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Swicom: Technical Manual

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Technical Manual

1. Introduction 3
2. Environmental aspects 4
3. Overview and General Concepts 5
4. Non-monotonic Analytic functions 6
5. Monotonic Analytic functions 13
6. Other alerts 21
7. Temperature 24
8. Temperature Delta 26
9. Relay application notes 28
10. List of Sensor Measurements 29
11. Technical data 30
12. Functional tests 31
13. Glossary 32

For your safety!
• Dangerous voltages can occur on the connectors, Responsible behaviour safeguards your
even when the auxiliary voltage has been own and others’ safety!
disconnected. For any requests, please contact the ABB
Assistance Service.
• Non-observance can result in death, personal
injury or substantial property damage.

• Only a competent electrician must be allowed to

perform the electrical installation tasks.

• National and local electrical safety regulations

must always be followed.

• SWICOM must be earthed.


Table of contents

1. Introduction 3 6. Other alerts 21

1.1 Disclaimer 3 6.1 Gas Pressure 21
1.2 Conformity 3 6.2 Control Coil Continuity 22
2. Environmental aspects 4 7. Temperature 24
2.1 Sustainable development 4 7.1 Concept 24
2.2 Disposing of the product 4 7.2 Data Definition 24
2.3 Applicable directives, standards and 7.3 Algorithm 25
compliance 4 8. Temperature Delta 26
3. Overview and General Concepts 5 8.1 Concept 26
3.1 Definition of Status KPIs and Value KPIs 5 8.2 Data Definition 26
3.2 Definition of Analytic Function 5 8.3 Algorithm 27
3.3 List of Analytic Functions 5 9. Relay application notes 28
4. Non-monotonic Analytic functions 6 9.1 REF6xx 28
4.1 Introduction 6 10. List of Sensor Measurements 29
4.2 Open Command Diagnosis 6 10.1 Temperature Measurements 29
4.3 Close Command Diagnosis 9 11. Technical data 30
4.4 Spring Charger Diagnosis 11 12. Functional tests 31
5. Monotonic Analytic functions 13 13. Glossary 32
5.1 Introduction 13
5.2 Contacts Quality 13
5.3 Remaining Life 15
5.4 Operation Counter 17
5.5 Inactivity Time 19

1. Introduction

1.1 Disclaimer 1.2 Conformity

The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are The products listed in the document comply with
included solely for the concept or product the directive of the Council of the European
description and are not a statement of guaranteed Communities implemented by the laws of the
properties. All persons responsible for applying the Member States relating to electromagnetic
equipment described in this manual must ensure compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and
that each intended application is suitable and concerning electrical equipment for use within
acceptable, and that all applicable safety or other specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive
operational requirements are complied with. In 2006/95/EC). Such conformity is the result of tests
particular, all risks in applications where a system conducted by ABB in accordance with product
failure and/or product failure would create a risk of standards EN50263 and EN60255-26 for the MEC
harm to property or persons (including but not directive and with product standards EN 60255-1
limited to personal injuries or death) shall be the and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive.
sole responsibility of the person or entity who/that
applies the equipment, and such parties are hereby
requested to ensure that all measures are taken to
exclude or mitigate such risks.
This document has been carefully checked by ABB
but discrepancies cannot be completely ruled out.
If are detected, the reader is kindly requested to
notify the manufacturer. With the exception of
explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall
ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage
resulting from use of this manual or application of
the equipment.

2. Environmental aspects

2.1 Sustainable development 2.2.2 Software disposal

As general rule when the SWICOM device needs to
Sustainability was taken into account from the time
be decommissioned, all sensitive information needs
product design began and included the pro-
to be deleted from the device as well as from the
environmental manufacturing process, long life,
SWICOM Configuration Tool.
operation reliability and disposal of SWICOM.
The choice of materials and the suppliers was made Note: in the current SWICOM FW version no particular
in accordance with the EU RoHS directive 2011/65/EU sensitive information needs are envisaged.
of the European Parliament and of the council of 8
June 2011 on the Restriction of Hazardous
Substances in electrical and electronic equipment 2.3 Applicable directives,
(RoHS Directive).
SWICOM complies with the maximum values for lead standards and compliance
(Pb), mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated The following directives, standards and compliances
biphenyls (PBB), polybrominated diphenyl ethers are applicable to SWICOM:
(PBDE) and cadmium. • Electrostatic Discharges Immunity test
Pursuant to EU-regulation REACH that came into • Radiated Electromagnetic RF- Field immunity test
force on 1 June 2007, the products are solely non- • Conducted Low Frequency Immunity test
chemical. Moreover, the products supplied will not • EFT Immunity test: EN61000-4-4
release any substances under normal and reasonably • Surge immunity: EN61000-4-5
foreseeable application circumstances. • Common Mode Conducted RF-Immunity test:
• Power frequency magnetic field Immunity test:
2.2 Disposing of the product EN61000-4-8
• Slow Damped Oscillatory Wave Immunity test
2.2.1 Hardware disposal
• DC Voltage Dips, Interruptions and Variations
Definitions and regulations concerning hazardous
• AC component (Ripple) in DC
materials are country-specific and change as
• Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity test
knowledge of materials increases. The materials
• Low Frequency conducted disturbances Immunity
used in this product are typical for electric and
electronic devices.
• Conducted Field emission test: CISPR 11
All parts used in this product are recyclable. When
• Radiated Field Emission test
disposing of SWICOM or its parts contact a local
waste handler who is authorized and specialized in
disposing of electronic waste. These handlers can
sort the material by using dedicated sorting
processes and dispose of the product in accordance
with local requirements.

Table 1: Product composition

SWICOM Parts Material

Case Parts and screws Steel
HMI Glass
Case Plastic
Capacitive film Plastic
LCD Liquid Crystal
Electronic modules Various
Package Box Cardboard
Attached material Manuals Paper

3. Overview and General Concepts

3.1 Definition of Status KPIs and • Can be associated to a “Value KPI” (also called
“Quality”, a number in the range 0 ÷ 100)
Value KPIs • Generates output (e.g. warning, alarm, lockout
In SWICOM all the health status indicators are called binary outputs, or numeric values, useful for
KPIs. higher level logic)
In table 3 is defined the difference between Status • Generate events (timestamped messages
KPI and Value KPI. generated when at least one KPI changes its
status, (e. g. a threshold is overcome).
Table 2: “Status” and “Value” KPI definition

Name Synonym Description

Status KPI Quality zone Can be: Undefined, Normal,
Warning, Alarm, Lockout 3.3 List of Analytic Functions
(with the usual associated colors: The following table summarizes the available
gray, green, yellow, red, black).
A status KPI corresponds to color analytics that SWICOM provides for the CBs and
indicators in MSCa. temperature critical points inside the panel,
Value KPI Quality Value It is an integer value in the range specifying their features:
0 ÷ 100 (the higher the better).
• Bay: the logical entity associated to a panel; in
A value KPI corresponds to a quality
in MySiteCare. case a panel contains more than a trip unit, a bay
is the logical entity associated to the relay.
• Analytic function
Each analytic function is associated to a status KPI.
• Measure
• Status KPI
Undefined Ok • Value KPI
• Events

Warning Alarm Table 3: List of Analytic functions

Device Analytic Meas. Status Value Events

Lockout (zone) (quality)
Bay Open • • • •
Some analytic functions also compute a value KPI. Bay Close • • • •
In figure 1 the user can see the difference between a Diagnosis
KPI with only “Status” (CB trip circuit supervision) Bay Spring • • • •
and a KPI with both “Status” and “Value” (CB Diagnosis
operation cycles). Bay Contacts • • • •
Bay Remaining • • • •
Bay Operation • • • •
Bay Protection • • •
Figure 1: Difference between “Status” KPI and “Value” KPI Operation
Bay Inactivity • • • •
3.2 Definition of Analytic Time
Bay Low Gas • •
Function Pressure

An analytic function: Bay Control Coil • •

• Receives inputs from a relay and/or sensor
Bay, Temperature • • •
• Processes them according to a defined algorithm Environment (absolute)
• Depends on parameters (either local to SWICOM or Bay Temperature • • •
read from an external source, e.g. the relay) (relative)

• Is always associated to at least a “Status KPI” (also

called “Zone”: undefined, OK, warning, alarm,

4. Non-monotonic Analytic functions

4.1 Introduction 4.2.2 Concept

The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM,
In Chapter 4 the user can find the analytic
using OpTmOpn as an input.
implementation for the “Non- Monotonic Analytic
Note: It is well known that the operation time of a
functions”, or rather every function that can vary
CB (open, close, spring charge) has the following
below or above the nominal value (the user can find
further description in chapter 4.2.2.) set by SWICOM
• Even within the same family of CBs, it can vary
during the time.
significantly from CB to CB.
• It has comparatively little variations for a specific
4.2 Open Command Diagnosis CB (apart from ageing effects, faults, …).
SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Thus, no default values can be devised that apply
Analytic function “Open Command”. to all the CBs of the same family. The thresholds
must be set by the Field Service Engineer for each
4.2.1 Available Data from the Relay specific CB.
Due to the properties stated above SWICOM
REF615 parameters list provides the following value:
defines a band around a “nominal” value and
Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents estimates the nominal value at runtime through a
the Logical Node associated to the Logical device self-learning algorithm.
(REF615). The idea is then:
• The analytic uses the first N (e.g. 5) operations to
Table 4: CB open attribute estimate a “nominal” TNominal operation time for
LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation the specific CB (as the average of measured
SSCBR1 OpTmOpn ABBIED600_ Travel time of the CB values).
Rev3_MV_ during opening • The absolute thresholds are then computed by
simple_i operation
adding/subtracting a TDelta (user-defined
parameter indicating half the amplitude of the
allowed band) to the estimated “nominal”
operation time.
The operation time interval is then defined as
TNominal ± TDelta.

Measured operation time: OpTmOpn


Upper alarm threshold

Upper warning threshold

TWarning Delta TAlarm Delta
Estimated nominal time TNominal
Lower warning threshold

Lower alarm threshold

1 2 3 4 5

Number of operations for self-learning

Figure 2: CB open threshold estimation


Table 5: Open command Data list

Name Category Description

par_CB_OPN_LEARN_OPNUM_SPT_setVal Parameter Open time self-learning number of operations
par_CB_OPN_TM_WRN_DELTA_SPT_setVal Parameter Open time warning delta
(percent of estimated nominal time)
par_CB_OPN_TM_ALM_DELTA_SPT_setVal Parameter Open time alarm delta
(percent of estimated nominal time)
par_CB_OPN_QLY_INIT_setVal Parameter Initial quality value set when CB open quality is reset
par_CB_OPN_QLY_NRM_CFF_setVal Parameter Quality increment percentage for normal open time
par_CB_OPN_QLY_WRN_setVal Parameter Absolute quality decrement for warning open time
par_CB_OPN_QLY_ALM_setVal Parameter Absolute quality decrement for alarm open time
par_CB_OPN_QLY_WRN_SPT_setVal Parameter Quality warning threshold
par_CB_OPN_QLY_ALM_SPT_setVal Parameter Quality alarm threshold
inp_CB_OPN_QLY_RESET_ctlVal Input Command to reset CB open quality to initial value.
inp_CB_OPN_QLY_RESET_t NOTE: internal command not available to remote
inp_CB_OPN_QLY_SIGNAL_FAIL_ctlVal Input Command to signal CB open operation fail.
inp_CB_OPN_QLY_SIGNAL_FAIL_t NOTE: internal command not available to
remote communication
inp_CB_OPN_TM_mag_f Input Open time measurement from relay
inp_CB_OPN_TM_t (from the relay) (OpTmOpn)
sta_CB_OPN_LEARN_OPCNT_setVal Status, persistent Open time self-learning number of operations
sta_CB_OPN_TM_1_mag_f Status, persistent Open time self-learning sample 1
sta_CB_OPN_TM_2_mag_f Status, persistent Open time self-learning sample 2
sta_CB_OPN_TM_3_mag_f Status persistent Open time self-learning sample 3
sta_CB_OPN_TM_4_mag_f Status, persistent Open time self-learning sample 4
sta_CB_OPN_TM_5_mag_f Status persistent Open time self-learning sample 5
sta_CB_OPN_TM_NOM_mag_f Status, persistent Estimated nominal open time
sta_CB_OPN_QLY_stVal Value KPI, persistent Quality of CB open
out_CB_OPN_QLY_ZN_stVal Status KPI Quality zone of CB open
out_CB_OPN_QLY_WRN_stVal Output (BO) CB open quality has reached warning level
out_CB_OPN_QLY_ALM_stVal Output (BO) CB open quality has reached alarm level
out_CB_OPN_QLY_LO_stVal Output (BO) CB open quality lockout. Operation started but end
out_CB_OPN_QLY_LO_t position not reached

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

4. Non-monotonic Analytic functions

4.2.4 Algorithm
Open command analytic has two modes of operation: self-learning mode and normal operational mode.
The self-learning mode is aimed at estimating a nominal value for the operation time and is entered
automatically at the first execution of the analytic or after it has been reset.
After a configured number of operations, the nominal operation time estimation ends and the analytic
transitions into normal operational mode.

4.2.5 Events Generation

When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following

Table 6: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_CB_OPN_TM_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_CB_OPN_TM_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_CB_OPN_TM_PARAM_CHG System The analytic parameters have been changed
EV_A_CB_OPN_QLY_ZN_UND Process The analytic has entered self-learning mode of operation. The quality is
EV_A_CB_OPN_QLY_ZN_NRM Process The open time quality has entered the NORMAL zone
EV_A_CB_OPN_QLY_ZN_WRN Process The open time quality has entered the WARNING zone
EV_A_CB_OPN_QLY_ZN_ALM Process The open time quality has entered the ALARM zone
EV_A_CB_OPN_QLY_ZN_LO Process The open operation started but end position not reached. The quality is

4.2.6 Handling of IEC61850 Quality and TimeStamp of the Outputs

• Invalid/questionable Quality is not applicable to the input/output data of this analytic, so the Quality is
defined (mandatory) only in the IEC61850 data model as a constant with value 0 (good).
• At initialization, the TimeStamp is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the TimeStamp of the outputs is always set to the TimeStamp of the updated input (value,
commands or parameters). After a valid operation the TimeStamp of the input value is the TimeStamp of
the changed position.

4.3 Close Command Diagnosis

SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Analytic function “Open Command”.

4.3.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

Table 7: CB “Close command” attribute

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

SSCBR1 OpTmCls ABBIED600_Rev3_MV_simple_i Travel time of the CB during closing operation

4.3.2 Concept
The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM, using OpTmCls as an input.

Note: It is well known that the operation time of a CB (open, close, spring charge) has the following
• Even within the same family of CBs, it can vary significantly from CB to CB.
• It has comparatively little variations for a specific CB (apart from ageing effects, faults, …).
Thus, no default values can be devised that apply to all the CBs of the same family. The thresholds must be
set by the operator for each specific CB.
Due to the properties stated above SWICOM defines a band around a “nominal” value and estimates the
nominal value at runtime through a self-learning algorithm.
The idea is then:
• The analytic uses the first N (e.g. 5) operations to estimate a “nominal” TNominal operation time for the
specific CB (as the average of measured values).
• The absolute thresholds are then computed by adding/subtracting a TDelta (user-defined parameter
indicating half the amplitude of the allowed band) to the estimated “nominal” operation time.

The operation time interval is then defined as TNominal ± TDelta.


4. Non-monotonic Analytic functions

4.3.3 Data Definition

Table 8: Close command Data list

Name Category Description

par_CB_CLS_LEARN_OPNUM_SPT_setVal Parameter Close time self-learning number of operations
par_CB_CLS_TM_WRN_DELTA_SPT_setVal Parameter Close time warning delta
(percent of estimated nominal time)
par_CB_CLS_TM_ALM_DELTA_SPT_setVal Parameter Close time alarm delta
(percent of estimated nominal time)
par_CB_CLS_QLY_INIT_setVal Parameter Initial quality value set when CB close quality is reset
par_CB_CLS_QLY_NRM_CFF_setVal Parameter Quality increment percentage for normal close time
par_CB_CLS_QLY_WRN_setVal Parameter Absolute quality decrement for warning close time
par_CB_CLS_QLY_ALM_setVal Parameter Absolute quality decrement for alarm close time
par_CB_CLS_QLY_WRN_SPT_setVal Parameter Quality warning threshold
par_CB_CLS_QLY_ALM_SPT_setVal Parameter Quality alarm threshold
inp_CB_CLS_QLY_RESET_ctlVal Input Command to reset CB open quality to initial value.
inp_CB_CLS_QLY_RESET_t NOTE: internal command not available to remote
inp_CB_CLS_QLY_SIGNAL_FAIL_ctlVal Input Command to reset CB close quality to initial value.
inp_CB_CLS_QLY_SIGNAL_FAIL_t NOTE: internal command not available to remote
inp_CB_CLS_TM_mag_f Input Close time measurement from relay
inp_CB_CLS_TM_t (from the relay) (OpTmCls)
sta_CB_CLS_LEARN_OPCNT_setVal Status, persistent Close time self-learning number of operations
sta_CB_CLS_TM_1_mag_f Status, persistent Close time self-learning sample 1
sta_CB_CLS_TM_2_mag_f Status, persistent Close time self-learning sample 2
sta_CB_CLS_TM_3_mag_f Status persistent Close time self-learning sample 3
sta_CB_CLS_TM_4_mag_f Status, persistent Close time self-learning sample 4
sta_CB_CLS_TM_5_mag_f Status persistent Close time self-learning sample 5
sta_CB_CLS_TM_NOM_mag_f Status, persistent Estimated nominal close time
sta_CB_CLS_QLY_stVal Value KPI, persistent Quality of CB close
out_CB_CLS_QLY_ZN_stVal Status KPI Quality zone of CB close
out_CB_CLS_QLY_WRN_stVal Output (BO) CB close quality has reached warning level
out_CB_CLS_QLY_ALM_stVal Output (BO) CB close quality has reached alarm level
out_CB_CLS_QLY_LO_stVal Output (BO) CB close quality lockout. Operation started but end
out_CB_CLS_QLY_LO_t position not reached

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

4.3.4 Algorithm
Close command analytic has two modes of operation: self-learning mode and normal operational mode.
The self-learning mode is aimed at estimating a nominal value for the operation time and is entered
automatically at the first execution of the analytic or after it has been reset.
After a configured number of operations, the nominal operation time estimation ends and the analytic
transitions into normal operational mode.

4.4 Spring Charger Diagnosis

SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Analytic function “Spring Charger”.

4.4.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

Table 9: CB “Spring Charger” attributes

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

SSOPM1 SprChaStr ABBIED600_Rev1_SPS_e CB spring charging started input
SSOPM1 TmsSprCha ABBIED600_Rev3_MV_simple_i_e The charging time of the CB spring

4.4.2 Concept
The idea is the same as for the open command diagnosis: to implement the analytic in SWICOM, using
TmsSprCha as the input. Self-learning of the nominal spring charging time is also required.
Furthermore SWICOM polls the relay with a suitable frequency (lower than the minimum spring charging

4. Non-monotonic Analytic functions

4.4.3 Data Definition

Table 10: Spring charger Data list

Name Category Description

par_CB_SPRCHA_LEARN_OPNUM_SPT_setVal Parameter Spring charge time self-learning number of
operations required
par_CB_SPRCHA_TM_WRN_DELTA_SPT_setVal Parameter Spring charge time warning delta
(percent of estimated nominal time)
par_CB_SPRCHA_TM_ALM_DELTA_SPT_setVal Parameter Spring charge time alarm delta
(percent of estimated nominal time)
par_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_INIT_setVal Parameter Initial quality value set when CB spring charge quality
is reset
par_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_NRM_CFF_setVal Parameter Quality increment percentage for normal spring
charge time
par_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_WRN_setVal Parameter Absolute quality decrement for warning spring
charge time
par_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_ALM_setVal Parameter Absolute quality decrement for alarm spring charge
par_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_WRN_SPT_setVal Parameter Quality warning threshold
par_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_ALM_SPT_setVal Parameter Quality alarm threshold
inp_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_RESET_ctlVal Input Command to reset CB open quality to initial value.
inp_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_RESET_t NOTE: internal command not available to remote
inp_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_SIGNAL_FAIL_ctlVal Input Command to reset CB spring charge quality to initial
NOTE: internal command not available to remote
inp_CB_SPRCHA_TM_mag_f Input Spring charge time measurement from relay
inp_CB_SPRCHA_TM_t (from the relay) (TmsSprCha)
sta_CB_SPRCHA_LEARN_OPCNT_setVal Status, persistent Spring charge time self-learning number of
operations counter
sta_CB_SPRCHA_TM_1_mag_f Status, persistent Spring charge time self-learning sample 1
sta_CB_SPRCHA_TM_2_mag_f Status, persistent Spring charge time self-learning sample 2
sta_CB_SPRCHA_TM_3_mag_f Status persistent Spring charge time self-learning sample 3
sta_CB_SPRCHA_TM_4_mag_f Status, persistent Spring charge time self-learning sample 4
sta_CB_SPRCHA_TM_5_mag_f Status persistent Spring charge time self-learning sample 5
sta_CB_SPRCHA_TM_NOM_mag_f Status, persistent Estimated nominal spring charge time
sta_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_stVal Value KPI, persistent Quality of CB spring charge
out_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_ZN_stVal Status KPI Quality zone of CB spring charge
out_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_WRN_stVal Output (BO) CB spring charge quality has reached warning level
out_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_ALM_stVal Output (BO) CB spring charge quality has reached alarm level
out_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_LO_stVal Output (BO) CB spring charge quality lockout. Operation started
out_CB_SPRCHA_QLY_LO_t but end position not reached

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

4.4.4 Algorithm
Spring charger analytic has two modes of operation: self-learning mode and normal operational mode.
The self-learning mode is aimed at estimating a nominal value for the operation time and is entered
automatically at the first execution of the analytic or after it has been reset.
After a configured number of operations, the nominal operation time estimation ends and the analytic
transitions into normal operational mode.

5. Monotonic Analytic functions

5.1 Introduction
In Chapter 5 the user can find the analytic implementation for the “Decreasing Monotonic Analytic
functions”, or rather every function that can only decrease during the time (apart from maintenance

5.2 Contacts Quality

SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Analytic function “Contact Quality”.

5.2.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

Table 11: CB “Contacts quality” attributes

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

SPH1SCBR1 AccmAPwr ABBIED600_Rev3_MV_sim-ple_i_e Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase A
SPH2SCBR1 AccmAPwr ABBIED600_Rev3_MV_sim-ple_i_e Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase B
SPH3SCBR1 AccmAPwr ABBIED600_Rev3_MV_sim-ple_i_e Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase C

5.2.2 Concept
The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM, using the three AccmAPwr values (one for each phase) as
input. One single status KPI will be computed, not one per phase, and it will be computed considering the
worst phase (the one with the highest AccmAPwr).
To define a linear quality indication to use as a value KPI, the highest AccmAPwr is divided by the Alarm


Warning Threshold Alarm Threshold Iyt

The equation is:

Q = max 0; 100 * (1 – A T
larm hreshold

IytMAX = max { Iyt (ØA ), Iyt(ØB ), Iyt(Ø C ) }

The value is however rounded to the nearest integer.


5. Monotonic Analytic functions

5.2.3 Data Definition: Contact quality Data list

Name Category Description

par_CB_CONQLY_WRN_SPT_setVal Parameter Set-point for the CB contact quality warning level
par_CB_CONQLY_ALM_SPT_setVal Parameter Set-point for the CB contact quality alarm level
inp_CB_IYT_A_mag_f Input Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase A
inp_CB_IYT_A_t (from the relay) (SPH1SCBR1/AccmAPwr)
inp_CB_IYT_B_mag_f Input Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase B
inp_CB_IYT_B_t (from the relay) (SPH2SCBR1/AccmAPwr)
inp_CB_IYT_C_mag_f Input Accumulated currents power (Iyt), phase C
inp_CB_IYT_C_t (from the relay) (SPH3SCBR1/AccmAPwr)
sta_CB_CONQLY_ZN_stVal Status KPI Quality zone of CB contact (worst phase)
out_CB_CONQLY_stVal Value KPI Quality of CB contact (worst phase)
out_CB_CONQLY_WRN_stVal Output (BO) CB contact quality has reached warning level
out_CB_CONQLY_ALM_stVal Output (BO) CB contact quality has reached alarm level

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

5.2.4 Algorithm Events Generation

When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following
Table 12: Events list

Event Type When

EV_A_CB_CONQLY_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_CB_CONQLY_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_CB_CONQLY_PARAM_CHG System The analytic parameters have been changed
EV_A_CB_CONQLY_NRM Process The accumulated current quality power has entered the NORMAL zone
EV_A_CB_CONQLY_WRN Process The accumulated current power quality has entered the WARNING zone
EV_A_CB_CONQLY_ALM Process The accumulated current power quality has entered the ALARM zone Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

• Invalid/questionable Quality is not applicable to the input/output data of this analytic, so the Quality is
defined (mandatory) only in the IEC61850 data model as a constant with value 0 (good).
• At initialization, the TimeStamp is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the TimeStamp of the outputs is always set to the TimeStamp of the updated input (value,
commands or parameters).

5.3 Remaining Life

SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Analytic function “Remaining Life”.

5.3.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

Table 13: CB Remaining life attribute

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

SPH1SCBR1 RmnNumOp ABBIED600_Rev1_INS_d_e CB Remaining life phase A
SPH2SCBR1 RmnNumOp ABBIED600_Rev1_INS_d_e CB Remaining life phase B
SPH3SCBR1 RmnNumOp ABBIED600_Rev1_INS_d_e CB Remaining life phase C

5.3.2 Concept
The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM, using the three AccmAPwr values (one for each phase) as
input. One single status KPI will be computed, not one per phase, and it will be computed considering the
worst phase (the one with the highest AccmAPwr).
To define a linear quality indication to use as a value KPI, the highest AccmAPwr is divided by the Alarm


Alarm Threshold Warning Threshold RatedOpNum RmnNumOp

The equation is:

Rmn NumOp(MIN)
Q = min 100; 100 * ( R N O
ated um p

Rmn NumOp(MIN) = min { Rmn NumOp (ØA ), Rmn NumOp (ØB ), Rmn NumOp (Ø C ) }

The value is however rounded to the nearest integer.


5. Monotonic Analytic functions

5.3.3 Data Definition

Table 14: Remaining life Data list

Name Category Description

par_CB_RMNLF_OPNUM_RATED_setVal Parameter Number of operations possible at rated current
It is also the set-point for the CB remaining life
alarm level
par_CB_RMNLF_WRN_SPT_setVal Parameter Set-point for the CB remaining life warning level
inp_CB_RMNLF_A_stVal Input CB Remaining life, phase A
inp_CB_RMNLF_A_t (from the relay) (SPH1SCBR1/RmnNumOp)
inp_CB_RMNLF_B_stVal Input CB Remaining life, phase B
inp_CB_RMNLF_B_t (from the relay) (SPH2SCBR1/RmnNumOp)
inp_CB_RMNLF_C_stVal Input CB Remaining life, phase C
inp_CB_RMNLF_C_t (from the relay) (SPH3SCBR1/RmnNumOp)
inp_CB_RMNLF_ZN_stVal Status KPI Zone of CB remaining life (worst phase)
oout_CB_RMNLF_QLY_stVal Value KPI Quality of CB remaining life (worst phase)
out_CB_RMNLF_WRN_stVal Output (BO) CB Remaining life has reached warning level
out_CB_RMNLF_ALM_stVal Output (BO) CB Remaining life has reached alarm level

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

5.3.4 Algorithm Events Generation

When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following
Table 15: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_CB_RMNLF_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_CB_RMNLF_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_CB_RMNLF_PARAM_CHG System The analytic parameters have been changed
EV_A_CB_RMNLF_NRM Process The remaining life quality has entered the NORMAL zone
EV_A_CB_RMNLF_ALM Process The remaining life quality has entered the ALARM zone Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

• Invalid/questionable Quality is not applicable to the input/output data of this analytic, so the Quality is
defined (mandatory) only in the IEC61850 data model as a constant with value 0 (good).
• At initialization, the TimeStamp is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the TimeStamp of the outputs is always set to the TimeStamp of the updated input (value,
commands or parameters).

5.4 Operation Counter

SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Analytic function “Operation Counter”.

5.4.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

Table 16: CB “Operation Counter” attribute

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

SSCBR1 OpAlmNum ABBIED600_Rev1_ING_SP_1 Setting of alarm for number of CB operations
SSCBR1 OpCntRs ABBIED600_Rev1_INC_simple_int Number of CB operation cycle

5.4.2 Concept
The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM, using the number of operations value OpCntRs as an input.
To define a linear quality indication to use as a value KPI, the value is compared to OpAlmNum (operation
counter alarm threshold), which ideally tells the maximum number of operations that the CB should be
allowed to do: the operation counter quality will become 0 when the operation counter reaches its Alarm
threshold defined in the relay.


Warning Threshold Alarm Threshold OpCntRs

The equation is:

OpCntR s
Q = max 0; 100 * (1 – O L N
p o um

5. Monotonic Analytic functions

5.4.3 Data Definition

Table 17: Operation counter Data list

Name Category Description

RELAY_CB_OPCNT_LO_SPT_setVal Parameter Number of CB operations lockout threshold
(from the relay) (OpLONum)
A_CB_OPCNT_WRN_SPT_setVal Parameter Set-point for the CB operation cycles warning level
A_CB_OPCNT_ALM_SPT_setVal Parameter Set-point for the CB operation cycles alarm level
A_CB_OPCNT_RESET_ctlVal Input Command to reset the analytic
M_CB_OPCNT_stVal Input Number of CB operation cycles
M_CB_OPCNT_q (from the relay) (OpCntRs)
A_CB_OPCNT_QLY_stVal Value KPI Quality of CB operation cycles
A_CB_OPCNT_ZN_stVal Status KPI, persistent Zone of CB operation cycles
A_CB_OPCNT_WRN_stVal Output (BO) CB operation cycles has reached warning level
A_CB_OPCNT_ALM_stVal Output (BO) CB operation cycles has reached alarm level

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

5.4.4 Algorithm Events
When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following
Table 18: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_CB_OPCNT_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_CB_OPCNT_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_CB_OPCNT_PARAM_CHG System The analytic parameters have been changed
EV_A_CB_OPCNT_NRM Process The operation counter has entered the NORMAL zone
EV_A_CB_OPCNT_WRN Process The operation counter has entered the WARNING zone
EV_A_CB_OPCNT_ALM Process The operation counter has entered the ALARM zone Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

The following output data are IEC61850 quality and time of the corresponding data:
As a general rule, quality is always 0 (good), while time is handled as follows:
• At initialization, the time is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the time is set to that of the input data: M_CB_OPCNT_t.
• At reset, the time is set to that of the reset A_CB_OPCNT_RESET_t.

5.5 Inactivity Time

SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Analytic function “Inactivity Time”.

5.5.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

Table 19: CB “Inactivity time” attribute

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

SSCBR1 InaAlmTmd ABBIED600_Rev1_ING_SP_1_e Alarm limit value of the inactive days counter
SSCBR1 InaTmdCnt ABBIED600_Rev1_INS_e The number of days CB has been inactive

5.5.2 Concept
The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM, using InaTmdCnt as an input. To define a linear quality
indication to use as a value KPI, the value is compared to InaAlmTmd (limit value of the inactivity days
counter), which ideally tells the maximum number of days the CB can remain inactive without risking
problems: the quality will become 0 when the inactivity days reach the limit defined in the relay.


Warning Threshold Alarm Threshold InaTmdCnt

The equation is:

Q = max 0; 100 * (1 – I A T
na lm md

5. Monotonic Analytic functions

5.5.3 Data Definition

Table 20: Inactivity time Data list

Name Category Description

RELAY_CB_INATM_ALM_setMag_f Parameter Alarm limit value of the inactive days counter
(from the relay) (InaAlmTmd)
A_CB_INATM_WRN_SPT_setVal Parameter Set-point for the CB inactivity time warning level
A_CB_INATM_ALM_SPT_setVal Parameter Set-point for the CB inactivity time alarm level
A_CB_INATM_RESET_ctlVal Input Command to reset the analytic
M_CB_INATM_stVal Input The number of days CB has been inactive
M_CB_INATM_q (from the relay) (InaTmdCnt)
A_CB_OPCNT_QLY_stVal Value KPI Quality of CB inactivity time
A_CB_INATM_ZN_stVal SStatus KPI, persistent Zone of CB inactivity time
A_CB_INATM_WRN_stVal Output (BO) CB inactivity time has reached warning level
A_CB_INATM_ALM_stVal Output (BO) CB inactivity time has reached alarm level

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

5.5.4 Algorithm Events Generation

When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following
Table 21: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_CB_INATM_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_CB_INATM_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_CB_INATM_PARAM_CHG System The analytic parameters have been changed
EV_A_CB_INATM_NRM Process The inactivity time has entered the NORMAL zone
EV_A_CB_INATM_WRN Process The inactivity time has entered the WARNING zone
EV_A_CB_INATM_ALM Process The inactivity time has entered the ALARM zone Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

The following output data are IEC61850 quality and time of the corresponding data:
As a general rule, quality is always 0 (good), while time is handled as follows:
• At initialization, the time is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the time is set to that of the input data: M_CB_INATM_t.
• At reset, the time is set to that of the reset A_CB_INATM_RESET_t.

6. Other alerts

6.1 Gas Pressure

SWICOM provides KPI status of the Analytic function “Gas Pressure”.

6.1.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

Table 22: CB “Gas Pressure” attribute

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

SSIMG1 InsAlm ABBIED600_Rev1_SPS Pressure below alarm level
SSIMG1 InsBlk ABBIED600_Rev1_SPS Pressure below lockout level
SSIMG1 PresAlm ABBIED600_Rev1_SPS Binary pressure input for alarm
SSIMG1 PresBlk ABBIED600_Rev1_SPS_e Binary pressure input for lockout indication
SSIMG1 InsAlmTmms ABBIED600_Rev1_ING_SP_1_e Time delay for gas pressure alarm
SSIMG1 InsBlkTmms ABBIED600_Rev1_ING_SP_e Time delay for gas pressure lock-out

6.1.2 Concept
The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM, based on the states InsAlm and InsBlk provided by the
relay. The states are considered instead of the corresponding binary inputs because they are already filtered
to avoid glitches.

6.1.3 Data Definition: Gas Pressure Data list

Name Category Description
A_CB_GASPRES_RESET_ctlVal Input Command to reset the analytic
M_CB_GASPRES_ALM_stVal Input Gas pressure has reached alarm level
M_CB_GASPRES_ALM_q (from the relay) (InsAlm)
M_CB_GASPRES_LO_stVal Input Gas pressure has reached lockout level
M_CB_GASPRES_LO_q (from the relay) (InsBlk)
A_CB_GASPRES_ZN_stVal Status KPI, Zone of CB gas pressure
A_CB_GASPRES_ZN_q persistent
A_CB_GASPRES_ALM_stVal Output (BO) Gas pressure has reached alarm level
A_CB_GASPRES_LO_stVal Output (BO) Gas pressure has reached lockout level

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

6. Other alerts

6.1.4 Algorithm Events Generation
When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following

Table 23: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_CB_GASPRES_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_CB_GASPRES_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_CB_GASPRES_NRM Process The gas pressure returned normal
EV_A_CB_GASPRES_ALM Process The gas pressure went below alarm threshold
EV_A_CB_GASPRES_LO Process The gas pressure went below lockout threshold Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

The following output data are IEC61850 quality and time of the corresponding data:
As a general rule, quality is always 0 (good), while time is handled as follows:
• At initialization, the time is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the time is set to that of the input data that causes execution:
M_CB_GASPRES_ALM_t or M_CB_GASPRES_LO_t. If execution is caused by both data, and if their
timestamps are different for any reason, the most recent (i.e. highest) one is taken.
• At reset, the time is set to that of the reset A_CB_GASPRES_RESET_t.

6.2 Control Coil Continuity

SWICOM provides KPI status and value of the Analytic function “Control Coil Continuity”.

6.2.1 Available Data from the Relay

REF615 parameters list provides the following value:

Note: Recalling IEC61850 standard, “LN” represents the Logical Node associated to the Logical device

LN Attr. Name Attr. Type Explanation

TCSSCBR1 OpDlTmms ABBIED600_Rev1_ING_SP_1_e Operate Delay Time
TCSSCBR1 RsDlTmms ABBIED600_Rev1_ING_SP_1_e Reset Delay Time
TCSSCBR1 CircAlm ABBIED600_Rev1_SPS_e Alarm
TCSSCBR1 TstOutCmd ABBIED600_Rev20_ENC_TstOut_e Test control for outputs
TCSSCBR1 ColOpn ABBIED600_Rev1_SPS_simple Open command of trip coil

6.2.2 Concept
This analytic does not produce a KPI, but only alerts.
The idea is to implement the analytic in SWICOM, based on the signal CircAlm provided by the relay.

6.2.3 Data Definition: Control coil continuity Data list

Name Category Description
A_CB_TCS_RESET_ctlVal Input Command to reset the analytic
M_CB_TCS_ALM_stVal Input Trip circuit supervision alarm
M_CB_TCS_ALM_q (from the relay) (CircAlm)
A_CB_TCS_ZN_stVal Status KPI Zone of CB trip circuit supervision
A_CB_TCS_ALM_stVal Output (BO) Trip circuit supervision alarm

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

6.2.4 Algorithm Events Generation
When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following

Table 24: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_CB_TCS_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_CB_TCS_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_CB_TCS_NRM Process The TCS has entered NORMAL zone
EV_A_CB_TCS_ALM Process The TCS has entered ALARM zone Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

The following output data are IEC61850 quality and time of the corresponding data:
As a general rule, quality is always 0 (good), while time is handled as follows:
• At initialization, the time is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the time is set to that of the input data that causes execution: M_CB_TCS_ALM_t.
• At reset, the time is set to that of the reset A_CB_TCS_RESET_t.

7. Temperature

Temperature measurements are provided by temperature sensors.

7.1 Concept
The analytic on temperature is executed whenever a new temperature measurement is acquired from the
sensor, through the SWICOM communication channels.

7.2 Data Definition

Table 25: Temperature Data list

Name Category Description

M_TMP_REF_mag_f (reference) Reference to the input temperature value
M_TMP_REF_q Parameter Reference to the input temperature quality
M_TMP_REF_t (reference) Reference to the input temperature timestamp
A_TMP_OP_TYP Parameter Operating type (over or under temperature)
A_TMP_WRN_SPT_setMag_f Parameter Set-point for the temperature warning level
A_TMP_ALM_SPT_setMag_f Parameter Set-point for the temperature alarm level
Input Command to reset the analytic
M_TMP_mag_f (referenced by M_TMP_REF_mag_f) Input
M_TMP_q (referenced by M_TMP_REF_q) (from the sensor) Temperature measured by the sensor
M_TMP_t (referenced by M_TMP_REF_t)
Status KPI,
A_TMP_ZN_q Zone of the temperature
A_TMP_WRN_q Outut (BO) Temperature has reached warning level
A_TMP_ALM_q Outut (BO) Temperature has reached alarm level
Output (numeric),
A_TMP_OPCNT_q Counter of temperature alarms

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

The measured temperature is specified through the reference mechanism:

Table 26: Reference parameters List

The value of the reference parameter Is the data ID of the input data
M_TMP_REF_mag_f M_TMP_mag_f

7.3 Algorithm
7.3.1 Events Generation
When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following

Table 27: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_TMP_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_TMP_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_TMP_PARAM_CHG System The analytic parameters have been changed
EV_A_TMP_NRM Process The temperature has entered NORMAL zone
EV_A_TMP_WRN Process The temperature has entered WARNING zone
EV_A_TMP_ALM Process The temperature has entered ALARM zone

7.3.2 Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

The following output data are IEC61850 quality and time of the corresponding data:
• A_TMP_ZN_q, A_TMP_ZN_t
As a general rule, quality is always 0 (good), while time is handled as follows:
• At initialization, the time is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the time is set to that of the input data that causes execution: M_TMP_t.
• At reset, the time is set to that of the reset A_TMP_RESET_t.

8. Temperature Delta

This analytic works on temperature triplets, one measurement per phase, and more precisely it is simply an
over-temperature analytic applied to the maximum temperature difference between the phases:

TemperatureDelta Analytic (X) = max { Ta - Tb' Ta - Tc' Tb - Tc }

Temperature measurements are provided by temperature sensors.

8.1 Concept
The analytic on temperature is executed whenever a new set of temperature measurements is acquired from
the three sensors, through the SWICOM communication channels.

8.2 Data Definition

Table 28: Temperature Delta Data list

Name Category Description

M_TMP_A_REF_mag_f Reference to the input temperature value (phase A)
M_TMP_A_REF_q Parameter Reference to the input temperature quality (phase A)
M_TMP_A_REF_t (reference) Reference to the input temperature timestamp
(phase A)
M_TMP_B_REF_mag_f Reference to the input temperature value (phase B)
M_TMP_B_REF_q Parameter Reference to the input temperature quality (phase B)
M_TMP_B_REF_t (reference) Reference to the input temperature timestamp
(phase B)
Reference to the input temperature value (phase C)
Parameter Reference to the input temperature quality (phase C)
(reference) Reference to the input temperature timestamp
(phase C)
A_DLT_TMP_WRN_SPT_setMag_f Parameter Set-point for the delta temperature warning level
A_DLT_TMP_ALM_SPT_setMag_f Parameter Set-point for the delta temperature alarm level
Input Command to reset the analytic
M_TMP_A_mag_f (referenced by M_TMP_A_REF_mag_f) Input Temperature measured by the sensor on phase A
M_TMP_A_q (referenced by M_TMP_A_REF_q) (from the sensor)
M_TMP_A_t (referenced by M_TMP_A_REF_t)
M_TMP_B_mag_f (referenced by M_TMP_B_REF_mag_f) Input Temperature measured by the sensor on phase B
M_TMP_B_q (referenced by M_TMP_B_REF_q) (from the sensor)
M_TMP_B_t (referenced by M_TMP_B_REF_t)
M_TMP_C_mag_f (referenced by M_TMP_C_REF_mag_f) Input Temperature measured by the sensor on phase C
M_TMP_C_q (referenced by M_TMP_C_REF_q) (from the sensor)
M_TMP_C_t (referenced by M_TMP_C_REF_t)
A_DLT_TMP_ZN_stVal Status KPI Zone of the delta temperature

A_DLT_TMP_WRN_stVal Output (BO) Delta temperature has reached warning level


A_DLT_TMP_ALM_stVal Output (BO) Delta temperature has reached alarm level


A_DLT_TMP_mag_f Output The maximum delta temperature among phases

A_DLT_TMP_q (numeric)

A_DLT_TMP_OPCNT_stVal Output Counter of delta temperature alarms

A_DLT_TMP_OPCNT_q (numeric),
A_DLT_TMP_OPCNT_t persistent

For further information the user can refer to “REF615 technical manual”.

The measured temperatures are specified through the reference mechanism:

The value of the reference parameter Is the data ID of the input data
M_TMP_REF_A_mag_f M_TMP_A_mag_f
M_TMP_REF_B_mag_f M_TMP_B_mag_f
M_TMP_REF_C_mag_f M_TMP_C_mag_f

8.3 Algorithm

8.3.1 Events Generation

When initialized, executed, reset or parameterized, this analytic can generate zero or more of the following

Table 29: List of events

Event Type When

EV_A_DLT_TMP_INIT System The analytic is initialized for the first time
EV_A_DLT_TMP_RESET System The analytic has been reset
EV_A_DLT_TMP_PARAM_CHG System The analytic parameters have been changed
EV_A_DLT_TMP_NRM Process The delta temperature has entered NORMAL zone
EV_A_DLT_TMP_WRN Process The delta temperature has entered WARNING zone
EV_A_DLT_TMP_ALM Process The delta temperature has entered ALARM zone

8.3.2 Handling of IEC61850 Quality and Time of the Outputs

The following output data are IEC61850 quality and time of the corresponding data:
As a general rule, quality is always 0 (good), while time is handled as follows:
• At initialization, the time is set to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000.
• At execution, the time is set to that of the input data M_DLT_TMP_A_t, M_DLT_TMP_B_t, M_DLT_TMP_C_t.
If they are different for any reason, the most recent (i.e. highest) one is taken.
• At reset, the time is set to that of the reset A_DLT_TMP_RESET_t.

9. Relay application notes

9.1 REF6xx
9.1.1 CB data synchronization

As a rule, all the CB data in the REF6xx must be synchronized with the CB data in the SWICOM.
There are two exceptions to this rule:
1) The REF6xx updates the TimeStamp of not reported changed data in a background task and not when
data changes. This has the effect that the CB data calculated after a CB open/close (not all data reported)
are different from each other and unrelated to the instant they changed. For this reason, the SWICOM
overrides the TimeStamp of these data with the TimeStamp of the changed CB position (CBCSWI1.pos.t)
2) When a CB operation failed, i.e. operation started but end position not reached, the REF6xx stops
counting operation time at a pre-defined internal timeout (60 sec. for CB open/close, about 99 sec. for CB
spring charger). SWICOM doesn’t take them into account and keep the previous time values.

9.1.2 CB analytics reset

To keep the CB data synchronized between SWICOM and REF6xx, it has been decided to use the CB reset
(“Clear”) commands available in the relay to reset the SWICOM CB analytics.

Table 30: List of reset commands

Reset commands HMI menu “Clear” IEC61850 control attributes

Reset operation counter and remaining life:
SSCBR1.OpCntRs.stVal = SSCBR1.CntIniVal.setVal
SPH1SCBR1.RmnNumOp.stVal = SSCBR1.IniRmnNum.setVal SSCBR1 rem.life SSCBR1.RsCBWear.ctlVal
SPH1SCBR2.RmnNumOp.stVal = SSCBR1.IniRmnNum.setVal
SPH1SCBR3.RmnNumOp.stVal = SSCBR1.IniRmnNum.setVal
Reset CB open/close times:
SSCBR1.OpTmOpn.mag.f = 0 SSCBR1 travel times SSCBR1.RsTrvTm.ctlVal
SSCBR1.OpTmCls.mag.f = 0
Reset accumulated energy:
SPH1SCBR1.AccmAPwr.mag.f = SSCBR1.IniAccAPwr.setMag
SSCBR1 acc.energy SSCBR1.RsAccmAPwr.ctlVal
SPH1SCBR2.AccmAPwr.mag.f = SSCBR1.IniAccAPwr.setMag
SPH1SCBR3.AccmAPwr.mag.f = SSCBR1.IniAccAPwr.setMag
Reset spring charge time:
SSCBR1 spr.charge t SSOPM1.RsSprChaTm.ctlVal
SSOPM1.TmsSprCha.mag.f = 0

As the relay doesn’t report all the CB data, the SWICOM must implement a data polling to detect the reset

The conditions to detect the reset of the CB data are:

• the CB data value changed to reset value AND
• the CB data TimeStamp is changed

The TimeStamp condition is used because the relay updates it in a background task and not when data
changes, so to have the TimeStamp of the changed value, the SWICOM must wait for the TimeStamp to

The reset of the CB remaining life has the meaning that the CB has been changed. So, the SWICOM resets
also the CB open/close and spring charger analytics.

10. List of Sensor Measurements

10.1 Temperature Measurements

SWICOM can handle a predefined set of temperature measurements defined in function IDFM_
TEMPERATURE of the data model, in the following two worksheets:
• “000 IDS_BAY_TEMPLATE” for temperatures related to the bay.
• “030 IDS_ENV_TEMPLATE” for temperatures related to the environment external to the switchgear.

Table 31: List of Temperature measurements

Name Category Description

M_TMP_CMPT_APPAR_q Input Temperature of the apparatus compartment
M_TMP_CMPT_BB_q Input Temperature of the busbar compartment
M_TMP_CMPT_CBL_q Input Temperature of the cables compartment
M_TMP_CMPT_LOVOL_q Input Temperature of the low voltage compartment
M_TMP_BB_A_q Input Temperature of the busbar, phase A
M_TMP_BB_B_q Input Temperature of the busbar, phase B
M_TMP_BB_C_q Input Temperature of the busbar, phase C
M_TMP_CBL_A_q Input Temperature of the cable, phase A
M_TMP_CBL_B_q Input Temperature of the cable, phase B
M_TMP_CBL_C_q Input Temperature of the cable, phase C
M_TMP_JNCT_IN_A_q Input Temperature of the input JNCTion, phase A
M_TMP_JNCT_IN_B_q Input Temperature of the input JNCTion, phase B
M_TMP_JNCT_IN_C_q Input Temperature of the input JNCTion, phase C
M_TMP_JNCT_OUT_A_q Input Temperature of the output JNCTion, phase A
M_TMP_JNCT_OUT_B_q Input Temperature of the output JNCTion, phase B
M_TMP_JNCT_OUT_C_q Input Temperature of the output JNCTion, phase C
M_TMP_ENV_q Input Temperature of external switchgear enviroment

11. Technical data

Table 32: Dimensions

Description Value
Width 150 mm
Height 150 mm
Depth 35 mm
Weight 0.3 kg

Table 33: Power supply

Description Voltage
Vout 12-24VDC
Vout variation -15% ... +15%
Frequency 50Hz, 60Hz (-10% … + 10%)
Power consumption =35.0 W
Ripple Max 12% of the DC value (f =100kHz)
Maximum interruption time 50 ms

Table 34: Degree of protection

Description Value
Case, and connection terminals IP 54

Table 35: Environmental conditions

Description Value
Operating temperature range -20 … +55 °C (continuous)
Relative humidity 0 ... 95% (without condensation)
Atmospheric pressure 600 ... 1100 mbar (absolute)
Altitude -1000 … 1000m
Transport and storage temperature range -30 ... 70°C

12. Functional tests

IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharges Immunity Level 1, ± 8 kV air Discharge, ± 6 kV Contact Discharge
Radiated Electromagnetic Field
IEC 61000-4-2 10 V/m from 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz modulated AM 80% @ 1kHz
IEC 61000-4-2 Electrical Fast Transients Immunity ± 2 kV @ 5 kHz – 15 ms / 100 kHz – 0.75 ms (Severity Level 3)

IEC 61000-4-2 Surge Immunity ± 1.0 kVp line-to-earth (2 Ohm, level 1)

Common Mode Conducted
IEC 61000-4-2 10 Vrms AM 80%,1 kHz (severity level 3) for spot frequencies
Radio Frequency Immunity
Power freq. Magnetic – Continuous: 300 A/m (level 5) continuous (t > 60 s)
IEC 61000-4-2
Immunity – Short duration: 1000 A/m (level 5) for 3 s (short duration)
IEC 61000-4-2 Pulse Magnetic Immunity ±1000 A/m peak (level 5) for five pulses (delay time td= 60 s)
Conducted Low Frequency
IEC 61000-4-2 10% of DC supply voltage in the range 50 Hz ± 10 kHz.
Disturbances Immunity
Ripple on d.c. input power Voltage ripple Vripple p-p=15% Vrated @ freq. 100 & 120 Hz,
IEC 61000-4-2
port immunity dwell time = 600 s
Slow Damped oscillatory ± 2.5 kV peak Common Mode / ± 1.0 kV peak Differential Mode,
IEC 61000-4-2
wave immunity repetition rate 40 Hz @ 100 kHz, 400 Hz @ 1 MHz, dwell time 60 s
Voltage dips, short interruptions Voltage DC variations, +20%/ -25% @ 0.1 / 0.3 / 1 / 3 / 10 s
IEC 61000-4-2
on d.c. input power port immunity (duration of variated voltage, level 5)
LEVEL 1: IEC 60533
– 10 kHz to 150 kHz: 120 dBµV to 69 dBµV QP (RBW 200 Hz)
– 150 kHz to 500 kHz: 79 dBµV QP RBW 9 kHz
IEC 61000-4-2 Conducted Emission – 500 kHz to 30 MHz: 73 dBµV QP RBW 9 kHz
– 150 kHz to 500 kHz: 79/66 dBµV QP/AV (RBW 9 kHz)
– 500 kHz to 30 MHz: 73/60 dBµV QP/AV (RBW 9 kHz)
IEC 61000-4-2 Radiated Emission Horizontal & Vertical Polarization

13. Glossary

Throughout the document, “panel” and “bay” are


Term Description
CB Circuit Breaker
HMI Human Machine Interface
KPI Key Performance Indicator
M&D Monitoring and Diagnostic
PC Personal Computer
IP International Protection
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
USB Universal Serial Bus
RF Radio Frequency


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For further details please contact:

1VCD601603 - Rev. 0001, en - Technical Manual - 2019.05 (SWICOM) (gs)

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© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.

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