Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Yearly Plan English For Communication Form 3
Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Yearly Plan English For Communication Form 3
Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas Yearly Plan English For Communication Form 3
Reference: 1.0 Listening and Speaking 2.0 Reading Skills 3.0 Writing Skills
1-4 People & 1.1 Listen to and use correct 2.1 Read informative texts to 3.1 Apply appropriate EMK: Language Values,
Culture pronunciation, rhythm and widen experiences in daily writing skills Information&Technology,
intonation to communicate lives Financial Education
properly 3.1.1 Extract
2.1.1 Read and demonstrate information from any 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
1.1.1 Listen to, express feelings understanding by transferring spoken and written RoundTable, Think-Pair-
and emotions in any situations: information contained in: texts given and transfer Share, Role Play
(i) Make polite requests using (i) television programmes the information by:
simple sentences (ii) menus (i)writing notes iThink: Bubble Map, Circle
(ii )thank someone or express (iii) signs (ii)writing short Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
appreciation using simple (iv) instructions messages
(iii) express apology using simple
5-6 People & 1.2 Listen to and interpret 2.1 Read informative texts to 3.1 Apply appropriate EMK: Language Values,
Culture meaningful conversations widen experiences in daily writing skills Information&Technology,
lives Financial Education
1.2.1 Listen to, ask and respond to 3.1.2 Transfer
variety o stimulus/situations: 2.1.1 Read and demonstrate information from texts
(i) buying items or services understanding by transferring to complete : 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
(ii )asking or information information contained in : (i)poster RoundTable
(i) television programmes (ii)message Think-Pair-Share, Role Play
(ii) menus (iii)flyer
(iii) signs (i)table (schedule) iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
(iv) instructions Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
7-9 People & 1.2 Listen to and interpret 2.2 Read or information and 3.2 Write using EMK: Language
Culture meaningful conversations enjoyment appropriate language, Values,
form and style for a Information&Technology,
1.2.2 Follow and give instructions 2.2.1 Read and identify main range of purposes Financial Education
and directions : ideas rom any texts given:
(i)going places (i)newspaper reports 3.2.1 Write notes and
(ii)simple processes (ii)magazine articles descriptions on variety 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
(iii)short stories o social topics: RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
(i)objects Role Play
(iii)people iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
10-12 People & 1.3 Listen to and respond to 2.2 Read or information and 3.3 Produce creative EMK: Language
Culture spoken, audio and visual texts enjoyment words Values,
on variety of social topics Information&Technology,
2.2.1 Read and identify main 3.3.1 Write creative Financial Education
1.3.1 Listen to and respond ideas rom any texts given: expression:
appropriately to visual (i)newspaper reports (i)daily journal
audio media (ii)magazine articles (ii)poetry 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
(television/radio shows) (iii)short stories (iii)visual story RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
(i)weather shows (i)short dialogue Role Play
(i)cartoon strips iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
(ii)facebook post Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
13-15 Health & 1.1 Listen to and use correct 2.1 Read informative texts to 3.1 Apply appropriate EMK: Enironmental,
Environment pronunciation, rhythm and widen experiences in daily writing skills Sustainability, Values
intonation to communicate lives Information&Technology
properly 3.1.1 Extract Creativity & Innovation
2.1.1 Read and demonstrate information from any Patriotisme
1.1.1 Listen to, express feelings understanding by transferring spoken and written
and emotions in any situations: information contained in :
16-17 Health & 1.2 Listen to and interpret 2.1 Read informative texts to 3.1 Apply appropriate EMK: Enironmental,
Environment meaningful conversations widen experiences in daily writing skills Sustainability, Values
lives Information&Technology
1.2.1 Listen to, ask and respond to 3.1.2 Transfer Creativity & Innovation
variety o stimulus/situations: information from texts Patriotisme
(i) buying items or services to complete :
(ii )asking or information 2.1.1 Read and demonstrate (i)poster 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
understanding by transferring (ii)message RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
information contained in : (iii)flyer Role Play
(i) television programmes (i)table
(ii) menus (schedule) iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
(iii) signs Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
(iv) instructions
18-19 Health & 1.2Listen to and interpret 2.2 Read or information and 3.2 Write using EMK: Enironmental,
Environment meaningful conversations enjoyment appropriate language, Sustainability, Values
form and style for a Information&Technology
1.2.2 Follow and give instructions 2.2.1 Read and identify main range of purposes Creativity & Innovation
and directions : ideas rom any texts given: Patriotisme
(i)going places (i)newspaper reports 3.2.1 Write notes and
(ii)simple processes (ii)magazine articles descriptions on variety 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
(iii)short stories o social topics: RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
(i)objects Role Play
(iii)people iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
20-21 Health & 1.3 Listen to and respond to 2.2 Read or information and 3.3 Produce creative EMK: Enironmental,
Environment spoken, audio and visual texts on enjoyment words Sustainability, Values
variety of social topics Information&Technology
2.2.1 Read and identify main 3.3.1 Write creative Creativity & Innovation
1.3.1 Listen to and respond ideas rom any texts given: expression: Patriotisme
appropriately to visual audio (i)newspaper reports (i)daily journal
media (television/radio shows) (ii)magazine articles (ii)poetry 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
(i) weather report (iii)short stories (iii)visual story RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
(ii)sports news (i)short dialogue Role Play
(iii)entertainment news ()blog
(i)cartoon strips iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
(ii)facebook post Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
22-23 Science & 1.1 Listen to and use correct 2.1 Read informative texts to 3.1 Apply appropriate EMK: Entrepreneurship,
Technology pronunciation, rhythm and widen experiences in daily writing skills Values,
intonation to communicate lives Information&Technology
properly 3.1.1 Extract Creativity & Innovation
2.1.1 Read and demonstrate information from any Patriotisme, Global
1.1.1 Listen to, express feelings understanding by transferring spoken and written Sustainability
and emotions in any situations: information contained in : texts given and transfer
(i) Make polite requests using (i) television programmes the information by : 21st Century: GalleryWalk
simple sentences (ii) menus (i)writing notes RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
(ii )thank someone or express (iii) signs (ii)writing short Role Play
appreciation using simple (iv) instructions messages
sentences iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
(iii) express apology using simple Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
24-26 Science & 1.2 Listen to and interpret 2.1 Read informative texts to 3.1 Apply appropriate EMK: Entrepreneurship
Technology meaningful conversations widen experiences in daily writing skills Values,
lives Information&Technology
1.2.1 Listen to, ask and respond to Creativity & Innovation
variety o stimulus/situations:
27-29 Science & 1.2 Listen to and interpret 2.2 Read or information and 3.2 Write using EMK: Entrepreneurship
Technology meaningful conversations enjoyment appropriate language, Values,
form and style for a Information&Technology
1.2.2 Follow and give instructions 2.2.1 Read and identify main range of purposes Creativity & Innovation
and directions : ideas rom any texts given: Patriotisme, Global
(i)going places (i)newspaper reports 3.2.1 Write notes and Sustainability
(ii)simple processes (ii)magazine articles descriptions on variety
(iii)short stories o social topics: 21st Century: GalleryWalk,
(i)objects RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
(ii)places Role Play
iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
Map, Tree Map, Flow Map
30-32 Science & 1.3 Listen to and respond to 2.2 Read or information and 3.3 Produce creative EMK: Entrepreneurship,
Technology spoken, audio and visual texts on enjoyment words Values, Information
variety of social topics &Technology, Creativity &
2.2.1 Read and identify main 3.3.1 Write creative Innovation, Patriotisme
1.3.1 Listen to and respond ideas rom any texts given: expression: Global Sustainability
appropriately to visual audio (i)newspaper reports (i)daily journal
media (television/radio shows) (ii)magazine articles (ii)poetry 21st Century: GalleryWalk
(i) weather report (iii)short stories (iii)visual story RoundTable, Think-Pair-Share
(ii)sports news (i)short dialogue Role Play
(iii)entertainment news ()blog iThink : Bubble Map, Circle
(i)cartoon strips Map, Tree Map, Flow Map