Neet Biology Hand Book
Neet Biology Hand Book
Neet Biology Hand Book
What is living
Taxonomy & Systematics
The Living World
Taxonomic Categories
Taxonomic Aids
Non Define (with exception) Define
(without any exception)
(Not a characteristic
Growth feature of living) Reproduction
Increase in Increase in
Mass Cell Number Cellular Organization
Asexual Sexual
Reproduction Reproduction
(Uniparental) (Biparental)
e.g., mostly multicellular and
unicellular organisms
By Budding (Yeast, Hydra)
e.g., Regeneration (Planaria)
Fragmentation – Fungi and Filamentous
algae and protonema of mosses
Non Defining Characteristics
z Growth + Reproduction → Mutually Inclusive Event → Unicellular
z Growth + Reproduction → Mutually Exclusive event → Multicellular
z Growth in plant is localised & indefinite (throughout life)
z Growth in animal is diffused and definite (up to a limit)
z Reproduction is not a characteristic feature of living e.g., mules, worker
bees and infertile human.
Irreversible change
z In living — Growth
Intrinsic (occurs due to increase protoplasm)
Defining Characteristics
(a) Metabolism → Catabolism + Anabolism. It mean some of all catabolic
and anabolic reactions in our body.
In vitro → Not a living thing but is a living reaction.
Metabolism is a characteristic feature of living things inside a cell.
(b) Cellular Organisation → Metabolic reaction inside the cell, it mean
cellular organization strictly require for metabolism to define the feature.
(c) Consciousness → The state of being aware of what is around you
and able to sense environment. Consciousness therefore, become the
defining property of living organism.
Collection of samples or preserved organisms which help in extensive research
for the identification of various taxonomic hierarchy e.g.,
(i) Herbarium: It is a store house of collected plant specimens that are
dried, pressed and preserved on sheets (42 × 29 cm).
Biological Classification
Archaebacteria Eubacteria
(primitive bacteria) (true bacteria)
Gram-Positive Gram-Negative ○ Photosynthetic
Bacteria Bacteria bacteria
○ Purple-sulphur
Cocci Bacilli Spirillum Vibrio
(rounded) (capsule) (Spiral) (comma-like)
○ Saprophytic
○ Symbiotic
○ Parasitic
• True nucleus (membrane bound)
Single celled eukaryotes
• Membrane bound organelles
Photosynthetic Plants
This group includes diatoms and golden algae (desmids). Diatoms have left
behind large amount of cell wall deposits in their habitat; this accumulation
over billions of years is referred to as ‘diatomaceous earth’. Being gritty, this
soil is used in polishing, filtration of oils and syrups. Diatoms are the chief
‘producers’ in the oceans.
Hand Book (Biology) 6
Most of them have two flagella; one lies longitudinally and the other
transversely in a furrow between the wall plates. Very often, red dinoflagellates
(Example: Gonyaulax) undergo such rapid multiplication that they make the
sea appear red (red tides).
Though they are photosynthetic in the presence of sunlight, when deprived of
sunlight, they behave like heterotrophs by predating on other smaller organisms.
Slime Moulds
Slime moulds are saprophytic protists. During unfavourable conditions, the
plasmodium differentiates and forms fruiting bodies bearing spores at their
tips. The spores possess true walls.
Amoeboid: They move and capture their prey by putting out pseudopodia
(false feet) as in Amoeba. Marine forms have silica shells on their surface.
Some of them such as Entamoeba are parasites.
Flagellated: Free-living or parasitic in nature. The parasitic forms cause
disease such as sleeping sickness. Example: Trypanosoma.
Ciliated: These are aquatic, actively moving organisms because of the
presence of thousands of cilia.
Sporozoans: The most notorious is Plasmodium (malarial parasite) which
causes malaria, a disease which has a staggering effect on human population.
Most fungi are heterotrophic and absorb soluble organic matter from dead
substrates and hence are called saprophytes. Those that depend on living
plants and animals are called parasites. They can also live as symbionts—
in association with algae as lichens and with roots of higher plants as
Asexual reproduction takes place by zoospores (motile) or by aplanospores
(non-motile). Some common examples are Mucor, Rhizopus and Albugo.
Commonly known as sac-fungi, the ascomycetes are mostly multicellular,
e.g., Penicillium, or rarely unicellular, e.g., yeast (Saccharomyces). The
asexual spores are conidia produced exogenously on the special mycelium
called conidiophores. Sexual spores are called ascospores.e.g., Aspergillus,
Claviceps and Neurospora.
7 Biological classificaTion
Commonly known forms of basidiomycetes are mushrooms, bracket fungi
or puffballs. The sex organs are absent, but plasmogamy is brought about
by fusion of two vegetative or somatic cells of different strains or genotypes.
e.g., Rusts and Smuts.
Commonly known as imperfect fungi because only the asexual or vegetative
phases of these fungi are known. Some examples are Alternaria, Colletotrichum
and Trichoderma.
Kingdom Plantae includes all eukaryotic chlorophyll-containing organisms
commonly called plants.
This kingdom is characterised by heterotrophic eukaryotic organisms that are
multicellular and their cells lack cell walls.
The viruses are non-cellular organisms that are characterised by having an
inert crystalline structure outside the living cell. Viruses contain protein and
genetic material, that could be either RNA or DNA.
In 1971, T.O. Diener discovered a new infectious agent that was viroids and
they contain only RNA and strictly found in plants.
It is a types of infectious protein aggregates that can cause different types of
disease. The most notable diseases caused by prions are bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE) commonly called mad cow disease in cattle and its
analogous variant Cr–Jacob disease (CJD) in humans.
A symbiotic form of algae and fungi, in which algae provide food and fungi
provide shelter as well as nutrition to algae.
Lichens are very good pollution indicators—they do not grow in
polluted areas.
Plant Kingdom
Algae Embryophytes
Embryo Stage Absent Embryo Stage Present
Including Ferns
Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Seed Naked Seed Inside Fruit
Classification of Algae
Item Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae Rhodophyceae
Common name Green algae Brown algae Red algae
Habitat Fresh water Marine water Marine water
Pigment Chl a, b, Xanthophyll Fucoxanthin Chl a & d
and Carotene Chl a, c and carotenoids r-phycoerythrin
Reserve food Starch Laminarin, Manitol Floridean Starch
Flagella Equal flagella Unequal flagella Flagella absent
Sexual reproduction Present Present Present
z Green Algae
h Microscopic, eukaryotic, unicellular green algae.
h Generally found in ammonium salt rich habitat.
h Reproduce by both sexual and asexual means.
h Asexual reproduction through Zoospores, Palusetta stage, Aplanospores
and Hyponospores.
h Sexual reproduction through isogamy, anisogamy or oogamy.
h The holdfast cell is non-photosynthetic and lost the ability to divide.
z Brown algae, Sargassum, is a menace to shipping.
z No unicellular brown algae is known.
z Laminaria and Nereocystes (20–30 m) due to their giant size are called
as giant kelps.
z Alginic acid is obtained from phycocolloids from kelps.
z In deeper oceans, Red algae acquire deeper colour. The pigment
r-phycoerythrin in red algae can do this job of capturing light of available
wavelength for red algae.
z The common name for brown and red algae is sea weed.
z Polysiphonia, a red algae, has anti-bacterial property.
z Life cycle in green algae is of three types:
h Haplontic: Zygotic meiosis e.g., Ulothrix, Spirogyra.
h Diplontic: Gametic meiosis e.g., Caulerpa.
h Diplohaplontic: Haploid and diploid phases are well developed and
z Economic Importance of Algae:
Cattle food Sargassum, Fucus, Macrocystis (rich in Vit. A & E).
Human food Laminaria, Spirulina (richest in protein), Chlorella (rich in
protein & carbohydrates).
Algenic acid Laminaria, Ascophyllum, Macrocystic.
Carrageenin Chondrus crispus (Irish moss)
Agar Gelidium and Gracilaria.
Iodine Laminaria digetata
Nitrogen Anabaena, Nostoc
Space algae Chlorella
z Commonly called snakes of plant kingdom.
z First vascular plants without seeds.
z Main plant body is sporophyte and distinguishes into root, stem and leaves.
11 PlanT kingdom
z The stem is underground rhizome.
z Alternation of generation between spore producing diploid sporophyte
and gamete forming haploid gametophyte.
z Ornamental leaves are called frongs.
z Reproduction is of vegetative, asexual and sexual type.
z Sperms are flagellated.
z Sporangia occurs on leaves in clusture called sori. Fertile leaves are called
z A sorus is covered by a flap like outgrowth from its surface (true indusium)
or turned margin of the sporophyll (false indusium).
z Selaginella is heterosporous i.e., small male and large female spores.
z Smallest pteridophyte—Azolla (a bio-fertilizer).
z Apogamy—Development of sporophyte (n) from gametophyte without
Apospory—Development of gametophyte (2n) from sporophyte without
z Vascular plants with naked seeds.
z Perennial plant of colder region. Annual and herbaceous forms absent.
z Leaves dimorphic—foliage & scale leaves.
z Sporophyll produces stobili or cones. Flowers are absent.
z Integument is three layered. Each one has a mass of tissue called nucellus
(equivalent to megasporangia).
z Female gametophyte develops archegonia. Neck canal cell absent.
z Endosperm (2n) gametophytic.
z Gingko and Cycas are called as the living fossils.
z Sequoia gigantica—Tallest gymnosperm
Red wood tree—Father of the forest
Chilgoza from Pinus girardiana
Dwarf Shoot
Long Shoot
13 PlanT kingdom
z The three generations which are represented by seed are:
1. Testa, tegmen and perisperm represent parental sporophyte;
2. Endosperm represent female gametophyte;
3. Plumule, radicle, suspensor & cotyledons (embryo) represent future
z Polyembryony: It is the formation of more than one embryo inside a
single seed. It was reported by Leeuwenhoek in oranges.
Simple Polymbryony is due to fertilization of many eggs e.g., Pinus
ovule has 2-8 archegonia.
Cleavage polyembryony is true polymbryony and very common. It is
due to splitting of embryo tissue.
Adventive Polymbryony is the formation of extra embryos directly from
diploid cells.
z Male cones are homologous to dwarf branches wherever females cones
are homologous to long branches.
z 4-cells in male gametophyte of Pinus are two prothallial cells, one
antheridial cell & one small generative cell.
z The number of archegonia in Pinus ovule is 2-8.
z Gnetum, Ephedra & Welwitschia are exceptional gymnosperms having
primitive vessels in xylem.
z The wood in Pinus is Pycnoxylic (hard & compact wood) & monoxylic
(having only one ring of xylem).
z Development of sporangium in Pinus is eusporangiate i.e., a group of
sporangial initial gives rise to a sporangium. Leptosporangiate is the
condition when only one sporangial cell give rise to sporangia.
z The fertilization in Pinus is Siphonogamous i.e., by pollen tube.
z In angiosperms, the seeds are enclosed in fruits, the pollen grains and
ovules are developed in specialized structures called flowers.
z Highly evolved plants group.
15 PlanT kingdom
Life cycle patterns
(a) Haplontic, (b) Diplontic and (c) Haplo-diplontic
z There is double fertlization in angiosperm. One produces embryo or
new sporophyte. The other forms primary endosperm cell.
z Endosperm is formed through triple fusion and is generally triploid (3n).
z Fertilized ovules ripen into seeds, the seeds are covered by fruits. A fruit
is technically a ripened ovary. Fruits not only protect the seeds but also
help in their dispersal.
z Xylem contains vessels.
z Phloem possesses sieve tube and companion cells.
z A gametophyte can be haploid or diploid but always produces gametes.
z Monocots do not grow in girth though they grow in length and produce
new leaves and flowers. Dicots have indefinite growth and new roots,
shoots, leaves, bark and wood are formed year after year.
1. There are usually two cotyledons. The seeds contain one cotyledon.
2. Flowers are generally pentamerous or Flowers are usually trimerous (floral parts
tetramerous (floral parts in sets of 5 and in sets of three or its multiples).
4 or their multiples).
3. Pollen grains commonly have three Pollon grains generally possess a single
germ pores. germinal furrow.
4. Leaves possess reticulate venation. The leaves possess parallel venation with a
few exceptions.
5. Primary root often long lived forming Primary root is short-lived. Tap root is
tap root system. Adventitious roots occur absent. Instead, adventitious roots are
in some cases. found.
6. Stem possesses concentric arrangement Tissue systems are not differentiated in the
of tissue systems—epidermis, cortex, stem. Ground tissues are present
endodermis, pericycle, pith etc.
9. In root, a pith is absent or small. The In root, a pith is always present. Vascular
vascular bundles are few (8 or less). bundles are many (more than 8).
17 PlanT kingdom
Chapter 4
Animal Kingdom
♦ Need to classify animals
♦ Classification helps in assigning a systematic position to newly described
♦ Characteristics:
□ Eukaryotic organisms
□ Division of labour
□ Definite growth pattern
□ Multicellular and their cells lack cell wall
□ Heterotrophic with holozoic mode of nutrition
□ Capable of locomotion With some exceptions
□ Sensory and neuromotor mechanism (Poriferans)
Organ system
Hierarchy Level of Types of Symmetry Germ Layers Body Cavity/Coelom Phylum(s) Metamerism/ Notochord
Organisation (mesodermal lining) Segmentation
Aschelminthes No
Organ Bilateral Triploblastic Pseudocoelomate
Only one longitudinal Ectoderm Scattered pouches
animal kingdom
plane passing through the Mesoderm of mesoderm between Ectoderm
centre of the body divides the Endoderm ecto and endoderm Annelida Yes
organism into identical right and left halves Mesoderm Arthropoda Yes
Mollusca No
True coelomates Echinodermata No
Complex Body cavity lined Hemichordata No
by mesoderm Chordata Yes
Endoderm Present
• Metameric Segmentation Body is externally and internally divided into segments with a serial repetition of at least some organs.
• Notochord Mesodermally derived rod like structure formed on the dorsal side during embryonic development in some animals.
• Animals without notochord Non-chordates (Porifera to echinoderms)
• Animals with notochord Chordates
Parameters Porifera Coelenterata (Cnidaria)
Habitat/Habit Mostly marine, some are fresh Mostly marine, some are fresh water
water (Spongilla) (Hydra), sessile or free swimming
Exoskeleton No Coral forms have skeleton of CaCO3
Endoskeleton Spicules/spongin fibres No
Digestive • Digestive system absent • Digestive system incomplete
system • Intracellular digestion • Mouth on hypostome leading to
body cavity gastro-vascular cavity
• Intra and extracellular digestion
Respiratory Cell surface Body wall
Circulatory Circulating fluid (water) Circulating fluid (water)
Excretory Through body surface Through body surface
Nervous system No Neurons appear
Asexual Fragmentation, gemmule Budding
reproduction formation
Sexual • Present Present
reproduction • Hermaphrodites
Fertilization Internal External
Development Indirect, larva (motile) Indirect/direct
morphologically distinct from adult
Unique • Water canal system • Name derived from cnidoblasts/
features and ↓ Food gathering cnidocytes containg mematocysts,
examples Functions Respiratory exchange present on body and tentacles.
Removal of wastes
Functions Anchorage, Defense
Parameters Ostia Osculum
Capture of prey
• Number Many Usually
• Location Body One • Obelia exhibits 2 basic forms:
surface body Asexually
surface Polyp Alternation of Medusa
Sessile generation/ Free swimming
• Size Minute Large Cylindrical Metagenesis Umbrella like
• Water flow Entry Exit Sexually
Teenia Fasciola
(Tapeworm) (Live fluke)
21 animal kingdom
h All have complete alimentary canal with extracellular digestion
h All can reproduce sexually and are usually oviparous
Pila (Brittle star) Trunk
(Apple snail)
23 animal kingdom
General Features:
Triploblastic organisms
Bilaterally symmetrical
Organ-system level of organisation
Closed circulatory system
All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates
Petromyzon (Lamprey)
25 animal kingdom
Characteristics Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia
Carboniferous period
(Age of Amphibians)
Habitat Marine Marine and fresh Both on land and in
water water
Habit Predaceous – Dual life
Temperature Poikilothermous Poikilothermous Poikilothermous
regulation (Cold blooded) (Cold blooded) (Cold blooded)
Exoskeleton Placoid scales for tough Cycloid and ctenoid ○ Scales are absent
skin scales ○ Skin is moist
Endoskeleton Cartilaginous Bony Bony
Digestive ○ Ventral mouth Terminal mouth Cloaca present
system ○ Teeth are modified
scales & backwardly
○ Powerful jaws
Respiratory Gill slits without 4 pairs of gill slits Gills, skin and lungs
system operculum with operculum
Circulatory 2 chambered heart with 2 chambered heart 3 chambered heart
system 1 auricle and 1 ventricle with 1 auricle and with 2 auricles and
1 ventricle 1 ventricle
Excretory Kidneys (Excretion and Kidneys (Excretion Kidneys (Excretion
system Osmoregulation) and Osmoregulation) and Osmoregulation)
Eye Eyes present Eyes present Eyes with eyelids and
a nictiating membrane
Ear Tympanum absent Tympanum absent Tympanum represents
Fertilisation Internal as pelvic fins of Usually external External; Internal-Sal-
males bear claspers amandra, Ichthyophis
Oviparous/ Many are viviparous Mostly oviparous Oviparous
Viviparous Salamandra-Viviparous
Development Direct Direct Indirect
Unique ○ Streamilined body ○ Streamlined body ○ Body divided
features ○ Notochord persists ○ They have air into head and
throughout life bladder/swim trunk, tail in some
○ Absence of air bladder that e.g., Salamander
bladder, hence, swim regulated buoyancy ○ Alimentary canal,
continuously to Examples: Marine urinary tract and
avoid sinking – Exocoetus (Flying reproductive tracts
Examples: Carcharodon fish), Fresh water – open into a
(Great white shark), Labeo (Rohu), Clarias common chamber
Trygon (Poisonous sting (Magur); Aquarium known as the cloaca
ray), Torpedo (Electric ray) – Betta (Fighting fish), Examples: Bufo
Pterophyllum (Angle fish) (Toad), Hyla (Tree
frog), Ichthyophis
Scoliodon (Dog sh)
(Limbless amphibia)
Crocodilus Naja
(Crocodile) (Cobra)
(Blue whale)
27 animal kingdom
Chapter 5
Morphology of
Flowering Plant
z Angiosperms show a large diversity in morphology.
z A plant has root system and shoot system.
z Elongation of radicle form primary root.
z Primary root bears lateral roots of several orders that are referred to as
secondary, tertiary etc. roots.
z Tap root system: • Includes primary root and its branches
• Seen mainly in dicots eg. Mustard
z Fibrous root system : In monocots, primary root is short lived and
replaced by a large number of roots originate from the base of the stem.
z Adventitious roots : Roots that arise from parts of plants other than radicle
eg. grass, Monstera and banyan tree.
z Functions :
h Absorption of water and minerals from soil.
h Provide anchorage to plant parts.
h Storage of reserve food materials.
h Synthesis of plant growth regulators (PGRs)
Storage of food
z Tap root - Carrot, turnip
z Adventitious root - Sweet potato
Prop root
z Arise from branches to support them
z eg. Banyan
Stilt root
z Supporting root coming out from lower nodes
z eg. Maize, sugarcane
z Root growing vertically upward for oxygen in plants of swampy area
z eg. Rhizophora
z Develops from plumule.
z Bears nodes, internodes, buds (terminal or axillary).
z Functions:
h Spread out branches bearing leaves, flowers, fruits
h Conducts water, minerals and photosynthates
29 morPHology of floWering PlanT
Modifications of Stem
z Underground stem: For storage of food, also act as organ of perennation
to tide over conditions unfavourable for growth.
eg. Potato, ginger, turmeric, Colocasia, Zaminkand
z Tendrils: Axillary bud may modify into tendril, help plants to climb.
eg. Grapevines and Gourds (Cucumber, Pumpkin, Watermelon).
z Thorn: Axillary buds modify into woody pointed thorn eg. Bougainvillea,
z Flat or cylindrical photosynthetic stem: eg. Opuntia (flattened),
Euphorbia (cylindrical)
z Lateral generally flat structure, develops at node and bear a bud in its axil.
z Arise from shoot apical meristem and arranged in acropetal order.
z Consist of 3 parts: Leaf base, Petiole and Lamina.
z Stripules: Two lateral small leaf like structures at leaf base.
z Pulvinus: Leaf base may become swollen in leguminous plants.
Types of Leaves
z Simple Leaf: Lamina is entire or when incised, incision do not reach
z Compound Leaf: Incision of lamina reaches up to the midrib breaking
it into leaflets. It is of two types
(i) Pinnately compound–Leaflets are present on a common axis, the
rachis. eg. Neem
(ii) Palmately compound–Leaflets are attached at a common point i.e
at the tip of petiole. eg. Silk cotton
Hand Book (Biology) 30
z Veinlets form network
z eg. generally in dicots
z Veins run parallel to each other
z eg. most monocots
Modifications of leaves
z Tendril eg. Pea
z In Australian Acacia, petiole expands and become photosynthetic
z Spines eg. Cactus (for defense)
z Fleshy leaves for storage e.g. Onion, Garlic
z For traping insect eg. venus-fly trap, pitcher plant (insectivorous plant)
Alternate : Single leaf at each node arranged in alternate manner eg. china
rose, mustard, sunflower
Opposite : Pair of leaves arise at each node eg. Guava, Calotropis
Whorled: More than two leaves arise at each node eg. Alstonia
z Flower is a modified shoot
z During flowering
h Shoot apical meristem modifies into floral meristem
h Internode do not elongate and axis gets condensed
z Solitary flower: Shoot tip transforms into a flower
z Inflorescence: Arrangement of flowers on floral axis
Two major types
z Main axis continues to grow
z Flowers borne laterally in acropetal succession
z Main axis terminates into a flower (limited growth)
z Flowers borne in basipetal succession
Flower either have
androecium or carpels Unisexual Trimerous – Floral appendages are multiple of 3
↓ Mustard ↓ Peach z Eg. Guava, cucumber and ray
Brinjal Plum florest of sunflower
h A flower is asymmetric (irregular) if it cannot be divided into similar halves by any vertical plane passing through the centre. eg.-Canna
z Outermost whorl
z Members called sepal
z Protect flower in bud stage
z Generally green
May be
z Gamosepalous (sepals united)
z Polysepalous (sepals free)
z Members called petals
z Brightly coloured
May Be
z Gamopetalous (petal united)
z Polypetalous (petals free)
z Composed of stamens
z Stamens consist of filament + anther
z Each anther is bilobed and each lobe has two chambers
z Sterile stamen - Staminode
z Male reproductive part
z Made of one or more carpels
z Consist of stigma, style and ovary
z Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to a flat cushion like
z Carpels may be free, apocarpous (eg. lotus, rose) or united, syncarpous
(tomato, mustard)
When calyx and corolla are not distinct termed as perianth (unit tepal) eg. lily.
Aestivation: Made of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud w.r.t. other
members of the same whorl.
Attachment with other floral whorl
z Epipetalous : Attachment with petals (brinjal)
z Epiphyllous : Attachment with perianth (lily)
Attachment with each other
z Free : Polyandrous
z Monoadelphous : United with each other in one bundle
e.g., China rose
z Diadelphous : United in two bundles
e.g., Pea
z Polyadelphous : United in more than two bundles
Placenta axial ovules attracted on it in a multiocular ovary. e.g., China rose
tomato, lemon
Ovules develop on inner wall of ovary or on peripheral part Ovary is one
chambered but become two charmbered due to false septum e.g., Mustard,
Free Central
Ovules are borne on central axis and septa are absent e.g., Primrose, Dianthus
z Single large shield shaped cotyledon called scutellum
z Endospermous in orchid non-endospermic
z In cereals, seed coat is membranous and generally fused with fruit wall
z In maize, endosperm is bulky and stores food. The outer covering of
endosperm separates the embryo by a proteinaceous layer called aleurone
Hand Book (Biology) 36
Seed coat & fruit-wall Endosperm
Aleurone layer
z Ripens into fruit
z Fruit
z May be dry or fleshy
z Divide into
♦ Epicarp
♦ Mesocarp
♦ Endocarp
z Commonly called potato family
z Stem : Herbaceous, rarely woody solid/hollow, hairy, underground as
in potato
z Leaves : Alternate, simple, rarely pinnate, reticulate venation
z Inflorescence : Solitary, axillary or cymose as in Solanum
z Flower : Bisexual, actinomorphic
z Calyx : 5, gamosepalous, persistent, valvate aestivation
z Corolla : 5, gamopetalous, valvate aestivation
z Androecium : 5, epipetalous
z Gynoecium : Bicarpellary, obliquely placed, syncarpous. superior,
bilocular, placenta swollen, axile placentation, many ovules
z Fruit and seed : Berry/capsule, endospermous seed
♂ K (5) C
(5) A3 G(2)
Anatomy of
Flowering Plants
Anatomy: Study of internal structure of plants.
Group of cells having a common origin and usually performing a common
Meristematic Tissues
z Actively dividing cells.
z Two types according to appearance in life
Primary meristem (Appear early in life)
Apical Meristem
h Found at tips of roots and shoots.
h Some shoot apical meristem cells that are left behind during stem
elongation and leaf formation constitute axillary buds.
h Axillary buds are capable of forming a branch or a flower.
Intercalary Meristem
h Occurs between mature tissues.
h Occurs in grasses regenerate parts removed by razing herbivores.
h Secondary meristem (appear later than primary meristem)
h Also called Lateral meristem.
h Cylindrical meristem found in mature regions of roots and shoots.
Found between xylem and phloem in a conjoint
Intrafascicular Meristem
vascular bundle.
Interfascicular Meristem Found between two vascular bundles.
Cork Cambium Extrastelar cambium formed in cortical region.
Permanent Tissues
z Newly formed structurally and functionally specialised cells.
z Do not divide further.
z Two types
z Forms major component within organs.
z Spherical, oval, round, polygonal or elongated in shape.
z Thin walled, living.
z Cellulosic cell wall.
z May have small intercellular spaces.
1. Storage
2. Secretion space
3. Photosynthesis (if have chlorophyll)
z Occurs in layers below epidermis.
Thickened corners
z Cells may be oval, spherical or polygonal Protoplasm
in shape. Vacuole
Cell wall
z Thick walled, living.
z Corners of cell deposited with cellulose,
hemicellulose and pectin.
z Intercellular space absent.
1. Provide mechanical support to growing parts of plants.
2. May perform photosynthesis (if cells contain chloroplast).
Hand Book (Biology) 42
z Long, narrow cells with thick lignified wall.
z Dead.
z May be elongated and pointed-Sclerenchyma fibre.
z May be spherical, oval or cylndrical-sclereid (Common in fruits, nuts,
pulp of guava, pear, etc.).
Thick cell Pits
A bre A sclereid cell wall
Mechanical support
Primary Xylem
z Protoxylem (First formed with narrow vessel).
z Metaxylem (Later formed with broader vessel).
Secondary Xylem
Formed during secondary growth.
Primary Phloem
z Protophloem (First formed and have narrow sieve tube).
z Metaphloem (Later formed and have broad sieve tube).
Secondary Phloem
z Formed during secondary growth.
z Endarch - Protoxylem lies towards pith/centre and metaxylem towards
periphery e.g., Stems.
Hand Book (Biology) 44
z Exarch - Protoxylem lies towards periphery and metaxylem towards
pith e.g., Roots.
Epidermal Tissue System
Forms outermost covering of plant body.
h Parenchymatous, usually single layered, outermost covering.
h Often covered by waxy cuticle (absent in roots).
h Consist of guard cells and subsidiary cells.
h Bean/kidney shaped guard cells - Dicot and Dumbell shaped - Monocot.
h Stomatal aperture + guard cells + subsidiary cells = Stomatal apparatus.
Root hairs
h Unicellular elongation of epidermal cells.
h Absorb water and mineral from soil.
h In shoot system, usually multicellular.
h Branched/unbranched, soft or stiff.
h Can be secretory, prevent water loss.
In leaves
h Ground tissue consists of thin walled chloroplast containing cells
called mesophyll.
In stem and root
h Made up of all the tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles.
h Consist of parenchymatous cortex, pericycle, pith, medullary rays and
conjunctive tissue (between xylem and phloem in roots).
h Hypodermis - Found in stem absent in roots.
Vascular Tissue System Types
Consists of xylem and phloem.
Presence/absence of cambium
h Open - Cambium present e.g. Dicot stem.
h Closed - Cambium absent e.g., Monocot stem.
Endodermis Starch ich referred to as Absent
starch sheath
Pericycle Semi-lunar patches of Absent
Vascular Conjoint, open, endarch Conjoint, closed, scattered and each
bundle and arranged in a ring surrounded by sclerenchymatous
sheath, smaller peripheral ones, larger
central ones, water containing cavity
in vascular bundle
Pith Parenchymatous with Absent
intercellular spaces
z Occur in most dicots to increase girth.
z Tissue involved are lateral meristem - Vascular cambium and cork
Vascular cambium
z Form secondary vascular tissues.
z In dicot stem formed by Intrafascicular cambium and Interfascicular
cambium (formed by dedifferentiation of cells of medullary rays).
z Vascular cambium cuts off cells
Towards pith Towards periphery I
Occurs Through
Structural Organisation
in Animals
♦ Human body is composed of billions of cells to perform various function.
♦ Division of labour contributes to survival of multicellular organisms
e.g., Hydra.
♦ No division of labour in unicellular organism.
♦ A group of similar cells along with intercellular substances which per-
form a specific function.
♦ Organs such as stomach, lungs, heart and kidney comprise a specific
proportion and pattern of all basic types of tissues.
♦ Organ system: Two or more organ perform a common function by
physical/chemical interaction e.g., Digestive system.
Different types of cells
♦ Hydra
Number of cells in thousands
♦ The skin is the largest organ in the body.
Based on: Structure of cells vary according to their function
Figure I.*
Cells Single thin Single layer of Tall and slender Cuboidal or Cuboidal or
layer of flattened, cube-like columnar columnar
irregular boundaries
Nucleus Central Central At base Central or at Central or at
base base
Function Diffusion Secretion and Secretion and Move particles Specialised
boundary absorption absorption or mucus in a for secretion
specific direction
of blood vessels ducts of glands bronchioles and
fallopian tubes
2 or more cell layers
Location Dry surface of skin, buccal cavity, pharynx, inner lining of ducts of salivary glands and pancreatic ducts
Example: Skin
Free surface of epithelial tissue Epithelial tissue provides a Its cells are compactly Microvilli present in PCT of
faces body fluid or outsides covering of a lining for packed with little nephron and small intestine
environment some part of the body intercellular matrix increase surface area for
Transitional Epithelium Stratified Epithelium
Thinner and more elastic Type of compound epithelium
Lines the inner surface Found in dry surface of skin
of the urinary bladder and moist surface of buccal
and ureter cavity and pharynx
Excess of nutrients not meant for immediate use are converted to fats
and are stored in adipose tissue
Cartilage Bones
Collagen fibers
Collagen fibers
Cartilage cell
Cell body with nucleus
Upon suitable stimulation, the electrical disturbance generated travels swiftly along
the plasma membrane of neuron.
Our heart consists of all four types of tissues.
Complexity in organ and organ systems display certain discernable trend called
evolutionary trend.
55 sTrucTural organisaTion in animals
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Arthropoda
Class : Insecta
Genus : Periplaneta
Species : americana
Size 0.6-7.6 cm (1/4 inches to 3 inches)
Colour Brown or black colour; Bright yellow, red and green
coloured reported in tropical regions
Habitat Damp places throughout world
Habit Omnivorous, Nocturnal
Economic Residents of human homes and are
importance serious pests & vectors of several diseases and spoil
food & contaminate it with their smelly excreta
Ocellus Labrum
Compound eye Upper lip
Network of trachea (thin, branching tubes) that open
through 10 pairs of spiracles present on lateral side of the body.
Opening of spiracles is guarded by sphincters.
Site for exchange of gases: Tracheoles by diffusion.
Malpighian tubules, lined by glandular and ciliated cells.
They absorb nitrogenous waste products and convert them into uric acid which
is excreted out through hindgut.
Excretory product: Uric acid (Uricotelic).
Other excretory structures: Fat body, nephrocytes and uricose glands.
1 pair, lateral side Phallic gland
th th
4 -6 abdominal Long tubules Mushroom
segments Small tubules gland
th th
6 -7
External genitalia/gonapophysis abdominal
Seminal vesicle segments
Components Vas deferens Accessory
Ejaculatory duct gland
1. Chitinous asymmetrical structure Opens through male genital
2. Present around male gonopore pore which is ventral to anus
3. Three phallomeres: Anal cercus
(a) Right phallomere Pseudopenis
(b) Ventral phallomere Caudal/anal style
(c) Left phallomere 1 pair, only in males
th th
Male genital pouch Dorsally by 9 and 10 terga
(Lies at the hind end Ventrally by 9 sternum
of abdomen) Contains dorsal anus, ventral male genital pore gonapophysis
1 pair
nd th
2 -6 abdominal segments
1 ovary contains 8 ovarioles
• Each ovariole contains chain
of developing ova
Spermatheca Oviduct
1 pair
th Common oviduct or vagina
6 abdominal segment
Collaterial gland
1 pair
Secrete ootheca
Genital chamber
Genital pouch
Gonapophyses Vestibulum
th th th
7 sternum (boat shaped) along with 8 and 9 sterna
Path of sperms
Testes → Vas deferens → Seminal vesicle → Ejaculatory duct →
Male genital pore → Spermatheca of female during copulation
Path of ova
Female genital pore Common oviduct/Vagina Oviduct
Ovary (Ovarioles)
Ova Sperm
Anal cerci Anal style
Paired, long Paired, short Female genital pouch (brood pouch)
Jointed Unjointed
Secretion of collaterial glands form ootheca
Filamentous Thread like On an average, female produces 9-10 ootheca
Both &♀ ♂ Only ♂ each containing 14 to 16 fertilised eggs
• Ootheca is a dark reddish to blackish brown capsule about 3/8" (8 mm) long.
• Female deposits ootheca in crack or crevice
13 times moulting (Paurometabolous development indirect)
• Nymph Adult
• Next to last nymphal stage has wing pads but only adult cockroaches have wings
Cell, basic unit of life, makes an organism living. All organisms are composed
of cells.
z Cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of all living
organisms. Anything less than a cell does not ensure independent living.
z Anton Von Leeuwenhoek first saw and described a live cell.
z In 1838, Matthias Schleiden, a German botanist, examined a large number
of plants and observed that all plants are composed of different kinds of
cells which form the tissues of the plant.
z At the same time, Schwann (1839) a British Zoologist, reported that
animal cells had a thin layer called plasma membrane. He concluded that
plant cells have cell walls. Schleiden and Schwann together formulated that
cell theory but this theory did not explain as to how-new cells are formed.
z Rudolf Virchow explained that new cells arise from pre-existing cells
(Omnis cellula-e cellula) and finally modified the cell theory as:
(i) All living organisms are composed of cells and products of cells.
(ii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
z Cells differ greatly in size, shape and activities for example, Mycoplasma
is smallest cell (0.3µm), Egg of an ostrich is the largest isolated single
cell. Nerve cells are some of the longest cells. (RBCs- 7µm in diameter,
Bacteria – 3-5µm, Virus - 0.02 – 0.2µm).
z Cytoplasm is main arena of cellular activities in both plant and animal
z Lack membrane bound nucleus and cell organelles.
z Represented by bacteria, blue green algae, mycoplasma or PPLO (0.1µm).
z In addition to genomic DNA, many bacteria have small circular DNA
outside the genomic DNA called plasmids. Plasmid DNA confers certain
unique phenotypic characters to such bacteria. One such character is
resistance to antibiotics. Plasmid DNA is used to monitor bacterial
transformation with foreign DNA.
z All prokaryotes have a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane
(except mycoplasma)
Cell Envelope and its Modifications
z Most prokaryotic cells have cell envelope which is tightly bound three
layered structure.
z The outermost glycocalyx → Cell wall → Plasma membrane
z Glycocalyx may be a loose sheath called slime layer or thick and tough
called capsule.
z The cell wall prevents bacteria from bursting or collapsing.
z Mesosomes: Extension of plasma membrane into the cell in the form
of vesicles, tubules and lamellae. It helps in cell wall formation, DNA
replication, distribution of daughter cells, respiration, secretion process
and increase the surface area of plasma membrane.
z In cyanobacteria, chromatophores contain pigments.
z Each layer of the cell envelope performs distinct function, they act together
as a single protective unit. The plasma membrane is selectively permeable
in nature and interacts with the outside world. It is structurally similar
to that of eukaryotes.
z Bacteria may be motile or non-motile. If motile they have flagella,
composed of three parts: Filament (longest portion), hook and basal body.
z Pili and fimbriae do not play role in motility.
z Bacteria, on the basis of the staining, can be Gram positive or Gram
Ribosomes and Inclusion Bodies
z Ribosomes are non-membrane bound organelles.
z Found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
z Non-living rigid structure forms an outer covering of the plasma membrane
in fungi and plants.
z Primary wall: Cell wall of a young plant cell is capable of growth which
gradually diminishes as the cell matures.
z Secondary wall: is formed on inner side (towards membrane) of the cell.
z Middle lamella: is a layer mainly of calcium pectate.
z Cell wall of Algae: Cellulose, galactans, mannans and calcium carbonate.
z Cell wall of plants: Cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and proteins.
z While each of the membranous organelles is distinct in terms of its
structure and function, many of these are considered together as an
endomembrane system because their functions are coordinated.
Nuclear pore
Reticulum of tiny These were named These are The vacuole is the
tubular structures Golgi bodies after membrane membrane bound
scattered in the discoverer name bound vesicular space found in
cytoplasm. Camillo Golgi. structures formed the cytoplasm,
by the process of membrane is called
packaging in the tonoplast.
Golgi apparatus.
RER: ER which They consist of They are rich in Contain water, sap,
has ribosomes on cisternae, which hydrolytic enzymes excretory product
surface are concentrically (lipases, proteases and other materials
SER: In absence arranged near carbohydrases), not useful for the
of ribosomes, they the nucleus with optimally active at cell. In Amoeba,
appear smooth. distinct convex cis acidic pH (5.5). contractile vacuole
or the forming face is important for
and concave trans excretion.
or the maturing
z Mitochondria are visible under microscope only after staining.
z Each mitochondria is a double membrane bound structure with inner
compartment called matrix. The two membranes have their own specific
z Outer membrane: Forms the continuous limiting boundary of the
z Inner membrane: Forms cristae.
z Sites of aerobic respiration. They produce cellular energy in the form of
ATP, hence called 'power house of the cell'.
z Matrix has single circular DNA molecule, a few RNA molecules,
ribosomes (70S) and the components required for the synthesis of proteins.
65 cell: THe uniT of life
‘S’ (Svedberg's unit) stands for sedimentation coefficient. It is an indirect
measure of density and size.
Outer Inner-membrane
membrane space
Inner Outer membrane
Crista Inner membrane
Matrix Granum
Structure of mitochondria
(Longitudinal section) Sectional view of chloroplast
z Plastids are found in all plant cells and in euglenoids. Based on the
pigments, plastids can be classified into chloroplasts, chromoplasts and
z Chloroplast contain chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments.
z Leucoplast are colourless plastids.
z Amyloplasts store carbohydrates e.g. Potato, Elaioplasts store oils and
fats whereas the aleuroplast store proteins.
z Chloroplast are also double membrane bound structure which has
membranous sac like structure called thylakoids and the matrix is called
stroma. It also contains small, ds circular DNA and ribosomes.
z Carotenoid is fat soluble pigment e.g., Carotene, xanthophyll etc.
z The ribosomes of the chloroplasts (70S) are smaller than cytoplasmic
ribosomes (80S).
z Thylakoids are arranged in stacks called grana (singular-granum). Flat
membranous tubules called the stroma lamellae connecting the thylakoids
of the different grana.
z Stroma contain required enzymes for carbohydrate and protein synthesis.
z Chlorophyll pigments are present in the thylakoids.
z An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous structures present in
the cytoplasm.
z Mechanical support, motility, maintenance of the shape of the cell.
Radial microtuble
Structure of cilia/flagella
z Nucleus as a cell organelle was first described by Robert Brown as early
as 1831. Later, the material of nucleus was given the name chromatin
by Flemming.
67 cell: THe uniT of life
z Interphase nucleus has chromatin, nuclear matrix and nucleolus. Nucleus
has the membranes and the space between two membranes is perinuclear
z Outer membrane usually remains continuous with the endoplasmic
reticulum and also bears ribosomes on it.
z The nuclear matrix or the nucleoplasm contains nucleolus and chromatin.
z During different stages of cell division, cells show structured chromosomes.
Chromatin contains DNA, some basic histones, some non-histones and
some RNA.
z Every chromosome has primary constriction called centromere on the
sides of which disc shaped structures called kinetochores are present.
z Based on the position of centromere, the chromosome can be classified
into four types.
Satellite constriction
Short arm
Short arm
Long arm
z Membrane bound minute vesicles.
z Enzymes are present in both plant and animal cells.
All the carbon compounds that we get from living tissues can be called ‘biomolecules’.
However, living organisms have also got inorganic elements and compounds in them.
Chemical Analysis
Living tissue + Trichloroacetic acid
(Plant tissue/animal (Cl3CCOOH)
tissue/microbial paste)
Thick slurry
Cheese cloth
Organic Organic
Biomicromolecules Biomacromolecules
• Water • M.wt. - 18-800 Da • M.wt. - > 10,000 Da
+ + 2+
• Ions (e.g., Na , K , Ca , • Monomeric form • Polymeric form
2+ 3– 2– E.g., Simple sugars Polysaccharides
Mg , Po4 , So4 , etc.)
Nucleotides Nucleic acids
• Gases
Amino acids Proteins
Lipids (Not a polymer)
Order of element in Earth crust > Si > Ca > Na > Mg > H > C > S > N
Order of element in Human body > C > N > Ca > H > S > Na > Mg > Si
Molecular formula
Analytical technique
Structure of compound
1. Monosaccharides/sugar No. of Carbon 5C 6C
Single unit Formula C5H10O5 C6H12O6
Example Ribose Glucose
Structure HOCH2 O CH2OH
2. Polysaccharides OH OH
Acid-insoluble pool
Long chains of sugars
Linked together by glycosidic bond formed by dehydration
Homopolysaccharides Heteropolysaccharides
Same monomer units Different monomer units
Features Glycogen Starch Inulin Cellulose Chitin
Found in Animals Plants Plants Plants Animals
Function Storage Storage Cell wall Exoskeleton
(Structural) of arthropods
Monomer Glucose Fructose Glucose N-acetyl
Colour with I2 Red Blue No No
Chitin-Building blocks of Glycosamine and N-acetylgalatcosamine
– Complex polysaccharide
– Exoskeleton of arthropods – Homopolymers
• Glycogen Right end is reducing while left end is non-reducing
• Starch hold I2 in helical portion • Cellulose can not hold I2 as no helical portion
• Cotton fibre Cellulose • Paper is made from plant pulp
71 Biomolecules
NUCLEIC ACIDS (Acid Insoluble Fraction)
Polymer of nucleotides
Heterocyclic Nucleoside
Each nucleotide comprises
nitrogenous base Nucleotide
Nitrogenous base Nucleoside Nucleotide
Adenine Adenosine Adenylic acid
2 hydrogen bonds
Phosphodiester bonds
(formed by dehydration)
Ester bond
3 hydrogen bonds
Phospholipid (Lecithin)
Cholesterol have lipid like properties
73 Biomolecules
Organic compounds containing an amino group and an acidic group as
substituents on same carbon i.e., -carbon, hence called -amino acids.
Substituted methane, four substituent groups occupying four valency positions.
Chemical and physical properties of amino acids are essentially of amino,
carboxyl and R-functional groups.
Types of amino acids
I. On the basis of R-group
R-group Amino acids
–H Glycine
–CH3 Alanine
–CH2 – OH Serine
(hydroxy methyl)
Zwitterionic form
(Both positive and negative charge)
75 Biomolecules
Carbonic anhydrase
CO2 + H2O H2CO3
E + S ES EP E + P
‘Altered structural states’
Note: Effect of the competitive inbibitor can be reversed by increasing the concentration of the substrate.
Prosthetic group
Organic, tightly bound to apoenzyme
Haem is prosthetic group for catalase and peroxidase
Co-factor Co-enzyme
Organic, loosely bound to apo-enzyme for transient
period (just during catalysis)
e.g., NAD, NADP (Contain niacin vitamin)
Metal ions
Form coordination bond with active site and one or
more coordination bond with substrate
Zn for carboxypeptidase
Catalytic activity is lost if co-factor is removed
79 Biomolecules
Chapter 10
z All cell reproduce by dividing into two, with each parental cell giving rise
to two daughter cells each time they divide.
z Growth and reproduction are characteristics of cells, indeed of all living
z It is sequence of events by which a cell duplicates its genome, synthesises
the other constituents of the cell and eventually divides into two daughter
z Cell growth results in disturbing the ratio between the nucleus (N) and
cytoplasm (C). It therefore becomes essential for the cell to divide to
restore the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio (N/C).
z Cell growth (in terms of cytoplasmic increase) is a continous process.
z Duration of cell cycle can vary from organism to organims and also from
cell type to cell type.
e.g., Yeast - 90 minutes
Human - 24 hours
Interphase M-phase
z Called resting phase. z Actual cell division phase.
z Cell is preparing for division by z S t a r t s w i t h n u c l e a r d i v i s i o n
undergoing both cell growth and DNA (karyokinesis) and usually ends with
replication in an orderly manner. division of cytoplasm (cytokinesis)
z Lasts more than 95% of the duration
of cell cycle.
M phase
(iii) G2 phase (Gap 2) Anaphase e
as S
taph se
Me pha
Pr G2
z Some cells do not divide further, exit G1 phase to enter an inactive stage
called quiescent stage (G0) of the cell cycle.
G0 z Cells in this stage remain metabolically active but no longer proliferate
unless called on to do so depending on the requirement of the organism.
e.g. Heart cells.
z Most dramatic period of cell cycle.
z Chromosome number in parent and progeny cells is the same hence called
equational division.
z Identical genetic complement in daughter cells.
z Growth of multicellular organisms.
z Cell repair.
z Continuous growth of plants throughout their life.
z In some lower plants and in some social insects, haploid cells also divide
by mitosis.
z Specialised kind of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by
half results in the production of haploid (n) daughter cells.
z Ensures the production of haploid phase in the life cycle of sexually
reproducing organisms.
z Fertilisation restores the diploid phase.
z Meiosis involves two sequential cycles of nuclear division i.e. meiosis I
and meiosis II but only single cycle of DNA replication.
z Meiosis I initiated after parental chromosomes have replicated.
z Four haploid cells are formed at the end of meiosis II.
Prophase I Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
z Conservation of specific chromosome number of each species in sexually
reproducing organisms, results in reduction of chromosome number by
z Increases genetic variability in the population of organisms which is
important for the process of evolution.
Transport in Plants
z In a flowering plant, the substances that would need to be transported are
water, mineral nutrients, organic nutrients and plant growth regulators
z Water and mineral nutrients are taken up by roots and food is synthesised
in the leaves.
z Short-distance movement is through-diffusion, cytoplasmic streaming
and active transport and transport through longer distances is through
vascular system (xylem and phloem) and is called Translocation.
z Transport in xylem is essentially Unidirectional (of water and minerals)
from roots to leaves through the stems.
z Organic and mineral nutrients undergo multidirectional transport.
z From senescent plant parts, nutrients are withdrawn and moved to growing
plants. So, the transport is complex but orderly. Each organ is receiving
some substances and giving out some other.
Outer side Inner side
Outer side of cell of cell
of cell
Membrane Membrane
Uniport A
Antiport A
Symport A
Facilitated diffusion
89 TransPorT in PlanTs
Water is essential for all physiological activities of plant. Because of its high
demand, water is often the limiting factor for plant growth and productivity.
1. Water Potential: Water molecules possess kinetic energy. The greater
the concentration of water in a system, the greater is its kinetic energy
or water potential.
(i) Pure water have greatest water potential.
(ii) Water moves from a system at higher water potential to the one
having low water potential.
(iii) It is denoted by Psi or Ψ and expressed in pascals.
(iv) Water potential of pure water at standard temperature, which is not
under any pressure, is taken as zero.
2. Solute Potential: The magnitude of lowering of water potential due to
dissolution of solute is called solute potential or ΨS.
(i) ΨS is always negative.
(ii) More the solute molecules, the lower ts the ΨS.
3. For a solution at atmospheric pressure.
(Water potential) ΨW = ΨS (Solute potential).
4. Osmotic pressure = – Osmotic potential.
5. Pressure Potential: Pressure builds up in a plant system when water
enters a plant cell due to diffusion, it makes the cell turgid, this increases
the pressure potential.
(i) It ts usually positive.
(ii) Though negative potential or tension, xylem plays a major role in
water transport.
6. Water Potential is affected by both solute and pressure potential.
ΨW = ΨS + ΨP
1. Diffusion of water across a differentially or selectively permeable
2. Net direction and rate of osmosis depends on both pressure gradient
and concentration gradient.
3. Water moves from higher chemical potential to region of lower chemical
potential until equilibrium is reached.
Hand Book (Biology) 90
(a) (b)
1. Special type of diffusion when water is absorbed by solids-colloids
causing them to increase in volume.
2. Water potential gradient between the absorbent and the liquid imbibed
is essential for imbibition.
91 TransPorT in PlanTs
3. For any substance to imbibe any liquid, affinity between the adsorbent
and the liquid is also a pre-requisite.
Example: Absorption of water by seeds and dry wood
= symplast Casparian strip
= apoplast
Guard cell
Diffusion into Stomatal Cell
surrounding air pore
93 TransPorT in PlanTs
3. A C4 plant loses only half as much water as a C3 plant for the same
amount of CO2 fixed.
4. Temperature, light, humidity and wind speed affect transpiration.
5. Plant factors like number and distribution of stomata, water status of
plants, canopy etc. affect transpiration.
(i) Identifies the tissues through which food is transported.
(ii) Shows that phloem is the tissue responsible for food translocation.
(iii) Transport takes place in one direction, i.e., towards the roots.
Tip of stem
(Active transport)
Unloading Living phloem sieve
(Active transport) tube cells
↓ ↓
Builds osmotic pressure
Water from xylem
or stored)
3. Loading and unloading are active processes.
95 TransPorT in PlanTs
Chapter 12
Mineral Nutrition
Macromolecules are required for growth and development.
z In 1860, Julius von Sachs, a prominent German botanist demonstrated for
the first time that plants could be grown to maturity in a defined nutrient
solution in complete absence of soil.
z This technique of growing plants in a nutrient solution is known as
Essential elements can also be grouped into four broad categories on the basis
of their diverse functions. These categories are:
(i) Components of biomolecules and structural elements of cells (C, H, O
and N).
(ii) Components of energy related chemical compounds in plants (Mg in
chlorophyll and P in ATP).
(iii) Activate or inhibit certain enzymes. (Mg2+ activates Rubisco and PEP
case. Zn2+ activate alcohol dehydrogenase and Mo activate nitrogenase).
(iv) Essential elements which alter osmotic potential (K).
z The requirements of micronutrient is always in low amounts while their
moderate decrease causes the deficiency symptoms and a moderate
increase cause toxicity.
z Any mineral ion concentration in tissues that reduces the dry weight of
tissues by about 10 percent is considered toxic.
z Many a times, excess of an element may inhibit the uptake of another
For example, Manganese competes with iron and Mg for uptake and with
Mg for binding with enzymes. Mn also inhibit calcium translocation in
shoot apex.
Mineral salts are translocated through xylem along with the ascending stream
of water, which is pulled up through plant by transpiration pull.
99 mineral nuTriTion
Nitrogen Cycle
Atmospheric N2
Biological Industrial Electrical Denitrification
N2 fixation N2 fixation N2 fixation
Nitrification (Thiobacillus)
Nitrosomonas – –
Soil 'N' Pool
Nitrosococcus Nitrobacter
(Ammonification) (Uptake)
Animal biomass
Bacteria Nitrogen fixation Aerobic/anaerobic
Azotobacter Free living Aerobic
Beijerinckia Free living Aerobic
Bacillus Free living Anaerobic
Clostridium Free living Anaerobic
Rhodospirillum Free living Anaerobic
Nodule formation involves a sequence of multiple interactions between
Rhizobium and roots of host plant.
z Rhizobia multiply, colonise the surroundings of the roots and get attached
to epidermal and root hair cells. Root hair curls and bacteria invade the
root hair.
z An infection thread is produced carrying the bacterial into the cortex of
the root where they initiate nodule formation in the cortex.
z The nodule thus formed, establishes a direct vascular connection with
the host for exchange of nutrients.
Soil Hook
Root hair
Bacteria thread
Bacteria Inner cortex and Mature nodule
pericycle cells
under division
Rhizobium and Frankia live as aerobes under free living condition but
as symbionts during nitrogen fixing events they become anaerobic.
The ammonia synthesis by nitrogenase requires a very high input of energy 8
ATP for each NH3 produced.
N2 + 8e– + 8H+ + 16ATP → 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi
At physiological pH, the ammonia is protonated to form NH+4 ions while most
of the plants can assimilate nitrate as well as ammonia ions, the latter is quite
toxic to plants and hence cannot accumulate in them.
z NH+4 is used to synthesize amino acids in plants by two ways:
The two most important amides - Asparagine and glutamine found in plants,
are a structural part of proteins. The are formed from two amino acids namely
aspartic and glutamic acid respectively.
Amides contain more nitrogen than amino acids, they are transported to
other parts of the plant via xylem vessels. Nodules of some plants like
soyabean export fixed nitrogen as ureides (High N : C ratio).
Photosynthesis in
Higher Plants
z Photosynthesis is a physico-chemical process by which plants use light
energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds.
z Photosynthesis is important due to two reasons:
(a) Primary source of all food on earth.
(b) Responsible for the release of oxygen into the atmosphere.
(1) Joseph Priestley
Using a burning candle, a mouse, mint plant and a bell jar for closed space,
hypothesised that plants restore to the air whatever burning candles or
breathing animals remove.
(2) Jan Ingenhousz
In an elegant experiment with an aquatic plant, showed that in bright
sunlight, plants produce oxygen.
(3) Julius von Sachs
Found that glucose is made in green plant parts and stored as starch.
(4) T.W. Engelmann
Using a prism, green alga Cladophora and aerobic bacteria, described
the action spectrum of photosynthesis, which roughly resembles the
absorption spectrum of chlorophyll- a and b.
(5) Cornelius van Niel (Work on Purple and Green Bacteria)
Demonstrated that photosynthesis is essentially a light dependent reaction
in which hydrogen from suitable oxidisable compound reduces CO2 to
H2A + CO2 D 2A + CH2O + H2O
H2O, the hydrogen donor in green plants is oxidised to O2.
H2S is hydrogen donor for purple & green sulphur bacteria.
The oxidation product is sulphur or sulphate in purple & green sulphur
bacteria and not O2.
6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2
(By using Radio isotopic technique)
Membranous System Stroma
(Grana + Stroma lamellae) Enzymatic reactions to synthesise sugar,
Responsible for trapping light & which in turn forms starch, takes place.
synthesis of ATP and NADPH. Dependent on products of light reactions
Directly light driven, called Light (ATP & NADPH).
Reaction (photochemical reactions) By convention called Dark Reactions
(Carbon reactions).
z Light reactions or the photochemical phase include:
(a) Light absorption
(b) Water splitting
(c) Oxygen release
(d) ATP and NADPH formation
105 PHoTosynTHesis in HigHer PlanTs
LHC-I (Hundred of pigments) LHC-II
z Z-scheme (due to its characteristic shape): Whole scheme of transfer of
electrons starting from PS-II → uphill to the acceptor → down the ETC to
PS-I → Excitation of electrons → transfer to another acceptor → finally
downhill → NADP+ → reducing to NADPH + H+.
z This shape is formed when all the carriers are placed in a sequence on a
redox potential scale.
z PS-II continuously supplies electrons which becomes available by splitting
of water.
z Water splitting complex is associated with PS-II, which itself is
physically located on inner side of membrane of thylakoid.
z H2O → 2H+ + [O] + 2e–
z Calvin cycle occurs in all photosynthetic plants whether they have C3 or
C4 (or any other) pathways.
z Calvin cycle can be described under three stages.
(1) Carboxylation: Most crucial step.
RuBP 2 × 3 – PGA
(5C) (3C)
CO2 + H2O
6CO2 1 Glucose
18ATP 18 ADP
12 NADPH2 12 NADP+
z RuBisCo, the most abundant enzyme in the world, has the active site that
can bind to both CO2 and O2. This binding is competitive and depends on
the concentration of O2 and CO2.
z RuBisCo, has a much greater affinity for CO2, when the CO2: O2 is nearly
equal than for O2.
z In C3-plants, some O2 does bind to RuBisCO and hence CO2 fixation is
decreased, due to the following reaction.
RuBP + O2 3 PGA (3C) + 2 phosphoglycolate (2C)
Light intensity
Respiration in Plants
● All living organisms need energy for carrying out daily life activities
like absorption, transport, movement, reproduction or even breathing.
● All the energy required for ‘life’ processes is obtained by oxidation
of macromolecules called food.
● Cellular respiration: Mechanism of breakdown of food material
within the cell to release energy and trapping it for synthesis of ATP.
The process takes place in the cytoplasm and in the mitochondria.
● Respiratory substrates: Compounds that are oxidised during this
process like carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even organic acids.
● The process involves a series of slow step-wise reactions controlled
by enzymes and the released energy is trapped as chemical energy
in the form of ATP which is broken down whenever and wherever
energy needs to be utilised.
● Plants have stomata and lenticels to ensure O2 availability.
● A very little transport of gases from one plant part to another.
● Roots, stems and leaves respire at rates far lower than animals do.
● Complete combustion of glucose produces CO2 and H2O as end
products and yields energy in the form of heat.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy
● Plants oxidise glucose in several small steps and energy released is
coupled to ATP Synthesis.
● Facultative and obligate anaerobes can respire in absence of O2.
● Greek-glycos = sugar and lysis = splitting
● Scheme given by Embden, Meyerhof and Parnas, referred as
● In anaerobic organisms, it is the only process in respiration.
● Occurs in cytoplasm and present in all living organisms.
● Glucose Partial oxidation 2 Pyruvic acid
● In plants, glucose comes from Sucrose (the end product of
photosynthesis) or from storage carbohydrates.
● Sucrose Invertase Glucose + Fructose (enter the glycolytic
pathway readily).
● In glycolysis, a chain of ten reactions produces pyruvate from
glucose by the help of different enzymes.
● In glycolysis, 2 ATP are utilised and total 4 ATP, 2 NADH + H+ and
2 molecules of pyruvic acid are produced.
● Pyruvic acid is the key product of glycolysis and its metabolic fate
depends on cellular need.
Pyruvic Acid
Three major fates
Fructose1, 6-bisphosphate
2 × 2-phosphoglycerate
2 × phosphoenolpyruvate
2 × Pyruvic acid
● In eukaryotes, it takes place in mitochondria. Leads to complete
oxidation of organic substances, in the presence of oxygen and
releases CO2, water and a large amount of energy.
● Most common in higher organisms.
● For aerobic respiration to take place within mitochondria, the final
product of glycolysis (Pyruvic acid) is transported into mitochondria
from cytoplasm.
● Crucial events of aerobic respiration are:
Complete oxidation of pyruvic acid – site = Mitochondrial matrix.
ETS and synthesis of ATP – site = Inner mitochondrial membrane.
CO 2
Acetyl coenzyme A
2 C
a d
Oxaloacetic acid
( )
(4C) Citric acid
H +
(6C) CO 2
+ N AD+
c acid
α-ketoglutaric acid
Malic acid 5
C 2
N H+
FAD+ Succinic acid GD
Glucose 6-phosphate
Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate
Dihydroxy Acetone Glyceraldehyde
Phosphate 3-phosphate
Pyruvic acid
Acetyl CoA
H2O Co2
Ubiquinone cyt bc1 (complex III)
(reduced ubiquinone)
Complex IV cyt c
(Cytochrome c oxidase) (Mobile carrier)
NADH + H –
4H +
(Fe-S) FMN 2e –
Complex I
e– (NADH dehydrogenase)
UQH2 e–
Complex III
+ Cyt C1
4H Fe-S Cyt b (Cytochrome bc1)
F0 ADP + Pi
Synthase ATP
+ Complex V
+ Electochemical
+ (ATP Synthase)
+ gradient
● Glucose is the preferred substrate, though fats and protein can also
yield energy.
● Fermentation takes place in many prokaryotes, unicellular eukaryotes
and in germinating seeds.
● In aerobic respiration, O2 is ultimate electron acceptor and it gets
reduced to water.
● Oxidative Phosphorylation : Process of ATP formation when
electrons are transferred by electron carriers from NADH2 or FADH2
to oxygen.
● Development of a mature plant from a zygote follows a precise and
highly ordered succession of events.
● Development is the sum of two processes: Growth and
● Irreversible permanent increase in size of an organ or its parts or
even an individual cell.
● Accompanied by metabolic processes and occur at the expense of
● Plants retain the capacity of unlimited growth throughout their life
due to presence of meristem at certain locations in their body.
● This form of growth wherein new cells are always being added to
the plant body by the activity of meristem is called open form of
growth (Indeterminate).
● Primary growth: Root apical meristem and shoot apical meristem
are responsible for it i.e., elongation along their axis.
● Secondary growth: In dicotyledonous plants and gymnosperms, the
lateral meristems like vascular cambium and cork-cambium, which
appear later in life and cause increase in girth of the organs.
● Growth is measurable: At cellular level, it is principally a
consequence of increase in amount of protoplasm.
The period of growth is generally divided into three phases Meristematic,
Elongation & Maturation.
(i) The constantly dividing cells at root apex and shoot apex represent
meristematic phase of growth.
(ii) Cells proximal to the tip represent phase of elongation.
(iii) More proximal to the phase of elongation is phase of maturation.
Increased growth per unit time is termed as growth rate (Arithmetic or
(a) Arithmetic growth: Following mitotic cell division, only one daughter
cell continues to divide while the other differentiates and matures.
So, a linear curve is obtained e.g., Root elongating at a constant rate.
Lt = L0 + rt
Lt = Length at time ‘t’
L0 = Length at time ‘zero’
r = Growth rate/elongation per unit time.
Linear growth
Sigmoid growth (S-shaped curve)
Stationary phase
Height of the plant
● Development includes all changes that an organism goes through
during its life cycle from germination of seed to senescence.
Sequence of developmental process in a plant cell
Cell Division Death
● Plants follow different pathways in response to environment or
phases of life to form different kinds of structures.
● Heterophylly in cotton, coriander and larkspur leaves of the juvenile
plant are different in shape from those in mature plants.
● Environmental heterophylly in buttercup is also an example of
plasticity which shows difference in shape of leaves produced in air
and water.
Some plants require a periodic exposure to light to induce flowering:
(a) Long-day plants: Require light period exceeding well-defined critical
(b) Short-day plants: Require light less than critical period.
(c) Day-neutral plants: No such co-relation between exposure to light
duration and induction of flowering response.
The site of perception of light/dark duration are the leaves.
● Vernalisation is either qualitative or quantitative exposure to low
temperature for flowering in some plants.
● It prevents reproductive development late in the growing season and
enables the plant to have sufficient time to reach maturity.
● Wheat, barley, rye have winter and spring varieties.
● Biennials like sugarbeet, cabbages, carrots to cold treatment
stimulates a subsequent photoperiodic flowering response.
● Development in plants can be under intrinsic and extrinsic control,
intrinsic can be intra-cellular (Genetic) or inter-cellular (PGR).
● In plants, growth and even differentiation is also open, as cells and
tissues of same meristem have different structure at maturity.
● PGRs can be having complimentary or antagonistic role, which can
be individualistic or synergistic.
Digestion and
• Vestibule – Narrow space in the mouth that is bound by lips, cheeks and teeth.
• Epiglottis (cartilaginous ap) prevents the entry of food into the glottis
(opening of trachea/wind pipe) during swallowing.
• Sphincters are muscular structures that regulate the ow of partially
digested food in the alimentary canal.
○ Stomach ○ Oblique muscle layer is present.
○ Irregular folds of mucosa called Rugae.
○ Small intestine ○ Finger like foldings of mucosa called villi.
○ Cells lining villi produce microscopic projections called
microvilli giving brush border appearance.
○ Thecodont – Each tooth is embedded in socket of jaw bone.
○ Heterodont – Different types: Incisor (I), Canine (C),
Premolar (PM), Molar (M)
○ Diphyodont – 2 sets of teeth during life
• A set of temporary/milk/deciduous teeth which are replaced by a set of
permanent/adult teeth
Teeth in each half of upper jaw 2 1 2 3
Dental formula = Teeth in each half of lower jaw = 2 1 2 3 × 2 = 32
2 1 0 2
Dentition formula of temporary teeth =
2 1 0 2 × 2 = 20
Glands Location pH Secretion Contents Function
(1–1.5 L) Mucus Lubrication and adhering of
Salivary Glands Outside buccal 6.8 Saliva/ masticated food into bolus
cavity salivary + +
Electrolytes-Na , K , Act as buffering agents
1 Pair – Parotids largest Cheek juice into – –
1 Pair – Submaxillary/ Lower jaw oral cavity Cl , HCO3
Submandibular Lysozymes Antibacterial agent, prevent infections
1 Pair – Sublinguals smallest Below tongue Salivary amylase Carbohydrate splitting enzyme
or Ptyalin
Gastric glands Mucosa of 1.8 Gastric Mucus Mucus + Pepsinogen + Hydrochloric acid
stomach juice in Lubrication and protection of mucosal
stomach epithelium from excoriation by HCl
○ Mucus neck cells
Active form
○ Peptic/chief cells Pepsinogen Protein digestion
Active form
Prorennin Digestion of milk proteins
Lipase Fat digestion
Sphincter of Oddi
Site of
Juice Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Nucleic Acids
Salivary — — —
Saliva Buccal cavity (30%) Starch amylase Maltose
Absorption is the process by which the end products of digestion (in the form
of small units) pass through intestinal mucosa into the blood or lymph.
The digested food is absorbed into the body through the epithelial lining of the
intestinal villi of jejunum and ileum.
Enterocyte Protein
Fatty acid Fatty acid Lacteals
+ + in villi
Incorporate into
Glycerol Glycerol Triglyceride
Micelles/ Indirectly
+ + absorted
small droplet
Bile salts Triglyceride in blood
Lumen of
Chylomicron Blood stream
small intestine
Method Mechanism Examples
Directly absorbed
○ Passive: Simple ○ Glucose, amino acids, Cl ions
(Along diffusion
into blood
concentration gradient) Facilitated ○ Glucose, amino acids
○ No energy required transport
Osmosis ○ Water
○ Active (uphill transport): +
(Against concentration gradient) ○ Glucose, amino acids, Na ions
○ Energy is required
The digested end Food
products formed
in duodenum are
absorbed and nally Digested
food Maximum
reach the tissues Alimentary absorption
which utilise them in small Blood
canal Undigested and Assimilation
for their activities. intestine
unabsorbed food
This process is Body
called assimilation. cells
Breathing and
Exchange of Gases
Atmospheric oxygen CO2 produced by cells
Based on Organism Mechanism
Sponges, coelenterates atworms Simple diffusion
Habitats Earthworm, Frog Moist skin
Insects Tracheal tubes
Levels of organisation Aquatic arthropods, molluscs, sh Branchial/Gills
Amphibians, reptiles, mammals Pulmonary/lungs
(Elastic cartilage
that covers glottis
during swallowing)
Larynx (Voice box)
Bronchus Trachea
(Divides at 5 thoracic vertebra)
Primary bronchi
Conducting zone Respiratory zone
Humidication of air Exchange of gases O2 and
Transport of air CO2 between blood and
Traps dust present in inhaled air atmospheric air
Bring air to body temperature
Dorsally by the vertebral column
Ventrally by the sternum
Thoracic Chamber
Laterally by ribs
Lower side by dome shaped diaphragm
Any change in the volume of the thoracic cavity will be reected
in the lung (Pulmonary cavity).
Lungs, enclosed in an anatomically air tight thoracic chamber; essential for
breathing as we cannot alter pulmonary volumes directly.
Movement of air follows the pressure gradient.
Specialised set of structures involved in breathing:
Air entering lungs Air expelled from lungs
Ribs and
Ribs and
Volume of returned to
(ventral) Volume of
thorax original
raised thorax
increase position
cage Diaphragm
Vertebrae relaxed
Diaphragm (Dorsal)
contracted and arched
(Posterior) upwards
(a) (b)
Fig.: Mechanism of breathing showing: (a) Inspiration (b) Expiration
Normal rate of breathing 12-16 times/minute in adult human
Inspiration Expiration
Intrapulmonary pressure Low High
Pressure in the lungs w.r.t. atmosphere –ve +ve
Shape of diaphragm Flat Dome-shaped
5. Cellular respiration 40 45
Squamous Air
The thinner the membrane involved in of alveolar wall
(one-celled thick)
diffusion, the faster is the diffusion of substance
gases. cavity Endothelium
of blood
Total thickness of the respiratory Blood
capillary Red blood cell
membrane is less than a millimetre.
Fig.: A Diagram of a section of an
alveolus with a pulmonary capillary.
volume/forceful 3000 + ERV
3. Expiratory reserve ERV - 1000- FRC = ERV + RV
volume/forceful 1100
4. Residual volume/air RV - 1100- EC = TV + ERV
left in lungs after 1200
forceful exhalation.
Lungs Blood Tissue
Oxygen dissociation curve
Percentage saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen
○ Comprises globin and heme.
○ Globin – Protein molecule
○ Heme – Prosthetic group
– Imparts red colour
○ Fe present in the centre of
each Heme.
Diseases Affected Area Characteristics
Asthma Inammation of bronchi, Wheezing sound
Emphysema Alveolar wall damage in Respiratory surface
chronic cigarette smokers area decreased
Occupational Lungs Fibrosis and
respiratory lungs damage
Shape of
Function Involved in Resist infections, Involved in immune
inammatory associated with Phagocytic in action response of body
reactions allergic reactions
• RBCs are biconcave and enucleated in most mammals.
• Platelets are cell fragments of megakaryocytes.
• Graveyard of RBCs - spleen.
• Basophils secrete heparin, histamine, serotonin.
In response to injury/trauma, clotting prevents loss of blood from body.
Injured tissue
Release Formation of Thrombokinase
chemicals (Cascade (enzyme complex)
(Thrombo- process)
plastin) Prothrombin Fibrinogens
Thrombins Fibrins + entangled
Ca ions play an important role in clotting. formed
Vitamin K helps in the conversion of inactive clotting elements
factors to active clotting factors. (Coagulam/reddish
Clotting factors in blood are in inactive form. brown clot)
Serum = Plasma – Clotting factors
Layers in wall
Name Position Composition
Tunica externa Outermost Fibrous connective tissue & collagen bres
Tunica media Middle Smooth muscle & elastic bres
Tunica intima Innermost Squamous endothelium
Artery Vein
Tunica media Thick Thin
Lumen Narrow Wide
Circulation Heart Different part of body Different part of body Heart
Oxygenation Oxygenated Deoxygenated
Valves Absent Present
ABO grouping Based on Rh grouping
+ve –ve
Parameter Natural Natural Parameter Rh Rh
Antigen Antibodies
Definition Chemicals Proteins Rh factor Yes No
that induce produced
Present On RBC No
immune in response
response to antigens
Present On RBC In plasma
Type A, B Anti-A, B
Blood group and Rh factor compatibility of donor and recipient is done before
transfusion to avoid agglutination of RBCs.
Open Closed
Sinuses Present Absent
Regulation of blood flow Improper Proper
Examples Arthropods, molluscs Annelids, chordates
(Oxygenated blood)
Mesodermally derived organ present in between lungs, muscular, chambered,
tilted to left.
Protected by double walled, membranous bag–Pericardium with
pericardial fluid.
2 upper, smaller–Auricles
4 chambers
2 lower, larger–Ventricles
Double circulation Right ventricle Pulmonary
artery Lungs Pulmonary
veins Left
No mixing of Systemic: auricle
deoxygenated and
Aorta Vena cava
oxygenated blood Left ventricle Tissues Right
occurs auricle
Hepatic portal
Hepatic portal circulation – Digestive tract vein Liver
Coronary circulation – Blood ow to and from the cardiac musculature
Sequential events in Atrial systole (2)
the heart which are SAN generates action potentials
cyclically repeated. (1) Joint
diastole Ventricular systole (3)
Heart beat rate = 72
beats/min. AV node, AV bundles, bundle of His
transmit the action potentials further
Duration of 1 heart
beat = 0.8 sec. Events of 1 cardiac cycle
Location/Structure Joint Diastole Atrial Systole Ventricular Systole
Auricle Relax, lling Contract, increase Relax
ow of blood into
ventricles by 30%
Ventricle Relax Relax Contract, throw
out 70 ml of
Stroke volume
Tri & Bicuspid Open Open Closed, 1st heart
valves sound Lub
Semilunar valves Closed, 2nd heart Closed Closed
sound Dub
• Heart sounds (Lub & dub) can be heard by Stethoscope and have clinical
diagnostic signicance.
• Cardiac output = Stroke volume × Heart rate = 70 × 72 = 5040 ~ 5 litres
• Cardiac output of athletes is higher than a normal man.
• Stroke volume = EDV – ESV
• Number of QRS complexes in a given time period, determine the heart beat
rate of an individual.
• End of T-wave marks the end of systole.
• Any deviation in ECG indicates a possible abnormality or disease e.g., ECG
machine makes sound pip---pip---pee as patient goes into cardiac arrest.
Disease Effects
Cardiac arrest Heart stops beating.
Heart failure Heart is not pumping blood effectively enough to
meet needs of body.
Atherosclerosis/(CAD) Deposit of Ca2+, fats, cholesterol in blood vessels
Coronary artery disease that makes arterial lumen narrower.
High blood pressure Repeated check of blood pressure of an individual
140/90, leads to heart diseases and also affects
vital organs like brain and kidneys.
Angina pectoris/ Not enough oxygen is reaching heart muscles.
acute chest pain It affects blood ow. Common in middle aged
and elderly.
Heart attack Heart muscle is suddenly damaged by an
inadequate blood supply.
Metabolism Excess ingestion
Results in accumulation of
Nitrogenous wastes – NH2, urea, uric acid
+ + – 3– 2–
Other contents – CO2, H2O, ions (Na , K , Cl , PO4 , SO4 )
Nature of nitrogenous waste formed and their excretion vary among animals
depending on the habitat/availability of water.
Major Nature & Toxicity Typical
nitrogenous Examples and water
waste required
Ammonia Ammonotelic Maximum ○ Diffusion through
○ Aquatic insects gills surface or
○ Many bony shes body surface as
○ Aquatic amphibians ammoium (NH4 ) ions
Urea Ureotelic Lesser ○ Kidneys lter
○ Marine shes urea from blood
○ Many terrestrial
○ Mammals
Uric acid Uricotelic Least ○ Pellet/Paste
○ Land snails (Semi-solid)
○ Insects
○ Reptiles
○ Birds
Process of release of urine CNS (voluntary signals)
Mechanism - Micturition reflex Send motor messages
Urimary bladder
Urinary bladder (Store urine) Smooth muscles contract
Activates Urethral sphincters relax
signals Release
Stretch receptors
Functional unit of kidney Nearly 1 million complex tubular structure
Each nephron has two parts—(i) Glomerulus (ii) Renal tubule
Efferent arteriole (Narrow)
Afferent arteriole (Short, wide) (Carry the blood from glomeruli)
(Carry blood to glomeruli)
Glomerulus Peritubular copillaries
Malpighian body/
Renal corpuscle Proximal convoluted
Distal convoluted
Descending limb
Henle’s loop of loop Henle
shaped) Ascending limb
of loop Henle
Vasa recta Collecting duct
- Branch of Peritubular
- Parallel to loop of Henle
- U-shaped Types of Nephron
• Many DCTs open into straight tube called collecting duct, many of which
converge into renal pelvis through medullary pyramids in the calyces.
Glomerular process
1. filtration
180 L ltrate/day
Tubular Tubular
2. reabsorption 3. secretion
Nearly 99% of ltrate ○ H+, K+ and ammonia
get reabsorbed secreted into trate
by renal tubules ○ Maintains ionic and
acid base balance
Active Passive
process process Urine
○ Glucose, Na +
○ Nitrogenous 1-1.5 L/day
amino acid wastes, H2O
Renal Artery
Glomerular ltrate
(Plasma except proteins)
1200 mOsm/L
• Lined by simple cuboidal brush border epithelium.
• Nearly all essential nutrients, 70-80% electrolytes and water are reabsorbed.
• Major site of reabsorption & for selective secretion.
ANF mechanism acts as a check on Renin-Angiotensin mechanism (RAAS)
Locomotion and
Type Structure Examples and functions
Amoeboid Pseudopodia involve ○ Leucocytes, macrophages,
microlaments and Amoeba
streaming of protoplasm
Ciliary Cilia ○ Removing dust particles from
○ Passage of ova through female
reproductive tract
Flagellar Flagella ○ Maintenance of water current
in canal system of sponges
○ Locomotion in Euglena
○ Swimming of spermatozoa
Muscular Muscles ○ Movement of limbs, jaws, tongue
○ Running, walking, climbing, ying
• All locomotions are movements but all movements are not locomotion.
• Paramoecium - Cilia helps in movement of food through cytopharynx
and in locomotion as well.
• Hydra - Tentacles are used for capturing of prey & also for
• Locomotion requires a perfect coordinated activity of muscular, skeletal
and neural systems.
Muscle tissue: Mesodermal in origin.
40-50% of body weight of a human adult is contributed by muscles.
Properties: ○ Excitability ○ Contractility ○ Extensibility ○ Elasticity
Many cardiac muscle cells assemble in branching pattern to form a
cardiac muscle.
Basis Location Appearance Regulation Example
1. Skeletal Striated Voluntary Muscles of limbs
Classification 2. Visceral Non-striated/ Involuntary Inner walls of
of muscles smooth visceral organs
3. Cardiac Striated Involuntary Muscles of heart
Muscle bre [Anatomically
(muscle cell) unit of Muscle]
○ Mask active binding sites for
F-actin (2 strands) myosin on actin laments
Contraction of muscle bre takes place by the sliding of the thin filaments
over the thick filaments.
Ca2+ binds to troponin subunit (Troponin C), change in its conrmation and
unmask active site for myosin binding on actin lament
Cycle repeats
Signicant role in movement shown by the body.
Framework of 206 bones & few cartilages.
Principle division ○ Appendicular skeleton ○ Axial skeleton
Axial skeleton (Bones-80)
Bones distributed along main axis
Structure Bones No. Name of bones Typical feature or
included basic function
1 Cranium 8 1-Frontal 1-Occipital -Protect brain
13 2 2-Parietal 1-Ethmoid -Articulates with
4 2-Temporal 1-Sphenoid superior region
12 5
6 of vertebral
11 7 column by 2
10 8 occipital
1. Frontal bone (Dicondylic skull)
2. Sphenoid bone
3. Ethmoid bone Facial 14 2-Nasal 1-Mandible -Form front part
4. Lacrimal bone 2-Lacrimal 2-Maxilla of skull
5. Nasal bone 2-Zygomatic 5-Others
6. Zygomatic bone
7. Maxilla Hyoid 1 1-U-shaped -Present at the
8. Mandible base of buccal
9. Hyoid bone cavity
10. Occipital condyle
11. Occipital bone
Ear 6 2-Malleus -Present in the
12. Temporal bone ossicles 2-Incus middle ear
13. Parietal bone 2-Stapes
Coxal bone
Half of girdle
bone Pubus
(Between (longest
2nd & 7th bone) Thigh
ribs) Humerus
Radius Tibia
Ulna Fibula
They are essential for all types of movements involving bony parts of the body.
Point of contact between bones or bones and cartilages.
Force generated by muscle is used to carry out movement through joint, where
joint acts as fulcrum.
Types of joints:
Disease Causes Impact
Myasthenia Autoimmunity ○ Affect neuromuscular junction
gravis ○ Fatigue, weakening and paralysis
of skeletal muscles
Muscular Genetic ○ Progressive degeneration of
dystrophy skeletal muscles
Tetany Low Ca2+ in ○ Rapid spasms in muscle
body uid (wild contractions)
Arthritis ○ Inammation of joints
Gout Accumulation of ○ Inammation of joints
uric acid crystals
Osteoporosis Age related ○ Decreased bone mass, increased
decreased levels chances of fracture
of estrogen
Coordination is the process through which two or more organs interact and
complement the functions of one another to maintain homeostasis in our body.
The neural system and the endocrine system jointly coordinate and integrate
all the activities of the organs so that they function in a synchronised fashion.
Neurons can detect, receive & transmit stimulus
○ Hydra – Network of neurons
○ Insects – Organised neural system with brain and ganglia
○ Vertebrates – Well developed neural system
○ Brain & spinal cord ○ All nerves of body from brain and spinal cord
○ Nerve fibres of PNS
Afferent Efferent
Send impulses from Transmit impulses from CNS
tissues/organs to CNS to peripheral tissues/organs
Impulse generated at a site arrives at another site and same sequence is
repeated along the length of axon.
Current ows in a circuit when it moves from A to B site.
Flow of charge is from A B
Brain is central information processing organ of the body.
○ Major part of brain
○ Cleft divides it longitudinally into right & left cerebral
hemispheres, connected by corpus callosum
○ Major coordinating centre for sensory & motor signaling
○ Lies at base of thalamus
Brain stem
○ Has various centres for controlling body temperature, urge
- Midbrain
for eating and drinking
- Pons
○ Several groups of neuro secretory cell which secretes hormones
- Medulla
Regions in cerebral Appearance Composition
hemisphere Hindbrain Fig. Sagittal section of human brain
○ Outer/cortex Grey Concentrated cell bodies Pons
○ Inner White Myelinated nerve bres
○ Fibrous tract that connects different regions of the brain
Cerebellum (little brain)
Sense organ Sense Features associated
Nose (single) Smell ○ Mucus coated olfactory epithelium having three
types of cells.
○ Neurons extend directly into bean sized olfactory
bulb that are extensions of limbic system.
Tongue (single) Taste ○ Input from taste buds is conveyed to the brain and a
complex avour of food or drink is perceived
The chemical senses of gustation (taste) and olfactory (smell) are functionally
similar and inter related as they detect dissolved chemicals.
The wall of the eyeball is Middle layer (Choroid)
composed of three layers: Anterior, opaque, pigmented, visible coloured
○ External portion of the eye
○ Middle Regulates the diameter of pupil through its
○ Inner muscle fibres
Ciliary Thick anteriorly
body Holds the lens in place through ligaments
Thin over posterior 2/3 part
Contains many blood vessels and looks bluish
Outer Photoreceptor cells
Between cornea and lens Retina Types: Rods & cones
(Thin watery uid) (Inner
Vitreous chamber Middle Bipolar cells
Aqueous chamber (Lens & Retina) layer) Inner Ganglion cells
Transparent gel
External Layer Lens Fovea Only cones are densely packed
Anatomical Outer Ear Middle Ear Internal Ear
Divisions Pinna + Ear canal Malleus Incus Stapes Labyrinths
Temporal M I S
Components: Pinna bone Vestibular
○ Fine hair and wax
glands are present Cochlea
in their skin
○ Pinna gathers/ Cochlea
collects the nerve
vibrations in
Eustachian tube
the air
○ Connects middle
External auditory ear cavity to the
meatus/canal pharynx
extends inwards Tympanic membrane ○ Equalises pressure
upto tympanum (eardrum) on either side of
• Tympanic
Connective tissue covered with skin on the outside
membrane is
Mucus membrane on the inside
composed of
• Ear ossicles Arranged in a chain (M I S)
– Structural Malleus is attached to tympanum
details Stapes is attached to the oval window
– Function Increase efficiency of transmission of sound
waves to the inner ear
Auditory Perilymph
nerve Induce
Hair cells of
Afferent Generates Bend Ripples in the
impulses in cochlea against
transmitted neurons basilar membrane
further to
tectorial membrane
Chemical Coordination
and Integration
Significance: As the nerve fibres do not innervate all cells of the body and the
cellular functions need to be continuous regulated, hence the role of endocrine
system (carried out by hormones) is integrated with neural system.
Hypothalamic neurons
Hypothalamus Connected through
Connected through stalk but not via
portal circulation
Portal circulation
Posterior pituitary
Anterior pituitary
Stores and releases
hypothalamic hormons
Adenohypophysis Neurohypophysis
Hormones of Pituitary Basic Function
Growth hormone (GH) Growth of body
Thyroid stimulating Synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones
hormone (TSH) by thyroid gland
Adrenocorticotropic Synthesis and secretion of steroid hormones
hormone (ACTH) from adrenal cortex
Follicle stimulating Male – Regulates spermatogenesis with
hormone (FSH) androgens
Female – Stimulates growth and development
Gonadotrophins (stimulate of ovarian follicles
gonadal activity) FSH+LH
Oxytocin ○ Acts on smooth muscles and stimulates their
○ Stimulates vigorous contractions of uterus at
the time of child birth
○ Milk ejection from mammary glands
Vasopressin/ADH/Anti- ○ Acts at kidney and stimulates resorption of
diuretic hormone water and electrolytes by the distal tubules
○ Reduces loss of water through urine
Disease Age Cause Symptoms
Pituitary – Hyposecretion Stunted growth
dwarfism of GH
Gigantism – Hypersecretion Abnormal growth
of GH of the body
Acromegaly Middle Hypersecretion Severe disfigurement
age of GH especially of face
Diabetes – Hyposecretion Diminished ability of the kidney
insipidus of ADH to conserve water leading to
water loss and dehydration
Serious complications of hypersecretion of GH in middle age can leads to
premature death if unchecked. The disease is hard to diagnose in early stages
and often goes undetected for many years, until changes in external features
become noticeable.
Location: Dorsal side of forebrain
Hormone released: Melatonin
Basic functions
○ Regulate 24 hours diurnal rhythm of our body (sleep wake cycle)
○ Influence body metabolism, temperature, pigmentation, menstrual cycle
and defense capabilities
Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
• Iodine deficiency in diet during • Cancer of the thyroid gland
pregnancy and after birth • Development of nodules of the
thyroid gland
1. Goitre: Enlargement of thyroid
gland 1. Exopthalmic goitre or
2. Cretinism: Stunted growth, mental Graves’ disease:
retardation, low intelligence quotient • Enlargement of thyroid gland
abnormal skin and deaf-mutism • Protrusion of eyeballs
3. In adult women, menstrual cycle • Increase in BMR and weight loss
can become irregular
One pair located on anterior part of kidney
Adrenal cortex Hormone Functions
Pancreas: A composite gland whose main hormones is to maintain glucose
Endocrine part Exocrine part
Classification of Hormones
Fig.: Mechanism of action of a steroid hormone Based on chemical nature Fig.: Mechanism of action of a protein hormone
Results in
physiological and developmental effects
Chapter 1
Reproduction in Organisms
Parameters Asexual Sexual
Number of parents One (uniparental) One (Uniparental) - Taenia or Two
(Biparental) - Periplaneta
Gamete formation Yes Yes
Gamete fusion No Yes
Type of cell division Mitotic Meiotic and mitotic
Conditions for occurrence Mostly favourable Both favourable and unfavourable
Nature of offsprings Identical to parent Mostly non-identical offsprings
Examples Hydra, Planaria Pheretima
Simple process Contributes to evolution significantly
through genetic recombination
Advantage Rapid/faster High adaptability
Parameters Asexual Sexual
No contribution to Elaborate
evolution as genetic Complex
Disadvantages recombination/crossing Expensive
over is absent
Low adaptability Slower process
Absence of gamete fusion/syngamy.
Female gamete develops into new organism without fertilisation
Examples: Rotifers, honey bees, some lizards, birds (turkey).
Sexual Reproduction
Remarkable fundamental similarity occur in process of sexual reproduction
among different organisms despite different structures for reproduction.
Reproductive processes and associated behaviours are regulated by hormones
and environmental factors.
Events Associated
Pre-fertilisation events
(a) Gametogenesis
(b) Gamete transfer
3 RepRoduction in oRganisms
Formation of gametes
Meiocytes: Gamete forming diploid cells/gamete mother cells.
Gametes are haploid in nature i.e. receive only one set of chromosomes at
the end of meiosis.
A haploid parent produces gametes by mitotic divisions (Monerans, Fungi,
Algae, Bryophytes).
A diploid parent produces haploid gametes by meiosis (Pteridophytes,
Gymnosperm and Angiosperm)
Name of organism Chromosome number Chromosome number
in meiocyte (2n) in gamete (n)
Humans 46 23
House fly 12 6
Rat 42 21
Dog 78 39
Cat 38 19
Fruit fly 8 4
Butterfly 380 190
Types of gametes
(Basis: Morphological and physiological difference)
Heterogametes Homogametes/Isogametes
Different (Fucus) Same (Cladophora)
Parameters Female Male
Size Big Small
Motility No Yes
Chromosome number Same Same
Food storage Yes No
Number Less More
Hand Book (Biology) 4
Types of organisms
Bisexual (Hermaphrodite) Unisexual
Homothallic and monoecious used Heterothallic and dioecious used for
for plants plants
Leech Cockroach
Earthworm Papaya and date palm
Cucurbits, Chara and Coconut
Gamete transfer: Enables bringing together of ♂ and ♀ gametes physically
leading to fertilisation.
Internal fertilisation External fertilisation
Fertilisation occurs inside ♀ Fertilisation occurs in water
reproductive tract
Mostly terrestrial organisms Mostly aquatic organisms
e.g. Reptiles, mammals and majority e.g. Bony fishes, amphibians and
of plants majority of Algae
Limited number of progeny.
Offsprings are extremely vulnerable to predators threatening their survival
to adulthood.
Great synchrony required between ♀ and ♂ during external fertilisation to
enhance chances of fertilisation.
Heterogametes are present in majority of sexually reproducing organisms.
Most vital event of sexual reproduction is fusion of gametes called syngamy
resulting in formation of diploid, single celled structure
In seed pants, pollen grains are the carrier of the male gametes. A specialised
events called pollination facilitates the transfer of pollen grains to the stigma.
Successful transfer and coming together of gametes is essential for the most
critical event in sexual reproduction, the fertilisation.
Vital connecting link ensuring continuity of species between generations.
Location of development of zygote
Oviparous animals
● Outside the ♀ body
● Protected by calcareous shell
● Lesser parental care
5 RepRoduction in oRganisms
Viviparous animals
● Inside the ♀ body
● Absent
● Greater parental care
The chances of survival of young ones is greater in viviparous organisms.
Post Fertilisation
Embryogenesis: Process of development of embryo from the zygote through
mitotic cell divisions help increase number of cells and cell differentiation
helps in formation of specialised tissues and organs.
In flowering plants, Zygote develops in the embryo, ovule into seed, ovary
into fruit which has thick wall called pericarp that is protective in function.
After dispersal, seeds germinate to produce new plants.
● End of reproductive phase is a parameter of senescence
● Slowing of metabolism
● Ultimately leads to death
Time duration when mating occurs
Parameters Continuous breeders Seasonal breeders
Sexual Reproduction in
Flowering Plants
u All flowering plants show sexual reproduction.
u Several hormonal and structural changes differentiate & develop the
floral primordium, which form inflorescences, bear floral buds and then
the flowers.
● It is a long slender stalk.
● The proximal end of the filament is attached to the thalamus or the
petal of the flower.
● The number & length of stamens are variable in flowers of different
● Terminal generally bilobed structure.
● Each lobe having two theca i.e, dithecous.
● Often a longitudinal groove runs lengthwise separating the theca.
● The anther is a four-sided (tetragonal) structure consisting of four
microsporangia located at the corners two in each lobe.
● The microsporangia develop further & become pollen sacs. They
extend longitudinally all through the length of an anther and are packed
with pollen grains.
● In a T.S., a typical microsporangium appears near circular, it is generally
surrounded by four wall layers.
● The outer 3 wall layers perform the function of protection and help in
dehiscence of anther to release the pollen.
● Tapetum: Innermost wall layer. It nourishes the developing pollen
grains. Cells of tapetum possess dense cytoplasm & have more than
one nucleus.
● Sporogenous tissue: Compactly arranged homogenous cells; occupies
the centre of each microsporangium.
● Microsporogenesis is a process of formation of microspores from PMC
(Pollen Mother Cell).
● Represent the male gametophytes.
● It has prominent two layered wall-exine and intine.
Anatropous ovule
Megasporangium (Ovule)
● In embryo sac, 3 celled egg apparatus, at
micropylar end, (1 egg cell & two synergids
with filiform apparatus, which guide pollen
tube into the synergid), 3 antipodals at
chalazal end and a large central cell, with two
polar nuclei remain present.
● Embryo sac formation from single megaspore
is termed monosporic development.
● Process of formation of megaspores from
megaspore mother cells.
● Ovules generally differentiate a single megaspore mother cell (MMC)
in micropylar region of nucellus.
● MMC 4 megaspores.
(2n) (n)
Hand Book (Biology) 10
Female Gametophyte/Embryo sac
● In majority of flowering plants, one megaspore remains functional and
3 degenerate.
● The functional megaspore develops to the female gametophyte
(embryo sac).
● The nucleus of functional megaspore undergoes free-nuclear mitotic
divisions to form two nuclei which move to opposite pole. Two more
sequential mitotic divisions result 8-nucleate stage, after that cell
walls are laid down to form the typical 7-celled-8 nucleate female
gametophyte or embryo sac.
Transfer of pollen shed from anther to sigma of a pistil. Pollination can be
divided into three types
● Pollination is achieved within same flower, i.e., transfer of pollen from
anther to the stigma of same flower.
● It requires synchrony in pollen release and stigma receptivity.
● Cleistogamous flowers (which do not open) are invariably autogamous,
eg. Viola (common pansy), Oxalis & Commalina and provide assured
seed set even in absence of pollinators.
● These species also produce chasmogamous flowers (with exposed
anther and stigma) for cross-pollination.
● Transfer of pollen grams from anther to stigma of another flower of the
same plant.
● It is functionally cross pollination involving pollinating agents,
genetically it is similar autogamy, since the pollen grains come from
the same plant
● Transfers of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of a different plant.
● This is the only type of pollination which brings genetically different
types of pollen grains on the stigma.
Abiotic Agents
Pollen coming in contact with stigma is a chance factor in both wind and
water pollination, flowers produce enormous amount of pollen when
compared to number of ovules available for pollination. It is to compensate
loss of pollen grains.
11 sexual RepRoduction in FloweRing plants
Wind pollination
● Requires light, non-stickly pollen so that they can be transported by
wind currents. Well exposed stamens and large often feathery stigma
to trap air borne pollen, single ovule in each ovary and numerous
flowers in an inflorescence Tassels in corn to trap pollen.
● Quite common in grasses.
● Pollination by wind is more common among abiotic pollinations.
Water pollination
● Pollination by water is quite rare, limited to 30 genera, of monocotyledons
e.g. Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Zostera (sea grass).
● In majority of aquatic plants like water hyacinth and water lily,
flowers emerge above water & are pollinated by insects or wind.
● In Vallisneria, pollination takes place on the surface of water
(epihydrophily). In sea grasses, it takes place below water
● In most water-pollinated species, pollen grains are protected from
wetting by a mucilaginous covering.
Biotic Agents
● Majority of flowering plants use a range of animals as pollinating
agents-Bees, butterflies, flies, beetles, wasps, ants, moths, birds
(sunbirds & humming birds) & bats.
● Among animals, insects particularly bees are dominant pollinating
● Some primates (lemurs), arboreal (tree dwelling), rodents or even reptiles
(gecko lizard & garden lizard) are also pollinators in some species
● Insect-pollinating flowers are large, colourful, fragnant and rich in
nectar. Small flowers are clustered in inflorescence to make them
● Flowers pollinated by flies & beetles secrete foul odours to attract these
● Nectar & pollen grains are usual floral rewards.
● In some species, floral rewards are in providing safe places to lay eggs,
eg, Amorphophallus. A species of moth and Yucca-cannot complete
their life cycles without each other.
● Flowering plants have developed many devices to discourage self
pollination and to encourage cross pollination. For example:
Pollen release and stigma receptivity are not synchronised.
Anther and stigma are placed at different positions so that pollen
cannot come in contact with stigma of the same flower.
Hand Book (Biology) 12
Self-incompatibility is a genetic mechanism which prevents self-
pollen from fertilizing the ovules by inhibiting pollen germination
or pollen tube growth in the pistil.
Production of unisexual flowers.
● In castor & maize, (monoecious) autogamy is prevented but not
● In papaya (Dioecious), both autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented.
● The ability of pistil to recognise the pollen followed by its acceptance
or rejection is the result of a continuous dialogue between pollen grain
and the pistil. It is a dynamic process.
● Mediated by chemical components of the pollen interacting with those
of the pistil.
● Following compatible pollination, pollen tube grows through the
tissues of the stigma and style, the contents of pollen grain move into
pollen tube.
● The growing pollen tube carrying two non-motile male gametes,
reaches the ovary, enters the ovule through micropyle & then enters
one of the synergids through the filiform apparatus, which guides the
entry of pollen tube.
● All these events - from pollen deposition on the stigma until pollen tubes
enter the ovule - are together referred to as pollen - pistil interaction.
● In such crossing, desired pollen are used for pollination & stigma is
protected from contamination from unwanted pollen by emasculation
and bagging.
● If female parent bears bisexual flowers, emasculation is followed by
bagging & rebagging after dusting mature pollen for fruit development.
● If female flowers are unisexual, there is no need of emasculation.
Continued self-pollination result in inbreeding depressions.
● Pollen tube releases the two male gametes into the cytoplasm of the
● One of the males gametes fuses with egg to form the diploid zygote
(Syngamy). The other male gamete moves towards the polar nuclei
of the central cell and fuses with them to produce triploid primary
endosperm nucleus (PEN) Triple Fusion.
13 sexual RepRoduction in FloweRing plants
● Syngamy & triple fusion are called double fertilisation, an event unique
to flowering plants.
● The central cell after triple fusion becomes primary endosperm cell
(PEC) and develop into endosperm.
Human Reproduction
Parameters Male Female
Organ Testis Ovary
Number 2 2
Shape Oval Almond
Location Outside abdominal cavity in a Lower abdomen, one on each side
pouch called scrotum
Dimensions Length 4-5 cm, Width 2-3 cm Length 2 to 4 cm
Covering Dense connective tissue Thin epithelium (outermost)
Functions Sperm formation, synthesise Ova formation, synthesise steroidal
steroidal testicular hormones like ovarian hormones like estrogen and
androgens progesterone
Compartments 250 testicular lobules Peripheral cortex and inner medulla
• 1-3 coiled seminiferous tubules/ zones in ovarian stroma have follicles
lobule in various developing stages
23 Human RepRoduction
● Every sexually reproducing organism, including human beings, begin
life as a single cell i.e., the zygote.
● The process of development of embryo from zygote is called
● During embryogenesis, zygote undergo cell divisions and cell
● Cleavage starts as zygote moves through isthmus to the uterus.
● Daughters formed after cleavage are called Blastomeres.
Hand Book (Biology) 24
25 Human RepRoduction
Hand Book (Biology) 26
27 Human RepRoduction
Chapter 4
Reproductive Health
According to WHO, reproductive health means a total well being in all
aspects of reproduction i.e., physical, emotional, social and behavioural.
Features of an ideal contraceptive:
● User-friendly
● Easily available
● Effective
● Reversible
● No/least side-effects
● No interference with libido or act of coitus
Two principle methods of birth control:
● Natural methods
● Artificial methods
● Principle of avoiding physical meeting of the egg and sperms.
● Chances of failure are high.
29 RepRoductive HealtH
Method Mode of Action
Periodic abstinence Couples abstain from coitus from day 10 to
17 of the menstrual cycle i.e., fertile period
Withdrawal method/ Insemination is avoided as the male partner
Coitus interrupts withdraws his penis from the vagina just
prior to ejaculation
Lactational amenorrhea Absence of menstruation upto 6 months
during period of intense lactation following
● Barrier methods
● Spermicidal jellies
● IUDs
● Oral pills
● Injections and implants
● Emergency contraceptives
● Surgical methods
I. Barrier methods
● Prevent ovum and sperm from physically meeting.
● Self inserted and offer privacy to user.
(a) Condoms & its Types: Made up of rubber and thin latex.
V. Implants
● Placed under skin
● Effective periods are much longer
● Composition: Progestogens alone/
Combination of Progestogens and Estrogens
● Mode of Action
○ Inhibit ovulation and implantation.
○ Alter the quality of cervical mucus to retard entry of sperms.
31 RepRoductive HealtH
VI. Emergency Contraceptives
● Progestogens alone
● Combination of Progestogen + Estrogen
● IUDs
● Effective with 72 hrs of coitus.
● Used to prevent conception resulting from rape or unprotected
VII. Surgical/Sterilization Methods
● Poor reversibility but highly effective
● Mode of action – Blocks gamete transport
Tubectomy Vasectomy
In females In males
Cut and tie fallopian tubes Cut and tie vas deferens
Incision in abdomen or through Small incision on the scrotum
Category Disease
Protozoan Trichomoniasis
● Mode of Transmission:
○ Sharing of injection needles, surgical instruments with infected
○ Transfusion of blood.
○ From infected mother to foetus.
● Preventive measures to avoid STDs:
○ Avoid sex with unknown partners/multiple partners
○ Always try to use condoms during coitus
Unable to produce children inspite of unprotected sexual co-habitation.
33 RepRoductive HealtH
● Physical
● Diseases
● Psychological
● Congenital
● Immunological
● Infertility as a problem could be with either the male or female partner.
● In India, female is blamed often than male for the couple being childless.
Principles of Inheritance
and Variation
♦ Genetics deals with inheritance and variation of characters from parents
to offsprings.
♦ Inheritance is the process by which characters are passed on from
parent to progeny.
♦ Variation is the degree by which progeny differ from their parents and
causes of variation was hidden in sexual reproduction.
z Gregor Mendel conducted hybridisation experiments on garden peas
for seven years (1856-1863) and proposed the laws of inheritance.
z Mendel selected 14-true breeding pea plant varieties as pairs which were
similar except for one character with contrasting traits.
Contrasting traits studied by Mendel in Pea
S.No. Characters Contrasting Traits
1. Stem height Tall/Dwarf
2. Flower colour Violet/White
3. Flower position Axial/Terminal
4. Pod shape Inflated/Constricted
5. Pod colour Green/Yellow
6. Seed shape Round/Wrinkled
7. Seed colour Yellow/Green
z F1 always resembled either of the parents but in F2 (produced by selfing F1),
both traits appeared
z 3/4th-Dominant trait
z 1/4th-Recessive trait
z Both traits were identical to their parental type and did not show any
blending, i.e., none were of intermediate type.
z Mendel got similar results for all traits.
z To determine the genotype of dominant trait of F2, Mendel performed
test cross.
z F1 did not resemble either of the parents and was in between the two.
Dog flower (Snapdragon or Antirrhinum sp.).
RR = Red flowers
rr = White flowers
Rr Pink flowers.
z Genotypic ratio at F2-1 : 2 : 1
z Phenotypic ratio changed from 3 : 1 → 1 : 2 : 1.
z Genes units of inheritance.
z Contain information required to express a particular trait an organism.
z F1 resembles both parents.
z ABO blood group in human being is controlled by Gene-I, having three
alleles IA, IB and i. IA and IB produce slightly different form of sugar,
while i does not produce any sugar.
z IA and IB are completely dominant over i, but when IA and IB are present
together, they express their own sugars, because of Co-Dominance hence
RBC have both sugars.
z There are 6 genotypes and 4 phenotypes in human ABO blood types.
A single gene can exhibit multiple phenotypic expression. It is the effect of a
gene on metabolic pathways which contribute towards different phenotypes.
(a) Phenylketonuria 1. Mental retardation
(Single gene) 2. Reproduction in hair &
skin pigmentation
(b) Starch synthesis 1. Seed shape
gene in pea (B)
2. Size of strach grain
BB = Large grains
Bb = Intermediate sized grains
bb = Small grains → Wrinkled
37 PrinciPles of inHeritance and Variation
z More than two alleles governing the same character.
z ABO blood grouping is a very good example of multiple alleles.
z Multiple alleles can be found only in population studies.
z Traits controlled by three or more genes are polygenic traits. It also takes
into account influence of enviornment.
z The phenotype reflects the contribution of each allele, i.e., the effect of
each allele is additive.
E.g. Human Skin Colour
z AABBCC has darkest skin colour; aabbcc has lightest
z AaBbCc has intermediate colour.
Genetic/Chromosomal Basis
z Initial clue came from insects. The X-body of Henking was X-chromosome.
— XO-Type = Male heterogamete
e.g. = Grasshopper
— XY-Type = Male heterogamete
e.g. = Insects, Man
— ZW-Type = Female heterogamete
e.g. = Birds
z Alteration
in chromosomes result in abnormailities or aberrations.
Chromosomal aberrations are commonly observed in cancer cells.
z Point Mutation: Mutations also arise due to change in a single base
pair of DNA, eg: Sickle-cell anemia.
z Frame shift mutation: Deletions and insertions of base pairs of DNA.
z Mutagens: Chemical and physical factors that induce mutations.
E.g. UV radiations can cause mutations in organisms.
z Study of family history about inheritance of a particular trait provides
an alternative.
Pedigree Analysis
Male • Mainly determined by alternation or mutation in a • Caused due to absence or excess or abnormal
single gene. arrangement of one or more chromosomes.
• It may be dominant or recessive Autosomal or Sex- • Failure of segregation of chromatids during
Female linked. cell-division cycle resulting in gain or loss of a
Examples: chromosome(s), is called Aneuploidy.
1. Colour-blindness • Failure of Cytokinesis after telophase stage of
Sex unspecified • Sex-linked recessive. cell division results in an increase in a whole set
• Due to defect in either red or green cone of eye due to of chromosomes in an organism, this is called
mutation in certain genes present on X-Chromosome. Polyploidy, often seen in plants.
Affected individuals • 8% of males and only about 0.4% of females affected. • Trisomy or Monosomy leads to very serious
2. Haemophilia consequences in the individual
• X-linked recessive (i) Down's Syndrome: Trisomy of 21; was first
Mating • A single protein that is part of cascade of proteins described by Langdon Down (1866).
involved in blood clotting is affected. Symptoms:
Mating between 3. Sickle-Cell anaemia (i) Short Statured
relatives • Autosome linked recessive (ii) Small round head.
(consanguineous • Controlled by single pair of allele HBA and HbB. (iii) Furrowed tongue
mating) 4. Phenylketonuria (Autosomal recessive) (iv) Partially open mouth.
• Inborn error in metabolism. Affected individual lack (v) Palm is broad with palm crease
enzyme which converts phenylalaine to tyrosine. (vi) Physical, psychomotor & mental development
Parents above and Results in mental retardation. is retarded.
children below 5. Thalassemia (ii) Klinefelter's Syndrome: Karyotype = 47
z TH. Morgan found that in Drosophila, the genes for yellow body and
white eye were very tightly linked and showed only 1.3% recombination
z White eye and miniature wing showed 37.2% recombination.
z Cystic fibrosis is autosomal recessive disorder.
z Chromosomal disorders can be easily studied by the analysis of
z The family pedigree of Queen Victoria shows a number of haemophilic
descendents as she was a earner of the disease.
z Thalassemia: Quantitative problem of synthesising too few globin
z Sicke cell anaemia: A qualitative problem of synthesising an incorrectly
functioning globin.
Molecular Basis of
• DNA as an acidic substance present in nucleus was first identified by
Friedrich Miescher in 1969, named it as "Nuclein".
• Based on the X-ray diffraction data produced by Maurice Wilkins
and Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick proposed a
very simple but famous double helix model of DNA in 1953.
• One hallmark of the helix is base pairing between the two strands.
Observation of Erwin Chargaff for a double stranded DNA, the
Ratios between A and T and G and C are constant and equals one.
The base-pairing confers complementarity, a unique property to the
polynucleotide chain.
• So, if each strand of parental DNA acts as a template for synthesis of a
new strand, the two double stranded daughter DNA produced would be
identical to the parental DNA molecule.
Salient Features of Double-helix of DNA
• Made of two polypeptide chains, where
the backbone is constituted by sugar-
phosphate and bases project inside.
• Two chains have anti-parallel polarity, one
chain 5' → 3' and the other 3' → 5'
• A = T (2H – Bond); C ≡ G (3H – Bond).
This generates approximately uniform
distance between the two strands. Base Pairs
in each turn.
• Distance between a bp in a helix is approx. Fig. DNA double helix.
0.34 nm. (0.34 × 10–9 m)
• The plane of one base pair stacks over the other in double-helix. This in
addition to H-bonds, confers stability to the helical structure.
Euchromatin Heterochromatin
1. Loosely packed. 1. More densely packed
2. Stains light 2. Stains dark
3. Transcriptionally active 3. Transcriptionally inactive
45 Molecular Basis of inHeritance
• RNA was the first genetic material.
• The essential life processes like metabolism, translation, splicing
evolved around RNA.
• RNA used to act as a genetic material as well as a catalyst, so was
reactive and hence unstable. (DNA has evolved from RNA with
chemical modifications that make it more stable.)
• Watson and Crick had immediately proposed a scheme for replication
of DNA while proposing the double helix structure of DNA.
• Semi conservative DNA replication: Two strands would separate
and act as a template for the synthesis of new complementary strands.
After completion of replication, each DNA molecule would have one
parental and one newly synthesised strand.
• Semi-conservative DNA replication was shown first in Escherichia
coli, then in higher organisms like plants and human cells.
• Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl, performed the experiment
(1958) using normal 14N and non-radioactive 15N isotope of Nitrogen
as source of NH4Cl and centrifugation in a cesium chloride (CsCl)
density gradient. The various samples were separated independently
on CsCl gradients to measure the densities of DNA. (E. coli divides
every 20 minutes)
Generation II
Generation I
15 14 14
N-DNA 15
20 min 40 min 14
Gravitational force
N 15 N 14
N 15 N 14
N 14 N 14
N 15 N
• Process of copying genetic information from one strand of DNA
into RNA.
• Principle of complementarity governs transcription (except, adenine
forms pair with uracil instead of thymine). In transcription, only a
segment of DNA and only one of the two strands is copied into
(i) Promoter
(ii) Structural gene
(iii) Terminator
• DNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalyses polymerisation in only one
direction 5¢ → 3¢.
Hand Book (Biology) 48
Template strand: The strand Polarity 3¢ → 5¢.
Coding strand: The other strand Polarity 5¢ → 3¢ and the sequence
same as RNA (except thymine at place of uracil).
Transcription start site
Structure gene
3¢ 5¢
Template strand
5¢ 3¢
Coding Strand
A transcription Unit
3′ mRNA
Exon RNA splicing Polyadenylation
Gppp 3′
Poly A tail
Messenger RNA Fig : Transcription in Eukaryotos
1. RNA pol-I Tanscribes 28S, 5.8S and 18S
2. RNA pol-II Tanscribes mRNA precursor i.e.
3. RNA pol-III Tanscribes 5S rRNA, tRNA and
• The primary transcript (hnRNA) is subjected to splicing, where introns
are removed and Exons are joined in a defined order. hnRNA undergoes
additional processing called capping and tailing to form mRNA.
• In capping, an unusual nucleotide (methyl guanosine triphosphate) is
added to 5' end of hnRNA.
• In tailing, adenylate residues (200-300) are added to 3'-end in a
template independent manner.
• Fully processed hnRNA is called mRNA that is transported out of the
nucleus for translation.
• Translation refers to the process of polymerisation of amino acids to
form a polypeptide. The order and sequence of amino acids are defined
by the sequence of bases in the mRNA.
• In the first phase, amino acids are activated in the presence of ATP and
linked to their cognate tRNA by a process called charging of tRNA,
or aminoacylation of tRNA. Protein synthesis takes place on the
• Ribosomes consist of structural RNAs and about 80 different proteins.
It has two sub units. When the small sub unit encounters an mRNA, the
process of translation begins.
• Two sites in the large subunit, for subsequent amino acids to bind
and thus, be close enough to each other for the formation of a peptide
bond by the catalyst (23 S rRNA in bacteria is the enzyme- ribozyme).
(enhance the rate of peptide bond formation.)
51 Molecular Basis of inHeritance
• A translational unit in mRNA is flanked by a start condon (AUG) and
the stop codon.
• The untranslated additional sequence on mRNA are called untranslated
regions, (UTRs) present at both 5'-end (before start codon)and at 3'-end
(after stop codons). UTRs are required for efficient translation.
• The ribosome moves from codon to codon along the mRNA. Amino
acids are added one by one and translated into polypeptide sequences.
• At the end, a release factor binds to the stop codon, terminating
translation and releasing the complete polypeptide from the ribosome.
• Francois Jacob and Jacque Monod were the first to elucidate a
transcriptionally regulated system, the lac operon (lac refers to lactose),
a polycistronic structural gene regulated by a common promoter and
regulatory gene called operon.
Lac operon consists of
• One regulatroy gene
• Three structural genes (z, y and a)
• i gene (i refers inhibitor) codes for repressor
• z-for b-galactosidase (b-gal).
• y-for permease and gene a codes for transacetylase. (All three gene
products in lac operon are needed for metabolism of lactose.)
• Lactose is the substrate of b-galactosidase and it regulates switching on/
off of operon, so called inducer. Regulation of lac operon is regulation
of enzyme synthesis by its substrate.
• Regulation of lac operon by repressor is negative regulation however
lac operon is under control of positive regulation as well.
• Regulatory proteins can act both positively (activators) and negatively
(repressors). Each operon has its specific operator and specific repressor.
Hand Book (Biology) 52
• Launched in 1990, a 13 year project was co-ordinated by U.S. department
of energy and National Institute of Health, Wellcome trust (UK), Japan,
France, Germany, China participated. It was completed in 2003.
• Human genome has approximately 3 × 109 bp and the cost of sequencing
in the beginning was US$3 per bp, i.e. 9 billion US dollars. HGP lead to
the rapid development of a new area in biology called bioinformatics.
• Many non-human model organisms like bacteria, Yeast, Caerorhabditis
elegans, Drosophila, plant (rice and Arabidopsis) have also been sequenced.
• Expressed sequence tags (ESTs): Focussed on identifying all genes
that expressed as RNA.
• Sequence annotation: Blind approach of sequencing the whole
genome containing coding and non coding sequences, needing vectors
like BAC (Bacterial artificial chromosomes) and YAC (Yeast Artificial
• 99.9% base sequence among humans is same. 0.1% differences in
sequence of DNA make every individual unique in their phenotype.
• Involves identifying difference in repetitive DNA, a small stretch of
DNA repeated many times, called satellite DNA.
• Depending on base composition (A:Tor G:C rich), length of segment
and number of repetitive units, the satellite DNA is classified into
micro-statellites and mini satellites. They do not code for any proteins.
They form large portion of human genome and show high degree of
polymorphism and form the basis of DNA fingerprinting.
• Polymorphisms are inheritable from parent to child so DNA finger
printing solves paternity disputes.
• The technique of DNA finger printing was initially developed by Alec
Steps = Isolation of Digestion by Separation of DNA fragments by
DNA(I) restriction Electrophoresis
endonuclease (III)
Detection of hybridised Hybridisation Blotting on nitrocellulose
DNA Fragments by Using labelled or Nylon membrane
autoradiography VNTR probe (IV)
(VI) (V)
• VNTR are called mini-satellite, a small DNA sequence arranged
tandomly in many copies. The size of VNTR varies from 0.1 to 20
kb. So after hybridisation with VNTR probe, the autoradiogram gives
many bands of differing sizes. These bands give a characteristic pattern
for an individual DNA. It differs from individual to individual in a
population except in monozygotic twins.
• The sensitivity of the technique has been increased by use of polymerase
chain reaction (PCR).
• DNA fingerprinting has much wider application in determining
population and genetic diversities. Currently, many different probes are
used to generate DNA fingerprints.
Hand Book (Biology) 54
Chapter 7
Evolutionary biology is the study of history of life forms on earth
Stellar distances are measured in light years
Big band explosion (Singular huge explosion)
Resulted in
leading to
Parameters Origin of Universe Origin of Earth
Time scale 20 billion years ago 4.5 billion years ago
Feature Comprises cluster of galaxies Occurred in solar system
(stars, clouds of gas, dust) of Milkyway galaxy
Events after expansion of universe:
Temperature declined H2 + He formed Gases condensed
Galaxies formed
Hypothesis for Origin of life on early earth:
No atmosphere existed on early earth.
Water vapours, methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia released from molten
mass covered the surface.
U.V. rays NH3
H2O H 2 + O2 + O2 CO2 + H2O + other contents
Theory Proponents Signicance
Special Conventional religious literature All living organisms that we see today were created
creation Diversity was always the same since creation and will be the same in
future also
Earth is 4000 years old
No life Life
1. Palaeontological evidences (Evidences from fossils):
Fossils are remains of hard parts of life forms found in rocks.
Age of fossils is determined by radioactive-dating method.
Fossils of different life forms in different sedimentary layers indicates the geological period in which they existed (epochs,
periods, eras).
2. Embryological evidences:
Proposed by Ernst Heckel.
Based upon the observations of certain features during embryonic stage common to all vertebrates that are absent in adults
e.g., embryos of all vertebrates develop a row of vestigial gill slits functional only fish and not found in another adult vertebrates.
It was disproved by Karl Ernst von Baer. He noted that embryos never pass through the adult stages of other animals.
Parameters Homologous organs Analogous organs
Common ancestory Yes No
Anatomical structures Similar but developed along different directions Not similar but resulted in selection of similar adaptive
due to adaptations to different needs. features in different groups of organisms, thus, evolving
for the same function.
Placental mammals Australian marsupials
Mole Marsupial mole
Anteater Numbat (banded anteater)
Mouse Marsupial mouse
Lemur Spotted cuscus
Flying squirrel Flying phalanger (Sugar glider)
Bobcat Tasmanian tiger cat
Wolf Tasmanian wolf
59 Evolution
Hand Book (Biology) 60
– Branching descent and natural selection are the two key concepts of
Darwinian theory of evolution.
– Habitat fragmentation and genetic drift may accentuate variations
leading to speciation.
– Weaknesses:
(i) Unable to explain the origin of variations
(ii) Could not explain speciation
(iii) Ignored work done by Mendel.
Mutation theory
– Given by Hugo de Vries in first decade of 20 century.
– Worked on evening primrose.
– New species originate as a result of mutations which are single step
(saltation) large, random and directionless variations arising suddenly
in a population.
61 Evolution
Hand Book (Biology) 62
Allele frequencies in a population are stable and is constant from generation
to generation. This is called genetic equilibrium.
The gene pool (total genes and their alleles in a population) remains a constant.
Sum total of all the allelic frequencies is 1 and represented as:
p + q = 1 [p = Frequency of recessive allele (a); q = Frequency of dominant allele (A)]
p2 + q2 + 2pq = 1 [p2 = Frequency of homozygous dominant (AA); q2 = Frequency of
homozygous recessive (aa); 2pq = Frequency of heterozygotes (Aa)]
When frequency measured, differs from expected values, the difference
indicates the extent of evolutionary change or disturbance in genetic
Factors affecting Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium:
1. Gene migration: When migration of a section of population to another
place or population occurs, gene frequencies change in the original as
well as in the new population.
When gene migration
occurs multiple times,
it is called gene flow.
Emigration (–) Immigration (+)
Some genes/alleles lost New genes/alleles added
distribution curve
with phenotype
63 Evolution
65 Evolution
Human Years back Cranial Specific features
ancestors capacity
Homo erectus 1.5 mya 900 cc Fossils discovered in
Java in 1891
Probably ate meat
Neanderthal man 1,00,000– 1400 cc Lived in near East and
40,000 Central Asia
years back Used hides to protect
their body and buried
their dead
Homo sapiens 75,000– – Arose in Africa and
10,000 moved across continents
years ago and developed into
(ice age) distinct races
The skull of baby chimpanzee is more like adult human skull than adult
chimpanzee skull.
Human Health
and Disease
As per ‘Good humor’ hypothesis arrived at by reflective thought and
asserted by Hippocrates along with Indian Ayurveda System.
Health is a state of body and mind where there was a balance of certain
certain ‘humors’ e.g., Persons with black bile belonged to hot personality
and had fevers.
William Harvey (discovered blood circulation experimentally) disproved
this ‘good humor’ hypothesis of health by demonstrating normal body
temperature in persons with black bile using thermometer.
Mind influences our immune system through neural and endocrine systems,
and that our immune system maintains our health i.e., state of complete
physical, mental and social and psychological well being.
Health is not simply ‘absence of disease’ or ‘physical fitness’.
Factors affecting health:
Mental state, genetic disorders, infections and life style (habits, rest and exercise)
Increase Productivity, longevity
Condition of health Bring economic prosperity
Decrease Infant and maternal mortality
It is state of the body when functioning of one or more organ systems is
adversely affected, characterized by various signs and symptoms.
Types of diseases
Parameters Non-infectious Infectious
Transmission from one person to another No Yes
Example Cancer AIDS
Pathogens: Disease causing organisms:
Most parasites are pathogens living in (or on) the host multiply
and interfere with normal vital activities resulting in morphological
and functional damage.
Gut pathogens can survive harsh pH & digestive enzymes.
Mode of transmission Bacterial Viral Protozoan Helminthic
Air (droplet/aerosol) or Pneumonia, diphtheria Common cold, – –
object borne (pens, knobs etc.) Smallpox
Direct contact Tetanus Smallpox – –
Contaminated food and water Typhoid, dysentery Polio Amoebiasis Ascariasis
Insect vector/vector borne Plague Chikungunya, Dengue Malaria Filariasis
Body fluids Syphilis AIDS Trichomoniasis –
Vector: Transmits disease from one organism to another e.g., female Aedes mosquito is the vector for dengue
and chikungunya while, Anopheles spreads malaria.
• Balanced diet, yoga and regular exercise, personal hygiene, awareness about diseases and vaccination are very important to maintain good health.
• Use of vaccines and immunization programmes have enabled us to completely eradicate a deadly disease like smallpox. Large number of
infectious diseases like polio, diphtheria, pneumonia and tetanus have been controlled to a large extent by the use of vaccines.
• Biotechnology is at the verge of making available newer and safer vaccines.
• Discovery of antibiotics and various drugs have enabled us to effectively treat infections.
Disease Pathogen Organ affected Common symptoms
Typhoid Salmonella typhi Small intestine and other organs Sustained high fever (39–40°C)
by migrating through blood Stomach pain Weakness
Constipation Headache
Loss of appetite
Diagnostic test: In severe cases, intestinal perforation
Widal test and death may occur.
Pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae, Alveoli of lungs Problem in respiration due to fluid filled alveoli
Haemophilus inuenzae Fever, chills, cough, headache
In severe cases, lips and finger nails turn gray to bluish
Human HealtH
Typhoid Mary (Mary Mallon), a cook by profession was a typhoid carrier who spread typhoid through the food she prepared.
Disease Pathogen Organ affected Symptoms
Common cold Rhino virus Nose and Nasal congestion and discharge
respiratory Sore throat
passage Hoarseness, cough
Headache, tiredness
Common cold does not infect lungs and its symptoms usually lasts for 3-7 days.
Disease Pathogen Organ/structure Symptoms
Disease Pathogen Body parts affected Symptoms
• Heat and moisture makes the fungi thrive in skin folds such as in groin and between toes.
• Acquired from soil or belongings of infected individuals such as towels, combs, clothes etc.
Disease Pathogen Area Symptoms LIFE CYCLE OF
affected When the infected mosquito bites another Female Anopheles
human, sporozoites (infective stage for Acts as both host
Amoebiasis/ Entamoeba Large Constipation humans) are injected with the bite and vector
Amoebic histolytica Intestine Abdominal
Mature infective stages
dysentery pain (sporozoites) escape
Cramps from gut and migrate to
Stool with the mosquito salivary
excess mucous
and blood clots Sporozoites
Malaria Plasmodium RBCs Chills Parasite (sporozoites)
Human HealtH
• P. vivax High fever reach the liver through
• P. malariae recurring blood
• P. falciparum 3-4 days Fertilization and Mosquito
• P. ovale If not treated, development take Host
can prove to place in the
mosquito's gut The parasite reproduces
be fatal asexually in liver cells,
bursting the cell and
Human releasing into the blood
• House flies act as mechanical carrier for amoebiasis.
• P. falciparum causes malignant malaria (most serious form).
Female mosquito
takes up Gametocytes
Parasites reproduce
gametocytes with Female asexually in red
blood meal. blood cells, bursting
the red blood cells
and causing cycles
of fever and other
Rupturing of RBCs releases the toxic substance, Sexual stages–gametocytes (infective stage for symptoms. Released
haemozoin responsible for symptoms of disease female Anopheles) develop in red blood cells. parasites infect new
Stages in the life cycle of Plasmodium red blood cells
Hand Book (Biology) 72
Diagnostic Test: ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay)
Treatment: Anti-retroviral drugs, can only prolong life but cannot prevent death
Different agencies like NGOs, NACO, WHO started number of programmes
to educate/make people aware of AIDS (Don’t die of ignorance) and some of
the measures preventing spreading of HIV infection.
Making blood banks safe from HIV
Use of only disposable needles and syringes in public and private hospitals
and clinics
Free distribution of condoms, advocating safe sex
Controlling drug abuse
A dreaded non-infectious disease; major cause of death all across the globe.
Parameters Normal cells Cancerous cells/Neoplastic cells
Cell growth and Highly controlled Uncontrolled & non-regulated
differentiation and regulated
Contact inhibition Present, virtue of which Lost, so these cells keep on
contact with other cells dividing and form mass of
inhibits their growth cells called Tumor/Neoplasm
Types of Tumor
Parameters Benign Malignant tumor/cancer
Location Confined to original place Grow rapidly and spread to other parts
Damage Little damage Invade and damage other cells
starving normal cells by competing
for vital nutrients.
Metastasis No Yes, cells sloughed from such tumors
reach distant sites through blood and
start new tumor called Metastasis
(Most feared property).
Tumor cells have ability to avoid detection and destruction by immune system.
Approaches for treatment:
○ Surgery
○ Radiotherapy: Tumor cells irradiated lethally
○ Chemotherapy: Side effects like hair loss, anemia
○ Immunotherapy: -interferons (Biological response modifiers) activate
immune system and helps in destroying the tumor.
The ability of the host to fight the disease causing organisms, conferred by
the immune system is called immunity.
Parameters Innate Acquired
Observed Time of birth After birth
Exposure to infection Not required Required
Defense Non specific Specific
Memory record No Yes
The human immune system consists of lymphoid organs, tissues, cells and
soluble molecules like antibodies. This response is carried out by two special
types of lymphocytes present in our blood i.e., B and T-lymphocytes.
T-cells B-cells produce
mediated antibodies/Army of
response proteins in blood
Cannabinoids Principally Inflorescence, flower Inhalation, oral Charas Hashish Effects on cardiovascular system of the body
in brain tops, leaves and resin ingestion Ganja Marijuana Also being abused by some sport spersons
of cannabis plant,
Cannabis sativa
Why to use?
Increase muscle strength
Promote aggressiveness
Enhance athletic performance
Commonly abused drugs
Narcotic analgesics
Anabolic steroids
Certain hormones
Common side effects
Increased aggressiveness
Mood swings
Stunted growth because of premature closure of growth centres of long bones
Severe facial and body acne
Typical side effects
Breast enlargement
Decreased sperm production
Reduction in size of testicles
Acne, premature baldness, enlargement of prostate gland
Masculinisation (features like males)
Abnormal menstrual cycles
Enlargement hair growth on face & body
Deepening of voice
Memory based acquired immunity evolved in higher vertebrates can
distinguish foreign molecules as well as foreign organisms (pathogens)
form self-cells.
Results – Self destruction/body attack self cells
Reason – Genetic/unknown
Example – Rheumatoid arthritis
81 Human HealtH and disease
Chapter 9A
Agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock useful to humans.
Animal husbandary deals with the care and breeding of livestock like buffaloes,
cows, pigs, goats etc.
Animal husbandary = Poultry farming + Fisheries
Some of the products and the animals involved are:
Useful product Source
Milk Cows, buffaloes, Goats
Eggs Poultry birds, Chicken, Ducks, Turkey, Geese
Meat Cattle, Sheep, Pigs
Wool Sheep
Honey Bees
More than 70% population of livestock is in India and China but contribution
to world's farm produce is 25%
Due to the low productivity per unit
Insufcient food supply due to ever increasing population size.
Improvement in conventional practices of animal breeding by applying
newer technologies to improve the quality and productivity.
Rearing, Fish
Catching, Molluscs (shell-sh)
Industry devoted
Processing Crustaceans (prawns, crabs)
& Selling Aquatic animals
Enhancement in aquatic yield including plants and animals
Pisciculture: Products from shery
Increase in total Food: lobster, prawn, sh, edible oyster
sh yield
Fresh water (FW) Marine (M)
Catla, Rohu, Common carp Hilsa, Sardines, Mackerel, Pomfrets
To meet the increasing demand on sheries, different techniques
have been employed that led to Blue revolution.
A professional approach is needed to boost our food production.
Some of the management procedures employed in animal farm system are
1. Diary farm management/Dairying: Management of animals for milk and
its products for human consumption e.g., Cows, buffaloes
Aimed at
Increasing yield
Depends on
Quality of breed
Improving quality
High yielding potential Resistance of milk
under given climatic to diseases
conditions of the area
○ Practices involved
– Effective housing Stringent cleanliness of
– Adequate water
Cattle Handlers
– Maintain disease free conditions
Regular inspection by
– Cattle diet (fooder)
veterinary doctor
Quantity balanced
Increased mechanization in dairy farming particularly milking,
storage and transport of milk, reduces chances of direct
contact of the produce with the handler
2. Poultry farm management
○ Involves use of birds for food
• Birds: Fowl, chicken,
ducks, turkey, geese
○ Requirement: Leghorn
• Selection of disease free and suitable breeds
• Proper and safe farm conditions
• Proper feed and water
• Maintaining proper health care and hygiene
Disease Bird y
Cause H5N1 virus
Symptoms Respiratory difculty, fever, malaise
People at risk – Poultry farmers exposed to infected birds
– People who eats under cooked eggs/poultry
Inbreeding Outbreeding
○ Mating of more closely related ○ Mating between male and female
individuals within the same of same breed (no recent common
breed for 4-6 generations ancestor) or different breeds or
○ Inbreeding increases homozygosity different species
and is useful to evolve purelines
Advantage Disadvantages
○ Increases the productivity of ○ Inbreeding depression
population as superior genes due to continued close Fertility
are accumulated and harmful inbreeding
recessive genes are eliminated Productivity
1. Outcrossing
Mating of animals within the same breed but having no common ancestors
upto 4-6 generations
A single out cross helps increase productivity of animals below average
Growth rate in beef cattle
Milk production
2. Cross breeding
○ Mating between superior male of one breed and superior female of
another breed
○ This method allows combination of superior qualities of two different
breeds on a commercial scale.
○ Stable new breeds superior to existing breeds can be developed
○ Example: A new breed of sheep
♂/Male ♀/Female
Merino ram × Bikaneri ewe
Location: Punjab
3. Interspecic hybridization
○ Male and female of two different related species are mated
○ Progeny may combine desirable features of both the parents and
may be of considerable economic value
♦ Biological principles as applied to animal husbandry and plant breeding
have a major role in our efforts to increase food production.
Plant Breeding
• Green revolution was dependent to a large extent on plant breeding
techniques for development of high yielding and disease resistant
varieties in wheat, rice, maize etc.
• Purposeful manipulation of plant species in order to create desired
plant types that are better suited for cultivation, give better yields and
are disease resistant.
• Classical plant breeding involves crossing or hybridization of pure
lines, followed by artificial selection to produce plants with desirable
traits of higher yields, nutrition and resistant to diseases.
Characters that breeders want to incorporate into the crops plants
are increased crop yield, improved quality, increased tolerance to
environmental stresses like salinity, drought, extreme temperature,
resistance to pathogens and increased tolerance to insect pest.
The main steps of plant breeding:
(i) Collection of variability: Genetic variability is the root of breeding
(ii) Evaluation and selection of parents: Germplasm is evaluated, selected
plants are multiplied and used for hybridisation. Purelines are created
wherever desirable and possible.
(iii) Cross hybridization among the selected parents: Very time consuming
and tedious process, it is not necessary that the hybrids do combine the
desirable characters.
(iv) Selection and testing of superior recombinants: This step is crucial
to the success of the breeding objective and requires careful scientific
evaluation of progeny. This step yields plants that are superior to both
the parents.
(v) Testing, release and commercialisation of new cultivars: The entire
collection of plants/seeds having all the diverse alleles for all genes in
a given crops is called germplasm collection.
Agriculture accounts for approximately 33 percent of India's GDP.
The development of several high yielding varieties of wheat and rice
in the mid 1960s, as result of various plant breeding techniques led
to dramatic increase in food production in our country. This phase is
often referred to as the Green Revolution.
Wheat and Rice:
• During the period 1960 to 2000, wheat production increased from 11
million tonnes to 75 million tonnes. Rice production went up from 35
million tonnes to 89.5 million tonnes. This was due to the development
of semi-dwarf varieties of wheat and rice.
• Nobel laureate Norman E. Borlaug, at International Centre for Wheat
and Maize improvement in Mexico, developed semi-dwarf wheat.
• In 1963, several varieties such as Sonalika and Kalyan Sona, which
were high yielding and disease resistant were introduced all over the
wheat-growing belt of India.
• Semi-dwarf rice varieties were derived from IR-8, (developed
at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines) and
Taichung Native-1 (from Taiwan). The derivatives were introduced in
1966. Later, better-yielding semi-dwarf rice varieties Jaya and Ratna
were developed in India.
• Saccharum barberi was originally grown in north India, but had poor
sugar content and yield, Tropical canes grown in south India
• Saccharum officinarum had thicker stems and higher sugar content but
did not grow well in north India. These two species were successfully
crossed to get sugar cane varieties combining the desirable qualities of
high yield, thick stems, high sugar content and ability to grow in the
sugar cane areas of north India.
• Hybrid maize, jower and bajra have been successfully developed in
Ha n d Book (Biolog y ) 88
Plant Breeding for disease resistance
• Method of breeding for disease resistance: Conventional breeding
techniques or by Mutation breeding.
Crop Variety Resistance to Disease
Wheat Himgiri Leaf and stripe rust, hill bunt
Brassica Pusa Swarnim White rust
(Karan rai)
Cauliflower Pusa Shubhra, Black rot and Curl blight
Pusa Snowball K-1 black rot
Cowpea Pusa Komal Bacterial blight
Chili Pusa Sadabahar Chilly mosaic virus, Tobacco
mosaic virus and Leaf curl
Resistance of the host plant is the ability to prevent the pathogen
form causing disease and is determined by the genetic constitution
of the host plant
• Mutation breeding: Induce mutations through use of chemicals or
radiations and selecting and using the plants that have the desirable
In mung bean, resistance to yellow mosaic virus and powdery
mildew were induced by mutations.
In Bhindi (Abelmoschus esculantus), resistance to yellow mosaic
virus was transferred from a wild species and resulted in a new
variety of Abelmoschus esculentus callled Parbhani Kranti.
• It may be due to morphological, biochemical or physiological
• Source of resistance genes: Cultivate varieties, germplasm collections
of the crop or wild relatives.
Crop Resistance to insect/ Reason of Type of resistance
pest resistance
Wheat Stem saw fly Solid stem Morphological
Wheat Leaf beetle Hairly leaves Morphological
Cotton Jassids Hairly leavs Morphological
Cotton Bollworms Smooth leaves and Morphological and
absence of nectar Biochemical
Maize Stem borers Low nitrogen, sugar Biochemical
and high aspartic
Ha n d Book (Biolog y ) 90
• 250 kg cow produced 200 g of protein per day.
• 250g of micro organism like Methylophilus methylotrophus (due to high
rate of biomass production & growth) produces 25 tonnes of protein.
• To provide sufficiently fast and efficient systems for crop improvement.
• Explant: Any plant part taken out and grown in a test tube under sterile
conditions in special nutrient media.
• The capacity to generate whole plant from ex-plant is called totipotency.
• Micropropagation: Propagation of a large number of plants through
tissue culture.
• They are somaclones.
• Tomato, banana, apple etc. have been produced.
• Another important application of the method is the recovery of healthy
plants from diseased plant. Even if the plants is infected with the virus,
the meristem is free of virus.
• Somatic hybridisation: Isolated protoplasts from two different
varieties of plants can be fused to get hybrid protoplasts which can be
further grown to from a new plant. These hybirds are called Somatic
• Protoplast hybrid of potato and tomato called pomato was created but
unfortunately, this plant did not have all the desired combination of
characteristics for its commercial utilization.
♦ Microbes are diverse-protozoa, bacteria, fungi and microscopic animal
& plant viruses, viroids and also prions and present everywhere even at
thermalvents, snow layer and highly acidic environment.
♦ Grown on nutritive media to form colonies that can be seen with
naked eyes. Such cultures are useful in studies on micro-organisms.
• Consist of a concrete tank (10-15 feet deep) in which bio-wastes are
collected and a slurry of dung is fed.
• A floating cover is placed over the slurry which rises when gas is
produced due to microbial activity.
• It has outlet to transfer biogas.
• Slurry is removed and may be used as fertiliser.
• Biogas can be used for cooking and lighting.
• The technology of biogas production was developed in India mamly
due to the efforts of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) &
Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC).
• Organisms that enrich the nutrient quality of the soil.
• Main sources: Bacteria, fungi and cyanobacteria.
• Root nodules in leguminous plants are formed by symbiotic association
of Rhizobium to fix atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms.
• Free-living N2-fixers like Azospirillum and Azotobacter enrich the soil.
• Fungi-plant root symbiotic association is called mycorrhiza (Glomus
form mycorrhiza). Fungi absorb phosphorus from soil & passes to the
plant. Plants also show resistance to root-borne pathogens, tolerance to
salinity and drought and overall increase in growth and development.
• Cyanobacteria like Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria etc. fix atmospheric
N2 in paddy fields.
• BGA (blue green algae) also add organic matter to the soil and increase
its fertility
Principles and Processes
♦ Biotechnology deals with techniques of using live organisms or
enzymes from organisms to produce products and processes useful
to humans.
Parameters Traditional Modern
biotechnology biotechnology
• Inspecting the length of DNA sequence
• Binds to the specific recognition sequence
• Cuts the two strands of dsDNA at specific points in their sugar-
phosphate backbones and leaves single stranded portions at the ends.
• These overhanging stretches called sticky ends.
• When source DNA and vector DNA are cut by the same restriction enzyme,
the resultant DNA fragments have the same kind of sticky-ends .
• Sticky ends are named so because they form hydrogen bonds with their
complementary cut counterparts.
• Stickiness facilitates the action of the enzyme DNA ligase.
101 biotecHnology: PrinciPles and Processes
Vectors are vehicles for delivering foreign DNA into recipient cells.
Vectors used at present are engineered in such a way that they help easy linking
of foreign DNA and selection of recombinants from non recombinants.
Features of cloning vectors:
• Origin of Replication (ori):
Sequence from where replication starts
Responsible for controlling copy number of the linked DNA
Those vectors are preferred which support high copy number
• Selectable Marker:
Helps in selection of transformants
Normally, the genes encoding resistance to antibiotics such as
ampicillin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline or kanamycin, etc., are
considered useful selectable markers for E.coli
The normal E.coli cells do not carry resistance against any of these
• Cloning Sites/Restriction Sites:
Single recognition site for a restriction enzyme within the vector is
a preferable feature.
Presence of more than one recognition sites within the vector will
generate several fragments which will complicate the gene cloning.
The ligation of alien DNA/gene of interest (GOI) is carried out at a
restriction site present in one of the antibiotic resistant genes.
Transformation: Procedure through which piece of foreign DNA is
introduced in a host bacterium.
• Insertional inactivation: Insertion of gene of interest within antibiotic
resistance gene/selectable marker results in inactivation.
• Hypothesis: Insertion of GOI at Bam HI site in tetR.
If transformation fails: Non transformants are obtained in antibiotic lacking
agar medium but they do not grow on antibiotic rich medium.
Pvu II
Gene of interest cloned No Yes
Resistance to ampicillin Yes Yes
Resistance to tetracycline Yes No
All transformants are not recombinants but all recombinants are transformants.
• Non-Transformants: Hosts that do not take up the vector DNA
(Recombinant or Non-recombinant).
• Transformants: Hosts that take up the vector DNA (Recombinant or
• Recombinants: Transformant hosts that take up the recombinant DNA
(Vector DNA with desired DNA).
• Non-Recombinants: Transformant hosts that take up the
nonrecombinant DNA (Vector DNA without desired DNA)
• rop → Codes for the proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid.
Plasmids as vectors:
• Extra chromosomal, circular, double stranded DNA.
• Replicate independent of the control of chromosomal DNA
• They may have 1 or 2 copies per cell or even 15-100 copies per cell.
Fails Succeeds
Non-recombinants Recombinants
Methods of Transformation
1. Micro-injection
Recombinant DNA is directly injected into the nucleus of an animal
2. Biolistic/Gene gun
Plant cells are bombarded with high velocity microparticles of gold
or tungsten coated with DNA.
3. Heat shock method
4. Disarmed pathogen vector
Hand book (biology) 104
Competent Host for Transformation with recombinant DNA
• DNA is hydrophilic, so it can not pass through cell membranes
• In order to force cell to take up alien DNA/rDNA, it must first be made
‘competent’ by treating with ice cold calcium chloride (CaCl2).
• Entry of rDNA in host cell is due to transient pores created by heat
shock (42°C) and not due to Ca2+ ions.
• Divalent cations increases the efficiency with which DNA enters the
bacterium through pores in its cell wall.
Process of Recombinant DNA Technology
Isolation of DNA
cathode anode
Stained Exposed
with Ethidium to
Gel U.V rays
Sequence of events
Biotechnology and
Its Applications
Biotechnology: Deals with industrial scale production of biopharmaceuticals
and biologicals using GM microbes, fungi, plants and animals.
Applications of biotechnology include:
Therapeutics Processed food
Diagnostics Bioremediation
Genetically modified Waste treatment
crops for agriculture Energy production
Three critical research areas of biotechnology:
Providing best catalyst in the form of improved microbes or pure enzymes
Creating optimal conditions through genetic engineering
Downstream processing technologies for purification
Death of insect
Choice of gene depends on
(i) Target pest (ii) Crop
cry/Ac and cry ll Ab Cotton bollworm
cry/Ab Corn borer
Bt toxins are insect group specific:
Lepidoptera: Tobacco budworm, armyworm, cotton bollworm
Coleoptera: Beetles
Diptera: Flies and mosquitoes
Produced separately
extracted and combined
by creating disulphide
Human insulin
Insertion of genes into an individual's cells to treat diseases by
(i) Replacing a defective mutant allele with a functional one
(ii) Gene targeting which involves gene amplification.
First clinical gene therapy was conducted in 1990 in a 4 year old girl to
treat adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency, ADA enzyme is crucial
for immune system to function
Treatment for ADA Deficiency
(1) Enzyme replacement therapy
• Functional ADA is given by injection Not completely curative
(2) Bone marrow transplantation in children
(3) Gene therapy-Could be a permanent cure if bone marrow transplantion
is done at early embryonic stages.
Steps in gene therapy
Lymphocytes of patient ADA cDNA
Infused in patient
Possess manipulated DNA and express foreign gene
Transgenic rats, rabbits, pigs, sheep, cows and fish have been produced
95% of transgenic animals are mice.
Uses of Transgenic Animals
To study how genes are regulated and how they affect the normal functions
of body, e.g., Study of insulin -like growth factors
Transgenic models exist for study of diseases like cancer, cystic fibrosis,
rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's
Biological products
-1 antitrypsin - Treat emphysema.
Similar attempts are made for treatment of PKU (Phenylketonuria) and
cystic fibrosis.
First transgenic cow: Rosie developed in 1997 producing human protein
enriched milk (2.4 grams per litre)
The milk contained alpha-lactalbumin: More balanced product for
human babies than natural cow milk
Vaccine Safety
Transgenic mice are being used to test the safety of polio vaccine to replace
the use of monkeys.
Chemical safety testing
Transgenic animals are made more sensitive to toxic substances to obtain
results in less time.
♦ Ecology (at organismic and population level) studies interactions
among organisms and between organism and its physical (abiotic)
♦ Ecology is basically concerned with four levels of biological
organisation-organisms, populations, communities and biomes.
Population Attributes:
• Birth rates and Death Rates: Refer to per capita births and deaths.
• Sex-ratio: e.g. 60 percent of the population are females & 40 percent
• Age-pyramids: Shows percent individuals of a given age or age
group. For the shape of the pyramids reflects the growth status of the
(a) Expanding (b) Stable
(c) Declining
119 organisMs and PoPulations
Evolutionary changes through natural selection takes place at
population level.
1. Population for any species is not a static parameter.
2. Food availability, predation pressure and adverse weather are the factors
which affect population.
3. Population density, in a given habitat during a given period, fluctuates
due to changes in Four base processes.
Two-natality, immigration increase density.
Two-mortality, emigration decrease it.
Tiger census in our national parks & tiger reserves is often based on
pug marks and fecal pellets
• If N the population density al time t, then its density at time t + 1
Nt+1 = N1 [(B + I) – (D + E)]
If births plus immigration (B + I) is more than deaths plus emigration
(D + E), population density will increase
Under normal conditions, births & deaths are most important factors
influencing population density
If a new habitat is just being colonised, immigration is more
significant to population growth than birth rates.
• Nature resources are limited. dN (K − N)
= rN Sigmoid Curve
• This leads to competition. dt K
• The fittest survive and reproduce
• So, it shows, lag, acceleration, deceleration and finally asymptote
• It gives Verhulst-Pearl logistic curve.
• Logistic growth model is realistic.
• Asymptote-When population density reaches the carrying capacity.
121 organisMs and PoPulations
• Populations evolve to maximise their reproductive fitness, also called
Darwinian fitness (high ‘r’ value), in the habitat in which they live and
evolve towards the most effective reproductive strategy.
Reproductive Strategies in Organisms
1. Breed only once in their life time. 1. Breed many times during lifetime.
e.g., Pacific salmon fish, Bamboo e.g., Most birds & Mammals.
2. Some produce large number of small- 2. Others produce a small number of large-
sized off springs sized off springs.
e.g., Oysters, Pelagic fishes e.g., Birds & Mammals
Predation (+; –)
• Predators act as conduits for energy transfer across trophic levels
• Keep prey population under control due to prudent predators
• Used as biological control method for pest-control.
• Maintain species diversity by reducing competition among prey eg.
• Prey species evolved defenses:
(a) Camouflage - Insects & frogs
(b) Monarch butterfly- Chemical defense
(c) Thorns-Cactus, Acacia
• Many plants produce and store chemicals that make herbivore sick
when they are eaten, e g., Calotropis produces cardiac glycosides
Competition (–; –)
• Darwin said interspecific competition is a potent force in organic
• Totally unrelated species can compete for same resources.
• The fitness (‘r’ the intrinsic rate of increase) of one species is
significantly lower in presence of another species.
• Competitive release - The distributional range increase dramatically
when the superior species is removed.
• eg. Balanus & Chthamalus
• Gause’s competitive exclusion principle = eg. Abingdon tortoise and
Goats in galapagos island.
• Co-Existence by resource partitioning eg. 5 closely related species
of warblers.
Hand book (biology) 122
Parasitism (+; –)
• Free lodging and meals
• Parasites are host specific, i.e., co-evolve
• Parasitic adaptations = Loss of sense organs, presence of adhesive
organs or suckers, loss of digestive system & high capacity of
• Human liver fluke depends on a snail and a fish to complete life cycle.
• Parasites reduce survival, growth and reproduction of host make them
• Brood parasitism in birds eg. Cuckoo and crow. The eggs of parasitic
bird had evolved to resemble host’s egg in colour and size.
• Ectoparasites on surface and Endoparasites inside host
Commensalism (+; 0)
• An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch
• Barnacles growing on back of a whale.
• Cattle egret and grazing cattle.
• Sea anemone that has stinging tentacles and clown fish that lives among
Mutualism (+; +)
• Lichens, Mycorrhiza
• Plant - animal relationships for pollination.
• Plants offer rewards or fees like pollen, nectar for pollinators and fruits
for seed dispersal.
• Safeguards against cheaters.
• Shows co-evolution and one to one relationship like fig and partner
♦ Ecosystem is a functional unit of nature.
♦ Entire biosphere is a global ecosystem (all local ecosystems).
♦ Forest, grassland and desert are terrestrial ecosystems.
♦ Pond, lake, wetland, river and estuary are aquatic.
♦ Crop fields and an aquarium are man-made ecosystems.
♦ Input (productivity): Transfer of energy (food chain-web, nutrient
♦ Output (degradation and energy loss) are the major functions of
• Breakdown of complex organic matter into inorganic substances like
CO2, water and nutrients.
• Raw material: Detritus, i.e., dead plant remains like leaves, bark,
flowers and dead remains of animals, including fecal matter.
Break down of detritus into smaller particles by detritivores (e.g.,
Water soluble inorganic nutrients go down into the soil horizon
and get precipitated as unavailable salts.
Bacterial and fungal enzymes degrade detritus into simpler
inorganic substances.
Accumulation of dark, amorphous Humus which is highly resistant
Humification to microbial action. Colloidal reservoir of nutrients.
Humus undergoes decomposition at an extremely slow rate in soil.
Humus is further degraded by microbes to release inorganic
125 ecosysteM
• Fragmentation + Leaching + Catabolism (operate simultaneously)
= Detritus.
Rate of Decomposition Composition of Detritus Climatic Factors
Slower Rich in lignin and chitin Low temperature and
Quicker Rich in nitrogen and water Warm and moist environment.
soluble substances like Oxygen requiring process
• Temperature and soil moisture are most important climatic factors that
regulate decomposition.
Unidirectional from sun to producers and then to consumers.
SUN PAR (< 50%) Plants
(Incident solar
(secondary carnivores)
• Food or energy relationship between organisms at different trophic
levels is expressed in terms of number, biomass or energy.
• Base of each pyramid.
• Producers or the first trophic level.
• Apex Tertiary or top level consumer.
• The trophic level represents a functional level, not a species as such.
A given species may occupy more than one trophic level in the same
ecosystem at the same time.
• Three types of ecological pyramids are usually studied: (a) pyramid of
number (b) pyramid of biomass (c) pyramid of energy.
127 ecosysteM
Trophic level Number of individuals
TC (Tertiary consumer) 3
P (Producer) 5,842,000
TC 1.5
SC 11
PC 37
P 809
PC 21
P 4
• Composition and structure of all communities constantly change in
response to the changing environmental conditions which is orderly and
sequential, parallel with changes in the physical environment, leading
finally to a community that is in near equilibrium to the environment
and is called climax community.
• Ecological succession: Gradual and fairly predictable change in the
species composition of a given area.
• The entire sequence of communities that successively change in a
given area are called SERE(s) and individual transitional communities
are termed seral stages or seral communities.
• In the successive seral stages change in diversity of species of
organisms, increase in the number of species and organisms as well as
an increase in total biomass is seen.
• Primary succession: Starts in an area where no living organisms
ever existed, like on bare rock, newly cooled larva, newly created
pond or reservoir, so it is slow and can take several hundred to
thousand years.
129 ecosysteM
• Secondary succession: Takes place in areas that somehow lost all
the living organisms that existed there, like abandoned farm lands,
burned or cut forests, lands that have been flooded. Since some soil
or sediment is present, succession is faster than primary succession.
Climax reached more quickly.
• The species that invade a bare area are called pioneer species.
• After several more stages, ultimately a stable climax forest community
is formed.
HYDRARCH (In Wet Areas)
Phytoplankton Submerged Submerged free
(pioneer) plant stage floating stage
Forest Marsh-meadow
(climax) MESIC Scrub stage stage
• Nutrients which are never lost from the ecosystems, they are recycled
time and again indefinitely, it is called biogeochemical cycles
(bio-living organism, geo-rocks, air, water).
• Two types:
(a) Gaseous (e.g., Nitrogen, carbon cycle)
(b) Sedimentary (e.g., Sulphur, phosphorus cycle)
131 ecosysteM
Chapter 15
Biodiversity and
♦ More than 20,000 species of ants, 3,00,000 species of beetles, 28,000
species of fishes and nearly 20,000 species of orchids.
• Immense diversity (or heterogeneity) exists not only at the species level
but at all levels of biological organisation ranging from macromolecules
within cells to biomes.
• The term Biodiversity was popularised by the socio-biologist Edward
Genetic Diversity
• A single species might show high diversity at genetic level over its
distributional range.
• E.g., Genetic variation shown by Rauwolfia vomitoria in different
Himalayan ranges in potency and concentration of reserpine.
• India has more than 50,000 genetically different strains of rice and
1,000 varieties of mango.
Species Diversity
• Diversity at the species level
• E.g., Western ghats have a greater amphibian species diversity than
Eastern ghats.
Ecological Diversity
• At the ecosystem level
• E.g., India with its deserts, rain forests, mangroves and alpine meadows has
a greater ecosystem diversity than a Scandinavian Country like Norway.
• According to IUCN (2004), the total number of plant and animal
species described so far is slightly more than 1.5 million.
• A conservative and scientifically sound estimate made by Robert May
places the global species diversity at about 7 million.
Interesting Aspects of Earth's Biodiversity
(a) More than 70% of all species recorded are animals while plants
(including algae, fungi, bryophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms)
comprise no more than 22% of the total.
(b) Among animals, insects make more than 70% of total, i.e., out of every
10 animals on this planet, 7 are insects.
(c) Number of fungi species are more than fishes, amphibians, reptiles and
mammals combined.
• Although, India has only 2.4% of world’s land area, its share of the
global species diversity is an impressive 8.1 percent.
• India is one of the 12 mega diversity countries of the world. Nearly
45,000 species of plants and twice as many of animals have been
recorded from India.
• If we accept May's global estimates, only 22 percent of the total
species have been recorded so far, then, India has more than 1,00,000
plant species and 3,00,000 animal species yet to be discovered.
Invertebrates Vertebrates
Other animal group Mammals
Ferns and
mosses allies
Algae Lichens
s ca
• The colonisation of tropical pacific islands by humans led to extinction
of more than 2,000 species of native birds. The IUCN red list (2004)
documents extinction of 784 species (including 338 vertebrates, 359
invertebrates and 87 plants) in the last 500 yrs.
• The last 20 years alone witnessed disappearance of 27 species.
• Amphibians appear more vulnerable to extinction.
• 15,500 species world-wide are facing threat of extinction.
• There were five episodes of mass extinction of species in the past,
before humans appeared.
• The Sixth Extinction presently in progress is 100 to 1000 times faster
than pre-human times and our activities are responsible for the faster rates.
• Loss of biodiversity in a region may lead to:
(a) Decline in plant production.
(b) Lowered resistance to environmental perturbations like drought.
(c) Increased variability in plant productivity water use and pest and
disease cycles.
Recent Extinctions
1. Dodo - Mauritius
2. Quagga - Africa
3. Thylacine - Australia
4. Steller’s sea cow - Russia
5. Three sub-species of tiger - Bali, Javan & Caspian
Hand book (biology) 136
Species Facing Threat of Extinction in World
12% Birds
23% Mammals
32% Amphibians
31% Gymnosperms
Ethical Arguments
• Philosophically or spiritually, we have to understand that each species
has a intrinsic value.
• We have a moral duty to care for their well-being.
• We need to pass on our biological legacy in good order to future
Ex-situ Conservation
• Zoological Parks, Botanical gardens and wild-life Safari parks.
• Many animals have become extinct in the wild but are maintained in
zoological parks.
• Cryopreservation to protect and preserve gametes of threatened
species in viable and fertile condition.
• Plants can be propagated using tissue culture methods.
• Seeds of different genetic strains of commercially important plants can
be kept for long periods in seed banks.
• The historic Convention on Biological diversity (The Earth Summit)
was held in Rio de Janeiro (1992) for biodiversity conservation and
sustainable utilisation of benefits
• World Summit on sustainable development (WSSD) held in 2002
in Johannesburg, South Africa, 190 countries pledged for significant
reduction in current rate of biodiversity loss at global, regional and
local levels by 2010.
Environmental Issues
♦ Pollution is any undesirable change in physical, chemical or biological
characteristics of air, land, water or soil.
♦ Pollutants: Agents that bring about such undesirable change
♦ The government of India passed the Environment (protection) Act,
1986 to protect and improve the quality of our environment.
Control Strategies
• Electrostatic precipitator can remove 99% particulate matter present in
exhaust from a thermal power plant.
• Scrubber can remove gases like SO2.
• Catalytic converter with platinum, palladium and rhodium-as catalysts,
in automobiles, convert unburnt hydrocarbons into CO2 and H2O
and carbon monoxide and nitric oxide to CO2 and nitrogen gas. Lead
inactivates the catalyst.
Noise as an Air pollutant
• Air (Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1981, was amended in
1987, to include noise as an air-pollutant.
• Noise is undesired high level of sound.
• A brief exposure of extremely high sound level 150 dB or more
generated by jet plane or rocket can damage ear drums and can cause
permanent loss of hearing ability.
• Chronic exposure of lower noise level may permanently damage
hearing abilities.
• Noise also causes sleeplessness, increased heart beat, altered breathing
pattern, thus considerably stressing humans.
• To control noise pollution, use of sound-absorbent materials or
by muffling noise; delimitation of harm-free zones, timings for
loudspeakers etc. need to be enforced.
• Everything that goes out in trash is solid waste.
(A) Municipal solid waste: Comprise paper, food wastes, plastics glass,
metals, rubber, leather, textile, etc. Burning reduces volume of wastes.
Open dumps serve as breeding grounds of rats and flies.
Sanitary land fills are a substitute for open burning dumps. Wastes are
dumped in a depression or trench after compaction and covered with
dirt everyday.
Landfills get filled in metros due to large amount of garbage and danger
of seepage of chemicals which pollute underground water resources.
(B) Electronic wastes (e-wastes): Irreparable computers and other
electronic goods. E-wastes are burried or incinerated.
143 environMental issues
Over half of e-wastes generated in developed world are exported to
developing countries like China, India and Pakistan where metals like
copper, iron, silicon, nickel and gold are recovered during recycling
process. Recycling is the only solution for treatment of e-wastes.
(C) Hospitals generate hazardous wastes that contain disinfectants and
other harmful chemicals and pathogenic micro-organisms, The use of
incinerators is crucial to disposal of hospital waste.