Book Three: Conditions of Employment: Chapter 1: Hours of Work
Book Three: Conditions of Employment: Chapter 1: Hours of Work
Book Three: Conditions of Employment: Chapter 1: Hours of Work
employer and whose actual hours of work in the
field cannot be determined with reasonable
Samahan ng Mangagawa sa Hanjin The law, in defining their contractual relationship, does
Shipyard “union v. labor associations” so, not necessarily or exclusively upon the terms of their
The right to self-organization is not limited to unionism. written or oral contract, but also on the basis of the
Workers may also form or join an association for mutual nature of the work petitioner has been called upon to
aid and protection and for other legitimate purposes. perform. In short, the existence of employment
relationship is determined by law, not by
A labor organization is defined as "any union or contract.
association of employees which exists in whole or
in part for the purpose of collective bargaining or WHEN EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP IS PRESENT
of dealing with employers concerning terms and
conditions of employment." A labor organization has SAMONITE v. LGSI
two broad rights: (1) to bargain collectively and (2) A fixed term employment is an employment contract,
to deal with the employer concerning terms and the repeated employment of which make for regular
conditions of employment. To bargain collectively is employment.
a right given to a union once it registers itself with the
DOLE. Dealing with the employer, on the other hand, is
a generic description of interaction between employer
and employees concerning grievances, wages, work
hours and other terms and conditions of employment,
University of the Immaculate Concepcion vehicle. The existence of an employment relation
is not dependent on how the worker is paid but
v. Office of the Secretary of Labor and
on the presence or absence of control over the
Employment means and method of the work. The amount
Law grants workers the right to organize, but it is also earned in excess of the boundary-hulog is
law that withholds this right for some reason. equivalent to wages. Since there is an ER-EE
Confidential employees should be excluded from the relationship, failure to remit the boundary is a valid
bargaining unit and be disqualified from joining any reason to suspend the driver.
union; employees should not be placed in a position
involving a potential conflict of interests.
The barbers are employees of a barber shop if:
GREAT PACIFIC LIFE ASSURANCE (1) they worked in the barbershop owned and
CORPORATION operated by the respondents
The test therefore is whether the "employer" controls or (2) they were required to work daily and observe
has reserved the right to control the "employee" not only definite hours of work
as to the result of the work to be done but also as to the (3) they were not free to accept other employment
means and methods by which the same is to be elsewhere but devoted their full time working in
accomplished. the barber shop.
In this case, Judico received a definite minimum amount
per week as his wage known as “sales reserve”. He was Sy et al “Truck drivers”
assigned a definite place in the office to work on when Truck drivers are only employees, not partners absent
he is not in the field, was burdened with the job of any written agreement or proof that he received a share
collection, was required to make regular reports to the in the operator’s profits. There was also no proof that he
company, and for which an anemic performance would had any participation with respect to the running of the
mean a dismissal. Undoubtedly, by nature of his position business.
and work, Judico had been a regular employee of
Grepalife, and is therefore entitled to the protection of
the law and could not just be terminated without valid Makati Haberdashery “Piece-Rate
and justifiable cause. workers”
When a customer enters into a contract with the
haberdashery or its proprietor, the latter directs an
N.B. an ordinary commission insurance agent works at employee who may be a tailor, pattern maker, sewer or
his own volition or at his own leisure without fear of "plantsadora" to take the customer's measurements, and
dismissal from the company and short of committing to sew the pants, coat or shirt as specified by the
acts detrimental to the business interest of the company customer. Supervision is actively manifested in all these
or against the latter, whether he produces or not is of no aspects — the manner and quality of cutting, sewing
moment as his salary is based on his production, his and ironing.
anemic performance or even dead result does not
become a ground for dismissal. In short, an ordinary
Caurdentaan Piece Workers Union
commission insurance agent is NOT AN
EMPLOYEE of an insurance company. “Street-hired Cargadores”
FEATI UNIVERSITY CASE “SCHOOL The street-hired cargadores are employees. They
loaded, unloaded and piled sacks of palay from the
TEACHERS” warehouses to the cargo trucks and from the cargo
Professors and instructors are not independent trucks to the buyers. This work is directly related,
contractors of the schools but they are employees necessary and vital to the operations of Corfarm.
considering that a university controls the work of the Corfarm did not even allege, much less prove, that
members of his faculty. petitioner’s members have “substantial capital or
prescribes the courses or subjects that investment in the form of tools, equipment, machineries,
professors teach, and when and where to teach and work premises, among others.” Furthermore, said
professors' work is characterized by regularity respondent did not contradict petitioner’s allegation that
and continuity for a fixed duration it paid wages directly to these workers without the
professors are compensated for their services by intervention of any third-party independent contractor. It
wages and salaries, rather than by profits also wielded the power of dismissal over petitioners.
professors and/or instructors cannot substitute
others to do their work without the consent of Even if there is a waiting time, that would not negate
the university the existence of the ER-EE relationship. The continuity of
professors can be laid off if their work is found employment is not the determining factor, but rather
not satisfactory whether the work of the laborer is part of the regular
CITIZEN’S LEAGUE OF FREE WORKERS business or occupation of the employer.
“JEEPNEY DRIVERS” Miscellaneous lessons
EE-ER relationship exists between the owner of the There is ‘labor-only’ contracting where the person
jeepneys and drivers even if the latter work under the supplying workers to an employer does not have
boundary system. The relationship between operators substantial capital or investment in the form of tools,
and drivers is different from a lessor-lessee. In the equipment, machineries, work premises, among others,
former, operators exercise supervision and control over and the workers recruited and placed by such persons
the latter. The management of the business is in the are performing activities which are directly related to the
owner’s hands. The owner must see to it that the driver principal business of such employer. In such cases, the
follows the route prescribed by the franchising authority person or intermediary shall be considered merely as an
and the rules promulgates as regards its operation. agent of the employer who shall be responsible to the
workers in the same manner and extent as if the latter
Villamaria Case “boundary-hulog” were
The juridical relationship of ER-EE is not negated by a directly employed by him.’
boundary-hulog contract considering that the operator
retained control of the conduct of the driver of the
In this arrangement, it is the corporation which is being
provided with the laborers who is considered as Work Hours of Health Personnel
GR: Health personnel are covered by the 40-hour work
Maraguinot Case—“Workers in Movie XPN: The 40-hour work week is not applicable in the
Projects” following cases:
The relationship between VIVA and its producers or (1) if there is a training agreement between the
associate producers seems to be that of agency, as the resident physician and the hospital and the
latter make movies on behalf of VIVA, whose business is training program is duly accredited or approved
to "make" movies. As such, the employment relationship by the appropriate government agency
between petitioners and producers is actually one (2) In institutions which do not perform any
between petitioners and VIVA, with the latter being the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients.
direct employer.
The employer-employee relationship between petitioners Activity When compensible
and VIVA can further be established by the "control Preliminary activities and Controlled or required by
test." While four elements are usually considered in postliminary activities the employee and are
determining the existence of an employment pursued necessarily and
relationship, namely: (a) the selection and engagement primarily for the
of the employee; (b) the payment of wages; (c) the employer’s benefit
power of dismissal; and (d) the employer's power to Waiting time Integral part of
control of the employee's conduct, the most important the work
element is the employer's control of the employee's EE is
conduct, not only as to the result of the work to be done
but also as to the means and methods to accomplish the
by the EE to wait
Waiting time is so
spent for the ER’s
VIVA's control is evident in its mandate that the end
result must be a "quality film acceptable to the
Working while eating Predominantly
company." The means and methods to accomplish the
spent for the EE’s
result are likewise controlled by VIVA, viz., the movie
benefit OR
project must be finished within schedule without
When it is less
exceeding the budget, and additional expenses must be
than 60 minutes
justified; certain scenes are subject to change to suit the
Working while sleeping Sleeping time is subject
taste of the company; and the Supervising Producer, the
to serious interruption or
"eyes and ears" of VIVA and del Rosario, intervenes in
takes place under
the movie-making process by assisting the associate
conditions substantially
producer in solving problems encountered in making the
less desirable than would
be likely to exist at the
employer’s home
San Miguel Brewery Sales v. Oples On call Be required in
“employee’s prerogatives” the place of work
An ER is free to regulate, according to his own discretion or so close
and judgment, all aspects of employment, including thereto
hiring, work assignments, working methods, time, place Cannot use time
and manner of work, tools to be used, processes to be effectively for
followed, supervision of workers, working regulations, himself as they
transfer of EEs, work supervision, lay-off of workers and are within the call
discipline, dismissal and recall of workers. Even as the their employees
law is solicitous of the welfare of the EEs, it mus also Travel time Emergency call
protect the right of ER to exercise what are clearly outside his
management prerogatives. regular working
hours where he is
Efforts of business to strengthen its competitiveness required to travel
may be viewed as legitimate unless violative of a to his regular
particular valid law, a valid contract, or the basic place of business
principles of justice and fairness. or some other
work site
Done through a
Auto Bus Transport System v. Bautista
Employees engaged on task or contract basis or paid on
provided by the
purely commission basis are not automatically exempted
from the grant of incentive leave unless they fall under
Done under the
the classification of field personnel.
supervision and
control of the ER
The normal hours of work shall not exceed 8 hours. vexing and
What the law prescribes is the maximum, not the dangerous
minimum. circumstance
Travel that is all in a time spent in travel as
Part-time work day’s work part of the Ees principal
acitivity. (e.g. travel from
What the law regulates is work hours exceeding 8. It
job site to job site during
prescribes a maximum but not a minimum. The wage
the workday)
and the benefits of a part-timer are in proportion to the
Travel away from home Travel that
number of hours worked.
requires an Prangan Case
overnight stay on When an employer alleges that his employee works less
the part of the Ee than the normal hours of employment as provided for in
when it cuts the law, EE bears the burden of proving his allegation
across the ees with clear and satisfactory evidence.
Time during
corresponding ART. 85 MEAL PERIODS
work hours on GR: Meal time is not compensable
NON-working XPN:
days (1) The meal time is shortened
Lectures, meetings and Attendance is (2) The original meal time is less than 60 minutes +
trainings within the EE’s compliance with the requisites
working hours (3) The meal time was predominantly spent for the
Attendance is employer’s benefit
Employee NB if the meal time is less than 20 mins, it becomes
performs only a rest period which is considered as working time.
productive work
Grievance meeting Time spent in adjusting (COMPENSIBLE) [N-16-A-P]
grievance between ER
and EEs during the time 1. Work is non-manual or does not involve
EEs are required by the serious physical exertion
ER to be on the premises 2. Establishment regularly operates not less
AND no bonafide union is than 16 hours a day
involved and no CBA 3. There is actual or impending emergencies
policy and practice to the or there is urgent work to be performed on
contrary. machineries, equipment, or installation to avoid
serious loss which the ER would otherwise
suffer; and
University of Pangasinan Faculty Union 4. Where the work is necessary to prevent
case—“Semestral Break” serious loss of perishable goods.
Semestral breaks are in the nature of work
interruptions beyond the employee’s control. The SHORTENED MEAL BREAK UPON ER’S REQUEST
duration of the semestral break varies from year to year (not compensable) [V-N-EX-V-OT-T]
dependent on a variety of circumstances affecting at 1. EEs voluntary agree in writing to a shortened
times only the private respondent but at other times all meal period of 30 mins and are willing to waive
educational institutions in the country. As such, these the OT pay for such shortened meal period
breaks cannot be considered as absences within the 2. No diminution in the salary and other fringe
meaning of the law for which deductions may be made benefits of the EEs existing before the effectivity
from monthly allowances. The "No work, no pay" of the meal period
principle does not apply in the instant case. The 3. Work does not involve strenuous physical
petitioner’s members received their regular salaries exertion and they are provided with adequate
during this period. It is clear from the aforequoted coffee breaks in the morning and afternoon
provision of law that it contemplates a "no work" 4. Value from the proposed work arrangement is
situation where the employees voluntarily absent equal to or commensurate with the
themselves. Petitioners, in the case at bar, certainly do compensation due them for the shortened meal
not, ad voluntatem, absent themselves during semestral period as well as the OT pay for 30 mins as
breaks. Rather, they are constrained to take mandatory determined by EEs concerned
leave from work. For this they cannot be faulted nor can 5. OT pay will become due and demandable if they
they be begrudged that which is due them under the are permitted or made to work beyond 430 pm
law. 6. Effecitivity of the proposed working time
arrangement shall be of temporary duration as
determined by the Secretary of Labor
Luzon Stevedoring—“Work Hours of
A laborer need not leave the premises of the factory,
shop, or boat in order that his period of rest shall not be CIR—“Continuous Shifts”
counted, it being enough that he ceases to work, may Where work is continuous for several shifts, the
rest completely and leave or may leave at his will meal time breaks should be counted as working
the spot where actually stays working, to go time for purposes of overtime compensation. The
somewhere else, whether within or outside the idle time that an employee may spend for resting and
premises of said factory, shop, or boat. If these during which he may leave the spot or place of work
requisites are complied with, the period of such though not the premises of his employer, is not
rest shall not be counted. counted as working time only where the work is
broken or is not continuous.
Essentially, a worker is entitled to overtime pay only for
work in actual service beyond eight hours. [The correct In this case, the work is continuous and employees
criterion in determining whether or not sailors are cannot freely leave their working places nor rest
entitled to overtime pay is not whether they were on completely. The work being continuous, the meal time
board and can not leave ship beyond the regular eight breaks should be counted as working time for purposes
working hours a day, but whether they actually rendered of overtime compensation.
service in excess of said number of hours]
In short, where work is continuous for several o'clock p.m. and ends at 6:00 o'clock a.m. (Article 13,
shifts, the meal time breaks should be counted as New Civil Code.) Under the law and jurisprudence, the
working time for purposes of overtime compensation. first shift workers will have to be paid a compensation as
day workers; the second shift workers will have to be
Changing lunch break from paid to partly as day workers and partly as night workers; and
the third workers will have to be partly paid as night
unpaid workers and partly as day workers.
This is allowed because the right to fix the work
schedules of the employees rests principally on their Supposing again that the second shift workers, for some
employer. justifiable reasons, are required to extend their work
from 12:00 o'clock p.m. to 2:00 o'clock a.m. Under the
ART. 86. NIGHT SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL law, they are entitled to additional compensation for
overtime work on the basis of their wages as night
IMPORTANT THINGS TO TAKE NOTE workers. If the first shift workers were required to
1. 10% of the regular wage for each hour of work extend their work up to 8:00 o'clock p.m., is it not fair
performed between 10pm to 6 am. and logical that for the two hours they work at night
2. Where the night-time work of an EE overlaps (6:00 to 8:00) they also be paid an overtime
with overtime work, the receipt of OT pay does compensation on the basis of wages paid for night
not preclude the receipt of the NDS workers?
REQUISITES FOR A VALID BUILT-IN OVERTIME What can you do instead of offsetting?
PAY 1. Deduct the undertime hours from the
1. a clear written agreement knowingly and freely accrued leave but to pay the EE the overtime
entered into by the EE compensation to which he is entitled
2. the mathematical result shows that the agreed 2. If leave credits are already exhausted, his
legal wage rate and the overtime pay, computed undertime hours may simply be deducted
separately are equal or higher than the separate from his day’s wage, but he should still be
amounts legally due. paid by overtime compensation for work in
excess of 8 hours a day.
Q: When is overtime work compensable?
If the work performed is necessary or that it benefited CHAPTER 2: WEEKLY REST
the company or that the employee could not abandon
his work at the end of his eight-hour shift because there PERIOD
is no substitute ready to take his place and he
performed overtime service upon the order of his
immediate superior, such overtime services are DAY AND THE EXEMPTIONS
compensable despite the fact that the overtime services Page. 49 of the Golden Notes
were rendered without the approval of the Department
Head. Right to weekly rest day:
A verbal instruction to render overtime work Every ER shall give his EEs a rest period of not less than
prevails over the memorandum prohibiting such 24 consecutive hours after every 6 consecutive normal
work. work-days.
NOTE. One cannot claim overtime pay if absent is a Persons who determine the WRD
written authority to render overtime after office hours GR: ER shall determine and schedule the WRD of his EE
during Sundays and holidays. XPN:
1. CBA
PNB v. PEMA and CIR—“Rationale” 2. Rules and regulations as the SLE provides
3. Preference of EE based on religious grounds
It is thus the additional work, labor or service employed
a. EE shall make known his preference in
and the adverse effects just mentioned of his longer stay
writing at least 7 days before the desred
in his place of work that justify and is the real reason for
effectivity of the initial rest day so
the extra compensation that he called overtime pay.
b. ER is mandated to respect the choice of
its EE as to their rest day based on
The basis of computation of overtime pay must be the
collective bargaining agreement. In the absence of
which, what are decisive in determining the basis for the
Emergency Rest Day Work
computation of overtime pay are two very germane
considerations, namely, (1) whether or not the additional
GR: The EE cannot be compelled by the ER to work on deemed paid if the quotient is equal to or
his rest day greater than the legal minimum rate.
XPN: 3. The entitlement to holiday pay of monthly-paid
1. In case of actual or impending emergencies employees begin on October 1984, the date of
caused by serious accident, fire, flood to prevent promulgation of the IBAA case.
lost of life and property or imminent danger to 4. Whether the month has a 30 to 31 days
public safety duration, the employee is entitled to receive the
2. Urgent work to be performed on the machinery entire monthly salary. The monthly salary shall
equipment or installation to avoid serious loss likewise be paid in the event of the declaration
which the ER would otherwise suffer of any special holiday or any fortuitous cause
3. Abnormal pressure of work due to special precluding work on any particular day.
circumstances, where the ER cannot be 5. Hourly paid teachers are not paid on
ordinarily be expected to other measures. regular holidays but they are paid on
4. Prevent loss or damages to perishable goods special public holidays and other no-class
5. Whether nature of the work requires continuous days. The no-class days contemplate of
operations and the stoppage of work may result scenarios where the classes are called off or
in separable injury ot loss to the EE shortened on account of typhoons, floods,
6. Under other circumstances analogous or similar rallies, and the like.
to the foregoing. 6. Field personnel are not entitled to holiday pay.
Conditions for entitlement to paternity leave
1. Available only for the first 4 deliveries
2. Of the legitimate spouse which he is cohabiting
TITLE 2: WAGES the meals and snacks adequate depreciation
enjoyed by the EE plus reasonable
provided that such allowance provided that if
CHAPTER 1: PRELIMINARY deduction is authorized in the total so computed is
writing by the EEs more than the fair rental
MATTERS value, the fair rental
Remaining 30% of the value shall be the
Definition value has to be reasonable cost of the
Wages subsidized by the ER operation and
- Remuneration or earning, however designated, maintenance
capable of being expressed in terms of money,
whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, Agricultural Industrial
piece or commission basis, or other method of Work on the soil and its Processing the harvests
calculating the same, which is payable by an ER harvests into finished products or
to an EE under a written or unwritten contract of transformed to another
employment for work done or to be done, for product
services rendered to be rendered and includes Enterprise is highly
the fair and reasonable value of board, lodging, mechanized and carries
or other facilities customarily furnished by the on processing activities
ER to the EE. not merely incidental to
purely farming operations
Statutory minimum wage
- Lowest wage rate fixed by law that an employer
can pay his workers.
- Denotes a higher degree of employment or a
superior grades or services; implies a position of
office and is suggestive of a larger and more
important service
- Recompense, compensation, or reward of an
agent, salesman, executor, trustee when the
same is calculated as a percentage on the
amount of his transactions on the profit of the
- Something given freely, or without recompense;
a gift; something voluntarily given in return for a
favor or services.
Facilities Supplements
Articles or items of Extra remuneration or
expenses necessary for special privileges or
the laborer’s and his benefits given to or
family’s existence and received by the EE over
subsistence so that by and above their ordinary
express provision of law, earnings or wages
they form part of the
wages and when
furnished by the ER are
deductible therefrom,
since if they are not so
furnished, they EE would
spend and pay for them
just the same
- Include articles or services for the benefit of the
EE or his family but shall not include tools of
the trade or articles or services primarily for the
benefit of the employer or necessary to the
conduct of the ER’s business.