Reflective Functioning Questionnaire - 54 Items 22.08.2016

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Reflective Functioning Questionnaire – 54 items 22.08.


Reflective Functioning Questionnaire – 54 items

Please work through the next 54 statements. For each statement, choose a number between 1
and 7 to say how much you disagree or agree with the statement, and write the number beside
the statement. Do not think too much about it – your initial responses are usually the best.
Thank you.

Use the following scale from 1 to 7:

Strongly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly
disagree agree

1. __ People’s thoughts are a mystery to me

2. __ It’s easy for me to figure out what someone else is thinking or feeling

3. __ My picture of my parents changes as I change

4. __ I worry a great deal about what people are thinking and feeling

5. __ I pay attention to the impact of my actions on others’ feelings

6. __ It takes me a long time to understand other people’s thoughts and feelings

7. __ I know exactly what my close friends are thinking

8. __ I always know what I feel

9. __ How I feel can easily affect how I understand someone else’s behaviour

10. __ I can tell how someone is feeling by looking at their eyes

11. __ I realise that I can sometimes misunderstand my best friends’ reactions

12. __ I often get confused about what I am feeling

13. __ I wonder what my dreams mean

14. __ Understanding what’s on someone else’s mind is never difficult for me

15. __ I believe that my parents’ behaviour towards me should not be explained by how they were
brought up

16. __ I don’t always know why I do what I do

17. __ I have noticed that people often give advice to others that they actually wish to follow

18. __ It’s really hard for me to figure out what goes on in other people’s heads

19. __ Other people tell me I’m a good listener

Reflective Functioning Questionnaire – 54 items 22.08.2016

20. __ When I get angry I say things without really knowing why I am saying them

21. __ I’m often curious about the meaning behind others’ actions

22. __ I really struggle to make sense of other people’s feelings

23. __ I often have to force people to do what I want them to do

24. __ Those close to me often seem to find it difficult to understand why I do things

25. __ I feel that, if I am not careful, I could intrude into another person’s life

26. __ Other people’s thoughts and feelings are confusing to me

27. __ I can mostly predict what someone else will do

28. __ Strong feelings often cloud my thinking

29. __ In order to know exactly how someone is feeling, I have found that I need to ask them

30. __ My intuition about a person is hardly ever wrong

31. __ I believe that people can see a situation very differently based on their own beliefs and

32. __ Sometimes I find myself saying things and I have no idea why I said them

33. __ I like to think about the reasons behind my actions

34. __ I normally have a good idea of what is on other people’s minds

35. __ I trust my feelings

36. __ When I get angry I say things that I later regret

37. __ I get confused when people talk about their feelings

38. __ I am a good mind reader

39. __ I frequently feel that my mind is empty

40. __ If I feel insecure I can behave in ways that put others’ backs up

41. __ I find it difficult to see other people’s points of view

42. __ I usually know exactly what other people are thinking

43. __ I anticipate that my feelings might change even about something I feel strongly about

44. __ Sometimes I do things without really knowing why

Reflective Functioning Questionnaire – 54 items 22.08.2016

45. __ I pay attention to my feelings

46. __ In an argument, I keep the other person’s point of view in mind

47. __ My gut feeling about what someone else is thinking is usually very accurate

48. __ Understanding the reasons for people’s actions helps me to forgive them

49. __ I believe that there is no RIGHT way of seeing any situation

50. __ I am better guided by reason than by my gut

51. __ I can’t remember much about when I was a child

52. __ I believe there’s no point trying to guess what’s on someone else’s mind

53. __ For me actions speak louder than words

54. __ I believe other people are too confusing to bother figuring out

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