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San Pablo City Integrated HS Grade 10 Shiela P. Bagsit English April 11, 2022 Fourth Quarter 8:00am-9:00pm 1 HR

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School San Pablo City Grade Level Grade 10

Integrated HS
LESSON Teacher Shiela P. Bagsit Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date Quarter Fourth Quarter
April 11, 2022
Teaching Time 8:00am-9:00pm No. of Days 1 hr.

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

a. identify the important entry elements of dictionary;
b. differentiate dictionary from thesaurus in terms of content and usage
c. use thesaurus, dictionary and other online sources for the accomplishment of tasks; and
I. OBJECTIVES d. apply research skills in defining different sets of terminologies.

Objective 1. Applied
knowledge of content within
and across curriculum
teaching areas. (Science and

The learner demonstrates undrstanding of how world literature and other text types serve as
A. Content Standards instruments to resolve social conflict, also how to use the language of research, campaigns, and
B. Performance The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.
C. Learning
Competencies or EN10V-IVa-30
D. Most Essential
Learning Competencies
(MELC) Distinguish technical terms used in research.
E. Enabling
Competencies Values Integration: The value of respect for individual and their mental health.
V: Determining the meaning of terminologies using dictionary, thesaurus, and online
A. References

a.Teacher’s Guide Pages

b.Learner’s Material
c.Textbook Pages
Materials from Learners Packet (LEAP) for English 10 Week 1
B. List of Learning
Resources for  Texts and Lectures
Development and Learners Packet (LEAP) for English 10
Activities Beech, Linda Ward, Beers, James, Cramer, Ronald, Feder, Chris Wells, McCarthy, Tara,
Najimy, Norman, and DeWayne Triplett. 1989. Language (Teacher’s Edition): Grade
8. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company. p. 144.

 Video
What is mental health?

 Pictures and Images


 Research-Based Knowledge and Principles


Cooperative Learning


Daily Routine:
The learners will pray.

The teachers will greet the class

The teacher will remind the learners that their attendance is being tracked by Google
Attendance Tracker.

The teacher will remind the students about the class rules.
Objective 5. Established safe
and secure learning
environments to enhance
learning through the consistent
The teacher will ask the learners about the health and safety protocols inside the classroom.
implementation of policies,
guidelines and procedures Here are the possible answers:
 Always clean hands.
Objective 5. Established safe
 Cover coughs and sneezes.
and secure learning  Open doors and windows for fresh air.
environments to enhance
learning through the consistent  Don’t touch mouth, nose, and eyes. Unless hands are properly sanitized.
implementation of policies,
guidelines and procedures
 In this part, the content of the lesson will be presented.

 Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the lesson presented

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

a. identify the important entry elements of dictionary;
b. differentiate dictionary from thesaurus in terms of content and usage
c. use thesaurus, dictionary and other online sources for the accomplishment of tasks; and
d. apply research skills in defining different sets of terminologies.

 The teacher will present a video clip on mental health awareness.

Objective 9. Designed,
adapted and implemented
teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and
Objective 1. Applied *Caption in the video may help
knowledge of content within learners with hearing
and across curriculum difficulties. Large font may also
teaching areas. (Science help learners with poor
and ESP) eyesight.

Learning Task 1
Answer the question assigned to your group. Chose a representative to discuss the
answers in class.

 Before giving the questions, the teacher will remind the students to show respect to their
classmates’ answers at all times. They will also be divided into three groups.
Objective 6. Maintained
learning environments that
promote fairness, respect
and care to encourage
*To show respect and care, the
learners are encouraged to
keep their microphones off
while somebody is talking.

*To show fairness, the class is

grouped according to their level
of skills and capabilities, and
are asked to answer different
Objective 8. Applied a range Learning Task 3
of successful strategies that Let us Review!
maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work Identify the different important entry elements of a dictionary. Choose from the pool
productively by assuming of words below.
responsibility for their own


 The teacher will give praises such as kudos, very good, great job and the like, for every
correct answer. On the other hand, she will encourage those who will answer wrong to
try again and do better next time.

Now let us define the identified entry elements of a dictionary.

Learning Task 4
Determine the part of a dictionary entry by using the jumbled letters of the term and
the provided meaning.
1. An TRENY WORD, listed alphabetically, shows how a word is spelled and how words
of more than one syllable is divided.
2. The CIAROPNOITNUN has symbols to show how to say the words.
3. IUDGE DROW are usually at the top of each set of facing pages.
Objective 8. Applied a range 4. TRAPS FO HCPEES is a category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its
of successful strategies that syntactic functions
maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work 5. ORWD GINEAMN provides the definition of words.
productively by assuming
responsibility for their own 6. ECTRCTIEIV LSLBAE tell you that a word has a special meaning when used in a
learning. particular field.

 The teacher will give praises such as kudos, very good, great job and the like, for every
correct answer. On the other hand, she will encourage those who will answer wrong to
try again and do better next time.

Learning Task 5
Give a synonym and an antonym for the word in each box.

Objective 7. Maintained
learning environments that
nurture and inspire learners to
Learning Task 6
Objective 8. Applied a range
of successful strategies that
Replace the italicized words in the following sentences with their exact specialized terms.
maintain learning environments Use a dictionary, the internet, and the words in the parentheses as your reference.
that motivate learners to work Configuration clues (boxed letters) are also given.
productively by assuming
responsibility for their own Objective 1. Applied
learning. knowledge of content within
and across curriculum
teaching areas. (Science,
Computer, Social Studies)

C. Engagement

Learning task 7
Use a dictionary or thesaurus to help you supply a synonymous term for the italicized
word in each sentence. Then, give an antonym for each word given.

Objective 8. Applied a range

of successful strategies that
maintain learning environments
Objective 1. Applied
that motivate learners to work knowledge of content within
productively by assuming and across curriculum
responsibility for their own teaching areas. (Research)

Objective 8. Applied a range Learning Task 8

of successful strategies that Below is an abstract of a study conducted to know the effects of Covid 19 pandemic to the
maintain learning environments
that motivate1.learners
Appliedto work mental health of Filipino children. Look for the meaning of the underlined words in the
productively of
by content
assumingwithin dictionary. In doing so, refer for the example below.
and for their own
across curriculum
learning. areas. (Science,

D. Assimilation
Be guided by the rubrics below.

Objective 2. Used
research-based knowledge
and principles of teaching
and learning to enhance
professional practice.

V. REFLECTION Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.

Prepared by:

Shiela P. Bagsit
Teacher III

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