Part IV DP - Final

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Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Strengths Development Resources
Intervention) Timeline
Needs Needed
A. Functional Competencies
1.1 Applied knowledge 1.2 Used To be able to use 1. Partake in the April 2021- Sponsored
of content within and research-based effective virtual or face to June 2022 webinars ,tec
across curriculum knowledge and research-based face conferences hnical
teaching areas. (PPST principles of knowledge and addressing this assisstance
principles of need. from Master
Indicator 1.1.2) teaching and
teaching and 2. Technical teachers and
learning to
assistance from online
enhance learning to
the Master platforms.
professional enhance
Teacher as
practice. (PPST professional curriculum
Indicator 1.2.2) practice. experts.
3. Visit online
resources aligned
to research based
knowledge’s and
principles of
teaching and
2.2 Maintained 2.4 Applied a To be able to 1. Partake in the April 2021- Sponsored
learning environments range of apply a range of virtual or face to June 2022 webinars ,tec
that promote fairness, successful successful face conferences hnical
respect and care to strategies that strategies that addressing this assisstance
maintain need. from Master
encourage learning. maintain
2. Technical teachers and
(PPST Indicator 2.2.2) learning learning
assistance from online
environments environments
the Master platforms.
that motivate that motivate Teacher as
learners to learners to curriculum
work work experts.
productively by productively by 3. Visit online
assuming assuming resources aligned
responsibility responsibility to research based
for their own for their own knowledge’s and
learning. (PPST learning. principles of
teaching and
Indicator 2.5.2)
3.4 Utilized 3.1 Designed, To be able to 1. Partake in the April 2021- Sponsored
assessment data to adapted and design adapt virtual or face to June 2022 webinars ,tec
inform the implemented and implement face conferences hnical
modification of teaching teaching addressing this assisstance
strategies that need. from Master
teaching and learning strategies that
2. Technical teachers and
practices and are responsive are responsive
assistance from online
programs. (PPST to learners to learners
the Master platforms.
Indicator 5.5.2) with with Teacher as
disabilities, disabilities, curriculum
giftedness and giftedness and experts.
talents. (PPST talents 3. Visit online
Indicator 3.3.2) resources aligned
to research based
knowledge’s and
principles of
teaching and
4.5 Adopt practices 4.2 Reviewed To be able to 1. Partake in the April 2021- Sponsored
that uphold the dignityregularly review regularly virtual or face to June 2022 webinars ,tec
of teaching as a personal personal face conferences hnical
profession by teaching teaching addressing this assisstance
practice using need. from Master
exhibiting qualities practice using
2. Technical teachers and
such as caring attitude,
existing laws existing laws
assistance from online
respect and integrity. and regulations and regulations
the Master platforms.
(PPST Indicator 7.2.2) that apply to that apply to Teacher as
the teaching the teaching curriculum
profession and profession and experts.
the the 3. Visit online
responsibilities responsibilities resources aligned
specified in the specified in the to research based
Code of Ethics Code of Ethics knowledge’s and
for for Professional principles of
Teachers teaching and
(PPST Indicator
B. Core Behavioral Competencies
2. 6. To be able to Be ready to All year Sponsored
think “beyond embrace changes round webinars ,te
Professionalism Innovation the box”. and actively chnical
and Ethics Continuously participate on assistance
focuses on improving from
improving oneself through Master
personal LAC sessions and teachers
productivity to seminars within and online
create higher and beyond the platforms.
value and school and
results. community.

This IPCRF –Development plan would be my guide to achieve more in my profession. This reflects the
different aspects of me that I need to work out with to be more value professionally to this institution I
am in, to my main clientele –my pupils , to my colleagues and to myself most importantly. Creating a
Personal Development will help ne guided as to how I develop myself and improve more on the aspects
where I needed them.



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