Workshop #4: Inheritance: Learning Outcomes

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Workshop #4: Inheritance

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities to:

 Design and implement classes in the “is-a” relationship.

 Practice casting
 Describe to your instructor what you have learned in completing this workshop.


Part 1: [7 points]

To complete this task you should read and study the lecture Inheritance

Step 1: Create a new project named “ItemManager”.

Step 2: Create a package named “DTO”, it contains some files:,,, and

Step 3: Create another package named “GUI”, it contains the file

Implement the class diagram as follows:


#value: int
#creator: String

+Item(int, String)

Vase Statue Painting

-height: int -weight: int -height: int

-material: String -colour: String -width: int
-isWatercolour: boolean
+Vase() +Statue() -isFramed: boolean
+Vase(int, String, int, String) +Statue(int, String, int, String) +Painting()
+getters/setters +getters/setters +Painting(int, String, int, int,
+outputVase():void +outputStatue():void boolean, boolean )
+InputVase(): void +inputStatue():void +getters/setters



The AntiqueShop class is making use of Vase, Statue, and Painting, in the sense that it has declared references
to them, and thus there is a dependency.

1. In the file,

 The method input(): Using Scanner class to input all fields of the Item class.
Verify: value>0, creator is not empty

 The method output(): print out all fields

2. In the file,

 The method inputVase(): Using Scanner class to input all fields of the Vase class.
 The method outputVase(): print out all fields of the Vase class

public class Vase{

//this method is used to input all fileds of a vase object
public void inputVase(){
input(); // call the inherited method to input two fields: value, creator

//TODO: you is required to add more your code to input two fields : height, material
// use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions

//this method displays information of a vase object

public void outputVase(){
output(); // call the inherited method to print two fields out: value, creator
System.out.println(“Height:” + height);
System.out.println(“Material:”+ material);


3. You do the same for Statue class, Painting class

4. In the file “”. you type like as follow:

public class AntiqueShop {

public static void main(String[] args){

Item item=null;
int choice=0;
Scanner sc=….

System.out.println(“1. Create a Vase:”);

System.out.println(“2. Create a Statue:”);
System.out.println(“3. Create a Painting:”);
System.out.println(“4. Display the Item:”);
System.out.println(“Input a choice:”);
case 1:
item=new Vase();
case 2:
item =new Statue();
((Statue) item).inputStatue();
case 3:
item =new Painting();
((Painting) item).inputPainting();
case 4:
if(item instanceof Vase)
((Vase) item).outputVase();
else if(item instanceof Statue)
((Statue) item).outputStatue ();
else if(item instanceof Painting)
((Painting) item).outputPainting ();
else System.out.println(“ you need to create an object”); 3

}while(choice<=4); }
5. (Optional) Now, you is required to update the above program. You should create a new
class named Menu. This class contains one static method

//use this method to show pre-defined options

//input: an array contains the list of options
//output: return a user’s choice that is inputted from the keyboard.

 Update the main method to use the Menu class.

public class AntiqueShop {

public static void main(String[] args){

String[] options={“ Create a Vase “,”Create a Statue”,” Create a Statue”,” display the item”};
Item item=null;
int choice=0;

case 1:
item=new Vase();

Part 2: Draw the memory map when the program runs [3 points]

Explain step by step what happened when the program runs and answer some questions.

- What is stored in the static heap, stack, dynamic heap?

- What are objects in the program?
- What is the item variable storing?
- Why must you cast to call the method inputVase()/outputVase()?
- What is the error thrown when you cast it wrong?
- What methods can you call if you don’t cast the item variable?

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