Nursing Home & Assisted Living Guide

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June 2010 Edition

For Northern New Jersey

What Every Family Needs To Know About
Medicaid & Long Term Care Planning

570 West Mt. Pleasant Avenue Suite 101 Livingston, NJ 07039
Tel: (973) 994-2287 Fax: (973) 740-1785
How to:

- Find the Right Nursing Home
And Assisted Living Facility

- Get Good Care There

- Pay For It Without Going Broke

Table of Contents

1. Introduction...2

2. Selecting a Nursing Facility..3

3. Nursing Home Evaluation Form6

4. Nursing Homes.....13

5. Division of Assets & Medicaid Planning.34

6. Some Common Questions38

7. Legal Assistance...44

8. In Conclusion...45

9. Assisted Living Guide..46

10. Assisted Living Checklist.48

11. Assisted Living Facilities.49

12. Adult Day Care Centers...57

13. Sponsor Ads.59


The decision to move a family member or a loved one into a nursing home is one of
the most difficult decisions you can make.

Perhaps the move is being made because the family member can no longer care for
him or herself or perhaps the person has a progressive disease like Alzheimers
or has had a stroke or heart attack.

No matter the reason, those involved are almost always under great stress.

At times like these, it is important that you pause, take a deep breath and understand
there are things you can do that can make the experience a little easier. Good
information is available and you can make the right choices for your loved one.

This booklet is designed to help provide you with information and answers to the
questions, which we, as Elder Law attorneys, deal with on a daily basis.

We found it helpful to our clients as we put the information together, and we hope
you will find it useful as well.

Yale S. Hauptman, Esq.
Laurie A. Hauptman, Esq.
Hauptman & Hauptman, P.C.

The Hauptman and Hauptman Nursing Home & Assisted Living Guide For Northern New Jersey is
carefully researched, and is intended to supply accurate, complete and helpful information. The publisher
cannot however, guarantee the accuracy of information contained therein nor endorses any product or
service represented. The guide is for informational purposes and is not intended, or does it constitute, legal

Federal Fair Housing Act All Communities/Facilities participating in our directory are subject to the
Federal Fair Housing Act. Under this Act, it is appropriate and legal to discriminate in housing based
upon certain defined and proved categories such as senior housing; however, the Federal Fair Housing
Act makes it illegal to discriminate in housing based upon race, color, religion, familial status, national
origin, handicap, or sex.
Selecting a Nursing Facility

When someone is faced with the overwhelming job of finding a nursing home
for a loved one, the question often asked is Where do I begin? Although this is a
job that no one wants to do, it can be done with forethought and confidence that the
best decision was made for everyone involved.

When nursing home placement is necessary, it is crucial that the family and/or
potential resident decide whats most important to them in looking for a facility. It is
important that the residents needs and wants be included in this evaluation. Things
such as the location of the facility, if a special care unit is necessary, and type of
payer source should be considered when beginning this process.

The next step is to identify the facilities in your area that meet the criteria you
established above.

If placement is down the road and you have time, call the nursing facilities and
ask them to send you their information packet including an activity calendar and a

Get ready to tour the facilities you have chosen. Dont schedule your tours. Just
show up during regular business hours. You will be able to meet with the
administrative staff who will answer all your questions. Next, you will want to tour a
second time in the evening or on the weekend just to see if there is a drastic
difference in the atmosphere of the facility or the care being provided. It is important
to tour at least two facilities so you can see the difference in the physical layout and
the staff.

When you are touring, pay attention to your gut feeling. Ask yourself the
following questions. Did I feel welcome? How long did I have to wait to meet
with someone? Did the admission director find out my family members wants and
needs? Was the facility clean? Were there any strong odors? Was the staff friendly?
Did they seem to generally care for the resident? Did the staff seem to get along with
each other? Listen and observe. You can learn so much just by watching and paying

When touring a facility, ask any questions that come to mind. There are no
dumb questions. Here are a few examples of questions you will want to ask to
make sure that the administration of the facility is giving proactive care instead of
reacting to crisis.

x How do you ensure that call lights are answered promptly regardless of your
x If someone is not able to move or turn him or herself, how do you ensure that they
are turned and do not develop bedsores?
x How do you make sure that someone is assisted with the activities of daily living
like dressing, toileting and transferring?
x Can residents bring in their own supplies?
x Can residents use any pharmacy?
x How many direct care staff members do you have on each shift? Does this
number exceed the minimal number that state regulations say you have to have or
do you just meet the minimum standard?
x What payer sources do you accept?
x How long has the medical director been with your facility?
x How were your last state survey results? (Ask to see a copy)
x How did you correct these deficiencies and what process did you put in place to
make sure you do no make these mistakes again?
x Has the state prohibited this facility from accepting new residents at any time
during the last 2 years?
x What is your policy on family care planning conferences? Will you adjust your
schedule to make sure that I can attend the meeting?
x Do you have references I can talk with?
x Can my loved one come in for a meal to see if he/she fits in and likes the facility?

Attached is a form you can use when touring facilities. This will help you keep track
of which facility you liked best and those you did not care for.

Once a facility has been chosen, there are some definite steps you can take to make
the process less traumatic on the resident. First, plan the admission carefully. If you
know the resident becomes very difficult to deal with in the late afternoon, plan the
admission for mid-morning. Next, complete the admission paperwork before your loved
one actually moves into the facility. This will allow you to spend the first few hours that
you are there with them getting them settled and making them feel secure in their new
living environment.

Some practical things you want to be sure to do. mark every piece of clothing with
a permanent laundry marker. When a facility is washing the clothes for 120 people, it is
common for things to occasionally end up in the wrong room, however you can help
ensure getting the item back if it is properly marked. If you are going to do your loved
ones laundry, post a sign on the closet door to notify staff and provide a laundry bag
where dirty clothes can be placed. Also, bring in familiar things for the resident so that
there is a feeling of home. However, realize that space is limited especially in a semi-
private room.
A very important thing for you to remember is that the staff of the facility is just
meeting your loved one for the first time. They do not know his or her likes or dislikes,
or those little nuances that make providing care go smoother. The best way you can help
your loved one is to tell the staff, in writing, as much information as possible about your
loved onehis/her likes and dislikes, typical daily schedule, pet peeves, and so on.

It is important that you get to know the people who are caring for your loved one.
Most importantly, stay involved. Let everyone know how much you care and how
committed you are to your loved ones care. Also understand you will not help your
loved one by becoming anxious or emotional. Assure them that although this is not an
ideal situation, you will be there to assist them in making it as pleasurable as possible.

Nursing Home Evaluation

As you visit nursing homes, use the following form for each place you visit. Dont
expect every nursing home to score well on every question. The presence or absence of
any of these items does not automatically mean a facility is good or bad. Each has its
own strengths and weaknesses. Simply consider what is most important to the resident
and you.

Record your observations for each question by circling a number from one to five. (If
a question is unimportant to you or doesnt apply to your loved one, leave the evaluation
area for that question blank.) Then total all the blanks you checked.

Your ratings will help you compare nursing homes and choose the best one for your
situation. But, dont rely simply on the numbers. Ask to speak to family members of
other residents. Also, contact the state Department of Health and Senior Services for
information about the nursing home. You can find a report card for each facility at Also, get a copy of the facilitys state
inspection report for the nursing home from the agency that licenses (or certifies) nursing
homes or the ombudsman. You are able to view nursing home comparisons by visiting

Nursing Home Evaluation Form

Name of Nursing Home:________________________________________________
Date Visited__________________________________________________________
1= = = = = = 5
The Buildings and Surrounding
What is your first impression of the facility? 1 2 3 4 5

What is the condition of the facilitys exterior 1 2 3 4 5
(paint, gutters and trim)?

Are the grounds pleasant and well kept? 1 2 3 4 5

Do you like the view from residents rooms 1 2 3 4 5
and other windows?

Do residents with Alzheimers disease live in a 1 2 3 4 5
separate Alzheimers unit?

Does the nursing home provide a secure outdoor area? 1 2 3 4 5

Is there a secure area where a resident with Alzheimers 1 2 3 4 5
Disease can safely wander on walking paths?

Are there appropriate areas for physical therapy and 1 2 3 4 5
other occupational therapy?

Is there a well-ventilated room for smokers? 1 2 3 4 5

Are facilities for barber or beauty salon services available? 1 2 3 4 5

What is your impression of general cleanliness 1 2 3 4 5
throughout the facility?

Does the facility smell clean? 1 2 3 4 5

Is there enough space in resident rooms and 1 2 3 4 5
common areas for the number of residents?

How noisy are hallways and common areas? 1 2 3 4 5

Is the dining area clean and pleasant? 1 2 3 4 5

Is there room at and between tables for both residents 1 2 3 4 5
and aides for those who need assistance with meals?

Are common areas like lounges and activity rooms in use? 1 2 3 4 5

Are residents allowed to bring pieces of furniture 1 2 3 4 5
and other personal items to decorate their rooms?

The Staff, Policies and Practices

Does the administrator know residents by name and speak 1 2 3 4 5
to them in a pleasant, friendly way?

Do staff and residents communicate with cheerful, 1 2 3 4 5
respectful attitudes?

Do staff and administration seem to work well with each 1 2 3 4 5
other in a spirit of cooperation?

Do residents get permanent assignment of staff? 1 2 3 4 5

Do nursing assistants participate in the residents care 1 2 3 4 5
planning process?

How good is the nursing homes record for employee 1 2 3 4 5

Does the state ombudsman visit the nursing home on 1 2 3 4 5
a regular basis?

How likely is an increase in private pay rates? 1 2 3 4 5

Are there any addition charges not included in the daily 1 2 3 4 5
or monthly rate?

Residents Concerns

What method is used in selecting roommates? 1 2 3 4 5

What is a typical day like? 1 2 3 4 5

Can residents choose what time to go to bed and 1 2 3 4 5
wake up?

Are meaningful activities available that are appropriate 1 2 3 4 5
for resident participation?

If activities are in progress, what is the level 1 2 3 4 5
of resident participation?

Can residents continue to participate in interests like 1 2 3 4 5
gardening or have contact with pets?
Does the nursing home provide transportation for 1 2 3 4 5
community outings and activities?

Is a van or bus with wheel chair access available? 1 2 3 4 5

Do residents on Medicaid get mental health services or 1 2 3 4 5
occupational, speech or physical therapies if needed?

What is your impression of the general cleanliness 1 2 3 4 5
and grooming of residents?

How are decisions about method and frequency of 1 2 3 4 5
bathing made?

How do residents get their clothes laundered? 1 2 3 4 5

What happens when clothing or other items are missing? 1 2 3 4 5

Are meals appetizing and served promptly at mealtime? 1 2 3 4 5

Are snacks available between meals? 1 2 3 4 5

If residents call out for help or use a call light 1 2 3 4 5
do they get prompt, appropriate responses?

Does each resident have the same nursing assistant(s) 1 2 3 4 5
most of the time?

How does a resident with problems voice a complaint? 1 2 3 4 5

Do residents, who are able to, participate in care plan 1 2 3 4 5

Does the nursing home have an effective resident council? 1 2 3 4 5

Family Considerations

How convenient is the nursing homes location to family 1 2 3 4 5
members who may want to visit the resident?

Are there areas other than the residents room were 1 2 3 4 5
family members can visit?

Does the facility have safe, well-lighted, convenient 1 2 3 4 5

Are hotels/motels nearby for out-of-town family members? 1 2 3 4 5

Are area restaurants suitable for taking residents 1 2 3 4 5
out for a meal with family members?

How convenient will care planning conferences be for 1 2 3 4 5
interested family members?

Is an effective family council in place? 1 2 3 4 5

Can family/staff meetings be scheduled to discuss and 1 2 3 4 5
work out any problems that may arise?

Total Score:______________

How to Get Good Care in a Nursing Home

Once you find a nursing home placement for your loved one, you can begin the
process of easing the transition from one level of care to another.

The most important way you can help is to ensure that your loved one gets good care
in the new environment.

If you have been providing some or all of your loved ones care, youll notice a
change in your role. Rather than functioning as a caregiver, youll instead become a care

You will still be caring for your loved one, but in a new way.

Your key roles are to participate in planning for your loved ones care and in frequent
communication with the nursing home staff.

Care Planning

The care planning process begins with a baseline assessment. This assessment occurs
soon after a resident moves into a nursing home, certainly within the first two weeks.

A team from the nursing home which may include a doctor, nurse, social worker,
dietician and physical, occupational or recreational therapist, uses information from both
the resident and the family about the residents medical and emotional needs.

This baseline assessment then becomes the yardstick against which the caregivers can
measure the residents progress.

The team asks family members about the residents medical, psychological, spiritual
and social needs. You can also contribute information about your loved ones
preferences and usual routine. For example, you might tell the staff, Dad likes to listen
to the radio as he falls asleep. Hes been doing this since I was a child.

During the assessment process, you can help by making your own list of your loved
ones needs and giving the list to a member of the assessment team. For example, you
may have noticed signs of depression along with symptoms of Alzheimers. The
assessment team may not notice these signs, so your input will be invaluable.

In the space below list your loved ones medical needs:

In the space below list your loved ones psychological needs:

In the space below list your loved ones spiritual needs:

In the space below list your loved ones social needs:

In the space below list your loved ones preferences and usual routines:

The assessment team uses all the information they gather to develop an
individualized formal care plan. The care plan defines specific care the resident needs
and outlines strategies the staff will use to meet them. The assessment team meets during
the first month of a new residents placement at a care-planning meeting. Family
members, as well as the resident, may attend.

When you go to the care plan meeting, bring along a copy of the list of needs you
gave the assessment team earlier. Together, you can discuss your loved ones needs and
the care plan that the team has developed. And, if some need has been overlooked, you
can ensure that the assessment team addresses it during this meeting.

Federal law requires that nursing home care result in improvement, if
improvement is possible. In cases where improvement is not possible, the care must
maintain abilities or slow the loss of function.

For example, if your mother has a little problem with language when she moves
into the nursing home, the care plan should include activities that encourage her use of
language unless or until the diseases progression changes this ability.

The care plan becomes part of the nursing home contract. It should detail the
residents medical, emotional and social needs and spell out what will be done to improve
(when possible) or maintain the residents health.

According to federal law, nursing homes must review the residents care plan
every three months and whenever the residents condition changes. It must also reassess
the resident annually. At these times additional care planning meetings are held to update
the residents care plan.

For example, if your father had bladder control when he entered the nursing
home, but has become incontinent, this significant change in his status means the nursing
home staff must develop a new care plan that addresses his new need.

As a care advocate, youll want to monitor your loved ones care to be sure the
nursing home is providing the care outlined in the care plan. You may also attend all care
planning meetings, whether regularly scheduled or when held because of a change in
your loved ones health. This is the best way to ensure that your loved one gets personal
and appropriate care in the nursing home.

Bergen County
Allendale Nursing Home X X X
85 Harreton Road
Allendale, NJ

Care One at Dunroven X 9
221 County Road
Cresskill, NJ 07626

Armenian Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center
X X 9
70 Main Street
Emerson, NJ 07630

Emerson Health Care Center X X 9
100 Kinderkamack Road
Emerson, NJ 07630

The Actors Fund Homes X X X
175 West Hudson Avenue
Englewood, NJ 07631

Inglemoor Center X X
333 Grand Avenue
Englewood, NJ 07631

Maple Glen Center X X 9
12-15 Saddle River Road
Fairlawn, NJ 07410

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Bergen County (continued)

Care One Wellington X X
301 Union Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601

Prospect Heights Care Center X
336 Prospect Avenue
Hackensack, NJ 07601

Regent Care Center X X
50 Polify Road
Hackensack, NJ 07601

Maywood Center For Health
And Rehabilitation
100 West Magnolia Avenue
Maywood, NJ 07607

Woodcrest Health Care Center X X X
800 River Road
New Milford, NJ 07646

The Buckingham At Norwood
Care & Rehabilitation
100 McClellan Street
Norwood, NJ 07648

Oakland Care Center X X X
20 Breaneck Road
Oakland, NJ 07436

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Bergen County (continued)

Oradell Health Care Center X X 9
600 Kinderkamack Road
Oradell, NJ 07649

Bergen Regional Medical Center X X X
230 E Ridgewood Avenue
Paramus, NJ 07652

Care One at Pine Rest X X
W-90 Ridgewood Avenue
Paramus, NJ 07652

Dellridge Health & Rehabilitation
X X 9
532 Farview Avenue
Paramus, NJ 07652

N.J. Veterans Memorial
1 Veterans Drive
Paramus, NJ 07652

The Plaza Regency At Park Ridge X X
120 Noyes Drive
Park Ridge, NJ 07656

Ridgewood Center X X
330 Franklin Turnpike
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Van Dyk Manor of Ridgewood X
304 S. Van Dien Avenue
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Bergen County (continued)

Bristol Manor X X
96 Parkway Avenue
Rochelle Park, NJ 07662

The Chateau at Rochelle Park X X
96 Parkway
Rochelle Park, NJ 07662

Bergen County Health Care Center X X X
35 B Peirmont Road
Rockleigh, NJ 07647

Jewish Home At Rockleigh X X X
10 Link Drive
Rockleigh, NJ 07647

Care One At Teaneck X
544 Teaneck Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666

County Manor Rehabilitation and
Health Care Center
133 County Road
Tenafly, NJ 07670

Care One Valley X X 9
300 Old Hook Road
Westwood, NJ 07675

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Bergen County (continued)

Woodcliff Lake Health &
Rehabilitation Center
555 Chestnut Ridge Road
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677

Christian Health Care Center X X
301 Sicomac Ave
Wyckoff, NJ 07481

Essex County

Clara Maass Continuing Care Center
One Clara Maass Drive
Belleville, NJ 07109

Job Haines Home For Aged People X X X
250 Bloomfield Ave
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Park Manor Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center
X 9
23 Park Place
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Arbor Glen Center X X
25 E Lindsley Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Essex County (continued)

CEDAR GROVE (continued)
Cedar Hill X X 9
25 E. Lindsley Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

The Canterbury At Cedar Grove
Care and Rehabilitation
398 Pompton Avenue
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

St. Vincents Nursing Home X X X
315 East Lindsley Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

Waterview Center X X X
536 Ridge Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

Brookhaven Health Care Center X X
120 Park End Place
East Orange, NJ 07018

New Grove Manor X X 9
101 North Grove Street
East Orange, NJ 07017

Park Crescent Healthcare &
Rehabilitation Center
480 Parkway Drive
East Orange, NJ 07017

Windsor Gardens Care Center X X
140 Park Ave
East Orange, NJ 07017

9 Wander Guard or Similar System

Essex County (continued)

Chancellor Specialty Care Center X X X
155 Fortienth Street
Irvington, NJ 07111

Inglemoor Rehabilitation and Care
Center of Livingston
311 S Livingston Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07039

Care One At Livingston X X X
68 Passaic Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07039

Gates Manor X X 9
111-115 Gates Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042

Little Nursing Home X
71 Christopher Street
Montclair, NJ 07042

Mountainside Hospital X
One Bay Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042

Van Dyk Manor of Montclair X X
42 North Mountain Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042

Forest Hill Healthcare Center X X 9
497 Mt. Prospect Avenue
Newark, NJ 07104

9 Wander Guard or Similar System

Essex County (continued)

NEWARK (continued)
New Community Extended Care
X X 9
266 S Orange Ave
Newark, NJ 07103

New Vista Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center
X X 9
300 Broadway
Newark, NJ 07104

Newark Health and Extended Care
X X 9
65 Jay Street
Newark, NJ 07103

The Pope John Paul II Pavilion at St.
Marys Life Center
135 South Center Street
Orange, NJ 07050

White House Healthcare &
Rehabilitation Center
560 Berkeley Avenue
Orange, NJ 07050

Lutheran Social Ministries at
Cranes Mill

459 Passaic Avenue
West Caldwell, NJ 07006

West Caldwell Care Center X X
1165 Fairfield Ave
West Caldwell, NJ 07006

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Essex County (continued)

Daughters of Israel Pleasant Valley
1155 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052

Green Hill X X 9
103 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052

St. Cloud Health Care Center X X
5 Brook End Drive
West Orange, NJ 07052

Stratford Manor Care and
Rehabilitation Center
787 Northfield Avenue
West Orange, NJ 07052

Summit Ridge Center X X X
20 Summit Street
West Orange, NJ 07052

Hudson County

Bayonne Hospital Center
Transitional Care Unit
St And Avenue East
Bayonne, NJ 07002

Palisade Nursing Center X X
6819 Boulevard East
Guttenberg, NJ 07093

9 Wander Guard or Similar System

Hudson County (continued)

Hamilton Park Health Care Center X X 9
525 Monmouth Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302

Harbor View Health Care Center X X 9
178-198 Ogden Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07307

Liberty House Nursing Home of
Jersey City
620 Montgomery Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302

Margaret Anna Cusack Care Center X X X
537 Pavonia Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306

Newport Nursing & Rehabilitation
X X 9
198 Stevens Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07305

St. Anns Home For The Aged X X X
198 Old Bergen Road
Jersey City, NJ 07305

Clara Maass Continuing Care Center
X X 9
198 Belgrove Drive
Kearny, NJ 07032

Clara Maass Continuing Care at
West Hudson
X X 9
206 Bergan Avenue
Kearny, NJ 07032

9 Wander Guard or Similar System

Hudson County (continued)

Fritz Rueter Altenheim
3161 Kennedy Boulevard
North Bergen, NJ 07047

Harborage X X 9
7600 River Road
North Bergen, NJ 07047

Hudson View Care Center And
Rehabilitation Center
9020 Wall Street
North Bergen, NJ 07047

Hudson Manor Health Care Center X X 9
595 County Avenue
Secaucus, NJ 07094

Union City
Castle Hill Health Care Center X X
615 23
Union City, NJ 07087

Manhattan View Nursing Home X X
3200 Hudson Avenue
Union City, NJ 07087

Morris County

Merry Heart of Boonton Township X X
199 Powerville Road
Boonton, NJ 07005

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Morris County (continued)

BOONTON (continued)
New Jersey Firemens home 9
565 Lathrop Avenue
Boonton, NJ 07005

Garden Terrace Nursing Home X
361 Main Street
Chatham, NJ 07928

King James Care Center of Chatham X X
415 Southern Blvd
Chatham, NJ 07928

Franciscan Oaks Health Center X 9
21 Pocono Road
Denville, NJ 07834

The Dwelling Place at Saint Clares X X
400 West Blackwell Street
Dover, NJ 07801

Regency Grande Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center
65 North Sussex Street
Dover, NJ 07801

Cheshire Home X X
9 Ridgedale Avenue
Florham Park, NJ 07932

Heath Village X X X
430 Schooleys Mountain Road
Hackettstown, NJ 07842

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Morris County (continued)

Lincoln Park Care Center LLC X X X
499 Pine Brook Road
Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

Lincoln Park Renaissance Rehab &
Nursing Center
X X 9
521 Pine Brook Road
Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

Holly Manor Center X X
84 Cold Hill Road
Mendham, NJ 07945

Pine Acres Nursing Home X X 9
51 Madison Ave
Madison, NJ 07940

Morris View Healthcare Center X X X
540 West Hanover Avenue
Morris Plains, NJ 07950

Atlantic Rehabilitation Institute X X
95 Mt Kemble Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

Care One At Madison Avenue X X 9
151 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

Morris Hills Center X X X
77 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Morris County (continued)

Care One at Morris X X 9
100 Mazdabrook Road
Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ 07054

Troy Hills Center X X
200 Reynolds Avenue
Parsippany, NJ 07054

Cedar Crest Village/Renaissance
Gardens (LTC)
4 Cedar Crest Village Drive
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444

Merry Heart Nursing Home X X
200 Rt 10 West
Succasunna, NJ 07876

Passaic County

The Health Center At Bloomingdale X X X
255 Union Avenue
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403

Daughters Of Miriam Center X X X
155 Hazel Street
Clifton, NJ 07015

Lakeland Health Care Center X X
25 Fifth Avenue
Haskell, NJ 07420

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Passaic County (continued)

HASKELL (continued)
Wanaque Convalescent Center X X 9
1433 Ringwood Avenue
Haskell, NJ 07420

Holland Christian Home X
151 Graham Avenue
North Haledon, NJ 07508

Chestnut Hill Convalescent Center X X X
360 Chestnut Street
Passaic, NJ 07055

Hamilton Plaza Nursing &
Rehabilitation Center
56 Hamilton Avenue
Passaic, NJ 07055

Doctors Subacute Care X X
59 Birch Street
Paterson, NJ 07522

Riverview Post-Acute Care Center X X 9
77 East 43
Paterson, NJ 07514

Holy Name Friary X X 9
Two Morris Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456

St. Josephs Home For Elderly X
140 Shepherd Lane
Totowa, NJ 07512

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Passaic County (continued)

Care One at Wayne (Snf) X X
493 Black Oak Ridge Road
Wayne, NJ 07470

Lakeview Subacute Care Center X X
130 Terhune Drive
Wayne, NJ 07470

Llanfair House X X X
1140 Black Oak Ridge Road
Wayne, NJ 07470

Oak Ridge Rehab & Nursing Center X X X
261 Terhune Drive
Wayne, NJ 07470

Preakness Healthcare Center X X X
305 Oldham Road
Wayne, NJ 07470

Regency Gardens Nursing Center X X X
296 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, NJ 07470

The Atrium At Wayne Subacute &
1120 Alps Road
Wayne, NJ 07474

Wayne View Care Center X X 9
2020 Rt 23 North
Wayne, NJ 07470

9 Wander Guard or Similar System

Passaic County (continued)

Milford Manor X X
69 Maple Road
West Milford, 07480

Sussex County
Andover Subacute
& Rehabilitation I
1 OBrien Lane
Andover, NJ 07821

Andover Subacute
& Rehabilitation II
99 Mulford Road
Andover, NJ 07821

Barn Hill Care Center X X X
249 High Sreet
Newton, NJ 07860

Bristol Glen SNF X X X
200 Bristol Glen Drive
Newton, NJ 07860

Sussex County Homestead X X X
129 Morris Turnpike
Newton, NJ 07860

Valley View Care Center X X
1 Summit Avenue
Newton, NJ 07860

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Union County

Berkeley Heights Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center
X X 9
35 Cottage Street
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Berkeley Meadows X X
311 Springfield Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Runnells Specialized Hospital X X X
40 Watchung Way
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Clark Nursing and Rehabilitation
X X 9
1213 Westfield Avenue
Clark, NJ 07006

Cranford Hall Inc X X X
600 Lincoln Park East
Cranford, NJ 07016

Cranford Health and Extended Care
X X 9
205 Birchwood Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016

Brother Bonaventure Extended Care
and Rehab Center
X X 9
655 East Jersey Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07206

Plaza Healthcare & Rehab Center X X 9
456 Rahway Avenue
Elizabeth, NJ 07202

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Union County

ELIZABETH (continued)
Elmora Hills Health & Rehabilitation
X X 9
225 W Jersey Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07202

Delaire Nursing & Convalescent
400 W Stimpson Avenue
Linden, NJ 07036

ManorCare Health Services -
X X 9
1180 Route 22 West
Mountainside, NJ 07092

ManorCare Health Services - New
X X 9
144 Gales Drive
New Providence, NJ 07974

AristaCare at Norwood Terrace X X 9
40 Norwood Avenue
Plainfield, NJ 07060

JFK Hartwyck At Cedar Brook X X 9
1340 Park Ave
Plainfield, NJ 07060

The Woodlands X X 9
1400 Woodland Avenue
Plainfield, NJ 07060

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Union County (continued)

Riverton Nursing
& Rehabilitation Center
X X 9
1777 Lawrence Street
Rahway, NJ 07065

Robert Wood Johnson University
Hospital at Rahway
X X 9
865 Stone Street
Rahway, NJ 07065

Ashbrook Nursing Home X X 9
1610 Raritan Road
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

Cornell Hall Nursing And
Rehabilitation Center
X X 9
234 Chesnut Street
Union, NJ 07083

South Mountain Healthcare &
X X 9
2385 Springfield Avenue
Vauxhall, NJ 07988

Westfield Center X X X
1515 Lamberts Mill Road
Westfield, NJ 07090

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Warren County

Clover Rest Home X X 9
28 Washington Street
Columbia, NJ 07832

House Of The Good Shepherd X X 9
798 Willow Grove Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

Forest Manor Health Care Center X X X
145 State Park Road
Hope, NJ 07844

Warren Haven X X X
350 Oxford Road
Oxford, NJ 07863

Brakeley Park Center X X 9
290 Red School Lane
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

Lopatcong Center X X 9
390 Red School Lane
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

Phillipsburg Center X X 9
843 Wilbur Avenue
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

9 Wander Guard or Similar System
Division of Assets and Medicaid Planning.

How to Pay for Nursing Home Care Without Going Broke

One of the things that concerns people most about nursing home care is how to pay for
that care.
There are basically four ways that you can pay the cost of a nursing home:
1. Long Term Care Insurance - If you are fortunate enough to have this type of
coverage, it may go a long way toward paying the cost of the nursing home. Unfortunately,
long-term care insurance has only started to become popular in the last few years and
most people facing a nursing home stay do not have this coverage.

2. Pay with Your Own Funds - This is the method many people are required to use at
first. Quite simply, it means paying for the cost of a nursing home out of your own
pocket. Unfortunately, with nursing home bills averaging approximately $10,000 per
month in our area, few people can afford a long-term stay in a nursing home.

3. Veterans Administration The United States Veterans Administration operates over
100 nursing facilities. Nursing home care is provided without cost to Veterans with
service-connected disabilities. For other Veterans there are eligibility factors, including
an income limit. The New Jersey Veterans Administration operates 3 homes for New
Jersey Veterans and their families. Eligibility requirements vary for Veterans, their
spouses and parents.

3. Medicare - This is the national health insurance program primarily for people 65
years of age and older, certain younger disabled people, and people with kidney failure.
Medicare provides short-term assistance with nursing home costs, but only if you meet
the strict qualification rules.

4. Medicaid - This is a federal and state funded and state administered medical benefit
program which can pay for the cost of the nursing home if certain asset and income tests
are met.

Since the first two methods of private pay (i.e. using your own funds and long term care
insurance) are self-explanatory and the third method is only available to a small segment
of the population, our discussion will concentrate on Medicare and Medicaid.

What About Medicare?

There is a great deal of confusion about Medicare and Medicaid.

Medicare is the federally funded and state administered health insurance program
primarily designed for older individuals (i.e. those over age 65). There are some limited
long-term care benefits that can be available under Medicare. In general, if you are
enrolled in the traditional Medicare plan, and youve had a hospital stay of at least three
days, and then you are admitted into a skilled nursing facility (often for rehabilitation or
skilled nursing care), Medicare may pay for a while. (If you are a Medicare Managed
Care Plan beneficiary, a three-day hospital stay may not be required to qualify.) If you
qualify, traditional Medicare may pay the full cost of the nursing home stay for the first
20 days and can continue to pay the cost of the nursing home stay for the next 80 days,
but with a deductible thats $133.50 per day. Some Medicare supplemental insurance
policies will pay the cost of that deductible. For Medicare Managed Care Plan enrollees,
there is no deductible for days 21 through 100, as long as the strict qualifying rules
continue to be met. So, in the best-case scenario, the traditional Medicare or the Medicare
Managed Care Plan may pay up to 100 days for each spell of illness. In order to qualify
for this 100 days of coverage, however, the nursing home resident must be receiving
daily skilled care and generally must continue to improve. (Note: Once the Medicare
and Managed Care beneficiary has not received a Medicare covered level of care for 60
consecutive days, the beneficiary may again be eligible for the 100 days of skilled
nursing coverage for the next spell of illness.)

While its never possible to predict at the outset how long Medicare will cover the
rehabilitation, from our experience, it usually falls far short of the 100 day maximum.
Even if Medicare does cover the 100 day period, what then? What happens after the 100
days of coverage have been used?

At that point, in either case youre back to one of the other alternatives...long term
care insurance, paying the bills with your own assets, or qualifying for Medicaid.

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid is a benefits program which is primarily funded by the federal
government and administered by each state. This means that the Medicaid rules can, and
do, vary from state to state. The information in this guide deals only with New Jerseys
Medicaid program.

One primary benefit of Medicaid is that, unlike Medicare (which only pays for skilled
nursing), the Medicaid program will pay for long term care in a nursing home once youve
qualified. Medicare does not pay for treatment for all diseases or conditions. For example, a
long-term stay in a nursing home may be caused by Alzheimers or Parkinsons disease,
and even though the patient receives medical care, the treatment will not be paid for by
Medicare. These stays are called custodial nursing stays. Medicare does not pay for
custodial nursing home stays. In that instance, youll either have to pay privately (i.e. use
long term care insurance or your own funds), or youll have to qualify for Medicaid.

New Jersey's Medicaid Programs

New Jersey has two programs that pay for nursing home care, "Medicaid Only" and
"Medically Needy". Medicaid Only has broader coverage than Medically Needy,
which does not cover in-patient hospital care, pharmaceuticals outside of the institution
and chiropractic services. The financial requirements of the two programs differ as well.
Medicaid Only recipients must have no more than $2022 per month of income. (This number
increases a little every year to keep pace with inflation). Those applicants with greater income
can qualify under the Medically Needy program. If the income limit can be met, the
Medicaid Only program is the more desirable one.

Why Plan for Medicaid?

As life expectancies and long-term care costs continue to rise, the challenge
quickly becomes how to pay for these services. Many people cannot afford to pay
$10,000 per month or more for the cost of a nursing home, and those who can pay for a
while may find their life savings wiped out in a matter of months, rather than years.

Fortunately, the Medicaid Program is there to help. In fact, in our lifetime,
Medicaid has become the long-term care insurance of the middle class. But the eligibility
to receive Medicaid benefits requires that you pass certain tests on the amount of income
and assets that you have. The reasons for Medicaid planning are simple. First, you need
to provide enough assets for the security of your loved ones -- they too may have a
similar crisis. Second, the rules are extremely complicated and confusing. Not only that,
but Medicaid rules are constantly changing, and you need to be correctly informed.
Without planning and advice, many people spend more than they should and their
family security is jeopardized.

Exempt Assets and Countable Assets:
What Can you Keep and What is at Risk?
To qualify for Medicaid, applicants must pass some fairly strict tests on the
amount of assets they can keep. To understand how Medicaid works, we first need to
review what are known as exempt (non-countable) and non-exempt (countable) assets.
Exempt assets are those, which Medicaid will not take into account (at least for
the time being). In general, the following are the primary exempt assets:

x Home, For a single person, home equity must be less than $750,000. The home
must be the principal place of residence. The nursing home resident may be
required to show some intent to return home even if this never actually takes
x $2,000 cash or other countable asset.
x Personal belongings and household goods.
x One car is totally excluded if necessary for employment or as a means of
transportation for medical treatment. Otherwise $4500 of the value of a car is
x Medical devices, wheelchairs, prosthetic devices and similar equipment unless
others in the household use them as well.
x Burial spaces and certain related items for applicant and spouse.
x Up to $1,500 designated as a burial fund for applicant and spouse.
x Irrevocable prepaid funeral contract.
x Cash value of life insurance if face value is $1,500 or less.
x $35 per month for personal needs.

All other assets are generally non-exempt, and are countable. Basically, all money and
property, and any item that can be valued and turned into cash, is a countable asset unless
it is one of those assets listed above as exempt. This includes:

x Cash, savings, and checking accounts, credit union share and draft accounts.
x Certificates of deposit.
x U.S. Savings Bonds.
x Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), Keogh plans (401K, 403B).
x Trusts (depending on the terms of the trust)
x Real estate (other than the residence).
x More than one car.

While the Medicaid rules themselves are complicated and tricky, its safe to say
that a single person will qualify for Medicaid as long as he/she has only exempt assets
plus a small amount of cash and/or money in the bank, up to $2,000.

Some Common Questions
Ive added my kids names to our bank account. Do they still count?

Yes. The entire amount is counted unless you can prove some or all of the money was
contributed by the other person who is on the account.

Cant I just Give My Assets Away?

Many people wonder, cant I give my assets away? The answer is, generally, No. The
law has severe penalties for people who simply give away their assets to create Medicaid
eligibility. So even though the federal Gift Tax laws allow you to give away up to
$13,000 per year without gift tax consequences, those gifts could result in a period of
ineligibility for Medicaid.

Though some families do spend virtually all of their savings on nursing home care,
Medicaid often does not require it. There are a number of strategies which can be used to
protect family financial security.

Should I Prepay my Funeral?

Generally, yes. We all know that we will pass away eventually. A person on
Medicaid can only have $2,000 in countable assets. Certainly, this is not enough to pay
for an average funeral. It is usually best to pay for the funeral in advance. It converts
countable assets to non-countable assets. But when you prepay your funeral it can make
a difference. For a married couple it is usually best to wait until after the person enters
the nursing home. This is when, from a Medicaid planning perspective, the couple will
get the most benefit in preserving family assets.

Medicaid Planning for Married Couples

There is more flexibility in Medicaid planning for married couples, as opposed to
planning for a single person. The Medicaid law, in effect, recognizes that it makes little
sense to impoverish both spouses when only one needs to qualify for Medicaid assistance
for nursing home care.

As a result of this recognition, the law allows the spouse at home (called the
Community Spouse) to keep a certain amount of countable assets in his/her own name,
so as to avoid being impoverished in the community. This amount is called the
Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA). Currently, the CSRA is $109,560.
Remember, the nursing home spouse is allowed to keep up to $2,000 in his/her own

Each state also establishes a monthly income floor for the at-home spouse. This is
called the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance. This permits the
community spouse to keep a minimum monthly income ranging from about $1,821.25 to

If the community spouse does not have at least $1,821.25 in income, then he or she is
allowed to take the income of the nursing home spouse in an amount large enough to
reach the Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (i.e., up to at least
$1,821.25). The nursing home spouses remaining income goes to the nursing home. This
avoids the necessity (hopefully) for the at-home spouse to dip into savings each month,
which would result in gradual impoverishment.

To illustrate, assume the at-home spouse receives $800 per month in Social Security.
Also assume that her needs are calculated to be the minimum of $1,821.25. With her
Social Security, she is $1,021.25 short each month.
$1,821.25 at-home spouses monthly needs (as determined by formula)
800.00 at-home spouses Social Security
$1,021.25 short fall

In this case, the community spouse will receive $1,021.25 (the shortfall amount)
per month from the nursing home spouses Social Security and the rest of the nursing
home spouses income will then go to pay for the cost of his care.

This does not mean, however, that there are no planning alternatives which the
couple can pursue. Consider the following case studies:

Case Study: Medicaid Planning
for Married People

Ralph and Alice were high school sweethearts who have lived in Northern New
Jersey, their entire adult lives. Two weeks ago, Ralph and Alice celebrated their 51st
anniversary. Yesterday, Ralph, who has Alzheimers, wandered away from home. The
police found him, hours later, sitting on a street curb, talking incoherently. They took him
to a hospital. Now the family doctor has told Alice that she needs to place Ralph in a
nursing home. Ralph and Alice grew up during the Depression. They always tried to save
something each month. Their assets, totaling $150,000, not including their house, are as
Savings account .................$50,000
CDs ......................................80,000
Money Market account ........17,000
Checking account ...................3,000
Residence (no mortgage) ...300,000

Ralph gets a Social Security check for $800 each month; Alices check is $300.
Her eyes fill with tears as she says, At $10,000 to the nursing home every month, our
entire life savings will be gone in less than 2 years! Whats more, shes afraid she wont
be able to pay her monthly bills, because a neighbor told her that the nursing home will
be entitled to all of Ralphs Social Security check.

There is good news for Alice. Its possible she will get to keep most of their assets
and all of the income...and still have the state Medicaid program pay Ralphs nursing
home costs. The process may take a little while, but the end result will be worth it

To apply for Medicaid, she will have to go through the Division of Medical
Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS). If she does things strictly according to the
way DMAHS tells her, she will only be able to keep about half of their assets plus she
will be entitled to a minimum monthly income to pay her expenses. But the results can
actually be much better than that.
But the results can actually be much better than the traditional spend down, which
everyone talks about. Alice may be able to protect more of the couple's assets through
the use of the equity in their home. Before Ralph enters the nursing home she could take a
home equity loan or line of credit of $70,000 and place that money into their bank
account. For purposes of the Medicaid spend down their assets are now $220,000, of which
she is entitled to keep $109,560 (rather than the $75,000 she could keep without taking
the loan). Once Ralph enters the nursing home she can pay down the loan as part of the
spend down of assets required by Medicaid.
Please note this will not work in every case. That's why it is important to have an
Elder Law Attorney guide you through the system and the Medicaid process to find
strategies that will be most beneficial in your situation. So Alice will have to get advice
from someone who knows how to navigate the system. But with proper advice, Alice will
be able to avoid the spend down and keep more of what she and Ralph have worked so
hard for.
Medicaid laws, like tax laws, are complex. So, like smart families who save
on their taxes, help from an advisor who has knowledge of the rules and how to apply
them can be used to resolve Alices dilemma.
Of course, proper Medicaid planning differs according to the relevant facts and
circumstances of each situation as well as the current state law. For example, some
children never gain independence -- they remain dependent on their parents. What can be
done in such a case?

Case Study: A Trust for a Disabled Child

Margaret and Sam have always taken care of their daughter, Elizabeth. She is 45,
has never worked, and has never left home. She is developmentally disabled and
receives SSI (Supplemental Security Income). They have always worried about who
would take care of her after they die. Some years ago, Sam was diagnosed with dementia.
His health has deteriorated to the point that Margaret can no longer take care of him.
Now she has placed Sam in a nursing home and is paying $10,000 per month out of
savings. Margaret is even more worried that there will not be any money left for the care
of Elizabeth.

Margaret is satisfied with the nursing home Sam is in. The facility has a Medicaid
bed available that Sam could have if he were eligible. Medicaid would pay his bill.
However, according to the information she got from the social worker, Sam is $100,000
away from Medicaid eligibility. Margaret wishes there was a way to save the $100,000
for Elizabeth after she and Sam are gone. There is.

Margaret can consult an Elder Law attorney to set up a special needs trust with
the $100,000 to provide for Elizabeth. As soon as she does, Sam will be eligible for
Medicaid. Elizabeth wont lose her benefits, and her security is assured.

Of course, all trusts must be reviewed for compliance with Medicaid rules. Also,
failure to report assets is fraud, and when discovered, will cause loss of eligibility and
repayment of benefits. Still, some people question making gifts before entering a nursing
I Heard I Can Give Away
$13,000 Per Year. Can I?

As discussed earlier, many people have heard of the federal Gift Tax provision
that allows them to give away $13,000 per year without paying any gift taxes. What they
do not know is that this refers to a Gift Tax exemption. It is not an absolute right. Having
heard of the exemption, they wonder, Cant I give my assets away? The answer is,
maybe, but only if its done within the strict allowances of the law.

So even though the federal Gift Tax law allows you to give away up to $13,000
per year without incurring tax, those gifts could result in a period of ineligibility for
months. Still, some parents want to make gifts to their children before their life savings
are all gone. Consider the following case study:

Case Study: Financial Gifts to Children

After her 73 year old husband, Harold, suffers a paralyzing stroke, Mildred and
her daughter, Joan, need advice. Dark circles have formed under Mildreds eyes. Her hair
is disheveled. Joan holds her hand.

The doctor says Harold needs long-term care in a nursing home, Mildred says.
I have some money in savings, but not enough. I dont want to lose my house and all our
hard-earned money. I dont know what to do.

Joan has heard about Medicaid benefits for nursing homes, but doesnt want her
mother left destitute in order for Harold to qualify for them. Joan wants to ensure that her
fathers medical needs are met, but she also wants to preserve Mildreds assets.

Cant Mom just give her money to me as a gift? she asks. Cant she give away
$13,000 a year? I could keep the money for her so she doesnt lose it when Dad applies
for Medicaid.

Joan has confused federal Gift Tax law with the issue of transfers and Medicaid
eligibility. A gift to a child in this case is actually a transfer, and Medicaid has very
specific rules about transfers.

At the time Harold applies for Medicaid, the state will look back five years to
see if any gifts have been made. The state wont let you just give away your money or
your property to qualify for Medicaid. Any gifts or transfers for less than fair market
value that are uncovered in the look-back period will cause a delay in Harolds eligibility
for Medicaid.

For example, a $13,000 gift during each of the five years prior to a Medicaid
application creates a 9 month period of ineligibility. Since the Deficit Reduction Act was
signed into law on February 8, 2006, this penalty period will not begin until the later of 1)
Harold is in a nursing home, 2) he is under the asset and income requirements, and 3) he
applied for Medicaid. At that point, Medicaid will not pay for Harolds nursing home
care through the 9 month penalty period.

So what can Harold and Mildred do? They can institute a plan, save a good
portion of their estate, and still qualify for Medicaid. The plan may involve transfers of
money for value received, such as a care contract, and it may involve gifts. However, as
we stated above, the gifts must not violate the federal law or the Medicaid rules.
Generally, if done properly, you can often save as much as one half of your assets or
more this way.

But remember, when its given away, its given away. Studies have shown that
windfall money received by gift, prize, or lawsuit settlement is often gone within three
years. In other words, even when the children promise that money will be available when
needed, their own emergencies may make them spend the money. You must consult a
knowledgeable advisor on how to set a plan that complies with the law and achieves your

Will I Lose My Home?

Many people who apply for medical assistance benefits to pay for nursing home
care ask this question. For many, the home constitutes much or most of their life savings.
Often, its the only asset that a person has to pass on to his or her children.

Under the Medicaid regulations, the home is an unavailable asset. This means that it is
not taken into account when calculating eligibility for Medicaid. However, in 2006 the
rules changed. Now, for a single person, equity in the home cannot exceed $750,000 in
New Jersey. If equity is above this amount, it must be reduced before the person can
qualify for Medicaid. Once a person qualifies for Medicaid owning a home, both single
and married person must worry about estate recovery." The estate recovery law requires
states to try to recover the value of Medicaid payments made to nursing home residents.

Estate recovery does not take place until the recipient of the benefits dies. Then,
federal law requires that states attempt to recover the benefits paid from the recipients
estate. Generally, the probate estate consists of assets that the deceased person owned
in his or her name alone without beneficiary designation. Some believe the federal law
permits states to go even further and recover from non-probate assets, including assets
owned jointly or payable to a beneficiary.

The net result is that the state can and will file a lien on the home and other
property of the Medicaid recipient and also file a claim against the recipients estate. In
some cases, the state may go after real estate or other assets in the hands of children or
other third parties.

About two-thirds of the nations nursing home residents have their costs paid in part
by Medicaid. Obviously, the Estate Recovery law affects many families. The asset most
frequently caught in the Estate Recovery web is the home of the Medicaid recipient. A
nursing home resident can own a home and receive Medicaid benefits without having to
sell the home. But upon death, if the home is part of the estate, the state may seek to force
the sale of the home in order to reimburse the state for the payments that were made.

Since Medicaid rules are constantly changing, you will need assistance from
someone knowledgeable about these rules.

Home Health Care

Home care describes a host of services typically delivered by a nursing agency. Services
typically include:

x Physical Therapy
x Occupational Therapy
x Speech Therapy
x Skilled Nursing Care
x Home Health Aide Services
x Nutrition Counseling
x Hospice Care
x Personal care such as dressing and grooming, transferring, errands, grocery
shopping, light housekeeping, meal planning and preparation
x Respite care
x Medication Management filling prescriptions, monitoring medication
administration and effects.

Some can be private pay, or covered by Medicare or Medicaid. Home Health Care is a
terrific option for someone who needs extra assistance perhaps after a hospital stay in
order to recover or perhaps on an ongoing basis for those whom the activities of daily
living are getting too burdensome. These services allow seniors to remain home where
they are comfortable and receive good care. The services take some of the burdens off of
family members. Not all services are covered by Medicare or Medicaid. Some services
must be paid for privately. Local Area Agencies on Aging have limited funds available
to help low income seniors secure these services.

Legal Assistance

Aging persons and their family members face many unique legal issues. As you
can tell from our discussion of the Medicaid program, the legal, financial, and care
planning issues facing the prospective nursing home resident and family can be
particularly complex. If you or a family member needs nursing home care, it is clear that
you need expert legal help. Where can you turn for that help? It is difficult for the
consumer to be able to identify lawyers who have the training and experience required to
provide expert guidance during this most difficult time.

Generally, nursing home planning and Medicaid planning is an aspect of the
services provided by Elder Law attorneys. Consumers must be cautious in choosing a
lawyer and carefully investigate the lawyers credentials.

How do you find a law office that has the knowledge and experience you need?
You may want to start with recommendations from friends who have received
professional help with nursing home issues. Who did they use? Were they satisfied with
the services they received? Hospital social workers, Alzheimer and other support groups,
accountants, and other financial professionals can also be good sources of

In general, a lawyer who devotes a substantial part of his or her practice to nursing
home planning should have more knowledge and experience to address the issues properly.
Dont hesitate to ask the lawyer what percentage of his practice involves nursing home
planning. Ask whether the lawyer is a member of any Elder Law planning organizations.
Is the lawyer involved with committees or local or state bar organizations that are
concerned with Medicaid regulations and their effect upon payment for nursing home
care? Does the lawyer lecture on nursing home planning? This should help you decide if
this is the lawyer for you.

The leading national organization of Elder Law attorneys is the National
Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), 1577 Spring Hill Road, Suite 220,
Vienna, VA 22182. While mere membership in the Academy is open to any lawyer and is
no sure sign that the attorney is an experienced Elder Law practitioner, membership does
at least show that the lawyer has some interest in the field. In addition, the Academy runs
three-day educational sessions twice each year to help lawyers stay current on the latest
aspects of elder law and nursing home planning. Attending these sessions takes time and
commitment on the part of the lawyer and is a good sign that the lawyer is attempting to
stay up to date on nursing home issues. You may want to look for an attorney who is a
member of NAELA and has recently attended one or more of its educational sessions.

In the end, follow your instincts and choose an attorney who knows this area of
the law, who is someone you can trust, and who will listen to you and the unique wants
and needs of you and your family.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are a number of strategies that you can use to qualify for Medicaid
and still preserve some or all of the estate youve spent a lifetime building.

These strategies are legal. They are moral. They are ethical. Please be advised
however, to take advantage of these Medicaid planning techniques requires a great deal of
knowledge on the ins and outs of the system. Work with an experienced advisor who knows
the rules and can advise you accordingly.

In the previous pages, weve talked about how to find the right nursing home, how to get
good care there, and how to pay for it without going broke. But where do you actually start
looking? Where should you begin your search?

To assist you, weve compiled a list of the nursing homes and assisted living facilities in
Northern New Jersey, arranged according to county and town.

The listings contain the name and address of the facility along with the telephone
number. We have also included information on whether the nursing home accepts Medicare
(typically for rehabilitation purposes) and Medicaid. Finally, we have noted whether the
facility has a specialized Alzheimers unit.

Once youve determined which facilities you want to tour, then you can use the
evaluation tool to help you compare them.

June 2010 Edition


Assisted living residences are a combination of housing and services for seniors who
require extra assistance with daily living or perhaps cannot live safely alone but do not
require skilled nursing care. Typically the resident has his or her own apartment but
receives meals in a common dining room. For a senior who requires assistance with
activities of daily living (ADLs), they can make arrangements for the assisted living
facility to provide these services. Activities of daily living include tasks related to
bathing dressing, grooming, eating and other similar care needs. Typical assistance
includes bathing and dressing, medication management, three meals a day, weekly house
keeping, an emergency response system to call staff if assistance is needed, and
transportation services to go to the doctors or shopping. A nurse is often on staff to assist
with minor medical needs when needed.

Most facilities are relatively new and have the look and feel of an upscale hotel or condo
facility. Many include extras such as work out rooms, computer rooms, libraries, coffee
house rooms, even dance halls/community centers. Some have outside areas such as
terraces, walking paths etc.

Special Care Units
Certain assisted living facilities have special care units for residents suffering from
memory loss and/or dementia. These units are usually locked to minimize the risk of the
resident wandering away. The special care units have a higher staff to resident ratio and
usually provide specialized programs and activities to help residents maintain their skills.

Assisted living typically costs $3,500 to $6,500 per month. Most people pay privately
for assisted living in New Jersey. Certain long term care insurance contracts will cover
some or all of the cost of assisted living. However, this varies by contract. There are
limited public funds available to cover a portion of assisted living fees for financially and
clinically eligible persons.

New Jersey offers Medicaid coverage for assisted living care in very limited cases. This
assisted living waiver program differs in some very important ways from nursing home
or institutional Medicaid. First, there is an income cap of $2022 per month. If your
income exceeds that amount you will not be able to qualify for assisted living Medicaid.
Second, you must need nursing home level care. This means that medically you meet the
test of needing nursing home care, although you are residing in an assisted living facility.
Third, there are a limited number of Medicaid slots available for assisted living. It is
imperative, therefore, that a plan be put in place before entering the assisted living facility
to decide what the family intends to do if the resident is at risk of running out of money
while at the facility.

Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefits
Certain lower income veterans or surviving spouses may qualify for VA benefits known
as Aid and Attendance. For qualifying veterans who served during wartime who are
totally disabled because of a non-service connected condition and who are in financial
need the program may cover part of the cost of an assisted living up to $1,954 per month
in benefits for the veteran and up to $1056 per month for a widow(er). This program has
very specific rules that in some cases are similar to, and some cases very different from
the Medicaid rules. However, it may be possible for a veteran or surviving spouse to
qualify for these benefits by engaging in Veterans planning. Consult with an Elder Law
attorney knowledgeable in this area.

Assisted Living Check List

Tour several Assisted Livings and comparison shop
What is your first impression and condition of facility? Is everything well
Do you like the view from the residents room and other windows?
How is the Food Quality? Ask to sample a meal when touring.
Speak to current residents and ask if they like living there?
Observe the staff. Are they friendly to each other, the resident and to you?
What is the Staff to Resident ratio?
What services are provided and included in the monthly fee? Laundry?
What are A La Carte Services?
How often are there rent increases and by what percentage?
What types of activities are available? Social Outings? Shopping?
Religious Services?
Does the facility provide transportation for community outings and
activities? As well as for doctors appointments? Is this included or is
there an extra fee?
Are pets allowed to live with residents or visitation only?
Do physicians visit the facility? Is there a medical director?
Is there medication management available? Is this included or is there an
extra fee for this service?
What is a typical day like?
What are the levels of care? What is included in the base fee?
Can you bring in your own or additional services from private sources,
such as if Hospice Care is needed?
If needed, does the facility have a Special Care Unit for Memory Loss?
What happens next? If there is a change in finances, need for Nursing
Home Care or Alzheimers Care.

Note: Assisted Living Models are NON-MEDICAL models, which differ from
Skilled Nursing Centers. Therefore, Assisted Living Communities cannot
provide skilled nursing care.

Bergen County
Sunrise Assisted Living Of Cresskill X X
3 Tenakill Park Drive East
Cresskill, NJ 07626

Sunrise Of Edgewater X
351 River Road
Edgewater, NJ 07020

Emeritus at Emerson X X
590 Old Hook Road
Emerson, NJ 07630

Mill Gardens At Midland Park X X
36 Faner Road
Midland Park, NJ 07432

Sunrise Assisted Living Of Old Tappan X
195 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675

Care One At The Cupola X X
W 100 Ridgewood Avenue
Paramus, NJ 07652

Emeritus At Paramus X
186 Paramus Road
Paramus, NJ 07652

Bergen County (continuted)
PARAMUS (continued)
Sunrise Assisted Living Of Paramus X
567 Paramus Road
Paramus, NJ 07652

The Plaza At Mill Pond X X
124 Noyes Drive
Park Ridge, NJ 07656

Jewish Home Assisted Living X
685 Westwood Avenue
River Vale, NJ 07675

Brighton Gardens Of Saddle River X
5 Boroline Road
Saddle River, NJ 07458

Sunrise Of Woodcliff Lake X
430 Chestnut Ridge Road
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07675

Christian Health Care Center X
301 Sicomac Avenue
Wyckoff, NJ 07481

Essex County
Job Haines Home For Aged People/Hearthside
250 Bloomfield Avenue
Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Essex County (continued)
Sunrise Assisted Living At West Essex X X
47 Greenbrook Road
Fairfield, NJ 07040

Care One At Livingston Assisted Living X X
68-76 Passaic Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07039

Winchester Gardens X X
333 Elmwood Avenue
Maplewood, NJ 07040

Lutheran Social Ministries At Cranes Mill X
459 Passiac Avenue
West Caldwell, NJ 07006

Arden Courts Of West Orange X
510 Prospect Avenue
West Orange, NJ 07052

Brighton Gardens Of West Orange X
220 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052

The Cliffs At Eagle Rock X
707 Eagle Rock Avenue
West Orange, NJ 07052
(973) 669-0011

Emeritus at West Orange X X
520 Prospect Avenue
West Orange, NJ 07052

Hudson County
The Atrium At Hamilton Park X
330 Ninth Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302

Morris County
Victoria Mews Assisted Living X
51 North Main Street
Boonton Township, NJ 07005

Juniper Village At Chatham X
500 Southern Boulevard
Chatham, NJ 07928

Francisican Oaks Continuing Retirement X
19 Pocono Road
Denville, NJ 07834

Brighton Gardens of Florham Park X X
21 Ridgedale Avenue
Florham Park, NJ 07932

Wynwood Of Florham Park X X
8 James Street
Florham Park, NJ 07932


Morris County (continued)

Sunrise Assisted Living Of Madison X X
215 Madison Avenue
Madison, NJ 07940

Sunrise Assisted Living Of Morris Plains X
209 Littleton Road
Morris Plains, NJ 07950

Spring Hills At Morristown X X
17 Spring Place
Morristown, NJ 07960

Mount Arlington Senior Living X X
2 Hillside Drive
Mount Arlington, NJ 07856

Care One At Morris X X
200 Mazdabrook Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054

Cedar Crest Village/Renaissance Gardens (AL) X X
4 Cedar Crest Village Drive
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444

Sunrise Assisted Living Of Randolph X X
648 Route 10
Randolph, NJ 07869

Merry Heart Assisted Living, LLC X X
118 Main Street
Succasunna, NJ 07876


Morris County (continued)

Weston Assisted Living Residence X
905 Route 10 West
Whippany, NJ 07981

Arden Courts of Whippany X
18 Eden Lane
Whippany, NJ 07981

Passaic County
Van Dyks Senior Residence Of Hawthorne
644 Goffle Road
Hawthorne, NJ 07506
(973)304- 0400

Chestnut Hill Residence X X
338 Chestnut Street
Passaic, NJ 07055

Arden Courts Of Wayne X
800 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, NJ 07470

Care One at Wayne (ALF) X X
493 Black Oak Ridge Road
Wayne, NJ 07470

Emeritus At Wayne X X
820 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, NJ 07470

Passaic County (continuted)
WAYNE (continued)
Sunrise Assisted Living Of Wayne X
184 Berdan Avenue
Wayne, NJ 07470

Van Dyk at Bald Eagle Commons, LLC X X
197 Cahill Cross Road
West Milford, NJ 07480

Sussex County
EverMay At Branchville, LLC X X
3 Phillips Road
Branchville, NJ 07826

Bristol Glen ALR X X
200 Bristol Glen Drive
Newton, NJ 07860

Union County


Amber Court of Elizabeth, LLC X X
1155 East Jersey Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07201

The Chelsea at Fanwood X X
295 South Avenue
Fanwood, NJ 07023

Union County (continued)

Brighton Gardens of Mountainside X X
1350 Route 22 West
Mountainside, NJ 07092

Spring Meadows Summit
41 Springfield Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901

Sunrise Assisted Living Of Westfield X
240 Springfield Avenue
Westfield, NJ 07090
(908) 317-3030

Warren County
The Chelsea at Brookfield X X
1 Brookfield Court
Belvidere, NJ 07823

House Of The Good Shepherd X
798 Willow Grove Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

Paragon Village, LLC
427 Route 46 East
Hackettstown, NJ 07840


Adult Day Care is a wonderful alternative for families struggling with the care of an
aging or disabled parent or loved one. Adult Day Care centers can also provide
supervision and assistance each day for a senior who is not quite ready for assisted living
or long term care.

Each center has a staff of trained health care professionals, including registered nurses
and therapists, to help those members with complex physical or psychological problems
and needs. Adult Day Care centers provide a structured program that includes a variety of
health, social and supportive services in a safe, protective environment.

Services are provided during daytime hours allowing caregivers the peace of mind they
need to continue working or simply providing them with a much needed respite so
theyre able to face the challenges of day to day care-giving.

Members of Adult Day Care centers can look forward to a variety of challenging,
interesting and entertaining activities each day. Their caregivers can feel confident that
excellent medical and therapeutic care will be provided by an experienced staff of
healthcare professionals.

Members will enjoy fun, safe and productive days. Rest assured, your loved ones will
feel comforted by the fact that they will return to the warmth and familiarity of home
each night.

What Services Are Provided ?

x Medical/health supervision by a professionally trained staff of RNs, LPNs, and
CNAs and program assistants.
x Complete care assessments developed for each member by our multi-disciplinary
x Management and administration of medications including injections, as needed.
x Wound care, tube feedings, tracheal care, colostomy care, monitoring of blood
sugar and vital signs, O2 management, etc.
x Assistance with toileting, feeding, dressing, mobility and managing incontinence.
x PT, OT, Speech and counseling services available and referrals made as needed.
x On-going case management.
x Daily therapeutic programs and recreational activities including music, physical
activities, exercise, mental stimulation, adult crafts, games, etc.
x Community trips and outings.
x Assistance with arranging transportation to medical appointments
x Light breakfast or morning snack, nutritious full lunch and afternoon snack,
special diets accommodated
x Door to door transportation in handicapped accessible vans
x A safe, comfortable homelike environment

Who Benefits from Adult Day Care?

x People of all ages whose activities are limited by injury, disease or frailties of age.
x Those with memory problems, confusion or other dementias.
x Patients with Alzheimers or Parkinsons.
x Individuals with incontinence.
x People who need help with eating, bathing, or other activities of daily living.
x Individuals with developmental disabilities or mental retardation.
x People recovering from strokes, heart attacks or accidents.
x Anyone who is homebound and needs the social stimulation of a group setting.
x Those suffering from depression or other psychiatric problems.

Are Meals Provided?

Most centers provide a light breakfast or morning snack, nutritious lunch and afternoon
snack each day. Special meals can be accommodated for diabetics, vegetarians, people
who need to control salt or cholesterol or with specific food allergies.

Operating Hours

Operating hours vary by center but most Adult Day Care Centers operate during the
standard working hours, Monday through Friday with clients arriving around 8:00 am
and leaving to return home by 5:00 pm. Some centers have extended hours of operation
and are also open on weekends and holidays to provide needed respite for families and

Who Pays for Adult Day Care?

For those individuals who meet the requirements, Medicaid, Medicaid Waiver, Veterans
Administration and other funded programs cover adult day care services. Clients may
pay privately or may utilize state funded programs, as well as other funded programs and
grants. Insurance plans may vary and special attention should be given to Long Term
Care Insurance regarding adult day care coverage. Your local Council on Aging or your
local Elder Service Agency should be able to assist you with finding programs and
funding options available in your area. You should be aware that Medicare does not
cover Adult Day Care.

Want more information on the
topics covered in this guide?
Get answers to your questions with our FREE e-mail
courses. Each of our e-mail courses tell you exactly what
you need to know to protect your home, your family, and all
that youve worked a lifetime to save.

FREE Medicaid E-Course:

Dont Go Broke in a Nursing Home!

When you or someone you love has long term care needs, the costs can be
overwhelming. Nursing care can range from $9,000 up to $11,000 per month!
Needless to say, the typical American senior cant withstand those kinds of bills
for long without a substantial loss of life savings. But with the right help, there are
legal, honest ways to protect what youve worked hard for. Our new FREE report
shows you how!

FREE Veterans E-Course:

The Nuts and Bolts Guide to Veterans Benefits!

If youre an honorably discharged veteran over 65, you may be eligible for
benefits of nearly $2,000 per month to cover nursing home, assisted living, even
in-home care! Whats more, surviving spouses of veterans may qualify for up to
$1,056 per month. Millions of dollars go unclaimed every year, simply because
veterans and their families dont know that this incredible benefit exists. Sign up
for our free report to see if you may qualify!

FREE Estate Planning E-Course:

Dont Lose Your Wallet!

When it comes to estate planning, what you dont know CAN hurt you. Every
year, countless families across the country lose everything, simply because they
dont have the right documents in place. Dont let your family become collateral
damage if you become incapacitated or die suddenly. You cant afford to wait!
Special Thanks To All Our Sponsors
Hauptman & Hauptman, P.C. would like to thank the following sponsors of this booklet:

Atlantic Home Care and Hospice
Bankers Life and Casualty Company
Daughters of Israel
Fairview Financial Services, LLC
Garden State Eldercare
Griswold Special Care
Health Care Connect
Home Instead Senior Care
Lester Senior Housing Community
Liberty Paperwork Solutions
LMR Elder Care
Opt2Care Senior Services
Potomac Homes
Senior Source
Services and Resources for Seniors, Inc
TD Bank

We offer this booklet to you to use as a reference, and we hope that you will give the
sponsors your consideration if a need for their services arises.
Your parents want to stay
in the place they call home.
We can help.
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- Companionship
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Whether you are looking for someone to help an aging parent a few hours
a week or need more comprehensive assistance, Home Instead can help.

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Long Term Care...
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Insurance coverage from Bankers Life and Casualty Company can help provide the
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and other chronic conditions. We treat your family as if it were our own.
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Prov|d|ng sk|||ed and compass|onate
care to the res|dents of Morr|s, Un|on,
Essex, and Somerset cont|es.
Atlantic Home Care and Hospice
Wound and Ostomy care
Phys|ca|, occupat|ona|
and speech therapy
End of ||fe care/Hosp|ce
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LOCATED AT The Shops at Riverside

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