1te Aben3412 Macaraeg Czarina
1te Aben3412 Macaraeg Czarina
1te Aben3412 Macaraeg Czarina
1. A sharp edge cylinder having a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 10 cm was carefully pushed into
the soil without compressing or disturbing the soil. Before drying the sample weight was 1050g.
after drying, the weight was 870g. The specific gravity of the soil particle is 2.65. Calculate
porosity, volumetric moisture content and moisture content before drying.
2. A moist sample is collected, put into a can and covered. If can and cover 10 grams and the total
weight including soil is 85 grams before oven drying and 60 grams after drying, what percent
moisture content of the soil?
3. A cylinder was carefully pushed into the soil without compressing or disturbing the soil. The
cross-sectional area of the cylinder was 225 cm2. The length of the column of soil within the
cylinder was 30 cm. The weight of the soil within the cylinder was 11,440g before oven drying
and 9,535g when it was dried. Determine the moisture content of the soil in dry basis, porosity
and bulk density.
4. A farmer desires to irrigate border which is 12 meters wide and 150 meters long. He wants to
apply an average of 75-mm depth of water to the area with stream of 60 lps. How long will it
take him to irrigate this border?
5. The soil moisture at field capacity is 27.2% and the moisture content at the time of irrigating is
19.0%. The apparent specific gravity is 1.3 and the depth of soil to be wetted is 1 meter. a) How
many mm of water must be applied? b) How long will it take to irrigate the 5 hectares with 115
lps stream? (Assume no water losses)
6. The average soil moisture at 30 cm soil depth before irrigation is 21%, if the farmer wishes to fill
the loss moisture up to soil field capacity (32%), a) What is the average depth of water to be
applied if the soil bulk density is 1.6g/cc? b) What should be the size of stream if he is going to
irrigate 0.2km2 of land within 20 hours?
7. At 30 cm soil depth, the present water depth is 8 cm. If the soil has a field capacity of 32%,
permanent wilting of 14% and bulk density of 1.4g/cc. a) What is the present moisture content
in volume basis, Pv? B) Moisture content at dry basis, Pd c) Time in minutes to irrigate 100,000
ft2 if the size of stream is 60m3/hr?