Yoga Competition - Desktop

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Department of Physical Education- “YOGA COMPETITION 2022"

International Day of Yoga is observed every year on June 21 to raise awareness about the
ancient practice and to celebrate the Physical, Mental and Spiritual prowess that yoga has
brought to the world. In this connection Department of Physical Education is organising YOGA
competition for the Faculty, Staff and Students of NIT Warangal.

Yoga Competition for Faculty, Staff and Students on 17th June 2022 on the occasion
of 8th International Day of Yoga 2022.
All Students (UG, PG, PhD Scholars) are requested to take part in the competition.

Venue: Yoga Hall, NITW Stadium Complex. Time: 5:30pm onwards.

Yoga Exercises for competition (Men / Boys &Women / Girls)

Part-A- ASANAS (Any two from the list is compulsory for Boys and Girls)

1. Paschimottanasana 2. Sarvangasana
3 Purna Dhanurasana 4. Karna Pidasana

Part-B- Optional Yogic Exercise- Select any three respectively for Boys and Girls
Mayurasana Vatayanasana
Padmabakasana(Urdhava Kukutasana) Poorna Bhujangasana
Hanumanasana Poorna Matsendrasana
Titiabhasana Ekapad Shirsasana
Poorna Chakrasana Ardha Badh Padmotanasana
Setubandh Sarvangasana Vibaktha Paschimottasana
Vrischikasana Natarajasana
Poorna Shalabhasana Ekapad Rajkapotanasana

Registration Link:
For any queries Contact: Dr.P.Prasanth (Sr.SASO) 8459292359
Dr. D. Hari (SASO) 9848251293

Part –A
(Compulsory Asanas for Men & Women)

Paschimottanasana Sarvangasana Purna Dhanurasana Karna pidasana

PART-B (Optional, select any Three)

Mayurasana Padmabakasana Hanumanasana Titiabhasana

(Urdhav Kukutasana)

Poorna Chakrasan Setubandh Sarvangasana Vrischikasana Poorna Shalabhasana

PART-B (Optional, select any Three)


Vatayanasana Poorna Bhujangasana Poorna Matsendrasan Ekapad Shirshasana

Ardha Badh Padmotanasana Vibaktha Paschimottasana Natrajaasana Ekapad Rajkapotanasana

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