Arthritis Means Joint Inflammation
Arthritis Means Joint Inflammation
Arthritis Means Joint Inflammation
Arthritis is more common among adults aged 65 years or older, but it can
affect people of all ages, including children.
There is no single cause of all types of arthritis. The cause or causes vary
according to the type or form of arthritis.
Most types of arthritis are linked to a combination of factors, but some have no
obvious cause and appear to be unpredictable in their emergence.
Some people may be genetically more likely to develop certain arthritic
conditions. Additional factors, such as previous injury, infection, smoking and
physically demanding occupations, can interact with genes to further increase
the risk of arthritis.
Diet and nutrition can play a role in managing arthritis and the risk of arthritis,
although specific foods, food sensitivities or intolerances are not known to
cause arthritis.
Diets that contain high-purine foods, such as seafood, red wine, and meats,
can trigger a gout flare-up. Vegetables and other plant foods that contain high
levels of purines do not appear to exacerbate gout symptoms, however.
Certain risk factors have been associated with arthritis. Some of these are
modifiable while others are not.
Age: the risk of developing most types of arthritis increases with age.
Sex: most types of arthritis are more common in females, and 60
percent of all people with arthritis are female. Gout is more common in
males than females.
Genetic factors: specific genes are associated with a higher risk of
certain types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic
lupus erythematosus (SLE) and ankylosing spondylitis.
Overweight and obesity: excess weight can contribute to both the onset
and progression of knee osteoarthritis.
Joint injuries: damage to a joint can contribute to the development of
osteoarthritis in that joint.
Infection: many microbial agents can infect joints and trigger the
development of various forms of arthritis.
Occupation: certain occupations that involve repetitive knee bending
and squatting are associated with osteoarthritis of the knee.
atural remedies
A healthful, balanced diet with appropriate exercise, avoiding smoking, and
not drinking excess alcohol can help people with arthritis maintain their overall
There is no specific diet that treats arthritis, but some types of food may help
reduce inflammation.
nuts and seeds
fruits and vegetables
olive oil
whole grains
Foods to avoid
There are some foods that people with arthritis may want to avoid.
Seven habits that can help a person with arthritis to manage their condition
1. Being organized: keep track of symptoms, pain levels, medications,
and possible side effects for consultations with your doctor.
2. Managing pain and fatigue: a medication regimen can be combined
with non-medical pain management. Learning to manage fatigue is key
to living comfortably with arthritis.
3. Staying active: exercise is beneficial for managing arthritis and overall
4. Balancing activity with rest: in addition to remaining active, rest is
equally important when your disease is active.
5. Eating a healthful diet: a balanced diet can help you achieve a healthy
weight and control inflammation. Avoid refined, processed foods and
pro-inflammatory animal-derived foods and choose whole plant foods
that are high in antioxidants and that have anti-inflammatory properties.
6. Improving sleep: poor sleep can aggravate arthritis pain and fatigue.
Take steps to improve sleep hygiene so you find it easier to fall asleep
and stay asleep. Avoid caffeine and strenuous exercise in the evenings
and restrict screen-time just before sleeping.
7. Caring for joints: tips for protecting joints include using the stronger,
larger joints as levers when opening doors, using several joints to
spread the weight of an object such as using a backpack and gripping
as loosely as possible by using padded handles.
Do not sit in the same position for long periods. Take regular breaks to keep
Physical therapies
Physical activity
Joint-friendly physical activities that are appropriate for adults with arthritis and
heart disease include:
A health care professional can help you find ways to live a healthful lifestyle
and have a better quality of life.
Natural therapies
Various other herbs and spices have been recommended for RA, but again,
more research is needed. They include turmeric, garlic, ginger, black pepper,
and green tea.
Anyone who is considering using natural remedies for any type of arthritis
should speak to a doctor first.
Early signs
The symptoms of arthritis that appear and how they appear vary widely,
depending on the type.
1. Pain: Pain from arthritis can be constant, or it may come and go. It may
affect only one part, or be felt in many parts of the body
2. Swelling: In some types of arthritis the skin over the affected joint
becomes red and swollen and feels warm to the touch
3. Stiffness. Stiffness is a typical symptom. With some types, this is most
likely upon waking up in the morning, after sitting at a desk, or after
sitting in a car for a long time. With other types, stiffness may occur after
exercise, or it may be persistent.
4. Difficulty moving a joint: If moving a joint or getting up from a chair is
hard or painful, this could indicate arthritis or another joint problem.