HR Service Providers Directory: Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
HR Service Providers Directory: Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
HR Service Providers Directory: Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
香港 人 力 資 源管理學會
Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
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14 employee expectation and
company performance
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exercised surveys
Employees participated
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Benchmarking with HKIHRM norms
HKIHRM Survey Findings on
香 港 人 力 資源管理學會 4 Manpower Statistics
Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management
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• A drop in the full year turnover rate in 2020 demonstrates the workforce’s inclination to play safe and stay
in their jobs.
• The annual vacancy rate takes a dip as COVID-19 dents organisations’ hiring sentiment.
Conducted between January and March 2021, the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management’s
Manpower Statistics Survey for the year 2020 and second half of 2020 collected and analysed information from
42 companies, representing a total of 54,603 employees.
The survey captured turnover rates that were voluntary resignations, and excluded any turnover caused by
voluntary or involuntary redundancy, dismissal, or retirement. The survey captured absence rates that were
unscheduled absences of one day or more including sick leave (paid or no paid), emergency leave, and
casual leave, and excluded wedding leave, annual leave, absence caused by work-related injury or accident,
compassionate leave, approved study leave, jury duty, maternity leave, and industrial action.
Turnover rates and vacancy rates 3.1%, a decline by 4.0 percentage points compared
with the same period last year.
Based on the survey, the second half of 2020 recorded
a staff turnover rate of 6.2%, 0.7 percentage points By employee level, clerical/frontline staff had the
lower than the corresponding figure in the same highest yearly turnover rate for 2020 at 14.3%. The
period last year. The 2020 full year turnover rate was yearly turnover rates for top/senior management,
9.6%, a remarkable dip by 9.9 percentage points from middle management/non-managerial professionals,
19.5% in 2019. The annual vacancy rate for 2020 was and supervisory/officers were 7.9%, 7.2%, and 5.9%
9.6% 3.1%
6.2% 2.4% 2%
Staff Turnover Rate Job Vacancy Rate Absence Rate
Hiring Intention
Clerical/frontline ofalso
staff 2021 hadH1the highest yearly By employee level, the half yearly absence rates for the
average vacancy rate for 2020 at 3.8%. The yearly second half of 2020 were below 1.0 across the ranks. The
Remain Hiring at the
average Increase Hiringmiddle
vacancy rates for supervisory/officers,
Same Level as previous 6 Months
Freeze rates for top/senior
Hiring management, management/
Reduce Hiring
management/non-managerial professionals, and non-managerial professionals, supervisory/officers,
top/senior management were 3.4%, 2.7%, and 2.3% and clerical/frontline staff were 0.6%, 0.5%, 0.4%, and
respectively. 0.9% respectively.
New positions and positions cut 4.8% 31%
Conclusion 4.8%
HKIHRM Research
The survey documented a slight net growth in In the first half of 2021, more than half of the
positions in the second half of 2020 by 0.3%. By interviewed organisations (59.5%) stated that they
employee level, the net growth rates for top/senior would remain hiring as the same period last year
management, middle management/non-managerial while almost one-third (31%) said they would freeze
professionals, supervisory/officers, and clerical/ hiring. 4.8% went as far as to say they intended to
frontline staff were -1.1%, 0.6%, 0.4%, and 0.4% reduce hiring while a mere 4.8% indicated that they
respectively. would increase hiring.
2020 Full Year 2020 2nd Half
Absence rates Due to the lingering impact of COVID-19, the overall
Staff Turnover Rate Job Vacancy Rate hiring intention was lukewarm in the first half of
In the second half of 2020, the weighted average 2021. This had intensified employees’ fear of losing
absence rate remained stable at 2.0%, a 0.4% drop their livelihoods. Organisations can offer their staff
compared with the same period last year which with professional mental health care and other
9.6% 3.1%
suggested that the workforce deployed presenteeism non-monetary rewards such as extra annual leaves
to inject a sense of positivity, which is essential for
employment. 2020 2nd Half
rejuvenating the workplace for the post-COVID era.
Staff Turnover Rate Job Vacancy Rate 6.2% 2.4% 2%
Staff Turnover Rate Job Vacancy Rate Absence Rate
6.2% 2.4% 2%
Staff Turnover Rate Job Vacancy Rate Absence Rate
Hiring 59.5%
Intention of 2021 H14.8% 31% 4.8%
HKIHRM Research
Remain Hiring at the Increase Hiring Freeze Hiring Reduce Hiring Website
Same Level as previous 6 Months
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 last year, dealing with workplace and business issues brought by the public
health situation has been a priority for most Hong Kong employers. Despite this, organisations should not lose
sight of the recent and upcoming changes and developments in Hong Kong employment law. In this article, we
take a look at some changes that have recently been introduced or are planned, and what employers should do
about them.
1. Passage of Anti-Breastfeeding Discrimination and who are not breastfeeding in the same or not
Harassment Law in Hong Kong materially different circumstances.
anticipate that the breastfeeding woman would Although the guidance notes are not statements of
be offended, humiliated or intimidated by that law and employers have no legal obligation to follow
conduct. the recommendations stated in them, employers that
comply with the recommendations are unlikely to
• Hostile or intimidating environment harassment: A breach the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO).
person, alone or with others, engages in conduct
which creates a hostile or intimidating environment It is important to note that employers have to
for the breastfeeding woman. continue to address their obligations as a data user
under the PDPO in a WFH environment. Employers’
Employers should review and update their anti- legal obligations as a data user are no different
discrimination and harassment policies to ensure in a WFH arrangement than those in an office
that they reflect these changes. Employers should environment. However, the circumstances around
also update the training they provide, to take account how personal data may be used, stored, and handled
of the changes in the legislation and offer refresher will be different in a WFH setting and employers
training to its employees. need to cater for that. For example, employers should
consider the impact of handling personal data and
2. Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission Issues
confidential information in a WFH environment,
Guidance on Breastfeeding Discrimination
implement appropriate protection, and review its
As mentioned, the protection against unlawful policies to ensure adequate protective measures are
breastfeeding discrimination came into force in place against malware/viruses and strengthen its
on 19 June 2021. In November 2020, the Equal network security.
Opportunities Commission (EOC) released a guidance
4. Enhanced Statutory Maternity Benefits and
for employers on equality for breastfeeding women
Reimbursement of Maternity Leave Pay Scheme
and a leaflet on breastfeeding discrimination in the
workplace, to provide guidance and information to The increase in statutory maternity leave to 14 weeks
employers. under the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance
2020 took effect on 11 December 2020. Eligible
The guidance and leaflet do not have legislative
employees whose confinement occurs on or after
force. However, non-compliance may mean the
this date are entitled to 14 weeks of statutory
employer’s practice does breach the SDO and that
maternity leave instead of the previous entitlement
non-compliance with EOC’s guidance may be used
of 10 weeks. Employers should be aware of their
against the employer in the event of a complaint
employees’ entitlement to statutory maternity leave
or claim. It is a defence to unlawful harassment
and maternity leave pay.
and discrimination under the SDO for an employer
to demonstrate that it has taken such steps as are The Government has committed to reimbursing
reasonably practicable to prevent its employees from employers payment in respect of the four weeks
engaging in any unlawful acts of discrimination. If the extended period of maternity leave. The maternity
employer fails to follow the EOC’s guidance, then that leave pay which the Government will reimburse
may mean the employer is unable to demonstrate for the four additional weeks of maternity leave is
that it has taken reasonably practicable steps. capped at HK$80,000 per employee.
3. Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner Issues Guidance Employers may apply for reimbursement under the
Notes on Work-from-Home Arrangements Reimbursement of Maternity Leave Pay Scheme if:
For some companies, working from home (WFH) • The employee relevant to the application is
has become the new norm since 2020. Although entitled to maternity leave and maternity leave pay
WFH arrangements are a means of ensuring social under the Employment Ordinance;
distancing, they may also give rise to personal data
privacy risks. • The employee has taken her maternity leave and
the employer (i.e. the applicant) has paid 14 weeks
On 30 November 2020, the Privacy Commissioner of maternity leave pay to the employee;
for Personal Data, Hong Kong issued three guidance
notes for the handling of personal data connected • The employee’s confinement occurs on or after 11
with work-from-home arrangements. The guidance December 2020; and
notes aim to provide practical advice to organisations,
covering employers, employees, and users of video • The additional four weeks’ maternity leave pay paid
conferencing software, to enhance data security and to the employee by the applicant has not been,
the protection of personal data privacy. and will not be, covered or subsidised by other
government funding.
Employers should update their policies, handbooks, structure the arrangement appropriately, before
and internal guidelines to bring them in line with the sending the employees to work in GBA Mainland
latest statutory requirements. cities.
5. Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme 6. Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021 Gazetted -
Five More Statutory Holidays by 2030
In the Chief Executive’s 2020 Policy Address, it
was announced that the Government would create The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2021 (the “Bill”)
employment opportunities for local university was gazetted on 5 March 2021. The Bill seeks to
graduates. The Government has now launched increase the number of statutory holidays under the
the Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme Employment Ordinance from the current 12 days to
(GBA Scheme) which provides 2,000 posts, with match the 17 gazetted general holidays.
approximately 700 posts designated for the
innovation and technology sector. Enterprises Under the Bill, the number of statutory holidays will
participating in the GBA Scheme can apply for a increase from 12 days to 17 days progressively from
monthly allowance for each eligible graduate. 2022 to 2030. These five new statutory holidays are:
It is important to note that the GBA Scheme entails 1. The Birthday of Buddha, being the eighth day of
a cross-border employment arrangement under the fourth lunar month (starting from 1 January
a Hong Kong contract. As such, apart from the 2022);
obligations under the relevant Hong Kong legislation 2. The first weekday after Christmas Day (starting
including the Employment Ordinance (e.g. to provide from 1 January 2024);
the statutory leave benefits) and Occupational
Safety and Health Ordinance (e.g. to provide a safe 3. Easter Monday (starting from 1 January 2026);
and healthy work environment), employers will also 4. Good Friday (starting from 1 January 2028); and
need to comply with any applicable local PRC law.
It AD2021_Contect2_AW_210x140H_R3.pdf
is therefore important for employers to seek2:26
legal 5. The day following Good Friday (starting from 1
TSS 1 17/6/2021 PM
Bleed Size: 220mm (W) x 150mm (H), Trim
and tax advice to understand their obligations andSize: 210mm (W) x 140 mm
January (H)
Cityray has been successfully launched our WFM solution for many clients from
various industries. Cityray WFM helps you in global workforce requirement,
budget planning, HR planning, casual labor management, complicated OT C
handling. To know more, our technical consultants are ready to answer your
enquiry. The following case studies show how we have been converting chaos to Y
Various attendance policies and Cityray WFM solution provides flexibility to cater the differences of
payroll logic from two original various attendance and payroll logic. With a configurable design,
companies before acquisition various shift group, shop policy, roster can be easily managed. All
require HR extra attention when attendance data is seamlessly posted to payroll. The differences of
handling the monthly payroll. the payroll policy can be catered with the predefined payroll logics.
HR needs to gather the roster from store Mobile rostering solution in Cityray WFM helps
Precise working hour calculation and The working time is precisely collected by the time
record is critical for those whose payroll clock system and centralized for payroll instantly.
are highly related to working time. All the process are automatic so as to minimize the
human workload and error.
Since 1987
Background : Giant property management
A long history and famous Hong Kong-based property and infrastructure enterprise with
the business of investments in infrastructure projects, property letting, property agency
and management, hotel operations and management, restaurant operation and food
catering, construction and project management. Although it took the firm private since
2019, the challenging workforce management is still a challenge to boost the efficiency
of the business.
ly so that the unapproved OT and the platform to manage OT request and
approved OT always not easy to approval, HR can classify and confirm the
be identified. authorized OT to process the payroll.
Payment to casual We support hourly pay and daily pay. No matter they work just for a
labor is too flexible few days or even non-consecutive days, payment can be made on the
that makes tradition- same day or consolidated to pay at the month end. The mandatory
al HR system impos- MPF contribution generated from various pay can be accumulated
sible to handle. and contributed at the beginning of next month.
Due to the Industry Scheme from Cityray WFM CASOPLUS solution supports
MPFA, employers are required to MPF calculation compliance with MPFA
contribute MPF for casual labor, or Industry Scheme. The MPF contribution can
else it would cause compliance risk. be forecast in budget management.
The world has changed since COVID-19 first erupted 1. What am I interested in learning more about?
– businesses have acted quickly to mitigate the risk
of spreading the virus. As a non-tech professional, Getting started can be the toughest part of any
whether your job has been affected, this crisis journey, so it is good to begin with something you
presents a good opportunity to take a hard look at have always been interested in. Perhaps you are an
yourself – your strengths, skills, passions, and goals – HR professional with a strong interest in coding but
and in turn, revisit your career journey. Where did you never had the opportunity to learn it; or you might
come from, where are you now, and where should you be interested in public speaking even though your
head to next? job doesn’t require you to do so. List all the areas you
have an interest in and conduct an online search to
Questions to help you identify areas for upskilling find the resources which you can leverage. Start with
something that calls out to you – this can be a course,
Now is a good chance to not only re-evaluate your workshop, webinar, or podcast.
current career direction, but also implement concrete
actions to upskill yourself. Doing so will not only 2. What will make me shine at work?
ensure you emerge from this crisis better equipped
with the necessary skills to make the most of any Now that you have gotten started, keep the
opportunity, it will allow you to take further steps on momentum going. For many, the best way to do so
your career trajectory. Keeping your long-term career is to learn something that is directly relevant to your
goals in mind, here are some questions to help you work, so you can easily see the immediate payoffs of
identify the relevant areas for upskilling during these your efforts. Identify the areas of your work which
times of uncertainty: you are already good at, explore what will make you
stand out further, and focus your efforts on elevating
yourself in these areas. For a content marketer, this from a recognised university or course provider. It all
could mean brushing up and keeping updated on the depends on your learning interests and requirements.
latest SEO and SEM trends to ensure your content
is not only engaging, but is also reaching the right 2. Career advice
target audiences.
If you are looking for career-specific actions that
3. What will make me feel less frustrated at work? can be implemented right from the start, why
not take a look at relevant career advice articles?
Upskilling doesn’t just have to be about learning new From government resources to popular business
things – it can be about re-learning the basics too. magazines, these sources all offer to keep you
Tackle the aspects of your work that you struggle abreast of the latest industry trends and happenings
with by taking some time to ponder what frustrates while providing key career boosting insights.
you the most every day. Is it your overflowing inbox,
or your ever-growing to do list? Is it spending large Why not start preparing yourself for a new role in
amounts of time on tedious administrative tasks, post-COVID times? Easy and quick first steps such as
or perhaps communicating effectively with others? taking the time to update and review your CV, polish
Once you have identified the ‘weak links’ in your daily your LinkedIn profile, craft an excellent personal
work life, find ways to improve in these areas. statement, and practise your interview skills can
help better position yourself for new and greater
Resources for upskilling opportunities when the market recovers.
Coach U has been a leading global provider of coach training programs and coaching culture
change for organizations since 1992. At Coach U, you will learn to coach, integrate coaching
skills into your current leadership or life, and develop a strong personal foundation. Coach U
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A six-day immersive Leader as Coach program A four-day train-the-trainer program for developing a
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77 hours of professional coach training that you can apply Coaching Clinic™ can be delivered live or virtually, in either
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Over the course of 2020, the world of work for many people had changed dramatically. Officed-based workers
suddenly found themselves at home, adapting to new systems and workflows while, in some cases, adjusting to
social isolation and financial or emotional hardship. Cybersecurity focused on this human element is vital, but
employers need to go beyond merely minimising vulnerabilities. Instead, they need to create an elastic, resilient,
and agile workforce by considering their fundamental needs.
Even before COVID-19 struck, cyber crime was costing power to implement. When it comes to mitigating
large organisations an average of USD13 million a human cyber vulnerabilities, Accenture has identified
year apiece, according to Accenture research.1 60% of six key components. Three of them focus on individual
cyber attacks are attributable to human, rather than responsibility:
technological vulnerabilities.2 The public health
situation had exacerbated these human frailties • Leadership advocacy and commitment. Visible
in 2020, prompting Interpol to launch a hashtag, dedication to and demonstration of best practice
#WashYourCyberHands, to emphasise the importance by senior team members, to "lead by example" and
of good online habits.3 encourage the right behaviours.
• Security awareness and education. Providing
Fostering individual cyber maturity is something the correct skills and knowledge to educate
that the HR function and their organisation have the employees about the importance of staying cyber
vigilant, as well as the actions expected from
1 Accenture, 2019, Ninth Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study, 6 March 2019:
2 Research based on Accenture’s Third Annual State of Cyber Resilience Report,
3 Interpol, 2020:
• Secure behaviours and accountability. Ensuring However, permanent shifts to an elastic workforce
employees adopt the right behaviours to stay alert require human and technological support, including
and feel accountable for keeping their organisation through enhanced analytics as well as cybersecurity
safe. protection. Addressing the human aspects of the later
is now a key focus of HR teams, in terms of raising cyber
The other three key components focus on awareness, instigating culture and behaviour change,
organisational maturity: and upskilling the workforce where necessary. This is
best understood as part of a broader commitment to
• Strategic business alignment. Aligning people’s wellbeing, which Accenture calls Net Better
cybersecurity priorities with the overall business Off.
objectives of the organisation, including alignment
with business leaders. Net Better Off
• Security workforce and capabilities. Creating a
strong team of cybersecurity professionals, with Net Better Off is a model whereby companies can
the appropriate skills and competencies to shield unlock their people’s full potential by considering the
the organisation effectively. welfare of individuals through six specific dimensions.
• 'Security first' culture. Using well-designed These are:
processes and policies to drive and reward the right
security-driven behaviour within the organisation. • Financial: Being financially secure without undue
economic stress or worry, and having equitable
These are not temporary measures for lockdowns opportunities for future stability and advancement.
induced by COVID-19. Increasingly, organisations • Employable: Having marketable, in-demand
are announcing permanent shifts to hybrid working capabilities and skills to obtain good jobs and
models, with staff spending multiple days each week in advance in one’s career.
their home offices. An agile, elastic workforce, enabled • Purposeful: Feeling that work makes a positive
by digital tools, has the potential to unlock a revolution difference to the world and that life has meaning
in both staff productivity and wellbeing. Research and a greater sense of purpose beyond oneself.
indicated that 66% of the surveyed employees feel • Physical: Being in good physical health without
they could focus more easily when working remotely,4 stress.
while 79% of organisations had seen consistent or • Relational: Feeling a strong sense of belonging
even improved levels of staff productivity.5 and inclusion; having many strong personal
• Emotional and mental: Feeling positive emotions
and maintaining mental wellness.
4 Accenture COVID-19 Consumer Research
5 Josh Bersin, “COVID-19 May Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Employee Engagement”, April 25 2020:
All six dimensions point to building trust among the The role of human resources
employer and employees, and the employees with one
another. Trust needs to be established among people, This transition places a great deal of responsibility on
but also with the help of data, hence all six dimensions CHROs and their teams. Some roles are easier to pivot
can be jeopardised by cyber insecurity. to hybrid or remote working than others, meaning
that positions and tasks must be evaluated on a case-
This is why HR and their organisation need to by-case basis, through rigorous analytics. Meanwhile,
make cyber protection a core priority. An isolated, CHROs need the curiosity to understand emergent
demoralised, or stressed homeworker is more at risk of workplace technologies, such as augmented- and
falling prey to the kinds of cyber fraud typically used virtual-reality applications. Talent management
to penetrate organisational systems, be it a phishing processes, wellbeing and productivity metrics need
email, impersonation fraud or ransomware. Net Better to be performed digitally, but in ways that can ease
Off provides a framework through which to understand employee concerns about overly intrusive surveillance.
and support staff resilience, particularly in the context Rather, trust must be built by placing people at the
of a digital working environment. centre of decision making, and by ensuring that new
technologies are adopted in a cyber secure way.
What does success look like? There are some sweet spots that can be employed and measured in practice.
Organisations that enable continuous learning, for instance, are well placed to support the ‘employability’ pillar
of Net Better Off. Success in this regard can be measured in the proportion of employees saying they would
recommend their employer to other people. Likewise, if a high proportion of workers adapt effectively to change,
that is a sign that the organisation is listening to their concerns, and empowering them with real-time data.
In terms of measuring the success of hybrid or remote working, high scores for workplace fulfilment are an
important indicator that the right technology has been put in place to support workers. But that is only half
the story. Wellbeing and safety are equally significant, as is ensuring equal opportunity and diversity. A high
proportion who report a willingness to put extra effort into their work, and who view it overall as a positive
experience, can be taken as indicators of success in this regard.
The new normal is very much a digital one. This means that the distinction between cybersecurity, and security
in general, is increasingly superfluous. HR practitioners should be helping to create an environment of trust in
our new, online/offline hybrid world, shifting employees’ related behaviours and mindsets, and integrating an
appreciation of online security into their thinking, as elements integral to all aspects of their people strategy.
Global data security concerns The complex world of Asia Data Privacy
In recent years, data security has been headline news Asia Data Privacy laws can get quite complicated as
across the world. From WhatsApp’s privacy policy they remain particularly disintegrated, making it very
updates to the Tik Tok saga, data security has been complex for companies to ensure they host, protect,
on everyone’s mind. With the global trend heading and retain data in accordance with local data privacy
towards an increasingly heavy reliance on technology, laws.
the issue of information security will only continue to
grow. For example, the personal data of Chinese citizens
is required to be hosted in China, while Taiwanese
Payroll data is among the most sensitive business privacy laws can prevent companies from hosting
information, and enterprises in Asia must do their Taiwanese citizens’ personal data in China. This may
best to protect it. Consider whether your privacy pose issues for companies with a presence in Taiwan
concerns are met, and the types of data security if they are headquartered in China.
processes being practiced.
As such, companies operating in Asia need to ensure
With numerous countries in Asia, it is only natural that they, and in particular, their HR and payroll
for privacy requirements to vary greatly from providers who handle their employees’ personal
location to location. Links International, a notable information, take adequate measures to comply with
payroll provider in Asia, routinely comes across a data privacy laws.
few common questions when speaking to clients,
especially banking and financial institution clients,
who outsource their Asia payroll.
Why being ISO 27001 compliant is important Common questions on data security:
Where is the data hosted and who has access to it?
As Asia data privacy can be complicated, especially
for overseas companies investing in Asia, it is All businesses with an IT or compliance function
recommended that businesses outsource their need to understand the following, when determining
payroll to the right partners. The best payroll service the level of risk associated with a payroll outsourcing
providing companies voluntarily adopt security company hosting confidential HR information:
standards and are compliant with ISO 27001.
• Where will the payroll data be physically hosted?
Published by the International Organization for • Is the server physically owned or leased?
Standardization, ISO 27001 is part of a family
of standards that help organisations keep their • How is the network structured?
information assets secure. Asia payroll providers Data should always be hosted in a way that complies
that meet the standard are certified compliant by with local data privacy laws. It is worth noting that
an independent and accredited certification body, on certain industries in specific countries have statutory
successful completion of a formal compliance audit. requirements that information be hosted and stored
Leading Asia payroll outsourcing companies choose in the country, as opposed to in offshore processing
to implement the standard to benefit from the centres in low-cost countries, e.g. India, Philippines,
best security practices and reassure clients that its Malaysia, etc..
recommendations have been followed. For instance,
checking the existence of important documentations How secure is the payroll data when stored and
such as the Statement of Applicability (SoA) and Risk transmitted?
Treatment Plan (RTP) is a preliminary step to getting
certified. Assuming the payroll provider is ISO 27001
compliant, most potential questions from clients
Other common standards that good Asia payroll about data storage and transmission will be in
outsourcing companies hold include SOC 1 SOC respect of whether the payroll data is encrypted at
1SSAE 16/ISAE 3402, and SOC 2 – it is worth noting rest, e.g. data is protected while on disk/in storage,
though that a large number of common US and UK and encrypted in Transit.
certifications are not widely used in Asia. However,
asking your provider whether they hold ISO 27001 The best Asia payroll service providers have data
is a good way of quickly weeding out risky vendors. encrypted at both stages, and ensure client HR
teams can obtain compliance sign-off easier. A lot A concerning number of Asia HR technologies are
of compliance and IT teams are not comfortable known for lagging behind the rest of the world.
transmitting confidential payroll data over an Thoroughly understanding your vendor’s ability
unsecured email (even if it is password protected), so to detect and monitor potential breaches is key to
it is vital that your Asia payroll provider can provide reducing your chances of making the headlines for
other options for data transmission, e.g. FTP-S. the wrong reasons.
Furthermore, how data is retained and destroyed What other information security questions should be
when no longer required is a point of interest for asked?
compliance teams. Ensuring that your Asia payroll
provider has clear data retention policies is your first While there are still many questions to ask payroll
port of call. vendors, here is a list of questions that large clients
frequently ask:
Who has access to the data?
• What on-premise security is there? E.g. in office
CCTV (with readily available access to records),
What is the framework for access to payroll data? And monitored alarm systems, etc.
how is access monitored?
• How does the provider communicate InfoSec
A basic starting point for Asia payroll providers policies and procedures to staff? Can they provide
should be to restrict user access to client payroll data evidence such as email communications, training
to a strictly need to know basis, with their policies records, memos, etc.?
regarding data access being standardised for user • How does the provider reference check new staff?
access and reflecting this principle. What is the disciplinary process in the event of a
security incident with a staff member?
Monitoring user access is another significant but
often overlooked step. However, the practicality of • How are change and access requests processed?
monitoring user access to payroll data at scale and Can proof of requests be given?
detecting any potential data breaches is crucial. • What firewall/antivirus protection is used? How
Having a well-documented security policy is good, are updates and patches distributed systematically
yet the systems and processes in place to check to all users?
security breaches are even more important.
• What are the backup and disaster recovery
Good information to find out from the payroll procedures?
provider on data access: • What controls do you have to address the use,
handling, protection, and sharing of confidential
• What proof do they have to show they follow the data with subcontractors?
processes to check data breaches?
• Does the provider have a Data Loss Prevention
system in place to prevent breaches as well
as analytics and alerts to notify of a potential
• Does the provider conduct vulnerability and
penetration testing on a regular basis?
• Can the provider utilise Multi-Factor
Authentication to prevent unauthorised access?
• Can the payroll provider discover, restrict, and
monitor privileged identities and their access to
resources from a single system?
• Does the payroll provider maintain an access log
and can the access log be edited?
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Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services in strategy and consulting,
interactive, technology and operations, with digital capabilities across all of these services. The company combines
excellent experience and specialised capabilities across more than 40 industries — powered by a vast network of advanced
technology and intelligent operations centres. With 513,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture
brings continuous innovation to help clients improve their performance and create lasting value across their enterprises.
BridgeBuilder HRMS
Block A, 4/F, Eastern Sea Industrial Building, 29-39 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
T: (852) 3798 4400
E: W:
BridgeBuilder HRMS (BBHRMS) is providing a well-rounded HR management suite in Hong Kong, Macau, and PRC, and possesses
vast experience in the industry of retail, F&B, construction, financial institution, etc. We cater for businesses of different sizes
including SMEs, enterprises, MNCs and offer guaranteed compliance updates to clients in response to legislative changes. Over 98%
of our clients are satisfied by our services and willing to recommend to others.
“The level of resilience & professionalism that FlexSystem project team reinforces the message that LV has selected the correct
payroll vendor.” Rico Cheng, Louis Vuitton's head of HRIS, North Asia.
Cigna Worldwide Life Insurance Company Limited and Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited
16/F, International Trade Tower, 348 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
T: (852) 2560 1990 F: (852) 2886 3722
E: W:
Cigna is a global health service leader whose mission is to help people improve their health, well-being and peace of
mind. With a sales force covering over 30 countries and jurisdictions, we protect the continued well-being of over 180
million customers worldwide. Established in Hong Kong in 1933, we provide a ‘right place and right time’ service that
delivers professional advice to customers at every stage of their life journeys.
Cornerstone OnDemand
Suite 705, 7th Floor, 625 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong
T: (852) 8176 0642
E: W:
Cornerstone OnDemand is a global leader in people development solutions. We believe people can achieve anything when
they have the right development and growth opportunities. We offer organisations the technology, content, expertise and
specialised focus to help them realise their people potential. Featuring comprehensive recruiting, personalised learning,
modern content delivered in the flow of work, development-driven performance management and holistic workforce data
management and insights, Cornerstone's people development solutions are used by over 6,000 global clients of all sizes,
spanning more than 75 million users across over 180 countries and nearly 50 languages.
First Advantage
Unit 1001, 88 Hing Fat Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
T: (852) 2810 6448 F: (852) 2810 9448
E: W:
As the trusted partner of over 35,000 organisations worldwide, First Advantage provides easy to understand background
checks so you can confidently make decisions about prospective employees, vendors, and contractors. Not only does this
safeguard your brand, but this also allows you to arrive at dramatically better background insights – insights you can
rely on. Access criminal record searches; education, employment, and professional license verifications; global sanction
searches; credit checks; social media searches and more. First Advantage has 26 offices across North America, Europe,
India, and Asia. Our 71+ million international background screens annually cover 200+ countries and territories.
FlexSystem Limited
Block A, 4/F, Eastern Sea Industrial Building, 29-39 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
T: (852) 2967 9020 F: (852) 2967 1789
E: W:
FlexSystem is a leading enterprise solution provider in Hong Kong. Established in 1987, FlexSystem is keen on technology
development and aims to enhance organisation's workforce effectiveness. We have delivered best practice solutions to over 5,000
companies and 3,000 installations throughout the world.
FlexSystem provides comprehensive HRMS, which includes
- Profile & Competency Management - Payroll & Benefit Management
- Attendance Management - Provident Fund & Taxation Management
- Performance & Training Management - Workforce Self-service Platform
- HR Analysis & Evaluation
OnGrad is a creative talent solution and employer branding consultant for campus and young generation engagement. Our
career learning community, OnMyGrad (app / web), recommends customised career learning materials and any portfolio
enhancement opportunities to university students.
Part-time top-up programme offered jointly by Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) and
School of Continuing Education of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU-SCE)
2/F, Franki Centre, 320 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
T: (852) 3411 1914
E: W:
The "Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management with Organisational Psychology" is a 1-year part time top-up
degree programme. Following a challenging international curriculum, the programme does not only focus on theories and
concepts, but also reinforces understanding through a wide range of up-to-date case studies from around the world. It
aspires to produce graduates with an international perspective in addition to the necessary knowledge and skills required
by the industry in modern times, providing a strong foundation for a successful career in human resource management in
different sectors.
600 Harrison Street, San Francisco CA 94107, United States
E: W:
With a mission to improve lives through learning, Udemy is a leading online learning destination that helps learners,
businesses, and governments gain the skills they need to compete in today's economy. Over 40 million learners have taken
courses on Udemy from numerous expert instructors teaching over 155,000 online courses in topics from programming
and data science to leadership and team building. For companies, Udemy for Business offers an employee training and
development platform and customers include The Walt Disney Corporation, Apple, Unicef, PayPal, etc.
Udemy for Business is a curated learning platform that helps companies stay competitive in today's changing workplace,
with on-demand content on a variety of key business and technical topics. The platform curates the highest-rated courses
from the Udemy marketplace, covering the most in-demand professional skills that employees need to become better
subject-matter experts, leaders, and collaborators.
*Data Source: Gartner "Market Share Analysis: ERP Software, Worldwide, 2019"
Business /
Hong Regional / Management Compensation
China GBA
Kong International Consulting & Benefits
√ √ √ √ √
T: (852) 2249 2100 W:
BridgeBuilder HRMS
√ √ √ √ √
T: (852) 3798 4400 E: W:
Cigna Worldwide Life Insurance Company Limited and Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited
信諾環球人壽保險有限公司及信諾環球保險有限公司 √ √
T: (852) 2560 1990 F: (852) 2886 3722 E: W:
Coach U
√ √ √ √
T: (852) 9382 2279 E: W:
Cornerstone OnDemand
√ √ √ √
T: (852) 8176 0642 E: W:
√ Payroll Outsourcing
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
Executive Coaching;
√ √ Train-the-trainer
√ √ √ √ √
Enterprise Information
Management, Enterprise
Procurement Management,
√ √ √ Enterprise Retail Management,
Solutions Services, IT Security
Services, E-Services
√ √
Business /
Hong Regional / Management Compensation
China GBA
Kong International Consulting & Benefits
First Advantage
√ √ √ √
T: (852) 2810 6448 F: (852) 2810 9448 E: W:
FlexSystem Limited
√ √ √ √
T: (852) 2967 9020 F: (852) 2967 1789 E: W:
FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
富衛人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限責任公司) √
T: (852) 3123 3123 F: (852) 2850 3003 E: W:
√ √ √ Background Screening
√ √
√ √ √ √
Dialogic OD Consultancy,
Learning Solutions, Executive
Coaching, Online Webinars,
√ √ Community Care, Professional
Facilitation, Instructional Design,
Action Learning
Corporate Culture,
Organisational Development,
Competency Development,
√ √ √ √ √ Performance Management
System, Job Grading System,
Executive Coaching
Outplacement, Employee
Assistance Programme,
√ √ √ √ √ Secondment PEO/EoR, Work/
Dependant Visa application
√ √ √
Business /
Hong Regional / Management Compensation
China GBA
Kong International Consulting & Benefits
Part-time top-up programme offered jointly by Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) and School of
Continuing Education of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU-SCE) √
T: (852) 3411 1914 E: W:
√ √
E: W:
√ √
√ √ √ √
√ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √