livery barn in Challis. He
was sweeping it out and caring for other peoples horses, He was
not to excited about it.
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Typical stagecoach of 1860-80
There are three large buttes rising out of the lava between
Arco and Blackfoot. The eastern and middle buttes are only three
miles apart and the southern one is several miles from them. The
southern butte towers two thousand, three hundred and fifty feet
above the rest of the lava and resembles a small mountain range.
There are two small streams flowing off the large southern butte
that made it an ideal stopping place for travelers across the lava
Bell had all the passengers get out. He then collected all
their valuables. There was no strongbox but his previous
observation had noticed packages wrapped in canvas being loaded at
the Wells Fargo office. He had the driver and guard lift the
package and tumble it over the side of the stage. Collecting all
their guns he then allowed the passengers to get back on the stage.
During all this procedure he directed conversation to his partner
from time to time. The stage then proceeded on its way southeast
down the narrow lava corridor towards Blackfoot.
He found a hole (small cave) in the lava just off the road.
He carried and dragged the bars to the hole and placed them in it.
Then he covered the area with sagebrush, carefully smoothed out the
marks of his passage, and fixed very precisely in his mind the
location of the gold.
Bell then set out to lose himself for a time. His travel went
generally to the northwest.
The tracks of Bell's horse were found and they set out in
pursuit of him. He had followed the main road for several miles
and then turned north. A passing freighter had not seen a lone
rider and this had alerted the posse to look for where he might
have turned off.
Two of the posse approached Bell while the rest spread out
through the room. With one lawman on each side they pulled their
guns and confronted their suspect. A quick search of his clothes
produced a watch that had been stolen from one of the passengers.
Bell then admitted his guilt.
The sun was rapidly approaching the western mountain range as
the group moved into the lava. Bell studied the area as they came
to the site of the robbery. The sun was now down but it was still
light. He lined up the sagebrush and rocks. The posse looked
around the area and found nothing. Bell looked again squinting
into the gathering darkness. He made a comment about lining up the
wrong rock. He then moved to one side, rode behind a large rock,
and disappeared.
He was gone for several seconds before the posse realized it.
They quickly searched in the dark but he was gone. The next
morning an extensive search was made but no trace of the outlaw or
his horse was found.
The posse spent several days searching the area for the gold
but were unsuccessful in their efforts. They were also
unsuccessful in their search for Bell. He had disappeared
completely. The two bars of gold together weighed nearly two
hundred and fifty pounds. At current prices for gold (April, 1991)
that amounts to over one million dollars.
Rumor has it that Bell ended up in Arizona and never came back
fearing the relentless pursuit of Wells Fargo. The story is told
that someone showed up in Arco, Idaho, a few years back with a map.
He asked directions to the old road to Blackfoot and spent several
weeks in the area. It was felt that he had not found anything when
he left.
Menan Buttes
As a young man in high school in the 50 's I heard of a
treasure supposedly buried in the "Rustlers Corral" on the south
side of the large butte. This larger of the two volcanic cones was
used by cattle rustlers to hold their stolen herds until pursuit
died down. From their lofty perch they could see any posse coming
and leave.
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The gap to the left of center at the top of this
picture of the butte is the entrance to the small
corral. It is very rough lava.
This picture of the buttes shows the larger butte
on the left. This is the one in which the gold
is supposed to have been buried.
My understanding of the story is that V^^^^^^^^ .\^^^^^^,^ Hl^H
small corral
from four different prominent points mside this
to be a
across it. Where they make an "X" there is supposed
treasure buried.
have placed a
The corral is formed by lava. Erosion and dust depth in some
silt covering on the bottom that is several feet m
A metal detector would find the residue of
many a scout
camp with buried cans.
time to time
My friends and I have dug around this corral from
and found nothing. We may not have hit all the places in the
from almost
corral but we hit a lot of them. We also strung string
every place that we could tie it. If the treasure ever was there
it probably still is.
of the
The best part of looking for this treasure is the view
can see
valley that it gives you from the rim of the crater. Youname all of
into Montana and Wyoming. A knowledgeable person could from the
the mountain ranges that converge on the Snake River Plain
west that are seen clearly.
There were four outlaws in the group that held up the stage.
The usual process for a robbery was to have something in the
that would force the stage to stop. This would be arranged around
a corner so that there would not be a chance to turn
around or get
ready to defend themselves. The outlaws stepped out from the rocks
and stopped the coach. The driver had no choice but to throw
the gold box. As the outlaws turned to leave the driver chose to
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shoot at them. They returned the fire and
some of the passengers were hurt.
Buffalo River
form a sort of natural way to get out of Idaho into Wyoming. The
robberies occurred in the west on the trail. The natural escape to
the east would be up the Shotgun Valley to Island Park. Then you
would turn southeast to head for the low hills traversed by the
Reclamation Road to get into northern Jackson Hole. This route
would take you by the Buffalo River.
The following stories are regarding treasures that were buried
in the vicinity of the Buffalo River. There is also one lost gold
mine in the area. I have reserved for the time being a few of the
details of this lost mine as it is one that I am currently
investigating. Sorry about that.
Buffalo River I
A large tree had been chopped down across the road just beyond
where the path turned a corner. As the stage came around the
corner the driver hauled back on the reins and slid the coach to a
stop. The sudden stop upset the guard and threw all the passengers
from their seats. Before they could recover and react they were
under the guns of several outlaws.
When the smoke cleared two of the passengers and one guard
were dead and two of the others were laying on the ground wounded.
The outlaws took the valuables from the passengers and the
strongbox from the coach. There was one hundred fifteen thousand
dollars in gold (over two million, one hundred thousand dollars
April, 91) in the strong box.
The outlaws mounted and moved out to the north. One had his
arm bandaged and the other wounded man has been hit in the stomach.
He was tied onto his horse so they could continue.
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A Common Confrontation
Jake and Harry were riding along in shock. They had not
envisioned a gun fight and especially any deaths. They made plans
to escape as soon as possible from the rest of the outlaw band.
They had approached Bart for a split of the loot. He told them
there was no time to divide it up until they were free from
pursuit. They would split the gold when they camped at Camas
Meadows. Jake suggested to Harry that they would leave as soon as
the split was made and they could sneak away.
Each Individual Hid His Gold
They gathered around the fire and Bart brought out a set of
scales. It took about an hour to divide the gold into seven parts.
As they split up for the evening each man hid his share as now the
uniting force of the undivided gold was gone. Each was on his own.
The next day they all set out with each making his own plans
for the future. As they started into the Shotgun Valley, Harry
looked back and saw a group of riders coming out of the trees. He
let out a shout and they all spurred into a gallop. Shots were
exchanged but the two groups were too far apart for any accuracy.
The posse fell quickly behind as they lost the outlaws in the
trees. They had ridden hard from the scene of the robbery to Fort
Hall where they had exchanged their horses. Then they rode
steadily to Spencer where another horse exchange was accomplished.
They were on fresh mounts as they followed the outlaws to Kilgore
only to lose them in the trees and darkness.
The posse camped only a mile from the fugitives that night but
neither group was aware of the other. It had been as much a
surprise for the posse when they emerged from the trees to see
their quarry ahead as it had been for the outlaws. The darkness
did not allow them to see where the outlaws turned from the trail
and they had to camp to wait for light to continue tracking. The
outlaws did not need to track and fled quickly to the east.
Early in the morning three of the men were missing. They had
left without horses, determined to walk out of the country. Their
gold was too heavy to carry and it was left where they had buried
it. The four left were Jake, Harry, Bart, and the wounded one.
Bart was furious and began berating the others blaming them for
everything that had gone wrong.
Bart checked his wounded friend and found that he had died
during the night. This added to his fury. He was building himself
into a maniacal rage. Jake and Harry cowered before him but
remain alert, fearing an attack.
Bart grabbed for his gun but in his rage dropped it. Jake and
Harry both fired and killed him. Fearing the shots would bring the
posse they quickly saddled up and left. They did not take time to
dig up their gold shares as they heard a horse whinny. They moved
eastward, trying to hurry in the dark of pre-dawn, and said good
riddance to the gold that had caused them so much trouble.
considerable publicity connected to the discovery of one of these
caches of gold it is assumed that they are still there.
Buffalo River II
Tim Harper was in Virginia City and had just been fired as a
guard at one of the larger mines. He had been on a double shift
and had gone to sleep on duty. He normally was a very
conscientious worker but the extra work combined with the boredom
of the job had done him in and he went to sleep.
Now he was out of work. Gus approached him for help in taking
the supply mules back to Salt Lake City to obtain things needed for
the mines. Tim had a good reputation and Gus felt that he could
handle the job. He offered Tim the going wage and they set a date
for leaving.
One string of mules was ready and Tim was told to start out on
a trail over the hills that paralleled the road to Salt Lake City.
Gus would soon follow and catch up somewhere down the line.
Tim set a fast pace and was several miles ahead by the time
the sun came up. He moved along all day at a good rate and gained
more distance. That night he looked inside the packs and found
them full of gold. Each sack weighted one hundred pounds and each
mule carried two sacks.
The next day Tim spent reflecting on the deception played upon
him. He grew angrier with each passing mile. He was being paid
trail wages and "not guarding gold" wages. More pay was going to
be demanded of Gus when they got together. The deception continued
to bother him as he progressed down the trail.
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The lava area of the Snake River Plain was excellent
for hiding anything. There are many small caves
that could hold gold bars or a sack of dust. The
problem was finding the hiding place again as the
country tends to look the same.
Plain near Dubois, Idaho. He stopped the mules for a rest. His
anger caught him up in an elaborate scheme. He took two bags of
gold from two of the mules and hid them in a cave. He then
proceeded on down the road to Blackfoot. He encountered no problem
on the rest of the trip.
Gus arrived later in the day and was very agitated at not
having caught up. He was furious when told of the bee story and he
accused Tim of stealing the gold. Tim claimed innocence and
expressed surprise that they had been carrying gold. He even
exhibited some anger at carrying gold and not being made aware of
The missing gold amounted to four hundred pounds in weight.
This would amount to just under two and one half million dollars
(April, 1991.)
Gus threatened Tim with jail but a judge told him there was no
evidence. Tim was allowed to go free proclaiming his innocence and
griping about being hired to take care of the mules without the
knowledge of their being loaded with gold. He talked a lot about
not knowing of the gold and how his life was in jeopardy because of
The pace was too much on his heavily loaded mules. They could
go no further with the double loads. They were worn out
completely. At the Buffalo River he decided to bury the gold.
Fearing discovery of the hidden treasure he placed the gold in two
different sites. That way if one were found the other would remain
hidden. He then mounted the stronger mule and decided to return to
Fort Hall to further establish his claim of innocence. This would
also eliminate some of the pursuit. Time always seems to lessen
the degree of the chase.
The men following Tim had lost his trail on the lava west of
the Snake River. They knew the robbery had taken place north of
the Market Lake but south of the range of mountains in the Rocky
Mountains that separate Montana from Idaho. They split up to see
if they could find any sign of his trail.
Carefully moving along the main road they came to a spot where
a horse and two mules had crossed. The horse showed signs of
bleeding as spots of blood were seen. The track of the horse were
the same that they had been following when they left Blackfoot.
They had found their man. They also noted that the mules were
leaving a deeper track in the sand than before. This caused them
to assume that the gold had been picked up and increased their
desire to catch up.
They went through the Kilgore area, up the Shotgun Valley, and
into Island Park. They crossed the Snake River and began following
the Buffalo River upstream. At a pause, while the horses were
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resting, they heard a sound of someone approaching. The posse hid
in the trees and watched a lone man riding a mule get right up to
them before they rode out.
The posse left Tim hanging from the tree as they tried to
trail the mule. They lost the trail in the river although they did
find the second mule. They hunted up and down the river trying to
find sign of the land being disturbed. They finally tired of their
efforts and went back to Blackfoot. The luckless outlaw was left
hanging in the tree.
Rumor tells that many years later a man who had been working
on the dam of the Island Park reservoir stumbled over a rock. The
rock turned out to be a skull. This man had heard the story and
upon investigation found a frayed piece of rope in a near tree. He
knew the story of the lost treasure and began a systematic search
of the area.
Apparently he found one of the burial sites and took the gold.
Then he left the country. The story suggests that he sold the gold
in Pocatello and then disappeared. This was in the days when it
was against the law to own refined gold in the United States.
Perhaps this is why he didn't want to stay around longer to look
for the other treasure.
did not know how many were stopping them or where they might be
located. It seemed like the perfect spot for the perfect crime.
The voice instructed them to throw their guns over the road
into the creek bed. Then they were ordered to throw the boxes of
gold off the wagon. One guard objected and was immediately shot in
the shoulder. The others tumbled the boxes out of the wagon
without further argument. They were then told to proceed on down
the canyon and to not return.
Agnus knew they would return but hoped that he could be well
on his way before they were able to come back. He had a string of
mules that had been hidden in the trees and quickly brought them to
the boxes of gold. He loaded the six hundred pounds of gold on the
mules and left setting a fast pace to put as much distance between
himself and the scene of the crime as possible before pursuit
I have not been able to determine whether the gold was still
in the placer operation of dust or whether it had been melted into
bars for convenience of shipping and inconvenience of stealing.
Hundred pound bars of gold had proven harder for outlaws to carry
and also to dispose of. It was easy to walk into almost any town
in the West and sell gold dust. Bars might be questioned.
Pushing the pack mules as fast as he could, he headed for the
Salmon River. He followed the river for a few miles and then
turned eastward. We don't know which canyons he used to get out of
the Salmon country or which ranges of mountains he may have crossed
but he did emerge onto the Snake River Plain. He then turned
northward, staying near the western hills of the plain.
His plan was to get to Virginia City where he could hide out
in the masses of miners working the area. If he could file a claim
in the area or buy a supposedly worked out claim he could then
pretend to work the area and filter his newly found gold into the
main stream of gold traffic of this famous gold mining camp.
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sufficiently explain why he was not around. He did not want anyone
to question his disappearance at about the same time as the
robbery. He did bring a little of the gold back with him to
substantiate his story. The quitting of jobs after earning a grub
stake was quite common in mining areas. After all, the only reason
anyone went to a mining area was to discover the big bonanza and
become wealthy.
Right after the robbery a posse had been gathered in Bonanza.
The mine owners wanted to punish severely anyone who partook in a
robbery to discourage further attempts. The posse found a mule
trail and it led them to Salmon. This string of mules had been
loaded with salt and belonged to a legitimate business concern that
many of them had bought from in the past. They knew that their
haste had caused them to miss where Angus had turned off with his
string of mules.
They knew they were following one man and knew how many mules
he had. This much knowledge they had gained from careful
inspection of the site of the robbery. Returning from Salmon they
discovered the trail that Angus had used when he left the main road
from Bonanza to Salmon. This delay had given Angus a good lead.
More bad luck plagued the posse as they emerged from the
mountains to enter the lava of the Snake River Plain. The lava did
not leave a trail and his direction was totally lost. They had to
return to Bonanza completely frustrated at the loss of six hundred
pounds of gold.
The mining men were not about to let that much gold go without
a better attempt to find out who got it. Investigation around the
town had brought to light the knowledge that a local drifter named
Angus had disappeared the same time as the robbery. Further
investigation found that he had purchased several mules and
supplies late one night. Suspicion was focused on this one person.
By now Angus was in Mackay, not too many miles from Bonanza.
He was not aware that he was being sought and was still using his
same name. He did not have anything to hide. He was recognized in
this town and arrested. He loudly proclaimed his innocence until
the officers showed up from Bonanza with their bulk of
incriminating evidence.
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too many circumstances proving he did it and the officers also
seemed inclined to leave him in jail until he confessed. He
admitted the theft of the gold. The fact that he had some of the
gold on his person also helped convince him that he was not going
to get away with anything.
His manner was cooperative and his guards soon relaxed their
guard. Their cunning adversary was biding his time looking for an
opening to escape.
They went from Mackay down the Big Lost River into the desert.
Then they turned northward. When they crossed his original trail,
Angus delighted in telling the posse what he had done to lose his
sign. With his help they were able to continue on the trail
through the Camas Meadows, through Shotgun Valley, and on into
Island Park.
Angus had just stayed out of the argument and tried to seem as
insignificant as possible. As it grew darker a plan began to form
in his mind. He looked about and fixed in his mind some landmarks
that he could navigate in the dark.
The next day the posse set out in ill humor to find and punish
this outlaw who had caused them so much problem. They trailed him
into Island park where his sign turned northward. His trail was
lost in a rocky area but the direction he was traveling suggested
that he was headed for Montana.
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Montana leaving the fugitive to circle back to pick up more gold
and disappear.
For three weeks the posse made daily trips along the river
looking for sign of his return or sign of his original camp.
Nothing was found. The idea began to emerge that maybe he had not
come to the Buffalo River in the first place. Most of the posse
left to go back to their work in Bonanza. Three were assigned to
stay on for a full month more.
They took the usual route to that part of Idaho. From Mackay
they moved down the Big Lost River out onto the lava desert till
the water disappeared into the sand. The group then turned north.
They were paying attention to their back trail as there was a rumor
started just before they left that they knew where a buried
treasure was. They also tried to cover their trail in case they
did find something.
The placer gold on the Buffalo River originates in
these hills to the east. These hills are the west
boundary of Yellowstone Park.
They spent the rest of the day moving their camp as they felt
now they could establish a permanent base camp. Happy and elated
at finding the end of the color the prospectors went to bed
confident that they would find the "mother lode" the next day.
At dawn they got up eager to find the main vein. Each took a
different area to search. They were so anxious to find the gold
that none of them took the time to eat lunch. When they assembled
that evening they were all disappointed as nothing had been found.
As the vein moved into the hill large amounts of dirt had to
be dug away from the original rock. They threw the dirt up on the
sides of the tunnel thinking it could be removed farther away
later. They were more concerned with obtaining as much gold as
possible than they were worried about their ditch caving in.
Besides, if the ditch did fall in, they could always shovel it out
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Typical gulch in a high erosion area of Island Park.
mining. They needed to get this ore out and then file a claim on
the mine before anyone else discovered it. They were not too
worried as the only people they had seen during their stay were a
few people headed for Yellowstone Park. These people had been seen
far from their camp by one of the miners while he had been out
hunting for game to supplement their supplies.
Bob suggested that they shut the mine down, hide it, and go to
Mackay to cash in the gold and get supplies for the next year.
They could file a claim at this time. This was the plan that was
agreed upon.
Their camp had been kept away from the mine some distance in
case a stranger walking into the area would discover where the mine
was or what was going on. Each trip to the mine from the camp had
been taken on a different route so no path would be established to
lead a searcher.
The spring melt in the Island Park basin leaves water
standing in ponds all over. The weather determines
how fast the water moves into the rivers and how much
soil is taken with it.
Bob sat there several minutes more, full of remorse at the
loss of his close friends. He went into camp and found the two
bodies. Despite his fear of the possible return of the Indians, he
took time to bury them. Then he loaded the gold on the mules and
left moving as fast as possible.
Bob spent the winter exchanging mining stories and looking for
two men to replace his other partners. There was no way he would
work the mine alone and he wanted the company of others in case
they saw the Indians again. As he watched the men around him and
made his selection he was in turn being watched by those who wanted
to follow him to his mine and cash in on it.
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mine was in the White Clouds mountains to the south and west of
The trio spent a week wandering the Lost River Range and the
Lemhi Range of mountains. When they felt they had lulled their
followers into a routine of camp at night and wandering in the day,
they disappeared in the middle of the night. By the time their
pursuers had gotten up, the miners were miles away, and well on the
path towards Island Park.
It took two more weeks for Bob to get serious about moving
right to the mine. He wanted to make sure that he had lost all
pursuit. While continuing their wandering they were moving
steadily north and eastward.
Finally the two partners got tired of the game. They demanded
to know where they were going. Bob told them to wait a little
while longer and that day they went into Spencer to load up on
supplies. As they packed the supplies on the mules the excitement
grew as it was obvious that the owner of the store knew Bob. He
wanted to know if he was going back to the mine and told him that
there were several others out there looking for it although most of
the first rush had returned and gone elsewhere to look for gold.
Bob spent another day east of Spencer making sure no one was
following them and then set a steady course to Island Park. They
went to the Buffalo River and then he led them up the river to his
former camp. He got more excited as they got closer to their
As they arrived at the camp it was obvious that the area had
been used as a camp before and the two partners began to get
excited. They were at the location of the mine where they were
going to realize all their dreams. It was dusk and the hillside
where the mine was located was all dark. Bob pointed that way and
then they set about putting in a permanent camp.
The next morning they took shovels and picks and went up the
hill to the mine. There was absolutely no sign of it left. Bob
went to the ledge to show where they needed to start digging but it
wasn't there. Then he laughed as he realized he was on the wrong
ridge. The mine was on the next one over. He crossed over and
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The Buffalo River is very short. The lost mine is
within a few miles of this shot taken from the
bridge looking upstream.
examined the ground looking for the ledge that contained the vein.
It wasn't there.
For the next two weeks they tried every possible trail from
the camp to the hill where the mine was supposed to be. There had
been considerable snow that year and there was evidence in several
places of a tremendous run off of snow melt. There was also
evidence of high winds during the year as many trees were down that
had not aged enough to be old ones.
They spent the next weeks measuring the land into sections and
examining each part in detail. They even checked areas that were
completely in the opposite direction from where the mine was
thought to be. They had no luck in any of their ventures. Bob was
getting worse.
mine from him. As they probed the ground with sharpened poles to
find the quartz ledge, he complained that they were not trying hard
enough. His suspicion and distrust grew daily as the mine stayed
One day he pulled his gun on the two others and ordered them
to pack up and leave. They had been discussing the same idea as
they were sure that he had gone mad. They jumped at the chance to
get away before one or both were shot in a fit of anger.
The general feeling in the mining camps was that the stress of
losing his first two partners had done him in. His mental stress
had caused him to lose the needed directions to the mine and the
added stress of not being able to find it had caused him to snap.
They wished him well in his hunt but no one wanted to go with him.
Rumor suggests that Bob eventually went all the way insane and
shot himself.
Several years ago I drove the delivery truck for the Coca Cola
Company in the Island Park area. I was at Pond's Lodge near the
Buffalo River on a weekly basis. One day at the store I observed
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I was in the store every week and noticed him several times
that summer. The next year I had the same assignment with the
company and I noticed him again. He and I seemed to be converging
on the store at the same time.
The next year I did not see him but I looked for him each time
I went into the lodge. After a month I inquired about him and was
told that he had died. The people at the lodge had noticed that he
had not come in for some time. They sent someone up to investigate
the cabin at the head of the river and found him lying dead on his
There are a lot of rumors that have surfaced over the years
since the first gold discoveries in Northern Idaho in 1860. Many
of these stories have grown over the years and many of them have
lost some of the details. The stories in this section are
characterized by their lack of detail or authenticity.
Some of them are rumors that have been passed down over the
years and survive only because someone has told the story again and
again. Attempts to find newspaper accounts or journal accounts to
authenticate these stories have so far proved hopeless. I have
investigated most of them and aw presenting here what conclusions
I have reached.
While visiting we were interrupted by his grandson who had
found a coin. He had been moving pipe on their pasture that
morning and discovered the coin under a pipe. Wendell looked at
the coin, cleaned it, and then handed it to me to look at. I could
tell it had Spanish looking lettering and a date that was not
identifiable to the naked eye.
The coin had been found in a field west of Victor. The most
historical event to occur in this area was the battle with the Gro
Ventre (Blackfeet) Indians in 1832. That summer the trappers had
a rendezvous near Driggs, Idaho. One group of trappers had a major
battle with the Indians that moved all over the southern end of the
Valley. It is quite possible that this coin was lost in the
process of this battle.
It is also possible that the coin could have been lost by one
of the many trappers who traversed the Valley during the trapper
era from 1820 to 1835. Then there were the Indians who came
through from time to time. They had been made aware early of the
use coins seemed to have with the white man and could have had some
for trade.
It is most likely that the coin came from the battle. The
scurry of battle, the crawling around the ground, and the quick
movement from area to area would certainly have contributed to the
loss of things.
Lost Mine - Shoup
One day a car stopped across from the lodge and service
station. People got out of the car and started walking up and down
the road just off the side of it. At times they seemed to be
walking off a measured distance.
never had time to actually go over and question them as to what
they were doing.
his staff they would have told him as the passing on of stories and
rumors was what kept life interesting. He said he was sure that it
did not happen.
have written this story off as one that I would not pursue.
There are too many holes in it. Not only did none of the people,
who in the story were very aware of it happening, recall the event
but the story of the coins leaves holes. Supposedly the service
station owner went over and observed the outline of coins in the
mud. This would suggest that the coins were lying loose in the
hole. The story suggests that a bundle, box, or keg lifted from
the hole and placed in the trunk of the car.
have tried to figure out how the outline of coins could come
from the above description and can't. If the coins were in a wrap
of some kind that might leave an impression it would have rotted
over the years in the damp soil. If the coins were loose they
would have needed to be dug out with much more care and there would
have been loose soil in the bottom of the hole. A normal treasure
hunter would continue to dig to make sure that all the coins had
been picked up.
Camas Creek
Mt. Sawtell Gold
By the time they got this far into Idaho they were in a
desperate state. They had been attacked by Indians and they were
out of food. They found a cave on the southern slopes of Mt.
Sawtell and spent a few days in it. They decided they might have
a chance to get back to Mexico if they lightened their load. They
discarded all they had except that which might be needed for
defense and left. We have no record of them ever getting back to
Mexico or returning.
Suggestions have been made that this was one of the groups
sent out by Coronado from his main group in 1540-42. Coronado did
send out many groups from his exploring body to see if they could
find the seven cities of gold. However, the journal
Sawtell Treasure?
stories of this group accounted for all who went out and none
suggested that any got as far north as Idaho.
There were other Spanish explorers who went about the West and
a couple of their fur traders were in Utah and southern Idaho. But
to suggest that a group carrying treasure got as far north as Idaho
is to stretch credibility.
Another fact to support the idea that the treasure does not
exist is the knowledge that Mt. Sawtell is a prime elk hunting area
in the fall of each year. During the past fifty years there has
been intense hunting all over this mountain. It is hard to believe
that the numbers of hunters involved in this area would not have
stumbled upon a cave or if finding a cave did not explore it.
Leadore, Idaho
The Gilmore and Hahn mining areas were known for producing
nickel, lead, some silver, and a little gold. These two towns are
on the road to Salmon, Idaho, and a few miles southeast of Leadore.
There was a small smelter at Hahn. It is thought that workers from
the Hahn smelter stole small amounts of gold and hid it near the
smelter to pick up at a later date. In 1936 there is a report that
fifty pounds of gold were found a couple of hundred yards from the
old smelter. It had been buried in a hole two feet deep. Fifty
pounds of gold under 1991 prices would result in about three
hundred thousand dollars. It is not known how many more caches
might be located near the smelter.
West Jefferson Coins
The coins were stolen from Challis. The outlaws had them in
bags upon horses and were making their escape across this trail
through the desert. There is a lot of lava in the desert and it is
thought that one of the bags scraped a lava escarpment and broke
open or at least tore a hole. A open break might have been heard
and discovered as the noise of several coins descending onto the
lava should have been loud. A hole in the bag would allow a coin
to fall out every so often along the trail. It would not be
noticed until the group stopped for a rest or to check their
burdens. By this time it would be too hard to go back and check or
pick up any loose coins.
The road through this part of Jefferson County has been built
up by the County and follows the same route as the old trail. At
Hamer the road joins the controversial road that crosses just south
of the Juniper Hills to Egin. The part of the road where the coins
are supposed to be is located north of Mud Lake.
The story suggests that some of the coins were found by men
working on the upgrading of the road. There was a County
Commissioner from Jefferson County in the meeting who heard this
story. He did not refute or admit his knowledge of the coins being
found or existing. This is a story I am going to look more into as
soon as I obtain a metal detector.
Snake River - Hibbard
When the dam was being built on Willow Creek to form the Ririe
Reservoir a lot of the fill was hauled from the Hibbard, Idaho,
area to the dam. There was heavy equipm.ent on the side of the
Snake River low lands to sort the sand, gravel, and soil to make
sure what was going into the dam was what the engineers wanted.
L^ ;'C^'**i^.i':iri^::W
Arco Gold
Uranium - Heise
During the late 1950 's and early 1960 's there was a uranium
rush in Eastern Idaho. Low yielding uranium ore was found in
several areas and at the time throughout the country there was a
need for uranium ore to use in reactors and atomic bombs.
At the same time the claims were being laid out in Salmon
someone found readings on their geiger counter in the Heise area of
Eastern Idaho. The readings were low but the anticipation was
great. Within a two week period you could drive along the road
going to the Heise Hot Springs and on to Kelley's Canyon and see
mining claims posted every so many yards.
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Kilgore Gold
There are a few things that don't jive in this short story.
There is no Buffalo Creek eight miles southeast of Kilgore. There
is a Buffalo River about thirty miles due east of Kilgore. It has
always been known as the Buffalo River. The only Indians we know of
in this part of Idaho any where near the reported time of the
robbery were the Nez Perce of Chief Joseph who came by Kilgore into
Island Park in 1877. This trip is well documented and there were
no wagons of gold around.
The only real trail through the area was the one used by
travelers to Yellowstone Park who would take the train to Spencer
and then take wagons eastward by Kilgore, into Island Park, and
then on into the Yellowstone Park. There just are no m.ines in the
vicinity that would have bars of gold to get them into this area at
that time period.
There are just too many holes in this one to give it too much
Sentinel Rocks
"In 1869 bandits robbed and buried about 300 pounds of raw
gold beneath Sentinel Rocks near the junction of Big and Kelly
Canyons, near Kelly's Gulch, a few miles north of Rigby, Booneville
County .
Snake River
Here we are with the Plummer Gang again. They seem to have
This time they
been the most active of all the gangs i,n the West.
are in the area of American Falls.
With a loot of five hundred thousand dollars (April, 1991 3ust
million dollars) they found themselves on the Snake suggests
below the present day American Falls Reservoir. The storyabout two
that they placed the loot in a cave behind a waterfall
miles below the dam in Power County.
It seems that this treasure should be one that could
be found.
Dam and
There are not very many waterfalls below the American Falls look
with the approximate two mile limit a person should be able to does
behind any of them if access can be gotten to the river.
pass through a steep canyon at this point.
Canyon, a few
in gold coins and bullion in the vicinity of Portneuf
miles south of Pocatello, U.S. 15, Bannock County." The above
amount comes to almost two million dollars today (April, 1991.)
The only downer on this story is the lack of significant
The Portneuf Canyon is quite large and without anything to pm
site of the lost treasure down any closer it would be
impossible to find.
Fort Hall
The site of the old fort is now on the Fort Hall Indian
Reservation southwest of Blackfoot and north of Pocatello, Idaho.
Since it is in the bottom land of the Snake River it is covered by
the waters of the American Falls Reservoir until the water is drawn
down in the fall.
It was the junction point for the Oregon and California
Trails. Travelers to these two points came on the Oregon Trail to
the fort and then separated shortly after to go to their separate
This is how I pictured Fort Hall in its heyday
Two, how far downstream would the flood waters have carried
the safe before it reached a place of haven? Several hundred
pounds of gold and the dead weight of the safe would suggest not to
far. Remember the site of the fort is under the water of the
American Falls Reservoir for most of the year. The safe would be
further down from the fort.
Three, if one were to consider using a metal detector you
would have to remember that the American Falls Reservoir was the
last receptacle of the debris of the Teton Flood. Anything metal
that had any air in it would have floated from the dam all the way
to the reservoir and become part of a submerged junk pile. When
the water is low there are metal items jutting up from the
reservoir floor all over.
Gold Bearing Eastern Idaho Streams
North Fork of Teton River from Salem
Road Sand bar in
middle of river has yeilded gold flakes.
Falls River near the bridge on Highway 20. I found gold
flakes on a sand bar on the right side of the stream
near the riffle in the middle of the picture.
The North Fork (Henry's) of the Snake River comes out of
this canyon where Warm River in the foreground joins it.
There is new gold to be found on this stretch as some is
coming into the river between here and Island Park
South Fork of the Snake River above Heise. There are
some great gravel bars on this stretch of river.
Falls River looking downstream from the Highway 20
bridge. This river runs through this lava gorge
at a rapid pace. There is more yeild in flakes of
gold below this stretch than above it. I have
often wondered if there is a vein of gold in the
lava under the water level. It is too swift for
me to investigate.
The following map shows the approximate site of the major gold
stories mentioned in the book. Consult a road map for specific
Sain on
^•* .
• Spencer
• Challis Ashton
• r.ackay
. R(^rts KELLY'S CANtfON
(Karket Lalfe) yt
Black foot
• Focatello
This view is of the North Fork of the Snake River as it
leaves the Island Park Caldera and enters the Snake River
Plain. The river was quite free flowing to here until
the Island Park Dam was built.
This view of the South Fork of the Snake River was taken
upstream from Heise. It shows some of the sand bars and
gravel deposits in which gold has been known to be