Continous LFT Reinforcement White Paper
Continous LFT Reinforcement White Paper
Continous LFT Reinforcement White Paper
Abstract ‒ As discontinuous, fiber-reinforced composites have limited fatigue and creep resistance,
PlastiComp, Inc. investigated outcomes of selective, structural-reinforcement of injection-molded
samples. Unidirectional, continuous fiber inserts in tensile and compressive regions of structural parts
were insert-molded with long fiber thermoplastic (LFT) compounds. It was found that the load to fatigue
life of one million cycles was increased from 50 to 70 percent of the material strength.
The use of long fiber thermoplastic (LFT) As the pultrusion process used in the
composites is well documented [1]. Although manufacturing of LFT pellets or granules can be
continuous-fiber reinforcement remains the easily adapted to make unidirectional tapes, it
ideal, the normal instances of complex-shaped was decided to make this new form and use
parts preclude the use of continuous fibers, as them as continuous-fiber inserts in high-stress
there are limited methods of placing these fibers regions of LFT injection-molded parts. The
in complex geometries. Secondly, cost-effective process consists of first, consolidating the resin-
and standardized manufacturing methods such as impregnated fiber strands in a rolling mill and
injection molding limit the use of continuous eliminating the pelletizing or granulating stage.
fiber reinforcements. Therefore, discontinuous,
or chopped fiber is the dominant fiber-form. These unidirectional tapes were characterized
When using discontinuous fibers, the fiber for physical uniformity and fiber content. The
content, fiber length, and its aspect ratio and tapes were typically 0.25 mm thick and the
fiber-orientation become the dominant variables. width (12-50 mm) was selected to match the
Long fibers ensure that load transfer from the tensile and compressive surfaces, initially in 12
matrix to the fiber is not limited by the available mm wide ASTM test-bars and later, in injection-
fiber surface-area. molded parts. In initial experiments, standard
ASTM tensile test-bars were injection molded
with tape-inserts on their flat surfaces. Table 1
shows the increase in strength and stiffness of
tensile bars, insert molded with tapes on both
LFT composites are limited in applications when Figure 4: Failure of injection-molded test-bar
creep and fatigue load conditions become underlying material; tape holds fractured halves
important. Conventionally, metal inserts are together suppressing catastrophic failure.
used to satisfy stiffness, creep, and fatigue
requirements. However, a metal-polymer matrix
is more fraught with the risks of mismatched
phases at the interface. It is especially true of
insert-molded parts, where differences in
thermal expansion lead to high residual stresses
at the metal-polymer interface. Although
145 MPa
mechanical pinning is often used to combat 118 MPa
78 MPa