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Tonato - Footnote To Youth

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Presented by: Tonato, Lhezel O.
3rd Year/AB-Psychology
The Author: Jose Garcia
Footnote to Youth
Elements of the story
(Setting & Character)
Structural Plot
Elements of the story
(Values, Theme & Mood)
Figures of speech

The Philippines, known as Asia's pearl of the Orient, is renowned for its natural beauty
and rich biodiversity. The Spanish conquest in 1521, named Las Felipinas, influenced
Filipino culture and led to the Philippine Revolution. The Spanish failed to end the
rebellion in 1897, leading to the Philippines-Cuban Independence Struggle. The US
declared war on Spain, granting Cuba, Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
independence. The US established the Commonwealth of the Philippines in 1935, but
the Japanese invasion in 1941 restored the Commonwealth government.
Born on August 5, 1908 in Manila’s Singalong district.
His pen name is Doveglion (Dove, Eagle, Lion)
Won Best Story of the Year in 1929.
Studied at University of New Mexico and Columbia
Introduced "reversed consonance" and "comma
poems" in 1942.
Worked as an associate editor and poetry workshop
Focused on teaching.
Jose Garcia Villa, a renowned contemporary poet,
introduced the reversed consonance rhyme scheme
and innovative punctuation mark use in his
innovative poems, earning him numerous awards
The Author: Jose
and honors.
Garcia Villa
Footnote To Youth by
José García Villa
Elements of The story
The setting of the story is not explicitly stated, but in a rural area wherein the
farmers, specifically Dodong’s father works as farmer.
Dodong, the main character of the story who got married at the age of 17.
Teang, who regretted marrying at an early age.
Lucio, who is nine years older than Dodong, another suitor of Teang.
Blas, Dodong and Teang’s oldest son who followed his parents’ footsteps at
the end. He contemplates marrying Tona at the age of 18.
Tona, the woman whom Blas wants to marry.
Exposition Conflict
Structural Plot
when Dodong married
The main character is
Teang despite being
being introduced.
young and naïve and
Dodong. Dodong is
the realization that
thinking about
marrying Teang. their married life was
not joyous and smooth Climax
Dodong asked his
Father's permission . sailing. After all that, Dodong saw
Rising Action her wife with their firstborn
child named Blas. Dodong
Dodong's father is heard his baby cry. Dodong
thinking that they are could not control the swelling
still young but happiness in him and also felt
Dodong's father embarrassed because he is
allowed them to be. still not ready to provide for
his family.
Structural Plot

Falling Action Denouement

Teang, secretly regretted Blas, Dodong's son who is eighteen

being married at an early age. years old, asked his father, Dodong
Teang wondered if it would be if he could marry Tona, Blas'
the same if he was married to girlfriend(Déjà vu). Dodong didn't
Lucio instead. If she would object but he tried to make Blas
have the same life. While think twice because Dodong doesn't
Dodong, realized the hardship, want Blas to end up like him.
the struggle of marrying at an
early age.
Elements of The story
The ignorance of youth: The story portrays youth as a time of ignorance and inevitable rash decisions, as
well as romanticism and “dreamful sweetness.”
The phases of life: by highlighting the characters' ages and drawing attention to the symbolism of the
moon, Villa highlights the cyclical nature of human existence.
Fear and inaction: both Dodong and his father have demonstrated an inability to prevent themselves or
others from suffering, mainly due to fear and a feeling of helplessness.
Think about it carefully if you ever want to marry, consider whether you're capable of carrying out those
responsibilities and supporting a family. Do not rush, you will be there soon. Before you make up your
mind, think about the future.
The story is filled with sadness, regret, and despair as Dodong grapples with adult life's harsh realities and
his hasty marriage. Despite this, it also evokes a sense of nostalgia for his youth, highlighting the contrast
between his dreams and reality.
Figures of Speech
1. Personification:
"A short colorless worm marched blindly to Dodong's foot and crawled calmly over it." - This gives the
worm human-like actions, emphasizing the contrast between Dodong's stillness and the passage of time.
2. Hyperbole:
"Youth must be dreamfully sweet. Dreamfully sweet." - This exaggerates the sweetness of youth,
highlighting Dodong's nostalgia and regret.
3. Simile:
"He was still as a tree and his thoughts were confused." - This compares Dodong's stillness to a tree,
suggesting a sense of rootedness and internal turmoil.
4. Metaphor:
"The ground was broken up into many fresh wounds and fragrant with a sweetish earthy smell." - This
compares the plowed field to wounds, suggesting the pain of change and the enduring power of nature.
If you were that author, how will you end it? Will
you end it the way the author end it, or you will end
it other way around? Why?

“If I were Jose Garcia Villa, I’ll end it other way. Dodong will not accept what
Blas wants to. He will not agree to repeat the same mistakes that he did
when he was young. Instead, he’ll encourage Blas to study first, love and
marriage can wait. If Blas rushed things, he’ll regret it at the end and his
future child will ended up the same path as him and his grandfather. Seeing
the situation of Dodong makes me sad, at least he can correct what mistake
he did by saving his son from the same mistake.”

~Tonato, Lhezel O.~

Thank you For

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