Array of Objects

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Array of Objects

basic operations supported by an array.
 print all the array elements(objects)
 Adds an object at the given index.
 Deletes an object at the given index.
 Searches an object using the given index or by
the value.
 Updates an object at the given index.
Case study

Problem: A antique
 shop that sells antique items, namely vases, statues, and
paintings. The owner can add item to inventory. The shop will keep items in the
list. The owner can add a new item to it, he search also the item,….

=>For now, we want to manage the list of objects such as vases, statues,
paintings in an array.
Case study
Case study
public class Item
{ // declare fields
protected int value; // the price of a Item (>=0)
protected String creator; // the creator who creates the item( is not empty)
public Item(){ value=0; creator=""; }
public Item(int value, String creator){
//getters,setters: you is required to add more code to get/set fields of a Item object
//this method is used to input all fields of a Item object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes value, creator of a Item object
public String toString(){
Case study
public class Vase extends Item
private int height;//height of a vase (>=0 and <=2000)
private String material;//material of a vase (is not empty)
//TODO: you add more your codes
//this method is used to input all fields of a Vase object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes value, creator, height, material of a
vase object
public String toString(){
//return ;
Case study

public class Statue extends Item

private int weight; //the weight of a statue object (weght>=0 and <=1000)
private String colour; ////the colour of a statue object (is not empty)
//You add more your code
//this method is used to input all fields of a statue object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes value, creator, weight, colour of a
statue object
public String toString(){
//return ;
Case study
public class Painting extends Item
private int height; //the height of a painting object (height>=0 and <=2000)
private int width; //the width of a painting object (height>=0 and <=3000)
private boolean isWatercolour; //the painting object use s a watercolor or not
private boolean isFramed; //the painting object has s a frame or not
//You add more your code
//this method is used to input all fields of a painting object
public void input(){
//use Scanner class to input fields
//use try..catch/throws to handle exceptions
//this method returns a string that includes all fields of a painting object
public String toString(){
//return ;
Case study
public class ItemList
Item [] list; // an array to store all items
int numOfItem; // to store the number of items that added to the list
final int MAX=100; // is the size of the array
public ItemList(){
list=new Item[MAX];
//this mothod add an Item object to the list
//input: a new item that needs to add
//output: return true/false
public boolean addItem(Item item){
if( item==null || numOfItem>=MAX)
return false;
return true;
Case study
//this method prints out information of all items
public void displayAll(){
System.out.println("the list is empty");
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++){
//this method finds the item by its creator
//return the item that is found of the first occurrence.
pulic Item findItem(String creator){
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++)
if( list[i].getCreator().equals(creator))
return list[i];
return null;
Case study

//this method returns the zero_based index of the first occurrence.

pulic int findItemIndex(String creator){
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++)
if( list[i].getCreator().equals(creator))
return i;
return -1;
//this method updates the item at the specified position in this list
//input: the index you wish to update

pulic boolean updateItem(int index){

if( index >= 0 && index < numOfItem){
return true;
return false;
Case study

//this method removes the item at the specified position in this list.
//Shifts any subsequent elements to the left
//input: the index you wish to remove
pulic boolean removeItem(int index){
if( index >= 0 && index < numOfItem){
for(int j=index; j< numOfItem; j++ ){
numOfItem --;
return true;
return false;
Case study

//this method prints out all items that belong to the given type in the list.
public void displayItemsByType(String type){

if (type.equals("Vase")){
for(int i=0; i < numOfItem; i++)
if ( list[i] instanceof Vase) System.out.println( list[i]);
else if (type.equals("Statue")){
for(int i=0; i < numOfItem; i++)
if ( list[i] instanceof Statue) System.out.println( list[i]);
else {
for(int i=0; i < numOfItem; i++)
if ( list[i] instanceof Painting) System.out.println( list[i]);
Case study

//this method sorts items in ascending order based on their values.

public void sortItems(){
for(int i=0; i< numOfItem; i++)
for(int j=numOfItem-1; j>i ;j--){
if( list[i].getValue()< list[j-1].getValue()){
Item tmp=list[j];

}//end class
Case study

public class antiqueShop{

public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
int choice=0;
System.out.println("1. add a new vase");
System.out.println("2. add a new statue");
System.out.println("3. add a new painting");
System.out.println("4. display all items");
System.out.println("5. find the items by the creator ");
System.out.println("6. update the item by its index");
System.out.println("7. remove the item by its index");
System.out.println("8. display the list of vase items ");
System.out.println("9. sorts items in ascending order based on their values ");
System.out.println("10. exit");
System.out.println("input your choice:");
Case study

case 1:
Item tmp=new Vase();
case 2:
case 3:
}//end switch
} while(choice<=9); //end while
} //end class

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