Lit 1 Philippine Literature in English Midterm Paper
Lit 1 Philippine Literature in English Midterm Paper
Lit 1 Philippine Literature in English Midterm Paper
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Footnote to youth
As a youngsters we may overzealous and emotional in our decision. Rash decisions and desires
may lead to regrets later. Lack of communication and understanding of a family could also lead a bigger
impact later. The short story "Footnote to youth" relies a young man being married and realizes some
things in life. The short story depicts the family structure which revolves emotions, realizations and lack
of communication.
The story first introduces a 17 year old young man name Dodong, he had pimples on his face
and down on his upper lips already was dark which describes him. He was working till night (e.g. The
sum was salmon and hazy in the west) he had unhitched the carabao, let it to it's shed and feed it.
Dodong started thinking how he would tell his father that he wanted to marry Teang, she is describe to
have a small face, small black eye and a straight glossy hair. Dodong always thinks about Teang (e.g. In
the cool sundown he thought wild dream be of himself and Teang) even made him dream during the
day. When he reach home he saw the lamp was already lighted, his parents and he sat down on the
floor around the table to eat and he planning to tell his father that he wanted to marry Teang.
Dodong said it without any effort and without consiousness. He told his father that he wanted
to marry Teang. His father become silent and kept looking at him without saying anything that made
Dodong angry and impatient (e.g. There was impatient clamor in his voice, an exacting protest at this
coldness, this indifference). His father ask him if he must marry because he's still 17 but Dodong thinks
he's old enough. Later on his father agree with a strange expression (e.g. There was a strange helpless
light in his father's eyes) Dodong notice it but he was happy so he did not read into it.
Teang is now giving birth, Dodong was afraid of the screams (e.g. She gave screams that chilled
his blood) he also beganto wonder if giving birth was really painful. After Teang successfully giving birth
he felt embarrassed but his parents help him upon hearing his child he could not control his happiness.
For six years they have more children life becomes harder for them both of them rwgreted something,
Teang wish.she did not married while Dodong wanted to be wise in many things he ask a question (e.g.
one of them was why life did not fulfill all of Youth's dreams) he couldn't find the answer and he felt
humiliated by himself. Now Dodong's child Blas, ask Dodong that he wanted to marry Tona jusl like a
scene from Dodong's old self. Dodong also ask the same question as his father, now he realize
everything (e.g. Youth must triumph... now. Love must afterwards it will be life) he
couldn't do anything and he felt extremely sorry for his son.
Young or old we are still learning about life. Life is fun when you are young full of dreams and
desires we can make mistakes and learn from it but if we enter a rash decision, your life you wish you
may not have. The lack of communication of family also made it reapeat again. If Dodong has the
courage that his father didn't have, Blas may have a life that he will not regret.